What a savings! Google Maps Android Go version doesn’t support navigation

The original title: What a savings! Google Maps Android Go version doesn’t support navigation

July 28 news Android Go is a lightweight version of Google’s Android operating system. It has many engine optimizations to run on low-end phones. However, these optimizations can sometimes cause a lot of trouble. For example, the Android Go version of Google Maps does not even support navigation.


Previously, if users wanted to use the navigation function in Google Maps Go, the app would jump to the Google Play Store and prompt you to install the full Google Maps app. This makes the lightweight work of Android Go seem a bit excessive.

To address this problem, Google recently launched an app called Navigation for Google Maps Go, which provides the navigation features that Google Maps Go lacks. The app supports voice navigation and is 12MB in size. Although it is not perfect, the app at least makes up for the shortcomings of Google Maps Go.


Android Go has been subject to a lot of criticism, and its apps have come under fire. Google is also making improvements to the operating system ecosystem, but from a user’s perspective, it still has a long way to go.

Fan Bingbing’s "White-haired Witch" goes to extremes, and the magic is crazy about love

"The Legend of the White-haired Witch: Bright Moon Kingdom"It will be released on August 1st


    Directed by Zhang Zhiliang, the 3D costume martial arts film starring Fan Bingbing and Huang Xiaoming will meet with audiences across the country at the "Qixi Festival" on August 1. In the film, Fan Bingbing, who plays the "white-haired witch" and practices neon clothes, "goes to extremes" for the role, and in the play, he is magical and performs love-hate madness.

Fan Bingbing’s "White-haired Witch" goes to extremes 

    In the movie "The Legend of the White-haired Witch: Bright Moon Kingdom", Fan Bingbing tried many different performance methods in order to interpret "Nishang" to the extreme, and finally presented a "white-haired witch" with "extreme madness". BingFan Bing said about the portrayal of such an "extreme" character: "Because the high-tech methods are more intense now, some stunts can help you come up with a lot of methods. For example, in this play, Nishang was raised by wolves since she was a child, she can speak wolf language, her eyes are naturally blue-green, because she grew up drinking wolf milk, etc. In fact, these are all very special designs, including magical things. This kind of demonic nature, sometimes I think it is not a big change in appearance and shape, but a look that makes people look in awe psychologically. So there are some scenes in this play that will make you feel a little different. Including her (training neon clothes) is different from protecting herself when she is hurt.

    In addition to being white-headed overnight in the film, Fan Bingbing also calls herself a "witch" in Weibo, and many netizens laugh that the madness is difficult to control. It is reported that the film tells the story of the northwestern female bandit who practices neon clothes and falls in love with Zhuo Yihang, the head of Wudang who was ordered to secretly investigate the northwestern region. After many hardships, the two broke through family grievances and blood feuds and other obstacles, and led the northwestern officials and people to build the Bright Moon Kingdom. The movie "Bright Moon Kingdom from the White-haired Devil" will be released nationwide on August 1.

Passengers report that the price of online car-hailing has risen, and experts warn the industry of signs of monopolistic development

  core reading

  Recently, many passengers have reported that in the past few months, the fare of online car-hailing has increased a bit. The online car-hailing platform said that the basic fare has not been raised, and the subsidy has indeed been adjusted, but it is also to ensure the success rate of car-hailing, and the price is transparent and voluntary. Experts point out that under the pressure of funds, the low-price marketing strategy cannot be sustained. However, we should also pay close attention to whether there is any sign of monopoly in online car-hailing, and take countermeasures to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

  Recently, many passengers have reported that Didi, Uber and other online ride-hailing fares have risen, but subsidies have become less and less, and morning peak fares must be doubled. What is the situation of price increases? What is the reason for the price increase? The reporter conducted an investigation.

  Passenger: Shenzhen, Beijing has risen, but Shanghai does not feel obvious

  At 8:40 a.m. on September 20, on Meishan Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, the reporter opened his mobile phone to call Didi Express. The app showed that the original fare of more than 20 yuan had increased by 1.2 times to nearly 50 yuan. If you don’t agree to double the fee, you can’t call a car.

  The reporter agreed to double, but no driver took the order for a long time. Just as he was in a hurry, a taxi happened to pass by, so the reporter gave up calling for the express train and took a taxi instead. After half an hour, it only cost 33 yuan to arrive at the destination, which was more than 10 yuan cheaper than the express train.

