Shenzhen: Consumers will be subsidized by 15% of the sales price when purchasing qualified mobile phones, computers and other products.

  "Shenzhen Releases" WeChat official account News. On May 23rd, Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports, and Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Committee jointly issued "Several Measures for Promoting the Sustainable Recovery of Consumption in Shenzhen".

  Some measures to promote the sustainable recovery of consumption in Shenzhen

  In order to thoroughly implement the national and provincial decision-making arrangements on promoting consumption, stimulate consumption potential, expand consumer demand and boost consumer confidence, the following measures are formulated.

  First, encourage automobile consumption

  (1) Support individual consumers to purchase new energy vehicles. Individual consumers who newly purchase qualified new energy vehicles and get a license in Shenzhen will be given a subsidy of no more than 10,000 yuan/set. Fully implement the national policy of exempting new energy vehicles from vehicle purchase tax. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau)

  (2) Increase the incremental index of ordinary cars. Add 20,000 incremental indicators for ordinary cars, and allocate them to the "unsuccessful" applicants who are still lottery and have participated in more than 60 issues (including 60 issues) through special lottery activities. The winners must purchase qualified fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles (for those who purchase new energy vehicles, the maximum subsidy is not more than 20,000 yuan/set). (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  (3) Relax the application conditions for hybrid car indicators. Individuals with only one car registered in Shenzhen are allowed to buy qualified hybrid cars and apply for licensing indicators. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau)

  (four) to encourage tourist passenger vehicles to use new energy or clean energy. Enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that newly purchase qualified new energy tourist passenger cars (including clean fuel passenger cars) will be given a maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan/set. Promote party and government organs, enterprises and institutions to purchase green transportation travel services. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  (5) Accelerate the clean replacement of garbage transfer vehicles. Coordinate the procurement of domestic waste transfer services, and accelerate the transformation of diesel waste transfer vehicles into qualified LNG, electric (including power exchange) and hydrogen fuel cell transfer vehicles in accordance with the principle of "full replacement after the contract expires". (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, districts)

  (six) to promote the replacement of fuel trailers in the port. If the fuel trailer in the port is replaced by a qualified new energy vehicle (including a clean fuel vehicle), the maximum subsidy will not exceed 50,000 yuan/set. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau)

  (seven) to increase the promotion and use of new energy vehicles in the public domain. Coordinate the promotion of fuel official vehicles, police cars, state-owned vehicles and other scrapped vehicles to be updated into new energy vehicles. Accelerate the replacement of buses, cruise taxis, etc. (Responsible units: Municipal Organs Administration Bureau, Public Security Bureau, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and all districts)

  (8) Promote the trading of used cars. Expand the pilot scope of second-hand car turnover indicators, and issue second-hand car turnover indicators to qualified second-hand car legal entities. The second-hand car distribution legal person sells the second-hand car it bought, and the value-added tax is levied at a reduced rate of 0.5%. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Transportation Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau)

  (nine) to carry out automobile activities in the countryside. Residents of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone who purchase new energy vehicles in Shenzhen Administrative District (New District) can apply for the increment index of pure electric cars or hybrid cars according to relevant regulations, and enjoy relevant subsidy policies. Give full play to Shenzhen’s role as a working organization in front of various counterpart assistance areas, strengthen the linkage between government and enterprises, and promote cars to the countryside. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone)

  (10) Expand the export of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the improvement of the production capacity of new energy vehicles in our city, and support the automobile production and export enterprises registered in Shenzhen and exporting complete vehicles through Shenzhen Port to expand the export scale. Improve the level of port logistics facilitation, promote key shipping companies to set up fixed foreign trade ro-ro routes in Shenzhen Port, and fully subsidize berthing fees and port operation lump sum fees for shipping companies that carry export cars. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Transportation Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  Second, expand the scale of the consumer electronics market

  (eleven) to carry out promotional activities of consumer electronic products. Combined with the themes of school season, summer promotion season, traditional festivals, etc., special promotion activities for consumer electronics will be organized in rotation during May-August, and consumers will be subsidized to buy qualified products such as mobile phones, computers (including tablet computers), headphones, stereos, smart home appliances, smart wearable devices, consumer drones, smart home robots, smart fitness equipment, etc., with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person. Encourage telecom operators to cooperate with consumer electronics manufacturers in depth and carry out activities such as "replacement subsidy", "telephone fee reward" and "package upgrade". Support the green utilization of recycling equipment. If qualified enterprises recycle old machines and sell them in Shenzhen, they will be subsidized according to 5% of sales. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration)

  (XII) Expand centralized purchase orders. For the needs of party and government organs, institutions and large enterprises such as digital office and employees’ personal use, we will organize production enterprises, telecom operators and service solution providers to hold special centralized procurement activities on a regular basis. Party and government organs and state-owned enterprises are encouraged to purchase qualified consumer electronic products for counterpart assistance. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Finance Bureau, Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange Bureau, all districts and relevant units)

  (thirteen) the implementation of broadband upgrade for millions of users. Operators are encouraged to upgrade the broadband network speed of home users to more than 500 megabytes (including 500 megabytes) for free, and the tariff standard remains unchanged. In 2022, for operators whose broadband network speed is more than 500 megabytes (including 500 megabytes), the proportion of household users is not less than 60%. According to the number of newly upgraded users, 80 yuan subsidies will be given to each household, with a maximum of 60 million yuan for each operator. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration, districts)

  Third, promote the consumption of household appliances

  (fourteen) to carry out green energy-saving home appliances promotion. Organize household appliance production and sales enterprises to launch activities to benefit the people and make profits. During May-August, consumers will be subsidized to buy qualified household appliances such as televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen appliances and small household appliances according to 15% of the sales price, with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau)

  (fifteen) the implementation of affordable housing "bag occupancy" project. Revise and improve the delivery standards of affordable housing (including public rental housing, affordable rental housing, and shared property housing), deliver fully renovated finished products to affordable housing that was completed and qualified during the year, configure basic household products such as range hoods, gas stoves, water heaters and air conditioners that meet the requirements, and carry out pilot projects for smart homes throughout the house. Encourage new commercial housing to be fully renovated and delivered, and provide necessary smart home products. (Responsible units: Municipal Housing Construction Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Talent Housing Group, all districts)

  Fourth, do a good job in the prevention and control of normalized epidemics

  (sixteen) increase the intensity of electronic sentry layout. Party and government organs, schools, hospitals and other units shall all install electronic sentries in principle. All districts encourage office buildings, industrial parks and other workplaces to upgrade and transform "electronic sentry+gate" according to epidemic prevention requirements. Eligible transformation subjects will be given a subsidy of no more than 100,000 yuan according to 20% of their total investment. (Responsible unit: relevant units directly under the municipal government, Municipal Finance Bureau, districts)

  (seventeen) actively promote the application of high-tech anti-epidemic products. In isolation hotels, shelter hospitals, special isolation places and other fields, we will increase the popularization and application of high-tech epidemic prevention products such as food delivery and disinfection robots, video intelligent analysis systems, water-based self-disinfection film-forming materials, millimeter-wave radar, epidemic prevention intelligent environmental protection mobile toilets, and nucleic acid detection kiosks. The municipal finance will subsidize the relevant expenses of each district by no more than 3 million yuan according to 20% of the total investment. (Responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Health and Wellness Committee, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (eighteen) to expand the application of consumer anti epidemic products. Health departments and public hospitals have increased the procurement scale of nucleic acid sampling materials, testing equipment and reagents, and the city’s large-scale nucleic acid testing capacity has reached 2 million tubes/day. (Responsible units: Municipal Health and Wellness Commission, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (nineteen) improve the proportion of domestic procurement of medical devices. Implement the national medical equipment procurement policy, strictly examine and approve imported equipment, and increase the promotion of domestic medical equipment. (Responsible units: Municipal Health and Wellness Commission, Finance Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Market Supervision Bureau and all districts)

  (twenty) to establish a green channel for innovative drugs. Open a green channel in the city’s drug and medical consumables trading platform, implement online procurement for innovative drugs and medical consumables that meet the listing conditions, and implement "hanging with the newspaper" to support innovative drugs and medical consumables to enter the market in time. (Responsible unit: Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau)

