Disease control experts talk about flu prevention in the office: wash your hands frequently and don’t encourage you to go to work sick.

  Cctv newsOn January 25th, a press conference was held in National Health Commission to introduce the prevention and control of infectious diseases in winter and spring and the prevention and response of common diseases during festivals. Li Zhongjie, a researcher at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of China, said in response to a reporter’s question that some non-drug interventions are very important for the flu in a confined space.

  journalistThe question is about influenza prevention. At present, most of the working environment is a writing room. In this state, one person may get sick, which may cause everyone to get sick. How to prevent influenza in this case?

  Li ZhongjieA place with a relatively closed writing room is indeed a high incidence place for the spread of respiratory diseases, especially in winter and spring, when it is cold and airtight outdoors, it is easier to spread pathogens. For the flu, some non-drug interventions are very important in a confined space, that is, some good hygiene habits, especially in the writing room mentioned just now, such a specific place. If an individual has flu-like symptoms,Patients are not encouraged to go to work sick.For the sake of your own health and the health of others around you, you mustDo isolation.. If the illness gets worse, you should seek medical treatment in time, which is a good protection for yourself and others.

  Emphasize again aboutWash your hands frequently.This habit is simple and easy to do, but if you really develop good habits and stick to them, you can prevent many other diseases, including influenza, including other contact-borne diseases.

  In such a specific gathering place,Environmental cleanliness and hygieneVery important, the spread of influenza is mainly through two ways. One way is close, the droplets spread between the patient and the surrounding people. When the patient coughs or sneezes, the droplets are directly sprayed into the mouth of the surrounding people. In addition, after the virus is discharged from the patient, it will stay on the surface of the object for a period of time. If people around it touch the mouth and nose again, it is also a way to spread the flu. Therefore, it emphasizes the daily cleanliness of personal working environment and public environment, and insists on daily cleaning.

  Attachment: Personal daily protection knowledge of influenza provided by Health and Health Commission.

  To prevent respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza, we should first start with personal daily protection, and pay attention to good personal hygiene habits at ordinary times, including:

  (1) Wash your hands frequently;

  (2) Regularly open windows for ventilation;

  (three) take the initiative to vaccinate against influenza before the arrival of the influenza epidemic season;

  (4) During the influenza epidemic season, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases should try their best to avoid going to crowded places and contact with patients with respiratory infections;

  (5) After flu-like symptoms appear, keep good respiratory hygiene habits, cover your mouth and nose with paper towels and towels when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

  (6) When family members have flu patients, they should try to avoid contact with each other, especially when there are elderly people and patients with chronic diseases at home.

  (7) When the parents of children with flu symptoms go to the hospital for treatment, they should also do a good job in protecting the children and themselves (such as wearing masks) to avoid cross-infection.

Interest-driven banned fireworks have management loopholes in many links. The reporter’s investigation found that "online celebrity Fireworks" was still on sale after a makeover.

