The history of Ti mo Feng’s destruction went from fighting a fish sister to falling off the altar.

Original title: The history of Ti mo Feng’s destruction from fighting fish to falling to the altar.

Ti mo Feng, formerly known as Feng Yanan, was born in Chongqing in 1991. In college, because of her classmates, she inadvertently came into contact with the industry of appearance. At that time, there were very few viewers, but she succeeded in attracting everyone’s attention because of her beautiful singing and sweet appearance. After graduation, Ti mo Feng decided to take appearing in a mirror as his career, but his family disagreed and thought it was unstable. However, Ti mo Feng didn’t completely give up appearing in the camera. After work, she would play games and appear in the camera, and gradually accumulated a certain popularity in the LOL area.

In 2014, Ti mo Feng officially signed a contract with the Betting Platform as a full-time anchor. She started playing games all day and appeared in several small schools.

The less people know, the better! From the AI ? ? entrepreneurial artifact that media people are using, how cool is it to click on the free experience AI to make money →

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Women’s online shopping for mobile phone accessories led to a fraud case worth 100 million yuan.

CCTV News:Ms. Wu, a citizen of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, is usually very cautious in shopping, and generally only chooses to buy genuine products. But this year’s online shopping experience made Ms. Wu very angry. I didn’t expect that after she called the police for help, she even brought out a fake and fake gang involving hundreds of millions of yuan!

Not long ago, Ms. Wu’s mobile phone broke the back cover. After searching and comparing online, Ms. Wu selected a back cover of the same model in a company called "Three Hammer Flagship Store". After the merchant swore that it was the original back cover, Ms. Wu readily paid.

After installing it on the mobile phone, Ms. Wu found that after the mobile phone, Gigan started to crack a little, and then the crack became bigger and bigger. After a few touches, the whole back cover cracked.

Ms. Wu asked for a refund, which was rebuffed by the online store customer service. Ms. Wu reported the police. Yangzhou police identified the back cover of the mobile phone bought by Ms. Wu and confirmed that it was a counterfeit registered trademark, so they immediately launched a secret investigation on the online shop involved. After investigation, the owner of the "Three Hammer Flagship Stores" is Liu from Shangrao, Jiangxi Province. This online store has many return addresses, which is obviously abnormal!

An online shop generally has 1-mdash; 3 return addresses, but in the background data of this online store, the police found that there are more than 30 return addresses.

Further investigation by the police found that Liu was a middleman who sold short, and the actual delivery place of counterfeit mobile phone accessories was the professional electronic market in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The capital flow of Liu’s online shop was finally collected in the account of Shenzhen Yao.

From January 2019 to the present, all online shopkeepers and Yao involved in the case have huge capital transactions, which are generated almost every day. In summary, the average monthly transaction volume is more than 1 million.

The police investigated Yao, but the result was unexpected, and he was not the source of counterfeiting.

In order to find the fake dens, Yangzhou police in Jiangsu Province conducted an in-depth tracking of Yao’s bank flow and company logistics, and found Zhao, a female boss who has close capital exchanges with him. Her fake factory may be in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan.

According to the capital and logistics data of Yao’s company, a large number of fakes originated from Yinying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. under Zhao’s name. At the end of August, 2020, Yangzhou police, under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security and the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, deployed hundreds of police officers, divided into six roads, and collected the nets in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Shenzhen, Shandong, Linyi, Shangrao, Jiangxi, Shijiazhuang, Hebei and other places.

The police found in their factory that there are two complete production lines for counterfeiting. There are 8 production workshops on each production line, and nearly 5 workers operate in each workshop.The shipment is huge and there is no rest.

At the same time, the biggest middleman of this criminal gang — — Yao was arrested at home. Another policeman found the warehouse of Ge Mou, a wholesaler, in Linyi, Shandong Province, and obtained a large number of counterfeit mobile phone accessories at the scene.

The police’s arrest operation destroyed the counterfeit black factory in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and sealed up two production lines; In all parts of the country, more than 40 people involved in the wholesale and retail sectors were arrested, eight dens warehouses were destroyed, and nearly 80,000 pieces of accessories of well-known domestic mobile phone brands such as Huawei and 100,000 pieces of semi-finished accessories were seized. After investigation, from 2019 to now, Yinying Company’s counterfeit factory in Dongguan has sold counterfeit mobile phone accessories with a total value of nearly 110 million yuan. At present, the case is still under investigation. 

Inheritor of Cuju: Messi is the best foreigner to play Cuju.

  Li Weipeng and his teammates share cuju culture with foreign fans.

  On November 20th, local time, 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 kicked off in Doha, Qatar, and 32 teams from all over the world competed on the highest stage of football. Although China football team did not appear on this stage, Cuju, a traditional football skill in China, was invited by the organizing committee. Cuju players including Li Weipeng, the seventh generation inheritor of Linzi Cuju Team in China, came to Doha Football Training Center and venues outside the stadium to introduce the history of Cuju to fans all over the world and show the unique Cuju skills in China.

  On November 23rd, Li Weipeng accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Beiqing Daily. When he came to Doha this time, he communicated with local football coaches and children practicing football, invited them to experience the traditional single-goal cuju competition in China, and showed a lot of cuju stunts called "tricks".

  Qatar local football coach Dimitri and Li Weipeng said in an interview with the media after the exchange that cuju is difficult, but it can also improve football skills well. He hopes to introduce cuju in his club in the future to help children who play football practice their skills. James Zhou, China’s ambassador to Qatar, also expressed the hope that cuju exchange activities would help more Qatari people and even fans around the world to understand China and China culture.

  According to the introduction of Linzi Football Museum to which Li Weipeng belongs, Cuju is a unique title of ancient football in China, which has influenced sports and entertainment in China for more than two thousand years, and has had a far-reaching impact on world sports, especially modern football. On July 15th, 2004, FIFA President Blatter announced in Beijing: "World football originated in China, and the ancient cuju in China was the origin of football." At this point, Cuju, an ancient sport, began to shine again in the world.


  I used to be a teammate with Messi. Foreign fans are very interested in Cuju.

  Beiqing Daily: What is Cuju? What are the similarities and differences between it and football?

  Li Weipeng: Cuju is actually the name of football in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. As early as the Han Dynasty, Cuju was a part of military training to exercise soldiers’ willpower. At that time, the venue was square and there were two small goals in it. Compared with today’s football, cuju at that time was more similar to today’s football. Soldiers could not touch the ball with their hands, but they could wrestle in order to stop the opponent’s attack.

  Later, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Cuju developed again. At this time, Cuju’s goal is very different from the current football goal. Cuju’s goal hole is called "wind eye". This "eye" is very small and is located at a height of about 9 meters from the ground. You need to control your strength before you can kick the ball in. During the game, the two teams stand on both sides of the goal, and there will be no physical contact between them. In the game, the ball can’t land, so all the players must learn how to hit the ball first. Only one person named "Ball Head" in a team can shoot, and other players will help "Ball Head" catch the ball to avoid the ball landing, or pass it to "Ball Head" for him to attack.

  In addition to this kind of shooting competition, there will be a special "pattern" competition in ancient times, which is to perform stunts with cuju balls, similar to the current gymnastics competition. For example, Gao Qiu in Water Margin is said to be a master of cuju "tricks".

  Beiqing Daily: How did you participate in the traditional sport of Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: I have received professional football training since I was 8 years old and practiced for almost 10 years. Around 2004, we recruited members of the Cuju team in Linzi, and I signed up. Since then, I have been practicing until today, and it has been 18 years.

  When I started to practice cuju, I had to practice it for 8 hours a day, and they all practiced monotonous ball. At that time, we were training in a gym. After one day’s training, I sat on the base of the basketball stand and fell asleep.

  When I can easily bounce hundreds of balls at a time, I will enter the next stage of practice and start practicing "pattern" and single goal competition, and the height of the goal will be reduced in proportion, about 3 meters or more, less than 4 meters. After 18 years of practice, I can top the ball more than 10,000 times in a row at most, and I can also combine a variety of "tricks" to perform it.

  Beiqing Daily: What is the most difficult part in practicing cuju?

