Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Han

All relevant units, sub-bureaus, county (city) planning and natural resources bureaus:

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain the security of geographical information, our bureau has formulated the "Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Hangzhou", which are hereby issued. Please abide by them carefully.

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

October 23, 2023

(This article is published publicly.)

Hangzhou regulations on the management of high-precision maps for intelligent networked vehicles

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain geographical information security, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Map Management Regulations, the Ministry of Natural Resources Notice on Promoting the Development and Maintenance of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, and the Hangzhou Measures for the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles Testing and Application, and in light of the actual situation of this city.

These Provisions apply to activities such as data collection, storage, transmission, processing, production and use of high-precision maps of intelligent networked vehicles (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) within the administrative area of this Municipality.

The term high-precision map as used in these regulations refers to an electronic map mainly used for assisting the driving of intelligent connected vehicles with high position accuracy.

High-precision maps mainly include maps of L4 and above autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) and maps of L3 and below autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps).

III. The management of high-precision maps follows the principles of law and regulation, full-process monitoring, equal emphasis on management and service, and safety and control, and implements classification and grading management.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources is responsible for the city’s high-precision map management.

Units engaged in the production of high-precision maps shall obtain corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications in accordance with the law, or entrust units with corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications to carry out corresponding surveying and mapping activities.

The data storage server for high-precision maps shall be located within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. High-precision map data shall be encrypted with domestic commercial passwords that meet security standards, and transmitted through network channels with security measures to ensure the security of geographic information data.

The high-precision map data to be transmitted overseas shall be subject to the approval procedures for external provision according to law.

The production of high-precision maps shall comply with the technical requirements of the Zhejiang provincial local standard "Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Road Basic Geographic Data Specification" (DB33/T 2391-2021), follow relevant regulations, and standardize the production and expression of data collection and map elements.

Eighth, high-precision maps shall be treated with state-recognized geographical information confidentiality technology.

Nine, before the high-precision map is publicly used or delivered for application, it shall be submitted to the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Natural Resources for map review through the Zhejiang Government Service Network (map approval) according to regulations, and the map review number shall be obtained according to law.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, through the Hangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Data Application Safety Monitoring Platform, obtains relevant information on the use of high-precision maps in intelligent connected vehicle testing and application activities, and collaborates with relevant departments to organize and carry out pilot supervision and inspection of high-precision map applications in accordance with the law. Strengthen process supervision and on-site inspections, and promptly deal with and supervise rectification of discovered problems.

During the production and use of high-precision maps, any organization or individual that violates laws and regulations on surveying and mapping geographic information shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.

These regulations shall come into force on December 1, 2023.

Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Hangzhou

Geely Auto was accused of plagiarism behind the "great pressure"

"Investor Network" Ge Fanmei

On March 9, Geely Automobile (0175.HK) announced that the company has submitted an application to the Stock Exchange for the addition of RMB counters, in order to support the new Hong Kong dollar-RMB dual-counter model plan launched by the Stock Exchange. This means that Geely Automobile is expected to become the first batch of Hong Kong-listed companies to join the dual-counter model.

The announcement said Geely believed the dual-counter arrangement could provide investors with new trading currency options and potentially more liquidity. The HKD-RMB dual-counter model also allows bookmakers to provide liquidity to their RMB counters and narrow the price differential between their HKD and RMB counters.

In the capital markets, Geely Automobile’s "RMB Hong Kong stock" is about to be realized. In terms of business, the company has made a bad start this year. In late February, the company launched a new energy sub-brand "Geely Galaxy", and soon fell into the "plagiarism door".

For Geely Automobile, an old car company with a 25-year history of car manufacturing, in addition to the plagiarism scandal, its continued decline in performance and loneliness in the new energy field may be more embarrassing. Now, Geely Automobile has high hopes for "Geely Galaxy", can it help it achieve corner overtaking in the field of new energy vehicles?

Trapped in the "plagiarism door"

On February 23, Geely Automobile launched a new mid-to-high-end new energy series – "Geely Galaxy", and released the prototype of Geely Galaxy "Galaxy Light".

According to reports, the "Geely Galaxy" series will launch seven new models within two years, of which the Galaxy intelligent electric hybrid L series will launch four products, the first electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 and the first electric hybrid car Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year respectively; Galaxy intelligent pure electric E series will launch three products, of which the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

However, less than a week later, "Geely Galaxy" ushered in plagiarism doubts. On February 28, a lawyer’s letter sent by Chongqing Baijun Law Firm, the law firm entrusted by Changan Automobile, pointed out that the prototype of Geely Galaxy’s "Galaxy Light" has a lot of similarities with Changan Automobile’s concept car and mass-produced models. It is suspected that a large number of copies of the appearance of Changan Automobile’s released models have seriously infringed the relevant intellectual property rights of Changan Automobile.

According to the comparison chart circulated on the Internet, the outside world pointed out that the original model of Geely Galaxy and Changan Automobile Deep Blue SL03, UNI-V and other models have similarities in the front face, headlights and tail shape. According to the data, the Deep Blue SL03 was launched in July 2022, priced between 17-200,000 yuan, providing pure electric version, extended range version and hydrogen electric version. As of the end of February this year, the cumulative delivery volume reached 37,328 vehicles.

(Image source: Sina Weibo)

In response to the plagiarism rumors, Geely Automobile directly denounced the above-mentioned lawyer’s letter as "seriously untrue and groundless, misleading the public, and causing serious damage to our brand and goodwill." According to a statement released by Geely Automobile on February 28, Geely Galaxy Light is an original design of Geely, and there is no plagiarism and infringement of others’ intellectual property rights.

(Image source: Geely Automobile official Weibo)

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zheng, vice president of design of Geely Automobile Group, joined Geely in March 2022 after working for Changan Automobile for 20 years and served as the global design director of Changan Automobile Group.

However, Geely Automobile has already applied for the Galaxy series trademark. Qichacha shows that Geely Automobile applied for the registration of the "Galaxy Light" trademark on March 2, which is internationally classified as a means of transportation, and the current trademark status is "under registration application". Previously, Geely has also applied for "Geely Galaxy", "Jizhi Galaxy", "Haoqing Galaxy" and other Galaxy series trademarks.

(Source: Qichacha)

New energy vehicle "underachiever"?

Lin Jie, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, once said that the sales goal of each product of the Galaxy series is to become the top three in the market segment, and the joint geometry brand will cover 65% of the future new energy vehicle market.

