Andy Lau’s Tianjin solo singing shows high technology, taking the lead in feeling the atmosphere of the 08 Olympic Games

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium – Water Drop Night View

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium – Water Drop

  It is reported that there will also be amazing details at Andy Lau’s Tianjin concert on October 18 – the stage effect created by 60 million yuan is like watching a Hollywood blockbuster. At the same time, the reporter also learned that the entire performance of Andy Lau’s Tianjin concert will last more than 3 hours, and all the songs familiar to fans will be received in the concert’s repertoire. At the same time, Andy will also make Tianjin audience feel the strong Olympic atmosphere in the "water drop".

  If you ask the most unusual thing to watch at a concert, it must be the fully transparent stage. The total width of the stage is 93 meters, spanning the entire stadium. A round trip on the stage, Andy has to run about 200 meters, and the huge stage is not worth mentioning in front of the high-tech equipment used to create a sense of science fiction.

  Mr. Song Jiang, the head of the organizer of the Tianjin concert, told reporters that the transparent LED large screen used in China for the first time is the latest invention in the world. It is not only as thin as a cloth, but also can be flipped and moved.

  The concert was a prelude to the outer space image on the screen and then back to China on Earth, sometimes allowing the audience to see Tiananmen Square, and sometimes taking the audience to the moon. Through the screen, you can also see the band behind. What’s even more amazing is the combination of 3D imaging and "trapeze" technology, which is a stage effect created entirely in mid-air with lights and machinery. The coolest part is that Andy turned into an astronaut, and in the "spaceship" constructed by 3D imaging, he slowly soared to a height of more than 10 meters in mid-air and sang, and then turned into a Cowherd and Weaver Girl dancing together. The following climax will surprise everyone: Andy stands in a hanging platform as small as a square brick, pulled by a ropeway, slowly "floating" from the stage to the top of the auditorium, all the way to the heads of the audience in the last row of the infield. You can imagine how "exciting" this is for the fans.

  It is reported that Andy Lau will sing more than 20 classic old songs and nearly 10 new songs at the Tianjin station of the tour. His old songs accounted for a large part of the concerts in the previous few stops. After the concert in Nanjing, he brought his song "EveryoneisNo.1" for the Olympic Games, so that fans can "listen" first. In the final part of the concert, Andy Lau specially designed the Olympic link. At that time, the Olympic songs sung by Andy can let Tianjin fans feel the Olympic atmosphere in the Olympic venue "Water Drop" in advance. (Source: – Daily News)

Editor in charge: Zhu Xinrui

Jining these middle school enrollment brochures released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

Original title: The enrollment brochures of several middle schools in Jining are released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

click Blue wordpay close attention And set up a star to accompany you every day.

It’s another year of further study season.

About going to school.

Become an important topic for parents.

The enrollment brochures of these high schools in Jining were announced.

How many people are recruited this year?

How to sign up? How to enroll?

Get to know these important information quickly


Jining No.1 Middle School Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

1.In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school is 2000, including 100 special students..

2. According to the spirit of relevant provincial and municipal documents, in 2023, western instrumental music and basketball in our school’s art and sports feature projects will be enrolled for the whole city, and other special projects will be enrolled for the urban areas.

Second, the enrollment category

1. special students.Recruit outstanding junior high school graduates in 2023 who have expertise in music, art, calligraphy and sports. Please refer to the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023 for details of enrollment majors, enrollment scope and admission procedures.

2. Pointer students.The enrollment scope is the fresh graduates who have been studying in junior high schools in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone) for more than two years (including two years), and they must be transferred to the student status before August 31, 2021. The information of student status is based on the data of Shandong Basic Education Management Information Platform.

3. Unified enrollment.The enrollment scope is the fresh and past graduates with junior high school status (the deadline for student status is May 8, 2023) or household registration (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023) in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone). For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Iii. types of volunteers

1. Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam alone and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the volunteers of the index students and the unified enrollment students.

Candidates are requested to carefully read the "Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023" and pay attention to the enrollment scope of each major.

2. Indicator students volunteer

The volunteer accounts for 60% of the school enrollment plan, and the quota is allocated to junior high schools, which is prior to the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

"Jining No.1 Middle School" and "Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus" are two voluntary options, and you must apply separately.

Fourth, the registration method

1. Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining No.1 Middle School Special Student Enrollment Instructions in 2023" Online registration will be conducted from May 9th to 15th.

2. Indicator students and unified enrollment volunteers

This part is volunteered by the candidates themselves and their parents (or other legal guardians) to fill in the enrollment platform of Jining high school. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The reporting time is from May 9th to May 15th.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。

?推荐服务:在【济宁本地宝】聊天对话框发送“Jining no.1 high school",you can get the online registration entrance of Jining No.1 Middle School’s special students/index students/unified enrollment.

V. Subjects and time of cultural examination

1. Each subject score:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will no longer be carried out, and the full score will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination.

2. Examination time:13-15 June.

The professional test for special students was conducted on June 21st. Come to our school for on-site confirmation on June 16th.

Sixth, enrollment

1.特长生录取。According to the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment, the Municipal Education Bureau will organize the admission in turn. According to the professional test results and plan, the school will submit the admission list of special students, and the city education bureau will admit them in advance after examination and approval. The admitted special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment; Those who are not admitted will continue to participate in other types of voluntary admission.

2. Admission of index students.At the time of admission, the junior high school is the unit. According to the number of indicators assigned to each junior high school, according to the candidates’ wishes, the students are admitted in turn from high score to low score. The comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subject level of the admitted candidates must reach Grade B (including Grade B) or above, and the score shall not be lower than 60 points under the unified recruitment line of high schools and not lower than the minimum admission qualification line. The unfinished index student plan is included in the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment.The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer, and according to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following the will", the students in urban areas are ranked according to the results of the senior high school entrance examination, and they are admitted in turn according to parallel volunteer.

Seven, the class mode

Follow the school’s educational philosophy of taking students’ growth as the center, actively explore the effective mechanism of early training of top-notch innovative talents, and realize students’ all-round and individual development.

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, our school will set up an experimental class for the new curriculum, respect students’ individual needs, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, and comprehensively improve students’ comprehensive quality.


Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus 2023 Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school will be 600.There is no special student plan and index student plan.

