Takeaway bearish, preferred layoffs, stock price flash crash, Meituan is not beautiful?

Source: No. 1 Finance, Author: Chongshan

No. 1 said: The stock price has collapsed, can it still be eaten?

The restaurant laughed and Meituan cried. The reason is that Meituan-W (03690.HK) was "precision hit".

This is to start with the notice issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on February 18 "Several Policies for Promoting the Recovery and Development of Difficult Industries in the Service Sector". The document pointed out that the guidance of Internet platform companies such as takeout to further reduce the service fee standards of catering merchants means that the commission fees of "takeaway Internet companies" will further decline.

The largest representative of "takeaway Internet companies" is Meituan. According to the data of Prospective Research Institute, Meituan accounted for 67.3% of the total takeaway market in Q1 2021, which is 2.5 times that of the second Ele.me. According to Meituan’s Q3 2021 financial report, the revenue of takeaway business accounted for 54.24% of the total revenue, while the commission fee was 69% of the takeaway revenue.

On February 18, Meituan’s share price plunged, plunging 14.86% that day, and the market value evaporated 200 billion.

This is not the first time Meituan has been subject to policy supervision. On October 8, 2021, Meituan was fined 3.442 billion yuan by the State Administration of Municipal Supervision for implementing "two choices" measures for catering merchants over the past few years.

After the fine, the market fell to Meituan’s hanging heart, and all shouted that it was empty. Meituan’s share price has risen for two consecutive trading days since then, and hit a new high since July 26. Meituan’s 2021 Q3 financial report performance further stabilized the market’s heart, and its takeaway business revenue increased by 28% year-on-year to 26.50 billion yuan.

According to the 2021 Hurun China 500, Meituan ranks third among the top three domestic internet companies by market capitalization as the "biggest winner of the past year", while Alibaba and Tencent have plummeted in "value", fallen in the rankings, and were placed in the top two of the "biggest losers of the past year".

Meituan faces a dilemma

Meituan might have been stable without the "super bearish" on February 18. But Meituan’s long-standing "dilemma" has planted the seeds of its bearish situation.

One "difficult" situation is the thin profit margin of Meituan takeaway. In Q3 2021, the profit per order was only 0.2 yuan, and in the same period in 2020, it was 0.24 yuan.

In order to increase the profit of takeout, Meituan has continuously increased the commission rate (the proportion of commission that Meituan draws per takeout order) over the years. According to Meituan’s annual financial reports, its average commission rate for takeout has increased from 1.1% in 2015 to 12% in 2020.

Increasing the commission rate will naturally lead to conflicts with catering merchants. Meituan has always occupied about 60% of the takeaway market, and merchants have no other choice. They have to swallow it and keep reducing costs.

The epidemic in 2020 has exacerbated this contradiction. Under the epidemic, the catering industry has been hit hard and has to rely on takeout. Meituan’s high commission rate has been pointed out by the "Guangdong Catering Industry to Meituan Takeaway Joint Negotiation Letter" that "greatly exceeds the critical point that the majority of catering merchants endure". Catering associations in Sichuan, Chongqing, Shandong, Yunnan and other places have also publicly "shouted" Meituan and other platforms in the past two years to reduce the commission rate.

This puts Meituan in another "difficult" situation, that is, the pressure from the catering industry to reduce commissions.

Meituan has also expressed its position to adjust the commission system, but the profit margin of Meituan’s takeaway business is thin, so the adjustment cannot fully meet the demands of the catering industry.

For example, in May 2021, Meituan launched a rate transparency pilot, splitting the original platform service fee into two parts: technical service fee and fulfillment service fee, and "refining" the commission. But the new model did not reduce the commission rate of Meituan takeaway. In Q3 2021, the commission rate was still 11.78%, which was not much different from the average commission rate of 12% in 2020.

Epidemic has been on and off for 3 years. According to the Prospective Research Institute, 1 million catering companies closed down last year, and the hotel catering industry ranked first in the top ten shrinking industries. At this time, the National Development and Reform Commission, as a regulatory department, took action and asked the takeaway platform to reduce the commission rate. Although it hit Meituan accurately, it was also very reasonable.