  Li Weipeng: That’s the practice of "tricks". Cuju has many "tricks" and some beautiful names. For example, the most common one is called "picking peaches at the bottom of leaves", which means that after kicking the ball with the instep, you draw a circle around the ball with your legs during the rising and falling of the ball, and finally let the ball stop firmly on your instep.

  Another example is the action of "carrying the moon on your shoulders". After picking up the ball, stop at the position between your shoulders on your back. These movements have nice names, but it’s great to be able to practice one in a day after practice. Many times, an action needs to be practiced repeatedly for more than a week.

  The most difficult thing is to string together a number of "tricks". In the process, there are both head and shoulder movements, waist and back movements, and finally foot movements, and the whole body participates in the performance.

  Beiqing Daily: How did you communicate with fans all over the world when you came to Qatar this time?

  Li Weipeng: I arrived in Doha in the early morning of 21st, had a rest, and had an exchange with local football coaches and children playing football during the day. The "eye of the wind" goal we used for their experience this time is very short, only more than 1 meter high. In fact, this kind of goal is a little difficult for me, because it is much shorter than usual.

  On the 22nd, I went to the fan center outside the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Stadium, where the organizing committee gave us a special performance venue. I put on ancient China costumes and performed Cuju "tricks" with my teammates.

  Beiqing Daily: Will foreigners be shocked to see Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: Yes, we started to perform, and soon many foreign fans came to watch. When we made wonderful "tricks", they would scream and applaud for us. Although I don’t know a foreign language, I can tell from their expressions that they are interested in China’s cuju, and some fans will give us thumbs up.

  And many fans are very enthusiastic. As soon as I kick the ball to them, they will take it and play with us. There are many foreign fans coming to our traditional China costumes to experience the original Cuju with us. I will point to the CuJu ball and the signboard with the word cuju printed next to it, and read "cuju" to them. They will soon understand that this is the pronunciation of cuju and read it with us.

  Beiqing Daily: I noticed that in addition to traditional costumes, the cuju ball you used this time seems to be completely different from modern football. How is this ball made?

  Li Weipeng: Yes, this ball is our traditional cuju ball in China. In fact, the Linzi Football Museum where I am located has also done textual research. In the Han Dynasty, Cuju balls were sewn with more than 10 pieces of cooked cowhide and stuffed with animal hair, but the balls were too heavy to kick. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, people invented the method of stuffing animal bladders in cooked cowhide coats and made inflatable cuju balls similar to modern football. This is also the cuju ball that we brought this time. It was made according to the way recorded in ancient times, just to show the most traditional cuju culture in China and let everyone know the history of cuju in China.

  Beiqing Daily: Who is the best player among the foreigners you have met who are in contact with Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: A few years ago, Argentine star Messi visited our museum. At that time, we had a single-goal competition. Messi and I were teammates. He was the "ball head" and I made the ball for him to shoot. Messi’s level is fierce, which I didn’t expect at first. He grasped the strength very well, and soon got into the state after understanding the rules, successfully completed many shots, and finally our team won. It can also be seen that cuju and modern football are interlinked in many aspects.

  Text/reporter Qu Chang Coordinator/Jiang Wei

Please! It’s cool to have your own gym, okay?

  Article source: Daisy evaluates WeChat WeChat official account

  Original title: Please, it’s cool to have your own gym, okay?

  Author: Huahua

  Everybody, this is Huahua ~

  Some time ago, Huahua was blocked by the little brother in the gym when she got off work. She took me for half an hour and introduced me. Looking at the increasingly dark day, Huahua had only one thought in her heart: "Leave me alone!"!

  Although sedentary people in offices like Huahua do have a lot of physical problems and want to exercise, it’s dark every day when they come home from work, and there is no energy to go to class, not to mention the epidemic situation. Maybe one day the gym will be closed and thousands of dollars will be wasted. My little heart can’t stand it.

  However, summer is coming, and the demand for fitness is on the agenda again. In addition, I have been closed at home recently, so I really don’t have the conditions to go out for exercise and spend a lot of time thinking about it. In this case, I might as well exercise at home. So I did my homework and quickly collected some good things for home fitness to share with you! Taking into account the different personal fitness needs and inputs, Huahua has chosen this and divided everyone into three categories from the input cost. Babies can choose according to their own needs.

  As we all know, there are many fitness bloggers on various platforms now, and Huahua usually likes to watch this kind of courses (watched+collected = done). This time, I carefully selected three favorite bloggers to share with you, which is very suitable for babies who want to keep fit but are not sure whether they can stick to it and plan to try it first ~



  She is the first fitness blogger that Huahua paid attention to. Many people in bilibili carried her videos and made a collection. You can find them by searching for keywords.

  There are several series of her videos, including brisk walking aerobics, boxing, happy dancing and so on. The length of the videos ranges from 5 minutes to one hour. Walking aerobics series is more suitable for beginners. It is no problem for Huahua to follow her series for 20 minutes at the beginning, but now it has advanced to the happy dance series, which is very expensive ~




  This teacher has his own account in bilibili, mainly to update some KPOP* fitness dances. The choreography is inspired by the original choreography and MV*, so his videos will contain some original dance movements. It is very friendly to all the babies who like KPOP but have no dance foundation. (KPOP: Korean pop music, MV: music short film)

  When Huahua first knew him, she practiced his video at home all night. That is to say, is it possible to occupy a place in random dance in the future?



  Mark Marshall

  Mark has accounts in Xiaohongshu and bilibili, which is really amazing. His videos are mainly a series of sweaty and fat-burning dances, one song and one video. After dancing three videos, you will sweat profusely and mobilize all your muscles.

  The most interesting thing is Mark’s explanation. Every time you dance, you not only exercise your body muscles but also your facial muscles. After sweating, you feel better. Every day, the workers who jump and jump are not emo (in a bad mood). Hahahaha ~

  For the baby who doesn’t like aerobics and doesn’t want to make too much investment, Huahua has also selected several "wild" equipment for everyone. It is no exaggeration to say that you can help you practice your whole body at home within 200!


  Decathlon elastic rope

  Reference price: 29.9

Cr: Little Red Book @ Mark Fintess Marshall

  Elastic rope is the product with the least investment in this series, but don’t underestimate it. Such a rope can help us practice all the muscles.

Cr: xiaohongshu @miso

  Huahua chose this one of Decathlon because it is made of natural ecological latex, which is non-toxic and tasteless, does not harm health, and the seamless sewing technology will not harm the skin during stretching. Its thickening design does not break after 12000 fatigue tensile tests, so it is more assured when exercising.

  Moreover, the elasticity is super-large, and it does not deform after three times stretching. After 200 hours (450 watts) of UV (ultraviolet) anti-aging test, there is no need to worry about aging adhesion and aging fracture after using it for a while, even if it is as strong as cattle, it is very reassuring ~

  There are 6 kinds of elastic belt with different resistance values to choose from, which are suitable for the exercise needs of different groups of people. It’s so small, it’s easy to carry, and you can take it out at any time to stretch yourself when you are tired of sitting at the station ~


  Yottoy yoga mat

  Reference price: 69

Cr: Little Red Book @VVicky

  Yoga mat is an essential entry-level product for many fitness whites. Huahua bought a yoga mat blindly when she first bought it. She just fished out a particularly cheap one and took it home to practice. As a result, she almost didn’t give it away when she opened it, and she moved it without making two action mats. After several uses, many places cracked, and so did I.

Cr: Taobao official

  This time, I learned the previous lesson. The Yottoy’s yoga mat is made of TPE’s environmentally-friendly raw materials, which has no taste and improves the anti-slip performance. This is not enough. It also has a double-sided anti-slip texture, so you don’t have to worry too much about slipping when sweating on it during exercise. In addition, there is a posture line design for your reference when doing yoga, and the color of Mo Landi makes this yoga mat look even higher!

Cr: Little Red Book @ Li Changle.

  The widened and thickened design allows Huahua to "roll" out without having to side. . . Even if you jump rope on it in the middle of the night, you won’t knock on my door downstairs. Moreover, the resilience is still very good, and the knee will return to its original shape after pressing a nest on it for a few seconds. Buying this one is worth buying 10 pieces with 9.9 packages. You don’t want me to use it forever, do you?


