How does the "online celebrity" city grow red behind the "May 1" four newly-built small towns in online celebrity?

  "Sold out", "sold out", "full contract" and "traffic jam" … … In the past May 1 ST, from the West Lake in Hangzhou to the ancient city of Dali, from the Summer Palace in Beijing to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, almost all famous scenic spots in China staged the scene of "conformity". "Sold out", "sold out" and "full contract" became the high-frequency vocabulary of this May Day.

  On May 1 this year, instead of focusing on big cities, we will focus on four new small cities in online celebrity — — Zibo, where "a kebab set fire to a city", Jiangmen after the popularity of The Knockout, Zhanjiang in "Hidden Corner" and Weifang, where "flying kites to heaven". Let’s take a look at their bills on May 1 this year, the tricks of attracting customers and the hidden worries behind the traffic fire.

  Good answer sheet

  Jiangmen, Zhanjiang: There are a constant stream of tourists who shoot TV dramas with the same "punch-in photos"

  A The Knockout put Jiangmen on the throne of a new online celebrity city.

  According to the big data forecast of the map software, during the May Day holiday, the cumulative net inflow of vehicles ranked in cities, and Jiangmen, Guangdong ranked third in the country. As of 19: 00 on May 3rd, Jiangmen received a total of 2,027,800 tourists during the May Day holiday, with a tourism income of 1,228 million yuan.

  Although the TV series The Knockout has been broadcast, the popularity of Jiangmen Tour is still unabated, and the online traffic has turned into a steady stream of passengers, and tourists who come to shoot the same TV series "punch in" are in an endless stream. Jiangmen City, combined with the characteristics of local cultural tourism, held a number of May Day market promotion activities. In the tourist area of Gulao Water Town in Jiangmen, the "straw model+dinosaur model+panda model+insect model" was introduced into the rural time area, focusing on creating a series of exhibition activities, as well as special performing arts and water fireworks shows.

  With the popularity of the online drama "Hidden Corner", Zhanjiang, the location of the filming, has also caught fire among fans and tourists, and Chikan Old Street in the play has become a must-see point for tourists. Chikan District Cultural Tourism Bureau organized puppet shows, net dragons, lion dances and other intangible projects in Datong Road Old Street. During the May Day period, there were 35 scenic spots in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, and the total number of tourists was 792,100. The top three key scenic spots are Jinsha Bay Binhai Leisure Tourism Zone, Dinglongwan International Marine Tourism Zone and Leizhou Maodegong Drum City Resort.

  Weifang: Zibo, director of the Cultural Tourism Bureau, attracts guests and flies kites to the West Lake for drainage.

  Weifang, next door to Zibo, also borrowed a barbecue "fire".

  During the May 1 ST period, Weifang City, Shandong Province was included in 30 scenic spots directly monitored by the province, receiving a total of 2,571,400 tourists, an increase of 432.86% year-on-year; The operating income was 220,880,100 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 376.55%.

  In order to attract customers, Weifang also made a "vicious move". On April 27th, Quan Wensong, director of Weifang Cultural Tourism Bureau, led a team to Zibo to "attract customers crazily". Before the barbecue stall, Quan Wensong sincerely recommended Weifang, and sent Weifang kites, tomatoes, cucumbers and other Weifang specialties to tourists, and at the same time shouted to tourists: Welcome to Weifang.

  During the May Day period, Quan Wensong was not idle. He gave tourists the name of "Ten Thousand Gardens" in the famous scenic spot of Weifang: ancient officials were afraid of forgetting things when they reported to the emperor, so they wrote memorandum-like words on the water board.

  Not only in Shandong, but also in Zhejiang. During the May Day holiday, hundreds of Weifang kites were flown in Wu Shan Square near the West Lake in Hangzhou. They also specially sent kite masters to teach kite making on the spot, and warmly invited tourists from all over the country to fly kites in Weifang.

  Two sides of Zibo

  The hottest: entertain the guests before entertaining the family.

  To say that the hottest city this year must be Zibo.

  From the data point of view, during the May Day holiday, Zibo Railway Station received 481,186 passengers, a record high. The enthusiasm of passengers is high. In five days, the city has invested 64,400 bus trips and transported 1.821 million passengers. The long-distance passenger stations have transported 48,900 passengers and 19,800 passengers.

  According to the data of the tourism platform, driven by the phenomenal traffic of "Zibo Barbecue", the number of hotel reservations in Shandong Province increased nearly three times compared with the same period in 2019 during the May Day period, ranking first in the country. Compared with the same period in 2019, the number of hotel reservations in Zibo has increased by more than 10 times, ranking among the top five hotels in Shandong Province.

  In terms of market supervision, Zibo cracked down on price violations, and successive news reports gave tourists a sense of security. During the "May Day" period, some tourists found that the toilet in Zibo Barbecue City was equipped with a "peace of mind basket", which contained wet toilet towels, alcohol cotton pads, and sanitary napkins. Even Changyanning for diarrhea was prepared. "Put ‘ Pet powder ’ I have achieved the ultimate, "many tourists commented.

  In addition, Zibo citizens have a strong sense of ownership. People in the city "make way" for foreign tourists. When they see relevant negative comments on the Internet, they not only take the initiative to apologize and appease tourists’ emotions, but also help to complain and solve problems.

  What moved people even more was that the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism did not take the citizens’ contribution for granted. On May 4th, the activity of "Zibo Citizens Week" was launched, and "after entertaining foreign tourists, we will entertain our families", which ended the May Day holiday perfectly.

  Hidden worry: online celebrity can’t grow red until the four major problems are solved.

  Due to the surge of tourists, the city’s tourist reception capacity has been tested. On April 26th, the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism said in a letter to the tourists that the hotels in the central city have been sold out during the May 1st period, and the passenger flow has exceeded the reception capacity. It is expected that there will be traffic jams, parking difficulties, long queues and other problems in some key sections and online celebrity punch points, and tourists are advised to travel at the wrong peak.

  ■ Transportation.

  During the May Day holiday, the vehicles on Jinjing Avenue, the main road in Zhangdian District of Zibo, could hardly move. Ms. Liu, who came to Zibo for a trip and took a taxi by Jinjing Avenue, said that the driver was stuck in the road after taking the order, and she and her friends had to walk two blocks to find the driver who was stuck in the road.

  ■ Accommodation

  During May Day, Liu Yongkun, the owner of an e-sports hotel in Zhangdian District, will still receive many calls every day even if the reservation platform shows that the room is full. "Many buddies called me: ‘ I’ll give you money, I’ll add some for you, don’t hide it, you let me live. ’ But there is really no room. " "Now the hotel can’t receive it. The big problem is that the linen can’t be washed." Liu Yongkun explained that linen needs to be sent to specialized agencies for cleaning, and now the order volume received by linen cleaning agencies every day is several times or even dozens of times that of the original.

  ■ Catering

  One of the hottest barbecue shops in Zibo, Yang Benxin, the owner of Muyangcun barbecue shop, is tired. Looking at the vast guests in the shop, his look revealed an unsustainable feeling. "In the past two days, my wife’s voice has been finished and she can’t speak." He said, "You see there are quite a lot of people now, which actually disrupts our normal business. Many people either come to eat or join in the fun and make a mess. " Before the fire broke out, the store’s business hours were from 11 noon to 2 pm and from 4: 30 pm to 11: 30 pm. Now Yang Benxin is afraid to open at noon and opens at 4: 30 pm instead.

  Every day before opening the door, he is under great pressure. "Open the door is full, you say zha service? Who to serve? We feel bad. Now the turnover in the store has decreased, and the original guests really want to eat, and then they leave after eating, so they can be recycled. Now is to play, sit down and don’t go, there are guests playing until 2 o’clock in the middle of the night. I’m a family now. Too tired, it’s not about money, it’s desperate! "

  ■ Disturbance to the people

  Residents in the neighborhood of the convenience market in Zibo are very troubled. Some people say that they haven’t driven for a month, so they can only ride an electric car to squeeze out. Sometimes the electric car can’t ride, so you have to take a detour to send your children to and from school. In addition to the compressed activity space, the normal life of residents is also affected. "It’s not easy to buy a steamed bread now, (because) people who sell meat, vegetables and steamed bread have changed careers." Resident Zhang Ayi complained.

  Expert advice

  Create local characteristics

  The foundation of tourism is guided by normalization.

  Luo Sibo, former president of Chongqing Tourism College, believes that the explosive growth of May Day tourism this year is actually rebounding, showing the strong recovery of the domestic tourism market. These four small and medium-sized cities can become hot spots under the background of the recovery of domestic tourism market, which is not unrelated to their own urban marketing. Among them, Zhanjiang and Jiangmen are new online celebrity cities formed with the popularity of The Knockout and other TV dramas. Zibo and Weifang, which are recommended by the government, are gradually gaining popularity on the Internet.

