Deng Chao showed his love to Sun Li on the spot, and Liu Yan squeezed his chest to appear in the big show business line

Deng Chao confessed to Sun Li on the spot that there was no time to fall in love at the filming scene

    Sun Li, who was pregnant, had been absent from the publicity activities of "Painting on the Wall", and Deng Chao would be asked about his wife’s recent situation every time. On that day, he boldly showed his love to Sun Li at the request of everyone. September 26 was Sun Li’s 29th birthday, and Yan Ni, Xie Nan and others all expressed their blessings to her at the scene. These scenes were also photographed by Deng Chao with his mobile phone one by one. After everyone finished speaking, Deng Chao also said to the mobile phone that although he was very busy, he would always be by Sun Li’s side, and wished his wife a happy birthday. Under the encouragement of the host, he finally said the words "I love you".

    "Painting on the Wall" is the first film that Deng Chao and Sun Li took on after receiving the license. Deng Chao said that in fact, there is no different feeling when filming, and the two have no time to fall in love at all. "Every morning, I go to the director’s house to see what soup to drink at noon, get some food to go, and then go to Bao Bell’s to listen to jokes, and then go to Zou Zhaolong’s room. He is the sound center of our crew, so he has a very rich life and has no time to fall in love." Although he is busy, Deng Chao also said that he feels sorry for Sun Li’s crying scene, "I really feel sorry for her, but I feel conflicted, and I think that is what a professional actor should do."

Under the cold wave, how to protect the common people’s "vegetable baskets" and "rice bags"?

  The server operating system market share reached 36.8%, and the cumulative installed capacity exceeded 6.10 million sets. It is used in the core business of leading enterprises such as, Meituan, the three major operators, and the six major banks. Four years of open source, Euler’s leap-forward development has become a vivid footnote to the rise of domestic software. Facing the surging era of intelligence, our country’s innovative breakthroughs in basic software have built a solid foundation for digital infrastructure.

  Euler’s rise to the top in the server market

  "OpenEuler [open source Euler] has reached a share of 36.8%, far exceeding the second place’s share of about 20%," Zhou Zhengang, vice president of IDC China, revealed at the operating system conference 2023 on December 15.

  According to IDC’s forecast released at the meeting, openEuler will have a 36.8% market share in China’s server operating system market in 2023, CentOS/Red Hat will have a 20.7% share, Windows will have a 19.3% share, Ubuntu/Debian will have a 10.1% share, and other Linux operating systems will have a 13.1% share.

  At the conference with the theme of "Rising up the digital age, leading the future of digital intelligence", industry players told reporters that this data marks that Euler has become the first basic software in China to achieve the first market share, which is an important milestone in the development of China’s basic software industry and has created a solid and reliable software base for Digital China.

  According to reports, openEuler originated from Huawei’s self-developed server operating system, EulerOS, and was open-sourced in September 2019. In September 2021, Huawei announced the upgrade of openEuler, which was upgraded from a server operating system to an operating system for digital infrastructure, supporting IT, CT, OT and other digital infrastructure scenarios. In November 2021, Huawei and all community partners donated openEuler to the Open Atom Open Source Foundation. Since then, Euler has realized the transformation from business owners to industry sharing and co-construction. In the past year, Euler has accelerated its development and established a complete development system in technological innovation, ecological development, community cooperation, and commercial implementation, forming a positive industrial cycle.

  "This shows that the roots of the Chinese operating system have been established," said Liu Wenqing, vice chairperson of the openEuler committee.

  According to Jiang Dayong, chairperson of the openEuler committee and assistant to the chairperson of the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation, there is an "ecological rift" in the open source community. When the market share exceeds 19%, a self-cycle can be formed. For Euler, a share of more than 20% is the key point, and a share of more than 35% forms a self-acceleration. "In the past, the development of ecological partners was all community initiative, but now users and partners are actively looking for communities, and the significance of crossing the ecological inflection point may be even greater."

  Taking the financial industry as an example, up to now, openEuler has covered six large state-owned banks and 12 joint-stock banks such as China Merchants, Everbright, Huaxia, and Minsheng, as well as 134 city commercial banks such as Bank of Beijing and Bank of Tianjin. "From the original general business to the current core business, and began to develop from a small number of applications to large-scale applications," Jiang Dayong revealed.

  Zhou Zhengang also said that in the financial sector, many banks and other Financial Institution Groups have a soft spot for openEuler because of their demand for data reliability and large-scale computing parallelism. In 2023, openEuler will account for more than 50% of the server operating system market in China’s financial industry. In the government sector, such as government cloud, smart cities, including government-built intelligent computing centers, openEuler has been widely used, accounting for more than 70%. In addition, openEuler’s share in the telecommunications sector has also exceeded 70% this year, and its share in the energy and power industries has exceeded 40%.

  "Euler has grown from a seed into a towering tree, shouldering the important task of building the root technology and digital economy technology base in our country’s information field." Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that currently, Euler has been commercialized on a large scale in the fields of communications, finance, electricity, transportation, informatization and other fields, creating significant economic and social benefits. "Looking to the future, we are full of confidence in Euler’s prospects."

  Breaking Boundaries and Continuously Leading Intelligent Innovation

  A multi-robot collaborative solution composed of a robotic arm that precisely controls the brush, an intelligent inspection robot applied to the power system, a drone, and a robot dog… In the more than 2,000 square meters exhibition area set up at the Operating System Conference 2023, reporters saw hundreds of exhibition points. A number of developers wearing openEuler white work clothes enthusiastically introduced innovative solutions based on Euler, in sharp contrast to the severe cold in the early days after the snow in the outdoor capital.

  According to the introduction, adhering to the principle of "co-construction, sharing and co-governance", the openEuler community has attracted more than 1,300 leading enterprises, research institutions and universities to join since it was open-sourced, gathered more than 16,800 open-source contributors, and established more than 100 Special Interest Groups (SIGs). In the eyes of the industry, the openEuler open-source community has become the most dynamic and innovative open-source community in China.

  In fact, continuous innovation rooted in technology and breaking boundaries have become important labels for Euler. According to Jiang Dayong, in the server field, the phenomenon of "soft chimneys" was more prominent in the past. A chip architecture corresponded to a set of operating systems, and application developers had to adapt to each "soft chimney", which did not add value to end users. However, Euler creatively proposed a set of code and architecture to support diverse computing power and full scenarios. "openEuler is an operating system that meets technological trends and customer needs, and its positioning is an open-source operating system for digital infrastructure."

