Have you been tricked into eating sugar, dyeing your hair and playing mobile phones?

  According to the statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. However, when it comes to knowledge about this disease, the public still has a little knowledge about it. To make matters worse, many misunderstandings about diseases spread online and offline, making it difficult for people to identify correct information from unfounded fallacies. American "Best Life" website collects scientific evidence and expert advice, refuting the most common misunderstandings in this field.

  Myth 1: Eating sugar will make cancer worse.

  Perhaps because cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, people believe that eating sugar will make the disease worse. However, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) refuted this statement, pointing out that "no research shows that eating sugar will make cancer worse, or if you stop eating sugar, the tumor will shrink or disappear."

  Myth 2: The more dairy products you eat,

  The more likely you are to get breast cancer.

  Women can safely eat cheese and yogurt without worrying about breast cancer. The research results published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health show that there is no significant correlation between the intake of total dairy products (including both liquid dairy products and solid dairy products) and the risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 3: Eating artificial sweeteners can cause cancer.

  People had this concern in the 1970s and 1980s, because studies at that time showed that the intake of artificial sweeteners (such as saccharin and aspartame) would lead to cancer in mice. However, further tests prove that these substances will not have the same effect on human beings. Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that all sugar substitutes (except sodium cyclamate) are safe to eat.

  Myth 4: Using mobile phones can cause cancer.

  This common cancer misunderstanding stems from the fact that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. However, there are obvious differences between high-frequency radiation (such as X-ray radiation) and low-frequency radiation (radiation emitted by mobile phones). Although high-frequency radiation will increase the risk of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that low-frequency radiation has such an effect on the body. Epidemiological studies on the exposure of mobile phones to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have not shown that users have an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers.

  Myth 5 Cancer is completely a genetic disease.

  Although medical scientists are still investigating the causes of cancer, the National Cancer Institute of the United States suggests that 5%~10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, and the remaining risk factors include exposure to harmful substances in the environment (such as tobacco and air pollutants) and genetic mutations caused by aging.

  Myth 6: Only women get breast cancer

  Although it is not common, it is also possible for men to develop breast cancer, but the probability is low. The probability of breast cancer in an average man’s life is 1 in 883.

  Myth 7: If the mammogram results are normal,

  There would be no breast cancer.

  Because mammography may miss important information, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only by mammography. High-risk groups with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer should consider magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for more accurate screening.

  Myth 8: Hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

  The research results on carcinogenesis of hair dyes are contradictory. Therefore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes do not include carcinogens harmful to human beings, but they also warned that occupational exposure (such as hairdressers) may cause cancer to human beings.

  Myth 9: Weight has nothing to do with cancer risk.

  Weight is directly related to the risk of cancer. According to the research results published in The Lancet-Oncology by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2012, 3.6% of all new cancer cases among adults were related to weight.

  There are many reasons why obese people have a high risk of cancer. One theory is that overweight people have chronic low-grade inflammation, which will damage DNA over time and eventually lead to illness.

  Myth 10: People with dark skin color should not have skin cancer.

  Although skin cancer is more common in people with light skin color, dark skin color does not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. The research results published in the Journal of American Dermatology Association by researchers in case western reserve university, USA, show that melanoma is more deadly to people with darker skin color; Moreover, some skin cancers (such as acral melanoma) are more common in people with dark skin color.

  Myth 11 Using antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

  This misconception is that the substances in antiperspirants will penetrate into axillary lymph nodes, causing cell mutation, which will lead to cancer. However, the American Cancer Society refuted this statement, pointing out that "there is little scientific evidence" to support this speculation.

  Researchers at the Fred Haakinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, published research results in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showing that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 12 Breast augmentation will increase the risk of breast cancer

  A meta-analysis published by FDA researchers in the Journal of Plastic Surgery shows that breast augmentation does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that there is a small connection between breast augmentation and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but this rare cancer can be treated.

  Myth 13: People who receive cancer treatment must be hospitalized.

  Although the treatment of cancer does require several visits to the hospital, patients do not need to stay there until their condition is relieved. In fact, many patients with early cancer can continue to live a normal life and only need to go to the hospital for treatment and examination on a regular basis.

  Myth 14 Only smokers get lung cancer.

  Although smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer, other risk factors (such as secondhand smoke, radon in the air and exposure to asbestos) also increase the risk of lung cancer.

  Misunderstanding 15

  Infection with human papillomavirus will definitely lead to cervical cancer.

  Some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) develop into cervical cancer over time, but this is not always the case. There are more than 200 strains of HPV, but only a few of them are high risk factors for cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancer is caused by two types (HPV16 and HPV18).

  Myth 16

  Negative emotions can make

  The condition of cancer patients is worse.

  Usually, when cancer patients have no improvement after receiving treatment, their instinct is to blame their negative attitude as the root of the problem. However, the American Cancer Society points out that there is no connection between personality characteristics and cancer survival rate.

  Myth 17: Surgery will cause cancer to spread.

  According to the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia, there is no evidence to support the spread of cancer caused by surgery. Because this disease grows and reproduces in the blood, it has nothing to do with surgery.

  Myth 18 Herbal supplements can cure cancer.

  According to the research results published in the Journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by researchers from Taiwan Province Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in China, only when combined with conventional treatment can herbal supplements play a role in relieving the disease.

  Myth 19 Biopsy will lead to the spread of cancer.

  Because some patients feel worse after biopsy, they mistakenly believe that exposing cancer to the air will make their condition worse. In fact, there is no evidence that biopsy of lesions will lead to the spread of cancer, and there is no evidence that exposing tumors to the air will lead to its spread to other body parts.

  Myth 20 Chemotherapy always makes patients feel uncomfortable.

  Since the first use of chemotherapy in the 1940s and 1950s, this therapy has made great progress. In order to reduce or even eliminate the side effects, medical scientists have made great efforts, and the patients’ bad feelings are not as serious as imagined.

  Myth 21 Cancer is contagious.

  Cancer itself is not contagious, and you can’t get the disease from others at all. However, some infectious viruses (such as HPV and hepatitis B and C viruses) can cause cancer, so we need to be careful.

  Myth 22 Fluoride can cause cancer.

  Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste does not cause cancer. In February 1991, after reviewing more than 50 population studies, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that fluoride in its natural form would not pose a cancer risk to human beings.

  Myth 23 getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

  Due to technological progress and new medical discoveries, the survival probability of cancer patients is much higher than before. According to the data of the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate of all types of cancer adds up to about 67%, while for specific cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid gland, this statistic is as high as 90%. (Compile/Guo Shaoshan)

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded to "disable VPN": the clean-up target is unqualified people.

At the press conference of the State Council Office on the 15th, Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the target of this time was that VPN suppliers in China had stopped operating recently.Mainly those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards are cleaned up. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

The following is a record of the press conference:

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office. Today, we are very pleased to invite Mr. Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Zheng Lixin, spokesperson and director of the Operation Monitoring Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Mr. Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department, and ask them to introduce the development of the industrial communication industry in the first half of 2017 and answer your questions. Let’s ask Mr. Zhang Feng to make an introduction first.

Zhang Feng:




The effects of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading have been further manifested. Electronics and equipment manufacturing continued to lead the industrial growth, with the added value increasing by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively in the first half of the year. The industrial benefits of raw materials rose steadily, with a profit increase of 46.2% in the first five months. The consumer goods industry was generally stable. The added value in the first half of the year increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points higher than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the profit increased by 10.6%, and the supply level of middle and high-end consumption improved.

The key work of supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector has been steadily advanced. The de-capacity of steel was accelerated. In the first five months, 84.8% of the annual task of resolving excess steel capacity was completed, and the task of banning "strip steel" was fully completed by the end of June. Positive progress has been made in resolving excess capacity in industries such as electrolytic aluminum, cement and flat glass. Cost reduction measures continued to be strengthened, urging all regions to cancel more than 200 deposit projects involving enterprises and return more than 30 billion yuan of deposit. Steadily promote deleveraging, and the asset-liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size decreased by 0.7 percentage points year-on-year at the end of May. Vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industry and achieve new results, organize and implement five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center and intelligent manufacturing, and promote the construction of "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration urban agglomeration. In the first half of the year, the added value and investment of high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 13.1% and 21.5% respectively, which was 6.2 and 6.9 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Positive progress has been made in the entrepreneurial innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the efforts to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of small and micro enterprises have been further strengthened. The pilot demonstration of the manufacturing dual-innovation platform was actively promoted. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year; In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the 32-month contraction period.

The information and communication industry maintained rapid development. The network has made greater strides in speeding up and reducing fees. The penetration rate of stable broadband households has increased to 67%, and the penetration rate of mobile broadband users has increased to 77.4%, all of which have exceeded the annual target. In the first half of the year, the revenue of telecom business increased by 5.7% year-on-year, and the revenue of Internet and related services increased by 19.8% year-on-year. 4G users increased by 120 million, reaching 890 million, accounting for 65% of the total mobile users; The proportion of optical fiber access users reached 80.9%, the prosperity index of China’s Internet industry grew steadily, and the software business income increased by 13.2% year-on-year.

Judging from the operation in the first half of the year, the industrial economy has achieved a good trend of speed stabilization, efficiency improvement, quality improvement and structural optimization while striving to overcome the complex and changeable external environment and the increase of unstable and uncertain factors, which laid a good foundation for the smooth operation of the industry in the second half of the year and the realization of the annual objectives and tasks.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects:

First, further consolidate the momentum of steady growth of the industrial economy. The second is to focus on promoting the structural reform of the supply side in the industrial sector. The third is to vigorously revitalize the manufacturing industry. The fourth is to actively promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The fifth is to enhance the supporting role of the information and communication industry in economic and social development.

The above is a brief situation. Now my colleagues and I are willing to answer your questions.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Thanks to Mr. Zhang Feng for his introduction. Let’s enter the question-and-answer session. As usual, please inform your news organization before asking questions. Please ask questions.

CCTV reporter:

I think it is mentioned in the data that the industrial economy was at its best in the first half of the year in the same period of nearly three years, and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.9%. Does this mean that the industrial economy has bottomed out and showed a steady and positive trend? In addition, I would also like to ask the spokesman to predict the trend of industrial operation in the second half of the year. Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Please ask Director Zheng Lixin to answer this question.

Zheng Lixin:

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Thank you for your question. In the first half of the year, China’s industrial economy was generally stable, stable and positive, mainly manifested in the steady growth of industrial production, continuous improvement of benefits, accelerated conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and active promotion of structural adjustment. The main indicators were better than expected, and the current "good" situation of industrial operation can be understood from four aspects.

First, from the perspective of industrial production, the good situation is continuing.

First, the industrial growth rate is accelerating, and the momentum of steady growth is obvious. In the first half of the year, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 6.9%, which was the best in the past three years. In June, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 7.6%, which has been higher than 6% for 14 consecutive months and has remained above 6.5% since this year; Among them, the growth rate of added value of manufacturing industry increased by 8% year-on-year.

Second, driven by major measures such as supply-side structural reform, the profits of upstream industries have increased substantially, and the benefits of enterprises have continued to improve. In the first five months, the total profit of 38 of the 41 major industrial sectors increased year-on-year. The income and profit of the main business above designated size increased by 13.5% and 22.7% respectively year-on-year, which is also relatively high in recent years, accelerating by 10.6 and 16.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year. While the profits of the whole industry increased substantially, the profits of the raw materials industry increased by 46.2% year-on-year, which played a great role in the profit growth of the whole industry.

Third, the international foreign trade market has picked up, and industrial exports have shown a recovery growth. In the first half of the year, export delivery value, an industry above designated size, grew by 10.9%, 11.6 percentage points faster than that of the same period last year, which strongly supported the industrial growth this year.

