Auto Industry Development Pioneer, SAIC Volkswagen Helps China’s Dream of Automobile Power

  International online car channel news: Looking back on the past hundred years, the key words that have always been implemented are not afraid of difficulties and risks, and hard work. As one of the pillars of the national economy, the automobile industry has experienced unremitting struggle from scratch to strength.

  Chinese employees pose with German experts in front of a white Santana that has just rolled off the assembly line on April 11, 1983, in a workshop at the Shanghai Automobile Factory. Everyone’s faces are brimming with excitement. Without flowers and wine, this simple rolling-off ceremony marked the beginning of a new era for Chinese cars.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image001

On April 11, 1983, the first Santana rolled off the assembly line

  If Columbus’s voyage opened up the New World, then SAIC Volkswagen, the first batch of automobile companies to enter the Chinese automobile joint venture catalog, connected the world of automobiles. Since its establishment in the 1980s, SAIC Volkswagen has grown and developed together with China’s opening up process, led pioneering innovation, and continued to promote the transformation of the domestic automobile industry.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image002

SAIC Volkswagen

  Joint venture, a pioneer in the development of the automotive industry

  In the 1970s, China’s car industry was still in a state of small scale and low degree of mechanization. As China gradually opened up to the world and embraced the desire to develop an automobile power, China and other countries began to negotiate the establishment of joint ventures for cars. In 1978, the prelude to the automobile joint venture was officially opened. In October of the same year, a Chinese machinery delegation visited Europe and began to discuss the joint venture construction of car enterprises with Schmidt, then chairperson of Volkswagen Group, which opened the prelude to Sino-German cooperation.

  As the first person to eat crabs, it is natural to accept more challenges. To this end, the state has absorbed the opinions of Chinese and German negotiators. The negotiation of this joint venture project of SAIC Volkswagen has provided valuable examples and experience for the follow-up joint venture work not only in automobiles, but also in other industries in our country, and has become a pioneer of pioneering and innovation. After six years of long negotiations, Volkswagen Group and SAIC Group signed a joint venture contract in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in October 1984, and SAIC Volkswagen was officially established. As a bridge between China and Germany and the vanguard of the domestic automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen introduced advanced manufacturing technology and a sound quality management system into China, and a new pattern of using foreign capital, introducing technology and accelerating development in China’s automobile industry began.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image003

On October 12, 1984, the groundbreaking ceremony of Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd

  "Whirlwind" Santana, a model of car localization

  After China and Germany started to cooperate, they first needed to determine which product to introduce. At that time, the German side recommended the "Audi 80" or "Santana" models. After research by the Chinese side, the new model Santana with the latest materials, technology and craftsmanship at that time was favored. Santana was the latest product of German Volkswagen at that time. It had a simple and generous appearance, spacious space, outstanding safety and economy, and was suitable for use as domestic official vehicles and commercial vehicles.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image004

Santana Pipeline

  Quality Standards for localization caused controversy at the time. According to the contract, localized Santana parts had to be sent to Germany for technical certification by Volkswagen. Due to the fact that the production conditions and technical level of the domestic automobile manufacturing industry were still in their infancy at that time, production defects were inevitable, which was not allowed in the eyes of strict German experts.

  In 1988, the quality standard for the localization of Santana was officially concluded: "The localization of Santana cannot be’melons and vegetables’, and the localized parts must adhere to the German Volkswagen standard, 100% qualified, and 0.1% reduction is not required." The phrase "no melons and vegetables" has been widely praised, and SAIC Volkswagen has also adhered to high standards.

  Adhere to quality first and form an auto parts industry chain

  In order to overcome the problem of "improving the localization rate of Santana", SAIC Volkswagen, with the help of governments at all levels, started a series of key innovation work again. At that time, the situation of Chinese auto parts enterprises was a lack of technology and money. To improve the localization rate, it was necessary to carry out technological transformation of auto parts enterprises. Large transformation costs were the main obstacle to improving the localization rate at that time.

  In 1988, the "localization fund" was officially established, which fundamentally solved the problem of funding for the introduction of technology and equipment by parts and components enterprises. Also in 1988, 105 parts and components supporting enterprises, 6 universities, and 7 scientific research institutes jointly established the "Santana Community". The localization of Santana is no longer a matter of one enterprise, but a problem of the entire city, and even China’s automobile industry. With policy support and financial support, a large number of parts and components enterprises began to reinvent themselves and grow. Even later, as long as the quality standard has been approved by SAIC Volkswagen, other manufacturers will directly purchase it and become "inspection-free products".