  "The application boundary of openEuler is the server industry, but today we see more scenarios such as cloud computing, edge computing, IOT, embedded, etc., breaking the barriers of the operating system and laying the foundation for the intelligent interconnection of all things." Lu Shouqun, chairperson of the China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance, believes so.

  At present, Euler has supported all mainstream general computing architectures such as ARM, x86, and RISC-V. In the era of intelligence, Euler has also taken the lead in supporting mainstream AI processors such as NVIDIA and RISC, becoming the first choice for enabling diverse computing power. In addition to continuously enhancing the layout in key scenarios such as server, cloud, edge, and embedded, Euler is also promoting native development based on openEuler to realize that it can support multi-architecture, multi-version, and visual orchestration and construction on the infrastructure. Through FangTian, high-performance Windows, and other projects, it can achieve interoperability with the Hongmeng ecosystem in more scenarios, further expand the boundaries of collaboration between Euler and Hongmeng, and gradually build a computing power base in the intelligent era.

  Since the beginning of this year, technological innovation represented by large models and large computing power has continued to promote the development of artificial intelligence, and AI has accelerated its entry into industrial production systems, changing the industrial landscape of thousands of industries. At present, Euler has been deeply integrated with AI. On the one hand, it uses the ChatGLM basic model to train Euler Copilot based on a large number of Euler operating system codes and data, and initially realizes functions such as code-assisted generation, problem intelligence analysis, and system-assisted operation and maintenance, making Euler more intelligent. On the other hand, Euler unifies the management and scheduling of heterogeneous resources, coordinates memory and computing power, realizes the deep integration of CPU and NPU, fully exploits idle resources, improves effective utilization, and then improves AI training and reasoning performance, making AI more efficient.

  "The basic software represented by the operating system is the key to connecting the underlying computing power and upper-level applications, and is the soul of digital infrastructure." Peng Song, senior vice president and president of ICT strategy and marketing of Huawei, said in his speech at the conference that Huawei will continue to focus on root technology investment, enhance the innovation and competitiveness of basic software, support the construction of digital infrastructure and the prosperity of application software ecology; embrace intelligence, promote the integration of operating systems and AI, and stimulate basic software innovation; promote the combination of production, education and research, cultivate basic software and ICT industry talents, and provide a steady stream of impetus for technological innovation.

  Facing the future, contributing Chinese wisdom to open source for the world

  "The rapid development of openEuler proves that making full use of open source, participating in open source, supporting open source, and giving back to open source is an effective path to achieve operating system technology innovation and industrial prosperity," said Sun Wenlong, chairperson of the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation.

  "I think there is one and only one definition of the success of openEuler, and that is the success of internationalization." Xiong Wei, vice chairperson of the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation TOC (Technical Review Committee) and executive director of the openEuler Committee, believes. He also said that some opportunities for internationalization can be seen at present. In the past year or two, CentOS has been shut down and other events, which not only affect domestic but also overseas. Overseas markets are also looking for new optional platforms. Some overseas customers are already consulting, and even some customers are verifying.

  In fact, Euler has been committed to building an international open-source assistance platform. In terms of technology ecology, it has cooperated deeply with international mainstream foundations and has supported 98% of the world’s mainstream open-source software. In cloud native, big data, storage, database, HPC and dozens of other open-source communities, Euler has achieved upstream native support, ready to use out of the box. Euler is also deeply involved in the formulation and promotion of global mainstream software supply chain security standards and specifications such as OpenChain and OpenSSF. It took the lead in passing the OpenChain ISO 5230 open-source software protocol certification, and the community infrastructure has reached the OpenSSF SLSA L3 standard. In addition, Euler also cooperates with mainstream communities and organizations around the world to meet the localization requirements of various regions around the world and standardize the international governance of Euler’s open-source community. At present, the openEuler community has conducted in-depth cooperation with nine leading overseas open-source foundations, providing services to more than 150 countries and regions, building a new global open-source ecosystem, and pioneering a new open-source model in China.

  As early as 2021, Intel joined the openEuler community, actively contributing to the ecological adaptation and technical optimization of the x86 platform, introducing the multi-generation platform Ice Lake, SPR, Emerald Rapids of x86 to openEuler, and integrating the AI computing acceleration framework into openEuler. At the openEuler Summit 2023 held on December 16, Intel announced that it has officially become a gold donor of the openEuler community, working with the industry to build an operating system ecosystem base to provide better resources and support for developers around the world. "In the future, Intel will continue to integrate upstream open source projects into openEuler, and work with openEuler to continue to make efforts in AI, enabling AI computing power from soft and hard collaboration to meet the needs of various industries for AI intelligent computing technology." Yang Jiguo, director of Intel’s Open Source Technology Center, said.

  Not only Intel, but since the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation announced the upgrade of openEuler to a project group in December 2022, leading companies and developer projects in various fields have begun to join. In the first half of this year, 9 projects completed the signing of donation intentions. At this conference, 13 projects from 8 companies including China Mobile Cloud Competence Center, Unicom Digital Technology Co., Ltd., WeBank, Beijing Dongtong Technology joint stock company, Shenxin Technology joint stock company, Technology Information Technology Co., Ltd. signed donation intentions with the openEuler project group. Industry insiders believe that donation projects from different industries and fields have injected new innovative power into Euler, which will further enhance the community’s technological innovation capabilities and promote community ecological prosperity.

  "Euler’s experience fully proves that as long as Chinese developers work together, they have the ability to create a world-class open-source community," said Academician Ni Guangnan, calling on the industry to work together to promote open-source Euler to become the first open-source community with world influence led by the Chinese industry.

Hainan fruit rookie debut!

Wen Hainan Daily reporter Bin Chen

Longgong Fruit, Jiabao Fruit, Purple Yellow Peel, Golden Papaya, Mameguo Fruit, Ice Cream Fruit, Rock Sugar Red Pineapple … In recent years, Hainan has actively introduced all kinds of new exotic fruits, and at the same time, through scientific research, a number of "new faces" of conventional fruits have been selected, from small-scale trial planting to gradual promotion, so that these "top students" have successfully integrated into the local area and successfully obtained Hainan "hukou".