Source: Rule of Law Daily-Legal Network
Cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have low ignition points, which can be ignited with matches or lighters, which means that there is fire danger in the process of transportation, storage and sales, and the burning speed is relatively fast, and once a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly.
● According to China’s Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the production, transportation, storage and sales of cold light fireworks as fireworks and firecrackers or "steel wool fireworks" as inflammable dangerous goods shall be subject to the administrative permission of the relevant regulatory authorities.
● After several notices are issued, there are still online stores selling cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks", and there are loopholes in the security inspection of subway and express delivery, so buyers and sellers can still collect and sell goods normally.
□ Rule of Law Daily All-Media Reporter Wang Yang
□ Trainee reporter Zhang Shoukun
During the Spring Festival, fireworks accidents occurred in many places, and the safety risks of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" attracted attention.
On February 14th, official website, the Emergency Management Department, issued a notice, clearly incorporating cold light fireworks into the management of fireworks and firecrackers, and centrally cleaning up and rectifying illegal online sales; On February 16th, the Office of the State Council Safety Production Committee put forward rectification requirements, and all the "steel wool fireworks" currently sold in physical storefronts and online platforms should be taken off the shelves and properly disposed of; On February 19th, the State Post Bureau issued an urgent notice, requiring postal administrations and postal and express delivery enterprises to strictly guard against illegal delivery of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks".
In just a few days, many departments have issued documents intensively, and there is no "transition period" and "buffer period", which shows the determination of the relevant departments to govern.
However, according to a recent investigation by the reporter of Rule of Law Daily, there are still online stores selling cold fireworks such as "fairy glow sticks" and "electronic fireworks" and "steel wool fireworks" that can throw out cool visual effects. From the actual implementation situation, there are still many gaps with the requirements of "all off the shelves" and "prohibiting illegal delivery"; There are loopholes in the security inspection of subway, express delivery and other links, and buyers and sellers can still collect and sell goods normally. In addition, there is still no clear regulation on how to detect and identify, and how to properly handle the "steel wool fireworks" taken off the shelves by sellers and purchased by buyers.
Low ignition point and high risk.
There are misunderstandings in public cognition.
In January this year, in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, a woman played "throwing flowers" with "steel wool fireworks" in the parking lot to shoot a video, which caused the vehicle to catch fire. In Shanghai, a man was playing with "steel wool fireworks" on the roof, and the sparks caused two cars to be damaged …
Why are cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" so dangerous?
Kou Liping, a professor at the School of Public Security of the People’s Public Security University of China and director of the Urban Emergency Management Research Center of the Capital Social Security Research Base, explained that both cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have low ignition points and can be ignited with matches or lighters, which means that there is a fire hazard in the transportation, storage and sales process, and the burning speed is relatively fast, and once a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly.
"The temperature of the cold light fireworks nozzle is as high as 700℃ to 800℃, and the temperature of’ steel wool fireworks’ can reach 2000℃, which will not only burn the skin, but also ignite the surrounding combustibles when used." Yan Liping said.
It is worth noting that the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found in the interview that the public has misunderstandings about these two products.
The first is the name and classification. The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that many people don’t know what cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" are. After the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" showed the photos of cold light fireworks, some talents suddenly realized: "Isn’t this a flower? I used to play it when I was a child." "Steel wool fireworks" looks like a flattened steel ball for washing dishes. Few people know what it is. These people who don’t know even include the boss, courier and security inspector of the fireworks and firecrackers sales point.
Many interviewees will regard cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" as one kind of items, and they all belong to fireworks and firecrackers. The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" learned by calling Anhui Fireworks and Firecrackers Association and consulting relevant regulations that cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" are actually not the same thing.
"Safety and Quality of Fireworks and Firecrackers" stipulates that fireworks and firecrackers are made of pyrotechnics as the main raw materials. After ignition, they will produce light, sound, color, shape, smoke and other effects by burning or exploding, which are used for viewing and are inflammable and explosive.
"Steel wool fireworks" is a filament-shaped low-carbon steel, which contains no smoke powder. It is a material mainly used for polishing stone materials, which has a low ignition point and will form a liquid state at high temperature, and belongs to flammable materials. Cold light fireworks are flammable and explosive, and have been included in the management of fireworks and firecrackers.
Secondly, safety awareness. The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that both sellers and buyers have weak awareness of fire safety.
In many online stores selling cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks", the introductions of merchants are "no danger" and "photographic props and artifacts". A shopkeeper said, just follow the instructions and online videos, but don’t wear down jackets or woolen fabrics. A consumer who has bought "steel wool fireworks" also thinks that it is ok to find a bigger open space and there will be no danger.
Can we set off cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" in the future? Kou Liping said that according to the notice, cold light fireworks can still be sold and set off in areas where fireworks and firecrackers are allowed, but they should be managed in accordance with the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers.
Du Leqi, an associate professor at the Law School of Jiangsu University, also told the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily that according to China’s Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the production, transportation, storage and sales of "steel wool fireworks", whether used as fireworks or flammable dangerous goods, should obtain administrative permission from relevant regulatory authorities.
The network platform is still on sale.
There are loopholes in the transportation link.
What is the current consignment situation of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks"?
Shortly after the rectification request was put forward by the Office of the State Council Work Safety Committee on February 16th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily went to Heping District, Hedong District, Hebei District and other urban areas in Tianjin for on-the-spot visits, and consulted the sales situation of some towns and villages in Tianjin, Lianyungang City, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province and Suzhou City, Anhui Province by telephone and WeChat.
Through the summary of the news obtained, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that at present, for "steel wool fireworks", the fireworks stores in many cities are basically supervised, and the stores basically said that they have never received goods; For cold light fireworks, there are some cases of illegal purchase and sale of private goods in some areas where burning and releasing are prohibited, but this situation is rare.
What about the sales of some online stores and platforms with tens of thousands of sales and "online celebrity Fireworks" flooding?
The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that after the relevant notice was issued, cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have become prohibited words on several e-commerce platforms, and direct search has failed to find related products. However, using keywords such as "fairy wand", "online celebrity Fireworks" and "Hand-cranked Iron Mianhua" to search, you will find that there are still many stores selling, and most of these online stores can still deliver goods normally, and some online stores have more orders during the Spring Festival.
On February 17th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily contacted a Taobao merchant who sold "steel wool fireworks". The store said that the logistics was updated normally, and now it can be delivered immediately, but it will not be sold after two days of strict management.
In the afternoon, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily tried to place an order for "15 pieces of steel wool fireworks with tools", and the next day it showed that it had been delivered successfully. On February 19th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily found that the goods in the store had been emptied, so he contacted the seller again and said what to do if he wanted to buy it in the future. As a result, he received the address of the WeChat store (micro-store) sent by the seller. At present, the Taobao store has no goods on the shelves, but as of press time, the micro store can still buy and sell normally.
On February 22nd, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" received the goods normally, indicating that there were some tips on the paper, such as "You can pass the security check and take the train and plane".
In order to verify the seller’s statement, on the afternoon of receiving the goods, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily came to Jingjiang Road subway station in Tianjin. After explaining the purpose in advance, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily put some "steel wool fireworks" on his body and successfully entered the subway station without triggering the security alarm. Here, you can take Metro Line 2 directly to tianjin railway station, and you can get into the station directly without repeating the security check.
It is understood that X-ray detectors, portable detectors, detection inspection doors and other security equipment in railway stations, buses and subways can detect similar things; Aircraft security will be stricter, and "steel wool fireworks" may be detected.
According to the Regulations on the Administration of Prohibited Delivery of Articles, "steel wool fireworks" should belong to "explosive, flammable, corrosive, toxic, infectious, radioactive and other articles that endanger the delivery safety", and the delivery enterprises should strictly implement the acceptance inspection system and inspect whether the articles delivered by users belong to prohibited items on the spot according to law. However, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter still received the goods normally.
The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" observed that "fine vegetables" were written on the seal used to package the box of "steel wool fireworks". Wang, the person in charge of SF Express in Xiaoxian County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that this situation may be caused by the seller telling the courier that it was vegetables or other items after packaging in advance, and the courier did not open the box for inspection.
Wang said that according to the formal process of express delivery, even if the package has been packaged, the courier should open the box for inspection after notifying the customer. Some things, such as "steel wool fireworks", may not be found during the express delivery; If the courier doesn’t know or the seller can’t tell what this kind of thing is, the courier should also refuse to send it in a serious and responsible manner.
Why do cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have these loopholes in production, transportation and sales?
Du Leqi believes that on the one hand, driven by interests, unlicensed enterprises produce, transport, store and sell these products in a more subtle way. For example, when selling, merchants will dilute or even cover up the commodity attributes of fireworks or flammable products, making it impossible for regulatory authorities to investigate and deal with such illegal acts quickly and efficiently, or the investigation cost is high; On the other hand, the contrast between the scarcity of regulatory power and resources and the susceptibility and multiplicity of illegal acts also weakens the effect of market supervision objectively.
Supervision in various places has increased.
How to properly handle the pending solution
It is understood that emergency bureaus, public security bureaus, State Administration for Market Regulation, transportation bureau, post office, fire rescue brigade and other departments have urgently carried out relevant activities to severely investigate and deal with the production, transportation, sale and discharge of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks".
On February 18, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province launched a centralized rectification campaign, investigated and dealt with 4 illegal acts of selling fireworks and firecrackers without a license, and confiscated 17 "time lanterns" of cold fireworks and more than 300 boxes of "golden electro-optic flowers"; Tianjin Dongli District Emergency Bureau set up four inspection teams to inspect 48 stores of various types, found 12 potential safety problems, rectified 12 on the spot, and investigated and dealt with one according to law (2 cold fireworks sticks were confiscated on the spot); Yang Junnan, a policeman from Taogou Police Station, Yongqiao Branch of Public Security Bureau of Suzhou City, Anhui Province, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that all kinds of fireworks sales stalls have become the product targets of the police, and at the same time, dealers’ purchase channels will be strictly controlled to ensure that these products do not flow to the market.
Du Leqi said that the relevant departments responsible for the supervision of the production, transportation and sales of fireworks and firecrackers should closely cooperate and share illegal information in the process of supervision and law enforcement while implementing their main supervisory responsibilities, so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supervision; Safety supervision departments responsible for the production and operation of fireworks and firecrackers should cooperate with network platform operators to comprehensively investigate and crack down on illegal acts related to such products; The public security departments and other departments that supervise the transportation safety of fireworks and firecrackers should also cooperate with the express delivery industry regulatory agencies, industry associations and other subjects to block the transportation channels of such products.
It is worth noting that the rectification of "steel wool fireworks" should also avoid accidental injury to steel wool.
It is understood that steel wool is actually a polishing material, mainly used for grinding and polishing stone products, metal products and wood products. The rectification requirements put forward by the Office of the State Council Safety Production Committee mentioned that the normal production and supply of steel wool used in industrial production and residents’ life should be guaranteed to prevent simplification and "one size fits all".
What should I do with the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" that I bought online at home after the merchants properly removed the products? This problem also troubled the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" who bought "steel wool fireworks".
Kou Liping said that the destruction of flammable and explosive materials is a highly professional job. She suggested that the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" stored at home should be handed in and destroyed by professionals.
But who to give the product to becomes a problem.
To this end, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter contacted Tianjin Public Security Bureau, Tianjin Fire and Rescue Corps and Tianjin Hedong District Emergency Management Bureau respectively. The person in charge of the Public Security Management Corps of Tianjin Public Security Bureau said that according to the regulations, fireworks and firecrackers can be handed over to the public security department, but "steel wool fireworks" may belong to fire protection. The person in charge of the Fire Prevention Department of Tianjin Fire Rescue Corps said that no relevant notice was received on this matter. The person in charge of the relevant departments of the Hedong District Emergency Management Bureau in Tianjin said that the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" collected in the law enforcement of market supervision and other departments will be handled in a unified manner, but the voluntary surrender may be related to fire protection and public security.
The reporter of the Rule of Law Daily found through inquiry that according to the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the public security department is responsible for the public safety management of fireworks and firecrackers and hazardous chemicals. However, the "steel wool fireworks" are not fireworks and firecrackers. The person in charge of the relevant departments of China Chemical Safety Association told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that the "steel wool fireworks" are not dangerous chemicals either.
So how to properly dispose of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" is still to be solved at present.