(Source: Prospective Research Institute)

Which business can support Meituan?

With supervision, Meituan must really reduce the commission rate in the future. This will lead to a thinner takeaway business, and Meituan must find a new solution, that is, Meituan must have another business on top, replacing the takeaway business as Meituan’s new revenue pillar.

In this regard, Meituan’s idea has always been to use the drainage effect of takeaway business to develop new business. In terms of traffic, according to Meituan’s Q3 earnings report in 2021, as of Q3, the number of annual active users reached 668 million.

Meituan’s new businesses include Meituan Preferred, Fast Donkey, Meituan Flash Sale, Meituan Market, Meituan Preferred, etc. According to Meituan’s financial report, these new businesses have been developing slowly.

Specifically, fast donkey and Meituan flash sale has not yet developed, according to late Latepost, as early as August 2021, fast donkey, flash sale business has begun to shrink, Meituan began to focus on fresh food e-commerce business Meituan market and community group buying business Meituan preferred.

Meituan market currently uses the front warehouse model, but according to iiMedia consulting data, as of September 2021, its MAU users are only 2.58 million, less than 1/13 of the front warehouse model of Dingdong Maicai 34.71 million, and there is no influence in the market.

Meituan Preferred has become a new hope for Meituan’s new business. According to the statistics of the Financial Union, Meituan Preferred and Duoduo Shopping are located in the first echelon of the domestic community group buying platform industry, with a market share of about 30%. However, this is obtained by constantly burning money.

According to Meituan’s Q3 financial report in 2021, Meituan’s new business loss, which is mainly based on Meituan’s preference, reached 10.906 billion yuan, which is the highest single-quarter loss since Meituan entered the community group buying, an increase of 437.5% year-on-year; Moreover, in one year, Meituan has lost 36 billion yuan in this regard.

Not only is it losing money, but Meituan’s new business has always accounted for a small proportion of revenue. According to Meituan’s financial report, from Q3 2019 to Q3 2021, Meituan’s new business revenue accounted for only 7.24 percentage points in two years, reaching only 28.1%, unable to support the main beam alone. Meituan’s takeaway business has always accounted for more than 50% of revenue.

In fact, compared with the regulatory pressure on Meituan’s takeaway business, Meituan is under greater pressure.

Since 2020, Meituan and other large factories have participated in the "burning money" war of community group buying, and have been targeted by supervision. They have been criticized for "thinking about a few bundles of cabbage" and grabbing business with small merchants and hawkers. On December 22, 2020, the General Administration of Market Supervision put forward "nine no’s" for community group buying, mainly focusing on low-price dumping, big data killing, and commodity quality control.

On March 3, 2021, the General Administration of Market Supervision imposed administrative penalties on four community group buying enterprises, including Meituan Preferred. Two months later, on May 27, it separately fined Shihui Group 1.50 million yuan for low-price dumping and ordered it to suspend business for rectification. Since then, it has been reported that Shihui Group has laid off employees. According to a report in January by the Daily Economic News, Shihui Group is gradually shutting down grid warehouses and self-pickup stations across the country, or preparing to apply for bankruptcy liquidation.

Like the Ten Hui Group, on November 11, 2021, the official website of the Municipal Administration of Supervision also announced a separate punishment for Meituan Preferred, involving improper price behavior. On February 17, there was also news of Meituan Preferred’s layoffs.

Business model may be flawed

Meituan has long been known as the "king of losses" due to thin profits in the takeaway business.

In 2018, Meituan lost 115.50 billion, which caused a sensation in the catering industry at that time. In 2019, Meituan made a short-term profit, but not from the profits brought by takeout, but from investment income. In 2020, Meituan made a real profit, with a net profit of 4.71 billion yuan for the whole year, and the stock price reached a record high of 460 Hong Kong dollars in February 2021.

In 2021, Meituan began to lose money again in Q1. In the first three quarters of 2021, Meituan has accumulated losses of 18.197 billion yuan, an increase of 361.8% year-on-year, and once again became the "loss king".

In the current secondary market, the investment logic for listed Internet companies has changed. Previously, as long as the market size of Internet companies grew, even if they lost money, they were still recognized by the market. Today, the market also requires Internet companies to be profitable.

