What a savings! Google Maps Android Go version doesn’t support navigation

The original title: What a savings! Google Maps Android Go version doesn’t support navigation

July 28 news Android Go is a lightweight version of Google’s Android operating system. It has many engine optimizations to run on low-end phones. However, these optimizations can sometimes cause a lot of trouble. For example, the Android Go version of Google Maps does not even support navigation.


Previously, if users wanted to use the navigation function in Google Maps Go, the app would jump to the Google Play Store and prompt you to install the full Google Maps app. This makes the lightweight work of Android Go seem a bit excessive.

To address this problem, Google recently launched an app called Navigation for Google Maps Go, which provides the navigation features that Google Maps Go lacks. The app supports voice navigation and is 12MB in size. Although it is not perfect, the app at least makes up for the shortcomings of Google Maps Go.


Android Go has been subject to a lot of criticism, and its apps have come under fire. Google is also making improvements to the operating system ecosystem, but from a user’s perspective, it still has a long way to go.

Wang Jianlin does not leave the card table

Near the end of the year, Wanda’s news was frequent. First, Wanda Film was completely sold, and then there were rumors that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management would transfer Wanda Plaza in first- and second-tier cities.

A few years ago, Wanda, which had "sold off" Wanda Cultural Tourism and Wanda Hotels, and had a strong man break his wrist, is now going to "cut off his arm" again, but this time the situation he has to face is more dangerous than before.

However, this housing leader, who was the first to face the real estate industry’s storms, is still on the table despite years of difficult mediation and repeated broken arms to survive.

Unfortunate, but fortunate.

Because compared to several other giants that have been blown away by the rain, it is undoubtedly much more decent.


Wanda’s deadline is only more than 20 days away.

According to the gambling agreement, if Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management cannot complete the listing within the year, it will pay a total of 38 billion yuan in cash and interest due at the end of the year to repurchase the shares in the hands of investors.

This year is already the third year that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has impacted the Hong Kong IPO. In June this year, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has also submitted a prospectus for the fourth time.

Now, with only 20 days left until the end of the year, the chances of going public are slim.

Legend has it that the plan for listing extension has also been rejected, and the rest may only be paid 38 billion this way.

In addition to the well-known listing crisis, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management also faces considerable performance pressure.

Previously, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has made performance commitments to Tencent, Ant, CITIC Capital and other investors.Commitment to the period from 2021 to 2023, the actual net profit will not be less than 5.19 billion yuan, 7.43 billion yuan and 9.46 billion yuan respectively.

If the performance does not meet the target, Zhuhai Wanying, a shareholder of Dalian Wanda Commercial and Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management, will transfer the relevant amount of shares at zero consideration or pay cash to investors to compensate investors.

However, Zhuhai Wanda Business Management’s net profit in 2021 was 3.512 billion yuan, which did not meet the target. The net profit in 2022 was 7.534 billion yuan, which is only just reached the target.

So in the coming 2023, can the goal of net profit of 9.46 billion yuan be achieved? It is difficult to say.

After all, Wanda can’t even take out 600 million dollars now.

At the end of November, Wanda Commercial Management announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it plans to roll over a $600 million bond due in January 2024.

Fortunately, the plan was quickly approved by bondholders in less than two weeks, and the investor support ratio reached 99.3%.

The plan can be passed so quickly,Part of the reason is that compared with other real estate companies, Wanda’s extension plan seems more "conscientious". The extension time is only one year, which is not too long, and it will be paid off in four installments within the year.If creditors agree in advance, the total consent fee of 1.24% is also higher than the 1% common to other housing companies.

Another part of the reason is that Wanda’s business operations are still good, especially Wanda Plaza. In the first half of 2023, Wanda Plaza opened 12 new ones, with a total of 484 openings. The total rental income was 26.32 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year, and the net rent was 13.01 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2% year-on-year. At the same time, Wanda Plaza’s rental rate was 98.2%, and the rent collection rate was 100%.

Even with the rent of Wanda Plaza, the 600 million dollars is only a matter of time. But the problem is that Wanda Plaza has now become one of the chips for Wanda to put on the table.

Recently, news has leaked that Wanda Commercial Management has revealed in the process of communicating with investors that the group is currently willing to sell Wanda Plaza in first- and second-tier cities in exchange for liquidity, and is still negotiating with insurance institutions.

Further specific rumors are that a major insurance company is about to acquire Shanghai Jinshan Wanda Plaza, which has been inspected on the spot and has passed the negotiation period. Another Shanghai Maqiao Wanda Plaza is also in the transfer of shelves, and the management is still picking.

Although the dust has not yet settled, Wanda has sold five Wanda plazas in succession this year, so the rumors are indeed quite credible.

Wanda, which held a lot of high-quality assets, was now playing cards one by one in order to pass smoothly before the end of the year, and Wanda Plaza was just one of them. After all, the day before the rumors of Wanda Plaza appeared, Wang Jianlin had just completely changed hands with Wanda Film.

In the past year, Wang Jianlin has transferred the equity of Wanda Film three times. Although the selling price has been lower each time, Wanda Film has been firmly in Wang Jianlin’s hands.

Until this time,Wang Jianlin will Beijing Wanda investment 51% equity, at the price of 2.262 billion yuan transferred to Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd., Wanda Film also completely sold.

What few people know is that Shanghai Confucianism is actually inextricably linked to real estate.

Behind Shanghai Ruyi is China Ruyi, formerly known as Hengteng Network. Hengteng Network was originally invested by Tencent and Evergrande, and later Tencent withdrew its investment. But after Evergrande fell into the debt crisis, it sold its shares one after another, and Tencent became the largest shareholder of Hengteng Network, which was later renamed China Ruyi.

After Wanda encountered a crisis, Confucianism became the snake that swallowed the elephant, Wanda Film, with the support of Tencent.

In the film industry, Wanda Film is a veritable "elephant". In the first three quarters of this year, Wanda Film’s performance reversed the trend, with operating income reaching 11.35 billion yuan, an increase of 47% year-on-year. Net profit also turned into profit, and profit 1.104 billion yuan.