In 2016, the auto industry proposal of the two sessions took stock of the automatic driving ladder, and the oil price became the focus.

  [Global Network Comprehensive Report] The Fourth Session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at the Great Hall of the People at 3 pm on March 3, and the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress will also open on March 5.

  In 2016, two national conferences were held, and proposals on the automobile industry were also released. There are not only forward-looking proposals on autonomous driving legislation, but also proposals on people’s livelihood such as oil prices.

  According to the official news released by Geely Automobile, Li Shufu, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Group, put forward three proposals at the two sessions: firstly, he suggested speeding up the legislation of autonomous driving; secondly, he cautiously and reasonably revised the law on the promotion of private education; and thirdly, he strengthened the tax management of e-commerce business transactions.

  Li Shufu believes that motoring has brought new challenges and opportunities to the development of China automobile industry. It is urgent to judge the possible problems in advance and make legislative plans as soon as possible. This is because the legislation on autonomous driving has become a new international concern, and because of the complexity and uniqueness of China, it takes a certain period to amend a legislation or industry regulations. Therefore, starting to consider the legislation on autonomous driving as soon as possible will help to establish the norms of autonomous driving industry in China, promote the healthy development of the industry and guide social investment. Moreover, with the establishment of relevant legislation and industry norms, it can maximize the promotion of related industries to achieve cornering overtaking on the international stage in the "Made in China 2025" grand strategy. 

  As for the content and formulation of autonomous driving legislation, Li Shufu believes that we should first study and analyze the current laws and regulations in China, identify and start to modify the relevant provisions that hinder the development of autonomous driving; Secondly, as a new technology, the final promotion of autonomous driving must be widely accepted by users; In addition, autonomous driving can achieve more significant social effects in solving traffic congestion and air pollution in large and medium-sized cities, and these areas are also in urgent need of autonomous driving; Finally, the development of autonomous driving requires comprehensive consideration of relevant industrial policies of legislation.

  Coincidentally, the three proposals made by Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Baidu CEO Robin Li also involved policies and regulations on driverless driving.

  Li Yanhong said that driverless cars have great energy-saving potential, which has far-reaching significance in reducing traffic accidents, improving congestion, improving road and vehicle utilization, and can directly drive the rapid development of smart car aftermarket and other industries. At present, the development of global driverless technology is welcoming a new upsurge, and China enterprises are also actively deploying the core technology research and development and industrial application in the field of driverless. After years of accumulation, Internet companies such as Baidu have reached the international leading level in many key technologies of autonomous driving, such as traffic scene object recognition, high-precision mapping and positioning. However, compared with the continuous advancement of technology, China’s relevant laws and regulations still have a lot of room for adjustment for the development of driverless cars: on the one hand, the relevant industry standards, technical standards, laws and regulations and insurance of the existing automobile industry are not applicable to driverless cars; On the other hand, regulations on map content and surveying and mapping qualifications related to driverless cars also hinder the development of driverless cars.

  In response to this problem, Li Yanhong suggested in the proposal that China should pay attention to driverless driving at the national level, make top-level design and scientific planning for the research and development and industrial application of driverless technology, and revise and improve laws and regulations related to driverless driving as soon as possible, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the research and development, testing and commercial application of driverless cars.

  In addition to autonomous driving, which represents cutting-edge technology, people’s livelihood issues such as oil prices have also become the focus of auto industry proposals.


  The reporter learned from the official of Great Wall Motor that the proposal of Wang Fengying, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of Great Wall Motor, involved topics such as ladder pricing of vehicle fuel.

  Wang Fengying analyzed the current development situation of automobile industry in China: the number of motor vehicles in China is close to 280 million, the number of private cars is over 140 million, and the number of cars per thousand people is about 117, which is close to the international average. Generally speaking, China has entered the automobile society in an all-round way. Moreover, China’s public demand for cars has not yet reached its peak, and the number of cars is bound to maintain a net growth of more than 10 million in the next 10-15 years. According to this trend, China will become a "country on wheels". By then, people’s mode of production and travel, choice of residence, urban and rural structure, lifestyle, leisure style, consumption structure and business model will also change. This change in the rhythm of social activities will also have a direct impact on social relations and other aspects.

  At present, there is still a big gap between China’s "soft" environment of automobile society, especially the car-using environment and developed countries. The poor convenience of car owners and the heavy tax burden of all links directly restrict the operation efficiency of the automobile society and are not conducive to the development of China’s automobile society.

  She pointed out a series of problems exposed with the growth of car ownership: the system setting of vehicle and vessel tax is unfair, which is not conducive to encouraging car owners to use less cars; The toll period of expressway is too long, which is beyond the reasonable scope, so it should be adjusted and optimized according to the urban development; The fuel price pricing mechanism is not linked to the intensity of vehicle use; The current vehicle annual inspection system is still unreasonable and there is a waste of social resources; Urban parking fee management is chaotic and inefficient, and the whereabouts of parking fees are unknown; Congestion fee collection needs forward-looking planning and corresponding legal and policy support.

  In this regard, Wang Fengying’s suggestions are: increase the intensity of vehicle use and optimize the vehicle and vessel use tax system; Clarify the social and operational attributes of transportation infrastructure such as expressways, scientifically allocate resources, and create a fairer and more standardized car environment for car owners; Taking the vehicle intensity as an important charging standard, this paper explores the ladder pricing system of vehicle fuel to guide users to reduce the vehicle intensity; Supervision and use of "internet plus" and other technical means to improve vehicle traffic efficiency and improve parking management efficiency; Carefully collect congestion charges, and the decision-making process needs to be open and transparent; Revise and improve the laws, regulations and policies related to car use to create a more convenient car use environment for car owners.

  As well as the oil price problem, there are also concerns about the new energy utilization of automobiles, the progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, and the process of green environmental protection. Recently, An Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Jianghuai Automobile, said in an interview with the media that the most concerned issue is energy conservation and emission reduction.

  An Jin said: "This year’s two sessions, in addition to studying Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report, accurately grasping the development trend of the country and industry under the new normal, and combining the 13 th Five-Year Plan with enterprise development, my most concerned topic is energy conservation and emission reduction." At the beginning of the interview, An Jin briefly and directly introduced the focus of the two sessions this year.

  In Amgen’s view, there are at least two major issues in the adjustment of China’s industrial structure: innovation and green. A big country must have a high degree of innovation. If we can’t take the lead in innovation or catch up with it quickly, we can’t have competitiveness and the right to speak in the complicated political and economic environment.

