Deng Chao showed his love to Sun Li on the spot, and Liu Yan squeezed his chest to appear in the big show business line

Deng Chao confessed to Sun Li on the spot that there was no time to fall in love at the filming scene

    Sun Li, who was pregnant, had been absent from the publicity activities of "Painting on the Wall", and Deng Chao would be asked about his wife’s recent situation every time. On that day, he boldly showed his love to Sun Li at the request of everyone. September 26 was Sun Li’s 29th birthday, and Yan Ni, Xie Nan and others all expressed their blessings to her at the scene. These scenes were also photographed by Deng Chao with his mobile phone one by one. After everyone finished speaking, Deng Chao also said to the mobile phone that although he was very busy, he would always be by Sun Li’s side, and wished his wife a happy birthday. Under the encouragement of the host, he finally said the words "I love you".

    "Painting on the Wall" is the first film that Deng Chao and Sun Li took on after receiving the license. Deng Chao said that in fact, there is no different feeling when filming, and the two have no time to fall in love at all. "Every morning, I go to the director’s house to see what soup to drink at noon, get some food to go, and then go to Bao Bell’s to listen to jokes, and then go to Zou Zhaolong’s room. He is the sound center of our crew, so he has a very rich life and has no time to fall in love." Although he is busy, Deng Chao also said that he feels sorry for Sun Li’s crying scene, "I really feel sorry for her, but I feel conflicted, and I think that is what a professional actor should do."

China Consumers Association: Online car-hailing platforms should blacklist drivers with harassment and other behaviors

  China News Service, May 22, according to the website of the China Consumers Association, on May 22, the China Consumers Association held a symposium in Beijing to promote safe consumption of online car-hailing. The China Consumers Association called for strengthening information protection to ensure consumer safety. It should not be at the expense of personal information security. It should not increase the burden and responsibility of consumers in the name of ensuring safety. The China Consumers Association requires online car-hailing platform operators to assume the responsibility of the first person responsible for protecting consumer rights and interests in accordance with the law, strengthen complaint handling, and blacklist drivers who have harassed and violent behavior, and adopt zero tolerance.

  The online car-hailing industry has recently experienced a number of vicious incidents that violate consumer safety, which has attracted widespread attention from the society. On May 22, the China Consumers Association held a symposium on promoting safe consumption of online car-hailing in Beijing. The conference promoted the implementation of legal obligations and responsibilities of online car-hailing platform operators by introducing the main issues reported by consumers, discussing the operators of online car-hailing platforms, legal analysis by experts and lawyers, strengthening self-discipline by industry organizations, and expressing opinions by the Consumer Association. It called for strengthening the supervision of online car-hailing and ride-sharing behaviors, promoting the improvement of legislation and regulations on online transactions, and better protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  At the symposium, the China Consumers Association introduced the public opinion report and consumer complaints on the safe consumption of online car-hailing services. The main opinions of consumers on online car-hailing services include that the driver and vehicle information provided by the platform are inconsistent with the actual situation, the driver’s attitude is not friendly, the driver damages consumer property, the driver and the consumer have violent conflicts, the platform does not handle consumer complaints in a timely manner, and the driver detours and charges more, fails to comply with the agreement, and arbitrarily cancels the order.

  Didi, Shouqi Car-hailing, Shenzhou Youche, BAIC Group, Yidao, Ctrip and other online car-hailing platform operators introduced the business types, audit management, operation status of their respective platforms, measures to ensure consumer safety, and handling of consumer complaints. Heads of relevant enterprises and representatives of industry organizations said that they will take measures to strengthen self-discipline and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in response to the problems existing in the field of online car-hailing.

  Experts, lawyers according to the current laws and regulations, from the network audit, legal operation, contents of the contract, security, information protection, complaint handling, responsibility and other aspects of the in-depth analysis, pointed out that the network about the car industry is not extrajudicial land, platform operators themselves have legal obligations, such as non-performance or performance is not in place, should bear the corresponding responsibility.

  The China Consumers Association pointed out that the right to safety is the first right of consumers, and ensuring consumer safety is the legal obligation of operators. The China Consumers Association requires online ride-hailing platform operators to effectively implement their legal obligations and assume the responsibility of the first person responsible for protecting the rights and interests of consumers in accordance with the law:

  - Strengthen online access audits. Effective measures must be taken to strengthen the review and control of vehicles and drivers. In order to ensure public safety, for online booking vehicle services of various formats, standard and consistent review requirements should be adopted for drivers’ driving experience, traffic liability accidents, violent criminal records, etc., and strict verification should be carried out to strictly control personnel access and prevent safety risks.

  - Strengthen safety management. It is necessary to effectively strengthen legal training and safety education for drivers, standardize service behavior, and improve service levels; it is necessary to effectively eliminate "vests" and ensure that the appointments of vehicles and drivers are consistent with reality; it is necessary to earnestly fulfill the duty of care, stop ride-sharing and ride-sharing services that do not meet the requirements, and put an end to illegal operations; it is necessary to effectively strengthen supervision and inspection to enhance drivers’ awareness of law-abiding and safe operation; it is necessary to effectively promote professional ethics, encourage drivers to take social responsibility, and protect consumers’ personal and property safety.

