What is the reason for the computer to restart automatically?

  I believe many users will encounter it when using a computer. When the computer is in normal use, it suddenly restarts automatically. I don’t know what happened for no reason. If the computer restarts automatically while you are working, what you have done before will be done in vain. This is a very bad thing. So what is the reason for the automatic restart of the computer? Let’s introduce it in detail below.

What is the reason for the automatic restart of the computer?

  First, the computer automatic restart software solutions

  1. When the virus "shock wave" virus breaks out, it will also prompt that the system will start automatically after 60 seconds. Trojan horse programs remotely control all activities of your computer, including restarting your computer. Remove viruses, Trojans, or reinstall the system.

  2. System files are damaged. System files are damaged, such as KERNEL32.DLL under Win2K, fonts under Win98 FONTS directory and other basic files when the system is running, and the system will be forced to restart when it is started.

  Solution: cover the installation or reinstall.

  3. Timing software or task planning software works. If you set a restart or load some work programs in the "Planning Taskbar", the computer will start again when the timing comes. In this case, we can open the "startup" item and check whether there are any unfamiliar execution files or other scheduled work programs in it, and then screen them before starting up for inspection. Of course, we can also directly enter the "Msconfig" command in "Run" to select the startup item.

  Second, the computer automatic restart hardware solutions

  1. The chassis power supply is insufficient, the DC output is impure, and the dynamic response is slow. Users or installers often do not pay attention to power supply and use cheap power supply, so it is one of the biggest suspects that cause the system to restart automatically.

  ① The output power of the power supply is insufficient. When running large-scale 3D games and other software that occupy a large amount of CPU resources, when the CPU needs high power supply, the power supply is overloaded due to insufficient power supply, and the output is stopped. After the power supply stops outputting, the load is lightened, and the power supply is started again. Because the protection/recovery time is very short, the performance given to us is that the host automatically restarts.

  ② The DC output of the power supply is impure, and the digital circuit requires pure DC power supply. When the harmonic content in the DC output of the power supply is too large, it will lead to the working error of the digital circuit, which is manifested by frequent crashes or restarts.

  ③ The workload of ③CPU is dynamic, and the requirements for current are also dynamic, and the dynamic response speed is required to be rapid. Some poor quality power supplies have long dynamic response time, which will also lead to frequent crashes or restarts.

  ④ Updating equipment (high-end graphics card/large hard disk/video card) and adding equipment (burner/hard disk) will lead to frequent crashes or restarts if the power exceeds the rated output power of the original power supply.

  Solution: Now replace the high-quality and high-power computer power supply.

  2. Poor thermal stability of the memory, chip damage or memory problems caused by incorrect settings have a relatively high probability of system restart.

  ① The memory has poor thermal stability, so it can work normally when it is turned on. When the memory temperature rises to a certain temperature, it can’t work normally, resulting in a crash or restart.

  (2) When the memory chip is slightly damaged, it can pass the self-check (setting fast startup to not fully detect the memory), or it can enter the normal desktop for normal operation. When running some software with high I/O throughput (media playback, games, plane /3D drawing), it will restart or crash.

  Solution: Replace the memory.

  ③ Setting the CAS value of the memory too small will also lead to the instability of the memory and cause the system to restart automatically. Generally, it is best to use the default settings of BIOS, and don’t change them yourself.

  3. The CPU temperature is too high or the cache is damaged. ① The CPU temperature is too high, which often causes a protective automatic restart. The reason for the high temperature is basically due to the poor heat dissipation of the chassis and CPU. The reasons for the poor heat dissipation of the CPU are: low thermal conductivity of the radiator material, foreign objects (mostly warranty stickers) between the radiator and the CPU, low fan speed, too much dust on the fan and radiator, and so on. Also, the temperature probe under the CPU of the P2/P3 motherboard is damaged or the temperature measuring circuit inside the P4 CPU is damaged, the BIOS on the motherboard has a BUG and the temperature measurement is not allowed under a certain special condition, and the CPU protection temperature set in CMOS is too low, etc., which will also cause a protective restart.

  ② The damage of the first-level and second-level cache inside the CPU is a common failure of the CPU. Those with light damage can still be started, and can enter the normal desktop for normal operation. When running some software with high I/O throughput (media playback, games, plane /3D drawing), it will restart or crash.

  Solution: Shield the second-level cache (L2) or the first-level cache (L1) in CMOS, or replace the CPU to eliminate it.

  What is the reason for the automatic restart of the computer? The above two aspects mainly provide detailed solutions through software and hardware. Friendly reminder: 1. Operate the computer correctly at ordinary times. 2, some unknown origin, or don’t know much about the software with caution.

"Chinese style" swept the Rio Olympic Games, and China became online celebrity.

  CCTV News: With the opening of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, China Olympic athletes will once again attract global attention with their tenacious sportsmanship and excellent performance in the world arena. However, you know what? China specialty, which became popular inside and outside the stadium, is popular all over the world, and has "conquered" the world while adding luster to the escort of China athletes.

  Rio Olympics continues the great beauty of China.

  Speaking of China characteristics, what can better represent China than blue and white porcelain? When it comes to oriental women, what can be more beautiful than cheongsam?

Competition equipment of trampoline national team in Rio Olympic Games

                                                    Competition equipment of trampoline national team in Rio Olympic Games

  In this Olympic Games, China trampoline Jinhua will compete in a cheongsam-style "blue and white porcelain" shirt. Presumably, there will be a "drunken Chinese style" with oriental restraint and luxury and beauty. While watching the game, you can also enjoy a fashion show full of China flavor. Do you feel that you have made a lot of money? ! The women’s trampoline will hold a qualifying match at 1 o’clock on August 13 th, Beijing time. I want to see it quickly and wait and see with Xiaobian!

  China mosquito nets are popular all over the world.

  Just when athletes from all over the world were worried about how to prevent mosquitoes, the delegation of China offered a "killer weapon". It is called "national magic weapon" by foreign media, and it is actually an anti-mosquito weapon to help China athletes block Zika virus: mosquito nets.

  With it, mom and dad don’t have to worry about me sleeping anymore, and they don’t have to be smoked by mosquito-repellent incense at night. They wake up naturally when they sleep, which is nontoxic and tasteless, environmentally friendly and fresh, and the cot becomes a "princess’s nest" in seconds, and the sense of security is bursting!


  Naughty gymnast Feng Zhe posted a joke in Weibo: A foreigner came over and asked: Can you sell me a white Chinese knot? I said yes, which word do you want, blessing or longevity? But only the red ones! Foreigners explain that it is the kind of white that can cover people! Read after me, it’s called mosquito net, not Chinese knot!

  ESPN sports reporters called mosquito nets "Screen" on their Twitter when they saw gymnasts in China showing mosquito nets! It seems that crooked nuts really don’t understand our summer anti-mosquito artifact.

  Not only foreign journalists are "stunned" by this thing! It is said that Fukuhara Ai and Australian women’s basketball star Elizabeth Cambage also started to use it.


  Fukuhara Ai, a 10-level Northeastern dialect speaker, also received a mosquito net from coach Tang Yuanyuan, which was specially aired on the Weibo.

  What should foreign athletes do if they have no coach from China to deliver mosquito nets? Buy it! So there was a scene where foreign athletes asked Feng Zhe to buy mosquito nets.

  The vast number of netizens have opened their brains for Feng Zhe: @ Designer who loves food: another China artifact after Laoganma’s hot sauce! Seeing the Chinese knot, I feel quite appropriate! @ Xiatangju: It has greatly promoted the vigorous development of small commodity wholesale industry in China. @fffiyyy: Remember to charge! The inheritance left by our ancestors must be collected! @ 京京京京京: Go and apply for intangible cultural heritage or patents or something.

  Waiguoren speaks for Chinese medicine

  On the second day of the Olympic Games, foreign media encountered a Rio puzzle. Why does "flying fish" michael phelps have red dots on him?


  Everyone in China knows this answer. Isn’t this our traditional Chinese medicine therapy, cupping! We are most familiar with the 99K pure domestic products, but our foreign friends are amazed.

  The Associated Press, which jumped out to solve the puzzle, made an endorsement for our domestic product "cupping" for free: the circle is the result of cupping. Athletes use this treatment to help their muscles recover and achieve the best results. Its process is: a therapist heats several small glasses, then buckles them on the skin, and then pulls them out to relax the muscles.

  There are many fans of cupping. Not only Phelps, American male gymnast Naddour took photos of his cupping on his Instagram, but he also talked to USA-Today about the beauty of cupping: "This is the secret weapon to keep me healthy this year, and its effect is better than other treatments I have paid for before."

  The BBC made a special program to explain why athletes "wear a big dark red mark". Reuters reporter carefully studied the efficacy of cupping, thinking that its efficacy includes removing toxins, promoting blood flow, relieving soreness, and even treating insomnia.

  Chinese aunt dances Rio

  When it comes to Chinese aunts, the first thing that comes to mind is the square dance. You must want to ask, what does this have to do with the Rio Olympics? Don’t believe it, Chinese aunts have already jumped the square dance to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!


  At the opening ceremony of Rio Olympic Games, among the dance volunteers who performed Latin enthusiastically, an oriental face was very special. She danced "square dance" at Maracana Stadium on behalf of Chinese aunt.

  The 56-year-old Jiangyin aunt’s name is Chen Jing. Because her daughter works in Rio de Janeiro, Chen Jing submitted an application when she learned that the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games was open to volunteers from all over the world. In February this year, she received an email from the Rio Olympic Organizing Committee informing her that she was selected for the dance performance at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


  The Rio Olympic Organizing Committee took a single photo for each volunteer and posted it on the walls and pillars of Maradona Stadium.

  Self-confident Aunt Chen Jing showed her grace on the bright stage. Her beauty is integrated into the whole of Brazil and the whole Olympic Games.

  The creation of the wise ancestors may seem commonplace or even inconspicuous to you and me; In the eyes of foreigners, it may be a god-like existence. It seems that Made in China can include not only cutting-edge technology, but also any of your family’s skills and treasures. (Text/An Mengying)

Have you been tricked into eating sugar, dyeing your hair and playing mobile phones?

  According to the statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. However, when it comes to knowledge about this disease, the public still has a little knowledge about it. To make matters worse, many misunderstandings about diseases spread online and offline, making it difficult for people to identify correct information from unfounded fallacies. American "Best Life" website collects scientific evidence and expert advice, refuting the most common misunderstandings in this field.

  Myth 1: Eating sugar will make cancer worse.

  Perhaps because cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, people believe that eating sugar will make the disease worse. However, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) refuted this statement, pointing out that "no research shows that eating sugar will make cancer worse, or if you stop eating sugar, the tumor will shrink or disappear."

  Myth 2: The more dairy products you eat,

  The more likely you are to get breast cancer.

  Women can safely eat cheese and yogurt without worrying about breast cancer. The research results published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health show that there is no significant correlation between the intake of total dairy products (including both liquid dairy products and solid dairy products) and the risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 3: Eating artificial sweeteners can cause cancer.

  People had this concern in the 1970s and 1980s, because studies at that time showed that the intake of artificial sweeteners (such as saccharin and aspartame) would lead to cancer in mice. However, further tests prove that these substances will not have the same effect on human beings. Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that all sugar substitutes (except sodium cyclamate) are safe to eat.

  Myth 4: Using mobile phones can cause cancer.

  This common cancer misunderstanding stems from the fact that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. However, there are obvious differences between high-frequency radiation (such as X-ray radiation) and low-frequency radiation (radiation emitted by mobile phones). Although high-frequency radiation will increase the risk of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that low-frequency radiation has such an effect on the body. Epidemiological studies on the exposure of mobile phones to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have not shown that users have an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers.