  V. Expanding the market scale of Xinchuang products

  (twenty-one) increase the promotion of Xinchuang products. Formulate the recommendation catalogue of Xinchuang products, organize docking exchange meetings, and subsidize qualified user units that purchase more than 500,000 yuan according to 3% of the purchase amount. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (twenty-two) to improve the application ratio of Xinchuang products. In principle, the purchase proportion of Xinchuang products in new office systems and business systems shall not be less than 20% in key areas such as finance, energy, education, medical care, telecommunications and transportation; The procurement proportion of Xinchuang products in the newly added key information infrastructure shall not be less than 40% for party and government organs and state-owned enterprises. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration, relevant units and districts)

  Sixth, promote the consumption of outdoor cultural tourism

  (twenty-three) actively carry out cultural and sports activities on the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control. Give full play to the advantages of Shenzhen’s urban ecological context of "mountains and seas are linked together" and "one ridge, one belt and twenty corridors", and hold a series of tourism activities such as the Gold Coast Tourism Festival and Red Tourism. Encourage the general public to go outdoors, support sports social organizations to organize fitness, camping and other activities in the sinking community, and cooperate with brand manufacturers and distributors that meet the theme of the event to carry out promotional activities. Encourage trade unions at all levels to organize fitness activities and use trade union funds to purchase fitness services for employees according to regulations. Enrich and promote urban cultural menus, actively carry out cultural activities such as grass music festival, beach music festival, Cantonese Opera Week, Youth Art Week, Reading Month and Beautiful Sunday, and run sports events such as marathon and rowing. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Tourism and Sports, Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Federation of Trade Unions, Finance Bureau and all districts)

  (twenty-four) held a trend theme consumption activities. Support joint-venture merchants in key business districts to hold themed consumption festivals such as coffee and tea, carry out activities such as tasting, teaching, salons and exhibitions, broaden consumption experience scenes, and create a fashionable and leisure city lifestyle. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, districts)

  (twenty-five) to promote the "one-click reservation" full coverage of sports facilities. Encourage schools and social sports facilities to be open and shared with the public, and promote the "one door, two doors, two entrances in the morning and evening" safety isolation transformation of completed and qualified schools. By the end of June 2022, the school, society, public welfare and other sports facilities will be fully covered by "one-click reservation". Make good use of financial funds such as sports lottery public welfare fund, and make an appointment for sports venues through the "I Shenzhen" platform to enjoy a minimum discount of 60% to promote the growth of sports consumption. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (twenty-six) to promote high-quality intelligent fitness equipment. More than 200 convenience fitness facilities will be built or rebuilt in communities, parks, squares, institutions and other places, and a number of fitness equipment with wide audience, flexibility and high technology will be popularized. Encourage commercial buildings, factories, parks and other key places to purchase and use qualified fitness equipment, and give a maximum subsidy of not more than 10,000 yuan according to 5% of the total actual purchase amount to create a new scene of national fitness. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, districts)

  Seven, expand the consumption of bulk commodities.

  (twenty-seven) to carry out the linkage promotion activities of refined oil and "Shenzhen products". Continue to promote "Shenzhen products" into supermarkets, farmers, community fresh stores and e-commerce, encourage gas station direct-operated convenience stores and their online shopping malls to put "Shenzhen products" on shelves, and issue consumer vouchers to consumers who have reached a certain amount in a single refueling or prepaid recharge for purchasing qualified "Shenzhen products" in gas station direct-operated convenience stores or their online shopping malls, and give certain financial subsidies. (Responsible units: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Commerce Bureau and Finance Bureau)

  (twenty-eight) support enterprises to set up procurement centers and sales companies. For the wholesale and retail leading enterprises that set up purchasing centers in Shenzhen in 2022, 50,000 yuan will be awarded for every 100 million yuan of their purchasing amount in 2022. For the sales company established by manufacturing enterprises in Shenxin in 2022, 500,000 yuan will be awarded for every 100 million yuan of retail sales in 2022. The maximum reward for a single enterprise is no more than 10 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance Bureau)

  Eight, the safe and orderly resumption of professional exhibitions

  (29) Establish a "white list" system, and support advantageous fashion industries such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, watches, glasses and leather to hold professional exhibitions for professional purchasers on the premise of doing a good job in the normal epidemic prevention work of the participating parties, so as to help the fashion consumer market recover. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

  Nine, increase the "invoice" activities.

  (30) Add 10 million yuan of "prize invoice" funds to carry out "prize invoice" activities in the whole city around the fields of retail, catering, cultural tourism, accommodation, sports, etc. The activity period is from May 1 to the end of the year. (Responsible units: Shenzhen Municipal Taxation Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance Bureau)

  This policy will be implemented as of the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2022. The measures stipulated in the policy shall be formulated and promulgated by the relevant responsible units.

Xiaomi car big news! Exposure of photos, body parameters, etc. Xiaomi car will be produced by itself.

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  On the afternoon of November 15, the entry "Xiaomi Automobile" rushed.Hot search.

  On the same day, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products""(the 377th batch), two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are listed.

  It is reported that Xiaomi’s first car is a pure electric car, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max, and the length of the car is 4.997 meters. The biggest difference between the two models lies in the power. The formerThe peak power is 220KW, and the latter is 275KW, or it is a high-performance version.They are iron phosphate.(Xiangyang Fudi) and ternary lithium ion (), in which Xiangyang Foday Battery belongs to.

  The contents of the announcement show that the models of Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are BJ7000MBEVR2 and BJ7000MBEVA1, and the name of the declared enterprise isGroup off-road vehicle Co., Ltd., the declared production address is "No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone".

  The reporter learned from Tianyancha that on November 3, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing No.1 Branch was established, with Lei Yun as the head and its business scope including, data processing services, communication equipment sales, electronic products sales, etc., the head office is Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. The registered address of this branch is Building 9, No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

  According to the current laws and regulations, domesticAutomobile production enterprises must obtain two qualifications before they can produce and sell: first, the development and reform commission put on record the production projects of automobile investment enterprises, and automobile enterprises need to prove their own financing ability, research and development ability, production capacity, quality assurance and other strengths, which are recognized by the development and reform commission. After obtaining this qualification, enterprises need to build factories within 2 years and sell vehicles within 3 years; Second, it is the qualification of automobile production enterprises in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and automobile enterprises need to meet the Regulations on the Administration of Automobile Production Enterprises and Products Access.

  In August this year, it was reported that Xiaomi had been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission to produce electric vehicles. Now it has won the "Car-making Admission Ticket" from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that Xiaomi has obtained the automobile production qualification.

  Officially listed in the first half of 2024.

  Since Lei Jun announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi’s car have been receiving much attention.

  In August this year, some netizens said that they met four disguised Xiaomi cars flying on the Urumqi-Changji urban expressway. On August 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, also appeared in Xinjiang, and released a "Test # Xiaomi mixfold3# Leica Optics, Four Shots and Five Focuses". Some careful netizens noticed that the banner words pulled up in the photo were suspected of "fighting for Xiaomi car".

  In October 2023, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. According to Xiaomi’s announcement, Xiaomi officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles and will invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun believes that smart electric vehicles will be the broadest development track in the next 10 years.

  At the Xiaomi new product launch conference held in October this year, Xiaomi released the operating system 澎湃 OS, which is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS completely rewrites the underlying architecture based on the integration of deeply evolved Android and self-developed Vela system, and has made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections.

  October 16th, Tianfeng InternationalGuo Ming has recently released.It is said that Xiaomi’s first car is expected to be released in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units.

  Guo Ming said in the report that Huawei’s new M7 sales exceeded expectations, symbolizing that the focus of competition in China’s electric vehicle market has shifted to autonomous driving, software, marketing and channels due to the high industrial division of labor. He believes that such a new competitive pattern is conducive to Xiaomi’s entry into the automobile market.

  He also said that the price of Xiaomi’s first car will be less than 300,000 yuan, and the key selling points include automatic driving, software ecology, 800V fast charging and power configuration.

  Xiaomi automobile will produce itself.

  According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, although the declared enterprise name of Xiaomi Automobile is BAIC Group, the production address is shown as the location of Xiaomi Automobile’s self-built factory.

  Reporter fromIts platform has learned that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is built in Yizhuang, Beijing, and is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (intelligent manufacturing base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing. The total investment of the project is expected to be 63 billion yuan.

  It is understood that Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The annual production capacity of the first and second phases is 150,000 vehicles, and the total production capacity can reach 300,000 vehicles/year after the factory officially lands.

  During the construction of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the company widely recruits talents related to vehicle production and vehicle technology. According to the recruitment information of Xiaomi official website, the company has a talent demand for production managers, workshop safety engineers and lean engineers in automobile workshops in Beijing, in stamping, die casting, die casting molds, die casting machine processing, body, painting, sheet metal and so on.Production-related jobs also have more demand for people.

