Focus on artificial intelligence development planning: the establishment of the first batch of four national innovation platforms

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 23rd: Fifteen ministries and commissions joined forces to establish the first batch of four national innovation platforms — — Focus on the development planning of China’s new generation of artificial intelligence

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Chen Fang and Liu Hongyu

  A few days ago, China announced that the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan has been fully implemented, and it will take 13 years to make China a major artificial intelligence innovation center in the world.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Who will lead? How to break through? Xinhua Viewpoint reporter interviewed the authoritative department and presented the development plan exclusively.

  15 ministries and commissions work together to build a national expert database.

  In 2016, the global technology giant’s investment in artificial intelligence has reached 30 billion US dollars, and attaching importance to artificial intelligence has become a global consensus. Compared with the world’s leading countries, China’s artificial intelligence has achieved important breakthroughs in core technologies in some fields, but it still lacks major original achievements, and there is a big gap in basic theories, core algorithms, key equipment and high-end chips.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, said: "The development of a new generation of artificial intelligence is a strategic collaboration at the national level."

  — — 15 ministries and commissions formed a joint force. A new generation of artificial intelligence development planning promotion office, consisting of 15 departments, including Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering, Science and Technology Committee of Military Commission, and China Association for Science and Technology, came into being, focusing on promoting the overall layout of projects, bases and talents.

  At the same time, build a national expert database. A new generation of artificial intelligence strategic advisory committee headed by Academician Pan Yunhe, including 27 top experts including Academician Chen Chun, Academician Li Wei and Academician Gao Wen, was also announced.

  "Gather collective wisdom from a forward-looking perspective, conduct substantive and potential research on some major issues of artificial intelligence, and provide further consultation and evaluation for major decisions of artificial intelligence at the national level." Pan Yunhe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the strategic advisory committee, said.

  — — The two attributes are highly integrated. "Grasp the characteristics of high integration of artificial intelligence technology attributes and social attributes, and give full play to the important role of the government in planning guidance and policy support." Wan Gang told a story, "Many foreigners asked me curiously, how did you get the fourth generation of mobile communication? They feel very confused. I said it’s very simple. We have been doing pilot projects since the World Expo, and then we have experimental areas in Hangzhou and Guangzhou. When the experience matures, we will engage in dozens of cities. Finally, the experimental area covers almost all areas. Isn’t this solved? "

  — — Open up six "runways" The development plan of a new generation of artificial intelligence has defined six tasks: building an open and collaborative artificial intelligence scientific and technological innovation system, building a safe and convenient intelligent society, building a safe and efficient intelligent infrastructure system, strengthening the integration of defense and civilian technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, cultivating a high-end and efficient intelligent economy, and prospectively laying out major scientific and technological projects of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  Pan Yunhe said that in the past, there was only one runway at the technical level, and the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan added five runways to the original runway, which expanded the development space of artificial intelligence.

  Telly, director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence choose five main directions: big data intelligence, cross-media intelligence, swarm intelligence, hybrid enhanced intelligence and autonomous intelligence system, and carry out systematic and forward-looking task layout from four levels: basic theory, supporting system, key technology and innovative application.

  Determine the first batch of four national new generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms.

  After full investigation and demonstration, the first batch of national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were determined: relying on Baidu, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent and Iflytek respectively, four national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were built, including autonomous driving, urban brain, medical imaging and intelligent voice.

  "In these four areas, China has been at the forefront of the world." Wang Zhigang, Party Secretary and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that we should speed up the implementation of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence and make breakthroughs in basic frontier fields as soon as possible. The open innovation platform will play a greater role in gathering innovative resources and promoting the sharing of innovation.

  Six years ago, Iflytek launched the world’s first voice cloud open platform. At present, the daily processing times of the platform reach 4 billion times. "China is already an international leader in speech synthesis." Hu Yu, vice president of Iflytek, said.

  In recent years, Iflytek has also carried out innovative cooperation with the public security system. Tests conducted in Anhui in 2016 showed that the accuracy of artificial intelligence in judging fraudulent calls was extremely high; Artificial intelligence also acts as a court clerk. After testing, intelligent speech recognition participated in the trial and achieved practical results, and the trial duration was shortened by 30%.

