Passengers report that the price of online car-hailing has risen, and experts warn the industry of signs of monopolistic development

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  Recently, many passengers have reported that in the past few months, the fare of online car-hailing has increased a bit. The online car-hailing platform said that the basic fare has not been raised, and the subsidy has indeed been adjusted, but it is also to ensure the success rate of car-hailing, and the price is transparent and voluntary. Experts point out that under the pressure of funds, the low-price marketing strategy cannot be sustained. However, we should also pay close attention to whether there is any sign of monopoly in online car-hailing, and take countermeasures to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

  Recently, many passengers have reported that Didi, Uber and other online ride-hailing fares have risen, but subsidies have become less and less, and morning peak fares must be doubled. What is the situation of price increases? What is the reason for the price increase? The reporter conducted an investigation.

  Passenger: Shenzhen, Beijing has risen, but Shanghai does not feel obvious

  At 8:40 a.m. on September 20, on Meishan Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, the reporter opened his mobile phone to call Didi Express. The app showed that the original fare of more than 20 yuan had increased by 1.2 times to nearly 50 yuan. If you don’t agree to double the fee, you can’t call a car.

  The reporter agreed to double, but no driver took the order for a long time. Just as he was in a hurry, a taxi happened to pass by, so the reporter gave up calling for the express train and took a taxi instead. After half an hour, it only cost 33 yuan to arrive at the destination, which was more than 10 yuan cheaper than the express train.

  "The price has gone up too fast." Ms. Chen lives in Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, and often uses Didi and Uber to commute alternately. "In March and April this year, Uber carpooling cost more than 30 yuan, and Didi carpooling cost more than 50 yuan. In July and August, Uber carpooling cost more than 80 yuan, and Didi carpooling cost more than 70 yuan. Now, Uber carpooling costs 91 yuan, and Didi carpooling is 93 yuan."

  The increase in fares is closely related to the reduction in subsidies. "In the beginning, the amount of vouchers was large, and it was very common to have 60% off car vouchers. But now, it is usually more than 10% off," said Mr. Zhang, a Shenzhen resident. "Generally, you can only get a discount of two or three yuan, which is pitiful."

  Passengers in Beijing are also facing price increases and reduced subsidies. Mr. Yang, a Beijing resident who works in Chaoyang District, often takes an Uber to return to his home in Tongzhou District during Friday night rush hour, a journey of about 16 kilometers. In June, taking People’s Uber cost about 35 yuan, but there was a 10 yuan coupon. Now there are no coupons for the same trip and time period, and the actual payment fee has increased.

  Are all the extra fares paid by passengers given to online taxi drivers? In this regard, Master Lian, who has been a full-time Didi driver for more than a year, said: "Our income has decreased." He said that a year ago, the monthly income could exceed 10,000 yuan, but now it is only 5,000 or 6,000 yuan. "You have to run 25 orders a day to get an 80 yuan reward, not even one less order."

  However, there are regional differences in the price of online car-hailing, and the price increase is not obvious in some cities.

  In Shanghai, reporters have taken Didi Express or carpooling and People’s Uber many times in the past few days, and the distance is usually 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers. With subsidies, the fare is as low as two or three yuan, and as much as less than 30 yuan, and there is no obvious pressure to increase the price. If you take a taxi, Didi and Uber are still much cheaper.

  The reporter also learned from Shanghai Uber that the price of People’s Uber has not increased recently, but has instead dropped, including a comprehensive reduction in basic fares.

  Enterprise: The basic fare has not increased, and the subsidy is dynamically adjusted

  Didi Chuxing said that the specific subsidy and reward standards in various places will be adjusted according to market conditions.

  "Didi Express is in Shenzhen. Since April this year, the price has not changed. The pricing rule is still 1.8 yuan per kilometer and 0.5 yuan per minute." Li Mei, the public relations department of Didi Chuxing, said that the current pricing rules are detailed in the Didi mobile app. "The price is very transparent, and passengers have an estimated price before each order."

  Uber China Shenzhen market manager Zhang Jiahao also made it clear that Uber has not raised the basic fare recently, and the price per kilometer and per minute is consistent with Didi.

