Geely Auto was accused of plagiarism behind the "great pressure"

"Investor Network" Ge Fanmei

On March 9, Geely Automobile (0175.HK) announced that the company has submitted an application to the Stock Exchange for the addition of RMB counters, in order to support the new Hong Kong dollar-RMB dual-counter model plan launched by the Stock Exchange. This means that Geely Automobile is expected to become the first batch of Hong Kong-listed companies to join the dual-counter model.

The announcement said Geely believed the dual-counter arrangement could provide investors with new trading currency options and potentially more liquidity. The HKD-RMB dual-counter model also allows bookmakers to provide liquidity to their RMB counters and narrow the price differential between their HKD and RMB counters.

In the capital markets, Geely Automobile’s "RMB Hong Kong stock" is about to be realized. In terms of business, the company has made a bad start this year. In late February, the company launched a new energy sub-brand "Geely Galaxy", and soon fell into the "plagiarism door".

For Geely Automobile, an old car company with a 25-year history of car manufacturing, in addition to the plagiarism scandal, its continued decline in performance and loneliness in the new energy field may be more embarrassing. Now, Geely Automobile has high hopes for "Geely Galaxy", can it help it achieve corner overtaking in the field of new energy vehicles?

Trapped in the "plagiarism door"

On February 23, Geely Automobile launched a new mid-to-high-end new energy series – "Geely Galaxy", and released the prototype of Geely Galaxy "Galaxy Light".

According to reports, the "Geely Galaxy" series will launch seven new models within two years, of which the Galaxy intelligent electric hybrid L series will launch four products, the first electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 and the first electric hybrid car Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year respectively; Galaxy intelligent pure electric E series will launch three products, of which the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

However, less than a week later, "Geely Galaxy" ushered in plagiarism doubts. On February 28, a lawyer’s letter sent by Chongqing Baijun Law Firm, the law firm entrusted by Changan Automobile, pointed out that the prototype of Geely Galaxy’s "Galaxy Light" has a lot of similarities with Changan Automobile’s concept car and mass-produced models. It is suspected that a large number of copies of the appearance of Changan Automobile’s released models have seriously infringed the relevant intellectual property rights of Changan Automobile.

According to the comparison chart circulated on the Internet, the outside world pointed out that the original model of Geely Galaxy and Changan Automobile Deep Blue SL03, UNI-V and other models have similarities in the front face, headlights and tail shape. According to the data, the Deep Blue SL03 was launched in July 2022, priced between 17-200,000 yuan, providing pure electric version, extended range version and hydrogen electric version. As of the end of February this year, the cumulative delivery volume reached 37,328 vehicles.

(Image source: Sina Weibo)

In response to the plagiarism rumors, Geely Automobile directly denounced the above-mentioned lawyer’s letter as "seriously untrue and groundless, misleading the public, and causing serious damage to our brand and goodwill." According to a statement released by Geely Automobile on February 28, Geely Galaxy Light is an original design of Geely, and there is no plagiarism and infringement of others’ intellectual property rights.

(Image source: Geely Automobile official Weibo)

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zheng, vice president of design of Geely Automobile Group, joined Geely in March 2022 after working for Changan Automobile for 20 years and served as the global design director of Changan Automobile Group.

However, Geely Automobile has already applied for the Galaxy series trademark. Qichacha shows that Geely Automobile applied for the registration of the "Galaxy Light" trademark on March 2, which is internationally classified as a means of transportation, and the current trademark status is "under registration application". Previously, Geely has also applied for "Geely Galaxy", "Jizhi Galaxy", "Haoqing Galaxy" and other Galaxy series trademarks.

(Source: Qichacha)

New energy vehicle "underachiever"?

Lin Jie, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, once said that the sales goal of each product of the Galaxy series is to become the top three in the market segment, and the joint geometry brand will cover 65% of the future new energy vehicle market.

In fact, Geely Automobile has already made big claims about its new energy layout, but the reality is not as good as it wants. As early as November 2015, Geely Automobile announced the implementation of a five-year development strategy called "Blue Geely Action", with the goal of "reaching 90% of new energy vehicle sales by 2020."

However, by 2020, Geely Automobile’s annual sales of new energy vehicles 68,000, down 39.7% year-on-year, accounting for only 5.2%. In 2021, Geely Automobile’s new energy vehicles were delivered 61,000, down 10% year-on-year, and still failed to achieve the new energy sales target. Geely Automobile, which is brave in the fuel vehicle market competition, has frequently lost in the new energy battlefield.

In fact, from the perspective of peer companies, it is not difficult to find that Geely Automobile’s layout in new energy vehicles is relatively late. When NIO, Li Auto, and XPeng Motors were launched in the United States in September 2018, July 2020, and August 2020 after four, five, and six years of establishment respectively, Geely Automobile really began to make big moves in the field of new energy vehicles.

Geely Automobile established Geometry Automobile in April 2019, positioning it as a new brand of mid-to-high-end pure electric vehicles, but the development of Geometry Automobile was not smooth in the first two years. Data show that in 2019 and 2020, the annual sales of Geometry Automobile remained at about 10,000 vehicles. In order to occupy a place in the field of new energy vehicles, Geely Automobile and its parent company established the new energy brand of Extreme Krypton Automobile in March 2021.