Second, the enrollment scope and registration conditions

Enrollment area:Junior high schools directly under the municipal government, rencheng district, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Basic conditions for registration:For recent and past junior high school graduates with enrollment in Jining City (the deadline for enrollment is May 8, 2023) or household registration in Jining City (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023). Those who have registered as students in ordinary high schools, those who have not completed nine-year compulsory education, and those who do not meet the provincial and municipal policies are not allowed to apply. For details, please refer to the Opinions of Jining Education Bureau on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in the Academic Level Examination of Junior Middle School in 2023 and School Enrollment in Senior High School (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.26).

Third, the registration method

From May 9 to May 15, candidates will register from 9: 00 to 18: 00 every day.Registration and volunteering are all carried out on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify the information at most twice after completing the volunteering, subject to the information confirmed by the last filling (modification) within the specified time. Candidates must fill in the report within the specified time, and the candidates shall bear the responsibility for the consequences caused by revealing the password for their own reasons, being reported by others or reporting errors.

Candidates who have household registration in Jining City and need to go back to the place where they are registered to take the junior high school level examination shall be subject to online qualification examination by the county-level education administrative department where they are registered, and the county-level education administrative department shall be responsible for verifying the household registration information and student status information of the candidates.

Fourth, the subjects and time of the cultural examination

The examination subjects are Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, morality and rule of law, geography, history, biology, information technology, physical chemistry experiment operation and physical education. Information technology examination subjects and experimental operation examination subjects shall be implemented in accordance with relevant requirements. In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will be cancelled, and the scores of physical education subjects will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination according to full marks.

Score of each subject:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

The specific examination arrangements are as follows:

V. Enrollment and Admission

Admission to ordinary senior high schools in urban areas is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers (there are no special students and index students in our school). Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment volunteers; Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by the index students will no longer participate in the admission of the unified enrollment volunteers. Candidates who fail to report on time after admission will be automatically dropped out of school.

In addition to special students, the minimum admission qualification line for ordinary high schools in urban areas is delineated according to the enrollment plan of 1:1. The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer. According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers", according to the admission requirements of ordinary senior high schools, all eligible remaining candidates in urban areas are sorted from high to low according to their scores, and then, the three unified enrollment volunteers reported by each candidate are searched in turn. As long as a qualified school appears in the searched three schools, it will be admitted to the school.

Admission to parallel volunteer is based on the interests of candidates, expanding the range of choices, giving candidates more choices, effectively reducing the risk of candidates volunteering to fill in, and improving the success rate of candidates’ admission.

Note: If the urban senior high schools fail to complete the enrollment plan in the first stage, the remaining plans will be included in the next stage of voluntary recruitment, and the candidates who have been admitted will no longer participate in the recruitment and volunteering.

Six, the class mode

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, we should set up experimental classes for the new curriculum, respect students’ right to choose, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, develop students’ personality, cultivate students’ specialties and improve their comprehensive quality.


Instructions on the enrollment of freshmen in Yucai Middle School of Jining City in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

It is planned to enroll 1,276 students in 2023.Among them, 50 Xinjiang students, 60 special students and 26 football special classes were enrolled, with a total of 26 classes.

Second, the scope of enrollment

(a) with Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone) junior high school students (registration time must be before May 8, 2023) or household registration time must be before May 8, 2023) graduates.

(2) Enrollment scope of football special classes: fresh graduates from all junior high schools in 14 counties and cities of Jining City. For details, please refer to the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

Third, the volunteer code

Fourth, the application conditions

(A) Index students and unified enrollment

Index students apply for the exam. Junior high school students in Jining city who have been studying for more than two years (including two years) and graduated this year, and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade B or above, can apply for the volunteer of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Unified enrollment. Graduates who are studying in junior middle schools in Jining City, who return to the household registration in Jining City to apply for candidates, former graduates (referring to those who have not registered as ordinary senior middle school students and whose household registration or original junior middle school students are in Jining City), and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade C or above, can apply for the unified enrollment of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

(2) Special students

Special students apply. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide".

(3) Football special classes

Apply for a special football class. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

V. Application methods

(A) the students, enrollment volunteers.

It is conducted on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The registration time is from May 9th to May 15th.(If there is any change, the specific time will be subject to the time announced by Jining Admissions Examination Institute).

(2) Volunteer for special students and special football classes

Candidates are required to register online through the registration method published in "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide", and confirm at the school site according to the specified time. For the time of registration and on-site confirmation, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".


1. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of special students in our school must register through the online registration system published by our school and take relevant professional tests in our school. The candidates’ volunteers and unified enrollment volunteers are enrolled in the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. Their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can apply for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the basis for the admission of special students in our school.

2. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of our school’s football special class must register through the online registration system published by our school and take the football professional test of our school. Candidates in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone), their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer are enrolled in the enrollment platform of senior high school in Jining City, and the candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can register for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination are taken as the admission basis for the candidates in our football special class. Candidates from counties and cities outside Jining city should apply for the index students or the unified enrollment volunteers who meet the requirements of the county and city, and take the cultural examination of the senior high school entrance examination in the county and city. The results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the admission basis for the candidates of the football characteristic classes in our school.

Six, examination subjects and time

(a) the score of each subject:Chinese 100 points, mathematics 100 points, English 100 points (including listening test 20 points), physics 60 points, chemistry 50 points, morality and rule of law 60 points, history 50 points, physics and chemistry experiment operation 10 points (choose one subject), information technology 20 points, sports 60 points, with a total score of 610 points.

Note: Physical examination will no longer be organized, and will be included in the senior high school entrance examination results according to full marks.

(2) Examination time

Seven, enrollment.

(a) special students, students, enrollment.Admission is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Admission of special students. The admission of special students is carried out in accordance with the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide", and the students are admitted in batches in advance. For those special students who have not been admitted, it will not affect the admission of their index students and enrollment volunteers.

2. Index students and unified enrollment are admitted by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute.

(2) Admission of candidates for football special classes.The admission of candidates for football characteristic classes is conducted in accordance with the "Enrollment Guide for Football Characteristic Classes in Jining Yucai Middle School in 2023", and they are admitted in batches in advance. Candidates who are not admitted will not be affected to continue to participate in the admission of other types of volunteers organized by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute or other county and urban recruitment authorities.

Eight, enrollment consultation

Source: Jining Yucai Middle School


Jining university affiliated high school 2023 high school enrollment brochure.

