Weekly quality report: nearly 40% of induction cookers failed to pass the sampling inspection, and some induction cookers were unable to withstand slight bumps.

  CCTV News:Induction cooker, also known as electromagnetic cooker, has the characteristics of small size, fast heating and no open flame, and has become one of the daily appliances used by thousands of households. However, the national supervision and spot check on the product quality of this product shows that it is such a household appliance with a very high penetration rate that four out of every ten products are unqualified.

  Nearly 40% of electromagnetic stoves are unqualified.

  The reporter learned from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine that this year’s national supervision and spot check on the quality of electromagnetic stoves has ended, and the test results show that the quality problems of electromagnetic stoves produced in China are not optimistic at present.

  Miao Yuchen, Director of Product Quality Supervision Department of AQSIQ:We organized a total of 48 batches of electromagnetic stoves produced by 48 enterprises in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces to carry out national supervision and spot checks. After inspection, 19 batches of products were unqualified.

  According to the statistics of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, in the first half of this year, the state supervised and spot-checked 41 kinds of products, mainly involving 2,674 batches of products in seven categories closely related to consumers, such as electronic appliances, daily use and textiles, building materials and light industry, of which 250 batches were unqualified, with an overall unqualified rate of 9.3%. However, 19 of the 48 batches of electromagnetic stove products in this spot check were unqualified, and the unqualified rate was as high as 39.6%, which was more than four times that of the products in the first half of the year supervised by the state. According to the reporter’s understanding, the electromagnetic stove has therefore become the product with the lowest qualified rate among the 41 products supervised and randomly selected by the state in the first half of this year.

  Miao Yuchen, Director of Product Quality Supervision Department of AQSIQ:The problems found in spot checks involve abnormal work, energy efficiency grade, mechanical strength, electromagnetic compatibility and other items, among which the unqualified electromagnetic compatibility index is more prominent.

  The National General Electronic Components and Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, located in China Saibao Laboratory, is one of the testing institutions that undertake the national pumping task of electromagnetic stoves. The reporter learned here that according to the relevant national standards and norms, the inspection items of electromagnetic stoves can be divided into three parts.

  Chen Jun, Director of Home Appliances Room of Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:The first part is the electrical safety requirements of products, which are consistent with the testing standards of compulsory product certification in China and are the basic safety requirements of products. The second part is the energy efficiency grade of products, including thermal efficiency and standby power consumption, which is the basic energy efficiency requirement of induction cooker products in China. The third part is the electromagnetic compatibility of products, including terminal disturbance voltage and electromagnetic radiation disturbance.

  Testers told reporters that the electrical safety, energy efficiency rating and electromagnetic compatibility of electromagnetic cookers actually cover 19 items such as protection against touching live parts, abnormal work, mechanical strength, energy efficiency rating and electromagnetic radiation disturbance. In this spot check, as many as seven items failed.

  Then, what impact will these unqualified items have on consumers’ use of electromagnetic stoves? Will it harm the personal safety of users?

  Some electromagnetic cookers can’t stand a slight bump.

  During the investigation, the inspector told the reporter that for the electromagnetic cooker, which is a household appliance that must carry other items when it is used, the durability of the stressed microcrystalline panel is the basic requirement. The inspection item of mechanical strength is to specifically check whether the structure and shell of the electromagnetic stove can withstand the knock and impact that may occur during use.

  Zhou Shuisheng, Electrical Appliance Room Engineer of Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:According to the national standard, we use this spring impact hammer to impact every weak position on the panel for three times, and the impact energy is 0.5 Joule, so it is required that the panel of the induction cooker cannot be damaged after the impact test.

  The reporter noticed that during the inspection, this microcomputer-based induction cooker named BT220 produced by Zhongshan Pentium Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. had obvious cracks on the microcrystalline panel after three consecutive impacts. According to the inspector, the rupture of the microcrystalline panel of the electromagnetic stove not only affects the normal use, but also may cause personal injury to consumers, and even lead to the risk of electric shock.

  Zhou Shuisheng, Electrical Appliance Room Engineer of Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:The panel of this induction cooker is cracked, resulting in many cracks. Then these cracks will destroy the overall insulation system of the induction cooker and reduce the safe distance between the human body and the live parts. Then the user may be scratched by the edges of these cracks in the induction cooker during the subsequent use, and may also get an electric shock, which is dangerous. According to the national standards, this induction cooker is a seriously unqualified product.

  The reporter learned in the interview that in addition to safety, when most consumers buy electromagnetic stoves, the most important thing is whether to save electricity. Therefore, the grade of energy efficiency has become an important index to evaluate the quality of electromagnetic stoves.

  Mo Yanting, Electrical Appliance Room Engineer, Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:All domestic electromagnetic cookers need to have china energy label. The energy efficiency label will classify the product’s energy efficiency level, in which the first level is the best and most energy-saving, and the third level is the most basic requirement.

  According to professionals, according to the national mandatory standard "Limits and Levels of Energy Efficiency of Household Electromagnetic Cookers", the energy efficiency level includes two indicators: thermal efficiency and standby power. Thermal efficiency is a specific quantitative index for electromagnetic cookers to convert electric energy into effective thermal energy. For electromagnetic cookers with rated power greater than 1200W, thermal efficiency can be divided into three levels: not less than 90%, not less than 88% and not less than 86%. The higher the thermal efficiency, the higher the energy utilization rate, and the more energy-saving the product. The corresponding energy efficiency level is also higher.

  Mo Yanting, Electrical Appliance Room Engineer, Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:Although the thermal efficiency is not the safety performance index that directly affects personal safety, such as electric shock prevention and fire prevention, it is closely related to the people’s money bags. Assuming that the electromagnetic stove at home consumes more electricity every time it heats a pot of water, the people will pay more money and cause unnecessary waste over time.

  The virtual standard energy efficiency grade of a small number of electromagnetic stoves

  Saving money and electricity affects the purchasing tendency of some consumers. Therefore, in order to cater to consumers’ psychology, some enterprises do not make efforts to improve product quality, but make up their minds on energy efficiency labeling, falsely marking product energy efficiency grades.

  Mo Yanting, Electrical Appliance Room Engineer, Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:Among the 48 batches of electromagnetic stove products that we randomly selected this time, the energy efficiency grade of six batches of electromagnetic stoves failed to meet the requirements. One batch was standby power, which exceeded its specified value, while the other five batches failed to reach its nominal value of thermal efficiency. The most serious product was a product with a nominal thermal efficiency of 88%, while the measured thermal efficiency was only 85.1%. Can’t even reach the most basic level 3.

  The reporter noticed that this product marked with energy efficiency grade 2, but the measured value can’t even reach grade 3, is an electromagnetic stove with the name of Suochi brand PS-22 produced by Guixiang Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. The remaining five batches of products with unqualified energy efficiency grades are respectively labeled as:

  HW-22 electromagnetic cooker produced by Hawang Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province;

  An electromagnetic cooker of model YW20A-301 produced by Yongwang Electric Appliance Industry Co., Ltd. in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province;

  The VK-20C80E electromagnetic cooker produced by Weiwang Daily Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Foshan City, Guangdong Province;

  SJ-20KB electromagnetic cooker produced by Guangdong Shiji Electric Appliance Industry Co., Ltd.;

  DP22 electromagnetic cooker produced by dongfeng town Hamada Electric Appliance Factory, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province.

  The virtual standard energy efficiency of electromagnetic stoves is mostly to cover up Jerry-building.

  Professionals told reporters that the energy efficiency rating items of electromagnetic cookers are unqualified. On the surface, it seems that manufacturers falsely label product parameters, but in essence it covers up the bad behavior of some enterprises to cut corners in order to reduce production costs.

  Mo Yanting, Electrical Appliance Room Engineer of China Saibao Laboratory:One of the factors that affect the thermal efficiency of electromagnetic cookers is the coil disk. In order to save costs, some manufacturers often have obvious differences in material selection. Now we can compare it. You see, this is a qualified product. Its coil disk has a thick wire diameter and a very close distance, so the heating effect of this coil disk is very good and energy-saving. Looking at another unqualified product in this spot check, we can see that its wire diameter is only half of that of the previous one, and the distance between the rollers is loose. You see that the tip of this screwdriver is going in, and the heating effect of this coil disk is relatively low. Next, let’s look at another one with worse thermal efficiency. This wire diameter is obviously thinner and the distance is looser, and the screwdriver can pass through it easily and casually. The thermal efficiency of such products is definitely not high, and it can’t meet the requirements of energy efficiency grade at all.

  Whether it is the protection against touching live parts, the firmness of microcrystalline panels, or the coils that affect thermal efficiency, careful consumers can more or less see some tricks through careful observation. But for the electromagnetic cooker, there are some security risks, because of its special closed structure, which can neither be seen nor touched, so the potential harm is even greater. Continue to watch our program.

