Didi responded positively to the "flight attendant hitchhiking" case for the first time: the platform has loopholes

  China Central Broadcasting Network Beijing May 22 news, according to the voice of China "news vertical and horizontal" report, these days, Zhengzhou stewardess Didi Hitch case caused widespread discussion in the community, what are the loopholes in the management of the Didi platform? In the end is it safe to take Didi Hitch? Didi Chuxing company recently responded positively for the first time, chief development officer Li Jianhua admitted that the alleged offender in the case Liu illegally used his father’s account to receive orders and commit crimes, indicating that the platform did have loopholes before.

  Although the Didi Hitch case has passed for many days, the loopholes exposed in the case are still thought-provoking. What is the security situation of the Didi platform, and how should the safety net of Hitch and online car-hailing be woven?

  According to China Central Radio and Television CCTV, Didi Chuxing said that in order to ensure safety, taking the hitch accident as an example, it has set up five gates, including real-name verification registration, virtual middle contact phone number, facial recognition when the first order is placed, itinerary sharing, and one-click alarm. Among them, real-name verification registration is the first hurdle for driver and vehicle identity confirmation. Didi requires hitch drivers to be at least one year old. When registering, drivers must upload their ID cards, driver’s licenses, and driving licenses to the platform for three-certificate verification.

  But the alleged offender, Hitch driver Liu, only got his license at the end of December. According to the situation of the alleged offender Liu, Didi said that he must not pass the review of Didi’s driver qualification. The reason why he passed the review was because his father’s three certificates were uploaded when the account was registered.

  In addition, facial recognition must be carried out before receiving the first order after registration. Is it the father or the son who passes the facial recognition of this first order? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, said that the registered car owner, the father of the alleged offender Liu, is compared through the facial recognition of the first order.

  However, the person who actually took the order and drove it became the son – the alleged offender Liu. "The problem is that we didn’t find that the driver who took the order was either the registered person or his father," said Li Jianhua. "But it’s not particularly clear who picked up each order."

  So, the people and cars in actual operation are not the same as when they were registered. Is it an accident in this case?

  On May 11, the day Didi issued its statement, at around 6 PM, through the Didi platform, a reporter made an appointment for an express train in Beijing, but another car arrived.

  Reporter: Master, is your tail number 98962?

  Driver: Internet Finance Center.

  Journalist: Yes.

  Driver: Get in the car!

  Reporter: But this one is written as 98962.

  Driver: I’ve changed again, tail number M5.

  It is not uncommon to encounter people and cars when ordering a car through the Didi platform. Some cars are not registered cars, and some people are not registered people. Didi driver told reporters: "I can be a car and a person. I just log in with one account, then take the order and pull it."

  Citizen 1: I found out that it was another car, which was different from the phone number and license plate number on the software. I didn’t pay much attention at the time.

  Citizen 2: He will say that I have this limit number, or that I have changed a car, which is easy to prevaricate.

  According to the drivers, no matter which car it is, no matter which person it is, as long as you log in with your registered account, the platform system will automatically assume that it is the registered person and car for dispatch and checkout. If the registration is Zhang San driving but becomes Li Si, can the Didi platform find out in this situation? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, responded: This case shows that the platform has previously had loopholes.

  So, why did all these "barriers" to ensure safety fail in this case? Didi said that the company is now growing rapidly and on a large scale. In 2017, there were about 21 million car owners on the Didi platform. Wang Sixin, deputy director of the Department of Cultural Studies at Communication University of China, pointed out that no matter how large and fast the development scale of the enterprise, the main responsibility of the enterprise should always be put first.

  On May 16, Didi Chuxing announced rectification measures, including: all personalized tags and comment functions in the offline ride-hailing business, drivers must perform facial recognition before each order, and at the same time launch prizes for reporting people and cars that do not match on all major platforms. In addition to Didi’s self-rectification, the next step is to further strengthen supervision for the problems of people and cars that appear on the online ride-hailing platform, which is also the focus of the competent authorities.

New regulations in November: online car-hailing is included in supervision, and responsibilities for medical quality management are clarified

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29, issue:In November, a batch of new regulations were opened, and online car-hailing was included in the supervision

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yang

  Our country’s first online car-hailing management measures are implemented, and the "threshold" for online car-hailing drivers and platforms to enter is strictly controlled; the new regulations of the National Health and Family Planning Commission require the improvement of medical safety management and the clarification of medical quality management responsibilities; the fares of short-distance routes below 800 kilometers are self-determined, and passenger travel is expected to usher in more "special tickets"… This November, a batch of new regulations on people’s livelihood that will be implemented will improve the law and make life more secure.

