Douyin takeaway new scene cooperation first in the country Nanjing: Nanjing people first experience "see and click"

  Nanjing people have become the "number one" in the country again this time: a few days ago, the takeaway scene innovation jointly launched by Douyin and was the first to be launched in Nanjing. Through the new "see-click-reach" service jointly created by the two parties, Nanjing has since become the first city in the country to be able to watch videos and place orders for takeaway. From now on, Nanjing citizens can experience a new takeaway experience of "see-click-reach" through activities such as the "takeaway festival" held by the two platforms.

  Litchi News reporter learned that there are more than 50 brands participating in the first batch of innovation pilots, covering more than 2,000 stores: these include not only the little chef, Nanjing big-name stall, Lion King’s Mansion, agarwood duck and other Jianghuai characteristic brands, but also the national brands of major categories such as Xi Jie fried skewers and Yuan Jiyun dumplings. In addition, more than 1,000 small and medium-sized merchants in Nanjing are also among the first batch of online stores. Most of the merchants have recently made preparations for first-line stores and operation backstage, looking forward to jointly bringing different surprises to Nanjing consumers.

  Founded in Nanjing and deeply loved by local consumers, Little Chef is the first brand to successfully run the new link of "see and click" in this round of launch. In Nanjing, Little Chef has 40 stores, basically covering the whole city. For online takeaway users, it can also meet the needs of the whole city of 3-5 kilometers delivery. At present, all Nanjing stores of Little Chef can place orders through the Mini Program on Douyin. In addition, consumers can directly click on the components in the video to place an order during the process of watching the content of Little Chef Douyin.

  "We have been operating in depth on Douyin and platforms. We currently have nearly 500,000 fans. is our in-depth cooperation takeaway platform. The combination of the two must be a strong alliance." Li Hongxia, vice president of Little Chef Group, said that for the launch of this new scenario service, Little Chef hopes to solve the problem of selling single items on the content platform, delivering to home and private domain retention. In addition, in special periods, Little Chef can also reach customers in a faster and more effective way and provide corresponding supporting services.

(The little chef has launched a variety of signature product packages in the new scene this time)

  Dahui Group, which was also born in Nanjing and has been established for 30 years, also participated in this innovation pilot with its three well-known brands – Nanjing Dabaidang, Lion King’s Mansion and Agarwood Duck. From Agarwood Duck, which has obtained national patents, to Nanjing Dabaidang, which focuses on local flavors in Nanjing, to Lion King’s Mansion, which is a classic Huaiyang dish, these three brands can meet the different needs of Nanjing consumers in terms of store deployment, supply, quality and service.

  "I believe this kind of cooperation will definitely provide more convenience and speed for consumers to eat at home." Xing Guangting, head of takeaway at Dahui Group, said that catering, as a traditional enterprise, has been paying attention to digital transformation in recent years. The rise of short video marketing has brought new opportunities and challenges to the catering industry. Dahui Group is very willing to try the combination of short video and takeaway to provide consumers with a new takeaway method of "instant delivery".

  In the launch process, Dahui Group took out the best-selling takeaway products of various brands, including nearly 10,000 copies of the daily signature dishes, the well-received one-person meal package, and the two-person package selected for the "takeaway festival" activities of the two platforms. At the same time, 1,500 fan gifts were specially prepared for distribution in the live stream.

(Nanjing Dabai Stall, a subsidiary of Dahui Group, focuses on Nanjing local flavors)

  "We believe that this new scenario will bring about subversive consumer innovation." Wang Kuan, founder and chairperson of Xijie Fried String, revealed that the brand has been looking forward to this new scenario cooperation for a long time. As early as August this year, when it saw the official announcement of the cooperation between the two platforms, and Douyin, it was immediately forwarded to the company for relevant follow-up and preparation. Now the first stop of the cooperation has landed in Nanjing, which can be described as "the right time and the right place" for Xijie Fried String.