  Within the company, SAIC Volkswagen hired more than 20 retired engineers from Germany’s Volkswagen to train and guide the production of parts, strictly in accordance with the German "six gates", namely the entry gate, the first sample pass, the tooling sample pass, the quality assurance system evaluation pass, the batch supply pass and the official supply pass, to achieve 100% qualified localization of parts. At the same time, if the domestic local parts factory wants to become a supplier of SAIC Volkswagen, it must be re-transformed according to German standards, and the parts can only pass the inspection after being tested by German standards. In this process, SAIC Volkswagen worked with Germany to gradually establish a complete industrial chain including Product Research & Development, parts supply system, modern vehicle production system, and fully functional sales and after-sales services system. This modern automotive industry system was first put into practice in China through SAIC Volkswagen. In terms of parts system, the Chinese and German partners mobilized more than 300 parts manufacturers of the Volkswagen Group around the world to encourage and support these manufacturers to transfer technology to China, establish joint ventures, and realize local production. Ultimately, the Sino-German partners jointly established more than 400 high-quality parts enterprises, which became the core of China’s auto parts system and laid the foundation for the development of the domestic auto industry.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image005

January 28, 1992 Celebration of the cumulative production of 100,000 Santana sedans

  Through the joint efforts of all members, in the early 1990s, the localization rate of Santana finally reached 90%, and the annual output exceeded 3,500 vehicles. Overcoming language barriers and technical gaps, the integration of localization technology and German standards has introduced a manufacturing process that is synchronized with the world for the domestic automobile industry, and also brought quality cars that are in line with international standards to domestic consumers.

  The development of SAIC Volkswagen is like the epitome of China’s opening up, and every pioneering and innovation has become a driving force. Looking forward in 2021, every person and story involved has become a symbol, recording the original bravery and creativity of Chinese cars and Chinese builders. (Image source: SAIC Volkswagen)




[Huawei asks M9′ s competitive goal: ideal L9 and MEGA] According to the delay.

[Huawei asks M9′ s competitive goal: ideal L9 and MEGA]

According to the news of the late Auto, a person close to Huawei said that the goal of Huawei’s M9 extended-range version is to eat the ideal L9 market, and the pure electric version regards MEGA as a strong enemy.

The confrontation between Huawei and Ideal has started since the release of M7. The hot sale of M7 proves Huawei’s ability to sell cars, and now it takes three years to develop M9 from scratch, which makes the ideal feel more pressure. Ideally, in half a year, the attitude towards market competition has changed from "actual combat, growth and crushing" last year to "suspension, passivity and defense".

In November last year, Huawei split the car BU and established a joint venture company with cooperative car companies, further consolidating its alliance with car companies. Later, Auto learned that four companies that have deep cooperation with Huawei, such as the M8 in the border and the MPV that Huawei cooperates with Jianghuai, plan to launch this year, all of which are in direct competition with ideal products.

Ideal takes the lead with surprising products; Huawei has abundant resources and complete processes. Two companies with very different backgrounds and different personalities met in the new energy vehicle market. After two years of confrontation, each company made up for its own shortcomings and its competitiveness reached a higher level.

Later, Auto thinks that this year is about to usher in a major reshuffle of the domestic electric vehicle industry. Both companies are standing at the center of the storm and have come up with their own key products: MEGA versus M9.

This is a real test of all-round strength of products, brands, supplies and organizations.

The shareholders of Xiaomi Auto changed, and the original Xiaomi quit! Hong kong company holding!

Electric home news, recently, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes.The major shareholder changed from Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., Ltd. to Xiaomi Hong Kong Company XiaomiEVLimited. . At the same time, the enterprise type changed from a limited liability company (sole proprietorship) to a limited liability company.(Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao legal person sole proprietorship).

Xiaomi EV Limited was established on September 1, 2021. The enterprise type is a private company limited by shares with the enterprise number of 3081486. There is no more news at present. Xiaomi Communication was established on August 25th, 2010 with a registered capital of USD 320 million. Its legal representative is Wang Chuan, and its business scope includes developing mobile phone technology, computer software and information technology. Computer technology training, etc. The company is wholly owned by Xiaomi H.K. Limited. The company has 20 foreign-invested enterprises, including Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd., Guangdong Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., Ltd..

