Ren Xianqi, who gained weight crazily, turned into a greasy uncle and almost went blind for a movie

Xianqi appeared in a video on a website. Although he is nearly 55 years old, he is in good condition and looks. Three years ago, he gained 100 kilograms for a movie, so Ren Xianqi lost 30 kilograms in four months.

Because of the epidemic, Ren Xianqi was very concerned about everyone and told everyone to pay attention to their health at ordinary times and not forget to exercise even indoors. Hearing such a warm reminder, everyone couldn’t help but smile and recall that Ren Xianqi was complained by the majority of netizens and became a greasy uncle.

Three years ago, during the filming of Ren Xianqi’s movie "Horse Running", in order to conform to the character’s image, he did not hesitate to gain 26 kilograms of weight, eating high-calorie food every day, from 74 kilograms of weight to 100 kilograms of big fat. Because of the rapid weight gain, his health was seriously damaged, and his blood sugar and blood lipids rose rapidly to double highs.

Moreover, due to overeating, stomach acid reflux was caused, and the throat was burned, which seriously affected the vocal cords, and the voice became hoarse. However, the keyboard warrior who did not know the truth practiced the magic of flicking his fingers. Seeing that Ren Xianqi had become fat, he complained one after another and left comments on the Internet, teasing Ren Xianqi for turning into a middle-aged greasy uncle.

But Ren Xianqi didn’t care, nor did he explain the reason why he suddenly became fat. He patted off these trivial ironies like dust. What he cared about was how to make a good movie. In fact, it was not the first time that Ren Xianqi worked hard to make a good movie. During the filming of "Exile" with director Du Qifeng, Ren Xianqi almost went blind due to the quality problem of the props.

The old man often said: The amount is big and the blessing is big. This is inseparable from the idol influence of Xiao Qi’s debut for many years, zero scandals, zero stains, and positive energy.

When it comes to Ren Xianqi’s debut, one has to look back on his teenage experience.

In 1966, Ren Xianqi was born in Changhua County, Taiwan Province. Hubei people are unparalleled in intelligence. The Ren family’s ancestral home is in Wuchang County, Hubei Province, which is now Jiangxia District, Wuhan City.

It is true that people from Hubei are smart. His father, a primary school teacher, has a lot of knowledge. He thought that the meaning of "seeing the virtuous and thinking of Qi" was very good, so he named Xiao Qi Ren Xianqi, which means that when he sees people with both political integrity and ability, he must not only learn from him, but also strive to surpass him. Facts have proved that Ren Xianqi did live up to his parents’ ardent hopes when he grew up. It may be his lifelong pursuit to be a person with both moral integrity and ability.

Ren Xianqi grew up in Changhua Village. The folk customs and cultural environment in the village are slightly different from those in big cities. The folk customs are simple and simple. This simple and unpretentious atmosphere has a deep influence on Xiao Qi. After growing up, he treated his friends sincerely and thoughtfully, and was also influenced by this ethos.

When he was in high school, Brother Qi fell in love with a girl from the school next door. Later, he learned that the girl especially liked the guy who could play the guitar, so he practiced the guitar hard. Gradually, he fell in love with music and wrote many songs on the guitar sheet. The song "Flowers Will Bloom in Spring" was written for the girl he liked, and this song later became the title song on his personal album.

When every Taiwanese boy turns 18, he will face the test of a bar mitzvah, which is to sign up for the army. However, almost every boy’s parents do not want to enroll their child in the Marine Corps, because everyone knows that it is the most rigorous force for physical requirements, and the military training there is also the hardest. In 1984, Xiao Qi Ge’s parents drew lots for him to decide where he would join the army, and they were quite lucky and helped him win the army at once.

Although the experience of being a soldier was very hard, it also trained his strong physique, and because of his excellent performance in the army and outstanding performance in various physical training, in 1987, he was sent to the Department of Physical Education of China Culture University. Although he left his hometown and came to Taipei to study, he never forgot the girl he liked in high school, nor the guitar he liked. During school, he formed the ATP choir himself, and served as the guitarist and lead singer.

In 1988, Xiao Qi Ge continued to make efforts in the field of music. He began to serve as a Dunhuang campus DJ and participated in hundreds of campus concerts during his time in school, thus accumulating rich performance experience and establishing the status of a campus red card DJ. The name Ren Xianqi became popular in Taiwan’s colleges and universities for a while.

Brother Qi was so outstanding. Logically speaking, as a figure in the school, he should attract many girls, but in fact, the other boys in the band had been pursued by many girls, but Brother Qi had never received a love letter. Later, a sophomore junior told him that he looked like a prodigal son, so no girls dared to approach him.

Ren Xianqi felt very aggrieved. Later, he learned that the girl’s name was Chen Zeyu and her English name was Tina. Brother Qi’s primary school girl was not an ordinary person. She participated in singing competitions at the age of six and won many international, domestic and major competitions.

In addition, Chen Zeyu not only sings well, but also looks very beautiful, because she has the genes of a mixed race of the Three Kingdoms, and her figure is also very good! Such a beautiful woman swayed in front of Ren Xianqi, like a dazzling ray of sunlight, shining into Brother Qi’s heart. After the two met, they often had heart-to-heart conversations, and the talents and women were paired, becoming a beautiful scenery on the campus.

Chen Zeyu felt that the person who had a dream would not be a prodigal son, so she dared to approach him boldly, and when Xiao Qi was in a bad mood, she often comforted him and enlightened him. Xiao Qi was deeply attracted by her gentle personality.

Young people get together and often talk about their future dreams. Xiao Qi’s wish is to be a singer, and Chen Zeyu dreams of becoming a fashion designer. From 1988, the two people who have the same heart and soul started a long-distance love run that lasted for more than 10 years.

In his senior year, Xiao Qi was discovered by Taixinge Records, so after graduation, he was signed to work under the label of Xingge Records and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 1990, Ren Xianqi and his contemporaries in the company jointly released the compilation album "Run to the Rainbow". With his many years of performance experience, Ren Xianqi made his debut and occupied the "C position". After that, Ren Xianqi joined the underground band snake with great enthusiasm. At this time, Ren Xianqi was full of momentum and released three solo albums one after another.

However, life is like a roller coaster, with sudden twists and turns, which caught people off guard. The company went bankrupt due to poor management. As an artist under the company, Ren Xianqi and his colleagues were acquired by Rolling Stone.

In that era, under the Rolling Stones, there were many big names, and Luo Dayou, Zhao Chuan, Zhou Huajian and others were called legends. How could such a top organization in the industry look at a young star who had just debuted? Therefore, the company had the idea of laying off Brother Qi.

His stage name was Little Bug, and his real name was Chen Huanchang. This person was one of the "three godfathers" of the music industry in Taiwan. He was on par with Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng.

Such a childlike person had extraordinary eyesight. He could see the difference between Brother Qi and others. He believed that this young man was by no means a thing in the pool and would eventually make his mark.