  "The price has gone up too fast." Ms. Chen lives in Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, and often uses Didi and Uber to commute alternately. "In March and April this year, Uber carpooling cost more than 30 yuan, and Didi carpooling cost more than 50 yuan. In July and August, Uber carpooling cost more than 80 yuan, and Didi carpooling cost more than 70 yuan. Now, Uber carpooling costs 91 yuan, and Didi carpooling is 93 yuan."

  The increase in fares is closely related to the reduction in subsidies. "In the beginning, the amount of vouchers was large, and it was very common to have 60% off car vouchers. But now, it is usually more than 10% off," said Mr. Zhang, a Shenzhen resident. "Generally, you can only get a discount of two or three yuan, which is pitiful."

  Passengers in Beijing are also facing price increases and reduced subsidies. Mr. Yang, a Beijing resident who works in Chaoyang District, often takes an Uber to return to his home in Tongzhou District during Friday night rush hour, a journey of about 16 kilometers. In June, taking People’s Uber cost about 35 yuan, but there was a 10 yuan coupon. Now there are no coupons for the same trip and time period, and the actual payment fee has increased.

  Are all the extra fares paid by passengers given to online taxi drivers? In this regard, Master Lian, who has been a full-time Didi driver for more than a year, said: "Our income has decreased." He said that a year ago, the monthly income could exceed 10,000 yuan, but now it is only 5,000 or 6,000 yuan. "You have to run 25 orders a day to get an 80 yuan reward, not even one less order."

  However, there are regional differences in the price of online car-hailing, and the price increase is not obvious in some cities.

  In Shanghai, reporters have taken Didi Express or carpooling and People’s Uber many times in the past few days, and the distance is usually 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers. With subsidies, the fare is as low as two or three yuan, and as much as less than 30 yuan, and there is no obvious pressure to increase the price. If you take a taxi, Didi and Uber are still much cheaper.

  The reporter also learned from Shanghai Uber that the price of People’s Uber has not increased recently, but has instead dropped, including a comprehensive reduction in basic fares.

  Enterprise: The basic fare has not increased, and the subsidy is dynamically adjusted

  Didi Chuxing said that the specific subsidy and reward standards in various places will be adjusted according to market conditions.

  "Didi Express is in Shenzhen. Since April this year, the price has not changed. The pricing rule is still 1.8 yuan per kilometer and 0.5 yuan per minute." Li Mei, the public relations department of Didi Chuxing, said that the current pricing rules are detailed in the Didi mobile app. "The price is very transparent, and passengers have an estimated price before each order."

  Uber China Shenzhen market manager Zhang Jiahao also made it clear that Uber has not raised the basic fare recently, and the price per kilometer and per minute is consistent with Didi.

  As for subsidies, Li Mei responded that subsidies are a marketing activity that will be adjusted according to market conditions. "City travel itself is dynamic, so subsidies for drivers and passengers should also be dynamic. Future subsidies will be intelligently adjusted according to time, location, order conditions, and supply and demand, with the ultimate goal of improving the success rate of users’ ride-hailing," Li Mei said.

  "In the last two weeks, we reduced passengers by 4 yuan, and this week we reduced them by 6 yuan, and the discount is even stronger." Zhang Jiahao said that Uber will issue coupons to all users through text messages, self-media and other channels.

  For the doubling of morning peak fares, Li Mei explained that the system will match a reasonable price increase multiple for each order based on real-time supply and demand conditions. "Dynamic price adjustment may not only be used during peak periods, and in areas with tight transportation capacity, prices may also increase during off-peak hours. Dynamic price adjustment is not mandatory. If you don’t mind waiting, you can choose not to increase the price." Li Mei said.

  Except for Didi, the prices of other online car-hailing companies seem to have changed little. The relevant person in charge of Yidao told reporters that from November last year to the end of June this year, Yidao has maintained a preferential activity of recharging 100 yuan and getting 100 yuan back, which is equivalent to users can take a taxi at half price.

  Facts also prove that the competition is far from over. On September 22, Shenzhou Special Car, which has always adhered to its own vehicles and adopted the B2C model of heavy assets, announced that it launched the "U + open API" and promised never to take a cut. Shenzhou’s involvement in the C2C model and the practice of not taking a cut of driver income will make the direction of the market more uncertain.