  The annual output of electromagnetic cookers in China exceeds 30 million sets.

  The reporter learned in the interview that the world’s first household electromagnetic stove was born in Germany in 1957 and entered China in the late 1980s. Because there are many advantages such as no open flame, no smoke and dust, easy to use and so on, the electromagnetic stove is quickly recognized by consumers. At present, there are more than 500 enterprises producing electromagnetic stoves in China, with an annual output of more than 30 million units.

  Chen Jun, Director of Home Appliances Room of Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:At present, the industry of induction cookers is mainly concentrated in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, including Shunde and Zhongshan in Guangdong, where more than 80% of enterprises are located.

  The rapid development of electromagnetic stoves has attracted the attention of relevant regulatory authorities, and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has listed electromagnetic stoves as national supervision and spot check products for seven consecutive years. However, compared with the pass rate of spot checks in the past seven years, the reporter noticed an abnormal phenomenon, that is, the pass rate of national supervision and spot checks of electromagnetic stoves was not less than 80% for four consecutive years from 2011 to 2014, but by 2015, this value fell off a cliff and plummeted to 7.7%; After that, it rebounded slightly in 2016, accounting for 28.8%. The qualified rate of 48 samples selected this year was 60.4%. They are all electromagnetic cookers, but why does the qualified rate of national supervision and spot check on product quality fluctuate so much?

  Miao Yuchen, Director of Product Quality Supervision Department of AQSIQ:In 2015, we added two indicators of electromagnetic compatibility and energy efficiency grade for the first time, and checked 78 batches of products, 72 of which were unqualified, so the main problem focused on electromagnetic compatibility.

   In the survey, professionals told reporters that almost all electrical equipment will send out electromagnetic harassment signals when working. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) means that when electrical equipment is working, the signals generated will neither interfere with other electrical equipment nor be interfered by other electrical equipment, so as to ensure that all equipment can work normally and be compatible with each other. For electromagnetic cookers, there are two kinds of electromagnetic disturbance signals: those transmitted to the power grid through power lines are called conduction disturbance, and those emitted through space are called radiation disturbance. In the standard, terminal disturbance voltage and electromagnetic radiation disturbance items are used to assess respectively.

  Shao E, Engineer of EMC Room, Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:What is the essence of terminal disturbance voltage test? The induction cooker works, and when it works, your induction cooker takes electricity from the power grid. After work, some electromagnetic interference signals will be emitted to the power grid. This electromagnetic interference signal, it is all on the power grid. If your other electrical equipment, such as washing machine, air conditioner, TV set, all other electrical equipment and household electrical equipment, are hung on the power grid, you may receive the interference signal generated by the induction cooker, resulting in some faults. For example, it is possible that the washing machine just mentioned is interrupted and the TV set is short-circuited.

   The reporter saw in the laboratory that this logo is calledAn electromagnetic cooker of model YW20A-301 produced by Yongwang Electric Appliance Industry Co., Ltd., Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province.When testing, the terminal disturbance voltage obviously exceeds the limit specified by the national standard.

  Shao E, Engineer of EMC Room, Quality Inspection Center of China Saibao Laboratory:The red line above represents a quasi-peak value limit stipulated by the national standard, the red line below is an average value limit stipulated by the national standard, and the blue line and pink line at the bottom are the results of our test of this sample, which respectively represent that the blue line is a peak value and the pink line is an average value. From this result, it can be seen that these frequency points have obviously exceeded the limit requirements stipulated by the national standard, so from this test result,

  Some electromagnetic cookers are not designed properly.

  The inspector told the reporter that the electromagnetic stove terminal disturbance voltage project was unqualified, mainly because the electromagnetic compatibility design of the product was unreasonable. The reporter noticed that as many as 17 of the 48 samples of the electromagnetic stove were unqualified in the terminal disturbance voltage test. This is also the highest unqualified item among all the 19 inspection items of the electromagnetic stove. Followed by another test item of electromagnetic compatibility: electromagnetic radiation disturbance, 14 unqualified samples, only 3 less than the unqualified number of terminal disturbance voltage test. Among them, the nominal name is:

  Model J-C electromagnetic cooker produced by Jieliou Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province;

  The electromagnetic cooker with the model IC-A2102 produced by Guangdong Taikoo Electric Technology Co., Ltd.;

  The model SYG-22 electromagnetic cooker produced by Songyangge Electric Appliance Technology Co., Ltd., Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province13 batches of samples, such as electromagnetic compatibility, terminal disturbance voltage and electromagnetic radiation disturbance, were unqualified.

  The failure rate of the two items of EMC inspection far exceeds that of other inspection items. Why?

  With the further investigation, the reporter learned that before 2015, the two national mandatory standards, Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances and Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Household Electromagnetic Cookers, which were the basis for electromagnetic cooker products testing, did not involve electromagnetic compatibility testing. In January, 2015, the national mandatory standard "Limits and Measurement Methods of Disturbance Characteristics of Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) RF Equipment" was officially implemented, which clearly stipulated that electromagnetic cookers, microwave ovens and other appliances were applicable to this standard, so the national supervision and spot check of electromagnetic cookers in that year included electromagnetic compatibility in the inspection scope for the first time. However, two years later, the reporter found that there are still many electromagnetic stove manufacturers who turn a blind eye to the EMC test of their products. In the investigation, the reporter noticed a detail. All the 48 samples in this spot check were marked as meeting the national use safety standards and energy efficiency standards, but none of the products were marked as meeting the national electromagnetic compatibility standards.

  Chen Jun, Director of Home Appliances Room of China Saibao Laboratory:Some enterprises may not fully understand this requirement of electromagnetic compatibility, and think that it is not a requirement of compulsory certification of this product, so they do not produce products according to this standard, which leads to the product not meeting the requirements.

  Professionals believe that electromagnetic cookers are products in China’s 3C compulsory certification catalogue, that is to say, 3C certification is the basic threshold for electromagnetic cookers to go on sale. In view of the fact that manufacturers generally ignore EMC projects at present, it is suggested that relevant departments revise the implementation rules of 3C certification of electromagnetic stove products in time, and bring the national standards related to electromagnetic compatibility into the scope of 3C certification, so as to promote enterprises to better understand and implement the standards and further improve product quality.

  Experts said that the radiation power of induction cooker mainly depends on the leakage value of electromagnetic wave of induction cooker, and the greater the leakage, the greater the impact on users. Although there is no sufficient factual basis to prove that the radiation of induction cooker is harmful to human body, it is obvious that the lower the electromagnetic leakage level, the better the safety of products with lower radiation disturbance level. Therefore, it is safe and reliable for consumers to choose to buy induction cooker products that meet national standards.

  (CCTV reporter Wang Jun)

Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures of Zhongguancun National In

Jingkefa [2022] No.6

All relevant units:

  The Measures for the Management of Support Funds for Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Promote technology and finance’s Deep Integration Development (Trial) has been considered and adopted by the 6th administrative office meeting of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee in 2022. It is hereby printed and distributed, please follow it.

  I hereby inform you.

Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee    

June 10, 2022  

Measures for the Administration of Support Funds for Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Promote technology and finance’s Deep Integration Development (Trial)

  Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1 In order to implement the Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-quality Development of National High-tech Industrial Development Zones (Guo Fa [2020] No.7) and the Development and Construction Plan of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period (Zhong Shi Qu Zu Fa [2021] No.1), further standardize the management and use of support funds, promote Zhongguancun’s pilot project and technology and finance’s supply-side structural reform, and improve the financial support innovation system.

  Article 2 The supporting funds of these Measures shall be arranged by the municipal financial funds, charged from the special funds of Beijing Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee), and used according to the annual budget.

  Article 3 The management and use of funds supported by these Measures shall follow the principles of openness, transparency, highlighting key points, earmarking funds and paying attention to actual results.

  Article 4 The support objects of these Measures are high-tech enterprises and financial service institutions. Among them, high-tech enterprises refer to the national high-tech enterprises and Zhongguancun high-tech enterprises registered in Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (hereinafter referred to as Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone); Financial service institutions refer to the headquarters or branches established in Beijing with the approval of the regulatory authorities. Innovative entities registered in other areas of Beijing that meet the supporting conditions shall be implemented with reference.

  Chapter II Supporting Contents and Standards

  Section 1 Vigorously Develop Angels and Venture Capital

  Article 5 Support long-term capital to participate in scientific and technological innovation investment.

