Deng Chao claims to have been "expelled from the house" by Sun Li, and the interesting story of husband and wife has aroused heated discussions

On May 4, Deng Chao posted a striking message on social media saying that he had been kicked out of his home by Sun Li. The brief post, although short in words, immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussions on the Internet. Users expressed great curiosity about the sudden appearance of this seemingly loving couple.

Deng Chao and Sun Li, as model couples in the entertainment industry, have always shown themselves as loving and happy. However, this time Deng Chao’s post made people feel an unusual side of their lives. Although the specific situation is not yet clear, such an episode obviously provides a rich imagination for netizens.

The reaction to Deng Chao’s experience was unexpectedly relaxed and joyous. The comment area was filled with "hahaha" laughter, as if everyone had become accustomed to the interesting interaction between the couple. Some netizens joked: "Hahaha, what bad things have you done again?" Others speculated that Deng Chao may have done something that made Sun Li dissatisfied, such as "embarrassing to Empress Abi" or "probably eating canned herring". These humorous comments undoubtedly added a lot of interest to the matter.

In addition to the jokes, netizens also offered some practical advice. Some suggested that Deng Chao "wear the clothes of the King of Fruit" to make Sun Li happy, while others suggested that he "live in the crew" or "go to Luhan’s house." Although these suggestions were somewhat joking, they also reflected the concern of netizens for Deng Chao and the recognition of his relationship with Sun Li.

It is worth noting that after being kicked out of the house, Deng Chao did not rush to coax his wife, but chose to launch Weibo first. This move was quite surprising, and it also showed his calmness and optimism in the face of this situation. Perhaps it is because of his open-minded attitude that netizens are full of love and attention to him.

Looking back at the experiences of Deng Chao and Sun Li, the two became attached to each other through drama, knew each other and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage. Their relationship has always attracted the attention of the outside world, and it has also become a story in the entertainment industry. Today, despite such an episode, I believe their relationship is still as solid as a rock.

As bystanders, we may be able to see another side of the life of the celebrity couple from this incident. Although they are glamorous, they also have the same trivial life and emotional twists and turns as ordinary people. However, it is these real details that make us like and pay more attention to them. I hope Deng Chao and Sun Li can resolve this small conflict as soon as possible and continue to bring us more joy and positive energy.

Responsible editor:

Jackie Chan’s "Zodiac 2" is officially approved, and Jaycee Chan is expected to move behind the scenes

"Zodiac" has won 880 million box office

    1905 movie network news On June 17, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television announced the national film script project information for late May, and Jackie Chan’s new film "Zodiac 2" was on the list. According to what Jackie Chan said before, Jaycee is expected to participate in the script creation of the film, and the film is also very likely to become Jaycee’s first job after taking drugs. It also paved the way for Jaycee to move behind the scenes. In addition, the plot of Wang Xiaoshuai’s latest literary film "Land" was also exposed for the first time. It is worth mentioning that after encountering Waterloo, director Wang Xiaoshuai once again directed a film that still seems to have no commercial prospects.


"Zodiac 2" project approved, Jaycee Chan is expected to start construction after taking drugs


    Jackie Chan’s self-written, self-directed and self-starred film has won a high box office of more than 800 million yuan. After three years, Jackie Chan’s big brother has made a comeback and re-created the sequel to "Zodiac". It is reported that the film will continue the story of the previous work, telling the story of JC (Jackie Chan) stealing secrets in the Eastern European base. Angry, General Vasily ordered that the secrets must be recovered and sent the "base 2 team" Maka and Chaba to find the story of JC.


    Although Jackie Chan is currently the only one in the screenwriter column of the film, Jackie Chan’s early brother revealed in an interview that he hoped to train Jaycee Jaycee as a director or other behind-the-scenes work, and Jaycee Jaycee also expressed his desire to participate in the script creation of "Zodiac 2". "Zodiac 2" is expected to be Jaycee Jaycee’s first job after drug use.


    It is unclear whether the cast will return to filming, but the new "Dragon Girl" will be the focus of attention. The only certainty is that singer Sun Nan will star in "Zodiac 2". Jackie Chan had earlier promised Sun Nan a role as a profiteer in "Zodiac 2".

Wang Xiaoshuai once criticized "Intruder" for being the focus of the industry


Wang Xiaoshuai directs the literary film "Land" again, and the market prospect is worrying


    In April this year, Wang Xiaoshuai’s "Interloper" suffered a setback, and only got 1.3% of the film volume on its first day. Wang Xiaoshuai published a letter to the audience on Weibo "in a fit of rage". He said sadly that "this may be the best era for commercial films, but it may also be the worst era for serious films." At the same time, he also urged the audience to "please support me!" But unfortunately, the "Interloper" still did not improve and continued to be at the bottom.