It can be said that Wanda Film is one of Wanda’s veritable high-quality assets. For Wang Jianlin, who has always wanted to make Wanda Film "Hollywood in China", this sale is helpless.

Once upon a time, Wang Jianlin could withstand the doubts of 99% of investors, and went into the film industry with his own will. With the goal of "China’s first" and "world’s first", he frantically acquired Hollywood production companies to seize the market, and once achieved the world’s largest cinema market share.

But now, unable to withstand the pressure of reality, Wang Jianlin decided to cut off his arm and completely cut off the film business.

Wang Jianlin finally bowed his head to reality.


From being the richest man in China, to becoming the first "negative" in China, to raising 600 billion successfully slimming through the crisis in three years, becoming the richest man in real estate again, and now, having to run around again to raise money, Wang Jianlin has tasted the ups and downs that many people will never experience in their lifetime.

From 2015 to 2016, Wang Jianlin was the richest man in China on the Hurun Rich List for two consecutive years, with a net worth of nearly 220 billion yuan.

However, such a huge asset, built on perennial loans and debts, was like a bubble, bursting with a poke. In 2017, Wang Jianlin and Wanda’s debt ratio had reached 70%, and according to the disclosed information, Wang Jianlin had loaned more than 400 billion yuan to banks at that time.

At this time, the market has gradually cooled, coupled with the failure of overseas investment, Wanda’s vitality has been greatly damaged, and Wang Jianlin’s debt has soared to 600 billion yuan, suddenly becoming China’s first "negative".

In order to pay off the 600 billion yuan debt, Wang Jianlin began a crazy sale.

The prologue is the rumor that once talked about "breaking the cup" and the "great merger of the century" with total assets exceeding 63 billion yuan.

In 2017, Wanda sold 13 of its highly anticipated cultural tourism projects to Sunac China for 43.844 billion yuan, and 77 of its hotels to R & F for 19.906 billion.

Although the deal could be said to be a fire sale in terms of price, it successfully helped Wanda reduce its leverage, reduce its debt, obtain cash flow, and temporarily recover from the loan crisis.

Then, Wang Jianlin’s pace of selling assets never stopped. First, he sold Wanda Plaza in Jiujiang, Nanchang, Yancheng and other places in China to Pearl River Life Insurance. Later, he publicly stated that he would put his main investment in China and gradually liquidated overseas real estate projects.

Wanda first sold the Spanish mansion it bought in 2014 for 265 million euros for 272 million euros, losing nearly 200 million yuan in exchange rate changes. It later sold the much-anticipated Wanda London ONE project for about 59.35 million pounds, followed by two projects in Australia’s Gold Coast, Sydney and Chicago properties.

In 2018, Wang Jianlin resold shares in Wanda Commercial and Wanda Cinemas. Subsequently, AMC, the world’s largest cinema chain, which Wanda had invested a lot of effort in, was also reluctantly parted ways, and its shares were gradually sold by Wanda.

In May 2021, Wanda fully withdrew from the board of directors of AMC, retained only a minority stake, and accumulated $1.476 billion in funds, and Wanda gradually recovered from the "embarrassment".

However, in 2022, Wanda, which had recovered, quickly began to invest on a large scale, making great strides in the sluggish real estate market, and the shadow of high debt once again struck.

However, compared to the major private developers who either disappeared completely behind closed doors or ran away directly, Wang Jianlin has always appeared in the public eye, running around for Wanda, giving many people confidence.

Since the beginning of this year, Wang Jianlin has sold his own stocks many times, and returned 7 billion cash to Wanda to return blood, so that several maturing bond payment problems have been solved.

But in a recent public appearance, Wang Jianlin, who is so skinny, suddenly made people realize that Wanda was no longer the Wanda who was full of Wang fried, and Wang Jianlin was no longer the ambitious "white knight".

Five years ago, Wanda could still sell Wanda Hotels and Wanda Cultural Tourism. But now, after the sale of Wanda Film, Wanda, which focuses on "light assets", seems to have no more cards to play.

The Wanda Group, which was about to lose weight, was left with only a worried Wang Jianlin.

III. Conclusion

Looking back, Wanda used to diversify through crazy mergers and acquisitions and reached its peak, but it was burdened by diversification overnight, began to lose weight, and turned to an asset-light model. Now, after repeatedly breaking arms to survive, it has become more and more "light".

It was precisely in response to what he wrote in his own hand back then, "After years of business wars and wealth, everything has always been in vain."

However, as long as he didn’t leave the card table, even if he was facing a huge crisis now, even if he had to cut off his arm to survive, why not?

Living is more important than anything else.

This article is from the WeChat official account:Guru (ID: guru-lama)Author: Yuanhe

The original "Hurricane" was named by the People’s Daily, not praise but criticism, and the words directly poked the drama’s lungs

"Hurricane" has been closed for a while.

This drama fired the first shot in the TV drama market in 2023. The effect was mediocre at first. As the plot developed, the drama began to "soar" as its name suggested.

Its popularity and reputation even surpassed last year’s phenomenal hit of "The World" and the same theme of "Anti-Black Storm".

The director did not simply choose to use large scale in the picture to achieve visual impact, but rather integrated large scale into the plot and characters.

To make the anti-black theme realistic, it is inseparable from the exquisite professionalism and unremitting efforts of the production team and crew.

So much so that it set off a frenzy of audiences of all ages.

After the conclusion, it was still hanging at the hot search entrance, and the second round of broadcasting achieved remarkable results.

Almost every actor with a scene has a name, and even the novel with the original script is out of stock.

Unexpectedly, "Hurricane" is not only good-looking, but also "wonderful" outside the play.

Not only was it a hot search, but it was also named again by the People’s Daily.

It’s just not a good thing at this time.

At the end of "Hurricane", netizens have been arguing about the "Three Views" in the play.