After the huge loss of community group buying business Meituan Preferred, Meituan has no new story. Recently, the story told to capital markets is only a strategic cooperation with Kuaishou. Kuaishou users can place orders through the Meituan Mini Program, which is still to expand Meituan’s takeaway business. At present, after the notice of the National Development and Reform Commission was issued, Kuaishou’s share price also fell by 4.86%.

From this perspective, Meituan’s share price is likely to decline in the future.

Meituan’s business model is actually flawed.

Looking at Meituan’s various businesses, whether it is takeaway, Meituan Preferred, Meituan Market, flash sale and other new businesses, although the service scenarios are different, they are all inseparable from Meituan delivery. Meituan delivery belongs to instant delivery in the same city.

Intra-city instant delivery, which provides logistics distribution between location A and location B within a city, is about maximizing efficiency. The market is huge, with a compound annual growth rate of 30.5% from 2020 to 2025, according to iResearch. However, companies in this industry are all losing money because instant delivery relies heavily on manpower, and labor costs continue to rise. SF Intra-city, an instant delivery company listed in 2021, will account for 96.6% of operating costs in 2020.

Meituan delivery is more efficient, but the labor cost is still high. According to Meituan’s public information, in 2020, riders’ expenses accounted for 83.1% of Meituan’s takeaway commission, compared with more than 90% before. For instant delivery companies such as Meituan, to some extent, they are working for riders.

Meituan has also tried every means to reduce the expenditure of riders. In May 2021, Wang Lin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, bluntly stated that in order to reduce costs, the registered riders on the Meituan platform are not Meituan employees, but outsourced. This was later reported that Meituan riders were required to register as self-employed to avoid paying social security.

However, on July 26, 2021, seven departments including the General Administration of Market Supervision have clearly requested to protect the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway food delivery staff. Undoubtedly, Meituan’s rider spending will further increase.

To solve the flaw in Meituan’s business model, we can only rely on unmanned delivery.

As early as 2016, Meituan began to develop unmanned delivery technology. According to the research report of China International Capital Corporation, it is expected that by 2023, Meituan’s unmanned delivery cost will be controlled at about 2.9 yuan per order, while according to Meituan’s public information, in 2020, the rider delivery cost will be about 7.2 yuan per order.

(Meituan unmanned distribution development process, source: CICC)

At present, Meituan is increasing its research on unmanned delivery. In Q3 2021, Meituan’s R & D investment increased by about 60% to 4.70 billion yuan year-on-year. However, unmanned delivery faces not only technical problems, but also regulatory risks, such as the slow process of opening up the right of way in policy and the state’s supervision of data security.

All in all, Meituan takeaway is bearish, Meituan prefers huge losses and layoffs, Meituan’s share price has collapsed, and in the future, Wang Xing can still "eat"?

Please! It’s cool to have your own gym, okay?

  Article source: Daisy evaluates WeChat WeChat official account

  Original title: Please, it’s cool to have your own gym, okay?

  Author: Huahua

  Everybody, this is Huahua ~

  Some time ago, Huahua was blocked by the little brother in the gym when she got off work. She took me for half an hour and introduced me. Looking at the increasingly dark day, Huahua had only one thought in her heart: "Leave me alone!"!

  Although sedentary people in offices like Huahua do have a lot of physical problems and want to exercise, it’s dark every day when they come home from work, and there is no energy to go to class, not to mention the epidemic situation. Maybe one day the gym will be closed and thousands of dollars will be wasted. My little heart can’t stand it.

  However, summer is coming, and the demand for fitness is on the agenda again. In addition, I have been closed at home recently, so I really don’t have the conditions to go out for exercise and spend a lot of time thinking about it. In this case, I might as well exercise at home. So I did my homework and quickly collected some good things for home fitness to share with you! Taking into account the different personal fitness needs and inputs, Huahua has chosen this and divided everyone into three categories from the input cost. Babies can choose according to their own needs.

  As we all know, there are many fitness bloggers on various platforms now, and Huahua usually likes to watch this kind of courses (watched+collected = done). This time, I carefully selected three favorite bloggers to share with you, which is very suitable for babies who want to keep fit but are not sure whether they can stick to it and plan to try it first ~



  She is the first fitness blogger that Huahua paid attention to. Many people in bilibili carried her videos and made a collection. You can find them by searching for keywords.