  In addition, Xiaomi is also building its own car sales channels to prepare for nationwide sales. From September to October, 2023, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) successively established subsidiaries in Wuhan, Shenzhen, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou. The business scope of the newly established company covers new energy sales and other businesses.

  In fact, in order to successfully enter the car-making industry, Xiaomi began to make continuous high-intensity investment in the automobile field many years ago. Yangtze millet industryHeshunwei Capital is an important investor in Xiaomi Department.

  Shunwei Capital of Lei Jun Holdings participated in the investment in 2015.A round of financing, participated in B round of financing in 2016, and participated in 2017.A+ round of financing. In the same year, Shunwei Capital led the A-round financing of Momenta, a smart driving startup, and gave continuous support in B-round, C-round and C+ financing.

  In August, 2021, Xiaomi wholly acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving company, and continued to increase its R&D capabilities in terms of intelligent driving perception, positioning, planning and control. Deep Motion Technology has a wide range of layouts in high-precision positioning, high-precision maps and 3D scene reconstruction.

  The automobile industry entered the Warring States period.

  Although Xiaomi automobile has obtained the production qualification, the competition in the automobile industry has become increasingly fierce. Can the fledgling Xiaomi automobile "share a piece of cake"?

  Liu Feilei, secretary of the board of directors of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, recently said: "The automobile industry is entering the Warring States Period, and resources are accelerating to focus on head enterprises." He believes that in 2023, the price war in the automobile market will become fierce, and the market competition will enter the stage of "elimination", and 3-5 first-class head enterprises will be formed in the future. In 2022, the top five brands in the new energy vehicle market accounted for 50.1% of the market sales, and it is estimated that the top five brands will account for 80% of the sales in 2030.

  Previously, Lei Jun also said: "When the electric vehicle industry enters a mature stage, the top five brands in the world will occupy more than 80% of the market share. In other words, the only way to succeed is to become one of the top five, and the annual shipment exceeds 10 million vehicles. Competition will be cruel. "

  In addition to the new forces of building cars, traditional car companies have also transformed into new energy tracks, and they have competitive advantages in terms of financial strength and experience in building cars, which has provided some pressure for the new forces of building cars.

  The research report pointed out that the smart electric vehicle industry is fiercely competitive, and the product strength of independent brands and new forces is rapidly improving. In the next few years, cost-effective models are expected to accelerate their listing. Factors such as price competition may also cause the risk that new car sales are less than expected.

  It is believed that the advantages of supply chain, software, users, ecology and channels will help Xiaomi to occupy a place in the smart car market, and it is expected to achieve the goal of selling 100,000 vehicles a year and turning its gross profit into a positive one faster than other new car-making forces, thus opening up an additional valuation space of the order of 100 billion. However, if Xiaomi wants to make a car successful, it will face high R&D expenditure in the early stage, subsequent sales increase and gross profit.When to quickly return to a healthy level and other challenges.

  Exploring Xiaomi automobile production base: small batch trial production has been realized, and 900,000 vehicles will be sold in three years.

  Understand the equity relationship between Beijing Off-road, Beiqi Blue Valley and Beijing Auto.

  Xiaomi automobile finally appeared: production qualification "borrowed" BAIC Group will push lithium iron and ternary battery versions.

  Xiaomi automobile sends heavy news again! The launch date of the new car is approaching.

  There is big news from Xiaomi’s car. Who are the suppliers of the industrial chain? Listed companies intensively respond to cooperation trends.

Empathy! "Hot Search" Chengdu roadshow news students were deeply touched.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. Yesterday, the national roadshow "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Chengdu. Director Xin Yukun, actors Song Yang and Justin came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show. The audience said that "the film shows the cross-section of the whole fermentation process of the hot search event to everyone", and fans with directors praised that "the director still brought us different shocks after years of violation".

In the film, the reversal of public opinion is closely linked, and the audience said that when watching it, "the heart is ups and downs, and the first half is very painful. Finally, it is very enjoyable to see Chen Miao’s comeback, and it is also a great surprise." There is also an audience who bluntly said that "Peng Yue is so bad that he was so angry that he wanted to rush to hit him". At the roadshow, the audience enthusiastically taught Justin Sichuan dialect "Angry at Peng Yue", and the atmosphere was very happy.

Empathy! The audience praised the social significance of the film. 

News students are deeply touched "will stick to the original heart of news"

High-flow social events, various reversals of public opinion, and the contest between good and evil behind the push … The film moved the hot spots behind the stage, making the audience sigh that "the film touched on social topics such as cyber violence, sexual assault, and public opinion reversal, which is of great social significance and deserves to be seen by more people". The director said that the hot spots in the network change very quickly. "The movie has the opportunity for everyone to sit down and slowly see behind an event." At the scene of the road show, some viewers said that the reality of public opinion presented in the film made them feel the same, and they were threatened by their voices. "So I know more about how much harm a vicious word can do to a person and how much courage it takes to make a small voice."

After watching the movie, a news professional audience said that "the film’s presentation of hot events is very real, and the DNA of learning news has moved." The director said frankly: "The film has the responsibility of recording the times. In the period when the media is very prosperous, the complexity of online public opinion and the power of different classes under the background of the times are necessary to be recorded by the film." The audience also mentioned that Chen Miao’s adherence to the ideal of news in the process of speaking for the weak made him very touched, saying that "I will also adhere to the original heart of news." Song Yang said: "Everyone has a wonderful Chen in his heart, which leads us to speak out bravely at an appropriate time."

Female mutual help is figurative, presenting girlfriends, and the audience is moved to tears.

Lawyers, audience, two movies, calling on everyone to speak bravely.

At the roadshow, girlfriends watched the movie together, indicating that they were moved by the power of women’s mutual help in the movie. When they saw that justice was done, they "shed tears with excitement" and lamented that "the power of girls help girls is really concrete. It is a matter of special courage to stand up and help people who are being hurt". Some viewers said that they were deeply impressed by the lyrics of the ending song Byakki Smoker, which reflected the difficulties faced by many women. The director said frankly that he hoped to "record the distinctive power of women’s mutual assistance in this era and the plight of different classes in their depths" through the film.

There is also a lawyer audience at the scene who said that he has already brushed the film twice, and he was deeply touched. "The current network environment is very complicated, and public opinion supervision is very important, but there must be no public opinion trial, which may make the parties face social death on the Internet first." As a legal practitioner, I will try my best to ensure that every case is echoed in fairness and justice. Song Yang said: "The network can make a sound. I hope that everyone can make a sound when they are hurt, and gather into a fire to overthrow all evil forces."

The film "Hot Search" is showing.

"bride price loan" and "cemetery loan" are all kinds of "wonderful loans". The central bank: touching the bottom line of social public order and good customs

CCTV News:Buying a house requires a loan, and everyone has become accustomed to it; Now the cemetery can also get a loan. A few days ago, a cemetery in Kunming launched a "cemetery mortgage loan" with a maximum loan of 200,000 yuan and a term of 10 years.

According to the staff, this is a pure credit loan and no mortgage is needed. Male age+loan period is not more than 75 years old, and female age is not more than 65 years old. The down payment is 20%, and the loan interest rate is 9%. If there is a guarantor, you can also achieve a down payment of 0. If it is handled, it can be completed within one week at the earliest.

However, once this "cemetery loan" was launched, it caused an uproar. Finally, the bank announced that it would cancel the credit project and ended in a hurry.

Qiqi’s loan can be more than this one. Not long ago, the advertisement of "bride price loan" launched by Jiangxi Jiujiang Bank rushed to the hot search, and the related recommendation language made people stunned: "Don’t worry about the bride price, lend a stable happiness." The poster shows that the "bride price loan" can be loaned up to 300,000 yuan, up to one year, and the annual interest rate is as low as 4.9%, which is used for wedding travel, car purchase, jewelry purchase and so on.

After the "bride price loan" rushed to the hot search and triggered a hot discussion on the Internet, the supervision intervened in the investigation. At present, the bank issued an apology statement, saying that the person directly responsible had been suspended.

In addition to cemetery loans and bride price loans, there are down payment loans for buying a house, second child loans for giving birth to a baby, rent loans for renting a house, home improvement loans for decoration, beauty loans for medical beauty, travel loans for going out, and all kinds of wonderful loans give people the illusion that there are loans wherever there is demand.