  Wang Kuan believes that in terms of the category characteristics of Sister Xi’s fried skewers, it is very compatible with the "content + takeaway" scene: consumers can see with their own eyes how the store juices and makes tofu, and hear the sizzling sound of fried skewers… These pictures are more intuitive, more attractive and infectious to consumers. When the link between planting grass and takeaway is connected, the advantages of brand products will become more prominent.

  The launch of this new scene coincides with the winter solar term and the World Cup. In order to better enhance the takeaway experience of consumers, Xijie Fried Skewers has recently developed a variety of dipping sauce products, which taste almost the same as those freshly baked in the store. In addition, for the World Cup, Xijie Fried Skewers has also developed more new flavors of fried chicken products such as garlic fried chicken and a variety of drinks, and will launch more live welfare activities during the season.

(Sister Xi’s fried skewers have specially developed a variety of dipping sauce products to enhance the taste and experience of takeaway)

  Yuan Jiyun Dumpling, a leading chain brand of dumplings in the country, is also one of the first batch of specially invited brands to participate this time. Although it is not a local brand, Yuan Jiyun Dumpling attaches great importance to the East China market and regards it as the core strategic expansion area of the brand in the next two to three years. As of now, Yuan Jiyun Dumpling has landed in 59 stores in Nanjing, and the number of stores participating in the new scene has also reached 46, which can basically achieve consumer coverage in all core areas of Nanjing.

  "We are looking forward to this cooperation to open up new consumption scenarios, bring new business possibilities, and allow our consumers to have a more innovative and smoother consumption experience." Zheng Boqi, deputy general manager of Yuan Ji Yun Dumplings and general head of mid-platform strategy, said that because consumers in the East China market have obvious preferences for Internet celebrity eating methods and new flavors compared with other regions, the products launched this time not only include classic flavors that sell well in various places such as fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton, but also new dumplings with newly developed ingredients including winter bamboo shoots and crab roe. It is expected that they will be launched in the new scene in the near future.

(Yuan Jiyun found that consumers in East China especially like to try new products and flavors)

  Regarding why the first stop of the cooperation between Douyin and chose Nanjing, Litchi News reporters learned from the two platforms that in the early stage of the cooperation, local brands in Jiangsu were very willing to try to sign up; at the same time, Nanjing consumers’ local catering consumption potential is also very strong; in addition,’s logistics team and logistics capabilities in Nanjing are also very mature. Under various factors, Nanjing became the first city to "see and reach".

  It is reported that the teams of both parties are currently stepping up version iterations to optimize various product functions and display experiences. It is expected that more new scene gameplay and surprise benefits will be available to Nanjing consumers with the new version in the near future.

Dark Blue G318 debut! After "far ahead", the "industry ceiling" is here again! Car News On March 18, Changan Deep Blue Automobile held a grand press conference in Chengdu. Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, explained in detail to the outside world the latest electric drive, range extension and battery technology of Deep Blue, and released its third model – the Deep Blue G318 based on the EPA1 platform. The new car is equipped with the Force intelligent super range extension system, which can be powered by oil and electricity, and has powerful off-road escape capabilities.

In terms of appearance, in today’s square box style running all over the street, the dark blue G318 has chosen the hardcore + cyberpunk appearance style. It has a large body under the tough appearance. The length, width and height of the dark blue G318 are 4915 (4998)/1985/1885 (1960) mm (the length and height are different due to the original modification), and the wheelbase is 2880mm. The curb weight is 2360kg, and the wind resistance coefficient of the whole vehicle is 0.35CD.

In addition, the dark blue G318 also provides luggage racks, headlights, electric pedals, backpacks, and other original expansion parts, and the four-wheel drive model also has a maximum trailer quality of 1.6 tons.