In fact, Geely Automobile has already made big claims about its new energy layout, but the reality is not as good as it wants. As early as November 2015, Geely Automobile announced the implementation of a five-year development strategy called "Blue Geely Action", with the goal of "reaching 90% of new energy vehicle sales by 2020."

However, by 2020, Geely Automobile’s annual sales of new energy vehicles 68,000, down 39.7% year-on-year, accounting for only 5.2%. In 2021, Geely Automobile’s new energy vehicles were delivered 61,000, down 10% year-on-year, and still failed to achieve the new energy sales target. Geely Automobile, which is brave in the fuel vehicle market competition, has frequently lost in the new energy battlefield.

In fact, from the perspective of peer companies, it is not difficult to find that Geely Automobile’s layout in new energy vehicles is relatively late. When NIO, Li Auto, and XPeng Motors were launched in the United States in September 2018, July 2020, and August 2020 after four, five, and six years of establishment respectively, Geely Automobile really began to make big moves in the field of new energy vehicles.

Geely Automobile established Geometry Automobile in April 2019, positioning it as a new brand of mid-to-high-end pure electric vehicles, but the development of Geometry Automobile was not smooth in the first two years. Data show that in 2019 and 2020, the annual sales of Geometry Automobile remained at about 10,000 vehicles. In order to occupy a place in the field of new energy vehicles, Geely Automobile and its parent company established the new energy brand of Extreme Krypton Automobile in March 2021.

Entering 2022, the new energy vehicles under Geely Automobile began to exert force. According to Geely Automobile data, the cumulative sales of pure electric vehicles under Geely Automobile in 2022 were 262,000, an increase of 328% year-on-year, and 66,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles, an increase of 219% year-on-year. Although it is far higher than the industry’s 90% year-on-year growth rate, it is still unable to compare with the giants Tesla and BYD in scale. In 2022, BYD’s cumulative sales were 1.8635 million, an increase of 208.64% year-on-year. Among them, the sales of pure electric vehicles exceeded 910,000; while Tesla’s annual sales were 1.31 million, and about 440,000 in China.

As a traditional automaker with independent core technologies, Geely Automobile has followed in the footsteps of BYD’s transformation from traditional automakers to new energy vehicles.

Data show that BYD’s annual sales in 2018 were 520,000, only one-third of Geely Automobile’s total sales, but BYD’s new energy vehicle sales accounted for 47.5% at this time. Since March 2022, BYD has stopped the production of fuel vehicles, becoming the first car company in the world to officially announce the suspension of fuel vehicles. Until February this year, Geely Automobile’s new energy vehicles accounted for 21.4%, and fuel vehicles are still the company’s main sales force.

In January 2023, BYD sold 151,341 units, an increase of 62.44% year-on-year. During the same period, while BYD’s sales were growing, Geely Automobile’s sales fell sharply, achieving sales of 103,452 units, a decrease of about 29% year-on-year. Regarding the decline in sales, Geely Automobile explained that it was "mainly affected by the early Spring Festival holiday."

The performance is "under great pressure"

In 2022, Geely Automobile’s total sales volume was 1.43 million, an increase of about 8% year-on-year. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of new energy throughout the year was 328,727, and new energy accounted for about 23%.

In fact, compared with Geely Automobile’s previous sales target of 1.53 million vehicles in 2022, the company has not met the target. This is already the fifth consecutive year that Geely Automobile has not met the sales target. However, for 2023, Geely Automobile sets the sales target at 1.65 million vehicles, of which the sales target of new energy vehicles is more than 100% higher than the total sales achieved in 2022.

The continuous improvement of sales targets may be to ensure the full implementation of the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy. The strategy was proposed by Geely Automobile in 2021 and announced that the total sales target of 2025 cars is 3.65 million, of which 650,000 are Krypton cars and 3 million are Geely cars.

Extreme Krypton, a well-known new energy vehicle brand under Geely Automobile, sold only 71,900 vehicles in 2022. Since its establishment in March 2021, Extreme Krypton’s capital movements have been frequent. When the Pre-A round of strategic financing was completed in August 2021, the post-money valuation was about 9 billion US dollars, and the recent completion of 750 million US dollars financing, the post-money valuation was 13 billion US dollars, about 89.80 billion yuan; Geely Automobile is planning to spin off Extreme Krypton. Compared with the new car-making forces NIO, Xiaopeng, Ideal, and Zero Run, which have sold more than 100,000 cars in 2022, as of March 10, the valuation of the corresponding four companies is 102.40 billion yuan, 59.80 billion yuan, 154.90 billion yuan, 27 billion yuan; It is not difficult to see that the valuation of polar krypton is higher.

For new car manufacturers, profitability is still a problem. Extreme Krypton Auto’s net losses in 2021 and the first half of 2022 reached 1.01 billion yuan and 759 million yuan respectively. In just one and a half years, Extreme Krypton has lost up to 1.769 billion yuan.

Geely Automobile’s continued losses and huge demand for capital may also put pressure on Geely Automobile. Geely Automobile disclosed that in the first half of 2022, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin fell by 2.6 percentage points year-on-year to 14.6%, and the sharp decline in net profit was mainly due to the negative impact of the increase in raw material costs and the increase in the proportion of new energy vehicles.

In recent years, Geely Automobile’s net profit decline has become a trend. Wind data shows that from 2019 to 2021, the company’s net profit was 8.19 billion yuan, 5.534 billion yuan and 4.847 billion yuan, respectively, down 34.76%, 32.43% and 12.4% year-on-year; in the first half of 2022, Geely Automobile’s net profit further decreased by 34.81% year-on-year, to 1.552 billion yuan.

In terms of profitability, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin in 2018 fell from 20.2% to 14.6% in the first half of 2022, but the expense ratio rose from 7.8% in 2018 to 13.7% in the first half of 2022, and the expense ratio continued to rise. In comparison, BYD’s gross profit margin in the first half of 2022 was 13.51% and the expense ratio was 8.58%. During the same period, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin was slightly higher than BYD, but the expense ratio was much higher than BYD.

