Edison Chen’s family has lived in Vancouver for a long time, and his appearance is hard to recognize. Why can’t he return to the entertainment industry?

On August 28, netizens living in Vancouver came across Edison Chen’s family, and some people even took a group photo. In the group photo, Edison Chen, who is over forty years old, looks old and hard to recognize, and is no longer the handsome and handsome appearance of the past.

It is understood that after the epidemic broke out, Chen Guanxi’s family chose to live in Vancouver for a long time, so they were often met by chance. Perhaps he and his wife Qin Shupei have long given up everything in Hong Kong and shifted their career focus to the mainland, and their living focus is on Canada.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, his trendy career and live broadcast activities have been greatly impacted. At present, he can only live idle and cannot be busy for his career. Therefore, Edison Chen will only appear in the streets of Canada today, not in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland.

This was impossible. The entertainment industry had long been closed to him. With the relevant departments strictly managing the live broadcast, maybe one day, he would not even be able to do the live broadcast.

It wasn’t that he had made a big mistake recently, but that he had offended too many people, and there would always be people who would turn over history, and even pour more dirty water on him.

Having said that, Edison Chen was rather unlucky.

You see, Gillian and Cecilia Cheung, who are involved in "Porn Photos", are still active in the entertainment industry. Although their momentum is not as good as before, some variety shows and film and television dramas still open their doors to them.

Gillian’s acting skills are not very good, but in the field of online movies, she has nothing to worry about.

Cecilia Cheung is not dedicated to her career, but with her high degree of conversation and lingering charm, she has a place in the variety show circle.

Yes, these two were the original victims, but don’t forget that when they agreed to take those photos with Edison Chen, it was a matter of mutual consent, and no one forced them.

Chen Edison did not take the initiative to leak the photo. Otherwise, under the circumstances at the time, if Guan Xi took the initiative to leak the secret, he would not be able to escape the punishment of the law.

The result? Gillian Cecilia Cheung and others can stay in the entertainment industry, but Edison Chen cannot.

Why couldn’t he return to the entertainment industry?

There are several reasons for this.

First, in 2008, Hong Kong’s entertainment industry was in a period of sharp decline, and Edison Chen’s incident was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, bursting the bubble.

Since then, the Hong Kong entertainment industry has been in complete decline, and even the problem of talent generation has arisen.

Nowadays, the Hong Kong stars active in the center of the stage are still the old faces with no successor.

In the face of such a situation, the Hong Kong circle needed to find a scapegoat, and Edison Chen was the best target. Just like before Xia Jie, King Zhou, King Zhou You and others succeeded to the throne, the national strength of Xia Shang and the Western Zhou Dynasty had long been exhausted, and they were about to be finished. After they came to power, they really messed up the matter. Can you not let them take the blame?

To put it bluntly, some people are unwilling to admit the fact that the Hong Kong circle is declining, nor are they willing to face up to the problems existing in that chaotic circle. They need a punching bag.

Second, cutting off people’s wealth is like murdering parents, which is a great sin!

Cecilia Cheung was the new generation of the entire Hong Kong film industry at that time, and people hoped that she could carry the banner after Yuan Yongyi faded away. Behind this, it is not only one or two companies that have invested resources, but also involved the director circle, the media circle and other fields.

Unfortunately, in the case of not yet being realized, the "Porn Gate" incident broke out, and the investment of the circle was in vain.

What about Gillian and the others? The Emperor invested a lot of resources for them, which allowed these post-80s celebrities to maintain their popularity and popularity when they were in decline in the Hong Kong circle.

The result? Edison Chen’s affair ruined everything.

Third, as a man, Edison Chen has great difficulty in whitewashing in the new era!

Was the entertainment industry in Hong Kong chaotic in the past? In fact, this circle has always been chaotic, and some people have done much worse things than Edison Chen!

It is normal to start chaos and then abandon, such as the matter between Xu Shaoqiang and Sydney; and Mo Shaocong abandoned Hong Xin and his son.

Bastard children and the like have emerged in an endless stream, such as Jackie Chan’s little dragon girl, which has always been a hot topic of gossip media.