  As for subsidies, Li Mei responded that subsidies are a marketing activity that will be adjusted according to market conditions. "City travel itself is dynamic, so subsidies for drivers and passengers should also be dynamic. Future subsidies will be intelligently adjusted according to time, location, order conditions, and supply and demand, with the ultimate goal of improving the success rate of users’ ride-hailing," Li Mei said.

  "In the last two weeks, we reduced passengers by 4 yuan, and this week we reduced them by 6 yuan, and the discount is even stronger." Zhang Jiahao said that Uber will issue coupons to all users through text messages, self-media and other channels.

  For the doubling of morning peak fares, Li Mei explained that the system will match a reasonable price increase multiple for each order based on real-time supply and demand conditions. "Dynamic price adjustment may not only be used during peak periods, and in areas with tight transportation capacity, prices may also increase during off-peak hours. Dynamic price adjustment is not mandatory. If you don’t mind waiting, you can choose not to increase the price." Li Mei said.

  Except for Didi, the prices of other online car-hailing companies seem to have changed little. The relevant person in charge of Yidao told reporters that from November last year to the end of June this year, Yidao has maintained a preferential activity of recharging 100 yuan and getting 100 yuan back, which is equivalent to users can take a taxi at half price.

  Facts also prove that the competition is far from over. On September 22, Shenzhou Special Car, which has always adhered to its own vehicles and adopted the B2C model of heavy assets, announced that it launched the "U + open API" and promised never to take a cut. Shenzhou’s involvement in the C2C model and the practice of not taking a cut of driver income will make the direction of the market more uncertain.

  Lu Zhengyao, chairperson and CEO of Shenzhou Youche, said that the "U + open API" is the same as the price charged by Shenzhou’s own vehicles, which is higher than the price of cruise cars and express cars. But Shenzhou has also launched a new round of promotion plan of "charging 100 to get 50 back", and the actual price after discount is similar to the price of cruise cars.

  Enterprises generally believe that changes in market prices are closely related to the evolution of the future competition landscape. The relevant person in charge of Yidao said that the online car-hailing industry does not have the gene of monopoly, and anyone can use price leverage to enter the market at present.

  Didi Chuxing also said that mobile travel is an emerging market with huge incremental space. At the same time, the industry competition is still very fierce, and new companies continue to join. For a long time, as one of the marketing activities, red envelope subsidies for passengers and driver rewards will continue to be distributed.

  Expert: normal business conduct, but need to be vigilant against monopoly

  What is the reason for this round of online car-hailing price increases represented by Didi and Uber? How should we view it?

  In the opinion of Su Kui, a transportation research expert in Guangdong, there are many factors behind Didi’s price increase: First, after Didi merges with Uber China, effective competition will decrease, and the price is fundamentally determined by market competition. If there is no price competition pressure on the platform, the price will naturally be higher. Secondly, since Didi has a large number of users at both ends of the driver and passenger, it cannot increase the scale of subsidies by much, which means that the marginal effect of subsidies is very low, and it is a normal business decision to reduce or even cancel subsidies. Furthermore, the drivers of the special car platform have been a large number of full-time, and the cost of each transportation has little to do with the way of leasing. The price will eventually be closer to the traditional cruise taxi, reflecting the cost more. Finally, reducing subsidies is also related to the possible financial pressure on the platform in the future, or investors’ desire to make profits as soon as possible.

  Experts say the price increase is largely due to a change in the previous low-price marketing strategy.

  "As a means of promotion, companies can use low prices to acquire users, but it doesn’t mean that companies have to keep low prices all the time." Fu Weigang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, cited the example of e-commerce as an example. "Everyone is used to the annual’Double 11 ‘carnival, but if there are consumers who think that e-commerce must maintain the same price as’Double 11’ for 365 days, it is a big mistake."

  "In the past two years, ride-hailing companies have attracted a lot of users through various means such as discount coupons and vouchers. But it is unrealistic to think that this low price will last forever. Because in addition to discount coupons, they have their own price system." Fu Weigang said that low prices can be regarded as a marketing strategy, but should not be taken for granted. "After all, Didi and Uber are not obligated to subsidize consumers’ travel with losses forever."

  Regarding the current competition landscape in the market, Su Kui judged that the threshold of the online car-hailing market seems to be relatively low, but it is actually relatively high, mainly due to the high capital threshold. Therefore, in the future, there may continue to be some regional platforms emerging in various places to compete and restrict the existing platforms. But at the national level, the online car-hailing market pattern will not change much in a considerable period of time.

