# To lose weight, what exercise would you choose and how to exercise to burn fat with the highest efficiency? #
How to choose exercise to lose weight? Don’t just watch the calories burned!
To lose weight, many people will choose running, swimming and other sports that seem to consume a lot of calories, but in fact, burning calories is not the same as burning fat. Burning fat needs to convert fat into energy, which requires oxygen, that is, it needs long-term aerobic exercise.

What are the differences in fat burning efficiency among several different exercise modes?
Mode 1: Aerobic exercise has the highest fat burning efficiency.
Aerobic exercise can improve heart rate and breathing, accelerate oxygen circulation and promote fat metabolism, thus achieving the purpose of burning fat. Recommended aerobic exercise includes jogging, brisk walking, swimming, elliptical machine and so on.
Among them, jogging and brisk walking can choose low-intensity exercise for a long time, while swimming and elliptical machine can choose moderate-intensity exercise for a short time.
You can choose the exercise that suits you according to your physical condition, or start with the low-intensity exercise, and with the improvement of physical endurance, gradually increase the training intensity and choose the exercise with higher calorie consumption value, so as to stick to it.

Mode 2: Aerobic+strength training to lose weight more efficiently.
If only aerobic exercise is carried out, the rate of fat consumption will gradually decrease, and at the same time, the problem of muscle loss will occur, which is not conducive to the construction of lean physique.
Therefore, it is suggested to add some strength training on the basis of aerobic exercise, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, etc., and train once every other day for 30-40 minutes each time, which can help maintain muscle quality, improve their basic metabolism, and make their figure lines better after slimming down.

Summary:People who lose weight should choose the exercise mode that suits them, insist on exercising and eat reasonably, so as to lose weight more efficiently and move towards a healthy life.