Xiaomi Automobile was established on September 1, 2021 with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. Its legal representative is Lei Jun, and its business scope includes the whole vehicle manufacturing of new energy vehicles. Technical research and development of complete vehicles and parts; Research and development of motor and its control system. At present, the company has been wholly owned by Xiaomi EV Limited.

On October 19th, Lei Jun, Chairman of Xiaomi Group, said on Xiaomi Investor Day,The progress of Xiaomi’s car-making and team work far exceeds his expectations. It is expected that Xiaomi Automobile will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi Automobile Company has been registered in Beijing, and the first factory will be located in Yizhuang, Beijing. At present, it has received 20,000 resumes and 453 R&D teams.

According to media reports, Lei Jun said at the scene that doing automobile business is not for "showing off". At present, electric vehicles have changed from machinery industry to information industry, and some colleagues are already doing it. If Xiaomi does not do it, it will be eliminated. Xiaomi, from smart phones to smart homes and smart offices, belongs to a fully intelligent ecology. If it is well integrated with electric vehicles, it will be extremely expandable.

On March 30th this year, Xiaomi Group announced at the press conference that it has officially entered the field of vehicle manufacturing, and plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to be responsible for the smart electric vehicle business, with an initial investment of 10 billion yuan and an estimated investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Group, will also serve as the CEO of the smart electric vehicle business. At the spring new product launch conference of Xiaomi, Lei Jun once said that Xiaomi will make every effort to build Xiaomi car with the existing cash reserve of 108 billion yuan, more than 10,000 R&D teams, the top three mobile phone businesses in the world and the best intelligent ecology in the world.

On September 1st this year, Lei Jun said in Weibo that Xiaomi Automobile was officially registered, and the company was named Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. Lei Jun, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, served as the legal representative. Xiaomi Company said that in the five months since the announcement of the car, Xiaomi Automobile Team has conducted a large number of user surveys and industrial chain inspections, and carefully selected from more than 20,000 resumes while intensively promoting product definition.

On October 15th, Xiaomi Group announced organizational adjustment and cadre appointment, in which Li Xiaoshuang was appointed as the vice president of Xiaomi Automobile, responsible for product, supply chain and market-related work, and reported to Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Automobile. It is understood that Li Xiaoshuang once served as the head of Xiaomi Box and Xiaomi TV. Before taking office as vice president of Xiaomi Automobile, he was the general manager of Xiaomi Group’s household appliances department, leading Xiaomi TV to hit the number one throne in the world. In fact, Li Xiaoshuang has already appeared in the photo of the core executives who announced the establishment of Xiaomi Automobile Company by Lei Jun.

At present, Xiaomi Automobile is still in constant layout. Lei Jun once revealed in the live broadcast that Xiaomi’s first model will be positioned in the middle and high end, and it will definitely represent the cutting-edge technology and cutting-edge level at the time of listing, and the price is likely to be 100,000-300,000 yuan. In addition, the specific models are currently being selected among cars and SUVs, and have not yet been finalized.

The Scare of the Deep Sea: A Gift from the Hidden Front

  On October 22 nd, the spy war drama "The Scare of the Deep Sea" was launched, which announced that the third round of tribute drama exhibition officially entered a climax stage.

  This drama is based on the novel of the same name by well-known screenwriter Hai Fei. It is set in Shanghai in 1941. Under the sinister anti-Japanese war situation, Chen Shan, who lives at the bottom of the society, was selected by Japanese spy leader Araki because of his resemblance to military special agent Xiao Zhengguo, forcing him to become a Japanese spy and penetrate into Chongqing military system. In this process, Chen Shan was driven to fight against the enemy step by step by the resentment of the Japanese cruelty and the immortal national consciousness. Inspired by Zhang Li, an outstanding communist, party member, Chen Shan not only strengthened his belief in communism, but also completed many tasks gloriously and grew into a real communist fighter in the transformation of his identity between Shanghai and Chongqing.

