Under the cold wave, how to protect the common people’s "vegetable baskets" and "rice bags"?

  The server operating system market share reached 36.8%, and the cumulative installed capacity exceeded 6.10 million sets. It is used in the core business of leading enterprises such as JD.com, Meituan, the three major operators, and the six major banks. Four years of open source, Euler’s leap-forward development has become a vivid footnote to the rise of domestic software. Facing the surging era of intelligence, our country’s innovative breakthroughs in basic software have built a solid foundation for digital infrastructure.

  Euler’s rise to the top in the server market

  "OpenEuler [open source Euler] has reached a share of 36.8%, far exceeding the second place’s share of about 20%," Zhou Zhengang, vice president of IDC China, revealed at the operating system conference 2023 on December 15.

  According to IDC’s forecast released at the meeting, openEuler will have a 36.8% market share in China’s server operating system market in 2023, CentOS/Red Hat will have a 20.7% share, Windows will have a 19.3% share, Ubuntu/Debian will have a 10.1% share, and other Linux operating systems will have a 13.1% share.

  At the conference with the theme of "Rising up the digital age, leading the future of digital intelligence", industry players told reporters that this data marks that Euler has become the first basic software in China to achieve the first market share, which is an important milestone in the development of China’s basic software industry and has created a solid and reliable software base for Digital China.

  According to reports, openEuler originated from Huawei’s self-developed server operating system, EulerOS, and was open-sourced in September 2019. In September 2021, Huawei announced the upgrade of openEuler, which was upgraded from a server operating system to an operating system for digital infrastructure, supporting IT, CT, OT and other digital infrastructure scenarios. In November 2021, Huawei and all community partners donated openEuler to the Open Atom Open Source Foundation. Since then, Euler has realized the transformation from business owners to industry sharing and co-construction. In the past year, Euler has accelerated its development and established a complete development system in technological innovation, ecological development, community cooperation, and commercial implementation, forming a positive industrial cycle.

  "This shows that the roots of the Chinese operating system have been established," said Liu Wenqing, vice chairperson of the openEuler committee.

  According to Jiang Dayong, chairperson of the openEuler committee and assistant to the chairperson of the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation, there is an "ecological rift" in the open source community. When the market share exceeds 19%, a self-cycle can be formed. For Euler, a share of more than 20% is the key point, and a share of more than 35% forms a self-acceleration. "In the past, the development of ecological partners was all community initiative, but now users and partners are actively looking for communities, and the significance of crossing the ecological inflection point may be even greater."

  Taking the financial industry as an example, up to now, openEuler has covered six large state-owned banks and 12 joint-stock banks such as China Merchants, Everbright, Huaxia, and Minsheng, as well as 134 city commercial banks such as Bank of Beijing and Bank of Tianjin. "From the original general business to the current core business, and began to develop from a small number of applications to large-scale applications," Jiang Dayong revealed.

  Zhou Zhengang also said that in the financial sector, many banks and other Financial Institution Groups have a soft spot for openEuler because of their demand for data reliability and large-scale computing parallelism. In 2023, openEuler will account for more than 50% of the server operating system market in China’s financial industry. In the government sector, such as government cloud, smart cities, including government-built intelligent computing centers, openEuler has been widely used, accounting for more than 70%. In addition, openEuler’s share in the telecommunications sector has also exceeded 70% this year, and its share in the energy and power industries has exceeded 40%.

  "Euler has grown from a seed into a towering tree, shouldering the important task of building the root technology and digital economy technology base in our country’s information field." Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that currently, Euler has been commercialized on a large scale in the fields of communications, finance, electricity, transportation, informatization and other fields, creating significant economic and social benefits. "Looking to the future, we are full of confidence in Euler’s prospects."

  Breaking Boundaries and Continuously Leading Intelligent Innovation

  A multi-robot collaborative solution composed of a robotic arm that precisely controls the brush, an intelligent inspection robot applied to the power system, a drone, and a robot dog… In the more than 2,000 square meters exhibition area set up at the Operating System Conference 2023, reporters saw hundreds of exhibition points. A number of developers wearing openEuler white work clothes enthusiastically introduced innovative solutions based on Euler, in sharp contrast to the severe cold in the early days after the snow in the outdoor capital.

  According to the introduction, adhering to the principle of "co-construction, sharing and co-governance", the openEuler community has attracted more than 1,300 leading enterprises, research institutions and universities to join since it was open-sourced, gathered more than 16,800 open-source contributors, and established more than 100 Special Interest Groups (SIGs). In the eyes of the industry, the openEuler open-source community has become the most dynamic and innovative open-source community in China.