  Among the marketing strategies of these four cities, Lozberg was most impressed by Zibo: "Zibo’s marketing methods are different from before, and everyone thinks that it is a series of barbecues to drive a city, but in fact, the barbecue is just a tipping point, behind which is the government’s integration and gathering of various local tourism resources, and the government’s support is very strong. For example, food and accommodation prices, traffic guidance, and citizens’ attitudes are mature urban marketing. "

  The fire explosion during the May Day holiday also brought pressure to Zibo, Weifang, Zhanjiang and Jiangmen, which exposed many problems such as traffic jams, parking difficulties, long queues, food and shelter difficulties, and the impact on the lives of local residents. Lozber analyzed, "These situations actually happened in previous tourist attractions, but this time it happened in cities. There are three main reasons: First, the lack of information guidance in these cities has led to an excess of tourists, which has affected the sense of experience. This shows that the building of smart cities is very important and the prediction of tourism data should be strengthened; Second, there is no subdivision when guiding tourists to travel, and they are still in the guidance of conformity. Whether it is the government, travel agencies or related business units, it is necessary to conduct differentiated guidance. For example, there are now "special forces" tours for students; Third, the reception guidance is insufficient, and the host (local residents) are also restricted when the host and guest share, which requires the relevant departments to predict in advance and strengthen guidance. "

  How can a tourist city in online celebrity grow red? Rozberg also gave a suggestion: "In this era of information explosion, if urban tourism wants to last forever, it is necessary to conduct diversified demand guidance, not too much pursuit of large-scale, popular and homogeneous explosion point guidance, but should be guided by life scenes. For example, if a movie or TV series makes a scene in a city on fire, the local area can conduct scene guidance according to this point, and start with factors such as eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment to create a one-stop unique scene and atmosphere, realize the integration of literature and tourism, and truly make it delicious, beautiful and fun. At the same time, we should not blindly follow up on accommodation and catering reception immediately because of the booming holidays. Once there is uneven busy and idle, uneven off-season and peak season, it may cause waste of resources. It is still necessary to base on normal tourism, build a tourism foundation with local characteristics, and conduct normalization guidance, thus turning traffic into stock. "

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The "strictest" telephone in history, real-name registration system implemented nearly 100 million users or was shut down.

  CCTV News:Users whose mobile phone numbers have not been registered with their real names should hurry to make up the registration! Since May this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requested that all telephone users should register their real names by June 30, 2017, many people have found that their communication services have been restricted. Facing the "strictest" regulations in real-name registration system, the era of "black card" is coming to an end.


  It is reported that as of May, the real-name rate of all telephone users has reached 92%, and nearly 100 million users still face the risk of downtime. The three major operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, have started to restrict communication services for mobile phone numbers without real-name registration.

  Some real-name registration system users who have no telephones have been shut down.

  Recently, Mr. Zheng, a citizen of Hebei Province, received a reminder message from China Unicom: "Dear customer, your number has not been registered in real name. Please bring your local SIM card and the original ID card as soon as possible to register in Unicom’s own business hall where the number belongs. According to national laws, we will suspend communication services for unnamed customers, and we can resume communication services after real name … …” Mr. Zheng told the reporter that he is an old user of Unicom, and his SIM card was handled by the unit in a unified way. He was not very clear about whether he had registered his real name at the beginning.

  Regarding whether the mobile phone users are real-name users, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Unicom by telephone. The person in charge said that citizens can bring their SIM cards and original valid certificates to the business hall, or call 10010 customer service for inquiry and verification.


  What is a telephone, real-name registration system?

  Telephone real-name registration system refers to requiring users to provide real identity information when handling fixed telephone, mobile phone, broadband service, wireless network card entry, transfer and other services, and register their mobile phone numbers with their own names, products, brands and other text marks.

  As early as 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the implementation of the real-name registration system for mobile phone users. Because there has been no clear legal provisions to support it, the effect is not satisfactory. This time in real-name registration system, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has increased the pressure on the three major operators, and operators will face fines if they are found to have problems in their work.

  Many regions have set specific deadlines.

  Up to now, real-name registration system’s requirements have been issued, and many regions have set specific deadlines. Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom, the three major operators in Zhejiang Province, recently stopped the communication services of non-real-name users in Zhejiang. Among them, Zhejiang Unicom also stipulates that from August 25, it will implement mandatory downtime for unnamed users.


  Zhejiang is not the first case in China. As early as last September, Guangdong began to implement the "stop order". In early August this year, Tianjin, Guizhou, Jilin and other places also began to stop providing communication services without real name registration numbers.

  Jiangsu Province announced that it would suspend the communication services of some unqualified users from October 1st, and only keep answering calls and some emergency services, and stop the communication services of all unnamed users on December 1st.

  In addition, the three operators in Beijing stipulate that the downtime of non-real-name users is October 15.

  What’s the point of calling real-name registration system?

  The reporter found that telephone real-name registration system has many advantages. Once the real-name registration system is implemented, it will be easier to trace back to those who cheat by phone and SMS, thus reducing the occurrence of telecom fraud cases. At the same time, the behavior of spreading harmful information by telephone will also be greatly reduced.

  In addition, many criminals use the loophole of "black card" to change their numbers frequently to escape the police’s pursuit. Obviously, real-name registration system will improve the efficiency of pursuit.

  For users, once real-name registration system users lose their mobile phones, they can get a replacement card in time to reduce personal losses.


  Nowadays, many websites and apps require telephone authentication, so real-name registration system also plays an important role in network security and personal information security. Moreover, with the popularity of mobile payment today, real-name registration system obviously provides useful support for the use of related functions.

  What should I do if my mobile phone is stopped? How to handle the telephone call to real-name registration system?

  If the mobile phone or landline you are using is stopped because your real name is not registered, don’t panic. Downtime does not mean that the number has been cancelled, the phone has been stopped in call barring, and you can go to the business hall or register your real name online, and the remaining balance is still there. This is basically the same for the three major operators.

  It is reported that all three operators have provided inquiry services, and users can inquire whether they meet the requirements through telephone, website and other channels, and then register in real-name registration system online or in the business hall according to relevant tips.

Jining these middle school enrollment brochures released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

Original title: The enrollment brochures of several middle schools in Jining are released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

click Blue wordpay close attention And set up a star to accompany you every day.

It’s another year of further study season.

About going to school.

Become an important topic for parents.

The enrollment brochures of these high schools in Jining were announced.

How many people are recruited this year?

How to sign up? How to enroll?

Get to know these important information quickly


Jining No.1 Middle School Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

1.In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school is 2000, including 100 special students..

2. According to the spirit of relevant provincial and municipal documents, in 2023, western instrumental music and basketball in our school’s art and sports feature projects will be enrolled for the whole city, and other special projects will be enrolled for the urban areas.

Second, the enrollment category

1. special students.Recruit outstanding junior high school graduates in 2023 who have expertise in music, art, calligraphy and sports. Please refer to the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023 for details of enrollment majors, enrollment scope and admission procedures.

2. Pointer students.The enrollment scope is the fresh graduates who have been studying in junior high schools in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone) for more than two years (including two years), and they must be transferred to the student status before August 31, 2021. The information of student status is based on the data of Shandong Basic Education Management Information Platform.

3. Unified enrollment.The enrollment scope is the fresh and past graduates with junior high school status (the deadline for student status is May 8, 2023) or household registration (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023) in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone). For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Iii. types of volunteers

1. Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam alone and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the volunteers of the index students and the unified enrollment students.

Candidates are requested to carefully read the "Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023" and pay attention to the enrollment scope of each major.

2. Indicator students volunteer

The volunteer accounts for 60% of the school enrollment plan, and the quota is allocated to junior high schools, which is prior to the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

"Jining No.1 Middle School" and "Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus" are two voluntary options, and you must apply separately.

Fourth, the registration method

1. Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining No.1 Middle School Special Student Enrollment Instructions in 2023" Online registration will be conducted from May 9th to 15th.

2. Indicator students and unified enrollment volunteers

This part is volunteered by the candidates themselves and their parents (or other legal guardians) to fill in the enrollment platform of Jining high school. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The reporting time is from May 9th to May 15th.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。

?推荐服务:在【济宁本地宝】聊天对话框发送“Jining no.1 high school",you can get the online registration entrance of Jining No.1 Middle School’s special students/index students/unified enrollment.

V. Subjects and time of cultural examination

1. Each subject score:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will no longer be carried out, and the full score will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination.