  Myth 5 Cancer is completely a genetic disease.

  Although medical scientists are still investigating the causes of cancer, the National Cancer Institute of the United States suggests that 5%~10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, and the remaining risk factors include exposure to harmful substances in the environment (such as tobacco and air pollutants) and genetic mutations caused by aging.

  Myth 6: Only women get breast cancer

  Although it is not common, it is also possible for men to develop breast cancer, but the probability is low. The probability of breast cancer in an average man’s life is 1 in 883.

  Myth 7: If the mammogram results are normal,

  There would be no breast cancer.

  Because mammography may miss important information, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only by mammography. High-risk groups with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer should consider magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for more accurate screening.

  Myth 8: Hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

  The research results on carcinogenesis of hair dyes are contradictory. Therefore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes do not include carcinogens harmful to human beings, but they also warned that occupational exposure (such as hairdressers) may cause cancer to human beings.

  Myth 9: Weight has nothing to do with cancer risk.

  Weight is directly related to the risk of cancer. According to the research results published in The Lancet-Oncology by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2012, 3.6% of all new cancer cases among adults were related to weight.

  There are many reasons why obese people have a high risk of cancer. One theory is that overweight people have chronic low-grade inflammation, which will damage DNA over time and eventually lead to illness.

  Myth 10: People with dark skin color should not have skin cancer.

  Although skin cancer is more common in people with light skin color, dark skin color does not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. The research results published in the Journal of American Dermatology Association by researchers in case western reserve university, USA, show that melanoma is more deadly to people with darker skin color; Moreover, some skin cancers (such as acral melanoma) are more common in people with dark skin color.

  Myth 11 Using antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

  This misconception is that the substances in antiperspirants will penetrate into axillary lymph nodes, causing cell mutation, which will lead to cancer. However, the American Cancer Society refuted this statement, pointing out that "there is little scientific evidence" to support this speculation.

  Researchers at the Fred Haakinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, published research results in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showing that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 12 Breast augmentation will increase the risk of breast cancer

  A meta-analysis published by FDA researchers in the Journal of Plastic Surgery shows that breast augmentation does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that there is a small connection between breast augmentation and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but this rare cancer can be treated.

  Myth 13: People who receive cancer treatment must be hospitalized.

  Although the treatment of cancer does require several visits to the hospital, patients do not need to stay there until their condition is relieved. In fact, many patients with early cancer can continue to live a normal life and only need to go to the hospital for treatment and examination on a regular basis.

  Myth 14 Only smokers get lung cancer.

  Although smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer, other risk factors (such as secondhand smoke, radon in the air and exposure to asbestos) also increase the risk of lung cancer.

  Misunderstanding 15

  Infection with human papillomavirus will definitely lead to cervical cancer.

  Some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) develop into cervical cancer over time, but this is not always the case. There are more than 200 strains of HPV, but only a few of them are high risk factors for cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancer is caused by two types (HPV16 and HPV18).

  Myth 16

  Negative emotions can make

  The condition of cancer patients is worse.

  Usually, when cancer patients have no improvement after receiving treatment, their instinct is to blame their negative attitude as the root of the problem. However, the American Cancer Society points out that there is no connection between personality characteristics and cancer survival rate.

  Myth 17: Surgery will cause cancer to spread.

  According to the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia, there is no evidence to support the spread of cancer caused by surgery. Because this disease grows and reproduces in the blood, it has nothing to do with surgery.

  Myth 18 Herbal supplements can cure cancer.

  According to the research results published in the Journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by researchers from Taiwan Province Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in China, only when combined with conventional treatment can herbal supplements play a role in relieving the disease.

  Myth 19 Biopsy will lead to the spread of cancer.

  Because some patients feel worse after biopsy, they mistakenly believe that exposing cancer to the air will make their condition worse. In fact, there is no evidence that biopsy of lesions will lead to the spread of cancer, and there is no evidence that exposing tumors to the air will lead to its spread to other body parts.

  Myth 20 Chemotherapy always makes patients feel uncomfortable.

  Since the first use of chemotherapy in the 1940s and 1950s, this therapy has made great progress. In order to reduce or even eliminate the side effects, medical scientists have made great efforts, and the patients’ bad feelings are not as serious as imagined.

  Myth 21 Cancer is contagious.

  Cancer itself is not contagious, and you can’t get the disease from others at all. However, some infectious viruses (such as HPV and hepatitis B and C viruses) can cause cancer, so we need to be careful.

  Myth 22 Fluoride can cause cancer.

  Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste does not cause cancer. In February 1991, after reviewing more than 50 population studies, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that fluoride in its natural form would not pose a cancer risk to human beings.

  Myth 23 getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

  Due to technological progress and new medical discoveries, the survival probability of cancer patients is much higher than before. According to the data of the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate of all types of cancer adds up to about 67%, while for specific cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid gland, this statistic is as high as 90%. (Compile/Guo Shaoshan)

The animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival ended on October 31st.

The animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival ended on October 31, and the popularity of the exhibition was overwhelming. The game went out to sea for more than ten years, gathering more than 2,000 exhibitors at home and abroad and promoting industrial transactions of more than 60 billion yuan … On October 31, the annual animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival (CICF) ended successfully in Guangzhou. As one of the three major animation exhibitions and the largest pan-second animation game exhibition in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, although the demand for epidemic prevention and control was postponed from the National Day holiday to the end of October, the popularity of the exhibition has not diminished, and the theme of national style and national tide is very popular. On the same day, the communication forum held by the Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government invited a number of industry associations and leaders of well-known animation and game companies to see through their stories the development of local animation and game industry and the rise of China’s original IP. Guangdong’s game revenue accounted for more than 76% in the country. It was upgraded from "Guangzhou Animation Carnival" to "China International Comic Festival Animation Game Exhibition", and then joined hands with the Asian Game Expo to become "CICF×AGF", which accompanied the growth of a generation. So far, China International Comic Festival Animation Game Exhibition (CICF) has been held for 14 sessions. The exhibition site was flooded with people. Last year, CICF and AGF were included in the key project of "Guangdong Action Plan for Cultivating Digital Creative Strategic Emerging Industry Clusters (2020-2025)", and were given a new mission: to lead the development of cultural industries on the platform of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and to deepen the understanding of China traditional culture among young people in Greater Bay Area.In line with the development of the times and undertaking the mission of the times, this year’s China International Comic Festival animation and game exhibition has highlighted the theme of the national tide, realized a new model of "animation+games+tide play", continuously expanded its audience, and strengthened its platform empowerment and industrial pulling ability. Behind the fiery exhibition is the vigorous development of the industry. Lu Xiaokun, executive president of Guangdong Game Industry Association and chairman of Guangdong Photosynthesis Culture Development Co., Ltd., shared a set of data: Guangdong Province is an important industrial place for game development in China and even in the world. In the first half of 2021, the revenue scale of Guangdong game industry exceeded 110 billion yuan, up more than 10% year-on-year, and its share in the country still exceeded 76%, and it continued to maintain a steady growth rate. According to the reporter of Guangzhou Daily, Guangzhou’s "Animation Corps" is also a strong force: the number of enterprises exceeds 500, and the production and consumption of cartoons account for more than 10% of the country’s total. The annual output of cartoons exceeds 200, and the annual broadcast of cartoons is about 260,000 minutes. The output and broadcast volume are both leading in the country. In Lu Xiaokun’s view, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has a unique advantage in the development of online games, especially Guangzhou has a solid industrial base, the most cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation capability and the most inclusive policy environment. The continuous rise of the game industry not only contributes an important force to stimulating the domestic economy, but also contributes to the construction of a double-cycle new development pattern through cultural going out to sea, which has become a breakthrough for China culture to spread to the world. Zhang Xianfeng, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Manyou Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd. said,The exhibition will continue to explore the high-quality animation resources in the Bay Area and accelerate the formation of the closed-loop ecology of Guoman industry. Industry observation Guangzhou cultural products "going out" speed up at CICF site, Pleasant Goat, one of the most well-known IP in Guangzhou, stood in the characteristic street view of Guangzhou with basketball. As an original animation enterprise born and bred in Guangzhou, Original Power has persisted in innovation for 16 years, and continuously injected new vitality into the "big IP" of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf: it was distributed to 100 countries and regions around the world, making China’s first domestic original animation movie with a box office of $100 million, actively arranging short videos, live broadcasts and other emerging media fields, and making Pleasant Goat constantly "break the circle" through the ways that young people like. Su Yuyuan, the political director of South China for Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, said that the pace of "going out" of Guangzhou cultural products is accelerating. In the first half of 2021, the operating income of overseas game business of Sanqi Mutual Entertainment increased by 111.03% compared with the same period of last year, covering many countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, Europe and America, and the highest monthly flow of mobile games issued overseas exceeded 500 million yuan. Su Yuyuan believes that Guangzhou’s online game talents are profound and fertile ground for the development of mutual entertainment between Sanqi. According to Zhong Hong, COO of Guangzhou Baitian, thanks to the good talent atmosphere and policy environment in Guangzhou, the company’s team has been growing, and its products have been liked by more and more users. The number of registered users has grown from several hundred thousand to more than 200 million. The company has also become the head company in the field of game segmentation from a little-known team, and was listed in China and Hong Kong in 2014.The comic-con scene is popular and the game industry is strong. How to drain popularity to more offline scenes? Xiang Shijie, managing director of Guangzhou Hanchao Mutual Entertainment Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., put forward a topic from a unique perspective of cultural tourism. He said that the homogenization competition between scenic spots and theme parks has intensified, and the vitality of cultural tourism is tired. However, digital content represented by animation and games helps to activate offline experience, which is also the characteristic advantage of Guangzhou’s cultural industry. Therefore, he suggested that Guangzhou build a new cultural and creative industry gathering base and a digital cultural tourism destination. Animation games not only inject vitality into urban cultural tourism, but also promote non-genetic inheritance and rejuvenation. This year’s CICF Comic-Con ushered in the first night activity-the "Shengshi Huaguang" 2021 Haizhu National Tide Lantern Festival at the Gongmeigang International Digital Innovation Center in Pazhou. The curator combined China’s traditional non-legacy Foshan lantern skills with the game IP, invited Yang Yurong, a national non-legacy Foshan lantern inheritor and China arts and crafts master, to take the lead, and Huang Hongyu, a new generation of lantern production artist, made more than ten groups of giant lanterns, providing visitors with an ingenious "second half".

The Scare of the Deep Sea: A Gift from the Hidden Front

  On October 22 nd, the spy war drama "The Scare of the Deep Sea" was launched, which announced that the third round of tribute drama exhibition officially entered a climax stage.

  This drama is based on the novel of the same name by well-known screenwriter Hai Fei. It is set in Shanghai in 1941. Under the sinister anti-Japanese war situation, Chen Shan, who lives at the bottom of the society, was selected by Japanese spy leader Araki because of his resemblance to military special agent Xiao Zhengguo, forcing him to become a Japanese spy and penetrate into Chongqing military system. In this process, Chen Shan was driven to fight against the enemy step by step by the resentment of the Japanese cruelty and the immortal national consciousness. Inspired by Zhang Li, an outstanding communist, party member, Chen Shan not only strengthened his belief in communism, but also completed many tasks gloriously and grew into a real communist fighter in the transformation of his identity between Shanghai and Chongqing.