  In fact, continuous innovation rooted in technology and breaking boundaries have become important labels for Euler. According to Jiang Dayong, in the server field, the phenomenon of "soft chimneys" was more prominent in the past. A chip architecture corresponded to a set of operating systems, and application developers had to adapt to each "soft chimney", which did not add value to end users. However, Euler creatively proposed a set of code and architecture to support diverse computing power and full scenarios. "openEuler is an operating system that meets technological trends and customer needs, and its positioning is an open-source operating system for digital infrastructure."

  "The application boundary of openEuler is the server industry, but today we see more scenarios such as cloud computing, edge computing, IOT, embedded, etc., breaking the barriers of the operating system and laying the foundation for the intelligent interconnection of all things." Lu Shouqun, chairperson of the China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance, believes so.

  At present, Euler has supported all mainstream general computing architectures such as ARM, x86, and RISC-V. In the era of intelligence, Euler has also taken the lead in supporting mainstream AI processors such as NVIDIA and RISC, becoming the first choice for enabling diverse computing power. In addition to continuously enhancing the layout in key scenarios such as server, cloud, edge, and embedded, Euler is also promoting native development based on openEuler to realize that it can support multi-architecture, multi-version, and visual orchestration and construction on the infrastructure. Through FangTian, high-performance Windows, and other projects, it can achieve interoperability with the Hongmeng ecosystem in more scenarios, further expand the boundaries of collaboration between Euler and Hongmeng, and gradually build a computing power base in the intelligent era.

  Since the beginning of this year, technological innovation represented by large models and large computing power has continued to promote the development of artificial intelligence, and AI has accelerated its entry into industrial production systems, changing the industrial landscape of thousands of industries. At present, Euler has been deeply integrated with AI. On the one hand, it uses the ChatGLM basic model to train Euler Copilot based on a large number of Euler operating system codes and data, and initially realizes functions such as code-assisted generation, problem intelligence analysis, and system-assisted operation and maintenance, making Euler more intelligent. On the other hand, Euler unifies the management and scheduling of heterogeneous resources, coordinates memory and computing power, realizes the deep integration of CPU and NPU, fully exploits idle resources, improves effective utilization, and then improves AI training and reasoning performance, making AI more efficient.

  "The basic software represented by the operating system is the key to connecting the underlying computing power and upper-level applications, and is the soul of digital infrastructure." Peng Song, senior vice president and president of ICT strategy and marketing of Huawei, said in his speech at the conference that Huawei will continue to focus on root technology investment, enhance the innovation and competitiveness of basic software, support the construction of digital infrastructure and the prosperity of application software ecology; embrace intelligence, promote the integration of operating systems and AI, and stimulate basic software innovation; promote the combination of production, education and research, cultivate basic software and ICT industry talents, and provide a steady stream of impetus for technological innovation.

  Facing the future, contributing Chinese wisdom to open source for the world

  "The rapid development of openEuler proves that making full use of open source, participating in open source, supporting open source, and giving back to open source is an effective path to achieve operating system technology innovation and industrial prosperity," said Sun Wenlong, chairperson of the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation.

  "I think there is one and only one definition of the success of openEuler, and that is the success of internationalization." Xiong Wei, vice chairperson of the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation TOC (Technical Review Committee) and executive director of the openEuler Committee, believes. He also said that some opportunities for internationalization can be seen at present. In the past year or two, CentOS has been shut down and other events, which not only affect domestic but also overseas. Overseas markets are also looking for new optional platforms. Some overseas customers are already consulting, and even some customers are verifying.

  In fact, Euler has been committed to building an international open-source assistance platform. In terms of technology ecology, it has cooperated deeply with international mainstream foundations and has supported 98% of the world’s mainstream open-source software. In cloud native, big data, storage, database, HPC and dozens of other open-source communities, Euler has achieved upstream native support, ready to use out of the box. Euler is also deeply involved in the formulation and promotion of global mainstream software supply chain security standards and specifications such as OpenChain and OpenSSF. It took the lead in passing the OpenChain ISO 5230 open-source software protocol certification, and the community infrastructure has reached the OpenSSF SLSA L3 standard. In addition, Euler also cooperates with mainstream communities and organizations around the world to meet the localization requirements of various regions around the world and standardize the international governance of Euler’s open-source community. At present, the openEuler community has conducted in-depth cooperation with nine leading overseas open-source foundations, providing services to more than 150 countries and regions, building a new global open-source ecosystem, and pioneering a new open-source model in China.