Many years after this incident, the prediction of "Little Bug" has been confirmed, and the Chinese music scene cannot be without Ren Xianqi.

Although the company kept Brother Qi in the face of the "little bug", it did not reuse him. Therefore, for the next three years, Brother Qi has been doing behind-the-scenes work, but he has no complaints. Because as long as he can do music-related work, he is already very happy. Although his situation was very similar to "Xuezao" at that time.

However, before Han Xin became the Marquis of Huaiyin, he had suffered the humiliation of his crotch. For Brother Qi, he did not care about this grievance. Therefore, he did not complain and worked hard according to the company’s arrangements.

Later, Brother Qi’s contract was about to expire, and "Bug", who was busy with music production every day, realized that three years had passed, and Xiao Qi had been standing still for so long. Thinking of this, Bug’s heart rose with a passion to make him famous.

As a result, a bug tailor-made for him "rely on" turned out, this song is Ren Xianqi’s debut album under the new owner of Rolling Stone, as the title song, so far, sold 160,000, although the sales are not particularly good, but this song is of great significance.

As the saying goes, those who gain the Tao are more helpful, and those who lose the Tao are less helpful. The friendship between men is called I have the ability, so I let you rely on me, help you go straight to the sky, and when I am in trouble, you fall from the sky, help me on the road, and move forward together. This song, called "Relying on", fully reflects the brotherhood between Ren Xianqi and the little bug.

Due to the poor performance of the new album and the average sales, Xiao Qi’s contract was about to expire, so the little bug fought for one last chance to keep him.

"Too Soft Heart" came out under such a background, and this song was specially written by Xiaowu for Ren Xianqi.

When the song was just logged into the music market, the response was mediocre, so the question of Xiao Qi’s whereabouts was once again put on the company’s motion. Obviously, this time, he was about to be fired. However, at this critical moment, things went into a shocking reversal. "Too Soft Heart" quickly became popular in the mainland with a turbulent trend. The song sold 26 million amazing results.

Therefore, Rolling Stone quickly renewed Ren Xianqi, because if the action is slower, this rising star is likely to be poached. After that, the company began to rebuild Ren Xianqi. After that, it produced and published a series of albums such as "Very Hurt" and "Love You Only" for him. Ren Xianqi has since opened the "peak era" of keeping pace with the Four Heavenly Kings.

It is because of the little bug that Ren Xianqi has gradually reached the peak of his career. Because of this, Ren Xianqi has the most sincere gratitude for the little bug. Later, the little bug was deceived by his friends, his accountant ran away with the money, and the little bug was in a penniless situation.

Hearing this news, Ren Xianqi didn’t say a word. He directly offered one million in cash to the little bug, and declared, Brother, you can use it well, and there is no need to return it.

Afterwards, someone asked him why he did this? Ren Xianqi said in a flat tone: If there was no little bug brother, there would be no me, Ren Xianqi, today.

In 1998, Ren Xianqi released the album "Love is like the Pacific". With this album, Ren Xianqi played a beautiful carousel, and the song returned to Taiwan from the mainland. Songs such as "Ren Xiaoyao" and "Sad Pacific" are classics of Ren Xianqi after "My Heart is Too Soft". These popular works across the country broke the record of record sales in the history of Taiwan music.

In 1999, Brother Qi was invited by CCTV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of the same year, and became the only Taiwan artist at the party that day; in the same year, Ren Xianqi starred in the big screen debut "Star Wish" released; in 2000, the Xiao Qi family was established in the mainland, and in this year, he starred in "Summer Tea" was also released, and achieved a good result of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars. After the release of "Marry a Rich Man" in 2002, the box office performance was still good. Since then, Xiao Qige’s film and television songs have progressed hand in hand, and his career has also flourished.

Perhaps for every star, the obscurity before becoming famous is all preparation for Yiming’s astonishment. During those most difficult days, his girlfriend Chen Zeyu never gave up to support and encourage him. Her girlfriend, who is full of strength, helped Xiao Qi get through that three-year "dark" period. Now, finally keep the clouds open and see the moon bright. Finally see hope.

Marrying a man and starting a family is a major event in life. Since his career has reached its peak, starting a family is also on the agenda. When Brother Qi held a concert abroad, he and his girlfriend "got married notariously".

At that time, as public figures, the two chose to get married in a low-key way without a wedding, so at the 2013 concert, Ren Xianqi guiltily told Chen Zeyu: "I owe you a wedding," but the wedding is nothing more than a way to look lively to outsiders. As long as you really love each other, then this form is not so important.

After getting married, the two gave birth to two children, and the family of four settled down in Hong Kong. Through the photos, the whole family smiled like flowers. Maybe happiness should be like this. I originally intended to wash away the lead for you and make soup. You are willing to be indifferent to fame and fortune for me. Fortunately, at the best age, we did not miss each other. Friendship and love are just as much. Thank you for meeting you in life and hearing your singing is a true happiness.

The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it.

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Passengers report that the price of online car-hailing has risen, and experts warn the industry of signs of monopolistic development

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  Recently, many passengers have reported that in the past few months, the fare of online car-hailing has increased a bit. The online car-hailing platform said that the basic fare has not been raised, and the subsidy has indeed been adjusted, but it is also to ensure the success rate of car-hailing, and the price is transparent and voluntary. Experts point out that under the pressure of funds, the low-price marketing strategy cannot be sustained. However, we should also pay close attention to whether there is any sign of monopoly in online car-hailing, and take countermeasures to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

  Recently, many passengers have reported that Didi, Uber and other online ride-hailing fares have risen, but subsidies have become less and less, and morning peak fares must be doubled. What is the situation of price increases? What is the reason for the price increase? The reporter conducted an investigation.

  Passenger: Shenzhen, Beijing has risen, but Shanghai does not feel obvious

  At 8:40 a.m. on September 20, on Meishan Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, the reporter opened his mobile phone to call Didi Express. The app showed that the original fare of more than 20 yuan had increased by 1.2 times to nearly 50 yuan. If you don’t agree to double the fee, you can’t call a car.

  The reporter agreed to double, but no driver took the order for a long time. Just as he was in a hurry, a taxi happened to pass by, so the reporter gave up calling for the express train and took a taxi instead. After half an hour, it only cost 33 yuan to arrive at the destination, which was more than 10 yuan cheaper than the express train.

  "The price has gone up too fast." Ms. Chen lives in Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, and often uses Didi and Uber to commute alternately. "In March and April this year, Uber carpooling cost more than 30 yuan, and Didi carpooling cost more than 50 yuan. In July and August, Uber carpooling cost more than 80 yuan, and Didi carpooling cost more than 70 yuan. Now, Uber carpooling costs 91 yuan, and Didi carpooling is 93 yuan."

  The increase in fares is closely related to the reduction in subsidies. "In the beginning, the amount of vouchers was large, and it was very common to have 60% off car vouchers. But now, it is usually more than 10% off," said Mr. Zhang, a Shenzhen resident. "Generally, you can only get a discount of two or three yuan, which is pitiful."