According to the Notice of the Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens in 2023 (Lu Jiao Ji Han [2023] No.21) and the Opinions of the Municipal Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Junior High School Students in 2023 (Ji Jiao Zi [2023] No.26), Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (Ji Jiao

1. In 2023, the enrollment plan is 1,000 students (including 500 independent students from characteristic high schools), with a total of 20 classes.

Second, the scope and category of enrollment

1. Index students and unified enrollment are oriented to rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District, Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone and directly affiliated junior high schools.

2. Independent enrollment is for junior high schools in the city. Recruit students with junior high school status in Jining who have expertise in music, art, art history or art management (original text) and sports. For details, please refer to "Instructions for Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023".

Three, cultural examination subjects and time (the city’s unified)

Fourth, enrollment

Ordinary high school admissions are conducted in the order of self-enrollment, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Self-enrollment. According to the "Notes on Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023", early batch enrollment will be implemented. For professional students who have not been admitted in advance, they can continue to participate in the admission of other types of candidates by the Municipal Education Bureau.

2. Index students and unified enrollment. The Education Bureau of Jining is unified according to the enrollment policy in 2023.

V. For matters not covered, please pay attention to the school WeChat official account jnxyfsgjzx in time.


Jining Confucius High School Enrollment Guide in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, there will be 700 freshmen enrolled in our school.,Among them, 35 special students were enrolled.

Second, the enrollment category

(1) Special students

Recruit junior high school graduates with expertise in music and art in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment

Junior high school graduates enrolled in 2023.

Third, the enrollment scope

Graduates with junior high school status or household registration in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone).

Iv. types of volunteers

(1) Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam separately and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the unified enrollment volunteering. Candidates are requested to carefully read the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining Confucius High School in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

Remarks: There are no index students in Jining Confucius High School.

V. Registration Method

1. Volunteer to fill in the report

(1) Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining Confucius High School 2023 special student enrollment instructions" in Online registration will be conducted from May 9 to May 15, 2023..

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

This voluntary application is made on the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. It must be made by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and it shall not be replaced by others. All students who apply for our school are advised or encouraged to fill in the "Jining Confucius High School" as their first choice, and never fill in the volunteers of the index students.

2. Registration time

The reporting time is May 9-May 15, 2023.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。













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Xiaomi’s profit forecast soars in 2023: focusing on sales of electric vehicles and smart phones.

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  Xiaomi (00762.HK) is scheduled to announce its fourth quarter and full-year financial report after the close on Tuesday.

  Net profit forecast: According to a survey of 21 analysts by FactSet, it is estimated that the annual net profit will be 16.07 billion yuan (US$ 2.23 billion). This will be 24.7 in 2022. 100 million yuan has increased more than six times.The net profit in 2022 was affected by the decline in smartphone sales due to the epidemic. According to FactSet data, Xiaomi’s net profit in the fourth quarter may be 3.32 billion yuan, up from 3.15 billion yuan in the same period last year.

  Revenue forecastAccording to FactSet’s forecast, revenue will increase by 10% in the fourth quarter, reaching 72.87 billion yuan.

  Xiaomi’s financial report this quarter highlights:

  Electric Vehicle: Investors want to know the initial consumer feedback of Xiaomi’s first electric vehicle SU7, which will be launched next week. Citigroup analysts said in a recent research report that the delivery time of the car may be earlier than market expectations.

  Smartphone sales:According to market research firm Canalys, the global shipments of smartphone manufacturers in China in the fourth quarter were 41 million, up 23% year-on-year, slightly higher than the 40.2 million expected by Citigroup. Huang Leping, an analyst at Huatai Futures, said that considering competitors,The company’s iPhone sales in China dropped by 24% in the first six weeks of 2024, and investors will pay attention to the latest shipment data in domestic and overseas markets.

  Profit:After the overall gross profit margin hit a record high of 22.7% in the third quarter, investors will pay attention to this home.Does the manufacturer maintain a strong profit margin in the fourth quarter?

Neusoft Group’s big car business is still losing money. The company hopes to have stable profits after the painful period | Interpretation of financial report

Cailian News on January 29th (Reporter Wu Xin)The automobile industry is full of smoke, and Neusoft Group (600718. SH) carrying automobile genes turned losses into profits in 2023.

This evening, Neusoft Group released a performance forecast, predicting a net profit of 72 million to 86 million yuan in 2023 (a loss of 343 million yuan in 2022).

"The overall business of the company is growing healthily." The director of the company told reporters that there will be more strategic adjustments in 2024, and there will be corresponding actions in areas where new products are released, the state encourages and the company has advantages.

According to the announcement, Neusoft Group’s operating income in 2023 continued to grow steadily year-on-year, and its gross profit margin increased compared with the previous year. During the reporting period, the overall performance of Neusoft Medical, Neusoft Xikang, Wanghai Kangxin, Neusoft Ruichi, Rongsheng Insurance and other innovative business companies constructed by the company in the sectors of "Big Health" and "Big Automobile" decreased, but the net profit of listed companies and the net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses were still negatively affected.

The performance forecast shows that in 2023, the company deducted non-net profit from-140 million yuan to-115 million yuan.

Cailian reporter learned from Neusoft Group’s semi-annual report in 2023 that its smart car interconnection business achieved revenue of 1.606 billion yuan in 2023 H1, exceeding 40% of the total revenue. In this field, Neusoft Group provides a series of solutions from automotive electronics, automotive software, intelligent driving to intelligent transportation.

At present, "involution" is the main tone of the domestic automobile industry, with price-for-quantity as the main way of playing, which greatly reduces the profit space of automobile enterprises and affects the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to November 2023, the profit of automobile manufacturing industry was 448.98 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of only 2.9%.

The above-mentioned company source said, "The related business is still relatively healthy, but the competition among car companies is fierce, and there may be some (impact), and other companies will definitely have some losses in gross profit margin."

"There are many new models now, but the market is biased towards saturation, which leads to the compression of the upstream and downstream profits of the entire industrial chain. There are still some influences, and we can’t escape from this area."

Looking forward to the market outlook, with the automobile industry going through the painful period and forming a new pattern, the upstream and downstream of the automobile industry chain are expected to enter a stable period simultaneously. A person from Neusoft Group said that the big waves will leave behind high-quality enterprises. At present, new car companies have been eliminated, and Neusoft Group will also achieve "stable profits".