  So, will Didi’s merger with Uber China create a monopoly? Su Kui believes that due to the uniqueness of its service features (such as mobile phone hailing, electronic payment, etc.), the online car-hailing market is to a certain extent independent, but there is a certain substitution for traditional cruise taxis. "Whether it involves monopoly depends on two points: first, whether the cruise car can be improved and developed in the future, especially whether the policy can moderately loosen the restrictions on the cruise car, so as to form checks and balances on the platform; second, during peak periods or special weather, when supply and demand are unbalanced or when supply and demand information is asymmetric, due to insufficient effective competition, how to prevent the platform from abusing its market dominance."

  Regarding the second point, Su Kui further stated that due to the particularly obvious tidal nature of the transportation market, abuse of market dominance is most likely to occur during peak periods and special weather. Relevant platform companies can promise the society that the dynamic price increase at peak times shall not exceed a certain multiple to protect consumer rights and interests.

  Peng Chen, a member of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, has been paying attention to the topic of transportation. She suggested that the government should pay close attention to whether there are signs of monopolization in online car-hailing and use the Antimonopoly Act to supervise in a timely manner. In addition, for online car-hailing to charge double fares during peak periods, Peng Chen suggested that the tax on the premium part should be collected separately from the normal fare. "The early rush hour of online car-hailing has exacerbated the congestion on urban roads. The government can use this part of the tax to subsidize urban public transportation."

  (Lv Shaogang, Liu Zhiqiang, Shen Wenmin, Chen Yuzhu) (Chen Feixue participated in the collection and writing)

N things to advance into a space power, do you know? – Uncovering a new blueprint for China’s space exploration dream

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 22 Question: Do you know the N things that make China a space power? – Uncovering a new blueprint for China’s space exploration dream

  Xinhua News Agency reporters, Chen Fang, Yu Xiaojie, Hu Zhe

  Tiangong, Tianyan, Wukong, Mozi… In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, major breakthroughs in the aerospace field were "named". Aerospace powers "draw" a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist power in an all-round way.

  The Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the era of global networking, and the Fengyun meteorological satellite "family" has added new members… In less than a month after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s aerospace activities have been frequent. Facing the future, what new wonders will China’s aerospace write?

  Long March 8’s maiden flight, rocket recycling: China’s aerospace "major project" takes over

  Aerospace powers usually have advanced space power and large-scale launches, and can carry out lunar sampling and return, Mars landing and exploration, and build and operate space stations. Behind these "landmark" events, a country’s advanced manufacturing capabilities in design, technology, and materials, as well as the ability to coordinate multi-system research such as probes, launch sites, and measurement and control.

  On November 16, the Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation released the "2017-2045 Space Transportation System Development Roadmap", systematically planning the capacity building prospects and development blueprint of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

  The Long March 8 will make its maiden flight in 2020, the heavy launch vehicle will make its maiden flight around 2030, the launch vehicle will be fully reused around 2035, the future generation of launch vehicles will be put into use around 2040, and the ability of large-scale man-machine collaborative exploration of space will be available in 2045…

  Qin Xudong, deputy director of the General Office of the First Hospital of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, introduced that the roadmap issued this time is detailed and has clear goals, whether it is hot topics such as space tourism and recyclable rockets that the public is more concerned about, or future smart rockets, manned moon landings, manned Mars landings, etc.

  In order to explore the mysteries of the starry sky, generation after generation of astronauts have continued to struggle, our country has successfully developed more than ten types of Long March series carrier rockets, forming satellites, spacecraft and other spacecraft to any orbit of the earth, with the carrying capacity to carry out lunar and deep space exploration, which has strongly supported the successful implementation of major national projects such as "manned spaceflight", "Beidou navigation" and "lunar exploration".

  The white paper "2016 China’s Aerospace" shows that since 2011, China’s aerospace industry has continued to develop rapidly, with a significant increase in its independent innovation capabilities and a significant increase in its ability to enter space.

  Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the State Administration of Science and Industry for National Defense and deputy director of the National Space Administration, said that over the past 60 years, China’s aerospace industry has achieved a series of brilliant achievements represented by "two bombs and one satellite", manned spaceflight, and lunar exploration. With China’s continuous research on key technologies such as heavy-duty rockets, non-toxic and non-polluting medium-sized rockets, and low-cost transportation rockets in the future, China’s ability to enter space will be further enhanced, and the pace of exploration of the vast universe will be faster and faster.

  Beidou to navigate, the wind and clouds to know the sky: will space tourism still be far away?

  China’s aerospace industry is getting stronger and stronger. Will the space tourism expected by ordinary people be far behind? According to the plan, suborbital space tourism will become a reality around 2025.

  In the future, commercial solid launch vehicles will work together with liquid launch vehicles to provide users with diverse, low-cost, and highly reliable commercial launch services such as "space hitchhiker", "space shuttle", and "VIP special car", providing a richer range of vehicles for humanity to jointly explore the universe.

  Tang Yagang, president of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation’s First Institute Rocket Company, introduced that by around 2035, our country’s launch vehicles will be fully reused, and more ordinary people can take two-stage reusable vehicles to travel in space, enjoy the vastness of space and the splendor of the earth in the earth’s orbit, and realize the dream of flying.

  Whether it is the Beidou-3 satellite that "shocks the world" or the Fengyun-3 satellite that "watches the wind and clouds and knows the sky", a batch of "high-end" aerospace technology has gradually been "transformed" into a convenient "welfare": no matter where you are, "Beidou" will help you navigate; without leaving home, "Fengyun" will help you know the sky; surfing the Internet and making phone calls in a plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters is no longer a dream.

  On November 15, our country’s first interferometric hyperspectral greenhouse gas monitor, the Suifengyun-3 satellite, successfully entered the scheduled orbit of space. This "eye" can not only observe a variety of atmospheric components, but also detect the change in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air by 4 parts per million, making it a powerful tool for scientists to study the carbon cycle. In its birthplace, the 508 Institute of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, it is understood that it has ranked 156th among the "brothers and sisters" of remote sensors that enter space and operate in orbit from here.

  "China’s aerospace industry has long been more than just a representative of the’tall ‘." Gao Hongwei, chairperson of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, believes that the needs and calls of the people are the voice of the times for scientific and technological progress and innovation. At present, more than 2,000 aerospace technology achievements in our country have benefited the national economy and people’s lives.

  Mars and asteroids take turns to appear: the mystery of the starry sky never stops

  Facing the future, there are still many "big moves" in our country’s aerospace industry. According to the relevant person in charge of the National Space Administration, in addition to continuing to implement existing projects, a number of new major aerospace projects will also be launched one after another, including deep space exploration projects represented by Mars exploration, asteroid exploration, planetary crossing exploration, and the much-watched "moon exploration project".

  Lei Fanpei, chairperson of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said that by 2020, our country strives to achieve more than 200 spacecraft in orbit and about 30 launches a year, basically reaching the level of the world’s aerospace powers.

  "At present, 30% of our country’s aerospace technology indicators have reached the international first-class level. By 2030, we will strive to increase this figure to 60%, ranking among the top aerospace powers in the world; by 2045, we will fully become a world aerospace power." Lei Fanpei said.

  According to the plan, the future of our country’s heavy launch vehicles will be close to 10 meters in diameter, will use the thrust of 500 tons of liquid oxygen kerosene engine and thrust of 220 tons of liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen engine. That is to say, the future of our country’s launch vehicle capacity from the current more than 20 tons to increase 4 to 5 times, to 100 tons.

  Lu Yu, director of the Science and Technology Committee of the First Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said that by around 2030, our country’s heavy-lift carrier rocket will achieve its first flight. At that time, our heavy-lift carrier rocket with a 100-ton carrying capacity in low-Earth orbit will provide strong support for manned moon landing and sufficient carrying capacity for Mars sampling return.

  "If you don’t forget your original intention, you have to stay the same." Zhang Zhongyang, president of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, said that looking back on the past, China Aerospace has written countless wonderful moments in the sky of history; in the future journey, China Aerospace will definitely mark the new height of China’s development with new achievements.

Dark Blue G318 debut! After "far ahead", the "industry ceiling" is here again! Car News On March 18, Changan Deep Blue Automobile held a grand press conference in Chengdu. Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, explained in detail to the outside world the latest electric drive, range extension and battery technology of Deep Blue, and released its third model – the Deep Blue G318 based on the EPA1 platform. The new car is equipped with the Force intelligent super range extension system, which can be powered by oil and electricity, and has powerful off-road escape capabilities.