  Passengers in Beijing are also facing price increases and reduced subsidies. Mr. Yang, a Beijing resident who works in Chaoyang District, often takes an Uber to return to his home in Tongzhou District during Friday night rush hour, a journey of about 16 kilometers. In June, taking People’s Uber cost about 35 yuan, but there was a 10 yuan coupon. Now there are no coupons for the same trip and time period, and the actual payment fee has increased.

  Are all the extra fares paid by passengers given to online taxi drivers? In this regard, Master Lian, who has been a full-time Didi driver for more than a year, said: "Our income has decreased." He said that a year ago, the monthly income could exceed 10,000 yuan, but now it is only 5,000 or 6,000 yuan. "You have to run 25 orders a day to get an 80 yuan reward, not even one less order."

  However, there are regional differences in the price of online car-hailing, and the price increase is not obvious in some cities.

  In Shanghai, reporters have taken Didi Express or carpooling and People’s Uber many times in the past few days, and the distance is usually 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers. With subsidies, the fare is as low as two or three yuan, and as much as less than 30 yuan, and there is no obvious pressure to increase the price. If you take a taxi, Didi and Uber are still much cheaper.

  The reporter also learned from Shanghai Uber that the price of People’s Uber has not increased recently, but has instead dropped, including a comprehensive reduction in basic fares.

  Enterprise: The basic fare has not increased, and the subsidy is dynamically adjusted

  Didi Chuxing said that the specific subsidy and reward standards in various places will be adjusted according to market conditions.

  "Didi Express is in Shenzhen. Since April this year, the price has not changed. The pricing rule is still 1.8 yuan per kilometer and 0.5 yuan per minute." Li Mei, the public relations department of Didi Chuxing, said that the current pricing rules are detailed in the Didi mobile app. "The price is very transparent, and passengers have an estimated price before each order."

  Uber China Shenzhen market manager Zhang Jiahao also made it clear that Uber has not raised the basic fare recently, and the price per kilometer and per minute is consistent with Didi.

  As for subsidies, Li Mei responded that subsidies are a marketing activity that will be adjusted according to market conditions. "City travel itself is dynamic, so subsidies for drivers and passengers should also be dynamic. Future subsidies will be intelligently adjusted according to time, location, order conditions, and supply and demand, with the ultimate goal of improving the success rate of users’ ride-hailing," Li Mei said.

  "In the last two weeks, we reduced passengers by 4 yuan, and this week we reduced them by 6 yuan, and the discount is even stronger." Zhang Jiahao said that Uber will issue coupons to all users through text messages, self-media and other channels.

  For the doubling of morning peak fares, Li Mei explained that the system will match a reasonable price increase multiple for each order based on real-time supply and demand conditions. "Dynamic price adjustment may not only be used during peak periods, and in areas with tight transportation capacity, prices may also increase during off-peak hours. Dynamic price adjustment is not mandatory. If you don’t mind waiting, you can choose not to increase the price." Li Mei said.

  Except for Didi, the prices of other online car-hailing companies seem to have changed little. The relevant person in charge of Yidao told reporters that from November last year to the end of June this year, Yidao has maintained a preferential activity of recharging 100 yuan and getting 100 yuan back, which is equivalent to users can take a taxi at half price.

  Facts also prove that the competition is far from over. On September 22, Shenzhou Special Car, which has always adhered to its own vehicles and adopted the B2C model of heavy assets, announced that it launched the "U + open API" and promised never to take a cut. Shenzhou’s involvement in the C2C model and the practice of not taking a cut of driver income will make the direction of the market more uncertain.

  Lu Zhengyao, chairperson and CEO of Shenzhou Youche, said that the "U + open API" is the same as the price charged by Shenzhou’s own vehicles, which is higher than the price of cruise cars and express cars. But Shenzhou has also launched a new round of promotion plan of "charging 100 to get 50 back", and the actual price after discount is similar to the price of cruise cars.

  Enterprises generally believe that changes in market prices are closely related to the evolution of the future competition landscape. The relevant person in charge of Yidao said that the online car-hailing industry does not have the gene of monopoly, and anyone can use price leverage to enter the market at present.

  Didi Chuxing also said that mobile travel is an emerging market with huge incremental space. At the same time, the industry competition is still very fierce, and new companies continue to join. For a long time, as one of the marketing activities, red envelope subsidies for passengers and driver rewards will continue to be distributed.

  Expert: normal business conduct, but need to be vigilant against monopoly

  What is the reason for this round of online car-hailing price increases represented by Didi and Uber? How should we view it?

  In the opinion of Su Kui, a transportation research expert in Guangdong, there are many factors behind Didi’s price increase: First, after Didi merges with Uber China, effective competition will decrease, and the price is fundamentally determined by market competition. If there is no price competition pressure on the platform, the price will naturally be higher. Secondly, since Didi has a large number of users at both ends of the driver and passenger, it cannot increase the scale of subsidies by much, which means that the marginal effect of subsidies is very low, and it is a normal business decision to reduce or even cancel subsidies. Furthermore, the drivers of the special car platform have been a large number of full-time, and the cost of each transportation has little to do with the way of leasing. The price will eventually be closer to the traditional cruise taxi, reflecting the cost more. Finally, reducing subsidies is also related to the possible financial pressure on the platform in the future, or investors’ desire to make profits as soon as possible.

  Experts say the price increase is largely due to a change in the previous low-price marketing strategy.

  "As a means of promotion, companies can use low prices to acquire users, but it doesn’t mean that companies have to keep low prices all the time." Fu Weigang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, cited the example of e-commerce as an example. "Everyone is used to the annual’Double 11 ‘carnival, but if there are consumers who think that e-commerce must maintain the same price as’Double 11’ for 365 days, it is a big mistake."

  "In the past two years, ride-hailing companies have attracted a lot of users through various means such as discount coupons and vouchers. But it is unrealistic to think that this low price will last forever. Because in addition to discount coupons, they have their own price system." Fu Weigang said that low prices can be regarded as a marketing strategy, but should not be taken for granted. "After all, Didi and Uber are not obligated to subsidize consumers’ travel with losses forever."

  Regarding the current competition landscape in the market, Su Kui judged that the threshold of the online car-hailing market seems to be relatively low, but it is actually relatively high, mainly due to the high capital threshold. Therefore, in the future, there may continue to be some regional platforms emerging in various places to compete and restrict the existing platforms. But at the national level, the online car-hailing market pattern will not change much in a considerable period of time.

  So, will Didi’s merger with Uber China create a monopoly? Su Kui believes that due to the uniqueness of its service features (such as mobile phone hailing, electronic payment, etc.), the online car-hailing market is to a certain extent independent, but there is a certain substitution for traditional cruise taxis. "Whether it involves monopoly depends on two points: first, whether the cruise car can be improved and developed in the future, especially whether the policy can moderately loosen the restrictions on the cruise car, so as to form checks and balances on the platform; second, during peak periods or special weather, when supply and demand are unbalanced or when supply and demand information is asymmetric, due to insufficient effective competition, how to prevent the platform from abusing its market dominance."