  "Let innovation have a real impact and create real value." Hua Xiansheng, vice president of Alibaba, said that the goal of the urban brain is to build a sharing platform that mainly opens the application layer of computing data based on the comprehensive technologies of artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, and build an open future ecosystem for intelligent applications in urban administration, public services and other industries.

  Tommy, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that the implementation period of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence will be 2030, and this announcement is only the first batch, and it will continue to be expanded according to the needs of planning and project implementation in the future.

  "The new focus of international competition is new competition in deep learning, cross-border integration, man-machine collaboration and group intelligence." Wan Gang said.

  Sharing achievements and realizing innovation in collision

  A breakthrough in the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence requires a new development concept. Experts believe that the opening of swarm intelligence will become a new feature of the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  In July this year, Baidu officially opened the "Apollo" autopilot platform, with more than 70 partners from all over the world. "Apollo Project" aims to provide an open, complete and safe open innovation platform for partners in the automotive industry and autonomous driving field, and gather the strength of many participants to jointly promote the development of autonomous driving technology.

  "It is an open source system and the largest autonomous driving ecosystem in the world." Wu Xuebin, vice president of Baidu, said that Baidu will invest 10 billion yuan to support 100 start-ups in the future, making it an open innovation platform for national-level autopilot systems with world-class level.

  The reporter learned that when Tencent Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was established last year, it combined comprehensive basic research with rapid technology application, and gathered more than 70 first-class scientists at home and abroad and more than 300 experienced engineers.

  "Tencent’s AI medical products ‘ Tencent seeks the shadow ’ The accuracy of finding early esophageal cancer has been greatly improved. " Liu Yongsheng, general manager of Tencent’s artificial intelligence laboratory, said that enterprises sharing research and application results will rapidly promote technological iteration and enable traditional industries such as medical care to generate new kinetic energy.

  "Strengthen open source and policy guidance, and build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation body." Wan Gang said, "In the past, we often said that experiments were based on meditation and inspiration. Now it is different. It is necessary to turn meditation into brainstorming and stimulate innovative inspiration in the collision of academic exchanges."

Another Boeing (BA.US) plane accident injured 50 people, which has dropped by 26% since the beginning of this year.


A Boeing (BA.US)787-9 Dreamliner of South American Airlines had technical problems on the way from Sydney, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand’s North Island on the 11th, causing 50 people on board to be slightly injured.

It is reported that the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner of Chile’s South American Airlines departed from Sydney to Auckland in the afternoon. On the way, due to technical problems, the passengers on board suddenly shook violently, causing instability, and 50 people were injured, one of whom was seriously injured. After the plane arrived in Auckland, 13 people have been taken to hospital for treatment.

According to foreign media reports, South American Airlines confirmed that the aircraft number LA800 was violently shaken during the flight due to technical problems, which affected some passengers and crew.

The accident involved a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, and it is still unclear what the technical problems referred to by South American Airlines are. However, the United States Federal Aviation Administration pointed out last week that there was a problem with the anti-icing system of Boeing Dreamliner, which might affect the engine vent, causing the aircraft to freeze or malfunction when flying at high altitude.

Last week’s report pointed out that the problem of anti-icing system is being dealt with according to the government’s "airworthiness directive" standard process, which indicates that the problem may not be serious enough to require grounding.

Recently, Boeing’s planes have had frequent accidents, the most noticeable of which is the embedded door of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 of Alaska Airlines (ALK.US) that suddenly fell off in the sky. Boeing’s share price has plummeted by more than 25% this year, after it was reported that the US Department of Justice had launched a criminal investigation into a 737 Max aircraft door falling off in January.

The company’s share price once fell by 4.4% in new york on Monday, the biggest intraday decline since January 25th. Alaska Airlines, as the operator of the 737 Max 9 aircraft, confirmed the report on the investigation last weekend.

According to foreign media reports, as part of the investigation, the federal prosecutor has convened a grand jury. As of Monday’s close, Boeing closed down 3.02%, making the decline this year reach 26%, the worst performance among the Dow Jones Industrial Average. After a series of accidents and manufacturing errors were exposed, the crisis surrounding the American aircraft manufacturer and its best-selling 737 passenger plane was escalating.

After the Alaska Airlines incident on January 5, Boeing faced more and more scrutiny from lawmakers, regulators and even passengers. US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told Fox News last Sunday that the FAA will be very strict in dealing with Boeing and any regulatory issues.