  "The Scare of the Spy Wars in the Deep Sea" handed over a high-quality answer sheet with a strong lineup and in-depth plot, which attracted great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  Chinese culture not only adheres to its roots, but also keeps pace with the times, which enables the Chinese nation to maintain firm national self-confidence and strong repair ability, and cultivate common feelings and values, common ideals and spirits. Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s literature and art in the new era presents an exciting new picture. In the past five years, the vast number of literary and art workers have adhered to the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s cultural development, undertaken the new mission entrusted by the new era, clearly demonstrated the people-centered creative orientation, and created various excellent literary and artistic works. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and nearly 100 tribute dramas have emerged in the literary and art market. In a series of dramas, The Scare of the Spy War in the Deep Sea has successfully attracted a large number of audience’s attention by its delicate portrayal of the national spirit and youthful expression of the plot. In the play, the revolutionary martyrs are described delicately. Their youth burning in the troubled times of the bonfire, like a thunder, awakened the national justice of a generation of Chinese people and ignited the light of the motherland. Like a flash of lightning, it illuminates the blood of contemporary audiences and inherits the immortal revolutionary spirit. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi, Sean and other young actors, who have both acting skills and popularity, have taken the lead in this drama, contributed excellent acting skills, and created a new model of "tribute drama+flow", which attracted a large number of young audiences. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi and Sean, several young actors, have proved their acting skills through unremitting efforts and many works that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and have accumulated the love of a large number of audiences through their acting skills.In the online public opinion field, there are both "audience affinity", traffic and discussion, and several leading actors have naturally accumulated more attention.

  We should adhere to the people-centered creative orientation. The people are not only the creators of history, but also the witnesses of history, the "dramatists" and the "dramatists" of history. If literature and art want to reflect the voice of the people, we must adhere to the fundamental direction of serving the people and socialism. "Spy Warfare in the Deep Sea" focuses on ordinary but great ordinary people in different industries in a special era. They have different backgrounds, different degrees of acceptance of culture, and everyone’s fate has different trajectories. But in the eyes of the audience, watching the characters in the play is like seeing every ordinary person around us. In the process of escape, Chen Shan became a Japanese spy for her sister and family. In the course of the task, he and Zhang Li attracted each other because of their common beliefs, and finally recognized their beliefs and persistence. Finally, at the moment of national survival, they were willing to be a beacon of national awakening and rejuvenation. Love, affection, faith and national righteousness are intertwined, which together constitute that true and difficult historical cry. "The Scare of the Deep Sea" takes the audience to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, eulogize the heroes of the times, and also alert the young people in the new era, always remembering history, Do not forget your initiative mind.

  Different from previous spy war dramas, The Scare of the Deep Sea takes a different approach, with Chen Shan being forced to become a Japanese spy as the creative perspective. The story is fascinating and meticulously depicts the mental journey of the characters, which not only highlights the great revolutionary spirit of the people of China, but also has far-reaching social education significance, enhances the modern audience’s awe of their ancestors, and triggers the inheritance and development of the spirit of struggle and dedication at present. (You Zijun)

Policy Continuation, Strength, Matching, Optimization and Upgrading —— A "Great Article" on New Energy Vehicles Going to the Countryside in China

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th Title: Policy Continuation, Force Support, Optimization and Upgrade — — China’s "big article" on new energy vehicles going to the countryside

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Kang, Wu Huijun and Wang Cunfu

  Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Charging Infrastructure to Better Support New Energy Vehicles to the Countryside and Rural Revitalization". This year, the relevant policies to promote the development of new energy automobile industry continue to exert their strength. How will China do a good job in this "big article" of new energy vehicles going to the countryside?

  Three years of "going to the countryside" have yielded fruitful results

  In July 2020, China launched new energy vehicles to the countryside. Activities gradually penetrated into third-and fourth-tier cities, and kept close to county and township markets and rural consumers.

  In the past three years, the event has launched nearly 200 rural models, with a cumulative sales of more than 4.1 million vehicles.

  "The horses and chariots have not moved, and the piles are built first." Huang Tao, the operation director of Hainan Charging and Replacing Network Co., Ltd., said that the promotion of new energy vehicles in Hainan has been accelerated by building an information-based, digital and intelligent "one network" operation supervision platform.

  According to Zhong Dong, director of Hainan New Energy Vehicle Promotion Center, in the first four months of this year, Hainan has promoted and applied 29,100 new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles accounted for 43.6% of the new vehicles.

  Relevant ministries and local governments have given strong support, and car companies such as Wuling, BYD and Geely are also making active efforts.

  According to the relevant person in charge of BYD, in recent years, BYD has continued to launch vehicles suitable for the use of cars in counties and townships, and the channels have sunk, so as to facilitate consumers in counties and townships to see cars, test cars, buy cars and repair cars, and promote the steady increase of brand awareness and sales.

  “‘ Going to the countryside ’ The event played an important role in driving the steady growth of sales. " Wang Jun, deputy director of the Industrial Research Department of China Automobile Industry Association, said.

  According to the data of China Automobile Association, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China soared from 1.206 million in 2019 to 6.887 million in 2022; The number of new energy passenger cars in non-first-and second-tier cities has increased rapidly, from 175,000 in 2019 to 1.714 million in 2022.

  Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Association, said that efforts to promote new energy vehicles to the countryside not only guide enterprises to overweight and sink the market, but also promote the comprehensive upgrade of rural residents’ travel modes, and also promote the large-scale development of new energy vehicles to a new stage.

  Large market space and sufficient economic potential.

  At the beginning of the year, the Central Document No.1 proposed to encourage qualified areas to carry out new energy vehicles to the countryside; The "Opinions" were promulgated in May; On June 8, the Ministry of Commerce announced that it would organize the "100-city linkage" and other automobile consumption promotion activities to further enrich the supply of new energy automobile products in rural areas.

  What key signals have been released after the introduction of relevant policies?

  "In recent years, the new energy automobile industry has flourished and has become one of the important engines to promote a new round of economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development." Xu Haidong said that the layout of charging infrastructure and the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside can not only continuously expand the market space of the vast counties and townships, but also improve energy links and boost the development of related industries, with a view to the future.

  At present, many places in the country focus on promoting the construction of charging infrastructure, paving the way for new energy vehicles to go to the countryside.

  "You can charge half the electricity in half an hour, and the monthly charging fee is only 100 yuan." Guo Xinan, a villager from Juwang Village, Haikou Town, Daguan District, Anqing City, Anhui Province, told reporters that his "mileage anxiety" has disappeared since charging piles were installed in neighboring villages in March.

  "Promoting the construction of charging facilities is like opening up the countryside ‘ Seven meridians and eight veins ’ 。” Ma Cuibing, director of the Automobile Industry Department of Anhui Provincial Economic and Information Office, said that this move will promote more choices of car purchases in rural areas and make it more convenient for urban residents to come to the countryside, which will inevitably lead to the rapid development of a series of industries such as tourism, logistics and supporting services for new energy vehicles, promote employment and promote local economic development.

  Experts said that there are more and more consumers who like the natural and rural scenery in go on road trip, and the rural tourism market has broad potential. With the policy guidance and the improvement of residents’ income, the demand and consumption potential of cars in rural areas will become more and more prominent.

  "The penetration rate of new energy vehicles in counties and townships is much lower than that in cities, and there is huge room for improvement." Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, believes that it will be a great market opportunity to promote the consumption growth in county and township markets and realize the popularization of new energy vehicles, which is of great significance for optimizing the consumption structure of residents and continuously implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand.

  The Study on Electric Vehicle Travel in Rural Areas of China published by committee of 100, China, predicts that by 2030, there will be nearly 160 vehicles with 1,000 people in rural areas of China, and the total number of vehicles will exceed 70 million. The China Automobile Association predicts that if it can meet the needs of rural residents for motorized travel in the future, it will probably incite supermarkets with a scale of 500 billion yuan.

  How to promote better "going to the countryside"?

  Meng Wei, spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, said recently that, on the whole, the new energy vehicle market in rural areas of China is still in its infancy, with relatively low total ownership, insufficient construction of charging infrastructure, insufficient supply of economical and practical vehicles, and insufficient sales and service capabilities, which have restricted the promotion and use of new energy vehicles.

  Xu Haidong believes that at present, new energy vehicles still face multiple challenges in going to the countryside:

  — — The price of new energy vehicles is still higher than that of fuel vehicles. The types of product supply are limited, so how to scientifically and directionally develop suitable models has become a compulsory course for car companies.

  — — At present, the profit rate of new energy vehicles is generally not high. The cost of channel sinking, promotion and promotion is added, which makes it more difficult for car companies to make profits.

  — — Insufficient charging facilities restrict the purchase and use of new energy vehicles in counties and townships. The construction and maintenance cost of charging facilities is high, and it is difficult to make a profit in the short term.

  Zhang Dawei, director of product positioning of SAIC-GM-Wuling, said that the price sensitivity of county and township consumers is high, and the expected price is mainly below 100,000 yuan.

  Industry experts suggest that car companies should develop models that are more suitable for counties and townships, such as appropriately reducing cruising range to save costs. In terms of policy, the state can also consider tilting and guiding, and appropriately increase assistance according to the actual situation.

  Cui Dongshu said that publicity and popular science work in rural areas should be further improved, more efforts should be encouraged and mobilized to promote the renovation and construction of rural basic power facilities, and more difficulties and problems encountered in practice should be solved, such as increasing the capacity of distribution networks.

  "New energy vehicles going to the countryside is a long-term activity and systematic project." Xu Haidong said that in the next step, the government, car companies, power grids and other parties need to form a joint force to continuously explore economic potential and expand market space. With the macroeconomic stabilization, the new energy automobile industry will maintain steady and sustainable development.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded to "disable VPN": the clean-up target is unqualified people.

At the press conference of the State Council Office on the 15th, Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the target of this time was that VPN suppliers in China had stopped operating recently.Mainly those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards are cleaned up. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

The following is a record of the press conference:

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office. Today, we are very pleased to invite Mr. Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Zheng Lixin, spokesperson and director of the Operation Monitoring Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Mr. Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department, and ask them to introduce the development of the industrial communication industry in the first half of 2017 and answer your questions. Let’s ask Mr. Zhang Feng to make an introduction first.

Zhang Feng:




The effects of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading have been further manifested. Electronics and equipment manufacturing continued to lead the industrial growth, with the added value increasing by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively in the first half of the year. The industrial benefits of raw materials rose steadily, with a profit increase of 46.2% in the first five months. The consumer goods industry was generally stable. The added value in the first half of the year increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points higher than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the profit increased by 10.6%, and the supply level of middle and high-end consumption improved.

The key work of supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector has been steadily advanced. The de-capacity of steel was accelerated. In the first five months, 84.8% of the annual task of resolving excess steel capacity was completed, and the task of banning "strip steel" was fully completed by the end of June. Positive progress has been made in resolving excess capacity in industries such as electrolytic aluminum, cement and flat glass. Cost reduction measures continued to be strengthened, urging all regions to cancel more than 200 deposit projects involving enterprises and return more than 30 billion yuan of deposit. Steadily promote deleveraging, and the asset-liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size decreased by 0.7 percentage points year-on-year at the end of May. Vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industry and achieve new results, organize and implement five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center and intelligent manufacturing, and promote the construction of "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration urban agglomeration. In the first half of the year, the added value and investment of high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 13.1% and 21.5% respectively, which was 6.2 and 6.9 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Positive progress has been made in the entrepreneurial innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the efforts to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of small and micro enterprises have been further strengthened. The pilot demonstration of the manufacturing dual-innovation platform was actively promoted. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year; In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the 32-month contraction period.

The information and communication industry maintained rapid development. The network has made greater strides in speeding up and reducing fees. The penetration rate of stable broadband households has increased to 67%, and the penetration rate of mobile broadband users has increased to 77.4%, all of which have exceeded the annual target. In the first half of the year, the revenue of telecom business increased by 5.7% year-on-year, and the revenue of Internet and related services increased by 19.8% year-on-year. 4G users increased by 120 million, reaching 890 million, accounting for 65% of the total mobile users; The proportion of optical fiber access users reached 80.9%, the prosperity index of China’s Internet industry grew steadily, and the software business income increased by 13.2% year-on-year.