  "The Scare of the Spy Wars in the Deep Sea" handed over a high-quality answer sheet with a strong lineup and in-depth plot, which attracted great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  Chinese culture not only adheres to its roots, but also keeps pace with the times, which enables the Chinese nation to maintain firm national self-confidence and strong repair ability, and cultivate common feelings and values, common ideals and spirits. Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s literature and art in the new era presents an exciting new picture. In the past five years, the vast number of literary and art workers have adhered to the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s cultural development, undertaken the new mission entrusted by the new era, clearly demonstrated the people-centered creative orientation, and created various excellent literary and artistic works. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and nearly 100 tribute dramas have emerged in the literary and art market. In a series of dramas, The Scare of the Spy War in the Deep Sea has successfully attracted a large number of audience’s attention by its delicate portrayal of the national spirit and youthful expression of the plot. In the play, the revolutionary martyrs are described delicately. Their youth burning in the troubled times of the bonfire, like a thunder, awakened the national justice of a generation of Chinese people and ignited the light of the motherland. Like a flash of lightning, it illuminates the blood of contemporary audiences and inherits the immortal revolutionary spirit. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi, Sean and other young actors, who have both acting skills and popularity, have taken the lead in this drama, contributed excellent acting skills, and created a new model of "tribute drama+flow", which attracted a large number of young audiences. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi and Sean, several young actors, have proved their acting skills through unremitting efforts and many works that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and have accumulated the love of a large number of audiences through their acting skills.In the online public opinion field, there are both "audience affinity", traffic and discussion, and several leading actors have naturally accumulated more attention.

  We should adhere to the people-centered creative orientation. The people are not only the creators of history, but also the witnesses of history, the "dramatists" and the "dramatists" of history. If literature and art want to reflect the voice of the people, we must adhere to the fundamental direction of serving the people and socialism. "Spy Warfare in the Deep Sea" focuses on ordinary but great ordinary people in different industries in a special era. They have different backgrounds, different degrees of acceptance of culture, and everyone’s fate has different trajectories. But in the eyes of the audience, watching the characters in the play is like seeing every ordinary person around us. In the process of escape, Chen Shan became a Japanese spy for her sister and family. In the course of the task, he and Zhang Li attracted each other because of their common beliefs, and finally recognized their beliefs and persistence. Finally, at the moment of national survival, they were willing to be a beacon of national awakening and rejuvenation. Love, affection, faith and national righteousness are intertwined, which together constitute that true and difficult historical cry. "The Scare of the Deep Sea" takes the audience to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, eulogize the heroes of the times, and also alert the young people in the new era, always remembering history, Do not forget your initiative mind.

  Different from previous spy war dramas, The Scare of the Deep Sea takes a different approach, with Chen Shan being forced to become a Japanese spy as the creative perspective. The story is fascinating and meticulously depicts the mental journey of the characters, which not only highlights the great revolutionary spirit of the people of China, but also has far-reaching social education significance, enhances the modern audience’s awe of their ancestors, and triggers the inheritance and development of the spirit of struggle and dedication at present. (You Zijun)

Football Summary: Messi Gods Argentina 7

On March 29th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the latest situation of the international competition day.

Spain 0-2 away to Scotland

In the second round of Group A of the European Cup qualifiers, McTominay made two consecutive double rings. Spain lost to Scotland 0-2 away, and gave up the top position in the group after swallowing the first defeat. This 0-2 game ended Spain’s five unbeaten games against Scotland. The last time they lost to Scotland was in the preliminaries in November 1984. It has been 39 years since then, when they lost 1-2 away.

Argentina home 7-0 Cura? ao

In the international friendly match, 35-year-old Messi wore a hat at half time, Gonzalez, Enzo, Di Maria and Montiel successively made contributions, and Argentina beat Cura? ao, a weak team in Central and North America, 7-0 at home. Messi reached the milestone of the national team’s 100 goals, and the total number of goals rose to 102. Cristiano Ronaldo, the world football national team goal record holder, still has a gap of 20 goals.

Germany home 2-3 Billytime

In the international friendly match, carrasco, Lu Kaku and De Braune each scored a goal, and Belgium beat Germany 3-2. Four days ago, Belgium just beat Sweden 3-0 in the European preliminaries. On this international competition day, Belgium won two consecutive victories and scored three goals in both games.

Japan 1-2 Colombia, South Korea 1-2 Uruguay

Japan and South Korea, the two top teams in Asia, both lost 1-2. Japan was reversed by Colombia, and South Korea was beaten by Uruguay with two goals. On this international competition day, Japan, South Korea and China were all 1 draw and 1 loss. China’s opponents in the two men’s soccer matches were both New Zealand, while Japan and South Korea were Colombian and Uruguayan.