  - Strengthen contract warnings. It is necessary to fairly formulate and provide standard terms, determine the rights and obligations between platforms, drivers, and consumers in accordance with the law, and highlight in a significant way the content that has a significant interest in consumers, especially safety precautions and risk warnings, after-sales services, civil liability, etc., shall not make unfair or unreasonable provisions on consumers, and shall not use standard terms and use technical means to force transactions.

  - Strengthen information protection. It is necessary to collect and use consumers’ personal information in accordance with the law, strictly control the scope of collection, strictly fulfill confidentiality obligations, and strictly prevent information leakage. It is not allowed to disclose, sell or illegally provide consumers’ personal information to others through evaluation, sharing, etc. Where information leakage or loss occurs or may occur, remedial measures should be taken immediately. There are various technical means. To ensure consumer safety cannot be at the expense of personal information security, and consumers should not increase their burden and responsibility in the name of security.

  - Strengthen the handling of complaints. It is necessary to attach great importance to consumer complaints, strictly screen the situation of drivers being sued, and eliminate safety hazards in a timely manner. Drivers who are harassing or violent should be blacklisted, and zero tolerance should be adopted to prevent follow-up services from endangering public safety. For acts that damage consumer property, compensation and disciplinary measures should be formulated to prevent similar acts from happening again. For acts that violate consumers’ personal information, it is necessary to resolutely stop and correct, and take immediate remedial measures. For drivers who have been sued many times, it is necessary to distinguish the situation and strengthen credit punishment, limit the number of orders received, and implement effective management.

  In light of the "E-commerce Law" being formulated, the China Consumers Association calls on the legislature to further clarify and refine the relevant provisions for e-commerce platform operators, strengthen consumer protection, and prevent e-commerce platform operators from evading their obligations and responsibilities and harming the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  In addition, the China Consumers Association recommends that the government and relevant departments: First, further improve the standardized management of various types of online booking vehicle services, make clearer and unified regulations on key issues related to consumer safety, and focus on specific implementation; second, strengthen the development of online car-hailing industry standards, data monitoring, service supervision, risk management and control, to better protect the safety rights and interests of consumers.

  The Consumer Association reminds consumers that when accepting online car-hailing services, they should pay attention to the safety of personal, property and personal information, pay attention to checking the consistency of online reservations and offline real-time vehicles and drivers, pay attention to preserving relevant evidence, and promptly complain and report problems. Together, we should strengthen social supervision and promote safer and more standardized online car-hailing services.

New regulations in November: online car-hailing is included in supervision, and responsibilities for medical quality management are clarified

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29, issue:In November, a batch of new regulations were opened, and online car-hailing was included in the supervision

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yang

  Our country’s first online car-hailing management measures are implemented, and the "threshold" for online car-hailing drivers and platforms to enter is strictly controlled; the new regulations of the National Health and Family Planning Commission require the improvement of medical safety management and the clarification of medical quality management responsibilities; the fares of short-distance routes below 800 kilometers are self-determined, and passenger travel is expected to usher in more "special tickets"… This November, a batch of new regulations on people’s livelihood that will be implemented will improve the law and make life more secure.

  Have a record of violent crime, etc., and are not allowed to drive online car-hailing

  Since November 1st, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", which has attracted much attention, has been officially implemented, which means that the emerging mode of travel of "online car-hailing" has since entered the track of rule of law.

  According to the measures, online car-hailing drivers should obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license for the corresponding type of vehicle and have more than 3 years of driving experience, no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol and violent crime record, and no 12-point record has been recorded in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles.

  The measures make it clear that online ride-hailing platform companies shall record the information content, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, Internet logs, online transaction logs, driving track logs and other data released by drivers and ride-hailing people on their service platforms and back them up, and inform the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of personal information such as drivers, ride-hailing people and passengers in a significant manner through their service platforms. Without the express consent of the information subject, online ride-hailing platform companies shall not use this personal information for other business purposes.

  The relevant departments should establish the credit records of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers, and include them in the national credit information sharing platform; taxi industry associations should establish a list of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers with bad records to strengthen industry self-discipline.

  The main body of responsibility for medical quality management is further clarified

  The "Medical Quality Management Measures" issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission came into effect on November 1. The measures require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions, further standardize medical service behavior, and ensure medical quality and medical safety.

  The main person in charge of the medical institution is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the institution; the main person in charge of the clinical department and the pharmacy, nursing, medical technology and other departments is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the department.

  A medical institution shall establish a special department for medical quality management to be responsible for the medical quality management of the institution. Hospitals above the second level, maternal and child health hospitals, and specialized disease prevention and control institutions shall establish a medical quality management committee to be responsible for organizing the monitoring, early warning, analysis, assessment, evaluation and feedback of the medical quality of the institution, and regularly publishing the quality management information of the institution.