In terms of appearance, in today’s square box style running all over the street, the dark blue G318 has chosen the hardcore + cyberpunk appearance style. It has a large body under the tough appearance. The length, width and height of the dark blue G318 are 4915 (4998)/1985/1885 (1960) mm (the length and height are different due to the original modification), and the wheelbase is 2880mm. The curb weight is 2360kg, and the wind resistance coefficient of the whole vehicle is 0.35CD.

In addition, the dark blue G318 also provides luggage racks, headlights, electric pedals, backpacks, and other original expansion parts, and the four-wheel drive model also has a maximum trailer quality of 1.6 tons.

In terms of interior, the dark blue G318 combines the future with hard style, and the cockpit has both a sense of technology and power. The large-size screen adopts a built-in design, which not only looks simple and elegant, but also adds a sense of reliability. Most of the daily function buttons are integrated under the screen, and the physical buttons are real to the touch, allowing users to easily and accurately complete various operations during driving. Unlike the previous dark blue models, the G318 shift lever adopts the push-pull lever of a starship, which is very controlled.

In addition, the G318 has a four-wheel drive system composed of dual motors, and has a central stepless differential lock and a magnetic mechanical differential lock, which can achieve full torque left and right locking. To be more flexible in extreme road conditions, the G318 also supports in-place turn function, with a minimum steering radius of 3.2 meters.

The Dark Blue G318 is a hardcore SUV with a load-bearing body, with a torsional stiffness of 45,000 Nm/deg, making it the quasi-first echelon in the industry. Its stiffness is comparable to that of a non-load-bearing body with girders.

In terms of battery, the dark blue G318 adopts a golden bell battery, has a built-in safety design, and has 10 layers of battery bottom protection. It can support a pure electric cruising range of 190 kilometers under CLTC conditions, and supports a maximum of 6 kW external discharge function, and enjoys lifelong quality assurance.

In terms of power, the dark blue G318 is equipped with the Force Super Integrated Electric Drive 2.0 system and the Force Intelligent Super Range Extension system, which greatly reduces the weight and volume, and greatly improves the power density and efficiency. The efficiency of the motor assembly is 92.58%, and the range extension system can convert 1L of oil into 3.63kWh of electricity, which is higher than the industry level.

The G318 is designed with permanent magnet synchronous and AC asynchronous front and rear motors. The total system power is 316 kW, the wheel end torque is 6200 Nm, and the 100-kilometer acceleration time is only 6.3s.

In the future, the Deep Blue G318 will join the plug-in/range-extended hybrid SUV hardcore SUV market where the Equation Leopard 5 is located. Let’s look forward to its market performance.

Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed next year, positioning medium-sized SUV from T2X Mars architecture.

More advanced platform, producing higher-end cars.

Tiggo 9, a medium-sized SUV—— from Chery T2X Mars architecture, is exposed in real car photos and is expected to be officially launched in 2023.

Take off the disguised Chery "T26", and on the tail label, we confirmed that this is a Tiggo 9 model.

Previously, after the exposure of the real car map of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, we also speculated that Chery’s new car would adopt a more fashionable and avant-garde design. However, the appearance of Tiggo 9 denied our speculation. The front face design is very similar to that of Tiggo 7 PLUS, which has just appeared. Although it is a brand-new family design, its style is "very Chery" and there is not much novelty. The overall style is still quite satisfactory, with no emphasis on sports and no emphasis on fashion.

I only know that the positioning is a medium-sized SUV, but the specific size has not yet been announced. Chery 9 uses a number of tough lines on the body to enhance the muscle sense of the vehicle. The hidden door handle makes the side of the body look cleaner and at the same time enhances the technological atmosphere.

The shape of the tail is simple, the spoiler is used on the roof, and the taillights on both sides are blackened lampshades, which are connected by a blackened decorative board. The exhaust devices on both sides are chrome-plated, and the hard-core temperament is outstanding. The tail label is marked with "TIGGO 9" to confirm the identity.