Explosive order! This kind of fruit is popular all over the country! A store sells more than 100 thousand yuan a day! Guangdong has become the first in the country. How did it do that?

  In recent years, the vigorous development of agricultural products e-commerce has become the main force to promote the prosperity of rural industries and the new engine for rural revitalization. According to a report released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently, in 2020, the online retail sales of agricultural products in counties of Guangdong Province ranked first in the country. At present, it is the season when Guangdong honey pomelo is listed. How do farmers catch the express train of e-commerce and sell pomelo?

  Go to science and technology, good varieties usher in a big market.

  The anchor is selling grapefruit live on the e-commerce platform. It is understood that about three kilograms of honey pomelo is a hot explosion in the season. In the base, it can sell hundreds of thousands of kilograms every day.

  Qiu Muxiang, the person in charge of the base, shuttled through the grapefruit pile with a stack of orders and three mobile phones. Behind her, six anchors were broadcasting goods live at the same time. Recently, these anchors broadcast from 2 pm to late at night every day, and the grapefruit of more than 100 farmers, including Qiu Muxiang’s own garden, was sold to the whole country from here.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:Every day, more than 20,000 orders are issued, workers are busy packing, and all the cars at the door are waiting in line for express loading. If there are more live broadcast rooms, they can sell more than 100,000 yuan a day.

  Upgrading, e-commerce integration helps rural economy upgrade

  The traditional sales model of agricultural products is changing. For fruit farmers, live e-commerce not only expands the sales radius of products, but also solves the problem of not selling them.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:In the past, I went to someone else to sell grapefruit. Now, someone else asked me to buy grapefruit. Selling it directly to the purchaser can earn 1 yuan at most per catty, so the selling price will be higher and the direct income of farmers will be higher.

  Guan Weiyuan, General Manager of Zili Village Farmers Cooperative, sanhe town, dapu county, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province:This fruit is divided into 6 levels, of which the level of 1.3 kg to 1.8 kg is to buy in the community. The level of 1.8 kg to 2.5 kg is mainly based on some e-commerce platforms. At the peak, the delivery is about 12 cars a day.

  In addition to grapefruit, well-known agricultural products in Guangdong, such as pineapple, litchi, longan and tribute orange, have also taken to the internet and sold well everywhere.

  On the service, government assistance is guaranteed.

  The whole people are anchors, and everyone can bring goods. More farmers are learning to realize the role transformation from farming role to farmer anchor.

  In a training center in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, Xu Fei, director of the training department of Guangdong Deqing Business Vocational Training School, is training more than 30 farmers in e-commerce of agricultural products. These farmers have almost no foundation for e-commerce sales, and Xu Fei needs to explain and guide them step by step from registering their user names.

  Xu Fei, Director of Training Department of Business Vocational Training School in Deqing County, Guangdong Province:First of all, we must establish the name of the store. The name of the store need not be too long, and it can generally be controlled within ten words.

  Most of the students who come to participate in the e-commerce training of agricultural products are large local growers of tribute oranges. In the past, they could only sell tribute oranges through the traditional mode, and they couldn’t sell them at good prices without good channels. Nowadays, the increasingly popular live broadcast and e-commerce platform have enabled these fruit farmers to see opportunities and sign up for training. Courses like this are currently held at least three times a month.

  Taobao live broadcast data shows that the platform has accumulated 110,000 farmer anchors, with more than 2.3 million broadcasts, and the sales of agricultural products have exceeded 5 billion yuan through live broadcast.

  At the same time, in order to accelerate the sustained and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce, the supporting system behind it needs to be continuously improved, so as to dig out more new breakthroughs in the economic development of agricultural products e-commerce in counties.

  Zhang Haifa, chief expert of Guangdong Agricultural Technology Extension Center: In terms of standardization and branding of agricultural products, efforts should be made to make brands and standards in place, and efforts should be made to trace the source of agricultural products quality. These are also very important links to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce.

3 yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully.

Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, solve riddles on the lanterns … Lantern Festival is the last important festival in the Spring Festival custom in China. On the fifteenth day of the first month, Yuanxiao is eaten in the north and Tangyuan is eaten in the south, which symbolizes reunion. Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, as the protagonists of the festival, will inevitably eat more or less. Today, we will talk about the precautions for healthy eating during the Lantern Festival.
Although the making methods of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are different, their raw materials are glutinous rice flour and all kinds of fillings with high sugar and oil, so there is generally a problem of high calorie and high fat. While enjoying delicious food, it is often accompanied by eating a lot of sugar and fat. Take a commercially available black sesame dumplings as an example. One dumpling is about 30g, and the heat is 89kcal. Eating three or four dumplings is equivalent to a bowl of rice. Therefore, after eating glutinous rice balls, we should pay attention to reducing the intake of staple food and oily food in the meal, so as to eat too much. Now that you have eaten more, why don’t you just increase your exercise and consume excess calories?
The Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) points out that walking at a speed of 5.4-6.0km/h for about 42 minutes and 6,000 steps consumes 170kcal, which is not enough to consume the calories of two glutinous rice balls. Eating three or four glutinous rice balls requires longer exercise time and greater physical activity. Only by keeping a balanced diet can we maintain a healthy weight and avoid "gaining three pounds every holiday".
It is said that Yuanxiao is high in calories and contains sugar, so diabetics should pay attention to eating Yuanxiao. The glutinous rice flour wrapped in Yuanxiao is almost all amylopectin, which is soft and sticky, easy to be absorbed by the human body, and has a high glycemic index, which will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. People with blood sugar problems must pay attention to controlling the number when eating Yuanxiao, and never eat too much. Even if sugar-free Yuanxiao only replaces sucrose with xylitol, glutinous rice flour still has a high blood sugar response and should not be eaten more.
How to eat Yuanxiao healthily?
(1) control food intake. The energy density of Yuanxiao is high, and the average person can eat three or four Yuanxiao of medium size to avoid increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. People who need to control blood sugar and indigestion should be more strictly limited, only one or two can be controlled, and they must not be greedy.
2 reduce staple food. After eating Yuanxiao, pay attention to reducing the staple food intake of the meal, and reduce half a bowl of rice for every two Yuanxiao. And pay attention to increase the proportion of coarse grains in the next meal to achieve the matching of coarse and fine grains.
③ Reasonable cooking. Yuanxiao contains high fat, so frying should be avoided. Frying Yuanxiao will lead to higher calorie intake. At the same time, we should reduce the amount of oil used in other dishes on the day of Yuanxiao, and choose less oil methods such as steaming and boiling to reduce the fat intake throughout the day. In addition, Yuanxiao should not be heated repeatedly. Repeated heating of glutinous rice flour containing amylopectin will improve the gelatinization degree and further increase the blood sugar reaction.
4 pay attention to collocation. The nutritional density of Yuanxiao is low, and it lacks vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and other nutrients needed by human body. When eating Yuanxiao, vegetables, soybeans, milk, eggs, fish and shrimp should be matched to ensure food diversification, which not only makes the nutrition more balanced, but also delays the rise of blood sugar.
⑤ Old people and children should pay attention to prevent choking. The starch in Yuanxiao is easy to be absorbed after being gelatinized by heating, but it is not only difficult to digest, but also easy to choke after the temperature is lowered. In particular, children and the elderly have weak digestive ability and poor swallowing function. When eating Yuanxiao, family members must be around to avoid choking and causing danger. At the same time, the number of people eating Yuanxiao should be less.
Enjoy the full moon and lanterns with your family during the Lantern Festival.
While enjoying the beautiful holiday atmosphere
Eat yuanxiao healthily and celebrate the reunion festival.
Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival.
Happy, healthy and safe.
1. China Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2022.
2. Sun Changyao. Nutrition and Food Hygiene 8th Edition [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2017.
3. Pan Haikun, Wang Shuying, Fan Zhihong. Evaluation of postprandial blood sugar and satiety of waxy processed foods [J]. Food Science, 2016, 37(17): 225-229.
(Original title: 3 Yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully)
Source: beijing jishuitan hospital.
Process editor: TF065

Ministry of Finance: In January, the national lottery sales reached 27.21 billion yuan, down 43.3% year-on-year.

  BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) The website of the Ministry of Finance today announced the national lottery sales in January 2020. Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Compared with the same period of last year, the sales volume of lottery tickets in 31 provinces all declined.