  Medical institutions should establish a medical safety and risk management system, improve medical safety management related work systems, emergency plans and work processes, strengthen safety and risk management in key departments and key links of medical quality, and implement patient safety goals. At the same time, medical liability insurance, medical accident insurance and other risk sharing forms should be used to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both doctors and patients; formulate plans to prevent and handle medical disputes, prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes; improve complaint management, and resolve and properly handle medical disputes in a timely manner.

  Self-determined fares for routes under 800 kilometers

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the National Development and Reform Commission came into effect on November 1. The notice stipulates that fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be determined by airlines according to law, which means that more and more "special tickets" will be welcomed by the majority of passengers.

  The notice stipulates that airlines shall formulate and adjust the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of market-adjusted price routes and announce them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of each airline’s routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  The notice also requires that airlines and sales agents shall strictly implement the clearly marked price regulations, and in addition to indicating the actual fare of each route, they shall also indicate the service content and charging standards corresponding to the fees charged in addition to the fare change fee, refund fee, excess baggage fee, etc., and shall not charge any unmarked fees in addition to the marked price.

  Unified management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities Special funds

  The "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Colleges and Universities", which came into effect on November 1, requires that the use and management of basic scientific research business fees in central colleges and universities be included in the unified financial management of central colleges and universities, and the special funds are dedicated.

  The measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be paid in accordance with state regulations.

  The measures emphasize that the use of basic scientific research expenses in central universities includes: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to enhance their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in school to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting multi-disciplinary basic, supportive and strategic research; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  Central universities shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the national scientific research credit system, establish a scientific research credit system for basic scientific research business expenses, and incorporate them into the national scientific research credit system in accordance with the unified requirements of the state.

  Companies that issue false motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist"

  In response to the problem that some people cannot instantly check the authenticity of motor vehicle sales invoices in different places, and falsely issue false motor vehicle sales invoices across provinces, the State Administration of Taxation has decided to implement the list publicity system of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified motor vehicle sales invoices in violation of regulations from November 1, and enterprises that falsely issue motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist".

  According to the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales", if a motor vehicle enterprise issues invoices more than twice based on the actual sales of motor vehicles, or sells the same motor vehicle while issuing a unified motor vehicle sales invoice at an illegal low price, and then issues other VAT invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, or illegally issuing invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, it will be included in the "blacklist".

  Tax authorities will list enterprises on the "blacklist" as key monitoring objects, organize tax special project inspections in a timely manner, and strictly verify the various materials submitted by them; the supply of unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will also be inspected for old and new, and they will be strictly limited.

China stepped into the "traffic society" and consumed nearly 10 billion g of mobile traffic in the first half of the year.

  CCTV News:Whether it’s work, daily life, or leisure and entertainment, people can see the scene of holding their mobile phones and brushing their heads.

  According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics,In the first half of the year, the cumulative usage traffic of China’s mobile Internet users reached 8.89 billion G, up 136.8% year-on-year. It is expected that it will exceed 10 billion G by the end of the year.. Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that ChinaAmong the 1.17 billion mobile Internet users, the average access traffic per household was nearly 1.6g in June.It is more than four times that of the same period in 2015.

△ Figure/vision china

  With the increasing correlation between mobile data traffic and life, traffic not only brings convenience to life, but also promotes the development of emerging industries, profoundly changes the social form and affects people’s daily life. 

  How much traffic do you use every month?

  China has fully stepped into the "flow society"

  Nowadays, many people’s days start like this: calling a car to work online, paying for lunch delivery by mobile phone, communicating with social networks at any time, playing drama on their mobile phones after work, and video chatting with friends in the evening … … Mobile payment, mobile entertainment and mobile office, data flow has become an important support of social information flow.. 

△ The first multi-type "mobile payment" bus in China

  Yu Jianing, director of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, "Traffic itself is data and information, but the content it carries also includes social value. China has fully entered ‘ Traffic society ’”。 According to statistics, in 2016, China’s mobile Internet users accessed 9.36 billion g, an increase of 8.48 billion g over 2012, with an average annual growth rate of 80.6%. 

  The era of 10 billion G traffic has arrived, experts said.Flow economy is the performance of digital economy. Digitalization and digital technology are transforming life and all walks of life.. Online shopping, mobile phone ordering, mobile payment, etc. make mobile phones closely integrated with the real economy. As online payment companies enter overseas markets, people can gradually enjoy the convenience brought by offline payment of mobile phones when traveling abroad.

Citizens are using unmanned express vehicles.

  According to the 40th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China just released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of June this year,The number of netizens in China reached 751 million, and the number of mobile phone netizens reached 724 million.The proportion of mobile Internet access continues to increase. In the first half of the year, the number of users of various mobile phone applications continued to rise, among whichMobile phone take-out applications grew the fastest, with the number of users reaching 274 million, an increase of 41.4% compared with the end of 2016.;The number of mobile payment users reached 502 million.,463 million netizens use mobile phones to pay when they spend offline.. 

△ Figure/vision china

  "Sharing" the new format, the income of the top 100 Internet companies exceeded one trillion.