Rock sugar red pineapple, ice cream fruit, mamei fruit, milk fruit, Longgong fruit, topaz fruit. Photo courtesy of respondents

Longgong fruit has both grape and mangosteen flavors.

Longgong fruit, also called coconut fruit, is a tropical fruit originating in Thailand and Malaysia. Hainan Shengda Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. introduced Longgongguo from Thailand around 2013, and planted it in the World Tropical Fruit Window Base in dalu town, qionghai city. After the first sporadic fruit bearing in 2019, the trial fruit trees began to bear fruit steadily this year after various technical explorations and summaries.

"You can find the characteristics of three kinds of fruits in Longgong fruit!" Zhao Dezhen, the sales manager of the company, introduced that the skin of Longgong is thin and soft, with a small spherical shape and a yellowish skin, which is a bit like longan. Its pulp is divided into petals, similar to that of mangosteen; It is strung like a grape, and the fruit grows in a string next to the trunk, so it is more convenient to manage and pick.

Longgongguo is a valuable fruit in Thailand and is very popular in the local area. It is nutritious, peeled and ready-to-eat. Its flesh is crystal white, fragrant, soft and sweet, and it has the taste of grapes and mangosteen. It is known as the "fruit princess" in the fruit industry.

Longgong fruit seedlings grow slowly and have a long non-production period. Grafted seedlings are usually used for commercial planting. Longgong fruit can grow in Hainan, but it is more suitable for planting in humid and semi-humid areas of our province. At present, it is planted in Qionghai and Wanning. Planting for 4 to 5 years will bear fruit, and you can harvest two seasons a year, namely May and around the Spring Festival. The world tropical fruit window base is now trying to plant 33 trees per mu, and the yield of a single tree per mu in high yield period can reach more than 100 kilograms; There are 18 germplasm resources preserved in the base, with an annual seedling breeding capacity of about 10,000 plants.

It is understood that the fresh fruits of Longgong fruit on the market are mainly from Thailand and Viet Nam, and the market price is about 30 yuan per catty, and the quantity is very limited. There are two reasons: on the one hand, Longgong fruit is not resistant to storage, its preservation period is short, and it is easy to deteriorate during transportation; On the other hand, Thailand and other places themselves have great demand for Longgong fruit. The successful high-yield cultivation of Longgong fruit in Hainan is expected to let more people eat this rare fruit.

Fruit platter. Special correspondent Meng Zhongde photo

The taste of ice cream fruit is very similar to "vanilla ice cream"

It looks like a green apple and tastes sweet and soft. Do you know what kind of fruit this is? At the window base of tropical fruits in the world, there is a kind of fruit called "ice cream fruit", which often arouses the curiosity of visitors.

Green skin and fist-sized fruit make it difficult to associate it with ice cream at first glance, so why did it get its name? The reporter learned that the freshly picked ice cream fruit can’t be eaten immediately. It should be kept at room temperature for a few days until it is soft and ripe. Its pulp is white or beige, and it melts at the entrance. There is also a special way to eat ice cream fruit. After it is washed and peeled, it is frozen in the refrigerator. After it is taken out, it will be found to be very similar to the ice cream ball on the ice cream, and it has a rich fruity aroma and a vanilla flavor. It tastes very similar to ice cream, so it is called "ice cream fruit". "We also found through experiments that ice cream fruits are particularly resistant to storage, and the taste will not be affected if they are frozen in the refrigerator for one year." Zhao Dezhen said.

Ice cream fruit, also known as white persimmon, is a tropical fruit originating in South America, which is rich in potassium, vitamin C and various trace elements. Its maturity is from May to August every year. During this period, the weather in Hainan is hot, and ice cream fruit is a good summer product.

"Like ice cream, ice cream fruit has many different flavors!" Zhao Dezhen introduced that the World Tropical Fruit Window Base has introduced nearly 70 kinds of ice cream fruits. According to the taste, besides vanilla, there are honey flavor, caramel flavor, milk flavor, fragrant honey flavor, pear flavor, watermelon flavor and other categories. At present, the market price is about 100 yuan per catty.

It is understood that ice cream fruit likes heat and drought resistance, strong wind resistance and storage resistance, and the yield per mu can reach 4000 kg to 6000 kg, which is more suitable for popularization and planting. At present, the commercial cultivation area in Qionghai and Haikou is about 500 mu, and the annual seedling production capacity is about 10 thousand.

Mameguo "noble fruit" sells for thousands of yuan each.

Mameguo is a kind of fruit that looks very "low-key". It has a brown appearance like kiwi fruit and looks a bit like American football. But don’t be fooled by its "appearance". Peeling off its peel will make your eyes shine. The pulp inside is bright red and the color is very attractive. Its meat is soft and tastes like a ripe persimmon. When chewed, it can taste like papaya or sweet potato.

Mameguo, also known as "Cuban immortal fruit", is a famous tropical and subtropical fruit category in Central America, and the yield of a single tree in Cuba can reach 5000 Jin. Although it looks low-key, its market price is not low-key. The output of mamma mume fruit in China is very small. At present, the price of mamma mume fruit in the market is about 300 yuan per catty, the weight of single fruit is generally 3 kg to 4 kg, and the weight of large fruit of individual varieties can reach 10 kg. In other words, a medium-sized Mameguo costs thousands of dollars.

The biggest feature of Mameguo is its ever-changing taste. Different people can taste different flavors, which is called "fruit blind box"! The reporter learned that mamei fruit has rich taste levels, and different people can taste different flavors such as coconut flavor, almond flavor, pumpkin flavor, cantaloupe flavor and peach flavor when eating it. In addition, this kind of fruit also has a characteristic-slow ripening, which generally takes 18 months from flowering to fruiting, and the fruit matures from May to August every year.

In addition to fresh food, Mameguo can also be used to make ice cream, milkshake, juice, jelly and so on. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, with high nutritional value and good commercial planting prospects. It is understood that Hainan is one of the provinces that introduced all kinds of excellent varieties of mume fruit earlier in China.

Fruits displayed in the window of tropical fruits in the world. Special correspondent Meng Zhongde photo

A "cow" whose milk grows on a tree.

Cow milk is a tropical fruit originating in the Caribbean, and the main producing areas in China are Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan and other provinces.

The milk fruit is spherical. After ripening, the skins of different varieties are purple, light purple, green, etc., and the pulp is milky white, orange, light purple, etc., which is sweet, smooth and tender, emitting a faint milky fragrance. No matter cutting leaves, branches or fruits, white milk will overflow. It is called "milk fruit" because its pulp oozes milk-like juice.