(Cailian reporter Wu Xin)

It’s full of rain and heat in the summer, so let’s see where the "steamer mode" will be opened on the map of sauna days nationwide.

Today (July 7th), we entered the fifth solar term of summer-Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, "it’s a little summer, but it’s a big summer." The arrival of the summer solar term means that China is about to enter the wettest and sultry period of the year. China Weather Network specially launched a map of sauna days nationwide to see where the "steamer mode" will be opened.
Jiangnan is hot as a "steamer", and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has no "steaming" in the world.
Entering the summer solar term, everything is flourishing and the summer heat is transpiration. The temperature in all parts of our country continues to rise, and the precipitation also increases obviously. The north and south of the Yangtze River have entered the stage of high temperature and high humidity in a year, and the most difficult sauna day model has been opened.
According to the map of the national sauna days launched by China Weather Network, during the annual summer solar terms, sauna days are most likely to appear in Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places, and more than half of the time in 15 days, they have to endure the steamboat-like sultry feeling; In Guangdong, central Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, central and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, northern Chongqing and other places, the number of sauna days can also reach 5 to 8 days, which is unbearable; The number of sauna days in the eastern part of Southwest China, North China, the eastern part of Huanghuai and other places is less than 5 days, and there are fewer days in most parts of Northeast China, Shandong Peninsula and parts of Xinjiang, which is less than two days. Such hot and humid weather can barely withstand it; Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and other places did not have sauna days during the summer solar term, and there was no "steaming" in the world, which was really enviable. Although there were no sauna days in southern Xinjiang and western Inner Mongolia, they had to undergo the "baking test" of dry heat.
Light summer weather | Rain and heat are abundant, and typhoons are active
After a slight summer heat, it is hot for three points a day. Affected by the monsoon climate, rain and heat are in the same season in many places in China. During the summer heat season, both precipitation and temperature began to show extremes, and the weather gradually changed from dry heat to sultry heat, and the "sauna mode" was opened.
"It’s summer day and night." Shortly after entering the summer solar term, the hottest dog days of the year will also kick off. The heat wave is rolling, refreshing and hard to find, and all-weather heat has become the norm. Especially in the south, the lowest temperature sometimes even exceeds 30℃, and it is hot day and night, with no chance to breathe.
With the help of summer heat, China’s summer area has further expanded, reaching about 5.25 million square kilometers. Although it has not reached the maximum, there is little room for further development.
"The bamboo is raining first, and the mountain is already thundering." Slight summer is the solar term with the most precipitation in the whole year, and it is also the season with frequent thunderstorms. With the subtropical high moving northward, the "main battlefield" of precipitation in China gradually shifted northward, and the rainy season in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River ended, and the rainy season in the north began one after another.
During the summer heat, typhoon activities also entered an active period. According to statistics, the summer solar term is the solar term with the largest number of typhoons landing in China, which mainly affects Guangdong, Taiwan Province, Fujian, Hainan and other places, and these places have gradually entered the critical period of typhoon prevention in a year. At this time, there are many powerful typhoons landing in China, including the strongest typhoon "rammasun" landing in China since 1949.
Slight summer phenology | The warm wind has arrived, and everything is crazy.
There are three stages in the summer, one is when the warm wind comes, the other is when the cricket lives in the space, and the third is when the eagle begins to gather. At this time, there is no longer a cool breeze on the earth, and almost all the winds are full of "enthusiasm". Because of the heat, the cricket left the field and came to the corner of the courtyard to escape the heat. The eagle also chose to fly to the cool high air for activities.
There is also hope for a bumper harvest in the heat of a little summer. In the summer, plenty of sunshine and abundant rain are conducive to the growth of everything. At this time, special attention should be paid to field management such as preventing high temperature and heat damage, drought, waterlogging and pests.
Light summer custom | Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing.
"Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing." The summer solar terms and the dog days have come one after another, and people who are troubled by the summer heat often feel poor appetite, so they will prefer cool and refreshing food.
In the north, there is a food custom of "jiaozi on the head, two on the face, pancakes and eggs on the three feet". Eating a plate of vegetarian stuffing on jiaozi’s head is not only appetizing, but also a symbol of full blessing. In the south, Xiao Shu pays attention to eating "three treasures"-Monopterus albus, lotus root and mung bean sprouts, which are cool and cool. There is also the custom of "eating new things" in the southern summer heat. Every household eats new rice and tastes new wine to thank the natural gifts and celebrate the grain harvest.
"The wind moves the lotus to make it fragrant, and the heart is calm and naturally cool." In the summer, it is hot and warm, but there is no lack of pleasant summer time. Let’s calm down, watch the fireflies flying, listen to the cicadas, smell the lotus fragrance in the wind, taste the tea in the cup, and greet the extreme heat with leisurely warmth.
Source: China Weather Network

Read the 5000-year history of China in one breath.

The origin of Chinese civilization can be traced back to Pangu’s creation, and around 3000 BC, three emperors and five emperors appeared, which was the beginning of China civilization. In 2500 BC, Emperor Xuanyuan fought against Chiyou, which was called "the battle between the two deer" in history. In 2697 BC,In the first year of the era of the Yellow Emperor, the five emperors abdicated the throne, and those who could live in it were transferred to Yu and Dayu to control the water, but they did not enter the house for three times.In 2000 BC, Dayu was elected as the Emperor for his meritorious service in controlling floods. Since then, the Xia Dynasty has been formally established.

In 2060 BC, after Dayu’s death, his son inspired a coup and forcibly seized the throne, thus destroying the abdication system. After the death of Qi in 2020, his son Taikang ascended the throne. When Taikang was in power, he was greedy for pleasure, causing people’s resentment to boil. Hou Yi seized power, which was known in history as Taikang’s loss of the country and made Zhong Kang, Taikang’s younger brother, king of Xia, but the real power was in the hands of Hou Yi. In 1974, Hou Yi was killed by Han Zhuo, a close confidant, and became king on his own, and the Xia Dynasty perished. In 1933 BC, Shaokang, the direct grandson of Taikang, killed Han Zhuo with the help of the elders of the Xia Dynasty and restored the Xia Dynasty, which was called Shao Kang Zhongxing in history. In 1652 BC, Xia Jie, the 17th monarch of Xia Dynasty, ascended the throne. He was fatuous and cruel, drinking and having fun all day. Finally, in 1600, he was defeated by Shang Tang in the war of singing songs, and the Xia Dynasty was destroyed for 477 years.