  As early as 2021, Intel joined the openEuler community, actively contributing to the ecological adaptation and technical optimization of the x86 platform, introducing the multi-generation platform Ice Lake, SPR, Emerald Rapids of x86 to openEuler, and integrating the AI computing acceleration framework into openEuler. At the openEuler Summit 2023 held on December 16, Intel announced that it has officially become a gold donor of the openEuler community, working with the industry to build an operating system ecosystem base to provide better resources and support for developers around the world. "In the future, Intel will continue to integrate upstream open source projects into openEuler, and work with openEuler to continue to make efforts in AI, enabling AI computing power from soft and hard collaboration to meet the needs of various industries for AI intelligent computing technology." Yang Jiguo, director of Intel’s Open Source Technology Center, said.

  Not only Intel, but since the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation announced the upgrade of openEuler to a project group in December 2022, leading companies and developer projects in various fields have begun to join. In the first half of this year, 9 projects completed the signing of donation intentions. At this conference, 13 projects from 8 companies including China Mobile Cloud Competence Center, Unicom Digital Technology Co., Ltd., WeBank, Beijing Dongtong Technology joint stock company, Shenxin Technology joint stock company, JD.com Technology Information Technology Co., Ltd. signed donation intentions with the openEuler project group. Industry insiders believe that donation projects from different industries and fields have injected new innovative power into Euler, which will further enhance the community’s technological innovation capabilities and promote community ecological prosperity.

  "Euler’s experience fully proves that as long as Chinese developers work together, they have the ability to create a world-class open-source community," said Academician Ni Guangnan, calling on the industry to work together to promote open-source Euler to become the first open-source community with world influence led by the Chinese industry.

After being cheated by a fake online celebrity, he pretended to be online celebrity to cheat others. A man was sentenced to three years in prison and fined 10 thousand yuan.

With the rapid development of network live stream economy, a large number of online celebrity have entered the public’s field of vision and gained attention and love. Some lawless elements, however, took advantage of the fans’ trust in online celebrity and started thinking wrongly. The reporter learned on the 3rd that Rugao court issued a public verdict on a case of impersonating online celebrity to defraud other people’s money. The defendant Liu was convicted of fraud, sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and fined 10,000 yuan.

Liu usually likes to kill time by brushing short videos. One day, he swiped a online celebrity named "Zhang San" on a short video platform, and found that this online celebrity has nearly 3 million fans. Usually, he posted videos showing off his wealth and helping others. Seeing that "Zhang San" was ready to help others, Liu also wanted to seek the help of "Zhang San", so he praised him and sent a private message. After that, a person who claimed to be "Zhang San" contacted Liu and said that he could help him, and sent him many videos of Zhang San’s personal life, videos of driving a luxury car and transfer records of helping others. After gaining Liu’s trust, the other party defrauded Liu of more than 1,000 yuan on the grounds of having to pay handling fees, deposits, taxes and fees.

After being cheated, Liu not only did not call the police, but also had a flash of light, thinking that this was a good way to make quick money. So, he packaged himself as online celebrity’s "Zhang San", searched for "prey" on the short video platform, and cheated others by the means of the fake "Zhang San". Through the "flexible use" of the words learned from the scammers, Liu defrauded the victims Li and Dai for 30,900 yuan, and was later arrested by the public security organs.

Correspondent Fang Nan Reporter Wang Yuli

Ji xiaohan

Dialect is the "big killer" for adding color to novels.

Because of these dialect writing, novels in different regions have different faces, different voices, or Wunong soft language, or Shaanxi dialect Jin language, abandoning the one side of thousands of people and different regions, thus having different tastes.

Reporter | He Yingyu

  Dialect is the soul of a place.
  Blossoms Shanghai introduced the Shanghainese dialect into the text, and the words and deeds of Shanghainese jumped from the page. In fact, as early as before Blossoms Shanghai, in the late Qing Dynasty, novels such as Biography of Flowers on the Sea and He Dian had incorporated Wu dialect into their novels, making their novels more agile and more life-like. This tradition was once forgotten by people until the publication of Blossoms Shanghai, and the new territory of Wu novels was continued.
  Dialect writing is certainly not a patent in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai postal areas. Writers in northwest China, Sichuan and Yunnan are also keenly aware that the dialect in their hometown is a great killer, and it can add a lot of color to the novel if used well.
  What local characteristics does dialect writing bring to the novel? Because of these dialect writing, novels in different regions have different faces, different voices, or Wunong soft language, or Shaanxi dialect Jin language, abandoning the one side of thousands of people and different regions, thus having different tastes.