In addition to loans for specific projects, there are also loans for different groups of people. For example, tailor-made gardener loans for teachers, reporter loans for journalists, angel loans for medical staff, chef loans for chefs and so on. As long as you have a demand, you can definitely find a loan tailored for you.

Instead of welcoming the expected enthusiasm, these fancy loans full of gimmicks attracted criticism from ordinary people.

Consumers don’t pay the bill, why do banks have so many wonderful loans? The reason is that in the past two years, with the suspension of offline cross-regional operations of small and medium-sized banks, the restriction of online cross-regional lending, and the sinking of consumer loans, the performance pressure has become increasingly heavy. Under the pressure of business, in 2021, products such as "bride price loan" and "cemetery loan" which are known to be controversial began to take off.

Yue Yunsheng, Secretary General of Rules and Regulations Committee of Beijing Lawyers Association:The starting point of a bank must be to increase its income, and what products the bank designs. I think this is understandable. The key is that the premise is to comply with the laws and regulations, and the key is to conform to public order and good customs. You can’t design some products that will corrupt the social atmosphere.

The data shows that these wonderful loans are indeed slightly higher than the annual interest rates of other consumer loans. For example, "bride price loan" can buy a car, and its loan interest rate is 4.9% per year, while the average annual interest rate of consumer loans for automobiles may be only about 3%.

In addition to making money, banks’ competition for consumer application scenarios is also the reason for the endless stream of exotic loans.

Experts said that some loan scenarios in personal consumption have been occupied, such as mortgage and car loan. Therefore, banks have to find consumer application scenarios and make loans bigger, so various names have come out.

It is undeniable that with the intensification of competition in the financial market, the pressure on some financial institutions, especially small and medium-sized banks, has increased sharply in recent years. While competing for market segments, there are also some small and medium-sized banks that choose to go sideways and play special gimmicks.

Yue Yunsheng, Secretary General of Rules and Regulations Committee of Beijing Lawyers Association:Now, some of them may be scratching their edge, that is, the so-called public order and good customs, which are relatively vague with legal boundaries and moral boundaries after all. At this time, in order to be unconventional or gain a certain competitive advantage, banks always have to innovate something. The so-called innovation, whether in terms of innovation or innovation in marketing methods, is aimed at serving the purpose of making profits. 

Wonderful loan "loan" does not come to consumption upgrade

What kind of problems are reflected behind these wonderful loans? Is it really to promote consumption upgrading, as the bank said?

Ms. Li from Changsha, Hunan Province, had a rhinoplasty operation in a plastic surgery hospital two years ago. At that time, due to the shortage of funds, the beauty hospital recommended her a "phased" loan platform.

According to the information provided by Ms. Li, her loan has been repaid in 24 installments, and all of them have been repaid at present. However, recently, she found that one of the two credit cards in her name had a reduced loan amount, and the other was directly suspended. After the investigation, I found that I had a serious bad credit record.

It is clear that the arrears have been settled, but there is an overdue amount of 5652 yuan on the credit transaction details, which makes Ms. Li puzzled.

Nowadays, there are still many serious consequences caused by beauty loans. Because Wuhan Xiaowang was unable to repay the loan after cosmetic surgery, he was taken by the intermediary to sell eggs and pay back the money.

I went to three hospitals in a row, and after 17 days of egg-promoting injections, the egg retrieval still ended in failure. When Xiao Wang came home, he felt unwell and suddenly fell into a coma, almost losing his life.

Micro-loans like this are everywhere in today’s society. An ID card and a mobile phone number can enjoy the treatment of advanced consumption, which seems to be convenient for the public, but it is hidden. 

Central Bank: Individual financial institutions launch "wonderful loans" to touch the social bottom line.

In response to these wonderful loans, the central bank also responded yesterday (1 ST). Individual banks challenged social pain points under the banner of so-called financial innovation, guided residents to over-debt, and touched the bottom line of social public order and good customs.

Zou Lan, director of the Financial Markets Department of the Central Bank, said that individual banks, under the banner of so-called financial innovation, challenged social pain points, guided residents to over-debt, touched the bottom line of social public order and good customs, and broke away from their duties of financial services to the real economy. In fact, the essence of this kind of loans is consumer loans, and individual banks promote customers by making gimmicks, which also reflects the lack of service capabilities of some small and medium-sized banks.

Director, Financial Market Department, People’s Bank of China Zou LAN:We should promptly correct practices that violate public order and good customs and run counter to the state’s major policies.

Full of momentum! Yang Ziqiong multiverse fashion blockbuster returns to the martial arts world.

1905 movie network news On February 17th, Bazaar of Fashion in Dengfeng launched a quarterly fashion blockbuster in March. Under the lens of Man Chen, Yang Ziqiong once again opened the "multiverse", dressed in a black gauze skirt, shining and charming, with a light posture and full of gas field; Being in the mountains and rivers, it is quiet and beautiful, and the novel shooting background leaves people with unlimited room for daydreaming, moving and quiet, just like returning to the martial arts world.

Apple’s 128GB iPhone also has plenty of room for controversy. How much storage do you think is enough for the phone?

Fast Technology reported on March 19th that today, Apple released a promotional video with the theme of "iPhone 15 Storage | Don’ t Let Me Go".

In the video, a man is considering deleting some photos of his mobile phone. At this time, BGM plays the song "Don’ t Let Me Go", and at the end of the video, "Plenty of space to store a large number of photos" appears.

Simply put, Apple wants to show that even the 128GB iPhone15 can have "ample space to store a large number of photos" through cloud storage.

The video quickly caused a heated discussion among netizens and big V bloggers, and many people also questioned it.

Some netizens and bloggers said, "My iPhone uses 338G of native space++939G of cloud hosting … Do you tell me that 128G is enough?" "If I didn’t use it myself, I would really believe it." "Do you want to face it, 128 to 256 plus 1000 yuan, or ask someone to buy cloud hosting? Can the experience of cloud hosting be the same as that of a large flash memory space?" Wait a minute.

It is understood that the price of iPhone 15 128GB is 5,999 yuan, that of 256GB is 6,999 yuan, and that of 512GB is 8,999 yuan. On average, every 128GB of storage requires 1000 yuan.

How much storage space do you think is enough for your mobile phone? How much storage space does your mobile phone have now?

According to media voting, before the deadline, a total of 108,000 people voted, 48,000 people chose 256GB, 33,000 people chose 128GB, and 5,961 people chose 1TB.

Xiaomi’s profit forecast soars in 2023: focusing on sales of electric vehicles and smart phones.

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  Xiaomi (00762.HK) is scheduled to announce its fourth quarter and full-year financial report after the close on Tuesday.

  Net profit forecast: According to a survey of 21 analysts by FactSet, it is estimated that the annual net profit will be 16.07 billion yuan (US$ 2.23 billion). This will be 24.7 in 2022. 100 million yuan has increased more than six times.The net profit in 2022 was affected by the decline in smartphone sales due to the epidemic. According to FactSet data, Xiaomi’s net profit in the fourth quarter may be 3.32 billion yuan, up from 3.15 billion yuan in the same period last year.

  Revenue forecastAccording to FactSet’s forecast, revenue will increase by 10% in the fourth quarter, reaching 72.87 billion yuan.

  Xiaomi’s financial report this quarter highlights:

  Electric Vehicle: Investors want to know the initial consumer feedback of Xiaomi’s first electric vehicle SU7, which will be launched next week. Citigroup analysts said in a recent research report that the delivery time of the car may be earlier than market expectations.

  Smartphone sales:According to market research firm Canalys, the global shipments of smartphone manufacturers in China in the fourth quarter were 41 million, up 23% year-on-year, slightly higher than the 40.2 million expected by Citigroup. Huang Leping, an analyst at Huatai Futures, said that considering competitors,The company’s iPhone sales in China dropped by 24% in the first six weeks of 2024, and investors will pay attention to the latest shipment data in domestic and overseas markets.

  Profit:After the overall gross profit margin hit a record high of 22.7% in the third quarter, investors will pay attention to this home.Does the manufacturer maintain a strong profit margin in the fourth quarter?

Dialect is the "big killer" for adding color to novels.

Because of these dialect writing, novels in different regions have different faces, different voices, or Wunong soft language, or Shaanxi dialect Jin language, abandoning the one side of thousands of people and different regions, thus having different tastes.