In terms of interior, the dark blue G318 combines the future with hard style, and the cockpit has both a sense of technology and power. The large-size screen adopts a built-in design, which not only looks simple and elegant, but also adds a sense of reliability. Most of the daily function buttons are integrated under the screen, and the physical buttons are real to the touch, allowing users to easily and accurately complete various operations during driving. Unlike the previous dark blue models, the G318 shift lever adopts the push-pull lever of a starship, which is very controlled.

In addition, the G318 has a four-wheel drive system composed of dual motors, and has a central stepless differential lock and a magnetic mechanical differential lock, which can achieve full torque left and right locking. To be more flexible in extreme road conditions, the G318 also supports in-place turn function, with a minimum steering radius of 3.2 meters.

The Dark Blue G318 is a hardcore SUV with a load-bearing body, with a torsional stiffness of 45,000 Nm/deg, making it the quasi-first echelon in the industry. Its stiffness is comparable to that of a non-load-bearing body with girders.

In terms of battery, the dark blue G318 adopts a golden bell battery, has a built-in safety design, and has 10 layers of battery bottom protection. It can support a pure electric cruising range of 190 kilometers under CLTC conditions, and supports a maximum of 6 kW external discharge function, and enjoys lifelong quality assurance.

In terms of power, the dark blue G318 is equipped with the Force Super Integrated Electric Drive 2.0 system and the Force Intelligent Super Range Extension system, which greatly reduces the weight and volume, and greatly improves the power density and efficiency. The efficiency of the motor assembly is 92.58%, and the range extension system can convert 1L of oil into 3.63kWh of electricity, which is higher than the industry level.

The G318 is designed with permanent magnet synchronous and AC asynchronous front and rear motors. The total system power is 316 kW, the wheel end torque is 6200 Nm, and the 100-kilometer acceleration time is only 6.3s.

In the future, the Deep Blue G318 will join the plug-in/range-extended hybrid SUV hardcore SUV market where the Equation Leopard 5 is located. Let’s look forward to its market performance.

China Consumers Association: Online car-hailing platforms should blacklist drivers with harassment and other behaviors

  China News Service, May 22, according to the website of the China Consumers Association, on May 22, the China Consumers Association held a symposium in Beijing to promote safe consumption of online car-hailing. The China Consumers Association called for strengthening information protection to ensure consumer safety. It should not be at the expense of personal information security. It should not increase the burden and responsibility of consumers in the name of ensuring safety. The China Consumers Association requires online car-hailing platform operators to assume the responsibility of the first person responsible for protecting consumer rights and interests in accordance with the law, strengthen complaint handling, and blacklist drivers who have harassed and violent behavior, and adopt zero tolerance.

  The online car-hailing industry has recently experienced a number of vicious incidents that violate consumer safety, which has attracted widespread attention from the society. On May 22, the China Consumers Association held a symposium on promoting safe consumption of online car-hailing in Beijing. The conference promoted the implementation of legal obligations and responsibilities of online car-hailing platform operators by introducing the main issues reported by consumers, discussing the operators of online car-hailing platforms, legal analysis by experts and lawyers, strengthening self-discipline by industry organizations, and expressing opinions by the Consumer Association. It called for strengthening the supervision of online car-hailing and ride-sharing behaviors, promoting the improvement of legislation and regulations on online transactions, and better protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  At the symposium, the China Consumers Association introduced the public opinion report and consumer complaints on the safe consumption of online car-hailing services. The main opinions of consumers on online car-hailing services include that the driver and vehicle information provided by the platform are inconsistent with the actual situation, the driver’s attitude is not friendly, the driver damages consumer property, the driver and the consumer have violent conflicts, the platform does not handle consumer complaints in a timely manner, and the driver detours and charges more, fails to comply with the agreement, and arbitrarily cancels the order.

  Didi, Shouqi Car-hailing, Shenzhou Youche, BAIC Group, Yidao, Ctrip and other online car-hailing platform operators introduced the business types, audit management, operation status of their respective platforms, measures to ensure consumer safety, and handling of consumer complaints. Heads of relevant enterprises and representatives of industry organizations said that they will take measures to strengthen self-discipline and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in response to the problems existing in the field of online car-hailing.