Judging from the operation in the first half of the year, the industrial economy has achieved a good trend of speed stabilization, efficiency improvement, quality improvement and structural optimization while striving to overcome the complex and changeable external environment and the increase of unstable and uncertain factors, which laid a good foundation for the smooth operation of the industry in the second half of the year and the realization of the annual objectives and tasks.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects:

First, further consolidate the momentum of steady growth of the industrial economy. The second is to focus on promoting the structural reform of the supply side in the industrial sector. The third is to vigorously revitalize the manufacturing industry. The fourth is to actively promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The fifth is to enhance the supporting role of the information and communication industry in economic and social development.

The above is a brief situation. Now my colleagues and I are willing to answer your questions.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Thanks to Mr. Zhang Feng for his introduction. Let’s enter the question-and-answer session. As usual, please inform your news organization before asking questions. Please ask questions.

CCTV reporter:

I think it is mentioned in the data that the industrial economy was at its best in the first half of the year in the same period of nearly three years, and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.9%. Does this mean that the industrial economy has bottomed out and showed a steady and positive trend? In addition, I would also like to ask the spokesman to predict the trend of industrial operation in the second half of the year. Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Please ask Director Zheng Lixin to answer this question.

Zheng Lixin:

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Thank you for your question. In the first half of the year, China’s industrial economy was generally stable, stable and positive, mainly manifested in the steady growth of industrial production, continuous improvement of benefits, accelerated conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and active promotion of structural adjustment. The main indicators were better than expected, and the current "good" situation of industrial operation can be understood from four aspects.

First, from the perspective of industrial production, the good situation is continuing.

First, the industrial growth rate is accelerating, and the momentum of steady growth is obvious. In the first half of the year, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 6.9%, which was the best in the past three years. In June, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 7.6%, which has been higher than 6% for 14 consecutive months and has remained above 6.5% since this year; Among them, the growth rate of added value of manufacturing industry increased by 8% year-on-year.

Second, driven by major measures such as supply-side structural reform, the profits of upstream industries have increased substantially, and the benefits of enterprises have continued to improve. In the first five months, the total profit of 38 of the 41 major industrial sectors increased year-on-year. The income and profit of the main business above designated size increased by 13.5% and 22.7% respectively year-on-year, which is also relatively high in recent years, accelerating by 10.6 and 16.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year. While the profits of the whole industry increased substantially, the profits of the raw materials industry increased by 46.2% year-on-year, which played a great role in the profit growth of the whole industry.

Third, the international foreign trade market has picked up, and industrial exports have shown a recovery growth. In the first half of the year, export delivery value, an industry above designated size, grew by 10.9%, 11.6 percentage points faster than that of the same period last year, which strongly supported the industrial growth this year.

Second, from the perspective of industrial restructuring, good power is increasing.

First, the development of advanced manufacturing industry has been actively promoted. "Made in China 2025" has progressed steadily, and five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center, intelligent manufacturing, strong industrial base, green manufacturing and high-end equipment innovation, have progressed smoothly, and major breakthroughs have been made in the development of major equipment such as domestic large aircraft and the first domestic aircraft carrier. In the first half of this year, the added value of electronics and equipment manufacturing increased by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively, and these two major industries became important forces for industrial growth in the first half of this year.

Second, the pace of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has accelerated. We have implemented the "Three Products" special action, and internet plus and sharing economy have driven traditional industries to open up new development space. Smartphones, high-definition TVs and other products that meet the requirements of consumption upgrading have maintained rapid growth. In the first half of the year, the added value of consumer goods industry increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Third, the cultivation of new kinetic energy is promoted in an orderly manner. The implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy has been accelerated, mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the manufacturing industry have flourished, and new technologies, new products, new models and new formats have emerged. In the first half of the year, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 13.1% year-on-year, which was 6.2 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry. The output of industrial robots and integrated circuits increased by 52.3% and 23.8% respectively. In the first half of the year, we actively promoted structural adjustment, made positive progress in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and achieved a great leap in emerging industries.

Third, from the perspective of regional development, a good foundation is being consolidated.

First, the industrial growth of the eastern coastal provinces with strong innovation ability and large investment in technological transformation is stable. Shanghai, Fujian and other provinces and cities have formulated policies and measures to accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries and promote the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and continued to expand industrial investment and investment in technological transformation, thus maintaining rapid development of regional industries. The growth rate of industrial added value in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Zhejiang, which account for the top five in the national total industrial output, is higher than the national average growth rate, and the support of industrial provinces for steady industrial growth is further enhanced.

Second, the northeastern and western provinces with heavy industrial structure and poor efficiency in the previous two years showed a good trend. In the first half of the year, the industrial growth rate in Ningxia, Yunnan, Qinghai and other regions was faster than the national average growth rate. The decline in industrial growth rate in Liaoning narrowed by 3.4 percentage points year-on-year, and profits in Xinjiang and other provinces all turned from a sharp decline in the same period last year to a rapid increase.

Fourth, from the indicators related to industrial activities, good expectations continue. In the first half of the year, the ex-factory price (PPI) of industrial producers increased by 6.6% year-on-year, which has maintained a positive growth for 10 consecutive months. The purchasing managers’ index of manufacturing industry has been above threshold for 11 consecutive months, indicating that the production of enterprises keeps expanding. Industrial electricity consumption and freight volume increased by 6.1% and 10% respectively, and increased by 5.3 and 6.9 percentage points respectively. The matching between these related indicators and industrial growth is increasing.

Just now, a reporter friend asked about the expected situation of industry in the second half of the year. Generally speaking, the signs of stable and good industry in China are increasing, especially under the impetus of supply-side structural reform, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has become an important force to consolidate economic development. However, we also notice that structural contradictions are still outstanding in economic development. With the continuous implementation of the central government’s policy of supporting the real economy, industrial development is constantly overcoming various difficulties, achieving a growth rate of 6.9% in the first half of this year, achieving the best state in the past three years, and constantly overcoming various difficulties.

Looking forward to the situation in the second half of the year, there are more and more factors conducive to the steady growth of industry, but we still have to focus on solving some new situations and new problems that may arise in industrial operation. We also focus on strengthening the monitoring, early warning and prediction of industrial operation, constantly discovering the problems that affect the steady growth of industry and constantly solving these problems. It should be said that the good momentum of ensuring stable industrial growth in the second half of the year will be further consolidated, and it is expected that the industry will continue to operate smoothly in the second half of the year. According to the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will conscientiously implement policies and measures to stabilize growth, promote reform, adjust the structure, benefit people’s livelihood and prevent risks, further promote the supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector, continuously accelerate the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, revitalize advanced manufacturing industries, maintain healthy industrial development, and strive to accomplish all tasks this year. Thank you.

American cable news reporter:

Recently, some media pay more attention to China’s VPN-related policies. I heard that some VPN providers in China have stopped operating. Can you confirm or clarify it? In addition, what laws and policies does China have on VPN management? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer this question for you. The problem you mentioned just now is like this. In order to strengthen market supervision, maintain a fair and orderly market order and promote the development of the industry, in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market. The Notice is mainly to better regulate market behavior.The main targets of the regulation are enterprises and individuals who have not been approved by the competent telecommunications authorities and have no qualification for international communication business, who rent international private lines or VPN to carry out cross-border telecommunications business activities in violation of regulations. You can also take a closer look at the relevant provisions on cross-border business activities, which will not affect domestic and foreign enterprises and users to carry out this normal cross-border access to the Internet, and he will legally carry out various business activities according to regulations, and will not bring them any impact. Mainly to clean up those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

At the same time, we also noticed that some foreign trade enterprises and multinational enterprises can rent from telecom operators who set up international communication import and export bureaus according to law when they need to cross-border networking through special lines for office use and other reasons, and the relevant provisions of the Notice will not affect their normal operation.

China International Television reporter:

Since the summer of this year, there have been frequent rainstorm disasters in many areas of China. We know that communication is very important for emergency rescue and disaster relief. I would like to ask, what is the current progress of communication support in the disaster area? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

This question is answered by Director Wen Ku.

Wen Ku:

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China is a country where various geological disasters occur frequently. Communication plays an important role in emergency rescue and disaster relief, whether it is to report safety to relatives and friends or to communicate emergency rescue and disaster relief information. In order to do a good job in emergency communication support this year, at the beginning of this year, our Ministry issued relevant documents on flood control communication support, sent inspection teams to Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and other places to carry out inspections on flood control emergency communication support, and organized emergency communication support drills in key areas such as Beijing, Jiangsu and Guangdong to continuously improve the emergency communication support capability of the whole industry.

Since the flood season, many parts of the country have been hit by heavy rains. In view of the exceptionally heavy rain and flood disasters that are rare in history, under the overall arrangement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the local communication industries responded in time and fought against disasters, and the relevant communication administrations took the lead and went to the front line to supervise and dispatch flood fighting and rescue; The basic telecommunications enterprises acted quickly and dispatched a large number of personnel and equipment to repair damaged communication facilities and do a good job in emergency communication support. According to statistics, as of July 23, the national communications industry has dispatched 182,000 emergency repair personnel, 67,000 emergency repair vehicles and 85,000 power generators, and sent 180 million emergency short messages. After all-out repair, 52,900 base stations (accounting for 97.3% of the total number of returned base stations) have been restored, and 10,000 kilometers of lines have been restored (accounting for 95.3% of the total number of damaged lines). In the early stage, the communication facilities affected by floods in southern China have been basically restored, and staged results have been achieved in flood control and disaster relief. At present, it is mainly due to heavy rainfall in Northeast Jilin, and some facilities are damaged and are being fully repaired. The overall operation of the national network is stable, and there is no total communication resistance in large areas above towns and villages, and the emergency rescue and disaster relief dispatching and command communication in the affected areas is smooth.

Our department will continue to pay close attention to the development of flood, dispatch and respond in time, do a solid job in emergency communication support, and provide strong support for flood fighting and emergency rescue.

Reporter of China Radio International:

We know that this year is the third year that China has proposed to speed up and reduce fees. How does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology evaluate the work progress in these three years? In addition, what are the specific work plans for the second half of the year? What is the overall benefit of speeding up and reducing fees? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer your question. Thank you for your question. According to the request of the State Council, the work of speeding up and reducing fees has been started, and this year has entered its third year. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it, and in this year’s "Government Work Report", they asked the Internet to take greater steps to speed up and reduce fees.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology resolutely implements the decision-making arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and works with relevant departments and basic telecommunications enterprises to push forward all work in a down-to-earth manner. At present, relevant work is progressing well.

First, we will continue to promote the construction of high-speed broadband networks. All three companies continue to promote the construction of fiber-optic broadband and 4G mobile broadband networks, and constantly strengthen the breadth and depth of network coverage. By the first half of 2017, all cities in China had built optical network cities with a total of 2.99 million 4G base stations. The proportion of broadband users over 20M nationwide reached 86%, and the proportion of 4G users reached 65%. We will continue to promote the full coverage of rural broadband, and jointly organize and implement the pilot project of universal telecommunications service with the Ministry of Finance. More than 130,000 administrative villages have been deployed with optical fibers. All the 32,000 administrative villages supported this year have been confirmed, and bidding has been started in various places.

The second is to vigorously promote the popularization of broadband. As of May, the total number of fixed broadband household users in China exceeded 300 million, and the household penetration rate reached 67.0%. Mobile broadband users have surpassed the 1 billion mark, and the penetration rate in the national population has reached 77.4%. Both of the two penetration indicators have achieved their annual development targets ahead of schedule.