At the same time, Geely Automobile’s inventory is high. As of the end of June 2022, Geely Automobile’s inventory was 7.567 billion yuan, a significant increase from 5.522 billion yuan at the end of 2021. In the inventory, the inventory of manufactured goods increased sharply from 2.94 billion yuan at the end of 2021 to 4.063 billion yuan at the end of June 2022. How to remove inventory also tests Geely Automobile’s management ability. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■

Douyin takeaway new scene cooperation first in the country Nanjing: Nanjing people first experience "see and click"

  Nanjing people have become the "number one" in the country again this time: a few days ago, the takeaway scene innovation jointly launched by Douyin and was the first to be launched in Nanjing. Through the new "see-click-reach" service jointly created by the two parties, Nanjing has since become the first city in the country to be able to watch videos and place orders for takeaway. From now on, Nanjing citizens can experience a new takeaway experience of "see-click-reach" through activities such as the "takeaway festival" held by the two platforms.

  Litchi News reporter learned that there are more than 50 brands participating in the first batch of innovation pilots, covering more than 2,000 stores: these include not only the little chef, Nanjing big-name stall, Lion King’s Mansion, agarwood duck and other Jianghuai characteristic brands, but also the national brands of major categories such as Xi Jie fried skewers and Yuan Jiyun dumplings. In addition, more than 1,000 small and medium-sized merchants in Nanjing are also among the first batch of online stores. Most of the merchants have recently made preparations for first-line stores and operation backstage, looking forward to jointly bringing different surprises to Nanjing consumers.

  Founded in Nanjing and deeply loved by local consumers, Little Chef is the first brand to successfully run the new link of "see and click" in this round of launch. In Nanjing, Little Chef has 40 stores, basically covering the whole city. For online takeaway users, it can also meet the needs of the whole city of 3-5 kilometers delivery. At present, all Nanjing stores of Little Chef can place orders through the Mini Program on Douyin. In addition, consumers can directly click on the components in the video to place an order during the process of watching the content of Little Chef Douyin.

  "We have been operating in depth on Douyin and platforms. We currently have nearly 500,000 fans. is our in-depth cooperation takeaway platform. The combination of the two must be a strong alliance." Li Hongxia, vice president of Little Chef Group, said that for the launch of this new scenario service, Little Chef hopes to solve the problem of selling single items on the content platform, delivering to home and private domain retention. In addition, in special periods, Little Chef can also reach customers in a faster and more effective way and provide corresponding supporting services.

(The little chef has launched a variety of signature product packages in the new scene this time)

  Dahui Group, which was also born in Nanjing and has been established for 30 years, also participated in this innovation pilot with its three well-known brands – Nanjing Dabaidang, Lion King’s Mansion and Agarwood Duck. From Agarwood Duck, which has obtained national patents, to Nanjing Dabaidang, which focuses on local flavors in Nanjing, to Lion King’s Mansion, which is a classic Huaiyang dish, these three brands can meet the different needs of Nanjing consumers in terms of store deployment, supply, quality and service.

  "I believe this kind of cooperation will definitely provide more convenience and speed for consumers to eat at home." Xing Guangting, head of takeaway at Dahui Group, said that catering, as a traditional enterprise, has been paying attention to digital transformation in recent years. The rise of short video marketing has brought new opportunities and challenges to the catering industry. Dahui Group is very willing to try the combination of short video and takeaway to provide consumers with a new takeaway method of "instant delivery".

  In the launch process, Dahui Group took out the best-selling takeaway products of various brands, including nearly 10,000 copies of the daily signature dishes, the well-received one-person meal package, and the two-person package selected for the "takeaway festival" activities of the two platforms. At the same time, 1,500 fan gifts were specially prepared for distribution in the live stream.

(Nanjing Dabai Stall, a subsidiary of Dahui Group, focuses on Nanjing local flavors)

  "We believe that this new scenario will bring about subversive consumer innovation." Wang Kuan, founder and chairperson of Xijie Fried String, revealed that the brand has been looking forward to this new scenario cooperation for a long time. As early as August this year, when it saw the official announcement of the cooperation between the two platforms, and Douyin, it was immediately forwarded to the company for relevant follow-up and preparation. Now the first stop of the cooperation has landed in Nanjing, which can be described as "the right time and the right place" for Xijie Fried String.

  Wang Kuan believes that in terms of the category characteristics of Sister Xi’s fried skewers, it is very compatible with the "content + takeaway" scene: consumers can see with their own eyes how the store juices and makes tofu, and hear the sizzling sound of fried skewers… These pictures are more intuitive, more attractive and infectious to consumers. When the link between planting grass and takeaway is connected, the advantages of brand products will become more prominent.

  The launch of this new scene coincides with the winter solar term and the World Cup. In order to better enhance the takeaway experience of consumers, Xijie Fried Skewers has recently developed a variety of dipping sauce products, which taste almost the same as those freshly baked in the store. In addition, for the World Cup, Xijie Fried Skewers has also developed more new flavors of fried chicken products such as garlic fried chicken and a variety of drinks, and will launch more live welfare activities during the season.

(Sister Xi’s fried skewers have specially developed a variety of dipping sauce products to enhance the taste and experience of takeaway)

  Yuan Jiyun Dumpling, a leading chain brand of dumplings in the country, is also one of the first batch of specially invited brands to participate this time. Although it is not a local brand, Yuan Jiyun Dumpling attaches great importance to the East China market and regards it as the core strategic expansion area of the brand in the next two to three years. As of now, Yuan Jiyun Dumpling has landed in 59 stores in Nanjing, and the number of stores participating in the new scene has also reached 46, which can basically achieve consumer coverage in all core areas of Nanjing.

  "We are looking forward to this cooperation to open up new consumption scenarios, bring new business possibilities, and allow our consumers to have a more innovative and smoother consumption experience." Zheng Boqi, deputy general manager of Yuan Ji Yun Dumplings and general head of mid-platform strategy, said that because consumers in the East China market have obvious preferences for Internet celebrity eating methods and new flavors compared with other regions, the products launched this time not only include classic flavors that sell well in various places such as fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton, but also new dumplings with newly developed ingredients including winter bamboo shoots and crab roe. It is expected that they will be launched in the new scene in the near future.

(Yuan Jiyun found that consumers in East China especially like to try new products and flavors)

  Regarding why the first stop of the cooperation between Douyin and chose Nanjing, Litchi News reporters learned from the two platforms that in the early stage of the cooperation, local brands in Jiangsu were very willing to try to sign up; at the same time, Nanjing consumers’ local catering consumption potential is also very strong; in addition,’s logistics team and logistics capabilities in Nanjing are also very mature. Under various factors, Nanjing became the first city to "see and reach".