Reporter | He Yingyu

  Dialect is the soul of a place.
  Blossoms Shanghai introduced the Shanghainese dialect into the text, and the words and deeds of Shanghainese jumped from the page. In fact, as early as before Blossoms Shanghai, in the late Qing Dynasty, novels such as Biography of Flowers on the Sea and He Dian had incorporated Wu dialect into their novels, making their novels more agile and more life-like. This tradition was once forgotten by people until the publication of Blossoms Shanghai, and the new territory of Wu novels was continued.
  Dialect writing is certainly not a patent in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai postal areas. Writers in northwest China, Sichuan and Yunnan are also keenly aware that the dialect in their hometown is a great killer, and it can add a lot of color to the novel if used well.
  What local characteristics does dialect writing bring to the novel? Because of these dialect writing, novels in different regions have different faces, different voices, or Wunong soft language, or Shaanxi dialect Jin language, abandoning the one side of thousands of people and different regions, thus having different tastes.

China’s First Dialect Novel

Left: Han Bangqing’s Biography of Flowers on the Sea is the first dialect novel. Right: One of Li Jieren’s "trilogy of river novels": "A stagnant water ripples".
  Biographies of Flowers on the Sea written by Han Bangqing in the late Qing Dynasty is China’s first dialect novel. It was originally called Spring and Autumn of the Flower Country, also known as Drawing a Treasure Mirror of a Brothel, and Drawing the Romance of a Brothel on the Sea. The book has 64 chapters and was first published in 1894. The main content of this novel is to write about the brothel life in Shanghai Shili Foreign Market in the late Qing Dynasty, involving the officialdom, business circles and the social level connected with it. When Han Bangqing wrote this novel, he said, "This book was written for exhortation". In the book, many vivid images of prostitutes and clients were portrayed by the experience of Zhao Puzhai’s family. The dialogues of the characters in the book are all in Suzhou dialect, which is lively and creates a precedent for dialect novels. Zhang Ailing loves this book very much. She once translated it into English and Mandarin, and the Mandarin version was renamed Flowers on the Sea, which is divided into two parts: Flowers on the Sea and Flowers on the Sea. Zhang Ailing also said: "The Marriage of Awakening the World and Flowers on the Sea are both the best realistic works. I often feel unfair for them, and I always feel that they should be world masterpieces. " It can be said that it is a very high evaluation.
  Hu Shi believes that Su Bai’s literature originated in the Ming Dynasty, but Su Bai is in a subordinate position, whether it is the role of speaking Bai in legend or singing Bai in Tanci. It was not until Biography of Flowers on the Sea was born that Su Bai was widely used in the book. Since then, Su Bai’s subordinate position has changed, and Su Bai literature was formally established. Hu Shi said: "Flowers on the Sea is the first masterpiece of Wu literature. The formal establishment of Su Bai’s literature starts with Flowers on the Sea. Han Ziyun and his Biography of Flowers on the Sea have really opened up a new situation for China literature. I hope they (Wu-speaking literati) will continue to develop this mature trend of Wu-speaking literature. The victory of Flowers on the Sea is not only the author’s personal victory, but also the victory of the movement of Wu literature. "
  After Biography of Flowers on the Sea, Wu novels frequently appeared. Although Biography of Flowers on the Sea is "the first masterpiece of Wu literature", it is considered as a "lost masterpiece", that is, Hu Shi only dares to make a conclusion that "the literary value has finally attracted the appreciation and imitation of a few scholars". The achievement of Biography of Flowers on the Sea is not only that "the work of writing Su Bai greatly reduces the difficulty for later generations to write Su Bai literature", but also that its unique bilingual system takes Mandarin as the narrative language and dialect as the dialogue of characters, which combines the vivid description of Mandarin with the vivid description of people in dialects in one book, which has both advantages and disadvantages, thus causing the later scholars to follow suit, setting off the climax of Wu Yu novels in the late Qing Dynasty, and determining the basic features of Wu Yu novels involving many narrow evils. In addition, the word "shou" created by Biography of Flowers on the Sea has been used up to now and has been included in the dictionary of Wu dialect, which is also a great contribution of Biography of Flowers on the Sea to Wu literature.

The representative of Sichuan local literature

  Some people say that Li Jieren’s novels must be read in Sichuan dialect.
  As a representative of Sichuan local literature, Li Jieren "lives in a humble abode" between Bashan and Shushui, and depicts the warmth and coldness of human feelings in the land of abundance with simple Sichuan dialect and unique narrative style. From the time he published his first literary work at the age of 21 to his death at the age of 71, Li Jieren published four novels, four novellas and more than 30 short stories, and also wrote plays and a large number of local chronicles. Except for the novella Sympathy, which describes French students studying abroad, almost all his works are based on Bashu, describing Bashu social customs, telling stories of Bashu people and showing Bashu cultural interests with dialect vocabulary.
  From 1935 to 1937, Li Jieren published "Trilogy of River Novels", including "Stagnant Water", "Before the Storm" and "Big Wave", which left a deep impression in the history of China literature. It is worth mentioning that among these popular works, Sichuan dialect is a highlight. Li Jieren is the first writer of Sichuan vernacular novels, and his novels use more Sichuan dialect words, which is groundbreaking. Li Jieren’s innovation lies in consciously describing Chengdu people and Chengdu stories in Sichuan dialect.
  There are many words in Sichuan dialect that are divorced from classical Chinese. Li Jieren skillfully transplanted Sichuan dialect into literary creation, which is full of charm and refreshing. These words, which are closely related to the daily life of Bashu, describe a scene full of life flavor to readers. Dialect words such as Youda (meat dishes), Chongkezi (chatting) and Maozi (being assassinated) are often found in his works. In addition, Li Jieren is even familiar with Sichuan Paoge’s slang, such as opening Hongshan (killing people at random), helping others (helping others), fat pig (kidnapped people), rising water (critical situation), etc., which is used more when describing specific characters, bringing readers into the Jianghu world of Bashu.
  Li Jieren naturally knows the difference between foreign language and native language, but it is strange that he chose the most native dialect in his writing. In fact, this shows his language consciousness. Li Jieren dabbled in Sichuan local and historical themes, and he chose to write in Sichuan dialect, which has a unique charm in characterization and story telling. Dialect writing is vivid, lively and thorough. Reading Li Jieren’s novels often amazes him for his proper use of Sichuan dialect, which can be described as delicious and wonderful, but not in another language. In fact, Li Jieren also kept the most vivid Sichuan dialect in his works, and gave literature a spiritual and free soil to prevent it from being eroded by normative language. This is not narrow-mindedness, but a contribution to literature.

Shaanxi dialect is simple and heavy.

  Shaanxi dialect is simple and heavy, such as Chen Zhongshi’s White Deer Plain, Jia Pingwa’s Shaanxi Opera and Chen Yan’s novel The Protagonist, which is an open writing based on life and tradition, drawing materials and nutrition from life and the smallest livelihood.
  "White Deer Plain" is all about people and things in Guanzhong, so the author chooses to use a large number of Guanzhong dialects. For example, say "dark room" at night, the house is called "mansion house", and the afternoon is called "afternoon". These languages with Shaanxi characteristics have become the finishing touch in White Deer Plain, which is impressive.
  Similarly, Jia Pingwa grew up in Shangluo area, and his growing environment deeply influenced his language expression, which fully reflected the strong emotional color in Jia Pingwa’s language works. A large number of localized languages-Shangluo dialect were used in the creation of Qinqiang Opera. Shangluo dialect belongs to northern dialect in essence, which is very similar to Mandarin in expression and can arouse readers’ emotional resonance. In addition to using a large number of Shangluo languages, a large number of proverbs and sayings are also used in the creation of this work, which plays a very important role in expressing the profound connotation of the work. For example, "What I hate most is winter. People are not alive in their hearts, but they are cold. I only have to lift stones in Qiligou with my head stuffy." "You are used to listening to the Qin opera in the tweeter, and sometimes you feel bored, but once you can’t hear it, your heart is empty and you feel lonely in your ears and mouth." Among them, "accepting life" means comfortable and comfortable in the local people, and "few" means little and tasteless. These words scattered among the people seem to be "rustic", but with the author’s flexible application, they are endowed with new vitality and vitality, which can make readers fully feel the quaint and civilized language of the works and enhance the vitality of the articles.
Above: Chen Yan and his novel The Protagonist written in Shaanxi dialect.
  In 2019, the winners of the 10th Mao Dun Literature Prize were announced, and the work "The Protagonist" by Shaanxi writer Chen Yan was on the list. This book is based on the memory of Qin E’s half-life acting career, involving the vast sentient beings’ mode and the changes of the times since the reform and opening up 40 years ago, and showing the true appearance of "human" in the interlacing of life and traditional culture, society and individual.
  The protagonist is also praised by the Shaanxi dialect in the dialogue of the characters:
  "Singing in an opera is to see how your kung fu and voice are, not how you dress. Even if you dress up in a glazed leather palm, what’s the use of lifting your feet to make a cold skin and opening your mouth to make a pack of cigarettes? "
  "A ditch knows that you are doing well in the provincial capital and have great fame. That fame is the door and the way. Even the people who can’t compete with you in the group have made a windfall and bought a Rolls Royce. If you want to make a fortune, don’t be sloppy. "
  Talking about the characteristics of Shaanxi dialect in the novel, Chen Yan told reporters: "Now our novel writing is more in the language of translation. After urbanization, there are fewer and fewer rural memories and regional cultural memories. We look at China’s traditional novels, whether it’s Jin Ping Mei, A Dream of Red Mansions or Water Margin The Journey to the West, and there are many local dialects that we don’t understand today, so we need experts to annotate them. But even if we can’t understand them at once, when we try to figure out the meaning of these words, we will find them very wonderful. I am rereading Four Great Classical Novels again this year, and I have been thinking about the language repeatedly. It should be said that there are many languages with regional and national characteristics, which are very interesting to read. When I write about Sanqin culture, I must use the local dialect. I think language is the biggest feature of a place, just like a traditional opera, if it doesn’t use dialects, this kind of drama will not exist. Now some troupes are exploring, and it is suicide to call it that kind of drama in Mandarin. The same is true of novels. I want to pursue the aesthetics of China, the nation and the traditional literature of China, and always have some characteristics in language. If I follow the crowd, the novel will be tasteless to read. The use of dialect slang in novels is a good tradition. When we read such classics as Water Margin, we often marvel at those vivid dialects. In my novel and drama creation, I always insist on salvaging some local dialects and proverbs that are about to be lost. I think it will be more appropriate to write about which side of the country, water, soil and people, and to express it in which side’s language and habits. The language of novels must be vivid and vivid,It should be more like talking, a narrative style that sticks to the land. "