Entering 2022, the new energy vehicles under Geely Automobile began to exert force. According to Geely Automobile data, the cumulative sales of pure electric vehicles under Geely Automobile in 2022 were 262,000, an increase of 328% year-on-year, and 66,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles, an increase of 219% year-on-year. Although it is far higher than the industry’s 90% year-on-year growth rate, it is still unable to compare with the giants Tesla and BYD in scale. In 2022, BYD’s cumulative sales were 1.8635 million, an increase of 208.64% year-on-year. Among them, the sales of pure electric vehicles exceeded 910,000; while Tesla’s annual sales were 1.31 million, and about 440,000 in China.

As a traditional automaker with independent core technologies, Geely Automobile has followed in the footsteps of BYD’s transformation from traditional automakers to new energy vehicles.

Data show that BYD’s annual sales in 2018 were 520,000, only one-third of Geely Automobile’s total sales, but BYD’s new energy vehicle sales accounted for 47.5% at this time. Since March 2022, BYD has stopped the production of fuel vehicles, becoming the first car company in the world to officially announce the suspension of fuel vehicles. Until February this year, Geely Automobile’s new energy vehicles accounted for 21.4%, and fuel vehicles are still the company’s main sales force.

In January 2023, BYD sold 151,341 units, an increase of 62.44% year-on-year. During the same period, while BYD’s sales were growing, Geely Automobile’s sales fell sharply, achieving sales of 103,452 units, a decrease of about 29% year-on-year. Regarding the decline in sales, Geely Automobile explained that it was "mainly affected by the early Spring Festival holiday."

The performance is "under great pressure"

In 2022, Geely Automobile’s total sales volume was 1.43 million, an increase of about 8% year-on-year. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of new energy throughout the year was 328,727, and new energy accounted for about 23%.

In fact, compared with Geely Automobile’s previous sales target of 1.53 million vehicles in 2022, the company has not met the target. This is already the fifth consecutive year that Geely Automobile has not met the sales target. However, for 2023, Geely Automobile sets the sales target at 1.65 million vehicles, of which the sales target of new energy vehicles is more than 100% higher than the total sales achieved in 2022.

The continuous improvement of sales targets may be to ensure the full implementation of the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy. The strategy was proposed by Geely Automobile in 2021 and announced that the total sales target of 2025 cars is 3.65 million, of which 650,000 are Krypton cars and 3 million are Geely cars.

Extreme Krypton, a well-known new energy vehicle brand under Geely Automobile, sold only 71,900 vehicles in 2022. Since its establishment in March 2021, Extreme Krypton’s capital movements have been frequent. When the Pre-A round of strategic financing was completed in August 2021, the post-money valuation was about 9 billion US dollars, and the recent completion of 750 million US dollars financing, the post-money valuation was 13 billion US dollars, about 89.80 billion yuan; Geely Automobile is planning to spin off Extreme Krypton. Compared with the new car-making forces NIO, Xiaopeng, Ideal, and Zero Run, which have sold more than 100,000 cars in 2022, as of March 10, the valuation of the corresponding four companies is 102.40 billion yuan, 59.80 billion yuan, 154.90 billion yuan, 27 billion yuan; It is not difficult to see that the valuation of polar krypton is higher.

For new car manufacturers, profitability is still a problem. Extreme Krypton Auto’s net losses in 2021 and the first half of 2022 reached 1.01 billion yuan and 759 million yuan respectively. In just one and a half years, Extreme Krypton has lost up to 1.769 billion yuan.

Geely Automobile’s continued losses and huge demand for capital may also put pressure on Geely Automobile. Geely Automobile disclosed that in the first half of 2022, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin fell by 2.6 percentage points year-on-year to 14.6%, and the sharp decline in net profit was mainly due to the negative impact of the increase in raw material costs and the increase in the proportion of new energy vehicles.

In recent years, Geely Automobile’s net profit decline has become a trend. Wind data shows that from 2019 to 2021, the company’s net profit was 8.19 billion yuan, 5.534 billion yuan and 4.847 billion yuan, respectively, down 34.76%, 32.43% and 12.4% year-on-year; in the first half of 2022, Geely Automobile’s net profit further decreased by 34.81% year-on-year, to 1.552 billion yuan.

In terms of profitability, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin in 2018 fell from 20.2% to 14.6% in the first half of 2022, but the expense ratio rose from 7.8% in 2018 to 13.7% in the first half of 2022, and the expense ratio continued to rise. In comparison, BYD’s gross profit margin in the first half of 2022 was 13.51% and the expense ratio was 8.58%. During the same period, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin was slightly higher than BYD, but the expense ratio was much higher than BYD.

At the same time, Geely Automobile’s inventory is high. As of the end of June 2022, Geely Automobile’s inventory was 7.567 billion yuan, a significant increase from 5.522 billion yuan at the end of 2021. In the inventory, the inventory of manufactured goods increased sharply from 2.94 billion yuan at the end of 2021 to 4.063 billion yuan at the end of June 2022. How to remove inventory also tests Geely Automobile’s management ability. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■

Zhiji Automobile and the Cultural and Education Office of the British Embassy reached a strategic cooperation intention.

At the IM Zhiji booth of the 2021 Shanghai International Auto Show, Zhiji Automobile and the British Council jointly promoted cultural education and artistic exchanges between China and Britain, creating a unique interactive platform for art design lovers and groups studying in the UK, and reaching a strategic cooperation intention. The two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in creative industries and "StudyUK" and other education projects in the UK.


Speech by Mr. Tamia Liu, Co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile


Speech by Mr. Bao Maixiu, Director of British Council for Cultural Education in China and Minister of Cultural Education of British Embassy.