2. Examination time:13-15 June.

The professional test for special students was conducted on June 21st. Come to our school for on-site confirmation on June 16th.

Sixth, enrollment

1.特长生录取。According to the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment, the Municipal Education Bureau will organize the admission in turn. According to the professional test results and plan, the school will submit the admission list of special students, and the city education bureau will admit them in advance after examination and approval. The admitted special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment; Those who are not admitted will continue to participate in other types of voluntary admission.

2. Admission of index students.At the time of admission, the junior high school is the unit. According to the number of indicators assigned to each junior high school, according to the candidates’ wishes, the students are admitted in turn from high score to low score. The comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subject level of the admitted candidates must reach Grade B (including Grade B) or above, and the score shall not be lower than 60 points under the unified recruitment line of high schools and not lower than the minimum admission qualification line. The unfinished index student plan is included in the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment.The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer, and according to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following the will", the students in urban areas are ranked according to the results of the senior high school entrance examination, and they are admitted in turn according to parallel volunteer.

Seven, the class mode

Follow the school’s educational philosophy of taking students’ growth as the center, actively explore the effective mechanism of early training of top-notch innovative talents, and realize students’ all-round and individual development.

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, our school will set up an experimental class for the new curriculum, respect students’ individual needs, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, and comprehensively improve students’ comprehensive quality.


Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus 2023 Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school will be 600.There is no special student plan and index student plan.

Second, the enrollment scope and registration conditions

Enrollment area:Junior high schools directly under the municipal government, rencheng district, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Basic conditions for registration:For recent and past junior high school graduates with enrollment in Jining City (the deadline for enrollment is May 8, 2023) or household registration in Jining City (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023). Those who have registered as students in ordinary high schools, those who have not completed nine-year compulsory education, and those who do not meet the provincial and municipal policies are not allowed to apply. For details, please refer to the Opinions of Jining Education Bureau on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in the Academic Level Examination of Junior Middle School in 2023 and School Enrollment in Senior High School (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.26).

Third, the registration method

From May 9 to May 15, candidates will register from 9: 00 to 18: 00 every day.Registration and volunteering are all carried out on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify the information at most twice after completing the volunteering, subject to the information confirmed by the last filling (modification) within the specified time. Candidates must fill in the report within the specified time, and the candidates shall bear the responsibility for the consequences caused by revealing the password for their own reasons, being reported by others or reporting errors.

Candidates who have household registration in Jining City and need to go back to the place where they are registered to take the junior high school level examination shall be subject to online qualification examination by the county-level education administrative department where they are registered, and the county-level education administrative department shall be responsible for verifying the household registration information and student status information of the candidates.

Fourth, the subjects and time of the cultural examination

The examination subjects are Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, morality and rule of law, geography, history, biology, information technology, physical chemistry experiment operation and physical education. Information technology examination subjects and experimental operation examination subjects shall be implemented in accordance with relevant requirements. In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will be cancelled, and the scores of physical education subjects will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination according to full marks.

Score of each subject:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

The specific examination arrangements are as follows:

V. Enrollment and Admission

Admission to ordinary senior high schools in urban areas is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers (there are no special students and index students in our school). Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment volunteers; Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by the index students will no longer participate in the admission of the unified enrollment volunteers. Candidates who fail to report on time after admission will be automatically dropped out of school.

In addition to special students, the minimum admission qualification line for ordinary high schools in urban areas is delineated according to the enrollment plan of 1:1. The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer. According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers", according to the admission requirements of ordinary senior high schools, all eligible remaining candidates in urban areas are sorted from high to low according to their scores, and then, the three unified enrollment volunteers reported by each candidate are searched in turn. As long as a qualified school appears in the searched three schools, it will be admitted to the school.

Admission to parallel volunteer is based on the interests of candidates, expanding the range of choices, giving candidates more choices, effectively reducing the risk of candidates volunteering to fill in, and improving the success rate of candidates’ admission.

Note: If the urban senior high schools fail to complete the enrollment plan in the first stage, the remaining plans will be included in the next stage of voluntary recruitment, and the candidates who have been admitted will no longer participate in the recruitment and volunteering.

Six, the class mode

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, we should set up experimental classes for the new curriculum, respect students’ right to choose, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, develop students’ personality, cultivate students’ specialties and improve their comprehensive quality.


Instructions on the enrollment of freshmen in Yucai Middle School of Jining City in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

It is planned to enroll 1,276 students in 2023.Among them, 50 Xinjiang students, 60 special students and 26 football special classes were enrolled, with a total of 26 classes.

Second, the scope of enrollment

(a) with Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone) junior high school students (registration time must be before May 8, 2023) or household registration time must be before May 8, 2023) graduates.

(2) Enrollment scope of football special classes: fresh graduates from all junior high schools in 14 counties and cities of Jining City. For details, please refer to the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

Third, the volunteer code

Fourth, the application conditions

(A) Index students and unified enrollment

Index students apply for the exam. Junior high school students in Jining city who have been studying for more than two years (including two years) and graduated this year, and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade B or above, can apply for the volunteer of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Unified enrollment. Graduates who are studying in junior middle schools in Jining City, who return to the household registration in Jining City to apply for candidates, former graduates (referring to those who have not registered as ordinary senior middle school students and whose household registration or original junior middle school students are in Jining City), and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade C or above, can apply for the unified enrollment of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

(2) Special students

Special students apply. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide".

(3) Football special classes

Apply for a special football class. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

V. Application methods

(A) the students, enrollment volunteers.

It is conducted on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The registration time is from May 9th to May 15th.(If there is any change, the specific time will be subject to the time announced by Jining Admissions Examination Institute).

(2) Volunteer for special students and special football classes

Candidates are required to register online through the registration method published in "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide", and confirm at the school site according to the specified time. For the time of registration and on-site confirmation, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".


1. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of special students in our school must register through the online registration system published by our school and take relevant professional tests in our school. The candidates’ volunteers and unified enrollment volunteers are enrolled in the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. Their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can apply for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the basis for the admission of special students in our school.

2. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of our school’s football special class must register through the online registration system published by our school and take the football professional test of our school. Candidates in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone), their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer are enrolled in the enrollment platform of senior high school in Jining City, and the candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can register for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination are taken as the admission basis for the candidates in our football special class. Candidates from counties and cities outside Jining city should apply for the index students or the unified enrollment volunteers who meet the requirements of the county and city, and take the cultural examination of the senior high school entrance examination in the county and city. The results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the admission basis for the candidates of the football characteristic classes in our school.

Six, examination subjects and time

(a) the score of each subject:Chinese 100 points, mathematics 100 points, English 100 points (including listening test 20 points), physics 60 points, chemistry 50 points, morality and rule of law 60 points, history 50 points, physics and chemistry experiment operation 10 points (choose one subject), information technology 20 points, sports 60 points, with a total score of 610 points.

Note: Physical examination will no longer be organized, and will be included in the senior high school entrance examination results according to full marks.

(2) Examination time

Seven, enrollment.

(a) special students, students, enrollment.Admission is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Admission of special students. The admission of special students is carried out in accordance with the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide", and the students are admitted in batches in advance. For those special students who have not been admitted, it will not affect the admission of their index students and enrollment volunteers.

2. Index students and unified enrollment are admitted by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute.

(2) Admission of candidates for football special classes.The admission of candidates for football characteristic classes is conducted in accordance with the "Enrollment Guide for Football Characteristic Classes in Jining Yucai Middle School in 2023", and they are admitted in batches in advance. Candidates who are not admitted will not be affected to continue to participate in the admission of other types of volunteers organized by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute or other county and urban recruitment authorities.

Eight, enrollment consultation

Source: Jining Yucai Middle School


Jining university affiliated high school 2023 high school enrollment brochure.

According to the Notice of the Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens in 2023 (Lu Jiao Ji Han [2023] No.21) and the Opinions of the Municipal Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Junior High School Students in 2023 (Ji Jiao Zi [2023] No.26), Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (Ji Jiao

1. In 2023, the enrollment plan is 1,000 students (including 500 independent students from characteristic high schools), with a total of 20 classes.

Second, the scope and category of enrollment

1. Index students and unified enrollment are oriented to rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District, Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone and directly affiliated junior high schools.

2. Independent enrollment is for junior high schools in the city. Recruit students with junior high school status in Jining who have expertise in music, art, art history or art management (original text) and sports. For details, please refer to "Instructions for Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023".

