Interview with Hu Ge: Acting in "South Station" is a reset and restart, isolating yourself during filming

(Photo by Liang Xiaoliang) On May 20, French time, Hu Ge accepted an exclusive interview to talk about the new film "The Wild Goose Lake". The film was shortlisted for the main competition section of the 72nd Cannes Film Festival, with a score of 2.7 points in the field magazine. It tells the story of a car theft gang leader and an accompanying swimmer on the run, chasing freedom.

Talking about joining the film, Hu Ge said that "The Wild Goose Lake" is a movie he has always wanted to try, but did not have a good opportunity. In order to play the film well, he entered the group a month in advance to find a Wuhan dialect teacher to learn the dialect, and deliberately made his figure look thinner.

After the premiere screening, many commentators said that in Hu Ge’s character, they saw the "forbearance and morality" of the hero of the costume film. In this regard, Hu Ge also said, "Zenong is a person who is out of place in the rapidly changing era. Maybe life has no hope for him, but he also has inner persistence, which is this chivalrous."

In the film, Gui Lunmei plays the most against Hu Ge. When it comes to Xiaomei’s performance this time, Hu Ge also believes that she is very dedicated. "During that time, she had a cold and fever, and it was quite cold at night in Wuhan. After each shot, she was panting and pale. She kept gritting her teeth and insisting, and I especially admire her."

Received in 2017.South Station"Invitation, enter the group 1 month in advance to learn Wuhan dialect

How did you get involved in the movie "The Wild Goose Lake"?

Hu Ge: Three lives are lucky, just kidding. Indeed, I think it was a great honor for me. One day at the end of 2017, I suddenly received a phone call saying that Director Diao Yinan asked me to meet. I was quite excited at the time, because I had seen his "Fireworks by Day" before, including his other work "Night Train". In fact, this type of work is something I have always wanted to try, but I have been suffering from no good opportunities, so I went to see Director Diao with great anticipation that time. Then we met for the first time, and they both left a very good impression on each other.

But what I didn’t expect was that he wanted me to play such a role. Of course, my first feeling was, can I? It was this state of lack of confidence that lasted from the first time I saw him until the moment of finishing. The whole preparation process and the shooting process, to be honest, was quite torturous for me. But I also enjoyed it very much, because I also kept telling others that the whole process of this time was a process of clearing and restarting for me.

Most of my previous acting experience was in TV dramas, so this time as a lead actor, being able to be on the big screen is such a realistic subject, a character so far away from me. So from the method of creation and the way of performance, it is a new experience for me.

: This time you were speaking Wuhan dialect the whole time, right?

Hu Ge: Yes.

How long have you been studying?

Hu Ge: The Wuhan dialect is like this. Before I joined the group, the director recorded all my lines in Wuhan dialect and sent them to me. I taught myself first, and then entered the group a month in advance. After the crew found a local Wuhan dialect teacher for me, and then lived with me every day. In addition to correcting my lines, he also tried to communicate in Wuhan dialect in his daily life. It was to create a language environment for me.

Was the Wuhan dialect teacher with you throughout the production?

Hu Ge: Yes.

Is there such an exchange of Wuhan dialect every day?

Hu Ge: Yes. This process is also quite painful for me.

Why is it painful?

Hu Ge: The lines should be passable, but when I wanted to chat with my Wuhan dialect classmates and friends during this period, I was often laughed at by them.

Don’t worry about whether the image is contrasting, the character is conveying a chivalrous spirit

In the film, your style is very different from the past. You often roll in muddy water and get shot. Do you have any image worries before shooting?

Hu Ge: Not at all. In fact, I see my identity very clearly. Sometimes I may be a so-called star, and sometimes I am an actor. I feel that when I am an actor, the role is the biggest, and all my images on the screen are for the role. As long as it can help the audience build a sense of belief in this role, I am willing to try anything.

There is a scene where you wrap your topless body in gauze, and your muscle lines are looming. Did you deliberately exercise this time?

Hu Ge: I exercise every day, but I don’t exercise to build muscles, and that’s what the director communicated to me at the time. He didn’t want me to be strong. In fact, he wanted my whole body to be able to make the audience feel particularly thin on the video, and then feel tired and unhealthy. So during that time, my exercise was mainly aerobic, and then I also controlled my diet.

After the premiere, there were comments saying that you saw the forbearance and chivalry of the ancient heroes in you. What do you think of the role of Zenong?

Hu Ge: In fact, this is also what the director wants to express. You will find that in the image processing of our entire film, it is intertwined with reality and fantasy. Nazenong, he is actually a very marginal bottom-level character, he is out of tune with this rapidly changing era. Maybe life has no so-called hope for him, but he also has inner persistence, and what he insists on is the chivalry and morality you just mentioned.

Is this morality always firm during your performance?

Hu Ge: Of course, even after Liu Aiai betrayed him, he still chose to pin his last hope on her.

Why is that? What do you think of his relationship with Liu Aiai?

Hu Ge: Two reasons, the first reason, objectively speaking, there was no other person besides her. And at that time, the search area was getting smaller and smaller, and he had no time or possibility to find another person, so that was his only hope. The second reason, you betrayed me once, and I still believe in you.

I always felt a little uneasy during the shooting, and Diao Yinan let herself into the film noir

You just said that during filming, there was always a sense of uncertainty.

Hu Ge: Yes.

Is this your personal feeling or the direction the director has set for you?

Hu Ge: The director has helped me a lot. I often use an analogy. I say that the director’s guidance on the actors’ performances is like performing surgery with magnifying glass. Of course, I think this is also the difference between movie performances and TV shows, because after the screen is enlarged, all the details are required to be very accurate. Maybe I was used to performing in TV shows before, and there are some things I will ignore or ignore. This time it is equivalent to re-learning.