This kind of fruit is nutritious and can be eaten directly, or mixed with different fruits to make juice or dried fruit. The way to eat fresh fruit is also very particular. You have to put it in your hand first, then knead it, give it a "massage to relax", soften the part between the peel and the pulp, and extract the juice, which will make it more refreshing.

Huang Haijie, an associate researcher at the Institute of Quality and Resources of China Academy of Thermal Sciences, said that as early as the 1960s, buttermilk was introduced to Hainan from Southeast Asia. At that time, people didn’t understand its growth habits, and the fruit trees only bear fruit sporadically in a few years, which led many people to think that it was not suitable for promotion in Hainan. Until 2010, Chinese researchers introduced different dairy resources from Thailand, Viet Nam and Taiwan Province, China, and tried to plant them in some areas of Hainan and Guangxi, with successful results. After several rounds of breeding, a variety that can self-pollinate was selected around 2017.

At present, some enterprises in Hainan have introduced some varieties of dairy fruits, such as Green Peel, Zi Long 860, 3Q and Lvba.

Rock sugar red pineapple looks like a "red crown" from a distance.

Located in Nada Town, Danzhou, in the pineapple planting base of the Institute of Tropical Crop Variety Resources of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter referred to as China Institute of Thermal Sciences), an orange-red pineapple is particularly conspicuous and looks like a "red crown" from a distance.

People living in Hainan will be familiar with golden pineapple, but many people have never seen this new orange-red pineapple variety. Because its green peel is orange-red, bright in color, good in taste and high in sweetness when it matures, it is deeply loved by people, so it is named "rock sugar red pineapple".

Rock sugar red pineapple is a new variety introduced and bred from Taiwan Province by Institute of Quality and Resources of China Institute of Thermal Science in 2005. "When we first planted rock sugar red pineapple, we found that its leaves had irregular thorns, and the crown buds of the fruit were too large, which affected the appearance." Dr Luan Aiping from the Institute of Quality and Information of China Academy of Thermal Sciences told the reporter that in order to further optimize the variety, on the one hand, researchers carried out cross breeding, on the other hand, they screened out excellent offspring with short and dignified crown buds, a small amount of thorns at the tip of leaves or basically no thorns for further reproduction.

After 15 years of continuous selection, domestication and research on supporting cultivation techniques, the characteristics of rock sugar red pineapple have been stable, the crown buds have become smaller, the leaf thorns have disappeared, the fruit shape is bigger and better, and the sugar content has increased from about 14 to 22. This variety is not only edible, but also a good potted plant in tourist attractions, shared farms and families. At present, it has been popularized in Hainan, Guangdong and other provinces.

"After the fruit of rock sugar red pineapple matures, the peel turns pale yellow, and the original red color completely fades, which will affect its commercial value to some extent." Luan Aiping said that in the next step, the pineapple research team will continue to carry out technical breakthroughs and constantly screen excellent varieties, so that the rock sugar red pineapple is also a "red makeup" when it matures.

"Golden Jelly" in the Fruit Industry of Topaz Fruit

In the planting base of Haikou Golden Palm Ecological Technology Development Co., Ltd., the fruits wrapped in white paper bags are particularly conspicuous on the trees. Fruits with smooth skin, golden color and small grapefruit shape are hidden in them.

Topaz, native to the upper reaches of Amazon River in South America, was first introduced from Taiwan Province, China. Since 2013, Hainan has introduced topaz seedlings from Taiwan Province and successfully planted them. The young fruit of Vitex negundo is dark green and turns bright yellow when it matures. It is round or oval in shape and has a smooth surface.

Vitex negundo is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins, and it is nutritious. Mature fruit weighs 200 grams to 500 grams. Its flesh is milky white, sweet and fragrant after maturity, with slightly sticky milk, translucent and gelatinous, with a Q-elastic taste like jelly and a faint milk coconut fragrance.

What many people don’t know is that many new fruit varieties, including Vitex negundo, will be "acclimatized" when they are just introduced to Hainan, and the fruit type, taste and yield are not ideal. It will take three to five years or even longer to form excellent varieties by doing a good job in breeding and constantly screening excellent varieties for propagation.

Zhou Kun, deputy general manager of Haikou Golden Palm Ecological Technology Development Co., Ltd. told the reporter that the company introduced the seedlings of yellow fruit from Thailand, and the fruit at first was not sweet, and the pulp was easy to turn black. In order to improve the quality, they keep trying to plant. Every fruit tree should be tasted and marked when it matures, from which excellent varieties are selected, and then bud grafting is carried out, and then propagation is continued. It took three years to finally select more than 10 excellent varieties, among which "Palme d ‘Or No.1" and "Palme d ‘Or No.3" have a sugar content of about 25, and the pulp is not easy to change color and is more resistant to storage.

It is understood that the yield of topaz fruit per mu can reach 4000 kg to 5000 kg, and it can bear fruit four times a year. Due to considerable economic benefits, in recent years, our province has promoted the seedlings of Vitex negundo in Ledong, Chengmai, Danzhou and Haikou. "We are carrying out large-scale seedling grafting, and we plan to promote planting in large areas in conjunction with farmers in surrounding villages. At the end of this year or early next year, everyone can see topaz fruit in Hainan market." Zhou Wei said.


Dear child, why are you unhappy?

  BEIJING, April 17th (Reporter Ren Siyu) "3.1415926… …” "Louder!"

  Have you ever had a nervous experience of reciting pi and performing talents at a family dinner?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The recent hit Xiao Shede has made many people dream back to childhood. As the third part of the "Xiao Shede" series, Xiao Shede is aimed at the family life of Xiao Shengchu.

  How about children’s grades, whether they should enroll in remedial classes, take several interest classes, be an improper class cadre, fail to win the Olympic Mathematics English Award, and whether they can choose a school to go to the gold medal junior high school … … Behind the seemingly happy life of primary school students is the secret struggle of parents.