China’s First Dialect Novel

Left: Han Bangqing’s Biography of Flowers on the Sea is the first dialect novel. Right: One of Li Jieren’s "trilogy of river novels": "A stagnant water ripples".
  Biographies of Flowers on the Sea written by Han Bangqing in the late Qing Dynasty is China’s first dialect novel. It was originally called Spring and Autumn of the Flower Country, also known as Drawing a Treasure Mirror of a Brothel, and Drawing the Romance of a Brothel on the Sea. The book has 64 chapters and was first published in 1894. The main content of this novel is to write about the brothel life in Shanghai Shili Foreign Market in the late Qing Dynasty, involving the officialdom, business circles and the social level connected with it. When Han Bangqing wrote this novel, he said, "This book was written for exhortation". In the book, many vivid images of prostitutes and clients were portrayed by the experience of Zhao Puzhai’s family. The dialogues of the characters in the book are all in Suzhou dialect, which is lively and creates a precedent for dialect novels. Zhang Ailing loves this book very much. She once translated it into English and Mandarin, and the Mandarin version was renamed Flowers on the Sea, which is divided into two parts: Flowers on the Sea and Flowers on the Sea. Zhang Ailing also said: "The Marriage of Awakening the World and Flowers on the Sea are both the best realistic works. I often feel unfair for them, and I always feel that they should be world masterpieces. " It can be said that it is a very high evaluation.
  Hu Shi believes that Su Bai’s literature originated in the Ming Dynasty, but Su Bai is in a subordinate position, whether it is the role of speaking Bai in legend or singing Bai in Tanci. It was not until Biography of Flowers on the Sea was born that Su Bai was widely used in the book. Since then, Su Bai’s subordinate position has changed, and Su Bai literature was formally established. Hu Shi said: "Flowers on the Sea is the first masterpiece of Wu literature. The formal establishment of Su Bai’s literature starts with Flowers on the Sea. Han Ziyun and his Biography of Flowers on the Sea have really opened up a new situation for China literature. I hope they (Wu-speaking literati) will continue to develop this mature trend of Wu-speaking literature. The victory of Flowers on the Sea is not only the author’s personal victory, but also the victory of the movement of Wu literature. "
  After Biography of Flowers on the Sea, Wu novels frequently appeared. Although Biography of Flowers on the Sea is "the first masterpiece of Wu literature", it is considered as a "lost masterpiece", that is, Hu Shi only dares to make a conclusion that "the literary value has finally attracted the appreciation and imitation of a few scholars". The achievement of Biography of Flowers on the Sea is not only that "the work of writing Su Bai greatly reduces the difficulty for later generations to write Su Bai literature", but also that its unique bilingual system takes Mandarin as the narrative language and dialect as the dialogue of characters, which combines the vivid description of Mandarin with the vivid description of people in dialects in one book, which has both advantages and disadvantages, thus causing the later scholars to follow suit, setting off the climax of Wu Yu novels in the late Qing Dynasty, and determining the basic features of Wu Yu novels involving many narrow evils. In addition, the word "shou" created by Biography of Flowers on the Sea has been used up to now and has been included in the dictionary of Wu dialect, which is also a great contribution of Biography of Flowers on the Sea to Wu literature.

The representative of Sichuan local literature

  Some people say that Li Jieren’s novels must be read in Sichuan dialect.
  As a representative of Sichuan local literature, Li Jieren "lives in a humble abode" between Bashan and Shushui, and depicts the warmth and coldness of human feelings in the land of abundance with simple Sichuan dialect and unique narrative style. From the time he published his first literary work at the age of 21 to his death at the age of 71, Li Jieren published four novels, four novellas and more than 30 short stories, and also wrote plays and a large number of local chronicles. Except for the novella Sympathy, which describes French students studying abroad, almost all his works are based on Bashu, describing Bashu social customs, telling stories of Bashu people and showing Bashu cultural interests with dialect vocabulary.
  From 1935 to 1937, Li Jieren published "Trilogy of River Novels", including "Stagnant Water", "Before the Storm" and "Big Wave", which left a deep impression in the history of China literature. It is worth mentioning that among these popular works, Sichuan dialect is a highlight. Li Jieren is the first writer of Sichuan vernacular novels, and his novels use more Sichuan dialect words, which is groundbreaking. Li Jieren’s innovation lies in consciously describing Chengdu people and Chengdu stories in Sichuan dialect.
  There are many words in Sichuan dialect that are divorced from classical Chinese. Li Jieren skillfully transplanted Sichuan dialect into literary creation, which is full of charm and refreshing. These words, which are closely related to the daily life of Bashu, describe a scene full of life flavor to readers. Dialect words such as Youda (meat dishes), Chongkezi (chatting) and Maozi (being assassinated) are often found in his works. In addition, Li Jieren is even familiar with Sichuan Paoge’s slang, such as opening Hongshan (killing people at random), helping others (helping others), fat pig (kidnapped people), rising water (critical situation), etc., which is used more when describing specific characters, bringing readers into the Jianghu world of Bashu.
  Li Jieren naturally knows the difference between foreign language and native language, but it is strange that he chose the most native dialect in his writing. In fact, this shows his language consciousness. Li Jieren dabbled in Sichuan local and historical themes, and he chose to write in Sichuan dialect, which has a unique charm in characterization and story telling. Dialect writing is vivid, lively and thorough. Reading Li Jieren’s novels often amazes him for his proper use of Sichuan dialect, which can be described as delicious and wonderful, but not in another language. In fact, Li Jieren also kept the most vivid Sichuan dialect in his works, and gave literature a spiritual and free soil to prevent it from being eroded by normative language. This is not narrow-mindedness, but a contribution to literature.

