There are 45 kinds of classic snacks in Shanghai. Don’t miss everything. How many have you eaten?

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Shanghai snack

Delicious is not expensive, and there are many varieties!

Hiding our memories of Shanghai

Count how many kinds have you eaten?


Dim sum

Step 1 pan-fried

Also known as fried steamed bread, it is a Shanghai dim sum native to Allah, with crisp skin, thick juice, fragrant meat and exquisite taste. Take a bite, and all the delicious flavors of meat, oil, onion and sesame will not disperse in your mouth for a long time.

Step 2: small cage

Thin-skinned, tender-fleshed, juicy, delicious, and beautiful, Shanghai small cage makes you cry. Please remember the formula of eating a small cage: "Lift it gently, move it slowly, open the window first, then suck the soup."

3. fried dumpling

Crispy fried dumpling, Shanghai people’s favorite! In the magic capital, if you want to eat authentic fried dumpling, you must visit those dim sum shops hidden in street corners and alleys, and ordinary small shops often have amazing delicious food.

4. Fried dough sticks

Walking in the alleys of Shanghai, if the person facing you holds soy milk in his left hand, most of them are fried dough sticks in his right hand. After tumbling in the oil pan, it slowly expands and turns golden, which is the favorite breakfast of Shanghainese.

5. Spring rolls

Small in size and golden in color. Bite it down, the skin is crispy, the stuffing inside is steaming, and it tastes old with sour vinegar.

6. Shaomai

Shaomai is as simple as a piece of dough and a mass of rice in it, but it is so delicate that it has "dried Kun inside". In the tough leather, glutinous rice, mushrooms and minced pork are wrapped, not to mention how satisfying it is!

7. Fresh milk cubes

Image from Weibo netizen Wennnnnn_666

Fresh milk cubes should eat rubies! Taste mellow, rich, one down, super satisfied, coupled with a cup of coffee, never tire of eating!


8. pie

A fried dough stick is folded in half and placed in the center of the pie; Fold the pie in pairs, and the fritters will become stuffing. My parents always said that if I had a pair of big cakes and fried dough sticks in the morning and a bowl of light syrup or sweet syrup, that day would be very comfortable!

9. Fresh meat moon cakes

During the National Day Mid-Autumn Festival, fresh meat moon cakes are of course a must! Fresh meat moon cakes are now sold. They are wrapped in fresh pork in plain pastry, and warm soup overflows with a bite. They are delicious!

10. rice cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Shy__ Ocean.

Sweet and soft glutinous rice cake, golden bottom, slightly sweet with a little acid, taking advantage of the hot air to take a bite, the faint rice fragrance permeates the tongue.

11. scallion cake

In Shanghai, scallion cakes are particularly famous! Some humble stalls, all kinds of queues, and eat and cherish!

12. Qiang cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen rabbit beauty ToMay

Qiang cake has always occupied a place in a wide variety of snacks. After fermentation, Qiang cake is crispy outside and soft inside.

13. omelet

The picture comes from the greedy pinko sauce of Weibo netizens.

Ala’s omelet is not pancake fruit, and Shanghai’s omelet skin is softer and wetter, but it is not so easy to taste it as a child now.

14. Crab shell yellow

Because the color is like the back of a crab shell, it is called "crab shell yellow". Make a flat round cake with pastry and yeast, stick a layer of sesame seeds on the cake surface, and bake it on the furnace wall. The stuffing is salty and sweet, and it is crisp enough to drop slag when you take a bite.

15. Gao Qiao muffins

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Xi Yano.

Gao Qiao muffin is the favorite of the old Shanghainese, and it can be called the "originator" of fresh-meat moon cakes, and all the relatives and friends who have eaten it are full of praise.

Cake dough

16. rice cake

The picture comes from a netizen in Weibo who knocked over the jar.

Delicious authentic Shanghai rice cake may appear in the oil pan selling fried dough sticks and hemp ball stalls. After being oiled, it is crispy and soft!

17. Rice balls

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Yamashita Leaf _

The rice of the glutinous rice ball includes white rice and blood glutinous rice, which are wrapped in hot fried dough sticks and squeezed tightly. Shanghainese who can eat it will add salted egg yolk and meat floss! Soft, tough and brittle!

18. Begonia cake

Begonia cake has a long history, which was created in the Qing Dynasty and named after the cake looks like a begonia flower. Sweet and delicious, eat delicious while it is hot!

19. plum blossom cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen mmm mushroom mushroom

Technically, plum blossom cake is similar to begonia cake. But the shape of the mold is different, and there are more roses and salted osmanthus as ingredients, which are more delicate than begonia cake.

20.hemp ball

When I was a child, I often ate hemp balls. The round balls were covered with white sesame seeds, which were golden in color and wrapped in bean paste, crispy and sweet.

21. grinding sand circles

Image from Weibo netizen Jingzi _luvlife

Shayuan is one of the traditional famous spots with Shanghai characteristics, with a history of more than 70 years. Roll a layer of dried bean paste powder on the cooked dumplings. Not only the dumplings are delicious, but also the red beans are fragrant, soft and delicious!

22. Hair cake

Hair cakes are sweet, fluffy and soft, and there are plenty of holes in the cross section. Generally, jujube or raisins are sprinkled on the cakes, which is particularly delicious.