A "circle of friends" takes 10 minutes to find the lost children, and this police station in Yiwu Public Security is connected with 120,000 residents online.

  "Has anyone seen a child? My child is gone! "

  One day in May, Wang Li, the instructor of the E-commerce Police Office of Jiangdong Police Station of Yiwu Public Security Bureau, suddenly heard such a cry and ran out of the police office. She soon learned the reason: the mother took her daughter to buy medicine in a nearby pharmacy, but she didn’t pay attention for a while. The child was gone.

  E-commerce Police Office is located in Liuyu Village, Qingyan, Jiangdong Street, Yiwu, which is known as "the first village of online stores in China" and a hot spot of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". At present, more than 4,000 online stores have settled in, bringing together more than 25,000 entrepreneurs across the country. In such a large floating population, lost children need to be found quickly.

  Wang Li immediately posted a special "WeChat circle of friends" containing the characteristics and clothes of the lost girl. After more than ten minutes, someone contacted, "There is a child here who looks like what you are looking for." Wang Li took people to find it, and it was indeed a lost child.

  Through a "circle of friends", the lost children were found in 10 minutes, thanks to a pioneering work of Jiangdong Police Station.

  Grassroots policing also needs digital tools.

  The circle of friends searching for people originated from Wang Li’s corporate WeChat, which can directly reach more than 2,000 residents around the e-commerce police office.

  The head of the publisher is dressed in a police uniform, and there is the identity of "@ Jiangdong Police Station" after the name. People who find clues can chat with the police instructor directly by clicking on the head. This is the key to quickly find the lost children.

  This situation does not only appear in the e-commerce police office. In fact, the entire Jiangdong police station has established a smart policing platform based on enterprise WeChat, that is, "WeChat policing". It has also been combined with the work of "Party building+unit+policing" and "one village and one auxiliary police" based on WeChat, and achieved very good results.


  Jiangdong Street is located in the center of Yiwu, which is the largest and narrowest area among several streets in the city. The street has a local population of 87,000 and a foreign population of 217,000, including nearly 3,000 foreigners. It is the most alert and complicated area in Yiwu and even the whole Jinhua area, and efficient and convenient communication channels between the police and the people are very necessary.

  Yiwu Jiangdong Street has a cluster of online merchants, developed logistics, and the gradual spread of 5G networks. The unique resource advantages have made digitalization a breakthrough in public security grassroots innovation.

  Can the auxiliary police at the grass-roots level have a continuous and efficient contact with the residents in the jurisdiction with the help of tools?

  At this time, Tencent’s enterprise WeChat attracted the attention of the leaders of Jiangdong police station: free tools, interoperability with WeChat, and more members and external relationship management functions were the reasons for them to decide to give it a try.

  It is a valuable experience of Jiangdong police station to sink the police and auxiliary police into villages and communities. On April 29th, Jiangdong Police Station officially launched the work of "one village and one auxiliary police" in the village. More than 100 policemen and auxiliary police officers in charge of grass-roots policing have their own "exclusive" service areas, and they have a new identity: resident police instructors.

  With the full operation and maintenance support of Tencent’s official WeChat service provider, the first enterprise WeChat platform of "Public Security Police Station" in China has also been launched. The identity of police instructors is bound to their own enterprise WeChat accounts, and residents in the jurisdiction only need to use WeChat to add them. Moreover, in the eyes of residents, they have both officially certified business cards and friends who can communicate at any time in the address book.

  The first attempt achieved good results. On the afternoon of May 24, Ms. Zhou, who lives in Jiangdong, encountered a common scam when she visited the supermarket. She won a "grand prize" with the supermarket vouchers, and she only needed to make up the difference to get a "valuable" jade bracelet.

  The heart-warming Ms. Zhou hesitated to make up the difference. Soon, she remembered the police instructor Wang Yuqiang she had added and sent a message to ask. Seeing the news, Wang Yuqiang immediately called a voice call. He reminded Ms. Zhou to carefully measure the physical value of the bracelet and avoid impulsive consumption.

  "If it weren’t for instructor Wang’s timely reminder, I would have bought the bracelet impulsively at that time, so I regretted it and couldn’t find a place to make sense." When she mentioned the experience of "lucky draw", Ms. Zhou looked lucky.