Three, cultural examination subjects and time (the city’s unified)

Fourth, enrollment

Ordinary high school admissions are conducted in the order of self-enrollment, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Self-enrollment. According to the "Notes on Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023", early batch enrollment will be implemented. For professional students who have not been admitted in advance, they can continue to participate in the admission of other types of candidates by the Municipal Education Bureau.

2. Index students and unified enrollment. The Education Bureau of Jining is unified according to the enrollment policy in 2023.

V. For matters not covered, please pay attention to the school WeChat official account jnxyfsgjzx in time.


Jining Confucius High School Enrollment Guide in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, there will be 700 freshmen enrolled in our school.,Among them, 35 special students were enrolled.

Second, the enrollment category

(1) Special students

Recruit junior high school graduates with expertise in music and art in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment

Junior high school graduates enrolled in 2023.

Third, the enrollment scope

Graduates with junior high school status or household registration in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone).

Iv. types of volunteers

(1) Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam separately and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the unified enrollment volunteering. Candidates are requested to carefully read the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining Confucius High School in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

Remarks: There are no index students in Jining Confucius High School.

V. Registration Method

1. Volunteer to fill in the report

(1) Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining Confucius High School 2023 special student enrollment instructions" in Online registration will be conducted from May 9 to May 15, 2023..

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

This voluntary application is made on the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. It must be made by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and it shall not be replaced by others. All students who apply for our school are advised or encouraged to fill in the "Jining Confucius High School" as their first choice, and never fill in the volunteers of the index students.

2. Registration time

The reporting time is May 9-May 15, 2023.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。













亲子优选 限时团购









The official response is that the starting price of L6 is only 259,800 yuan?

  [car home Information] Recently, the relevant parameter configuration information of (|) was exposed on the Internet, which also included the model price. The Pro version sold for 259,800 yuan, and the Max version sold for 289,800 yuan. In this regard, the ideal official responded that "the online price speculation is false, and we have not announced the price, so please pay attention to the release of L6."

Home of the car

"Ideal L6 price and configuration for network exposure"

  The ideal L6 is a medium and large five-seat SUV, which is positioned below the ideal L7, a family intelligent luxury five-seat SUV within 300,000 yuan, a luxury five-seat SUV and a flagship five-seat SUV. Earlier, Liu Jie, vice president of LI Commerce, said that Ideal L6 would be listed in the second quarter, focusing on the market of 250,000-300,000 yuan.

  According to the exposure configuration table, the ideal L6 comes standard with dual-motor four-wheel drive, with a cruising range of 1390km under CLTC condition. It adopts front double wishbone independent suspension and rear five-bar independent suspension, and is equipped with CDC continuous variable damping shock absorber.

LI Ideal L7 2024 Pro

"Ideal L7 Interior"

  The dimensions of the central control panel and the auxiliary driving panel are both 15.7 inches, which are the same as the ideal L7, so the interior is likely to continue the design of L7. Equipped with 19 speakers, the same as L7; Pro comes standard with AD Pro high-speed intelligent driving, and Max comes standard with AD Max full-scene intelligent driving, which is the same as L7. That is to say, Pro version supports high-speed road section assisted driving, and Max version supports city+high-speed road section assisted driving.

Home of the car

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  In terms of appearance, the design of ideal L6 and L7 is highly consistent, and the family-style design language is still adopted. In terms of the differences between the two cars, firstly, the laser radar at the top is better integrated with the roof; secondly, compared with L7 and L6, the style details of the penetrating daytime running lights are optimized, and the light strips become more slender, with small yellow lights on both sides. At the same time, the headlight group continues to adopt split design, but the lamp body is different from L7, and the front enclosure of the vehicle is the heat dissipation port of the engine, and the style is also different from L7.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  On the side of the car body, the difference between L6 and L7 is also very subtle. From the real car diagram, the wheelbase of the new car is obviously shorter, and the rear suspension is shorter. According to a store sales representative who has seen a real car before, the ideal L6 is smaller than the L7 in obvious size. The ideal L6 has a length, width and height of 4925/1960/1735mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm, while the ideal L7 has a length, width and height of 5050/1995/1750mm and a wheelbase of 3005mm, so the dimension data of the ideal L6 is obviously smaller.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  At the rear of the vehicle, penetrating taillights are still used. The difference with L7 is that the L6 license plate is still at the bumper, and the size of the whole tailgate is not small. The positions of the reflective strips on both sides of the bumper have also been adjusted.

  In terms of power, the ideal L6 is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as an extended range system, with a maximum power of 113kW. The battery suppliers are still from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Xinwangda, which are expected to be the same as the Air version and Pro version of L8. However, it is worth noting that according to the previous application information, this model is all lithium iron phosphate battery versions, and we can pay attention to whether there will be a ternary lithium battery version in the future. (Source: Xiaohongshu Automobile Research Institute; Compile/car home Qin Chao)

Sailis automobile Compaq: intelligent driving brings safety rather than risk.

  [car home Industry] On August 25th, the Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition officially kicked off with the theme of "Exploring the World and Seeing the Future Travel". There are 129 brands exhibiting nearly 1,600 models at this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, covering German, American, legal, Japanese, Korean, joint venture and China brands. As an important automobile market in the west, Chengdu Auto Market is about to usher in the traditional "Golden September and Silver 10" car buying season, and Chengdu Auto Show plays an important role in it.

  At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the new M7 five-seat version of AITO asked the world was officially unveiled and a small order was opened. The pre-sale price starts from 258,000 yuan and will be officially released and delivered on September 12th. Prior to this, the industry has said that it has invested more than 500 million yuan in the research and development and production of new cars.

Home of the car

Dr. Kang Bo, Vice President of Cyrus Automotive (right)

  During the auto show, Dr. Kang Bo, Vice President of Sailis Automobile, had an in-depth exchange with car home. He pointed out that the five new M7 buildings in the world have invested huge costs in places that consumers can see and can’t see. It is understood that the new car is equipped with HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 and Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving 2.0, and the car body structure and interior cockpit have been upgraded and optimized.

The following is the full text of the dialogue (edited):

  ask a questionCould you please tell us what heavy models AITO brought during this Chengdu Auto Show? What are the highlights?

  Kangbo: The most important model brought this time is the new M7 five-seater. As a vehicle designed for family travel needs, we have invested more than 500 million yuan in vehicle research and development and production, and made the new M7 a reliable, safe, spacious and intelligent five-seat vehicle, which can be said to be "one car wins more cars".

Home of the car

Wenjie new M7 building 5

  First of all, we have invested huge costs in places that consumers can see and can’t see, hoping to use the best technology, the best materials and the best means to achieve the ultimate safety protection. We have done corresponding work, for example, we have developed new technologies to re-open the mold of the body structure and re-transform the welding production line. Some body structures are made of the strongest submarine-grade high-strength steel in the industry, and more CBS composite body materials are used to effectively improve the fatigue durability, body stiffness and collision safety of vehicles.

Home of the car

  Secondly, the space layout and seat design are innovated: spacious layout, rich storage space and oversized trunk, which can easily load large accompanying materials used by a family for long-distance travel; And, the soft, comfortable and more wrapped seats provide more convenience for family travel.

  In addition, the five new M7 seats in Wenjie are also equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit 3.0. These two smart ceilings have gained a good reputation in the M5 Smart Driving Edition, which can be said that they are far ahead in the smart driving ability in the industry, not almost technically, but almost not related to safety.

  ask a question: M5 Smart Driving Edition launched a paid high-level function package of smart driving service software when it went on the market. What do you think of consumers’ expectations of smart driving at present? Including car home and many platforms, have made intelligent reports. At present, consumers’ feelings about paying for smart driving are not strong, and they need to pay for smart driving. What do you think?

   KangboThe paid or subscribed model has just started in China automobile industry, and it is very mature abroad. In fact, the final decision of users depends on what the high-level function package of intelligent driving service software can bring to customers. If it can make users feel safe, intimate and comfortable, it will be a pity not to use it, and users will automatically subscribe. But if the product fails to meet the needs of customers, then the subscription package itself has problems.

  Just talking about the intelligent driving version, we started to deliver the intelligent driving version (|) on a large scale in early June, and the owner has completed a considerable number of intelligent driving mileage, which greatly verified the safety of "man-machine driving together". In the past two months or so, the M5 Smart Driving Edition has gained a good reputation from the media and car owners. Our users also spontaneously posted a large number of car experiences and real word-of-mouth on social platforms such as bilibili, Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok.

  Recently, we also conducted a survey on the smart driving version, and found that smart drivers have the characteristics of high knowledge and rational consumption. They are young, like fresh technology products, and pay more attention to smart driving safety-related functions. The high-frequency scenes they use include high-speed navigation function, active safety function, urban navigation function, etc., with special emphasis on the functional experience of avoiding vehicles/pedestrians, bypassing obstacles, identifying abnormal obstacles, and predicting the position of big cars. At the same time, they gave us very good feedback.