  Have a record of violent crime, etc., and are not allowed to drive online car-hailing

  Since November 1st, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", which has attracted much attention, has been officially implemented, which means that the emerging mode of travel of "online car-hailing" has since entered the track of rule of law.

  According to the measures, online car-hailing drivers should obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license for the corresponding type of vehicle and have more than 3 years of driving experience, no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol and violent crime record, and no 12-point record has been recorded in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles.

  The measures make it clear that online ride-hailing platform companies shall record the information content, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, Internet logs, online transaction logs, driving track logs and other data released by drivers and ride-hailing people on their service platforms and back them up, and inform the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of personal information such as drivers, ride-hailing people and passengers in a significant manner through their service platforms. Without the express consent of the information subject, online ride-hailing platform companies shall not use this personal information for other business purposes.

  The relevant departments should establish the credit records of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers, and include them in the national credit information sharing platform; taxi industry associations should establish a list of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers with bad records to strengthen industry self-discipline.

  The main body of responsibility for medical quality management is further clarified

  The "Medical Quality Management Measures" issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission came into effect on November 1. The measures require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions, further standardize medical service behavior, and ensure medical quality and medical safety.

  The main person in charge of the medical institution is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the institution; the main person in charge of the clinical department and the pharmacy, nursing, medical technology and other departments is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the department.

  A medical institution shall establish a special department for medical quality management to be responsible for the medical quality management of the institution. Hospitals above the second level, maternal and child health hospitals, and specialized disease prevention and control institutions shall establish a medical quality management committee to be responsible for organizing the monitoring, early warning, analysis, assessment, evaluation and feedback of the medical quality of the institution, and regularly publishing the quality management information of the institution.

  Medical institutions should establish a medical safety and risk management system, improve medical safety management related work systems, emergency plans and work processes, strengthen safety and risk management in key departments and key links of medical quality, and implement patient safety goals. At the same time, medical liability insurance, medical accident insurance and other risk sharing forms should be used to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both doctors and patients; formulate plans to prevent and handle medical disputes, prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes; improve complaint management, and resolve and properly handle medical disputes in a timely manner.

  Self-determined fares for routes under 800 kilometers

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the National Development and Reform Commission came into effect on November 1. The notice stipulates that fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be determined by airlines according to law, which means that more and more "special tickets" will be welcomed by the majority of passengers.

  The notice stipulates that airlines shall formulate and adjust the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of market-adjusted price routes and announce them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of each airline’s routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  The notice also requires that airlines and sales agents shall strictly implement the clearly marked price regulations, and in addition to indicating the actual fare of each route, they shall also indicate the service content and charging standards corresponding to the fees charged in addition to the fare change fee, refund fee, excess baggage fee, etc., and shall not charge any unmarked fees in addition to the marked price.

  Unified management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities Special funds

  The "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Colleges and Universities", which came into effect on November 1, requires that the use and management of basic scientific research business fees in central colleges and universities be included in the unified financial management of central colleges and universities, and the special funds are dedicated.

  The measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be paid in accordance with state regulations.

  The measures emphasize that the use of basic scientific research expenses in central universities includes: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to enhance their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in school to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting multi-disciplinary basic, supportive and strategic research; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  Central universities shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the national scientific research credit system, establish a scientific research credit system for basic scientific research business expenses, and incorporate them into the national scientific research credit system in accordance with the unified requirements of the state.

  Companies that issue false motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist"

  In response to the problem that some people cannot instantly check the authenticity of motor vehicle sales invoices in different places, and falsely issue false motor vehicle sales invoices across provinces, the State Administration of Taxation has decided to implement the list publicity system of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified motor vehicle sales invoices in violation of regulations from November 1, and enterprises that falsely issue motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist".

  According to the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales", if a motor vehicle enterprise issues invoices more than twice based on the actual sales of motor vehicles, or sells the same motor vehicle while issuing a unified motor vehicle sales invoice at an illegal low price, and then issues other VAT invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, or illegally issuing invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, it will be included in the "blacklist".

  Tax authorities will list enterprises on the "blacklist" as key monitoring objects, organize tax special project inspections in a timely manner, and strictly verify the various materials submitted by them; the supply of unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will also be inspected for old and new, and they will be strictly limited.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  In order to meet the needs of the majority of users for old car replacement, Extreme Krypton launched a limited-time replacement subsidy activity for large users. From May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, you can buy Extreme Krypton 001 through old car replacement, and you can enjoy a maximum reward of 30,000 points.