  It is reported that the teams of both parties are currently stepping up version iterations to optimize various product functions and display experiences. It is expected that more new scene gameplay and surprise benefits will be available to Nanjing consumers with the new version in the near future.

[Huawei asks M9′ s competitive goal: ideal L9 and MEGA] According to the delay.

[Huawei asks M9′ s competitive goal: ideal L9 and MEGA]

According to the news of the late Auto, a person close to Huawei said that the goal of Huawei’s M9 extended-range version is to eat the ideal L9 market, and the pure electric version regards MEGA as a strong enemy.

The confrontation between Huawei and Ideal has started since the release of M7. The hot sale of M7 proves Huawei’s ability to sell cars, and now it takes three years to develop M9 from scratch, which makes the ideal feel more pressure. Ideally, in half a year, the attitude towards market competition has changed from "actual combat, growth and crushing" last year to "suspension, passivity and defense".

In November last year, Huawei split the car BU and established a joint venture company with cooperative car companies, further consolidating its alliance with car companies. Later, Auto learned that four companies that have deep cooperation with Huawei, such as the M8 in the border and the MPV that Huawei cooperates with Jianghuai, plan to launch this year, all of which are in direct competition with ideal products.

Ideal takes the lead with surprising products; Huawei has abundant resources and complete processes. Two companies with very different backgrounds and different personalities met in the new energy vehicle market. After two years of confrontation, each company made up for its own shortcomings and its competitiveness reached a higher level.

Later, Auto thinks that this year is about to usher in a major reshuffle of the domestic electric vehicle industry. Both companies are standing at the center of the storm and have come up with their own key products: MEGA versus M9.

This is a real test of all-round strength of products, brands, supplies and organizations.

Huawei "stopped supplying" for 10 days: employees kept wolf-like "out of print" products being heated up.

  "Huawei terminals have reached the most difficult moment."

  Two weeks ago, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, revealed to the outside world the dilemma that Huawei is about to face — — Five days later, the US "sanctions" came into effect. Huawei’s "broken plane" was officially "cut off".

  As of today (September 26), Huawei has been "cut off" for more than ten days. What is the current situation of Huawei, and how will they break through in the face of the expanding blockade? Is it Huawei’s darkest hour, or is it the darkness before dawn?

  Huawei employees: It is assumed every day that the supply will be cut off tomorrow.

  "September 15th is an ordinary Tuesday for us."

  Jingzi (pseudonym as requested by the interviewer) has been working in Huawei for 2 years. When she first joined the company, it was when Huawei was put at the forefront by the United States. In 2018, the United States opened the so-called "sanctions" against Huawei. In May last year, the United States listed Huawei in the "entity list"; In May this year, the control was further upgraded. After a 120-day buffer period, the "ban" came into effect on September 15.

  "As early as two years ago, the company has established an idea from top to bottom — — Sanctions ‘ Tomorrow ’ Will start. " Although more than 800 days have passed since tomorrow, it seems that all this has become "accustomed" to Huawei employees.

  Jing Zi told the reporter of that when the United States officially waved a big stick at Huawei, his department had asked employees to "give up their illusions" — — Even if there is an "exemption period", it seems that Huawei has adjusted its working status to the rhythm of "no supply".

  "Although the business is likely to face difficulties, the company’s salary and benefits for employees are increasing instead of decreasing. The rumors about layoffs in domestic business are basically rumors. " Shizuko told reporters that after working in Huawei for two years, his salary level has been about twice that of other companies. "Of course, at the same time, the work intensity is also the top level in the industry." Shizuko quipped.

  Supplier: After the supply was cut off, some people were speculating on Huawei mobile phones.

  6388 yuan, this is the price of a second-hand Huawei Mate 30 pro 5G mobile phone on an e-commerce platform after Huawei was "cut off". However, when Dongfang. com and Zongxiang News visited Huawei offline recently, they found that the price of this Huawei flagship machine, which was released a year ago and equipped with Kirin 990 chip, was as low as 5,399 yuan, and most of it was well supplied.

  Why is a second-hand mobile phone sold a year ago more expensive than a brand-new mobile phone? Liqun Huang, a Huawei distributor, seems to be "not surprised" by this. "Since the US sanctions, there have been many people speculating on Huawei mobile phones."

  "Due to the second round of sanctions, the chip can’t be produced, which is very difficult. At present, it is out of stock. This may be the last generation of Kirin’s high-end chips. " In August this year, before the ban came into effect, Yu Chengdong tragically announced to the outside world that Kirin was "out of print".

  On September 15th, after Huawei was officially "cut off", Kirin Chip also began to go out of print. A seller of a second-hand platform once said that the "collection significance" of Huawei Mate30 pro is far greater than the use significance when selling Huawei mobile phones to and Zongxiang journalists. There are even sellers who say that buying Huawei mobile phones now is "patriotism".

  In this regard, Liqun Huang said that the interruption of supply does not mean the suspension of production, and the out-of-print Kirin chip does not mean the out-of-print Huawei mobile phone. "It is not reliable to buy second-hand mobile phones for collection." According to several responsible persons of Huawei authorized experience stores, the old Huawei mobile phones, including Huawei Mate30 pro, are in sufficient supply, and there will be no "one machine is hard to find" in a short time.

  At the same time, Liqun Huang told the reporter of Dongfang. com that after the "supply cut-off", Huawei’s mobile phones really became more scarce than before, but this did not affect the current sales of Huawei’s mobile phones. Liqun Huang also said, "We can’t be sure about Huawei’s future, but we can conclude that Huawei will ‘ Cool ’ It seems too early to say. "

  Forced by the United States to "cut off the supply"? Huawei suppliers are pleading.

  On August 17, the US Department of Commerce further tightened the restrictions on Huawei’s access to American technology, and listed 38 subsidiaries of Huawei in 21 countries around the world in the "entity list". This is seen as a comprehensive "encirclement and suppression" of Huawei — — It means that from the whole production to the purchase of parts, even the road of "saving the country by curve" has been blocked by the United States.

  On the eve of the supply cut-off, Huawei chip suppliers who have been on the sidelines have also made statements. TSMC said that the company has no plans to continue supplying Huawei after September 14th. Subsequently, Micron Technology, Samsung and SK Hynix all indicated that they would not be able to ship to Huawei after September 14th.