  Regarding the second point, Su Kui further stated that due to the particularly obvious tidal nature of the transportation market, abuse of market dominance is most likely to occur during peak periods and special weather. Relevant platform companies can promise the society that the dynamic price increase at peak times shall not exceed a certain multiple to protect consumer rights and interests.

  Peng Chen, a member of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, has been paying attention to the topic of transportation. She suggested that the government should pay close attention to whether there are signs of monopolization in online car-hailing and use the Antimonopoly Act to supervise in a timely manner. In addition, for online car-hailing to charge double fares during peak periods, Peng Chen suggested that the tax on the premium part should be collected separately from the normal fare. "The early rush hour of online car-hailing has exacerbated the congestion on urban roads. The government can use this part of the tax to subsidize urban public transportation."

  (Lv Shaogang, Liu Zhiqiang, Shen Wenmin, Chen Yuzhu) (Chen Feixue participated in the collection and writing)

37,000 the order volume of Hengchi 5? "Beautiful, so beautiful"!

Hengchi Automobile officially announced the order of Hengchi 5 at the "First 720 Hengchi Festival". As of 18:23 on July 20, the order of Hengchi 5 had reached 37,180 units. It simply confirmed the words of Boss Xu: "Beautiful, so beautiful"!

Hengchi New Energy Vehicle Group President Liu Yongzhuo said in an interview recently that since the pre-sale conference on July 6, the market response of this car has exceeded expectations, and confidently believes that: Hengchi 5 big sale has become a foregone conclusion! On July 6, the day of the announcement of the pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan, the conference introduced various rich configurations including three screens, etc., and the host called Hengchi 5 the best pure electric SUV within 300,000 yuan.

In addition, Hengda mobilized almost all the available forces and allocated them to major regions and subdivided them into each project. The specific sales assessment indicators will be determined according to the number of community owners. Even grass-roots employees have 2 indicators per person, and deputy managers have 4 indicators above; in addition to employees, the community housekeeper of the property also assists the owner to complete the task of downloading and registering the Hengchi APP. Xu Jiayin personally supervised the formation to ensure that Hengchi 5 could open the market in the early stage.

Hengchi 5 is positioned as a compact pure electric SUV. The new car CLTC has a comprehensive cruising range of 602km. The car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup, and the 60% discount will be repurchased within three years after pickup. The deposit for the first 10,000 cars is 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan. What kind of clues are there behind such a beautiful operation?

First of all, the car purchase payment is paid to the special account supervision of Tianjin Jinbin Notary Office. This is the first time I have seen it in the automotive field. Of course, everyone knows the problem of Evergrande’s capital chain. If a large amount of money is injected into the corporate account, it is likely to be wasted.

In addition, Hengchi had previously found agencies or industry media to place a large number of advertisements, but many of the settlement fees had not yet been received. When he went to Hengchi Automobile’s public relations, he found that people had already left the tea cold. Unless they went to Guangzhou to file a lawsuit, the media would have to suffer a loss.

The most important thing for Hengchi at the moment is to build the car. After all, everyone has long learned about Hengda’s credit. From the number of days to the delay in delivery, the masses really don’t want to listen to fake news anymore. If the car can be delivered smoothly, it is indeed a good development for Hengchi. Unlike buying a house, if the deposit is paid first, the deposit cannot be returned at most, and the related losses cannot be compared with buying a house. But now, it is not easy for everyone to make money, and if it cannot be delivered in the end, the losses will be not small. At that time, the cost of all aspects required to protect their rights will be enough to drink a pot.

So whether it is beautiful or not, time will give us the answer. Please wait and see.

Ask the M9 to launch Xuanwu body to build the ultimate mobile travel safety fortress.

[Zhichepai News] On December 26th, at the press conference of all the scenes in the winter of Q-World M9 and Huawei, Q-World M9 was officially released. The car is positioned as the flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom, equipped with Huawei’s full-stack smart car technology solution, which not only fully gets on Huawei’s top ten smart car black technology, but also brings new family design, ever-changing space, smart cockpit, intelligent driving control, intelligent driving, intelligent safety and many other leading generation product highlights. Among them, the most striking thing is the hard-core security of M9, which is one generation ahead of the world.

Specifically, the M9 is equipped with a super basalt body. I believe that people who have paid attention to Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones will not be unfamiliar with the word "Xuanwu architecture". Together with Kunlun Glass, it has become a solid and anti-fall guarantee for Mate60 series. This time, Huawei brought the basaltic architecture on mate 60 series to the M9 to provide further hard-core security. Wenjie M9 adopts the world’s largest integrated die-casting car body technology, and combines high-strength aluminum alloy and thermoformed steel to create a solid and lightweight safety fortress, allowing users to drive with peace of mind under any circumstances.

The security brought by M9 is all-sided. In terms of structural safety, the aluminum volume of the M9 car body accounts for 80%, and the weight of the car body reaches 2.02. The use of aluminum alloy can not only reduce the weight of the vehicle to improve the cruising range, but also improve the safety of the vehicle. The M9 also adopted the world’s largest integrated die-casting car body, which improved the torsional rigidity by 23%, effectively improving the car body rigidity. In addition, there are 12 places in the M9 car in the world where 2000MPa nuclear submarine grade hot-formed steel is used, which can provide users with the ultimate fortress-like safety protection. The arrangement of these thermoformed steel sections can effectively protect the passenger compartment from external pressure and ensure the life safety of the passengers.

In addition to structural safety, battery safety is also the top priority of electric vehicles. Once the vehicle battery fires, the threat to personnel may be greater than the accident itself. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of passengers to the maximum extent, the M9 battery safety has also reached the top level in the industry. The vehicle adopts multiple protective measures to ensure that the battery will not catch fire or spontaneously ignite under any circumstances. The five-layer safety cover design of the battery used by the M9 battery pack minimizes the short-circuit risk of the battery pack and ensures safety. The battery pack of the whole vehicle has a five-fold structure design, which meets the harsh test requirements of the whole vehicle and the battery pack, and can protect the battery cell whether it is the bottom support that may occur in daily life or the impact in the event of an accident. In terms of daily charging and discharging, Wenjie M9 is equipped with VHR technology. The cloud BMS obtains battery status data through VHR and establishes fault warning and life prediction models. Based on AI intelligent learning, it can accurately predict battery safety hazards, construct invisible shields and protect users’ safety.

As a flagship model, the M9 also has rich active and passive safety capabilities. The vehicle comes standard with 9 airbags and 16 safety points, which can ensure the safety of users in all directions. It is also equipped with a pre-tensioned seat belt, which increases the buffer space of the chest and further protects the passenger’s chest from injury. In terms of active safety, the AEB carried by the vehicle can support the active braking of the stationary vehicle at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. The vehicle also launched the ESA emergency steering assist system, which automatically controls the steering assist driver to avoid collision, bringing users a leading generation of intelligent safety experience and escorting every trip.