In fact, it is understandable. In TV dramas, the setting of the villain itself is more emotional.

As a villain, Gao Qiqiang transformed from a lowly person at the bottom and was bullied to give orders. This is a cool article that countless people dream of.

In addition, Zhang Songwen’s performance is really good.

When he was a fishmonger, Gao Qiqiang was really pitiful.

He was full of brothers and sisters, running around in the fishy smell every day, and never even living his own life.

The more honest the better.

After the turnaround, Gao Qiqiang got bigger and bigger, and returned the hundreds of grievances she suffered to others. Whoever blocked me would do it.

He was shaking his head behind the cordon, extremely arrogant, and making rude remarks in the interrogation room.

Only his wife and children are his weaknesses.

The gray-haired man, doing all the good things on the surface, was actually terrifying.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, the kinder the appearance, the more vicious the heart.

In the end, Gao Qiqiang even sacrificed his life for Old Mo’s daughter.

As a result, Huang Yao stabbed him, reported him in person, and was imprisoned ever since.

When Gao Qiqiang revisited the old scene with An Xin 20 years later, he cried.

It’s still the same location, the same pot of dumplings, but everything can’t go back.

The audience couldn’t help but burst into tears and were filled with emotion.

Huang Yao was scolded by netizens for this.

Even the actors were not spared, and a large number of netizens flocked to the live stream and cursed directly.

The term "Huangyao White-eyed Wolf" appeared in the hot search.

The actor himself kept explaining his understanding of the character, but some audience members just wouldn’t listen.

Not only Gao Qiqiang, Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu are also "affectionate and righteous".

One refused to do anything and had to swallow his anger; the other lost his life in order to protect Gao and Gao.

Judging from the voices of the majority, it is not even clear who is decent and who is the villain.

A good person with a weakness will cause a lot of complaining, and a bad person with a little warmth will cause everyone to empathize.

Obviously, in the play, a group of people like Huang Yao and Gao Qiqiang have a sworn hatred, and he heard with his own ears that his father was used as a pawn.

Obviously, Gao Qi was strong and didn’t even love Gao, so he used Old Mo to make him work for him many times.

He doesn’t even love Gao, and some netizens pretend they didn’t see it.

"Gao Qiqiang regards Huang Yao as her biological daughter!"

Is that possible?

What everyone loves is not Gao Qiqiang, Tang Xiaolong or Tang Xiaohu, but the interpretation of a group of powerful online actors such as Zhang Songwen, Lin Jiachuan and Sun Yan.

It was such an excellent performance and a strong sense of substitution that made the audience fall into it and feel worthless for Gao Qiqiang.

We saw Gao Qiqiang leave behind tears of regret, and we saw that things are impermanent, but we ignored that An Xin had tried her best to pull him up countless times.

He chose the abyss for himself.

Of course, none of this can hide the fact that "Hurricane" is of high quality.

It’s just that many people use themselves instead of Gao Qiqiang.

How many people in the comment section said "if I were Gao Qiqiang".

But what if we or our family were Li Jian or Tan Siyan?

At least they are police captains and civil servants.

We are likely to become Hu Shuai or Hu Shuai’s family, the "wronged species" who dare not betray but remain in the fire almost forever.

According to media reports, the producers gave the approximate salary of "Hurricane".

After 20 years of acting career, Zhang Songwen has finally ushered in the spring of his career.

From the perspective of salary, Zhang Yi, who ranks C, is around 20 million, and Zhang Songwen is around 5 million.

Four times the difference, not too outrageous.

However, it is no wonder that many people have to rely on the entertainment industry.

Although Zhang Songwen’s strength is recognized, she has never quit this circle.

This kind of situation can have five million, and a drama for more than ten years is almost beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Moreover, it is impossible to buy a house in this situation, and the housing prices in the capital are really ridiculously high.

The salary is not low, but it is not outrageous in the entertainment industry.

The relationship between people behind "Hurricane" is a wonderful thing.

On the table is the relationship between Zhang Yi and director Xu Jizhou.

When "Hurricane" became popular, the actors began interacting online. Live streaming, shooting videos, and commenting on each other on social platforms every day.

And Zhang Yi, let alone interact, doesn’t even have a copywriter to promote his own work.

To this extent, CCTV personally recommended it and praised it by name.

Logically speaking, the work on the surface was already in place, but Zhang Yi didn’t say a word.

On the second day of the closing ceremony, the only anti-green propaganda copy was also deleted.

Fans couldn’t hold back and began to endorse Zhang Yi.

In fact, it can be seen that fans really want Zhang Yi to come out and refute the rumors, but no one cares.

The director’s interview is even more thought-provoking

All kinds of exaggerated praise for the teacher’s acting skills, without mentioning Zhang Yi’s contribution.

In fact, everyone saw Zhang Yi’s exquisite design on the hot search, but Xu Jizhou didn’t mention anything.

When asked about Anxin’s views, he directly said that it was Gao Qiqiang’s personality that highlighted Anxin’s characteristics.

This comment made netizens boil.

People ask the gatehouse, you answer hip shaft.

It’s not clear, but it’s no different from a war face. It’s embarrassing.

At the same time, Zhang Yi’s so-called "black material" appeared again.

There is no doubt about the strength of people. They won awards easily. In the movie, they acted as actors, and they are also known for their modesty.

This war, even the onlookers smelled something was wrong.

First, Zhang Yi’s artistic director was removed, and then the original script was announced, and Zhang Yi was directly removed. Zhang Songwen’s stills appeared on the first page, followed by Li Yitong and Wu Gang.

Zhang Yi did not appear at the "Hurricane" celebration banquet here, and the social platforms of Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen were not interconnected.

Obviously, it was a win-win situation. The movie was successfully invested and the actors’ acting skills were recognized, but I didn’t expect the relationship in the audience to be so stiff.

I thought this was the limit.

I didn’t expect someone to make a high profile again.

Liu Ruoqing played a policewoman in the play, and fans outside the play became obsessed with her, discussing the role and actors.