  KEEP intelligent skipping rope SR1

  Reference price: 149

Cr: Little Red Book @ Live in the Present, Not Afraid of the Future

  Everyone can jump rope, right? It is not only a relatively simple way to lose weight, but also can exercise our respiratory system and cardiovascular system. The fat burning efficiency is very high, and the baby who wants to lose weight as a whole must pick it!

  KEEP’s skipping rope can be linked with its APP, and there are many interesting skipping lessons to practice. When you open the APP during exercise, you can start monitoring the frequency and data in real time, and you can store it offline even if your mobile phone is not around, so you won’t miss every exercise punch. Moreover, it can accommodate up to ten people to share data, and you can let go of your hands and feet and have a "war" with your family!

Cr: xiaohongshu @hi pinjingjing

  Its endurance really surprised me. After being fully charged, it can last 60 days after being used for ten minutes every day (the data comes from the official)! You can also switch between cordless ropes, skipping rope will hit you and those who won’t hit you are happy ~ the numbers are still displayed on a big screen, and the backlight design allows us to easily read during the jump.

  And this one is the same as the four-character brother’s endorsement. If you round it off, we will jump in the same rope with our brother. Hey, hey (idiot face)


  Move it intelligent dumbbell

  Reference price: 199

Cr: Little Red Book @ Lucky

  I didn’t see this dumbbell before, but it just added a little weight. I practiced it differently when I filled it with mineral water bottles at home. But this dumbbell really opened the eyes of the flowers, and sure enough, even small dumbbells should be injected with scientific and technological ingredients in the technological era.

  It has a built-in high-precision induction module, which can accurately identify every movement of the athlete. When it is matched with the brand software with the same name, if the movement is accurate, it will appear corresponding prompts such as perfect and good (how do you feel like playing with pleasure? ), when the action is wrong, it will be encouraged. It can also invite friends to exercise with friends PK, which will greatly improve our enthusiasm!

Cr: Little Red Book @ Little Lucky/@ Little Sister B

  Moreover, it is designed with polymer silicone, which is healthier and more environmentally friendly, does not harm the skin and feels comfortable at the same time. After exercise, the round end of the dumbbell can also be used as a massage ball to relax the muscles. It is not wasted anywhere on such a big thing, and the money is not lost ~

  Babies who have a little budget for fitness and don’t want to go to the gym all the way can look here. These things are enough for you to open a small family gym ~


  Mairuike spinning MR-655

  Reference price: 1280

Cr: Taobao official

  The brand Merrick may be unfamiliar to everyone, but it is actually a partner of the Training Bureau of the State Sports General Administration, which will provide athletes with a variety of training and fitness products. Isn’t it another step away from the Olympic champion?

  This spinning bike is a good-selling product of its family. Small size, occupying only 0.07m2, can be placed in any corner, whether in the living room, kitchen, balcony or bedroom. Different from the traditional spinning bike design, it can also liberate the upper body, so that we can exercise while studying, working, playing games and watching TV, and become a proper time management master.

  Moreover, its magnetic flywheel operation makes its noise very small, and eight kinds of intelligent gears can meet the different exercise intensity needs of a family. Huahua also tells you that its seat can be adjusted in height, and tall people with legs of 1.8 meters don’t have to worry about not being able to stretch ~


  Aomashi multifunctional stepping machine OMS-T8

  Reference price: 1380

Cr: Xiaohongshu @ Chongya XyaN

  This treadmill, Huahua would like to call it a "lazy sports artifact", which can achieve the effect of exercise only by moving its feet. Its size is also very small, so you can take it home even if the home area is not big enough ~

  When doing homework, Huahua sees that many people are worried that the treadmill will hurt their knees. However, when this treadmill moves, the trajectory of the machine is elliptical, which can avoid the impact and pressure on all joints of the body during exercise, and can protect the knee joints and reduce injuries.

Cr: Little Red Book @ Panda

  It also has 8-speed intensity that can be adjusted, and the babies can gradually increase their resistance with the increase of exercise intensity. The magnetic control device can reduce the movement noise, and the drawstring that comes with the machine can unlock various movement modes, which can be practiced on waist, abdomen, legs and arms. Let’s do the exercise while standing ~


  Switch fitness ring+host

  Reference price: 2398

Cr: xiaohongshu @ minychong

  Switch’s fitness ring has been spent for a long time, and many people have seen it since the early days of the epidemic. It recognizes our movements through "Ring-con" and "leg straps", and when we make corresponding movements, we can push the game characters forward to break through the barrier.

Cr: Little Red Book @ A Zi is a little blessed/@ Ghosts.

  It will fight when it meets the enemy in the process of crossing the border. We need to use our bodies to make various gestures to defeat the enemy and move on, which sounds very interesting. Moreover, as the difficulty of breaking through the barrier increases, we will grow up with the protagonist in the game, and for families with children, we can also entertain and educate, and playing games will no longer delay our study and health ~

Cr: Little Red Book @Rxuan/@ Mai Girl's Little Match

  In addition, there is a dance fitness game-full dance power, a lot of popular songs, following the movements of animated characters all the time, and exercising happily in music and rhythm. For most people, fitness is no longer a chore.

  Although its cassette is not expensive, it needs to be used with the host computer, so the overall price will be a little more expensive, but the host computer can also be used with other game cards, which is equivalent to buying a multi-functional game machine with a fitness function, so you don’t lose money!


  FITURE mirror

  Reference price: 4199

Cr: This account number, please indicate the source when reprinting.

  Babies who work out at home may worry about what to do if their movements are not standard. If you have FITURE, a smart mirror for home fitness, you can dispel this concern. It uses AI intelligent black technology to guide in real time, correct wrong actions and avoid injuries caused by wrong actions during the exercise.

Cr: This account number, please indicate the source when reprinting.

  There are 16 types of courses such as strength plasticity, yoga, aerobics and pilates on FITURE’s APP, and each course has different training parts, and you can practice in different patterns every day. The coaches inside are all star coaches from FITURE’s self-research, and their professionalism is excellent. Although it is just a mirror, it can also customize its own fitness course according to the physical test results, just like inviting a private tutor at home to serve you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Cr: xiaohongshu @FITURE family science and technology fitness

  But also with nutritionists and health consultants, exercise and diet combined to help us achieve fitness goals faster. In addition to sports, we can also exchange experiences with fitness instructors and partners in FITURE’s community and make more friends.

  With so many products introduced, I don’t know which one you prefer, but in fact, as long as we have perseverance, we can do it anytime and anywhere. I use the money from the gym to buy some equipment for myself to practice at home, which is affordable and convenient. I don’t have to worry that the gym is too far away and the epidemic is suddenly isolated. How nice it is to easily realize the freedom of fitness ~

In 2022, can these four domestic new energy vehicles go against the sky?

In 2021, new energy vehicles in China sold like crazy, and the annual sales of 2.989 million vehicles seemed to make the phrase "the internal combustion engine will eventually end" more and more solid. In recent years, we can no longer hear the cynical argument that "trams are also cars", and the models with green plates have gradually moved from being ridiculed to the center of the stage.

The Year of the Ox is over, the bull market will continue, and the brand-new Year of the Tiger is coming again. In the new year, among the known new energy vehicles (whether listed or not), which ones are particularly worthy of optimism? What models can further subvert our perception of new energy vehicles?

■ Zero-run car-C11

In September 2021, the retail C11 was officially listed, and the "price butcher" that everyone waited for officially entered the market. The post-subsidy guidance price of 15.98-19.98 million yuan can only be said to be tough enough.

The pure electric vehicles at this price have caught a lot in the market. Why did the retail C11 win such high praise as the "price butcher"? We can roughly summarize it with three advantages of C11.

Advantage 1: Grade, size and wheelbase are all interesting.

Pure electric SUVs within 200 thousand are dominated by compact cars, and medium-sized cars are few and far between. In terms of wheelbase parameters, C11 is also the longest one for the time being. Of course, C11′ s proud wheelbase is not only within 200,000.