Intelligent driving is also one of the best tricks in the field of inquiry. The M9 in the field of inquiry has a multi-sensor fusion sensing system leading the industry, with the longest detection distance of 250 meters and the maximum horizontal detection angle of 120, which ensures the forward-looking prediction performance and visual breadth of the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system. Even when the oncoming car in the next lane is dazzling and the driver’s vision is blocked, it can accurately identify all kinds of obstacles and potential risks, and respond in time to avoid accidents. The M9 also adopts the solution of "laser radar+visual perception", which is not afraid of bad weather and harsh weather.

Safety has always been the primary consideration for users when choosing new energy vehicles. The luxury and intelligence of vehicles need to be based on safety. Only when it can stand the test in terms of safety can the vehicle win the favor of consumers. The M9 starts the Xuanwu car body, creating the ultimate safety fortress, providing users with full-dimensional safety protection, so that users can drive with peace of mind under any circumstances. Ask M9, be safe and worry-free, and drive bravely.

In today’s luxury SUV market in China, only a few domestic brands are involved, and most of the market share is still occupied by traditional luxury brands such as BBA. With the release of M9, it shows that the world of inquiry has also begun to launch an impact on this market, which also means that a new choice has emerged in this field. With stronger vehicle safety and higher intelligent level, can M9 occupy a place in this market? Let’s wait and see.

Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed next year, positioning medium-sized SUV from T2X Mars architecture.

More advanced platform, producing higher-end cars.

Tiggo 9, a medium-sized SUV—— from Chery T2X Mars architecture, is exposed in real car photos and is expected to be officially launched in 2023.

Take off the disguised Chery "T26", and on the tail label, we confirmed that this is a Tiggo 9 model.

Previously, after the exposure of the real car map of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, we also speculated that Chery’s new car would adopt a more fashionable and avant-garde design. However, the appearance of Tiggo 9 denied our speculation. The front face design is very similar to that of Tiggo 7 PLUS, which has just appeared. Although it is a brand-new family design, its style is "very Chery" and there is not much novelty. The overall style is still quite satisfactory, with no emphasis on sports and no emphasis on fashion.

I only know that the positioning is a medium-sized SUV, but the specific size has not yet been announced. Chery 9 uses a number of tough lines on the body to enhance the muscle sense of the vehicle. The hidden door handle makes the side of the body look cleaner and at the same time enhances the technological atmosphere.

The shape of the tail is simple, the spoiler is used on the roof, and the taillights on both sides are blackened lampshades, which are connected by a blackened decorative board. The exhaust devices on both sides are chrome-plated, and the hard-core temperament is outstanding. The tail label is marked with "TIGGO 9" to confirm the identity.

In the interior, the new car uses a large integrated screen, the air conditioning outlet has a back design, the central passage is wide, and the storage space is rich. At the same time, the vehicle adopts a hood design, and the material selection in the car is also very high-end.

In the power part, the new car uses a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390 N m. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

Among the domestic SUV models, Chery’s power is outstanding, but it has been criticized for its design. The appearance of Tiggo 9 has not changed much. Although it comes from the new T2X Mars price, it will have better performance and experience, but it will not be dressed up. It is expected that the sales volume will not have much breakthrough.

What do you think? Will Tiggo 9 be more popular than the moon?

The global listing price of Tiggo 8 PLUS Champion Edition starts from 124,900 yuan.

The Beijing News Shell Financial News (Reporter Lin Zi) On November 11th, the reporter learned from Chery that the Tiggo 8 PLUS Champion Edition was officially launched, and four models were launched, with an official guide price of 124,900-145,900 yuan. The new car is positioned as a "5+2 luxury flagship SUV", which adopts a brand-new 8155 luxury flagship cockpit, a three-dimensional suspended diamond front grille, 19-inch flying wheels and a new streamer silver color, bringing five product champions in power, safety, space, technology and quality.

The Tiggo 8 PLUS Champion Edition is equipped with Kunpeng Power 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI, which brings 6.8L fuel consumption per 100 kilometers and engine lifetime warranty. Among them, Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI has a maximum power of 187kW, a peak torque of 390N·m, and an acceleration of 7 seconds.

Tiggo 8 PLUS Champion Edition is based on the safety design of C-NCAP, and adopts an integrated cage body made of ultra-high strength steel, and six pieces of ultra-high strength thermoformed steel from Bentele+the third generation of high strength steel are used in key parts. Equipped with L2 intelligent driver assistance system, including 540 high-definition panoramic image, full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system and many other functions.

The new car has a body of 4722x1860x1745mm, a wheelbase of 2710mm, a trunk space of 1930L, and 12 kinds of flexible combined spaces. It is equipped with a C-PURE Chery net cubic green cockpit +34 dB NVH space.

Tiggo 8 PLUS Champion Edition is equipped with ceiling-level Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip, which brings brand-new HMI5.0 and super ID account, and realizes the functions of fast startup in 2 seconds, smooth response in 30 milliseconds and 15+ continuous conversation without being stuck. At the same time, it is equipped with a 24.6-inch universal nebula immersion surround screen, SONY’s 8-speaker surround sound and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging.

Editor Tao Ye

Proofread Lin Zhao

Huawei has won another international car company! Toyota will use Huawei to "smart drive"

Recently, according to online news, Toyota may adopt an intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by "Toyota+Huawei +Momenta". This scheme may be provided by Huawei with high-level intelligent driving hardware and Momenta with software solutions, which is different from the HI mode in which Huawei provides a complete set of solutions.

Huawei and Toyota have the foundation of intelligent cooperation. For example, the ninth generation Camry car system of GAC Toyota was jointly built by Toyota and Huawei. This car is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car chip, and the smoothness of the car has been greatly improved compared with the old models.

It is believed that the cooperation between Huawei and Toyota in the field of intelligent driving was also based on the previous cooperation.

Momenta is actually an old friend of Toyota. As early as March 18, 2020, Momenta, an autonomous driving company, announced that it had reached a strategic cooperation with Toyota to provide Toyota with high-precision maps and update services based on camera visual perception technology, and to promote the commercial landing of Toyota’s Automated Map Platform (AMP) in China.

At the same time, Momenta also provides a solution for the high-order intelligent driving of Zhiji automobile. Zhiji’s high-order intelligent driving is based on hardware perception including laser radar, and now it can realize high-speed/urban expressway and intelligent navigation assistance function of urban roads.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for the intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by Toyota, Huawei and Momenta to realize the functions of high-speed/urban expressway and even urban navigation.

Moreover, both Huawei and Momenta have rich experience in the research and development of high-order intelligent driving systems, and it is also possible to get on the high-order intelligent driving system for Toyota’s new models in a short time.

Now it has entered the second half of the intelligentization of new energy vehicles. Many domestic new energy brands have equipped their own vehicles with intelligent cockpits and high-order intelligent driving systems. For example, Tucki, Aouita, Wenjie and other brands have realized the urban intelligent driving function without relying on high-precision maps.