  At present, many users have some misunderstandings about smart driving and think that the risk is too great. In fact, this is just the opposite of our concept. The purpose of our smart driving is to bring safety, not risk. In order to help car owners and friends know more about intelligent driving, our terminal has launched a number of live test drive experiences. Welcome everyone to pay attention and welcome everyone to test drive in the store. I believe that we will definitely have a deeper experience of assisted driving ability.

  ask a question: Have you personally experienced the safety and intelligent driving functions related to the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition in the questioning world? If you are a consumer, how do you evaluate it? And how do you view the future development of autonomous driving?

  KangboYesterday, I came to Chengdu from Chongqing by car, about 350 kilometers high speed, and I took over the whole journey. Of course, according to the national laws and regulations, I put my hand on the steering wheel and the overall experience was very good. Actually, I am a little worried about domestic high-speed long-distance driving, but when the intelligent driving function is turned on, vehicles can accurately identify passing vehicles, road conditions and small obstacles on the roadside, which is far safer than driving by myself, so I feel relaxed and comfortable and very safe in the "man-machine driving" of about 350 kilometers. Last week, we also launched the NCA function in the urban area of Beijing. Combined with previous cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Chongqing, a total of 6 cities were opened. It is estimated that by the end of the year, a total of 45 cities will realize commercial landing without relying on high-precision maps.

Home of the car

Wen Jie M5 Zhijia Edition

  Not long ago, some media also conducted a long-distance test of man-machine driving. From Shanghai to Zibo, the road conditions covered urban areas and hundreds of kilometers of high-speed scenes, which comprehensively tested HUAWEI ADS 2.0′ s assisted driving ability and showed leading safety, intelligence and driving efficiency in various scenarios.

  At present, the M5 version of Zhijie has realized that it can be opened with or without high-precision maps, covering high-speed, urban areas, rural roads and so on. Our car owners also carry out test drives in various scenes. For example, a car owner has just completed the intelligent driving crossing in the no-man’s land of Haidao, Xinjiang, and another car owner drove to Wulanchabu, Inner Mongolia last week. In the absence of high-precision maps in border cities in China, our car uses laser radar as the main sensor combined with LCC to project a virtual route on unmarked roads for safe passage and avoidance, realizing "there is no road in front of us" but "there is a road in our heart", and the overall effect is very good.

I think autonomous driving is an important technical force to promote the transformation of the global automobile industry. In the 21st century, the whole autonomous driving will be the greatest contribution of the automobile industry to human beings, because it can make driving safer and more comfortable. At present, China’s autonomous driving regulations are being improved, and it is hoped that L3′ s autonomous driving regulations will be promulgated as soon as possible. We believe that L3-class autonomous vehicles will usher in a large-scale market-oriented application in 2025.

  ask a questionWhat do you think of the survival of the new forces? 

  KangboI think the overall competition of the new forces is very fierce, and the outcome changes very quickly, sometimes in a car, sometimes in a year. I think it is necessary to provide users with the products they want and are satisfied with, as well as the brand value and service experience they need, so that manufacturers can survive in the knockout even if they face difficulties.

Home of the car

  ask a questionQ: What are your market expectations for the five new M7 buildings and the M9?

  KangboWe are full of confidence in the new M7 Tower, because it meets the needs of China home users for great wisdom, large space, safety and reliability. At the same time, we will also consider very competitive prices. Wenjie M9 is our flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom, which will be equipped with a number of brand-new black technology and is expected to be officially released in the fourth quarter of this year. (Text/car home Zhang Lingxiao)

Huawei "stopped supplying" for 10 days: employees kept wolf-like "out of print" products being heated up.

  "Huawei terminals have reached the most difficult moment."

  Two weeks ago, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, revealed to the outside world the dilemma that Huawei is about to face — — Five days later, the US "sanctions" came into effect. Huawei’s "broken plane" was officially "cut off".

  As of today (September 26), Huawei has been "cut off" for more than ten days. What is the current situation of Huawei, and how will they break through in the face of the expanding blockade? Is it Huawei’s darkest hour, or is it the darkness before dawn?

  Huawei employees: It is assumed every day that the supply will be cut off tomorrow.

  "September 15th is an ordinary Tuesday for us."

  Jingzi (pseudonym as requested by the interviewer) has been working in Huawei for 2 years. When she first joined the company, it was when Huawei was put at the forefront by the United States. In 2018, the United States opened the so-called "sanctions" against Huawei. In May last year, the United States listed Huawei in the "entity list"; In May this year, the control was further upgraded. After a 120-day buffer period, the "ban" came into effect on September 15.

  "As early as two years ago, the company has established an idea from top to bottom — — Sanctions ‘ Tomorrow ’ Will start. " Although more than 800 days have passed since tomorrow, it seems that all this has become "accustomed" to Huawei employees.

  Jing Zi told the reporter of that when the United States officially waved a big stick at Huawei, his department had asked employees to "give up their illusions" — — Even if there is an "exemption period", it seems that Huawei has adjusted its working status to the rhythm of "no supply".

  "Although the business is likely to face difficulties, the company’s salary and benefits for employees are increasing instead of decreasing. The rumors about layoffs in domestic business are basically rumors. " Shizuko told reporters that after working in Huawei for two years, his salary level has been about twice that of other companies. "Of course, at the same time, the work intensity is also the top level in the industry." Shizuko quipped.

  Supplier: After the supply was cut off, some people were speculating on Huawei mobile phones.

  6388 yuan, this is the price of a second-hand Huawei Mate 30 pro 5G mobile phone on an e-commerce platform after Huawei was "cut off". However, when Dongfang. com and Zongxiang News visited Huawei offline recently, they found that the price of this Huawei flagship machine, which was released a year ago and equipped with Kirin 990 chip, was as low as 5,399 yuan, and most of it was well supplied.

  Why is a second-hand mobile phone sold a year ago more expensive than a brand-new mobile phone? Liqun Huang, a Huawei distributor, seems to be "not surprised" by this. "Since the US sanctions, there have been many people speculating on Huawei mobile phones."

  "Due to the second round of sanctions, the chip can’t be produced, which is very difficult. At present, it is out of stock. This may be the last generation of Kirin’s high-end chips. " In August this year, before the ban came into effect, Yu Chengdong tragically announced to the outside world that Kirin was "out of print".

  On September 15th, after Huawei was officially "cut off", Kirin Chip also began to go out of print. A seller of a second-hand platform once said that the "collection significance" of Huawei Mate30 pro is far greater than the use significance when selling Huawei mobile phones to and Zongxiang journalists. There are even sellers who say that buying Huawei mobile phones now is "patriotism".

  In this regard, Liqun Huang said that the interruption of supply does not mean the suspension of production, and the out-of-print Kirin chip does not mean the out-of-print Huawei mobile phone. "It is not reliable to buy second-hand mobile phones for collection." According to several responsible persons of Huawei authorized experience stores, the old Huawei mobile phones, including Huawei Mate30 pro, are in sufficient supply, and there will be no "one machine is hard to find" in a short time.

  At the same time, Liqun Huang told the reporter of Dongfang. com that after the "supply cut-off", Huawei’s mobile phones really became more scarce than before, but this did not affect the current sales of Huawei’s mobile phones. Liqun Huang also said, "We can’t be sure about Huawei’s future, but we can conclude that Huawei will ‘ Cool ’ It seems too early to say. "

  Forced by the United States to "cut off the supply"? Huawei suppliers are pleading.

  On August 17, the US Department of Commerce further tightened the restrictions on Huawei’s access to American technology, and listed 38 subsidiaries of Huawei in 21 countries around the world in the "entity list". This is seen as a comprehensive "encirclement and suppression" of Huawei — — It means that from the whole production to the purchase of parts, even the road of "saving the country by curve" has been blocked by the United States.

  On the eve of the supply cut-off, Huawei chip suppliers who have been on the sidelines have also made statements. TSMC said that the company has no plans to continue supplying Huawei after September 14th. Subsequently, Micron Technology, Samsung and SK Hynix all indicated that they would not be able to ship to Huawei after September 14th.

  Earlier, Guo Ping, Huawei’s rotating chairman, once shouted to global chip companies that "helping Huawei is helping yourself". Many companies seem to know their way well. Before and after the supply cut-off, some Huawei suppliers still hoped that the U.S. government would be lenient, and at the same time, they were striving to continue to supply Huawei.