At the exhibition site, the two sides officially launched the first cooperation project-Making Matters Smart Future China-UK Cycle Design Competition. The competition hopes to provide more opportunities for potential young designers, students and design professionals in China and Britain to learn and practice, and provide them with a brand-new stage to show their talents. Zhiji Automobile also hopes to pass on the advanced concept of "recycling environmental protection" to more young people in China and Britain with the help of this competition.


The Making Matters Smart Future China-UK Cycle Design Competition was officially launched.


Making Matters Intelligently Works at Shanghai Auto Show of Future Sino-British Cycle Design Competition

In addition, Zhiji Automobile will jointly promote the "StudyUK" project with the British Council of the British Embassy; Through a series of activities, such as holding a live online briefing before leaving for Britain, China International Education Exhibition, studying in the UK project manual, and setting up the "UK Alumni Awards", we can help young people in China to receive high-quality education faster and better, obtain internationally recognized qualifications, and stimulate more creative inspiration and expression in their study and communication.

As an international organization providing educational opportunities and promoting cultural exchanges in Britain, the British Council of the British Embassy has been committed to bringing the most valuable creative essence of Britain to China and introducing it to the public in China through arts, culture, education and English language projects for many years. In 2015, the British Council of the British Embassy cooperated with SAIC in several cultural projects of the "China-UK Cultural Exchange Year".

Since its inception, Zhiji Automobile has attached great importance to cooperating with global art masters to create; It has successively formed a "global partner" with Heatherwick Studio, a studio founded by Thomas Heatherwick, a British contemporary Leonardo da Vinci, and teamLab, a prestigious international cross-domain art team. While subverting the car travel experience with intelligent technology, it injects soul into car design with unique artistic and humanistic connotations.

24-hour bookstore enriches wuhan nightlife. You have a good place to stay up late reading.

Citizens read books in a 24-hour bookstore. Intern Peng Hua, reporter Yang Taoshe

  In November 2014, Zall Bookstore launched a 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close", waiting for people to read books every cold or hot night. At that time, Zall was the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan. In recent years, the 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan has added Jiuqiu Library and Boshihui City Study, enriching the cultural nightlife in Wuhan.

  24-hour bookstore is a night reader.

  Provide a quiet place for reading

  "There will be many interesting things happening at night." Luna is the manager of Jiuqiu Library, which is located in Dongsan Road, Fruit Lake, Wuchang District. It opened on January 25, 2016 and has been open since then.

  On the 18th, she told reporters that the biggest feeling of working at night shift is to find that there are really many people who love learning. There used to be an old man who rode an old bicycle every night and went back around 6: 00 in the morning. He studied English here all night. There are often some students from Wu Da University here, and he will ask them for advice. A girl from Wu Da University specially prepares study materials for this grandfather, and she will put them here the next day for the clerk to hand over to him.

  On the 18th, a young girl was watching a video with headphones, and there was a book full of notes in front of her. The post-90s girl who was preparing for the exam as a certified public accountant usually came over after work and talked about her views on this 24-hour bookstore. The girl said, "People who stay up late need this kind of store very much."

  Unattended libraries can "brush their faces" to borrow books

  On July 12th this year, the 24-hour city study room on the first floor of Boshihui International Plaza in Jiang ‘an District opened to welcome guests, which is located near Sanyang Road subway station. There is no librarian in the museum, and citizens can enter the museum at any time, "brush their faces", and apply for certificates and borrow books by themselves. This is the first unattended intelligent library in Wuhan. Since opening up, it has become a popular punching point for citizens.

  On the 18th, the reporter visited this intelligent library. At about 9 pm that day, a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass study room on the left side of the lobby on the first floor of the building was lit with yellowish light. There is a face recognition access control system at the door. When you enter the library for the first time, you need to swipe your ID card. There is a self-service borrowing and returning card machine in the tube, which can handle the reader’s ID card and complete face registration and WeChat binding. Later, you can enter the library without a card, and you can "brush your face" to borrow and return books by yourself.

  Ms. Mei, who passed by here at night, picked out five books, put them in the sensing place, and the machine began to recognize faces. In less than 10 seconds, the screen showed that five books were successfully borrowed at the same time. The mobile phone also received a message from WeChat prompting the successful borrowing. "Very convenient." Ms. Mei said that after the library opened, she would come here every other week or so, and if she had time, she would read here for a while.

  24-hour bookstore enriches the function of city night

  In recent years, wuhan nightlife has become increasingly diversified. In addition to consumption and entertainment at night, the opening of 24-hour bookstores and other cultural places has provided people with new choices and enriched the city’s night functions.

  At about 10 pm on the 17th, Mr. Deng, who lives near Zall Bookstore, wanted to go to the movies, but when he passed by the bookstore, he saw the lights on in the store and chose to go into the bookstore. "Watching movies is more of a social need. It will be better to go with friends, and it will be more enjoyable to read when you are alone." In 2013, Zall Bookstore opened in Wuhan and noticed that many readers had no time during the day and could only come at night. In 2014, Zall Bookstore started the 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close" and became the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan.

  On the 17th, when talking about the original intention of Zall Bookstore’s 24-hour opening, Ms. Gao, the manager, told the reporter that the 24-hour bookstore provided a choice and place for those who only had time to quiet down and study at night. 24-hour bookstore will not bring much benefit, but it is a functional existence, and there will always be people who need it, which is a useful supplement to the cultural construction of the city.

  Feng Guilin, a researcher at Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the more convenient the cultural facilities are for the public, the more diverse the forms and contents, and the more diverse the needs of various groups. This is not only a promotion for a city’s function, but also a guide, which can better improve citizens’ civilization quality.

  Trainee reporter Li Huizi

Observation variety: Although the story is good-looking, don’t lose the sense of reality.

