Liuyang Dayao: Fireworks bloom for thousands of years in an instant.

Fireworks have been blooming in Liuyang Dayao for thousands of years.
Located at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, it is deeply hidden in the mountains. Since Li Fang, the ancestor of fireworks, was born here 1400 years ago, Dayao Town has been attached to fireworks.
Starting from Changsha, after getting off the expressway at Dayao Interchange, the first thing you see is Liuyang International Fireworks Trade City, which covers an area of 200 mu. Entering the town center, the "brand" of fireworks can be seen everywhere.
At present, there are 58 fireworks manufacturers and 413 fireworks-related enterprises in Dayao, and their products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions. A complete fireworks industrial chain with fireworks production and management, raw and auxiliary materials supply, packaging and printing, commercial transportation and so on as the core is formed here.
Fireworks have been blooming in Dayao, Liuyang for thousands of years. Photo courtesy of Dayao Town
Innovating traditional industries in development and increasing motivation
"Fireworks are traditional industries, and there is no’ sophisticated’ technology to rely on. Affected by environmental protection, safety, epidemic situation and other factors, sales in recent years have been cold and the market is weak. To develop, we must constantly seek breakthroughs. " As soon as they met, Qiu Chunliang, the head of Tanghua Fireworks Co., Ltd., came straight to the point and threw out his thoughts on the fireworks industry.
Qiu Chunliang, a post-80s student, studied abroad and joined the fireworks industry in 2013. In 1990, after his father Qiu Shunming retired from the army, he returned to Dayao and founded Tanghua Fireworks Co., Ltd. As a new generation of fireworks, Qiu Chunliang has a stronger sense of market crisis than his parents.
Last year, affected by the epidemic, the export of Tanghua fireworks dropped sharply, from 50 million yuan in 2019 to about 20 million yuan. This year, Qiu Chunliang decisively changed the business direction of professional fireworks export in the past, and increased the export proportion of consumer fireworks.
"Professional discharge fireworks are mainly supplied to discharge companies and will not be sold to individuals. Consumer fireworks can be retailed to individuals. " Qiu Chunliang introduced that in the past, the company’s consumer fireworks exports were very small. Since last year, due to the epidemic situation, the number of foreign large-scale fireworks shows has decreased, resulting in a sharp decline in the professional fireworks market, but the demand for consumer fireworks has not decreased.
Looking for an opportunity in a crisis can turn a crisis into an opportunity. After adjusting the direction, Tanghua Company’s export of consumer fireworks is expected to increase tenfold this year, from more than 1 million yuan to about 10 million yuan.
The real-time status of more than 400 workshops in the monitoring room of Tanghua Company’s production plant is clear at a glance on 10 electronic display screens. Charging, granulating and other processes are only allowed to be operated by a single person in a single room. If there is an over-capacity, the system will automatically give an alarm at the first time. Today, 58 fireworks production enterprises in Dayao have been connected to the safety production risk early warning and prevention and control system, and realized the networking at the town and city levels.
While fireworks production is safe and standardized, the forms of discharge are also more diverse.
"The younger generation pays more attention to the artistic appreciation of fireworks, and enterprises have to keep up with market trends." At present, Qiu Chunliang has set up two companies, focusing on fireworks display creativity, product research and development, and integrating music, dance, laser and other multicultural arts into fireworks display, and has participated in more than 1,000 large-scale fireworks display activities at home and abroad.
The spirit of innovation in development has pushed Dayao Fireworks from a scattered, small and chaotic family workshop to a large-scale industry step by step.
In recent years, in order to continuously promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional fireworks industry, Dayao Town has implemented the strategy of "four modernizations and two types" (intensification, mechanization, specialization, informationization, safety and environmental protection), and invested more than 50 million yuan to build a scientific and technological platform for the fireworks industry, an industrial service support platform for the fireworks town, and set up a research and innovation cluster for the fireworks industry.
Today, Dayao has formed six industrial clusters, including fireworks production, fireworks management, raw and auxiliary materials management, packaging and printing, papermaking and machinery. In the past five years, the town’s fiscal revenue has jumped from 228 million yuan to 384 million yuan. Last year, the total industrial output value exceeded 12.6 billion yuan.
The form of fireworks display is also constantly innovating. Photo courtesy of Dayao Town
Inheriting fireworks culture in development and adding vitality
Liu Yuwen, 59, is a native of Dayao. When he was 5 or 6 years old, he followed his grandfather to plug in the lead and pull the fireworks bobbin, and successively set up two fireworks factories. Last year, according to the relevant regulations of the town, the Yinfeng Fireworks Factory, which Liu Yuwen had operated for more than ten years, withdrew from the production ranks and switched to the fireworks trading business.
"Industrial development, no rules, no Fiona Fang, my factory quit in an orderly manner when it expired, and I have no complaints." Now, Liu Yuwen has left the trading company to his son to take care of, and he has devoted himself to being the curator of "China Fireworks Culture Museum".
"I took the lead in building this museum in 2001. At that time, many people didn’t understand and asked me why I spent this effort. I said, the fireworks in China are going out from here. Can there be a decent museum? " In the square in front of the museum, surrounded by bamboo, Liu Yuwen’s words are full of feelings.
Industry is the root and culture is the soul. In the Fireworks Museum, there are more than 100 printed fireworks and trolleys in Ming and Qing Dynasties, which record the development history of Liuyang Fireworks for more than 1400 years and display more than 200 photos of each period. In addition to the physical display, the museum also vividly shows 72 processes of traditional fireworks production, such as pulling the tube, winding the tube, loading the plate and drilling the hole. It attracts more than 200,000 domestic and foreign tourists every year.
Promote production with the city, and prosper the city with production. In recent years, Dayao Town has invested 1.06 billion yuan to build a series of core attractions, such as Li Miao Temple, Li Fang Square, Fireworks Cultural Pedestrian Street, Fireworks Museum, etc., which has shaped the characteristics of the fireworks town and made the cultural heritage of the Millennium fireworks increasingly prominent.
On June 12th, last year, Dayao Town successfully held the first fireworks "Yuan" Happy Festival in Hunan and Jiangxi (Dayao). This is the second consecutive year that the town has held a grand event related to urban fireworks. At present, Dayao has opened four fine tourist routes of fireworks culture. Through the festival, the industry will sing opera and promote the integration of fireworks and cultural tourism industry.
At present, in order to seize the strategic opportunity of the regional cooperation demonstration zone along the Hunan-Jiangxi border, Dayao is actively introducing well-known fireworks enterprises and cultural and creative companies to settle in, and gradually forming a big development pattern with fireworks towns as the core circle, surrounding towns as the sub-core circle and the main producing areas along the Hunan-Jiangxi border as the radiation circle.
A river of poems and paintings, fireworks all over the city. "Fireworks Town" is making the Millennium fireworks bloom with new colors!
Source of this article: People’s Network-Hunan Channel

Henan self-study exam training to find which formal?