What are the benefits of working with Diao Yinan?

Hu Ge: I think I have gained a lot, including this visit to Cannes. I have always felt that it was Director Diao who really led me into the palace of film art. In fact, in our film, you can see all the elements of film noir. But at the same time, you will find that film noir can also be so poetic. This is what I admire the most about Director Diao.

Will he also provide a poetic guide to your performance?

Hu Ge: Director Diao Yinan’s biggest requirement for the role of Zhou Zenong is restraint and forbearance. He doesn’t want to be exaggerated on camera or in the image. All his emotions and emotions are kept in a very inadvertent state of awareness, so he has high requirements for my performance, which is a big challenge.

Infected by Guilun Magnesium’s dedicated attitude, interpreting the surreal elements in the film

: You have played the most opposite games with Gui Lunmei in the film. How does it feel to work with Xiaomei?

Hu Ge: The biggest feeling she gave me was dedication. There was a scene filmed on the court, where I chased her on a motorcycle.

I ran down the bridge on my motorcycle, and then I chased her all the way. During that time, she had a cold and fever, and it was quite cold at night in Wuhan. Every time I finished filming, because the camera finally turned under the bridge, no one could see her, only I could see her. Every time she was out of breath and pale, I felt that she was dying, so I kept persuading her. I said that if she was uncomfortable, we could stop for a while. Let’s finish work today and shoot tomorrow. But she felt that because the arrangement of the whole scene, including the cooperation of all departments, was very difficult. If she came back the next day, it would be serious to the shooting progress. She kept gritting her teeth and insisting. I especially admire her.

Besides filming, what topics do you talk about in private?

Hu Ge: In fact, throughout the filming process, I kept my distance from all the actors.

: Everyone?

Hu Ge: Yes, because I consciously want to isolate myself, this feeling will be more in line with the state of the characters. I didn’t integrate into the crew as quickly as I used to, and then become good friends with everyone.

: There are some surreal magical elements in the film. What do you think of the director’s handling?

Hu Ge: You will find that in our play, you can find a lot of relationships between the characters and the environment. Sometimes you will find that the distance between the characters and the environment is very long, and sometimes you will find that the characters are integrated into the environment, and these are often absurd, dramatic, and dreamy scenes. But in real scenes, there is often a sense of distance. I think this should be the expression of the director in the video as I understand it.

Can you explain a specific scene? For example, you have a scene where you are constantly entering various scenarios in the newspaper, and finally fantasizing about shooting at an airplane.

Hu Ge: In fact, the director did not tell me the intention he wanted to express in this scene, but my understanding at the time was that Zhou Zenong was in a very weak state at this time. At that moment, the director’s request to me was to perform a somewhat confused state of mind. As a trapped criminal, he had nowhere to go at that moment. In a small room in a dilapidated weather station, the walls were covered with various newspapers, and then you would find that every message could represent the characteristics of an era, but for Zhou Zenong, he couldn’t fit in anywhere.

After watching the premiere, how would you rate your performance?

Hu Ge: I can only say that I have completed the task, but there is still room for improvement.

This article is an exclusive manuscript. It is prohibited to reprint it in any form without authorization, otherwise legal responsibility will be pursued.

Dark Blue G318 debut! After "far ahead", the "industry ceiling" is here again! Car News On March 18, Changan Deep Blue Automobile held a grand press conference in Chengdu. Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, explained in detail to the outside world the latest electric drive, range extension and battery technology of Deep Blue, and released its third model – the Deep Blue G318 based on the EPA1 platform. The new car is equipped with the Force intelligent super range extension system, which can be powered by oil and electricity, and has powerful off-road escape capabilities.

In terms of appearance, in today’s square box style running all over the street, the dark blue G318 has chosen the hardcore + cyberpunk appearance style. It has a large body under the tough appearance. The length, width and height of the dark blue G318 are 4915 (4998)/1985/1885 (1960) mm (the length and height are different due to the original modification), and the wheelbase is 2880mm. The curb weight is 2360kg, and the wind resistance coefficient of the whole vehicle is 0.35CD.

In addition, the dark blue G318 also provides luggage racks, headlights, electric pedals, backpacks, and other original expansion parts, and the four-wheel drive model also has a maximum trailer quality of 1.6 tons.

In terms of interior, the dark blue G318 combines the future with hard style, and the cockpit has both a sense of technology and power. The large-size screen adopts a built-in design, which not only looks simple and elegant, but also adds a sense of reliability. Most of the daily function buttons are integrated under the screen, and the physical buttons are real to the touch, allowing users to easily and accurately complete various operations during driving. Unlike the previous dark blue models, the G318 shift lever adopts the push-pull lever of a starship, which is very controlled.

In addition, the G318 has a four-wheel drive system composed of dual motors, and has a central stepless differential lock and a magnetic mechanical differential lock, which can achieve full torque left and right locking. To be more flexible in extreme road conditions, the G318 also supports in-place turn function, with a minimum steering radius of 3.2 meters.

The Dark Blue G318 is a hardcore SUV with a load-bearing body, with a torsional stiffness of 45,000 Nm/deg, making it the quasi-first echelon in the industry. Its stiffness is comparable to that of a non-load-bearing body with girders.

In terms of battery, the dark blue G318 adopts a golden bell battery, has a built-in safety design, and has 10 layers of battery bottom protection. It can support a pure electric cruising range of 190 kilometers under CLTC conditions, and supports a maximum of 6 kW external discharge function, and enjoys lifelong quality assurance.