  "Xiaoshengchu", the battlefield for parents

  The first family dinner of "Xiao Shede" made many viewers feel suffocated:

  Nanli (Song Jia) and Tian Yulan (Rulu) attend a reunion banquet planned by their father Nan Jianlong (Zhang Guoli). When his father celebrates Nanli’s daughter’s joyful singing and won the first prize, Tian Yulan, who is not angry, begins to show off that his son Zi You won the first prize in the exam. Nan Li and her daughter happily played and sang, and Tian Yulan forced her son to recite more than 1000 pi in public.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan and Nan Li, one is a strict "tiger mother" who believes in hard work and wins, and the other is a "Buddhist" parent who wants their children to grow up happily.

  "Man struggles upwards and flows downwards. Don’t relax your child’s study. If you feel sorry for him now, it will hurt him in the future."

  "No way, children have a high starting point, and there is nothing missing from childhood. Childhood is only once, and happiness is the most important."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The tit-for-tat between the two people, on the one hand, comes from the bitterness of special family relations. Father Nan Jianlong divorced once and then married Cai Juying, a care worker. Nan Jianlong’s daughter Nan Li and Cai Juying’s daughter Tian Yulan formed a "halfway sister".

  As a child, Tian Yulan’s economic conditions were not good enough. She relied on Nan Jianlong’s support to go to college and get married, so she was looked down upon by her husband’s family. Although life is good now, she always feels inferior in her heart, so she spends all her energy on her children’s study.

  Whenever she can’t stand her mother’s humility at a family dinner, she takes out her children to earn face. For her, children’s achievements are tools to add luster and stay young.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When her son scored 86 points in the math test, Tian Yulan was on the verge of an enemy. She suspected that the teacher Zhong, who had published the paper, had privately run a cram school and was unfairly treated. Finally, she reported that the teacher had resigned. However, when she learned that Ms. Zhong was the teacher of the extra-curricular gold medal class, she begged and gave gifts in every way, even the whole family went into battle, as long as she entered the class.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby" education is anxious and disturbing, but in such an atmosphere for a long time, Nanli, who has always advocated happy education, has also changed.

  Nanli never gave her children high-pressure education, but Tian Yulan accidentally poked the fact that her daughter scored 45 points. After visiting many training courses, the couple decided to teach their children in person, and as a result, Huanhuan got the last place.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  They also made a whisper in their hearts: why didn’t the two parents who learned to bully cultivate a child with excellent grades?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  As a result, when the sisters who were already competing met the critical period of "Xiaoshengchu", the conflict gradually came to the light from the dark. And their parenting anxiety has spread step by step to the grandparents and grandchildren.

  In order to help his grandchildren win the gold medal training class, Nan Jianlong found his former subordinates to plead and apologize. In the end, he only got a quota. On the one hand, he was a daughter, and on the other hand, he was a mother and daughter who saved his life. He had to face the embarrassment of "a bowl of water is uneven".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Huanhuan, a talented student, failed in the class committee election and was ridiculed by her classmates. She cried and took the initiative to ask her parents to arrange a cram school, and the sooner the better … …

  Source: Video screenshot.

  raise childrenStory, why is the assembly popular?

  Some people say that the story of Xiao Shede makes people’s blood pressure rise, but others say that if you look at life, such cases are everywhere.

  "Resume of 5-year-old children" and "Haidian Mom" … … In recent years, the topic of "Chicken Baby" has been frequently searched.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The so-called "chicken baby" is to educate children with chicken blood. The "Chicken Baby" life plan of parents in Haidian, Beijing, once circulated on the Internet: 1 year old, bilingual teaching in Chinese and English; At the age of 3, I can read English picture books by myself and recite 100 ancient poems. 5-year-old, studying Olympics and thinking training; At the age of 6, she went to the best primary school in the district, and Olympiad entered the innovative class … …

  The advertisements of education and training institutions all amplify this emotion: "You haven’t started learning English at the age of two, and you are about to miss the sensitive period of your child." "If you don’t let your child learn programming, he will be abandoned by the times."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  But even if schools don’t play up the competitive atmosphere and training institutions don’t publicize it vigorously, parents’ inner anxiety is already overflowing:

  The school does not provide students’ exam rankings, and there are small yellow notes on the statistical table, which makes it impossible for parents to ask each other about their children’s grades;

  Some art training institutions even offer a "triple jump" service: they only practice the required tracks of the grading test every year, and take three or four years to win the tenth grade test. What they are aiming at is the utilitarian demand that parents are eager to achieve.

  In order not to let their children lose at the starting line, parents try their best to arrange their study and life to the fullest, and the reasons sound reasonable:

  "I believe that my children are gifted and not mediocre by nature, maybe ‘ Chicken ’ Can you become a phoenix in a moment? "

  "Now the competition for resources is so fierce, if you fight once more, you can give your children one more choice";

  "I have a good life now through hard work. If my childhood is too happy, the future will not be easy";

  "I am paying for it now, so that my children will not regret blaming me in the future."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  In Xiao Shede, Mi Tao, a primary school student from other places, always comes first in the exam. Her mother does housework and her father sells fruit. Without her parents’ crazy urging and cram school, she just can become a schoolmaster.

  Seeing such a talented child, how can other parents not worry?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Unwilling to lag behind and afraid to lag behind, parents have gradually embarked on the road of "chicken baby".

  Their high standards and high expectations have spawned various educational methods and "slang". Ordinary children are "frogs", children with outstanding abilities are "bullfrogs", those who are "chickens" at home are called "domestic chickens", those who report to after-school classes are called "class chickens", and even parents have formed "corns" groups: in order to protect children’s eyesight, they take their children to do eye exercises and climb trees to see green leaves every day.

  Happy growth, or chicken blood growth?

  Under the concept of "each generation is stronger than the next", all parents want their children to live a happier life.

  When the audience is often angry about Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby", they can understand her difficulties when they see her worrying about her children and wiping her tears.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  However, behind such parenting, do parents really care about their children’s ideas?

  Zi You, who is clever and sensible and regarded as proud by Tian Yulan, has a small hobby: insects.

  He told Huanhuan that his biggest dream is to be a biologist, but this hobby can only get a "disgusting" response from his mother.

  There is a scene in the play in which Tian Yulan comes home to see Zi You playing with insects, and he is mad at hearing that he forgot to bring his exercise book, and he takes all his anger out on his son.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When she learned that her son had got good grades in the exam, she immediately became all smiles again.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Be asked to be the first in the exam and be asked to run for class cadre … … What the audience can see is that the psychological pressure and fatigue of children are getting bigger and bigger every day.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  On the other hand, Huanhuan, who is good at literature and art and has a cheerful personality, is gradually out of balance under the comparison of parents and classmates, and will cry at every turn.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Are they really happy in the long run?