  Hu Xiang

  Recently, observation variety shows have become more and more popular. In the second season of "Exciting offer", the camera is aimed at the legal elites who have just entered the workplace, showing their process of upgrading and cracking monsters, from youth to maturity. Under the same roof, the observed people are a group of strange young people who live together in an apartment. The program hits the pain point that young people are too busy to socialize, can’t socialize, and dare not socialize, causing heated discussion. Why does this vertically subdivided observation variety show repeatedly break the circle? This is related to their omniscient and omnipotent perspective of God and the constant self-evolution of internal narrative.

  Two-layer narrative theory and web synthesis version 2.0

  Genette, a structuralist narrator, put forward a double-layer narrative theory. This division theory holds that the first narrative of literary works is an external story, which focuses on presenting the whole work; The second layer is internal narrative, focusing on sharing internal stories. Therefore, the double-layer narrative structure can be divided into internal and external narrative perspectives. The external perspective focuses on explaining the narrative from the internal perspective, while the internal perspective focuses on strengthening the authenticity of the story and promoting the plot development. This theory is suitable for observing variety shows. The internal narrative is the story of the observed object, and the external narrative is the off-site comments of the star guests. Internal narrative is responsible for creating suspense and conflict, while external narrative is a discussion field of values, which complement each other and advance together. This is forming a relatively fixed variety show mode, which is constantly evolving.

  From its development history, such programs as My Boy, My Daughter and My Wife’s Romantic Travel can be called Version 1.0, which is characterized by taking stars as the observation objects and mainly satisfying the audience’s interest in the personal life of stars. However, the second season of Exciting offer and Under One Roof are version 2.0. The observed objects are amateurs, and the observation tentacles also extend from single interpersonal relationship to a broader workplace and social field, with further innovation in narrative, and the biggest feature is to strengthen its storytelling.

  With the advent of the Internet age, storytelling has been promoted to a great extent, and the principle of "content is king" has become more prominent. In order to satisfy the audience’s thirst for stories, platforms and creators have almost racked their brains, whether they are long videos, medium videos or short videos, they are all pursuing a sense of story. Hot pot dramas, dinner dramas and interactive dramas emerge one after another, and variety shows follow the trend and embark on the track of storytelling.

  For example, "Under One Roof" is a true record of social stories of six strangers in a closed space on the surface, but it is actually an idol drama-style narrative. With the plot of the variety show, the characters’ behavior can also see the shadow of the script behind them, which is more dramatic on the whole. This is no longer a pure record approaching the truth of life, but more like a dramatic performance purified in life, which makes people feel a sense of being difficult to distinguish between true and false.

  The editing techniques in the second season of "Exciting offer" follow the rhythm of legal drama. Many people lament that Li Jinye is like He Yichen himself in "How to Shengxiao Mo", and the audience has a strong empathy with the characters. Some people think that story telling is a cognitive game, which can exercise our minds and let us simulate the world around us and imagine different strategies, especially in social scenes. The audience can also feel the pursuit of drama when watching variety shows, which is the charm brought by storytelling.

  Inversion, Story Sense and God’s Perspective

  The original intention of Under One Roof is to simulate a social scene and solve the social emotional needs of young people in the current fast-paced urban life. The characters selected in the program are very representative, including Liu Keli, a young boss who is busy starting a business, Li Hsing, a moat brother who realizes financial freedom, Chu Mengna who pursues the dream of an actor, and Wang Tianqi, a migrant worker who works in a fashion shop. At the beginning of the program, Liu Keli’s overbearing president’s manner, Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna’s fireworks at street food stalls, and the mysterious e-sports professionals’ daily life were all the highlights that attracted people’s attention, because they all had a dual effect of being both real and dramatic. In particular, Wang Tianqi’s identity as a "rich second generation" from an idle worker was completely in line with the imagination of drama reversal, and the "between Li Hsing and Liu Keli and Chen Liuming" Therefore, "Under One Roof" is essentially a genre-based narrative of idol drama. In a space, it is in contact with young people from almost all walks of life and all walks of life, temporarily getting rid of the shackles of mediocre life, and seems to restart life and have a sense of fantasy.

  In contrast, the second season of "Exciting offer" is more realistic. This season, the assessment mechanism of interns is more cruel, and the "kicking the pavilion" link is introduced, and two interns with relatively backward performance are really eliminated. Interns have also gone through legal negotiation, public welfare legal aid, investigation and evidence collection, 1V1 debate and mock trial trial. Every time, their tasks are getting heavier, and "involution" is becoming more and more intense. In particular, Hui Ding’s internship in naked resignation in pursuit of a lawyer’s dream has been dubbed "Bei Shuihui", which is regarded by netizens as a portrayal of migrant workers’ workplace, thus attracting a lot of attention. "Bei Shuihui" was "at the bottom" from the beginning of the interview to the first project task, and from the second debate began to counterattack, resulting in a sense of gap. Wang Xiao, known as "Sister Wang", took the initiative to break the aura of famous schools from the "favored son of heaven" who graduated from Stanford Law School, and the gradual mature transformation also made people feel emotional. Another example is Qiu Yi’s "slow fever" from the beginning, and her bold decision in the negotiations later made people look at each other with new eyes.

  The program group just grasped the details of these changes and created a sense of story through "conscious" editing, as if letting the audience watch an eye-catching and thrilling legal industry drama. At the same time, with the advancement of the program, interns need to peel off the cold texture of legal provisions, personally explore the strong collision impact between human feelings and jurisprudence, reality and dreams in the society, feel the sense of powerlessness brought about by hard reality crushing in tears and loss, and regain their confidence and shine with the encouragement and help of teachers and friends. As robert mckee said in The Story, the story is not an escape from reality, but a carrier that carries us to pursue reality and try our best to dig out the true meaning of chaotic life.