  In terms of OEM, TSMC said that while the company cancelled the supply to Huawei, it was actively applying for and submitting the supply license to the US government. According to the news, TSMC’s previous application was not allowed by the United States. However, TSMC still pointed out that it will continue to try to supply Huawei. The data shows that Huawei is TSMC’s second largest customer, and its revenue contribution is as high as 15%.

  As for the chip manufacturer, the designer MediaTek has confirmed that at the end of August this year, the company has applied to the US for continued supply of Huawei in accordance with regulations, and the memory chip manufacturer Micron also applied at the same time. In addition, including chip manufacturers Qualcomm, Samsung and SK Hynix, which had previously made it clear that they would not be able to supply Huawei, all made it clear that they had applied for export licenses and sought to continue to supply Huawei.

  It is worth mentioning that during the supply suspension period, many Huawei suppliers have obtained supply licenses.

  On Monday (21st), Intel officially said that it had obtained permission to continue supplying Huawei, and Intel is the main supplier of Huawei notebooks. On the 19th, AMD, an American chip company, also said that it had obtained permission to sell its products to some companies in the US "entity list". It is widely believed that "some companies" are Huawei.

  In fact, many American companies also understand the truth that "you hurt the enemy by one thousand, and you will lose yourself by eight hundred". In June this year, Semiconductor Association of America shouted to the US government that the Trump administration’s ban would not only affect Huawei, but also bring huge restrictions to American companies and even global chip companies. Many chip manufacturers, including Qualcomm, have repeatedly called on the US government to lift the so-called "sanctions".

  Reflection after ten days of supply suspension: China Core, where to go?

  "Huawei has been developing in the field of chip design for more than ten years. From being seriously backward, to being a little backward, to catching up, to leading, the R&D investment is huge and the process is very difficult. However, in the field of heavy assets such as chip manufacturing, Huawei did not participate. After September 15, the flagship chip could not be produced, which was a great loss for us. "

  Of course, as emphasized by Huawei, China enterprises, especially China chip enterprises, can’t pin their hopes on the United States to relax sanctions. "Self-improvement" may be the most effective and only way to achieve real results.

  In recent years, China has been the largest chip importer in the world. The data shows that in 2018 and 2019, the total value of imported integrated circuits in China exceeded 300 billion US dollars.

  However, while importing, China’s chip self-sufficiency is not enough. The data shows that in 2019, China’s chip self-sufficiency rate is only about 30%. According to the development plan of relevant departments, in 2025, China is expected to raise its chip self-sufficiency rate to 70%, which is almost the average level of chip power countries such as the United States.

  In that case, where did China chip get stuck in the neck by the United States? As a huge and complex industry, the chip industry has a long industrial chain. It can be divided into four parts: design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. Except in the field of design, Huawei Hisilicon has a certain breakthrough ability, and in the other three links, especially in the manufacturing link, the ability of domestic manufacturers still has great room for improvement.

  "No one can extinguish the starlight in the sky." At the Huawei Developers Conference in 2020 held before the supply was cut off, Huawei conveyed its determination and will to work hard to the outside world.

  In the first half of the extreme pressure in the United States, Huawei still achieved the first global market share of smartphones, the first global market share of wearable devices and the second global market share of smart watches. Notebooks have achieved more than 100% growth, and products such as headphones have achieved more than 100% or even 200% high-speed growth.

  As Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said, "We may encounter unimaginable difficulties, but this is also the biggest opportunity period." Unprecedented difficulties may be the best opportunity to hone enterprises.

  Huawei’s future is still unknown. However, for China enterprises, it seems to be an important proposition for a long time how to make Huawei and others no longer lonely on the stage of global industrial competition through unremitting efforts. In the face of the big stick sanctions from the United States and the future of the chip industry, I am afraid that it is far more than Huawei itself.

Shenzhen: Consumers will be subsidized by 15% of the sales price when purchasing qualified mobile phones, computers and other products.

  "Shenzhen Releases" WeChat official account News. On May 23rd, Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports, and Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Committee jointly issued "Several Measures for Promoting the Sustainable Recovery of Consumption in Shenzhen".

  Some measures to promote the sustainable recovery of consumption in Shenzhen

  In order to thoroughly implement the national and provincial decision-making arrangements on promoting consumption, stimulate consumption potential, expand consumer demand and boost consumer confidence, the following measures are formulated.

  First, encourage automobile consumption

  (1) Support individual consumers to purchase new energy vehicles. Individual consumers who newly purchase qualified new energy vehicles and get a license in Shenzhen will be given a subsidy of no more than 10,000 yuan/set. Fully implement the national policy of exempting new energy vehicles from vehicle purchase tax. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau)

  (2) Increase the incremental index of ordinary cars. Add 20,000 incremental indicators for ordinary cars, and allocate them to the "unsuccessful" applicants who are still lottery and have participated in more than 60 issues (including 60 issues) through special lottery activities. The winners must purchase qualified fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles (for those who purchase new energy vehicles, the maximum subsidy is not more than 20,000 yuan/set). (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  (3) Relax the application conditions for hybrid car indicators. Individuals with only one car registered in Shenzhen are allowed to buy qualified hybrid cars and apply for licensing indicators. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau)

  (four) to encourage tourist passenger vehicles to use new energy or clean energy. Enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that newly purchase qualified new energy tourist passenger cars (including clean fuel passenger cars) will be given a maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan/set. Promote party and government organs, enterprises and institutions to purchase green transportation travel services. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  (5) Accelerate the clean replacement of garbage transfer vehicles. Coordinate the procurement of domestic waste transfer services, and accelerate the transformation of diesel waste transfer vehicles into qualified LNG, electric (including power exchange) and hydrogen fuel cell transfer vehicles in accordance with the principle of "full replacement after the contract expires". (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, districts)

  (six) to promote the replacement of fuel trailers in the port. If the fuel trailer in the port is replaced by a qualified new energy vehicle (including a clean fuel vehicle), the maximum subsidy will not exceed 50,000 yuan/set. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau)

  (seven) to increase the promotion and use of new energy vehicles in the public domain. Coordinate the promotion of fuel official vehicles, police cars, state-owned vehicles and other scrapped vehicles to be updated into new energy vehicles. Accelerate the replacement of buses, cruise taxis, etc. (Responsible units: Municipal Organs Administration Bureau, Public Security Bureau, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and all districts)

  (8) Promote the trading of used cars. Expand the pilot scope of second-hand car turnover indicators, and issue second-hand car turnover indicators to qualified second-hand car legal entities. The second-hand car distribution legal person sells the second-hand car it bought, and the value-added tax is levied at a reduced rate of 0.5%. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Transportation Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau)

  (nine) to carry out automobile activities in the countryside. Residents of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone who purchase new energy vehicles in Shenzhen Administrative District (New District) can apply for the increment index of pure electric cars or hybrid cars according to relevant regulations, and enjoy relevant subsidy policies. Give full play to Shenzhen’s role as a working organization in front of various counterpart assistance areas, strengthen the linkage between government and enterprises, and promote cars to the countryside. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone)

  (10) Expand the export of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the improvement of the production capacity of new energy vehicles in our city, and support the automobile production and export enterprises registered in Shenzhen and exporting complete vehicles through Shenzhen Port to expand the export scale. Improve the level of port logistics facilitation, promote key shipping companies to set up fixed foreign trade ro-ro routes in Shenzhen Port, and fully subsidize berthing fees and port operation lump sum fees for shipping companies that carry export cars. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Transportation Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  Second, expand the scale of the consumer electronics market

  (eleven) to carry out promotional activities of consumer electronic products. Combined with the themes of school season, summer promotion season, traditional festivals, etc., special promotion activities for consumer electronics will be organized in rotation during May-August, and consumers will be subsidized to buy qualified products such as mobile phones, computers (including tablet computers), headphones, stereos, smart home appliances, smart wearable devices, consumer drones, smart home robots, smart fitness equipment, etc., with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person. Encourage telecom operators to cooperate with consumer electronics manufacturers in depth and carry out activities such as "replacement subsidy", "telephone fee reward" and "package upgrade". Support the green utilization of recycling equipment. If qualified enterprises recycle old machines and sell them in Shenzhen, they will be subsidized according to 5% of sales. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration)

  (XII) Expand centralized purchase orders. For the needs of party and government organs, institutions and large enterprises such as digital office and employees’ personal use, we will organize production enterprises, telecom operators and service solution providers to hold special centralized procurement activities on a regular basis. Party and government organs and state-owned enterprises are encouraged to purchase qualified consumer electronic products for counterpart assistance. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Finance Bureau, Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange Bureau, all districts and relevant units)