  Specifically, the replacement of the 001 WE model can enjoy 20,000 points, and the replacement of the YOU model can enjoy 30,000 points. Replaceable models include extreme krypton 001 long battery life single motor WE version, long battery life double motor WE version and long battery life double motor YOU version.

A copy of _fororder_image001, which can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  Extreme points are the points issued by extreme brands. Users (not limited to extreme owners) only need to download and register the extreme App, and they can get corresponding extreme points rewards by signing in, viewing posts, publishing trends, commenting, forwarding, and inviting friends to make a decision. Extreme points are valid for three years, and can be used in various usage scenarios in the extreme krypton ecosystem, including extreme charging, redemption of extreme customized gifts in the extreme krypton App "Extreme Things" mall, and exclusive privileges in the extreme krypton center, such as coffee snacks, special drinks exchange, participation in colorful car owners’ community activities, etc. The specific extreme points can be found in the extreme krypton App in detail.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image002

Redeem limited drinks at the Krypton Center by using polar points.

  At present, krypton replacement service has been launched in 20 cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou, and more cities will be opened one after another. Through safe, reliable and transparent one-to-one exclusive service, fair quotation after multi-party bidding and one-stop convenient transaction that saves time and worry, the polar replacement service has been well received by car owners. As of June 8, more than 500 orders have been placed.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image003

  If you need to replace the car after booking, you can make an appointment online by clicking "Appointment Replacement" in the "Car" interface of the Extreme App. If there is a replacement intention after picking up the car, the owner can click "Order" in the "My" interface to find "ZEEKR Certification" and select "Appointment Replacement" after clicking on the car. (Photo courtesy of Krypton car)

Known as "the most beautiful BYD", BYD Song L has pre-sold 220,000 pieces with electric tail!

[Wen/Caiquan Society & Dao Ge said Che Ma Jianyu] Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, Song L, known as "the most beautiful BYD", has been widely concerned. Unlike BYD’s current models, Song L, which is a hunting SUV, is more cutting-edge and fashionable. From the consumer’s point of view, it is highly probable that it will be a model with a high return rate.

On October 31st, Song L finally started the pre-sale. Five new models were launched, with the pre-sale price range of 220,000 to 280,000 yuan, and the cruising range of 550 km /662 km /602 km was provided for different models. At the same time, it also provided 24 interest-free, three-power lifetime warranty, free OTA upgrade/car traffic, charging pile installation service within two years and replacement subsidy for this car.

It is worth mentioning that although the current product matrix of BYD Dynasty Network is relatively rich and comprehensive, it is very "regular" and lacks such "characteristic" models as Song L. Lu Tian, general manager of BYD Group’s Chaowang Sales Division, said at the press conference that Song L is Wang Chaowang’s pioneering work for the mainstream mid-to high-end market. Under the background of rapid economic development, consumer demand is constantly upgrading, and mainstream consumer families with good educational background and economic foundation have put forward higher requirements for car use. Song L is the choice for fashion families to upgrade their quality in one step, and it is also the choice for pioneer families to moderately advance their new energy experience.

Of course, as the "most beautiful BYD", Song L, together with BYD’s new platform, mature three-power system and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C, will also form stronger product strength and provide stronger help for BYD’s sales.

"The most beautiful BYD", Song L and electric tail.

As BYD’s first hunting pure electric SUV, Song L inherits the unique "Dragon Beauty Aesthetics" of BYD Wang Chaowang in design. In the front face, the new car has added "Dragon Tooth" decorative pieces on both sides of the front grille, and with the 3D dragon whiskers of Longjing headlights, it still has the beauty of BYD’s "Dragon Beauty".

Viewed from the side, the whole body posture of Song L is dive-type, with a slip-back design and smooth lines. However, it is worth noting that, unlike other sliding back models, Song L’s sliding down starts from around C-pillar, which has the advantage of ensuring the head space of the rear passengers in the car as much as possible.

The tail is the most recognizable part of Song L. It uses segmented spoiler, double shark fin antenna and through taillight, which is officially called streamer tail light. The light sources on the left and right sides are exquisite and eye-catching. At the same time, the adaptive electric tail wing is also used. This configuration not only makes the vehicle more sporty, but also supports starting the racing mode at any time, providing continuous downforce for the vehicle, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, reducing energy consumption and improving handling.

In terms of size, the car has a length, width and height of 4840*1950*1560mm and a wheelbase of 2930mm, which is the largest among the Song series models. At the same time, it is larger than medium-sized SUVs such as Tiguan L and Tesla Model Y, and it is more like a medium-sized SUV in terms of size. Moreover, in terms of styling and price, Song L has almost no direct competitors. After all, hunting SUVs, especially hunting pure electric SUVs, are very rare in the range of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

The interior is more elegant, and the high-profile models are made of suede.