The chaos in life is countless. Although Deng Zhaozun, the second generation of the star, is only a supporting role, he openly has three girlfriends and often shows his happiness in front of the media. Li Lizhen also lived happily with a waitress.

As for those boss-level characters, not to mention! When the veteran Hong Kong star Chen Huimin responded to the Lan Jieying incident, she said that the big brothers of the film and television dramas back then did not need guns. If the female star wanted to be the protagonist, she had to be soaked by the big brother!

Did those bad things affect the careers of the big brothers? It seems not.

Chen Edison was unlucky. After 2008, the values and aesthetics of the entertainment industry changed, from a male perspective to a female perspective, and independent female consciousness further rose.

When women became the main consumer group in the entertainment industry, and their values changed, Gillian and Cecilia Cheung were able to whitewash their identities as victims and were accepted by some people.

What about Edison Chen? As a man, all this can only be his fault, and no one is willing to help him whitewash because he has no market.

Some people may say that Luo Zhixiang has not made a comeback in Taiwan’s entertainment industry? Why is he okay? In fact, during this time, the management master has lost the mainland market, and his multi-player sports events have not damaged the interests of entertainment capital, which is different from Chen Edison.

In short, time is also fate! In times of rapid change, there will always be people who will be eliminated. After all, when the old era disappears, we need a gravedigger, don’t we? Guan Xi Ge is the glorious gravedigger in the port circle.

Responsible editor:

Focus on artificial intelligence development planning: the establishment of the first batch of four national innovation platforms

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 23rd: Fifteen ministries and commissions joined forces to establish the first batch of four national innovation platforms — — Focus on the development planning of China’s new generation of artificial intelligence

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Chen Fang and Liu Hongyu

  A few days ago, China announced that the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan has been fully implemented, and it will take 13 years to make China a major artificial intelligence innovation center in the world.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Who will lead? How to break through? Xinhua Viewpoint reporter interviewed the authoritative department and presented the development plan exclusively.

  15 ministries and commissions work together to build a national expert database.

  In 2016, the global technology giant’s investment in artificial intelligence has reached 30 billion US dollars, and attaching importance to artificial intelligence has become a global consensus. Compared with the world’s leading countries, China’s artificial intelligence has achieved important breakthroughs in core technologies in some fields, but it still lacks major original achievements, and there is a big gap in basic theories, core algorithms, key equipment and high-end chips.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, said: "The development of a new generation of artificial intelligence is a strategic collaboration at the national level."

  — — 15 ministries and commissions formed a joint force. A new generation of artificial intelligence development planning promotion office, consisting of 15 departments, including Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering, Science and Technology Committee of Military Commission, and China Association for Science and Technology, came into being, focusing on promoting the overall layout of projects, bases and talents.

  At the same time, build a national expert database. A new generation of artificial intelligence strategic advisory committee headed by Academician Pan Yunhe, including 27 top experts including Academician Chen Chun, Academician Li Wei and Academician Gao Wen, was also announced.

  "Gather collective wisdom from a forward-looking perspective, conduct substantive and potential research on some major issues of artificial intelligence, and provide further consultation and evaluation for major decisions of artificial intelligence at the national level." Pan Yunhe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the strategic advisory committee, said.

  — — The two attributes are highly integrated. "Grasp the characteristics of high integration of artificial intelligence technology attributes and social attributes, and give full play to the important role of the government in planning guidance and policy support." Wan Gang told a story, "Many foreigners asked me curiously, how did you get the fourth generation of mobile communication? They feel very confused. I said it’s very simple. We have been doing pilot projects since the World Expo, and then we have experimental areas in Hangzhou and Guangzhou. When the experience matures, we will engage in dozens of cities. Finally, the experimental area covers almost all areas. Isn’t this solved? "

  — — Open up six "runways" The development plan of a new generation of artificial intelligence has defined six tasks: building an open and collaborative artificial intelligence scientific and technological innovation system, building a safe and convenient intelligent society, building a safe and efficient intelligent infrastructure system, strengthening the integration of defense and civilian technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, cultivating a high-end and efficient intelligent economy, and prospectively laying out major scientific and technological projects of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  Pan Yunhe said that in the past, there was only one runway at the technical level, and the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan added five runways to the original runway, which expanded the development space of artificial intelligence.