Henan self-study exam training to find which formal? Self-study examination is one of the important ways to improve academic qualifications. In the era when academic qualifications are valued, especially for newly graduated students or young people who have just entered the workplace, the recruitment requirements of units and enterprises will clearly state the requirements for academic qualifications. The purpose of self-study exam to improve academic qualifications is to obtain an academic qualification. If you want to pass the exam smoothly, you must know some common questions about self-study exam in advance. The following small series answers the relevant information about the self-study exam for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main college and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Henan self-study exam training to find which formal?

Self-study exam training mainly chooses institutions, whether there are famous schools or not; Whether the campus of the institution is rich or not, and whether there are branch campuses, so as to see the strength of the institution; It also depends on the agency’s authorization to enroll students. It must also be a formal and legal educational institution. All kinds of documents and procedures must be complete, and the school license, business license and other documents are indispensable. However, when registering, you should also carefully check the business scope of the business license and whether it includes business projects related to education and training.

1. The choice of institutions is wide: whether an institution for upgrading academic qualifications is professional or not depends on whether it is related to academic qualifications, and all institutions for upgrading academic qualifications can operate. Many institutions only promote a certain school when providing services to candidates, because this is the institution they cooperate with, and the institution you want to go to is not available, which shows that the hard power is not enough.

2. Whether the campus of the institution is rich: Many institutions with upgraded academic qualifications are listed and have no fixed office location. For friends who want to upgrade their academic qualifications, it is necessary to see whether there is office space and whether there are enough branch schools, so as to judge whether they have the strength.

3. Whether to authorize enrollment: Authority does not mean authority in all aspects. It is very important whether it is authorized to enroll students in colleges and universities. If it is not authorized to enroll students, it is probably unreliable.

There are two registration opportunities for the self-study exam in one year, namely January and July, and the exam time is April and October respectively. In some places, it is four times, and the specific registration time should be based on the time released by the local education examination institute. You can apply for the self-study exam online according to the process, or you can apply for it on the spot through the self-study exam office to remind everyone to pay attention to the time of applying for the exam.

The above is related to the self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

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In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

The Ministry of Communications announced that the content of the online car test was 80 points and above.

  Beijing Morning News (Reporter Zou Le) Yesterday, the Ministry of Transport announced the Outline of the National Public Subject Examination for Taxi Drivers’ Qualification and the Notice on Defining the License Form of Online Booking Taxi Service, which clarified the specific contents and methods of the online car driver examination and the certificate form of the "three certificates".

  According to the outline, the national public subject examination for taxi drivers’ qualification is subject to the national unified examination outline. The examination method is a national unified question bank, and the computer system is used to randomly select questions. The examination time is 60 minutes. There are 85 test questions, which are divided into true or false questions, single-choice questions and multiple-choice questions. Among them, there are 15 judgment questions, with 1 point for each question; 55 multiple-choice questions, 1 point for each question; 15 multiple-choice questions, 2 points for each question. The total score of the exam is 100 points, and 80 points or above are qualified. The test results will be announced within 10 days after the end of the test.

  The specific examination contents include mastering taxi related policies, laws and regulations; Master the knowledge of taxi safety operation; Understand the professional ethics of taxi drivers; Master taxi service standards; Familiar with other related knowledge of taxi operation. Among them, the examination content of "New Deal" accounts for the most, reaching 18 points. The content of "New Deal" includes national taxi policies, laws and regulations such as Guiding Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry, Regulations on the Management of Taxi Drivers’ Qualification, Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Management Service, Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Management Service, and Measures for Evaluating the Credit of Taxi Service Quality.

  In addition, the Ministry of Transport also issued the Notice on Defining the License Form of Online Booking Taxi Service yesterday. The "Notice" stipulates the document styles of three certificates, namely, online booking taxi business license, online booking taxi transport license and online booking taxi driver’s license. Among them, the column of "Record of Online Booking Taxi Operators" shall be filled in by the corresponding online car platform company. For services provided by multiple platform companies, it shall be indicated separately and confirmed by the online car platform company.

  ■ Beijing

  The Municipal Transportation Commission initiated the examination investigation.

  The Beijing Morning Post reporter was informed that the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission has launched a taxi network car test survey. At the end of last month, Zhou Zhengyu, director of the Municipal Transportation Commission, led a team to investigate the taxi driver examination and licensing in this city. The research team first came to Beiqi Training School to inspect the taxi driver’s examination acceptance site, theoretical examination room and practical examination room in detail. Then take a bus to the examination center of the transportation administration, investigate the taxi driver’s certificate handling and theoretical examination room on the spot, and listen to the report of the relevant person in charge. The research team also came to the administrative examination and approval center of the Municipal Transportation Commission to learn more about the taxi business qualification certificate, vehicle operation certificate and driver passenger qualification certificate issuance and other related matters, and organized a symposium on related work.

  Previously, Beijing issued a draft of the detailed rules for the implementation of the network car. It is planned to stipulate that vehicles and drivers engaged in the operation of the network car in Beijing in the future must have "Beijing household registration", and private cars can apply to become network cars and pass the examination. However, at present, the new policy of Beijing network car has not been announced yet, and the time for the implementation of the exam has not been notified.

How did the whistle and brilliant colors of fireworks come about?