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

  Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 12.89 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.328 billion yuan or 39.3%. The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 14.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.416 billion yuan or 46.4%. The year-on-year decline in lottery sales in January was mainly due to the fact that the lottery was closed during the Spring Festival, and the policy impact of the decline in lottery sales caused by the adjustment of some game rules continued to appear. In January 2019, due to the influence of the Asian Cup, the sales of sports lottery quiz lottery games were large, and the base was high in the same period last year.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of sales of different types of lottery tickets, in January, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets reached 14.969 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.918 billion yuan or 39.9%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 6.804 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.610 billion yuan or 58.5%. The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 2.777 billion yuan, up 593 million yuan or 27.1% year-on-year; The sales of video lottery tickets was 2.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.809 billion yuan or 40.6%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets was RMB 10 million, a year-on-year decrease of RMB 01 million or 7.8%. In January, the lottery sales of digital lottery, quiz lottery, instant lottery, video lottery and Keno lottery accounted for 54.9%, 25.0%, 10.2%, 9.8% and 0.1% of the total lottery sales respectively.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of lottery sales by region, in January, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in 31 provinces all decreased, among which Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Henan decreased more, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.937 billion yuan, 1.929 billion yuan, 1.808 billion yuan, 1.454 billion yuan and 1.166 billion yuan respectively.

  The Ministry of Finance said that financial departments at all levels and lottery agencies at all levels should conscientiously do a good job in lottery issuance and sales during epidemic prevention and control, further strengthen supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain normal market order, and promote the healthy development of lottery.

What is the right tire pressure in winter?

In winter, the tire pressure adjustment of automobile tires should be based on the standard air pressure, and it should be appropriately raised by about 0.2bar to ensure driving safety.

Proper tire pressure is very important for automobile driving. Excessive tire pressure will reduce the friction and adhesion of tires, affect the braking effect, and may lead to steering wheel vibration and deviation, reducing driving comfort. At the same time, too high tire pressure will also accelerate the local wear of the central pattern of the tire and shorten the service life of the tire. In addition, too high tire pressure may also make the tire cord stretch and deform excessively, reduce the elasticity of the carcass, increase the load of the car while driving, and reduce the rolling resistance, thus increasing the risk of tire puncture.

On the other hand, too low tire pressure will also bring many problems. Too low tire pressure will increase the friction coefficient between the tire and the road surface, leading to an increase in fuel consumption. At the same time, too low tire pressure will make the steering wheel heavy and prone to deviation, which is not conducive to driving safety. In addition, too low tire pressure will also increase the amount of exercise in all parts of the tire, and excessive rolling will cause abnormal heating of the tire, reduce the functions of the cord and rubber, and cause damage such as delamination or cord breakage. In severe cases, too low tire pressure may also lead to a double increase in friction between the tire and the ground, a sharp increase in tire temperature, and a sharp decline in tire strength, which may eventually lead to a puncture.

Therefore, when adjusting the tire pressure of automobile tires in winter, the principle of standard air pressure and appropriate upward adjustment should be followed to ensure driving safety.

The day after the New Year’s Day holiday, Zhou Bianyou became the mainstream of travel.