  Experts, lawyers according to the current laws and regulations, from the network audit, legal operation, contents of the contract, security, information protection, complaint handling, responsibility and other aspects of the in-depth analysis, pointed out that the network about the car industry is not extrajudicial land, platform operators themselves have legal obligations, such as non-performance or performance is not in place, should bear the corresponding responsibility.

  The China Consumers Association pointed out that the right to safety is the first right of consumers, and ensuring consumer safety is the legal obligation of operators. The China Consumers Association requires online ride-hailing platform operators to effectively implement their legal obligations and assume the responsibility of the first person responsible for protecting the rights and interests of consumers in accordance with the law:

  - Strengthen online access audits. Effective measures must be taken to strengthen the review and control of vehicles and drivers. In order to ensure public safety, for online booking vehicle services of various formats, standard and consistent review requirements should be adopted for drivers’ driving experience, traffic liability accidents, violent criminal records, etc., and strict verification should be carried out to strictly control personnel access and prevent safety risks.

  - Strengthen safety management. It is necessary to effectively strengthen legal training and safety education for drivers, standardize service behavior, and improve service levels; it is necessary to effectively eliminate "vests" and ensure that the appointments of vehicles and drivers are consistent with reality; it is necessary to earnestly fulfill the duty of care, stop ride-sharing and ride-sharing services that do not meet the requirements, and put an end to illegal operations; it is necessary to effectively strengthen supervision and inspection to enhance drivers’ awareness of law-abiding and safe operation; it is necessary to effectively promote professional ethics, encourage drivers to take social responsibility, and protect consumers’ personal and property safety.

  - Strengthen contract warnings. It is necessary to fairly formulate and provide standard terms, determine the rights and obligations between platforms, drivers, and consumers in accordance with the law, and highlight in a significant way the content that has a significant interest in consumers, especially safety precautions and risk warnings, after-sales services, civil liability, etc., shall not make unfair or unreasonable provisions on consumers, and shall not use standard terms and use technical means to force transactions.

  - Strengthen information protection. It is necessary to collect and use consumers’ personal information in accordance with the law, strictly control the scope of collection, strictly fulfill confidentiality obligations, and strictly prevent information leakage. It is not allowed to disclose, sell or illegally provide consumers’ personal information to others through evaluation, sharing, etc. Where information leakage or loss occurs or may occur, remedial measures should be taken immediately. There are various technical means. To ensure consumer safety cannot be at the expense of personal information security, and consumers should not increase their burden and responsibility in the name of security.

  - Strengthen the handling of complaints. It is necessary to attach great importance to consumer complaints, strictly screen the situation of drivers being sued, and eliminate safety hazards in a timely manner. Drivers who are harassing or violent should be blacklisted, and zero tolerance should be adopted to prevent follow-up services from endangering public safety. For acts that damage consumer property, compensation and disciplinary measures should be formulated to prevent similar acts from happening again. For acts that violate consumers’ personal information, it is necessary to resolutely stop and correct, and take immediate remedial measures. For drivers who have been sued many times, it is necessary to distinguish the situation and strengthen credit punishment, limit the number of orders received, and implement effective management.

  In light of the "E-commerce Law" being formulated, the China Consumers Association calls on the legislature to further clarify and refine the relevant provisions for e-commerce platform operators, strengthen consumer protection, and prevent e-commerce platform operators from evading their obligations and responsibilities and harming the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  In addition, the China Consumers Association recommends that the government and relevant departments: First, further improve the standardized management of various types of online booking vehicle services, make clearer and unified regulations on key issues related to consumer safety, and focus on specific implementation; second, strengthen the development of online car-hailing industry standards, data monitoring, service supervision, risk management and control, to better protect the safety rights and interests of consumers.