When Xiao Bian was very young, he liked to run to the balcony to watch fireworks every New Year. After a bang, a bright and colorful fireworks burst into the distant sky, gorgeous and beautiful.
All kinds of fireworks @Wikipedia
Therefore, Xiao Bian, who was young and ignorant at that time, couldn’t help wondering … Why did a small box on the ground look like that after being ignited? How on earth are fireworks designed and made in order to show such a brilliant effect?
The picture comes from the Internet.
There are many kinds of fireworks, and the fireworks seen in general TV programs, that is, the kind that flies to the sky with a bang and then explodes, are a special kind of fireworks called fireworks.
Fireworks @Wikipedia
Fireworks bloom can be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage is the launch of the fireworks bomb: with a bang, something on the ground flew into the sky. The second stage is probably the burst of fireworks, and a firework exploded in the sky. What happened in these two stages respectively?
The internal structure of a certain kind of fireworks is probably like this [1].
Fireworks structure
Hit the fireworks into the sky
When we lit the fuse (fast fuse), the fuse gave the friends time to evacuate and delayed the explosion. When the fuse burns to the propellant, ignite the propellant. Propellant is generally black powder discovered by the ancient alchemist in China. After the fireworks are lit, the sound of "bang" is the explosion of this thing. The main components of black powder are sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, and the reaction formula of explosion is complicated. A typical chemical reaction equation looks like this (familiar with one sulfur, two nitrates and three carbons):
This explosion reaction produces a lot of heat and high-temperature gas, which is similar to the principle of rocket launch. The high-temperature gas produces huge thrust and pushes the shell into the sky. In the process of flying high into the air, we often hear the whistling sound, which is a sound effect of fireworks. It comes from a special thermal-acoustic coupling combustion-pulsating combustion.
Pulsating combustion
Pulsating combustion is a special unstable combustion process, and the parameters such as temperature, pressure and airflow speed in the combustion zone will fluctuate periodically with time. In the process of industrial application of pulsating combustion, there will be a lot of noise radiated from the tail pipe of the burner [2]. This technology involves many nonlinear processes of thermo-acoustic coupling, large amplitude acoustic wave effect and so on, which is very complicated, so there is no relevant theory at present [3].
But the fact that there is no relevant theory doesn’t mean that we are not here or can’t use it.
People engaged in fireworks production already know that in order to make fireworks produce this whistling sound, it is necessary to use a special kind of combustion product-flute agent. Oxidizers (potassium perchlorate and potassium chlorate) and flute agents (mainly derivatives of benzene) are mixed and packed into paper or plastic tubes, and pulsating combustion will occur after ignition, resulting in crisp flute sound [4].
@ References [4]
This pulsating combustion causes thousands of violent vibrations of air every second, releasing high-frequency sound waves. Therefore, the combustion chamber loaded with flute agent and oxidant acts as a propeller, and at the same time, it also emits a sharp whistle-like sound.
In addition to the fireworks launched, there is also a famous fireworks with sound. Xiaobian’s hometown likes to call him a monkey, which is this thing:
The ingredients of the propellant used in this kind of thing are potassium perchlorate and potassium hydrogen phthalate. And this potassium hydrogen phthalate, as can be seen from the above table, is also a flute agent (although the sound frequency emitted by combustion is unstable, it still produces a sound pressure of 100dB).
Burst out a firework.
After the propellant is detonated, the delay lead is ignited and the time is started. By the time the shell flies to high altitude and needs to be ignited, the delay lead is almost burned out. So the explosive was detonated and the stars were blown all over the sky. The figure of the fireworks explosion depends on the position of the stars in the shell. If the medicine makes the fireworks explode into a specific shape, it is necessary to design the arrangement of the stars in the fireworks subtly [5].
What the hell is this star? It is the most crucial and mysterious part of the whole fireworks display ~
Its main components are magnesium powder, potassium perchlorate and metal salt or metal powder [6].
Star Composition @ Paperclip-How to Make Explosive Fireworks
After the star is ignited, magnesium powder as reducing agent and potassium perchlorate as oxidizing agent burn violently, giving off a lot of light and heat (but not gas) and becoming the shining things in the fireworks.
But how did the colors of fireworks come from? This involves an important phenomenon related to physics and chemistry-flame reaction.
flame reaction
Simple metals or their compounds will evaporate into individual particles at extremely high temperature, and only individual particles can exhibit flame reaction. (There is no flame reaction in bulk solid samples, because the luminescence of bulk materials is mainly related to the movement of electrons in the materials, and there are various electrons in different movement states in bulk solid samples, so the spectrum of light emitted by bulk materials is very wide and does not present a relatively single color [7]). However, the free metal simple substance or metal ion in the flame will be excited to an excited state with higher energy at high temperature.
However, the excited atom at higher energy is unstable, and it will always transition to the most stable ground state with the lowest energy. In this process, the photon energy (hν) emitted by the atom is exactly equal to the energy difference between the excited state (energy E2) and the ground state (energy E1).
The wavelength of photons emitted in this way does not depend on the temperature of the evaporated metal particles, but only on the energy difference between the two energy levels where the transition occurs, and this energy difference is only related to the kind of atoms.
Therefore, different metal ions will have different colors. In this way, we can use various metals and metal compounds to produce various colors.
The metals or metal compounds in the stars, heated by the huge heat released by the burning of magnesium and potassium perchlorate, emit their own light through the flame reaction.
The color of flame reaction [8]
It’s been more than a dozen Spring Festival from a silly child who knows nothing to today’s Xiaobian. Looking at the manuscript, I can’t help but think of myself skipping in front of fireworks more than ten years ago. Time flies, the sun and the moon fly. Although it is more and more difficult to see the fireworks bloom, their physical and chemical principles are becoming more and more clear.
Anyway, it’s the Spring Festival. While enjoying the beautiful and gorgeous fireworks, don’t miss the same beautiful and gorgeous physical and chemical principles behind the fireworks ~
Ps: Places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited should strictly abide by the regulations.
reference data
Shao Dongwei, Wang Junfa, Liu Yuanjun, et al. Research and application of pulsating combustion technology [J]. Modern Agriculture, 2009 (7):41-43.
Wu Yunfei, Deng Kai, Shen Zhongliang, et al. Development of pulsating combustion technology [J]. Light Industry Machinery, 2013 (1):106-110.
Lan Haikang. The relationship between flute agent and chemical structure [J]. Fireworks Technology and Market, 1994(1):20-21.
[6] How to make explosive fireworks
Editor: Luna

Ministry of Finance: In January, the national lottery sales reached 27.21 billion yuan, down 43.3% year-on-year.

  BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) The website of the Ministry of Finance today announced the national lottery sales in January 2020. Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Compared with the same period of last year, the sales volume of lottery tickets in 31 provinces all declined.