  Resolve contradictions and disputes on the spot

  At the end of the police station, from the leader as the manager to the front-line auxiliary police, there is also a great need for a tool to improve efficiency.

  The high incidence and complicated police situation put a lot of pressure on Jiangdong police station. According to Lou Xiaolei, director of Jiangdong Police Station, in normal times, the police station handles nearly 100 police cases every day on average. Among them, in addition to common cases such as property infringement and gambling on drugs, during this year’s epidemic, new telecommunication network fraud involving masks, temperature guns and helmets also appeared frequently. "In addition, some economic disputes, consumer disputes, family disputes, and non-police alarms such as getting lost, asking for help, drunkenness, noise and moving cars. 110’ Alarm ",

  This represents the people’s trust in the police, but at the same time, the non-police situation consumes a lot of police force and often consumes the safety satisfaction of ordinary people.

  "Controlling cases and reducing police situation" is the main line of the work of grass-roots police stations. Accusing a case requires pre-publicity by the police and timely intervention before the case occurs; On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent and stop telecommunication network fraud cases as much as possible, on the other hand, it is necessary to try to resolve disputes and non-police conflicts on the spot. At the beginning of this year, the new team of Jiangdong Police Station took the lead in proposing the goal of creating a "Fengqiao-style police station", that is, "small things don’t leave the village, big things don’t leave the town, contradictions don’t be handed over, and conflicts are resolved on the spot".

  Under the leadership of Lou Xiaolei, corporate WeChat has become a "good helper" for "controlling the case and reducing the alarm".

  The e-commerce economy in Jiangdong street is developed, and telecommunication network fraud is high. Anti-fraud propaganda is also the top priority of Jiangdong police station. Now, the resident police instructor can send the anti-fraud propaganda uniformly produced by the police station to WeChat friends in the jurisdiction through the enterprise WeChat. This method is more accurate than distributing leaflets and posting posters.

  In order not to disturb residents too much, police instructors also conduct anti-fraud propaganda through the "customer circle of friends" function of enterprise WeChat. Its content can be edited by the police station and then pushed to all police instructors with one click. They just need to click "OK" to synchronize the content.

  These two methods also bring a very practical benefit: "zero cost", which can save tens of thousands of yuan each time compared with the receiving group of hundreds of thousands of people who send short messages in groups through operators.

  The anti-fraud propaganda sent by police instructors accurately prevented a fraud case of pretending to be a school teacher to collect training fees.

  Enterprise WeChat is also a good reporting channel to help police stations crack down on illegal crimes.

  On May 20th, Mr. Li, a resident, contacted Wu Wentao, a police instructor, through the enterprise WeChat to provide clues to help solve an online gambling gang case, involving a "tap" of up to 200,000 yuan.

  Smooth communication channels between residents and police instructors in the jurisdiction are also of great help to resolve conflicts on the spot and absorb the police situation.

  Jimingshan Community in Jiangdong Street has a total population of 35,000, including 25,000 foreigners from 31 provinces, more than 2,000 residents from 29 ethnic minorities, more than 1,300 foreigners from 74 countries and more than 3,500 local residents. It is called "United Nations Community".

  In response to frequent police incidents, the police instructors in Jimingshan Community use corporate WeChat to handle the help and disputes of residents in the area at any time. "Even at 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock in the evening, if our team members receive it, they will reply in time," said Jin Xiaowei, the stationmaster of Jimingshan Community Police Guidance Station. "Moreover, corporate WeChat can take screenshots, send pictures, and have voice or video conversations, which is more intuitive than telephone calls."

  This has caused many disputes and non-police police situations to be quickly resolved. From April to June 2019, there were more than 1,130 police situations in Jimingshan community, which dropped to more than 700 in the same period this year. "The police situation has declined, and the people’s sense of security and satisfaction has naturally improved."

  Connect 120,000 residents in the jurisdiction.

  With the initial results of the "WeChat policing" model, Jiangdong police station felt greater responsibility, and they began to think about two more important issues: how to connect more residents in the jurisdiction? What other digital capabilities can be combined with grassroots policing?

  It is not easy to add WeChat of residents in the jurisdiction on a large scale.

  "Tower Group" provides "seed users" for police instructors, and some landlords and tenants will actively add them through the corporate WeChat business cards shared by the group, but after this wave, the real test will come.

  Each police guidance station of Jiangdong Police Station has its own magic power.

