N things to advance into a space power, do you know? – Uncovering a new blueprint for China’s space exploration dream

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 22 Question: Do you know the N things that make China a space power? – Uncovering a new blueprint for China’s space exploration dream

  Xinhua News Agency reporters, Chen Fang, Yu Xiaojie, Hu Zhe

  Tiangong, Tianyan, Wukong, Mozi… In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, major breakthroughs in the aerospace field were "named". Aerospace powers "draw" a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist power in an all-round way.

  The Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the era of global networking, and the Fengyun meteorological satellite "family" has added new members… In less than a month after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s aerospace activities have been frequent. Facing the future, what new wonders will China’s aerospace write?

  Long March 8’s maiden flight, rocket recycling: China’s aerospace "major project" takes over

  Aerospace powers usually have advanced space power and large-scale launches, and can carry out lunar sampling and return, Mars landing and exploration, and build and operate space stations. Behind these "landmark" events, a country’s advanced manufacturing capabilities in design, technology, and materials, as well as the ability to coordinate multi-system research such as probes, launch sites, and measurement and control.

  On November 16, the Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation released the "2017-2045 Space Transportation System Development Roadmap", systematically planning the capacity building prospects and development blueprint of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

  The Long March 8 will make its maiden flight in 2020, the heavy launch vehicle will make its maiden flight around 2030, the launch vehicle will be fully reused around 2035, the future generation of launch vehicles will be put into use around 2040, and the ability of large-scale man-machine collaborative exploration of space will be available in 2045…

  Qin Xudong, deputy director of the General Office of the First Hospital of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, introduced that the roadmap issued this time is detailed and has clear goals, whether it is hot topics such as space tourism and recyclable rockets that the public is more concerned about, or future smart rockets, manned moon landings, manned Mars landings, etc.

  In order to explore the mysteries of the starry sky, generation after generation of astronauts have continued to struggle, our country has successfully developed more than ten types of Long March series carrier rockets, forming satellites, spacecraft and other spacecraft to any orbit of the earth, with the carrying capacity to carry out lunar and deep space exploration, which has strongly supported the successful implementation of major national projects such as "manned spaceflight", "Beidou navigation" and "lunar exploration".

  The white paper "2016 China’s Aerospace" shows that since 2011, China’s aerospace industry has continued to develop rapidly, with a significant increase in its independent innovation capabilities and a significant increase in its ability to enter space.

  Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the State Administration of Science and Industry for National Defense and deputy director of the National Space Administration, said that over the past 60 years, China’s aerospace industry has achieved a series of brilliant achievements represented by "two bombs and one satellite", manned spaceflight, and lunar exploration. With China’s continuous research on key technologies such as heavy-duty rockets, non-toxic and non-polluting medium-sized rockets, and low-cost transportation rockets in the future, China’s ability to enter space will be further enhanced, and the pace of exploration of the vast universe will be faster and faster.

  Beidou to navigate, the wind and clouds to know the sky: will space tourism still be far away?

  China’s aerospace industry is getting stronger and stronger. Will the space tourism expected by ordinary people be far behind? According to the plan, suborbital space tourism will become a reality around 2025.

  In the future, commercial solid launch vehicles will work together with liquid launch vehicles to provide users with diverse, low-cost, and highly reliable commercial launch services such as "space hitchhiker", "space shuttle", and "VIP special car", providing a richer range of vehicles for humanity to jointly explore the universe.

  Tang Yagang, president of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation’s First Institute Rocket Company, introduced that by around 2035, our country’s launch vehicles will be fully reused, and more ordinary people can take two-stage reusable vehicles to travel in space, enjoy the vastness of space and the splendor of the earth in the earth’s orbit, and realize the dream of flying.

  Whether it is the Beidou-3 satellite that "shocks the world" or the Fengyun-3 satellite that "watches the wind and clouds and knows the sky", a batch of "high-end" aerospace technology has gradually been "transformed" into a convenient "welfare": no matter where you are, "Beidou" will help you navigate; without leaving home, "Fengyun" will help you know the sky; surfing the Internet and making phone calls in a plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters is no longer a dream.

  On November 15, our country’s first interferometric hyperspectral greenhouse gas monitor, the Suifengyun-3 satellite, successfully entered the scheduled orbit of space. This "eye" can not only observe a variety of atmospheric components, but also detect the change in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air by 4 parts per million, making it a powerful tool for scientists to study the carbon cycle. In its birthplace, the 508 Institute of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, it is understood that it has ranked 156th among the "brothers and sisters" of remote sensors that enter space and operate in orbit from here.

  "China’s aerospace industry has long been more than just a representative of the’tall ‘." Gao Hongwei, chairperson of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, believes that the needs and calls of the people are the voice of the times for scientific and technological progress and innovation. At present, more than 2,000 aerospace technology achievements in our country have benefited the national economy and people’s lives.

  Mars and asteroids take turns to appear: the mystery of the starry sky never stops

  Facing the future, there are still many "big moves" in our country’s aerospace industry. According to the relevant person in charge of the National Space Administration, in addition to continuing to implement existing projects, a number of new major aerospace projects will also be launched one after another, including deep space exploration projects represented by Mars exploration, asteroid exploration, planetary crossing exploration, and the much-watched "moon exploration project".

  Lei Fanpei, chairperson of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said that by 2020, our country strives to achieve more than 200 spacecraft in orbit and about 30 launches a year, basically reaching the level of the world’s aerospace powers.

  "At present, 30% of our country’s aerospace technology indicators have reached the international first-class level. By 2030, we will strive to increase this figure to 60%, ranking among the top aerospace powers in the world; by 2045, we will fully become a world aerospace power." Lei Fanpei said.