Besides being called "the most beautiful BYD", the interior of Song L is obviously more elegant. In terms of layout, Song L is still a family cockpit layout. The instrument panel creates a layered feeling through layered contrast design and different wrapping materials. The central armrest area is designed with diamond-cut electronic shift lever, mobile phone wireless charging panel and some physical buttons. BYD’s iconic interior designs such as suspended LCD instrument panel, brand-new four-spoke steering wheel and rotatable large-size central control PAD are not absent.

Although the cockpit is still familiar with the smell, the configuration has been obviously upgraded. Song L will provide AR-HUD head-up display, heat pump air conditioning, HIFI-class Dana audio system, multi-color ambient lights, panoramic images, EC adjustable panoramic canopy and other configurations. The DiLink intelligent network connection system built in the central control has also been upgraded, which comes from a 5G car cockpit platform based on deep customization of Xiaolong processor.

It is worth noting that Song L’s interior materials are also very elegant, using a combination of suede and NAPPA leather, and the soft package in the car exceeds 85%. The high-profile models also have exclusive black interiors, and the identity of the high-profile models is highlighted by fluorescent green stitching. Of course, this is more in line with the high level of 200,000 independent brands.

Yun nian c gets on the bus, and the driving quality may be pleasantly surprised.

As a model of BYD, the power system of Song L is of course a bright spot. It will provide single-motor and dual-motor versions. The four-wheel drive version is equipped with front and rear motors with maximum power of 150/230 kW respectively. According to official data, the acceleration time of the four-wheel drive version is only 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers, and this data is quite explosive on new energy vehicles. In terms of battery life, equipped with blade battery, CLTC has a pure battery life of 550km, 602km and 662km, and Song L is equipped with silicon carbide module, which improves the comprehensive working condition efficiency to 90%+, and the energy consumption of Song L is as low as 12.8kW·h per 100 km.

At the same time, with BYD’s new platform, CTB battery body integration and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C and iTAC intelligent torque control system, not only the safety and space of vehicles can be guaranteed, but also the driving texture of Song L will be strengthened. Among them, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can adjust the damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of the shock absorber, which can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of the damping and meet the needs of users for different scenes. It has been verified in Han and other models at present.

As for intelligent driving, Song L will be equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can cover most usage scenarios and more than 30 auxiliary functions, such as high-speed assistance, intelligent navigation, automatic parking, fatigue monitoring and reminding, etc., greatly improving driving safety.

Generally speaking, as a brand-new model of BYD, Song L can be regarded as a breakthrough work of BYD, which brings a feeling completely different from the existing models. The data shows that BYD’s sales volume has exceeded 2 million vehicles during the year, firmly holding the position of the domestic automobile sales champion. However, from the perspective of Song L, BYD has obviously not become "complacent". "We also actively embrace changes and constantly seek breakthroughs," Lu Tian said.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  If the demotion attack is regarded as bullying, then the leapfrog attack means having enough self-confidence. When it comes to leapfrog, the first thing I think of is the brand Starway. Although Starway is a sub-brand of Chery, the cars it produces have basically achieved leapfrog, just like the previous 7-seat SUV with a class of 200,000, and the configuration is still very rich.

  Just some time ago, the appearance of Starway once again verified what is a leapfrog attack. The highest price of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is 200,000, but its target model is actually an SUV within 400,000. Such confidence is not available to any car company, so where does Starway Eta Ursae Majoris come from?

  In fact, it is not difficult to find out if we take a closer look at its configuration. The most 200,000-class model is actually equipped with an intelligent assisted driving system as high as L2.99, and it also has the blessing of CDC electromagnetic suspension system, as well as a brand-new cockpit and design language. Putting these on a car at the same time is really a little bit like dressing up as a pig to eat a tiger.