  What leads to the arrival of the traffic era is not only the expansion of user scale, but also the development of new formats. More precisely, the relationship between the traffic era and the new format is mutually reinforcing. Since the second half of last year, the industry in bike-sharing has achieved rapid development.As of June this year, the number of users in bike-sharing has reached 106 million, accounting for 14.1% of the total netizens.The business coverage has penetrated from the first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen to the second, third and fourth-tier cities, and some bike-sharing brands have begun to go international.

  Live broadcast, flash, maker, online car, bike-sharing, mobile phone takeaway … … These new occupations based on mobile Internet have opened up new space for industrial development.According to incomplete statistics, in 2016, the number of take-away riders registered in China’s take-away platform has exceeded 10 million.. 

  According to the list of "Top 100 Internet Enterprises in China" in 2017,In 2016, the total revenue of Internet business of the top 100 Internet companies reached 1.07 trillion yuan, up 46.8% year-on-year, breaking through the trillion mark for the first time.Among them, there are nearly 50 enterprises related to the field of big data and nearly 20 enterprises related to artificial intelligence.

  Wen Ku, director of the Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the rapid development of the mobile Internet has spawned many new occupations and formats. Many enterprises provide diversified and personalized services to the majority of mobile communication users in combination with their own characteristics and advantages, meet people’s different needs, promote market competition, improve social efficiency and stimulate market vitality.

  Intelligent industry develops 5G network to promote "Internet of Everything"

  Based on the rapid growth of traffic scale, intelligent industries such as Internet of Things and VR industry will usher in rapid development in the future. 

△VR equipment helps middle school classrooms

  Experts believe that with the approaching of the 5G era, the explosive growth of traffic will bring more changes that are worth looking forward to. “It takes one hour for 4G to download a high-definition Blu-ray movie, but it may only take a few minutes for 5G. The powerful transmission capacity will allow more formats to carry traffic express trains."

  In June this year, China Information and Communication Research Institute released the White Paper on the Economic and Social Impact of 5G, proposing thatThe 5G network will provide at least ten times the peak rate of 4G, millisecond transmission delay and hundreds of billions of connection capabilities.Open a new era of extensive interconnection of everything and deep interaction between man and machine.

  5G will comprehensively build the key infrastructure for economic and social digital transformation, from online to offline, from consumption to production, from platform to ecology, and push China’s digital economy to a new level. For telecom operators, the rapid growth of traffic consumption has brought huge opportunities, but it also means that there is more room for speeding up and reducing fees, so as to achieve benign development.

There are 45 kinds of classic snacks in Shanghai. Don’t miss everything. How many have you eaten?

Shanghai laodiji presents a group of wonderful articles every day.

Open dusty memories and look for the past years.

Talking about Shanghai’s Old Foundation and Recalling Shanghai’s Old Foundation People

V. Shanghai’s old situation

Shanghai snack

Delicious is not expensive, and there are many varieties!

Hiding our memories of Shanghai

Count how many kinds have you eaten?


Dim sum

Step 1 pan-fried

Also known as fried steamed bread, it is a Shanghai dim sum native to Allah, with crisp skin, thick juice, fragrant meat and exquisite taste. Take a bite, and all the delicious flavors of meat, oil, onion and sesame will not disperse in your mouth for a long time.

Step 2: small cage

Thin-skinned, tender-fleshed, juicy, delicious, and beautiful, Shanghai small cage makes you cry. Please remember the formula of eating a small cage: "Lift it gently, move it slowly, open the window first, then suck the soup."

3. fried dumpling

Crispy fried dumpling, Shanghai people’s favorite! In the magic capital, if you want to eat authentic fried dumpling, you must visit those dim sum shops hidden in street corners and alleys, and ordinary small shops often have amazing delicious food.

4. Fried dough sticks

Walking in the alleys of Shanghai, if the person facing you holds soy milk in his left hand, most of them are fried dough sticks in his right hand. After tumbling in the oil pan, it slowly expands and turns golden, which is the favorite breakfast of Shanghainese.

5. Spring rolls

Small in size and golden in color. Bite it down, the skin is crispy, the stuffing inside is steaming, and it tastes old with sour vinegar.

6. Shaomai

Shaomai is as simple as a piece of dough and a mass of rice in it, but it is so delicate that it has "dried Kun inside". In the tough leather, glutinous rice, mushrooms and minced pork are wrapped, not to mention how satisfying it is!

7. Fresh milk cubes

Image from Weibo netizen Wennnnnn_666

Fresh milk cubes should eat rubies! Taste mellow, rich, one down, super satisfied, coupled with a cup of coffee, never tire of eating!


8. pie

A fried dough stick is folded in half and placed in the center of the pie; Fold the pie in pairs, and the fritters will become stuffing. My parents always said that if I had a pair of big cakes and fried dough sticks in the morning and a bowl of light syrup or sweet syrup, that day would be very comfortable!

9. Fresh meat moon cakes

During the National Day Mid-Autumn Festival, fresh meat moon cakes are of course a must! Fresh meat moon cakes are now sold. They are wrapped in fresh pork in plain pastry, and warm soup overflows with a bite. They are delicious!