  The TV series asked the parents a question through the children’s mouth: Do you love me or me who got full marks?

  Parenting anxiety is a difficult problem to solve. Every parent wants to help their children earn tickets for the upward channel, but growth is never a one-way street.

  Parents can have expectations for their children, but they can’t be capped just because they shout the slogan "It’s all for your own good".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Maybe you boast that your children have learned eighteen kinds of martial arts with good intentions, and you won’t get their gratitude in the end; Maybe you have carefully planned your children’s life path, but in the end it is some accidental hobbies and interests that help them achieve future success.

  TV series can’t solve the difficult problems in reality, but it also provides another angle of thinking:

  While parents are eager for their children to become Jackie Chan, should they pay more attention to how to ease their psychological problems? When urging children to make progress, can they listen to their voices more slowly?

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to the Christmas file ""Emoji"" and other files.

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to December 21st, 2018.

    1905 movie network news With the appearance of the new "Spider-Man" Tom Hollander, Sony Pictures began to make efforts to build the "Spider-Man" brand. After Holland’s debut, his remake of the solo film will be released in 2017, and then the animated film will debut in 2018. However, there has been a change in the plan recently. The schedule of the animated film "Spider-Man" has been postponed from the summer file to the Christmas file, and it will land in the cinema on December 21st. It seems that Sony reorganized the layout and changed the time.

    After its recent release in North America, the box office set a new record, dominating the movie market and unifying the rivers and lakes. Judging from this situation, the animated film version of "Spider-Man" is likely to be a blockbuster in the Christmas file, not to mention that the children will have a holiday by then, and may be able to achieve extraordinary results at the box office.

"Emoji" movie file change

Peter Rabbit will be released in the spring of 2018.

    In addition, Sony Pictures has also announced the schedule of two other films. The movie version of "Emoji" is scheduled to be released on August 11, 2017. But so far, it is still unclear what the specific content of this film is, and it will never really let the expression occupy the screen, right? The tender film version of Peter Rabbit will be released on March 23, 2018, together with the film version and an animated film PK about the story of Medusa by Fox in the 20th century.

    Although there are still more than two years before the release of several films, Sony executives have obviously begun to carefully plan how to set the best schedule for their new films in order to beat their opponents and win the market. However, as time goes by, more films will be exposed to the specific content and release time. It is hard to predict whether Sony will readjust the time in the future, so we might as well wait and see.

The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants came to Shenzhen for three months, and Shenzhen and Hong Kong took the lead in launching the civil servant exchange and cooperation project.

The launching ceremony of "Guangdong-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project" was held in Qianhai, Shenzhen on the 18th. The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants will have a deep exchange for three months.

It is learnt that 10 middle and senior civil servants in Hong Kong come from eight departments and grades, including the Administrative Officer Grade, the Executive Officer Grade, the Environmental Protection Department, the Highways Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Planning Department and the Transport Department. The exchange personnel were sent to different government units in Futian and Qianhai, Shenzhen, respectively, to conduct in-depth exchanges in areas such as regional governance, scientific and technological development, urban planning, transportation and environmental protection.

It is reported that this exchange and cooperation project is the first civil servant exchange project between Hong Kong and the Mainland since the full resumption of customs clearance. It is an important measure to take the lead in implementing the Agreement on Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in September this year, and Shenzhen has also become the first stop for the civil servant exchange and cooperation project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in the Mainland. According to the consensus between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Hong Kong SAR Government will send 10 senior and middle-level civil servants from Hong Kong to relevant government departments and statutory bodies in Shenzhen for three months from mid-December 2023 to cooperate with the construction of major platforms for Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, such as Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, and participate in the work in the fields of ecological environment and transportation planning.

Observers believe that the exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong have a deep foundation. With the continuous expansion of Greater Bay Area’s construction and Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation has moved from economic cooperation in the past to all-round cooperation and ushered in a new era of all-round acceleration and all-round promotion. In the field of public officials’ exchange, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have experienced cooperation from the working level of ecological environment and border policing to the normal and frequent exchange and docking under the mechanism of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation special class. This exchange and cooperation has been broadened to the fields of scientific and technological innovation, ecological environment, urban planning and transportation planning, and the in-depth exchange and cooperation between civil servants of the two places will be strengthened in more fields in the future.

These new rules in August will affect our lives.

  CCTV News:The dining expenses of business travelers in central units will be settled by themselves, and the pension subsidy standards for some retired soldiers will be raised again … … A number of new regulations will be formally implemented in the coming August. Let’s see how this will affect your life and mine!

  National laws and regulations

  The meals of the business travelers of the central unit will be settled by themselves.

  The Ministry of Finance and others recently issued the Notice on Regulating the Collection and Payment of Travel Meals and Local Transportation Fees, clarifying that the central unit’s business travelers receive food subsidies and local transportation fees according to regulations during their business trips, which will take effect on August 1.

  The above notice requires that during the business trip, except for a working meal arranged by the reception unit according to the regulations due to work needs, the dining expenses will be solved by themselves. Business travelers who need the assistance of the reception unit to arrange meals shall inform the control standards in advance and pay the food expenses to the food providers.

  During the business trip, if the reception unit assists in providing transportation and there is a charging standard, the business trip personnel shall pay according to the standard, and the maximum amount shall not exceed the daily transportation fee standard; If there is no charging standard, each person shall pay 50% of the daily local transportation fee standard every half day.

  Some retired soldiers and other pension subsidy standards will be raised again.

  The Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Ministry of Finance recently issued a notice, starting from August 1, the disability pension standard for the disabled, the regular pension standard for the "three families" (survivors of martyrs, soldiers who died in the line of duty, and survivors of deceased soldiers), and the living allowance standard for the "three reds" (veterans of the Red Army who retired in rural areas, veterans of the Red Army who went west in rural areas, and those who lost the Red Army) will be increased by 10% on the current basis.

  After bidding, the first-class disabled soldiers pension standards for war, work and illness are 88,150 yuan, 85,370 yuan and 82,570 yuan per person per year respectively.

  This is the second time to advance the bidding time to August 1 last year after raising the pension subsidy standards for some retired soldiers and other special care recipients on August 1 last year, and to increase the bidding for living allowances for demobilized soldiers in rural areas.