  There are several series of her videos, including brisk walking aerobics, boxing, happy dancing and so on. The length of the videos ranges from 5 minutes to one hour. Walking aerobics series is more suitable for beginners. It is no problem for Huahua to follow her series for 20 minutes at the beginning, but now it has advanced to the happy dance series, which is very expensive ~




  This teacher has his own account in bilibili, mainly to update some KPOP* fitness dances. The choreography is inspired by the original choreography and MV*, so his videos will contain some original dance movements. It is very friendly to all the babies who like KPOP but have no dance foundation. (KPOP: Korean pop music, MV: music short film)

  When Huahua first knew him, she practiced his video at home all night. That is to say, is it possible to occupy a place in random dance in the future?



  Mark Marshall

  Mark has accounts in Xiaohongshu and bilibili, which is really amazing. His videos are mainly a series of sweaty and fat-burning dances, one song and one video. After dancing three videos, you will sweat profusely and mobilize all your muscles.

  The most interesting thing is Mark’s explanation. Every time you dance, you not only exercise your body muscles but also your facial muscles. After sweating, you feel better. Every day, the workers who jump and jump are not emo (in a bad mood). Hahahaha ~

  For the baby who doesn’t like aerobics and doesn’t want to make too much investment, Huahua has also selected several "wild" equipment for everyone. It is no exaggeration to say that you can help you practice your whole body at home within 200!


  Decathlon elastic rope

  Reference price: 29.9

Cr: Little Red Book @ Mark Fintess Marshall

  Elastic rope is the product with the least investment in this series, but don’t underestimate it. Such a rope can help us practice all the muscles.

Cr: xiaohongshu @miso

  Huahua chose this one of Decathlon because it is made of natural ecological latex, which is non-toxic and tasteless, does not harm health, and the seamless sewing technology will not harm the skin during stretching. Its thickening design does not break after 12000 fatigue tensile tests, so it is more assured when exercising.

  Moreover, the elasticity is super-large, and it does not deform after three times stretching. After 200 hours (450 watts) of UV (ultraviolet) anti-aging test, there is no need to worry about aging adhesion and aging fracture after using it for a while, even if it is as strong as cattle, it is very reassuring ~

  There are 6 kinds of elastic belt with different resistance values to choose from, which are suitable for the exercise needs of different groups of people. It’s so small, it’s easy to carry, and you can take it out at any time to stretch yourself when you are tired of sitting at the station ~


  Yottoy yoga mat

  Reference price: 69

Cr: Little Red Book @VVicky

  Yoga mat is an essential entry-level product for many fitness whites. Huahua bought a yoga mat blindly when she first bought it. She just fished out a particularly cheap one and took it home to practice. As a result, she almost didn’t give it away when she opened it, and she moved it without making two action mats. After several uses, many places cracked, and so did I.

Cr: Taobao official

  This time, I learned the previous lesson. The Yottoy’s yoga mat is made of TPE’s environmentally-friendly raw materials, which has no taste and improves the anti-slip performance. This is not enough. It also has a double-sided anti-slip texture, so you don’t have to worry too much about slipping when sweating on it during exercise. In addition, there is a posture line design for your reference when doing yoga, and the color of Mo Landi makes this yoga mat look even higher!

Cr: Little Red Book @ Li Changle.

  The widened and thickened design allows Huahua to "roll" out without having to side. . . Even if you jump rope on it in the middle of the night, you won’t knock on my door downstairs. Moreover, the resilience is still very good, and the knee will return to its original shape after pressing a nest on it for a few seconds. Buying this one is worth buying 10 pieces with 9.9 packages. You don’t want me to use it forever, do you?


  KEEP intelligent skipping rope SR1

  Reference price: 149

Cr: Little Red Book @ Live in the Present, Not Afraid of the Future

  Everyone can jump rope, right? It is not only a relatively simple way to lose weight, but also can exercise our respiratory system and cardiovascular system. The fat burning efficiency is very high, and the baby who wants to lose weight as a whole must pick it!