10. rice cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Shy__ Ocean.

Sweet and soft glutinous rice cake, golden bottom, slightly sweet with a little acid, taking advantage of the hot air to take a bite, the faint rice fragrance permeates the tongue.

11. scallion cake

In Shanghai, scallion cakes are particularly famous! Some humble stalls, all kinds of queues, and eat and cherish!

12. Qiang cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen rabbit beauty ToMay

Qiang cake has always occupied a place in a wide variety of snacks. After fermentation, Qiang cake is crispy outside and soft inside.

13. omelet

The picture comes from the greedy pinko sauce of Weibo netizens.

Ala’s omelet is not pancake fruit, and Shanghai’s omelet skin is softer and wetter, but it is not so easy to taste it as a child now.

14. Crab shell yellow

Because the color is like the back of a crab shell, it is called "crab shell yellow". Make a flat round cake with pastry and yeast, stick a layer of sesame seeds on the cake surface, and bake it on the furnace wall. The stuffing is salty and sweet, and it is crisp enough to drop slag when you take a bite.

15. Gao Qiao muffins

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Xi Yano.

Gao Qiao muffin is the favorite of the old Shanghainese, and it can be called the "originator" of fresh-meat moon cakes, and all the relatives and friends who have eaten it are full of praise.

Cake dough

16. rice cake

The picture comes from a netizen in Weibo who knocked over the jar.

Delicious authentic Shanghai rice cake may appear in the oil pan selling fried dough sticks and hemp ball stalls. After being oiled, it is crispy and soft!

17. Rice balls

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Yamashita Leaf _

The rice of the glutinous rice ball includes white rice and blood glutinous rice, which are wrapped in hot fried dough sticks and squeezed tightly. Shanghainese who can eat it will add salted egg yolk and meat floss! Soft, tough and brittle!

18. Begonia cake

Begonia cake has a long history, which was created in the Qing Dynasty and named after the cake looks like a begonia flower. Sweet and delicious, eat delicious while it is hot!

19. plum blossom cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen mmm mushroom mushroom

Technically, plum blossom cake is similar to begonia cake. But the shape of the mold is different, and there are more roses and salted osmanthus as ingredients, which are more delicate than begonia cake.

20.hemp ball

When I was a child, I often ate hemp balls. The round balls were covered with white sesame seeds, which were golden in color and wrapped in bean paste, crispy and sweet.

21. grinding sand circles

Image from Weibo netizen Jingzi _luvlife

Shayuan is one of the traditional famous spots with Shanghai characteristics, with a history of more than 70 years. Roll a layer of dried bean paste powder on the cooked dumplings. Not only the dumplings are delicious, but also the red beans are fragrant, soft and delicious!

22. Hair cake

Hair cakes are sweet, fluffy and soft, and there are plenty of holes in the cross section. Generally, jujube or raisins are sprinkled on the cakes, which is particularly delicious.

23. Chongming cake

Chongming cake is not only delicious, but also represents reunion, happiness, happiness and sweetness. Cake is homophonic with "Gao", which means "high in the new year". It is especially important to eat during the New Year and can be bought at ordinary times.

24. All kinds of cakes

Of course, there are all kinds of cake balls, double-stuffed balls, top cakes … sweet and glutinous, all of which are the favorites of Ala Shanghai Ning.


25. Salted soybean milk

Fried dough sticks, pickled mustard tuber, shrimp skin, chopped green onion … There used to be laver. Add a spoonful of fresh soy sauce with a little vinegar, and with the posture of rushing down, the salty pulp in the bowl will bloom.

26. Tofu flower

A bowl of smooth "white tofu" is white in color, smooth, tender and refreshing, fresh, salty and slightly sweet, and a lot of laver, shrimp and mustard tuber are added. Mix it yourself. It’s delicious!

27. curry beef soup

The beef is crisp and tender, and the soup is fresh and delicious, which is quite flavor! With pan-fried, pot stickers, steamed buns are a must!

28. Duck blood vermicelli soup

A small bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup is rich in delicacies: duck blood, viscera, vegetables, vermicelli …

29. Double gear or single gear

Double-file or single-file was once the star of Shanghai street food at night.

■ Two louver bags, two gluten stuffed meat, plus a bowl of vermicelli, it is a double soup.

■ A louver bag and an oil gluten stuffed meat is a single soup.

Ordinary but warm into the heart, this feeling of happiness is nothing compared with.


Sweet and glutinous dumplings are Shanghai’s favorite. Especially the fresh meat stuffing, which is big and juicy, take a bite of a bag of soup! Eat four and you’ll be full!

31. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine makes dumplings

Sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant in October. At this time of year, it is absolutely great happiness to eat a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

32. Small wonton

When the wonton is cooked, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onion, seaweed, shrimp and egg skin, and pour the bone soup, and the wonton will float in unison. Sprinkle a handful of pepper and a few drops of sesame oil, which is hot and delicious.

Noodles and rice

33. Noodles with scallion oil

Noodles with scallion oil, a simple pastry full of Shanghai style, kai yang is delicious and scallion oil is fragrant.