    Although it has gone through the dilemma of difficult to get a literary film, Wang Xiaoshuai still has to carry it to the end. His latest masterpiece "Land" has been officially approved and is still a literary film. "Land" tells the story of a village in Shaanxi Province where almost all the villagers go out to work, leaving only 60-year-old Chen Xigui and his wife to live together, farming and living a simple life. The prosperity of the big city makes the old couple helpless. They feel that their family is still good and the land is good. It seems that only when their feet are stepped on the cultivated land can they feel a solid story. From the plot summary, the movie "Land" still has no "appearance" of the film, which can’t help but sweat for Wang Xiaoshuai.

Jining these middle school enrollment brochures released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

Original title: The enrollment brochures of several middle schools in Jining are released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

click Blue wordpay close attention And set up a star to accompany you every day.

It’s another year of further study season.

About going to school.

Become an important topic for parents.

The enrollment brochures of these high schools in Jining were announced.

How many people are recruited this year?

How to sign up? How to enroll?

Get to know these important information quickly


Jining No.1 Middle School Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

1.In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school is 2000, including 100 special students..

2. According to the spirit of relevant provincial and municipal documents, in 2023, western instrumental music and basketball in our school’s art and sports feature projects will be enrolled for the whole city, and other special projects will be enrolled for the urban areas.

Second, the enrollment category

1. special students.Recruit outstanding junior high school graduates in 2023 who have expertise in music, art, calligraphy and sports. Please refer to the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023 for details of enrollment majors, enrollment scope and admission procedures.

2. Pointer students.The enrollment scope is the fresh graduates who have been studying in junior high schools in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone) for more than two years (including two years), and they must be transferred to the student status before August 31, 2021. The information of student status is based on the data of Shandong Basic Education Management Information Platform.

3. Unified enrollment.The enrollment scope is the fresh and past graduates with junior high school status (the deadline for student status is May 8, 2023) or household registration (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023) in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone). For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Iii. types of volunteers

1. Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam alone and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the volunteers of the index students and the unified enrollment students.

Candidates are requested to carefully read the "Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023" and pay attention to the enrollment scope of each major.

2. Indicator students volunteer

The volunteer accounts for 60% of the school enrollment plan, and the quota is allocated to junior high schools, which is prior to the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

"Jining No.1 Middle School" and "Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus" are two voluntary options, and you must apply separately.

Fourth, the registration method

1. Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining No.1 Middle School Special Student Enrollment Instructions in 2023" Online registration will be conducted from May 9th to 15th.

2. Indicator students and unified enrollment volunteers

This part is volunteered by the candidates themselves and their parents (or other legal guardians) to fill in the enrollment platform of Jining high school. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The reporting time is from May 9th to May 15th.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。

?推荐服务:在【济宁本地宝】聊天对话框发送“Jining no.1 high school",you can get the online registration entrance of Jining No.1 Middle School’s special students/index students/unified enrollment.

V. Subjects and time of cultural examination

1. Each subject score:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will no longer be carried out, and the full score will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination.

2. Examination time:13-15 June.

The professional test for special students was conducted on June 21st. Come to our school for on-site confirmation on June 16th.

Sixth, enrollment

1.特长生录取。According to the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment, the Municipal Education Bureau will organize the admission in turn. According to the professional test results and plan, the school will submit the admission list of special students, and the city education bureau will admit them in advance after examination and approval. The admitted special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment; Those who are not admitted will continue to participate in other types of voluntary admission.

2. Admission of index students.At the time of admission, the junior high school is the unit. According to the number of indicators assigned to each junior high school, according to the candidates’ wishes, the students are admitted in turn from high score to low score. The comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subject level of the admitted candidates must reach Grade B (including Grade B) or above, and the score shall not be lower than 60 points under the unified recruitment line of high schools and not lower than the minimum admission qualification line. The unfinished index student plan is included in the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment.The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer, and according to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following the will", the students in urban areas are ranked according to the results of the senior high school entrance examination, and they are admitted in turn according to parallel volunteer.

Seven, the class mode

Follow the school’s educational philosophy of taking students’ growth as the center, actively explore the effective mechanism of early training of top-notch innovative talents, and realize students’ all-round and individual development.

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, our school will set up an experimental class for the new curriculum, respect students’ individual needs, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, and comprehensively improve students’ comprehensive quality.


Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus 2023 Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school will be 600.There is no special student plan and index student plan.