If you want to choose a pure electric car that can be used as a home within 200,000, the dimension wheelbase is a must-see parameter, and the C11 is almost a car that you need to know.

Advantage 2: the battery is big enough and the battery life is enough.

Three electric systems are the lifeblood of pure electric vehicles, and battery life is the most concerned topic for consumers. In the exclusive rear-drive model and four-wheel drive performance model, C11 uses a battery pack consisting of 216 batteries, with a capacity of 90kWh and an energy density of about 180Wh/kg, which is temporarily at the top of the list among models within the class of 200,000.

Advantage 3: the configuration is high enough

Four-door internal electric opening+frameless door, this configuration is also unique in models within the 200,000 class. In addition, the front laminated silent glass, four-door window one-button lifting and other configurations are all standard in C11.

Inside the cabin, the horizontal and vertical space of the C11 can be said to have no choice. The standard three large screens also directly fill the sense of technology. The front seat electric adjustment, face recognition, Nappa leather steering wheel and other configurations are also standard in the whole department.

Since it is a "big car" in the same price range, the retail C11 needs to meet the demand for family cars. Perhaps because of this, C11 chassis naturally chose comfortable orientation adjustment. At the first test drive of C11, I was deeply impressed by the performance of this car when it passed through the continuous speed bump. The soft damping in the initial stage of the suspension allowed C11 to resolve the continuous fine vibration in place.

Car owners with a budget of 150,000-200,000 yuan are often highly rational, and the entry-level luxury brand models at this price are less competitive. In the self-owned brand models, the product strength of C11 is also attractive enough. At present, C11 is still in the process of capacity climbing, and the delivery time of the vehicles currently ordered will be in Q2. If the capacity is improved, I believe the sales data will show the popularity of C11.

The retail brand will also borrow C11 to reach new heights.

At present, there are three platforms, S, T and C, of which platform C is a medium-sized car, and the brand-new zero-run C01 will share the platform with C11.

The zero-run C01 will be the first vehicle with CBC chassis and battery integrated design. Officials say that the space utilization rate of the battery compartment of the new car will be increased by 5%, and the overall torsional stiffness of the car body will be increased by 25%. The new car will also be equipped with a dual-motor four-wheel drive system. It is reported that the CLTC life of the zero-run C01 is around 700km.

In the next four years, Zero Run will launch eight new models one after another and enter overseas markets, including SUVs, MPVs and cars. The wheelbase ranges from 2600mm to 3100mm, and these new cars will cover the price range of less than 350,000 yuan.

In the new year, the attack of zero-running cars is very worth looking forward to.

■ gaohe automobile-hiphi z

In 2021, with the official or spontaneous publicity from Weibo, Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and friends circle, both Gaohe Automobile and HiPhi X, which is famous for playing the door, earned enough traffic. HiPhi X with a guide price of 570,000-800,000 yuan can be described as the price ceiling of domestic pure electric vehicles, and the cumulative sales of this car in 2021 and the sales of 919 vehicles in December are really good.

Does Gaohe need a younger brother who can walk more? Maybe they don’t have this plan yet.

In November, 2021, Gaohe Automobile released the second flagship model-Gaohe HiPhi Z mass-produced stereotypes car.

95% of the mass production content of HiPhi Z has been locked, and the new car will be unveiled and booked during the auto show in April this year, and mass production will be delivered in 2022.

Gaohe, which has a flagship, will play a double flagship this year.

The appearance of digital mecha of HIHIHIZ is very eye-catching, and the tough and sharp lines are unique, bringing the future shape of science fiction. The first thing that people remember is the "Breathing Scales" grille (AGS active air intake grille) on the front face. Just like HiPhi X, the headlamps with sharp straight waterfall have programmable lighting design functions.

HiPhi Z retains the "electromagnetic NT split door" on HiPhi X, and this design is likely to become a major symbol of Gaohe automobile in the future.

At the door position, HiPhi Z is equipped with the world’s first "Star Ring ISD Light Curtain System", which can display rich human-computer interaction information. The 22-inch "flexible armor wheel hub" with low vehicle lines vividly demonstrates the fighting GT style.

HiPhi Z’s "Digital Mecha Cockpit" uses the magic color style, and the "Galaxy Band" atmosphere lamp on the door panel and the luminous panel with mechanical beauty construct the surrounding emotional system inside the car. Every time the light flashes, it is the emotional echo between HiPhi Z and users.

Gaohe HiPhi Z is equipped with a self-developed HiPhi Pilot intelligent driving assistance system, which makes it a safe and reliable driving partner in multiple scenarios.

HiPhi Z is equipped with 31 driving assistance sensors, including 2 forward 8-megapixel high-definition cameras, 1 backward 2-megapixel camera, 5 millimeter-wave radars, 1 laser radar and 4 lateral cameras. Combining the radar accuracy with visual intuition, and cooperating with high-precision maps and positioning modules, HiPhi Z will be endowed with the future autonomous driving ability of 5G+V2X.

Regarding the establishment of the luxury smart electric vehicle brand, Gaohe Automobile has a clear position. Driven by HIP-HI-Z and the double flagship strategy, Gaohe can further consolidate its position in the first camp of luxury new energy vehicles with a price of over 500,000 yuan.

Remember the hot scene of Gaohe automobile booth in previous auto shows? I believe that in the auto show in the near future, Gaohe will be the focus of the audience again, and we will bring you more information about HiPhi Z at that time.

■ Guangzhou Automobile Aian-Aion LX Plus

"If the battery life is 1000+km, I will buy a tram"-netizens often say so. With the advent of AION LX Plus, the "1000+km" pure electric vehicle finally appeared.

Although we all know that 1000+km in the eyes of netizens requires a car to actually run to 1000+km, no matter whether it is driving at high speed or in the cold.

That’s a bit difficult for people! At present, we have started to own the first pure electric vehicle with a test score of 1000km+, which is a big step of success.

Some time ago, the electric state conducted the endurance test of AION LX Plus, and the model version officially attracted much attention. This model is equipped with a large battery pack with an exaggerated capacity of 144.4kWh, and the NEDC cruising range is 1008km.

The general outline of the test is as follows:

① Set the air conditioner to 22℃ in the whole process, turn on the seat for heating, and test the temperature at 4℃ to-8℃;

② The journey route is-Tangshan-Qinhuangdao, only taking the national highway and urban/rural roads, with a total length of about 420km;;

③ The return route is Qinhuangdao-Xianghe-,and the whole journey takes the expressway, with a total length of about 240km.

In the end, this 1000-kilometer version of AION LX Plus delivered a score of 675km, with an average power consumption of 17.5kWh/100km. Based on the battery capacity of 144.4kWh, the final redemption rate of AION LX Plus was as high as 81.9%.

Calculation method: (144.4/17.5*100/1008= 81.9%)

When using a short battery life pure electric vehicle, we are more likely to pay attention to its battery life redemption rate; When using a long battery life model, we are more likely to pay attention to how much its actual mileage is worse than NEDC battery life. In fact, we are more likely to choose to observe the numbers that make us anxious.

In cold weather, we are very satisfied with the endurance performance of AION LX Plus, and believe that this car can perform better under more favorable working conditions for pure electric vehicles.

AION LX Plus adopts "sponge silicon negative plate battery technology", which is also the mystery that this car can push NEDC battery life to 1008km.

The theoretical specific capacity of graphite is 372mAh/g, and that of silicon is 4200mAh/g, which is 10 times that of graphite. In order to prevent the crystal lattice of the silicon negative electrode material from expanding (up to 300%), GAC Aeon changed the silicon negative electrode sheet into a soft and elastic "sponge texture", which effectively eased and inhibited the expansion after the lithium ion was embedded, and there was no pulverization or shedding.

Under the new technology, the battery cell can be reduced by 20% in volume and 14% in weight, thus ensuring that the AION LX Plus equipped with sponge silicon negative plate battery technology can run further under the premise of the same battery quality.

Pure electric vehicles have almost bid farewell to the "battery competition", and today’s consumers are not only concerned about battery life. In order to stabilize the status of the family flagship, AION LX Plus does not dare to relax in terms of intelligent technology.