  The Consumer Association reminds consumers that when accepting online car-hailing services, they should pay attention to the safety of personal, property and personal information, pay attention to checking the consistency of online reservations and offline real-time vehicles and drivers, pay attention to preserving relevant evidence, and promptly complain and report problems. Together, we should strengthen social supervision and promote safer and more standardized online car-hailing services.

Byd Qin L DM

On April 25th, Qin L DM-i, a brand-new mid-level car of BYD Dynasty, made its world debut in auto china in 2024, and the marine sister model, Seal 06, made its simultaneous appearance.

According to reports, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm/1900mm/1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790 mm. It is a standard mid-size car.

In the car matrix of the current dynasty, the Qin family is a compact pin crown, the Han family is a medium and large pin crown, and the Qin L sword refers to the intermediate level, which just fills the gap between the two cars.

As a brand-new mid-level sedan in the dynasty, Qin L adopts "the aesthetics of the new country’s tide and the beauty of the dragon’s face", integrates the dragon’s momentum into the body, has slender and elegant sides, and adopts an ultra-wide rear shoulder design at the tail, so that the whole car presents a "wide body and low body" posture.

In terms of interior, the integrated center console is centered on the rotating large screen, creating a strong sense of embrace, and also adopts an ergonomically comfortable and cloud-like seat.

Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit, which integrates 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspended Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key, full scene intelligent voice and other configurations. DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions, comprehensively improves driving safety. With the luxurious cockpit, quiet space, immersive concert hall, etc., meet the daily entertainment needs of users.

In terms of power, BYD officially said that Qin L was built on BYD’s new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platform, and integrated a number of forward-looking technologies, which was designed for plug-in, more efficient, safer and more interesting. As for the actual performance, we can look forward to it.

According to the previous news, BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i super hybrid consists of a 1.5L engine and motors with two powers of 120kW and 160kW provided according to different configurations. It is said that the comprehensive battery life has exceeded 2,000 kilometers, and the fuel consumption is lower than 3L. Whether it is true or not needs to be verified after the real vehicle is launched.

According to the official introduction, the arrival of Qin L will fully lead the new trend of mid-level cars, provide the mainstream families with the choice of upgrading the quality of cars, and provide young people with the one-stop choice of buying cars.

It is reported that Qin L will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is estimated that it will be sold at 120,000 yuan. Interested friends can look forward to it.

In addition, Seaseal 06, the sister model of Ocean Net, also appeared simultaneously, and it was also built based on BYD’s new generation plug-in vehicle platform.

The appearance of Seal 06 is similar to that of the current seal series, and the same energy consumption performance is also the focus of everyone’s attention. Interested friends can look forward to the energy consumption performance and daily experience of the two cars.

Avita 12 can be called a domestic "Paramela", which is the top value of the industry

Avita 12, which is positioned as a "future intelligent luxury car", belongs to the Avita brand and is jointly built by the three giants of Huawei, Changan and Ningde Times combined with their own superior technologies. With Huawei’s top intelligent strength, Changan’s top-current vehicle manufacturing strength, and Ningde Times’ top power battery, Avita 12 has become a "ceiling" level player in domestic smart driving new energy models, with excellent comprehensive strength.

But at the moment when appearance has become an important decision-making factor for current users to buy cars, Avita 12 can obviously rely on strength, but it has made a circle with the top-class appearance, and is even called "domestic Paramela" by fans. You know, Avita 12 adopts a back-style coupe design, which is atmospheric at a glance. While showing the international style, it also meets the unique aesthetic needs of the new generation of users. On the other hand, Avita 12 adopts an integrated body design, which has a larger space and a more slender visual effect. At the same time, it has a relatively high safety factor guarantee.

At the rear of the body, the Avita 12 adopts a fully static luxury hatchback rear design without rear windows. With the low-lying shape, it gives the Avita 12 a higher degree of appearance recognition, and the overall body line is more smooth and full. It is worth mentioning that this styling design further reduces the drag coefficient of the Avita 12, reaching an amazing 0.23Cd, which can improve the battery life and reduce power consumption to a certain extent. In addition, before and after the body, the Avita 12 is designed with a light and shadow LOGO as a unique personality imprint, injecting a sense of luxury technology into every detail.

