Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Han

All relevant units, sub-bureaus, county (city) planning and natural resources bureaus:

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain the security of geographical information, our bureau has formulated the "Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Hangzhou", which are hereby issued. Please abide by them carefully.

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

October 23, 2023

(This article is published publicly.)

Hangzhou regulations on the management of high-precision maps for intelligent networked vehicles

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain geographical information security, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Map Management Regulations, the Ministry of Natural Resources Notice on Promoting the Development and Maintenance of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, and the Hangzhou Measures for the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles Testing and Application, and in light of the actual situation of this city.

These Provisions apply to activities such as data collection, storage, transmission, processing, production and use of high-precision maps of intelligent networked vehicles (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) within the administrative area of this Municipality.

The term high-precision map as used in these regulations refers to an electronic map mainly used for assisting the driving of intelligent connected vehicles with high position accuracy.

High-precision maps mainly include maps of L4 and above autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) and maps of L3 and below autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps).

III. The management of high-precision maps follows the principles of law and regulation, full-process monitoring, equal emphasis on management and service, and safety and control, and implements classification and grading management.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources is responsible for the city’s high-precision map management.

Units engaged in the production of high-precision maps shall obtain corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications in accordance with the law, or entrust units with corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications to carry out corresponding surveying and mapping activities.

The data storage server for high-precision maps shall be located within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. High-precision map data shall be encrypted with domestic commercial passwords that meet security standards, and transmitted through network channels with security measures to ensure the security of geographic information data.

The high-precision map data to be transmitted overseas shall be subject to the approval procedures for external provision according to law.

The production of high-precision maps shall comply with the technical requirements of the Zhejiang provincial local standard "Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Road Basic Geographic Data Specification" (DB33/T 2391-2021), follow relevant regulations, and standardize the production and expression of data collection and map elements.

Eighth, high-precision maps shall be treated with state-recognized geographical information confidentiality technology.

Nine, before the high-precision map is publicly used or delivered for application, it shall be submitted to the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Natural Resources for map review through the Zhejiang Government Service Network (map approval) according to regulations, and the map review number shall be obtained according to law.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, through the Hangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Data Application Safety Monitoring Platform, obtains relevant information on the use of high-precision maps in intelligent connected vehicle testing and application activities, and collaborates with relevant departments to organize and carry out pilot supervision and inspection of high-precision map applications in accordance with the law. Strengthen process supervision and on-site inspections, and promptly deal with and supervise rectification of discovered problems.

During the production and use of high-precision maps, any organization or individual that violates laws and regulations on surveying and mapping geographic information shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.

These regulations shall come into force on December 1, 2023.

Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Hangzhou