  Telly, director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence choose five main directions: big data intelligence, cross-media intelligence, swarm intelligence, hybrid enhanced intelligence and autonomous intelligence system, and carry out systematic and forward-looking task layout from four levels: basic theory, supporting system, key technology and innovative application.

  Determine the first batch of four national new generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms.

  After full investigation and demonstration, the first batch of national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were determined: relying on Baidu, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent and Iflytek respectively, four national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were built, including autonomous driving, urban brain, medical imaging and intelligent voice.

  "In these four areas, China has been at the forefront of the world." Wang Zhigang, Party Secretary and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that we should speed up the implementation of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence and make breakthroughs in basic frontier fields as soon as possible. The open innovation platform will play a greater role in gathering innovative resources and promoting the sharing of innovation.

  Six years ago, Iflytek launched the world’s first voice cloud open platform. At present, the daily processing times of the platform reach 4 billion times. "China is already an international leader in speech synthesis." Hu Yu, vice president of Iflytek, said.

  In recent years, Iflytek has also carried out innovative cooperation with the public security system. Tests conducted in Anhui in 2016 showed that the accuracy of artificial intelligence in judging fraudulent calls was extremely high; Artificial intelligence also acts as a court clerk. After testing, intelligent speech recognition participated in the trial and achieved practical results, and the trial duration was shortened by 30%.

  "Let innovation have a real impact and create real value." Hua Xiansheng, vice president of Alibaba, said that the goal of the urban brain is to build a sharing platform that mainly opens the application layer of computing data based on the comprehensive technologies of artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, and build an open future ecosystem for intelligent applications in urban administration, public services and other industries.

  Tommy, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that the implementation period of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence will be 2030, and this announcement is only the first batch, and it will continue to be expanded according to the needs of planning and project implementation in the future.

  "The new focus of international competition is new competition in deep learning, cross-border integration, man-machine collaboration and group intelligence." Wan Gang said.

  Sharing achievements and realizing innovation in collision

  A breakthrough in the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence requires a new development concept. Experts believe that the opening of swarm intelligence will become a new feature of the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  In July this year, Baidu officially opened the "Apollo" autopilot platform, with more than 70 partners from all over the world. "Apollo Project" aims to provide an open, complete and safe open innovation platform for partners in the automotive industry and autonomous driving field, and gather the strength of many participants to jointly promote the development of autonomous driving technology.

  "It is an open source system and the largest autonomous driving ecosystem in the world." Wu Xuebin, vice president of Baidu, said that Baidu will invest 10 billion yuan to support 100 start-ups in the future, making it an open innovation platform for national-level autopilot systems with world-class level.

  The reporter learned that when Tencent Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was established last year, it combined comprehensive basic research with rapid technology application, and gathered more than 70 first-class scientists at home and abroad and more than 300 experienced engineers.

  "Tencent’s AI medical products ‘ Tencent seeks the shadow ’ The accuracy of finding early esophageal cancer has been greatly improved. " Liu Yongsheng, general manager of Tencent’s artificial intelligence laboratory, said that enterprises sharing research and application results will rapidly promote technological iteration and enable traditional industries such as medical care to generate new kinetic energy.

  "Strengthen open source and policy guidance, and build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation body." Wan Gang said, "In the past, we often said that experiments were based on meditation and inspiration. Now it is different. It is necessary to turn meditation into brainstorming and stimulate innovative inspiration in the collision of academic exchanges."

In 2016, the auto industry proposal of the two sessions took stock of the automatic driving ladder, and the oil price became the focus.

  [Global Network Comprehensive Report] The Fourth Session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at the Great Hall of the People at 3 pm on March 3, and the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress will also open on March 5.

  In 2016, two national conferences were held, and proposals on the automobile industry were also released. There are not only forward-looking proposals on autonomous driving legislation, but also proposals on people’s livelihood such as oil prices.

  According to the official news released by Geely Automobile, Li Shufu, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Group, put forward three proposals at the two sessions: firstly, he suggested speeding up the legislation of autonomous driving; secondly, he cautiously and reasonably revised the law on the promotion of private education; and thirdly, he strengthened the tax management of e-commerce business transactions.