In terms of power, the dark blue G318 is equipped with the Force Super Integrated Electric Drive 2.0 system and the Force Intelligent Super Range Extension system, which greatly reduces the weight and volume, and greatly improves the power density and efficiency. The efficiency of the motor assembly is 92.58%, and the range extension system can convert 1L of oil into 3.63kWh of electricity, which is higher than the industry level.

The G318 is designed with permanent magnet synchronous and AC asynchronous front and rear motors. The total system power is 316 kW, the wheel end torque is 6200 Nm, and the 100-kilometer acceleration time is only 6.3s.

In the future, the Deep Blue G318 will join the plug-in/range-extended hybrid SUV hardcore SUV market where the Equation Leopard 5 is located. Let’s look forward to its market performance.

Test drive BYD Han DM: cutting-edge technology integrator, broke 100 in 4.7 seconds, and the fuel consumption was unexpected.

Although Chengdu is a plain city, its land area of 14,335 square kilometers also includes Miaojiling with an altitude of 5,353 meters and the banks of the Tuojiang River with an altitude of only 359 meters. The huge vertical drop not only makes Chengdu’s climate changeable, but also makes it a "test drive resort" to test the performance of a car. Today, "Car One Circle" came to Chengdu and participated in the test drive of BYD Han DM (parameter picture) exploration tour in chengdu railway station.

Appearance: elegant and elegant.

As the flagship model of BYD Dynasty series, the appearance of BYD Han DM is very atmospheric. Based on Dragon Face design language, the front face adopts a large-size polygonal air intake grille, and the middle net adopts a dense dot matrix layout, which has great visual impact. A bright silver decorative strip on the top connects the angular headlights on both sides, which is quite classy.

Its body length, width and height are 4960/1910/1495 mm, and its wheelbase is 2920 mm. This size can not only bring flexible space experience, but also make BYD Han DM look very slender. The outline lines of the car body are smooth and natural, and the tough waistline interacts with large-size wheels and hidden door handles, making it look elegant and dynamic.

The biggest highlight of the tail is the penetrating taillight with water steering effect, which further enhances the recognition of BYD Han DM. This advanced aesthetic design is very attractive to young consumers.

Interior: magnificent, low-key and luxurious

When you open the car door and enter the car, the interior inspired by the "Forbidden City Building Complex" has a magnificent trend with the same style as the royal palace. The interior is made with simple methods, and every corner and curve are carefully calculated, supplemented by high-grade decorative panels and Long Lin-shaped two-way stitches, so that the interior naturally exudes a low-key luxury connotation.

The three-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel has an excellent grip, which complements the overall temperament of the interior. Soft materials are wrapped at your fingertips, which is very soft and skin-friendly. The seat is wrapped in Nappa leather, and the ergonomic design brings good support. The filler with moderate hardness and softness is perfectly matched with the first layer of cowhide, which has sufficient toughness and breathability and brings a pleasant ride experience.

Configuration: comprehensive ecological enjoyment of intelligence

As the first batch of "big screen players" in China, BYD has equipped Han DM with a 15.6-inch touch-sensitive LCD screen. The built-in DiLink 3.0 system has extremely fast response speed, and the UI design is extremely user-friendly and very easy to use.

Based on OTA remote upgrade function, the system can realize remote self-upgrade, so that the owner can experience the latest car machine function for the first time. At the same time, BYD DiLink 3.0 system has a fairly open intelligent ecology, and you can find the content that best suits your habits and preferences like using a smart phone, such as Tik Tok, QQ music, Iqiyi, KTV, Meitu Xiu Xiu and the glory of the king, etc. The entertainment experience can be further sublimated with the Nordic Dirac hi-fi speakers.

The intelligent voice assistant "Xiao Di" can realize the verbal control of the window, navigation, panoramic sunroof, air conditioning, music playing/pausing and other functions, and can be awakened by "Hello, Xiao Di" or the shortcut key on the steering wheel. At the same time, it can understand the dialect. During the test drive, Circle Brother talked with it in Chongqing dialect, and its free response made Circle Brother feel that this conversation object was not like AI at all, just like the central control of every BYD Han DM.

In addition, BYD Han DM is also equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including CSC curve speed control system, FCW forward collision warning system and many other advanced intelligent driving assistance functions, which can ensure that the vehicle is always in the safest state during the use of the car.

Power: Strong performance brings the ultimate experience.

For the China market, BYD Han is definitely a meaningful product. The data shows that the cumulative sales volume of BYD Han series products has exceeded 110,000, among which, in August 2021, the monthly sales volume reached 9,035, while the sales volume of Han EV was 6,198 and that of Han DM was 2,837.

As a China brand car with a starting price of over 200,000 yuan, it can have such sales, which shows that the existence of BYD Han has broken the upper limit of consumers’ cognition of domestic models, and the root cause lies in the breakthrough and strong product strength of BYD Han series, in which the acceleration time of the flagship performance version of Han EV from 0-100km/h is only 3.9 seconds, and as a hybrid model, the performance of BYD Han DM is equally excellent.

It is equipped with a combination of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a rear motor. The comprehensive maximum power of the system can reach 321kW and the comprehensive peak torque can reach 650Nm. This amazing power parameter is enough to make most competing models pale. From zero to 100, BYD Han DM only takes 4.7 seconds. And this test drive trip in Chengdu really made the circle brother experience how strong BYD Han DM performance is.

In order to let us have a more comprehensive understanding of BYD Han DM’s performance in different road conditions and environments, the route planned in this test drive process starts from Howard Johnson Hotel in Chengdu, travels for more than 30 kilometers, and finally reaches Intercontinental Hotel in Sanchahu Paradise Long Island. Along the way, we have basically experienced the driving environment that our daily car faces, such as urban traffic jams, expressways, Panshan Highway, etc., but the superior driving quality brought by its strong power reserve almost runs through the whole test drive process.