In the same year, the governors elected Shang Tang as the son of heaven, and the Shang Dynasty was formally established.After the establishment of Shang Dynasty, Shang Tang died in the thirteenth year of his reign, and Waic succeeded to the throne. Waibing died after three years in office, and his younger brother Zhong Ren succeeded him. Zhong Ren died after four years in office. At this time, Yi Yin, the founding elder, was in charge, and Tai Jia, the son of Tai Ding, succeeded to the throne. Under Yi Yin’s urging, Tai Jia’s behavior was passable in the first two years after he succeeded to the throne, but not since the third year. He gave orders at will, indulged in pleasure, tyrannized the people, was in a daze, and undermined the laws and regulations formulated by Shang Tang. Although Yi Yin tried every means to persuade him, he wouldn’t listen, so Yi Yin had to exile him to the Tong Palace near the cemetery in Shang Tang, and let him reflect on himself. He was a regent, and he was known as "Yi Yin put too much armor". After three years in Tonggong, Tai Jia repented and blamed himself, and Yi Yin welcomed him back to Bodu (now Shangqiu City, Henan Province) and returned to his administration. When Tai Jia returned to power, he was able to Xiu De, and all the governors surrendered to Shang Wang, and the people were at peace.

Before 1250, after Wu Ding, the 22nd monarch of Shang Dynasty, ascended the throne, the national strength reached its peak, which was called the flourishing age of Wu Ding in history. Before 1046, when Zhou Wang, the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty, ascended the throne, the Shang Dynasty had gradually declined, and various governors rose up and rebelled. Zhou Wang personally led the troops to counter the rebellion, but years of fighting greatly consumed the national strength. Finally, Zhou Wang was defeated by Zhou Wuwang in the battle of Makino and set himself on fire and died. Since then, 554 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Shang Dynasty has been passed down for 30 generations. At the same time, the longest dynasty in history, the Zhou Dynasty, was formally established.

In 711 BC, when Zhou Youwang, the 12th monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty, was in power, he loved and praised him. The famous "bonfire play vassal" was Zhou Youwang. In order to win the favor of praise, Zhou Youwang abolished the queen Shenhou and Prince Ji, and Shenhou, the father of Shenhou, joined forces with the dog to kill Zhou Youwang. Since then, the Western Zhou Dynasty, which was founded in 275 years and spread to 12 kings, has perished. This year, Shen Hou won the throne of the abolished Prince Ji for Zhou Pingwang and moved the capital to Luoyang to the east. Therefore, this period of the Zhou Dynasty is called the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was divided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Before 403, the surrounding kings named Han Qian and Zhao Ji, doctors of the State of Jin, as four princes. Even if the three families were divided into Jin, it ended in the Spring and Autumn Period and began in the Warring States Period, and Zhou Tianzi became the mascot of various vassal States completely. Three hundred and fifty-six years ago, Qin Xiaogong began to reuse Shang Yang and carry out political reform. After Shang Yang’s political reform, the national strength of Qin increased greatly. In the first two hundred and forty-nine, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which was spread to twenty-five kings in 515, was destroyed by the State of Qin. In the first 221 years, Qin Shihuang officially proclaimed himself emperor after destroying the six countries and established the Qin Dynasty.

Two hundred and ten years ago, Qin Shihuang died of illness, and Qin Shihuang Hai succeeded to the throne for Qin Ershi. After Qin Ershi succeeded to the throne, eunuch Zhao Gao mastered the real power and exercised brutal rule, which finally aroused the uprising in Wu Guang, Chen Sheng. Subsequently, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang also fought against Qin. In the first two hundred and seven years, Zhao Gao forced Qin Ershi to kill and then changed to Zi Ying. Succession. Five days later, Zi Ying killed Zhao Gao. A month later, Liu Bang led his troops into the customs, and Zi Ying surrendered to Liu Bang. Since then, the Qin Dynasty, which existed for fourteen years, has perished. In the first two hundred and two years, after Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu in the Chu-Han dispute, he proclaimed himself emperor in Dingtao, Shandong Province, with the title of Han, which was called the Western Han Dynasty in history.

Thirty-three years ago, the twelfth emperor of the Western Han Dynasty became Emperor Han. During Liu Ao’s reign, he indulged in Jiuse Yu all day, and formally allowed his consorts to rule, which led to the imperial hegemony, and was dominated by the Queen Mother Wang Zhengjun, who laid the foundation for later Wang Mang to usurp the Han Dynasty. In the eighth year of AD, Wang Zhengjun was often forced to hand over the imperial seal, and Liu Ying was coerced to usurp the Han Dynasty and establish a new dynasty. Four times. In 210, the Western Han Dynasty, which spread to fourteen emperors, perished. In 23 AD, the reform failed, which led to the Red Eyebrow Uprising in Lin Lu, and was often finally killed by Lu Linjun. Since then, the new dynasty that has been thinking about the country for fifteen years has perished. In AD 25, Liu Bang’s ninth grandson Liu Xiu proclaimed himself emperor after the demise of the New Dynasty, and continued the title of the Han Dynasty. History says that in 184, after the twelfth emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Han Ling succeeded to the throne, he extorted and sold officials and titles, and finally the Yellow Scarf Uprising broke out. Although the uprising was put down, the warlord regime and the situation of the Eastern Han Dynasty existed in name only was irreversible, which led to the formation of the situation of the Three Kingdoms.

In 220, Cao Cao, a powerful minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty, died, and his son Cao Pi forced Emperor Xiandi to abdicate the throne and change his title to Wei. At this point, 195 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Eastern Han Dynasty, which passed down for 14 generations of emperors, officially perished, and history entered the Three Kingdoms period. In 221, Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor in Chengdu in order to revive the Han Dynasty. His country name was Han, which was called Shu Han in history. In 229, Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor in Wuchang, with the title of Wu, which was called Dongwu in history. In 263, Si Mazhao, who held the power of Cao Wei, destroyed Shu Han. In 266, after Si Mazhao’s death, his son Sima Yan forced Emperor Wei Yuan to abdicate and changed his country name to Jin, which was called the Western Jin in history.