  According to the plan, the future of our country’s heavy launch vehicles will be close to 10 meters in diameter, will use the thrust of 500 tons of liquid oxygen kerosene engine and thrust of 220 tons of liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen engine. That is to say, the future of our country’s launch vehicle capacity from the current more than 20 tons to increase 4 to 5 times, to 100 tons.

  Lu Yu, director of the Science and Technology Committee of the First Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said that by around 2030, our country’s heavy-lift carrier rocket will achieve its first flight. At that time, our heavy-lift carrier rocket with a 100-ton carrying capacity in low-Earth orbit will provide strong support for manned moon landing and sufficient carrying capacity for Mars sampling return.

  "If you don’t forget your original intention, you have to stay the same." Zhang Zhongyang, president of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, said that looking back on the past, China Aerospace has written countless wonderful moments in the sky of history; in the future journey, China Aerospace will definitely mark the new height of China’s development with new achievements.

NPC deputies talk about a happy new life after ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation.

  Colorful Guizhou Net News (report in front of the two sessions/Cheng Xi, Xiong Ying, Wu Di, Jinnitu/Yang Changding) On March 6, at the plenary meeting of the Guizhou delegation at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street, Huishui County, showed two contrasting photos, one was Luo Yinghe’s former home, a dilapidated wooden tile house in the mountains; The other is his new home in Huishui County. Brand-new five-story buildings are arranged on the spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Behind the two photos, Luo Yinghe and the villagers crossed the increasingly prosperous days. As a member of the 1.6 million relocated immigrants in Guizhou, Luo Yinghe said that after the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places, three obvious changes have taken place in the villagers around him.

  At the plenary session of the Guizhou delegation at the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe talked about three changes that have taken place around him since the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places.

  The family changed from "poverty" to "wealth" and moved into a new house one step at a time.

  Before the relocation, the village where Luo Ying lived was located in the "Three Mountains" areas of Mashan, Yaoshan and Yueliang Mountain, which were the poorest in Guizhou Province, and belonged to the "three impassability" zone with no water, no access and no communication.

  "At the beginning, like many people, I rushed to a township to buy some oil and salt. I had to get up early and get greedy, and I walked over the mountains for more than ten miles and dozens of miles." Referring to his past life, Luo Yinghe frowned and said, "Who doesn’t say that his hometown is good, but because one side of the soil and water can’t support one side, and the plight of the mountains is deep, many people have a very difficult life, and their housing is very simple and their livelihood is difficult to guarantee."

  On December 2, 2015, a new round of ex situ poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province was launched in Huishui. In March 2016, as the first batch of relocated people in Huishui County, Luo Ying and 4,685 villagers from 1,109 households from 58 villages moved to an economic development zone 10 kilometers away from Huishui County and moved into a new home with complete furniture.

  After the relocation, Luo Ying and the villagers started a new life of "living in a new house one step at a time and living a good life quickly", realizing the change from "poverty" to "wealth".

  Luo Yinghe’s new home in Huishui County, a brand-new five-story building is arranged in a spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Money changes from "nothing" to "something" to live a good life quickly.

  Relocation is only a means, and poverty alleviation is the purpose. In order to make the people who have moved out stable and become rich, the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street of Huishui County has set up a community "New Age Workshop", and combined with "migrant night school training class" and "life lecture hall" to strengthen the ideological education and skills training of immigrants.

  In the past two years, we have held 108 sessions of basic education, electrician training, chef training, primary computer training, beauty salons, domestic service, pre-job training and other activities with 5682 person-times. Community neighborhood committees registered and established the "Follow-up Labor Service Company for Immigrants", successfully recommended more than 3,000 people to work in the county, and helped 78 special families to be included in the post of "sanitation worker".

  At present, 2,881 relocated households are working in the nearby enterprises in the development zone, and each person’s monthly salary income reaches 2000— About 3000 yuan, the average annual income of households is about 50 thousand yuan.

  "According to the household annual income survey in January 2018, the annual income of more than three people in many families is more than 90,000 yuan. One-person employment households also have more than 27,000 yuan, and some families in the community have more than 120 cars. " Over the past year or so, Luo Ying and nearly 5,000 villagers in 10 townships in the county have personally experienced great changes in poverty alleviation and relocation, and money has changed from "nothing" to "having".

  People have changed from "lazy" to "diligent", and their lives have been looking forward.

  "While the poor people’s lives are getting better, people are also made up of ‘ Lazy ’ Change ‘ Qin ’ Yes! " Around Luo Yinghe, there is a living example.

  Before the relocation, 38-year-old Wang Huaping, his 35-year-old brother and his 70-year-old parents lived in a mountain nest 12 kilometers away from the highway. The family was very poor and lived on subsistence allowances. They lived a cycle of looking forward to the night during the day and the boring life during the day at night. Because of poverty, the two brothers still can’t find a partner in their thirties.

  "After the branch visited the house and knew the above situation, he persuaded Wang Huaping to enter the training class. After education and training, his thoughts gained insight. He lost the inertia of wanting to be a poor household in the past and reached out and learned electrician skills. He was recommended to work in a nearby enterprise. Now his deposit has reached more than 30,000 yuan." Before the Spring Festival, Luo Yinghe asked about Wang Huaping’s plans. Wang Huaping, who lives in a new house, smiled and told Luo Yinghe that he wanted to work hard and earn some money to buy a car and marry a wife.

  "It used to be a hard time, but now life has a head start." Nowadays, in the relocation and resettlement area for poverty alleviation in Mingtian, Huishui County, the poor people’s awareness of taking the initiative to get rid of poverty is getting higher and higher, and their enthusiasm and initiative to get rich through hard work are getting stronger and stronger, realizing the change from "lazy" to "diligent".