  Earlier, Guo Ping, Huawei’s rotating chairman, once shouted to global chip companies that "helping Huawei is helping yourself". Many companies seem to know their way well. Before and after the supply cut-off, some Huawei suppliers still hoped that the U.S. government would be lenient, and at the same time, they were striving to continue to supply Huawei.

  In terms of OEM, TSMC said that while the company cancelled the supply to Huawei, it was actively applying for and submitting the supply license to the US government. According to the news, TSMC’s previous application was not allowed by the United States. However, TSMC still pointed out that it will continue to try to supply Huawei. The data shows that Huawei is TSMC’s second largest customer, and its revenue contribution is as high as 15%.

  As for the chip manufacturer, the designer MediaTek has confirmed that at the end of August this year, the company has applied to the US for continued supply of Huawei in accordance with regulations, and the memory chip manufacturer Micron also applied at the same time. In addition, including chip manufacturers Qualcomm, Samsung and SK Hynix, which had previously made it clear that they would not be able to supply Huawei, all made it clear that they had applied for export licenses and sought to continue to supply Huawei.

  It is worth mentioning that during the supply suspension period, many Huawei suppliers have obtained supply licenses.

  On Monday (21st), Intel officially said that it had obtained permission to continue supplying Huawei, and Intel is the main supplier of Huawei notebooks. On the 19th, AMD, an American chip company, also said that it had obtained permission to sell its products to some companies in the US "entity list". It is widely believed that "some companies" are Huawei.

  In fact, many American companies also understand the truth that "you hurt the enemy by one thousand, and you will lose yourself by eight hundred". In June this year, Semiconductor Association of America shouted to the US government that the Trump administration’s ban would not only affect Huawei, but also bring huge restrictions to American companies and even global chip companies. Many chip manufacturers, including Qualcomm, have repeatedly called on the US government to lift the so-called "sanctions".

  Reflection after ten days of supply suspension: China Core, where to go?

  "Huawei has been developing in the field of chip design for more than ten years. From being seriously backward, to being a little backward, to catching up, to leading, the R&D investment is huge and the process is very difficult. However, in the field of heavy assets such as chip manufacturing, Huawei did not participate. After September 15, the flagship chip could not be produced, which was a great loss for us. "

  Of course, as emphasized by Huawei, China enterprises, especially China chip enterprises, can’t pin their hopes on the United States to relax sanctions. "Self-improvement" may be the most effective and only way to achieve real results.

  In recent years, China has been the largest chip importer in the world. The data shows that in 2018 and 2019, the total value of imported integrated circuits in China exceeded 300 billion US dollars.

  However, while importing, China’s chip self-sufficiency is not enough. The data shows that in 2019, China’s chip self-sufficiency rate is only about 30%. According to the development plan of relevant departments, in 2025, China is expected to raise its chip self-sufficiency rate to 70%, which is almost the average level of chip power countries such as the United States.

  In that case, where did China chip get stuck in the neck by the United States? As a huge and complex industry, the chip industry has a long industrial chain. It can be divided into four parts: design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. Except in the field of design, Huawei Hisilicon has a certain breakthrough ability, and in the other three links, especially in the manufacturing link, the ability of domestic manufacturers still has great room for improvement.

  "No one can extinguish the starlight in the sky." At the Huawei Developers Conference in 2020 held before the supply was cut off, Huawei conveyed its determination and will to work hard to the outside world.

  In the first half of the extreme pressure in the United States, Huawei still achieved the first global market share of smartphones, the first global market share of wearable devices and the second global market share of smart watches. Notebooks have achieved more than 100% growth, and products such as headphones have achieved more than 100% or even 200% high-speed growth.

  As Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said, "We may encounter unimaginable difficulties, but this is also the biggest opportunity period." Unprecedented difficulties may be the best opportunity to hone enterprises.

  Huawei’s future is still unknown. However, for China enterprises, it seems to be an important proposition for a long time how to make Huawei and others no longer lonely on the stage of global industrial competition through unremitting efforts. In the face of the big stick sanctions from the United States and the future of the chip industry, I am afraid that it is far more than Huawei itself.

Shenzhen: Consumers will be subsidized by 15% of the sales price when purchasing qualified mobile phones, computers and other products.

  "Shenzhen Releases" WeChat official account News. On May 23rd, Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports, and Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Committee jointly issued "Several Measures for Promoting the Sustainable Recovery of Consumption in Shenzhen".

  Some measures to promote the sustainable recovery of consumption in Shenzhen

  In order to thoroughly implement the national and provincial decision-making arrangements on promoting consumption, stimulate consumption potential, expand consumer demand and boost consumer confidence, the following measures are formulated.

  First, encourage automobile consumption

  (1) Support individual consumers to purchase new energy vehicles. Individual consumers who newly purchase qualified new energy vehicles and get a license in Shenzhen will be given a subsidy of no more than 10,000 yuan/set. Fully implement the national policy of exempting new energy vehicles from vehicle purchase tax. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau)

  (2) Increase the incremental index of ordinary cars. Add 20,000 incremental indicators for ordinary cars, and allocate them to the "unsuccessful" applicants who are still lottery and have participated in more than 60 issues (including 60 issues) through special lottery activities. The winners must purchase qualified fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles (for those who purchase new energy vehicles, the maximum subsidy is not more than 20,000 yuan/set). (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  (3) Relax the application conditions for hybrid car indicators. Individuals with only one car registered in Shenzhen are allowed to buy qualified hybrid cars and apply for licensing indicators. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau)

  (four) to encourage tourist passenger vehicles to use new energy or clean energy. Enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that newly purchase qualified new energy tourist passenger cars (including clean fuel passenger cars) will be given a maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan/set. Promote party and government organs, enterprises and institutions to purchase green transportation travel services. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  (5) Accelerate the clean replacement of garbage transfer vehicles. Coordinate the procurement of domestic waste transfer services, and accelerate the transformation of diesel waste transfer vehicles into qualified LNG, electric (including power exchange) and hydrogen fuel cell transfer vehicles in accordance with the principle of "full replacement after the contract expires". (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, districts)

  (six) to promote the replacement of fuel trailers in the port. If the fuel trailer in the port is replaced by a qualified new energy vehicle (including a clean fuel vehicle), the maximum subsidy will not exceed 50,000 yuan/set. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau)

  (seven) to increase the promotion and use of new energy vehicles in the public domain. Coordinate the promotion of fuel official vehicles, police cars, state-owned vehicles and other scrapped vehicles to be updated into new energy vehicles. Accelerate the replacement of buses, cruise taxis, etc. (Responsible units: Municipal Organs Administration Bureau, Public Security Bureau, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Transportation Bureau, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and all districts)