In 280, Sima Yan sent troops on a large scale to destroy Soochow and unify the Three Kingdoms. In 290, after the death of Sima Yan, Emperor Hui of Jin succeeded to the throne. Because of his fatuity and incompetence, the Eight Kings rebelled, and the national strength of the Western Jin Dynasty was seriously weakened, and the surrounding ethnic minorities took the opportunity to rise rapidly. In 316, the Huns captured Chang ‘an and captured Emperor Chen. Since then, 51 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Western Jin Dynasty, which spread to four emperors, has perished. After the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty, all ethnic groups successively established countries in the north, which was called the Five Lakes and Sixteen Countries in history. This was also the most chaotic era in China’s history. In 317, Si Marui, the imperial clan of the Western Jin Dynasty who fled south to Jiankang, rebuilt the Jin Dynasty in Jiankang City after learning of the death of Emperor Chen, which was called the Eastern Jin Dynasty in history. In 383, Fu Jian, the former king of Qin Dynasty, marched south to conquer the Western Jin Dynasty after unifying the north. As a result, Fu Jian was defeated by the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the battle of Feishui. After the war, the former Qin dynasty was badly weakened and all ethnic groups became independent. In 420,Emperor Wu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty forced the Jin Dynasty to meditate and established the Liu and Song Dynasties. History entered the Southern and Northern Dynasties..

Since then, after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, four dynasties, namely the Southern Qi Dynasty, the Southern Liang Dynasty and the Southern Chen Dynasty, have appeared in the south, which are collectively called the Southern Dynasties. In 439, Tuoba Tao, the Northern Wei Emperor, reunified the North after Fu Jian, the former king of Qin Dynasty. Since then, after the demise of the Northern Wei Dynasty, five dynasties, namely, the Eastern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Northern Friday Dynasty, have appeared in the north, and they have confronted the courtiers of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Southern Qi Dynasty and the Southern Liang Dynasty. Since then, history has entered the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In 581,Jingdi of Northern Zhou DynastyGive up the throne in publicJian Yang, is forSui Wendi,Sui dynastyThe establishment of marks the selfNorthern Wei Dynasty (386-534)Has ruled northern China for 195 years.Northern DynastiesThe regime officially withdrew from the historical stage,Therefore, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty unified the whole country and ended the Northern and Southern Dynasties, which had been in turmoil for nearly 300 years. In 604, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty Emperor Wen of Sui.existRenshougongStrange deathHis son, Emperor Yangdi Yang Guang, ascended the throne. During his reign, he frequently waged wars and abused his power, which triggered a nationwide peasant uprising.

In 617, Emperor Yangdi’s cousin Li Yuan.Take advantage of the turmoil at the end of Sui Dynasty to arise inJinyang, south captured changan, set up the grandson of emperor Yangdi.Yang YouFor the emperor, Yang-ti was revered as the emperor’s father at a distance, and he led the great prime minister and sealed the Tang king.. In 618, Emperor Yangdi was killed by Yu Wenhuaji in Jiangdu, and Li Yuan forced Yang You to abdicate the throne and change his name to Tang for Tang Gaozu. Since then, the 37-year Sui Dynasty has perished. The most prosperous Tang Dynasty in China’s history opened.

In 620, Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Rebellion. After killing Prince Li Jiancheng, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan was forced to give way to Li Shimin, for the sake of Emperor Taizong. In 690, Wu Zetian usurped the Tang Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor, changing the country name to Zhou and making Luoyang its capital. So is Wu Zetian.Chinese historyThe only orthodoxy in the worldempress. In 705,crown princeLi XianPrime ministerZhang JianzhiCui xuanyongWaiting for the minister in Luoyang, the capitalZiweicheng launchmutinyPersecuteWu Zetian abdicated, and set up Tang Zhongzong Li Xian restoration, restored the datang. In 712, under the rule of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty reached its peak, which was called the flourishing age of Kaiyuan in history. In 755, the Anshi Rebellion broke out and it took eight years to be put down.The civil war caused a large loss of population and a sharp decline in national strength in the Tang Dynasty.. Since then, the Tang dynasty has turned from prosperity to decline, while the forces of various provinces have gradually grown. In 878, the Huang Chao Uprising broke out, and it took six years for it to be put down by the provinces. However, the pacification of the uprising led to the Tang Dynasty’s existence in name only, while the forces of the buffer regions became more powerful. In 907, Zhu Wen, the biggest buffer region power in the late Tang Dynasty, forced Tang Aidi.Li ChuGive way to the throne and change the country name into a girder.

Since then, in 289 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Tang Dynasty, which passed on 21 emperors, has perished.China entered.Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period. In 923, the Houliang perished, and the later Tang Dynasty, the later Jin Dynasty, the later Han Dynasty and the later Thursday Dynasty appeared in the Central Plains. These five dynasties are collectively called the Five Dynasties, and outside the Central Plains, there are ten separatist regimes, such as Qianshu, Houshu, Yangwu, Nantang, wuyue, Min, Nanchu, Nanhan, Nanping and Beihan, which are collectively called the Ten Kingdoms. Therefore, this period is collectively referred to as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. In 960, Zhao Kuangyin, the general of the latter Zhou Dynasty, launched a mutiny in Chen Qiao, forcing the latter Zhou Dynasty.Zhou Gongdi’s Zen position,Change the country name to Song, which is called the Northern Song Dynasty in history. Since then, the Five Dynasties have ended and history has entered the Northern Song Dynasty. In 977, the Northern Han Dynasty, the last regime of the Ten Kingdoms, was wiped out by the Northern Song Dynasty. Since then, the Ten Kingdoms era has ended.

In 1038, Li Yuanhao, the leader of the Tangut, broke away from Song Dynasty and officially proclaimed himself emperor, with the title of Daxia and the history of Xixia. After Li Yuanhao proclaimed himself emperor, he won the wars against Song and Liao successively, and finally formed the pattern that Song, Liao and Xixia were divided into three parts. In 1100, due to the decadent rule of Song Huizong, Sung River and Fang La Uprising broke out one after another, and the Water Margin in Four Great Classical Novels is a story describing this era. The northern song dynasty is in jeopardy. In 1120, after the rise of the Jurchen nationality, which had been ruled by the Liao Dynasty for a long time, they launched an attack on the Liao Dynasty. When the Liao Dynasty was in jeopardy, Song Huizong mistakenly chose the self-destruction policy of uniting Jin to destroy Liao. In 1127, after the demise of Liao State, the State of Jin went south to attack Song on a large scale. Song Jun was defeated in this battle, and Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were captured. Since then, in 167 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, nine emperors perished in the Northern Song Dynasty.