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

  Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 12.89 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.328 billion yuan or 39.3%. The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 14.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.416 billion yuan or 46.4%. The year-on-year decline in lottery sales in January was mainly due to the fact that the lottery was closed during the Spring Festival, and the policy impact of the decline in lottery sales caused by the adjustment of some game rules continued to appear. In January 2019, due to the influence of the Asian Cup, the sales of sports lottery quiz lottery games were large, and the base was high in the same period last year.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of sales of different types of lottery tickets, in January, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets reached 14.969 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.918 billion yuan or 39.9%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 6.804 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.610 billion yuan or 58.5%. The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 2.777 billion yuan, up 593 million yuan or 27.1% year-on-year; The sales of video lottery tickets was 2.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.809 billion yuan or 40.6%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets was RMB 10 million, a year-on-year decrease of RMB 01 million or 7.8%. In January, the lottery sales of digital lottery, quiz lottery, instant lottery, video lottery and Keno lottery accounted for 54.9%, 25.0%, 10.2%, 9.8% and 0.1% of the total lottery sales respectively.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of lottery sales by region, in January, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in 31 provinces all decreased, among which Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Henan decreased more, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.937 billion yuan, 1.929 billion yuan, 1.808 billion yuan, 1.454 billion yuan and 1.166 billion yuan respectively.

  The Ministry of Finance said that financial departments at all levels and lottery agencies at all levels should conscientiously do a good job in lottery issuance and sales during epidemic prevention and control, further strengthen supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain normal market order, and promote the healthy development of lottery.

Interest-driven banned fireworks have management loopholes in many links. The reporter’s investigation found that "online celebrity Fireworks" was still on sale after a makeover.