For Zhang Yi and An Xin, her answers were "Hehe, I’m glad you like it" "I’m afraid I can’t serve you" and so on.

Fans say that practical Xiao Jiang is the most reliable to marry An Xin.

The eldest sister replied: "Reliable, good character, men who do not bully the weak are the most reliable."

Irony here?

Discovering the ferment of public opinion, he sent a small essay saying, "I like not only his acting skills, but also his character."

On the surface, it was "don’t ride on one’s coattails", but in fact, every previous comment had the meaning of "rubbing" between the lines.

Really a transformation idol words: not popular, but love rub.

It can be seen that this drama is really popular.

Some people are "unmoved by the world", regardless of the life and death of the work. Some people care, but he directly removes the actors from the novel and makes the villain the first hero.

Some people are even more embarrassed, the small role of the 18th line is "tea party".

However, these are also after-dinner discussions.

The actions of Zhang Yi and the director alone did not affect the work itself.

Zhang Yi’s dedication, responsibility, and rich experience add a bit of color to the plot, and Xu Jizhou is a professional senior.

As for the sudden innuendo, it’s just a clown.

None of this mattered. It wasn’t until the actor who played Zhong was exposed to have sucked D that the drama was really shocked into a cold sweat.

"Ah Si, a hurricane clock, it doesn’t look like it" went straight to the hot search.

This Zhong Asi was the culprit who kidnapped Yu Meng, and even planned to kill him, just because D was discovered.

It was later discovered that the actor Xiaoxiao had been imprisoned for smoking.

It’s so ironic.

I still remember that when "Hurricane" started the final battle, the People’s Daily specifically named and praised it, vigorously promoted it, and expressed its position every word.

The smiling thing was picked out.

The People’s Daily quickly issued a severe criticism.

"Your comeback hurt the efforts of the narcotics police."

"Once you suck D, you will be banned for life."

Every sentence poked into the drama’s lung canal. Accidentally, the show on this list was like a dream.

The central media all spoke out, so "Hurricane" issued a statement on the matter overnight.

Indicates that the current scene of the actor has been deleted and modified.

The play that had already been pruned will be deleted again.

Also, it is worth noting that in this statement, the actors’ names and delivery materials were repeatedly used.

And in the end, he also said that "Bai Liu is responsible for the relevant links involving the employment of actors"

They are all bad artists, and they can still act in CCTV dramas?

Reading between the lines, I told netizens that someone deliberately concealed it, not because I wanted to use it, but because he didn’t say it at all.

In response, the actor also sent a small essay with a smile.

It said that the pain in the cervical spine was unbearable, and he "ate it by mistake" without knowing the new D product. Acting is the only way to survive.

What a "good actor" who loves acting!

The comment area is awesome, and everyone says that the prodigal son will not be exchanged for money.

Famous commentator Liu Xuesong sent a video to express his views, with zero tolerance for actors who suck D

The netizens are even helping to explain, really shattering the three views.

You are really living Buddhas. You don’t have to give people a chance when you are trampled on. Actors have to give people a chance to suck.

At that time, the smile was actually on the "legal page".

In the video, the tools on the table are complete, and the news is clearly written. I smoke just for inspiration.

New product D, cervical spine pain, what are the unclear aspects of "ingestion"? They all lie with their eyes open.

It’s just sympathy.

The smiling wife, a producer in the entertainment industry, also supported her husband in the comments.

As a producer, you should be most familiar with how you got back and what process you went through.

The most ridiculous thing is that the so-called "ordinary life and acting are the only way to survive" in the smiling article.

Middle-aged people with hands and feet,

I really want to live an ordinary life in a million ways. You choose the most flamboyant way, is it true love?

The way I love acting, the other actors in "Hurricane" have already given the answer.

You have to give the sucking actors a chance to make a comeback.

Who gave thousands of drug cops a chance to be reborn?

Who gave their family a chance to live in peace?

Watch a drama, don’t lose the bottom line.

In the entertainment industry, it is nothing new for celebrities to break the law. Many bad artists have been permanently banned, but there are still voices who agree to make a comeback.

Do you think bad artists should be given the opportunity to appear again?

Responsible editor:

The first season of "Running Man" ended perfectly, and Zheng Kai wept emotionally

Video: Zheng Kai’s counterfeit dragon was played by Li Chen Baby and raided by Chen He

The first season of "Running Man" ended perfectly, and Zheng Kai wept emotionally

The first season of "Running Man" ended perfectly, and Zheng Kai wept emotionally

Since the broadcast on October 10, 2014, until the end of the last episode last Friday, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s reality show "Running Brothers" has accompanied the audience through 99 days full of laughter and positive energy. The seven "Running Brothers" have also won popular popularity with their true temperament and fighting spirit. With the successful conclusion of the first season of "Running Brothers", "Running Little Prince" Zheng Kai still brought full laughter with his cute and cute performance, but he couldn’t help but shed tears at the end.

Click to watch the last issue of "Run, Brothers": baby becomes the strongest > >

Zheng Kai turned into a sea lion in seconds, and the toad skill shone brightly

This time, "Running Brothers" set the identities of superpowers for the seven "Running Brothers", and their "divine skills" were based on traditional Chinese martial arts stories. Zheng Kai obtained the identity of "Ouyang Feng", and he introduced himself as "Ouyang Kai" with a serious fist, and had a stunt called "Toad Gong".

In order to retrieve the lost martial arts, everyone first came to the swimming pool to be tested. Everyone put on waterproof clothes and stepped into the floating board in the water. Deng Chao said that standing in the water "I feel like a sea lion!" Zheng Kai, who had excellent imitation ability, immediately became interested, got down and propped up his upper body, made a "< unk > < unk >" cry and acted cute to slap the water "wagging his tail", which was cute and looked like a sea lion. He interacted happily with Deng Chao "Brother Lion", and finally slid into the water to amuse the audience.