Second, from the perspective of industrial restructuring, good power is increasing.

First, the development of advanced manufacturing industry has been actively promoted. "Made in China 2025" has progressed steadily, and five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center, intelligent manufacturing, strong industrial base, green manufacturing and high-end equipment innovation, have progressed smoothly, and major breakthroughs have been made in the development of major equipment such as domestic large aircraft and the first domestic aircraft carrier. In the first half of this year, the added value of electronics and equipment manufacturing increased by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively, and these two major industries became important forces for industrial growth in the first half of this year.

Second, the pace of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has accelerated. We have implemented the "Three Products" special action, and internet plus and sharing economy have driven traditional industries to open up new development space. Smartphones, high-definition TVs and other products that meet the requirements of consumption upgrading have maintained rapid growth. In the first half of the year, the added value of consumer goods industry increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Third, the cultivation of new kinetic energy is promoted in an orderly manner. The implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy has been accelerated, mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the manufacturing industry have flourished, and new technologies, new products, new models and new formats have emerged. In the first half of the year, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 13.1% year-on-year, which was 6.2 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry. The output of industrial robots and integrated circuits increased by 52.3% and 23.8% respectively. In the first half of the year, we actively promoted structural adjustment, made positive progress in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and achieved a great leap in emerging industries.

Third, from the perspective of regional development, a good foundation is being consolidated.

First, the industrial growth of the eastern coastal provinces with strong innovation ability and large investment in technological transformation is stable. Shanghai, Fujian and other provinces and cities have formulated policies and measures to accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries and promote the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and continued to expand industrial investment and investment in technological transformation, thus maintaining rapid development of regional industries. The growth rate of industrial added value in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Zhejiang, which account for the top five in the national total industrial output, is higher than the national average growth rate, and the support of industrial provinces for steady industrial growth is further enhanced.

Second, the northeastern and western provinces with heavy industrial structure and poor efficiency in the previous two years showed a good trend. In the first half of the year, the industrial growth rate in Ningxia, Yunnan, Qinghai and other regions was faster than the national average growth rate. The decline in industrial growth rate in Liaoning narrowed by 3.4 percentage points year-on-year, and profits in Xinjiang and other provinces all turned from a sharp decline in the same period last year to a rapid increase.

Fourth, from the indicators related to industrial activities, good expectations continue. In the first half of the year, the ex-factory price (PPI) of industrial producers increased by 6.6% year-on-year, which has maintained a positive growth for 10 consecutive months. The purchasing managers’ index of manufacturing industry has been above threshold for 11 consecutive months, indicating that the production of enterprises keeps expanding. Industrial electricity consumption and freight volume increased by 6.1% and 10% respectively, and increased by 5.3 and 6.9 percentage points respectively. The matching between these related indicators and industrial growth is increasing.

Just now, a reporter friend asked about the expected situation of industry in the second half of the year. Generally speaking, the signs of stable and good industry in China are increasing, especially under the impetus of supply-side structural reform, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has become an important force to consolidate economic development. However, we also notice that structural contradictions are still outstanding in economic development. With the continuous implementation of the central government’s policy of supporting the real economy, industrial development is constantly overcoming various difficulties, achieving a growth rate of 6.9% in the first half of this year, achieving the best state in the past three years, and constantly overcoming various difficulties.

Looking forward to the situation in the second half of the year, there are more and more factors conducive to the steady growth of industry, but we still have to focus on solving some new situations and new problems that may arise in industrial operation. We also focus on strengthening the monitoring, early warning and prediction of industrial operation, constantly discovering the problems that affect the steady growth of industry and constantly solving these problems. It should be said that the good momentum of ensuring stable industrial growth in the second half of the year will be further consolidated, and it is expected that the industry will continue to operate smoothly in the second half of the year. According to the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will conscientiously implement policies and measures to stabilize growth, promote reform, adjust the structure, benefit people’s livelihood and prevent risks, further promote the supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector, continuously accelerate the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, revitalize advanced manufacturing industries, maintain healthy industrial development, and strive to accomplish all tasks this year. Thank you.

American cable news reporter:

Recently, some media pay more attention to China’s VPN-related policies. I heard that some VPN providers in China have stopped operating. Can you confirm or clarify it? In addition, what laws and policies does China have on VPN management? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer this question for you. The problem you mentioned just now is like this. In order to strengthen market supervision, maintain a fair and orderly market order and promote the development of the industry, in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market. The Notice is mainly to better regulate market behavior.The main targets of the regulation are enterprises and individuals who have not been approved by the competent telecommunications authorities and have no qualification for international communication business, who rent international private lines or VPN to carry out cross-border telecommunications business activities in violation of regulations. You can also take a closer look at the relevant provisions on cross-border business activities, which will not affect domestic and foreign enterprises and users to carry out this normal cross-border access to the Internet, and he will legally carry out various business activities according to regulations, and will not bring them any impact. Mainly to clean up those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

At the same time, we also noticed that some foreign trade enterprises and multinational enterprises can rent from telecom operators who set up international communication import and export bureaus according to law when they need to cross-border networking through special lines for office use and other reasons, and the relevant provisions of the Notice will not affect their normal operation.

China International Television reporter:

Since the summer of this year, there have been frequent rainstorm disasters in many areas of China. We know that communication is very important for emergency rescue and disaster relief. I would like to ask, what is the current progress of communication support in the disaster area? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

This question is answered by Director Wen Ku.

Wen Ku:

Click to view larger image.

China is a country where various geological disasters occur frequently. Communication plays an important role in emergency rescue and disaster relief, whether it is to report safety to relatives and friends or to communicate emergency rescue and disaster relief information. In order to do a good job in emergency communication support this year, at the beginning of this year, our Ministry issued relevant documents on flood control communication support, sent inspection teams to Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and other places to carry out inspections on flood control emergency communication support, and organized emergency communication support drills in key areas such as Beijing, Jiangsu and Guangdong to continuously improve the emergency communication support capability of the whole industry.

Since the flood season, many parts of the country have been hit by heavy rains. In view of the exceptionally heavy rain and flood disasters that are rare in history, under the overall arrangement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the local communication industries responded in time and fought against disasters, and the relevant communication administrations took the lead and went to the front line to supervise and dispatch flood fighting and rescue; The basic telecommunications enterprises acted quickly and dispatched a large number of personnel and equipment to repair damaged communication facilities and do a good job in emergency communication support. According to statistics, as of July 23, the national communications industry has dispatched 182,000 emergency repair personnel, 67,000 emergency repair vehicles and 85,000 power generators, and sent 180 million emergency short messages. After all-out repair, 52,900 base stations (accounting for 97.3% of the total number of returned base stations) have been restored, and 10,000 kilometers of lines have been restored (accounting for 95.3% of the total number of damaged lines). In the early stage, the communication facilities affected by floods in southern China have been basically restored, and staged results have been achieved in flood control and disaster relief. At present, it is mainly due to heavy rainfall in Northeast Jilin, and some facilities are damaged and are being fully repaired. The overall operation of the national network is stable, and there is no total communication resistance in large areas above towns and villages, and the emergency rescue and disaster relief dispatching and command communication in the affected areas is smooth.

Our department will continue to pay close attention to the development of flood, dispatch and respond in time, do a solid job in emergency communication support, and provide strong support for flood fighting and emergency rescue.

Reporter of China Radio International:

We know that this year is the third year that China has proposed to speed up and reduce fees. How does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology evaluate the work progress in these three years? In addition, what are the specific work plans for the second half of the year? What is the overall benefit of speeding up and reducing fees? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer your question. Thank you for your question. According to the request of the State Council, the work of speeding up and reducing fees has been started, and this year has entered its third year. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it, and in this year’s "Government Work Report", they asked the Internet to take greater steps to speed up and reduce fees.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology resolutely implements the decision-making arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and works with relevant departments and basic telecommunications enterprises to push forward all work in a down-to-earth manner. At present, relevant work is progressing well.

First, we will continue to promote the construction of high-speed broadband networks. All three companies continue to promote the construction of fiber-optic broadband and 4G mobile broadband networks, and constantly strengthen the breadth and depth of network coverage. By the first half of 2017, all cities in China had built optical network cities with a total of 2.99 million 4G base stations. The proportion of broadband users over 20M nationwide reached 86%, and the proportion of 4G users reached 65%. We will continue to promote the full coverage of rural broadband, and jointly organize and implement the pilot project of universal telecommunications service with the Ministry of Finance. More than 130,000 administrative villages have been deployed with optical fibers. All the 32,000 administrative villages supported this year have been confirmed, and bidding has been started in various places.

The second is to vigorously promote the popularization of broadband. As of May, the total number of fixed broadband household users in China exceeded 300 million, and the household penetration rate reached 67.0%. Mobile broadband users have surpassed the 1 billion mark, and the penetration rate in the national population has reached 77.4%. Both of the two penetration indicators have achieved their annual development targets ahead of schedule.

Third, various preferential measures for fee reduction have been implemented. Since May 1st, all three companies have significantly reduced their international long-distance telephone charges in major directions to 0.49-0.99 yuan/minute, with an average drop of up to 90%. At the same time, the Internet private line access charges have been lowered by more than 15%, and the international settlement negotiations will be further intensified, and the international long-distance telephone charges in more directions will be gradually lowered. For industrial parks, dual-innovation enterprises, etc., we will launch special broadband products such as business lines and micro-broadband that can better meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

With regard to the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, our department has continued to push the three basic telecommunications companies to speed up their work in accordance with the principle of ensuring that the work is in place and striving for early implementation. According to what we know now, the three companies are going all out to promote system transformation and other related work, and strive to achieve their goals ahead of schedule.

Speed-up and fee reduction have promoted the continuous development and growth of China’s digital economy. According to the White Paper on the Development of Digital Economy in China (2017) issued by China Institute of Information and Communication, in 2016, the scale of China’s digital economy reached 22.6 trillion yuan, a nominal increase of over 18.9% year-on-year, which was significantly higher than the GDP growth rate of that year, accounting for 30.3% of GDP. Digital economy has become the core driving force for economic growth in recent years, and its contribution to GDP growth is increasing. The deepening of speeding up and reducing fees and the development of digital economy have also driven the competitiveness of related enterprises in China to continue to increase. At present, the total market value of 89 listed Internet companies in China has reached 7.4 trillion US dollars, an increase of nearly 40% compared with the end of 2016. Three companies have entered the top 10 listed Internet companies in the world, and nine companies have entered the top 30.

It should be said that the significance of speeding up and reducing fees is very great. Thank you.

Hong Kong Cable TV reporter:

I am very concerned about VPN. I would like to ask, according to the Notice issued in January, what is the approval standard for relevant enterprises?

Zhang Feng:

Not only private Internet lines, including VPN, but also basic telecommunications services and value-added telecommunications services need to be approved by the government. There are regulations from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Telecommunications Ordinance to the directory of telecommunications services, and these regulations have different requirements for different services. For example, operating basic telecommunications services requires basic telecommunications services, and operating value-added telecommunications services requires value-added telecommunications services. There are many value-added telecom services now, which are all described in the new telecom service catalogue. So the standard question you just asked has different requirements for different businesses, and accordingly there are different standards. For example, big data, cloud computing, data centers, etc., mainly strengthen management, strengthen norms, ensure consumer rights and interests, and provide high-quality, long-term, fixed and safe services. For example, there are still some data centers, namely IDC, where the standards have also been revised, mainly to ensure the quality of service and security, which is the most important. Many of our businesses are now in the cloud, and the data center is an important support. If the data center is not well protected and does not operate safely and reliably, it will have great hidden dangers for enterprises. Thank you.

