Blizzard continues! Snowfall in the north stopped for 5 days, and rain and snow in the south continued until New Year’s Eve.

This round of freezing rain and snow is experiencing the strongest period. In the past 24 hours, Jianghuai area has become the core area of heavy snowfall in this process, with heavy snowstorms in central and eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and central and northern Jiangsu, and heavy snowstorms in some areas.

This round of freezing rain and snow is going through the strongest period. In the past 24 hours, the Jianghuai area has become the core area of heavy snowfall in this process. Heavy snowstorms have generally appeared in central and eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and central and northern Jiangsu, and heavy snowstorms have occurred in some areas.

The snow along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is "black" …

This rain and snow process is not only strong, but also extremely complicated mixed precipitation. Rain, snow, ice particles, freezing rain, thunder … all of them! For example, in Yichang, Hubei Province, rain was observed at 23: 00 on the 2 nd, and it turned to snow at around 4: 00 on the 3 rd. At the same time, thunder and snow were also detected.

In addition, the snowfall in Hefei, Anhui Province from 08: 00 to 14: 00 today was 8.5 mm, which almost caught up with the magnitude of the 24-hour standard blizzard (10 mm). There was also freezing rain, and the power line accumulated ice of 28 mm.

Due to the low temperature, the efficiency of snow accumulation in Anhui, Henan and other places is high, and the accumulated snow in many places has exceeded 10 cm. According to the actual situation of snow this afternoon, the depth of snow in Guoyang, Lixin, Yingshang, Bengbu, Funan, Jieshou, Fuyang, Wuhe and Mingguang in northern Anhui is 13 cm, 13 cm, 12 cm, 12 cm, 11 cm, 11 cm, and the snow is enough to have no ankles.

There will be heavy snowfall in Hubei, Anhui and other places from tonight to noon tomorrow. It is estimated that from 20: 00 on February 3 to 20: 00 on February 4, there will be heavy blizzards in parts of southern Henan, most of Hubei, central and northern Anhui, western Jiangsu, northern Hunan, eastern Chongqing and northeastern Guizhou, among which there will be heavy blizzards (20-24 mm) in parts of northeastern Hubei and central Anhui. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 3 ~ 10 cm, and the local area can reach about 20 cm.

From night to tomorrow, there will be freezing rain in parts of central Anhui, southern and eastern Hubei, most of Hunan, central and eastern Guizhou and southeastern Chongqing. The accumulated freezing rainfall can reach 1 ~ 6 mm, and the local area is about 10 mm.

In terms of specific cities, the snowfall from Wuhan to Hefei will continue to increase in the early morning of tomorrow, and there will still be blizzards and local blizzards; It will also be snowing heavily in Nanjing tomorrow. In addition, Jingmen, Jingzhou, Yichang and other places in Hubei will have heavy snow tonight; There will be freezing rain at Yueyang and Xiangtan stations in Hunan.

In the next two days, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Anhui will become the areas with the most concentrated freezing rain and heavy snowfall. Among them, there may be both freezing rain and snowfall in the northwest of Hunan, eastern Hubei and central Anhui, which has a great impact.

Affected by rain and snow, most of the traffic in the central and eastern regions will be affected, such as Shanghai-Chongqing, Shanghai-Shaanxi, Fuyin, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao and other expressways, which will have a long section affected by blizzard and freezing rain. It is best for returnees to avoid the period with the strongest rain and snow, pay attention to the latest road traffic information, plan their trips reasonably and drive safely.

After the 5th, the snowfall in the northern region will shrink sharply and basically end on the 6th. However, due to the active warm and humid air flow in the south, a large range of rain and snow weather in the south will last until New Year’s Eve.

It is estimated that until the 8th, there will be a large range of moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in the south of the Yangtze River and northern South China, and the accumulated rainfall is large. The accumulated rainfall in Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong can reach more than 100mm, which is much higher. Especially in Hunan and Guizhou, there will still be mixed rain and snow.

The continuous large-scale rain and snow will also cause a "heavy blow" to the temperature in the central and eastern regions. Especially in Anhui, Hunan, Henan, Jiangsu, Hubei and other places with a wide range of rain and snow and lasting time, the highest temperature in many places will be more than 6 C lower than normal, and the local temperature will be about 10 C! In the next four or five days, the highest temperature in many cities, including Zhengzhou, Hefei, Wuhan, Nanjing and Changsha, is only about 0℃. With the rainy and snowy weather, the body will feel very wet and cold.

It is expected that before the Spring Festival, most areas in the south will continue to be in a state of low temperature and wet cold, and it is necessary to wait for the New Year to get warmer.

[Editor: Li Yangzi]