  Li Shufu believes that motoring has brought new challenges and opportunities to the development of China automobile industry. It is urgent to judge the possible problems in advance and make legislative plans as soon as possible. This is because the legislation on autonomous driving has become a new international concern, and because of the complexity and uniqueness of China, it takes a certain period to amend a legislation or industry regulations. Therefore, starting to consider the legislation on autonomous driving as soon as possible will help to establish the norms of autonomous driving industry in China, promote the healthy development of the industry and guide social investment. Moreover, with the establishment of relevant legislation and industry norms, it can maximize the promotion of related industries to achieve cornering overtaking on the international stage in the "Made in China 2025" grand strategy. 

  As for the content and formulation of autonomous driving legislation, Li Shufu believes that we should first study and analyze the current laws and regulations in China, identify and start to modify the relevant provisions that hinder the development of autonomous driving; Secondly, as a new technology, the final promotion of autonomous driving must be widely accepted by users; In addition, autonomous driving can achieve more significant social effects in solving traffic congestion and air pollution in large and medium-sized cities, and these areas are also in urgent need of autonomous driving; Finally, the development of autonomous driving requires comprehensive consideration of relevant industrial policies of legislation.

  Coincidentally, the three proposals made by Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Baidu CEO Robin Li also involved policies and regulations on driverless driving.

  Li Yanhong said that driverless cars have great energy-saving potential, which has far-reaching significance in reducing traffic accidents, improving congestion, improving road and vehicle utilization, and can directly drive the rapid development of smart car aftermarket and other industries. At present, the development of global driverless technology is welcoming a new upsurge, and China enterprises are also actively deploying the core technology research and development and industrial application in the field of driverless. After years of accumulation, Internet companies such as Baidu have reached the international leading level in many key technologies of autonomous driving, such as traffic scene object recognition, high-precision mapping and positioning. However, compared with the continuous advancement of technology, China’s relevant laws and regulations still have a lot of room for adjustment for the development of driverless cars: on the one hand, the relevant industry standards, technical standards, laws and regulations and insurance of the existing automobile industry are not applicable to driverless cars; On the other hand, regulations on map content and surveying and mapping qualifications related to driverless cars also hinder the development of driverless cars.

  In response to this problem, Li Yanhong suggested in the proposal that China should pay attention to driverless driving at the national level, make top-level design and scientific planning for the research and development and industrial application of driverless technology, and revise and improve laws and regulations related to driverless driving as soon as possible, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the research and development, testing and commercial application of driverless cars.

  In addition to autonomous driving, which represents cutting-edge technology, people’s livelihood issues such as oil prices have also become the focus of auto industry proposals.


  The reporter learned from the official of Great Wall Motor that the proposal of Wang Fengying, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of Great Wall Motor, involved topics such as ladder pricing of vehicle fuel.

  Wang Fengying analyzed the current development situation of automobile industry in China: the number of motor vehicles in China is close to 280 million, the number of private cars is over 140 million, and the number of cars per thousand people is about 117, which is close to the international average. Generally speaking, China has entered the automobile society in an all-round way. Moreover, China’s public demand for cars has not yet reached its peak, and the number of cars is bound to maintain a net growth of more than 10 million in the next 10-15 years. According to this trend, China will become a "country on wheels". By then, people’s mode of production and travel, choice of residence, urban and rural structure, lifestyle, leisure style, consumption structure and business model will also change. This change in the rhythm of social activities will also have a direct impact on social relations and other aspects.

  At present, there is still a big gap between China’s "soft" environment of automobile society, especially the car-using environment and developed countries. The poor convenience of car owners and the heavy tax burden of all links directly restrict the operation efficiency of the automobile society and are not conducive to the development of China’s automobile society.

  She pointed out a series of problems exposed with the growth of car ownership: the system setting of vehicle and vessel tax is unfair, which is not conducive to encouraging car owners to use less cars; The toll period of expressway is too long, which is beyond the reasonable scope, so it should be adjusted and optimized according to the urban development; The fuel price pricing mechanism is not linked to the intensity of vehicle use; The current vehicle annual inspection system is still unreasonable and there is a waste of social resources; Urban parking fee management is chaotic and inefficient, and the whereabouts of parking fees are unknown; Congestion fee collection needs forward-looking planning and corresponding legal and policy support.