China Daily reporter:

We noticed that the PMI of SMEs in June was 50.1%, which was above the critical point for two consecutive months. Does this mean that the development trend of SMEs is improving? Next, what specific measures will the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology take to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Thank you for your question. In the first half of this year, our department stepped up efforts to supervise the implementation of the support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises, promoted the introduction of preferential measures to raise the upper limit of annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises from the current 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, organized special actions on accounts receivable financing for small and micro enterprises, and actively promoted the pilot demonstration of the "double innovation" platform for manufacturing, the national demonstration base for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation, and the demonstration of small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation cities. At present, 38,000 small and micro enterprises have settled in 194 national demonstration bases for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurship and innovation, and 760,000 jobs have been provided.

Under the continuous action of policies and measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown a steady and positive trend. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year, which was 0.7 percentage points faster than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the operating income and total profit of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 13.5% and 15.7% respectively, up by 7.5 and 6.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year, and the loss of enterprises was 14.9%, narrowing by 1.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the situation of being in the contraction range for 32 consecutive months and being above the critical point for two consecutive months. These data show that at present, the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises is generally stable and their economic benefits have maintained rapid growth.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects. First, focus on improving the policy environment. Do a good job in organizing and implementing the plan for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (2016-2020), and at the same time cooperate with the National People’s Congress to continue to do a good job in the revision of the SME Promotion Law. The second is to increase fiscal and taxation support. Continue to do a good job in the work of the National SME Development Fund, and drive social capital to promote the development of growing SMEs in seed stage and initial stage. Promote the implementation of preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption to support the development of small and micro enterprises. The third is to further improve the financing environment. Deepen cooperation with banking financial institutions and implement cooperation agreements signed with China Construction Bank. Do a good job in the management of credit guarantee compensation funds for small and medium-sized enterprises. Cooperate with the People’s Bank of China to do a good job in pledge financing of accounts receivable. The fourth is to promote the transformation of entrepreneurial innovation of SMEs. We will continue to implement the informatization promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises and the intellectual property promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises. Use the "internet plus" to promote Sharing Manufacturing and promote the development of large, medium and small enterprises. At the same time, we will continue to hold the "Maker China" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Promote the construction and pilot of smart clusters. The fifth is to improve the public service system. Promote the development of SME policy services and voluntary services. We will promote the network construction and service development of public platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises. Thank you.

NPR reporter:

I want to ask ordinary people how to visit and browse foreign websites. What will happen if VPN is used? It is reported that some places have issued regulations to strengthen the management of those who use VPN to surf the Internet illegally. Is this the case?

Zhang Feng:

Please listen to the Secretary Wen’s reply.

Wen Ku:

Thank you. All three journalists are concerned about VPN. In fact, Mr. Zhang has given a very accurate answer to the VPN question just now. I’d like to repeat that to operate related businesses in China, you should apply for permission according to the laws and regulations of China, which is actually done in many countries all over the world. This is done in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the management methods of each country are different.

I don’t know about the local regulations you mentioned just now. But I can tell you that the three major operators in China have done a lot of work in providing services to the people, and the network speed has been continuously improved, which has achieved good results. Just now, Mr. Zhang also introduced this aspect, especially the digital economy, the streets and lanes, especially the bike-sharing near the subway entrance, etc., which shows that the network coverage is very perfect and the application is increasingly extensive. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some needs of ordinary people. However, it is not allowed by the laws of China to spread harmful or even violent information through the Internet. Thank you.

China News Service reporter:

Two questions. First, the State Council recently deployed the construction of the "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone, and said that it would innovate its system and mechanism. Please tell us something about it. Secondly, it has been reported recently that the four major automobile industry associations in the world sent a letter to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, requesting to postpone the implementation of the dual-point system for new energy vehicles, which is what they call the quota policy. Please tell us about the impact of the dual-point system on the automobile market. What is the response of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to the demands of the four major automobile industry associations? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

You just asked two questions. Let me answer your first question, which is about the creation of a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone recently deployed by the the State Council Standing Committee. It is of great significance to create a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone and explore new breakthroughs in the transformation and upgrading of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, to promote structural reform on the supply side, build a manufacturing power, maintain medium-and high-speed economic growth, and move towards the middle and high-end level. The deployment of "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone in the State Council is an important support for the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing a strong country, and it is also an important measure to accelerate the "Made in China 2025" to take root. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the the State Council Standing Committee, continuously enrich the work content and policy connotation of the demonstration area together with the member units of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, improve the gold content of the pilot demonstration work, guide and support local bold innovation, try first, form a typical experience that can be replicated and popularized, and accelerate the overall process of "Made in China 2025".

Specifically, first, we should pay close attention to the study of the relevant declaration standards, management methods and workflow of the demonstration area, and further clarify the principles, work requirements and demonstration priorities of the establishment. Second, it is necessary to make overall consideration of the connection between the existing pilot demonstration and the creation of demonstration areas, further focus on policy resources, and form a joint effort between departments, the central and local governments. Third, we should refine and improve preferential policies, and make efforts in deepening the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", promoting the development of large, medium and small enterprises, and transforming and upgrading traditional industries. Preferential policies mainly focus on the following four aspects: First, simplify administration and decentralize power, further deepen the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform in the demonstration area, optimize the business environment, and increase efforts to attract foreign investment. Second, fiscal and taxation financial support, support demonstration areas to vigorously promote innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthen corporate equity incentives, and explore policies such as linking credit evaluation with tax convenience services. Third, land supply guarantee, including policies such as giving moderate inclination to the annual new industrial land index in the demonstration area. The fourth is the introduction of talent training, supporting the demonstration area to expand the two-way flow mechanism of talents, carrying out pilot projects of entrepreneurship subsidies, and supporting overseas talents to return to China to start businesses.

The main body of the demonstration area is the local area. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen support and guidance with the members of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, so that the demonstration area can better play its role of demonstration and lead, and drive other regions to accelerate the upgrading, efficiency improvement, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Thank you.

Zheng Lixin: I will answer the second question. Thank you for your question first. The parallel management method of average fuel consumption and new energy points of passenger car enterprises, also referred to as the double points method, was recently publicized on the legal information website of China Government of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office, and will be officially released in the near future when the release procedure is fulfilled. The double integral method is aimed at the actual situation of the development of new energy vehicles in China. Through this method, we can establish a long-term mechanism to promote the development of new energy vehicles, promote the research and development and promotion of new energy vehicles, and strengthen the management of energy conservation and emission reduction of automobile products. This is also a common practice in the world. In this respect, we will also actively carry out international cooperation, jointly promote the development of new energy vehicles in China with the international community, and create a good environment for the development of our traditional vehicles.

The reporter mentioned the suggestions made by the four major automobile associations. We received the opinions of the four associations during the publicity of the double-point method, and we will do further research. Thank you.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Time, today’s press conference is over. Thanks again to several publishers, and thank you all. thank you

Xiaobian Tanban China’s first musical "Going to Sea" "Turning the King’s Chess"

Last year, King’s Chess, which was launched by Shanghai Yahuahu Theater Management and Development Co., Ltd., became the object sought after by musical audiences because of a heavy news: the play was taken a fancy to by Korean musical production company Never Ending Play, and was introduced to the Korean musical market by way of copyright export. King’s Chess became the first original musical in China to export its copyright overseas.

The roar of distant ships is like the accompaniment of waves, which praises the great ship of industrial civilization and drives away the years. However, only the roar of seagulls reminds the faltering old man that there was once an old world called "Viking". Today, Xiaobian will take you into the light of this original musical-China’s first "going out to sea" musical "Turning the King’s Chess".

This is a story based on the historical myth of Northern Europe. In the early 19th century, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Norway sent a special task force to Bell Island, which had been occupied by the Ghost King for many years, to carry out the receiving task. When the team was about to land on the island, the action team unexpectedly encountered "resistance" from Bell Island, and all the soldiers followed the captain to retreat. Olson was the only one who finished landing on the island, but to his surprise, this isolated island, which was described as a "devil’s land", was a different scene. What he saw and heard on the island unexpectedly evoked memories that have been dusty for many years-about his late teacher and best friend: Kregaard, who was named as Norway’s "national hero". What will Olson experience on the island? Can he finish the task? What secrets are hidden on this island?

In terms of story creation structure, The King’s Chess is different from most musicals in that it incorporates Nordic elements, such as tomahawk, struggle, navigation and Viking. At the scene, you can feel six actors performing nearly 30 roles, which fully embodies poetry and blood. Guns and swords have been singing songs for more than ten years.

If you want to use a word to describe "Turn the King’s Chess", I believe that the word that pops up in many viewers’ minds is "magnificent". Weibo netizen @Muchennnnn commented: "It is unbelievable that this can be achieved in a small theater. Only a few hundred people can write such a shocking epic in the theater."

"Turn the King’s Chess" also uses clever intertextuality, using chess pieces to imply the fate of the characters in the play, one son and one life, no regrets when he dies, and people can’t be resurrected. Vikings used their lives to protect their homes, their beliefs to protect their civilization, and sacrifices to win.

Come to the theater and feel the twilight of the Viking gods!

Do a good job in health management during the Spring Festival

Layout design: Jia Guoliang

Cartoon drawing: Jiang Chen

Festival dinner, eat well and pay attention to it.

■ Pei Suping Special correspondent of Liberation Army Daily Wang Junbo

The nutrition experts at Beidaihe Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Center put forward the following suggestions on how to make officers and men eat nutritionally and healthily during the holiday dinner.

Make recipes scientifically. Some units have more meat dishes at dinner, while vegetables, fruits and bean products account for less. This kind of diet with more meat and less vegetables will interfere with the normal metabolism of human body, increase the demand for water in the body, increase the burden on the liver and kidney, and increase the acid metabolites and serum uric acid, which will lead to physical fatigue and symptoms of "getting angry". It is suggested that all units should pay attention to the thickness of staple food, the combination of dry and thin food and the combination of meat and variety of non-staple food according to the principle of scientific catering, which can include animal foods such as livestock, poultry, seafood, eggs and milk, and also plant foods such as leafy vegetables, roots, melons, fresh beans, fungi and algae, so as to achieve the purpose of food diversification, balanced diet and comprehensive nutrition. On the dining table, you can also prepare some seasonings such as shredded ginger or vinegar soaked ginger slices, garlic cloves, hot sauce, pickles and vinegar to adjust different tastes. In addition to paying attention to the collocation of dishes, it is also necessary to avoid concentrating the dinner dishes in one meal. It is suggested to disperse them in three meals according to the energy ratio of 3: 4: 3, and follow the principle of "eat well at breakfast, have a full lunch and have a light and early dinner". Dinner dishes mainly focus on improving quality, not increasing quantity. If conditions permit, it is suggested that the large pot dishes be made into small pot dishes in several times to obtain a better taste and retain more nutrition in some dishes. In addition, winter meals are easy to cool. Cooking squad should do a good job of food insulation, provide hot food and hot drinks, so as not to affect appetite and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The choice of dishes is complementary. Dinner dishes can choose foods that are not often eaten at ordinary times, which are both fresh and can supplement nutrients that are easily lacking in daily life. If the intake of aquatic products is not much at ordinary times, it is suggested to increase fish, shrimp and shellfish rich in high-quality protein and minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium at dinner; Animal viscera can also be properly added to the dishes to supplement nutrients such as vitamin A and iron. In the staple food supply, in addition to the common rice and steamed bread, jiaozi, pancakes, fried cakes, fried noodles and steamed buns can be added, and coarse grains such as corn, sweet potato, yam and miscellaneous beans can be served on the table to supplement B vitamins. Conditional units can make crucian carp bean curd soup, ribs seaweed soup, black-bone chicken soup, eight-treasure porridge, glutinous rice balls, lily tremella lotus seed soup and other soup for officers and men to choose from, which is delicious and nourishing. The canteen can also provide hawthorn tea, sour plum soup, chrysanthemum tea and other drinks to relieve boredom, clear fire and help digestion.