Third, various preferential measures for fee reduction have been implemented. Since May 1st, all three companies have significantly reduced their international long-distance telephone charges in major directions to 0.49-0.99 yuan/minute, with an average drop of up to 90%. At the same time, the Internet private line access charges have been lowered by more than 15%, and the international settlement negotiations will be further intensified, and the international long-distance telephone charges in more directions will be gradually lowered. For industrial parks, dual-innovation enterprises, etc., we will launch special broadband products such as business lines and micro-broadband that can better meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

With regard to the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, our department has continued to push the three basic telecommunications companies to speed up their work in accordance with the principle of ensuring that the work is in place and striving for early implementation. According to what we know now, the three companies are going all out to promote system transformation and other related work, and strive to achieve their goals ahead of schedule.

Speed-up and fee reduction have promoted the continuous development and growth of China’s digital economy. According to the White Paper on the Development of Digital Economy in China (2017) issued by China Institute of Information and Communication, in 2016, the scale of China’s digital economy reached 22.6 trillion yuan, a nominal increase of over 18.9% year-on-year, which was significantly higher than the GDP growth rate of that year, accounting for 30.3% of GDP. Digital economy has become the core driving force for economic growth in recent years, and its contribution to GDP growth is increasing. The deepening of speeding up and reducing fees and the development of digital economy have also driven the competitiveness of related enterprises in China to continue to increase. At present, the total market value of 89 listed Internet companies in China has reached 7.4 trillion US dollars, an increase of nearly 40% compared with the end of 2016. Three companies have entered the top 10 listed Internet companies in the world, and nine companies have entered the top 30.

It should be said that the significance of speeding up and reducing fees is very great. Thank you.

Hong Kong Cable TV reporter:

I am very concerned about VPN. I would like to ask, according to the Notice issued in January, what is the approval standard for relevant enterprises?

Zhang Feng:

Not only private Internet lines, including VPN, but also basic telecommunications services and value-added telecommunications services need to be approved by the government. There are regulations from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Telecommunications Ordinance to the directory of telecommunications services, and these regulations have different requirements for different services. For example, operating basic telecommunications services requires basic telecommunications services, and operating value-added telecommunications services requires value-added telecommunications services. There are many value-added telecom services now, which are all described in the new telecom service catalogue. So the standard question you just asked has different requirements for different businesses, and accordingly there are different standards. For example, big data, cloud computing, data centers, etc., mainly strengthen management, strengthen norms, ensure consumer rights and interests, and provide high-quality, long-term, fixed and safe services. For example, there are still some data centers, namely IDC, where the standards have also been revised, mainly to ensure the quality of service and security, which is the most important. Many of our businesses are now in the cloud, and the data center is an important support. If the data center is not well protected and does not operate safely and reliably, it will have great hidden dangers for enterprises. Thank you.

China Daily reporter:

We noticed that the PMI of SMEs in June was 50.1%, which was above the critical point for two consecutive months. Does this mean that the development trend of SMEs is improving? Next, what specific measures will the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology take to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Thank you for your question. In the first half of this year, our department stepped up efforts to supervise the implementation of the support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises, promoted the introduction of preferential measures to raise the upper limit of annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises from the current 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, organized special actions on accounts receivable financing for small and micro enterprises, and actively promoted the pilot demonstration of the "double innovation" platform for manufacturing, the national demonstration base for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation, and the demonstration of small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation cities. At present, 38,000 small and micro enterprises have settled in 194 national demonstration bases for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurship and innovation, and 760,000 jobs have been provided.

Under the continuous action of policies and measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown a steady and positive trend. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year, which was 0.7 percentage points faster than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the operating income and total profit of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 13.5% and 15.7% respectively, up by 7.5 and 6.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year, and the loss of enterprises was 14.9%, narrowing by 1.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the situation of being in the contraction range for 32 consecutive months and being above the critical point for two consecutive months. These data show that at present, the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises is generally stable and their economic benefits have maintained rapid growth.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects. First, focus on improving the policy environment. Do a good job in organizing and implementing the plan for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (2016-2020), and at the same time cooperate with the National People’s Congress to continue to do a good job in the revision of the SME Promotion Law. The second is to increase fiscal and taxation support. Continue to do a good job in the work of the National SME Development Fund, and drive social capital to promote the development of growing SMEs in seed stage and initial stage. Promote the implementation of preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption to support the development of small and micro enterprises. The third is to further improve the financing environment. Deepen cooperation with banking financial institutions and implement cooperation agreements signed with China Construction Bank. Do a good job in the management of credit guarantee compensation funds for small and medium-sized enterprises. Cooperate with the People’s Bank of China to do a good job in pledge financing of accounts receivable. The fourth is to promote the transformation of entrepreneurial innovation of SMEs. We will continue to implement the informatization promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises and the intellectual property promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises. Use the "internet plus" to promote Sharing Manufacturing and promote the development of large, medium and small enterprises. At the same time, we will continue to hold the "Maker China" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Promote the construction and pilot of smart clusters. The fifth is to improve the public service system. Promote the development of SME policy services and voluntary services. We will promote the network construction and service development of public platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises. Thank you.

NPR reporter:

I want to ask ordinary people how to visit and browse foreign websites. What will happen if VPN is used? It is reported that some places have issued regulations to strengthen the management of those who use VPN to surf the Internet illegally. Is this the case?

Zhang Feng:

Please listen to the Secretary Wen’s reply.

Wen Ku:

Thank you. All three journalists are concerned about VPN. In fact, Mr. Zhang has given a very accurate answer to the VPN question just now. I’d like to repeat that to operate related businesses in China, you should apply for permission according to the laws and regulations of China, which is actually done in many countries all over the world. This is done in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the management methods of each country are different.

I don’t know about the local regulations you mentioned just now. But I can tell you that the three major operators in China have done a lot of work in providing services to the people, and the network speed has been continuously improved, which has achieved good results. Just now, Mr. Zhang also introduced this aspect, especially the digital economy, the streets and lanes, especially the bike-sharing near the subway entrance, etc., which shows that the network coverage is very perfect and the application is increasingly extensive. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some needs of ordinary people. However, it is not allowed by the laws of China to spread harmful or even violent information through the Internet. Thank you.

China News Service reporter:

Two questions. First, the State Council recently deployed the construction of the "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone, and said that it would innovate its system and mechanism. Please tell us something about it. Secondly, it has been reported recently that the four major automobile industry associations in the world sent a letter to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, requesting to postpone the implementation of the dual-point system for new energy vehicles, which is what they call the quota policy. Please tell us about the impact of the dual-point system on the automobile market. What is the response of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to the demands of the four major automobile industry associations? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

You just asked two questions. Let me answer your first question, which is about the creation of a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone recently deployed by the the State Council Standing Committee. It is of great significance to create a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone and explore new breakthroughs in the transformation and upgrading of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, to promote structural reform on the supply side, build a manufacturing power, maintain medium-and high-speed economic growth, and move towards the middle and high-end level. The deployment of "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone in the State Council is an important support for the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing a strong country, and it is also an important measure to accelerate the "Made in China 2025" to take root. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the the State Council Standing Committee, continuously enrich the work content and policy connotation of the demonstration area together with the member units of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, improve the gold content of the pilot demonstration work, guide and support local bold innovation, try first, form a typical experience that can be replicated and popularized, and accelerate the overall process of "Made in China 2025".

Specifically, first, we should pay close attention to the study of the relevant declaration standards, management methods and workflow of the demonstration area, and further clarify the principles, work requirements and demonstration priorities of the establishment. Second, it is necessary to make overall consideration of the connection between the existing pilot demonstration and the creation of demonstration areas, further focus on policy resources, and form a joint effort between departments, the central and local governments. Third, we should refine and improve preferential policies, and make efforts in deepening the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", promoting the development of large, medium and small enterprises, and transforming and upgrading traditional industries. Preferential policies mainly focus on the following four aspects: First, simplify administration and decentralize power, further deepen the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform in the demonstration area, optimize the business environment, and increase efforts to attract foreign investment. Second, fiscal and taxation financial support, support demonstration areas to vigorously promote innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthen corporate equity incentives, and explore policies such as linking credit evaluation with tax convenience services. Third, land supply guarantee, including policies such as giving moderate inclination to the annual new industrial land index in the demonstration area. The fourth is the introduction of talent training, supporting the demonstration area to expand the two-way flow mechanism of talents, carrying out pilot projects of entrepreneurship subsidies, and supporting overseas talents to return to China to start businesses.

The main body of the demonstration area is the local area. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen support and guidance with the members of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, so that the demonstration area can better play its role of demonstration and lead, and drive other regions to accelerate the upgrading, efficiency improvement, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Thank you.

Zheng Lixin: I will answer the second question. Thank you for your question first. The parallel management method of average fuel consumption and new energy points of passenger car enterprises, also referred to as the double points method, was recently publicized on the legal information website of China Government of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office, and will be officially released in the near future when the release procedure is fulfilled. The double integral method is aimed at the actual situation of the development of new energy vehicles in China. Through this method, we can establish a long-term mechanism to promote the development of new energy vehicles, promote the research and development and promotion of new energy vehicles, and strengthen the management of energy conservation and emission reduction of automobile products. This is also a common practice in the world. In this respect, we will also actively carry out international cooperation, jointly promote the development of new energy vehicles in China with the international community, and create a good environment for the development of our traditional vehicles.

The reporter mentioned the suggestions made by the four major automobile associations. We received the opinions of the four associations during the publicity of the double-point method, and we will do further research. Thank you.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Time, today’s press conference is over. Thanks again to several publishers, and thank you all. thank you

Learn layout, assist in training Go, and walk with artificial intelligence.

  Core reading

  Since the "man-machine war" in 2016, the influence of artificial intelligence on the world of Go is unprecedented. Breaking stereotypes, studying layout, interpreting trends, and assisting training … … Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more involved in the field of Go. Players’ chess skills have been generally improved, training teachers have been reinforced by the situation, and the promotion of running games has gone to the cloud, and the explanation of watching games is more intuitive … … With the extensive application of new technologies, Go and artificial intelligence have joined hands to create a new situation.

  On September 1st, 2020, the first stage of China Men’s Go League was over. In eight rounds, no player or team remained unbeaten. The pattern is no longer strong and weak, and the competition is more suspenseful. Behind this is the overall improvement of the players’ strength. "It is a good phenomenon that there is no victory. The game is very intense and the level is very close." "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping commented after the game.

  This change is not unrelated to the help of Go artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. Breaking stereotypes, studying layout, interpreting trends, and assisting training … … With the increasing participation of artificial intelligence in the field of Go, the human brain and computer are constantly learning from each other. According to industry insiders, compared with before artificial intelligence was integrated into the field of Go, the strength of professional players generally improved a lot.

  Artificial intelligence is widely used in auxiliary training.

  In the seventh round of encirclement, the two players who ranked first in Go in China and South Korea lost at the same time. China’s "seven-time champion" Ke Jie’s 15-game winning streak came to an abrupt end; South Korea’s "post-00" world champion Shen Zhenluan’s five-game winning streak has also come to an end. Just a few days ago, these two players just set a new record on the Goratings World Go Rating List — — Shen Zhen’s score reached an unprecedented 3,800, and Ke Jie’s score of 3,723 also set a new personal high.

  Since the man-machine war between Li Shishi and Alpha Go in 2016, the impact of artificial intelligence on Go is unprecedented. The computer’s precise calculation, learning ability and layout are jaw-dropping. Today’s Go AI software can even make the two sons compete with the top human masters. "Deep powerlessness" once pervaded the professional chess world.