  (8) Promote the trading of used cars. Expand the pilot scope of second-hand car turnover indicators, and issue second-hand car turnover indicators to qualified second-hand car legal entities. The second-hand car distribution legal person sells the second-hand car it bought, and the value-added tax is levied at a reduced rate of 0.5%. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Transportation Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau)

  (nine) to carry out automobile activities in the countryside. Residents of Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone who purchase new energy vehicles in Shenzhen Administrative District (New District) can apply for the increment index of pure electric cars or hybrid cars according to relevant regulations, and enjoy relevant subsidy policies. Give full play to Shenzhen’s role as a working organization in front of various counterpart assistance areas, strengthen the linkage between government and enterprises, and promote cars to the countryside. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Public Security Traffic Police Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone)

  (10) Expand the export of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the improvement of the production capacity of new energy vehicles in our city, and support the automobile production and export enterprises registered in Shenzhen and exporting complete vehicles through Shenzhen Port to expand the export scale. Improve the level of port logistics facilitation, promote key shipping companies to set up fixed foreign trade ro-ro routes in Shenzhen Port, and fully subsidize berthing fees and port operation lump sum fees for shipping companies that carry export cars. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Transportation Bureau, Finance Bureau)

  Second, expand the scale of the consumer electronics market

  (eleven) to carry out promotional activities of consumer electronic products. Combined with the themes of school season, summer promotion season, traditional festivals, etc., special promotion activities for consumer electronics will be organized in rotation during May-August, and consumers will be subsidized to buy qualified products such as mobile phones, computers (including tablet computers), headphones, stereos, smart home appliances, smart wearable devices, consumer drones, smart home robots, smart fitness equipment, etc., with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person. Encourage telecom operators to cooperate with consumer electronics manufacturers in depth and carry out activities such as "replacement subsidy", "telephone fee reward" and "package upgrade". Support the green utilization of recycling equipment. If qualified enterprises recycle old machines and sell them in Shenzhen, they will be subsidized according to 5% of sales. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration)

  (XII) Expand centralized purchase orders. For the needs of party and government organs, institutions and large enterprises such as digital office and employees’ personal use, we will organize production enterprises, telecom operators and service solution providers to hold special centralized procurement activities on a regular basis. Party and government organs and state-owned enterprises are encouraged to purchase qualified consumer electronic products for counterpart assistance. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Finance Bureau, Rural Revitalization and Cooperation and Exchange Bureau, all districts and relevant units)

  (thirteen) the implementation of broadband upgrade for millions of users. Operators are encouraged to upgrade the broadband network speed of home users to more than 500 megabytes (including 500 megabytes) for free, and the tariff standard remains unchanged. In 2022, for operators whose broadband network speed is more than 500 megabytes (including 500 megabytes), the proportion of household users is not less than 60%. According to the number of newly upgraded users, 80 yuan subsidies will be given to each household, with a maximum of 60 million yuan for each operator. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration, districts)

  Third, promote the consumption of household appliances

  (fourteen) to carry out green energy-saving home appliances promotion. Organize household appliance production and sales enterprises to launch activities to benefit the people and make profits. During May-August, consumers will be subsidized to buy qualified household appliances such as televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen appliances and small household appliances according to 15% of the sales price, with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau)

  (fifteen) the implementation of affordable housing "bag occupancy" project. Revise and improve the delivery standards of affordable housing (including public rental housing, affordable rental housing, and shared property housing), deliver fully renovated finished products to affordable housing that was completed and qualified during the year, configure basic household products such as range hoods, gas stoves, water heaters and air conditioners that meet the requirements, and carry out pilot projects for smart homes throughout the house. Encourage new commercial housing to be fully renovated and delivered, and provide necessary smart home products. (Responsible units: Municipal Housing Construction Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Talent Housing Group, all districts)

  Fourth, do a good job in the prevention and control of normalized epidemics

  (sixteen) increase the intensity of electronic sentry layout. Party and government organs, schools, hospitals and other units shall all install electronic sentries in principle. All districts encourage office buildings, industrial parks and other workplaces to upgrade and transform "electronic sentry+gate" according to epidemic prevention requirements. Eligible transformation subjects will be given a subsidy of no more than 100,000 yuan according to 20% of their total investment. (Responsible unit: relevant units directly under the municipal government, Municipal Finance Bureau, districts)

  (seventeen) actively promote the application of high-tech anti-epidemic products. In isolation hotels, shelter hospitals, special isolation places and other fields, we will increase the popularization and application of high-tech epidemic prevention products such as food delivery and disinfection robots, video intelligent analysis systems, water-based self-disinfection film-forming materials, millimeter-wave radar, epidemic prevention intelligent environmental protection mobile toilets, and nucleic acid detection kiosks. The municipal finance will subsidize the relevant expenses of each district by no more than 3 million yuan according to 20% of the total investment. (Responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Health and Wellness Committee, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (eighteen) to expand the application of consumer anti epidemic products. Health departments and public hospitals have increased the procurement scale of nucleic acid sampling materials, testing equipment and reagents, and the city’s large-scale nucleic acid testing capacity has reached 2 million tubes/day. (Responsible units: Municipal Health and Wellness Commission, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (nineteen) improve the proportion of domestic procurement of medical devices. Implement the national medical equipment procurement policy, strictly examine and approve imported equipment, and increase the promotion of domestic medical equipment. (Responsible units: Municipal Health and Wellness Commission, Finance Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Market Supervision Bureau and all districts)

  (twenty) to establish a green channel for innovative drugs. Open a green channel in the city’s drug and medical consumables trading platform, implement online procurement for innovative drugs and medical consumables that meet the listing conditions, and implement "hanging with the newspaper" to support innovative drugs and medical consumables to enter the market in time. (Responsible unit: Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau)

  V. Expanding the market scale of Xinchuang products

  (twenty-one) increase the promotion of Xinchuang products. Formulate the recommendation catalogue of Xinchuang products, organize docking exchange meetings, and subsidize qualified user units that purchase more than 500,000 yuan according to 3% of the purchase amount. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (twenty-two) to improve the application ratio of Xinchuang products. In principle, the purchase proportion of Xinchuang products in new office systems and business systems shall not be less than 20% in key areas such as finance, energy, education, medical care, telecommunications and transportation; The procurement proportion of Xinchuang products in the newly added key information infrastructure shall not be less than 40% for party and government organs and state-owned enterprises. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Finance Bureau, Shenzhen Communications Administration, relevant units and districts)