Eat well to protect the stomach. At the festival dinner, the dishes are rich and delicious, and many comrades face a full table of delicious food, so it is easy to eat more and eat more if they are not careful. Overeating, excessive intake of greasy, fat or cold food can easily cause indigestion symptoms such as abdominal distension and constipation, and may even lead to acute gastroenteritis. Officers and men should eat and drink moderately when having a meal, bearing in mind the principle of "balanced diet, 70% to 80% full, chewing slowly, eating less and getting cold". The canteen can provide foods such as radish, hawthorn, lemon, orange, tangerine, etc., as well as dishes such as kelp silk, fungus and onion. If conditions permit, you can also purchase some wild vegetables, which are both nutritious and greasy. If a comrade-in-arms suffers from bloating and stomachache, you can try to massage or moxibustion Zusanli, navel and Zhongwan points, which can relieve the pain. Those with severe symptoms should seek medical attention in time.

Eating the right snacks does not "get angry". Dried fruits and sweets are high-fat and high-calorie foods. If officers and men eat too much after dinner, they will easily get fat, and may also have symptoms such as oral ulcer and sore throat. It is suggested that officers and men should control the intake of snacks during festivals, or replace traditional dried fruits such as peanuts and melon seeds with yogurt, pears, pomelos, sugar cane and persimmons that are beneficial to the intestines. In addition, comrades-in-arms can drink tea with dietotherapy effects such as chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, lotus plumule and dandelion to relieve discomfort such as sore throat and oral ulcer.

To celebrate the Spring Festival, protection is indispensable.

■ Dai Xin Liberation Army Daily reporter Sun Xingwei

Under the condition of normalized epidemic prevention and control, how can the officers and men of the army celebrate the Spring Festival scientifically, safely and orderly? Wang Fusheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases Medicine of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, reminded his comrades that during the festival, there should be no shortage of prevention and control measures.

Remember to protect yourself. Personal protective measures such as wearing masks, keeping social distance and washing hands frequently are still the simplest and most effective personal protective measures to prevent infection. Officers and men should do their own protection at ordinary times and wear masks regularly. When wearing a mask, the mouth, nose and jaw should be completely wrapped, the elastic band of the mask should be tightened, and the aluminum sheets on both sides of the nose should be pressed tightly to reduce the air leakage around. Develop good hygiene habits at ordinary times. Wash your hands before and after meals and before touching your eyes, mouth and nose. When washing your hands, rub every part of your hands with hand sanitizer or soap, especially between your fingers and skin wrinkles. It is best to wash your hands for about 60 seconds each time. It is recommended to refer to the "seven-step washing method". Pay attention to cough etiquette. When coughing or sneezing, cover it with elbow or paper towel, wrap the mouth and nose secretions with paper towel and dispose of them in the garbage bin. If the mask is wet due to coughing or sneezing, it should be replaced in time.

There are rules for holiday meals. Companies should not buy food from unknown sources when purchasing goods and buying new year’s goods. Cooking squad should keep the environment clean and tidy, and disinfect tableware with boiling water and disinfection cabinet as required to kill bacteria and viruses; Chopping boards and knives for handling raw and cooked foods should be separated; Wash your hands between handling raw food and cooked food. When organizing a meal, the temperature of the staff should be measured, and those with fever should be arranged to eat alone, and relevant medical treatment and necessary protection should be done. Officers and soldiers should wash their hands correctly, queue up in order and keep a safe distance before eating; When eating, it is suggested to take the form of buffet, using public chopsticks and spoons.

Pay attention to recreational activities. During the festival, when arranging cultural and sports activities, we should control the scale and formulate epidemic prevention measures. The activity venue should be arranged in an open and ventilated outdoor as far as possible. When it is really necessary to organize indoors, different projects can be divided into decentralized organizations. Participants should try their best to enter in batches by class and platoon, so as to reduce the gathering of people. After the activity, you should open the window and ventilate for 30 minutes, clean the activity venue and wash away the sports equipment.

Strict protection during going out. During the Spring Festival, we should reduce unnecessary trips, avoid getting together or gathering, and minimize risks. Officers and soldiers should strengthen self-prevention when going out to perform tasks, especially when entering key places and closed places such as shopping malls, supermarkets, bazaars, hospitals, elevators, and taking public transportation such as subways and buses, they should wear masks all the time. Keep a "one-meter-long" distance when taking a bus or waiting for a bus, try to stay at the ventilation window, and avoid touching the carriage, handlebars, etc. You can carry hand-free disinfectant with you when you go out, and wash your hands in time if necessary. When going out, you should actively cooperate with the staff in relevant places to do a good job in temperature detection, scanning and showing "health code", and leave as soon as possible after completing the task. If you need to go out for medical treatment, you should choose the nearest hospital, understand the medical treatment process in advance, and reduce the stay time in the hospital; Wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks during medical treatment; Try to avoid touching the surface of objects such as door handles and public signature pens directly during medical treatment, and wash your hands in time or rub your hands with quick-drying hand disinfectant after touching them; Keep a safe distance from others when waiting and queuing.

Public areas are often disinfected. Preventive disinfection can be carried out in public areas during holidays, and the principle of "cleaning first, disinfection second" should be followed. The company meeting rooms, network classrooms and other places frequently used by officers and men should be ventilated to maintain indoor air circulation. Dormitories should be ventilated with windows open every day for at least 30 minutes, twice a day. Clothes, bedding and other fabrics should be frequently changed and aired. When airing, they should be evenly spread out and exposed to the sun for more than 4 hours. Door handles, window handles, tables and chairs, handrails, faucets, thermometers, computer keyboards, etc. that officers and men often contact should be disinfected frequently. When it is suspected that the surface of the object is contaminated, it can be wiped or sprayed with 250-500mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or disinfectant paper towel for disinfection, and the residue can be removed with clear water immediately after the specified time.

Stick to exercise and don’t close during the holidays.

■ Hao Donghong

"After a Spring Festival, I gained two pounds" and "the 3 km long-distance race was one minute slower". After the Spring Festival holiday in previous years, some comrades will have "post-holiday syndrome" such as "gaining three pounds every holiday" and "declining training results", which often takes a certain amount of time and intensity of adaptive training to recover. Yuan Wei, an orthopedic surgeon at the 901st Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force, reminded his comrades-in-arms to strengthen sports management and maintain a good physical and mental state during the Spring Festival holiday.

Organizational activities are relaxed and moderate. During the Spring Festival, units should make scientific overall plans when organizing activities to prevent unreasonable arrangements from adversely affecting the physical and mental health of officers and men. Activities should be arranged moderately. If there are too many sports competitions, it will easily lead to physical fatigue and physical overdraft, which may also cause physical injury and increase the physical and mental burden of officers and men. If the amount of exercise is too small, coupled with too much diet during the holiday season, the intake of calories can not be consumed, which is easy to cause fat accumulation and indigestion. When organizing activities, units should reasonably grasp the proportion of sports to prevent excessive and insufficient sports. Activities should be combined with static and dynamic activities, so as to achieve organic adjustment of mental and physical strength and avoid a certain activity for a long time. Officers and men can participate in street dance, mechanical dance, aerobics and other projects while carrying out intellectual competitions such as chess and cards, so as to eliminate fatigue and release stress during exercise. The venue can be both internal and external. Indoor activities are too long, which may affect your health because of noisy people and poor air circulation; Staying outdoors for a long time, excessive physical exertion is easy to make people tired, and the cold weather may cause colds. It is suggested that indoor activities and outdoor activities be interspersed. Conditional units can also organize dragon and lion dances, majestic gongs and drums and interesting yangko performances with national characteristics to make officers and men move and have fun. This kind of exercise can improve the coordination of the body and promote the functions of cardiovascular system, respiratory system and sports system.

Physical training is skillfully interspersed. Studies have shown that after people stop exercising for 72 hours, protein in muscles begins to lose, and the strength of the body drops obviously. Comrades usually have a high intensity of training and a fast pace of work, and it is good for their bodies and minds to take advantage of leisure and entertainment during holidays. However, if they indulge in recreational activities, they will have less physical exercise, and their flexibility and flexibility will decline, which is not conducive to starting training after holidays. During the festival, the company can carry out military fun games, such as rolling tires and fun obstacle races, so that officers and men can strengthen their exercise through training and fun. It should be noted that protection should be done during the sports meeting, and warm-up and stretching should be fully done before and after the exercise to prevent training injuries. In addition, comrades-in-arms can use their free time to exercise properly, such as jogging 3000 meters every afternoon to exercise their bones and muscles; Practice equipment with comrades-in-arms to consolidate "muscle memory". In the last two days of the holiday, officers and men can carry out targeted aerobic training such as brisk walking and jogging to improve heart and lung function, recover their physical fitness as soon as possible, and start training in a good state after the year.

Micro-motion sees the needle in the seam. "Micro-movement" can consume calories in a relatively gentle way and improve the flexibility and balance of the body. During the Spring Festival, officers and men can use a little time to exercise. After dinner, you can take a walk with your comrades in the camp and play some small games to promote digestion. It should be noted that strenuous exercise should not be carried out within half an hour after meals, so as to avoid hypoxia of digestive system caused by uneven blood distribution, abdominal pain, vomiting, and even gastroptosis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. When it is inconvenient to do outdoor activities in rainy and cold weather, you can carry out indoor exercises such as straight leg lifting, supine cycling, flat support, one-leg push-ups and land swimming to exercise your core muscles; Leg press, sit-ups and push-ups can be exercised before going to bed to promote metabolism and improve sleep quality.

Scientific adjustment, happy New Year.

■ Tang Yurui, special correspondent of the People’s Liberation Army Daily, Hong Qing Ren

In a few days, the new soldiers of Xialian will welcome their first Spring Festival in the military camp. Think twice about your relatives during the festive season. Stimulated by the festive atmosphere, new comrades may feel depressed and depressed because they miss their families. This is a normal psychological phenomenon, but if you don’t adjust in time and immerse yourself in homesickness for a long time, you may have adverse reactions such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia and irritability, which will affect your physical and mental health. Psychologists from the 907th Hospital of Wuxi Joint Logistics Support Center have compiled a "Happy Secret" for new comrades, helping them to stay away from "emotional smog" and have a happy New Year.

Secret 1: change cognition and get rid of dependence. Psychology calls the process of young people getting rid of their dependence on home and growing up to be independent "the second weaning" in life. Excessive homesickness is a manifestation of psychological lack of "weaning". To get rid of over-dependence psychology, new comrades should consciously change their self-cognition and redefine their roles. You can tell yourself "I have grown up" and "I am a man in a military camp" through positive psychological hints, strengthen your sense of being a soldier, and turn homesickness into the responsibility and mission of guarding the border and standing guard for the country. Under the hint of this lofty sense of mission, new comrades can feel the happiness of growth and the value of life. In addition, new comrades-in-arms can also use some small methods to help them divert their attention and reasonably vent their bad emotions. For example, writing a diary to record the first Spring Festival of military career; Write a letter from home and pour out your thoughts about your parents; Have fun, listen to a cheerful piece of music, read a good book, arouse positive emotions and make you feel better.