  Lu Zhengyao, chairperson and CEO of Shenzhou Youche, said that the "U + open API" is the same as the price charged by Shenzhou’s own vehicles, which is higher than the price of cruise cars and express cars. But Shenzhou has also launched a new round of promotion plan of "charging 100 to get 50 back", and the actual price after discount is similar to the price of cruise cars.

  Enterprises generally believe that changes in market prices are closely related to the evolution of the future competition landscape. The relevant person in charge of Yidao said that the online car-hailing industry does not have the gene of monopoly, and anyone can use price leverage to enter the market at present.

  Didi Chuxing also said that mobile travel is an emerging market with huge incremental space. At the same time, the industry competition is still very fierce, and new companies continue to join. For a long time, as one of the marketing activities, red envelope subsidies for passengers and driver rewards will continue to be distributed.

  Expert: normal business conduct, but need to be vigilant against monopoly

  What is the reason for this round of online car-hailing price increases represented by Didi and Uber? How should we view it?

  In the opinion of Su Kui, a transportation research expert in Guangdong, there are many factors behind Didi’s price increase: First, after Didi merges with Uber China, effective competition will decrease, and the price is fundamentally determined by market competition. If there is no price competition pressure on the platform, the price will naturally be higher. Secondly, since Didi has a large number of users at both ends of the driver and passenger, it cannot increase the scale of subsidies by much, which means that the marginal effect of subsidies is very low, and it is a normal business decision to reduce or even cancel subsidies. Furthermore, the drivers of the special car platform have been a large number of full-time, and the cost of each transportation has little to do with the way of leasing. The price will eventually be closer to the traditional cruise taxi, reflecting the cost more. Finally, reducing subsidies is also related to the possible financial pressure on the platform in the future, or investors’ desire to make profits as soon as possible.

  Experts say the price increase is largely due to a change in the previous low-price marketing strategy.

  "As a means of promotion, companies can use low prices to acquire users, but it doesn’t mean that companies have to keep low prices all the time." Fu Weigang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, cited the example of e-commerce as an example. "Everyone is used to the annual’Double 11 ‘carnival, but if there are consumers who think that e-commerce must maintain the same price as’Double 11’ for 365 days, it is a big mistake."

  "In the past two years, ride-hailing companies have attracted a lot of users through various means such as discount coupons and vouchers. But it is unrealistic to think that this low price will last forever. Because in addition to discount coupons, they have their own price system." Fu Weigang said that low prices can be regarded as a marketing strategy, but should not be taken for granted. "After all, Didi and Uber are not obligated to subsidize consumers’ travel with losses forever."

  Regarding the current competition landscape in the market, Su Kui judged that the threshold of the online car-hailing market seems to be relatively low, but it is actually relatively high, mainly due to the high capital threshold. Therefore, in the future, there may continue to be some regional platforms emerging in various places to compete and restrict the existing platforms. But at the national level, the online car-hailing market pattern will not change much in a considerable period of time.

  So, will Didi’s merger with Uber China create a monopoly? Su Kui believes that due to the uniqueness of its service features (such as mobile phone hailing, electronic payment, etc.), the online car-hailing market is to a certain extent independent, but there is a certain substitution for traditional cruise taxis. "Whether it involves monopoly depends on two points: first, whether the cruise car can be improved and developed in the future, especially whether the policy can moderately loosen the restrictions on the cruise car, so as to form checks and balances on the platform; second, during peak periods or special weather, when supply and demand are unbalanced or when supply and demand information is asymmetric, due to insufficient effective competition, how to prevent the platform from abusing its market dominance."

  Regarding the second point, Su Kui further stated that due to the particularly obvious tidal nature of the transportation market, abuse of market dominance is most likely to occur during peak periods and special weather. Relevant platform companies can promise the society that the dynamic price increase at peak times shall not exceed a certain multiple to protect consumer rights and interests.

  Peng Chen, a member of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, has been paying attention to the topic of transportation. She suggested that the government should pay close attention to whether there are signs of monopolization in online car-hailing and use the Antimonopoly Act to supervise in a timely manner. In addition, for online car-hailing to charge double fares during peak periods, Peng Chen suggested that the tax on the premium part should be collected separately from the normal fare. "The early rush hour of online car-hailing has exacerbated the congestion on urban roads. The government can use this part of the tax to subsidize urban public transportation."