  KEEP’s skipping rope can be linked with its APP, and there are many interesting skipping lessons to practice. When you open the APP during exercise, you can start monitoring the frequency and data in real time, and you can store it offline even if your mobile phone is not around, so you won’t miss every exercise punch. Moreover, it can accommodate up to ten people to share data, and you can let go of your hands and feet and have a "war" with your family!

Cr: xiaohongshu @hi pinjingjing

  Its endurance really surprised me. After being fully charged, it can last 60 days after being used for ten minutes every day (the data comes from the official)! You can also switch between cordless ropes, skipping rope will hit you and those who won’t hit you are happy ~ the numbers are still displayed on a big screen, and the backlight design allows us to easily read during the jump.

  And this one is the same as the four-character brother’s endorsement. If you round it off, we will jump in the same rope with our brother. Hey, hey (idiot face)


  Move it intelligent dumbbell

  Reference price: 199

Cr: Little Red Book @ Lucky

  I didn’t see this dumbbell before, but it just added a little weight. I practiced it differently when I filled it with mineral water bottles at home. But this dumbbell really opened the eyes of the flowers, and sure enough, even small dumbbells should be injected with scientific and technological ingredients in the technological era.

  It has a built-in high-precision induction module, which can accurately identify every movement of the athlete. When it is matched with the brand software with the same name, if the movement is accurate, it will appear corresponding prompts such as perfect and good (how do you feel like playing with pleasure? ), when the action is wrong, it will be encouraged. It can also invite friends to exercise with friends PK, which will greatly improve our enthusiasm!

Cr: Little Red Book @ Little Lucky/@ Little Sister B

  Moreover, it is designed with polymer silicone, which is healthier and more environmentally friendly, does not harm the skin and feels comfortable at the same time. After exercise, the round end of the dumbbell can also be used as a massage ball to relax the muscles. It is not wasted anywhere on such a big thing, and the money is not lost ~

  Babies who have a little budget for fitness and don’t want to go to the gym all the way can look here. These things are enough for you to open a small family gym ~


  Mairuike spinning MR-655

  Reference price: 1280

Cr: Taobao official

  The brand Merrick may be unfamiliar to everyone, but it is actually a partner of the Training Bureau of the State Sports General Administration, which will provide athletes with a variety of training and fitness products. Isn’t it another step away from the Olympic champion?

  This spinning bike is a good-selling product of its family. Small size, occupying only 0.07m2, can be placed in any corner, whether in the living room, kitchen, balcony or bedroom. Different from the traditional spinning bike design, it can also liberate the upper body, so that we can exercise while studying, working, playing games and watching TV, and become a proper time management master.

  Moreover, its magnetic flywheel operation makes its noise very small, and eight kinds of intelligent gears can meet the different exercise intensity needs of a family. Huahua also tells you that its seat can be adjusted in height, and tall people with legs of 1.8 meters don’t have to worry about not being able to stretch ~


  Aomashi multifunctional stepping machine OMS-T8

  Reference price: 1380

Cr: Xiaohongshu @ Chongya XyaN

  This treadmill, Huahua would like to call it a "lazy sports artifact", which can achieve the effect of exercise only by moving its feet. Its size is also very small, so you can take it home even if the home area is not big enough ~

  When doing homework, Huahua sees that many people are worried that the treadmill will hurt their knees. However, when this treadmill moves, the trajectory of the machine is elliptical, which can avoid the impact and pressure on all joints of the body during exercise, and can protect the knee joints and reduce injuries.

Cr: Little Red Book @ Panda

  It also has 8-speed intensity that can be adjusted, and the babies can gradually increase their resistance with the increase of exercise intensity. The magnetic control device can reduce the movement noise, and the drawstring that comes with the machine can unlock various movement modes, which can be practiced on waist, abdomen, legs and arms. Let’s do the exercise while standing ~


  Switch fitness ring+host

  Reference price: 2398

Cr: xiaohongshu @ minychong

  Switch’s fitness ring has been spent for a long time, and many people have seen it since the early days of the epidemic. It recognizes our movements through "Ring-con" and "leg straps", and when we make corresponding movements, we can push the game characters forward to break through the barrier.