  It is not difficult to infer that Amgen’s proposal will focus on the development of innovative technologies, green cars and energy conservation and emission reduction.

The stock market closed on the 6 th: the Shanghai Composite Index fell 5.58%, and more than 1,000 shares in the two cities fell.

  Beijing, Beijing, May 6 (Xie Yiguan) On the 6 th, the three major stock indexes of A shares gapped lower and continued to fall in intraday trading. Individual stocks generally fell, and the industry sector was exhausted. The three major stock indexes all fell below the 60-day moving average, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below 3,000 points, and the risk was 2,900 points. More than 1,000 stocks in the two cities fell.

  At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index dropped 171.88 points, or 5.58%, to close at 2906.46 points. The Shenzhen Component Index fell more than 700 points, down 7.56%, and then lost 9000 points after falling below the 10,000-point mark, closing at 8943.52 points. The Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 7.94%, falling below the 1600 and 1500 mark and closing at 1494.89. The turnover of the two cities in the whole day was 657.912 billion yuan, which was significantly enlarged compared with previous trading days.

  Today, the A-share sector all fell green. Brokers in the industry sector almost fell, while telecom operations, IT equipment and software services were among the top losers, falling more than 8%. The banking sector with the smallest decline also fell more than 2%. In the concept sector, domestic software, 5G concepts and chip concepts fell by over 9%.

  On the disk, the stocks in the two cities are generally falling, with only 109 stocks closing up, 3,467 stocks falling and 1,147 stocks falling. Among the limit stocks, the GEM has become a concentrated place, with over 300 GEM stocks falling. It is worth noting that there are more than 100 5G concept stocks among the stocks that have fallen below the limit.

  Not only A shares, but also Hong Kong stocks were under pressure on the 6th. As of press time, the Hang Seng Index fell more than 3% to 29,062.57 points. The index of state-owned enterprises also fell more than 3% to 11161.9 points; The red chip index fell more than 2.9% to 4,483.47 points.

  On the 6th, the central parity of RMB against the US dollar was lowered by 58 basis points to 6.7344, the lowest since February 20th. In the morning, the offshore RMB fell sharply against the US dollar, falling below the 6.80 mark and once rushing to 6.8211.

  On the same day, the Central Bank of China announced that a lower deposit reserve ratio will be implemented for small and medium-sized banks from May 15, and about 1,000 county-level rural commercial banks can enjoy this preferential policy, releasing about 280 billion yuan of long-term funds.

  It is worth noting that on the 6th, A-shares went northward with a net outflow of 5.188 billion yuan, including 3.072 billion yuan from Shanghai Stock Connect and 2.116 billion yuan from Shenzhen Stock Connect. In the past April, the net outflow of northbound funds was 17.997 billion yuan, the second highest in a single month in history.

  However, MSCI’s first increase in the proportion of A shares from 5% to 10% will take effect at the end of May. CICC estimates that the proportion of passive funds may be around 20%, and about 20-30 billion yuan will enter the market around the end of May.

  According to a recent report of CICC, the short-term pressure of A-shares has been released after previous adjustment, and the overall valuation is not high. Therefore, the future outlook of A-shares should not be overly pessimistic, and structural opportunities may still be positive, focusing on the general trend of consumption upgrading and industrial upgrading.

  On April 30th, the National Bureau of Statistics and China Mining Association released data. In April, the purchasing managers’ index (PMI) of manufacturing industry was 50.1%, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, and remained in the expansion range. Guangfa Hang Seng believes that the structural contradiction of China’s economy still exists, and the economy is in transition to recovery, and the market will still repeatedly play games around theme stocks.

  Some securities analysts believe that compared with before and after the Spring Festival, the market’s expectation of economic and policy trends is more uncertain. However, many institutions believe that although the unilateral rise in the first stage has passed, the safer configuration window in the market outlook needs to wait further, and the market is expected to enter the second stage.

  Haitong Securities Strategy Team issued a document saying that this wave of adjustment since 3288 points of the Shanghai Composite Index belongs to the retreat after the first-stage valuation of the bull market has been repaired and increased. In the short term, the phased adjustment has not yet ended, and it is necessary to wait for the fundamental relay when the future rest ends and enters the second wave of the bull market.

  Founder Securities pointed out that the next four weeks will still be an important observation window. In the first week after the May Day holiday, if the Zhouyang line can be closed, it will help to resolve the risk of further decline, which deserves special attention. (End)

The NBA of golf is coming! The PGA Tour agreed to merge with the Saudi-backed LIV.

The American golf market has undergone amazing changes.

On Tuesday, June 6th, PGA, the PGA Tour of the United States, and LIV Golf, the upstart golf supported by Saudi Arabia, agreed to merge. This amazing move put an end to the differences and debates about who has dominated American golf since last year.

The two parties indicated that the agreement merged LIV-related businesses supported by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund with the businesses and management rights of PGA and Dubai World Tour, a third-party entity, into a new, collectively owned for-profit entity.

The two sides also said that the merger will end the litigation between the two sides. Since the launch of LIV, the two sides have always had differences in law and public opinion.

The unnamed new business entity will be headed by Yasir Al-Rumayyan, President of Saudi Public Investment Fund, and Jay Monahan, President of PGA, will be the CEO. PGA will appoint a majority of the members of the board of directors and hold a majority of voting rights in the combined business.

The 2023 LIV Golf Tournament will be held as planned. A PGA memo said that after the end of this season, the two sides will "cooperate to establish a fair and objective procedure for any player who wants to reapply for PGA membership".

The memo reads:

Today is an important day for our organization and the whole golf game. When we make the final agreement, there are still many details to be solved, which will eventually need the approval of PGA’s policy Committee.

Golf is usually regarded as a peaceful sport, but the entry of LIV has caused quite a stir in this sports market, and also brought great changes to the operation mode of this sport, because LIV Golf has signed high-value, long-term and guaranteed contracts with players, similar to those obtained by NFL or NBA players.

In contrast, PGA is more like a performance-based league, where players earn money according to their performance in the game and the sponsorship and endorsement fees they can get.

LIV has also signed contracts with some top players in PGA, and the amount is staggering. For example, phil mikkelsen’s $138 million, dustin johnson’s $97 million and Brian Deschamps’ $86 million. However, there are still some famous adherents who continue to support the PGA Tour, including Tiger Woods, rory mcilroy and jordan spieth.

According to reports, Woods and McRoy got a contract of hundreds of millions of dollars from LIV Golf, but they were eventually rejected. Both of them continue to support the PGA Tour, saying that LIV’s contract will undermine competitiveness and reduce players’ motivation to improve their skills.

PGA also tried its best to shut out the players who signed up for LIV Golf, so that they could not participate in the competitions organized by PGA. Therefore, this makes some major events that are not hosted by PGA more attractive, because it is the only place where golfers from two leagues can face each other.

There have been competitive sports leagues in the United States before, such as NBA versus ABL or AFL versus NFL. At some point, the final combination of the opposing sides will bring better games and more income for athletes. However, the market once thought that it would be very difficult to merge LIV and PGA, because LIV is backed by Saudi Arabia with deep pockets, which means that the merger between the two parties may take longer.

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State-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises fight "epidemic" to play a financial combination boxing!

  Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, state-owned and state-owned enterprises across the country have made all-out efforts to fight the epidemic, promoted the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner, bravely fought the epidemic and became the "ballast stone" to stabilize the economy, which fully demonstrated the mission of being the mainstay.

  In addition to effective measures such as medical assistance, material supply, and people’s livelihood security, state-owned and state-owned enterprises continue to carry out financial innovation services, raise funds for epidemic prevention and control, help production and operation, make efforts to break through the blocking points and pain points of the industrial chain, and make overall plans to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

  timely rain

  Series bonds provide financial support for epidemic prevention and control.

  "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first." The government, enterprises, medical institutions, etc. are actively involved in efficient epidemic prevention and control work, and continuous financial support is extremely necessary. To this end, central enterprises continue to issue a series of epidemic prevention and control bonds, and provide special financing guarantee for epidemic prevention and control for relevant institutions in the industrial chain by effective financial means, which has also gained high recognition from the capital market.

  China Communications Group: Issuing the first asset-backed securities for epidemic prevention and control.

  On February 14th, No.2 Aviation Administration affiliated to CCCC issued the first ABS in the whole market on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The issuance scale was 230 million yuan, with a term of one year and a priority of 2.8% in coupon rate. The issuance was completed in seven days, and the issuance efficiency reached a record high for ABS products in supply chain finance.

  ABS, a supply chain finance, is an asset securitization based on the real transactions in the upstream and downstream supply chain of core enterprises, with the cash flow income of future transactions as the guarantee, and carries out normalized and sustainable issuance of accounts receivable claims of upstream suppliers of core enterprises. The funds raised in the current supply chain asset support special plan are mainly used to give financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the upper reaches of the supply chain, help to resume production, and further support the construction of hospitals and scientific research laboratories in epidemic areas related to first-line anti-epidemic enterprises in epidemic areas and the investment in related epidemic prevention and control projects.

  SDIC: Issue the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control at the headquarters of central enterprises.

  On February 18th, SDIC successfully issued the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control of the headquarters of central enterprises in the domestic capital market in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with an issuance scale of 500 million yuan, an issuance rate of 3.38% and a term of 3+N years. The bonds are underwritten by Essence Securities and GF Securities, and the finance company is the financial consultant. The funds raised will be used to support the epidemic prevention-related member enterprises to carry out epidemic prevention materials production activities.

  This bond is also the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which has attracted the participation of a number of high-quality investors including China Merchants Bank and Ping An Pension. The market response has been enthusiastic and investors have subscribed enthusiastically. The bond has been renewable for the same period since 2017. The lowest issue rate of corporate bonds.

  Ordnance Industry Group: Issuing the first epidemic prevention and control bond of petrochemical enterprises.

  On February 20th, North Huajin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., China Ordnance Industry Group, successfully bookkept and issued 1 billion yuan of ultra-short-term financing bonds for the first phase of epidemic prevention and control bonds in 2020, with an issue interest rate of 2.70%, which was 145 basis points lower than the benchmark interest rate of banks in the same period, setting a new low in Northeast China since 2017, saving interest expenses of 10.87 million yuan.

  This bond is the first epidemic prevention and control bond issued in Northeast China and the first epidemic prevention and control bond issued by petrochemical enterprises. Polypropylene, industrial ethylene oxide and industrial butadiene produced by Huajin Co., Ltd. are important raw materials for the production of epidemic prevention products (masks, disinfectant, medical gloves, etc.).

  China Power Construction Co., Ltd.: Issued the first single bond for epidemic prevention and control of central enterprises in construction.

  On February 21st, China Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first single epidemic prevention and control bond of national central construction enterprises in the inter-bank market, with a bond issuance scale of 3.5 billion yuan and a maturity of 180 days, accounting for 2.3% in coupon rate. At least 10% of the funds raised in this bond will be specially used to support the material supply and infrastructure construction of subordinate units involved in epidemic prevention and control, and fully support member enterprises to win the battle against the epidemic.

  This bond issuance was conducted by Dianjian Finance Company as the financial consultant, and China Everbright Bank as the lead underwriter and bookkeeper. The issued products hit a new high in the scale of bond issuance for epidemic prevention and control in the interbank market, and hit a new low in the interest rate of the same industry, the same qualification, the same term and the same type of products in recent years.

  SINOMACH: Issuance of 2 billion yuan epidemic prevention and control bonds in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  On February 28th, SINOMACH successfully issued China Machinery Industry Group Co., Ltd. a public offering of 2020 corporate bonds (the first issue) (epidemic prevention and control bonds), with a scale of 2 billion yuan. Part of the raised funds will be used for various epidemic prevention production inputs to ensure that enterprises actively respond to epidemic prevention and control work.

  The term of corporate bonds for epidemic prevention and control in this issue is 3+2 years, which was enthusiastically subscribed and actively supported by investors during the issuance process. The final issuance of corporate bonds in coupon rate was only 3.02%, the lowest in coupon rate since 2017, which fully reflected the high recognition of the capital market.

  China Resources: Issuing the first directional bond for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  On February 28th, China Resources Leasing Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first-phase targeted debt financing tool (epidemic prevention and control bond) in 2020. This bond is the first targeted debt financing tool for epidemic prevention and control of central enterprises in China and the first targeted debt financing tool for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  The funds raised in this bond will be given priority to the financial leasing projects of designated medical hospitals participating in the treatment of COVID-19 epidemic, so as to provide financing guarantee for hospitals to purchase medical equipment, protective equipment and other medical materials. The bond issuance scale of this issue is 500 million yuan, with a term of two years, and coupon rate’s is 3.85%, which is the lowest interest rate of similar bonds in the same industry and with the same term in the past two years.

  roll booster

  Innovative service helps to resume work and production, forming a benign cycle.

  State-owned and state-owned enterprises have continuously enhanced the ability of financial services to the real economy, helped upstream and downstream enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to alleviate the financing difficulties, and used financial "living water" to help cooperative enterprises develop in a coordinated way, so as to make the market generate more dynamic and help the resumption of work and production to form a good cycle.

  China Merchants Bank: The long-distance lending model has been fully promoted, with a loan of 23.7 billion yuan in three weeks.

  At present, China Merchants Bank’s "remote lending" business model has become a sharp weapon to solve the financing problems of enterprises during the epidemic period.

  As of February 21st, within three weeks, 35 branches of China Merchants Bank have issued 896 credit businesses to customers through remote lending mode, totaling 23.7 billion yuan. Among them, the utilization rate of remote lending in branches such as Wuhan, Wenzhou and Beijing has reached 100%.

  The remote lending model is a financial technology innovation project of China Merchants Bank. In 2019, China Merchants Bank completed the development of system functions and the pilot launch of seven branches. Technically, remote lending is an online fast lending mode developed by combining the electronic image storage and transmission functions of online banking and CVM system. In this mode, the account manager doesn’t need to go to the door before lending, and even the customer doesn’t need to submit the information at the outlet. He just needs to take photos through the customer’s online banking terminal or the account manager’s mobile phone and upload the image of the lending information. The lending center can first lend money based on the electronic image information, and then hand over the original lending information for filing within the specified time limit. Through the non-contact lending mode on the whole line, the market personnel can stay at home and complete the lending.

  On February 3, the first day after the holiday, the head office of China Merchants Bank issued an urgent notice to all branches to fully promote the remote lending model and allow the remote business scope to be expanded from high-frequency business under credit to all corporate credit businesses.