Second, the enrollment scope and registration conditions

Enrollment area:Junior high schools directly under the municipal government, rencheng district, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Basic conditions for registration:For recent and past junior high school graduates with enrollment in Jining City (the deadline for enrollment is May 8, 2023) or household registration in Jining City (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023). Those who have registered as students in ordinary high schools, those who have not completed nine-year compulsory education, and those who do not meet the provincial and municipal policies are not allowed to apply. For details, please refer to the Opinions of Jining Education Bureau on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in the Academic Level Examination of Junior Middle School in 2023 and School Enrollment in Senior High School (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.26).

Third, the registration method

From May 9 to May 15, candidates will register from 9: 00 to 18: 00 every day.Registration and volunteering are all carried out on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify the information at most twice after completing the volunteering, subject to the information confirmed by the last filling (modification) within the specified time. Candidates must fill in the report within the specified time, and the candidates shall bear the responsibility for the consequences caused by revealing the password for their own reasons, being reported by others or reporting errors.

Candidates who have household registration in Jining City and need to go back to the place where they are registered to take the junior high school level examination shall be subject to online qualification examination by the county-level education administrative department where they are registered, and the county-level education administrative department shall be responsible for verifying the household registration information and student status information of the candidates.

Fourth, the subjects and time of the cultural examination

The examination subjects are Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, morality and rule of law, geography, history, biology, information technology, physical chemistry experiment operation and physical education. Information technology examination subjects and experimental operation examination subjects shall be implemented in accordance with relevant requirements. In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will be cancelled, and the scores of physical education subjects will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination according to full marks.

Score of each subject:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

The specific examination arrangements are as follows:

V. Enrollment and Admission

Admission to ordinary senior high schools in urban areas is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers (there are no special students and index students in our school). Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment volunteers; Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by the index students will no longer participate in the admission of the unified enrollment volunteers. Candidates who fail to report on time after admission will be automatically dropped out of school.

In addition to special students, the minimum admission qualification line for ordinary high schools in urban areas is delineated according to the enrollment plan of 1:1. The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer. According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers", according to the admission requirements of ordinary senior high schools, all eligible remaining candidates in urban areas are sorted from high to low according to their scores, and then, the three unified enrollment volunteers reported by each candidate are searched in turn. As long as a qualified school appears in the searched three schools, it will be admitted to the school.

Admission to parallel volunteer is based on the interests of candidates, expanding the range of choices, giving candidates more choices, effectively reducing the risk of candidates volunteering to fill in, and improving the success rate of candidates’ admission.

Note: If the urban senior high schools fail to complete the enrollment plan in the first stage, the remaining plans will be included in the next stage of voluntary recruitment, and the candidates who have been admitted will no longer participate in the recruitment and volunteering.

Six, the class mode

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, we should set up experimental classes for the new curriculum, respect students’ right to choose, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, develop students’ personality, cultivate students’ specialties and improve their comprehensive quality.


Instructions on the enrollment of freshmen in Yucai Middle School of Jining City in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

It is planned to enroll 1,276 students in 2023.Among them, 50 Xinjiang students, 60 special students and 26 football special classes were enrolled, with a total of 26 classes.

Second, the scope of enrollment

(a) with Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone) junior high school students (registration time must be before May 8, 2023) or household registration time must be before May 8, 2023) graduates.

(2) Enrollment scope of football special classes: fresh graduates from all junior high schools in 14 counties and cities of Jining City. For details, please refer to the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

Third, the volunteer code

Fourth, the application conditions

(A) Index students and unified enrollment

Index students apply for the exam. Junior high school students in Jining city who have been studying for more than two years (including two years) and graduated this year, and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade B or above, can apply for the volunteer of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Unified enrollment. Graduates who are studying in junior middle schools in Jining City, who return to the household registration in Jining City to apply for candidates, former graduates (referring to those who have not registered as ordinary senior middle school students and whose household registration or original junior middle school students are in Jining City), and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade C or above, can apply for the unified enrollment of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

(2) Special students

Special students apply. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide".

(3) Football special classes

Apply for a special football class. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

V. Application methods

(A) the students, enrollment volunteers.

It is conducted on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The registration time is from May 9th to May 15th.(If there is any change, the specific time will be subject to the time announced by Jining Admissions Examination Institute).

(2) Volunteer for special students and special football classes

Candidates are required to register online through the registration method published in "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide", and confirm at the school site according to the specified time. For the time of registration and on-site confirmation, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".


1. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of special students in our school must register through the online registration system published by our school and take relevant professional tests in our school. The candidates’ volunteers and unified enrollment volunteers are enrolled in the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. Their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can apply for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the basis for the admission of special students in our school.

2. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of our school’s football special class must register through the online registration system published by our school and take the football professional test of our school. Candidates in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone), their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer are enrolled in the enrollment platform of senior high school in Jining City, and the candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can register for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination are taken as the admission basis for the candidates in our football special class. Candidates from counties and cities outside Jining city should apply for the index students or the unified enrollment volunteers who meet the requirements of the county and city, and take the cultural examination of the senior high school entrance examination in the county and city. The results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the admission basis for the candidates of the football characteristic classes in our school.

Six, examination subjects and time

(a) the score of each subject:Chinese 100 points, mathematics 100 points, English 100 points (including listening test 20 points), physics 60 points, chemistry 50 points, morality and rule of law 60 points, history 50 points, physics and chemistry experiment operation 10 points (choose one subject), information technology 20 points, sports 60 points, with a total score of 610 points.

Note: Physical examination will no longer be organized, and will be included in the senior high school entrance examination results according to full marks.

(2) Examination time

Seven, enrollment.

(a) special students, students, enrollment.Admission is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Admission of special students. The admission of special students is carried out in accordance with the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide", and the students are admitted in batches in advance. For those special students who have not been admitted, it will not affect the admission of their index students and enrollment volunteers.

2. Index students and unified enrollment are admitted by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute.

(2) Admission of candidates for football special classes.The admission of candidates for football characteristic classes is conducted in accordance with the "Enrollment Guide for Football Characteristic Classes in Jining Yucai Middle School in 2023", and they are admitted in batches in advance. Candidates who are not admitted will not be affected to continue to participate in the admission of other types of volunteers organized by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute or other county and urban recruitment authorities.

Eight, enrollment consultation

Source: Jining Yucai Middle School


Jining university affiliated high school 2023 high school enrollment brochure.

According to the Notice of the Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens in 2023 (Lu Jiao Ji Han [2023] No.21) and the Opinions of the Municipal Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Junior High School Students in 2023 (Ji Jiao Zi [2023] No.26), Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (Ji Jiao

1. In 2023, the enrollment plan is 1,000 students (including 500 independent students from characteristic high schools), with a total of 20 classes.

Second, the scope and category of enrollment

1. Index students and unified enrollment are oriented to rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District, Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone and directly affiliated junior high schools.

2. Independent enrollment is for junior high schools in the city. Recruit students with junior high school status in Jining who have expertise in music, art, art history or art management (original text) and sports. For details, please refer to "Instructions for Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023".

Three, cultural examination subjects and time (the city’s unified)

Fourth, enrollment

Ordinary high school admissions are conducted in the order of self-enrollment, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Self-enrollment. According to the "Notes on Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023", early batch enrollment will be implemented. For professional students who have not been admitted in advance, they can continue to participate in the admission of other types of candidates by the Municipal Education Bureau.

2. Index students and unified enrollment. The Education Bureau of Jining is unified according to the enrollment policy in 2023.

V. For matters not covered, please pay attention to the school WeChat official account jnxyfsgjzx in time.


Jining Confucius High School Enrollment Guide in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, there will be 700 freshmen enrolled in our school.,Among them, 35 special students were enrolled.

Second, the enrollment category

(1) Special students

Recruit junior high school graduates with expertise in music and art in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment

Junior high school graduates enrolled in 2023.

Third, the enrollment scope

Graduates with junior high school status or household registration in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone).

Iv. types of volunteers

(1) Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam separately and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the unified enrollment volunteering. Candidates are requested to carefully read the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining Confucius High School in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

Remarks: There are no index students in Jining Confucius High School.

V. Registration Method

1. Volunteer to fill in the report

(1) Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining Confucius High School 2023 special student enrollment instructions" in Online registration will be conducted from May 9 to May 15, 2023..

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

This voluntary application is made on the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. It must be made by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and it shall not be replaced by others. All students who apply for our school are advised or encouraged to fill in the "Jining Confucius High School" as their first choice, and never fill in the volunteers of the index students.

2. Registration time

The reporting time is May 9-May 15, 2023.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。













亲子优选 限时团购









The official response is that the starting price of L6 is only 259,800 yuan?

  [car home Information] Recently, the relevant parameter configuration information of (|) was exposed on the Internet, which also included the model price. The Pro version sold for 259,800 yuan, and the Max version sold for 289,800 yuan. In this regard, the ideal official responded that "the online price speculation is false, and we have not announced the price, so please pay attention to the release of L6."

Home of the car

"Ideal L6 price and configuration for network exposure"

  The ideal L6 is a medium and large five-seat SUV, which is positioned below the ideal L7, a family intelligent luxury five-seat SUV within 300,000 yuan, a luxury five-seat SUV and a flagship five-seat SUV. Earlier, Liu Jie, vice president of LI Commerce, said that Ideal L6 would be listed in the second quarter, focusing on the market of 250,000-300,000 yuan.