  It’s useless to talk about it. Only after driving the car and really experiencing it can we know how the so-called L2.99-level assisted driving performance is. But before driving, let’s take a brief look at the appearance and interior of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  Starway Eta Ursae Majoris adopts the aesthetic design language of Atlantis Light, and the whole front face will look more layered and futuristic. The air intake grille does not use the traditional modeling design, but boldly uses the borderless "Star Window" design, and the looming feeling also makes it more attractive for future technology.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The logo in the middle can be lit, which is a continuation of the previous 400T design. Although it is not a new technology, it is also a family-style continuation and inheritance.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  A rose gold color decorative strip symbolizing nobility is added above the penetrating LED headlights, which instantly enhances its temperament. X-shaped daytime running lights are also more exaggerated and fierce. In addition, the car is equipped with three light language configurations for the first time, which is definitely one of the few configurations in the same class or even 300,000-class models.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  Starway Eta Ursae Majoris adopts a slip-back design, especially the rear part of the car creates a feeling of tightening with lines, which makes it look more sporty and youthful. The drag coefficient of this car is 0.326cd, which is not comparable to that of new energy vehicles, but it is not high in the same class of fuel vehicles.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris are 4781x1920x1671mm and the wheelbase is 2815mm, respectively. Although it is not a new energy model, the hidden door handle still appears on this model. The car will be equipped with 20-inch wheels, and the matching Michelin tires are 245/50 R20 to maximize the comfort and quietness of the vehicle.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The shape of the rear of the car has added more rounded designs. The penetrating taillight group not only plays a layered role, but also has the function of signal language. At present, there are only three signal languages, and if there are any new ones, they can also be directly upgraded through OTA.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The exhaust design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is a style of two-way four-way, but this is only for decoration. The actual exhaust is two-way double-way, but the exhaust of four-way looks really enough for fighting. Moreover, the unique top spoiler is designed like an airplane tail, which gives you the feeling of flying into the sky and looking for stars in the sky.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The interior adopts the design of the embracing cockpit, and the 24.6-inch high-definition curved screen is also essential, which not only increases the sense of technology, but also minimizes the number of buttons in the car. In terms of materials, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is not soft at all. It not only uses a lot of soft bag materials, but also adds Nappa leather for embellishment. This material and workmanship can really be used as a benchmark for leapfrog products.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The steering wheel adopts a flat-bottomed sports design, and the two-spoke design is also very scientific and technological. The above multi-function buttons all adopt touch-control design, and the technical attributes have indeed been improved a lot, but relatively speaking, it will also increase the chances of some misoperation, and the panel is really easy to leave fingerprints.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The central control screen adopts Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car gauge chip, which has a very high operating fluency, and it also integrates many car functions, including mobile phone interconnection, online entertainment, APP download, driver assistance function setting, air conditioning, voice interaction, etc., with a very high degree of integration.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  Three knobs and two toggle buttons are designed at the bottom of the screen, which has the feeling of an airplane cockpit, and the outward protruding design is also a big surprise. Here, the knobs on the left and right sides and the toggle button are used to control the adjustment of air conditioning, and the knob in the middle is the switching knob of driving mode.

  Because the arms are used, the central passage becomes a huge storage space, and it is designed with a sliding cover, which can be closed when not in use, which can effectively increase the overall feeling of the vehicle. When it is opened, it will change two cup holders and a storage box in seconds.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The seat adjustment of the car is designed on the door panel, which makes it easier to operate. Moreover, all four doors are designed with electric door opening switches, which directly improves the sense of science and technology to a higher level. However, for the sake of safety, the traditional mechanical handle has also been retained.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The comfort of the front seats is really high. The main driver supports electric adjustment, seat heating, ventilation and memory functions, and has leg adjustment and waist adjustment. The headrest is also integrated with speakers, which can better ensure the driver to hear the prompts and navigation broadcasts.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The function of the co-pilot seat is more comprehensive. In addition to electric adjustment, heating and ventilation, there is also a massage function. At the same time, leg rests and foot rests also appear in the co-pilot seat, so it is no exaggeration to call it "the queen’s co-pilot".

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The riding comfort of the rear seats is really high, and the seat cushion and backrest are beyond many models at the same level. The softness is really unknown, and it also has the adjustment of the electric backrest, which is much higher than many manual adjustments.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  In terms of driving experience, the car uses a 2.0T engine and 7DCT powershift, with a maximum output of 192kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This power system is actually very strong, but it may take care of the needs of more drivers and passengers, so the engine power output will be a little slow, but it is still completely acceptable.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  If you switch to sports mode, the throttle response time will be improved a lot instantly, and the feeling of acceleration is very linear, but the noise will be a bit high, but fortunately it is also within the acceptable range.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  The shifting logic of the transmission is actually very clever, but when the vehicle is going downhill, it will occasionally upshift itself, which is still a bit strange. Shifting paddles really add a lot of driving pleasure, especially when driving on mountain roads, and the playability is instantly improved.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  There are seven driving modes to choose from, namely, economy, standard, sports, snow, mud, sand and off-road, and when each mode is switched, there will be a corresponding screen on the central control screen, which is quite interesting design.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  In addition, this car is equipped with a four-wheel drive system. Although we didn’t have any chance to feel its four-wheel drive capability this time, we have felt the power of its four-wheel drive system in the venue test drive before. If you are interested, you can take a look at our previous test drive.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  In addition, the top model of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with CDC electromagnetic suspension, which can filter out the vibration of the road surface very well, especially on the gravel road surface, and the effect is very obvious.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  However, this suspension also has a small problem, that is, the support for the roll is not as good as expected. Although it can be felt that the chassis is fighting against the roll, the effect is not particularly obvious. I hope it can be adjusted more later, which will bring a better driving experience.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  In terms of assisted driving, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris has indeed achieved the leading level in its class. It not only has a 540 transparent chassis, but also has lane keeping, lane departure warning, fatigue monitoring, rear car warning, front collision warning, ACC adaptive cruise, lane change assistance, traffic sign recognition and so on. Basically, we can find everything we can think of in Eta Ursae Majoris, which is really worthy of praise and recommendation.

Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.
Test-drive Starway Eta Ursae Majoris and feel how hard it is to leapfrog.

  In addition, the car is also equipped with a HUD, which can display the driving information of the vehicle, including speed, speed, road traffic signs, etc., and can also directly display the navigation information, which is convenient for the driver to observe, so as to maximize the driving safety.


  As a 200,000-class medium-sized SUV, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris did not compare itself with the same-price model, but instead set its goal on the 400,000-class model. This leapfrog comparison is really rare, but Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has proved that it can do it with its own strength and configuration. At present, the car has been delivered to users on a large scale, and we are also expecting that more car companies will set their sights on the longer term and win the market with more practical configurations in the future.

Haval Xiaolong series landed at Chongqing Auto Show, and the price of two-wheel drive can buy the experience of four-wheel drive.

On June 9th, Haval brand brought its new car matrix consisting of H series, dog category and Haval Xiaolong series to the Chongqing Auto Show. As a global SUV expert, Haval brand adheres to the brand vision of "being the best SUV in every era", advanced with brand-new Hi4 enabling products, and the brand-new energy product Haval Xiaolong series landed in Sichuan and Chongqing, with the official guide price of 139,800 ~ 179,800 yuan.

In the second half of new energy, based on the category advantages of deeply cultivating the SUV market, Haval brand launched two heavy-duty models, Haval Xiaolong MAX and Haval Xiaolong, and reconstructed the new highland of new energy SUV value. Among them, Haval Xiaolong MAX has completely realized the "four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive energy consumption, four-wheel drive experience and two-wheel drive price" with the first ride and the new intelligent hybrid architecture Hi4 as standard.

According to reports, the comprehensive power of the power system equipped by Haval Xiaolong MAX is 205kW, the comprehensive torque reaches 585N·m, the measured acceleration of 0-50km/h is 2.75s, and the acceleration of zero is only 6.8s, which is comparable to the traditional 3.0T fuel engine.

However, high performance does not mean high energy consumption. The WLTC fuel consumption of Haval Xiaolong MAX is only 1.78L, and the fuel consumption of feed is as low as 5.5L, which truly realizes four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive energy consumption. For users’ daily commuting, Haval Xiaolong MAX can also drive in pure electricity. NEDC has a pure battery life of 105KM, and it only needs 2-3 times a week to meet the daily commuting needs. In addition, Haval also provides users with free gift and installation services of charging piles, with a fast charging power of 33kW, and can complete 30%-80% energy replenishment in 26 minutes; The slow charging power is 6.6kW, and it only takes 3 hours to fully charge. In addition, the external discharge power of 3.3 kW can drive electric chafing dish, electric oven and other electrical appliances at the same time, and the continuous external discharge lasts for more than 4.5 hours.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is nearly 4.8 meters long, with a wheelbase of 2.8 meters and an axle length ratio of 0.59. The rear row supports flat-down, and the car becomes a big bed room in seconds. With a panoramic skylight of 0.8 square meters, you can enjoy the summer starlight while lying in the car.

Haval Xiaolong MAX is equipped with a new generation of coffee OS system, which supports "visible to say", can control 12 fields such as vehicle setting, navigation and air conditioning, and can recognize 10 instructions in one sentence, truly giving the machine a soul. The Haval Xiaolong MAX car is equipped with a "penetrating floating triple screen +W-HUD lifting screen" to build a 4-screen vision with a futuristic sci-fi sense, creating a cinema-level immersive enjoyment for users. The main driver enjoys the high-definition W-HUD head-up display, and the driving information is unobstructed; The co-pilot can open the exclusive entertainment mode, and it is easy to enjoy the drama online.