  It has long been a compulsory course for professional players to use AI as technical guidance and study different "problem-solving ideas". China Weiqi Team and Tencent Intelligent Weiqi "Jueyi" renewed their contract until 2022. By providing auxiliary functions such as chess splitting, winning rate, coincidence degree and situation analysis, the special training AI has assumed multiple roles such as coach, sparring partner and chess friend. Before the competition, chess players often use AI to make targeted preparations.

  The "post-90 s" players were the first to grow up through "online chess", and now it’s time to come to the new node of AI. The equalization of training resources has gradually narrowed the gap between new and old players. Young people who are new to professional chess are not short of opportunities to compete with masters, and the growth rate of "post-00" players is further accelerated. "Now every game of chess has become bad. Sitting in front of the board, everyone has similar things. The outcome depends on improvisation and adjustment." China chess player Chen Yaoye said.

  Under the trend that chess players generally benefit from artificial intelligence, who can learn more nutrients is more likely to stand out. After Ke Jie’s defeat in the "man-machine war" in Wuzhen, he reconsidered Weiqi, and his core abilities such as overall view and judgment went up a step. As one of the fastest players in South Korea to accept AI, Shen Zhenqi has made a qualitative leap after learning thousands of games with AI a year and improving the layout shortcomings.

  AI and professional Go are inseparable. With the help of this springboard, in the past, players’ collective chess moves turned more to collective and AI. "Everyone’s collective research will help to digest the ideas of AI faster, which in turn will help more people accept new changes." Hua Xueming, the leader of China Weiqi team, said.

  Chess players’ understanding of Go is constantly updated and expanded.

  Artificial intelligence is regarded as a great change that has never happened before in the world of Go. From the initial dissatisfaction and shock, to the frustration and confusion after the defeat, and then to the research and consultation after in-depth understanding, most players have experienced complex emotional changes. Ke Jie once lamented: "Watching AI play chess is like a fairy fight. We can only appreciate and learn."

  Fujizawa Hedeyuki, a Japanese Weiqi master, once said that there are a hundred chess skills, but I only know seven. When the wave of artificial intelligence hit, everyone realized more and more that this was not modesty. The previous formula of strokes is often overturned under the thinking of AI, and the players’ understanding of Go is constantly updated and expanded, and more possibilities are found on the chessboard. "For example, many strokes of AI are considered according to the overall situation, and there is no fixed stroke in a local situation. This is a chess improvement." China chess player Shi Yue said.

  From opponents to friends, professional chess players and AI find a longer-term way to get along. Ke Jie often analyzes his judgment and understanding through AI, and the data feedback of AI also helps him to absorb and digest it selectively. "I even feel a little dependent on AI, which is something I didn’t dare to think about a few years ago."

  In the past years, chess players have often been puzzled by where to win or lose a game of chess. The accurate analysis of AI can help to get close to the correct answer and make people take fewer detours. At the same time, as the mystery of AI is slowly unveiled, players are increasingly discovering that there is no absolute positive solution to Go, and it is impossible for computers to analyze all the changes. In the end, the competition is still different understandings of chess.

  When the smoke of AI attacking the "last piece of wisdom highland" of mankind is exhausted, the technological changes and the impact of ideas have not damaged the charm of Go, but have brought opportunities to promote the project. After all, the game between people and the emotional and psychological wits of both sides are still beyond AI’s satisfaction at this stage. In other words, artificial intelligence just allows us to treat Go in a smarter way.

  New technology is integrated into all links of Go.

  Before the start of men’s armor this season, the Chinese Go Association held the first online warm-up match in history. With the help of science and technology, the face-to-face "hand talk" of AI practicing chess and "cloud" training, which has been inherited for thousands of years, presents a different look.

  What AI has changed is not only the professional masters in the stadium. In the past, some ordinary chess fans didn’t understand the complicated calculation on the chessboard. Now, with the artificial intelligence explanation and auxiliary game watching system, even "amateurs" can see the situation and win or lose at a glance through the data and judgment fed back by AI, and watch the game more intuitively.

  For a long time after "Alpha Go" was born, AI Go software was only a scientific research project of big companies. Today, AI is already a tool that ordinary chess fans can control. Among all kinds of game software developed by the people, there are not only publicly sold software, but also many open source software that anyone can download and use, and even some "technical stream" chess fans personally adapt the software.

  The teacher problem that once plagued the Weiqi training industry has also been alleviated by using AI as a teaching tool. The "artificial intelligence characteristic curriculum system" that appeared in the past two years has fully stimulated the interest of young people in learning chess and can improve their chess skills in a relatively short period of time. Competition, study, training, training, research and explanation … … The shadow of artificial intelligence has appeared in every link of Go, and it has become a tool to "stimulate human potential".

  Of course, the infiltration of artificial intelligence also brings some "side effects". This year, affected by the epidemic, a large number of Go games were transferred to online. The readily available game software, the game environment that can’t be supervised in real time, and the AI tricks that are difficult to define clearly make the threshold for online cheating lower and lower. Insiders admit that although there are some technical firewalls, there are still dead ends and loopholes, and some "suspected cheating" can’t catch the "real hammer" in time. China Weiqi Association revealed that in the future, anti-AI cheating measures will be improved and the environment will be purified in official competitions through information blocking, space monitoring, using traces, coincidence analysis and dishonesty punishment.

  Even though artificial intelligence is a "double-edged sword", the fallen chess pieces are ultimately in the hands of human beings. As long as the new technology is "controlled and served by people", there is no reason not to try to learn and apply it. Walking with artificial intelligence, the profound world of Go has not been eclipsed, but it has opened up a new situation and has a better chance to bloom brilliantly.

Stop production, close factories, OEM … How to break the dilemma of automobile overcapacity?

  Recently, the China Machinery Industry Federation released the operation of the machinery industry in the first half of 2019, in which the data of the automobile industry showed that the growth rate of total profit turned from positive to negative, and it showed negative growth for the first time in more than a decade. In the second quarter, the utilization rate of automobile manufacturing capacity was 76.2%, down 2.1 percentage points from the first quarter. The National Bureau of Statistics’ "National Industrial Capacity Utilization Rate" data shows that the capacity utilization rate of China’s automobile manufacturing industry was 77.2% in the first half of 2019, down 3.8% year-on-year.

  Compared with the normal range of capacity utilization rate of 79% ~ 83%, the figure of 77.2% means that China’s automobile capacity utilization rate has fallen below the "safety line". However, as the signs of recovery in China’s automobile market are still not obvious and the market is weak, the sales data in July showed that the new energy automobile market, which has been growing at a high speed, experienced negative growth for the first time, so the situation of idle production capacity may continue to deteriorate. How to find a way out for excess capacity has become a top priority for many auto companies.

  The production capacity of car companies exceeds 60 million.

  In fact, the word overcapacity has been in parallel with the rapid development of China’s automobile industry. As early as 2006, the State Council clearly pointed out that the automobile industry was overcapacity. The National Development and Reform Commission also issued documents to control new vehicle projects and appropriately improve investment access conditions, aiming at curbing overcapacity. At that time, the annual sales volume of China cars was 7.2 million.

  However, with the irrational growth of China’s automobiles, many automobile companies have long forgotten the overcapacity in the face of double-digit annual growth. 10 million vehicles, 20 million vehicles … … The huge increase in automobile production and sales has made many automobile companies see the great potential of the China market, and they are overly optimistic about the market expectations. Many automobile companies have started to invest blindly and continue to expand their production capacity reserves. The news that "the fourth factory of XX automobile enterprise is officially put into production" and "the foundation laying ceremony of the fifth factory of XX automobile enterprise is officially held" is constantly seen in newspapers. According to the report "Capacity of China Automobile Industry at the End of 2015", by the end of 2015, China’s automobile production capacity was 31.22 million. Among them, during the period from 2011 to 2015, China’s new automobile production capacity increased by 10.87 million vehicles; By 2016-2017, the new production capacity will be about 6 million vehicles. At present, China’s automobile production capacity is still in the stage of continuous expansion. While auto companies are still investing and building factories for the rapid growth of the market and think that the auto market will climb further, China’s auto market suffered the first decline in sales in 2018, and began to continue to slump. The problem of overcapacity in the auto manufacturing industry, which has not attracted enough attention, has finally been exposed.

  In 2018, the planned annual production capacity of China’s automobile industry has exceeded 60 million vehicles, among which the announced production capacity of new energy vehicles will exceed 20 million vehicles by 2020, which is 10 times the sales target of the Medium and Long-term Development Plan for Automobile Industry. According to the data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the annual automobile output in 2018 is only 27.809 million, and the growth rate of production capacity reserve is far greater than the growth of market demand, so it is inevitable that a large amount of production capacity will be idle.

  The capacity utilization rate of many car companies is less than half.

  Although the capacity utilization rate of China’s automobile manufacturing industry in the first half of 2019 given by the National Bureau of Statistics is 77.2%, in fact, the capacity utilization rate of many automobile companies has already been lower than this figure. In the automobile industry research report released some time ago, Guosen Securities pointed out that in 2018, the capacity utilization rate of Geely Automobile, FAW Group, Chery Automobile, BYD Automobile, Jianghuai Automobile, Dongfeng yueda Kia, Changan Ford and Haima Automobile did not reach 70%. According to foreign media reports, in the first half of 2019, the capacity utilization rate of Ford’s factory in China was only 11%; The capacity utilization rate of the joint venture between Peugeot Citroen Group and Changan Automobile is only 1%, and that of the joint venture with Dongfeng Motor is only 22%.

  According to public information, Changan Ford has five vehicle factories in Chongqing, Harbin and Hangzhou, with a total production capacity of about 1.6 million vehicles. After Ford’s sales in China reached its peak level three years ago, it sold a total of 957,000 new cars in 2016, and then continued to decline. In 2018, the output was 387,000, and the capacity utilization rate was 24.2%. In the first half of 2019, Changan Ford sold a total of 75,000 new cars, a year-on-year decrease of 67%.

  Another hardest hit area with idle production capacity is French car companies. Founded in 1992, Dongfeng and PSA each hold 50% of the shares. It owns two brands, Dongfeng Peugeot and Dongfeng Citroen, and four production bases, among which the first, second and third factories of Shenlong are located in Wuhan, and the fourth factory is located in Chengdu. The data shows that the production capacity of the first three factories is 300,000, 150,000 and 300,000 respectively, and the total production capacity of the four factories is 990,000. According to the production and sales data released by the Federation, in the first half of 2019, Shenlong Automobile produced a total of 64,000 vehicles, down 61.6% year-on-year. Changan Peugeot Citroen has produced only 107 vehicles, down 96.9% year-on-year, while its first-phase factory has a production capacity of 200,000 vehicles. Serious idle production capacity has attracted the attention of PSA Group executives. Previously, in the second quarter earnings conference call, Philippede Rovira, the global chief financial officer of PSA Group, said that PSA Group would solve the problem of idle capacity of Shenlong Automobile by renting factory facilities.

  The overcapacity problem of Renault, another legal brand, in China is also very prominent. The total production capacity of Renault Wuhan plant is 150,000 vehicles, and only 48,000 vehicles were produced in 2018, with a capacity utilization rate of 31.9%. In the first quarter of this year, Dongfeng Renault’s capacity utilization rate was only 15.2%, with 5,700 vehicles produced and 5,800 sold.

  The situation of Korean car companies is equally bad. Since entering the China market in 2002, Hyundai Motor has quickly won the favor of the market by relying on the advantages of high cost performance in joint venture brands, and in 2013— In 2016, the annual sales volume exceeded one million. However, the sales of Hyundai Motor in China plummeted because it didn’t follow the changes of consumers’ tastes and launch products that kept pace with the market demand. In 2018, Hyundai Motor’s sales in China dropped to 790,000 vehicles, only half of the total production capacity of 1.65 million vehicles in China. Among them, Hyundai Motor Chongqing No.5 Factory was completed in 2017, and the operating rate has been very low. According to BusinessKorea, Hyundai Motor is preparing to transform its Chongqing factory into an electric vehicle factory to revive its declining business in China.