  According to the exposure configuration table, the ideal L6 comes standard with dual-motor four-wheel drive, with a cruising range of 1390km under CLTC condition. It adopts front double wishbone independent suspension and rear five-bar independent suspension, and is equipped with CDC continuous variable damping shock absorber.

LI Ideal L7 2024 Pro

"Ideal L7 Interior"

  The dimensions of the central control panel and the auxiliary driving panel are both 15.7 inches, which are the same as the ideal L7, so the interior is likely to continue the design of L7. Equipped with 19 speakers, the same as L7; Pro comes standard with AD Pro high-speed intelligent driving, and Max comes standard with AD Max full-scene intelligent driving, which is the same as L7. That is to say, Pro version supports high-speed road section assisted driving, and Max version supports city+high-speed road section assisted driving.

Home of the car

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  In terms of appearance, the design of ideal L6 and L7 is highly consistent, and the family-style design language is still adopted. In terms of the differences between the two cars, firstly, the laser radar at the top is better integrated with the roof; secondly, compared with L7 and L6, the style details of the penetrating daytime running lights are optimized, and the light strips become more slender, with small yellow lights on both sides. At the same time, the headlight group continues to adopt split design, but the lamp body is different from L7, and the front enclosure of the vehicle is the heat dissipation port of the engine, and the style is also different from L7.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  On the side of the car body, the difference between L6 and L7 is also very subtle. From the real car diagram, the wheelbase of the new car is obviously shorter, and the rear suspension is shorter. According to a store sales representative who has seen a real car before, the ideal L6 is smaller than the L7 in obvious size. The ideal L6 has a length, width and height of 4925/1960/1735mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm, while the ideal L7 has a length, width and height of 5050/1995/1750mm and a wheelbase of 3005mm, so the dimension data of the ideal L6 is obviously smaller.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  At the rear of the vehicle, penetrating taillights are still used. The difference with L7 is that the L6 license plate is still at the bumper, and the size of the whole tailgate is not small. The positions of the reflective strips on both sides of the bumper have also been adjusted.

  In terms of power, the ideal L6 is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as an extended range system, with a maximum power of 113kW. The battery suppliers are still from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Xinwangda, which are expected to be the same as the Air version and Pro version of L8. However, it is worth noting that according to the previous application information, this model is all lithium iron phosphate battery versions, and we can pay attention to whether there will be a ternary lithium battery version in the future. (Source: Xiaohongshu Automobile Research Institute; Compile/car home Qin Chao)

For the first time in 32 years, the list of wild animals has been greatly adjusted: 517 species have been added and species protection has been upgraded.