Secret 2: Integrate into the group and feel the warmth of "home". Emotion has strong communication and appeal. Being in the collective, new comrades can be positively emotional contagion by the collective or others, thus stimulating the "happiness factor". This kind of positive emotional contagion can also make comrades feel the warmth of the collective, and alleviate the loneliness and loss caused by homesickness. New comrades should pay attention to unity, cooperation, enthusiasm and sincerity when they integrate into the collective. When you are homesick, you can take the initiative to chat with your comrades around you, pour out your own feelings, and gain the trust and support among your comrades in exchange and interaction; Play ball games, run, and do some aerobic exercise with comrades-in-arms to relieve negative emotions and get a sense of pleasure; During the festival, new comrades-in-arms can also actively participate in various activities organized by the company, actively show their own specialties, feel the warmth of the military camp family and gain a sense of belonging in the interaction with their comrades-in-arms.

Tip 3: Set goals and accumulate "heart" strength. The goal is a psychological attraction of the organization to the individual. Setting reasonable goals can stimulate people’s enthusiasm. As soon as the Spring Festival is over, the work for the new year will follow. New comrades-in-arms can make plans and goals for the new year by using their leisure time during holidays, which can not only enrich their holiday life, but also gain psychological excitement through goal guidance. The new year’s goals should be "listed" first, with both short-term phased goals and long-term overall goals. Comrades can set some practical goals for themselves in combination with the training tasks of the troops after the Spring Festival, such as striving to be "training pacesetters" and "learning pacesetters" in the company and overcoming a specific training problem. Secondly, it is necessary to "actually go on" and the content should be specific and clear. Setting the goal too high is difficult to achieve, and it is easy to lose confidence; Not challenging and not inspiring. Therefore, when making goals, we should combine them with reality to make them operational and inspiring. Do it again. After setting the goal, you should take concrete actions. For example, you can take the initiative to consult your comrades around you in your spare time for problems that you can’t keep up with in training. In the process of achieving the goal, new comrades can feel the joy of struggle and the passion of youth, thus maintaining a positive and sunny attitude.

Bao Shi: Write a good novel, and a director may come to you.

  Bao Shi’s collection of novels "Baizhuang" published in 2003 includes "The Story of Zizhou".

  □ Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhu Shaojie

  Recently, director Zhi Li signed a contract with writer Bao Shi, and reached a consensus on adapting Bao Shi’s novel The Story of Zizhou. The two sides will jointly make a film of the same name. The Story of Zizhou is a literary IP with great market value (which can be used to adapt the copyright material of TV series and movies). In August 2006, it won the seventh "Guangdong Luxun Literature and Art Award and Literature Award".

  In an exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News reporter, Zhi Li said that Bao Shi’s The Story of Zizhou made him read the characteristics of an era and a generation. The novel tells the story of an ordinary boy: a father who is rich in knowledge but poor, a beautiful and capable mother who loves money but is cold, and a 12-year-old boy can’t tell who is right or wrong. After his father died of illness, he went from the city to the town alone, went to his grandfather alone, and decided not to go back … … Zhi Li believes that The Story of Zizhou is a China version of Green Book, which tells the collision between rural and urban values in China. "Looking at the world of adults from the perspective of children is the uniqueness of this novel." He told reporters that the sincere feelings of three generations of grandfather, son and grandson in the novel made him cry twice.

  Zhi Li saw The Story of Zizhou through a friend’s introduction seven or eight years ago, and he was already very interested in the story. He believes that China films need to speak with content. "Today, the audience in China has become rational, and creators need to use good stories to achieve a double harvest of art and market." Although Bao Shi’s story is very delicate, there is still room for adjustment in film expression. Zhi Li said that he and his team are currently adapting The Story of Zizhou, hoping to start from the original story and bring out thoughts on social values.

  The Story of Zizhou is a companion piece of the film My Father and Mother. Bao Shi’s novella "Memorial" was adapted into the film "My Father and Mother", and the film won the Silver Bear Award at the 50th Berlin Film Festival, the Excellent Film Award at the China Film Watch Award in 1999, the Best Film Award at the 23rd Hundred Flowers Award, the Best Film Award at the 20th Golden Rooster Award, the Excellent Feature Film Award at the Shanghai Film Critics Award, the Sundance Film Festival Award in the United States and the Amethyst Award at the Iranian International Film Festival.

  It is reported that the film "The Story of Zizhou" will start at the end of this year and be released in 2020. Bao Shi accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of Yangcheng Evening News. He said that the novel "The Story of Zizhou" was written for intellectuals of this era and reflected the historical brand of an era.

  Interview A wants to write about the situation of intellectuals.

  Yangcheng Evening News: What is the opportunity for this adaptation of The Story of Zizhou into a movie?

  Bao Shi: It has been 20 years since The Story of Zizhou was published. To be honest, it surprised me a little. In March this year, director Zhi Li approached me through a friend and asked about the purchase of the novel copyright. Soon he came to Guangzhou to sign the contract. When we first discussed it, the director also suggested that I be a screenwriter. For the sake of health and time, I declined and suggested that he hire someone else to be a screenwriter. Another factor is that I don’t want to be involved in this story again. The same thing made me do it for the second time, and I lost interest.

  Yangcheng Evening News: What kind of work is the Story of Zizhou in your creation?

  Bao Shi: This work was created in the 1990s, and it was published back and forth with the original "Memorial" of My Father and Mother. I hope to write about the situation of intellectuals at that time, including their living conditions, mental state and so on, through the story of Zizhou. The Story of Zizhou is just a shell, the core of which is to express and discuss the embarrassment of cultural people in society. They have neither money nor power, but they are particularly "stubborn". After the novel was published, it was included in one of my collections. When some friends saw it, they all said it was well written, and some even cried for it. Director Zhi Li told me that he was also very moved when he read this novel. I guess it was the emotion in this story that touched him.

  In this story, Zizhou’s father works in a group art museum and writes novels in his spare time. Life is poor and stubborn, and no one around him likes him. His classmates and friends, including his wife, don’t take him seriously In his hometown, a small town, people’s attitudes towards him are quite the opposite. Many people in the town, including his first lover, think that he can write novels and publish articles in newspapers and periodicals, which is very promising. I just want to show such a phenomenon through such a comparison. I don’t know what this phenomenon can mean.

  Being able to talk and feel is the premise of my cooperation with the director.


  Yangcheng Evening News: What do you think of the role of the novel author in the film adaptation?

  Bao Shi: Film is the art of directors, and it is director-centered. As an original author or a screenwriter, you may have to obey the director’s feelings when creating. This is one of its characteristics. Then the author must understand this. But this is not to say that there is no author’s own voice. If you cooperate with a good director, and the director and the screenwriter respect and inspire each other, the screenwriter can provide better things to the director. The director has a vision and will recognize these things, which will add color to the work. If he meets a bad director, he will not adopt the writer’s good idea. In fact, there is nothing the author can do.

  Yangcheng Evening News: How did you choose the director? How to cooperate with the director?

  Bao Shi: According to my limited experience, it mainly depends on whether I can get along with the director. Being able to talk and have feelings is the premise of cooperation. Actually, I didn’t take the initiative to write a movie script. Since "My Father and Mother", others have been looking for me. All along, I have been writing novels at my own pace and from my own heart, and I have never thought of adapting them into movies. After "My Father and Mother", some directors came to me, and some of them were quite well paid, but I basically refused because I couldn’t talk properly and didn’t feel anything. Later, I only cooperated with director ZhangJiaBei in two films. One is Cherry, which was released and won several awards. ZhangJiaBei, an overseas Chinese in Japan, made a film in Japan, and once made a pottery humanoid, which had a certain influence. That year, he called me from Japan and wanted to shoot a story about mother’s love. Because he saw My Father and Mother, he thought I could write this story well, so he came to me. I didn’t say yes right away. I suggested to him that we’d better meet and talk, and then decide whether to cooperate or not when we feel it. Later, when he came back from Japan, we met in Shanghai and talked for a few days. I felt a little bit, so I wrote him "Cherry". The second film was called "Wind in the Sky" and was not released.

  Yangcheng Evening News: Novelists write sharply about the complexity of human nature in their works, but they may not be able to fully present it in movies. What do you think of this trade-off?

  Bao Shi: Generally speaking, novels are richer than movies. Novels are expressed in words, so there is a lot of room for imagination and tossing and turning, which can fully express the author’s own feelings. For example, when describing the beauty of a woman, you can imagine her beauty infinitely. Film is a weakness in this respect, because it fixes what you imagine. But its performance is very direct and intuitive. Therefore, some of the contents in the novel can’t be fully presented by the film, but it can only be said to be a regrettable art. But a good movie, it will express the words to the greatest extent possible. Classic movies can generally do it.

  On the other hand, words may not be able to do what is to be expressed in movies. For example, a very classic expression may not be able to say many words. So my understanding is that literature and film have their own strengths. Now there are some people who write novels and despise film creation. I don’t agree with this view. When a movie was made, it was made with real money. The adaptation of literary works into films also requires strict screening. He (the director) should either consider the box office factor or the possibility of winning the prize. Of course, the level of film production is mixed, but there are also rubbish writers in the writers’ team. Therefore, you have no need or qualification to despise other art categories. To put it another way, the writer’s works are published, published and then adapted into movies and TV series, which objectively plays the role of promoting literary works. Why not? So there is no need to refuse it.

  Young writers are not advised to write movies and TV scripts as soon as they come out.


  Yangcheng Evening News: Novelists and literary works play an important role in the development of China’s film creation. On the other hand, film directors often complain that there are too few good scripts and stories. What do you think of this?

  Bao Shi: Most excellent films are full of characters and profound thoughts, all of which are adapted from literary works. This is already a consensus. Novelists can only write a good novel when they mobilize their rich life accumulation and work hard. When such a novel is to be adapted into a movie, its connotation and details are naturally much better than other scripts. Rather than film scripts adapted from excellent novels, most of them come from professional screenwriters. There is often a problem in the scripts they write — — The fabricated traces are heavy and make the audience feel fake.

  This phenomenon was very obvious in the 1980s.

  Professional screenwriters may pay too much attention to the plot, which is a prominent problem for them. Screenwriters and writers are actually two different ways of writing novels. Now the film, in fact, has a routine, forming a routine. But a good novel can’t fall into any routine, nor can it be repeated with any works.

  Yangcheng Evening News: Many young writers now want to be screenwriters. What do you think?

  Bao Shi: From my limited experience, I don’t recommend writing movies and TV plays as soon as I come out, because the success rate is relatively low. The output of movies is actually very limited, and the cycle is relatively long. There are only a few well-known directors. From the very beginning, I think it’s risky to write a script. From the most practical point of view, I suggest writing a novel first. It’s more likely that the novel will be published. With so many publications in China and almost no threshold online platforms, it’s relatively easy to publish a novel. Writing a movie is different. It’s better to write a good novel first. When a good novel comes out, a director may come to you.

Observation variety: Although the story is good-looking, don’t lose the sense of reality.

  Hu Xiang

  Recently, observation variety shows have become more and more popular. In the second season of "Exciting offer", the camera is aimed at the legal elites who have just entered the workplace, showing their process of upgrading and cracking monsters, from youth to maturity. Under the same roof, the observed people are a group of strange young people who live together in an apartment. The program hits the pain point that young people are too busy to socialize, can’t socialize, and dare not socialize, causing heated discussion. Why does this vertically subdivided observation variety show repeatedly break the circle? This is related to their omniscient and omnipotent perspective of God and the constant self-evolution of internal narrative.

  Two-layer narrative theory and web synthesis version 2.0

  Genette, a structuralist narrator, put forward a double-layer narrative theory. This division theory holds that the first narrative of literary works is an external story, which focuses on presenting the whole work; The second layer is internal narrative, focusing on sharing internal stories. Therefore, the double-layer narrative structure can be divided into internal and external narrative perspectives. The external perspective focuses on explaining the narrative from the internal perspective, while the internal perspective focuses on strengthening the authenticity of the story and promoting the plot development. This theory is suitable for observing variety shows. The internal narrative is the story of the observed object, and the external narrative is the off-site comments of the star guests. Internal narrative is responsible for creating suspense and conflict, while external narrative is a discussion field of values, which complement each other and advance together. This is forming a relatively fixed variety show mode, which is constantly evolving.