  In addition, the guest comments on the observation variety show ostensibly provide God’s perspective, which is actually an important part of building a sense of story. The internal narrative of the observation variety is very similar to the phantom on the wall in the cave described by Plato in the Republic. It is a simulation of reality and has always been separated from reality. Guest comment time is like the role of bringing cave people into the real world. The lights are on and all the discussions are held in the sun. Moreover, when the guests expressed their views, they provided many stories with their own life experiences, including positive and negative experiences and lessons. For example, if you should take the co-pilot when accompanying the leader in the car, and how to break the social deadlock when you first enter the workplace, guests can often provide a more mature value concept. Many netizens said on the barrage that "get new skills", which is also a shortcut to "exercise your mind". Through the blending of internal and external narratives, it reflects the broad social reality, and promotes the story from the internal perspective to the output of values from the external perspective. This is the secret of the advanced narrative expression of observation variety.

  The reality show was made into an idol drama?

  Human beings’ pursuit of stories is eternal, and it is understandable that observation variety shows strengthen the sense of stories, but this will easily lead to the paradox of authenticity. The biggest feature of observation variety is truth, especially now the observation variety which is mainly amateur has become an important direction, that is, to tell more stories of ordinary people, but like Under the Same Roof, it really walks between reality and fiction. On the one hand, I want to create the texture of real life, on the other hand, especially in the second half of the program, the sense of plot design is becoming more and more obvious.

  For example, after Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna went to the movies on a rainy day, they quarreled emotionally. Mona complained that Wang Tianqi was not considerate enough to cry, and the close-up shots in lines and actions were skillfully switched, and the sensational music was followed up in time. It was simply a replica of the idol drama around 2000, and the barrage was full of spit.

  For another example, Wu Jiawen and Li Hsing have been having an affair for a long time, but suddenly they turned him down on the grounds that she likes people with a sense of youth. In the next issue of the program, a 20-year-old basketball player who is 1.9 meters tall and full of a sense of youth immediately appeared, and they had a "love triangle". No wonder netizens think that Wu Jiawen is a "tool person" and the program has thus become a "blind date program". If the hypothetical sense of drama is not well grasped, the realism created by the whole program will be greatly reduced, which will hurt the quality of the program.

  Since the development of network observation variety, it has formed a stable expression paradigm and established its own advantages, especially its keen capture of young people’s lives, lively and free expression and moderate storytelling, which have deeply attracted young audiences. In fact, some traditional TVs are learning this mode now, but they have not learned the characteristics of networking, which leads to the good values of the program, but the communication effect is not satisfactory.

  In the future, network variety shows must understand the double-edged sword of "truth and hypothesis", try to extend the tentacles of observation into the varied society and describe the style of the times, so as to observe the truth, taste and wisdom.

Rugby retired and re-employed, Tenet men conquered Nolan by "fighting dad"?

The starring role of "Black 007" that the media and fans have been chanting has not yet appeared. Tenet, which is being shown in cinemas around the world, has made black movie stars the leading role in spy movies ahead of schedule.

You, like James Bond, jason bourne, Ethan Hunt, Jack Ryan and other big-screen agents, saved the world at a critical moment.

Ordinary viewers may be curious, what is this young man who looks like NBA Rockets star Harden? Can become the leading actor of Christopher Nolan’s first spy war blockbuster.

If I told you,

Directed by John David and Nolan

Of course, Nolan can find John David Washington not only because he has a good father. In Hollywood, it is not uncommon for famous people to perform. shine on you is neck and neck with Kirk Douglas and michael douglas, Angelina Jolie and Jon Voight, martin sheen and Charlie Sheen … But more second generation stars are living in the shadow of their successful parents.

John David Washington (hereinafter referred to as John David) is also facing such pressure, but the road he has taken is somewhat special:

Six years before the release of Tenet, John David Washington was not even a professional actor. He was nearly 30 years old before he made up his mind to pursue an acting career, but after that, things went smoothly.

At the age of 34, he starred in "Black Party", which won the Cannes Jury Award and was nominated for the Oscar for Best Film. At the age of 36, he became the first black hero in Nolan’s works.

John David was born on July 28th, 1984. He is the eldest of four children. At the age of seven, he made his big-screen debut in malcolm x, starring his father. He appeared in the last scene of the film with only one line.

Looking back now, John David Washington feels very beautiful: ""

I was with my father when I was a child.

Malcolm x is a film co-produced by father Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. and Spike Lee. Being a star’s child has this advantage, and he can easily make an early appearance in his parents’ movies. Perhaps it was a late maturity. John David didn’t realize how famous his father Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. was until he was 11 years old.

Also in this year, after making a guest appearance in his father’s The Blue Devil, he stayed away from acting since then, because he had other hobbies.

John David’s big screen debut

After entering primary school, John David loved sports most and played football almost every morning. After graduating from primary school, he decided to make professional football players a volunteer.

Now he does not deny that when he made such a choice, he also had the consideration of getting rid of his father’s fame.

The tallest child on the right is John David.

It may seem to outsiders that John David has been living in the shadow of his father, but in an interview with GQ magazine, he said that he had a good time with his father.

"Sometimes my father and I play the trumpet together at home; Sometimes I dye my hair red and learn Arabic, but he won’t say anything. I remember one time, my father would accompany me shopping in new york and suddenly recited the lines from Shakespeare’s Richard III, just like in the movie, but I know he doesn’t usually talk like that. "

John David is with his father.