34. Spicy meat noodles

The picture comes from Weibo netizen hedgehog loves to dance.

No matter in the morning, noon and evening, order a bowl of spicy meat noodles and eat it. After eating it, it’s cool! This kind of feeling that you can eat without spending more than ten dollars is practical and iron-sticking.

35 topping noodles

In addition to spicy meat noodles, there are large intestine noodles, large row noodles, yellow croaker noodles, bullfrog noodles and shredded eel noodles … A bowl of noodles is the simplest, but the toppings are tens of millions. Change a topping for a meal, at least for a week, and you can never get tired of eating it!

36. Stewed hoof noodles

The picture comes from Weibo. The netizen is just Caicai cc.

Shanghai loves to eat noodles, a bowl of braised hoof noodles, and the soup tastes thick. Although it is soy sauce-colored, it is clearly visible and layered, with a slightly sweet and gratifying meat flavor, which makes people memorable.

37. Yellow on both sides

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Fat Hum OVO.

Fry both sides of the noodles into golden brown, take them out, then pour all kinds of toppings and marinades, and turn over before eating, so as to eat them in the best state!

38. Lard bibimbap

Image from Weibo netizen fork _ burning bag

A spoonful of lard and a dish of soy sauce mixed with rice is a super delicious meal!

39. Paofan

The picture is from Weibo. No name is suitable for me, Cy.

It is a grass-roots bubble rice, which is the imprint of the older generation in Shanghai.

40. Chicken porridge

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Pisces’s life.

Stewed rice porridge cooked with chicken soup juice slipped into the throat, tender, fragrant, fresh and hot, and immediately felt comfortable all over the body, and every pore on the body felt "comfortable".

41. Bacon paella

The picture comes from the small forest of Weibo netizen Mo Xie.

Vegetable rice has a special aroma, that is, the soft and waxy smell of vegetables that have been covered for a long time. Bacon should be fat, so that the oil will be wrapped in rice.


42. Fried pork chops

Even if the magic has a lot of delicious food, it is not as good as a fried pork chop in many Shanghai children’s hearts. Golden and attractive, crisp outside and tender inside, you should shine when you see your eyes.

43. Rib rice cake

Among Shanghai snacks, the ribs rice cake is really a good one. The ribs are golden in color, the rice cake is white and soft, and it is delicious to have a bite with Shanghai’s old spicy soy sauce.

44. stinky tofu

It is said that Hunan people like to eat stinky tofu, and Shanghai people are not bad. Golden, "smelly" smell everywhere, just eat a piece, you can’t stop.

45. baked sweet potatoes

"Baked sweet potato" is commonly known as roasted sweet potatoes and baked sweet potato, but that’s the name in Shanghai. Slow fire and slow work are the true meaning of baking sweet potatoes.

How about it?

These delicacies

Does it remind you, too?

Leave a message and tell us ~ ~

Labor newspaper comprehensively sorted out popular food, slimming ing and where to eat in Shanghai.

Some pictures are from netizens in Weibo, thank you for your delicious exploration.

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Here are the 25 most difficult films to grab in the last film festival. Why are they so popular?

Special feature of 1905 film network At 8: 00 am on June 9, the Shanghai Film Festival will start to grab tickets.

These days, the first thing Xiao Dianjun gets up every morning is to brush the latest film list of the last film festival. As a result, the more he looks at it, the more he panics …

This time, the Shanghai Film Festival really wiped out all the fans.

From June 16th to June 25th, more than 500 movies were shown, which will definitely make you sit on your ass in the cinema.

Love to watch movies? There are ten serial broadcasts of "Marvel Comics Tenth Anniversary" and "Mission Impossible Five";

Love watching old movies? There are Bergman, bunuel, Ozu, Hitchcock and others in the master retrospective exhibition and the 4k restoration exhibition;

The essence is the "Group Portrait of Asian Contemporary Authors" and "Multiple Perspectives" planned by Shanghai Film Festival, from which you are not just watching a movie in isolation, but watching a carefully woven network of contemporary film history.

There are too many good movies, and the competition for grabbing tickets is bound to be fierce.

If you don’t have that much time to ponder over the film list, you can look at the 20 most worthy movies carefully selected by Xiao Dianjun from the 23 units of the last film festival before grabbing the ticket.

Even if you can’t go, you can have fun at home.

Ten new films

Thieves’ family

Highlight: Hirokazu Koreeda’s masterpiece, with super-high concentration of tenderness.

It is definitely the most difficult film to grab at the last film festival.

Someone on Douban sighed under the above stills, "What kind of plot can capture this scene is fascinating." Just looking at the smile on the face of this family, who would have thought that they were street rats who had no blood relationship and just got together to steal for a living? Seeking love in a cruel world is Hirokazu Koreeda’s insistence for many years, and The Thief Family is a fruitful result.

The Hollywood Reporter once commented on this film: "Who can surpass Hirokazu Koreeda? He knows that sometimes whispering is better than shouting. "

To tell the truth, even when watching the trailer, watching Sakura Ando and the smile on mayu’s dirty face made Xiao Dianjun feel hit (not because of his face value).


