Andy Lau’s national tour to Tianjin [Photos]

Feature: Picture Channel

On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium.

    This is the first major concert since the completion of the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium "Water Drop". Xinhua News Agency

    On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency

    On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

How does the "online celebrity" city grow red behind the "May 1" four newly-built small towns in online celebrity?

  "Sold out", "sold out", "full contract" and "traffic jam" … … In the past May 1 ST, from the West Lake in Hangzhou to the ancient city of Dali, from the Summer Palace in Beijing to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, almost all famous scenic spots in China staged the scene of "conformity". "Sold out", "sold out" and "full contract" became the high-frequency vocabulary of this May Day.

  On May 1 this year, instead of focusing on big cities, we will focus on four new small cities in online celebrity — — Zibo, where "a kebab set fire to a city", Jiangmen after the popularity of The Knockout, Zhanjiang in "Hidden Corner" and Weifang, where "flying kites to heaven". Let’s take a look at their bills on May 1 this year, the tricks of attracting customers and the hidden worries behind the traffic fire.

  Good answer sheet

  Jiangmen, Zhanjiang: There are a constant stream of tourists who shoot TV dramas with the same "punch-in photos"

  A The Knockout put Jiangmen on the throne of a new online celebrity city.

  According to the big data forecast of the map software, during the May Day holiday, the cumulative net inflow of vehicles ranked in cities, and Jiangmen, Guangdong ranked third in the country. As of 19: 00 on May 3rd, Jiangmen received a total of 2,027,800 tourists during the May Day holiday, with a tourism income of 1,228 million yuan.

  Although the TV series The Knockout has been broadcast, the popularity of Jiangmen Tour is still unabated, and the online traffic has turned into a steady stream of passengers, and tourists who come to shoot the same TV series "punch in" are in an endless stream. Jiangmen City, combined with the characteristics of local cultural tourism, held a number of May Day market promotion activities. In the tourist area of Gulao Water Town in Jiangmen, the "straw model+dinosaur model+panda model+insect model" was introduced into the rural time area, focusing on creating a series of exhibition activities, as well as special performing arts and water fireworks shows.

  With the popularity of the online drama "Hidden Corner", Zhanjiang, the location of the filming, has also caught fire among fans and tourists, and Chikan Old Street in the play has become a must-see point for tourists. Chikan District Cultural Tourism Bureau organized puppet shows, net dragons, lion dances and other intangible projects in Datong Road Old Street. During the May Day period, there were 35 scenic spots in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, and the total number of tourists was 792,100. The top three key scenic spots are Jinsha Bay Binhai Leisure Tourism Zone, Dinglongwan International Marine Tourism Zone and Leizhou Maodegong Drum City Resort.

  Weifang: Zibo, director of the Cultural Tourism Bureau, attracts guests and flies kites to the West Lake for drainage.

  Weifang, next door to Zibo, also borrowed a barbecue "fire".

  During the May 1 ST period, Weifang City, Shandong Province was included in 30 scenic spots directly monitored by the province, receiving a total of 2,571,400 tourists, an increase of 432.86% year-on-year; The operating income was 220,880,100 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 376.55%.

  In order to attract customers, Weifang also made a "vicious move". On April 27th, Quan Wensong, director of Weifang Cultural Tourism Bureau, led a team to Zibo to "attract customers crazily". Before the barbecue stall, Quan Wensong sincerely recommended Weifang, and sent Weifang kites, tomatoes, cucumbers and other Weifang specialties to tourists, and at the same time shouted to tourists: Welcome to Weifang.

  During the May Day period, Quan Wensong was not idle. He gave tourists the name of "Ten Thousand Gardens" in the famous scenic spot of Weifang: ancient officials were afraid of forgetting things when they reported to the emperor, so they wrote memorandum-like words on the water board.

  Not only in Shandong, but also in Zhejiang. During the May Day holiday, hundreds of Weifang kites were flown in Wu Shan Square near the West Lake in Hangzhou. They also specially sent kite masters to teach kite making on the spot, and warmly invited tourists from all over the country to fly kites in Weifang.

  Two sides of Zibo

  The hottest: entertain the guests before entertaining the family.

  To say that the hottest city this year must be Zibo.

  From the data point of view, during the May Day holiday, Zibo Railway Station received 481,186 passengers, a record high. The enthusiasm of passengers is high. In five days, the city has invested 64,400 bus trips and transported 1.821 million passengers. The long-distance passenger stations have transported 48,900 passengers and 19,800 passengers.