  Huang Pengfei, the stationmaster of Wuai Community Police Guidance Station, uniformly printed the corporate WeChat business cards for the police instructors. When doing the registration of floating population, fire protection propaganda and anti-fraud propaganda on a daily basis, he would specially ask everyone to bring business cards and introduce the benefits of adding police instructors from door to door.

  In less than two months, five police instructors in Wuai Community have added more than 5,600 friends. As of mid-June, 72 police cases have been handled through corporate WeChat, including asking for help, lost children, theft, fraud, economic disputes, housing disputes, etc. "Many people will directly report their problems through corporate WeChat, and there are private telephones on our corporate WeChat business cards. Some things are urgent, and they will call directly with a phone call."

  The police instructors in Jimingshan community also used this "street fighting" approach. The stationmaster Jin Xiaowei even asked the team members to post the corporate WeChat business card on the back of their mobile phones and promote it at any time during their daily visits. "The idea I gave them was ‘ Always think about it in your heart and promote it at any time ’ 。”

  In addition, in the conspicuous position of the village (neighborhood) Committee, including the counters of restaurants and express delivery points, the QR code of the corporate WeChat of the police instructor was also posted. "Residents may not add it at first, but when something happens, he will think of it and contact us directly after adding it."


  By June 30th, Jiangdong Police Station had added more than 120,000 WeChat accounts through the real-name certified enterprise WeChat accounts within two months. It is equivalent to that nearly half of the residents in Jiangdong area have established direct contact with police officers.

  According to statistics, since the launch of the enterprise WeChat of Jiangdong Police Station, it has received more than 16,000 police consultations in just two months. Among them, 237 cases were guided to properly handle the police situation, more than 1,400 people were asked for help, 3,154 people were declared by the floating population, 276 cases were consulted on online fraud, 32 cases were stopped from online fraud, and more than 11,000 people were consulted on contradictions and disputes, household registration business and residence declaration.

  At the same time, the total police situation in Jiangdong Police Station decreased by 10.94% from May to June this year, among which the police situation of telecommunication network fraud decreased by 17.91% and the police situation of disputes decreased by 22.15% compared with the same period of last year. …….

  Behind connecting residents is the initial intention of Jiangdong police station to truly serve the masses.

  Jiangdong police station is still exploring more digital capabilities.

  For example, they hope to use the video conference function to arrange the work for the police instructors in the village; In the process of contradiction and dispute mediation, we can also try to let lawyers and mediators participate through video conference to break through the time and space restrictions; The hottest webcast at the moment can also be used for anti-fraud propaganda.

  In their idea, Jiangdong Police Station can even be combined with enterprise WeChat to create an "online police room". In addition to the simple graphic, audio and video communication between police instructors and residents, it can also be based on the API interface opened by enterprise WeChat to move more and more complex police services online in the form of small programs, so that each resident auxiliary police can play a greater role.

  "Our current police are really hard. They work in three shifts and have to deal with twenty or thirty police situations a day. Now we have absorbed some police situations through the prevention and treatment of "WeChat policing", which is a great burden reduction for them and a more intimate policing service for ordinary people. "

It became the number one hot spot after class overnight. How long can Tenghahe last?

Reporter Han Bing reports Going out at home in the League Cup is not a big deal, but losing more than 3 goals at home in a row, the worst record of losing at home in 61 years, is a key node that may push Tenghahe’s fate from quantitative change to qualitative change. Although Manchester United did not consider changing coaches when talking to the media, the act of making a statement itself has already made the outside world smell dangerous.

The 0-3 defeat against Newcastle United activated a series of dazzling shame records: half of the top 10 home games of the season were lost, the worst since the 1930/31 season; Lost 8 of the first 15 games, the worst since the 1962/63 season; There is also the highest loss rate (53%) in 90 years, which is not counting the previous 12 records of losing, conceding and losing in a row. The patience with Tenghahe is constantly consumed in this ever-increasing shame record, and the distance is getting closer and closer to being completely exhausted …

After the game, Tenghahe continued to complete the familiar "reversal" at the press conference, but his odds after class jumped to the second place in the Premier League within 24 hours after the game (odds of 3), second only to Sheffield United coach Hejin Barton (odds of 5/3) who scored only 1 point in 10 rounds. Chelsea coach Pochettino, who burns more money, has fewer events and fewer points, ranks fifth (odds are 17), which is much safer than Tenghah. In the early morning of Beijing time, just after Manchester United officially made a statement that it was not considered to change coaches, Tenghahe’s odds of class dismissal rose to the top of the Premier League (11/10), surpassing Hutchinson Barton (5/4), and Pochettino was even safer (20)! Overnight, Tenghahe entered the "extremely dangerous" zone from the "safe" position.