Shaanxi dialect is simple and heavy.

  Shaanxi dialect is simple and heavy, such as Chen Zhongshi’s White Deer Plain, Jia Pingwa’s Shaanxi Opera and Chen Yan’s novel The Protagonist, which is an open writing based on life and tradition, drawing materials and nutrition from life and the smallest livelihood.
  "White Deer Plain" is all about people and things in Guanzhong, so the author chooses to use a large number of Guanzhong dialects. For example, say "dark room" at night, the house is called "mansion house", and the afternoon is called "afternoon". These languages with Shaanxi characteristics have become the finishing touch in White Deer Plain, which is impressive.
  Similarly, Jia Pingwa grew up in Shangluo area, and his growing environment deeply influenced his language expression, which fully reflected the strong emotional color in Jia Pingwa’s language works. A large number of localized languages-Shangluo dialect were used in the creation of Qinqiang Opera. Shangluo dialect belongs to northern dialect in essence, which is very similar to Mandarin in expression and can arouse readers’ emotional resonance. In addition to using a large number of Shangluo languages, a large number of proverbs and sayings are also used in the creation of this work, which plays a very important role in expressing the profound connotation of the work. For example, "What I hate most is winter. People are not alive in their hearts, but they are cold. I only have to lift stones in Qiligou with my head stuffy." "You are used to listening to the Qin opera in the tweeter, and sometimes you feel bored, but once you can’t hear it, your heart is empty and you feel lonely in your ears and mouth." Among them, "accepting life" means comfortable and comfortable in the local people, and "few" means little and tasteless. These words scattered among the people seem to be "rustic", but with the author’s flexible application, they are endowed with new vitality and vitality, which can make readers fully feel the quaint and civilized language of the works and enhance the vitality of the articles.
Above: Chen Yan and his novel The Protagonist written in Shaanxi dialect.
  In 2019, the winners of the 10th Mao Dun Literature Prize were announced, and the work "The Protagonist" by Shaanxi writer Chen Yan was on the list. This book is based on the memory of Qin E’s half-life acting career, involving the vast sentient beings’ mode and the changes of the times since the reform and opening up 40 years ago, and showing the true appearance of "human" in the interlacing of life and traditional culture, society and individual.
  The protagonist is also praised by the Shaanxi dialect in the dialogue of the characters:
  "Singing in an opera is to see how your kung fu and voice are, not how you dress. Even if you dress up in a glazed leather palm, what’s the use of lifting your feet to make a cold skin and opening your mouth to make a pack of cigarettes? "
  "A ditch knows that you are doing well in the provincial capital and have great fame. That fame is the door and the way. Even the people who can’t compete with you in the group have made a windfall and bought a Rolls Royce. If you want to make a fortune, don’t be sloppy. "
  Talking about the characteristics of Shaanxi dialect in the novel, Chen Yan told reporters: "Now our novel writing is more in the language of translation. After urbanization, there are fewer and fewer rural memories and regional cultural memories. We look at China’s traditional novels, whether it’s Jin Ping Mei, A Dream of Red Mansions or Water Margin The Journey to the West, and there are many local dialects that we don’t understand today, so we need experts to annotate them. But even if we can’t understand them at once, when we try to figure out the meaning of these words, we will find them very wonderful. I am rereading Four Great Classical Novels again this year, and I have been thinking about the language repeatedly. It should be said that there are many languages with regional and national characteristics, which are very interesting to read. When I write about Sanqin culture, I must use the local dialect. I think language is the biggest feature of a place, just like a traditional opera, if it doesn’t use dialects, this kind of drama will not exist. Now some troupes are exploring, and it is suicide to call it that kind of drama in Mandarin. The same is true of novels. I want to pursue the aesthetics of China, the nation and the traditional literature of China, and always have some characteristics in language. If I follow the crowd, the novel will be tasteless to read. The use of dialect slang in novels is a good tradition. When we read such classics as Water Margin, we often marvel at those vivid dialects. In my novel and drama creation, I always insist on salvaging some local dialects and proverbs that are about to be lost. I think it will be more appropriate to write about which side of the country, water, soil and people, and to express it in which side’s language and habits. The language of novels must be vivid and vivid,It should be more like talking, a narrative style that sticks to the land. "