Haval Xiaolong MAX’s coffee intelligent driving system has the hardware equipment of the first echelon, and the whole vehicle is equipped with 22 intelligent sensors to realize "L2+" intelligent driving assistance in all road conditions, all time and all weather. Among them, HWA’s functions such as shifting the lever and changing lanes in non-single high-speed scenes are only available for products above 250,000 yuan, and Xiaolong MAX has truly realized scientific and technological equality.

In terms of design, Haval Xiaolong adopts an integrated front face, and the side waistline with great cutting power is full of sharpness, which fully highlights the inductive tension. In the interior part, Haval Xiaolong adopts the design surrounded by starry sky, with wings and double screens, integrated technology island and 64-color flowing water atmosphere lights, which brings a comfortable and practical super-enjoyment feeling.

In terms of driving control, Haval Xiaolong adopts the suspension structure of "front McPherson+rear multi-link", which is closer to sports SUV and takes into account the driving texture of various road conditions such as urban roads and unpaved roads. At the same time, Haval also gave Xiaolong a more inductive control logic. The user only needs to touch the door handle of the vehicle, and Haval Xiaolong will automatically unlock the vehicle, open the door to automatically power on, step on the brake pedal to start the vehicle, and pull the arm to start immediately.

In the performance of the three electric appliances, Haval Xiaolong is equipped with a two-speed DHT gearbox, which is more mature and reliable. The battery life of NEDC is 110 kilometers, the battery life of WLTC is 96 kilometers, and it can be recharged for 3 days during daily commuting. The comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is only 1.39L, and the fuel consumption due to power failure is only 5.3L, so the economic performance is better. Xiaolong also provides three power modes of "pure electricity, pure electricity priority and intelligent hybrid", which saves fuel and electricity and saves money. One car can be used as three cars.

Upstream News Kevin·Z

Editor: He Bao

Editor: Wu Jian

Audit: Mao Dan

Qin PLUS DM-i "limited time 898", BYD pressed the "oil-to-electricity" acceleration key in the auto market.

On December 1, BYD launched a limited-time fuel transfer fund policy. Led by champion models Qin and Han, the best-selling models of Wangchao. com are all out to give thanks to users, with a maximum enjoyment of 20,000 yuan. The policy is limited to December. This also means that BYD is leading the China brand in a decisive battle for joint-venture fuel vehicles, and accelerating the process of "oil to electricity" in the automobile market.

In 2023, whether you are a fuel owner who wants to change cars or a prospective owner who has ordered a fuel car, Qin PLUS DM-i will start selling for only 89,800 yuan, and Han EV Champion Edition and Han DM-i Champion Edition will enjoy a fuel transfer fund of up to 20,000 yuan. At the same time, Wang Chaowang’s models of Tang, Song and Yuan families have benefited to varying degrees. This is undoubtedly good news for users who want to buy a car at the end of the year.

Limited-time welfare BYD uses the champion model to give back to users’ love.

BYD announced the 6 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line on November 24th, which also became a milestone in the development history of China automobile industry. In the face of users’ trust and love, BYD is also grateful to give back to the market with high-quality products, and puts forward the limited-time welfare policy of PLUS DM-i "limited-time fuel transfer fund of 10,000 yuan".

In 2021, Qin PLUS DM-i went on the market. In just one and a half years, Qin PLUS won the A-class sedan championship. This year, the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS 2023 was once again "king fried", which opened a new era of the same price of oil and electricity and launched a storm on the fuel-fired sedan. Since then, the sales of Qin family have been soaring, and at present, it has achieved the success of 9 consecutive titles of the sedan, and Qin has locked in the 2023 sedan champion in advance.

Qin PLUS can achieve such achievements, the core is naturally excellent product strength, and excellent product strength is bound to be inseparable from the support of technology. Qin PLUS DM-i is equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system, which has the characteristics of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It only takes 7.3s for zero acceleration, 1,245km for comprehensive endurance and 3.8L for fuel consumption per 100km, and the DM-i super hybrid system.

Grab the cake from the joint venture fuel vehicle market, and the "oil-to-electricity" in the auto market has accelerated.

When it comes to the A-class sedan market, the national sedan of the joint venture brand used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many China automobile brands challenged them, but BYD Qin PLUS DM-i succeeded in the challenge.