  State Grid: Electricity fee finance opens up a green channel, financing tens of billions for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  After the outbreak, the State Grid e-commerce company responded quickly, gave full play to the advantages of the platform, and strengthened financial services for key material support enterprises and increased support for small and medium-sized enterprises with two major business entry points: online industrial chain finance and electricity fee finance.

Fujian Jingfeng Technology, which successfully raised funds through the financial technology platform of State Grid E-commerce Company, has made full efforts to increase production capacity, and the staff is taking down the finished nylon yarn and preparing for inspection.

Fujian Jingfeng Technology, which successfully raised funds through the financial technology platform of State Grid E-commerce Company, has made full efforts to increase production capacity, and the staff is taking down the finished nylon yarn and preparing for inspection.

  Take the initiative to connect with cooperative financial institutions and actively strive for preferential policies for enterprises. At present, the interest rate of new loans issued by CCB E-loan (Yundian Loan) is lowered by 0.5%, and the minimum annualized interest rate of Weizhong Bank E-loan (Micro-loan) is lowered by 2.7%, further reducing the financing cost of enterprises.

  Open a green financing channel for epidemic areas, and jointly launch a green financing service channel for e-tickets to Hubei enterprises and security enterprises with Jiangsu Bank, and enjoy the preferential interest rate for bill financing, which is not less than 0.2% lower than the current market interest rate, and open a seller’s interest payment method to further reduce the cash flow pressure of enterprises.

  At present, e-loan, e-profit, e-ticket, pay-by-ticket and other electricity fee financial services operate in a full-line and non-contact mode, providing 7*24-hour online exclusive services remotely. During the epidemic period, more than 3,000 businesses were accepted. The online industrial chain financial platform based on blockchain has raised 16.73 billion yuan for small and medium-sized enterprises, and the transaction volume of electricity financial products has reached 2.61 billion yuan, which has become a scientific and technological "grasping hand" to help small and medium-sized enterprises resume production and return to work, helping small and medium-sized enterprises to have a virtuous circle of capital chains.

  SDIC: Providing nearly 100 million insurance premiums for small and medium-sized enterprises to help them resume work and production.

  China Insurance, a subsidiary of SDIC, reduced or exempted the two-month premium for 20 insured enterprise customers directly related to epidemic prevention and control and the national economy and people’s livelihood, with a total guarantee liability of nearly 100 million yuan. That is, in February, when the epidemic was severe, and in March, when China Insurance kept its financing guarantee responsibility unchanged, these 20 small and micro enterprises would not be charged any guarantee fees.

  For small and medium-sized enterprises in business services, agriculture and science and technology, which are greatly affected by the epidemic, China Insurance has opened a green channel to reduce the financing costs of enterprises, and achieved rapid secured loans for small and micro enterprises to coordinate banks, meeting the urgent financing needs of enterprises in a special period; For wholesale, retail and agricultural logistics enterprises that are greatly affected by the epidemic, measures such as reducing or renewing insurance premiums are taken to meet the operating capital needs of enterprises in a special period and help them resume production and return to work smoothly; The demand for financing and materials of small and micro-insured customers in Beijing during the epidemic period was investigated and counted, and the suggestions put forward by many enterprises, such as "the current epidemic has had a certain impact on production and operation, and financing hopes to get uninterrupted loan renewal or extension after maturity to effectively reduce financing costs", were reported to local regulatory authorities and industry associations in time.

  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province: In conjunction with The Export-Import Bank of China, it provides 10 billion special loan quotas for provincial enterprises.

  The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province, together with The Export-Import Bank of China Fujian Branch, formulated the Work Plan on Policy-based Financial Support for Stable Production of Key Provincial State-owned Enterprises in Fujian Province, and the Export-Import Bank of Fujian Branch provided a special loan amount of 10 billion yuan for Fujian provincial enterprises to support the emergency fund demand for resuming work and production. The maximum interest rate of this loan is not more than 3.33%. In principle, the loan term shall not exceed one year. Enterprises with normal operation and qualified conditions can adopt a guarantee-free way. At the same time, the Fujian Branch of the Export-Import Bank set up a special green channel, and completed the approval process within three working days on the premise of risk control and compliance with regulatory requirements in accordance with the principle of "special affairs and urgent affairs". The Export-Import Bank Fujian Branch has selected more than 20 provincial enterprises from the list submitted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province as the first batch of support targets.


  Warm-hearted protection creates a solid backing for retrograde soldiers

  Fighting the COVID-19 epidemic is a war without smoke, which requires retrograde people to go to the front line without hesitation, and more forces are needed to firmly guard the rear defense line. Under the epidemic situation, financial security services play an extremely critical role in the social operation system. Through financial tools, state-owned and state-owned enterprises build a solid "rear area" for retrograde people and avoid worries.

  Zhaolian Finance: Launching the Care Action of "Reducing Interest Loans"

  Zhaolian Finance is a licensed consumer finance company jointly established by China Unicom and China Merchants Bank and approved by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China. On February 10th, Zhaolian Finance launched the "Interest Reduction and Care Action during the Anti-epidemic Period", aiming at reputable users such as front-line medical staff, police officers, takeaway and courier brothers, and credit-worthy small and micro business owners who are facing the problem of family life turnover, and launched the exclusive warm-hearted service of "loan discount and interest-free loan".

  From February 10th to March 10th, all reputable and qualified users can enter the "Anti-epidemic and Interest-reducing Care Activities" area through recruiting financial APP and WeChat official account, and apply for interest-free loan vouchers for 3-14 days to relieve the pressure of daily consumption expenses.

  Guangxi Investment Group: Donate insurance for medical staff and relatives in the whole region.

  Guangxi Investment Group Guofu Life Insurance and Beibu Gulf Property Insurance donated insurance to 220,000 medical staff and 300,000 relatives of medical staff in the region respectively.

  The insurance protection scheme shall take effect retrospectively from 0: 00 on January 1, 2020 to 24: 00 on December 31, 2020. During the insurance period, if the medical staff involved in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic in Guangxi (including medical staff assisting Hubei in Guangxi) died of illness due to infection with novel coronavirus during the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic, they will pay 300,000 yuan of disease death insurance money in one lump sum; After the medical staff involved in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in novel coronavirus (including the medical staff assisting Hubei in Guangxi) are diagnosed with infection, if their spouses and their children are infected with novel coronavirus and die of the disease, they will pay 200,000 yuan in one lump sum (the sum of the insurance premiums paid by the minor insured after his death shall be implemented according to the limit stipulated by the insurance supervision and administration institution of the State Council).

The Central Meteorological Observatory is very busy! It’s hot and rainy. Will it turn around next Monday?

       CCTV News:To say which department is the busiest recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory should count as one. For a while, the high temperature here continued to be dry, and for a while, there was hail in strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory had to forecast the weather to the public in time. It coincides with the summer vacation, and people with travel plans are more concerned about whether going out to play will be disturbed by the weather. Recently, the hot weather is obvious to all. Let’s see when this round of hot weather will be eased.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: A large area of high temperature weather appeared in central and eastern China on the 4th.