As one of the core cities in western China, Chengdu has a huge population base, and its car ownership is second only to that of Beijing. Its traffic planning has become more and more complicated in recent years, and the arrangement of traffic lights is also very dense. Under this background, traffic jams occur from time to time. Therefore, when driving in cities, we choose a more energy-saving pure electric mode.

BYD Han DM is equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 15.2 kWh, and has a pure battery life of 81 kilometers, which is completely enough for office workers to commute daily. In the pure electric mode, the vehicle is completely driven by a motor. The motor carried by BYD Han DM has a maximum power of 180 kW and a peak torque of 330 Nm. It is also very capable of being "pulled out" alone.

In the pure electric mode, BYD Han DM has become a rear-wheel drive, and the moment when the accelerator is stepped on, the torque erupts instantly, and the power is like a beast that has been accumulating for a long time, bringing a very light start and acceleration feeling. The linear braking can make you easily control the braking distance, and you can easily shuttle through the urban roads with dense traffic. In the face of the red light that appears from time to time, the passengers on the car will not feel uncomfortable because of frequent braking, which is very friendly to the circle friends who are prone to carsickness.

When driving at high speed, if you want to get the best driving experience, you can choose the parallel mode of engine and motor working together. In this mode, the performance of BYD Han DM will be released to the extreme, and the power seems endless. When you want to overtake, you step on the accelerator deeply, and the strong feeling of pushing your back seems to make people’s mind out of control in an instant, and adrenaline will soar immediately. The sympathetic nerves that are excited instantly will give people a faster response speed, which is the charm of high-performance models.

Byd Han DM is very steady in adjusting the chassis, and there will be no obvious sense of roll when cornering sharply, and it also filters the bumps on the road very well, which ensures the driving comfort. Coupled with the excellent NVH performance of BYD Han DM in the whole test drive, it can be said that the driving quality of its Han DM is not lost to some luxury cars with higher prices.

The most important thing is that the fuel consumption of BYD Han DM is really beyond the expectation of the circle brother. I thought that as a behemoth weighing two tons, even if BYD Han DM is a hybrid model, its comprehensive fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only about 6.2 liters when the circle brother didn’t deliberately save fuel and turn on the HEV mode. In the face of such a medium-sized and large car with strong performance and low fuel consumption, it can only be described as superior, and the daily car is really fuel-efficient and worry-free.

View of "Car Circle": As a flagship model, BYD Han DM is largely an integrator of BYD’s cutting-edge technology, and it is also a pillar product of BYD’s brand, which shows high product value in design, intelligence, performance and other aspects. According to the data released by the Association, in August, 2021, BYD achieved a substantial increase of 88.1% compared with the same period of last year with the sales volume of 66,622 vehicles, and surpassed many joint venture brands in one fell swoop to rank in the top ten of the manufacturers’ sales list, most of which were contributed by new energy vehicles. As the leading brand of new energy vehicles in China, BYD occupied a place for the China brand in the future, which was destined to be fully new energy-oriented.

Xiaomi eliminated MIUI, but the car was disconnected.

Image source @ vision china

Text | Jinjiao Finance, Author | Dongli

With the official announcement of the Xiaomi 14 series mobile phone conference on October 27, Xiaomi 14 immediately boarded the hot search. In this regard, Lei Jun responded enthusiastically: "Don’t worry, this product is very strong!"

One day later, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi’s self-developed new operating system Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will be launched soon, and Xiaomi 14 series will be the first mobile phone equipped with the new system, and MIUI, which has served for 13 years, will gradually fade into the dust.

In fact, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS is not only an upgrade and replacement of MIUI, but also a brand-new ecological operating system, and it is also ready for the upcoming car system. As Lei Jun said, this is "a key leap towards" people and cars ".

With the increasing involution of the mobile phone track in recent years, and the mobile phone becoming the connection entrance of intelligent hardware including automobiles and home appliances, the mobile phone with "no volume" in hardware has finally come to the software arena by the express train of the Internet of Things.

Xiaomi has always pursued the development model of "soft and hard combination". Even the first product of Xiaomi is the operating system software like MIUI. Coupled with the self-developed system of Apple and Huawei, "Zhuyu is in the front", Xiaomi really has no reason not to develop its own operating system.

Nowadays, MIUI, which has been with Xiaomi users for 13 years, is about to retire, and the OS, which has been dormant for 9 years, has finally come to the sun, becoming a key hub to help realize the ecological closed loop of Xiaomi’s "people and cars".

At such a critical moment, Xiaomi automobile failed to show up, and the current new energy vehicles have been seriously involved. It is not easy for Lei Jun to realize the ecological closed loop of "people and cars".

As Xiaomi 澎湃 OS takes the stage, MIUI will gradually retire.The operating system developed by Xiaomi twice has different development stages and missions.

Looking back at the birth of MIUI, on August 16th, 2010, MIUI, as the first product of Xiaomi, was officially launched, and it was constantly updated and iterated at the pace of one shift every year. By last December, MIUI had evolved to MIUI 14.

For more than ten years, MIUI has only four commonly used functions from the first edition, and has gradually become the underlying deep framework of cross-end interconnection; The radiation scope of MIUI has also expanded from the earliest 100 "dream sponsors" to 1.175 billion cumulative users worldwide.

The birth of MIUI means that when Xiaomi chose to cut into the market at a low price with a cost-effective advantage in the early stage of its business, it neutralized the low-end and cheap atmosphere when Xiaomi’s hardware equipment was not dominant, adding the charm of quality and making Xiaomi’s mobile phone stand out.