In the interior, the new car uses a large integrated screen, the air conditioning outlet has a back design, the central passage is wide, and the storage space is rich. At the same time, the vehicle adopts a hood design, and the material selection in the car is also very high-end.

In the power part, the new car uses a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390 N m. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

Among the domestic SUV models, Chery’s power is outstanding, but it has been criticized for its design. The appearance of Tiggo 9 has not changed much. Although it comes from the new T2X Mars price, it will have better performance and experience, but it will not be dressed up. It is expected that the sales volume will not have much breakthrough.

What do you think? Will Tiggo 9 be more popular than the moon?

Qin PLUS DM-i "limited time 898", BYD pressed the "oil-to-electricity" acceleration key in the auto market.

On December 1, BYD launched a limited-time fuel transfer fund policy. Led by champion models Qin and Han, the best-selling models of Wangchao. com are all out to give thanks to users, with a maximum enjoyment of 20,000 yuan. The policy is limited to December. This also means that BYD is leading the China brand in a decisive battle for joint-venture fuel vehicles, and accelerating the process of "oil to electricity" in the automobile market.

In 2023, whether you are a fuel owner who wants to change cars or a prospective owner who has ordered a fuel car, Qin PLUS DM-i will start selling for only 89,800 yuan, and Han EV Champion Edition and Han DM-i Champion Edition will enjoy a fuel transfer fund of up to 20,000 yuan. At the same time, Wang Chaowang’s models of Tang, Song and Yuan families have benefited to varying degrees. This is undoubtedly good news for users who want to buy a car at the end of the year.

Limited-time welfare BYD uses the champion model to give back to users’ love.

BYD announced the 6 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line on November 24th, which also became a milestone in the development history of China automobile industry. In the face of users’ trust and love, BYD is also grateful to give back to the market with high-quality products, and puts forward the limited-time welfare policy of PLUS DM-i "limited-time fuel transfer fund of 10,000 yuan".

In 2021, Qin PLUS DM-i went on the market. In just one and a half years, Qin PLUS won the A-class sedan championship. This year, the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS 2023 was once again "king fried", which opened a new era of the same price of oil and electricity and launched a storm on the fuel-fired sedan. Since then, the sales of Qin family have been soaring, and at present, it has achieved the success of 9 consecutive titles of the sedan, and Qin has locked in the 2023 sedan champion in advance.

Qin PLUS can achieve such achievements, the core is naturally excellent product strength, and excellent product strength is bound to be inseparable from the support of technology. Qin PLUS DM-i is equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system, which has the characteristics of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It only takes 7.3s for zero acceleration, 1,245km for comprehensive endurance and 3.8L for fuel consumption per 100km, and the DM-i super hybrid system.

Grab the cake from the joint venture fuel vehicle market, and the "oil-to-electricity" in the auto market has accelerated.

When it comes to the A-class sedan market, the national sedan of the joint venture brand used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many China automobile brands challenged them, but BYD Qin PLUS DM-i succeeded in the challenge.

On the power, Qin PLUS DM-i’s acceleration of 7.3 seconds leads the way. In terms of energy consumption, Qin PLUS DM-i has a power consumption of 3.8L and a comprehensive battery life of 1,245 kilometers. The high-equipped models can also discharge externally, greatly reducing the cost of car use and satisfying more car use scenarios. Those joint-venture national sedan cars can definitely not do it because they have no plug-in models now. On intelligence, Qin PLUS DM-i has DiLink intelligent cockpit (car, big screen, voice, cloud service), intelligent entry (NFC) and intelligent driving assistance, and still leads the same level.

Observation variety: Although the story is good-looking, don’t lose the sense of reality.

  Hu Xiang

  Recently, observation variety shows have become more and more popular. In the second season of "Exciting offer", the camera is aimed at the legal elites who have just entered the workplace, showing their process of upgrading and cracking monsters, from youth to maturity. Under the same roof, the observed people are a group of strange young people who live together in an apartment. The program hits the pain point that young people are too busy to socialize, can’t socialize, and dare not socialize, causing heated discussion. Why does this vertically subdivided observation variety show repeatedly break the circle? This is related to their omniscient and omnipotent perspective of God and the constant self-evolution of internal narrative.