       Yesterday, there was a large area of high temperature weather in central and eastern China. Meteorological monitoring by the Central Meteorological Observatory showed that the temperature in Beijing, southern Hebei, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, Zhejiang and Shanghai exceeded 37℃, while that in Chongqing and Shaanxi was 40 ~ 42℃.

       Wanzhou, Chongqing: 20 days without rain and 4 days of high temperature red warning.

       On the morning of the 4th, Wanzhou District of Chongqing issued a high-temperature red warning signal for the fourth consecutive day. The meteorological department reminded that there was no obvious precipitation in the local area for 20 days, which has reached the standard of high-temperature summer drought. All units should do a good job in heatstroke prevention and drought relief. According to the monitoring of Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory, the temperature in Wanzhou has rushed to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, and the local maximum temperature has reached 43.8 degrees Celsius. The sunny and hot weather makes Wanzhou citizens feel very tormented.

       Shaanxi: High temperature orange warning was issued for two consecutive days.

       On August 3rd and 4th, Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau issued high-temperature orange warning twice in a row, and started high-temperature three-level emergency response.

       According to the statistics of meteorological department, the highest temperature in 65 districts and counties in Shaanxi Province exceeded 35 degrees Celsius on August 3rd. Among them, the highest temperature in Xunyang County, Ankang City reached 42.6 degrees Celsius, and Shaanxi launched a high-temperature level III emergency response. According to the meteorological satellite land surface temperature monitoring, on the afternoon of August 3, the surface temperature in the north-central part of northern Shaanxi and most parts of Guanzhong was above 40 degrees Celsius, with the surface temperature in the areas under the jurisdiction of Xi ‘an, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan and Hanzhong exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: On the 5th, it continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. During the day on the 5th, there was high temperature above 35℃ in eastern southern Xinjiang, southeastern part of northwest China, eastern North China, central and western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan and northern South China. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37 ~ 39℃, and the local temperature can exceed 40℃.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: High temperature yellow warning Huanghuai Jiangnan high temperature continues

       Today, the hot weather in the southeastern part of the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River will continue, and the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       In the southeast of northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, the high temperature weather continues today, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. It is estimated that the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37-39 C, and the local temperature can exceed 40 C, reminding people to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

       Next week, the cold air will go south and the high temperature will ease.

       It is expected that the high temperature range will expand tomorrow, with the highest temperature above 35℃ in a large area from the south of Shaanxi, the south of North China, the south of Huanghuai West to the north of South China. However, from next Monday, due to the combined influence of cold air and rain, the high temperature weather in the above areas will gradually ease.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall occurred in Shandong, Liaoning and other places yesterday

       On the 4th, heavy rain occurred in eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula and parts of eastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Yunnan, western Guangxi and northern Hainan, and heavy rain fell in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, and a heavy rain of 250-342 mm fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong precipitation in Jianghan, the eastern part of northwest China.

       According to the latest weather released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, due to the influence of high-altitude trough and low-level shear, there will be an obvious precipitation process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China to Jianghan, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas from night to 7, with moderate to heavy rain as the precipitation intensity, with heavy rain in some areas.

       In the next 24 hours, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, eastern and southern Southwest China, southwestern Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan and southwestern South China, with local heavy rain; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall is scattered, and rainfall in Northeast China is weakened.

       According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from day to night, there is obvious rainfall in the northeast, north China, southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, mainly small to moderate rain, and the distribution of heavy rain is relatively scattered.

       Recently, affected by typhoon residual circulation and cold air, North China, Northeast China and other places have experienced heavy rainfall. According to meteorological monitoring, the rain weakened in most areas yesterday, but there were still heavy rains in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, among which heavy rains fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rainfall in Northeast China will be further weakened today. Although there is a wide range of rainfall in the country, the distribution of heavy rainfall is scattered. Among them, Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, Yunnan and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, reminding people to pay attention to rain and lightning protection during weekend trips.

       Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall will be transferred to Qinghai, Gansu and other places, among which there is heavy rain in the eastern part of Gansu, so it is necessary to guard against geological disasters that may be caused by rainfall.


       Guide to severe convective weather prevention:

       1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning protection and strong wind, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression and conduct operations at the right time;

       2. The driver should slow down when passing through the waterlogged section to confirm the safety before passing, and the traffic control department should take traffic control measures and traffic guidance in the heavy rainfall section and waterlogged section according to the road conditions;

       3. Outdoor personnel should reduce or suspend outdoor work in open places, choose to enter buildings with strong wind resistance and lightning protection measures, and close doors and windows away from dangerous power sources;

       4. Airports, railways, highways and water transportation units should take measures such as flight restriction, speed limit or temporary closure to ensure personnel and traffic safety. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to evade and strengthen port facilities;

       5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and make necessary drainage measures and prepare for disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.

Guiyang traffic police: I am on duty on New Year’s Day.

In 2023, the New Year’s Day holiday will come as scheduled. In the cold winter, in every corner of the streets and lanes, there are "fluorescent greens" everywhere, flashing red and blue warning lights. Guiyang traffic police stick to their posts and do their duty as "guardians" and devote themselves to ensuring smooth traffic:
Check and correct illegal activities
On New Year’s Day holiday, all the traffic police in Guiyang are on duty, and the police force will be put into the front line of the road to the maximum extent. Combined with the actual situation in the jurisdiction, mobile patrols, fixed duty, aerial patrol by drones and other means will continue to be carried out in the main sections of the urban trunk roads, urban and rural roads and other jurisdictions to ensure the safety, order and smoothness of roads during the festival.
Pay close attention to the illegal rectification of roads and do not relax, and strictly investigate all kinds of traffic violations such as overcrowding and not wearing seat belts; In view of the tendency of drunk driving during holidays, Guiyang traffic police continued to carry out special rectification actions for drunk driving at various key intersections and road sections, and every car must be inspected, effectively deterring all kinds of traffic violations.
From December 28, 2023 to January 1, 2024, Guiyang traffic police organized a nationwide unified campaign to rectify drunk driving in the whole city, continued to focus on highlighting traffic violations, maintained strict control and strict investigation of the high-pressure situation, and sent warm protection for winter travel.
Warning propaganda
The Eighth Brigade of the High-speed Detachment carried out the propaganda work of anti-fatigue driving and high-speed safe driving in Longgang service area.
The second brigade of the high-speed detachment joined the traffic law enforcement department to carry out traffic safety publicity in Kaiyang service area to remind drivers to drive safely and prevent fatigue driving.
On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, qingzhen city Traffic Police Brigade entered the passenger station in its jurisdiction to carry out traffic safety publicity activities for drivers and passengers. During the period, remind the passenger drivers not to answer the hand-held phone while driving, and urge the passengers to fasten their seat belts all the time.
On the morning of December 30th, qingzhen city Traffic Police Brigade entered Minle Village of Hongfeng Lake and used the market day to carry out traffic safety publicity activities. During the period, while investigating and correcting illegal behaviors such as motorcycles and electric vehicles riding by many people and not wearing safety helmets, we will continue to increase publicity and education, distribute publicity materials to the parties, and explain the safety knowledge of "one helmet and one belt" to prevent major accidents in rural areas.
Keep a close eye on key risks and hidden dangers and strengthen the control of key vehicles
The Fourth Brigade of the High-speed Detachment carried out the work of "strictly closing the entrance" at the Qin Qi toll station, focusing on checking and registering the vehicles with "two passengers, one danger and one cargo".
Guiyang traffic police inspected and registered passenger vehicles by the Economic Development Zone Branch to remind passengers to fasten their seat belts.
Guiyang traffic police persuaded the illegally parked large trucks through the Economic Development Zone Sub-bureau.
Xiuwen county Traffic Police Brigade cooperated with Xiaoqing Police Station to control traffic hidden dangers and install speed bumps on Guijin-Gulin Line.
Little things make the guardian more warm
On the first day of the New Year’s Day holiday, the police of the 9 th Brigade of the High-speed Detachment patrolled Guijin Expressway in the jurisdiction. When they found the fault of the private car in Taojiashan Tunnel, they immediately set up warning signs, evacuated the people on board to a safe place, and arranged for the rescue of the wrecker.
When the xiuwen county Traffic Police Brigade patrolled Yangming Avenue, it found that a van broke down, and the police immediately stepped forward to help the driver push the vehicle to the side of the road to eliminate potential safety hazards.
Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Jiang Mengjiao
Editor Wang Yun
Cheng Xing of second instance
Third trial Ouyang Hainan