For example, they are all customized systems developed based on Google Android, but MIUI is more beautiful and refreshing, perfectly supports the display of Chinese fonts, and even includes alarm clock functions for the lunar calendar and weekdays.

Even so, MIUI, after all, is a third-party mobile operating system based on the deep optimization, customization and development of the Android system under Xiaomi, so it can’t get rid of the drawbacks of the bloated, stuck and unstable Android system.

At the same time, in the era of Internet of Everything, with the growing ecological chain of Xiaomi, and the release of Xiaomi car is in sight, the complexity and huge number of operating system branches involved in various devices, as well as the ecological connection gap between different systems and protocols, have become challenges that cannot be ignored.

At present, MIUI obviously can’t afford such a large-scale interconnection. The biggest problem caused by all kinds of accumulated disadvantages and inconveniences is to push up the cost of development and maintenance, and even discourage users because of the unsmooth experience.

The birth of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS is precisely to solve this problem. Its goal is to build a unified and extensible operating system framework to support all kinds of smart devices of Xiaomi, thus breaking down the barriers between different devices and different systems.

According to public information, when Xiaomi’s Internet of Things business began to take shape in 2014, Xiaomi had already started exploratory development and verification of the operating system. In 2017, Xiaomi officially started the research and development of a new operating system. And in 2020, it launched an operating system specially built for IoT devices — — Xiaomi Vela。

The word Vela comes from the Latin word "sail", which is a "real-time operating system" (RTOS) made by Xiaomi based on the foreign open source project "NuttX". The main target hardware is smart speakers, smart light bulbs, water meters and meters.

With the increasing number of "smart homes" connected by Xiaomi, what Xiaomi Vela has to do is to provide a unified platform for these smart home devices to manage and open up fragmented Internet of Things application scenarios.

Xiaomi 澎湃 OS inherited the Vela system. By "integrating the deeply evolved Android and the self-developed Vela system, it completely rewrote the underlying architecture and made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections."

In other words, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has carried the mission of the underlying base of the Internet of Everything since its establishment, and it has also become a powerful tool for Xiaomi to solve the current weak growth of the mobile phone market and start new growth with "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

A cruel reality in the mobile phone market is that only by expanding outward can we seize the future.On the one hand, Xiaomi makes efforts to build cars and home appliances, and broadens the ecology of Mijia. On the other hand, it deeply integrates them through innovations such as operating systems to stabilize the core position of the mobile phone business.

As the core entrance of the Internet of Everything, mobile phones are deepening the penetration of other business ecosystems of Xiaomi.

In addition to the TV business that was recently merged into Xiaomi’s mobile phone department, in the last three years, Xiaomi also split the notebook business and tablet business and merged them into the mobile phone department; According to many insiders, Xiaomi’s wearing department, which was established in 2020, was previously included in the R&D system of the mobile phone department.

According to Xiaomi insiders: "In the mobile phone ×IoT strategy, the mobile phone is 1, and the others are all behind 0."

On the one hand, mobile phones are still the basic disk of Xiaomi, accounting for more than 50% of revenue for many years; On the other hand, Xiaomi’s mobile phone business is under obvious pressure. The data shows that Xiaomi’s smartphone business revenue in the second quarter was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year; In the second quarter, smartphone shipments were 32.9 million units, down 15.8% year-on-year.

Compared with the low speed or even negative growth of mobile phones, Xiaomi’s IoT business has shown greater growth potential.

According to Canayls data, in June 2023, the number of active users of MIUI worldwide reached 606 million, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; As of June 30, 2023, the number of IoT devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) connected to Xiaomi’s AIoT platform has increased to 655 million, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%.

Xiaomi started the layout of smart home ecology in the early stage of its business. In 2013, it started the ecological chain plan, and planned to "invest in 100 ecological enterprises in five years", and formed a unique Mijia ecological chain, among which there are many outstanding people in the segmentation field. For example, mi band is the product of cooperation between Xiaomi and Huami. Behind Xiaomi headphones is Wanmo Acoustics, and behind smart homes are enterprises such as Green Rice and Smart Rice.

The aggregated business with rich products and higher competition barriers such as "Family Barrel" has also attracted a number of mobile phone manufacturers.

For example, in recent years, Huawei has successively released many products including watches, tablets, headphones, whole house intelligence, etc. OPPO also started with TV to lay out smart home products, and made rapid progress.

Visible,In recent years, the "involution" of the mobile phone industry has been completely not limited to the mobile phone itself, but in ecology.

Today’s mobile phone camp, the two brands of Apple and Huawei, which are firmly stuck in the high-end market, have their own operating system, and at the same time, they have established the "Apple Family Bucket" and "Huawei Family Bucket" with exclusive applications, services and products.

In a practical sense, the self-developed operating system can not only promote the cause of the Internet of Things, but also help optimize the brand image and win the high-end market. At the same time, through the self-developed operating system to reduce costs and increase efficiency, we will build a moat of technology and services, get rid of dependence on Android, and reduce all aspects of research and development costs and the risk of "stuck neck" sanctions.

Before Xiaomi, Huawei’s HarmonyOS system and Apple’s iOS were worthy of reference. For example, Huawei’s unified naming of "HarmonyOS" made Huawei’s entire ecosystem have a higher degree of recognition, and the self-developed ecosystem extended more exclusive applications, services and products, which not only improved users’ stickiness, but also boosted shipments of other product lines.

Nowadays, the involution of mobile phone manufacturers seems to be concentrated in the operating system, and they all hope to build their own smart terminal "family bucket". The competition faced by Xiaomi is still not small.

In addition, from the perspective of ecological chain, Xiaomi has established a wealth of products and accumulated a huge user base, but in a short time, Xiaomi still can’t get rid of Android.