  Two-layer narrative theory and web synthesis version 2.0

  Genette, a structuralist narrator, put forward a double-layer narrative theory. This division theory holds that the first narrative of literary works is an external story, which focuses on presenting the whole work; The second layer is internal narrative, focusing on sharing internal stories. Therefore, the double-layer narrative structure can be divided into internal and external narrative perspectives. The external perspective focuses on explaining the narrative from the internal perspective, while the internal perspective focuses on strengthening the authenticity of the story and promoting the plot development. This theory is suitable for observing variety shows. The internal narrative is the story of the observed object, and the external narrative is the off-site comments of the star guests. Internal narrative is responsible for creating suspense and conflict, while external narrative is a discussion field of values, which complement each other and advance together. This is forming a relatively fixed variety show mode, which is constantly evolving.

  From its development history, such programs as My Boy, My Daughter and My Wife’s Romantic Travel can be called Version 1.0, which is characterized by taking stars as the observation objects and mainly satisfying the audience’s interest in the personal life of stars. However, the second season of Exciting offer and Under One Roof are version 2.0. The observed objects are amateurs, and the observation tentacles also extend from single interpersonal relationship to a broader workplace and social field, with further innovation in narrative, and the biggest feature is to strengthen its storytelling.

  With the advent of the Internet age, storytelling has been promoted to a great extent, and the principle of "content is king" has become more prominent. In order to satisfy the audience’s thirst for stories, platforms and creators have almost racked their brains, whether they are long videos, medium videos or short videos, they are all pursuing a sense of story. Hot pot dramas, dinner dramas and interactive dramas emerge one after another, and variety shows follow the trend and embark on the track of storytelling.

  For example, "Under One Roof" is a true record of social stories of six strangers in a closed space on the surface, but it is actually an idol drama-style narrative. With the plot of the variety show, the characters’ behavior can also see the shadow of the script behind them, which is more dramatic on the whole. This is no longer a pure record approaching the truth of life, but more like a dramatic performance purified in life, which makes people feel a sense of being difficult to distinguish between true and false.

  The editing techniques in the second season of "Exciting offer" follow the rhythm of legal drama. Many people lament that Li Jinye is like He Yichen himself in "How to Shengxiao Mo", and the audience has a strong empathy with the characters. Some people think that story telling is a cognitive game, which can exercise our minds and let us simulate the world around us and imagine different strategies, especially in social scenes. The audience can also feel the pursuit of drama when watching variety shows, which is the charm brought by storytelling.

  Inversion, Story Sense and God’s Perspective

  The original intention of Under One Roof is to simulate a social scene and solve the social emotional needs of young people in the current fast-paced urban life. The characters selected in the program are very representative, including Liu Keli, a young boss who is busy starting a business, Li Hsing, a moat brother who realizes financial freedom, Chu Mengna who pursues the dream of an actor, and Wang Tianqi, a migrant worker who works in a fashion shop. At the beginning of the program, Liu Keli’s overbearing president’s manner, Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna’s fireworks at street food stalls, and the mysterious e-sports professionals’ daily life were all the highlights that attracted people’s attention, because they all had a dual effect of being both real and dramatic. In particular, Wang Tianqi’s identity as a "rich second generation" from an idle worker was completely in line with the imagination of drama reversal, and the "between Li Hsing and Liu Keli and Chen Liuming" Therefore, "Under One Roof" is essentially a genre-based narrative of idol drama. In a space, it is in contact with young people from almost all walks of life and all walks of life, temporarily getting rid of the shackles of mediocre life, and seems to restart life and have a sense of fantasy.

  In contrast, the second season of "Exciting offer" is more realistic. This season, the assessment mechanism of interns is more cruel, and the "kicking the pavilion" link is introduced, and two interns with relatively backward performance are really eliminated. Interns have also gone through legal negotiation, public welfare legal aid, investigation and evidence collection, 1V1 debate and mock trial trial. Every time, their tasks are getting heavier, and "involution" is becoming more and more intense. In particular, Hui Ding’s internship in naked resignation in pursuit of a lawyer’s dream has been dubbed "Bei Shuihui", which is regarded by netizens as a portrayal of migrant workers’ workplace, thus attracting a lot of attention. "Bei Shuihui" was "at the bottom" from the beginning of the interview to the first project task, and from the second debate began to counterattack, resulting in a sense of gap. Wang Xiao, known as "Sister Wang", took the initiative to break the aura of famous schools from the "favored son of heaven" who graduated from Stanford Law School, and the gradual mature transformation also made people feel emotional. Another example is Qiu Yi’s "slow fever" from the beginning, and her bold decision in the negotiations later made people look at each other with new eyes.