After entering middle school, John David’s football level has increased rapidly, leaving the category of hobbies, and his determination to break into the NFL (National Football League) has become stronger and stronger.

John David has been struggling for football for so many years, and what he wants most is that, indeed, wearing a helmet on the playground, no one knows who you are, let alone who your father is, and whether you can score or not depends entirely on your strength.

Wear a helmet and no one will know whose son you are.

John David still remembers that when he entered the NFL draft training camp as a student of Morehouse College in Atlanta in 2006, he specially reminded people around him not to tell anyone who his father was, and he wanted to win recognition by his own skills.

But after the first training, he found many people laughing in the lounge. It turned out that the local newspaper in the training camp reported his participation in the training on the front page, and his teammates who were familiar with him said that you couldn’t hide it, and you didn’t just rely on yourself.

John David is wearing a Rams uniform.

This is the helplessness of the famous family, trying hard to get rid of the influence of your father, but the media and the public will not cooperate with you.

In the 2006 NFL draft, he only got the non-draft free contract of the St. Louis Rams (now called the Los Angeles Rams). After three months, he was abandoned and signed up for the second team under the Rams to participate in the NFL European competition as a Rhein Fire player. On the sports field, no one will care who your father is.

John David is on the field.

He calmly judged that his own strength could not keep him on his career path, so he called his mother and hoped to return to the field of acting. But the mother flatly refused, thinking that she could not admit cowardice at this time. She hoped that her son would continue to insist on football and not give up. In 2009, John David switched to the Sacramento Bobcats in the United Football League. During this period, he also took time to participate in the performance of his father’s Book of Avery.

It is not easy for John David to leave football.

In an interview with GQ magazine, he recalled that he returned to his childhood room from the apartment rented by the team in 2013.

"I used to be independent, but it was really a low point at that time. Not only did I lose my job, but my football career was completely over, and everything I wanted was gone." In the two years since he came back from the competition, when he stayed at home doing nothing, he even considered using his sociology diploma to be a teacher.

Stubborn, he doesn’t want to be an actor with his father’s light. Andrew ·Finkelstein, a Washington friend and agent, heard that Denzel’s son had played rugby and asked him if he wanted to try it.

The producer of Players is Jushi Qiang Sen.

When John David was still playing ball, he especially liked watching HBO American dramas, especially Sex and the City and sopranos. For example, he especially liked edie falco’s role as his wife in sopranos, and it was a coincidence that his first acting role as an adult came from HBO.

How did Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. react when he got the chance to get HBO "The Players"?

John David Washington said: "He simply congratulated him, but made a condition that he would shoot a navigation set and then study hard when he came back.".

"Players" stills

After filming the navigation set, John David went to acting school for further study. No matter how good the genetic factor is, it is difficult to succeed without acquired training. Zoe kravitz (daughter of rock star Lanny Kravitz and actress lisa bonet) is his friend, and the two families often get together. She said that John David has become more and more confident in recent years, and she understands each other’s situation very well.

Because Zoe’s situation is very similar, her parents are both big players in the entertainment industry, and it is easier to get help from brokers and get opportunities.

But if you can’t do it well, people will think that you don’t deserve it, and that you are not as good as your parents. The pressure in this respect is much greater than that of ordinary actors.

Christopher Nolan said on many occasions that he chose John David Washington because of The Players and the Black Party directed by Spike Lee.

Tenet studio photo

If the former still depends on his own rugby background, then the latter embodies the advantages of the star father.

Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. and Spike Lee have cooperated many times. John David mentioned a detail: On the day of the script reading meeting of Black Partisans, the poster on the wall behind John David’s seat was Jazz Style, which was co-written by his father and Spike Lee.

Poster of Jazz Style

He said that the scene of the day was very strange. Nolan happened to be sitting next to the director Spike Lee at the premiere of "Black Party" in Cannes in 2018. Many years later, Spike Lee asked him if it was because of this premiere that he made up his mind to choose John David as the leading actor in Tenet. Nolan smiled and said, something like that.

The crew of "Black Party" appeared in Cannes.

In fact, Nolan saw John David’s performance in Players before he went to Cannes. At that time, Nolan didn’t know who he was, let alone who his father was. Nolan said that when he wrote a script, he rarely substituted actors, but when he wrote Tenet, he couldn’t get rid of John David’s appearance in his mind, so he arranged to meet John David, who was filming The Players.

John David and Nolan are talking and laughing.

Nolan said, "I remember that many years ago, James Bond producer Albert R. Broccoli first saw sean connery and decided that he could play Bond. After the meeting, Albert saw Sean Connery leave, like a panther or a cat. "

John David rehearsed for Tenet.

Nolan thinks that John David has some similar conditions, and his athletic ability is especially suitable for the leading actor in Tenet, such as climbing a high-speed fire truck in real shooting and realizing the scene of reversing time fighting.

Even with a background as a professional football player,

He felt that he couldn’t get up in bed several times and thought that he couldn’t finish filming. "Many years ago, I worked hard to keep my job in the NFL, but I didn’t expect to work hard to make a movie again."

But this movie is worth his effort, even if he may get hurt, because many people are rushing to get the job because of the Nolan blockbuster invested by 200 million dollars.

Tenet John David stills

In the years when he appeared in the American TV series "Players", John David deliberately didn’t attend the media publicity activities because he didn’t want to be asked questions about his father.