  From its development history, such programs as My Boy, My Daughter and My Wife’s Romantic Travel can be called Version 1.0, which is characterized by taking stars as the observation objects and mainly satisfying the audience’s interest in the personal life of stars. However, the second season of Exciting offer and Under One Roof are version 2.0. The observed objects are amateurs, and the observation tentacles also extend from single interpersonal relationship to a broader workplace and social field, with further innovation in narrative, and the biggest feature is to strengthen its storytelling.

  With the advent of the Internet age, storytelling has been promoted to a great extent, and the principle of "content is king" has become more prominent. In order to satisfy the audience’s thirst for stories, platforms and creators have almost racked their brains, whether they are long videos, medium videos or short videos, they are all pursuing a sense of story. Hot pot dramas, dinner dramas and interactive dramas emerge one after another, and variety shows follow the trend and embark on the track of storytelling.

  For example, "Under One Roof" is a true record of social stories of six strangers in a closed space on the surface, but it is actually an idol drama-style narrative. With the plot of the variety show, the characters’ behavior can also see the shadow of the script behind them, which is more dramatic on the whole. This is no longer a pure record approaching the truth of life, but more like a dramatic performance purified in life, which makes people feel a sense of being difficult to distinguish between true and false.

  The editing techniques in the second season of "Exciting offer" follow the rhythm of legal drama. Many people lament that Li Jinye is like He Yichen himself in "How to Shengxiao Mo", and the audience has a strong empathy with the characters. Some people think that story telling is a cognitive game, which can exercise our minds and let us simulate the world around us and imagine different strategies, especially in social scenes. The audience can also feel the pursuit of drama when watching variety shows, which is the charm brought by storytelling.

  Inversion, Story Sense and God’s Perspective

  The original intention of Under One Roof is to simulate a social scene and solve the social emotional needs of young people in the current fast-paced urban life. The characters selected in the program are very representative, including Liu Keli, a young boss who is busy starting a business, Li Hsing, a moat brother who realizes financial freedom, Chu Mengna who pursues the dream of an actor, and Wang Tianqi, a migrant worker who works in a fashion shop. At the beginning of the program, Liu Keli’s overbearing president’s manner, Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna’s fireworks at street food stalls, and the mysterious e-sports professionals’ daily life were all the highlights that attracted people’s attention, because they all had a dual effect of being both real and dramatic. In particular, Wang Tianqi’s identity as a "rich second generation" from an idle worker was completely in line with the imagination of drama reversal, and the "between Li Hsing and Liu Keli and Chen Liuming" Therefore, "Under One Roof" is essentially a genre-based narrative of idol drama. In a space, it is in contact with young people from almost all walks of life and all walks of life, temporarily getting rid of the shackles of mediocre life, and seems to restart life and have a sense of fantasy.

  In contrast, the second season of "Exciting offer" is more realistic. This season, the assessment mechanism of interns is more cruel, and the "kicking the pavilion" link is introduced, and two interns with relatively backward performance are really eliminated. Interns have also gone through legal negotiation, public welfare legal aid, investigation and evidence collection, 1V1 debate and mock trial trial. Every time, their tasks are getting heavier, and "involution" is becoming more and more intense. In particular, Hui Ding’s internship in naked resignation in pursuit of a lawyer’s dream has been dubbed "Bei Shuihui", which is regarded by netizens as a portrayal of migrant workers’ workplace, thus attracting a lot of attention. "Bei Shuihui" was "at the bottom" from the beginning of the interview to the first project task, and from the second debate began to counterattack, resulting in a sense of gap. Wang Xiao, known as "Sister Wang", took the initiative to break the aura of famous schools from the "favored son of heaven" who graduated from Stanford Law School, and the gradual mature transformation also made people feel emotional. Another example is Qiu Yi’s "slow fever" from the beginning, and her bold decision in the negotiations later made people look at each other with new eyes.

  The program group just grasped the details of these changes and created a sense of story through "conscious" editing, as if letting the audience watch an eye-catching and thrilling legal industry drama. At the same time, with the advancement of the program, interns need to peel off the cold texture of legal provisions, personally explore the strong collision impact between human feelings and jurisprudence, reality and dreams in the society, feel the sense of powerlessness brought about by hard reality crushing in tears and loss, and regain their confidence and shine with the encouragement and help of teachers and friends. As robert mckee said in The Story, the story is not an escape from reality, but a carrier that carries us to pursue reality and try our best to dig out the true meaning of chaotic life.

  In addition, the guest comments on the observation variety show ostensibly provide God’s perspective, which is actually an important part of building a sense of story. The internal narrative of the observation variety is very similar to the phantom on the wall in the cave described by Plato in the Republic. It is a simulation of reality and has always been separated from reality. Guest comment time is like the role of bringing cave people into the real world. The lights are on and all the discussions are held in the sun. Moreover, when the guests expressed their views, they provided many stories with their own life experiences, including positive and negative experiences and lessons. For example, if you should take the co-pilot when accompanying the leader in the car, and how to break the social deadlock when you first enter the workplace, guests can often provide a more mature value concept. Many netizens said on the barrage that "get new skills", which is also a shortcut to "exercise your mind". Through the blending of internal and external narratives, it reflects the broad social reality, and promotes the story from the internal perspective to the output of values from the external perspective. This is the secret of the advanced narrative expression of observation variety.

  The reality show was made into an idol drama?

  Human beings’ pursuit of stories is eternal, and it is understandable that observation variety shows strengthen the sense of stories, but this will easily lead to the paradox of authenticity. The biggest feature of observation variety is truth, especially now the observation variety which is mainly amateur has become an important direction, that is, to tell more stories of ordinary people, but like Under the Same Roof, it really walks between reality and fiction. On the one hand, I want to create the texture of real life, on the other hand, especially in the second half of the program, the sense of plot design is becoming more and more obvious.

  For example, after Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna went to the movies on a rainy day, they quarreled emotionally. Mona complained that Wang Tianqi was not considerate enough to cry, and the close-up shots in lines and actions were skillfully switched, and the sensational music was followed up in time. It was simply a replica of the idol drama around 2000, and the barrage was full of spit.

  For another example, Wu Jiawen and Li Hsing have been having an affair for a long time, but suddenly they turned him down on the grounds that she likes people with a sense of youth. In the next issue of the program, a 20-year-old basketball player who is 1.9 meters tall and full of a sense of youth immediately appeared, and they had a "love triangle". No wonder netizens think that Wu Jiawen is a "tool person" and the program has thus become a "blind date program". If the hypothetical sense of drama is not well grasped, the realism created by the whole program will be greatly reduced, which will hurt the quality of the program.

  Since the development of network observation variety, it has formed a stable expression paradigm and established its own advantages, especially its keen capture of young people’s lives, lively and free expression and moderate storytelling, which have deeply attracted young audiences. In fact, some traditional TVs are learning this mode now, but they have not learned the characteristics of networking, which leads to the good values of the program, but the communication effect is not satisfactory.

  In the future, network variety shows must understand the double-edged sword of "truth and hypothesis", try to extend the tentacles of observation into the varied society and describe the style of the times, so as to observe the truth, taste and wisdom.

Hainan fruit rookie debut!

Wen Hainan Daily reporter Bin Chen

Longgong Fruit, Jiabao Fruit, Purple Yellow Peel, Golden Papaya, Mameguo Fruit, Ice Cream Fruit, Rock Sugar Red Pineapple … In recent years, Hainan has actively introduced all kinds of new exotic fruits, and at the same time, through scientific research, a number of "new faces" of conventional fruits have been selected, from small-scale trial planting to gradual promotion, so that these "top students" have successfully integrated into the local area and successfully obtained Hainan "hukou".

Rock sugar red pineapple, ice cream fruit, mamei fruit, milk fruit, Longgong fruit, topaz fruit. Photo courtesy of respondents

Longgong fruit has both grape and mangosteen flavors.

Longgong fruit, also called coconut fruit, is a tropical fruit originating in Thailand and Malaysia. Hainan Shengda Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. introduced Longgongguo from Thailand around 2013, and planted it in the World Tropical Fruit Window Base in dalu town, qionghai city. After the first sporadic fruit bearing in 2019, the trial fruit trees began to bear fruit steadily this year after various technical explorations and summaries.

"You can find the characteristics of three kinds of fruits in Longgong fruit!" Zhao Dezhen, the sales manager of the company, introduced that the skin of Longgong is thin and soft, with a small spherical shape and a yellowish skin, which is a bit like longan. Its pulp is divided into petals, similar to that of mangosteen; It is strung like a grape, and the fruit grows in a string next to the trunk, so it is more convenient to manage and pick.

Longgongguo is a valuable fruit in Thailand and is very popular in the local area. It is nutritious, peeled and ready-to-eat. Its flesh is crystal white, fragrant, soft and sweet, and it has the taste of grapes and mangosteen. It is known as the "fruit princess" in the fruit industry.

Longgong fruit seedlings grow slowly and have a long non-production period. Grafted seedlings are usually used for commercial planting. Longgong fruit can grow in Hainan, but it is more suitable for planting in humid and semi-humid areas of our province. At present, it is planted in Qionghai and Wanning. Planting for 4 to 5 years will bear fruit, and you can harvest two seasons a year, namely May and around the Spring Festival. The world tropical fruit window base is now trying to plant 33 trees per mu, and the yield of a single tree per mu in high yield period can reach more than 100 kilograms; There are 18 germplasm resources preserved in the base, with an annual seedling breeding capacity of about 10,000 plants.

It is understood that the fresh fruits of Longgong fruit on the market are mainly from Thailand and Viet Nam, and the market price is about 30 yuan per catty, and the quantity is very limited. There are two reasons: on the one hand, Longgong fruit is not resistant to storage, its preservation period is short, and it is easy to deteriorate during transportation; On the other hand, Thailand and other places themselves have great demand for Longgong fruit. The successful high-yield cultivation of Longgong fruit in Hainan is expected to let more people eat this rare fruit.

Fruit platter. Special correspondent Meng Zhongde photo

The taste of ice cream fruit is very similar to "vanilla ice cream"

It looks like a green apple and tastes sweet and soft. Do you know what kind of fruit this is? At the window base of tropical fruits in the world, there is a kind of fruit called "ice cream fruit", which often arouses the curiosity of visitors.

Green skin and fist-sized fruit make it difficult to associate it with ice cream at first glance, so why did it get its name? The reporter learned that the freshly picked ice cream fruit can’t be eaten immediately. It should be kept at room temperature for a few days until it is soft and ripe. Its pulp is white or beige, and it melts at the entrance. There is also a special way to eat ice cream fruit. After it is washed and peeled, it is frozen in the refrigerator. After it is taken out, it will be found to be very similar to the ice cream ball on the ice cream, and it has a rich fruity aroma and a vanilla flavor. It tastes very similar to ice cream, so it is called "ice cream fruit". "We also found through experiments that ice cream fruits are particularly resistant to storage, and the taste will not be affected if they are frozen in the refrigerator for one year." Zhao Dezhen said.

Ice cream fruit, also known as white persimmon, is a tropical fruit originating in South America, which is rich in potassium, vitamin C and various trace elements. Its maturity is from May to August every year. During this period, the weather in Hainan is hot, and ice cream fruit is a good summer product.