Witchcraft in Yunnan

  In 2023, Xinxing Publishing House published a collection of short stories by young writer Jiao Dian, Peacock Bodhi.
Above: Young writer Jiao Dian’s masterpiece Peacock Bodhi has a strong breath of Yunnan rainforest.
  In the gap between cities, there is a large rainforest. One foot in, here the elephant is light, the crocodile is merciful, and time breaks free from linear rules and flows at will. There is really a six-legged horse here, and there is a relic in the horseshoe, which flies to the sky when riding; There is a Mulan boat here, and there is no need to prepare paddles. Half a cup of rice wine is drunk and floats far along the river. Even if you break your leg and walk for two moons in a wooden wheelchair, you can return to your home in the Woods. Of course there are women here. They can understand the rainforest, and they are too smart and brave. I can’t control anyone, whether riding a horse or riding a boat. As long as my legs are still in my body, they will definitely run …
  Turning to Jiao Dian’s Peacock Bodhi, Yunnan Rainforest is in sight. Born in Jiaodian, Yunnan Province in 1996, he was admitted to Beijing Normal University in 2021, majoring in literary creation, and studied under the famous writer Mo Yan. However, her writing seems to have nothing to do with her teacher. Her writing is her writing, coming from Yunnan, her hometown.
  Jiao Dian’s writing has always been like "Suni" or "Bimo" in her hometown of Yunnan (Yi people refer to witches or priests), trying to "channel" in that "frontier" world. She said that she never took the initiative to "choose" Yunnan as the location of the story. It was Yunnan that chose her and Yunnan came to her with its breath and story.
  When talking about the use of dialects, Jiao Dian told reporters: "Our generation is actually a generation of Putonghua, and the popularity of Putonghua is absolutely good in all aspects. But for literature,’ standard’,’ common’ and’ same’ are just some taboos. This does not mean that we should go back to the ancients and speak with the ancient accent, nor do we mean that we should only speak dialects and engage in the mountainism of language. The fundamental direction should be the free expression of words and things, which is a free spirit. Of course, in specific works, excessive and too crude use of dialects will bring obstacles to reading, so it is necessary to change, not to use local dialects and dialects directly, but to use classical vernacular and dialects on the basis of written common language and Putonghua. What I hope is that even if I am not from Yunnan or Southwest, it will not affect the reading of novels. In this respect, I need to continue to improve. "
  Jiao Dian believes that it is not so much a writing style for Yunnan that it is better to say that Yunnan’s local conditions have allocated these characters. Some people think that her writing is very poetic, and she thinks that this is the mountain road in Yunnan. When she was walking, a sharp corner suddenly appeared, and then there was a big turn. Suddenly she met a deep and wide cave, threw a stone into it, and heard an echo after a long time. The strangeness of natural scenery is the strangeness of words.

3 yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully.

Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, solve riddles on the lanterns … Lantern Festival is the last important festival in the Spring Festival custom in China. On the fifteenth day of the first month, Yuanxiao is eaten in the north and Tangyuan is eaten in the south, which symbolizes reunion. Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, as the protagonists of the festival, will inevitably eat more or less. Today, we will talk about the precautions for healthy eating during the Lantern Festival.
Although the making methods of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are different, their raw materials are glutinous rice flour and all kinds of fillings with high sugar and oil, so there is generally a problem of high calorie and high fat. While enjoying delicious food, it is often accompanied by eating a lot of sugar and fat. Take a commercially available black sesame dumplings as an example. One dumpling is about 30g, and the heat is 89kcal. Eating three or four dumplings is equivalent to a bowl of rice. Therefore, after eating glutinous rice balls, we should pay attention to reducing the intake of staple food and oily food in the meal, so as to eat too much. Now that you have eaten more, why don’t you just increase your exercise and consume excess calories?
The Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) points out that walking at a speed of 5.4-6.0km/h for about 42 minutes and 6,000 steps consumes 170kcal, which is not enough to consume the calories of two glutinous rice balls. Eating three or four glutinous rice balls requires longer exercise time and greater physical activity. Only by keeping a balanced diet can we maintain a healthy weight and avoid "gaining three pounds every holiday".
It is said that Yuanxiao is high in calories and contains sugar, so diabetics should pay attention to eating Yuanxiao. The glutinous rice flour wrapped in Yuanxiao is almost all amylopectin, which is soft and sticky, easy to be absorbed by the human body, and has a high glycemic index, which will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. People with blood sugar problems must pay attention to controlling the number when eating Yuanxiao, and never eat too much. Even if sugar-free Yuanxiao only replaces sucrose with xylitol, glutinous rice flour still has a high blood sugar response and should not be eaten more.
How to eat Yuanxiao healthily?
(1) control food intake. The energy density of Yuanxiao is high, and the average person can eat three or four Yuanxiao of medium size to avoid increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. People who need to control blood sugar and indigestion should be more strictly limited, only one or two can be controlled, and they must not be greedy.
2 reduce staple food. After eating Yuanxiao, pay attention to reducing the staple food intake of the meal, and reduce half a bowl of rice for every two Yuanxiao. And pay attention to increase the proportion of coarse grains in the next meal to achieve the matching of coarse and fine grains.
③ Reasonable cooking. Yuanxiao contains high fat, so frying should be avoided. Frying Yuanxiao will lead to higher calorie intake. At the same time, we should reduce the amount of oil used in other dishes on the day of Yuanxiao, and choose less oil methods such as steaming and boiling to reduce the fat intake throughout the day. In addition, Yuanxiao should not be heated repeatedly. Repeated heating of glutinous rice flour containing amylopectin will improve the gelatinization degree and further increase the blood sugar reaction.
4 pay attention to collocation. The nutritional density of Yuanxiao is low, and it lacks vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and other nutrients needed by human body. When eating Yuanxiao, vegetables, soybeans, milk, eggs, fish and shrimp should be matched to ensure food diversification, which not only makes the nutrition more balanced, but also delays the rise of blood sugar.
⑤ Old people and children should pay attention to prevent choking. The starch in Yuanxiao is easy to be absorbed after being gelatinized by heating, but it is not only difficult to digest, but also easy to choke after the temperature is lowered. In particular, children and the elderly have weak digestive ability and poor swallowing function. When eating Yuanxiao, family members must be around to avoid choking and causing danger. At the same time, the number of people eating Yuanxiao should be less.
Enjoy the full moon and lanterns with your family during the Lantern Festival.
While enjoying the beautiful holiday atmosphere
Eat yuanxiao healthily and celebrate the reunion festival.
Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival.
Happy, healthy and safe.
1. China Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2022.
2. Sun Changyao. Nutrition and Food Hygiene 8th Edition [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2017.
3. Pan Haikun, Wang Shuying, Fan Zhihong. Evaluation of postprandial blood sugar and satiety of waxy processed foods [J]. Food Science, 2016, 37(17): 225-229.
(Original title: 3 Yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully)
Source: beijing jishuitan hospital.
Process editor: TF065

Ministry of Finance: In January, the national lottery sales reached 27.21 billion yuan, down 43.3% year-on-year.

  BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) The website of the Ministry of Finance today announced the national lottery sales in January 2020. Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Compared with the same period of last year, the sales volume of lottery tickets in 31 provinces all declined.

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

  Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 12.89 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.328 billion yuan or 39.3%. The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 14.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.416 billion yuan or 46.4%. The year-on-year decline in lottery sales in January was mainly due to the fact that the lottery was closed during the Spring Festival, and the policy impact of the decline in lottery sales caused by the adjustment of some game rules continued to appear. In January 2019, due to the influence of the Asian Cup, the sales of sports lottery quiz lottery games were large, and the base was high in the same period last year.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of sales of different types of lottery tickets, in January, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets reached 14.969 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.918 billion yuan or 39.9%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 6.804 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.610 billion yuan or 58.5%. The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 2.777 billion yuan, up 593 million yuan or 27.1% year-on-year; The sales of video lottery tickets was 2.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.809 billion yuan or 40.6%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets was RMB 10 million, a year-on-year decrease of RMB 01 million or 7.8%. In January, the lottery sales of digital lottery, quiz lottery, instant lottery, video lottery and Keno lottery accounted for 54.9%, 25.0%, 10.2%, 9.8% and 0.1% of the total lottery sales respectively.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of lottery sales by region, in January, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in 31 provinces all decreased, among which Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Henan decreased more, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.937 billion yuan, 1.929 billion yuan, 1.808 billion yuan, 1.454 billion yuan and 1.166 billion yuan respectively.

  The Ministry of Finance said that financial departments at all levels and lottery agencies at all levels should conscientiously do a good job in lottery issuance and sales during epidemic prevention and control, further strengthen supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain normal market order, and promote the healthy development of lottery.

It’s full of rain and heat in the summer, so let’s see where the "steamer mode" will be opened on the map of sauna days nationwide.