When it comes to details, Avita 12 does do a lot of details, for example, it is equipped with intelligent frameless induction motors, with touch-sensitive induction door handles, which can inject a sense of high-level ritual into every moment of departure, showing elegance. In addition, it also has a custom battery "dual energy well" diving design, which greatly optimizes the rear seat space and brings comfortable experience to the passengers. At the same time, in order to meet the user’s personalized requirements in the body color scheme, Avita 12 provides 6 high-gloss car colors and 2 matte car colors for users to choose, giving users sufficient choice space.

In addition to the appearance, the strength of Avita 12 can also be played. It is reported that Avita 12 is equipped with HarmonyOS 4.0 Hongmeng cockpit, which is more convenient for human-vehicle interaction and greatly enhances the control experience of the owner. In addition, due to the Huawei high-end intelligent driving system ADS 2.0, Avita’s smart driving function realizes full scene coverage of high-speed sections, urban sections and parking links, which can bring the owner a more comfortable travel experience.

The Avita 12 launched a total of 3 configuration models, the price range is 300,800 yuan – 400,800 yuan, a total of 3 configurations, up to 30,000 yuan limited-time rights. The model was listed for 6 days, and Dading broke through 1.5W, which was widely welcomed by users. Friends who are interested in the car can place an order with one click on the Avita APP.

Andy Lau’s national tour to Tianjin [Photos]

Feature: Picture Channel

On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium.

    This is the first major concert since the completion of the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium "Water Drop". Xinhua News Agency

    On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency

    On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

37,000 the order volume of Hengchi 5? "Beautiful, so beautiful"!

Hengchi Automobile officially announced the order of Hengchi 5 at the "First 720 Hengchi Festival". As of 18:23 on July 20, the order of Hengchi 5 had reached 37,180 units. It simply confirmed the words of Boss Xu: "Beautiful, so beautiful"!

Hengchi New Energy Vehicle Group President Liu Yongzhuo said in an interview recently that since the pre-sale conference on July 6, the market response of this car has exceeded expectations, and confidently believes that: Hengchi 5 big sale has become a foregone conclusion! On July 6, the day of the announcement of the pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan, the conference introduced various rich configurations including three screens, etc., and the host called Hengchi 5 the best pure electric SUV within 300,000 yuan.

In addition, Hengda mobilized almost all the available forces and allocated them to major regions and subdivided them into each project. The specific sales assessment indicators will be determined according to the number of community owners. Even grass-roots employees have 2 indicators per person, and deputy managers have 4 indicators above; in addition to employees, the community housekeeper of the property also assists the owner to complete the task of downloading and registering the Hengchi APP. Xu Jiayin personally supervised the formation to ensure that Hengchi 5 could open the market in the early stage.

Hengchi 5 is positioned as a compact pure electric SUV. The new car CLTC has a comprehensive cruising range of 602km. The car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup, and the 60% discount will be repurchased within three years after pickup. The deposit for the first 10,000 cars is 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan. What kind of clues are there behind such a beautiful operation?

First of all, the car purchase payment is paid to the special account supervision of Tianjin Jinbin Notary Office. This is the first time I have seen it in the automotive field. Of course, everyone knows the problem of Evergrande’s capital chain. If a large amount of money is injected into the corporate account, it is likely to be wasted.

In addition, Hengchi had previously found agencies or industry media to place a large number of advertisements, but many of the settlement fees had not yet been received. When he went to Hengchi Automobile’s public relations, he found that people had already left the tea cold. Unless they went to Guangzhou to file a lawsuit, the media would have to suffer a loss.