  According to the data of the tourism platform, driven by the phenomenal traffic of "Zibo Barbecue", the number of hotel reservations in Shandong Province increased nearly three times compared with the same period in 2019 during the May Day period, ranking first in the country. Compared with the same period in 2019, the number of hotel reservations in Zibo has increased by more than 10 times, ranking among the top five hotels in Shandong Province.

  In terms of market supervision, Zibo cracked down on price violations, and successive news reports gave tourists a sense of security. During the "May Day" period, some tourists found that the toilet in Zibo Barbecue City was equipped with a "peace of mind basket", which contained wet toilet towels, alcohol cotton pads, and sanitary napkins. Even Changyanning for diarrhea was prepared. "Put ‘ Pet powder ’ I have achieved the ultimate, "many tourists commented.

  In addition, Zibo citizens have a strong sense of ownership. People in the city "make way" for foreign tourists. When they see relevant negative comments on the Internet, they not only take the initiative to apologize and appease tourists’ emotions, but also help to complain and solve problems.

  What moved people even more was that the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism did not take the citizens’ contribution for granted. On May 4th, the activity of "Zibo Citizens Week" was launched, and "after entertaining foreign tourists, we will entertain our families", which ended the May Day holiday perfectly.

  Hidden worry: online celebrity can’t grow red until the four major problems are solved.

  Due to the surge of tourists, the city’s tourist reception capacity has been tested. On April 26th, the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism said in a letter to the tourists that the hotels in the central city have been sold out during the May 1st period, and the passenger flow has exceeded the reception capacity. It is expected that there will be traffic jams, parking difficulties, long queues and other problems in some key sections and online celebrity punch points, and tourists are advised to travel at the wrong peak.

  ■ Transportation.

  During the May Day holiday, the vehicles on Jinjing Avenue, the main road in Zhangdian District of Zibo, could hardly move. Ms. Liu, who came to Zibo for a trip and took a taxi by Jinjing Avenue, said that the driver was stuck in the road after taking the order, and she and her friends had to walk two blocks to find the driver who was stuck in the road.

  ■ Accommodation

  During May Day, Liu Yongkun, the owner of an e-sports hotel in Zhangdian District, will still receive many calls every day even if the reservation platform shows that the room is full. "Many buddies called me: ‘ I’ll give you money, I’ll add some for you, don’t hide it, you let me live. ’ But there is really no room. " "Now the hotel can’t receive it. The big problem is that the linen can’t be washed." Liu Yongkun explained that linen needs to be sent to specialized agencies for cleaning, and now the order volume received by linen cleaning agencies every day is several times or even dozens of times that of the original.

  ■ Catering

  One of the hottest barbecue shops in Zibo, Yang Benxin, the owner of Muyangcun barbecue shop, is tired. Looking at the vast guests in the shop, his look revealed an unsustainable feeling. "In the past two days, my wife’s voice has been finished and she can’t speak." He said, "You see there are quite a lot of people now, which actually disrupts our normal business. Many people either come to eat or join in the fun and make a mess. " Before the fire broke out, the store’s business hours were from 11 noon to 2 pm and from 4: 30 pm to 11: 30 pm. Now Yang Benxin is afraid to open at noon and opens at 4: 30 pm instead.

  Every day before opening the door, he is under great pressure. "Open the door is full, you say zha service? Who to serve? We feel bad. Now the turnover in the store has decreased, and the original guests really want to eat, and then they leave after eating, so they can be recycled. Now is to play, sit down and don’t go, there are guests playing until 2 o’clock in the middle of the night. I’m a family now. Too tired, it’s not about money, it’s desperate! "

  ■ Disturbance to the people

  Residents in the neighborhood of the convenience market in Zibo are very troubled. Some people say that they haven’t driven for a month, so they can only ride an electric car to squeeze out. Sometimes the electric car can’t ride, so you have to take a detour to send your children to and from school. In addition to the compressed activity space, the normal life of residents is also affected. "It’s not easy to buy a steamed bread now, (because) people who sell meat, vegetables and steamed bread have changed careers." Resident Zhang Ayi complained.

  Expert advice

  Create local characteristics

  The foundation of tourism is guided by normalization.

  Luo Sibo, former president of Chongqing Tourism College, believes that the explosive growth of May Day tourism this year is actually rebounding, showing the strong recovery of the domestic tourism market. These four small and medium-sized cities can become hot spots under the background of the recovery of domestic tourism market, which is not unrelated to their own urban marketing. Among them, Zhanjiang and Jiangmen are new online celebrity cities formed with the popularity of The Knockout and other TV dramas. Zibo and Weifang, which are recommended by the government, are gradually gaining popularity on the Internet.