Today (July 7th), we entered the fifth solar term of summer-Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, "it’s a little summer, but it’s a big summer." The arrival of the summer solar term means that China is about to enter the wettest and sultry period of the year. China Weather Network specially launched a map of sauna days nationwide to see where the "steamer mode" will be opened.
Jiangnan is hot as a "steamer", and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has no "steaming" in the world.
Entering the summer solar term, everything is flourishing and the summer heat is transpiration. The temperature in all parts of our country continues to rise, and the precipitation also increases obviously. The north and south of the Yangtze River have entered the stage of high temperature and high humidity in a year, and the most difficult sauna day model has been opened.
According to the map of the national sauna days launched by China Weather Network, during the annual summer solar terms, sauna days are most likely to appear in Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places, and more than half of the time in 15 days, they have to endure the steamboat-like sultry feeling; In Guangdong, central Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, central and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, northern Chongqing and other places, the number of sauna days can also reach 5 to 8 days, which is unbearable; The number of sauna days in the eastern part of Southwest China, North China, the eastern part of Huanghuai and other places is less than 5 days, and there are fewer days in most parts of Northeast China, Shandong Peninsula and parts of Xinjiang, which is less than two days. Such hot and humid weather can barely withstand it; Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and other places did not have sauna days during the summer solar term, and there was no "steaming" in the world, which was really enviable. Although there were no sauna days in southern Xinjiang and western Inner Mongolia, they had to undergo the "baking test" of dry heat.
Light summer weather | Rain and heat are abundant, and typhoons are active
After a slight summer heat, it is hot for three points a day. Affected by the monsoon climate, rain and heat are in the same season in many places in China. During the summer heat season, both precipitation and temperature began to show extremes, and the weather gradually changed from dry heat to sultry heat, and the "sauna mode" was opened.
"It’s summer day and night." Shortly after entering the summer solar term, the hottest dog days of the year will also kick off. The heat wave is rolling, refreshing and hard to find, and all-weather heat has become the norm. Especially in the south, the lowest temperature sometimes even exceeds 30℃, and it is hot day and night, with no chance to breathe.
With the help of summer heat, China’s summer area has further expanded, reaching about 5.25 million square kilometers. Although it has not reached the maximum, there is little room for further development.
"The bamboo is raining first, and the mountain is already thundering." Slight summer is the solar term with the most precipitation in the whole year, and it is also the season with frequent thunderstorms. With the subtropical high moving northward, the "main battlefield" of precipitation in China gradually shifted northward, and the rainy season in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River ended, and the rainy season in the north began one after another.
During the summer heat, typhoon activities also entered an active period. According to statistics, the summer solar term is the solar term with the largest number of typhoons landing in China, which mainly affects Guangdong, Taiwan Province, Fujian, Hainan and other places, and these places have gradually entered the critical period of typhoon prevention in a year. At this time, there are many powerful typhoons landing in China, including the strongest typhoon "rammasun" landing in China since 1949.
Slight summer phenology | The warm wind has arrived, and everything is crazy.
There are three stages in the summer, one is when the warm wind comes, the other is when the cricket lives in the space, and the third is when the eagle begins to gather. At this time, there is no longer a cool breeze on the earth, and almost all the winds are full of "enthusiasm". Because of the heat, the cricket left the field and came to the corner of the courtyard to escape the heat. The eagle also chose to fly to the cool high air for activities.
There is also hope for a bumper harvest in the heat of a little summer. In the summer, plenty of sunshine and abundant rain are conducive to the growth of everything. At this time, special attention should be paid to field management such as preventing high temperature and heat damage, drought, waterlogging and pests.
Light summer custom | Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing.
"Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing." The summer solar terms and the dog days have come one after another, and people who are troubled by the summer heat often feel poor appetite, so they will prefer cool and refreshing food.
In the north, there is a food custom of "jiaozi on the head, two on the face, pancakes and eggs on the three feet". Eating a plate of vegetarian stuffing on jiaozi’s head is not only appetizing, but also a symbol of full blessing. In the south, Xiao Shu pays attention to eating "three treasures"-Monopterus albus, lotus root and mung bean sprouts, which are cool and cool. There is also the custom of "eating new things" in the southern summer heat. Every household eats new rice and tastes new wine to thank the natural gifts and celebrate the grain harvest.
"The wind moves the lotus to make it fragrant, and the heart is calm and naturally cool." In the summer, it is hot and warm, but there is no lack of pleasant summer time. Let’s calm down, watch the fireflies flying, listen to the cicadas, smell the lotus fragrance in the wind, taste the tea in the cup, and greet the extreme heat with leisurely warmth.
Source: China Weather Network