Source: Rule of Law Daily-Legal Network
Cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have low ignition points, which can be ignited with matches or lighters, which means that there is fire danger in the process of transportation, storage and sales, and the burning speed is relatively fast, and once a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly.
● According to China’s Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the production, transportation, storage and sales of cold light fireworks as fireworks and firecrackers or "steel wool fireworks" as inflammable dangerous goods shall be subject to the administrative permission of the relevant regulatory authorities.
● After several notices are issued, there are still online stores selling cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks", and there are loopholes in the security inspection of subway and express delivery, so buyers and sellers can still collect and sell goods normally.
□ Rule of Law Daily All-Media Reporter Wang Yang
□ Trainee reporter Zhang Shoukun
During the Spring Festival, fireworks accidents occurred in many places, and the safety risks of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" attracted attention.
On February 14th, official website, the Emergency Management Department, issued a notice, clearly incorporating cold light fireworks into the management of fireworks and firecrackers, and centrally cleaning up and rectifying illegal online sales; On February 16th, the Office of the State Council Safety Production Committee put forward rectification requirements, and all the "steel wool fireworks" currently sold in physical storefronts and online platforms should be taken off the shelves and properly disposed of; On February 19th, the State Post Bureau issued an urgent notice, requiring postal administrations and postal and express delivery enterprises to strictly guard against illegal delivery of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks".
In just a few days, many departments have issued documents intensively, and there is no "transition period" and "buffer period", which shows the determination of the relevant departments to govern.
However, according to a recent investigation by the reporter of Rule of Law Daily, there are still online stores selling cold fireworks such as "fairy glow sticks" and "electronic fireworks" and "steel wool fireworks" that can throw out cool visual effects. From the actual implementation situation, there are still many gaps with the requirements of "all off the shelves" and "prohibiting illegal delivery"; There are loopholes in the security inspection of subway, express delivery and other links, and buyers and sellers can still collect and sell goods normally. In addition, there is still no clear regulation on how to detect and identify, and how to properly handle the "steel wool fireworks" taken off the shelves by sellers and purchased by buyers.
Low ignition point and high risk.
There are misunderstandings in public cognition.
In January this year, in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, a woman played "throwing flowers" with "steel wool fireworks" in the parking lot to shoot a video, which caused the vehicle to catch fire. In Shanghai, a man was playing with "steel wool fireworks" on the roof, and the sparks caused two cars to be damaged …
Why are cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" so dangerous?
Kou Liping, a professor at the School of Public Security of the People’s Public Security University of China and director of the Urban Emergency Management Research Center of the Capital Social Security Research Base, explained that both cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have low ignition points and can be ignited with matches or lighters, which means that there is a fire hazard in the transportation, storage and sales process, and the burning speed is relatively fast, and once a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly.
"The temperature of the cold light fireworks nozzle is as high as 700℃ to 800℃, and the temperature of’ steel wool fireworks’ can reach 2000℃, which will not only burn the skin, but also ignite the surrounding combustibles when used." Yan Liping said.
It is worth noting that the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found in the interview that the public has misunderstandings about these two products.
The first is the name and classification. The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that many people don’t know what cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" are. After the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" showed the photos of cold light fireworks, some talents suddenly realized: "Isn’t this a flower? I used to play it when I was a child." "Steel wool fireworks" looks like a flattened steel ball for washing dishes. Few people know what it is. These people who don’t know even include the boss, courier and security inspector of the fireworks and firecrackers sales point.
Many interviewees will regard cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" as one kind of items, and they all belong to fireworks and firecrackers. The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" learned by calling Anhui Fireworks and Firecrackers Association and consulting relevant regulations that cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" are actually not the same thing.
"Safety and Quality of Fireworks and Firecrackers" stipulates that fireworks and firecrackers are made of pyrotechnics as the main raw materials. After ignition, they will produce light, sound, color, shape, smoke and other effects by burning or exploding, which are used for viewing and are inflammable and explosive.
"Steel wool fireworks" is a filament-shaped low-carbon steel, which contains no smoke powder. It is a material mainly used for polishing stone materials, which has a low ignition point and will form a liquid state at high temperature, and belongs to flammable materials. Cold light fireworks are flammable and explosive, and have been included in the management of fireworks and firecrackers.
Secondly, safety awareness. The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that both sellers and buyers have weak awareness of fire safety.
In many online stores selling cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks", the introductions of merchants are "no danger" and "photographic props and artifacts". A shopkeeper said, just follow the instructions and online videos, but don’t wear down jackets or woolen fabrics. A consumer who has bought "steel wool fireworks" also thinks that it is ok to find a bigger open space and there will be no danger.
Can we set off cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" in the future? Kou Liping said that according to the notice, cold light fireworks can still be sold and set off in areas where fireworks and firecrackers are allowed, but they should be managed in accordance with the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers.
Du Leqi, an associate professor at the Law School of Jiangsu University, also told the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily that according to China’s Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the production, transportation, storage and sales of "steel wool fireworks", whether used as fireworks or flammable dangerous goods, should obtain administrative permission from relevant regulatory authorities.
The network platform is still on sale.
There are loopholes in the transportation link.
What is the current consignment situation of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks"?
Shortly after the rectification request was put forward by the Office of the State Council Work Safety Committee on February 16th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily went to Heping District, Hedong District, Hebei District and other urban areas in Tianjin for on-the-spot visits, and consulted the sales situation of some towns and villages in Tianjin, Lianyungang City, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province and Suzhou City, Anhui Province by telephone and WeChat.
Through the summary of the news obtained, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that at present, for "steel wool fireworks", the fireworks stores in many cities are basically supervised, and the stores basically said that they have never received goods; For cold light fireworks, there are some cases of illegal purchase and sale of private goods in some areas where burning and releasing are prohibited, but this situation is rare.
What about the sales of some online stores and platforms with tens of thousands of sales and "online celebrity Fireworks" flooding?
The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that after the relevant notice was issued, cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have become prohibited words on several e-commerce platforms, and direct search has failed to find related products. However, using keywords such as "fairy wand", "online celebrity Fireworks" and "Hand-cranked Iron Mianhua" to search, you will find that there are still many stores selling, and most of these online stores can still deliver goods normally, and some online stores have more orders during the Spring Festival.
On February 17th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily contacted a Taobao merchant who sold "steel wool fireworks". The store said that the logistics was updated normally, and now it can be delivered immediately, but it will not be sold after two days of strict management.
In the afternoon, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily tried to place an order for "15 pieces of steel wool fireworks with tools", and the next day it showed that it had been delivered successfully. On February 19th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily found that the goods in the store had been emptied, so he contacted the seller again and said what to do if he wanted to buy it in the future. As a result, he received the address of the WeChat store (micro-store) sent by the seller. At present, the Taobao store has no goods on the shelves, but as of press time, the micro store can still buy and sell normally.
On February 22nd, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" received the goods normally, indicating that there were some tips on the paper, such as "You can pass the security check and take the train and plane".
In order to verify the seller’s statement, on the afternoon of receiving the goods, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily came to Jingjiang Road subway station in Tianjin. After explaining the purpose in advance, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily put some "steel wool fireworks" on his body and successfully entered the subway station without triggering the security alarm. Here, you can take Metro Line 2 directly to tianjin railway station, and you can get into the station directly without repeating the security check.
It is understood that X-ray detectors, portable detectors, detection inspection doors and other security equipment in railway stations, buses and subways can detect similar things; Aircraft security will be stricter, and "steel wool fireworks" may be detected.
According to the Regulations on the Administration of Prohibited Delivery of Articles, "steel wool fireworks" should belong to "explosive, flammable, corrosive, toxic, infectious, radioactive and other articles that endanger the delivery safety", and the delivery enterprises should strictly implement the acceptance inspection system and inspect whether the articles delivered by users belong to prohibited items on the spot according to law. However, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter still received the goods normally.
The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" observed that "fine vegetables" were written on the seal used to package the box of "steel wool fireworks". Wang, the person in charge of SF Express in Xiaoxian County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that this situation may be caused by the seller telling the courier that it was vegetables or other items after packaging in advance, and the courier did not open the box for inspection.
Wang said that according to the formal process of express delivery, even if the package has been packaged, the courier should open the box for inspection after notifying the customer. Some things, such as "steel wool fireworks", may not be found during the express delivery; If the courier doesn’t know or the seller can’t tell what this kind of thing is, the courier should also refuse to send it in a serious and responsible manner.
Why do cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have these loopholes in production, transportation and sales?
Du Leqi believes that on the one hand, driven by interests, unlicensed enterprises produce, transport, store and sell these products in a more subtle way. For example, when selling, merchants will dilute or even cover up the commodity attributes of fireworks or flammable products, making it impossible for regulatory authorities to investigate and deal with such illegal acts quickly and efficiently, or the investigation cost is high; On the other hand, the contrast between the scarcity of regulatory power and resources and the susceptibility and multiplicity of illegal acts also weakens the effect of market supervision objectively.
Supervision in various places has increased.
How to properly handle the pending solution
It is understood that emergency bureaus, public security bureaus, State Administration for Market Regulation, transportation bureau, post office, fire rescue brigade and other departments have urgently carried out relevant activities to severely investigate and deal with the production, transportation, sale and discharge of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks".
On February 18, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province launched a centralized rectification campaign, investigated and dealt with 4 illegal acts of selling fireworks and firecrackers without a license, and confiscated 17 "time lanterns" of cold fireworks and more than 300 boxes of "golden electro-optic flowers"; Tianjin Dongli District Emergency Bureau set up four inspection teams to inspect 48 stores of various types, found 12 potential safety problems, rectified 12 on the spot, and investigated and dealt with one according to law (2 cold fireworks sticks were confiscated on the spot); Yang Junnan, a policeman from Taogou Police Station, Yongqiao Branch of Public Security Bureau of Suzhou City, Anhui Province, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that all kinds of fireworks sales stalls have become the product targets of the police, and at the same time, dealers’ purchase channels will be strictly controlled to ensure that these products do not flow to the market.
Du Leqi said that the relevant departments responsible for the supervision of the production, transportation and sales of fireworks and firecrackers should closely cooperate and share illegal information in the process of supervision and law enforcement while implementing their main supervisory responsibilities, so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supervision; Safety supervision departments responsible for the production and operation of fireworks and firecrackers should cooperate with network platform operators to comprehensively investigate and crack down on illegal acts related to such products; The public security departments and other departments that supervise the transportation safety of fireworks and firecrackers should also cooperate with the express delivery industry regulatory agencies, industry associations and other subjects to block the transportation channels of such products.
It is worth noting that the rectification of "steel wool fireworks" should also avoid accidental injury to steel wool.
It is understood that steel wool is actually a polishing material, mainly used for grinding and polishing stone products, metal products and wood products. The rectification requirements put forward by the Office of the State Council Safety Production Committee mentioned that the normal production and supply of steel wool used in industrial production and residents’ life should be guaranteed to prevent simplification and "one size fits all".
What should I do with the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" that I bought online at home after the merchants properly removed the products? This problem also troubled the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" who bought "steel wool fireworks".
Kou Liping said that the destruction of flammable and explosive materials is a highly professional job. She suggested that the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" stored at home should be handed in and destroyed by professionals.
But who to give the product to becomes a problem.
To this end, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter contacted Tianjin Public Security Bureau, Tianjin Fire and Rescue Corps and Tianjin Hedong District Emergency Management Bureau respectively. The person in charge of the Public Security Management Corps of Tianjin Public Security Bureau said that according to the regulations, fireworks and firecrackers can be handed over to the public security department, but "steel wool fireworks" may belong to fire protection. The person in charge of the Fire Prevention Department of Tianjin Fire Rescue Corps said that no relevant notice was received on this matter. The person in charge of the relevant departments of the Hedong District Emergency Management Bureau in Tianjin said that the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" collected in the law enforcement of market supervision and other departments will be handled in a unified manner, but the voluntary surrender may be related to fire protection and public security.
The reporter of the Rule of Law Daily found through inquiry that according to the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the public security department is responsible for the public safety management of fireworks and firecrackers and hazardous chemicals. However, the "steel wool fireworks" are not fireworks and firecrackers. The person in charge of the relevant departments of China Chemical Safety Association told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that the "steel wool fireworks" are not dangerous chemicals either.
So how to properly dispose of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" is still to be solved at present.