"Like ice cream, ice cream fruit has many different flavors!" Zhao Dezhen introduced that the World Tropical Fruit Window Base has introduced nearly 70 kinds of ice cream fruits. According to the taste, besides vanilla, there are honey flavor, caramel flavor, milk flavor, fragrant honey flavor, pear flavor, watermelon flavor and other categories. At present, the market price is about 100 yuan per catty.

It is understood that ice cream fruit likes heat and drought resistance, strong wind resistance and storage resistance, and the yield per mu can reach 4000 kg to 6000 kg, which is more suitable for popularization and planting. At present, the commercial cultivation area in Qionghai and Haikou is about 500 mu, and the annual seedling production capacity is about 10 thousand.

Mameguo "noble fruit" sells for thousands of yuan each.

Mameguo is a kind of fruit that looks very "low-key". It has a brown appearance like kiwi fruit and looks a bit like American football. But don’t be fooled by its "appearance". Peeling off its peel will make your eyes shine. The pulp inside is bright red and the color is very attractive. Its meat is soft and tastes like a ripe persimmon. When chewed, it can taste like papaya or sweet potato.

Mameguo, also known as "Cuban immortal fruit", is a famous tropical and subtropical fruit category in Central America, and the yield of a single tree in Cuba can reach 5000 Jin. Although it looks low-key, its market price is not low-key. The output of mamma mume fruit in China is very small. At present, the price of mamma mume fruit in the market is about 300 yuan per catty, the weight of single fruit is generally 3 kg to 4 kg, and the weight of large fruit of individual varieties can reach 10 kg. In other words, a medium-sized Mameguo costs thousands of dollars.

The biggest feature of Mameguo is its ever-changing taste. Different people can taste different flavors, which is called "fruit blind box"! The reporter learned that mamei fruit has rich taste levels, and different people can taste different flavors such as coconut flavor, almond flavor, pumpkin flavor, cantaloupe flavor and peach flavor when eating it. In addition, this kind of fruit also has a characteristic-slow ripening, which generally takes 18 months from flowering to fruiting, and the fruit matures from May to August every year.

In addition to fresh food, Mameguo can also be used to make ice cream, milkshake, juice, jelly and so on. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, with high nutritional value and good commercial planting prospects. It is understood that Hainan is one of the provinces that introduced all kinds of excellent varieties of mume fruit earlier in China.

Fruits displayed in the window of tropical fruits in the world. Special correspondent Meng Zhongde photo

A "cow" whose milk grows on a tree.

Cow milk is a tropical fruit originating in the Caribbean, and the main producing areas in China are Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan and other provinces.

The milk fruit is spherical. After ripening, the skins of different varieties are purple, light purple, green, etc., and the pulp is milky white, orange, light purple, etc., which is sweet, smooth and tender, emitting a faint milky fragrance. No matter cutting leaves, branches or fruits, white milk will overflow. It is called "milk fruit" because its pulp oozes milk-like juice.

This kind of fruit is nutritious and can be eaten directly, or mixed with different fruits to make juice or dried fruit. The way to eat fresh fruit is also very particular. You have to put it in your hand first, then knead it, give it a "massage to relax", soften the part between the peel and the pulp, and extract the juice, which will make it more refreshing.

Huang Haijie, an associate researcher at the Institute of Quality and Resources of China Academy of Thermal Sciences, said that as early as the 1960s, buttermilk was introduced to Hainan from Southeast Asia. At that time, people didn’t understand its growth habits, and the fruit trees only bear fruit sporadically in a few years, which led many people to think that it was not suitable for promotion in Hainan. Until 2010, Chinese researchers introduced different dairy resources from Thailand, Viet Nam and Taiwan Province, China, and tried to plant them in some areas of Hainan and Guangxi, with successful results. After several rounds of breeding, a variety that can self-pollinate was selected around 2017.

At present, some enterprises in Hainan have introduced some varieties of dairy fruits, such as Green Peel, Zi Long 860, 3Q and Lvba.

Rock sugar red pineapple looks like a "red crown" from a distance.

Located in Nada Town, Danzhou, in the pineapple planting base of the Institute of Tropical Crop Variety Resources of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter referred to as China Institute of Thermal Sciences), an orange-red pineapple is particularly conspicuous and looks like a "red crown" from a distance.

People living in Hainan will be familiar with golden pineapple, but many people have never seen this new orange-red pineapple variety. Because its green peel is orange-red, bright in color, good in taste and high in sweetness when it matures, it is deeply loved by people, so it is named "rock sugar red pineapple".

Rock sugar red pineapple is a new variety introduced and bred from Taiwan Province by Institute of Quality and Resources of China Institute of Thermal Science in 2005. "When we first planted rock sugar red pineapple, we found that its leaves had irregular thorns, and the crown buds of the fruit were too large, which affected the appearance." Dr Luan Aiping from the Institute of Quality and Information of China Academy of Thermal Sciences told the reporter that in order to further optimize the variety, on the one hand, researchers carried out cross breeding, on the other hand, they screened out excellent offspring with short and dignified crown buds, a small amount of thorns at the tip of leaves or basically no thorns for further reproduction.

After 15 years of continuous selection, domestication and research on supporting cultivation techniques, the characteristics of rock sugar red pineapple have been stable, the crown buds have become smaller, the leaf thorns have disappeared, the fruit shape is bigger and better, and the sugar content has increased from about 14 to 22. This variety is not only edible, but also a good potted plant in tourist attractions, shared farms and families. At present, it has been popularized in Hainan, Guangdong and other provinces.

"After the fruit of rock sugar red pineapple matures, the peel turns pale yellow, and the original red color completely fades, which will affect its commercial value to some extent." Luan Aiping said that in the next step, the pineapple research team will continue to carry out technical breakthroughs and constantly screen excellent varieties, so that the rock sugar red pineapple is also a "red makeup" when it matures.

"Golden Jelly" in the Fruit Industry of Topaz Fruit

In the planting base of Haikou Golden Palm Ecological Technology Development Co., Ltd., the fruits wrapped in white paper bags are particularly conspicuous on the trees. Fruits with smooth skin, golden color and small grapefruit shape are hidden in them.

Topaz, native to the upper reaches of Amazon River in South America, was first introduced from Taiwan Province, China. Since 2013, Hainan has introduced topaz seedlings from Taiwan Province and successfully planted them. The young fruit of Vitex negundo is dark green and turns bright yellow when it matures. It is round or oval in shape and has a smooth surface.

Vitex negundo is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins, and it is nutritious. Mature fruit weighs 200 grams to 500 grams. Its flesh is milky white, sweet and fragrant after maturity, with slightly sticky milk, translucent and gelatinous, with a Q-elastic taste like jelly and a faint milk coconut fragrance.

What many people don’t know is that many new fruit varieties, including Vitex negundo, will be "acclimatized" when they are just introduced to Hainan, and the fruit type, taste and yield are not ideal. It will take three to five years or even longer to form excellent varieties by doing a good job in breeding and constantly screening excellent varieties for propagation.

Zhou Kun, deputy general manager of Haikou Golden Palm Ecological Technology Development Co., Ltd. told the reporter that the company introduced the seedlings of yellow fruit from Thailand, and the fruit at first was not sweet, and the pulp was easy to turn black. In order to improve the quality, they keep trying to plant. Every fruit tree should be tasted and marked when it matures, from which excellent varieties are selected, and then bud grafting is carried out, and then propagation is continued. It took three years to finally select more than 10 excellent varieties, among which "Palme d ‘Or No.1" and "Palme d ‘Or No.3" have a sugar content of about 25, and the pulp is not easy to change color and is more resistant to storage.

It is understood that the yield of topaz fruit per mu can reach 4000 kg to 5000 kg, and it can bear fruit four times a year. Due to considerable economic benefits, in recent years, our province has promoted the seedlings of Vitex negundo in Ledong, Chengmai, Danzhou and Haikou. "We are carrying out large-scale seedling grafting, and we plan to promote planting in large areas in conjunction with farmers in surrounding villages. At the end of this year or early next year, everyone can see topaz fruit in Hainan market." Zhou Wei said.


Dear child, why are you unhappy?

  BEIJING, April 17th (Reporter Ren Siyu) "3.1415926… …” "Louder!"

  Have you ever had a nervous experience of reciting pi and performing talents at a family dinner?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The recent hit Xiao Shede has made many people dream back to childhood. As the third part of the "Xiao Shede" series, Xiao Shede is aimed at the family life of Xiao Shengchu.

  How about children’s grades, whether they should enroll in remedial classes, take several interest classes, be an improper class cadre, fail to win the Olympic Mathematics English Award, and whether they can choose a school to go to the gold medal junior high school … … Behind the seemingly happy life of primary school students is the secret struggle of parents.

  "Xiaoshengchu", the battlefield for parents

  The first family dinner of "Xiao Shede" made many viewers feel suffocated:

  Nanli (Song Jia) and Tian Yulan (Rulu) attend a reunion banquet planned by their father Nan Jianlong (Zhang Guoli). When his father celebrates Nanli’s daughter’s joyful singing and won the first prize, Tian Yulan, who is not angry, begins to show off that his son Zi You won the first prize in the exam. Nan Li and her daughter happily played and sang, and Tian Yulan forced her son to recite more than 1000 pi in public.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan and Nan Li, one is a strict "tiger mother" who believes in hard work and wins, and the other is a "Buddhist" parent who wants their children to grow up happily.

  "Man struggles upwards and flows downwards. Don’t relax your child’s study. If you feel sorry for him now, it will hurt him in the future."

  "No way, children have a high starting point, and there is nothing missing from childhood. Childhood is only once, and happiness is the most important."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The tit-for-tat between the two people, on the one hand, comes from the bitterness of special family relations. Father Nan Jianlong divorced once and then married Cai Juying, a care worker. Nan Jianlong’s daughter Nan Li and Cai Juying’s daughter Tian Yulan formed a "halfway sister".

  As a child, Tian Yulan’s economic conditions were not good enough. She relied on Nan Jianlong’s support to go to college and get married, so she was looked down upon by her husband’s family. Although life is good now, she always feels inferior in her heart, so she spends all her energy on her children’s study.

  Whenever she can’t stand her mother’s humility at a family dinner, she takes out her children to earn face. For her, children’s achievements are tools to add luster and stay young.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When her son scored 86 points in the math test, Tian Yulan was on the verge of an enemy. She suspected that the teacher Zhong, who had published the paper, had privately run a cram school and was unfairly treated. Finally, she reported that the teacher had resigned. However, when she learned that Ms. Zhong was the teacher of the extra-curricular gold medal class, she begged and gave gifts in every way, even the whole family went into battle, as long as she entered the class.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby" education is anxious and disturbing, but in such an atmosphere for a long time, Nanli, who has always advocated happy education, has also changed.

  Nanli never gave her children high-pressure education, but Tian Yulan accidentally poked the fact that her daughter scored 45 points. After visiting many training courses, the couple decided to teach their children in person, and as a result, Huanhuan got the last place.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  They also made a whisper in their hearts: why didn’t the two parents who learned to bully cultivate a child with excellent grades?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  As a result, when the sisters who were already competing met the critical period of "Xiaoshengchu", the conflict gradually came to the light from the dark. And their parenting anxiety has spread step by step to the grandparents and grandchildren.

  In order to help his grandchildren win the gold medal training class, Nan Jianlong found his former subordinates to plead and apologize. In the end, he only got a quota. On the one hand, he was a daughter, and on the other hand, he was a mother and daughter who saved his life. He had to face the embarrassment of "a bowl of water is uneven".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Huanhuan, a talented student, failed in the class committee election and was ridiculed by her classmates. She cried and took the initiative to ask her parents to arrange a cram school, and the sooner the better … …

  Source: Video screenshot.

  raise childrenStory, why is the assembly popular?