  At the same time, the regular pension standards for the families of martyrs, survivors of soldiers who died in the line of duty and survivors of deceased soldiers were raised to 27,980 yuan, 24,040 yuan and 22,610 yuan per person per year respectively. The living allowance standards for veterans of the Red Army in rural areas, veterans of the Red Army in the West Road Army in rural areas and the lost Red Army personnel have been raised to 61,130 yuan, 61,130 yuan and 27,580 yuan per person per year respectively.

  Article 12 Immigration and entry-exit facilitation policies will be implemented.

  On July 17, the Ministry of Public Security informed the public security organs of 60 measures to serve economic and social development, the masses and enterprises, among which 12 immigration and entry-exit facilitation policies were promoted nationwide, which will be implemented as the first batch of measures on August 1.

  The new policy mainly covers four aspects: first, expand the scope of foreign talents applying for permanent residence, and provide convenience for foreign high-level talents, foreign Chinese with doctoral degrees or working in key national development areas for a long time, foreign talents with significant outstanding contributions and special needs of the country, and foreigners working in China for a long time who meet wage annual income standards and tax standards; The second is to relax the scope of issuing long-term visas and residence permits, including foreigners who come to China for business, work and research; Third, broaden the scope of foreign talent introduction; The fourth is to improve the service management level of foreigners.

  Handling tax service complaints will be more convenient and efficient.

  In order to further deepen the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform and optimize the tax business environment, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China recently revised and promulgated the "Measures for the Administration of Tax Service Complaints" to standardize and optimize the tax service complaints, further improve the quality of supervision and complaints, and better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers and payers.

  The new method introduced in this revision has expanded the scope of tax service complaints and made the complaint boundary clearer; Broaden the channels of complaints and make the rights and responsibilities of the subject clearer; Standardize the acceptance process and recompress the processing time limit; Establish a quick handling mechanism to handle complaints more efficiently. The new measures will be officially implemented on August 1.

  "Green Building Evaluation Standard" was updated to five indicators.

  The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently released the revised national standard "Evaluation Standard for Green Buildings", numbered GB/T50378-2019, which came into effect on August 1, and the original "Evaluation Standard for Green Buildings" (GB/T50378-2014) was abolished at the same time.

  By contrast, the revised Evaluation Standard for Green Building establishes a new development model of green building, which is "people-oriented, emphasizing performance and improving quality". The original seven index systems of "land-saving, energy-saving, water-saving, material-saving, indoor environment, construction management and operation management" have been updated into five index systems of "safety, durability, health and comfort, convenient living, resource-saving and livable environment". In addition, the evaluation stage has been reset, the green building grade has been added, and the grade requirements have been set by layers.

  local laws and regulations

  Hainan: Traffic control for vehicles in other places.

  From 0: 00 on August 1st, Hainan will take traffic control on passenger cars that are not issued with license plates (including temporary license plates) in the province.

  Non-provincial number plate passenger cars entering the roads in Hainan Province shall be registered through the internet, telephone or window; The total number of days for each vehicle to pass each year does not exceed 120 days, and it can be handled multiple times. Non-provincial number-plate passenger cars that have been used in this province by institutions stationed in Qionglai and enterprises registered in Qionglai shall be subject to the filing management of transitional passes, and the transitional period shall end on December 31, 2020.

  Guiyang: adjusting the standard of residents’ medical insurance treatment

  According to Guiyang Medical Insurance Bureau, starting from 0: 00 on August 1st, Guiyang will adjust and unify the payment and treatment standards of basic medical insurance and major illness insurance for urban and rural residents.

  Among them, the annual maximum payment limit of Guiyang urban and rural residents’ basic medical insurance pooling fund has been raised to 250,000 yuan. According to the level of the hospital, the proportion of the hospitalization pooling fund for urban and rural residents and the individual sharing of the insured is adjusted as follows: the proportion of the first-class hospital pooling fund is 77%, and the proportion of individual payment is 23%; The proportion of overall fund payment in secondary hospitals is 75%, and the proportion of individual payment is 25%; The proportion of overall fund payment in tertiary hospitals is 60%, and the proportion of individual payment is 40%.

  Wuhan: Real estate agents fully implement real-name registration system.

  On June 14th, Wuhan Housing Management Bureau issued the Detailed Rules for Implementing the Measures for the Administration of Real Estate Brokers in Wuhan (Draft for Comment), which came into effect on August 1st and was valid for 5 years. It stipulates that real estate brokers should register their real names according to state regulations, and brokers should wear real-name registration cards when practicing.

  The above detailed rules also require that brokerage institutions and personnel should be held liable for violating the detailed rules: if a real estate brokerage institution releases the housing information without authorization or fails to do so as required, the district housing management department shall order it to make rectification within a time limit, record it in the credit file, cancel the online signing qualification and impose a fine of more than 10,000 yuan and less than 30,000 yuan. In addition, if the third-party online media release the listing information without authorization or fail to release it according to the regulations, it will also be investigated and dealt with by the market supervision department according to law.

  Wenzhou: Garbage classification standards will be implemented on August 1.

  After Shanghai, Zhejiang Wenzhou version of garbage sorting is coming.

  From August 1st, Wenzhou will implement the latest "Classification Standard for Urban Domestic Waste" issued by Zhejiang Province. Domestic waste is divided into four categories: recyclable, harmful waste, perishable and other wastes. Units and individuals who violate the unclassified domestic garbage shall be ordered to make corrections by the administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation; Refuses to correct, the individual shall be fined below 200 yuan, and the unit shall be fined above 500 yuan and below 5,000 yuan.

  ▌ This article Source: CCTV News Synthesis

Badminton class: at a glance! Concise version of badminton competition rules

count scores

1. 21 points system, 2 wins in 3 games is better.

2. Score system for each ball

3. In each round, the winner will get 1 point.

When both sides score 20 points, the one who leads the other side by 2 points wins the game.

When both sides score 29 points, the one who gets 30 points first wins the game.

6. The winner of a game takes the lead in serving in the next game

Rules of rest and changing sides between matches

1. In a game, when the leading side reaches 11, both sides have a 60-second break.

Between two games, both sides have a 2-minute break.

In the deciding game, when the leading side reaches 11 points, the two sides exchange venues.