In 1127, son of Song Huizong.Zhao GouYu Yingtian Fu (now Shangqiu, Henan Province) proclaimed himself emperor, forSong Gaozong. Song Gaozong was appointed first.Yue FeiWait for the main war faction to resist gold, and then the main peace factionQin GuiEighteen years of independence, signed "Shaoxing peace talks”。 In 1162, Xiaozong received Zen, made great efforts to govern and launched "Longxing northern expedition"failed to negotiate peace, and then vigorously developed internal affairs and created"Ganchun rule”。 In 1189 and 1194, Guangzong and Ningzong received meditation.Han TuozhouSeize power, openqingyuan ban on political parties, launch "Kaixi Northern Expedition”。 soon afterwardsShi MiyuanZhu Han has been good at politics for twenty-six years. In 1233, he was in charge of the clan and was appointed early.Zheng QingzhiShi songzhiCarry out the policy of "leveling the whole country", actively fight against Mongolia, and reuse traitors in the middle and late period.Daquan DingJia Sidao . After Du Zong acceded to the throne, he devoted himself to pleasure and state affairs declined. In 1276, the Yuan army invaded Lin ‘an, and the court went into exile in the south. Wen Tianxiang and other loyal officials were powerless. After the failure of the Yashan naval battle in 1279, Lu Xiufu and his young emperor jumped into the sea and died, and the Southern Song Dynasty finally perished.

In 1206, after Temujin unified the ministries of Mongolia, he was elected as Genghis Khan and established the Mongolian Empire, with the title of Great Mongolia. In 1227, Mongolia perished in Xixia, and Genghis Khan died in the same year. In 1234, Mongolia joined forces with the Southern Song Dynasty to capture Kaifeng, and the following year, Mongolia began to attack the Song Dynasty on a large scale. In 1271, Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, changed his title from Great Mongolia to Dayuan. Since then, the Yuan Dynasty was formally established. In 1276, the Yuan army conquered Lin ‘an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty court went into exile. In 1279, the Yuan Army and Song Jun launched a naval battle on the cliff mountain. In this battle, Song Jun was completely annihilated, and Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea with the emperor at the end of the Song Dynasty on his back. Since then, 153 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Southern Song Dynasty has witnessed the demise of nine emperors.

In 1351,Han ShantongLiu FutongXu ShouhuiAt the end of Yuan Dynasty, the peasant uprising led by other leaders broke out, so it was called the "Red Scarf Army" because the rebels were wrapped in red scarves, and it was also called the "fragrant army" because they burned incense and gathered people. From 1355 to 1363, Liu Futong established Han Liner in Bozhou as "xiao ming wang", with the title of "Dasong" and the title of "Longfeng". Originally from the Red Scarf ArmyZhu YuanzhangA single flag,Have eliminated the forces such as Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng, andIn the first month of 1368, he proclaimed himself emperor in Nanjing, built Yuan Hongwu, and was named Daming.. In the same year, the Ming army invaded the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and Yuan Shundi fled to the north. Since then, it has existed for 98 years, and the Yuan Dynasty, which spread to 11 emperors, ended.

In 1398, the grandson of Zhu YuanzhangZhu Yunwen acceded to the throne, and after Zhu Yunwen acceded to the throne, he practiced the policy of reducing vassals, and successively deposed Zhou Wang, Dai Wang, Qi Wang, Min Wang and Xiang Wang by sin, and died of self-immolation. ; In June 1399, Zhu Yuanzhang’s fourth son, Yan Wang.Zhu diTake the opportunity to arise and rebel and attack Nanjing, which is called "History"Battle of Jing Nan" , Zhu Yunwen inBattle of Jing NanThe whereabouts are unknown.In 1449, with the change of the Civil Fort, Zhu Qizhen, Ming Yingzong, invaded Wala in the north, and suffered a fiasco in the town of Civil Fort in Huailai County, Zhangjiakou. Ming Yingzong was captured, and the Ming Dynasty began to turn from prosperity to decline. In 1616, the leader of Jurchen, Mohachi, founded the country in Hetuala, known as the Khanate Gold, which was called Houjin in history. In 1636, Huang Taiji proclaimed himself emperor and changed his country name to Qing Dynasty. In 1644, Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, and Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty hanged himself in Meishan. Since then, in 276 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Ming Dynasty, which passed on 16 emperors, has perished. Since then, the imperial clan of the Ming Dynasty has established a number of political powers in the south, known as Nanming in history.

In 1644, the Ming general stationed in ShanhaiguanWu SanguiClear,DourgenleadQing soldiers entered the customs.. In the 20 years after entering the customs, Li Zicheng was pacifiedDashunstate powerZhang XianzhongDaxiAndSouthern Ming DynastyWaiting for the regime. [13] Later pacified.San Francisco rebellion, unificationTaiwan Province of China, complete national reunification.When Emperor Kangxi arrived, he put down the San Francisco rebellion, forced the civil administration to surrender, completed the national reunification, and created the prosperity of Kangxi.Kang Yong’s three dynasties reached its peak, during which the traditional society of China made unprecedented development achievements. Land reclamation, abundant products,small-scale peasant economyOur social life is prosperous and stable, and our comprehensive national strength is strong.When the Opium War broke out in 1840, the Qing army was defeated and forced to sign a humiliating treaty of nanking. From ancient times to modern times in China history.

From the end of 1850 to the beginning of 1851, by Hong Xiuquan,Yang Xiuqing, Xiao Chaogui, Feng Yunshan,Wei ChanghuiDa-Kai Shi [1] After years of preparation, the leading group organized a group camp in Jintian village, Guangxi, and launched an armed confrontation against the Manchu court.Hong XiuquanSolemnly declared an uprising in Jintian village, After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was called by the Rebels.Taiping army, sealing five army commanders, and promulgated a concise military law. All the soldiers wore hair and changed clothes, and their heads were wrapped in red scarves, starting from Jintian with a bang.taiping rebellion.In 1861, after the death of Emperor Xianfeng, Empress Dowager Cixi launched.Xin you coup, seized power and officially came to power. Since then, Cixi has started her half-century intervention period. In 1864, the Qing government put down the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1894, the Qing government suffered a crushing defeat and was forced to sign treaty of shimonoseki, which humiliated the country. In the same year, Sun Yat-sen founded Xing Zhong Hui, and put forward the idea of expelling the Tatars and restoring China.Create a United governmentThe idea.