If you don’t rely on Android AOSP, most applications on Xiaomi devices need to be redone according to your own development requirements, which is unrealistic at present. Even HarmonyOS system has gone through many iterations to achieve independence.

Therefore, Xiaomi can’t pose a direct threat to iOS, Android, HarmonyOS and other ecosystems in the short term just by developing its own operating system.

Whether Xiaomi’s operating system can finally win in the market competition depends on the effect of core functions and experience, which will have to be announced by Lei Jun at the press conference on October 27th.

With the car landing in the Internet of Everything, a differentiated ecosystem in the future may become the core competitiveness of mobile phone manufacturers to strive for cooperation with car companies. butXiaomi’s car-making business, which has attracted much attention for a long time, has gradually become a key link in Xiaomi’s "people and cars" ecology.

In 2021, seeing that the growth of the entire mobile phone market is about to peak, Lei Jun decisively chose to cross the border to build a car. "Smart cars are the current outlet and an indispensable part of the smart ecology in the future. Together with personal mobile devices and home environment, they form a complete smart life scene."

On March 30 of that year, Xiaomi announced that it had officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles. The initial investment is 10 billion yuan, and it is estimated that the investment will be 10 billion dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun said, "This is the last major entrepreneurial project in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation in life and personally lead the team to fight for Xiaomi Automobile. "

Two years after it was put into production, it was recently reported that Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Factory had started construction this year, and mass production was imminent. On October 13th, Guo Ming Fufa, an analyst of Tianfeng International Securities, said that the first Xiaomi car is expected to be sold in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units. The key selling points are autonomous driving, software ecology and 800V fast charging and power configuration, and the estimated price is less than 300,000 yuan.

In addition, according to market rumors, Xiaomi’s new car will adopt the 澎湃 OS system, and will be equipped with Qualcomm’s latest flagship chip and wireless charging technology; At the same time, it also supports 800V high-voltage fast charging, charging for 10 minutes and battery life of 300 kilometers.

In terms of autonomous driving, Lei Jun once said that Xiaomi Automobile will enter the first camp of the industry in 2024. Therefore, Xiaomi has formulated the strategy of full-stack self-research, and the automobile R&D team has expanded to 2,300 people in 2022, and has applied for 956 patents as of October 18.

From the perspective of supply chain,The mass production of Xiaomi automobile in 2024 may be just a good time, that is, just avoiding the bottleneck period of the industry, sitting on the sidelines when the major car companies are rolled up and flying, and entering the market when the industry completes the reshuffle.

However, with the popularization of new energy vehicles, the domestic competition market for new energy vehicles has become a red sea. BYD, Ideality and Huawei have occupied the dominant market position, and Tesla, which continues to reduce costs, has great momentum to fight the price war to the end, while Weimar and other automobile manufacturers, which were in the early days, have even ended up in bankruptcy.

Compared with Lei Jun’s announcement to build a car, the retail sales of new energy vehicles in China accounted for only 8.49%, and the market of new energy vehicles is growing and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. According to the data of China Automobile Association, from January to September 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 6.313 million and 6.278 million respectively, up by 33.7% and 37.5% respectively, and the market share reached 29.8%.

In such a cruel and saturated market,The most likely way for Xiaomi to succeed is to rely on Xiaomi’s brand awareness and integrate the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to reduce costs and dislocation competition as much as possible.

Since the official announcement of the car, Xiaomi has invested in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain in the name of Xiaomi Zhizao Fund, Xiaomi Production and Investment Fund, Shunwei Capital and Xiaomi Private Equity Fund Management, and almost invested in the upstream and downstream of the new energy automobile industry chain.

Through investment, we can establish deeper links with enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the automobile supply chain, which is surprisingly consistent with Xiaomi’s logic of making mobile phones in the past.

Making good use of its own resources in supply chain integration, 6.5 billion loT equipment worldwide, 600 million monthly MIUI users, and tens of thousands of retail stores across the country may be the key to Xiaomi Automobile’s latecomers.

reference data

  • Titanium media "MIUI or curtain call, Xiaomi tells the story again"
  • Zinc Finance "Domestic mobile phones get together and develop their own systems, and it has become a trend to fight against Android"
  • Radar finance "MIUI retired, 澎湃 OS" upper position ",Xiaomi should take the road of Huawei? 》
  • Interesting business "Xiaomi makes a car: can the" price butcher "still wield a knife? 》

General Administration of Financial Supervision: The financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support real estate.

  General Administration of Financial Supervision: The financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support real estate.

  "The General Administration of Financial Supervision will comprehensively strengthen financial supervision, prevent and resolve financial risks, fully hold the bottom line of no systemic risks, and do a good job in the’ five big articles’ on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to provide strong financial support for high-quality economic and social development and the realization of Chinese modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." On January 25, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, said at the press conference on the theme of "High-quality economic and social development of financial services" of the State Council Office.

  Also present at the above conference were Li Mingxiao, spokesperson of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Director of Policy Research Department; Liu Zhiqing, spokesperson of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Director of Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department; Guo Wuping, Director of inclusive finance Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Yin Jiangao, Director of Property Insurance Supervision Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision.

  Liu Zhiqing said that in recent years, the credit structure of the banking industry in China has been continuously optimized, and financial support for the real economy has become more precise and powerful. Financial resources have been more used in key areas and weak links of the national economy such as scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, universal benefits, infrastructure, etc. We will continue to guide and support banking institutions to increase credit supply, optimize credit structure, focus on "five major articles", focus on unblocking the channels for funds to enter the real economy, and improve the efficiency of capital use, so as to "live water" with finance.

  Last year, the net profit of commercial banks increased by 3.24%.