23. Chongming cake

Chongming cake is not only delicious, but also represents reunion, happiness, happiness and sweetness. Cake is homophonic with "Gao", which means "high in the new year". It is especially important to eat during the New Year and can be bought at ordinary times.

24. All kinds of cakes

Of course, there are all kinds of cake balls, double-stuffed balls, top cakes … sweet and glutinous, all of which are the favorites of Ala Shanghai Ning.


25. Salted soybean milk

Fried dough sticks, pickled mustard tuber, shrimp skin, chopped green onion … There used to be laver. Add a spoonful of fresh soy sauce with a little vinegar, and with the posture of rushing down, the salty pulp in the bowl will bloom.

26. Tofu flower

A bowl of smooth "white tofu" is white in color, smooth, tender and refreshing, fresh, salty and slightly sweet, and a lot of laver, shrimp and mustard tuber are added. Mix it yourself. It’s delicious!

27. curry beef soup

The beef is crisp and tender, and the soup is fresh and delicious, which is quite flavor! With pan-fried, pot stickers, steamed buns are a must!

28. Duck blood vermicelli soup

A small bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup is rich in delicacies: duck blood, viscera, vegetables, vermicelli …

29. Double gear or single gear

Double-file or single-file was once the star of Shanghai street food at night.

■ Two louver bags, two gluten stuffed meat, plus a bowl of vermicelli, it is a double soup.

■ A louver bag and an oil gluten stuffed meat is a single soup.

Ordinary but warm into the heart, this feeling of happiness is nothing compared with.


Sweet and glutinous dumplings are Shanghai’s favorite. Especially the fresh meat stuffing, which is big and juicy, take a bite of a bag of soup! Eat four and you’ll be full!

31. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine makes dumplings

Sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant in October. At this time of year, it is absolutely great happiness to eat a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

32. Small wonton

When the wonton is cooked, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onion, seaweed, shrimp and egg skin, and pour the bone soup, and the wonton will float in unison. Sprinkle a handful of pepper and a few drops of sesame oil, which is hot and delicious.

Noodles and rice

33. Noodles with scallion oil

Noodles with scallion oil, a simple pastry full of Shanghai style, kai yang is delicious and scallion oil is fragrant.

34. Spicy meat noodles

The picture comes from Weibo netizen hedgehog loves to dance.

No matter in the morning, noon and evening, order a bowl of spicy meat noodles and eat it. After eating it, it’s cool! This kind of feeling that you can eat without spending more than ten dollars is practical and iron-sticking.

35 topping noodles

In addition to spicy meat noodles, there are large intestine noodles, large row noodles, yellow croaker noodles, bullfrog noodles and shredded eel noodles … A bowl of noodles is the simplest, but the toppings are tens of millions. Change a topping for a meal, at least for a week, and you can never get tired of eating it!

36. Stewed hoof noodles

The picture comes from Weibo. The netizen is just Caicai cc.

Shanghai loves to eat noodles, a bowl of braised hoof noodles, and the soup tastes thick. Although it is soy sauce-colored, it is clearly visible and layered, with a slightly sweet and gratifying meat flavor, which makes people memorable.

37. Yellow on both sides

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Fat Hum OVO.

Fry both sides of the noodles into golden brown, take them out, then pour all kinds of toppings and marinades, and turn over before eating, so as to eat them in the best state!

38. Lard bibimbap

Image from Weibo netizen fork _ burning bag

A spoonful of lard and a dish of soy sauce mixed with rice is a super delicious meal!

39. Paofan

The picture is from Weibo. No name is suitable for me, Cy.

It is a grass-roots bubble rice, which is the imprint of the older generation in Shanghai.

40. Chicken porridge

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Pisces’s life.

Stewed rice porridge cooked with chicken soup juice slipped into the throat, tender, fragrant, fresh and hot, and immediately felt comfortable all over the body, and every pore on the body felt "comfortable".

41. Bacon paella

The picture comes from the small forest of Weibo netizen Mo Xie.

Vegetable rice has a special aroma, that is, the soft and waxy smell of vegetables that have been covered for a long time. Bacon should be fat, so that the oil will be wrapped in rice.


42. Fried pork chops

Even if the magic has a lot of delicious food, it is not as good as a fried pork chop in many Shanghai children’s hearts. Golden and attractive, crisp outside and tender inside, you should shine when you see your eyes.

43. Rib rice cake

Among Shanghai snacks, the ribs rice cake is really a good one. The ribs are golden in color, the rice cake is white and soft, and it is delicious to have a bite with Shanghai’s old spicy soy sauce.

44. stinky tofu

It is said that Hunan people like to eat stinky tofu, and Shanghai people are not bad. Golden, "smelly" smell everywhere, just eat a piece, you can’t stop.

45. baked sweet potatoes

"Baked sweet potato" is commonly known as roasted sweet potatoes and baked sweet potato, but that’s the name in Shanghai. Slow fire and slow work are the true meaning of baking sweet potatoes.

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These delicacies

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Labor newspaper comprehensively sorted out popular food, slimming ing and where to eat in Shanghai.

Some pictures are from netizens in Weibo, thank you for your delicious exploration.

Original title: "Shanghai’s 45 classic snacks, everything can’t be missed. How many have you eaten? 》

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