Zheng Kai wept emotionally and did his best to "run" the first season

In the Science and Technology Museum where the famous brand war was held, Zheng Kai found a mini running speed test area, which was a familiar sprint track. Zheng Kai couldn’t stop itching to test his skills, showing professional starting movements and amazing explosive power, easily ran a good time of 2.4 seconds, and broke a personal record, worthy of the reputation of "Cheetah".

Zheng Kai possessed a powerful "Poison Fog Spray" skill, which was about to be gained. However, "Appendix Brothers" Chen He launched the "Great Shift of the Universe" skill, which moved the threatening Deng Chao and Zheng Kai to another floor, and stipulated that the starting action was for Deng Chao to ride on Zheng Kai and hold his brand name, in order to give Deng Chao the opportunity to eliminate Zheng Kai. However, facing the end of the first season of "Running Brothers", Deng Chao couldn’t bear to tear off the famous brand. After the cute Zheng Kai turned over, he understood the captain’s intentions and rewarded this last "run" with a more serious and energetic performance, leaving the audience with a always sunny handsome and hard-working "Running Little Prince".

Finally, Zheng Kai was eliminated in the encirclement and suppression of several people and left the battlefield. Zheng Kai couldn’t help but cry emotionally, and embarrassed to lift the corner of his clothes to block his crying red eyes. The true temperament of not leaving was touching. Zheng Kai said on Weibo: "Thank you for your company for 99 days, thank you 10 million Kaijia for your support! In 2015, Zheng Kai’will be angry ‘!" Warm farewell in a relaxed and joking tone, and netizens left messages saying "It hurts to see you cry!" "See you in the second season!"

Ruan Jingtian, Nicholas Tse, shirtless and muscular, browsing the vegetable market to sell vegetables (picture)

Ruan Jingtian, Nicholas Tse, shirtless and muscular, browsing the vegetable market to sell vegetables (picture)

  China News Service, September 24th, by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Emperor (Beijing) Culture and Blue Sky Media jointly produced the food variety "Twelve Sharps 3" third program broadcast tonight in Zhejiang Satellite TV, Nicholas Tse and Ruan Jingtian two handsome guys shirtless show muscle blood. In addition, the two tacit understanding is also in Thailand to sell vegetables girl, back to Beijing incarnate takeaway brother to deliver takeaway, laughing along the way extraordinary.

  Ruan Jingtian and Nicholas Tse met shirtless, revealing that they have been obsessed with delicious snacks since childhood

  Fist and foot, sweating, shirtless… As soon as Tse Ruan Jingtian appeared, there was a muscular Muay Thai match worthy of the cheers and screams of the fans. If Tse enjoyed a gentleman’s demeanor in front of Shu Qi and Michelle Yeoh in the first two periods, then the third period was him exposing the essence of a big boy under the leadership of Ruan Jingtian.

  Think the moment they rushed out of the blasting scene was very handsome and heroic? The two big boys said the answer was no! It was too late to put on his clothes, and Nicholas Tse, who talked about this topic, said that he was actually scared to death. His strength imitated the scene of other martial arts "abandoning" him and retreating, proving that he "relies on roaring for courage". And Ruan Jingtian personally performed how he was "handsome for only three seconds", "I think I must be very handsome to come out, but the result… bang!" Xiaotian vividly imitated his appearance at that time, and the two who were immersed in embarrassing memories laughed so hard that they couldn’t get up.

  Since it is a food show, Xiao Tian also revealed to Nicholas Tse that he has liked to eat delicious snacks since he was a child. Sometimes because it is too expensive, he has to save a little bit of money when he is young. "I finally saved 50 Taiwan dollars. I immediately went to the market to buy it and asked my mother to help me make it, but I was reluctant to eat it in one bite."

Ruan Jingtian, Nicholas Tse, shirtless and muscular, browsing the vegetable market to sell vegetables (picture)

  He admitted that he had sold Nicholas Tse’s same "trendy clothes" to make money. Nicholas Tse: I have something to do with the tide?

  Even though he was only two years older than Ethan, he was once an idol for Ethan and his contemporaries, and when the two tasted "Emperor’s Cuisine" in Thailand, Ethan scared Tse with a sentence: "I made a lot of money from you when I was young."

  It turned out that the young Ruan Jingtian keenly discovered that Nicholas Tse’s clothing was regarded as "trendy" by his peers, and he immediately imported a large number of Nicholas Tse’s clothing for sale online, and marked "Nicholas Tse’s same style", and also revealed that business was booming!

  Nicholas Tse was in disbelief, "I have something to do with the tide?" Then he couldn’t help but reveal his history of being complained by his agent and fans for "not being trendy" and "wearing a piece of clothing for n years". The more the two talked, the more they got along, the more they used their friendship to unlock the self-blackening mode throughout the process, and told all kinds of young and frivolous past stories, making the whole trip to Thailand extraordinary.

  Frequent confrontations with the vegetable girl, luring the takeaway brother to share his inner story

  Nicholas Tse revealed on the show that "I would go shopping for food every day or the next day in Beijing and communicate with the ladies of the vegetable market." But it is clear that he only focuses on the dishes and never haggles. Ruan Jingtian, who claims to have only visited the vegetable market when he was a child, is a master in the world of bargaining and heart-to-heart conversation.

  In the Thai food market, Ethan stopped the eyes are not blinking to pay for Nicholas Tse, strength shows how to hit on a girl while crazy bargaining, next to listen to a stupefied Nicholas Tse had to be responsible for the whole process to solve the problem of professional ingredients.

  Back at Beijing Fenwei Restaurant, Ruan Jingtian showed off his heart-to-heart skills in front of the takeaway guy. In the face of the shy and shy takeaway guy, Ruan Jingtian kept persuading everyone, and finally let everyone share what they saw and heard during the delivery period, which caused Nicholas Tse, who was so busy in the kitchen that he flew up, to stop and listen.

Peng Yuyan was the unspoken rules of the financial boss?! The truth is ironic!