It can be said that intelligent equipment is an indispensable part of new energy vehicles today, and domestic consumers pay more and more attention to the intelligent function of vehicles.

Traditional European car companies, such as Volkswagen and Audi, have also cooperated with new China brands, such as Tucki and Zhiji, to jointly develop new cars, and equipped them with intelligent cockpits and advanced intelligent driving systems from Tucki and Zhiji.

Toyota chose to cooperate with Huawei and Momenta at this time to develop a new car equipped with high-end smart driving, which is also the general trend. At the same time, we can see that Toyota attaches great importance to the China market, hoping that its own new energy vehicles will be more competitive in the domestic market, and these new vehicles can be pushed to the world in the future to enhance the global competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles.

The editor said:

When many consumers talk about Toyota, they will still think of its fuel vehicle products. Moreover, from the monthly sales situation, the sales of two pure electric vehicles under Toyota are not ideal, and Toyota’s new energy transformation process has indeed encountered certain difficulties. If Toyota really cooperates with Huawei and Momenta to engage in high-level intelligent driving, it can really improve the market competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles, but it will test the time for the relevant joint development models to be launched on the market.

At present, many traditional car companies are speeding up the transformation of new energy, and adjusting the transformation of new energy. Toyota needs to seize the opportunity and launch new cars at the right time to have a greater chance to compete with a number of competitors.

As for the news of Toyota’s tripartite cooperation with Huawei and Momenta, it is said that Toyota will officially announce it to the public during the Beijing Auto Show, so we will look forward to whether Toyota will use the high-level wisdom of Huawei and Momenta.

BYD Qin PLUS DM-i Champion Edition was officially launched, with a price of 99,800 yuan.

    A few days ago, BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition was officially launched. The new car has launched five models: 55KM leading model, 55KM surpassing model, 120KM leading model, 120KM surpassing model and 120KM excellent model. The official guide prices are 99,800 yuan, 115,800 yuan, 125,800 yuan, 135,800 yuan and 145,800 yuan respectively. Among them, the 55KM leading model makes the price of BYD DM-i model drop to less than 100 thousand yuan for the first time. As an annual redesigned model, the new car is mainly optimized and upgraded in terms of interior and configuration, and the selection of exterior and interior color matching is increased.

    In terms of appearance, the front face design is concise and capable, and the large-size hexagonal air intake grille is decorated with many short chrome-plated bars inside, which has a strong visual effect. Penetrating chrome-plated decorative strips connect LED split headlights on both sides, which lengthens the visual width of the front face. The word "Qin" in the center of the decorative strip indicates the identity of the new car. At the same time, the combination of the heavily pressed front and the four three-dimensional lines on the engine compartment cover creates a diving visual effect, which is quite sporty. In the aspect of appearance color matching, black jade blue color matching is added, which not only has the calm atmosphere of ink color, but also has the bright luster of jade.

    In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4765x1837x1495mm and the wheelbase is 2718mm, which is consistent with the 2022 model and is positioned as a compact car with four doors and five seats. The side lines of the car body are smooth, the windows are decorated with chrome trim strips, and the exclusive chrome nameplate is added at the front fender.

    In terms of interior, the warm sun brown interior color matching is added, and the warm color interior makes the visual experience inside the car more warm and harmonious. The standard sports seat in the car adopts a brand-new punching process to improve the heat dissipation of the seat, and the electric adjustment of the co-driver seat and the heating function of the front seat are added to enhance the comfort when riding.

    The newly equipped DiLink4.0(4G) intelligent networking system in the car has faster voice response and more beautiful visual effects. The number of speakers has been upgraded from 6/8. Except for the 55KM leading model, the other models come standard with karaoke function.

    The central control display screen of 120KM superior and 120KM superior models has been upgraded from 10.1 inches to 12.8 inches. The car also comes standard with 8.8-inch LCD instrument panel, engine electronic anti-theft, front armrest, GPS navigation system, navigation road information display, Bluetooth/car phone, voice recognition control system and other configurations.

    In terms of power, Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition is equipped with a DM-i hybrid system. The maximum power of the engine is 80kW, and the peak torque is 135 N m. It is matched with a permanent magnet/synchronous front single motor, and the transmission is matched with an E-CVT continuously variable gearbox. According to different configurations, NEDC pure electric cruising range can be selected from 55 km and 120 km.

The "Running Carnival" brothers joined hands with Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin to open a summer carnival.

Video: "Running Carnival" Zhejiang Satellite TV sincerely dedicates the running men’s group to invite the audience to party with their old and new friends.

With the high-quality program content, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s Run Bar has not only topped the list, but also won the praise of major institutions and media such as People’s Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the official Weibo of the United Nations, which has satisfied the audience’s appetite with its "running strength". With everyone’s earnest expectation, this Friday night’s "Run" finally ushered in the "Running Carnival" with increased and upgraded joy this season. At the scene, "Run" not only invites enthusiastic audience to experience the classic game of running men, but also brings wonderful song and dance performances with old and new friends Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin. In addition, Xu Yaping, Tony, Jia Shukai and other "helping amateur friends" will also be present to bring surprise interaction. What sparks of joy will their arrival collide with "logging fatigue"?

Angela Zhang and JJ Lin, together with popular new forces, Chen Linong and Rocket Girls 101, made great surprises on the same stage.

Following the continuous exposure of the guest lineup of "Running Carnival" by the official Weibo of "Running", netizens expressed their "super expectation! Everyone has a good heart. " In order to give back to the audience’s love and support, we will bring you an "Amazing" carnival feast at the closing ceremony. This time, "Run" not only sincerely invited old friends Jason, Angela Zhang, JJ Lin and Joey Yung, who are powerful singers, to sing on the same stage, but also pleasantly welcomed new friends with super popularity, such as Mao Bubian, Rocket Girls 101 and Hot Blood Street Dance Troupe.

At the scene, Ryan and "Grandmother Zheng" Angela Zhang continued their pioneering work in the "Running Carnival" after the "Family Graduation Challenge" and performed wonderful interactive performances; Lu Han and the bloody street dance group "Steel King Team" used dance to burn this "running feast"; Michael Chen, who has always had a lot of golden sentences in the program, not only brought a hilarious talk show with "Sister Ju" Naomi, but also reviewed the happy moment of "attacking and defending and tearing famous brands" with Chen Linong as the incarnation of "Fat Fish". In addition, Rocket Girls 101, the most popular female group, will also show off her singing and dancing skills in surprise. In the face of such a strong guest lineup, whose performance do you want to Pick most?