Snow falls in Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, and two giant panda cubs play in the snow. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Hongjing photo
Red-bellied pheasant and golden pheasant are strolling for food in Chongqing Jinfo Mountain National Forest Park. Photo by Yan Mingbin
Yangtze finless porpoises swim in Duchang waters of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province. Fu Jianbin
Rangers are inspecting Qilian Mountain National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province. Photo by Wang Jiang
The State Forestry and Grassland Bureau and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued an announcement recently, announcing the newly adjusted List of National Key Protected Wild Animals (hereinafter referred to as the List). This is the first time that the Catalogue has been greatly adjusted since it was promulgated and implemented in January 1989.
Why should the Directory be substantially adjusted? What are the highlights of the adjustment? What impact will it bring to wildlife protection? The reporter interviewed relevant experts and scholars.
Sixty-five species of wild animals, such as jackals and Yangtze finless porpoises, have been upgraded from national second-class protection to national first-class protection, and 988 species (categories) of wild animals have been included in the new Catalogue.
According to the Law on the Protection of Wild Animals, the state implements classified and graded protection for wild animals, and gives priority protection to rare and endangered wild animals. Wild animals under special state protection are divided into first-class protected wild animals and second-class protected wild animals. After the publication of the Catalogue in 1989, until this major adjustment, there was no systematic update except that all species of musk deer and pangolin were upgraded to national first-class protected wild animals in 2003 and 2020 respectively.
"In the past 30 years, the situation of wildlife protection in China has undergone great changes." Jiang Zhigang, former executive deputy director of the National Endangered Species Science Committee, said that some endangered wild animals have been effectively protected, and the degree of endangerment has been alleviated, while the degree of endangerment of some wild animals has intensified, and a number of new rare and endangered species have been discovered with in-depth research and need to be protected in time. It is necessary to scientifically adjust the Catalogue.
The new Catalogue has changed a lot, and the range of wildlife under special state protection has greatly increased. From this set of data, the great change can be seen:
—— On the basis of retaining all species in the original Catalogue, 517 species of wild animals have been added, which is more than the total number of previously protected species. Among them, 43 species such as the spotted civet cat are listed as national first-class protected wild animals, and 474 species such as wolves are listed as national second-class protected wild animals;
-Raising 65 kinds of wild animals, such as jackals and Yangtze finless porpoises, from the national second-class protected wild animals to the national first-class; Three kinds of wild animals, the bear monkey, the capra ibex and the python, were adjusted from the national first-class protected wild animals to the national second-class;
A total of 988 species (classes) of wild animals are listed in the new Catalogue, including 234 species and 1 class of wild animals under national first-class protection and 746 species and 7 classes of wild animals under national second-class protection. Among the above species, 686 are terrestrial wild animals, 294 and 8 are aquatic wild animals.
The newly discovered endangered species have attracted much attention in this adjustment of the Catalogue. "This adjustment has timely included precious and endangered species newly discovered and recorded in China in recent years." Shi Kun, director of the Wildlife Research Institute of Beijing Forestry University and professor of the School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, said that species such as white-cheeked macaque, lazy bear and red gazelle are small populations or marginal distribution in southwest China, which have important ecological functions and need to be protected.
Incorporating into the scope of national key protection and upgrading the protection level means that the protection of species has increased significantly.
It is noteworthy that five species, including Tibetan antelope, Tibetan wild donkey, bear monkey, capra ibex and python, were proposed to be downgraded to the second level in the draft of the Catalogue, but only three species, namely, bear monkey, capra ibex and python, were downgraded in the officially published Catalogue.
"The populations of bear monkey, capra ibex and python are stable and widely distributed, and they are downgraded, which reflects the effectiveness of protection work and is also based on the conclusion of scientific assessment." Shi Kun said that Tibetan antelope and Tibetan wild donkey have not been downgraded, mainly because they are worried that the illegal cost of destroying species will be reduced after demotion, which may lead to a rebound in poaching and threaten the survival of species.
Why did the new Catalogue add so many species? Zhang Wei, a professor at the College of Wildlife and Nature Reserve of Northeast Forestry University, believes that on the one hand, China has continuously strengthened biodiversity protection, and its ability to protect species has become stronger and stronger, and it has the ability to include more species in key protection areas. In recent years, China has accelerated the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body, with a total of 11,800 nature reserves, accounting for 18% of the land area, effectively protecting 90% of vegetation types and terrestrial ecosystems and 85% of key protected wildlife populations; At the same time, the protection of endangered wild animals has been continuously strengthened, and a stable artificial breeding population has been established for more than 300 endangered wild animals. On the other hand, with the development of taxonomy, many changes have taken place in the animal classification system, and this important change has been taken into account in the adjustment of the Catalogue, which has also led to the increase of species included in the scope of protection.
Incorporating into the national key protection scope and upgrading the protection level means that the protection of species will be significantly increased. Species protection and upgrading, protection projects and funding will increase, which is of great significance to the gradual recovery of populations and habitats.
"Different levels of protection also mean that there are different sentencing standards for cracking down on poaching, illegal smuggling and illegal trafficking." Jiang Zhigang said that the adjustment of the Catalogue has brought new opportunities for the protection of a large number of rare and endangered wild animals.
For key protected species, a rescue plan should be made as soon as possible to restore the population and habitat of threatened species.
The substantial adjustment of the Catalogue has undoubtedly put forward higher requirements for wildlife protection.
"The adjustment of the Catalogue to include more species requires supporting funds, technology and personnel, and relevant departments should formulate supporting management measures." Jin Kun, director of the Nature Reserve Research Institute of China Academy of Forestry, said.
Shi Kun suggested that after the species are included in the national key protection scope, a rescue plan should be made as soon as possible to restore the threatened species population and habitat. Combined with the construction of protected areas, efforts should be made to protect the habitats of rare species.
Clear responsibilities, do a good job of coordination, and keep up with capacity building.
Shi Kun believes that the inclusion of species in the scope of national key protection does not mean that only the state has the responsibility to protect. The local authorities should cooperate with the state to strengthen the capacity building of grassroots protection and implement the responsibility to the county level. Jin Kun also said that the protection of wildlife under special state protection should embody the principle of concentrating resources and giving prominence to protection. The species between the national and local key protection lists should be balanced, and the responsibilities of the central and local governments should be clarified so as to facilitate management and law enforcement. "Some species are included in the national key protection ranks, and the staff of supervision, law enforcement and other departments should further learn and master relevant knowledge, such as identification technology and punishment standards." Jin Kun said.
Only by strengthening supervision and public participation can protection be effective.
In the new Catalogue, more than 60 species are labeled as "wild populations only". In this regard, Shi Kun explained that some species have mature breeding techniques and stable artificial populations, which are listed in the National Catalogue of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources, such as sika deer and red deer. "This labeling distinguishes the wild population and artificial population of species, and does not engage in’ one size fits all’, which embodies the concept of sustainable development. Of course, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and crack down on illegal hunting of wild populations as artificial populations. "
Jiang Zhigang said that the protection of wild animals should not be at the expense of local residents’ interests. It is necessary to increase financial transfer payments, improve the ecological compensation mechanism and the compensation mechanism for wildlife damage, guide local residents to benefit from wildlife protection, attract them to take the initiative to participate, and truly realize the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
The wildlife protection law is clear, and the Catalogue is adjusted every five years according to the assessment. "This adjustment is comprehensive, scientific and realistic, but there is room for further adjustment." Jin Kun said that it is necessary to increase investment in scientific research, intensify the investigation and monitoring of species resources, scientifically evaluate the population status, regularly update or adjust the Catalogue according to the actual needs of wildlife protection, and build a reasonable entry and exit mechanism for the Catalogue.
The relevant person in charge of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau said that it will further strengthen protection, implement local government responsibilities, ensure the safety of rare and endangered species and habitats, strictly enforce law enforcement and supervision, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities. At the same time, publicity and education will be widely carried out to improve public scientific cognition, guide the public to consciously resist illegal acts and support protection work, and form a good situation of joint protection from all walks of life.
(Source: People’s Daily)