  The situation of the same brother Dongfeng yueda Kia is similar. According to the 2018 annual report, Dongfeng yueda Kia has three factories in Yancheng headquarters, with a total production capacity of 890,000 passenger cars per year. Based on the sales volume of 370,000 vehicles of Dongfeng yueda Kia in 2018, its capacity utilization rate is less than half.

  Japanese car companies have insufficient production capacity and are still expanding.

  Although the overall capacity of China’s automobile industry is overcapacity, the capacity utilization rate of some automobile enterprises is not only higher than the safety line of 80%, but even the capacity is insufficient. According to the data released by Bernstein, a research consultancy, at present, the capacity utilization rate of Daimler and BMW joint ventures in China has exceeded 90%. The capacity utilization rate of GM’s joint venture in China is 88%. Volkswagen’s joint ventures in China have also exceeded 80%. The capacity utilization rate of the joint venture between Honda and Toyota in China even exceeds 100%. Relevant persons of Dongfeng Honda even revealed in an interview with the media that the capacity utilization rate of this enterprise is close to 140%.

  Due to a serious shortage of production capacity, Toyota is still starting a new factory. At present, Toyota’s two joint ventures in China, FAW Toyota and GAC Toyota, have eight factories in Changchun, Chengdu, Tianjin and Guangzhou. The total production capacity of FAW Toyota’s three factories and five factories is 622,000 vehicles, and the total production capacity of GAC Toyota’s three factories is 480,000 vehicles. FAW Toyota sold more than 720,000 vehicles in 2018, with a target of 745,000 vehicles in 2019, and GAC Toyota sold 580,000 vehicles in 2018. 720,000 vehicles plus 580,000 vehicles, which shows that Toyota’s eight factories in China have been working overtime and overloaded in 2018, and the capacity utilization rate has exceeded 100%.

  In 2019, Toyota’s sales target in China was 1.6 million vehicles, up 8.4% year-on-year, and the target in 2020 was 2 million vehicles. Toyota’s production capacity in China is only 1.1 million vehicles, compared with 2 million vehicles, there is still a gap of nearly 900,000 vehicles. Therefore, at the off-line ceremony of the brand-new TNGA Asian Dragon on March 22nd, FAW Toyota announced the completion of a new TNGA plant, and simultaneously started the new plant capacity increase project. According to the relevant EIA report, FAW Toyota has started to increase the capacity of 240,000 new energy vehicles, including 120,000 in Tianjin Xinyi Plant and 120,000 in Changchun Fengyue Plant. The 12-million-yuan expansion of GAC Toyota’s third plant has also been officially launched. At the same time, the fourth factory with a total investment of 4.988 billion yuan and an annual production capacity of 200,000 new energy vehicles is carrying out preliminary work, which is expected to be the production base of new energy vehicles exported by Toyota to Asia in the future.

  Where is the way out for idle capacity?

  A few car companies urgently need to expand production capacity, but most car companies still need to deal with idle production capacity. For some car companies, how to digest excess capacity has become a major event related to the survival of enterprises.

  For example, Shenlong automobile, which has been in the vortex of various rumors recently. Since 2015, the sales of Shenlong Automobile have been falling. 705,000 vehicles, 600,200 vehicles, 377,500 vehicles and 253,400 vehicles. The number in the first half of this year was 63,000 vehicles, down 60.05% year-on-year. The decline in sales volume is undoubtedly accompanied by the idleness of production capacity and manpower. How to solve this problem? There are rumors that Dongfeng Motor wants to sell its PSA shares. After clarification by both parties, it is reported that Dongfeng Motor and PSA Group will lay off employees and sell the factory … …

  In addition to unconfirmed news, it is certain that many auto companies have taken action early in order to transform idle capacity. Dongfeng yueda Kia temporarily closed an automobile manufacturing plant in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, and plans to start producing electric vehicles in the plant by the first half of 2021.

  Compared with closure and suspension, changing production is a relatively good choice. Since last year, BAIC Group has adjusted its industrial structure, product structure and industrial chain, and transferred the Beijing branch of BAIC to Beijing Benz, becoming the third factory of Beijing Benz, and turning it into the production base of Mercedes-Benz high-end new energy vehicles in the future.

  Some companies have chosen to work for the new car-making forces. For example, Jianghuai OEM Weilai, Haima OEM Tucki, Changan Suzuki OEM Luchi Automobile, Dongfeng yueda Kia OEM Chinese Express & HELIP; … Although the OEM model has been controversial, after the cooperation between the two parties, traditional car companies can effectively revitalize idle production capacity, and new car-making forces can also save the construction cycle and quickly reach mass production.

  In addition to OEM, it is also a good idea for traditional car companies to warm up with new car-making forces and set up joint ventures. For example, Guangzhou Automobile Group will set up a joint venture with Weilai Automobile, and Tianjin faw xiali will set up a joint venture with Bojun Automobile. For the new car-making forces, they can obtain the qualification of new energy production and sales, at the same time, save the cost and cycle of investment and factory construction, rely on the manufacturing advantages of traditional car companies, and create brand-new products through joint development (the best cooperation state) to achieve the purpose of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. For traditional car companies, idle production capacity can be reused. Bundling the brand promotion of new forces to build cars can also enhance their brand influence. So far, the two sides have achieved win-win cooperation.

  Expert opinion

  Is OEM the best way to solve idle capacity?

  Compared with stopping production, closing factories or selling land, OEM for new car-making forces has become a good choice for many enterprises with serious overcapacity.

  However, many professionals believe that OEM is only one of the transition strategies. "The loss of fixed assets can’t stop, and OEM earns points." Whether it is a traditional car company or a new force to build a car, OEM is not a long-term solution. " An insider of an independent brand said.

  Recently, it is reported that the draft management measures for OEM have been drawn up, which requires R&D investment, production capacity and sales volume as restrictive conditions, and the threshold for OEM and OEM car companies has been greatly improved. For example, in the past three years, the domestic R&D investment has reached at least 4 billion yuan; In the past two years, the sales volume of pure electric passenger cars worldwide has reached at least 15,000; The OEM contract must be signed for 3 years or more, and the annual production capacity of the OEM in the same place should reach at least 50,000 vehicles; Enterprises need to have paid-in capital of billions of RMB; At most, it can only be contracted by two car companies.

  "The OEM model is more like a transitional means. Because with the growth of output and sales, it is essential to build a factory and have independent research and development and production strength. This is also conducive to solving possible production technical problems and improving production efficiency. " Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said.

  This view has also been confirmed by Shen Hui, chairman of Weimar Automobile. Shen Hui believes that the cold winter of the automobile and capital markets has not dissipated, and capital will be more concentrated in the head enterprises that have achieved batch delivery. "Generally speaking, high-quality production capacity will not be idle, and idle production capacity will not be of high quality. Therefore, encouraging the coexistence of various production modes such as OEM is also an important lever for utilizing and upgrading idle and backward production capacity." However, Weimar chose a self-built factory with higher cost and greater difficulty instead of OEM because it attached importance to product quality and quality. "The self-built factory can control the quality and quality on the basis, and can continuously upgrade and improve, and at the same time realize C2M customized production."

  Simply speaking, C2M customized production is to make products meet the individual needs of consumers. Zhu Weihua, secretary-general of the Information Service Committee of China Automobile Industry Association, said frankly: "The overcapacity of automobiles needs C2M rescue."

  Zhu Weihua believes that at present, all kinds of personalized customization are pseudo-customization in nature, and car owners have only a limited number of choices in the end. Car companies are still selling by production in essence, but they only produce more configuration varieties and give users more choices. It is impossible to talk about the user placing an order and then producing it. As a result, car owners give up their personalized choice, and car companies waste their costs on spare parts inventory and dealer inventory, and there is no incentive to optimize production and manufacturing costs.

  Judging from the grim situation of the current automobile market, it is possible for car sellers to satisfy the needs of a small number of users only by working very hard to please users. If users are not given more choices, it is impossible to sell a large number of cars. The larger the car companies, the more they need C2M, and then consider the differences between car networking and electric car service packages, and consider the personalized marketing of these personalized services.

  In addition to starting with products, many people in the industry also suggest that enterprises should integrate and hold a group to keep warm. Dong Yang, the first vice chairman of the International Automobile Manufacturers Association, once said that the lack of cooperation is an important shortcoming among China brand enterprises. If we can get better development without joining forces in the past, then in the current market environment, it is even more important for China car companies to strengthen cooperation and learn from each other’s strong points for mutual benefit and win-win results.

  Giving full play to the synergistic effect and establishing alliance relations are the forms to cope with the increasingly severe competition in the market. Last year, FAW, Dongfeng and Changan took the lead in establishing strategic cooperation in four areas: forward-looking common technological innovation, automobile full value chain operation, expanding overseas markets and exploring new business models. In addition, traditional car companies, internet companies, travel service companies and new car-making enterprises have begun to cooperate hand in hand in various fields. The cooperation with new power enterprises has also gradually expanded from the earliest OEM production to in-depth cooperation in research and development, procurement and sales.

  When the downward trend of the automobile market encounters industrial transformation and upgrading, there will be a large number of car companies whose operating conditions are worrying. Zhu Huarong, president of Changan Automobile, once said that in the next 3-5 years, the shutdown and transfer of car companies will no longer be information. Most automobile enterprises will be eliminated. Faced with the uncertainty and complexity of the market, it is necessary for car companies to integrate and develop before, between new forces and traditional car companies to achieve a win-win situation.

  Text/reporter Li Dongying

Reporter’s investigation: Why is the frequent hot search for "privately demolished load-bearing walls" repeatedly banned?

  Beijing, China, October 26 (Reporter Guo Jiali) "Construction started on the first floor, and I can feel a slight shake when I live on the 13th floor." Recently, Ms. Yang from Nanchong, Sichuan reported to Yangguang. com that it cost more than 500,000 yuan to buy this house, another 120,000 yuan to decorate it, and all her savings were spent. I didn’t know that just after living for a year and a half, cracks appeared in the house.

  According to an announcement provided by Ms. Yang, Nanchong Fuli Commercial Management Center and Nanchong Jiahong Property Management Co., Ltd. carried out construction on the first floor of Building No.4 without the consent of the owners. Ms. Yang said that the construction party plans to divide the 5.9-meter-high first floor into two floors, and drill holes with rhinestones, which passed through the load-bearing columns nearly 80 cm thick, causing some houses to crack, posing a safety hazard to the residents of the building.

  Mr. Tang, a resident of the building, said that cracks appeared in the house, which may be no problem at ordinary times, but Sichuan is an earthquake-prone area, and once an earthquake occurs, there will be security risks. The house that ordinary people have worked hard to save money to buy cannot be lived in fear.

  Since the beginning of this year, four people have been detained from the "privately demolished load-bearing wall incident" in Limin Academy Community of Harbin, and then they went to Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province to violently decorate "Open 42 Suites" … … The problem of load-bearing wall being demolished is frequently searched.

  According to the incomplete statistics of the media, among the 49 building collapse accidents in China since 2012, 25 were caused by the unauthorized demolition and modification of the main structure of the existing building or adding stories, changing the use function and increasing the load, accounting for more than 50%.

  In order to eradicate this chaos, on June 9 this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Interior Decoration of Urban Houses, clarifying the responsibilities of all parties and relevant departments involved in decoration activities, including design units, decoration enterprises, property service enterprises and local governments.