  Among the marketing strategies of these four cities, Lozberg was most impressed by Zibo: "Zibo’s marketing methods are different from before, and everyone thinks that it is a series of barbecues to drive a city, but in fact, the barbecue is just a tipping point, behind which is the government’s integration and gathering of various local tourism resources, and the government’s support is very strong. For example, food and accommodation prices, traffic guidance, and citizens’ attitudes are mature urban marketing. "

  The fire explosion during the May Day holiday also brought pressure to Zibo, Weifang, Zhanjiang and Jiangmen, which exposed many problems such as traffic jams, parking difficulties, long queues, food and shelter difficulties, and the impact on the lives of local residents. Lozber analyzed, "These situations actually happened in previous tourist attractions, but this time it happened in cities. There are three main reasons: First, the lack of information guidance in these cities has led to an excess of tourists, which has affected the sense of experience. This shows that the building of smart cities is very important and the prediction of tourism data should be strengthened; Second, there is no subdivision when guiding tourists to travel, and they are still in the guidance of conformity. Whether it is the government, travel agencies or related business units, it is necessary to conduct differentiated guidance. For example, there are now "special forces" tours for students; Third, the reception guidance is insufficient, and the host (local residents) are also restricted when the host and guest share, which requires the relevant departments to predict in advance and strengthen guidance. "

  How can a tourist city in online celebrity grow red? Rozberg also gave a suggestion: "In this era of information explosion, if urban tourism wants to last forever, it is necessary to conduct diversified demand guidance, not too much pursuit of large-scale, popular and homogeneous explosion point guidance, but should be guided by life scenes. For example, if a movie or TV series makes a scene in a city on fire, the local area can conduct scene guidance according to this point, and start with factors such as eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment to create a one-stop unique scene and atmosphere, realize the integration of literature and tourism, and truly make it delicious, beautiful and fun. At the same time, we should not blindly follow up on accommodation and catering reception immediately because of the booming holidays. Once there is uneven busy and idle, uneven off-season and peak season, it may cause waste of resources. It is still necessary to base on normal tourism, build a tourism foundation with local characteristics, and conduct normalization guidance, thus turning traffic into stock. "

  Comprehensive CCTV, upstream news, beijing business today, etc.

Xiaomi’s profit forecast soars in 2023: focusing on sales of electric vehicles and smart phones.

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  Xiaomi (00762.HK) is scheduled to announce its fourth quarter and full-year financial report after the close on Tuesday.

  Net profit forecast: According to a survey of 21 analysts by FactSet, it is estimated that the annual net profit will be 16.07 billion yuan (US$ 2.23 billion). This will be 24.7 in 2022. 100 million yuan has increased more than six times.The net profit in 2022 was affected by the decline in smartphone sales due to the epidemic. According to FactSet data, Xiaomi’s net profit in the fourth quarter may be 3.32 billion yuan, up from 3.15 billion yuan in the same period last year.

  Revenue forecastAccording to FactSet’s forecast, revenue will increase by 10% in the fourth quarter, reaching 72.87 billion yuan.

  Xiaomi’s financial report this quarter highlights:

  Electric Vehicle: Investors want to know the initial consumer feedback of Xiaomi’s first electric vehicle SU7, which will be launched next week. Citigroup analysts said in a recent research report that the delivery time of the car may be earlier than market expectations.

  Smartphone sales:According to market research firm Canalys, the global shipments of smartphone manufacturers in China in the fourth quarter were 41 million, up 23% year-on-year, slightly higher than the 40.2 million expected by Citigroup. Huang Leping, an analyst at Huatai Futures, said that considering competitors,The company’s iPhone sales in China dropped by 24% in the first six weeks of 2024, and investors will pay attention to the latest shipment data in domestic and overseas markets.

  Profit:After the overall gross profit margin hit a record high of 22.7% in the third quarter, investors will pay attention to this home.Does the manufacturer maintain a strong profit margin in the fourth quarter?

24-hour bookstore enriches wuhan nightlife. You have a good place to stay up late reading.

Citizens read books in a 24-hour bookstore. Intern Peng Hua, reporter Yang Taoshe

  In November 2014, Zall Bookstore launched a 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close", waiting for people to read books every cold or hot night. At that time, Zall was the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan. In recent years, the 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan has added Jiuqiu Library and Boshihui City Study, enriching the cultural nightlife in Wuhan.