In 2016, the auto industry proposal of the two sessions took stock of the automatic driving ladder, and the oil price became the focus.

  [Global Network Comprehensive Report] The Fourth Session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at the Great Hall of the People at 3 pm on March 3, and the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress will also open on March 5.

  In 2016, two national conferences were held, and proposals on the automobile industry were also released. There are not only forward-looking proposals on autonomous driving legislation, but also proposals on people’s livelihood such as oil prices.

  According to the official news released by Geely Automobile, Li Shufu, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Group, put forward three proposals at the two sessions: firstly, he suggested speeding up the legislation of autonomous driving; secondly, he cautiously and reasonably revised the law on the promotion of private education; and thirdly, he strengthened the tax management of e-commerce business transactions.

  Li Shufu believes that motoring has brought new challenges and opportunities to the development of China automobile industry. It is urgent to judge the possible problems in advance and make legislative plans as soon as possible. This is because the legislation on autonomous driving has become a new international concern, and because of the complexity and uniqueness of China, it takes a certain period to amend a legislation or industry regulations. Therefore, starting to consider the legislation on autonomous driving as soon as possible will help to establish the norms of autonomous driving industry in China, promote the healthy development of the industry and guide social investment. Moreover, with the establishment of relevant legislation and industry norms, it can maximize the promotion of related industries to achieve cornering overtaking on the international stage in the "Made in China 2025" grand strategy. 

  As for the content and formulation of autonomous driving legislation, Li Shufu believes that we should first study and analyze the current laws and regulations in China, identify and start to modify the relevant provisions that hinder the development of autonomous driving; Secondly, as a new technology, the final promotion of autonomous driving must be widely accepted by users; In addition, autonomous driving can achieve more significant social effects in solving traffic congestion and air pollution in large and medium-sized cities, and these areas are also in urgent need of autonomous driving; Finally, the development of autonomous driving requires comprehensive consideration of relevant industrial policies of legislation.

  Coincidentally, the three proposals made by Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Baidu CEO Robin Li also involved policies and regulations on driverless driving.

  Li Yanhong said that driverless cars have great energy-saving potential, which has far-reaching significance in reducing traffic accidents, improving congestion, improving road and vehicle utilization, and can directly drive the rapid development of smart car aftermarket and other industries. At present, the development of global driverless technology is welcoming a new upsurge, and China enterprises are also actively deploying the core technology research and development and industrial application in the field of driverless. After years of accumulation, Internet companies such as Baidu have reached the international leading level in many key technologies of autonomous driving, such as traffic scene object recognition, high-precision mapping and positioning. However, compared with the continuous advancement of technology, China’s relevant laws and regulations still have a lot of room for adjustment for the development of driverless cars: on the one hand, the relevant industry standards, technical standards, laws and regulations and insurance of the existing automobile industry are not applicable to driverless cars; On the other hand, regulations on map content and surveying and mapping qualifications related to driverless cars also hinder the development of driverless cars.

  In response to this problem, Li Yanhong suggested in the proposal that China should pay attention to driverless driving at the national level, make top-level design and scientific planning for the research and development and industrial application of driverless technology, and revise and improve laws and regulations related to driverless driving as soon as possible, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the research and development, testing and commercial application of driverless cars.

  In addition to autonomous driving, which represents cutting-edge technology, people’s livelihood issues such as oil prices have also become the focus of auto industry proposals.


  The reporter learned from the official of Great Wall Motor that the proposal of Wang Fengying, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of Great Wall Motor, involved topics such as ladder pricing of vehicle fuel.

  Wang Fengying analyzed the current development situation of automobile industry in China: the number of motor vehicles in China is close to 280 million, the number of private cars is over 140 million, and the number of cars per thousand people is about 117, which is close to the international average. Generally speaking, China has entered the automobile society in an all-round way. Moreover, China’s public demand for cars has not yet reached its peak, and the number of cars is bound to maintain a net growth of more than 10 million in the next 10-15 years. According to this trend, China will become a "country on wheels". By then, people’s mode of production and travel, choice of residence, urban and rural structure, lifestyle, leisure style, consumption structure and business model will also change. This change in the rhythm of social activities will also have a direct impact on social relations and other aspects.

  At present, there is still a big gap between China’s "soft" environment of automobile society, especially the car-using environment and developed countries. The poor convenience of car owners and the heavy tax burden of all links directly restrict the operation efficiency of the automobile society and are not conducive to the development of China’s automobile society.

  She pointed out a series of problems exposed with the growth of car ownership: the system setting of vehicle and vessel tax is unfair, which is not conducive to encouraging car owners to use less cars; The toll period of expressway is too long, which is beyond the reasonable scope, so it should be adjusted and optimized according to the urban development; The fuel price pricing mechanism is not linked to the intensity of vehicle use; The current vehicle annual inspection system is still unreasonable and there is a waste of social resources; Urban parking fee management is chaotic and inefficient, and the whereabouts of parking fees are unknown; Congestion fee collection needs forward-looking planning and corresponding legal and policy support.

  In this regard, Wang Fengying’s suggestions are: increase the intensity of vehicle use and optimize the vehicle and vessel use tax system; Clarify the social and operational attributes of transportation infrastructure such as expressways, scientifically allocate resources, and create a fairer and more standardized car environment for car owners; Taking the vehicle intensity as an important charging standard, this paper explores the ladder pricing system of vehicle fuel to guide users to reduce the vehicle intensity; Supervision and use of "internet plus" and other technical means to improve vehicle traffic efficiency and improve parking management efficiency; Carefully collect congestion charges, and the decision-making process needs to be open and transparent; Revise and improve the laws, regulations and policies related to car use to create a more convenient car use environment for car owners.