  Some people say that the story of Xiao Shede makes people’s blood pressure rise, but others say that if you look at life, such cases are everywhere.

  "Resume of 5-year-old children" and "Haidian Mom" … … In recent years, the topic of "Chicken Baby" has been frequently searched.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The so-called "chicken baby" is to educate children with chicken blood. The "Chicken Baby" life plan of parents in Haidian, Beijing, once circulated on the Internet: 1 year old, bilingual teaching in Chinese and English; At the age of 3, I can read English picture books by myself and recite 100 ancient poems. 5-year-old, studying Olympics and thinking training; At the age of 6, she went to the best primary school in the district, and Olympiad entered the innovative class … …

  The advertisements of education and training institutions all amplify this emotion: "You haven’t started learning English at the age of two, and you are about to miss the sensitive period of your child." "If you don’t let your child learn programming, he will be abandoned by the times."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  But even if schools don’t play up the competitive atmosphere and training institutions don’t publicize it vigorously, parents’ inner anxiety is already overflowing:

  The school does not provide students’ exam rankings, and there are small yellow notes on the statistical table, which makes it impossible for parents to ask each other about their children’s grades;

  Some art training institutions even offer a "triple jump" service: they only practice the required tracks of the grading test every year, and take three or four years to win the tenth grade test. What they are aiming at is the utilitarian demand that parents are eager to achieve.

  In order not to let their children lose at the starting line, parents try their best to arrange their study and life to the fullest, and the reasons sound reasonable:

  "I believe that my children are gifted and not mediocre by nature, maybe ‘ Chicken ’ Can you become a phoenix in a moment? "

  "Now the competition for resources is so fierce, if you fight once more, you can give your children one more choice";

  "I have a good life now through hard work. If my childhood is too happy, the future will not be easy";

  "I am paying for it now, so that my children will not regret blaming me in the future."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  In Xiao Shede, Mi Tao, a primary school student from other places, always comes first in the exam. Her mother does housework and her father sells fruit. Without her parents’ crazy urging and cram school, she just can become a schoolmaster.

  Seeing such a talented child, how can other parents not worry?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Unwilling to lag behind and afraid to lag behind, parents have gradually embarked on the road of "chicken baby".

  Their high standards and high expectations have spawned various educational methods and "slang". Ordinary children are "frogs", children with outstanding abilities are "bullfrogs", those who are "chickens" at home are called "domestic chickens", those who report to after-school classes are called "class chickens", and even parents have formed "corns" groups: in order to protect children’s eyesight, they take their children to do eye exercises and climb trees to see green leaves every day.

  Happy growth, or chicken blood growth?

  Under the concept of "each generation is stronger than the next", all parents want their children to live a happier life.

  When the audience is often angry about Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby", they can understand her difficulties when they see her worrying about her children and wiping her tears.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  However, behind such parenting, do parents really care about their children’s ideas?

  Zi You, who is clever and sensible and regarded as proud by Tian Yulan, has a small hobby: insects.

  He told Huanhuan that his biggest dream is to be a biologist, but this hobby can only get a "disgusting" response from his mother.

  There is a scene in the play in which Tian Yulan comes home to see Zi You playing with insects, and he is mad at hearing that he forgot to bring his exercise book, and he takes all his anger out on his son.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When she learned that her son had got good grades in the exam, she immediately became all smiles again.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Be asked to be the first in the exam and be asked to run for class cadre … … What the audience can see is that the psychological pressure and fatigue of children are getting bigger and bigger every day.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  On the other hand, Huanhuan, who is good at literature and art and has a cheerful personality, is gradually out of balance under the comparison of parents and classmates, and will cry at every turn.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Are they really happy in the long run?

  The TV series asked the parents a question through the children’s mouth: Do you love me or me who got full marks?

  Parenting anxiety is a difficult problem to solve. Every parent wants to help their children earn tickets for the upward channel, but growth is never a one-way street.

  Parents can have expectations for their children, but they can’t be capped just because they shout the slogan "It’s all for your own good".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Maybe you boast that your children have learned eighteen kinds of martial arts with good intentions, and you won’t get their gratitude in the end; Maybe you have carefully planned your children’s life path, but in the end it is some accidental hobbies and interests that help them achieve future success.

  TV series can’t solve the difficult problems in reality, but it also provides another angle of thinking:

  While parents are eager for their children to become Jackie Chan, should they pay more attention to how to ease their psychological problems? When urging children to make progress, can they listen to their voices more slowly?

Teacher recruitment examination questions leaked? The discipline inspection and supervision department has been involved in the investigation!

  Cctv newsOn June 23rd, a contract teacher recruitment examination was held in Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, with more than 3,000 participants. However, after the examination, some candidates reported that the examination questions were similar to a forecast paper on the market in a large area. What happened?


  On June 28th, the reporter found the Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, which organized the recruitment examination on the same test paper.

Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, Wuhan

Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, Wuhan

  Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, WuhanThis is the test paper of our written test, and this is the so-called sprint prediction test in a training institution. You see, the first question of our written test is exactly the same as the first question in it (the prediction paper), from the first question to the later part of this to the 40 questions, and the whole order is made according to this.

  According to the examinee’s reflection, the score of 100-point test questions and similar test questions will reach 60 points.

  candidate for an entrance examinationEveryone is saying that there are 40 questions on that topic that are exactly the same as the forecast paper of an institution, and the ABCD order of the questions and even the answers has not changed.

  Invalid test results, re-test the organization

  On June 26th, the government of Dongxihu District issued a notice on its official website, announcing that the exam results on June 23rd were invalid, and will organize a retake on July 7th.

  Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, WuhanFor those candidates who don’t want to take the second exam, we will refund all their registration fees. For those candidates who are not from Wuhan, we will reimburse 200 yuan for the first day or the same day’s accommodation. For those candidates who need to take transportation, we will actually reimburse their transportation expenses.

  It is understood that in the first recruitment examination, the Dongxihu District Education Bureau was entrusted by Party A to a third party, that is, the state-owned enterprise under the Wuhan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to organize relevant recruitment work, including questions. There is such a large area of similarity. What is the problem?

  Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, WuhanAlthough we entrusted a third party to carry out this examination in strict accordance with the relevant procedures, our education department is the administrative department after all. We are not considerate in our work and lack of supervision. I once again express my deep apologies to our candidates.

Zhang lei, head of Zhiyong Accountability Office in Dongxihu District, Wuhan.

Zhang lei, head of Zhiyong Accountability Office in Dongxihu District, Wuhan.

  Zhang lei, Head of the Accountability Office of Dongxihu District, Wuhan:We have combined the preliminary evidence and locked the relevant responsible departments. In the next step, we will intensify the investigation. Once we find any violation of discipline and discipline, we will seriously pursue the responsibility and accountability, and will never tolerate it.

  In view of the re-examination, relevant departments have made corresponding rectification measures.

  Liu Xiangdong, Deputy Inspector of Wuhan Ministry of Human Resources and Social SecurityEspecially in the process of making questions and propositions, we should come up with corresponding systems to prevent such phenomena from happening again in the future.

  It is understood that the local discipline inspection and supervision department has been involved in the investigation and initiated the corresponding accountability procedures. We will also continue to pay attention.

Blizzard continues! Snowfall in the north stopped for 5 days, and rain and snow in the south continued until New Year’s Eve.

This round of freezing rain and snow is experiencing the strongest period. In the past 24 hours, Jianghuai area has become the core area of heavy snowfall in this process, with heavy snowstorms in central and eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and central and northern Jiangsu, and heavy snowstorms in some areas.

This round of freezing rain and snow is going through the strongest period. In the past 24 hours, the Jianghuai area has become the core area of heavy snowfall in this process. Heavy snowstorms have generally appeared in central and eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and central and northern Jiangsu, and heavy snowstorms have occurred in some areas.

The snow along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is "black" …

This rain and snow process is not only strong, but also extremely complicated mixed precipitation. Rain, snow, ice particles, freezing rain, thunder … all of them! For example, in Yichang, Hubei Province, rain was observed at 23: 00 on the 2 nd, and it turned to snow at around 4: 00 on the 3 rd. At the same time, thunder and snow were also detected.

In addition, the snowfall in Hefei, Anhui Province from 08: 00 to 14: 00 today was 8.5 mm, which almost caught up with the magnitude of the 24-hour standard blizzard (10 mm). There was also freezing rain, and the power line accumulated ice of 28 mm.

Due to the low temperature, the efficiency of snow accumulation in Anhui, Henan and other places is high, and the accumulated snow in many places has exceeded 10 cm. According to the actual situation of snow this afternoon, the depth of snow in Guoyang, Lixin, Yingshang, Bengbu, Funan, Jieshou, Fuyang, Wuhe and Mingguang in northern Anhui is 13 cm, 13 cm, 12 cm, 12 cm, 11 cm, 11 cm, and the snow is enough to have no ankles.

There will be heavy snowfall in Hubei, Anhui and other places from tonight to noon tomorrow. It is estimated that from 20: 00 on February 3 to 20: 00 on February 4, there will be heavy blizzards in parts of southern Henan, most of Hubei, central and northern Anhui, western Jiangsu, northern Hunan, eastern Chongqing and northeastern Guizhou, among which there will be heavy blizzards (20-24 mm) in parts of northeastern Hubei and central Anhui. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 3 ~ 10 cm, and the local area can reach about 20 cm.

From night to tomorrow, there will be freezing rain in parts of central Anhui, southern and eastern Hubei, most of Hunan, central and eastern Guizhou and southeastern Chongqing. The accumulated freezing rainfall can reach 1 ~ 6 mm, and the local area is about 10 mm.

In terms of specific cities, the snowfall from Wuhan to Hefei will continue to increase in the early morning of tomorrow, and there will still be blizzards and local blizzards; It will also be snowing heavily in Nanjing tomorrow. In addition, Jingmen, Jingzhou, Yichang and other places in Hubei will have heavy snow tonight; There will be freezing rain at Yueyang and Xiangtan stations in Hunan.

In the next two days, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Anhui will become the areas with the most concentrated freezing rain and heavy snowfall. Among them, there may be both freezing rain and snowfall in the northwest of Hunan, eastern Hubei and central Anhui, which has a great impact.

Affected by rain and snow, most of the traffic in the central and eastern regions will be affected, such as Shanghai-Chongqing, Shanghai-Shaanxi, Fuyin, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao and other expressways, which will have a long section affected by blizzard and freezing rain. It is best for returnees to avoid the period with the strongest rain and snow, pay attention to the latest road traffic information, plan their trips reasonably and drive safely.

After the 5th, the snowfall in the northern region will shrink sharply and basically end on the 6th. However, due to the active warm and humid air flow in the south, a large range of rain and snow weather in the south will last until New Year’s Eve.

It is estimated that until the 8th, there will be a large range of moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in the south of the Yangtze River and northern South China, and the accumulated rainfall is large. The accumulated rainfall in Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong can reach more than 100mm, which is much higher. Especially in Hunan and Guizhou, there will still be mixed rain and snow.

The continuous large-scale rain and snow will also cause a "heavy blow" to the temperature in the central and eastern regions. Especially in Anhui, Hunan, Henan, Jiangsu, Hubei and other places with a wide range of rain and snow and lasting time, the highest temperature in many places will be more than 6 C lower than normal, and the local temperature will be about 10 C! In the next four or five days, the highest temperature in many cities, including Zhengzhou, Hefei, Wuhan, Nanjing and Changsha, is only about 0℃. With the rainy and snowy weather, the body will feel very wet and cold.

It is expected that before the Spring Festival, most areas in the south will continue to be in a state of low temperature and wet cold, and it is necessary to wait for the New Year to get warmer.

[Editor: Li Yangzi]