Since ancient times, there have been few gifts in the snow, and there have never been many people who have fallen into the rain. Tenghahe stressed that last season’s Carling Cup proved that he could turn the tide, but media such as Manchester Evening News and celebrities such as Neville made it clear that the Dutch coach had lost the support of the dressing room and it was only a matter of time before class was over. This season’s scandal-ridden dressing room of the Red Devils, after the turmoil of Sancho and Anthony, now players have completely lost confidence in Tenghahe himself. As early as after the Manchester derby, the British media revealed that players questioned Tenghahe’s tactics, including letting Lindelov, who is not good at wingers, play left-back, and Anthony, who is better at wingers, was not the first choice.

Tenghahe’s tough approach has also attracted the disgust of most players. Punishing Sancho is an example. After the Manchester derby, Tenghahe forced Manchester United players to stay to witness the celebration of Manchester City players and fans, canceled the original holiday and added extra homework, which was considered as disrespect for the players. The extra homework is to let the players watch the video edited by the coaching staff for themselves, which points out the mistakes made by the players. This kind of practice, like punishing primary school students, makes the stars feel "humiliated". The first person who didn’t buy it was Rachford. On the night after the derby, the Manchester United winger held a party in the nightclub until 3: 30 in the morning. At least for now, Tenghahe hasn’t given him a ticket.

Neville’s hint on the social media account is almost explicit: "We have seen such a situation before, we know how it ends, and we have had enough." Former Tottenham midfielder O ‘Hara also stressed: Manchester United is in chaos from top to bottom, the players don’t care about winning or losing, and the coach has lost the support of the players. This is similar to Neville’s definition of Tenghahe and Manchester United. Neville emphasized that both rivals of Manchester United have professional sports departments, but Manchester United doesn’t even have Sports director. In addition, after driving away Cristiano Ronaldo last year, Manchester United announced that it would consider new strategic choices, but there is still no clear direction today, which also makes Manchester United players feel insecure.

Tenghahe’s fate has changed from how to turn things around to when to finish class. The British media began to calculate the cost (15 million pounds) of firing Tenghahe for Manchester United. After Ferguson retired, this figure tied for the highest among the fired coaches. However, it has just been announced that last season’s revenue was as high as 640 million pounds, which is completely affordable for Manchester United, which set a new record for Premier League clubs. In addition, the media has even listed a succession candidate list for Manchester United: emeri of Aston Villa, Eddie Howe of Newcastle United, De Zerbi of Brighton, as well as the laid-off Zidane and the hot Bayer Leverkusen coach Alonso.

Different from last season, Manchester United’s dressing room is not only separated from Germany, but also the injury crisis has not improved. Casemiro’s new injury continues to weaken Manchester United’s already unbearable defensive end. Tenghahe wants to be what he calls a "fighter" and unite with the players to fight together, but he must first fully implement his tactics through the players-unfortunately, this is also the most difficult thing to do at present.

In order to save the situation, the British media revealed that Tenghahe would have a one-on-one conversation with Manchester United players to understand the situation and eliminate barriers. However, there is not much time left for Tenghahe, and the international competition day in November may be his last chance to breathe. At the end of November, Manchester United will play Galatasaray, Newcastle United, Chelsea and Bayern at home, and then Liverpool. How long can Tenghah last? It’s a good prize-winning quiz.

Foreign media commented on 10 games that have been played for more than 100 hours recently, such as Bode Gate 3.

Some games have something special that allows players to play for more than hundreds of hours. Players will take the time to check every corner and complete every task. Although there are very few games with this experience, there have been some such games in the game market in the past few years. Foreign media counted 10 games worth playing for 100 hours for players today.

Game list:

1. Death Stranded: Guide and Cut Edition

2. The Eldon Method Ring

4. Cyberpunk 2077

5. the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

6.starry sky

7. Horizon: Desperate West

8. The Legacy of Hogwarts

9. Ghost of Tsushima Island: Guide and Cut Edition

10. The Lost Light 2