  Regarding the operation of the banking and insurance industry in 2023, Liu Zhiqing said that the total assets and major businesses of the banking and insurance industry grew steadily. By the end of 2023, the total assets of banking financial institutions were 417.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%, and RMB loans increased by 22.75 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.31 trillion yuan. Total liabilities amounted to 383.1 trillion yuan, up 10.1% year-on-year, and RMB deposits increased by 25.74 trillion yuan, down 510.1 billion yuan year-on-year.

  According to preliminary statistics, the net profit of commercial banks in 2023 was 2.38 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.24%. In contrast, in the first three quarters of 2023, commercial banks achieved a net profit of 1.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.6%.

  The quality of banking assets remained stable. According to preliminary statistics, by the end of 2023, the balance of non-performing loans of banking financial institutions was 3.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 149.5 billion yuan from the beginning of the year. The NPL ratio was 1.62% (1.65% at the end of the third quarter of 2023). The ratio of loans overdue for more than 90 days to non-performing loans in commercial banks is 84.2%, which remains at a low level. 3 trillion yuan of non-performing assets were disposed of in the whole year (since 2017, the cumulative disposal of non-performing assets of banks reached 18 trillion yuan), and the disposal efforts were maintained.

  The banking industry has sufficient risk compensation capacity. By the end of 2023, the balance of loan loss reserves of commercial banks had increased by 476.8 billion yuan, and the provision coverage ratio was 205.1%, which remained at a high level. The capital adequacy ratio is 15.1%, and the core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is 10.5%. Among them, the capital adequacy ratio of large banks is 17.6%, and the core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is 11.7%.

  "In 2024, the banking industry is expected to maintain a steady development momentum, with more reasonable institutional and functional layout and further optimization of financial resource allocation. In the past three years, the average growth rate of total assets of the insurance industry reached 8.7%, maintaining a good development trend. The insurance industry has great potential for future development, and its ability to serve the overall social and economic situation will continue to increase, and the functions of economic shock absorbers and social stabilizers will be more effectively exerted. " Liu Zhiqing said.

  A series of real estate policies have shown results.

  At the press conference, the General Administration of Financial Supervision also introduced the real estate market and small and medium-sized financial institutions that are highly concerned by the market.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that the real estate industry has a long chain and a wide range, which has an important impact on the national economy and is closely related to the lives of the broad masses of the people. The financial industry is duty-bound and must be strongly supported. It is also disclosed that in 2023, banking institutions issued 3 trillion yuan of development loans and 6.4 trillion yuan of housing mortgage loans respectively, which add up to nearly 10 trillion yuan. Up to now, the balances of development loans and personal housing loans are 12.3 trillion yuan and 38.3 trillion yuan respectively; By the end of 2023, the balance of bonds purchased by banks from real estate enterprises was 427.5 billion yuan; Providing M&A loans and stock extension loans to real estate enterprises add up to more than 1 trillion yuan.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that recently, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, together with relevant departments, has issued a series of measures to support the real estate market. "These policies and measures have played and are playing an active role in doing a good job in real estate financial services, stabilizing the reasonable financing demand of the real estate market and promoting the stable and healthy development of real estate."

  "In the near future, we will also focus on the following major tasks: First, we will accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, and will hold relevant work deployment meetings, requiring banks to act as soon as possible and make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy; The second is to guide financial institutions to implement the management requirements of operating property loans; Third, continue to do a good job in personal housing loan financial services, support local city governments and housing construction departments, and further optimize personal housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to city policies; The fourth is to guide and require banks and other financial institutions to vigorously support the construction of’ three major projects’ such as the transformation of urban villages, and to form physical workload as soon as possible. " Xiao Yuanqi said.

  Regarding the risk situation of small and medium-sized financial institutions, Xiao Yuanqi said that from a nationwide perspective, the current small and medium-sized banks are operating steadily, their asset quality is stable, and their capital strength is significantly enhanced. The capital adequacy ratio, provision coverage ratio and asset quality of small and medium-sized banks are generally at a relatively good level, and these operating and regulatory indicators are at a reasonable and healthy level.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will work closely with local party committees, governments and relevant departments to do a good job in the reform and risk prevention and control of small and medium-sized banks, and constantly improve their management level: first, strengthen corporate governance; second, select top executives and key personnel; third, deepen reform through classified policies; fourth, urge small and medium-sized banks to focus on their main business; fifth, adhere to goal-oriented and problem-oriented, strive for progress while addressing both the symptoms and root causes, and comprehensively strengthen supervision and prevention.

  Do a good job of "five big articles"

  The Central Financial Work Conference pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development, and it is required to do "five major articles" well. At the press conference, the General Administration of Financial Supervision made a detailed introduction on the "five big articles" and the next step plan.

  In technology and finance, Li Mingxiao disclosed that by the end of 2023, the loan balance of high-tech enterprises nationwide had increased by 20.2% year-on-year, of which medium and long-term loans and credit loans accounted for more than 40%. By the end of 2023, the loan balance of manufacturing industry increased by 17.1% year-on-year, of which the medium and long-term loan balance of manufacturing industry increased by 29.1% year-on-year.

  "Promote the improvement of the multi-level service system in technology and finance. Under the premise of risk control, we will steadily promote the construction of the pilot zone for science and technology innovation and financial reform with relevant departments, deepen the financial support measures for manufacturing, guide financial institutions to implement various policy requirements, and continuously enrich financial products and services. Continue to increase support for scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing, help the development of new quality productive forces, and strive to provide strong financial support for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system." For the next work plan, Li Mingxiao said.