  Sixth, promote the consumption of outdoor cultural tourism

  (twenty-three) actively carry out cultural and sports activities on the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control. Give full play to the advantages of Shenzhen’s urban ecological context of "mountains and seas are linked together" and "one ridge, one belt and twenty corridors", and hold a series of tourism activities such as the Gold Coast Tourism Festival and Red Tourism. Encourage the general public to go outdoors, support sports social organizations to organize fitness, camping and other activities in the sinking community, and cooperate with brand manufacturers and distributors that meet the theme of the event to carry out promotional activities. Encourage trade unions at all levels to organize fitness activities and use trade union funds to purchase fitness services for employees according to regulations. Enrich and promote urban cultural menus, actively carry out cultural activities such as grass music festival, beach music festival, Cantonese Opera Week, Youth Art Week, Reading Month and Beautiful Sunday, and run sports events such as marathon and rowing. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Tourism and Sports, Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Federation of Trade Unions, Finance Bureau and all districts)

  (twenty-four) held a trend theme consumption activities. Support joint-venture merchants in key business districts to hold themed consumption festivals such as coffee and tea, carry out activities such as tasting, teaching, salons and exhibitions, broaden consumption experience scenes, and create a fashionable and leisure city lifestyle. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, districts)

  (twenty-five) to promote the "one-click reservation" full coverage of sports facilities. Encourage schools and social sports facilities to be open and shared with the public, and promote the "one door, two doors, two entrances in the morning and evening" safety isolation transformation of completed and qualified schools. By the end of June 2022, the school, society, public welfare and other sports facilities will be fully covered by "one-click reservation". Make good use of financial funds such as sports lottery public welfare fund, and make an appointment for sports venues through the "I Shenzhen" platform to enjoy a minimum discount of 60% to promote the growth of sports consumption. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, districts)

  (twenty-six) to promote high-quality intelligent fitness equipment. More than 200 convenience fitness facilities will be built or rebuilt in communities, parks, squares, institutions and other places, and a number of fitness equipment with wide audience, flexibility and high technology will be popularized. Encourage commercial buildings, factories, parks and other key places to purchase and use qualified fitness equipment, and give a maximum subsidy of not more than 10,000 yuan according to 5% of the total actual purchase amount to create a new scene of national fitness. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports, Finance Bureau, districts)

  Seven, expand the consumption of bulk commodities.

  (twenty-seven) to carry out the linkage promotion activities of refined oil and "Shenzhen products". Continue to promote "Shenzhen products" into supermarkets, farmers, community fresh stores and e-commerce, encourage gas station direct-operated convenience stores and their online shopping malls to put "Shenzhen products" on shelves, and issue consumer vouchers to consumers who have reached a certain amount in a single refueling or prepaid recharge for purchasing qualified "Shenzhen products" in gas station direct-operated convenience stores or their online shopping malls, and give certain financial subsidies. (Responsible units: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Commerce Bureau and Finance Bureau)

  (twenty-eight) support enterprises to set up procurement centers and sales companies. For the wholesale and retail leading enterprises that set up purchasing centers in Shenzhen in 2022, 50,000 yuan will be awarded for every 100 million yuan of their purchasing amount in 2022. For the sales company established by manufacturing enterprises in Shenxin in 2022, 500,000 yuan will be awarded for every 100 million yuan of retail sales in 2022. The maximum reward for a single enterprise is no more than 10 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance Bureau)

  Eight, the safe and orderly resumption of professional exhibitions

  (29) Establish a "white list" system, and support advantageous fashion industries such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, watches, glasses and leather to hold professional exhibitions for professional purchasers on the premise of doing a good job in the normal epidemic prevention work of the participating parties, so as to help the fashion consumer market recover. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

  Nine, increase the "invoice" activities.

  (30) Add 10 million yuan of "prize invoice" funds to carry out "prize invoice" activities in the whole city around the fields of retail, catering, cultural tourism, accommodation, sports, etc. The activity period is from May 1 to the end of the year. (Responsible units: Shenzhen Municipal Taxation Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance Bureau)

  This policy will be implemented as of the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2022. The measures stipulated in the policy shall be formulated and promulgated by the relevant responsible units.

Another Boeing (BA.US) plane accident injured 50 people, which has dropped by 26% since the beginning of this year.


A Boeing (BA.US)787-9 Dreamliner of South American Airlines had technical problems on the way from Sydney, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand’s North Island on the 11th, causing 50 people on board to be slightly injured.

It is reported that the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner of Chile’s South American Airlines departed from Sydney to Auckland in the afternoon. On the way, due to technical problems, the passengers on board suddenly shook violently, causing instability, and 50 people were injured, one of whom was seriously injured. After the plane arrived in Auckland, 13 people have been taken to hospital for treatment.

According to foreign media reports, South American Airlines confirmed that the aircraft number LA800 was violently shaken during the flight due to technical problems, which affected some passengers and crew.

The accident involved a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, and it is still unclear what the technical problems referred to by South American Airlines are. However, the United States Federal Aviation Administration pointed out last week that there was a problem with the anti-icing system of Boeing Dreamliner, which might affect the engine vent, causing the aircraft to freeze or malfunction when flying at high altitude.

Last week’s report pointed out that the problem of anti-icing system is being dealt with according to the government’s "airworthiness directive" standard process, which indicates that the problem may not be serious enough to require grounding.

Recently, Boeing’s planes have had frequent accidents, the most noticeable of which is the embedded door of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 of Alaska Airlines (ALK.US) that suddenly fell off in the sky. Boeing’s share price has plummeted by more than 25% this year, after it was reported that the US Department of Justice had launched a criminal investigation into a 737 Max aircraft door falling off in January.

The company’s share price once fell by 4.4% in new york on Monday, the biggest intraday decline since January 25th. Alaska Airlines, as the operator of the 737 Max 9 aircraft, confirmed the report on the investigation last weekend.

According to foreign media reports, as part of the investigation, the federal prosecutor has convened a grand jury. As of Monday’s close, Boeing closed down 3.02%, making the decline this year reach 26%, the worst performance among the Dow Jones Industrial Average. After a series of accidents and manufacturing errors were exposed, the crisis surrounding the American aircraft manufacturer and its best-selling 737 passenger plane was escalating.