AION LX Plus is equipped with the industry’s largest number of 35 high-performance sensing hardware. At the same time, this car is also the world’s first production car equipped with three second-generation intelligent zoom lidar.

With rich hardware system and high computing power intelligent driving computing platform, AION LX Plus has a powerful urban NDA system, which can realize high-level operations such as straight ahead at traffic lights, autonomous lane change overtaking, left-right turn at traffic lights, U-turn and traffic around the island.

After putting on the new family front face, the AION LX Plus looks more like a flagship model, and this design has almost helped the entire Ai ‘an family get rid of the shadow.

Perhaps the "showing muscles" in the thousands-mile version of AION LX Plus means a lot, and its sword refers to the price of BBA’s main medium-sized car, which makes people feel a little brave. However, the fast running of the train depends entirely on the headstock. There is a thousand-mile version of this big brother to hold up the facade. The flagship gas field of AION LX Plus is quite sufficient. I wish this rejuvenated flagship can help the Ai ‘an family to expand its territory in the new year.

■ aito-ask the world M5.

Huawei Yu Chengdong once said at a press conference: "Huawei has all the ability to make a car, but Huawei doesn’t make cars. Huawei’s goal is to help car companies build and sell good cars. "

Huawei has repeatedly made high-profile claims that it does not build cars, so we will pay special attention to anything related to building cars. And if we really study Huawei’s "no car theory", it is too true.

In fact, Huawei is not entirely a supplier, but a wily big boss.

Huawei not only participated in the production of electric drive system, intelligent cockpit and auxiliary driving parts, but also escorted the software, marketing strategy and sales channels of the new car. Although this car does not wear Huawei LOGO, it is obviously a "pro-son" treatment. Perhaps in the eyes of passers-by in shopping malls, this is a Huawei car.

The models of high-end brands must not be vulgar, and it is not advisable to be too conservative or too radical.

The M5 has obviously found a good balance point. This car uses more curved surfaces, and its front face has an elegant smoky "big mouth" radian and a clear sense of hierarchy.

The M5 includes two power forms: rear drive and four-wheel drive. The four-wheel drive model adopts a dual-motor four-wheel drive scheme with asynchronous AC motor on the front axle and permanent magnet synchronous motor on the rear axle.

Among them, the maximum power of the four-wheel drive flagship model can reach 365kW, the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is only 4.4s, and the acceleration of 0-50km/h is as low as 1.9 s; The maximum power of the four-wheel drive performance version can reach 315kW, and the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 4.8 s; The standard version of rear drive is also equipped with a high-performance motor with a power of 200kW, and the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 7.1s.

Wenjie M5 is equipped with a ternary lithium battery pack with a capacity of 40kWh, and its pure battery life is 150km under WLTC condition. Combined with the fuel tank with an upper capacity of 56L, the total cruising range of this car can reach 1102km in WLTC and 1242km in CLTC.

The big screen and car system are all good at Huawei.

Wenjie M5 is equipped with Huawei Harmony OS car system, which can combine users’ full sensory operation and realize seamless interconnection among people, mobile phones, smart homes, smart watches and other devices.

Inside the M5 cockpit, the word "HUAWEI" can be seen everywhere, which is reflected in the sound hole, under the bar and in the area of wireless charging panel. This new car with Huawei everywhere will be put into more Huawei flagship stores. With Huawei’s strength, influence and hands-on, this car has its own topic, and I don’t know how much advertising expenses have been saved.

In 2022, it’s time for the M5 to "hand in the paper". Let’s look forward to the sales performance of this car!

■ Write at the end

In this issue, we didn’t look forward to the progress and performance of the relatively more popular Weilai ET series, Krypton 001 and other models in the new year. After all, everyone has paid enough attention to those models.

Whether it’s the retail C11 whose sales volume has not yet bloomed, the Gaohe automobile belonging to a few people, the previously bleak but brand-new AION LX Plus, or the AITO Wenjie M5 that is ready to go, these models all have their own expertise in their respective fields, which is very worthy of attention. In the new year, I also wish these models to be known by more people and achieve good market performance!

The "Running Carnival" brothers joined hands with Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin to open a summer carnival.

Video: "Running Carnival" Zhejiang Satellite TV sincerely dedicates the running men’s group to invite the audience to party with their old and new friends.

With the high-quality program content, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s Run Bar has not only topped the list, but also won the praise of major institutions and media such as People’s Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the official Weibo of the United Nations, which has satisfied the audience’s appetite with its "running strength". With everyone’s earnest expectation, this Friday night’s "Run" finally ushered in the "Running Carnival" with increased and upgraded joy this season. At the scene, "Run" not only invites enthusiastic audience to experience the classic game of running men, but also brings wonderful song and dance performances with old and new friends Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin. In addition, Xu Yaping, Tony, Jia Shukai and other "helping amateur friends" will also be present to bring surprise interaction. What sparks of joy will their arrival collide with "logging fatigue"?

Angela Zhang and JJ Lin, together with popular new forces, Chen Linong and Rocket Girls 101, made great surprises on the same stage.

Following the continuous exposure of the guest lineup of "Running Carnival" by the official Weibo of "Running", netizens expressed their "super expectation! Everyone has a good heart. " In order to give back to the audience’s love and support, we will bring you an "Amazing" carnival feast at the closing ceremony. This time, "Run" not only sincerely invited old friends Jason, Angela Zhang, JJ Lin and Joey Yung, who are powerful singers, to sing on the same stage, but also pleasantly welcomed new friends with super popularity, such as Mao Bubian, Rocket Girls 101 and Hot Blood Street Dance Troupe.

At the scene, Ryan and "Grandmother Zheng" Angela Zhang continued their pioneering work in the "Running Carnival" after the "Family Graduation Challenge" and performed wonderful interactive performances; Lu Han and the bloody street dance group "Steel King Team" used dance to burn this "running feast"; Michael Chen, who has always had a lot of golden sentences in the program, not only brought a hilarious talk show with "Sister Ju" Naomi, but also reviewed the happy moment of "attacking and defending and tearing famous brands" with Chen Linong as the incarnation of "Fat Fish". In addition, Rocket Girls 101, the most popular female group, will also show off her singing and dancing skills in surprise. In the face of such a strong guest lineup, whose performance do you want to Pick most?

The "sound-deaf team" was exposed. Jason and Angelababy actually collaborated again on "This is Love"

In addition to welcoming new and old friends, the "Running Carnival" will also announce the long-awaited unvoiced MV of the "Music Crazy Team". In "Run" and "Special Edition of Mid-year Fans’ Club", Jason and Jane Zhang, the powerful singers, once led the "Music Insanity Team" and "Teana Team" to record songs, and set off a nationwide Pick craze. Although the "Teana Team" finally lost and accepted the punishment announced by the whole network of unvoiced MV, many netizens were full of curiosity about the unvoiced MV of the "Tone Crazy Team".

At this carnival feast, Jason, the tutor of "Music Insanity Team", not only brought "the sound of nature" to the audience, but also collaborated with "Run Music Student" Angelababy on "This is Love" again. At the scene, the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Tone Insanity Team" was exposed by the program group. In order to prove the singing strength of the "Tone Insanity Team", Angelababy boldly proposed to cooperate with her mentor Jason on the spot "This is Love". Can Angelababy overcome "forgetting words and out of tune" and produce the "death treble" in Jason’s masterpiece This is Love? What "surprises" will the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Music Insanity Team" bring to the audience?

After enjoying the beautiful and pleasant song and dance performances, what other "running memories and killing" will "logging tired" offer together with the "running help group"? What surprises will the old and new friends of Run bring to us? The answers are at 16:00 on July 6th (Friday), "Run Happy Carnival Afternoon" and "Carnival Night" at 19:30. On this joyful day, let’s continue to run along with "logging fatigue"!

Huawei held the spring flagship new product launch conference, and released more than ten new products.