 Sichuan News Network-First Screen News Chengdu December 31st (Reporter Dai Luling)On the second day of the New Year’s Day holiday in 2024, the reporter learned from the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism that as of 15: 00 on the 31st, 832 A-level scenic spots in the province had received 3,318,200 tourists, achieving a ticket income of 33,095,200 yuan, up by 25.2% and 49.66% respectively compared with yesterday, up by 71.85% and 99.66% respectively compared with the same caliber in the same period in 2023.
Five-year-level tourist attractions in the province (16 parks opened normally) received 249,700 tourists and realized ticket income of 9,466,800 yuan, up by 63.75% and 85.48% respectively compared with yesterday, and up by 111.75% and 97.78% respectively compared with the same caliber in the same period in 2023. Libraries, cultural centers and museums in the province received 684,500 people.
Zhou Bianyou has become the mainstream of New Year’s Day travel
On the second day of New Year’s Day holiday, cloudy days predominated in most parts of the province. Tourists mostly chose open scenic spots, ancient towns and museums near their homes, and go on road trip, family tours and parent-child tours became the mainstream. The top five scenic spots in the province are Chengdu Joy City (78,000 person-times), Luodai Ancient Town (71,000 person-times), Qionghai Lushan Scenic Area (63,500 person-times), Chengdu Shuangliu District Seaside City Scenic Area (59,000 person-times) and Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum (57,900 person-times). The popularity of traveling in museums has not diminished, and the reservations for visiting Sanxingdui Museum and Chengdu Museum have reached the upper limit.
Ice and snow hot spring tour continues to be hot.
The ice and snow hot springs were sought after during New Year’s Day. The annual reception volume of Bipenggou Scenic Area exceeded the million mark for the first time today, and the number of tourists in Wawu Mountain Scenic Area reached the maximum carrying capacity. Hailuogou Scenic Area ushered in the reception peak (0.34 million person-times) after the earthquake, which was three times higher than yesterday. Among ski resorts, Emei Mountain Scenic Area (45,200 person-times), Bashan Grand Canyon Scenic Area (21,000 person-times), Zengjia Mountain Scenic Area (17,500 person-times), Bipenggou Scenic Area (17,400 person-times) and Xiling Snow Mountain Scenic Area (13,000 person-times) all exceeded 10,000 people, which promoted the "cold resources" to become a "hot economy". Among the hot spring scenic spots, the top three scenic spots are Luofu Mountain Scenic Area (17,700 person-times), Jiulongshan-Lutangshan Tourist Area (15,900 person-times) and Huashuiwan Hot Spring Resort Tourist Area (7,000 person-times).
All kinds of cultural tourism activities meet the needs of the masses
Local cultural and tourism departments and scenic spots have launched online and offline activities around the New Year, so that people can enjoy the feast of cultural tourism. Deyang City launched the New Year’s Eve activity of "Temple Fun, Leisure and Virtue", Nanchong City launched the New Year’s Eve activity of "Cultural Travel Consumption, Enjoy Nanchong", and Maoxian County held a cultural performance and a non-legacy market activity to welcome New Year’s Day, which not only met the needs of the masses but also effectively promoted holiday consumption. On New Year’s Eve, many theaters in Chengdu held New Year’s Eve concerts, Yibin held the 2024 Stars New Year’s Eve Concert, Zigong Fangte Dinosaur Kingdom held the theme activity of "Fangte Flying Snow New Year’s Eve", and Yingjing County launched the Taiji Park New Year Fireworks Show to welcome the New Year. Guangyuan Grottoes Research Institute innovatively launched the New Year’s Day live broadcast of "Grottoes in Guangyuan, Accompany You in the New Year’s Eve" to show the historical and cultural charm of grottoes during the New Year holiday.

The special fund for film cultural heritage was established.

  The inaugural meeting of the special fund for social and cultural heritage was held in Shenzhen a few days ago. The fund will take "cultural heritage" as its main theme, and help China to inherit and develop its culture and spirit.

  At the conference site, Qi Guoqiang, director of the China Film Culture Heritage Special Fund, released a series of public welfare activities with the theme of film, culture and heritage, such as "The Little Inheritor of China Film Culture", "Youth Series Films" and the documentary about people’s interviews.

  According to Qi Guoqiang, in the future, the China Film Culture Heritage Special Fund will also take Luohu Loushang Cultural and Creative Industry Park as the base, take movies as the theme, and combine the elements of the times with the interests of young people to launch theme projects with cultural characteristics and modern flavor, such as master open classes, immersive experience halls, light and shadow time corridors, and film creative workshops, so as to build a cultural landmark with reputation and influence in Shenzhen.

NPC deputies talk about a happy new life after ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation.

  Colorful Guizhou Net News (report in front of the two sessions/Cheng Xi, Xiong Ying, Wu Di, Jinnitu/Yang Changding) On March 6, at the plenary meeting of the Guizhou delegation at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street, Huishui County, showed two contrasting photos, one was Luo Yinghe’s former home, a dilapidated wooden tile house in the mountains; The other is his new home in Huishui County. Brand-new five-story buildings are arranged on the spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Behind the two photos, Luo Yinghe and the villagers crossed the increasingly prosperous days. As a member of the 1.6 million relocated immigrants in Guizhou, Luo Yinghe said that after the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places, three obvious changes have taken place in the villagers around him.

  At the plenary session of the Guizhou delegation at the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe talked about three changes that have taken place around him since the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places.

  The family changed from "poverty" to "wealth" and moved into a new house one step at a time.

  Before the relocation, the village where Luo Ying lived was located in the "Three Mountains" areas of Mashan, Yaoshan and Yueliang Mountain, which were the poorest in Guizhou Province, and belonged to the "three impassability" zone with no water, no access and no communication.