Witchcraft in Yunnan

  In 2023, Xinxing Publishing House published a collection of short stories by young writer Jiao Dian, Peacock Bodhi.
Above: Young writer Jiao Dian’s masterpiece Peacock Bodhi has a strong breath of Yunnan rainforest.
  In the gap between cities, there is a large rainforest. One foot in, here the elephant is light, the crocodile is merciful, and time breaks free from linear rules and flows at will. There is really a six-legged horse here, and there is a relic in the horseshoe, which flies to the sky when riding; There is a Mulan boat here, and there is no need to prepare paddles. Half a cup of rice wine is drunk and floats far along the river. Even if you break your leg and walk for two moons in a wooden wheelchair, you can return to your home in the Woods. Of course there are women here. They can understand the rainforest, and they are too smart and brave. I can’t control anyone, whether riding a horse or riding a boat. As long as my legs are still in my body, they will definitely run …
  Turning to Jiao Dian’s Peacock Bodhi, Yunnan Rainforest is in sight. Born in Jiaodian, Yunnan Province in 1996, he was admitted to Beijing Normal University in 2021, majoring in literary creation, and studied under the famous writer Mo Yan. However, her writing seems to have nothing to do with her teacher. Her writing is her writing, coming from Yunnan, her hometown.
  Jiao Dian’s writing has always been like "Suni" or "Bimo" in her hometown of Yunnan (Yi people refer to witches or priests), trying to "channel" in that "frontier" world. She said that she never took the initiative to "choose" Yunnan as the location of the story. It was Yunnan that chose her and Yunnan came to her with its breath and story.
  When talking about the use of dialects, Jiao Dian told reporters: "Our generation is actually a generation of Putonghua, and the popularity of Putonghua is absolutely good in all aspects. But for literature,’ standard’,’ common’ and’ same’ are just some taboos. This does not mean that we should go back to the ancients and speak with the ancient accent, nor do we mean that we should only speak dialects and engage in the mountainism of language. The fundamental direction should be the free expression of words and things, which is a free spirit. Of course, in specific works, excessive and too crude use of dialects will bring obstacles to reading, so it is necessary to change, not to use local dialects and dialects directly, but to use classical vernacular and dialects on the basis of written common language and Putonghua. What I hope is that even if I am not from Yunnan or Southwest, it will not affect the reading of novels. In this respect, I need to continue to improve. "
  Jiao Dian believes that it is not so much a writing style for Yunnan that it is better to say that Yunnan’s local conditions have allocated these characters. Some people think that her writing is very poetic, and she thinks that this is the mountain road in Yunnan. When she was walking, a sharp corner suddenly appeared, and then there was a big turn. Suddenly she met a deep and wide cave, threw a stone into it, and heard an echo after a long time. The strangeness of natural scenery is the strangeness of words.

A scientific and technological event to promote global openness, innovation, cooperation and sharing —— Prospect of 2023 Zhongguancun Forum

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 15th Title: A scientific and technological event to promote global openness, innovation, cooperation and sharing — — Prospect of 2023 Zhongguancun Forum

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Wen Jinghua and Zhang Manzi

  It is planned to hold more than 150 events in 6 major sections, including forum meetings, exhibitions, technology transactions, results release, frontier competitions and supporting activities; Focus on the theme of "open cooperation and shared future", with internationalization, high-end and branding as important features; A number of original cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, authoritative research reports, major international scientific and technological cooperation projects and policy initiatives will be released at the forum … …

  From May 25th to 30th, 2023 Zhongguancun Forum will be held in Beijing to create a scientific and technological event to promote global openness, innovation, cooperation and sharing. On the 15th, the State Council Office held a press conference, and the responsible persons of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Beijing introduced the preparations for this forum. The reporter combed the relevant points.

  On May 15th, the State Council held a press conference for the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wen Jinghua photo

  Open and innovative scientific and technological event: more than 150 events in 6 major sections.

  "Since its establishment in 2007, Zhongguancun Forum has been successfully held for 13 sessions. As an important international exchange window for China to actively participate in the world’s scientific and technological innovation practice and deeply participate in global scientific and technological governance, it has made important contributions to promoting the construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center, leading and supporting high-quality development, and deepening scientific and technological open cooperation." Wu Zhaohui, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that internationalization, high-end and branding are the important features of this Zhongguancun Forum.

  According to reports, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum set up more than 150 events in six major sections, including forum meetings, exhibitions, technology transactions, results release, frontier competitions and supporting activities, attracting guests from more than 80 countries and regions, and nearly 200 foreign government departments, international organizations and institutions participated. Nearly 120 top experts, including 17 Nobel Prize-winning guests, will deliver high-level keynote speeches, among which foreign speakers account for over 40%.

  Focusing on frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, life sciences and clean energy, as well as hot topics such as data governance and digital sports, the forum will hold 55 parallel forums, of which 25 will be led or co-sponsored by national ministries and commissions, and institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering, and China Association for Science and Technology will also host a number of exciting activities, highlighting the national platform function of the forum.

  In addition, a number of original cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, authoritative research reports, major international scientific and technological cooperation projects and policy initiatives will be released in the forum, and a series of activities such as the Global Technology Trading Ecological Partner Conference, the Zhongguancun International Frontier Science and Technology Innovation Competition Finals, the Beijing Global Summit on Investment and the 2023 China Science Fiction Conference will also be held at the same time.

  "This forum has both the exchange and collision of ideas and the intuitive experience of technical products; There are both the first release of major achievements and the signing of major projects. The purpose is to let the public fully feel the charm of scientific and technological innovation through zero-distance communication with high-level scientists and entrepreneurs. " Yu Yingjie, deputy mayor of Beijing, said, "We will practice the concept of doing good through science and technology at a new and higher starting point, and make the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum a scientific and technological event to promote global openness, innovation, cooperation and sharing."

  Wind vane of industrial development: focus on frontier fields such as artificial intelligence and brain-computer interface.

  The "Global Engineering Innovation Forum" invites presidents of multinational engineering institutes and well-known experts at home and abroad to discuss the major human needs and solutions to major problems of sustainable development; The "Brain-Computer Interface Innovation and Development Forum" focuses on frontier scientific issues and draws a blueprint for brain-computer interface technology and industrial innovation; For the first time, the "Women in Science and Technology Innovation Forum" was set up to show the cutting-edge science and technology "her strength" & HELIP; …

  According to reports, this forum is closely related to the frontier of scientific and technological development, and will focus on frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum science and brain-computer interface, discuss the trend of scientific and technological innovation, display the latest achievements, carry out project roadshows, discover and excavate a number of subversive technologies, and create a weather vane leading scientific and technological innovation and future industrial development.