People’s Political Consultative Conference Online, Shanghai, March 24 th(Reporter Shark Wang) On March 23, 2023, the spring flagship new product launch conference of Huawei was held in Shanghai. Huawei P60 series, the flagship of a new generation of intelligent image and technology aesthetics, and Huawei Mate X3 series, the flagship of a new generation of folding screen, were released. At the same time, Huawei WATCH Ultimate, Huawei Bracelet B7, Huawei FreeBuds 5, Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2+,Huawei MatePad 11-inch 2023, Huawei Enjoy 60, Huawei Xiaozi Ling Parent Route Q6, and Huawei Qingyun, a brand-new terminal commercial brand, all appeared.

Huawei P60 Series: A Breakthrough of Smart Images

The brand-new image flagship Huawei P60 series inherits the excellent genes of Huawei P series photography and aesthetics, and is equipped with the super-focusing XMAGE image system. Through the full link upgrade of the image architecture, the optical system structure of the main camera and telephoto is changed, and the super-focusing telephoto lens group is created, bringing extraordinary image experience. On this basis, Huawei P60 series has made a new interpretation of classic colors. In addition to the three colors of feather sand purple, feather sand black and emerald green, it also brings a brand-new rococo white. Rococo white color matching adopts the industry’s first "light-condensing Fritillaria process", which is hand-made and blended with natural mineral pearl powder to make the fuselage shine and realize the natural texture that can’t be copied like natural Fritillaria. Each branch is unique.

Huawei P60 series brings together advanced innovative technologies, and its product strength has been upgraded. For the first time, it supports two-way Beidou satellite messages, uses four-curved Kunlun glass to be ten times resistant to falling, uses Linxi communication technology, and supports cutting-edge black technology experiences such as 88W super wired fast charging Turbo. The product is also equipped with HarmonyOS 3.1 operating system for the first time, which brings the improvement of exquisiteness and quality.

In addition, Huawei P60 Art was also released in shock, and its products were inspired by the island, shaping the iconic island camera shape and creating a pioneer of artistic aesthetics.

At the press conference, Yolanda, ambassador of Huawei P60 series images, announced the launch of the "Good images are not afraid of the night" image collection activity, calling on users to use Huawei P60 series to discover the beauty of the night, record light and shadow stories and give art to life.

Brand-new folding flagship Mate X3: Breaking the weight limit


Huawei’s brand-new folding flagship Mate X3 has broken through the weight limit, and the overall weight of the plain leather model is only 239g. It is also the industry’s first four-fold folding fuselage, which is warm and comfortable. The internal and external double screens have been certified by SGS in Switzerland for their fall resistance and impact resistance. Equipped with the industry’s highest PPI, Huawei Lingjing TM display large screen, with ultra-high resolution, dual 120Hz adaptive refresh rate, and full color gamut and full link color management, making it the first large-screen folding mobile phone with both internal and external screens certified by Rheinland TV. In terms of performance, it supports two-way Beidou satellite messages, and at the same time, it is equipped with super-strong communication to ensure users’ worry-free signals anytime and anywhere; Open the all-round shooting experience, have a periscope 5 times optical zoom, and support the functions of fast flash and hovering photography.

Huawei WATCH Ultimate: The World’s First Popular Smart Watch Supporting Two-way Beidou Satellite News


As the wearable device closest to the body, Huawei WATCH Ultimate has become the world’s first popular smart watch that supports two-way Beidou satellite messages. Support one-click transmission of Beidou satellite messages, and you can ask for help without ground network signals.

Smart watch equipment is small in size, limited in internal space and relatively small in battery capacity. In order to realize the satellite communication technology of wrist wearable devices, it is necessary to break through two major problems: signal transceiver and battery discharge in low temperature environment. To this end, the extraordinary master of Huawei WATCH Ultimate has realized the signal transmission foundation in a small volume space through miniaturized RF module, built-in suspended antenna design and innovative nano-molding integrated technology case. Nano-microcrystalline ceramic bezel can also play the role of antenna energy convergence, making signal transmission faster and more stable. In addition, Huawei has also designed a brand-new intelligent battery heating scheme, so that the watch battery can still maintain strong power at low temperature and guarantee the signal.

At the same time, the watch adopts ultra-strong amorphous zirconium alloy case; Support 100-meter deep-sea diving, and at the same time add a variety of diving modes such as leisure scuba diving and technical diving (to be upgraded by subsequent OTA), bringing a new experience of sports performance of smart watches; In addition, Huawei WATCH Ultimate supports basic health monitoring such as heart rate and blood oxygen. At the same time, users who wear it can join a number of health studies in cooperation with third-party medical institutions, bringing users more professional and richer high-level health management services.

Huawei Call Bracelet B7: Bracelet and Headset Two-in-One Health Monitoring Upgrade

At the press conference, a new generation of Huawei call bracelet B7 was officially unveiled. Continuing the two-in-one form of Huawei bracelet B series classic bracelet-earphone, Huawei call bracelet B7 is equipped with a 1.53-inch 3D curved flexible screen with a pixels per inch of 326PPI;; The whole machine is as thin as 12.5mm, bringing wrist aesthetics with angular and tough business style design; Equipped with Kirin A1 chip and dual MIC noise reduction, the anti-interference is more stable and the voice call is clearer; Automatic blood oxygen detection is added, and health functions such as intelligent heart rate monitoring, stress housekeeper and female physiological cycle management are supported. With the unique product form and innovative technology of two-in-one bracelet and headset, more people can experience intelligent, healthy and convenient digital life.

Huawei FreeBuds 5: Interpreting the New "Sound" of Aesthetics

FreeBuds 5 adopts a new "water drop" shape. The drop-type earphone handle has a larger ear-sticking area and multi-directional and multi-point support, which reduces the wearing pressure and brings a more comfortable experience; The original arch bridge ear pole can disperse the pressure on headphones and ear canal during tapping operation, and the interactive experience is more stable and relaxed. Full-link high-resolution sound quality, semi-open comfortable noise reduction and intelligent audio connection meet the needs of users from fashion design, comfortable wearing, high-quality listening to seamless flow of multiple devices.

Huawei also introduced a brand-new TWS in-ear earphone, Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2+.Based on the full-link high-resolution sound quality certified by Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2, it is innovatively equipped with the ear heart rate and body temperature detection function. When used with HUAWEI Health App, it can support sports data recording and information broadcasting, so that users can easily understand their own sports status and enjoy a more intelligent and convenient sports and healthy life while listening to songs and sports.

Huawei MatePad 11: Leading the New Experience of Paperless Learning Screen


Huawei MatePad 11-inch 2023 tablets (soft light version and standard version) were released, and four new color schemes were introduced: streamer purple, island blue, crystal diamond white and obsidian black.

Among them, the soft light version is equipped with Huawei’s first paper-like soft light screen, which can eliminate 97% of the interference light in the environment, reduce the glare reflection problem in the strong light environment, and obtain the industry’s first German TUV non-reflection certification and SGS low visual fatigue gold standard certification. According to the visual fatigue test results of Human Factors and Intelligent Interaction Research Center of China National Institute of Standardization, the flat panel equipped with soft light screen will reduce the brain fatigue index by 20% and the eye discomfort by 41% compared with the traditional flat panel products, which really makes the flat panel more comfortable to watch.

At the same time, with HUAWEI M-Pencil (the second generation), it restores the paper-like reading and writing experience, breaks through the common problems such as slipping and not following hands on the traditional screen, and the rustling of brush strokes substitutes people into an immersive atmosphere, which helps to improve learning concentration.

Lingxiao technology: leading the whole house Wi-Fi experience innovation

In view of the fact that traditional Mesh and single routing can’t solve the problem of high-speed and stable coverage of Wi-Fi in the whole house, Huawei has introduced new Lingxiao PLC technology, Lingxiao super networking and Linxi dual Wi-Fi and other advanced technologies to lead the innovation of Wi-Fi experience in the whole house and provide consumers with solutions to meet the needs of good Wi-Fi in the whole house.

At the same time, as the first whole-house Wi-Fi product equipped with Lingxiao technology, Huawei’s Xiaozi Ling bus route Q6 combines many characteristics such as wide coverage, strong performance, efficient networking, intelligence and safety, which makes the wires turn into fast network lines and solves the wall problems.