It was not until the publicity period of "Black Party" that he had to come out to face the reporter. Because the film was shortlisted for Cannes Film Festival, and the next year it was shortlisted for the best film of Oscar, there was a huge amount of public relations activities, which really could not be avoided.

Stills of "Black Party"

There’s another important reason for coming out: Tenet’s release this year saved the trouble, there was no grand premiere, and there was no press conference. The film was finished last autumn, and I saw that the film schedule was postponed again and again, and I was even worried that it would not be on the big screen. Fortunately, in the end, everything went as one wishes.

The father and son took a group photo in the NBA.

Before the release, the Washington family watched the whole film in the empty Warner Company screening hall and were asked what his father thought of his performance. John David Washington said: ""

In fact, while waiting for the release of Tenet, John David was not idle. He secretly starred in the romantic movie Malcolm and Maria with Zendaya, and after challenging crime movies and spy movies, he came to the field of romantic movies.

Still photos of Malcolm and Maria

Undeniably, his father’s influence and connections helped him a lot in "being a late bloomer", but Master led the door and practiced in that person.

How much John David Washington can achieve in the future can only be seen.

Just now! Shijiazhuang issued orange warning of heavy polluted weather and started level II emergency response.

just now
Shijiazhuang issued the latest notice
Start emergency response to heavy pollution weather
Shijiazhuang heavy pollution weather emergency headquarters office
Issue orange warning of heavy polluted weather and start level II emergency response.
According to the joint consultation between the Provincial Eco-environmental Emergency and Heavy Pollution Weather Warning Center, China National Environmental Monitoring Center and the Provincial Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Environmental Meteorological Center, it is predicted that from January 10th, the diffusion conditions in our city will deteriorate, pollutants will continue to accumulate, and the urban air quality may have moderate or above pollution process. According to the suggestion of the Letter of the Provincial Atmospheric Office on Doing a Good Job in Response to the Recent Pollution Process (Jiqi Lingban Letter [2024] No.3), in order to reduce the impact of heavily polluted weather on public health, the municipal meteorological and ecological environment departments have judged and reported it to emergency headquarters for approval, and now an orange warning of heavily polluted weather is issued to the whole city. At 20: 00 on January 10, 2024, Class II emergency response of heavily polluted weather will be started, and the lifting time will be notified separately.
Previously, HebeiXingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and DingzhouA notice has been issued to start the emergency response to heavy pollution weather.
(Overview of the news client integrated from Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and Dingzhou)

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to the Christmas file ""Emoji"" and other files.

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to December 21st, 2018.

    1905 movie network news With the appearance of the new "Spider-Man" Tom Hollander, Sony Pictures began to make efforts to build the "Spider-Man" brand. After Holland’s debut, his remake of the solo film will be released in 2017, and then the animated film will debut in 2018. However, there has been a change in the plan recently. The schedule of the animated film "Spider-Man" has been postponed from the summer file to the Christmas file, and it will land in the cinema on December 21st. It seems that Sony reorganized the layout and changed the time.

    After its recent release in North America, the box office set a new record, dominating the movie market and unifying the rivers and lakes. Judging from this situation, the animated film version of "Spider-Man" is likely to be a blockbuster in the Christmas file, not to mention that the children will have a holiday by then, and may be able to achieve extraordinary results at the box office.

"Emoji" movie file change

Peter Rabbit will be released in the spring of 2018.

    In addition, Sony Pictures has also announced the schedule of two other films. The movie version of "Emoji" is scheduled to be released on August 11, 2017. But so far, it is still unclear what the specific content of this film is, and it will never really let the expression occupy the screen, right? The tender film version of Peter Rabbit will be released on March 23, 2018, together with the film version and an animated film PK about the story of Medusa by Fox in the 20th century.

    Although there are still more than two years before the release of several films, Sony executives have obviously begun to carefully plan how to set the best schedule for their new films in order to beat their opponents and win the market. However, as time goes by, more films will be exposed to the specific content and release time. It is hard to predict whether Sony will readjust the time in the future, so we might as well wait and see.

Badminton class: at a glance! Concise version of badminton competition rules

count scores

1. 21 points system, 2 wins in 3 games is better.

2. Score system for each ball

3. In each round, the winner will get 1 point.

When both sides score 20 points, the one who leads the other side by 2 points wins the game.

When both sides score 29 points, the one who gets 30 points first wins the game.

6. The winner of a game takes the lead in serving in the next game

Rules of rest and changing sides between matches

1. In a game, when the leading side reaches 11, both sides have a 60-second break.

Between two games, both sides have a 2-minute break.

In the deciding game, when the leading side reaches 11 points, the two sides exchange venues.

Badminton competition rules singles

1. At the beginning of a game (score 0: 0) or when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

Badminton competition rules doubles

1. Like singles, when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round, and the server will remain the same.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

4. If and only if the server scores, the two players of the server exchange the left and right halves.

Diagram of badminton doubles competition rules

A badminton doubles match, A&B vs C&D, is described below. At the beginning of the match, A serves first and C receives the service.

A description of the progress of the game score service area Serve & receive Winner diagram

Badminton competition rules: three strikes three.

Three against three, as the name implies, is three against three, so there are special rules and requirements in serving, standing and some playing methods.

The basic principles such as the position of serving and receiving should still follow the doubles rules of badminton. For example, when the score is even, the server stands in the right half and when the score is odd, the server stands in the left half.

1. Before the game, each team shall determine the first, second and third server and receiver, namely Team A (A1, A2 and A3) and Team B (B1, B2 and B3).