In 1908, Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi died one after another, and three-year-old Puyi succeeded to the throne. After the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911, various provinces became independent one after another, and it was at this time that Outer Mongolia was instigated by Russia to become independent. In the same year, Sun Yat-sen was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China by representatives of seventeen provinces. The following year, Sun Yat-sen proclaimed the founding of the Republic of China.

In 1912, Yuan Shikai forced Puyi to abdicate. Since then, the founding of the People’s Republic of China has been 296 years, and the Qing Dynasty, which passed down to the 12th emperor, has perished. This year, Yuan ShikaiWith the support of imperialism, forcethe revolutionariesGive up power, stealProvisional president of the Republic of ChinaImplement autocracy and undermine the democratic Republic.. In 1915,SenateWhen the "National Congress" is held, all the national representatives are "in favor".constitutional monarchyAnd assume that the Senate is the general representative of the National Assembly, and write a letter to push Dai.Yuan ShikaiforChinese empireThe emperor.Yuan ShikaiAnnounce acceptance of the throne, overthrowrepublicanism,Restoration of monarchyChange the Republic of China to "Chinese empire",and ordered the abolition of the era of the Republic of China, changeRepublic of China (1912-1949)5 years (1916) is "Hong xianIn the first year, the history is called "Hongxian monarchy".

On December 25th,Tang JiyaoCai ELi LiejunDeclare independence in Yunnan, crusadeYuan Shikaibetrayrepublicanism,War to protect the countryBreak out. Yuan Shikai gave up the Hongxian monarchy and restored the title of "Republic of China", but he still wanted to be the president of the Republic of China and used Duan Qirui as the leader.Secretary of StateAnd the army chief, trying to rely on the period of unity.northern coastal region in the Qing DynastyForces to suppress the southern uprising forces, but the uprising provinces did not stop military operations. In late May, Yuan Shikai became ill with anxiety, and on June 6 of the same year, due touraemiaDie without treatment.In 1919, the May 4th Movement broke out, which fully mobilized the masses, industry, commerce and learning to unite, and opened the prelude to the thorough anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle of the whole nation. Under this influence, the Communist Party of China (CPC) was secretly established in Shanghai in 1921, and the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was formed in 1924. In 1927, after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek launched a 4.12 counter-revolutionary coup, which led to the breakdown of the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. In 1928, Zhang Zuolin was wounded by the Japanese Kwantung Army and died. In the same year, Zhang Xueliang announced that the Northeast changed its flag and obeyed the Nanjing National Government headed by Chiang Kai-shek. Since then, Chiang Kai-shek has achieved the reunification of China in name.

In 1931,Launch flagrantly918Incident, began a long-planned war of aggression against China.In 1937, the Japanese imperialists started with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident and launched a long-planned all-round war of aggression against China. In 1945, after eight years of arduous war of resistance, Japan surrendered unconditionally. After the end of War of Resistance against Japan, in 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched a full-scale civil war. In 1948, after the three major battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin, Chiang Kai-shek’s main army was basically wiped out. In April 1949, Nanking was liberated and the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan Province. On October 1st, New China was founded. Since then, the 38-year-old Republic of China has ended and the history of China has turned a new page.

2022 Game Summary! Top Ten Must-Play Games (I), which ones did you play?

2022 has passed. Although there are many jumping games this year, there are still many games that have left a strong impression on players with excellent quality this year. Through the word-of-mouth of the players and Tongge’s actual play experience, we selected the top ten games that must be played in 2022. Let’s see which ones the macaroni players have played.

Baokemeng Legend Al Zeus


Release date: January 28, 2022

Selling platform: Switch

Metacritic score: 83

As a new generation of Baokemeng, the rumored Legend of Baokemeng, Al Zeus, finallyBoldly tried the game of opening the world,This can be said to be a big step in the traditional Baokemeng series, and this game has successfully reversed word of mouth with excellent game quality when everyone was not optimistic in the previous trailer.It has become the highest-rated treasure dream work in recent years.

Eldenfah ring

Elden Ring

Release date: February 25, 2022

Selling platform: Steam

Metacritic score: 94

The innovative work of the soul game is also a gameplay that has joined the open world. Coupled with the consistent hard-core game mechanism of the soul game and the "riddle man" world view that FS is good at, both the battle and the plot exploration make the players want to stop step by step, and the phenomenon-level topic discussion,This 2022TGA annual game cannot be overstated!

The fading light 2: the battle between man and benevolence

Dying Light 2:Stay Human

Release date: February 5, 2022

Selling platform: Steam

Metacritic score: 77

Although the opening caused a wave of public opinion storm due to various bugs and multiplayer games not working normally, after the production team diligently repaired the work, the rebound in sales and praise in this year proved thatThe quality of the game is satisfactory.



Release date: February 8, 2022

Selling platform: Epic

Metacritic score: 79

In order to make this action game with a strong "Kung Fu flavor", the producer also made a special trip to China to learn boxing.Based on the traditional Chinese martial arts "White Eyebrows Boxing", creating a nearly perfect close combat experience for the game.The fist-to-flesh kung fu is supplemented by quick, accurate and cruel environmental attacks.Coupled with the revenge plot with "Wude" as the core, the production team successfully pushed the game to a new height as an independent game.

Kabi of the Star explores and discovers.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Release date: March 25, 2022

Selling platform: Switch

Metacritic score: 85

As Kabi’s first 3D work, "Exploration and Discovery of Kabi in the Star" can be said to be the best work in the series! Not only has Kabi’s gameplay of "swallowing heaven and earth" been vividly restored,After 3D, it fully absorbed the essence of Mario Odyssey., combined with its own mechanism, presents manyA brand-new game experience.

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Beitong Asura 2pro multi-template gamepad is now selling well in major e-commerce platforms.Macaroni people who want to play on both PC and NS platforms during the New Year holiday, start one in advance, and travel during the holiday will ensure that the experience is full ~