  As well as the oil price problem, there are also concerns about the new energy utilization of automobiles, the progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, and the process of green environmental protection. Recently, An Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Jianghuai Automobile, said in an interview with the media that the most concerned issue is energy conservation and emission reduction.

  An Jin said: "This year’s two sessions, in addition to studying Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report, accurately grasping the development trend of the country and industry under the new normal, and combining the 13 th Five-Year Plan with enterprise development, my most concerned topic is energy conservation and emission reduction." At the beginning of the interview, An Jin briefly and directly introduced the focus of the two sessions this year.

  In Amgen’s view, there are at least two major issues in the adjustment of China’s industrial structure: innovation and green. A big country must have a high degree of innovation. If we can’t take the lead in innovation or catch up with it quickly, we can’t have competitiveness and the right to speak in the complicated political and economic environment.

  It is not difficult to infer that Amgen’s proposal will focus on the development of innovative technologies, green cars and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Neusoft Group’s big car business is still losing money. The company hopes to have stable profits after the painful period | Interpretation of financial report

Cailian News on January 29th (Reporter Wu Xin)The automobile industry is full of smoke, and Neusoft Group (600718. SH) carrying automobile genes turned losses into profits in 2023.

This evening, Neusoft Group released a performance forecast, predicting a net profit of 72 million to 86 million yuan in 2023 (a loss of 343 million yuan in 2022).

"The overall business of the company is growing healthily." The director of the company told reporters that there will be more strategic adjustments in 2024, and there will be corresponding actions in areas where new products are released, the state encourages and the company has advantages.

According to the announcement, Neusoft Group’s operating income in 2023 continued to grow steadily year-on-year, and its gross profit margin increased compared with the previous year. During the reporting period, the overall performance of Neusoft Medical, Neusoft Xikang, Wanghai Kangxin, Neusoft Ruichi, Rongsheng Insurance and other innovative business companies constructed by the company in the sectors of "Big Health" and "Big Automobile" decreased, but the net profit of listed companies and the net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses were still negatively affected.

The performance forecast shows that in 2023, the company deducted non-net profit from-140 million yuan to-115 million yuan.

Cailian reporter learned from Neusoft Group’s semi-annual report in 2023 that its smart car interconnection business achieved revenue of 1.606 billion yuan in 2023 H1, exceeding 40% of the total revenue. In this field, Neusoft Group provides a series of solutions from automotive electronics, automotive software, intelligent driving to intelligent transportation.

At present, "involution" is the main tone of the domestic automobile industry, with price-for-quantity as the main way of playing, which greatly reduces the profit space of automobile enterprises and affects the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to November 2023, the profit of automobile manufacturing industry was 448.98 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of only 2.9%.

The above-mentioned company source said, "The related business is still relatively healthy, but the competition among car companies is fierce, and there may be some (impact), and other companies will definitely have some losses in gross profit margin."

"There are many new models now, but the market is biased towards saturation, which leads to the compression of the upstream and downstream profits of the entire industrial chain. There are still some influences, and we can’t escape from this area."

Looking forward to the market outlook, with the automobile industry going through the painful period and forming a new pattern, the upstream and downstream of the automobile industry chain are expected to enter a stable period simultaneously. A person from Neusoft Group said that the big waves will leave behind high-quality enterprises. At present, new car companies have been eliminated, and Neusoft Group will also achieve "stable profits".

(Cailian reporter Wu Xin)

In 2023, China’s automobile export destination TOP10 was released, and Britain actually ranked fifth.

  [CNMO News] In 2023, China became the world’s largest automobile exporter for the first time. Then, do you know where Chinese-made cars are mainly exported? According to CNMO, in 2023, Russia will be the largest destination for China’s automobile exports, and in addition, Britain will rank fifth, which is probably beyond many people’s expectations.

Automobile exit
Automobile exit

  Recently, some organizations have counted the TOP10 destinations of China’s automobile exports in 2023 and previous years. In 2023, China’s total automobile export volume was 5,222,600 vehicles (inconsistent with the official data of "4,910,000 vehicles", but it did not affect the TOP10 ranking), with the largest export volume in Russia, followed by Mexico and Belgium. In addition, Australia and Britain have also entered the top five, and the export volume of the two regions is basically the same. Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates and Spain also entered the top ten. Different from the inherent impression in many people’s minds, many of the TOP10 automobile exports are developed countries.

China Automobile Export Data (Tuyuan. com)
China Automobile Export Data (Tuyuan. com)

  Looking back on 2017, Iran, the United States and Japan were the top three destinations for China’s automobile exports. In addition, Germany, Mexico, Britain, India and Russia were among the TOP10 in that year.

  According to authoritative data, in 2023, China’s automobile production and sales exceeded 30 million vehicles for the first time, and the production and sales reached 30.161 million vehicles and 30.094 million vehicles respectively, up 11.6% and 12% year-on-year, reaching a record high and ranking first in the world for 15 consecutive years. Meanwhile, in 2023, China exported 4.91 million vehicles, up 57.9% year-on-year, ranking first in the world for the first time.


How will new energy vehicles run in the next 15 years? This document points out a new path of development.

  New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021— In 2035), it is proposed that the core technology of China’s new energy vehicles should reach the international advanced level in 2035, and the quality brands have strong international competitiveness, and it is pointed out that it is necessary to improve the infrastructure system and improve the service level of charging infrastructure — —

  Reporter Li He

  New energy vehicles have become the main direction of the global automobile industry transformation and development, and also an important engine to promote the sustained growth of the world economy. For China, developing new energy vehicles is the only way to move from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country, and it is also a strategic measure to cope with climate change and promote green development. Since 2010, China’s new energy vehicles have grown rapidly at an average annual rate of double. In 2019, 1.06 million new energy passenger cars were sold, ranking first in the world for five consecutive years. With the development plan of energy-saving and new energy automobile industry (2012— After the end of 2020), how should China’s new energy automobile industry develop?

  On November 2nd, General Office of the State Council announced the Development Plan of New Energy Automobile Industry (2021— 2035) (hereinafter referred to as "Planning") emphasizes the need to seize strategic opportunities, give full play to the advantages in infrastructure, information and communication, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the new energy automobile industry.

  With strong competitiveness, the core technology has reached the international advanced level.