3 yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully.

Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, solve riddles on the lanterns … Lantern Festival is the last important festival in the Spring Festival custom in China. On the fifteenth day of the first month, Yuanxiao is eaten in the north and Tangyuan is eaten in the south, which symbolizes reunion. Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, as the protagonists of the festival, will inevitably eat more or less. Today, we will talk about the precautions for healthy eating during the Lantern Festival.
Although the making methods of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are different, their raw materials are glutinous rice flour and all kinds of fillings with high sugar and oil, so there is generally a problem of high calorie and high fat. While enjoying delicious food, it is often accompanied by eating a lot of sugar and fat. Take a commercially available black sesame dumplings as an example. One dumpling is about 30g, and the heat is 89kcal. Eating three or four dumplings is equivalent to a bowl of rice. Therefore, after eating glutinous rice balls, we should pay attention to reducing the intake of staple food and oily food in the meal, so as to eat too much. Now that you have eaten more, why don’t you just increase your exercise and consume excess calories?
The Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) points out that walking at a speed of 5.4-6.0km/h for about 42 minutes and 6,000 steps consumes 170kcal, which is not enough to consume the calories of two glutinous rice balls. Eating three or four glutinous rice balls requires longer exercise time and greater physical activity. Only by keeping a balanced diet can we maintain a healthy weight and avoid "gaining three pounds every holiday".
It is said that Yuanxiao is high in calories and contains sugar, so diabetics should pay attention to eating Yuanxiao. The glutinous rice flour wrapped in Yuanxiao is almost all amylopectin, which is soft and sticky, easy to be absorbed by the human body, and has a high glycemic index, which will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. People with blood sugar problems must pay attention to controlling the number when eating Yuanxiao, and never eat too much. Even if sugar-free Yuanxiao only replaces sucrose with xylitol, glutinous rice flour still has a high blood sugar response and should not be eaten more.
How to eat Yuanxiao healthily?
(1) control food intake. The energy density of Yuanxiao is high, and the average person can eat three or four Yuanxiao of medium size to avoid increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. People who need to control blood sugar and indigestion should be more strictly limited, only one or two can be controlled, and they must not be greedy.
2 reduce staple food. After eating Yuanxiao, pay attention to reducing the staple food intake of the meal, and reduce half a bowl of rice for every two Yuanxiao. And pay attention to increase the proportion of coarse grains in the next meal to achieve the matching of coarse and fine grains.
③ Reasonable cooking. Yuanxiao contains high fat, so frying should be avoided. Frying Yuanxiao will lead to higher calorie intake. At the same time, we should reduce the amount of oil used in other dishes on the day of Yuanxiao, and choose less oil methods such as steaming and boiling to reduce the fat intake throughout the day. In addition, Yuanxiao should not be heated repeatedly. Repeated heating of glutinous rice flour containing amylopectin will improve the gelatinization degree and further increase the blood sugar reaction.
4 pay attention to collocation. The nutritional density of Yuanxiao is low, and it lacks vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and other nutrients needed by human body. When eating Yuanxiao, vegetables, soybeans, milk, eggs, fish and shrimp should be matched to ensure food diversification, which not only makes the nutrition more balanced, but also delays the rise of blood sugar.
⑤ Old people and children should pay attention to prevent choking. The starch in Yuanxiao is easy to be absorbed after being gelatinized by heating, but it is not only difficult to digest, but also easy to choke after the temperature is lowered. In particular, children and the elderly have weak digestive ability and poor swallowing function. When eating Yuanxiao, family members must be around to avoid choking and causing danger. At the same time, the number of people eating Yuanxiao should be less.
Enjoy the full moon and lanterns with your family during the Lantern Festival.
While enjoying the beautiful holiday atmosphere
Eat yuanxiao healthily and celebrate the reunion festival.
Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival.
Happy, healthy and safe.
1. China Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2022.
2. Sun Changyao. Nutrition and Food Hygiene 8th Edition [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2017.
3. Pan Haikun, Wang Shuying, Fan Zhihong. Evaluation of postprandial blood sugar and satiety of waxy processed foods [J]. Food Science, 2016, 37(17): 225-229.
(Original title: 3 Yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully)
Source: beijing jishuitan hospital.
Process editor: TF065