  (Lv Shaogang, Liu Zhiqiang, Shen Wenmin, Chen Yuzhu) (Chen Feixue participated in the collection and writing)

The shareholders of Xiaomi Auto changed, and the original Xiaomi quit! Hong kong company holding!

Electric home news, recently, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes.The major shareholder changed from Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., Ltd. to Xiaomi Hong Kong Company XiaomiEVLimited. . At the same time, the enterprise type changed from a limited liability company (sole proprietorship) to a limited liability company.(Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao legal person sole proprietorship).

Xiaomi EV Limited was established on September 1, 2021. The enterprise type is a private company limited by shares with the enterprise number of 3081486. There is no more news at present. Xiaomi Communication was established on August 25th, 2010 with a registered capital of USD 320 million. Its legal representative is Wang Chuan, and its business scope includes developing mobile phone technology, computer software and information technology. Computer technology training, etc. The company is wholly owned by Xiaomi H.K. Limited. The company has 20 foreign-invested enterprises, including Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd., Guangdong Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., Ltd..

Xiaomi Automobile was established on September 1, 2021 with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. Its legal representative is Lei Jun, and its business scope includes the whole vehicle manufacturing of new energy vehicles. Technical research and development of complete vehicles and parts; Research and development of motor and its control system. At present, the company has been wholly owned by Xiaomi EV Limited.

On October 19th, Lei Jun, Chairman of Xiaomi Group, said on Xiaomi Investor Day,The progress of Xiaomi’s car-making and team work far exceeds his expectations. It is expected that Xiaomi Automobile will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi Automobile Company has been registered in Beijing, and the first factory will be located in Yizhuang, Beijing. At present, it has received 20,000 resumes and 453 R&D teams.

According to media reports, Lei Jun said at the scene that doing automobile business is not for "showing off". At present, electric vehicles have changed from machinery industry to information industry, and some colleagues are already doing it. If Xiaomi does not do it, it will be eliminated. Xiaomi, from smart phones to smart homes and smart offices, belongs to a fully intelligent ecology. If it is well integrated with electric vehicles, it will be extremely expandable.

On March 30th this year, Xiaomi Group announced at the press conference that it has officially entered the field of vehicle manufacturing, and plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to be responsible for the smart electric vehicle business, with an initial investment of 10 billion yuan and an estimated investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Group, will also serve as the CEO of the smart electric vehicle business. At the spring new product launch conference of Xiaomi, Lei Jun once said that Xiaomi will make every effort to build Xiaomi car with the existing cash reserve of 108 billion yuan, more than 10,000 R&D teams, the top three mobile phone businesses in the world and the best intelligent ecology in the world.

On September 1st this year, Lei Jun said in Weibo that Xiaomi Automobile was officially registered, and the company was named Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. Lei Jun, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, served as the legal representative. Xiaomi Company said that in the five months since the announcement of the car, Xiaomi Automobile Team has conducted a large number of user surveys and industrial chain inspections, and carefully selected from more than 20,000 resumes while intensively promoting product definition.

On October 15th, Xiaomi Group announced organizational adjustment and cadre appointment, in which Li Xiaoshuang was appointed as the vice president of Xiaomi Automobile, responsible for product, supply chain and market-related work, and reported to Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Automobile. It is understood that Li Xiaoshuang once served as the head of Xiaomi Box and Xiaomi TV. Before taking office as vice president of Xiaomi Automobile, he was the general manager of Xiaomi Group’s household appliances department, leading Xiaomi TV to hit the number one throne in the world. In fact, Li Xiaoshuang has already appeared in the photo of the core executives who announced the establishment of Xiaomi Automobile Company by Lei Jun.

At present, Xiaomi Automobile is still in constant layout. Lei Jun once revealed in the live broadcast that Xiaomi’s first model will be positioned in the middle and high end, and it will definitely represent the cutting-edge technology and cutting-edge level at the time of listing, and the price is likely to be 100,000-300,000 yuan. In addition, the specific models are currently being selected among cars and SUVs, and have not yet been finalized.

Apple’s 128GB iPhone also has plenty of room for controversy. How much storage do you think is enough for the phone?

Fast Technology reported on March 19th that today, Apple released a promotional video with the theme of "iPhone 15 Storage | Don’ t Let Me Go".