  (thirteen) the implementation of broadband upgrade for millions of users. Operators are encouraged to upgrade the broadband network speed of home users to more than 500 megabytes (including 500 megabytes) for free, and the tariff standard remains unchanged. In 2022, for operators whose broadband network speed is more than 500 megabytes (including 500 megabytes), the proportion of household users is not less than 60%. According to the number of newly upgraded users, 80 yuan subsidies will be given to each household, with a maximum of 60 million yuan for each operator. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration, districts)

  Third, promote the consumption of household appliances

  (fourteen) to carry out green energy-saving home appliances promotion. Organize household appliance production and sales enterprises to launch activities to benefit the people and make profits. During May-August, consumers will be subsidized to buy qualified household appliances such as televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen appliances and small household appliances according to 15% of the sales price, with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau)

  (fifteen) the implementation of affordable housing "bag occupancy" project. Revise and improve the delivery standards of affordable housing (including public rental housing, affordable rental housing, and shared property housing), deliver fully renovated finished products to affordable housing that was completed and qualified during the year, configure basic household products such as range hoods, gas stoves, water heaters and air conditioners that meet the requirements, and carry out pilot projects for smart homes throughout the house. Encourage new commercial housing to be fully renovated and delivered, and provide necessary smart home products. (Responsible units: Municipal Housing Construction Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Talent Housing Group, all districts)

  Fourth, do a good job in the prevention and control of normalized epidemics

  (sixteen) increase the intensity of electronic sentry layout. Party and government organs, schools, hospitals and other units shall all install electronic sentries in principle. All districts encourage office buildings, industrial parks and other workplaces to upgrade and transform "electronic sentry+gate" according to epidemic prevention requirements. Eligible transformation subjects will be given a subsidy of no more than 100,000 yuan according to 20% of their total investment. (Responsible unit: relevant units directly under the municipal government, Municipal Finance Bureau, districts)

  (seventeen) actively promote the application of high-tech anti-epidemic products. In isolation hotels, shelter hospitals, special isolation places and other fields, we will increase the popularization and application of high-tech epidemic prevention products such as food delivery and disinfection robots, video intelligent analysis systems, water-based self-disinfection film-forming materials, millimeter-wave radar, epidemic prevention intelligent environmental protection mobile toilets, and nucleic acid detection kiosks. The municipal finance will subsidize the relevant expenses of each district by no more than 3 million yuan according to 20% of the total investment. (Responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Health and Wellness Committee, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (eighteen) to expand the application of consumer anti epidemic products. Health departments and public hospitals have increased the procurement scale of nucleic acid sampling materials, testing equipment and reagents, and the city’s large-scale nucleic acid testing capacity has reached 2 million tubes/day. (Responsible units: Municipal Health and Wellness Commission, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (nineteen) improve the proportion of domestic procurement of medical devices. Implement the national medical equipment procurement policy, strictly examine and approve imported equipment, and increase the promotion of domestic medical equipment. (Responsible units: Municipal Health and Wellness Commission, Finance Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Market Supervision Bureau and all districts)

  (twenty) to establish a green channel for innovative drugs. Open a green channel in the city’s drug and medical consumables trading platform, implement online procurement for innovative drugs and medical consumables that meet the listing conditions, and implement "hanging with the newspaper" to support innovative drugs and medical consumables to enter the market in time. (Responsible unit: Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau)

  V. Expanding the market scale of Xinchuang products

  (twenty-one) increase the promotion of Xinchuang products. Formulate the recommendation catalogue of Xinchuang products, organize docking exchange meetings, and subsidize qualified user units that purchase more than 500,000 yuan according to 3% of the purchase amount. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (twenty-two) to improve the application ratio of Xinchuang products. In principle, the purchase proportion of Xinchuang products in new office systems and business systems shall not be less than 20% in key areas such as finance, energy, education, medical care, telecommunications and transportation; The procurement proportion of Xinchuang products in the newly added key information infrastructure shall not be less than 40% for party and government organs and state-owned enterprises. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration, relevant units and districts)

  Sixth, promote the consumption of outdoor cultural tourism

  (twenty-three) actively carry out cultural and sports activities on the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control. Give full play to the advantages of Shenzhen’s urban ecological context of "mountains and seas are linked together" and "one ridge, one belt and twenty corridors", and hold a series of tourism activities such as the Gold Coast Tourism Festival and Red Tourism. Encourage the general public to go outdoors, support sports social organizations to organize fitness, camping and other activities in the sinking community, and cooperate with brand manufacturers and distributors that meet the theme of the event to carry out promotional activities. Encourage trade unions at all levels to organize fitness activities and use trade union funds to purchase fitness services for employees according to regulations. Enrich and promote urban cultural menus, actively carry out cultural activities such as grass music festival, beach music festival, Cantonese Opera Week, Youth Art Week, Reading Month and Beautiful Sunday, and run sports events such as marathon and rowing. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Tourism and Sports, Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Federation of Trade Unions, Finance Bureau and all districts)

  (twenty-four) held a trend theme consumption activities. Support joint-venture merchants in key business districts to hold themed consumption festivals such as coffee and tea, carry out activities such as tasting, teaching, salons and exhibitions, broaden consumption experience scenes, and create a fashionable and leisure city lifestyle. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, districts)

  (twenty-five) to promote the "one-click reservation" full coverage of sports facilities. Encourage schools and social sports facilities to be open and shared with the public, and promote the "one door, two doors, two entrances in the morning and evening" safety isolation transformation of completed and qualified schools. By the end of June 2022, the school, society, public welfare and other sports facilities will be fully covered by "one-click reservation". Make good use of financial funds such as sports lottery public welfare fund, and make an appointment for sports venues through the "I Shenzhen" platform to enjoy a minimum discount of 60% to promote the growth of sports consumption. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (twenty-six) to promote high-quality intelligent fitness equipment. More than 200 convenience fitness facilities will be built or rebuilt in communities, parks, squares, institutions and other places, and a number of fitness equipment with wide audience, flexibility and high technology will be popularized. Encourage commercial buildings, factories, parks and other key places to purchase and use qualified fitness equipment, and give a maximum subsidy of not more than 10,000 yuan according to 5% of the total actual purchase amount to create a new scene of national fitness. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, districts)

  Seven, expand the consumption of bulk commodities.

  (twenty-seven) to carry out the linkage promotion activities of refined oil and "Shenzhen products". Continue to promote "Shenzhen products" into supermarkets, farmers, community fresh stores and e-commerce, encourage gas station direct-operated convenience stores and their online shopping malls to put "Shenzhen products" on shelves, and issue consumer vouchers to consumers who have reached a certain amount in a single refueling or prepaid recharge for purchasing qualified "Shenzhen products" in gas station direct-operated convenience stores or their online shopping malls, and give certain financial subsidies. (Responsible units: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Commerce Bureau and Finance Bureau)

  (twenty-eight) support enterprises to set up procurement centers and sales companies. For the wholesale and retail leading enterprises that set up purchasing centers in Shenzhen in 2022, 50,000 yuan will be awarded for every 100 million yuan of their purchasing amount in 2022. For the sales company established by manufacturing enterprises in Shenxin in 2022, 500,000 yuan will be awarded for every 100 million yuan of retail sales in 2022. The maximum reward for a single enterprise is no more than 10 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance Bureau)

  Eight, the safe and orderly resumption of professional exhibitions

  (29) Establish a "white list" system, and support advantageous fashion industries such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, watches, glasses and leather to hold professional exhibitions for professional purchasers on the premise of doing a good job in the normal epidemic prevention work of the participating parties, so as to help the fashion consumer market recover. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

  Nine, increase the "invoice" activities.

  (30) Add 10 million yuan of "prize invoice" funds to carry out "prize invoice" activities in the whole city around the fields of retail, catering, cultural tourism, accommodation, sports, etc. The activity period is from May 1 to the end of the year. (Responsible units: Shenzhen Municipal Taxation Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance Bureau)

  This policy will be implemented as of the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2022. The measures stipulated in the policy shall be formulated and promulgated by the relevant responsible units.

After being cheated by a fake online celebrity, he pretended to be online celebrity to cheat others. A man was sentenced to three years in prison and fined 10 thousand yuan.

With the rapid development of network live stream economy, a large number of online celebrity have entered the public’s field of vision and gained attention and love. Some lawless elements, however, took advantage of the fans’ trust in online celebrity and started thinking wrongly. The reporter learned on the 3rd that Rugao court issued a public verdict on a case of impersonating online celebrity to defraud other people’s money. The defendant Liu was convicted of fraud, sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and fined 10,000 yuan.