The most important thing for Hengchi at the moment is to build the car. After all, everyone has long learned about Hengda’s credit. From the number of days to the delay in delivery, the masses really don’t want to listen to fake news anymore. If the car can be delivered smoothly, it is indeed a good development for Hengchi. Unlike buying a house, if the deposit is paid first, the deposit cannot be returned at most, and the related losses cannot be compared with buying a house. But now, it is not easy for everyone to make money, and if it cannot be delivered in the end, the losses will be not small. At that time, the cost of all aspects required to protect their rights will be enough to drink a pot.

So whether it is beautiful or not, time will give us the answer. Please wait and see.

Ask the new M7 will add a new version: half a year sales nearly 180,000

On April 17th, the new M7 is about to usher in a new action. Recently, MIIT publicized the new version of the new M7 model declaration map. As can be seen from the declaration map, the new version of the model has been optimized and partially configured to meet more user requests.

Since its release in September 2023, with its excellent user experience, Wenjie New M7 has accumulated nearly 180,000 vehicles in more than half a year, becoming a phenomenon-level explosion in recent years, ranking first in the new power of high-end models in the Chinese market in the first quarter of 2024, and second in the whole brand.

At present, the new M7 cash model has launched a limited-time car purchase rights, with a maximum value of 42,000 yuan. The new car purchase rights and the new version of the model will continue to enhance the competitiveness of the new M7 product, consolidate its leading position, and further enhance its market share.

Andy Lau’s Tianjin solo singing shows high technology, taking the lead in feeling the atmosphere of the 08 Olympic Games

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium – Water Drop Night View

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium – Water Drop

  It is reported that there will also be amazing details at Andy Lau’s Tianjin concert on October 18 – the stage effect created by 60 million yuan is like watching a Hollywood blockbuster. At the same time, the reporter also learned that the entire performance of Andy Lau’s Tianjin concert will last more than 3 hours, and all the songs familiar to fans will be received in the concert’s repertoire. At the same time, Andy will also make Tianjin audience feel the strong Olympic atmosphere in the "water drop".

  If you ask the most unusual thing to watch at a concert, it must be the fully transparent stage. The total width of the stage is 93 meters, spanning the entire stadium. A round trip on the stage, Andy has to run about 200 meters, and the huge stage is not worth mentioning in front of the high-tech equipment used to create a sense of science fiction.

  Mr. Song Jiang, the head of the organizer of the Tianjin concert, told reporters that the transparent LED large screen used in China for the first time is the latest invention in the world. It is not only as thin as a cloth, but also can be flipped and moved.

  The concert was a prelude to the outer space image on the screen and then back to China on Earth, sometimes allowing the audience to see Tiananmen Square, and sometimes taking the audience to the moon. Through the screen, you can also see the band behind. What’s even more amazing is the combination of 3D imaging and "trapeze" technology, which is a stage effect created entirely in mid-air with lights and machinery. The coolest part is that Andy turned into an astronaut, and in the "spaceship" constructed by 3D imaging, he slowly soared to a height of more than 10 meters in mid-air and sang, and then turned into a Cowherd and Weaver Girl dancing together. The following climax will surprise everyone: Andy stands in a hanging platform as small as a square brick, pulled by a ropeway, slowly "floating" from the stage to the top of the auditorium, all the way to the heads of the audience in the last row of the infield. You can imagine how "exciting" this is for the fans.

  It is reported that Andy Lau will sing more than 20 classic old songs and nearly 10 new songs at the Tianjin station of the tour. His old songs accounted for a large part of the concerts in the previous few stops. After the concert in Nanjing, he brought his song "EveryoneisNo.1" for the Olympic Games, so that fans can "listen" first. In the final part of the concert, Andy Lau specially designed the Olympic link. At that time, the Olympic songs sung by Andy can let Tianjin fans feel the Olympic atmosphere in the Olympic venue "Water Drop" in advance. (Source: – Daily News)

Editor in charge: Zhu Xinrui

Didi responded positively to the "flight attendant hitchhiking" case for the first time: the platform has loopholes

  China Central Broadcasting Network Beijing May 22 news, according to the voice of China "news vertical and horizontal" report, these days, Zhengzhou stewardess Didi Hitch case caused widespread discussion in the community, what are the loopholes in the management of the Didi platform? In the end is it safe to take Didi Hitch? Didi Chuxing company recently responded positively for the first time, chief development officer Li Jianhua admitted that the alleged offender in the case Liu illegally used his father’s account to receive orders and commit crimes, indicating that the platform did have loopholes before.