  "At the beginning, like many people, I rushed to a township to buy some oil and salt. I had to get up early and get greedy, and I walked over the mountains for more than ten miles and dozens of miles." Referring to his past life, Luo Yinghe frowned and said, "Who doesn’t say that his hometown is good, but because one side of the soil and water can’t support one side, and the plight of the mountains is deep, many people have a very difficult life, and their housing is very simple and their livelihood is difficult to guarantee."

  On December 2, 2015, a new round of ex situ poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province was launched in Huishui. In March 2016, as the first batch of relocated people in Huishui County, Luo Ying and 4,685 villagers from 1,109 households from 58 villages moved to an economic development zone 10 kilometers away from Huishui County and moved into a new home with complete furniture.

  After the relocation, Luo Ying and the villagers started a new life of "living in a new house one step at a time and living a good life quickly", realizing the change from "poverty" to "wealth".

  Luo Yinghe’s new home in Huishui County, a brand-new five-story building is arranged in a spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Money changes from "nothing" to "something" to live a good life quickly.

  Relocation is only a means, and poverty alleviation is the purpose. In order to make the people who have moved out stable and become rich, the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street of Huishui County has set up a community "New Age Workshop", and combined with "migrant night school training class" and "life lecture hall" to strengthen the ideological education and skills training of immigrants.

  In the past two years, we have held 108 sessions of basic education, electrician training, chef training, primary computer training, beauty salons, domestic service, pre-job training and other activities with 5682 person-times. Community neighborhood committees registered and established the "Follow-up Labor Service Company for Immigrants", successfully recommended more than 3,000 people to work in the county, and helped 78 special families to be included in the post of "sanitation worker".

  At present, 2,881 relocated households are working in the nearby enterprises in the development zone, and each person’s monthly salary income reaches 2000— About 3000 yuan, the average annual income of households is about 50 thousand yuan.

  "According to the household annual income survey in January 2018, the annual income of more than three people in many families is more than 90,000 yuan. One-person employment households also have more than 27,000 yuan, and some families in the community have more than 120 cars. " Over the past year or so, Luo Ying and nearly 5,000 villagers in 10 townships in the county have personally experienced great changes in poverty alleviation and relocation, and money has changed from "nothing" to "having".

  People have changed from "lazy" to "diligent", and their lives have been looking forward.

  "While the poor people’s lives are getting better, people are also made up of ‘ Lazy ’ Change ‘ Qin ’ Yes! " Around Luo Yinghe, there is a living example.

  Before the relocation, 38-year-old Wang Huaping, his 35-year-old brother and his 70-year-old parents lived in a mountain nest 12 kilometers away from the highway. The family was very poor and lived on subsistence allowances. They lived a cycle of looking forward to the night during the day and the boring life during the day at night. Because of poverty, the two brothers still can’t find a partner in their thirties.

  "After the branch visited the house and knew the above situation, he persuaded Wang Huaping to enter the training class. After education and training, his thoughts gained insight. He lost the inertia of wanting to be a poor household in the past and reached out and learned electrician skills. He was recommended to work in a nearby enterprise. Now his deposit has reached more than 30,000 yuan." Before the Spring Festival, Luo Yinghe asked about Wang Huaping’s plans. Wang Huaping, who lives in a new house, smiled and told Luo Yinghe that he wanted to work hard and earn some money to buy a car and marry a wife.

  "It used to be a hard time, but now life has a head start." Nowadays, in the relocation and resettlement area for poverty alleviation in Mingtian, Huishui County, the poor people’s awareness of taking the initiative to get rid of poverty is getting higher and higher, and their enthusiasm and initiative to get rich through hard work are getting stronger and stronger, realizing the change from "lazy" to "diligent".

Growth of 121.0%, 84.2% … China promotes the high-quality development of cultural tourism.

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CCTV News:The Press Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities" today (December 14th). According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first three quarters of this year, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, and the box office revenue was 31.54 billion yuan, up by 121.0% and 84.2% compared with the same period in 2019.

In order to promote inbound and outbound tourism, the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises have been resumed to operate the outbound group travel business of China citizens to 138 countries. In addition, in order to carry forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture, we are actively promoting the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival.

Source: CCTV