Highlight: It may be the best realistic movie in recent years.

The Lebanese film Capernaum won the grand prize of the jury in Cannes. According to media reports, the audience cried when it was shown. The story boldly challenges the oriental audience’s family concept: a 12-year-old Lebanese boy sued his parents for bringing him into this world, but did not raise him well?

The foreign media evaluation of this film is controversial. and other media think, why does the subject matter of realistic criticism always have to be bitter and bitter, and "forced" tears? ! Such a controversial work, you really have to go to the big screen to see what it is.

Cold War 

Highlight: See how the director of Sister Ada tells the story of depressed times and indulgent love.

If you are keen on nostalgic films such as Midnight in Paris and The Artist, you must choose Cold War first. Director Pawe? Pawlikowski used his black-and-white photography to capture the gloom of Poland and the debauchery of Paris during the Cold War.

The story is adapted from the personal experience of the director’s parents and tells the story of a musician and a female singer falling in love. Foreign media VOX exclaimed after watching the film, "I have never seen any film that can show such a strong desire in every scene."


Highlight: A bold film of mixed genre, shooting a family film in the form of a thriller.

The story of "Guardianship" is not outstanding, telling that a couple was sentenced to joint custody of their 12-year-old son after divorce; However, according to the audience’s comments, the thriller atmosphere of this film is comparable to that of Quiet Place, and even some girls can’t bear such repression and cry. believes that this film will resonate strongly with all those who grew up in an unhealthy family environment when they were young. (Here @ melrose)

Punk samurai 

(World premiere)

Highlight: It is the strongest Japanese film in recent years.

Punk Samurai is a magical blockbuster set in the Edo era, which tells the story of extraordinary swordsmen fighting against disasters. Just looking at the lineup and trailer, you may think that the producer of this film is crazy.

The director is Gakury? Ishii who insists on the experimental style and is often not accepted by the public because he plays too fast; It happened that the screenwriter was the most popular Kuro Miyato.

The cast is full of handsome guys and beautiful women (G Ayano, Keiko Kitagawa, Shōta Sometani), but in the trailer, all the idol baggage has been forgotten.

As can be seen from the trailer alone, this film is a mixture of strange shapes, Indian songs and dances, and a story with a strange brain. Fans who like Japanese movies can have a challenge.

How to strike up a girl at a party 

Highlight: A psychedelic youth film with bursting imagination, which is specially designed for rebellious children of all ages.

In 1977, three punk-obsessed teenagers broke into an alien party, and one of them even fell in love with a rebellious alien girl.

Director john cameron mitchell is good at shooting bold and different youth films, and his previous work "Rock Barbie" is well-known.

The film is creative from the poster to the preview, but the freshness of rotten tomatoes is only 46%. The film critic of The New Yorker complained, "This kind of film desperately wants to be a cult classic, but it doesn’t care if it is well made."

Face, village 

Highlight: Most documentaries make you feel heavy, but they will definitely make you laugh.

Face, Village is the latest work of 90-year-old "New Wave Grandma" Agnès Varda. It was nominated for an Oscar and won awards in several film festivals in France and the United States.

This is a documentary without a clear theme or purpose, but it is extremely naive and moving. In the film, Valda, who is dyed with a two-color mushroom head, and the artist JR drive a pickup truck and shoot along the way with a camera. The film critic of The Boston Globe even said, "People who can’t enjoy this film well, I think they have no hope for life."

Blood of the lone wolf

Highlight: In this Japanese gangster film, K?ji Yakusho actually performed the flavor of Kitano Takeshi.

Set in Hiroshima in 1988, it tells the story of an employee missing case jointly investigated by Tori Matsuzaka and K?ji Yakusho.

Director Kazuya Shiraishi has attracted much attention for her bold female films in recent two years, including the erotic film Cats and Yuu Aoi’s The Birds whose Names She Doesn’t Know.

The place where Kumagaya is staying.

Highlight: If Hideyoshi Okuda’s movie ever made you cry and laugh, don’t miss this new work.

"Where Kumatani Shouyi is" is a new work by director Shoichi Okuda, starring Tsutomu Yamazaki and KiKi KiRin.

Shouyi Kumatani is known as the "immortal of painting" in Japanese art history. He was born in a rich family, but he lived a simple life all his life. In his later years, he and his wife stayed indoors for 30 years and painted in their own garden. Sh?ichi Okita has always been good at portraying touching people. This time, it is better to pause the busy life and watch the clouds, fish and ants passing by together with the old painter.

Ten classics

The Shawshank Redemption

Highlight: As long as the film exists, The Shawshank Redemption can find its audience.

It will undoubtedly become the hottest classic in this film festival.

This story about prison break has become a symbol of spiritual salvation for the audience who love it. Even today, there are still many netizens who are constantly brushing on N.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. 

Highlight: It is the end of a generation of legends, both in narrative and visual effects.

Even though the current CG technology is far better than that in 2003, the series is still difficult to surpass.