Liu usually likes to kill time by brushing short videos. One day, he swiped a online celebrity named "Zhang San" on a short video platform, and found that this online celebrity has nearly 3 million fans. Usually, he posted videos showing off his wealth and helping others. Seeing that "Zhang San" was ready to help others, Liu also wanted to seek the help of "Zhang San", so he praised him and sent a private message. After that, a person who claimed to be "Zhang San" contacted Liu and said that he could help him, and sent him many videos of Zhang San’s personal life, videos of driving a luxury car and transfer records of helping others. After gaining Liu’s trust, the other party defrauded Liu of more than 1,000 yuan on the grounds of having to pay handling fees, deposits, taxes and fees.

After being cheated, Liu not only did not call the police, but also had a flash of light, thinking that this was a good way to make quick money. So, he packaged himself as online celebrity’s "Zhang San", searched for "prey" on the short video platform, and cheated others by the means of the fake "Zhang San". Through the "flexible use" of the words learned from the scammers, Liu defrauded the victims Li and Dai for 30,900 yuan, and was later arrested by the public security organs.

Correspondent Fang Nan Reporter Wang Yuli

Ji xiaohan

Xiaomi car big news! Exposure of photos, body parameters, etc. Xiaomi car will be produced by itself.

K diagram 01810_0

  On the afternoon of November 15, the entry "Xiaomi Automobile" rushed.Hot search.

  On the same day, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products""(the 377th batch), two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are listed.

  It is reported that Xiaomi’s first car is a pure electric car, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max, and the length of the car is 4.997 meters. The biggest difference between the two models lies in the power. The formerThe peak power is 220KW, and the latter is 275KW, or it is a high-performance version.They are iron phosphate.(Xiangyang Fudi) and ternary lithium ion (), in which Xiangyang Foday Battery belongs to.

  The contents of the announcement show that the models of Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are BJ7000MBEVR2 and BJ7000MBEVA1, and the name of the declared enterprise isGroup off-road vehicle Co., Ltd., the declared production address is "No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone".

  The reporter learned from Tianyancha that on November 3, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing No.1 Branch was established, with Lei Yun as the head and its business scope including, data processing services, communication equipment sales, electronic products sales, etc., the head office is Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. The registered address of this branch is Building 9, No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

  According to the current laws and regulations, domesticAutomobile production enterprises must obtain two qualifications before they can produce and sell: first, the development and reform commission put on record the production projects of automobile investment enterprises, and automobile enterprises need to prove their own financing ability, research and development ability, production capacity, quality assurance and other strengths, which are recognized by the development and reform commission. After obtaining this qualification, enterprises need to build factories within 2 years and sell vehicles within 3 years; Second, it is the qualification of automobile production enterprises in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and automobile enterprises need to meet the Regulations on the Administration of Automobile Production Enterprises and Products Access.

  In August this year, it was reported that Xiaomi had been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission to produce electric vehicles. Now it has won the "Car-making Admission Ticket" from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that Xiaomi has obtained the automobile production qualification.

  Officially listed in the first half of 2024.

  Since Lei Jun announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi’s car have been receiving much attention.

  In August this year, some netizens said that they met four disguised Xiaomi cars flying on the Urumqi-Changji urban expressway. On August 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, also appeared in Xinjiang, and released a "Test # Xiaomi mixfold3# Leica Optics, Four Shots and Five Focuses". Some careful netizens noticed that the banner words pulled up in the photo were suspected of "fighting for Xiaomi car".

  In October 2023, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. According to Xiaomi’s announcement, Xiaomi officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles and will invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun believes that smart electric vehicles will be the broadest development track in the next 10 years.

  At the Xiaomi new product launch conference held in October this year, Xiaomi released the operating system 澎湃 OS, which is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS completely rewrites the underlying architecture based on the integration of deeply evolved Android and self-developed Vela system, and has made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections.

  October 16th, Tianfeng InternationalGuo Ming has recently released.It is said that Xiaomi’s first car is expected to be released in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units.

  Guo Ming said in the report that Huawei’s new M7 sales exceeded expectations, symbolizing that the focus of competition in China’s electric vehicle market has shifted to autonomous driving, software, marketing and channels due to the high industrial division of labor. He believes that such a new competitive pattern is conducive to Xiaomi’s entry into the automobile market.

  He also said that the price of Xiaomi’s first car will be less than 300,000 yuan, and the key selling points include automatic driving, software ecology, 800V fast charging and power configuration.

  Xiaomi automobile will produce itself.

  According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, although the declared enterprise name of Xiaomi Automobile is BAIC Group, the production address is shown as the location of Xiaomi Automobile’s self-built factory.

  Reporter fromIts platform has learned that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is built in Yizhuang, Beijing, and is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (intelligent manufacturing base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing. The total investment of the project is expected to be 63 billion yuan.

  It is understood that Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The annual production capacity of the first and second phases is 150,000 vehicles, and the total production capacity can reach 300,000 vehicles/year after the factory officially lands.

  During the construction of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the company widely recruits talents related to vehicle production and vehicle technology. According to the recruitment information of Xiaomi official website, the company has a talent demand for production managers, workshop safety engineers and lean engineers in automobile workshops in Beijing, in stamping, die casting, die casting molds, die casting machine processing, body, painting, sheet metal and so on.Production-related jobs also have more demand for people.

  In addition, Xiaomi is also building its own car sales channels to prepare for nationwide sales. From September to October, 2023, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) successively established subsidiaries in Wuhan, Shenzhen, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou. The business scope of the newly established company covers new energy sales and other businesses.

  In fact, in order to successfully enter the car-making industry, Xiaomi began to make continuous high-intensity investment in the automobile field many years ago. Yangtze millet industryHeshunwei Capital is an important investor in Xiaomi Department.

  Shunwei Capital of Lei Jun Holdings participated in the investment in 2015.A round of financing, participated in B round of financing in 2016, and participated in 2017.A+ round of financing. In the same year, Shunwei Capital led the A-round financing of Momenta, a smart driving startup, and gave continuous support in B-round, C-round and C+ financing.

  In August, 2021, Xiaomi wholly acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving company, and continued to increase its R&D capabilities in terms of intelligent driving perception, positioning, planning and control. Deep Motion Technology has a wide range of layouts in high-precision positioning, high-precision maps and 3D scene reconstruction.

  The automobile industry entered the Warring States period.

  Although Xiaomi automobile has obtained the production qualification, the competition in the automobile industry has become increasingly fierce. Can the fledgling Xiaomi automobile "share a piece of cake"?

  Liu Feilei, secretary of the board of directors of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, recently said: "The automobile industry is entering the Warring States Period, and resources are accelerating to focus on head enterprises." He believes that in 2023, the price war in the automobile market will become fierce, and the market competition will enter the stage of "elimination", and 3-5 first-class head enterprises will be formed in the future. In 2022, the top five brands in the new energy vehicle market accounted for 50.1% of the market sales, and it is estimated that the top five brands will account for 80% of the sales in 2030.

  Previously, Lei Jun also said: "When the electric vehicle industry enters a mature stage, the top five brands in the world will occupy more than 80% of the market share. In other words, the only way to succeed is to become one of the top five, and the annual shipment exceeds 10 million vehicles. Competition will be cruel. "

  In addition to the new forces of building cars, traditional car companies have also transformed into new energy tracks, and they have competitive advantages in terms of financial strength and experience in building cars, which has provided some pressure for the new forces of building cars.

  The research report pointed out that the smart electric vehicle industry is fiercely competitive, and the product strength of independent brands and new forces is rapidly improving. In the next few years, cost-effective models are expected to accelerate their listing. Factors such as price competition may also cause the risk that new car sales are less than expected.

  It is believed that the advantages of supply chain, software, users, ecology and channels will help Xiaomi to occupy a place in the smart car market, and it is expected to achieve the goal of selling 100,000 vehicles a year and turning its gross profit into a positive one faster than other new car-making forces, thus opening up an additional valuation space of the order of 100 billion. However, if Xiaomi wants to make a car successful, it will face high R&D expenditure in the early stage, subsequent sales increase and gross profit.When to quickly return to a healthy level and other challenges.

  Exploring Xiaomi automobile production base: small batch trial production has been realized, and 900,000 vehicles will be sold in three years.

  Understand the equity relationship between Beijing Off-road, Beiqi Blue Valley and Beijing Auto.

  Xiaomi automobile finally appeared: production qualification "borrowed" BAIC Group will push lithium iron and ternary battery versions.

  Xiaomi automobile sends heavy news again! The launch date of the new car is approaching.

  There is big news from Xiaomi’s car. Who are the suppliers of the industrial chain? Listed companies intensively respond to cooperation trends.