  In terms of green finance, Li Mingxiao disclosed that by the end of 2023, the green credit balance of 21 major banks had reached 27.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.7%. In inclusive finance, Guo Wuping said that by the end of 2023, the balance of inclusive finance loans in the banking industry was 29.06 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.27%, which was 13.13 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of various loans; The average interest rate of new loans for inclusive small and micro enterprises was 4.78%, down 0.47 percentage points year-on-year. "This year, we will implement the requirements of inclusive finance’s big article, integrate loans from small and micro enterprises, agriculture-related entities and private enterprises, form a unified regulatory caliber for inclusive credit, and carry out assessment and data disclosure." Guo Wuping said.

  In terms of pension finance, Yin Jiangyao said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will promote insurance institutions to give full play to the advantages of insurance protection and vigorously develop commercial insurance annuities. In terms of digital finance, Liu Zhiqing said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will continue to promote the digital transformation of the banking and insurance industry, enhance the effectiveness of digital empowerment, enhance the industry’s risk prevention and control capabilities, strengthen network security and data security risk supervision, and standardize digital innovation.

  (Author: Li Yuan)

Huang Kunming: jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad, and better promote exchanges and communication between China and the world.

  Huang Kunming attended the opening ceremony of the 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association.

  Jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad.

  Better promote communication between China and the world.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29th The 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 29th. Member the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Minister Huang Kunming of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. In the past 40 years, China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development, and its comprehensive national strength, international status and international influence have achieved unprecedented improvement. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the people of China led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the concerted efforts of Chinese people at home and abroad. As a representative and influential organization in the international media, the World Chinese Newspaper Association unites many member units, actively pays attention to China, enthusiastically reports on China, widely introduces the development and progress of China to the international community, and has made positive contributions to China’s reform and opening up.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that at present, Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. It is hoped that overseas Chinese media will continue to carry forward their fine traditions, tell the story of China, spread the voice of China, promote Chinese culture, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and better promote China’s communication with the world. I hope that Chinese newspapers at home and abroad will take this annual meeting as an opportunity to strengthen mutual learning and close cooperation, and work together to create a bright future of common progress and prosperity.

  The World Chinese Newspaper Association was established in Hong Kong in 1968, with the aim of contacting Chinese newspaper practitioners around the world and promoting the development of Chinese newspaper industry. The theme of this year’s annual meeting is "Chinese newspaper industry in the new era", and more than 130 Chinese newspaper people from 17 countries and regions participated.

How to exercise? What sport? How long do you exercise? To prevent cardiovascular disease? Prevent sudden death?

Many people ask Dr. Wang, who advises us to exercise every day, so how to exercise, what exercise, how long to exercise and what matters to pay attention to are good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Life lies in exercise. Think about the blood flowing in blood vessels. Is it that we sit still and the blood flows fast or that the blood flows fast after exercise? Is it easier to block blood vessels with fast blood flow or slow blood flow? Of course, this is just our thinking, and many problems still depend on objective investigation evidence.

First, a research report was published in the Journal of American Heart Association, and 149,000 people were followed up for nearly 10 years. It was concluded that people who sit for more than 8 hours a day have a 52% increase in death risk compared with those who sit for less than 4 hours, and sedentary people have an 80% increase in all-cause death risk compared with those who exercise! Sedentary people have a 107% higher risk of cardiovascular death than those who exercise! First of all, it is affirmed that no exercise significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Second, on January 8, 2018, a study published in Circulation magazine showed that exercise can reverse the harm caused by sedentary heart aging and prevent the occurrence of heart disease. No exercise will cause the heart muscles to become stiff. Be careful that the muscles become stiff, your blood pressure will rise, and the ventricle will not be able to pump blood effectively. The worst case is heart failure.

Third, the United Kingdom conducted a study of 80,000 people, and observed it for 10 years, mainly to explore the relationship between different kinds of physical exercise and all-cause mortality. The research results show that swing sports, including team sports such as tennis and badminton, can reduce the level of all-cause mortality the strongest, which can be reduced by 47%. Swimming can reduce the death rate by 41%. Aerobic exercise, more refers to aerobic gymnastics, which can reduce the mortality rate by 36%. Compared with people who don’t exercise at all, running can only reduce all-cause mortality’s contribution by 13%. However, cycling performed even lower in this respect, only dropping by 10%. (Running and cycling also belong to aerobic exercise) The above research is to reduce all-cause deaths, that is, deaths caused by various reasons, and the mortality rate can be reduced through the above exercises; For reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, the top three are these three kinds of exercises.

These three studies tell us that the benefits of exercise on cardiovascular diseases, in fact, we have always encouraged aerobic exercise, that is, moderate-intensity sustained exercise, such as swimming, cycling, aerobics, running, playing badminton, etc. These exercises can be adhered to according to their own abilities and needs. 3-5 times a week, each time is not less than 30 minutes, and the heart rate is controlled at 170- one’s age. This heart rate is a relatively simple calculation method, which can be used as a reference. When we exercise, the heart rate is controlled at 170 times MINUS one’s age, so it is not appropriate to be too fast. Generally speaking, our maximum limit is 220 MINUS our age, which is the upper limit of our strenuous exercise, and it is generally not appropriate to exceed this heart rate. However, for the sake of cardiovascular health, moderate-intensity and persistent aerobic exercise is recommended, and strenuous exercise is not recommended.

Research shows that, in terms of the length of time, the best duration of each exercise should be between 45 and 60 minutes, less than 45 minutes, the effect is weakened, more than 60 minutes, there is no higher income, and many will have negative effects, 3-5 days a week, the effect is better.

[Dr. Cardiovascular King officially authorized the protection of rights defenders. Anyone who steals will be investigated for legal responsibility. 】 # Heart Hero #

# Breeze Plan #