  As a highlight of Zhongguancun Forum, the key word of 2023 Zhongguancun Forum Exhibition (Expo) is also "frontier".

  "Compared with previous years, the number of exhibitors this year is large and innovative." Yu Yingjie introduced that the exhibition gathers cutting-edge technology and future industries, with a total area of 27,000 square meters. More than 650 exhibitors at home and abroad will focus on the latest technological progress and major achievements in the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum information, brain science, cell and gene therapy, including many first-time exhibitions.

  In the robot exhibition area, the audience can see the whole industrial chain products from core technologies and components such as chips and sensors to multifunctional robots; In the exhibition area of Meta-Universe, interactive experience can be carried out through VR, AR, wireless capture, etc. … …

  Yu Yingjie said that this year’s exhibition strives to let the audience understand a field and be familiar with an industry while watching the exhibition in an immersive way. "In addition, we strengthen the concept of science and technology exhibition, introduce holographic projection, digital guidance and other technical means, and believe that we can bring an experience feast of cutting-edge technology to the audience."

  National platform for global scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation: gathering wisdom for deepening open cooperation

  In 2022, the number of invention patents per 10,000 people ranked first in China. In less than 5 minutes, a technology-based enterprise was born, and more than 300 multinational companies set up regional headquarters and R&D center in Zhongguancun … … Over the years, Beijing, especially Zhongguancun, has always been at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, and the pattern of open cooperation has been continuously improved.

  This year’s Zhongguancun Forum has further enhanced its international characteristics and elements, and increased its invitation to international scientific and technological organizations. International organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization will attend and hold 13 parallel forums. More than 120 international enterprises and institutions such as Siemens and Merck will attend the conference to introduce the latest scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies.

  "Making Zhongguancun Forum a national platform for global scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee." Wu Zhaohui introduced that the organizers hope to make Zhongguancun Forum a platform for the presentation of major policies, the exchange of high-end talents, the display of important achievements and the collision of cutting-edge ideas.

  "We look forward to meeting guests from all walks of life in Beijing, having in-depth exchanges and enhancing consensus, uniting wisdom for deepening international cooperation in scientific and technological innovation and opening up, and contributing to the prosperity and development of the global economy." Wu Zhaohui said.

  Wu Zhaohui said that in the next step, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with relevant ministries and commissions, will further implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, accelerate the formation of international science and technology innovation centers and regional science and technology innovation centers with their own characteristics and linkage, and turn international science and technology innovation centers including Beijing into major world science centers and innovative places in the future.

"Our childhood is different" —— On the changes of children’s life in the 21st century

In the 21st century, China has rushed to the front of the locomotive of science and technology and entered the stage of rapid development.Children are the flowers of the motherland, and the changes of the times and the development of the motherland also change their growing environment.For more than 20 years from the Millennium to the present, the economic level has developed rapidly, and science and technology have been constantly innovated. The countless conveniences and problems that followed have also been projected in children’s childhood life. Over the past 20 years, we have gone from promoting the popularization of education to advocating reducing the burden of education, from worrying about children’s malnutrition to having to face the increasingly serious obesity problem. At the same time, countless questions have been thrown out-do children need cram schools? How should children use the Internet scientifically?How can children have a healthy and happy childhood?

We will focus on the changes in all aspects of children’s lives since the 21st century, find the gratifying development trend, analyze the exposed problems and put forward our suggestions.

I. Education

1. Compulsory education

A century-long plan, education-oriented. China began to implement compulsory education in 1986. In the 21st century, the popularity of education in China has been greatly improved. The enrollment rate of primary school-age children has remained above 99%, while the enrollment rate of primary schools has stabilized at around 98%.Reach the standard of universal compulsory education.

In the process of promoting the implementation and balanced development of compulsory education, all localities are actively adjusting the layout of primary and secondary schools, especially standardizing the layout of rural primary and secondary schools, reducing the number of primary schools and improving the quality of teaching.

Because of the decline in birth rate, the number of primary school students is declining.From 2001 to 2013, the decline rate was as high as 25.4%, and the number of students has rebounded since then. The number of primary schools decreased from 491,300 in 2001 to 160,100 in 2019, with a drop of 67.4%, much higher than the decline in the number of students.

At the same time, the quality of the teaching staff has been continuously improved, the teacher-student ratio has increased significantly, and the national education funding has increased synchronously with the economic development. All changes have proved that,China has entered a new stage of promoting the balanced development of compulsory education and promoting educational equity. The state attaches great importance to basic education and strives to give children a better education so that every child can enter the hall of knowledge.

Step 2 read

Books are the ladder of human progress. In the initial stage of life, reading more books and reading good books are conducive to children’s moral education, enlightenment and history.

Since the 21st century, the number and types of children’s books in China have increased by spurt, and it is no longer hard to find a book.In 2001, there were 7,255 kinds of children’s books, but in 2019, there were 43,712 kinds, about five times as many as in 2001. At present, China publishes more than 40,000 kinds of children’s books every year.The total publishing volume ranks first in the world and has reached a rich enough level.Children in the new century have more reading choices and can draw spiritual food at any time.

In 2009, the "National Reading Survey Report" included "the reading status of minors under the age of 18" in the survey scope for the first time. Comparing the two reports in 2009 and 2019, which were separated by 10 years, we can find that the number of minors aged 0-17 in China.The reading volume and reading rate of books have been greatly improved.. The reading volume of children aged 0-8 increased the most, from 3.85 to 9.54 books per year.Behind the growth of children’s reading figures, school guidance and family companionship are indispensable.

The reading situation of teenagers indicates the future civilization and ideological thickness of a nation to a certain extent.. In this era surrounded by electronic devices, it is necessary for creators and publishers to publish more high-quality books, parents and schools to guide children to develop good reading habits, and the whole society to create a good reading atmosphere.

Since the founding of New China 70 years ago, the strategic position of giving priority to the development of education in China has been gradually strengthened. Facing the new era, we expect China education to lead the realization of the goal of "two hundred years" and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Following the development trend of the times, China has been constantly rebuilding, adjusting and reforming the educational mechanism and system, independently exploring China’s educational model, and striving to create a better learning environment for every child and help them grow up.

Second, health

With the arrival of the new century, the flowers of the motherland have taken on a new look.The morphological development level of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas in China has been continuously improved, and the health problems such as malnutrition that have plagued children in China for decades have been greatly improved, and the physical fitness and health status of Chinese students have generally improved. But at the same time, the worrying obesity rate, myopia rate and lack of sleep time are also increasing.

Step 1 change for the better

Over the past 20 years, the level of morphological development of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas in China has been continuously improved.At the same time, children’s physiological development has changed, such as accelerated growth rate, improved growth level and early puberty development, especially in urban children. With the development of economy, the improvement of diet level and the change of concept in the new era, the variety of food on children’s table is more abundant.Malnutrition, which has plagued children in China for decades, has greatly improved.

"Civilization of its spirit, barbarism of its body."It has always been the goal pursued by school education. According to the results of previous national surveys on students’ physique and health released by the Ministry of Education, students’ physique and health in China have generally improved. In 2019, the excellent and good rate of students aged 6-22 nationwide reached 23.8%, which was significantly higher than in previous years. At the same time, the level of students’ vital capacity has risen in an all-round way, and the quality of primary and secondary school students’ flexibility, strength, speed and endurance has improved.

In recent 20 years, the improvement of students’ physique and health level is attributed to the joint action of economic development, policy guidance and home-school coordination.

2. There are still problems

Due to the profound changes in the dietary structure and lifestyle of children and adolescents in recent years, coupled with the heavy academic burden and the popularity of electronic products,The rate of overweight and obesity among children in China is rising rapidly, which has become an important public health problem threatening the physical and mental health of children in China.

At the same time,The myopia rate of children in China is also the highest in the world for a long time. The formation of "a big country with glasses" cannot be ignored.In recent years, the detection rate of poor eyesight among primary and middle school students in China remains high. From 2000 to 2014, the detection rate of poor eyesight in all age groups has increased, and it shows a trend of increasing with age. The main reasons for the rising incidence of myopia among teenagers are premature contact with electronic products in infancy, early time for teenagers to "touch the internet", increased time for using electronic products, and insufficient time for sleep and exercise.The key age stages of myopia prevention and control are kindergartens and primary schools.