After the Alaska Airlines incident on January 5, Boeing faced more and more scrutiny from lawmakers, regulators and even passengers. US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told Fox News last Sunday that the FAA will be very strict in dealing with Boeing and any regulatory issues.

"2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei.

Zhengzhou venue (Photo courtesy of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee)
Taiwan Province Network, China, December 19 th Recently, the "2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" hosted by Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei respectively by remote video conference.
Lv Xinyang, full-time vice chairman of Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee, relevant leaders and experts and scholars of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei attended.
The purpose of this seminar is to inherit Dayu culture, carry forward Dayu spirit, cultivate the common historical and cultural ties between the two sides of the strait, strengthen exchanges and exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, promote spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait, and build a sense of community of destiny between the two sides of the strait.
This is after 30 Taiwan compatriots went to Zheng for cultural exchange in 2018 and video cultural exchange in Henan and Taiwan in 2021, Dayu cultural exchange activities were held again in Henan and Taiwan.
In his speech, Lu Xinyang pointed out that he hoped that the holding of this Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar would promote exchanges and mutual learning, further stimulate the unique feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, enhance the appeal and centripetal force of cross-strait common culture, strengthen cross-strait historical ties and emotional ties, enhance cultural identity, and promote spiritual harmony.
Sichuan Dayu Research Association, Xiamen Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Putian Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee of Zhengzhou CPPCC, and Zhengzhou Huangdi Cultural Research Center sent congratulatory letters to the seminar. (China Taiwan Province Network, Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Zhengzhou Taiwan Affairs Office jointly reported)

NPC deputies talk about a happy new life after ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation.

  Colorful Guizhou Net News (report in front of the two sessions/Cheng Xi, Xiong Ying, Wu Di, Jinnitu/Yang Changding) On March 6, at the plenary meeting of the Guizhou delegation at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street, Huishui County, showed two contrasting photos, one was Luo Yinghe’s former home, a dilapidated wooden tile house in the mountains; The other is his new home in Huishui County. Brand-new five-story buildings are arranged on the spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Behind the two photos, Luo Yinghe and the villagers crossed the increasingly prosperous days. As a member of the 1.6 million relocated immigrants in Guizhou, Luo Yinghe said that after the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places, three obvious changes have taken place in the villagers around him.

  At the plenary session of the Guizhou delegation at the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe talked about three changes that have taken place around him since the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places.

  The family changed from "poverty" to "wealth" and moved into a new house one step at a time.

  Before the relocation, the village where Luo Ying lived was located in the "Three Mountains" areas of Mashan, Yaoshan and Yueliang Mountain, which were the poorest in Guizhou Province, and belonged to the "three impassability" zone with no water, no access and no communication.

  "At the beginning, like many people, I rushed to a township to buy some oil and salt. I had to get up early and get greedy, and I walked over the mountains for more than ten miles and dozens of miles." Referring to his past life, Luo Yinghe frowned and said, "Who doesn’t say that his hometown is good, but because one side of the soil and water can’t support one side, and the plight of the mountains is deep, many people have a very difficult life, and their housing is very simple and their livelihood is difficult to guarantee."

  On December 2, 2015, a new round of ex situ poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province was launched in Huishui. In March 2016, as the first batch of relocated people in Huishui County, Luo Ying and 4,685 villagers from 1,109 households from 58 villages moved to an economic development zone 10 kilometers away from Huishui County and moved into a new home with complete furniture.

  After the relocation, Luo Ying and the villagers started a new life of "living in a new house one step at a time and living a good life quickly", realizing the change from "poverty" to "wealth".

  Luo Yinghe’s new home in Huishui County, a brand-new five-story building is arranged in a spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Money changes from "nothing" to "something" to live a good life quickly.

  Relocation is only a means, and poverty alleviation is the purpose. In order to make the people who have moved out stable and become rich, the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street of Huishui County has set up a community "New Age Workshop", and combined with "migrant night school training class" and "life lecture hall" to strengthen the ideological education and skills training of immigrants.

  In the past two years, we have held 108 sessions of basic education, electrician training, chef training, primary computer training, beauty salons, domestic service, pre-job training and other activities with 5682 person-times. Community neighborhood committees registered and established the "Follow-up Labor Service Company for Immigrants", successfully recommended more than 3,000 people to work in the county, and helped 78 special families to be included in the post of "sanitation worker".

  At present, 2,881 relocated households are working in the nearby enterprises in the development zone, and each person’s monthly salary income reaches 2000— About 3000 yuan, the average annual income of households is about 50 thousand yuan.

  "According to the household annual income survey in January 2018, the annual income of more than three people in many families is more than 90,000 yuan. One-person employment households also have more than 27,000 yuan, and some families in the community have more than 120 cars. " Over the past year or so, Luo Ying and nearly 5,000 villagers in 10 townships in the county have personally experienced great changes in poverty alleviation and relocation, and money has changed from "nothing" to "having".

  People have changed from "lazy" to "diligent", and their lives have been looking forward.

  "While the poor people’s lives are getting better, people are also made up of ‘ Lazy ’ Change ‘ Qin ’ Yes! " Around Luo Yinghe, there is a living example.

  Before the relocation, 38-year-old Wang Huaping, his 35-year-old brother and his 70-year-old parents lived in a mountain nest 12 kilometers away from the highway. The family was very poor and lived on subsistence allowances. They lived a cycle of looking forward to the night during the day and the boring life during the day at night. Because of poverty, the two brothers still can’t find a partner in their thirties.

  "After the branch visited the house and knew the above situation, he persuaded Wang Huaping to enter the training class. After education and training, his thoughts gained insight. He lost the inertia of wanting to be a poor household in the past and reached out and learned electrician skills. He was recommended to work in a nearby enterprise. Now his deposit has reached more than 30,000 yuan." Before the Spring Festival, Luo Yinghe asked about Wang Huaping’s plans. Wang Huaping, who lives in a new house, smiled and told Luo Yinghe that he wanted to work hard and earn some money to buy a car and marry a wife.

  "It used to be a hard time, but now life has a head start." Nowadays, in the relocation and resettlement area for poverty alleviation in Mingtian, Huishui County, the poor people’s awareness of taking the initiative to get rid of poverty is getting higher and higher, and their enthusiasm and initiative to get rich through hard work are getting stronger and stronger, realizing the change from "lazy" to "diligent".