Cr: Little Red Book @ A Zi is a little blessed/@ Ghosts.

  It will fight when it meets the enemy in the process of crossing the border. We need to use our bodies to make various gestures to defeat the enemy and move on, which sounds very interesting. Moreover, as the difficulty of breaking through the barrier increases, we will grow up with the protagonist in the game, and for families with children, we can also entertain and educate, and playing games will no longer delay our study and health ~

Cr: Little Red Book @Rxuan/@ Mai Girl's Little Match

  In addition, there is a dance fitness game-full dance power, a lot of popular songs, following the movements of animated characters all the time, and exercising happily in music and rhythm. For most people, fitness is no longer a chore.

  Although its cassette is not expensive, it needs to be used with the host computer, so the overall price will be a little more expensive, but the host computer can also be used with other game cards, which is equivalent to buying a multi-functional game machine with a fitness function, so you don’t lose money!


  FITURE mirror

  Reference price: 4199

Cr: This account number, please indicate the source when reprinting.

  Babies who work out at home may worry about what to do if their movements are not standard. If you have FITURE, a smart mirror for home fitness, you can dispel this concern. It uses AI intelligent black technology to guide in real time, correct wrong actions and avoid injuries caused by wrong actions during the exercise.

Cr: This account number, please indicate the source when reprinting.

  There are 16 types of courses such as strength plasticity, yoga, aerobics and pilates on FITURE’s APP, and each course has different training parts, and you can practice in different patterns every day. The coaches inside are all star coaches from FITURE’s self-research, and their professionalism is excellent. Although it is just a mirror, it can also customize its own fitness course according to the physical test results, just like inviting a private tutor at home to serve you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Cr: xiaohongshu @FITURE family science and technology fitness

  But also with nutritionists and health consultants, exercise and diet combined to help us achieve fitness goals faster. In addition to sports, we can also exchange experiences with fitness instructors and partners in FITURE’s community and make more friends.

  With so many products introduced, I don’t know which one you prefer, but in fact, as long as we have perseverance, we can do it anytime and anywhere. I use the money from the gym to buy some equipment for myself to practice at home, which is affordable and convenient. I don’t have to worry that the gym is too far away and the epidemic is suddenly isolated. How nice it is to easily realize the freedom of fitness ~

The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants came to Shenzhen for three months, and Shenzhen and Hong Kong took the lead in launching the civil servant exchange and cooperation project.

The launching ceremony of "Guangdong-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project" was held in Qianhai, Shenzhen on the 18th. The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants will have a deep exchange for three months.

It is learnt that 10 middle and senior civil servants in Hong Kong come from eight departments and grades, including the Administrative Officer Grade, the Executive Officer Grade, the Environmental Protection Department, the Highways Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Planning Department and the Transport Department. The exchange personnel were sent to different government units in Futian and Qianhai, Shenzhen, respectively, to conduct in-depth exchanges in areas such as regional governance, scientific and technological development, urban planning, transportation and environmental protection.

It is reported that this exchange and cooperation project is the first civil servant exchange project between Hong Kong and the Mainland since the full resumption of customs clearance. It is an important measure to take the lead in implementing the Agreement on Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in September this year, and Shenzhen has also become the first stop for the civil servant exchange and cooperation project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in the Mainland. According to the consensus between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Hong Kong SAR Government will send 10 senior and middle-level civil servants from Hong Kong to relevant government departments and statutory bodies in Shenzhen for three months from mid-December 2023 to cooperate with the construction of major platforms for Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, such as Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, and participate in the work in the fields of ecological environment and transportation planning.

Observers believe that the exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong have a deep foundation. With the continuous expansion of Greater Bay Area’s construction and Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation has moved from economic cooperation in the past to all-round cooperation and ushered in a new era of all-round acceleration and all-round promotion. In the field of public officials’ exchange, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have experienced cooperation from the working level of ecological environment and border policing to the normal and frequent exchange and docking under the mechanism of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation special class. This exchange and cooperation has been broadened to the fields of scientific and technological innovation, ecological environment, urban planning and transportation planning, and the in-depth exchange and cooperation between civil servants of the two places will be strengthened in more fields in the future.