In view of the increasingly serious situation of myopia among adolescents, the Ministry of Education, the Health and Health Commission and other departments attach great importance to the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and cooperate with many parties to promote related work, and have achieved certain results.In 2020, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in China is 52.7%, which is 0.9 percentage points lower than that in 2018, basically achieving the prevention and control goal of the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Plan for Myopia of Children and Adolescents, which is 0.5 percentage points lower every year.However, there is still a long way to go to get rid of the "myopic country" hat.

Since the new century, the social emphasis on education has invisibly increased the learning pressure for children.In the new century, children’s learning burden is heavier, sleep time is reduced, and homework time is seriously exceeded.

To this end, the state also attaches great importance to and tries to solve it.From 2004, when the Ministry of Education officially put forward the policy of "reducing the burden" to 2021, how to reduce the burden without reducing the quality has always been a hot issue in society.

Since the 1990s, China has formulated a series of policies to reduce the burden, but studentsThe school time shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, which seems to reflect the game between increasingly fierce educational competition and burden reduction.

At the same time, the school has lightened students’ schoolwork burden, and parents have added a new burden to their children after class. In addition to the homework that must be completed in class, the time spent by children on extracurricular tutoring has increased greatly, and extracurricular learning and tutoring have come from behind and become the main burden for students. Comparing the time for children to finish homework with the length of sleep, it is not difficult to find that,After-school study has seriously squeezed the sleep time of children..

Children’s health is an important cornerstone of national health. Since the beginning of the 21st century, children’s growing environment has changed dramatically. While some chronic diseases have been solved, new problems have emerged. The state has been paying close attention to children’s health status, and timely issued guiding policies and opinions to protect children’s healthy growth.

Third, entertainment

Every child’s most hopeful moment should be when the school bell rings. It was the most carefree time, whether it was playing with friends in twos and threes after school, lingering in a snack bar filled with snacks, or trying the Internet in a novel way … The entertainment time in childhood will definitely leave traces in children’s hearts.

1. Internet

After the Millennium, children met the wave of internet popularization.In 1994, the Internet was connected to China, and then it developed with irresistible momentum. From 2002 to 2020, the number of netizens in China increased from 59 million to 989 million, and the internet penetration rate increased from 4.6% to 70.4%, especially in the two time periods of 2006-2010 and 2015-2020.

The constantly updated electronic equipment provides more options for their after-school entertainment.The Internet and electronic equipment have left a strong impression in the post-00′ s life and reflected the characteristics of the times.

In 2010, the Internet penetration rate in China has just exceeded 1/3, and children have little access to the Internet. At that time, only 13.5% of children were under the age of 6, while as many as 43.7% opened the door to the information world after the age of 10. Ten years later, the situation has changed dramatically. The proportion of children under the age of 6 who touch the internet has doubled, while the number of people who use the internet after the age of 10 has been greatly reduced to 13.6%. This shows that most "post-00" students skillfully shuttled between major websites as early as primary school.

Internet has become an inseparable part of children’s lives, and the problem of how to guide minors to use the Internet scientifically is also in front of everyone.Thanks to the joint efforts of the state, schools and parents, the entertainment function of the Internet has weakened in recent years, while the educational function has been significantly enhanced, and online education has developed rapidly during the epidemic. At the same time, in the new era, children’s single online time is becoming more and more reasonable, but the online frequency is greatly increased and the overall online time is prolonged.More scientific and technological inventions in the future will also bring about changes in children’s lifestyles. How to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses and use them scientifically? The general trend of the times gives the direction.

2. pocket money

Every child has a treasure-piggy bank.With the development of economy, the consumption level of children in China has also improved obviously, and children’s wallets are "bulging" day by day.

However, the increase in the amount of discretionary money does not seem to have caused children to fall into a frenzy of consumption. From 2005 to 2015, except for the snack consumption, which increased by 2%, other consumption showed a downward trend.Children in the new era have a strong sense of saving.51.5% people have made the choice of saving money, and the proportion has been soaring in recent years. In contrast, only 16.6% of the "post-90 s" children choose to save pocket money. Although "post-00" people’s awareness of deposit has increased, their awareness of donation has declined.This shows that with the development of the times, children’s self-awareness and individual awareness are constantly strengthened. How to help children establish a correct view of money and cultivate the values of "everyone for me and I for everyone" still needs further efforts.

Since the reform and opening up, children’s social environment has been actively improved and optimized, but there are still many problems, especially in children’s recreational life, which plays an important and special role in children’s growth. Science and technology are changing with each passing day, and policies should also keep up with the ever-changing reality.The mixed voice of appeals, cheers and controversies urges us to sum up past experience and study the current situation in order to have a better future.

The children’s development policy formulated by the national government is the policy and code of action to promote children’s development, which determines the direction of children’s development in a country.In the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, the United Nations pointed out: "The happiness of children needs a higher level of policy action."

China government attaches great importance to children’s survival, health and development, pays close attention to the constantly developing actual situation and emerging new problems, improves children’s policies with the times, and formulates forward-looking national policies to promote the development of children’s cause. Through the actions of the government and society, the basic system and action system for protecting children’s rights have been established. From the education problems of hundreds of millions of children to myopia and internet addiction prevention, the state has propped up a huge "umbrella" for all aspects of children’s lives, protecting the seedlings of the motherland from growing sturdily.

Basic education has been fully popularized, but excessive training has also brought a heavy burden. The rapid development of the Internet has changed the traditional way of learning and entertainment, and contributed a large number of diverse cultural resources. However, like Pandora’s box, it has also caused many problems such as "Internet addiction" and "myopia rate". Education, diet, electronic equipment …All aspects of rapid development allow children to enjoy abundant material conditions that children have never had before, and also create conditions for them to fully release their potential, so that children can stand higher and see farther, but at the same time they are confined to a test paper, a screen and an unhealthy body.

In a blink of an eye, "post-90s" has become the backbone of the society, and "post-00" has gradually entered the threshold of adulthood, and the childhood of "post-10s" and "post-20s" continues. The times follow their own trajectory and rush to a more colorful future at a high speed. The "red" and "black" left on the way are all splashed with ink in children’s childhood. From the different childhood trajectories of "post-90s" to "post-00s", we can sum up the gratifying development trend, guide the future development of children, and even sum up the problems and hidden dangers, intervene and solve them as soon as possible, so as to better implement the principle of giving priority to children.

In order to give children a healthy and happy childhood, China has made many beneficial attempts, and children’s living standards have been greatly improved. We should also learn from setbacks, face problems squarely and try to solve them. There is still a long way to go …

Note: the age definition of "children"

Article 1 of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that a minor is anyone under the age of 18. Minors are children. The Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Minors promulgated in 1991 defines the age of minors, that is, children, as 0-18 years old (excluding 18 years old). This time, we define the age of "children" as 0-17 (one year old), which is consistent with the international standards and the policy documents issued by the China government. In this article, we will mainly focus on school-age children aged 6-14.

Data source:

[1], National Bureau of Statistics

[2] China Press and Publication Research Institute "China National Reading Survey Report"

[3] National Physical Fitness Monitoring Center "National Physical Fitness Monitoring Bulletin"

[4]CNNIC Statistical Report on Internet Development in China (2002-2020)

[5] The Ministry of Youth Rights and Interests of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) and China Youth New Media Association jointly issued "The Status of Internet Use for Minors in 2020".

[6] The Institute of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, the School of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, and Social Science Literature Publishing House jointly published "Blue Book for Teenagers: Report on Internet Use of Minors in China (2021)".

[7] The "National Survey on Learning Stress of Primary and Secondary School Students" was released by the artificial intelligence education platform for primary and secondary schools.

[8] Announcement of the Ministry of Education on the results of the national survey on students’ physique and health in 2005

[9] Announcement of the Ministry of Education on the results of the 2010 national survey on students’ physique and health

[10] Wang Xiuping: "40 years of children’s development in China", China Social Sciences Press, 2020.

[11] Song Yanhui, Zhang Shengqin: "The Changing Trend of Internet Use of Minors (2009 ~ 2013)", Social Science Literature Publishing House, 2014.

[12] Zhang Xudong, Sun Hongyan, Zhao Xia: From "After 90" to "After 00": Investigation Report on Children’s Development in China, China Youth Research, 2017(2)



People’s Daily reports: 70 years of educational reform and development is magnificent | Celebrating 70 years of achievements, 2019.


Team member: School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Xu Xinyan Li Ning Zhou Ji Zhao Xiangjing

Instructor: Xu Di, School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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