In the video, a man is considering deleting some photos of his mobile phone. At this time, BGM plays the song "Don’ t Let Me Go", and at the end of the video, "Plenty of space to store a large number of photos" appears.

Simply put, Apple wants to show that even the 128GB iPhone15 can have "ample space to store a large number of photos" through cloud storage.

The video quickly caused a heated discussion among netizens and big V bloggers, and many people also questioned it.

Some netizens and bloggers said, "My iPhone uses 338G of native space++939G of cloud hosting … Do you tell me that 128G is enough?" "If I didn’t use it myself, I would really believe it." "Do you want to face it, 128 to 256 plus 1000 yuan, or ask someone to buy cloud hosting? Can the experience of cloud hosting be the same as that of a large flash memory space?" Wait a minute.

It is understood that the price of iPhone 15 128GB is 5,999 yuan, that of 256GB is 6,999 yuan, and that of 512GB is 8,999 yuan. On average, every 128GB of storage requires 1000 yuan.

How much storage space do you think is enough for your mobile phone? How much storage space does your mobile phone have now?

According to media voting, before the deadline, a total of 108,000 people voted, 48,000 people chose 256GB, 33,000 people chose 128GB, and 5,961 people chose 1TB.

This summer, we selected more than 100 new fashionable hairstyles, which are good-looking and thin-faced, and the cut is very different.

Hairstyle is a way to show personal charm. Choosing a hairstyle that suits you can not only increase your confidence, but also make the whole person look more fashionable and dynamic.

In this article, I sorted out 100 popular hairstyles, including short hair, long hair, straight hair, curly hair, collarbone hair and micro-curly hair.

I hope I can provide you with inspiration and make you glow with new style!

Flying short hair: neat short hair cut, with a light layering, suitable for showing self-confidence and capable image.

Bobo head: classic wave curl, showing romance and elegance, which is the first choice for fashionable women.

Asymmetric tailoring: one side is long and the other side is short, creating a sense of avant-garde and suitable for women with personality.

Short hair dyeing: through dyeing and perm technology, it adds layers and colors to short hair and shows fashion attitude.

Straight hair: Simple and classic straight hair, showing dignity and elegance, suitable for various occasions.

Big curly hair: curly and natural big wavy curly hair adds feminine temperament and makes you more charming and moving.

Yu Gubian: Exquisite and elegant braiding can be a simple two-strand Yu Gubian or a complicated braiding style, which is suitable for formal or leisure occasions.

Ring-buckle long hair: a part of long hair is fixed behind the ear through buttons or hair accessories, showing a fresh image while retaining the elegance of long hair.

Natural micro-curls: show natural and casual micro-curls, add a playful and lovely atmosphere, suitable for daily life.

Tight curly hair: by using curling iron or perm technology, we can create a tight curly hair effect and show personality and fashion.

Large volume in middle: divide the big wavy curly hair into middle, increase the layering and romantic atmosphere, suitable for various occasions.

Mermaid curly hair: through curly hair and rising tailoring, we can create a vibrant and dynamic mermaid curly hair, showing the mysterious and charming image of the sea goddess.

Natural straight hair: straighten the hair tail to create a natural and elegant straight hair effect, showing simplicity and fashion.

Clavicular hair with internal buckle: Turn the hair tip inward to create a soft and elegant image, suitable for various occasions.

Ring braiding: a part of hair is braided into a ring shape, which matches the length of clavicle hair to add layering and personality charm.

Split micro-curl: through micro-curl technology, the clavicle hair is made into a delicate and charming micro-curl hairstyle, showing fashion and femininity.

Natural micro-curly long hair: keep the length of long hair, create a natural and casual effect through micro-curling, and add feminine charm to women.

Side-divided micro-roll: divide the long hair into one side, and then use the curling iron to create a delicate micro-roll, showing elegance and fashion.

Lightweight layered long hair: through layered cutting, a light long hair shape is created, and with micro-volume, it shows a light and dynamic effect.

Twist the flower head: twist the long hair into the shape of the flower head, with micro-rolls, showing a different personality charm.

Whether you like short hair or long hair, straight hair or curly hair, clavicle hair or micro-curly hair, you can find a suitable choice among these 100 popular hairstyles. Hairstyle can not only show personal style, but also enhance the overall image. I hope this article can provide you with inspiration, let you shine on the fashion stage and show your unique beauty potential!