  In this regard, Wang Fengying’s suggestions are: increase the intensity of vehicle use and optimize the vehicle and vessel use tax system; Clarify the social and operational attributes of transportation infrastructure such as expressways, scientifically allocate resources, and create a fairer and more standardized car environment for car owners; Taking the vehicle intensity as an important charging standard, this paper explores the ladder pricing system of vehicle fuel to guide users to reduce the vehicle intensity; Supervision and use of "internet plus" and other technical means to improve vehicle traffic efficiency and improve parking management efficiency; Carefully collect congestion charges, and the decision-making process needs to be open and transparent; Revise and improve the laws, regulations and policies related to car use to create a more convenient car use environment for car owners.

  As well as the oil price problem, there are also concerns about the new energy utilization of automobiles, the progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, and the process of green environmental protection. Recently, An Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Jianghuai Automobile, said in an interview with the media that the most concerned issue is energy conservation and emission reduction.

  An Jin said: "This year’s two sessions, in addition to studying Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report, accurately grasping the development trend of the country and industry under the new normal, and combining the 13 th Five-Year Plan with enterprise development, my most concerned topic is energy conservation and emission reduction." At the beginning of the interview, An Jin briefly and directly introduced the focus of the two sessions this year.

  In Amgen’s view, there are at least two major issues in the adjustment of China’s industrial structure: innovation and green. A big country must have a high degree of innovation. If we can’t take the lead in innovation or catch up with it quickly, we can’t have competitiveness and the right to speak in the complicated political and economic environment.

  It is not difficult to infer that Amgen’s proposal will focus on the development of innovative technologies, green cars and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions won the runner-up! Greater Bay Area Badminton Invitational Tournament closed.

On December 7th, 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Badminton Invitational Tournament came to a successful conclusion in Guangzhou Gymnasium. Sixteen elite teams from Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing and several provincial trade unions gathered in Guangzhou to attend the badminton appointment, presenting a sports feast for badminton fans in the Bay Area.

Du Ling, member and vice chairman of Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions, Qiu Yicheng, vice chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Liang Sunxu, vice chairman of Macao Federation of Trade Unions, Chen Yaoguang, second-class inspector of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government, Zhu Chengzhi, deputy secretary and executive vice chairman of Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, Yin Hongliang, member and vice chairman of Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event and presented awards to the winners.

Organized by Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Macau Federation of Trade Unions, Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, and assisted by Guangzhou Yuancun Workers’ Cultural Palace, this competition aims to actively implement the national fitness strategy, broaden the platform for workers in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to learn, communicate and serve, enrich the cultural and sports life of workers in Greater Bay Area, and inspire Greater Bay Area workers to contribute to the high-quality development of the Bay Area with more enthusiasm, stronger physique and better state.

Mixed team events (men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles) were set up in this competition, and the group round robin was held. On the court, the athletes were full of energy, cooperated tacitly, defended and restrained, and tried their best to fight hard, smash vigorously, block brilliantly and save the ball dangerously. Badminton fluttered in mid-air, and the score was chasing after each other in the swing. The killing sound, cheers and shouts came and went on the court, which set off the climax of the competition.

After a wonderful competition, the Shenzhen Federation of Trade Unions team won the championship of this competition. Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions and Zhuhai Federation of Trade Unions won the second and third place respectively.

The competition not only provides badminton lovers with more platforms for sports exchanges, but also promotes sports cultural exchanges and cooperation among cities in Greater Bay Area, fully demonstrating the cohesion of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

In the future, Guangzhou Trade Union will join hands with its sister cities in the Bay Area, strengthen coordination and linkage, actively build a service platform for employees’ exchanges in Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, play a greater role in promoting high-quality development and promoting the construction of the Bay Area, and make greater contributions to building a world-class Bay Area and a world-class urban agglomeration.

South+reporter Wang Yiqing

Correspondent sui gongxuan

[Author] Wang Yiqing

[Source] Southern Newspaper Media Group South+Client