  (1) Support content

  Guide long-term capital such as social security funds, insurance funds and bank wealth management funds to increase investment in venture capital funds ①, private equity secondary market funds ② and M&A funds ③. If the fund investment effect is good, the investors will be given periodic investment risk subsidies in different grades.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Funds shall be registered in Beijing, and the types of funds shall conform to the positioning of venture capital funds, private equity secondary market funds (S funds) and M&A funds, and shall be filed in asset management association of china.

  2. The fund should focus on the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, and the investment effect is good.

  3. Social security funds, insurance funds and bank financing funds should be registered in Beijing, and the actual annual contribution to the fund is more than 300 million yuan (inclusive).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Support shall be given in different grades according to the annual investment amount, among which, if the actual investment amount is between 300 million yuan and 500 million yuan (inclusive), financial support of no more than 5 million yuan shall be given; If the actual investment is between 500 million yuan and 1 billion yuan (inclusive), no more than 8 million yuan will be given for financial support; If the actual capital contribution is more than 1 billion yuan, financial support of no more than 10 million yuan will be given. Subsidies to the funders of the same fund shall not exceed 3 years.

  Sixth guide investment institutions to carry out early hard science and technology investment.

  (1) Support content

  Support investment institutions to strengthen industry research and risk control, focus on enterprises in high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone to carry out early investment, and give risk subsidy funds to investment institutions that carry out the first round of investment according to the actual investment amount.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. An investment institution shall be registered in Beijing with a registered capital of more than 10 million yuan (inclusive), registered as a private fund manager in asset management association of china, and the fund shall be filed in asset management association of china.

  2. The invested enterprise has been established for no more than 5 years, which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  3. The participating investment shall be the first round of investment, with a single investment amount of more than 5 million yuan (inclusive), and the equity ratio of the investment institution after investing in the enterprise shall not exceed 50%.

  4. Non-repeated support for multiple funds managed by the same investment institution to invest in the same enterprise.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Investment risk subsidies shall be given according to 20% of the actual investment, with a single subsidy not exceeding 2 million yuan, and the total subsidy of each investment institution not exceeding 5 million yuan each year.

  Article 7 Support the transfer of fund shares.

  (1) Support content

  Support private equity investment funds to carry out share transfer on the fund share transfer platform of Beijing Equity Exchange Center, improve the liquidity of funds, and subsidize the expenses incurred by the fund share transferor in the transfer process.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Private equity investment funds should be registered in Beijing, focusing on high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, and the investment effect is good.

  2. The transferor (except individuals, government investment fund holding institutions or management institutions) shall be registered in Beijing, and the transferred fund shares shall be above 30 million yuan (inclusive) after evaluation.

  3. The expenses incurred in the transfer process include transaction expenses ⑤ and intermediary service agency expenses ⑤, etc.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. According to 40% of the expenses incurred in the process of fund transfer, the transferor shall be subsidized, and each subsidy shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

  Section II Deepening the Innovation of Science and Technology Credit and Science and Technology Insurance

  Article 8 Deepen the pilot project of enterprise credit financing.

  (1) Support content

  Support guarantee institutions to participate in the pilot project of "creating credit and financing", share enterprise credit information, share credit risks, and continuously expand the scale of the first credit guarantee loan. If the cooperative guarantee institutions compensate the service enterprises, they shall be given financial support for risk compensation.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Enterprises should meet the criteria for small or micro enterprises in the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Criteria for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (No.300 [2011] of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), and meet the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, with core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The guarantee institution shall provide the enterprise with the first credit guarantee loan (without any counter-guarantee measures) through the pilot cooperative institution recognized by the People’s Bank of China Management Department as "Chuangxinrong", and the amount of the guarantee loan shall be more than 1 million yuan (inclusive).

  3 when applying for financial funds, the cooperative guarantee institution has been compensated, and it does not exceed the upper limit of the compensation rate set by it. Guarantee institutions should take effective debt recovery measures after obtaining risk compensation funds and pay back the recovery income in time. After deducting relevant expenses, the income recovered from compensation projects shall be returned to all parties in a timely manner according to the proportion of compensation sharing.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Risk compensation shall be made to cooperative guarantee institutions according to 50% of the compensation amount of cooperative guarantee institutions, and the compensation amount of each guarantee institution shall not exceed 10 million yuan each year.

  Ninth support enterprises to obtain technology insurance services.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to obtain loans or spread risks through science and technology insurance products, and give enterprise premium subsidies.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual operating income of the enterprise (referring to the operating income of the enterprise in the last fiscal year at the time of business occurrence, the same below) is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industrial field of Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. Science and technology insurance products should be approved or put on record by the insurance regulatory authorities, which are currently valid, including financing insurance, R&D insurance and product insurance (see the annual project declaration notice for the list of science and technology insurance products).

  3 enterprises through science and technology insurance loans or insurance amount should be more than 20 million yuan (inclusive).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Post-subsidy support is adopted. According to 60% of the actual premium, enterprises are given subsidy support, and the annual premium subsidy amount of each enterprise does not exceed 500,000 yuan.

  Tenth support enterprises to carry out financial leasing.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to obtain new technologies and new products through financial leasing, and give enterprises financing expenses subsidies.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual business income of the enterprise is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The subject matter of financial leasing is new technologies and new products needed to build a common technology platform or scientific research and development services.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Subsidies will be given to enterprises according to 20% of financing costs (including rental interest and handling fees), and the amount of subsidies for each enterprise will not exceed 500,000 yuan per year. The subsidy for the same financial leasing business of the enterprise shall not exceed 3 years.

  Eleventh the establishment of multi-party participation in intellectual property pledge financing cost sharing and risk compensation mechanism.

  (1) Support content

  1. Support enterprises to obtain intellectual property pledge loans ⑦, and give enterprises discount support.

  2. Support banks, guarantee, insurance, intellectual property professional institutions, etc. to provide intellectual property pledge loans to enterprises individually or in combination. In case of non-performing loans, risk compensation support shall be given according to their respective risk-bearing parts of the principal.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual business income of the enterprise is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. To apply for loan discount support funds, the floating rate of the interest rate of intellectual property pledge loans shall not exceed 40% of the one-year loan market quotation rate (LPR) of banks in the same period. If an enterprise obtains an intellectual property pledge loan for the first time or obtains a two-year or above medium-and long-term intellectual property pledge loan, there is no limit on the floating rate of the loan interest rate.

  3. To apply for supporting funds for risk compensation of intellectual property pledge loans, banks and other relevant institutions need to set the upper limit of non-performing rate of intellectual property pledge financing according to their own conditions. When the non-performing rate of intellectual property pledge financing of a single institution exceeds its set upper limit, the risk compensation support for the institution will be suspended, and the institution will be given a risk early warning and evaluated, and whether the institution will continue to enjoy risk compensation support will be decided according to the evaluation results.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. Loan interest subsidy: 40% of the actual loan interest is given to enterprises, and the annual interest subsidy for a single enterprise does not exceed 500,000 yuan.

  2. Risk compensation: risk compensation shall be provided to the relevant institutions according to no more than 50% of the respective risk-bearing parts of the principal, and the annual risk compensation funds involving a single enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan, with a cumulative amount of no more than 10 million yuan.

  Section III Support Enterprises to Use Capital Market for Financing Development

  Article 12 Support enterprises to be listed on the New Third Board and Beijing Fourth Board.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to be listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises and Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), provide financial support for enterprises to be listed, boost the innovative and compliant development of enterprises, and accelerate the listing in the capital market.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Enterprises should conform to the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and have core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The enterprise shall obtain a letter from the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System Co., Ltd. agreeing to the listing of the enterprise in the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System, or a letter from Beijing Equity Exchange Center Co., Ltd. agreeing to the listing of the enterprise in Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. To be listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises, financial support will be given by layers. Among them, if it is approved to be listed at the basic level, each enterprise will be given no more than 500,000 yuan in financial support; Those who enter the innovation layer after being allowed to adjust the level will be given financial support of no more than 500,000 yuan for each enterprise; If it is allowed to directly enter the innovation layer for listing, each enterprise will be given no more than 1 million yuan in financial support.

  2. For those who are allowed to be listed on the Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), each enterprise will be given no more than 300,000 yuan in financial support.

  Thirteenth support the construction of multi-level capital market service platform (base).

  (1) Support content

  1. Support domestic securities trading institutions to build a multi-level capital market service platform (base) in Beijing, provide enterprises with professional services such as listing, listing and issuing bonds, and provide financial support for comprehensive services with good results.

  2. Support Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center) to provide corporate governance, financial management, equity incentives and other capital market compliance services for listed display enterprises such as Science and Technology Incubator 8, and provide financial support according to the comprehensive service effect.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The multi-level capital market service platform (base) is established by domestic securities trading institutions, and has a fixed business service place in Beijing, which has been in continuous operation for one year.

  2. Multi-level capital market service platform (base) and Beijing regional equity market (Beijing equity exchange center) provide professional services for enterprises with good results.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. For multi-level capital market service platforms (bases), financial support shall be given according to 0.1‰ of the actual amount of annual listing or listing financing and bond issuance of the service enterprises, and the amount of support for each platform shall not exceed 5 million yuan each year.

  2. For Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), according to its comprehensive service effect, no more than 2 million yuan of financial support will be given every year.

  Fourteenth support enterprises to actively carry out mergers and acquisitions.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to actively carry out mergers and acquisitions, enhance the innovation ability of key core technologies, and give financial support to acquirers according to the transaction amount of mergers and acquisitions.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The acquirer shall be listed at home and abroad, or listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  2. The acquirer and the acquired party shall conform to the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and have core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  3. The acquirer obtained the absolute controlling right of the acquired enterprise for the first time through this acquisition (the equity ratio exceeds 50%), and the M&A transaction amount is above 10 million yuan (inclusive).

  4. The acquirer obtains key core technologies through this acquisition, and further enhances its innovation capability and market core competitiveness.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. According to 5% of the M&A transaction amount, the M&A enterprise shall be given financial support, and the annual support amount of each project shall not exceed 2 million yuan, and the annual support amount of each enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

  Chapter III Project Declaration and Audit

  Article 15 The reporting process supported by these Measures shall be subject to the reporting notice issued by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee, which mainly includes the following links:

  (1) Fill in the project declaration online. The applicant shall fill in and submit the project declaration form through the Beijing Science and Technology Plan Integrated Management Platform according to the relevant requirements of the annual declaration notice.

  (2) Review the project. Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee to carry out evaluation according to the acceptance of the project, and determine the support scheme according to the evaluation opinions.

  (3) publicity of the results. The Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will publicize the list of projects to be supported on the official website (except those classified and otherwise prohibited by laws and regulations), and the publicity period is 5 working days.

  (4) disbursement of funds. Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee allocated support funds in accordance with the relevant provisions.

  Sixteenth to strengthen the project audit, the same reporting unit with the same content of the project has obtained financial support from the city through other channels, and these measures will not be repeated.

  Article 17 Before the review of the application project (task), if the applicant is in the disciplinary period of scientific research dishonesty or is included in the list of untrustworthy executors and serious illegal and untrustworthy enterprises, the application qualification will be cancelled. Before allocating support funds, if the undertaking unit has been revoked or cancelled, or the registered place has moved out of the administrative area of this Municipality, or the undertaking unit and relevant personnel have been punished for dishonesty, they will no longer be supported.

  Chapter IV Performance Management and Supervision

  Eighteenth strengthen the budget performance management, strengthen the application of performance evaluation results. Undertaking units shall, in accordance with the requirements of the full implementation of budget performance management, establish and improve the working mechanism of performance management, strengthen the responsibility constraint of performance management, set performance targets scientifically and reasonably according to regulations, cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in performance monitoring, performance evaluation or performance appraisal, and improve the efficiency in the use of funds. Relevant results serve as an important basis for follow-up support.

  Nineteenth project declaration to implement the good faith commitment system. The applicant shall submit a letter of commitment of good faith, and promise that the materials submitted are true, effective and complete, meet the requirements of good faith, and bear corresponding responsibilities.

  Article 20 The undertaker shall strengthen the management of the use of special funds, establish and improve the internal control system, implement earmarking and separate accounting, and cooperate with the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee to supervise, inspect and audit the use of funds.

  Article 21 If the undertaker obtains financial support by cheating or other improper means, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will take measures such as terminating the project execution, recovering the allocated project funds, and canceling the project undertaker’s qualification for project application within a certain period of time.

  Twenty-second commitment units and related personnel have dishonesty, in accordance with the relevant provisions, make bad credit records in the credit system, and upload relevant information to the "Credit China" and the scientific research integrity management information system as appropriate. Acts that violate financial laws and regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Punishment of Financial Violations and other relevant provisions. Those suspected of committing a crime shall be handed over to judicial organs for handling according to law.

  Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

  Twenty-third approach by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee is responsible for the interpretation of.

  Article 24 If the original relevant documents of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Administrative Committee are inconsistent with these measures, these measures shall prevail.

  Article 25 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of issuance. The original Notice on Printing and Distributing the Management Measures of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone for Promoting technology and finance’s Deep Integration and Innovation Development Support Fund (J.K.F. [2021] No.13) and the Implementation Rules of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone for Promoting technology and finance’s Deep Integration and Innovation Development Support Fund (for Trial Implementation) (J.K.F. [2021] No.50) shall be abolished at the same time.

Foreign media: China relies on high technology to drive new economic growth.

  The reference news network reported on September 18. On September 15th, the website of Austrian Standard published an article entitled "China relies on high technology as a new driving force for growth" by Eric Frey. The article is excerpted as follows:

  China’s economic strength is considered by many to be equal to that of Europe as a whole. Although some economic models that have made China a great success in the past 20 years are rarely mentioned now, this does not mean the end of China’s success story.

  Eduardo Morcillo, an expert on China at InterChina Investment Consulting, said in an interview with this newspaper that because China has developed new advantages in the past few years, it will continue to grow in the next few years. China’s present and future economic development pays more attention to quality rather than speed.

  "In recent years, China’s leaders have spent a lot of money on improving productivity, developing unprecedented cutting-edge technologies and opening up new markets. China people firmly believe that compared with other countries in the world, they have a competitive advantage: excellent infrastructure ahead of other countries and extensive and skilled use of big data. "

  Morcillo pointed out that almost all villages in China have achieved network coverage, and 95% of the population have become active data users through daily use of smart phones. Because of its irreplaceable advantages in the use of big data, China has acquired this most important "raw material" in the 21st century. Morcillo said: "This will become an important driving force for China’s economy before 2040."

  At the same time, the middle-income group in China has now reached 400 million, making it the largest middle-income group in the world. The consumption demand of this huge group will ensure the sustainable development of China’s economy.

  Morcillo, who has been studying China for more than 20 years, believes that China has made many efforts to make its economic development model healthier in the past decade. In order to resist the adverse effects of the world financial crisis in 2008, the national and private debts that have greatly increased have been reduced, and even during the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the possibility of financial risks has not increased.

  In his view, other pillars of China’s new economic strategy are green technology, especially renewable energy and electric vehicles, artificial intelligence and automation. With the support of excellent universities and high investment in scientific research, China’s economy also has good opportunities for development in these fields.

  Morcillo estimated that although there are trade frictions between China and some western countries, China’s exports will not be damaged. China is the top three trading partner of 90% countries in the world and the global market leader of more than 100 commodity categories.

  Morcillo commented: "Abandoning China will cause great losses to these countries. At the moment of fighting inflation, decoupling from China is the last thing people want to do. "

  The picture shows that this is an unmanned sweeping car shot in the outdoor exhibition area of the 2022 World Intelligent Networked Automobile Conference on September 16th. (photo by Ren Chao)

Football Summary: Messi Gods Argentina 7

On March 29th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the latest situation of the international competition day.

Spain 0-2 away to Scotland

In the second round of Group A of the European Cup qualifiers, McTominay made two consecutive double rings. Spain lost to Scotland 0-2 away, and gave up the top position in the group after swallowing the first defeat. This 0-2 game ended Spain’s five unbeaten games against Scotland. The last time they lost to Scotland was in the preliminaries in November 1984. It has been 39 years since then, when they lost 1-2 away.

Argentina home 7-0 Cura? ao

In the international friendly match, 35-year-old Messi wore a hat at half time, Gonzalez, Enzo, Di Maria and Montiel successively made contributions, and Argentina beat Cura? ao, a weak team in Central and North America, 7-0 at home. Messi reached the milestone of the national team’s 100 goals, and the total number of goals rose to 102. Cristiano Ronaldo, the world football national team goal record holder, still has a gap of 20 goals.

Germany home 2-3 Billytime

In the international friendly match, carrasco, Lu Kaku and De Braune each scored a goal, and Belgium beat Germany 3-2. Four days ago, Belgium just beat Sweden 3-0 in the European preliminaries. On this international competition day, Belgium won two consecutive victories and scored three goals in both games.

Japan 1-2 Colombia, South Korea 1-2 Uruguay

Japan and South Korea, the two top teams in Asia, both lost 1-2. Japan was reversed by Colombia, and South Korea was beaten by Uruguay with two goals. On this international competition day, Japan, South Korea and China were all 1 draw and 1 loss. China’s opponents in the two men’s soccer matches were both New Zealand, while Japan and South Korea were Colombian and Uruguayan.

For the first time in 32 years, the list of wild animals has been greatly adjusted: 517 species have been added and species protection has been upgraded.

Snow falls in Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, and two giant panda cubs play in the snow. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Hongjing photo
Red-bellied pheasant and golden pheasant are strolling for food in Chongqing Jinfo Mountain National Forest Park. Photo by Yan Mingbin
Yangtze finless porpoises swim in Duchang waters of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province. Fu Jianbin
Rangers are inspecting Qilian Mountain National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province. Photo by Wang Jiang
The State Forestry and Grassland Bureau and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued an announcement recently, announcing the newly adjusted List of National Key Protected Wild Animals (hereinafter referred to as the List). This is the first time that the Catalogue has been greatly adjusted since it was promulgated and implemented in January 1989.
Why should the Directory be substantially adjusted? What are the highlights of the adjustment? What impact will it bring to wildlife protection? The reporter interviewed relevant experts and scholars.
Sixty-five species of wild animals, such as jackals and Yangtze finless porpoises, have been upgraded from national second-class protection to national first-class protection, and 988 species (categories) of wild animals have been included in the new Catalogue.
According to the Law on the Protection of Wild Animals, the state implements classified and graded protection for wild animals, and gives priority protection to rare and endangered wild animals. Wild animals under special state protection are divided into first-class protected wild animals and second-class protected wild animals. After the publication of the Catalogue in 1989, until this major adjustment, there was no systematic update except that all species of musk deer and pangolin were upgraded to national first-class protected wild animals in 2003 and 2020 respectively.
"In the past 30 years, the situation of wildlife protection in China has undergone great changes." Jiang Zhigang, former executive deputy director of the National Endangered Species Science Committee, said that some endangered wild animals have been effectively protected, and the degree of endangerment has been alleviated, while the degree of endangerment of some wild animals has intensified, and a number of new rare and endangered species have been discovered with in-depth research and need to be protected in time. It is necessary to scientifically adjust the Catalogue.
The new Catalogue has changed a lot, and the range of wildlife under special state protection has greatly increased. From this set of data, the great change can be seen:
—— On the basis of retaining all species in the original Catalogue, 517 species of wild animals have been added, which is more than the total number of previously protected species. Among them, 43 species such as the spotted civet cat are listed as national first-class protected wild animals, and 474 species such as wolves are listed as national second-class protected wild animals;
-Raising 65 kinds of wild animals, such as jackals and Yangtze finless porpoises, from the national second-class protected wild animals to the national first-class; Three kinds of wild animals, the bear monkey, the capra ibex and the python, were adjusted from the national first-class protected wild animals to the national second-class;
A total of 988 species (classes) of wild animals are listed in the new Catalogue, including 234 species and 1 class of wild animals under national first-class protection and 746 species and 7 classes of wild animals under national second-class protection. Among the above species, 686 are terrestrial wild animals, 294 and 8 are aquatic wild animals.
The newly discovered endangered species have attracted much attention in this adjustment of the Catalogue. "This adjustment has timely included precious and endangered species newly discovered and recorded in China in recent years." Shi Kun, director of the Wildlife Research Institute of Beijing Forestry University and professor of the School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, said that species such as white-cheeked macaque, lazy bear and red gazelle are small populations or marginal distribution in southwest China, which have important ecological functions and need to be protected.
Incorporating into the scope of national key protection and upgrading the protection level means that the protection of species has increased significantly.
It is noteworthy that five species, including Tibetan antelope, Tibetan wild donkey, bear monkey, capra ibex and python, were proposed to be downgraded to the second level in the draft of the Catalogue, but only three species, namely, bear monkey, capra ibex and python, were downgraded in the officially published Catalogue.
"The populations of bear monkey, capra ibex and python are stable and widely distributed, and they are downgraded, which reflects the effectiveness of protection work and is also based on the conclusion of scientific assessment." Shi Kun said that Tibetan antelope and Tibetan wild donkey have not been downgraded, mainly because they are worried that the illegal cost of destroying species will be reduced after demotion, which may lead to a rebound in poaching and threaten the survival of species.
Why did the new Catalogue add so many species? Zhang Wei, a professor at the College of Wildlife and Nature Reserve of Northeast Forestry University, believes that on the one hand, China has continuously strengthened biodiversity protection, and its ability to protect species has become stronger and stronger, and it has the ability to include more species in key protection areas. In recent years, China has accelerated the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body, with a total of 11,800 nature reserves, accounting for 18% of the land area, effectively protecting 90% of vegetation types and terrestrial ecosystems and 85% of key protected wildlife populations; At the same time, the protection of endangered wild animals has been continuously strengthened, and a stable artificial breeding population has been established for more than 300 endangered wild animals. On the other hand, with the development of taxonomy, many changes have taken place in the animal classification system, and this important change has been taken into account in the adjustment of the Catalogue, which has also led to the increase of species included in the scope of protection.
Incorporating into the national key protection scope and upgrading the protection level means that the protection of species will be significantly increased. Species protection and upgrading, protection projects and funding will increase, which is of great significance to the gradual recovery of populations and habitats.
"Different levels of protection also mean that there are different sentencing standards for cracking down on poaching, illegal smuggling and illegal trafficking." Jiang Zhigang said that the adjustment of the Catalogue has brought new opportunities for the protection of a large number of rare and endangered wild animals.
For key protected species, a rescue plan should be made as soon as possible to restore the population and habitat of threatened species.
The substantial adjustment of the Catalogue has undoubtedly put forward higher requirements for wildlife protection.
"The adjustment of the Catalogue to include more species requires supporting funds, technology and personnel, and relevant departments should formulate supporting management measures." Jin Kun, director of the Nature Reserve Research Institute of China Academy of Forestry, said.
Shi Kun suggested that after the species are included in the national key protection scope, a rescue plan should be made as soon as possible to restore the threatened species population and habitat. Combined with the construction of protected areas, efforts should be made to protect the habitats of rare species.
Clear responsibilities, do a good job of coordination, and keep up with capacity building.
Shi Kun believes that the inclusion of species in the scope of national key protection does not mean that only the state has the responsibility to protect. The local authorities should cooperate with the state to strengthen the capacity building of grassroots protection and implement the responsibility to the county level. Jin Kun also said that the protection of wildlife under special state protection should embody the principle of concentrating resources and giving prominence to protection. The species between the national and local key protection lists should be balanced, and the responsibilities of the central and local governments should be clarified so as to facilitate management and law enforcement. "Some species are included in the national key protection ranks, and the staff of supervision, law enforcement and other departments should further learn and master relevant knowledge, such as identification technology and punishment standards." Jin Kun said.
Only by strengthening supervision and public participation can protection be effective.
In the new Catalogue, more than 60 species are labeled as "wild populations only". In this regard, Shi Kun explained that some species have mature breeding techniques and stable artificial populations, which are listed in the National Catalogue of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources, such as sika deer and red deer. "This labeling distinguishes the wild population and artificial population of species, and does not engage in’ one size fits all’, which embodies the concept of sustainable development. Of course, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and crack down on illegal hunting of wild populations as artificial populations. "
Jiang Zhigang said that the protection of wild animals should not be at the expense of local residents’ interests. It is necessary to increase financial transfer payments, improve the ecological compensation mechanism and the compensation mechanism for wildlife damage, guide local residents to benefit from wildlife protection, attract them to take the initiative to participate, and truly realize the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
The wildlife protection law is clear, and the Catalogue is adjusted every five years according to the assessment. "This adjustment is comprehensive, scientific and realistic, but there is room for further adjustment." Jin Kun said that it is necessary to increase investment in scientific research, intensify the investigation and monitoring of species resources, scientifically evaluate the population status, regularly update or adjust the Catalogue according to the actual needs of wildlife protection, and build a reasonable entry and exit mechanism for the Catalogue.
The relevant person in charge of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau said that it will further strengthen protection, implement local government responsibilities, ensure the safety of rare and endangered species and habitats, strictly enforce law enforcement and supervision, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities. At the same time, publicity and education will be widely carried out to improve public scientific cognition, guide the public to consciously resist illegal acts and support protection work, and form a good situation of joint protection from all walks of life.
(Source: People’s Daily)

A "circle of friends" takes 10 minutes to find the lost children, and this police station in Yiwu Public Security is connected with 120,000 residents online.

  "Has anyone seen a child? My child is gone! "

  One day in May, Wang Li, the instructor of the E-commerce Police Office of Jiangdong Police Station of Yiwu Public Security Bureau, suddenly heard such a cry and ran out of the police office. She soon learned the reason: the mother took her daughter to buy medicine in a nearby pharmacy, but she didn’t pay attention for a while. The child was gone.

  E-commerce Police Office is located in Liuyu Village, Qingyan, Jiangdong Street, Yiwu, which is known as "the first village of online stores in China" and a hot spot of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". At present, more than 4,000 online stores have settled in, bringing together more than 25,000 entrepreneurs across the country. In such a large floating population, lost children need to be found quickly.

  Wang Li immediately posted a special "WeChat circle of friends" containing the characteristics and clothes of the lost girl. After more than ten minutes, someone contacted, "There is a child here who looks like what you are looking for." Wang Li took people to find it, and it was indeed a lost child.

  Through a "circle of friends", the lost children were found in 10 minutes, thanks to a pioneering work of Jiangdong Police Station.

  Grassroots policing also needs digital tools.

  The circle of friends searching for people originated from Wang Li’s corporate WeChat, which can directly reach more than 2,000 residents around the e-commerce police office.

  The head of the publisher is dressed in a police uniform, and there is the identity of "@ Jiangdong Police Station" after the name. People who find clues can chat with the police instructor directly by clicking on the head. This is the key to quickly find the lost children.

  This situation does not only appear in the e-commerce police office. In fact, the entire Jiangdong police station has established a smart policing platform based on enterprise WeChat, that is, "WeChat policing". It has also been combined with the work of "Party building+unit+policing" and "one village and one auxiliary police" based on WeChat, and achieved very good results.


  Jiangdong Street is located in the center of Yiwu, which is the largest and narrowest area among several streets in the city. The street has a local population of 87,000 and a foreign population of 217,000, including nearly 3,000 foreigners. It is the most alert and complicated area in Yiwu and even the whole Jinhua area, and efficient and convenient communication channels between the police and the people are very necessary.

  Yiwu Jiangdong Street has a cluster of online merchants, developed logistics, and the gradual spread of 5G networks. The unique resource advantages have made digitalization a breakthrough in public security grassroots innovation.

  Can the auxiliary police at the grass-roots level have a continuous and efficient contact with the residents in the jurisdiction with the help of tools?

  At this time, Tencent’s enterprise WeChat attracted the attention of the leaders of Jiangdong police station: free tools, interoperability with WeChat, and more members and external relationship management functions were the reasons for them to decide to give it a try.

  It is a valuable experience of Jiangdong police station to sink the police and auxiliary police into villages and communities. On April 29th, Jiangdong Police Station officially launched the work of "one village and one auxiliary police" in the village. More than 100 policemen and auxiliary police officers in charge of grass-roots policing have their own "exclusive" service areas, and they have a new identity: resident police instructors.

  With the full operation and maintenance support of Tencent’s official WeChat service provider, the first enterprise WeChat platform of "Public Security Police Station" in China has also been launched. The identity of police instructors is bound to their own enterprise WeChat accounts, and residents in the jurisdiction only need to use WeChat to add them. Moreover, in the eyes of residents, they have both officially certified business cards and friends who can communicate at any time in the address book.

  The first attempt achieved good results. On the afternoon of May 24, Ms. Zhou, who lives in Jiangdong, encountered a common scam when she visited the supermarket. She won a "grand prize" with the supermarket vouchers, and she only needed to make up the difference to get a "valuable" jade bracelet.

  The heart-warming Ms. Zhou hesitated to make up the difference. Soon, she remembered the police instructor Wang Yuqiang she had added and sent a message to ask. Seeing the news, Wang Yuqiang immediately called a voice call. He reminded Ms. Zhou to carefully measure the physical value of the bracelet and avoid impulsive consumption.

  "If it weren’t for instructor Wang’s timely reminder, I would have bought the bracelet impulsively at that time, so I regretted it and couldn’t find a place to make sense." When she mentioned the experience of "lucky draw", Ms. Zhou looked lucky.

  Resolve contradictions and disputes on the spot

  At the end of the police station, from the leader as the manager to the front-line auxiliary police, there is also a great need for a tool to improve efficiency.

  The high incidence and complicated police situation put a lot of pressure on Jiangdong police station. According to Lou Xiaolei, director of Jiangdong Police Station, in normal times, the police station handles nearly 100 police cases every day on average. Among them, in addition to common cases such as property infringement and gambling on drugs, during this year’s epidemic, new telecommunication network fraud involving masks, temperature guns and helmets also appeared frequently. "In addition, some economic disputes, consumer disputes, family disputes, and non-police alarms such as getting lost, asking for help, drunkenness, noise and moving cars. 110’ Alarm ",

  This represents the people’s trust in the police, but at the same time, the non-police situation consumes a lot of police force and often consumes the safety satisfaction of ordinary people.

  "Controlling cases and reducing police situation" is the main line of the work of grass-roots police stations. Accusing a case requires pre-publicity by the police and timely intervention before the case occurs; On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent and stop telecommunication network fraud cases as much as possible, on the other hand, it is necessary to try to resolve disputes and non-police conflicts on the spot. At the beginning of this year, the new team of Jiangdong Police Station took the lead in proposing the goal of creating a "Fengqiao-style police station", that is, "small things don’t leave the village, big things don’t leave the town, contradictions don’t be handed over, and conflicts are resolved on the spot".

  Under the leadership of Lou Xiaolei, corporate WeChat has become a "good helper" for "controlling the case and reducing the alarm".

  The e-commerce economy in Jiangdong street is developed, and telecommunication network fraud is high. Anti-fraud propaganda is also the top priority of Jiangdong police station. Now, the resident police instructor can send the anti-fraud propaganda uniformly produced by the police station to WeChat friends in the jurisdiction through the enterprise WeChat. This method is more accurate than distributing leaflets and posting posters.

  In order not to disturb residents too much, police instructors also conduct anti-fraud propaganda through the "customer circle of friends" function of enterprise WeChat. Its content can be edited by the police station and then pushed to all police instructors with one click. They just need to click "OK" to synchronize the content.

  These two methods also bring a very practical benefit: "zero cost", which can save tens of thousands of yuan each time compared with the receiving group of hundreds of thousands of people who send short messages in groups through operators.

  The anti-fraud propaganda sent by police instructors accurately prevented a fraud case of pretending to be a school teacher to collect training fees.

  Enterprise WeChat is also a good reporting channel to help police stations crack down on illegal crimes.

  On May 20th, Mr. Li, a resident, contacted Wu Wentao, a police instructor, through the enterprise WeChat to provide clues to help solve an online gambling gang case, involving a "tap" of up to 200,000 yuan.

  Smooth communication channels between residents and police instructors in the jurisdiction are also of great help to resolve conflicts on the spot and absorb the police situation.

  Jimingshan Community in Jiangdong Street has a total population of 35,000, including 25,000 foreigners from 31 provinces, more than 2,000 residents from 29 ethnic minorities, more than 1,300 foreigners from 74 countries and more than 3,500 local residents. It is called "United Nations Community".

  In response to frequent police incidents, the police instructors in Jimingshan Community use corporate WeChat to handle the help and disputes of residents in the area at any time. "Even at 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock in the evening, if our team members receive it, they will reply in time," said Jin Xiaowei, the stationmaster of Jimingshan Community Police Guidance Station. "Moreover, corporate WeChat can take screenshots, send pictures, and have voice or video conversations, which is more intuitive than telephone calls."

  This has caused many disputes and non-police police situations to be quickly resolved. From April to June 2019, there were more than 1,130 police situations in Jimingshan community, which dropped to more than 700 in the same period this year. "The police situation has declined, and the people’s sense of security and satisfaction has naturally improved."

  Connect 120,000 residents in the jurisdiction.

  With the initial results of the "WeChat policing" model, Jiangdong police station felt greater responsibility, and they began to think about two more important issues: how to connect more residents in the jurisdiction? What other digital capabilities can be combined with grassroots policing?

  It is not easy to add WeChat of residents in the jurisdiction on a large scale.

  "Tower Group" provides "seed users" for police instructors, and some landlords and tenants will actively add them through the corporate WeChat business cards shared by the group, but after this wave, the real test will come.

  Each police guidance station of Jiangdong Police Station has its own magic power.

  Huang Pengfei, the stationmaster of Wuai Community Police Guidance Station, uniformly printed the corporate WeChat business cards for the police instructors. When doing the registration of floating population, fire protection propaganda and anti-fraud propaganda on a daily basis, he would specially ask everyone to bring business cards and introduce the benefits of adding police instructors from door to door.

  In less than two months, five police instructors in Wuai Community have added more than 5,600 friends. As of mid-June, 72 police cases have been handled through corporate WeChat, including asking for help, lost children, theft, fraud, economic disputes, housing disputes, etc. "Many people will directly report their problems through corporate WeChat, and there are private telephones on our corporate WeChat business cards. Some things are urgent, and they will call directly with a phone call."

  The police instructors in Jimingshan community also used this "street fighting" approach. The stationmaster Jin Xiaowei even asked the team members to post the corporate WeChat business card on the back of their mobile phones and promote it at any time during their daily visits. "The idea I gave them was ‘ Always think about it in your heart and promote it at any time ’ 。”

  In addition, in the conspicuous position of the village (neighborhood) Committee, including the counters of restaurants and express delivery points, the QR code of the corporate WeChat of the police instructor was also posted. "Residents may not add it at first, but when something happens, he will think of it and contact us directly after adding it."


  By June 30th, Jiangdong Police Station had added more than 120,000 WeChat accounts through the real-name certified enterprise WeChat accounts within two months. It is equivalent to that nearly half of the residents in Jiangdong area have established direct contact with police officers.

  According to statistics, since the launch of the enterprise WeChat of Jiangdong Police Station, it has received more than 16,000 police consultations in just two months. Among them, 237 cases were guided to properly handle the police situation, more than 1,400 people were asked for help, 3,154 people were declared by the floating population, 276 cases were consulted on online fraud, 32 cases were stopped from online fraud, and more than 11,000 people were consulted on contradictions and disputes, household registration business and residence declaration.

  At the same time, the total police situation in Jiangdong Police Station decreased by 10.94% from May to June this year, among which the police situation of telecommunication network fraud decreased by 17.91% and the police situation of disputes decreased by 22.15% compared with the same period of last year. …….

  Behind connecting residents is the initial intention of Jiangdong police station to truly serve the masses.

  Jiangdong police station is still exploring more digital capabilities.

  For example, they hope to use the video conference function to arrange the work for the police instructors in the village; In the process of contradiction and dispute mediation, we can also try to let lawyers and mediators participate through video conference to break through the time and space restrictions; The hottest webcast at the moment can also be used for anti-fraud propaganda.

  In their idea, Jiangdong Police Station can even be combined with enterprise WeChat to create an "online police room". In addition to the simple graphic, audio and video communication between police instructors and residents, it can also be based on the API interface opened by enterprise WeChat to move more and more complex police services online in the form of small programs, so that each resident auxiliary police can play a greater role.

  "Our current police are really hard. They work in three shifts and have to deal with twenty or thirty police situations a day. Now we have absorbed some police situations through the prevention and treatment of "WeChat policing", which is a great burden reduction for them and a more intimate policing service for ordinary people. "

Guarding "Children from the Stars"

Red Net Moment Loudi February 21st(Correspondent Zhou Junliang) Recently, the police of Wanbao Police Station of Louxing Branch of Loudi Public Security Bureau successfully helped a lost child find his family and guarded a "child from the stars".
At 10 o’clock on February 19, the Chengnan Police Office of Wanbao Police Station of Louxing Branch of Loudi City Public Security Bureau received an instruction from the police station: "A child was lost near Jing ‘an Street in Loudi City, and asked the Chengnan Police Office to help find it." After receiving the alarm, the police contacted the alarm person for the first time, and while calming the family’s emotions, they learned in detail the physical characteristics of the lost child and the specific location before the loss. Because this 5-year-old boy suffers from severe autism, he doesn’t like to communicate with others and won’t take the initiative to seek police help, which adds a lot of difficulty to finding a job.
After arriving at the lost scene, the police and auxiliary police continued to expand the search scope centering on the lost place of the children through the combination of walking patrol and car patrol, and launched a "carpet search" in the areas where the lost children may appear, and kept in touch with the police station and other service personnel.
Hard work pays off. After nearly an hour of searching, the police finally found the lost children near a certain community. At that time, the child was running back and forth on the road. Due to the heavy traffic, police officers Zhou Junliang and Li Weiqing rushed to stop the child’s behavior and avoid traffic accidents. After that, the police took the little boy away from the road and asked about his family. During the inquiry, the little boy was emotional and unwilling to cooperate. Afterwards, the police immediately contacted the parents, and after asking and comparing again, it was determined that the little boy was the lost child. The police took the child back to the police office and handed it over to the parents. When leaving, the police repeatedly told parents that they must take good care of their children.
Police warm reminder
Parents should do the following when taking their children out to prevent their children from getting lost.
1. Keep the child in sight: Please hold the child in your hand or in your arms and pay attention to it in places where there are many people.
2. Try to prevent children from going out alone: children are young and do not have the ability to protect themselves, so it is best to have a guardian when they go out.
3. Teach children some common sense of self-help: For example, don’t panic when you are lost with your parents, you should immediately ask for help from nearby staff or police, and don’t just walk with strangers.
4. Let the children carry the contact information card with them: put a card on the young children and write down the parents’ names, contact numbers and other information. Once the child is lost, it is convenient for the police to get in touch with the parents.
5. Call the police in time in case of emergency: If you find that your child is lost, you should call the police at the first time and ask the nearby police for help.
6. For children in special circumstances, please be more patient and caring, guide, appease and accompany them, and help them find their families in time.

The Ministry of Communications announced that the content of the online car test was 80 points and above.

  Beijing Morning News (Reporter Zou Le) Yesterday, the Ministry of Transport announced the Outline of the National Public Subject Examination for Taxi Drivers’ Qualification and the Notice on Defining the License Form of Online Booking Taxi Service, which clarified the specific contents and methods of the online car driver examination and the certificate form of the "three certificates".

  According to the outline, the national public subject examination for taxi drivers’ qualification is subject to the national unified examination outline. The examination method is a national unified question bank, and the computer system is used to randomly select questions. The examination time is 60 minutes. There are 85 test questions, which are divided into true or false questions, single-choice questions and multiple-choice questions. Among them, there are 15 judgment questions, with 1 point for each question; 55 multiple-choice questions, 1 point for each question; 15 multiple-choice questions, 2 points for each question. The total score of the exam is 100 points, and 80 points or above are qualified. The test results will be announced within 10 days after the end of the test.

  The specific examination contents include mastering taxi related policies, laws and regulations; Master the knowledge of taxi safety operation; Understand the professional ethics of taxi drivers; Master taxi service standards; Familiar with other related knowledge of taxi operation. Among them, the examination content of "New Deal" accounts for the most, reaching 18 points. The content of "New Deal" includes national taxi policies, laws and regulations such as Guiding Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry, Regulations on the Management of Taxi Drivers’ Qualification, Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Management Service, Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Management Service, and Measures for Evaluating the Credit of Taxi Service Quality.

  In addition, the Ministry of Transport also issued the Notice on Defining the License Form of Online Booking Taxi Service yesterday. The "Notice" stipulates the document styles of three certificates, namely, online booking taxi business license, online booking taxi transport license and online booking taxi driver’s license. Among them, the column of "Record of Online Booking Taxi Operators" shall be filled in by the corresponding online car platform company. For services provided by multiple platform companies, it shall be indicated separately and confirmed by the online car platform company.

  ■ Beijing

  The Municipal Transportation Commission initiated the examination investigation.

  The Beijing Morning Post reporter was informed that the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission has launched a taxi network car test survey. At the end of last month, Zhou Zhengyu, director of the Municipal Transportation Commission, led a team to investigate the taxi driver examination and licensing in this city. The research team first came to Beiqi Training School to inspect the taxi driver’s examination acceptance site, theoretical examination room and practical examination room in detail. Then take a bus to the examination center of the transportation administration, investigate the taxi driver’s certificate handling and theoretical examination room on the spot, and listen to the report of the relevant person in charge. The research team also came to the administrative examination and approval center of the Municipal Transportation Commission to learn more about the taxi business qualification certificate, vehicle operation certificate and driver passenger qualification certificate issuance and other related matters, and organized a symposium on related work.

  Previously, Beijing issued a draft of the detailed rules for the implementation of the network car. It is planned to stipulate that vehicles and drivers engaged in the operation of the network car in Beijing in the future must have "Beijing household registration", and private cars can apply to become network cars and pass the examination. However, at present, the new policy of Beijing network car has not been announced yet, and the time for the implementation of the exam has not been notified.

How did the whistle and brilliant colors of fireworks come about?

When Xiao Bian was very young, he liked to run to the balcony to watch fireworks every New Year. After a bang, a bright and colorful fireworks burst into the distant sky, gorgeous and beautiful.
All kinds of fireworks @Wikipedia
Therefore, Xiao Bian, who was young and ignorant at that time, couldn’t help wondering … Why did a small box on the ground look like that after being ignited? How on earth are fireworks designed and made in order to show such a brilliant effect?
The picture comes from the Internet.
There are many kinds of fireworks, and the fireworks seen in general TV programs, that is, the kind that flies to the sky with a bang and then explodes, are a special kind of fireworks called fireworks.
Fireworks @Wikipedia
Fireworks bloom can be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage is the launch of the fireworks bomb: with a bang, something on the ground flew into the sky. The second stage is probably the burst of fireworks, and a firework exploded in the sky. What happened in these two stages respectively?
The internal structure of a certain kind of fireworks is probably like this [1].
Fireworks structure @pyrouniverse.com
Hit the fireworks into the sky
When we lit the fuse (fast fuse), the fuse gave the friends time to evacuate and delayed the explosion. When the fuse burns to the propellant, ignite the propellant. Propellant is generally black powder discovered by the ancient alchemist in China. After the fireworks are lit, the sound of "bang" is the explosion of this thing. The main components of black powder are sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, and the reaction formula of explosion is complicated. A typical chemical reaction equation looks like this (familiar with one sulfur, two nitrates and three carbons):
This explosion reaction produces a lot of heat and high-temperature gas, which is similar to the principle of rocket launch. The high-temperature gas produces huge thrust and pushes the shell into the sky. In the process of flying high into the air, we often hear the whistling sound, which is a sound effect of fireworks. It comes from a special thermal-acoustic coupling combustion-pulsating combustion.
Pulsating combustion
Pulsating combustion is a special unstable combustion process, and the parameters such as temperature, pressure and airflow speed in the combustion zone will fluctuate periodically with time. In the process of industrial application of pulsating combustion, there will be a lot of noise radiated from the tail pipe of the burner [2]. This technology involves many nonlinear processes of thermo-acoustic coupling, large amplitude acoustic wave effect and so on, which is very complicated, so there is no relevant theory at present [3].
But the fact that there is no relevant theory doesn’t mean that we are not here or can’t use it.
People engaged in fireworks production already know that in order to make fireworks produce this whistling sound, it is necessary to use a special kind of combustion product-flute agent. Oxidizers (potassium perchlorate and potassium chlorate) and flute agents (mainly derivatives of benzene) are mixed and packed into paper or plastic tubes, and pulsating combustion will occur after ignition, resulting in crisp flute sound [4].
@ References [4]
This pulsating combustion causes thousands of violent vibrations of air every second, releasing high-frequency sound waves. Therefore, the combustion chamber loaded with flute agent and oxidant acts as a propeller, and at the same time, it also emits a sharp whistle-like sound.
In addition to the fireworks launched, there is also a famous fireworks with sound. Xiaobian’s hometown likes to call him a monkey, which is this thing:
The ingredients of the propellant used in this kind of thing are potassium perchlorate and potassium hydrogen phthalate. And this potassium hydrogen phthalate, as can be seen from the above table, is also a flute agent (although the sound frequency emitted by combustion is unstable, it still produces a sound pressure of 100dB).
Burst out a firework.
After the propellant is detonated, the delay lead is ignited and the time is started. By the time the shell flies to high altitude and needs to be ignited, the delay lead is almost burned out. So the explosive was detonated and the stars were blown all over the sky. The figure of the fireworks explosion depends on the position of the stars in the shell. If the medicine makes the fireworks explode into a specific shape, it is necessary to design the arrangement of the stars in the fireworks subtly [5].
What the hell is this star? It is the most crucial and mysterious part of the whole fireworks display ~
Its main components are magnesium powder, potassium perchlorate and metal salt or metal powder [6].
Star Composition @ Paperclip-How to Make Explosive Fireworks
After the star is ignited, magnesium powder as reducing agent and potassium perchlorate as oxidizing agent burn violently, giving off a lot of light and heat (but not gas) and becoming the shining things in the fireworks.
But how did the colors of fireworks come from? This involves an important phenomenon related to physics and chemistry-flame reaction.
flame reaction
Simple metals or their compounds will evaporate into individual particles at extremely high temperature, and only individual particles can exhibit flame reaction. (There is no flame reaction in bulk solid samples, because the luminescence of bulk materials is mainly related to the movement of electrons in the materials, and there are various electrons in different movement states in bulk solid samples, so the spectrum of light emitted by bulk materials is very wide and does not present a relatively single color [7]). However, the free metal simple substance or metal ion in the flame will be excited to an excited state with higher energy at high temperature.
However, the excited atom at higher energy is unstable, and it will always transition to the most stable ground state with the lowest energy. In this process, the photon energy (hν) emitted by the atom is exactly equal to the energy difference between the excited state (energy E2) and the ground state (energy E1).
The wavelength of photons emitted in this way does not depend on the temperature of the evaporated metal particles, but only on the energy difference between the two energy levels where the transition occurs, and this energy difference is only related to the kind of atoms.
Therefore, different metal ions will have different colors. In this way, we can use various metals and metal compounds to produce various colors.
The metals or metal compounds in the stars, heated by the huge heat released by the burning of magnesium and potassium perchlorate, emit their own light through the flame reaction.
The color of flame reaction [8]
It’s been more than a dozen Spring Festival from a silly child who knows nothing to today’s Xiaobian. Looking at the manuscript, I can’t help but think of myself skipping in front of fireworks more than ten years ago. Time flies, the sun and the moon fly. Although it is more and more difficult to see the fireworks bloom, their physical and chemical principles are becoming more and more clear.
Anyway, it’s the Spring Festival. While enjoying the beautiful and gorgeous fireworks, don’t miss the same beautiful and gorgeous physical and chemical principles behind the fireworks ~
Ps: Places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited should strictly abide by the regulations.
reference data
[1] https://steemit.com/science/@xenvy04/the-chemistry-of-fireworks-happy-fourth-of-july
Shao Dongwei, Wang Junfa, Liu Yuanjun, et al. Research and application of pulsating combustion technology [J]. Modern Agriculture, 2009 (7):41-43.
Wu Yunfei, Deng Kai, Shen Zhongliang, et al. Development of pulsating combustion technology [J]. Light Industry Machinery, 2013 (1):106-110.
Lan Haikang. The relationship between flute agent and chemical structure [J]. Fireworks Technology and Market, 1994(1):20-21.
[5] https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/86164747
[6] How to make explosive fireworks
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flame_test
[8] https://www.compoundchem.com/2013/12/30/the-chemistry-of-fireworks/
Editor: Luna

Neusoft Group’s big car business is still losing money. The company hopes to have stable profits after the painful period | Interpretation of financial report

Cailian News on January 29th (Reporter Wu Xin)The automobile industry is full of smoke, and Neusoft Group (600718. SH) carrying automobile genes turned losses into profits in 2023.

This evening, Neusoft Group released a performance forecast, predicting a net profit of 72 million to 86 million yuan in 2023 (a loss of 343 million yuan in 2022).

"The overall business of the company is growing healthily." The director of the company told reporters that there will be more strategic adjustments in 2024, and there will be corresponding actions in areas where new products are released, the state encourages and the company has advantages.

According to the announcement, Neusoft Group’s operating income in 2023 continued to grow steadily year-on-year, and its gross profit margin increased compared with the previous year. During the reporting period, the overall performance of Neusoft Medical, Neusoft Xikang, Wanghai Kangxin, Neusoft Ruichi, Rongsheng Insurance and other innovative business companies constructed by the company in the sectors of "Big Health" and "Big Automobile" decreased, but the net profit of listed companies and the net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses were still negatively affected.

The performance forecast shows that in 2023, the company deducted non-net profit from-140 million yuan to-115 million yuan.

Cailian reporter learned from Neusoft Group’s semi-annual report in 2023 that its smart car interconnection business achieved revenue of 1.606 billion yuan in 2023 H1, exceeding 40% of the total revenue. In this field, Neusoft Group provides a series of solutions from automotive electronics, automotive software, intelligent driving to intelligent transportation.

At present, "involution" is the main tone of the domestic automobile industry, with price-for-quantity as the main way of playing, which greatly reduces the profit space of automobile enterprises and affects the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to November 2023, the profit of automobile manufacturing industry was 448.98 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of only 2.9%.

The above-mentioned company source said, "The related business is still relatively healthy, but the competition among car companies is fierce, and there may be some (impact), and other companies will definitely have some losses in gross profit margin."

"There are many new models now, but the market is biased towards saturation, which leads to the compression of the upstream and downstream profits of the entire industrial chain. There are still some influences, and we can’t escape from this area."

Looking forward to the market outlook, with the automobile industry going through the painful period and forming a new pattern, the upstream and downstream of the automobile industry chain are expected to enter a stable period simultaneously. A person from Neusoft Group said that the big waves will leave behind high-quality enterprises. At present, new car companies have been eliminated, and Neusoft Group will also achieve "stable profits".

(Cailian reporter Wu Xin)