  The load-bearing column is perforated by a diamond (photo courtesy of the interviewee from Yangguang. com)

  Why can’t we tear down the load-bearing wall privately?

  "When we took the new house, there were no such cracks at all. Since the load-bearing pillars were laid on the first floor, the house cracked." Ms. Yang said.

  She said that the merchants on the first floor put the load-bearing columns through all sides, with a diameter of 30 mm, ten holes on each side of the central column and four holes on each side of the side load-bearing column.

  The live pictures and videos provided by Ms. Yang show that the steel bars in the load-bearing columns on the first floor have been drilled, and the upper and lower rows have been drilled through by rhinestones. Cracks have appeared in the kitchen and living room walls of houses on the sixth floor, and cracks have also appeared in the bedroom walls of households on the ninth floor.

  Cracks appear in the wall of the household restaurant (Photo courtesy of the interviewee from Yangguang. com)

  An announcement signed by Ms. Yang to the reporter as "Nanchong Fuli Commercial Management Center" showed that Nanchong Fuli Commercial Management Center indicated that it had entrusted Nanchong Hengrui Testing Co., Ltd. for technical appraisal, and the appraisal conclusion of Nanchong Hengrui Testing Co., Ltd. was that the main structure of Building 4 was in a safe state.

  According to the above announcement, it is suggested to repair the holes in the concrete columns on the first floor immediately, and it is indicated that the Chongqing Design Institute, the original design unit of Building 4, has been entrusted to design the reinforcement scheme, and the drawing review organization has been invited to examine and approve the reinforcement drawings. At the same time, Fuli Center entrusted Sichuan Caiyuan Building Reinforcement Engineering Co., Ltd., which has the professional contracting qualification of special engineering (structural reinforcement), to prepare the concrete beams and columns on the first floor to be restored to their original state.

  However, the community owners do not agree with the announcement. Ms. Yang told the reporter that because the owner did not trust the appraisal entrusted by her, she wanted to apply for the appraisal of the provincial appraisal institute. At present, 51 owners have jointly signed a request for appraisal, but the construction party has been reluctant to sign. At present, the Jialing District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau said that it would handle the case on November 7.

  "If you break a bone, you can’t stand up." Xue Minghui, deputy dean of the School of Architecture of Harbin Institute of Technology, said that the load-bearing walls and columns are the skeleton of the building. After being damaged, it will cause hidden dangers to the building, and the building will be directly damaged. Its importance is self-evident. It must be made clear that the private demolition of the load-bearing walls is not a moral issue, but a legal issue.

  According to Article 15 of Chapter II of the Regulations on Quality Management of Construction Projects: "The construction unit shall entrust the original design unit or a design unit with corresponding qualification grade to put forward the design scheme before the construction of the decoration project involving the change of the main building body and load-bearing structure. Without the design scheme, the construction shall not be carried out. During the renovation process, building users are not allowed to change the main body and load-bearing structure of the building without authorization. "

  In addition, the first paragraph of Article 5 in Chapter II of the Administrative Measures for Interior Decoration of Residential Buildings stipulates: "The following acts are prohibited in the interior decoration of residential buildings: changing the main body and load-bearing structure of the building without the original design unit or a design unit with corresponding qualification grade."

  "Unauthorized transformation may constitute infringement and bear civil liability for compensation. Because the bearing wall is dismantled privately, the whole building is in a dangerous state, which endangers public safety and is suspected of bearing criminal responsibility, which constitutes a crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means. " Lawyer Li Baolian of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm said.

  On October 22, Ms. Yang told reporters that the construction party had stopped work on August 29 due to the opposition of the owners. On September 1st, Jialing District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau delivered a rectification notice to Fuli Center.

  Why is there a constant controversy over privately demolishing the load-bearing wall?

  Not only Ms. Yang, but also Mr. Chen from xinluo district, Longyan City, Fujian Province, is facing the problem of "privately demolishing the bearing wall" in the same building.

  On October 20, Mr. Chen told the reporter of Yangguang. com that the owner of the 25th floor of the residential area owned two houses on this floor. In order to connect the two houses into one, during the renovation, the owner removed the four load-bearing walls between the living room of one house and the kitchen of another house. "The load-bearing walls that have been demolished here are basically determined. As the householder refused to let in, whether the load-bearing wall at the passage between the two units was damaged has not yet been determined. "

  Demolished wall (photo courtesy of interviewee from Yangguang. com)

  Xue Minghui, after checking the construction drawings provided by Mr. Chen, said that the four demolished places are wall battlements, which are not a big problem at ordinary times, but may be dangerous under special circumstances. Shear walls, also known as wind-resistant walls and earthquake-resistant walls, are located in the passage between the two houses, which have the function of resisting typhoons. Destroying the shear walls will affect the bearing capacity of the building and cannot be removed at will.

  Floor plan of the owner’s two houses on the 25th floor (Photo courtesy of the interviewee sent by Yangguang. com)

  "Why did the original design unit or the design unit with the corresponding qualification grade not issue a professional design plan, and the property was allowed to start construction?" Many owners asked about the residential property in the WeChat group.

  In response to the owner’s query, the property said in the owner group of Building No.10 that the behavior had been discovered during the inspection, and issued a rectification notice on August 30 and informed the Urban Management Bureau, and said that the Longmen Law Enforcement Brigade of the Urban Management Bureau had been to the site for disposal.

  During this period, many residents in Building 10 complained through "e Longyan". On September 13, Longyan City Administration Bureau began to reply to the complaints one after another: "The Longmen Law Enforcement Brigade of Longyan City Administration Bureau intervened in the investigation on September 6 before receiving the complaints. Our team’s law enforcement officers asked the owner to rectify and restore the demolished wall, and the owner began rectification on September 10. "

  However, the owners are not satisfied with the reply. "Let the business owners recover on their own, and can they meet the requirements of bearing capacity after recovery? Why not publish a professional appraisal and repair plan? " Mr. Chen said.

  In the interview, the reporter found that whether the appraisal is authoritative and the later professional rectification plan is issued, and whether reasonable compensation is implemented is the focus of controversy.

  Lawyer Wang Xinyue of Beijing Haotian Law Firm said that the reason for the dispute is that even if the owner receives the rectification notice or administrative punishment decision from the law enforcement unit, there may still be problems in actual performance. For example, the owner is not sure whether the rectification and repair plan is standardized or whether the rectification and repair plan meets the bearing capacity requirements.

  She believes that law enforcement units should actively perform their duties, eliminate the harmful consequences and continue to follow up after issuing the Notice of Order (Time Limit) Correction, and combine various means such as investigation, fine and transfer to the public security department. If necessary, a third-party rectification plan can be introduced, and the rectification costs will be borne by the violator. At the same time, strengthen the intensity of administrative law enforcement and improve the quality of administrative law enforcement.

  Why are private demolition of load-bearing walls repeatedly prohibited?

  Since the beginning of this year, many "privately demolished load-bearing walls" incidents have been on the hot search.

  At the end of April, in a 31-storey residential building in Limin Academy Community, Songbei District, Harbin, tenants smashed the load-bearing wall privately during renovation, resulting in cracks in the whole building. In the evening, more than 200 households were evacuated. According to CCTV news, on May 9, the public security organs took criminal compulsory measures against four responsible persons according to law.

  Just in the past month, at the end of May, some people reported that on the second floor of an apartment building in Yuegong Mansion, Wuyue Square, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, Yao, the owner of 42 apartments on the whole floor, demolished the partition wall without obtaining a construction permit, and illegally constructed about 700 square meters. On June 6th, the official WeChat of the Propaganda Department of Sihui Municipal Committee, WeChat official account, released a description of the "Sihui Release", ordering it to stop construction immediately and make corrections within a time limit.

  Xue Minghui said that load-bearing walls generally refer to walls used to bear vertical loads in brick-concrete structures. At present, new buildings are rare, mainly some multi-storey houses built in the last century. Multi-storey public buildings are generally frame structures, which are supported by columns. High-rise residential buildings are generally shear walls, which are supported by vertical and horizontal loads. Some people understand shear walls as load-bearing walls.

  Why is it that private demolition of load-bearing walls is repeatedly prohibited? He believes that from a dialectical point of view, first, the functions of existing buildings can not meet the needs of social development, and the space can not meet the requirements of new commerce and residence, which needs to be expanded, but it is limited by the wall. Second, due to the lack of popular science in architecture, many people don’t know which walls can be moved, which can never be moved, and which can be partially changed, such as opening doors and windows, which helps those who don’t know the building structure to avoid falling into the predicament of huge compensation and disputes. Third, the inadequate supervision of the property and related departments on the decoration process is also one of the reasons for this phenomenon.

  "Once there is a problem with the load-bearing wall, the property will also bear the responsibility, which is a dereliction of duty." A property manager said that before the renovation, the decoration masters all had house design drawings, and they knew which were load-bearing walls. "If it is not intentionally demolished, the decoration master will not move the load-bearing wall."

  In Xue Minghui’s view, it is necessary to raise residents’ awareness of the rule of law for such problems. "Let everyone know that this is not a moral issue, but a legal issue."

  How should the load-bearing wall "bear the load"?

  "Not all load-bearing walls can be dismantled." In Xue Minghui’s view, many buildings can be demolished by structural reinforcement, but this requires special institutions to identify, design and construct. In addition, because a certain safety factor is reserved in the structural design of buildings, sometimes accidents will not occur when some load-bearing walls are removed. For example, the load-bearing wall on the top floor of the building does not have much load on it, and even if it is removed, the problem is not great.

  He said that it is unclear that the most unfavorable conditions, such as earthquake resistance, too many people in the room and uneven load, will be taken into account when designing the building structure. However, this has also caused many people a misunderstanding that some load-bearing walls can be removed, or at least some parts can be removed.

  In order to curb the illegal acts of interior decoration, on June 9 this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Interior Decoration of Urban Houses (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), which further clarified the responsibilities of all parties and relevant departments involved in the decoration activities, including design units, decoration enterprises, property service enterprises and local governments.

  The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Interior Decoration of Urban Houses.

  After the promulgation of the Notice, some cities have taken action. For example, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Luodian Town, Baoshan District, Shanghai has set up a special working group to lead the new owners to identify the load-bearing structure of the house on the spot in each newly delivered community, and to answer questions on the spot by explaining the case and explaining it in a simple way, so as to turn "compulsory afterwards" into "prevention and control beforehand".

  "This is not a joke, we can’t afford this responsibility." A property manager said that no matter from which point of view, this is harmful to others. If there is a crack in the internal structure of the wall, the residents of the whole building are in danger.

  The above-mentioned managers said that before the renovation, they would tell the owners never to move the load-bearing wall. During the renovation, the property personnel should also check it out. If there are renovation tenants who can’t open the door due to frequent construction, they should pay attention. If the owner is found to have dismantled the load-bearing wall privately and refuses to stop it, he will be told to stop the decoration immediately and force the water and electricity to be cut off. In addition, the property will also inform the doorpost and refuse the decoration master to enter the community. After the load-bearing wall is restored, the construction can continue.

  Li Baolian said that property service enterprises should give full play to the role of "whistleblower" and "night watchman", encrypt the frequency of inspections in their daily work, dissuade and stop violations immediately when they are found, and promptly report to relevant departments for legal determination and handling. Government supervision departments should strengthen the supervision of decoration enterprises, and strictly investigate unqualified, borrowed or exceeded qualifications to undertake decoration projects.

  She said that once it is found that someone has dismantled the load-bearing wall privately, the owner can bring a lawsuit to the people’s court where the house is located according to the Civil Code, requesting the actor to stop the infringement, remove the obstruction, eliminate the danger, restore the original state and compensate for the losses.