The "sound-deaf team" was exposed. Jason and Angelababy actually collaborated again on "This is Love"

In addition to welcoming new and old friends, the "Running Carnival" will also announce the long-awaited unvoiced MV of the "Music Crazy Team". In "Run" and "Special Edition of Mid-year Fans’ Club", Jason and Jane Zhang, the powerful singers, once led the "Music Insanity Team" and "Teana Team" to record songs, and set off a nationwide Pick craze. Although the "Teana Team" finally lost and accepted the punishment announced by the whole network of unvoiced MV, many netizens were full of curiosity about the unvoiced MV of the "Tone Crazy Team".

At this carnival feast, Jason, the tutor of "Music Insanity Team", not only brought "the sound of nature" to the audience, but also collaborated with "Run Music Student" Angelababy on "This is Love" again. At the scene, the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Tone Insanity Team" was exposed by the program group. In order to prove the singing strength of the "Tone Insanity Team", Angelababy boldly proposed to cooperate with her mentor Jason on the spot "This is Love". Can Angelababy overcome "forgetting words and out of tune" and produce the "death treble" in Jason’s masterpiece This is Love? What "surprises" will the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Music Insanity Team" bring to the audience?

After enjoying the beautiful and pleasant song and dance performances, what other "running memories and killing" will "logging tired" offer together with the "running help group"? What surprises will the old and new friends of Run bring to us? The answers are at 16:00 on July 6th (Friday), "Run Happy Carnival Afternoon" and "Carnival Night" at 19:30. On this joyful day, let’s continue to run along with "logging fatigue"!

Xiaomi eliminated MIUI, but the car was disconnected.

Image source @ vision china

Text | Jinjiao Finance, Author | Dongli

With the official announcement of the Xiaomi 14 series mobile phone conference on October 27, Xiaomi 14 immediately boarded the hot search. In this regard, Lei Jun responded enthusiastically: "Don’t worry, this product is very strong!"

One day later, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi’s self-developed new operating system Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will be launched soon, and Xiaomi 14 series will be the first mobile phone equipped with the new system, and MIUI, which has served for 13 years, will gradually fade into the dust.

In fact, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS is not only an upgrade and replacement of MIUI, but also a brand-new ecological operating system, and it is also ready for the upcoming car system. As Lei Jun said, this is "a key leap towards" people and cars ".

With the increasing involution of the mobile phone track in recent years, and the mobile phone becoming the connection entrance of intelligent hardware including automobiles and home appliances, the mobile phone with "no volume" in hardware has finally come to the software arena by the express train of the Internet of Things.

Xiaomi has always pursued the development model of "soft and hard combination". Even the first product of Xiaomi is the operating system software like MIUI. Coupled with the self-developed system of Apple and Huawei, "Zhuyu is in the front", Xiaomi really has no reason not to develop its own operating system.

Nowadays, MIUI, which has been with Xiaomi users for 13 years, is about to retire, and the OS, which has been dormant for 9 years, has finally come to the sun, becoming a key hub to help realize the ecological closed loop of Xiaomi’s "people and cars".

At such a critical moment, Xiaomi automobile failed to show up, and the current new energy vehicles have been seriously involved. It is not easy for Lei Jun to realize the ecological closed loop of "people and cars".

As Xiaomi 澎湃 OS takes the stage, MIUI will gradually retire.The operating system developed by Xiaomi twice has different development stages and missions.

Looking back at the birth of MIUI, on August 16th, 2010, MIUI, as the first product of Xiaomi, was officially launched, and it was constantly updated and iterated at the pace of one shift every year. By last December, MIUI had evolved to MIUI 14.

For more than ten years, MIUI has only four commonly used functions from the first edition, and has gradually become the underlying deep framework of cross-end interconnection; The radiation scope of MIUI has also expanded from the earliest 100 "dream sponsors" to 1.175 billion cumulative users worldwide.

The birth of MIUI means that when Xiaomi chose to cut into the market at a low price with a cost-effective advantage in the early stage of its business, it neutralized the low-end and cheap atmosphere when Xiaomi’s hardware equipment was not dominant, adding the charm of quality and making Xiaomi’s mobile phone stand out.

For example, they are all customized systems developed based on Google Android, but MIUI is more beautiful and refreshing, perfectly supports the display of Chinese fonts, and even includes alarm clock functions for the lunar calendar and weekdays.

Even so, MIUI, after all, is a third-party mobile operating system based on the deep optimization, customization and development of the Android system under Xiaomi, so it can’t get rid of the drawbacks of the bloated, stuck and unstable Android system.

At the same time, in the era of Internet of Everything, with the growing ecological chain of Xiaomi, and the release of Xiaomi car is in sight, the complexity and huge number of operating system branches involved in various devices, as well as the ecological connection gap between different systems and protocols, have become challenges that cannot be ignored.

At present, MIUI obviously can’t afford such a large-scale interconnection. The biggest problem caused by all kinds of accumulated disadvantages and inconveniences is to push up the cost of development and maintenance, and even discourage users because of the unsmooth experience.

The birth of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS is precisely to solve this problem. Its goal is to build a unified and extensible operating system framework to support all kinds of smart devices of Xiaomi, thus breaking down the barriers between different devices and different systems.

According to public information, when Xiaomi’s Internet of Things business began to take shape in 2014, Xiaomi had already started exploratory development and verification of the operating system. In 2017, Xiaomi officially started the research and development of a new operating system. And in 2020, it launched an operating system specially built for IoT devices — — Xiaomi Vela。

The word Vela comes from the Latin word "sail", which is a "real-time operating system" (RTOS) made by Xiaomi based on the foreign open source project "NuttX". The main target hardware is smart speakers, smart light bulbs, water meters and meters.

With the increasing number of "smart homes" connected by Xiaomi, what Xiaomi Vela has to do is to provide a unified platform for these smart home devices to manage and open up fragmented Internet of Things application scenarios.

Xiaomi 澎湃 OS inherited the Vela system. By "integrating the deeply evolved Android and the self-developed Vela system, it completely rewrote the underlying architecture and made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections."

In other words, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has carried the mission of the underlying base of the Internet of Everything since its establishment, and it has also become a powerful tool for Xiaomi to solve the current weak growth of the mobile phone market and start new growth with "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

A cruel reality in the mobile phone market is that only by expanding outward can we seize the future.On the one hand, Xiaomi makes efforts to build cars and home appliances, and broadens the ecology of Mijia. On the other hand, it deeply integrates them through innovations such as operating systems to stabilize the core position of the mobile phone business.

As the core entrance of the Internet of Everything, mobile phones are deepening the penetration of other business ecosystems of Xiaomi.

In addition to the TV business that was recently merged into Xiaomi’s mobile phone department, in the last three years, Xiaomi also split the notebook business and tablet business and merged them into the mobile phone department; According to many insiders, Xiaomi’s wearing department, which was established in 2020, was previously included in the R&D system of the mobile phone department.

According to Xiaomi insiders: "In the mobile phone ×IoT strategy, the mobile phone is 1, and the others are all behind 0."

On the one hand, mobile phones are still the basic disk of Xiaomi, accounting for more than 50% of revenue for many years; On the other hand, Xiaomi’s mobile phone business is under obvious pressure. The data shows that Xiaomi’s smartphone business revenue in the second quarter was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year; In the second quarter, smartphone shipments were 32.9 million units, down 15.8% year-on-year.