2. A1 serves, B1 receives.

3. B1 serves, A1 receives, and so on

4. After A1 serves and scores, A2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party A serves, A1, A2 and A3 serve in turn.

5. After B1 serves and scores, B2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party B serves, B1, B2 and B3 serve in turn.

Official ball

1. Sixteen feathers should be fixed on the ball support.

2. The length of each feather from the ball support surface to the feather tip is 62 ~ 70mm.

3. The top of the feather is round, with a diameter of 58 ~ 68 mm.

4. Feathers should be tied with thread or other suitable materials.

5. The bottom of the ball holder is spherical with a diameter of 25 ~ 28 mm.

6. The ball weighs 4.74 ~ 5.50g.

Badminton racket specifications

1. Badminton racket generally consists of racket head, racket shaft, racket handle and the joint between racket frame and racket shaft.

The length of a racket is no more than 68cm.

3. The length of racket handle and racket shaft shall not exceed 42 cm, the length of racket frame shall not exceed 25 cm, and the width shall be 20 cm.

4. The development direction of the racket: the weight is getting lighter and lighter, the racket frame is getting harder and harder, and the elasticity of the racket shaft is getting better and better.

Standard size of badminton court

1. The badminton court should be a rectangle, drawn with a line with a width of 40mm.

2. The color of the site line is preferably white, yellow or other easily recognizable colors.

3. All lines are part of the area it defines.

4. From the ground of the stadium, the net column is 1.55m high.

5. The net column must be firmly perpendicular to the ground, and keep the net tightly pulled.

6. The net post should be placed on the sideline of doubles.

7. Badminton nets should be made of dark high-quality strings, with evenly distributed squares with sides of 15 ~ 20mm.

8. Badminton net is 760mm wide up and down.

9. The rope or steel wire shall have sufficient length and strength, which can be firmly tightened and leveled with the top of the net column.

10. The net height in the center of the venue is 1.524 meters, and the net height at the sideline of doubles is 1.55 meters.

11. Both ends of the net must be fastened to the net column, and there should be no gap between them.

12. The length is 13.40m, the width of doubles is 6.10m, the width of singles is 5.18m, the diagonal length of doubles court is 14.723m, and the diagonal length of singles court is 14.366m..

Brief introduction of badminton team competition

Badminton team competitions include men’s and women’s teams, but team events are not Olympic events. The three famous badminton team competitions are Thomas Cup, Uber Cup and Sudirman Cup.

Thomas cup badminton.

Thomas Cup Badminton Competition is the highest level men’s badminton team competition in the world, that is, the World Men’s Badminton Team Championship, which was founded by the former International Badminton Federation in 1948. It is held every two years.

Uber cup badminton

The trophy of the World Women’s Badminton Team Championship (Uber Cup). Named after Mrs. Uber’s donation. Also known as the "World Women’s Badminton Team Championship". Uber Cup is the same as Thomas Cup. Before 1982, it was held every three years, and the competition adopted the best of seven games system. Since 1984, it has been held every two years, adopting the best of five games system.

Sudirman Cup

Also known as the World Badminton Mixed Team Championship, it adopts the best-of-five system and consists of five events: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. It is the most important world competition representing the overall level of badminton, and is equally famous with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup. In 1989, the first Sudirman Cup was held in Indonesia. This competition is held every two years, with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup in even years and Sudirman Cup in odd years.

Badminton team competition rules

According to the rules of Sudirman Cup, there are men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. The order can be decided by both parties, but players can’t have both events, that is, they can’t participate in both events by themselves. Each event is the best of three games, with 21 points in each game. Best of five.

service fault

1. The ball is not served in the corresponding area.

2. The ball hangs on the net or stops at the top of the net.

3. The ball goes over the net and hangs on the net.

4. In doubles, the receiver’s partner receives or is touched by the ball.

Violate the rules during the game.

1. The ball falls outside the boundary of the field.

2. The ball passes under the mesh or net.

3. The ball didn’t cross the net.

4. The ball touches the ceiling or the surrounding walls

5. The ball touches the athlete’s body or clothes

6. The ball touches other objects or people outside the field.

7. When the ball is hit, it stays on the racket, and then it is dragged and thrown.

8. The ball was hit by the same player many times in one round.

9. The player’s racket, body or clothes touch the net or the support of the net.

10. Hit the ball through the net (when hitting the ball, the initial contact point between the racket and the ball is on the batter’s net side, except when the racket crosses the net with the ball).

Badminton service area

The effective area of singles serve is the blue area in the figure below.

The effective service area of doubles is the green area in the figure below.

Badminton half-court sideline

In singles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the blue area in the picture below.

In doubles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the green area in the figure below.


1. Athletes: people who take part in badminton competitions.

2. A game: One or two athletes from each side is the most basic unit to decide the outcome.

3. Singles: A game played by one player from each side.

4. Doubles: A game played by two players from each side.

5. server: the party with the right to serve.

6. Receiver: the opponent who serves.

Start of the game 0 – 0 Right half-court serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the left half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 1 – 0 Left half serve A serves, D receives. C & D
C&D scored one point, and A B C D kept their own half unchanged. 1 – 1 Left half serve D serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the right half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 2 – 1 Right half-court serve B serves, C receives. C & D
C&D scores a point and serves at the right half. A B C D keeps their own half unchanged. 2 – 2 Right half-court serve C serves, B receives. C & D
C&D scores a point, C&D will change sides, C will continue to serve in the left half, and A&B will keep their respective half unchanged. 2 – 3 Left half serve C serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the left half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 3 – 3 Left half serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the right half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 4 – 3 Right half-court serve A serves, D receives. C & D