  The Plan is divided into eight chapters, including five key tasks, five column tasks and five "three 5s" of safeguard measures. Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that as a programmatic document of the new energy automobile industry, the main highlights of the Plan can be summarized as "four new ones", namely, adapting to the new situation, adapting to new requirements, proposing new development paths and defining new development directions.

  The new situation means that with the vigorous development of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world, new energy vehicles integrate new energy, new materials, Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other revolutionary technologies to promote the transformation of vehicles from simple means of transportation to mobile intelligent terminals, energy storage units and digital spaces, and promote the optimization of energy consumption structure, the improvement of transportation system and the intelligent level of urban operation; Emphasizing "market leading" requires giving full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in the selection of technical routes and the construction of production and service systems, giving full play to the role of the government in strategic planning and guidance, formulation of standards and regulations, quality and safety supervision, maintenance of market order, and green consumer guide, so as to create a good environment for industrial development.

  The Plan proposes that by 2025, the competitiveness of China’s new energy vehicle market will be significantly enhanced, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles, and the long-term goal of "in 2035, the core technology of China’s new energy vehicles will reach the international advanced level, and the quality brands will have strong international competitiveness".

  Xin Guobin said that at present, there is still a certain gap between new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles in terms of purchase cost and charging convenience. To promote the goal that the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles in 2025, it needs to be promoted from both the supply and demand sides. On the supply side, it is necessary to continuously strengthen technical research around key factors such as reducing costs and improving safety, develop advanced, applicable and reliable products, and accelerate the formation of greater market competitive advantages; On the demand side, it is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, introduce preferential policies to encourage the use of new energy vehicles, optimize classified traffic management measures, encourage business model innovation such as power exchange, accelerate the electrification of vehicles in public areas, increase the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside, and continuously improve the user experience.

  Cui Dongshu, deputy secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Association, said that in terms of power consumption, the Plan proposed that by 2025, the average power consumption of new electric passenger cars would be reduced to 12 kWh/100 km. This is 1 degree higher than the 11 kWh/100 km of its exposure draft. In essence, it is to encourage the development of high-end new energy and should give it more room for development.

  Driven by innovation, deepen the "three verticals and three horizontals" R&D layout

  Xin Guobin said that China’s new energy automobile industry has developed to this stage, and there are still problems such as weak core technology innovation ability, quality assurance system to be improved, lagging infrastructure construction, service model to be innovated and improved, imperfect industrial ecology, and increasing market competition.

  Telly, director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that from the whole development experience of new energy vehicles, the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation in its development is very obvious.

  In order to promote the realization of the goal, the Plan puts forward the basic principle of "innovation drive" and the special chapter of "improving the ability of technological innovation", and also emphasizes deepening the layout of "three verticals and three horizontals". "Three verticals" refer to pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, and "three verticals" refer to power batteries and management systems, drive motors and power electronics, networking and intelligent technologies.

  "For the power battery, the core component of new energy vehicles, it will be deployed in advance in terms of new systems, new materials, new processes and new structures, and promote the development of power batteries in the direction of high specific energy and high safety; For fuel cells, we will focus on supporting core materials such as proton exchange membranes, catalysts and carbon paper, as well as key technologies related to hydrogen energy, and work hard on high performance, long life and low cost of fuel cells. " Telly said that around intelligence, networking and lightweight, we will speed up the layout of a new generation of information technology and focus on promoting the development of autonomous driving technologies and equipment such as vehicle control operating systems and computing platforms and vehicle-level chips; Strengthen the technical layout of new materials and support the research and development of silicon carbide power devices, lightweight materials and low-cost rare earth permanent magnet materials. We will increase support for scientific and technological innovation platforms such as the National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, build a national strategic scientific and technological force for the national new energy vehicle industry, and provide support for the research and development of common key technologies in the industry.

  Xin Guobin said that in addition to strengthening innovation drive, it also pays attention to standard guidance, which will promote the formation of a technical standard system based on vehicle-road coordination and reflecting Chinese characteristics. Accelerate the deployment of 5G communication base stations, promote the transformation and upgrading of intelligent roads, and organize manned loading tests and large-scale application demonstrations.

  Improve infrastructure and promote the construction of charging and replacing network

  China has built the largest charging network in the world. As of September this year, 42,000 charging stations and 525 power stations have been built nationwide, with 1.42 million charging piles of various types, and the ratio of vehicles to piles is about 3.1: 1.

  "Charging and replacing electricity infrastructure is a key link in the development of new energy vehicles and an important support for industrial promotion. On the whole, compared with the promotion and application scale of new energy vehicles, the construction and development of charging facilities still cannot meet the needs of consumers, and it is necessary to increase construction efforts and optimize structural layout. " Xin Guobin said.

  The Plan proposes to "improve the infrastructure system", promote the construction of the charging and replacing network, scientifically arrange the charging and replacing infrastructure, and strengthen the overall coordination with urban and rural construction planning, power grid planning and property management, and urban parking. Relying on "internet plus" smart energy, we will improve the level of intelligence, promote the charging service mode in residential areas with intelligent and orderly slow charging as the mainstay and emergency fast charging as the supplement, accelerate the formation of expressways and urban and rural public charging networks with moderate advance, fast charging as the mainstay and slow charging as the supplement, encourage the application of power exchange mode, and improve charging convenience and product reliability.

  According to the data provided by the Ministry of Finance, in order to support local governments to speed up the construction of charging infrastructure, from 2014, the central government will give incentives to local governments to carry out charging infrastructure construction. So far, the central government has issued a total of 4.5 billion yuan of incentive funds, forming a development pattern of coordinated promotion between the central and local governments.

  "In the past, users had mileage anxiety, and driving new energy vehicles could not run far, so they could only run in the city. Now, some expressways have built networked charging and power exchange facilities. " Xin Guobin said that to solve the mileage anxiety, in addition to continuing to increase the construction of charging piles, it is also necessary to consider the problem of making full use of existing charging piles. The existing information management technology can be used to bring all charging piles into a management platform and share them as much as possible. With the continuous expansion of market capacity, the construction layout of charging piles will be more scientific and standardized.

  The Plan also proposes to improve the service level of charging infrastructure. Guide enterprises to jointly establish a charging facility operation service platform to realize interconnection, information sharing and unified settlement. Strengthen the research and development of technologies such as safety monitoring and early warning of charging equipment and distribution system, improve the safety, consistency and reliability of charging facilities, and improve the level of service guarantee.