  A news of "Taiwan’s popular male star Peng Yuyan and financial boss Zhang Lei" exploded on the Internet. For a time, everyone was in an uproar, and many girls had broken their dreams. Could it be that Hu Ge and Peng Yuyan, the "immortal sword left-behind children", are really going to "part ways"? And more rational netizens questioned the authenticity of the incident.

  Peng Yuyan also moved quickly. After the incident, the studio responded quickly: it was purely fabricated and had been handed over to the law for processing. The people who ate melons temporarily accepted the facts with a skeptical heart, but more people believed that this was a public relations means to cover up.

  Shortly after the incident was exposed, a colleague in the financial industry revealed in an article introduction comment on "Zhang Lei" that the whole thing was actually a big oolong. The whole thing is simply misinformation from employees who are not very good at learning. It turned out that Peng Yuyan was Mr. Zhang Lei’s LP, that is, Limited Partner (Limited Partner). When Mr. Zhang Lei expressed it, he was mistaken by employees that LP meant "wife", which is the abbreviation of Chinese pinyin, so a series of oolong was derived.

  Although this statement makes people feel ridiculous, it is a mystery with persuasive and credible, and the girls can finally protect Peng Yuyan, a high-quality boyfriend. At the same time, if the truth is like this, then Mr. Zhang Lei can be said to be the standard "people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky"!

  Nowadays, some people are really busy every day

  Peng Yuyan, a 360-degree male god without dead ends

  I’m also drunk for pointless entertainment

  If you really want to come out

  We would rather be Peng Yuyan and Yu Wenle!

  As a popular male god

  I still hope Peng Yuyan can get better

  Peng Yuyan insists on fitness

  I’ve always maintained my tough guy figure

  You will get as much as you pay

Nicholas Tse: I worked hard to prevent my son from working hard

    Yanzhao Metropolis Daily special reporter Qin Jing sent from Beijing

    Because of Xie Xian, people remember Nicholas Tse, who just debuted and is not well-versed in the world; because of the separation and combination with Cecilia Cheung, people understand Nicholas Tse’s true temperament; because of the more and more hard work, people are moved by this man who does not want to let his son suffer in the same way. Yesterday, the TV series adapted from Gu Long’s novel "Big Shot" held its premiere conference in Beijing, starring Nicholas Tse, Li Xinjie, Liu Tao and other appearances. Nicholas Tse broke his usual cool image and said a lot from the bottom of his heart. Many people say that he said more yesterday than in the past two years.

    1. Xiao Xie plays the cologne novel again and claims to be destined

    The 31-episode TV series "Big Shot" revolves around the story of Tian Sisi (played by Li Xinjie), the beloved daughter of the owner of "Splendid Villa", yearning for life in the rivers and lakes and pursuing Qin Ge (played by Yan Kuan), the idol in her heart. In order to pursue her dream, Tian Sisi marries Yang Fan (played by Nicholas Tse), who is married by her side. On the day of her marriage, she implements a marriage escape plan, swaps her clothes with Chu Chu (played by Liu Tao), the first woman in the rivers and lakes, and escapes from Splendid Villa. At this point, the story is fully unfolded. Qin Ge, a person in the rivers and lakes, and Yang Fan, an ordinary person, embark on the road to save martial arts, while Sisi

    "The Big Shot" is Nicholas Tse’s second role in Gu Long’s novel. In the previous "Xiaoyuer and Hua Wuque", he was "fluttering in white clothes and has a Xiaoxiao demeanor". Here, he is as chic and suave. But Xiao Xie said: "These two characters have changed a lot, and Yang Fan and Hua Wuque in’The Big Shot ‘have a very different grasp and handling of the characters. Hua Wuque is a little stern, but Yang Fan has a lot of changes, and his body language and martial arts skills are also different." When asked if he has a soft spot for Gu Long’s novels, Xiao Xie smiled and said: "It’s fate." As for the three words "big man", Xiao Xie paused for a long time before slowly answering: "These three words are difficult to explain, and in my heart, these three words represent too many meanings."

    2. Li Xinjie kicked "Master" Nicholas Tse unconscious

    "Big Shots" is a big challenge for Li Xinjie, because she has never shot a costume drama or a martial arts film, not to mention that this time she appears as a comedy character. Li Xinjie said: "I don’t have a foundation in kung fu, and I haven’t learned dance, so Nicholas Tse can be my master on the spot, and he is very good at fighting." It is reported that when filming this drama, Nicholas Tse basically did not use a substitute in order to pursue the real effect, and all the martial arts and prestige movements were completed by himself. This made the two female protagonists in the play admire it, especially when Liu Tao said of Nicholas Tse, "He does not need a substitute, because the substitute is not as good as him."

    Li Xinjie can also be regarded as Xiao Xie’s "true biography" in "Big Shots". There is a scene of kicking Xiao Xie’s head. Xiao Xie seriously said to Xinjie: "Come on, just kick here (pointing at your head), don’t have distractions, I won’t hide." Just after saying this, Xiao Xie fainted, he said: "I was dizzy for about two minutes at that time, I didn’t expect her feet to be so fast." Recalling these episodes, Li Xinjie apologized to Xiao Xie with some embarrassment, "I think sometimes hitting others is more nervous than being hit. I’m sorry." Xiao Xie smiled, "It’s alright, it’s filming." According to the reporter’s understanding, in order to preserve this real-life scene as much as possible, the play was basically not abridged during the review process.

    3. I don’t want my son to enter the entertainment industry again

    Nicholas Tse’s arrival added a lot of attention to the press conference of "Big Shot", and yesterday he also gave reporters a glimpse of his very different side. When others spoke, Xiao Xie basically lowered his head quietly and listened to others. Unless the host asked him, he had no choice but to answer. If he could summarize all his meaning in one word, he would never say anything else, but everyone could feel that it was not because of his arrogance, but because he was too bad at talking, because he always thought about each question carefully for a few seconds before giving the answer.

    Of course, in the face of this celebrity who has just become a father, the reporter’s questions will not only stop at the TV series. For the reporter’s concern, Xiao Xie also accepted all the orders yesterday and answered all the questions. When talking about children, Nicholas Tse’s face has a little smile, but there is a lot of maturity and responsibility. He told the reporter, "My son just turned 3 months old the day before yesterday, and now weighs 14 pounds." Xiao Xie is now a trapeze. He came to attend the press conference yesterday and flew back to Hong Kong in the evening. He said that he would take all the time to reunite with his family.

    Regarding the question of whether her son will inherit his father’s business in the future, Cecilia Cheung had previously expressed her attitude that she would not. Yesterday, Xiao Xie also expressed his mentality, "From falling in love to getting married and having children, I have always been very strict in my career. I insist on filming without a substitute, in order to create a good environment for my family. For the sake of the next generation, I don’t want to enter the entertainment industry again, because I don’t want to see my son being kicked down from upstairs by others." Xiao Xie lamented that celebrities only have a moment of light on TV, which is also a packaged success. Many people really don’t know the story behind them. But when the reporter asked him if his son would support him if he really entered the entertainment industry in the future, Xiao Xie thought for a long time and said: "That may be destined. In fact, there are many people who can sing and act, and whether he can stay in the circle depends on his endurance and willpower. When I first debuted, many people called me Xie Xian’s son. In the future, my son will not only be called Xie Xian’s grandson when he enters the entertainment industry, but also the son of Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung.

Editor in charge: Wang Yuxi

Liu Yifei denied that it was Zhang Ziyi’s second, eager to talk about a beautiful love


  Data map: Liu Yifei’s passionate dance in Sanya. China News Agency issued a yellow torch, photo

  "I’m not Zhang Ziyi second, I’m also eager to talk about a beautiful love…" Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Liu Yifei starring in the Hollywood blockbuster "King of Kung Fu" landed in Shencheng on April 24, and this newspaper ("Liaoshen Evening News"), as the only media in Liaoning, made an exclusive interview with female lead Liu Yifei in advance.

  Zhang Ziyi is a senior and I have just started

  Liaoshen Evening News: Signed with a Hollywood agency to cooperate with Hollywood directors. The outside world says that you will become Zhang Ziyi’s second. What do you think?

  Liu Yifei: I don’t think I’m second to Zhang Ziyi. I appreciate everyone’s praise and trust in me. Zhang Ziyi is indeed a great female star in China, and my movie journey is just the beginning. I will carefully choose every movie that suits me.

  Liaoshen Evening News: Your previous image was relatively pure. Do you plan to transform?

  Liu Yifei: Everyone saw that in "King of Kung Fu", Jin Yanzi is a heroine. In fact, this character is half martial and half literary. She not only has a lot of difficulty in moving, but also has a lot of inner drama. It is better to say transformation than change. Of course, I will try different changes.

  Jackie Chan moved me. Jet Li and I are both rabbits

  Liaoshen Evening News: Which do you think is more attractive, Jackie Chan or Jet Li?

  Liu Yifei: Jackie Chan and Jet Li are both very dedicated actors. Before working with them, I imagined that they should be very serious, but after working with them, I found that they are very kind. I remember one time when I was hanging Weiya, I wore the thinnest Weiya clothes, but after I put them on, they were still too big. Jackie Chan was very worried that I would fly out when I was hanging Weiya. Two weeks later, Jackie Chan gave me a Weiya clothes made according to my size. I was very touched at that time. For Li Lianjie, I feel adoration. The first day I saw him, I was going to shoot an important fight scene. I NG twice in a row. Li Lianjie was very anxious and came over to correct my movements very seriously like a martial arts instructor. I was so nervous. Later, I found out that Jet Li is a rabbit like me, and we often study the zodiac together.

  Convincing my mother to play the golden swallow mother

  Liaoshen Evening News: Your mother also made a cameo appearance in "King of Kung Fu". How do you evaluate your mother’s performance in the film?

  Liu Yifei: Before filming started, I knew that Jin Yanzi had a mother in the film. The director wanted to ask my mother to perform, but she refused at that time. Later, I couldn’t find a suitable actor, and the movie was about to start filming. I still wanted to invite my mother out of the mountain, but my mother still didn’t agree. Later, I convinced my mother. In fact, the Queen Mother in the film had no lines, and she shot for a short time, so it was not easy to evaluate her acting skills.

  Liaoshen Evening News: You have played many roles related to love. Do you long for a true relationship?

  Liu Yifei: A good relationship is what girls of my age long for. It takes time to fall in love, but I am an actor now, and most of my time is filming, so I don’t have time to fall in love. I have never experienced the feeling of true love. In filming, I just try my best to experience the love of the characters, and I usually read some books and movies to experience it.

  Liu Yifei: My film journey is just the beginning.

  Chief Reporter, Xiao Yang


Editor in charge: Li Dan

Jolin Tsai: Wish to marry a great husband within ten years (Photos)

Feature: Picture Channel

Jolin Tsai, file photo

  With exquisite curly hair, a brown skirt, and golden high heels, Jolin Tsai’s appearance is the same as her music, paying attention to visual stimulation. Although she didn’t say much, when interviewed by this reporter, Jolin Tsai not only faced the media’s questions about her music route, but also did not shy away from emotional issues. It was only by chance that she learned that the concert coincided with the Journalists’ Day in the mainland that she suddenly raised her voice nervously: "Then will you not come to my concert on vacation?" The reporter repeatedly said that she would go to the scene to see her perform, and she smiled. As she said, she cares most about the reaction of fans and her own performance, and what she said is true.

  The first decade: challenging yourself with "talent"

  In the blink of an eye, the "boy killer" of the year has been out for ten years. Jolin Tsai’s changeable image and gorgeous dance in MVs such as "Look at Me 72 Changes" and "Dancer" in recent years far exceed the pure impression of the original "I Know You’re Sad". Looking back ten years later, Jolin Tsai said that he "has become more and more bold in his performances, but there is only one determination to change, that is, to make himself better every year."