  The program group just grasped the details of these changes and created a sense of story through "conscious" editing, as if letting the audience watch an eye-catching and thrilling legal industry drama. At the same time, with the advancement of the program, interns need to peel off the cold texture of legal provisions, personally explore the strong collision impact between human feelings and jurisprudence, reality and dreams in the society, feel the sense of powerlessness brought about by hard reality crushing in tears and loss, and regain their confidence and shine with the encouragement and help of teachers and friends. As robert mckee said in The Story, the story is not an escape from reality, but a carrier that carries us to pursue reality and try our best to dig out the true meaning of chaotic life.

  In addition, the guest comments on the observation variety show ostensibly provide God’s perspective, which is actually an important part of building a sense of story. The internal narrative of the observation variety is very similar to the phantom on the wall in the cave described by Plato in the Republic. It is a simulation of reality and has always been separated from reality. Guest comment time is like the role of bringing cave people into the real world. The lights are on and all the discussions are held in the sun. Moreover, when the guests expressed their views, they provided many stories with their own life experiences, including positive and negative experiences and lessons. For example, if you should take the co-pilot when accompanying the leader in the car, and how to break the social deadlock when you first enter the workplace, guests can often provide a more mature value concept. Many netizens said on the barrage that "get new skills", which is also a shortcut to "exercise your mind". Through the blending of internal and external narratives, it reflects the broad social reality, and promotes the story from the internal perspective to the output of values from the external perspective. This is the secret of the advanced narrative expression of observation variety.

  The reality show was made into an idol drama?

  Human beings’ pursuit of stories is eternal, and it is understandable that observation variety shows strengthen the sense of stories, but this will easily lead to the paradox of authenticity. The biggest feature of observation variety is truth, especially now the observation variety which is mainly amateur has become an important direction, that is, to tell more stories of ordinary people, but like Under the Same Roof, it really walks between reality and fiction. On the one hand, I want to create the texture of real life, on the other hand, especially in the second half of the program, the sense of plot design is becoming more and more obvious.

  For example, after Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna went to the movies on a rainy day, they quarreled emotionally. Mona complained that Wang Tianqi was not considerate enough to cry, and the close-up shots in lines and actions were skillfully switched, and the sensational music was followed up in time. It was simply a replica of the idol drama around 2000, and the barrage was full of spit.

  For another example, Wu Jiawen and Li Hsing have been having an affair for a long time, but suddenly they turned him down on the grounds that she likes people with a sense of youth. In the next issue of the program, a 20-year-old basketball player who is 1.9 meters tall and full of a sense of youth immediately appeared, and they had a "love triangle". No wonder netizens think that Wu Jiawen is a "tool person" and the program has thus become a "blind date program". If the hypothetical sense of drama is not well grasped, the realism created by the whole program will be greatly reduced, which will hurt the quality of the program.

  Since the development of network observation variety, it has formed a stable expression paradigm and established its own advantages, especially its keen capture of young people’s lives, lively and free expression and moderate storytelling, which have deeply attracted young audiences. In fact, some traditional TVs are learning this mode now, but they have not learned the characteristics of networking, which leads to the good values of the program, but the communication effect is not satisfactory.

  In the future, network variety shows must understand the double-edged sword of "truth and hypothesis", try to extend the tentacles of observation into the varied society and describe the style of the times, so as to observe the truth, taste and wisdom.

Foreign media commented on 10 games that have been played for more than 100 hours recently, such as Bode Gate 3.

Some games have something special that allows players to play for more than hundreds of hours. Players will take the time to check every corner and complete every task. Although there are very few games with this experience, there have been some such games in the game market in the past few years. Foreign media counted 10 games worth playing for 100 hours for players today.

Game list:

1. Death Stranded: Guide and Cut Edition

2. The Eldon Method Ring

4. Cyberpunk 2077

5. the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

6.starry sky

7. Horizon: Desperate West

8. The Legacy of Hogwarts

9. Ghost of Tsushima Island: Guide and Cut Edition

10. The Lost Light 2