How important is China’s "key move" to the world?

"Since the reform and opening up, Volkswagen has always been an important member of China’s automobile industry. Based on the strategy of "in China, for China", in the future, we will make better use of local innovation forces and respond to the needs of China consumers more nimbly. " On 18th, Bered, chairman and CEO of audi ag (China), told International Sharp Review.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. Reform and opening up not only profoundly changed the face of China, but also brought win-win opportunities to the world. Especially in the past 10 years, China has implemented a more proactive opening-up strategy, and multinational companies like Volkswagen have gained rich returns.

Twenty-two free trade zones have been built, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has been accelerated, the negative list of foreign investment access has been continuously reduced, the Foreign Investment Law has been promulgated, and the "the belt and road initiative" has been built with high quality … In the past 10 years, China has been continuously opening up from a mobile type of goods and factors to an institutional type of opening up such as rules, regulations, management and standards, which proves that "opening up to the outside world is a key measure for China’s development".

So, how important is a high-level open China to the world?

What China’s open economy brings is, first of all, a solid contribution to economic growth. In the past 10 years, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy has increased from 12.3% to over 18%, and its annual average contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded 30%. China has been a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions. The International Monetary Fund predicts that the contribution rate of China’s economy will still exceed 30% this year. It can be seen that China has always been an important engine of world economic growth, which is particularly important at the moment when the world economic recovery is weak.

For multinational enterprises, they have enjoyed the dividend of China’s economic growth and gained extensive development space in China. In the past 10 years, the global share of China’s foreign investment has increased from 8.2% to 11.4%. The third phase of BASF Shanghai Innovation Park was completed, the third phase of Schneider Electric Shanghai Kangqiao Factory was put into production, and Danfoss Global Refrigeration R&D and Testing Center was put into use in Tianjin … Since this year, many foreign companies have invested more in China. According to a survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in the third quarter of this year, nearly 90% of the foreign-funded enterprises surveyed expect their profits to be flat or improved in the next five years. Wang Na, Marketing Director of Dole China, told International Sharp Review that he was very optimistic about the open China market and deeply felt that the demand of China consumers for high-quality fruits brought Dole more development opportunities.

The opening-up of China is still the opening-up that leads the economic development trends such as greening and digitalization. As the largest exporter of goods, China’s international share will increase to 14.7% in 2022. Since the beginning of this year, China’s "three new products" (electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells) have caused a worldwide upsurge. Recently, Nikkei News reported that thanks to the vigorous development of green technology products, China has been the largest exporter of goods in the world.

In 2022, China’s digital economy accounted for 41.5% of GDP, ranking second in the world. Some analysts pointed out that China has gained great advantages in artificial intelligence, new energy, biotechnology and so on, and it is in the first camp and even occupies a dominant position. In Southeast Asia, China enterprises helped to build the first 5G smart hospital in ASEAN; In Africa, China’s digital intelligent logistics management system helps Nigerians to make online shopping more convenient; In Latin America, China cooperates with Brazil, Ecuador and other countries with digital technology to help protect the Amazon rainforest ecosystem and other environments … The development of digital technology in China is benefiting people of all countries and injecting new momentum into world economic growth.

More importantly, China’s concept of opening to the outside world and its efforts to build an open world economy have brought a new atmosphere to the global governance system. In the past 10 years, from putting forward the initiative of "the belt and road initiative", global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative, to holding a series of international exhibitions such as China International Import Expo(CIIE) and Service Trade Fair, to signing and implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and promoting the accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, China has always insisted on discussing, building and sharing, and welcomed the world to share opportunities in China. Take the co-construction of "the belt and road initiative" as an example. In the past 10 years, it has boosted the investment scale of nearly one trillion US dollars, created 420,000 jobs for the co-construction of the country and lifted nearly 40 million people out of poverty. This is a vivid interpretation of China’s concept of global governance, which promotes the continuous improvement of the global governance system.

"The open door of China will not be closed, but will only grow bigger and bigger." The just-concluded China Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 put forward a series of new measures on "opening up to the outside world at a high level". The world has every reason to look forward to China’s "key move" and the more opportunities it will bring, from accelerating the cultivation of new kinetic energy of foreign trade, relaxing market access for services such as telecommunications and medical care, and benchmarking international high-standard economic and trade rules.

(International Critical Commentator)

The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants came to Shenzhen for three months, and Shenzhen and Hong Kong took the lead in launching the civil servant exchange and cooperation project.

The launching ceremony of "Guangdong-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project" was held in Qianhai, Shenzhen on the 18th. The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants will have a deep exchange for three months.

It is learnt that 10 middle and senior civil servants in Hong Kong come from eight departments and grades, including the Administrative Officer Grade, the Executive Officer Grade, the Environmental Protection Department, the Highways Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Planning Department and the Transport Department. The exchange personnel were sent to different government units in Futian and Qianhai, Shenzhen, respectively, to conduct in-depth exchanges in areas such as regional governance, scientific and technological development, urban planning, transportation and environmental protection.

It is reported that this exchange and cooperation project is the first civil servant exchange project between Hong Kong and the Mainland since the full resumption of customs clearance. It is an important measure to take the lead in implementing the Agreement on Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in September this year, and Shenzhen has also become the first stop for the civil servant exchange and cooperation project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in the Mainland. According to the consensus between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Hong Kong SAR Government will send 10 senior and middle-level civil servants from Hong Kong to relevant government departments and statutory bodies in Shenzhen for three months from mid-December 2023 to cooperate with the construction of major platforms for Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, such as Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, and participate in the work in the fields of ecological environment and transportation planning.

Observers believe that the exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong have a deep foundation. With the continuous expansion of Greater Bay Area’s construction and Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation has moved from economic cooperation in the past to all-round cooperation and ushered in a new era of all-round acceleration and all-round promotion. In the field of public officials’ exchange, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have experienced cooperation from the working level of ecological environment and border policing to the normal and frequent exchange and docking under the mechanism of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation special class. This exchange and cooperation has been broadened to the fields of scientific and technological innovation, ecological environment, urban planning and transportation planning, and the in-depth exchange and cooperation between civil servants of the two places will be strengthened in more fields in the future.