Top 4 popular stand-alone games in 2023. No one will talk about me this time, will they?

1 Diablo IV

Diablo 4 byRole-playing games produced and distributed by Blizzard.It is also a perfect continuation of the Diablo series. In the game, players can choose multiple occupations, and each occupation has its own skills and gameplay.

The game was updated with version 1.2.3 on December 6th. The version has been revised, such as fighting with Zier’s legion, racing against time, auxiliary tools, dungeons, blood season, and user interface experience in the new final dungeon "Zier Slaughterhouse".

2. the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is an action-type game released by Nintendo, and it is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wilderness.

It’s shocking to play this game on 4k TV, and the game has been well received by players since its release.It’s hard to imagine why a game can be so excellent. Nintendo is really attentive. I was shocked by the details in the game, the touching plot, the wonderful gameplay and the same puzzle. Everyone has their own solution, which is enough to play for hundreds of hours without repeating the same content. Refreshed my understanding of the game. The game can be a game, or it can be more than just a game. It can make you feel and gain a new understanding of life.

3. The Gate of Bode 3

"Bode Gate 3" is a role-playing game released by Larian Studios, whichIs an intoxicating role-playing game, which has a deep and nuanced plot.Unprecedented freedom, rich story line,And excellent game mechanism, which provides endless adventures for players.At the same time make high-risk decisions,

The beginning of the game is fascinating, so that players can quickly immerse themselves in the game. At the same time, the dialogue options and decisions of the game will affect the plot development of the game, which makes the game more interesting.Players can play with good friends, or take their own risks in single-player mode.

4 "Starry Sky"

The game "Starry Sky" is essentially a space version of the B-Club RPG, not the space game they advertised. Some netizens said that this game should not be called "Starry Sky" but it is still playable to explore the world and explore the new universe.

Now the Steam platform is at an all-time low, with a 30% discount on the national standard version, priced at 208.6 yuan, and a 75% discount on the digital advanced version, priced at 311.25 yuan.

My favorite "Die! I am surrounded by beautiful women, which ranks outside the 20 th place. There are not many people who are so popular and have fun.

Two out of 20 games with the highest IGN score in 2023.

The game lineup in 2023 is the most exciting for players in the past decade. With the maturity of Unreal 5 engine since 2023, PS5 and XSX/S consoles have officially entered the golden age, and many manufacturers have launched many excellent games. The three major console manufacturers all plan to release at least one blockbuster game this year, including Microsoft’s Starry Sky, Sony’s Marvel Comics spider-man 2 and Nintendo’s the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, supplemented by third-party game lineups, including Hogwarts Legacy, Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition, Star Wars, Street Fighter 6, Diablo 4 and Assassin’s Creed.

The first quarter of 2023 has passed, and this quarter did not live up to the expectations of players. IGN rated 20 games that scored 8 points, including two 10-point games. Let’s see what they have.

Game list:

8 step:

1. The Heart of the Atom

2. "company of heroes 3" multi-person part

3. I wish you a good death

4. Meet the Creator

5. "Resident Evil: Village VR"

6. Son of Mori

7. Wild Heart

8. Wolong: The Fall of Heaven

9.《WWE 2K23》

9 step:

1. bayonetta: Origin

2. Dead Space: Remastered Edition

3. Arms of Fire: Combination

4.《Gran Turismo 7 VR》

5.《Hi-Fi Rush》

6. The Legacy of Hogwarts

7.《MLB The Show 23》

8. Pizza Tower

9. Rhythm Theater: Final Fantasy

10 step:

Galactic warrior Prime replica edition

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition