[Huawei asks M9′ s competitive goal: ideal L9 and MEGA] According to the delay.

[Huawei asks M9′ s competitive goal: ideal L9 and MEGA]

According to the news of the late Auto, a person close to Huawei said that the goal of Huawei’s M9 extended-range version is to eat the ideal L9 market, and the pure electric version regards MEGA as a strong enemy.

The confrontation between Huawei and Ideal has started since the release of M7. The hot sale of M7 proves Huawei’s ability to sell cars, and now it takes three years to develop M9 from scratch, which makes the ideal feel more pressure. Ideally, in half a year, the attitude towards market competition has changed from "actual combat, growth and crushing" last year to "suspension, passivity and defense".

In November last year, Huawei split the car BU and established a joint venture company with cooperative car companies, further consolidating its alliance with car companies. Later, Auto learned that four companies that have deep cooperation with Huawei, such as the M8 in the border and the MPV that Huawei cooperates with Jianghuai, plan to launch this year, all of which are in direct competition with ideal products.

Ideal takes the lead with surprising products; Huawei has abundant resources and complete processes. Two companies with very different backgrounds and different personalities met in the new energy vehicle market. After two years of confrontation, each company made up for its own shortcomings and its competitiveness reached a higher level.

Later, Auto thinks that this year is about to usher in a major reshuffle of the domestic electric vehicle industry. Both companies are standing at the center of the storm and have come up with their own key products: MEGA versus M9.

This is a real test of all-round strength of products, brands, supplies and organizations.