This film was shown in the mainland in 2004, and a trilogy was shown in Beijing International Film Festival in 2012. This time, the missed fans must catch up.

Night of the living dead. 

Highlight: "A trip to Busan" and "Walking with a heavy load" are all "copying" it.

In 1968, the granular black-and-white horror film was regarded as the real originator of the funeral film.

Although there was a zombie image in horror movies before, it was never so horrible — — No thoughts, only the desire to eat people.

The picture of the daughter who turned into a zombie killing and eating her mother was unacceptable to many people at that time. Director George A. Romero’s use of zombie horror films to map social reality has also become a widely used technique since then.


Recommended reason: Do you still need a reason?

The treatment of Titanic in mainland film festivals will always be — — The venue was full.

But what’s more special is that this film festival saw the Dolby Vision format version specially produced by Cameron for the 20th anniversary of its release.

Critics such as Cameron have also expressed satisfaction with the screening effect, saying that this version "surpasses 3D and 70 mm film, and Titanic has never been so good."


Highlight: Atypical Hitchcock movies, the beauty of joan fontaine may impress you the most after watching it.

The story of Butterfly Dream is adapted from Rebecca by mystery novel in Daphne du Maurier. It tells the story of a woman who finds her husband’s dead ex-wife, Rebecca, lingering like a nightmare after she marries into a grand villa …

This is Hitchcock’s first film shot in Hollywood, and he won the Best Film and Best Photography in the 13th Academy Awards.

Taste of tea soaked in rice

Highlight: In Ozu’s movies, both saury and tea soaked rice are the taste of life.

In 1952, a 35 mm film version was shown at the Shanghai Film Festival in 2013. This time, after 4k restoration, the definition was higher.

"The Taste of Tea Soaking Rice" describes the contradiction between Sasaki Maoji, who was born in rural Xinzhou, and darling daughter Miao Zi, who was born in upper class. Miao Zi can’t stand many of her husband’s "bad habits", such as smoking cheap cigarettes and eating tea and making rice.

The film was shot between the more famous (1951) and (1953), and Ozu’s meticulous observation of traditional family life in his later works can also be seen in the film.

Sissy princess series 

Highlight: For many post-70s and 80s, there is only one princess in the world, and her name is Cece.

Princess Sissi trilogy was introduced by Shanghai Translation Studio in 1988. This series of stories is adapted from a palace anecdote after the election of the Austrian Emperor Flantz in the mid-19th century, telling the story of Princess Sissi and Flantz.

In those days when there were no Hollywood blockbusters, everyone was watching this movie, admiring how beautiful foreign princesses were and how many beautiful skirts they had.

Interestingly, the German film unit of this film festival will also show a biographical film about the heroine romy schneider. The film tells the story of the last interview with the media in Luo Mi Schneider’s life. By showing the conversation between an ambitious reporter and this fragile and childish female star, it shows the public a "Sissy Princess" that they don’t know.

Luis Bunuel’s The Prudent Charm of the Bourgeois in the Master’s Tribute Unit

Highlight: The most exciting thing about seeing luis Bunuel is that every scene of him may subvert your worldview.

Luis Bunuel’s six feature-length films will be shown in this film festival, and his short film with Dali will be shown in SIFF Classic Unit. And this is just the tip of the prolific Spanish movie master bunuel film career.

If you only choose one, the masterpiece will be the first. This film tells a strange story about six middle-class people who keep trying to have dinner, but are always interrupted unexpectedly, in which bunuel’s surreal style is brought into full play.

Xie Jin’s "furong town" in the Master Tribute Unit

Highlight: Choose the best China film, and it must be on the list.

On the eve of the release of Jiang Wen, this film festival is also attended by Jiang Wen, so let’s revisit this classic Chinese film directed by Xie Jin and written by Acheng, starring Jiang Wen and Liu Xiaoqing.

"furong town" is divided into two episodes, lasting 164 minutes, and tells the scene of unrest when the Cultural Revolution swept through Furong town in western Hunan. Hu Yuyin, a young woman who used to set up a tofu stall and had a prosperous business, was bullied in the movement. After her husband’s tragic death, her love with Qin Shutian, a rightist who swept the street, became her only comfort.

Jiang Wen was only 24 years old when he appeared in this film, but his image and acting skills in the film are very mature. The line "live, live like an animal" spoken by him through biting his teeth in the rain has become the crowning touch of this film.

X sage

Recommended reason: Japanese horror movies not only include Curse and Ring at Midnight, but also X Sanzhi.

X Sanctuary is directed by Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and starring K?ji Yakusho. There are a lot of scenes that use space and composition to create a depressing atmosphere, which is completely different from the previous Japanese horror films that rely on ghosts and gods or violent murders to scare people.

The story tells the story of several bizarre murders in Tokyo. All the bodies are engraved with "X" symbols, and the suspects present don’t remember what they did. The criminal police department pursued the case, but it was interfered by the murderer who was suspected of hypnosis, and he began to become wrong.

The above is the "film guide that is the most difficult to grab in the film festival" compiled by Xiao Dianjun.

I don’t know which movies you all want to see this film festival.