Compared with the low speed or even negative growth of mobile phones, Xiaomi’s IoT business has shown greater growth potential.

According to Canayls data, in June 2023, the number of active users of MIUI worldwide reached 606 million, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; As of June 30, 2023, the number of IoT devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) connected to Xiaomi’s AIoT platform has increased to 655 million, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%.

Xiaomi started the layout of smart home ecology in the early stage of its business. In 2013, it started the ecological chain plan, and planned to "invest in 100 ecological enterprises in five years", and formed a unique Mijia ecological chain, among which there are many outstanding people in the segmentation field. For example, mi band is the product of cooperation between Xiaomi and Huami. Behind Xiaomi headphones is Wanmo Acoustics, and behind smart homes are enterprises such as Green Rice and Smart Rice.

The aggregated business with rich products and higher competition barriers such as "Family Barrel" has also attracted a number of mobile phone manufacturers.

For example, in recent years, Huawei has successively released many products including watches, tablets, headphones, whole house intelligence, etc. OPPO also started with TV to lay out smart home products, and made rapid progress.

Visible,In recent years, the "involution" of the mobile phone industry has been completely not limited to the mobile phone itself, but in ecology.

Today’s mobile phone camp, the two brands of Apple and Huawei, which are firmly stuck in the high-end market, have their own operating system, and at the same time, they have established the "Apple Family Bucket" and "Huawei Family Bucket" with exclusive applications, services and products.

In a practical sense, the self-developed operating system can not only promote the cause of the Internet of Things, but also help optimize the brand image and win the high-end market. At the same time, through the self-developed operating system to reduce costs and increase efficiency, we will build a moat of technology and services, get rid of dependence on Android, and reduce all aspects of research and development costs and the risk of "stuck neck" sanctions.

Before Xiaomi, Huawei’s HarmonyOS system and Apple’s iOS were worthy of reference. For example, Huawei’s unified naming of "HarmonyOS" made Huawei’s entire ecosystem have a higher degree of recognition, and the self-developed ecosystem extended more exclusive applications, services and products, which not only improved users’ stickiness, but also boosted shipments of other product lines.

Nowadays, the involution of mobile phone manufacturers seems to be concentrated in the operating system, and they all hope to build their own smart terminal "family bucket". The competition faced by Xiaomi is still not small.

In addition, from the perspective of ecological chain, Xiaomi has established a wealth of products and accumulated a huge user base, but in a short time, Xiaomi still can’t get rid of Android.

If you don’t rely on Android AOSP, most applications on Xiaomi devices need to be redone according to your own development requirements, which is unrealistic at present. Even HarmonyOS system has gone through many iterations to achieve independence.

Therefore, Xiaomi can’t pose a direct threat to iOS, Android, HarmonyOS and other ecosystems in the short term just by developing its own operating system.

Whether Xiaomi’s operating system can finally win in the market competition depends on the effect of core functions and experience, which will have to be announced by Lei Jun at the press conference on October 27th.

With the car landing in the Internet of Everything, a differentiated ecosystem in the future may become the core competitiveness of mobile phone manufacturers to strive for cooperation with car companies. butXiaomi’s car-making business, which has attracted much attention for a long time, has gradually become a key link in Xiaomi’s "people and cars" ecology.

In 2021, seeing that the growth of the entire mobile phone market is about to peak, Lei Jun decisively chose to cross the border to build a car. "Smart cars are the current outlet and an indispensable part of the smart ecology in the future. Together with personal mobile devices and home environment, they form a complete smart life scene."

On March 30 of that year, Xiaomi announced that it had officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles. The initial investment is 10 billion yuan, and it is estimated that the investment will be 10 billion dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun said, "This is the last major entrepreneurial project in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation in life and personally lead the team to fight for Xiaomi Automobile. "

Two years after it was put into production, it was recently reported that Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Factory had started construction this year, and mass production was imminent. On October 13th, Guo Ming Fufa, an analyst of Tianfeng International Securities, said that the first Xiaomi car is expected to be sold in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units. The key selling points are autonomous driving, software ecology and 800V fast charging and power configuration, and the estimated price is less than 300,000 yuan.

In addition, according to market rumors, Xiaomi’s new car will adopt the 澎湃 OS system, and will be equipped with Qualcomm’s latest flagship chip and wireless charging technology; At the same time, it also supports 800V high-voltage fast charging, charging for 10 minutes and battery life of 300 kilometers.

In terms of autonomous driving, Lei Jun once said that Xiaomi Automobile will enter the first camp of the industry in 2024. Therefore, Xiaomi has formulated the strategy of full-stack self-research, and the automobile R&D team has expanded to 2,300 people in 2022, and has applied for 956 patents as of October 18.

From the perspective of supply chain,The mass production of Xiaomi automobile in 2024 may be just a good time, that is, just avoiding the bottleneck period of the industry, sitting on the sidelines when the major car companies are rolled up and flying, and entering the market when the industry completes the reshuffle.

However, with the popularization of new energy vehicles, the domestic competition market for new energy vehicles has become a red sea. BYD, Ideality and Huawei have occupied the dominant market position, and Tesla, which continues to reduce costs, has great momentum to fight the price war to the end, while Weimar and other automobile manufacturers, which were in the early days, have even ended up in bankruptcy.

Compared with Lei Jun’s announcement to build a car, the retail sales of new energy vehicles in China accounted for only 8.49%, and the market of new energy vehicles is growing and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. According to the data of China Automobile Association, from January to September 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 6.313 million and 6.278 million respectively, up by 33.7% and 37.5% respectively, and the market share reached 29.8%.

In such a cruel and saturated market,The most likely way for Xiaomi to succeed is to rely on Xiaomi’s brand awareness and integrate the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to reduce costs and dislocation competition as much as possible.

Since the official announcement of the car, Xiaomi has invested in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain in the name of Xiaomi Zhizao Fund, Xiaomi Production and Investment Fund, Shunwei Capital and Xiaomi Private Equity Fund Management, and almost invested in the upstream and downstream of the new energy automobile industry chain.

Through investment, we can establish deeper links with enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the automobile supply chain, which is surprisingly consistent with Xiaomi’s logic of making mobile phones in the past.

Making good use of its own resources in supply chain integration, 6.5 billion loT equipment worldwide, 600 million monthly MIUI users, and tens of thousands of retail stores across the country may be the key to Xiaomi Automobile’s latecomers.

reference data

  • Titanium media "MIUI or curtain call, Xiaomi tells the story again"
  • Zinc Finance "Domestic mobile phones get together and develop their own systems, and it has become a trend to fight against Android"
  • Radar finance "MIUI retired, 澎湃 OS" upper position ",Xiaomi should take the road of Huawei? 》
  • Interesting business "Xiaomi makes a car: can the" price butcher "still wield a knife? 》