  At the "Unique Dance" concert, Jolin Tsai offered more magic weapons: ribbon dance, ring performance, and pole dance. The difficulty and danger of the movements exceeded that of ordinary artists, and the degree of struggle made many fans stunned. As a singer, when giving people a visual impression exceeds music, is it lucky or unfortunate? Jolin Tsai doesn’t seem to care. She believes that every singer has his own characteristics, and his strength is dance music. "Maybe many people will remember my style and dance, and ignore my musical improvement, but they think I have characteristics and will expect me, and I will stick to it."

  "I like the feeling of challenging myself and making myself stronger after setbacks. This industry requires you to learn things quickly. If you only have talent and no new knowledge and skills, your aura will soon be gone. So I’m not a genius but a’talent ‘. I try my best to discover myself and achieve something."

  The second decade: I hope to have a great husband

  Once upon a time, Jolin Tsai and Chairperson Zhou’s "double J love" was a sensation, and recently, there was news that she was blocked in nightclubs due to her relationship with Peng Yuyan. Speaking of feelings, Jolin Tsai couldn’t help but look up at the ceiling, "When you are in a relationship, you only hope that the two of you are happy together, but when you reach another stage of love, you hope to have a more stable state. I hope that in the next ten years, I can meet the right person, have a great husband and children, and love them well."

  In the past, Jolin Tsai had expected to get married at the age of 30, but now this time has been moved back. The boyfriend standard she offered was humor, knowing how to take care of girls, and "the most important thing is not to be too fussy." This last sentence emphasizes that it reminds people of Jay Chou who is empathetic. People say that the love is too deep, which is probably the case. You can not mention that person’s name, but it will definitely leave traces of that person.

  Rumor has it that Peng Yuyan gave up his relationship because of the resistance of his family and company, so will Jolin Tsai’s relationship take into account the opinions of others? Jolin Tsai generously said that the relationship in the entertainment industry will be affected to some extent, but it is the most important thing for two people to be happy, and he will respect each other’s ideas. "After all, I am a person who lives in front of the screen, and if the other party can withstand these pressures, he will be the most perfect object." Jolin Tsai confidently said that now he also sees these pressures, "If the two understand each other, they don’t need to care about other people’s thoughts."

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Jay Chou held a fan meeting in Zhengzhou, coming and going to be considerate to Fans

Source: Sina Music

  Business Daily reporters, Chen Hesheng/Wen, Yang Donghua/Picture

  Yesterday, Jay Chou’s fan meeting was held in Zhengzhou, and Henan Radio Station FM90.0 MY RADIO broadcast the whole process live.

  Hundreds of fans waited for hours and hastily gathered with Jay Chou for half an hour. They were also a little regretful in their happiness. One fan who rushed to Zhengzhou from other places said that it was not easy to meet Jay Chou. As Jay Chou sang in "White Windmill": "You said you shouldn’t meet again for a moment."

  Wait for Zhou, see Zhou, visit Zhou, don’t Zhou, combined into a picture of Jay Chou’s trip to Zhengzhou.

  {Act 1} Wait for weeks

  "I’m fed up with waiting, your so-called arrangement. How long will it take?" – Jay Chou, "Rewind"

  Voiceover: Before Zhou Dong arrived, the fans went crazy first. On the square at the east gate of Yuda Hotel, boys and girls lined up.

  You said: Difficult, really difficult.

  If it were normal, there were more cars than people in the parking lot of Zhengzhou Yuda International Trade East Gate. Yesterday’s scene was different. At 12 noon, there was still an hour and a half before the meeting time arranged by the organizers. Hundreds of fans had gathered here.

  Everyone was looking forward to it, and some fans even asked each other which door Zhou would enter the hotel from, what clothes he would wear… Some fans even found it difficult to calm their emotions, saying, "When I see Jay Chou later, will I faint?"

  In addition to waiting for Jay Chou, another important thing is to wait for the admission tickets to the meet-up. Due to the limited space on the spot of the meet-up, the issuance of admission tickets is relatively strict. Members of organized fan clubs are luckier. Fan club members revealed that they can get a ticket to the meet-up by purchasing an infield ticket. The price of the infield ticket is 2008 yuan, 1800 yuan, 1600 yuan and 1400 yuan respectively. This claim was later confirmed by the reporter from the announcement on the fan website. Another version is that you can only get one ticket if you buy five VIP tickets. The reporter was not confirmed from the organizers.

  In yesterday’s fan camp, there were also many "retail investors". They basically bought infield tickets and were allowed to attend the meeting.

  {Act II} See Zhou

  "The area that should be happy, all you give is blank" – Jay Chou, "Rewind"

  Voiceover: Zhou Dong appeared with extraordinary momentum. The colorful cards in the audience were shining, and the fans on the scene were obsessed.

  You said: It’s cool, it’s really cool.

  If you ask who is the most popular male artist in China now, the answer is mostly Jay Chou. Fans can see Jay Chou up close, and it goes without saying that they are excited.

  At 13:55, as soon as Jay Chou appeared from the small door on the right side of the stage, the fans on the scene waved shiny signs with Jay Chou’s Chinese and English characters and cheered. At the same time, the three men and two women who followed Jay Chou quickly blocked the corner of the stage to "arm". The auditorium is divided into three areas vertically, the front is the leader of the organizer, the organizer, and the sponsor, and the fans are arranged in the last area.

  When Jay Chou heard only the fan area at the back of the scene shake "cards" and shout, he said, "Singers stand on the stage, and what they want most is to interact with the audience. The people sitting at the front are generally seniors, so they can’t interact very well. When my mother and grandmother watch my concerts, they all sit at the back, and they can hear it better farther away from the speakers, so they won’t say that I can’t bite clearly when I sing." No wonder Jay Chou said this, and the photographer photographed someone dozing in the front seat.

Editor in charge: Li Ming