Badminton competition rules singles

1. At the beginning of a game (score 0: 0) or when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

Badminton competition rules doubles

1. Like singles, when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round, and the server will remain the same.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

4. If and only if the server scores, the two players of the server exchange the left and right halves.

Diagram of badminton doubles competition rules

A badminton doubles match, A&B vs C&D, is described below. At the beginning of the match, A serves first and C receives the service.

A description of the progress of the game score service area Serve & receive Winner diagram

Badminton competition rules: three strikes three.

Three against three, as the name implies, is three against three, so there are special rules and requirements in serving, standing and some playing methods.

The basic principles such as the position of serving and receiving should still follow the doubles rules of badminton. For example, when the score is even, the server stands in the right half and when the score is odd, the server stands in the left half.

1. Before the game, each team shall determine the first, second and third server and receiver, namely Team A (A1, A2 and A3) and Team B (B1, B2 and B3).

2. A1 serves, B1 receives.

3. B1 serves, A1 receives, and so on

4. After A1 serves and scores, A2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party A serves, A1, A2 and A3 serve in turn.

5. After B1 serves and scores, B2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party B serves, B1, B2 and B3 serve in turn.

Official ball

1. Sixteen feathers should be fixed on the ball support.

2. The length of each feather from the ball support surface to the feather tip is 62 ~ 70mm.

3. The top of the feather is round, with a diameter of 58 ~ 68 mm.

4. Feathers should be tied with thread or other suitable materials.

5. The bottom of the ball holder is spherical with a diameter of 25 ~ 28 mm.

6. The ball weighs 4.74 ~ 5.50g.

Badminton racket specifications

1. Badminton racket generally consists of racket head, racket shaft, racket handle and the joint between racket frame and racket shaft.

The length of a racket is no more than 68cm.

3. The length of racket handle and racket shaft shall not exceed 42 cm, the length of racket frame shall not exceed 25 cm, and the width shall be 20 cm.

4. The development direction of the racket: the weight is getting lighter and lighter, the racket frame is getting harder and harder, and the elasticity of the racket shaft is getting better and better.

Standard size of badminton court

1. The badminton court should be a rectangle, drawn with a line with a width of 40mm.

2. The color of the site line is preferably white, yellow or other easily recognizable colors.

3. All lines are part of the area it defines.

4. From the ground of the stadium, the net column is 1.55m high.

5. The net column must be firmly perpendicular to the ground, and keep the net tightly pulled.

6. The net post should be placed on the sideline of doubles.

7. Badminton nets should be made of dark high-quality strings, with evenly distributed squares with sides of 15 ~ 20mm.

8. Badminton net is 760mm wide up and down.

9. The rope or steel wire shall have sufficient length and strength, which can be firmly tightened and leveled with the top of the net column.

10. The net height in the center of the venue is 1.524 meters, and the net height at the sideline of doubles is 1.55 meters.

11. Both ends of the net must be fastened to the net column, and there should be no gap between them.

12. The length is 13.40m, the width of doubles is 6.10m, the width of singles is 5.18m, the diagonal length of doubles court is 14.723m, and the diagonal length of singles court is 14.366m..

Brief introduction of badminton team competition

Badminton team competitions include men’s and women’s teams, but team events are not Olympic events. The three famous badminton team competitions are Thomas Cup, Uber Cup and Sudirman Cup.

Thomas cup badminton.

Thomas Cup Badminton Competition is the highest level men’s badminton team competition in the world, that is, the World Men’s Badminton Team Championship, which was founded by the former International Badminton Federation in 1948. It is held every two years.

Uber cup badminton

The trophy of the World Women’s Badminton Team Championship (Uber Cup). Named after Mrs. Uber’s donation. Also known as the "World Women’s Badminton Team Championship". Uber Cup is the same as Thomas Cup. Before 1982, it was held every three years, and the competition adopted the best of seven games system. Since 1984, it has been held every two years, adopting the best of five games system.

Sudirman Cup

Also known as the World Badminton Mixed Team Championship, it adopts the best-of-five system and consists of five events: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. It is the most important world competition representing the overall level of badminton, and is equally famous with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup. In 1989, the first Sudirman Cup was held in Indonesia. This competition is held every two years, with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup in even years and Sudirman Cup in odd years.

Badminton team competition rules

According to the rules of Sudirman Cup, there are men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. The order can be decided by both parties, but players can’t have both events, that is, they can’t participate in both events by themselves. Each event is the best of three games, with 21 points in each game. Best of five.

service fault

1. The ball is not served in the corresponding area.

2. The ball hangs on the net or stops at the top of the net.

3. The ball goes over the net and hangs on the net.

4. In doubles, the receiver’s partner receives or is touched by the ball.

Violate the rules during the game.

1. The ball falls outside the boundary of the field.

2. The ball passes under the mesh or net.

3. The ball didn’t cross the net.

4. The ball touches the ceiling or the surrounding walls

5. The ball touches the athlete’s body or clothes

6. The ball touches other objects or people outside the field.

7. When the ball is hit, it stays on the racket, and then it is dragged and thrown.

8. The ball was hit by the same player many times in one round.

9. The player’s racket, body or clothes touch the net or the support of the net.

10. Hit the ball through the net (when hitting the ball, the initial contact point between the racket and the ball is on the batter’s net side, except when the racket crosses the net with the ball).

Badminton service area

The effective area of singles serve is the blue area in the figure below.

The effective service area of doubles is the green area in the figure below.

Badminton half-court sideline

In singles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the blue area in the picture below.

In doubles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the green area in the figure below.


1. Athletes: people who take part in badminton competitions.

2. A game: One or two athletes from each side is the most basic unit to decide the outcome.

3. Singles: A game played by one player from each side.

4. Doubles: A game played by two players from each side.

5. server: the party with the right to serve.

6. Receiver: the opponent who serves.

Start of the game 0 – 0 Right half-court serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the left half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 1 – 0 Left half serve A serves, D receives. C & D
C&D scored one point, and A B C D kept their own half unchanged. 1 – 1 Left half serve D serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the right half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 2 – 1 Right half-court serve B serves, C receives. C & D
C&D scores a point and serves at the right half. A B C D keeps their own half unchanged. 2 – 2 Right half-court serve C serves, B receives. C & D
C&D scores a point, C&D will change sides, C will continue to serve in the left half, and A&B will keep their respective half unchanged. 2 – 3 Left half serve C serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the left half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 3 – 3 Left half serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the right half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 4 – 3 Right half-court serve A serves, D receives. C & D