HUAWEI asks: HarmonyOS 3 will be upgraded for all models.

Aiming at the three major pain points of "less application, slow upgrade and poor experience" of traditional car machines, HUAWEI asked all models in the world to upgrade HarmonyOS 3. After the upgrade, car owners can enjoy rich new functions such as super desktop, smart car search, PC collaboration, small art and no wake-up, and the new privacy mode of the main driver will protect the personal information security of car owners.

At the same time, the advanced intelligent driving versions of HUAWEI’s Wujie M5 and Wujie M5 EV equipped with the latest Huawei intelligent driving technology will be released in April.

Huawei’s smart driving has attracted attention! A picture combs the concept stocks related to the intelligent cockpit.

[Huawei’s smart driving has attracted attention! Recently, Zhijie S7 opened for pre-sale, which is the first vehicle equipped with HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 4.0, and HarmonyOS Zhixing Alliance will be established on the same day. It is reported that the main carrier of HarmonyOS Zhixing is the HarmonyOS cockpit. In the future, the functions of the intelligent cockpit will be more diverse, and the subdivision track including PCB, on-board display, domain controller, cockpit chip and optics and acoustics of man-vehicle interaction function is expected to develop rapidly.

Xiaomi eliminated MIUI, but the car was disconnected.

Image source @ vision china

Text | Jinjiao Finance, Author | Dongli

With the official announcement of the Xiaomi 14 series mobile phone conference on October 27, Xiaomi 14 immediately boarded the hot search. In this regard, Lei Jun responded enthusiastically: "Don’t worry, this product is very strong!"

One day later, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi’s self-developed new operating system Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will be launched soon, and Xiaomi 14 series will be the first mobile phone equipped with the new system, and MIUI, which has served for 13 years, will gradually fade into the dust.

In fact, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS is not only an upgrade and replacement of MIUI, but also a brand-new ecological operating system, and it is also ready for the upcoming car system. As Lei Jun said, this is "a key leap towards" people and cars ".

With the increasing involution of the mobile phone track in recent years, and the mobile phone becoming the connection entrance of intelligent hardware including automobiles and home appliances, the mobile phone with "no volume" in hardware has finally come to the software arena by the express train of the Internet of Things.

Xiaomi has always pursued the development model of "soft and hard combination". Even the first product of Xiaomi is the operating system software like MIUI. Coupled with the self-developed system of Apple and Huawei, "Zhuyu is in the front", Xiaomi really has no reason not to develop its own operating system.

Nowadays, MIUI, which has been with Xiaomi users for 13 years, is about to retire, and the OS, which has been dormant for 9 years, has finally come to the sun, becoming a key hub to help realize the ecological closed loop of Xiaomi’s "people and cars".

At such a critical moment, Xiaomi automobile failed to show up, and the current new energy vehicles have been seriously involved. It is not easy for Lei Jun to realize the ecological closed loop of "people and cars".

As Xiaomi 澎湃 OS takes the stage, MIUI will gradually retire.The operating system developed by Xiaomi twice has different development stages and missions.

Looking back at the birth of MIUI, on August 16th, 2010, MIUI, as the first product of Xiaomi, was officially launched, and it was constantly updated and iterated at the pace of one shift every year. By last December, MIUI had evolved to MIUI 14.

For more than ten years, MIUI has only four commonly used functions from the first edition, and has gradually become the underlying deep framework of cross-end interconnection; The radiation scope of MIUI has also expanded from the earliest 100 "dream sponsors" to 1.175 billion cumulative users worldwide.

The birth of MIUI means that when Xiaomi chose to cut into the market at a low price with a cost-effective advantage in the early stage of its business, it neutralized the low-end and cheap atmosphere when Xiaomi’s hardware equipment was not dominant, adding the charm of quality and making Xiaomi’s mobile phone stand out.

For example, they are all customized systems developed based on Google Android, but MIUI is more beautiful and refreshing, perfectly supports the display of Chinese fonts, and even includes alarm clock functions for the lunar calendar and weekdays.

Even so, MIUI, after all, is a third-party mobile operating system based on the deep optimization, customization and development of the Android system under Xiaomi, so it can’t get rid of the drawbacks of the bloated, stuck and unstable Android system.

At the same time, in the era of Internet of Everything, with the growing ecological chain of Xiaomi, and the release of Xiaomi car is in sight, the complexity and huge number of operating system branches involved in various devices, as well as the ecological connection gap between different systems and protocols, have become challenges that cannot be ignored.

At present, MIUI obviously can’t afford such a large-scale interconnection. The biggest problem caused by all kinds of accumulated disadvantages and inconveniences is to push up the cost of development and maintenance, and even discourage users because of the unsmooth experience.

The birth of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS is precisely to solve this problem. Its goal is to build a unified and extensible operating system framework to support all kinds of smart devices of Xiaomi, thus breaking down the barriers between different devices and different systems.

According to public information, when Xiaomi’s Internet of Things business began to take shape in 2014, Xiaomi had already started exploratory development and verification of the operating system. In 2017, Xiaomi officially started the research and development of a new operating system. And in 2020, it launched an operating system specially built for IoT devices — — Xiaomi Vela。

The word Vela comes from the Latin word "sail", which is a "real-time operating system" (RTOS) made by Xiaomi based on the foreign open source project "NuttX". The main target hardware is smart speakers, smart light bulbs, water meters and meters.

With the increasing number of "smart homes" connected by Xiaomi, what Xiaomi Vela has to do is to provide a unified platform for these smart home devices to manage and open up fragmented Internet of Things application scenarios.

Xiaomi 澎湃 OS inherited the Vela system. By "integrating the deeply evolved Android and the self-developed Vela system, it completely rewrote the underlying architecture and made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections."

In other words, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has carried the mission of the underlying base of the Internet of Everything since its establishment, and it has also become a powerful tool for Xiaomi to solve the current weak growth of the mobile phone market and start new growth with "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

A cruel reality in the mobile phone market is that only by expanding outward can we seize the future.On the one hand, Xiaomi makes efforts to build cars and home appliances, and broadens the ecology of Mijia. On the other hand, it deeply integrates them through innovations such as operating systems to stabilize the core position of the mobile phone business.

As the core entrance of the Internet of Everything, mobile phones are deepening the penetration of other business ecosystems of Xiaomi.

In addition to the TV business that was recently merged into Xiaomi’s mobile phone department, in the last three years, Xiaomi also split the notebook business and tablet business and merged them into the mobile phone department; According to many insiders, Xiaomi’s wearing department, which was established in 2020, was previously included in the R&D system of the mobile phone department.

According to Xiaomi insiders: "In the mobile phone ×IoT strategy, the mobile phone is 1, and the others are all behind 0."

On the one hand, mobile phones are still the basic disk of Xiaomi, accounting for more than 50% of revenue for many years; On the other hand, Xiaomi’s mobile phone business is under obvious pressure. The data shows that Xiaomi’s smartphone business revenue in the second quarter was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year; In the second quarter, smartphone shipments were 32.9 million units, down 15.8% year-on-year.

Compared with the low speed or even negative growth of mobile phones, Xiaomi’s IoT business has shown greater growth potential.

According to Canayls data, in June 2023, the number of active users of MIUI worldwide reached 606 million, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; As of June 30, 2023, the number of IoT devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) connected to Xiaomi’s AIoT platform has increased to 655 million, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%.

Xiaomi started the layout of smart home ecology in the early stage of its business. In 2013, it started the ecological chain plan, and planned to "invest in 100 ecological enterprises in five years", and formed a unique Mijia ecological chain, among which there are many outstanding people in the segmentation field. For example, mi band is the product of cooperation between Xiaomi and Huami. Behind Xiaomi headphones is Wanmo Acoustics, and behind smart homes are enterprises such as Green Rice and Smart Rice.

The aggregated business with rich products and higher competition barriers such as "Family Barrel" has also attracted a number of mobile phone manufacturers.

For example, in recent years, Huawei has successively released many products including watches, tablets, headphones, whole house intelligence, etc. OPPO also started with TV to lay out smart home products, and made rapid progress.