  24-hour bookstore is a night reader.

  Provide a quiet place for reading

  "There will be many interesting things happening at night." Luna is the manager of Jiuqiu Library, which is located in Dongsan Road, Fruit Lake, Wuchang District. It opened on January 25, 2016 and has been open since then.

  On the 18th, she told reporters that the biggest feeling of working at night shift is to find that there are really many people who love learning. There used to be an old man who rode an old bicycle every night and went back around 6: 00 in the morning. He studied English here all night. There are often some students from Wu Da University here, and he will ask them for advice. A girl from Wu Da University specially prepares study materials for this grandfather, and she will put them here the next day for the clerk to hand over to him.

  On the 18th, a young girl was watching a video with headphones, and there was a book full of notes in front of her. The post-90s girl who was preparing for the exam as a certified public accountant usually came over after work and talked about her views on this 24-hour bookstore. The girl said, "People who stay up late need this kind of store very much."

  Unattended libraries can "brush their faces" to borrow books

  On July 12th this year, the 24-hour city study room on the first floor of Boshihui International Plaza in Jiang ‘an District opened to welcome guests, which is located near Sanyang Road subway station. There is no librarian in the museum, and citizens can enter the museum at any time, "brush their faces", and apply for certificates and borrow books by themselves. This is the first unattended intelligent library in Wuhan. Since opening up, it has become a popular punching point for citizens.

  On the 18th, the reporter visited this intelligent library. At about 9 pm that day, a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass study room on the left side of the lobby on the first floor of the building was lit with yellowish light. There is a face recognition access control system at the door. When you enter the library for the first time, you need to swipe your ID card. There is a self-service borrowing and returning card machine in the tube, which can handle the reader’s ID card and complete face registration and WeChat binding. Later, you can enter the library without a card, and you can "brush your face" to borrow and return books by yourself.

  Ms. Mei, who passed by here at night, picked out five books, put them in the sensing place, and the machine began to recognize faces. In less than 10 seconds, the screen showed that five books were successfully borrowed at the same time. The mobile phone also received a message from WeChat prompting the successful borrowing. "Very convenient." Ms. Mei said that after the library opened, she would come here every other week or so, and if she had time, she would read here for a while.

  24-hour bookstore enriches the function of city night

  In recent years, wuhan nightlife has become increasingly diversified. In addition to consumption and entertainment at night, the opening of 24-hour bookstores and other cultural places has provided people with new choices and enriched the city’s night functions.

  At about 10 pm on the 17th, Mr. Deng, who lives near Zall Bookstore, wanted to go to the movies, but when he passed by the bookstore, he saw the lights on in the store and chose to go into the bookstore. "Watching movies is more of a social need. It will be better to go with friends, and it will be more enjoyable to read when you are alone." In 2013, Zall Bookstore opened in Wuhan and noticed that many readers had no time during the day and could only come at night. In 2014, Zall Bookstore started the 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close" and became the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan.

  On the 17th, when talking about the original intention of Zall Bookstore’s 24-hour opening, Ms. Gao, the manager, told the reporter that the 24-hour bookstore provided a choice and place for those who only had time to quiet down and study at night. 24-hour bookstore will not bring much benefit, but it is a functional existence, and there will always be people who need it, which is a useful supplement to the cultural construction of the city.

  Feng Guilin, a researcher at Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the more convenient the cultural facilities are for the public, the more diverse the forms and contents, and the more diverse the needs of various groups. This is not only a promotion for a city’s function, but also a guide, which can better improve citizens’ civilization quality.

  Trainee reporter Li Huizi

Explosive order! This kind of fruit is popular all over the country! A store sells more than 100 thousand yuan a day! Guangdong has become the first in the country. How did it do that?

  In recent years, the vigorous development of agricultural products e-commerce has become the main force to promote the prosperity of rural industries and the new engine for rural revitalization. According to a report released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently, in 2020, the online retail sales of agricultural products in counties of Guangdong Province ranked first in the country. At present, it is the season when Guangdong honey pomelo is listed. How do farmers catch the express train of e-commerce and sell pomelo?

  Go to science and technology, good varieties usher in a big market.

  The anchor is selling grapefruit live on the e-commerce platform. It is understood that about three kilograms of honey pomelo is a hot explosion in the season. In the base, it can sell hundreds of thousands of kilograms every day.

  Qiu Muxiang, the person in charge of the base, shuttled through the grapefruit pile with a stack of orders and three mobile phones. Behind her, six anchors were broadcasting goods live at the same time. Recently, these anchors broadcast from 2 pm to late at night every day, and the grapefruit of more than 100 farmers, including Qiu Muxiang’s own garden, was sold to the whole country from here.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:Every day, more than 20,000 orders are issued, workers are busy packing, and all the cars at the door are waiting in line for express loading. If there are more live broadcast rooms, they can sell more than 100,000 yuan a day.

  Upgrading, e-commerce integration helps rural economy upgrade

  The traditional sales model of agricultural products is changing. For fruit farmers, live e-commerce not only expands the sales radius of products, but also solves the problem of not selling them.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:In the past, I went to someone else to sell grapefruit. Now, someone else asked me to buy grapefruit. Selling it directly to the purchaser can earn 1 yuan at most per catty, so the selling price will be higher and the direct income of farmers will be higher.

  Guan Weiyuan, General Manager of Zili Village Farmers Cooperative, sanhe town, dapu county, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province:This fruit is divided into 6 levels, of which the level of 1.3 kg to 1.8 kg is to buy in the community. The level of 1.8 kg to 2.5 kg is mainly based on some e-commerce platforms. At the peak, the delivery is about 12 cars a day.

  In addition to grapefruit, well-known agricultural products in Guangdong, such as pineapple, litchi, longan and tribute orange, have also taken to the internet and sold well everywhere.

  On the service, government assistance is guaranteed.

  The whole people are anchors, and everyone can bring goods. More farmers are learning to realize the role transformation from farming role to farmer anchor.

  In a training center in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, Xu Fei, director of the training department of Guangdong Deqing Business Vocational Training School, is training more than 30 farmers in e-commerce of agricultural products. These farmers have almost no foundation for e-commerce sales, and Xu Fei needs to explain and guide them step by step from registering their user names.

  Xu Fei, Director of Training Department of Business Vocational Training School in Deqing County, Guangdong Province:First of all, we must establish the name of the store. The name of the store need not be too long, and it can generally be controlled within ten words.

  Most of the students who come to participate in the e-commerce training of agricultural products are large local growers of tribute oranges. In the past, they could only sell tribute oranges through the traditional mode, and they couldn’t sell them at good prices without good channels. Nowadays, the increasingly popular live broadcast and e-commerce platform have enabled these fruit farmers to see opportunities and sign up for training. Courses like this are currently held at least three times a month.

  Taobao live broadcast data shows that the platform has accumulated 110,000 farmer anchors, with more than 2.3 million broadcasts, and the sales of agricultural products have exceeded 5 billion yuan through live broadcast.

  At the same time, in order to accelerate the sustained and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce, the supporting system behind it needs to be continuously improved, so as to dig out more new breakthroughs in the economic development of agricultural products e-commerce in counties.

  Zhang Haifa, chief expert of Guangdong Agricultural Technology Extension Center: In terms of standardization and branding of agricultural products, efforts should be made to make brands and standards in place, and efforts should be made to trace the source of agricultural products quality. These are also very important links to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce.

What is the right tire pressure in winter?

In winter, the tire pressure adjustment of automobile tires should be based on the standard air pressure, and it should be appropriately raised by about 0.2bar to ensure driving safety.

Proper tire pressure is very important for automobile driving. Excessive tire pressure will reduce the friction and adhesion of tires, affect the braking effect, and may lead to steering wheel vibration and deviation, reducing driving comfort. At the same time, too high tire pressure will also accelerate the local wear of the central pattern of the tire and shorten the service life of the tire. In addition, too high tire pressure may also make the tire cord stretch and deform excessively, reduce the elasticity of the carcass, increase the load of the car while driving, and reduce the rolling resistance, thus increasing the risk of tire puncture.

On the other hand, too low tire pressure will also bring many problems. Too low tire pressure will increase the friction coefficient between the tire and the road surface, leading to an increase in fuel consumption. At the same time, too low tire pressure will make the steering wheel heavy and prone to deviation, which is not conducive to driving safety. In addition, too low tire pressure will also increase the amount of exercise in all parts of the tire, and excessive rolling will cause abnormal heating of the tire, reduce the functions of the cord and rubber, and cause damage such as delamination or cord breakage. In severe cases, too low tire pressure may also lead to a double increase in friction between the tire and the ground, a sharp increase in tire temperature, and a sharp decline in tire strength, which may eventually lead to a puncture.

Therefore, when adjusting the tire pressure of automobile tires in winter, the principle of standard air pressure and appropriate upward adjustment should be followed to ensure driving safety.