On the power, Qin PLUS DM-i’s acceleration of 7.3 seconds leads the way. In terms of energy consumption, Qin PLUS DM-i has a power consumption of 3.8L and a comprehensive battery life of 1,245 kilometers. The high-equipped models can also discharge externally, greatly reducing the cost of car use and satisfying more car use scenarios. Those joint-venture national sedan cars can definitely not do it because they have no plug-in models now. On intelligence, Qin PLUS DM-i has DiLink intelligent cockpit (car, big screen, voice, cloud service), intelligent entry (NFC) and intelligent driving assistance, and still leads the same level.

The history of Ti mo Feng’s destruction went from fighting a fish sister to falling off the altar.

Original title: The history of Ti mo Feng’s destruction from fighting fish to falling to the altar.

Ti mo Feng, formerly known as Feng Yanan, was born in Chongqing in 1991. In college, because of her classmates, she inadvertently came into contact with the industry of appearance. At that time, there were very few viewers, but she succeeded in attracting everyone’s attention because of her beautiful singing and sweet appearance. After graduation, Ti mo Feng decided to take appearing in a mirror as his career, but his family disagreed and thought it was unstable. However, Ti mo Feng didn’t completely give up appearing in the camera. After work, she would play games and appear in the camera, and gradually accumulated a certain popularity in the LOL area.

In 2014, Ti mo Feng officially signed a contract with the Betting Platform as a full-time anchor. She started playing games all day and appeared in several small schools.

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Women’s online shopping for mobile phone accessories led to a fraud case worth 100 million yuan.

CCTV News:Ms. Wu, a citizen of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, is usually very cautious in shopping, and generally only chooses to buy genuine products. But this year’s online shopping experience made Ms. Wu very angry. I didn’t expect that after she called the police for help, she even brought out a fake and fake gang involving hundreds of millions of yuan!

Not long ago, Ms. Wu’s mobile phone broke the back cover. After searching and comparing online, Ms. Wu selected a back cover of the same model in a company called "Three Hammer Flagship Store". After the merchant swore that it was the original back cover, Ms. Wu readily paid.

After installing it on the mobile phone, Ms. Wu found that after the mobile phone, Gigan started to crack a little, and then the crack became bigger and bigger. After a few touches, the whole back cover cracked.

Ms. Wu asked for a refund, which was rebuffed by the online store customer service. Ms. Wu reported the police. Yangzhou police identified the back cover of the mobile phone bought by Ms. Wu and confirmed that it was a counterfeit registered trademark, so they immediately launched a secret investigation on the online shop involved. After investigation, the owner of the "Three Hammer Flagship Stores" is Liu from Shangrao, Jiangxi Province. This online store has many return addresses, which is obviously abnormal!

An online shop generally has 1-mdash; 3 return addresses, but in the background data of this online store, the police found that there are more than 30 return addresses.

Further investigation by the police found that Liu was a middleman who sold short, and the actual delivery place of counterfeit mobile phone accessories was the professional electronic market in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The capital flow of Liu’s online shop was finally collected in the account of Shenzhen Yao.

From January 2019 to the present, all online shopkeepers and Yao involved in the case have huge capital transactions, which are generated almost every day. In summary, the average monthly transaction volume is more than 1 million.

The police investigated Yao, but the result was unexpected, and he was not the source of counterfeiting.

In order to find the fake dens, Yangzhou police in Jiangsu Province conducted an in-depth tracking of Yao’s bank flow and company logistics, and found Zhao, a female boss who has close capital exchanges with him. Her fake factory may be in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan.

According to the capital and logistics data of Yao’s company, a large number of fakes originated from Yinying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. under Zhao’s name. At the end of August, 2020, Yangzhou police, under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security and the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, deployed hundreds of police officers, divided into six roads, and collected the nets in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Shenzhen, Shandong, Linyi, Shangrao, Jiangxi, Shijiazhuang, Hebei and other places.

The police found in their factory that there are two complete production lines for counterfeiting. There are 8 production workshops on each production line, and nearly 5 workers operate in each workshop.The shipment is huge and there is no rest.

At the same time, the biggest middleman of this criminal gang — — Yao was arrested at home. Another policeman found the warehouse of Ge Mou, a wholesaler, in Linyi, Shandong Province, and obtained a large number of counterfeit mobile phone accessories at the scene.

The police’s arrest operation destroyed the counterfeit black factory in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and sealed up two production lines; In all parts of the country, more than 40 people involved in the wholesale and retail sectors were arrested, eight dens warehouses were destroyed, and nearly 80,000 pieces of accessories of well-known domestic mobile phone brands such as Huawei and 100,000 pieces of semi-finished accessories were seized. After investigation, from 2019 to now, Yinying Company’s counterfeit factory in Dongguan has sold counterfeit mobile phone accessories with a total value of nearly 110 million yuan. At present, the case is still under investigation.