Visible,In recent years, the "involution" of the mobile phone industry has been completely not limited to the mobile phone itself, but in ecology.

Today’s mobile phone camp, the two brands of Apple and Huawei, which are firmly stuck in the high-end market, have their own operating system, and at the same time, they have established the "Apple Family Bucket" and "Huawei Family Bucket" with exclusive applications, services and products.

In a practical sense, the self-developed operating system can not only promote the cause of the Internet of Things, but also help optimize the brand image and win the high-end market. At the same time, through the self-developed operating system to reduce costs and increase efficiency, we will build a moat of technology and services, get rid of dependence on Android, and reduce all aspects of research and development costs and the risk of "stuck neck" sanctions.

Before Xiaomi, Huawei’s HarmonyOS system and Apple’s iOS were worthy of reference. For example, Huawei’s unified naming of "HarmonyOS" made Huawei’s entire ecosystem have a higher degree of recognition, and the self-developed ecosystem extended more exclusive applications, services and products, which not only improved users’ stickiness, but also boosted shipments of other product lines.

Nowadays, the involution of mobile phone manufacturers seems to be concentrated in the operating system, and they all hope to build their own smart terminal "family bucket". The competition faced by Xiaomi is still not small.

In addition, from the perspective of ecological chain, Xiaomi has established a wealth of products and accumulated a huge user base, but in a short time, Xiaomi still can’t get rid of Android.

If you don’t rely on Android AOSP, most applications on Xiaomi devices need to be redone according to your own development requirements, which is unrealistic at present. Even HarmonyOS system has gone through many iterations to achieve independence.

Therefore, Xiaomi can’t pose a direct threat to iOS, Android, HarmonyOS and other ecosystems in the short term just by developing its own operating system.

Whether Xiaomi’s operating system can finally win in the market competition depends on the effect of core functions and experience, which will have to be announced by Lei Jun at the press conference on October 27th.

With the car landing in the Internet of Everything, a differentiated ecosystem in the future may become the core competitiveness of mobile phone manufacturers to strive for cooperation with car companies. butXiaomi’s car-making business, which has attracted much attention for a long time, has gradually become a key link in Xiaomi’s "people and cars" ecology.

In 2021, seeing that the growth of the entire mobile phone market is about to peak, Lei Jun decisively chose to cross the border to build a car. "Smart cars are the current outlet and an indispensable part of the smart ecology in the future. Together with personal mobile devices and home environment, they form a complete smart life scene."

On March 30 of that year, Xiaomi announced that it had officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles. The initial investment is 10 billion yuan, and it is estimated that the investment will be 10 billion dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun said, "This is the last major entrepreneurial project in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation in life and personally lead the team to fight for Xiaomi Automobile. "

Two years after it was put into production, it was recently reported that Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Factory had started construction this year, and mass production was imminent. On October 13th, Guo Ming Fufa, an analyst of Tianfeng International Securities, said that the first Xiaomi car is expected to be sold in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units. The key selling points are autonomous driving, software ecology and 800V fast charging and power configuration, and the estimated price is less than 300,000 yuan.

In addition, according to market rumors, Xiaomi’s new car will adopt the 澎湃 OS system, and will be equipped with Qualcomm’s latest flagship chip and wireless charging technology; At the same time, it also supports 800V high-voltage fast charging, charging for 10 minutes and battery life of 300 kilometers.

In terms of autonomous driving, Lei Jun once said that Xiaomi Automobile will enter the first camp of the industry in 2024. Therefore, Xiaomi has formulated the strategy of full-stack self-research, and the automobile R&D team has expanded to 2,300 people in 2022, and has applied for 956 patents as of October 18.

From the perspective of supply chain,The mass production of Xiaomi automobile in 2024 may be just a good time, that is, just avoiding the bottleneck period of the industry, sitting on the sidelines when the major car companies are rolled up and flying, and entering the market when the industry completes the reshuffle.

However, with the popularization of new energy vehicles, the domestic competition market for new energy vehicles has become a red sea. BYD, Ideality and Huawei have occupied the dominant market position, and Tesla, which continues to reduce costs, has great momentum to fight the price war to the end, while Weimar and other automobile manufacturers, which were in the early days, have even ended up in bankruptcy.

Compared with Lei Jun’s announcement to build a car, the retail sales of new energy vehicles in China accounted for only 8.49%, and the market of new energy vehicles is growing and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. According to the data of China Automobile Association, from January to September 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 6.313 million and 6.278 million respectively, up by 33.7% and 37.5% respectively, and the market share reached 29.8%.

In such a cruel and saturated market,The most likely way for Xiaomi to succeed is to rely on Xiaomi’s brand awareness and integrate the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to reduce costs and dislocation competition as much as possible.

Since the official announcement of the car, Xiaomi has invested in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain in the name of Xiaomi Zhizao Fund, Xiaomi Production and Investment Fund, Shunwei Capital and Xiaomi Private Equity Fund Management, and almost invested in the upstream and downstream of the new energy automobile industry chain.

Through investment, we can establish deeper links with enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the automobile supply chain, which is surprisingly consistent with Xiaomi’s logic of making mobile phones in the past.

Making good use of its own resources in supply chain integration, 6.5 billion loT equipment worldwide, 600 million monthly MIUI users, and tens of thousands of retail stores across the country may be the key to Xiaomi Automobile’s latecomers.

reference data

  • Titanium media "MIUI or curtain call, Xiaomi tells the story again"
  • Zinc Finance "Domestic mobile phones get together and develop their own systems, and it has become a trend to fight against Android"
  • Radar finance "MIUI retired, 澎湃 OS" upper position ",Xiaomi should take the road of Huawei? 》
  • Interesting business "Xiaomi makes a car: can the" price butcher "still wield a knife? 》

Zhiji Automobile and the Cultural and Education Office of the British Embassy reached a strategic cooperation intention.

At the IM Zhiji booth of the 2021 Shanghai International Auto Show, Zhiji Automobile and the British Council jointly promoted cultural education and artistic exchanges between China and Britain, creating a unique interactive platform for art design lovers and groups studying in the UK, and reaching a strategic cooperation intention. The two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in creative industries and "StudyUK" and other education projects in the UK.


Speech by Mr. Tamia Liu, Co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile


Speech by Mr. Bao Maixiu, Director of British Council for Cultural Education in China and Minister of Cultural Education of British Embassy.

At the exhibition site, the two sides officially launched the first cooperation project-Making Matters Smart Future China-UK Cycle Design Competition. The competition hopes to provide more opportunities for potential young designers, students and design professionals in China and Britain to learn and practice, and provide them with a brand-new stage to show their talents. Zhiji Automobile also hopes to pass on the advanced concept of "recycling environmental protection" to more young people in China and Britain with the help of this competition.


The Making Matters Smart Future China-UK Cycle Design Competition was officially launched.


Making Matters Intelligently Works at Shanghai Auto Show of Future Sino-British Cycle Design Competition

In addition, Zhiji Automobile will jointly promote the "StudyUK" project with the British Council of the British Embassy; Through a series of activities, such as holding a live online briefing before leaving for Britain, China International Education Exhibition, studying in the UK project manual, and setting up the "UK Alumni Awards", we can help young people in China to receive high-quality education faster and better, obtain internationally recognized qualifications, and stimulate more creative inspiration and expression in their study and communication.

As an international organization providing educational opportunities and promoting cultural exchanges in Britain, the British Council of the British Embassy has been committed to bringing the most valuable creative essence of Britain to China and introducing it to the public in China through arts, culture, education and English language projects for many years. In 2015, the British Council of the British Embassy cooperated with SAIC in several cultural projects of the "China-UK Cultural Exchange Year".

Since its inception, Zhiji Automobile has attached great importance to cooperating with global art masters to create; It has successively formed a "global partner" with Heatherwick Studio, a studio founded by Thomas Heatherwick, a British contemporary Leonardo da Vinci, and teamLab, a prestigious international cross-domain art team. While subverting the car travel experience with intelligent technology, it injects soul into car design with unique artistic and humanistic connotations.