  Although the Didi Hitch case has passed for many days, the loopholes exposed in the case are still thought-provoking. What is the security situation of the Didi platform, and how should the safety net of Hitch and online car-hailing be woven?

  According to China Central Radio and Television CCTV, Didi Chuxing said that in order to ensure safety, taking the hitch accident as an example, it has set up five gates, including real-name verification registration, virtual middle contact phone number, facial recognition when the first order is placed, itinerary sharing, and one-click alarm. Among them, real-name verification registration is the first hurdle for driver and vehicle identity confirmation. Didi requires hitch drivers to be at least one year old. When registering, drivers must upload their ID cards, driver’s licenses, and driving licenses to the platform for three-certificate verification.

  But the alleged offender, Hitch driver Liu, only got his license at the end of December. According to the situation of the alleged offender Liu, Didi said that he must not pass the review of Didi’s driver qualification. The reason why he passed the review was because his father’s three certificates were uploaded when the account was registered.

  In addition, facial recognition must be carried out before receiving the first order after registration. Is it the father or the son who passes the facial recognition of this first order? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, said that the registered car owner, the father of the alleged offender Liu, is compared through the facial recognition of the first order.

  However, the person who actually took the order and drove it became the son – the alleged offender Liu. "The problem is that we didn’t find that the driver who took the order was either the registered person or his father," said Li Jianhua. "But it’s not particularly clear who picked up each order."

  So, the people and cars in actual operation are not the same as when they were registered. Is it an accident in this case?

  On May 11, the day Didi issued its statement, at around 6 PM, through the Didi platform, a reporter made an appointment for an express train in Beijing, but another car arrived.

  Reporter: Master, is your tail number 98962?

  Driver: Internet Finance Center.

  Journalist: Yes.

  Driver: Get in the car!

  Reporter: But this one is written as 98962.

  Driver: I’ve changed again, tail number M5.

  It is not uncommon to encounter people and cars when ordering a car through the Didi platform. Some cars are not registered cars, and some people are not registered people. Didi driver told reporters: "I can be a car and a person. I just log in with one account, then take the order and pull it."

  Citizen 1: I found out that it was another car, which was different from the phone number and license plate number on the software. I didn’t pay much attention at the time.

  Citizen 2: He will say that I have this limit number, or that I have changed a car, which is easy to prevaricate.

  According to the drivers, no matter which car it is, no matter which person it is, as long as you log in with your registered account, the platform system will automatically assume that it is the registered person and car for dispatch and checkout. If the registration is Zhang San driving but becomes Li Si, can the Didi platform find out in this situation? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, responded: This case shows that the platform has previously had loopholes.

  So, why did all these "barriers" to ensure safety fail in this case? Didi said that the company is now growing rapidly and on a large scale. In 2017, there were about 21 million car owners on the Didi platform. Wang Sixin, deputy director of the Department of Cultural Studies at Communication University of China, pointed out that no matter how large and fast the development scale of the enterprise, the main responsibility of the enterprise should always be put first.

  On May 16, Didi Chuxing announced rectification measures, including: all personalized tags and comment functions in the offline ride-hailing business, drivers must perform facial recognition before each order, and at the same time launch prizes for reporting people and cars that do not match on all major platforms. In addition to Didi’s self-rectification, the next step is to further strengthen supervision for the problems of people and cars that appear on the online ride-hailing platform, which is also the focus of the competent authorities.