Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Han

All relevant units, sub-bureaus, county (city) planning and natural resources bureaus:

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain the security of geographical information, our bureau has formulated the "Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Hangzhou", which are hereby issued. Please abide by them carefully.

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

October 23, 2023

(This article is published publicly.)

Hangzhou regulations on the management of high-precision maps for intelligent networked vehicles

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain geographical information security, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Map Management Regulations, the Ministry of Natural Resources Notice on Promoting the Development and Maintenance of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, and the Hangzhou Measures for the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles Testing and Application, and in light of the actual situation of this city.

These Provisions apply to activities such as data collection, storage, transmission, processing, production and use of high-precision maps of intelligent networked vehicles (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) within the administrative area of this Municipality.

The term high-precision map as used in these regulations refers to an electronic map mainly used for assisting the driving of intelligent connected vehicles with high position accuracy.

High-precision maps mainly include maps of L4 and above autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) and maps of L3 and below autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps).

III. The management of high-precision maps follows the principles of law and regulation, full-process monitoring, equal emphasis on management and service, and safety and control, and implements classification and grading management.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources is responsible for the city’s high-precision map management.

Units engaged in the production of high-precision maps shall obtain corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications in accordance with the law, or entrust units with corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications to carry out corresponding surveying and mapping activities.

The data storage server for high-precision maps shall be located within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. High-precision map data shall be encrypted with domestic commercial passwords that meet security standards, and transmitted through network channels with security measures to ensure the security of geographic information data.

The high-precision map data to be transmitted overseas shall be subject to the approval procedures for external provision according to law.

The production of high-precision maps shall comply with the technical requirements of the Zhejiang provincial local standard "Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Road Basic Geographic Data Specification" (DB33/T 2391-2021), follow relevant regulations, and standardize the production and expression of data collection and map elements.

Eighth, high-precision maps shall be treated with state-recognized geographical information confidentiality technology.

Nine, before the high-precision map is publicly used or delivered for application, it shall be submitted to the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Natural Resources for map review through the Zhejiang Government Service Network (map approval) according to regulations, and the map review number shall be obtained according to law.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, through the Hangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Data Application Safety Monitoring Platform, obtains relevant information on the use of high-precision maps in intelligent connected vehicle testing and application activities, and collaborates with relevant departments to organize and carry out pilot supervision and inspection of high-precision map applications in accordance with the law. Strengthen process supervision and on-site inspections, and promptly deal with and supervise rectification of discovered problems.

During the production and use of high-precision maps, any organization or individual that violates laws and regulations on surveying and mapping geographic information shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.

These regulations shall come into force on December 1, 2023.

Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Hangzhou

Jining these middle school enrollment brochures released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

Original title: The enrollment brochures of several middle schools in Jining are released! Enrollment plan, registration time, admission method …

click Blue wordpay close attention And set up a star to accompany you every day.

It’s another year of further study season.

About going to school.

Become an important topic for parents.

The enrollment brochures of these high schools in Jining were announced.

How many people are recruited this year?

How to sign up? How to enroll?

Get to know these important information quickly


Jining No.1 Middle School Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

1.In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school is 2000, including 100 special students..

2. According to the spirit of relevant provincial and municipal documents, in 2023, western instrumental music and basketball in our school’s art and sports feature projects will be enrolled for the whole city, and other special projects will be enrolled for the urban areas.

Second, the enrollment category

1. special students.Recruit outstanding junior high school graduates in 2023 who have expertise in music, art, calligraphy and sports. Please refer to the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023 for details of enrollment majors, enrollment scope and admission procedures.

2. Pointer students.The enrollment scope is the fresh graduates who have been studying in junior high schools in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone) for more than two years (including two years), and they must be transferred to the student status before August 31, 2021. The information of student status is based on the data of Shandong Basic Education Management Information Platform.

3. Unified enrollment.The enrollment scope is the fresh and past graduates with junior high school status (the deadline for student status is May 8, 2023) or household registration (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023) in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District and Economic and Technological Development Zone). For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Iii. types of volunteers

1. Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam alone and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the volunteers of the index students and the unified enrollment students.

Candidates are requested to carefully read the "Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining No.1 Middle School in 2023" and pay attention to the enrollment scope of each major.

2. Indicator students volunteer

The volunteer accounts for 60% of the school enrollment plan, and the quota is allocated to junior high schools, which is prior to the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

"Jining No.1 Middle School" and "Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus" are two voluntary options, and you must apply separately.

Fourth, the registration method

1. Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining No.1 Middle School Special Student Enrollment Instructions in 2023" Online registration will be conducted from May 9th to 15th.

2. Indicator students and unified enrollment volunteers

This part is volunteered by the candidates themselves and their parents (or other legal guardians) to fill in the enrollment platform of Jining high school. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The reporting time is from May 9th to May 15th.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。

?推荐服务:在【济宁本地宝】聊天对话框发送“Jining no.1 high school",you can get the online registration entrance of Jining No.1 Middle School’s special students/index students/unified enrollment.

V. Subjects and time of cultural examination

1. Each subject score:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will no longer be carried out, and the full score will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination.

2. Examination time:13-15 June.

The professional test for special students was conducted on June 21st. Come to our school for on-site confirmation on June 16th.

Sixth, enrollment

1.特长生录取。According to the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment, the Municipal Education Bureau will organize the admission in turn. According to the professional test results and plan, the school will submit the admission list of special students, and the city education bureau will admit them in advance after examination and approval. The admitted special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment; Those who are not admitted will continue to participate in other types of voluntary admission.

2. Admission of index students.At the time of admission, the junior high school is the unit. According to the number of indicators assigned to each junior high school, according to the candidates’ wishes, the students are admitted in turn from high score to low score. The comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subject level of the admitted candidates must reach Grade B (including Grade B) or above, and the score shall not be lower than 60 points under the unified recruitment line of high schools and not lower than the minimum admission qualification line. The unfinished index student plan is included in the unified enrollment.

3. Unified enrollment.The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer, and according to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following the will", the students in urban areas are ranked according to the results of the senior high school entrance examination, and they are admitted in turn according to parallel volunteer.

Seven, the class mode

Follow the school’s educational philosophy of taking students’ growth as the center, actively explore the effective mechanism of early training of top-notch innovative talents, and realize students’ all-round and individual development.

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, our school will set up an experimental class for the new curriculum, respect students’ individual needs, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, and comprehensively improve students’ comprehensive quality.


Jining No.1 Middle School Rencheng Campus 2023 Admissions Guide

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, the enrollment plan of our school will be 600.There is no special student plan and index student plan.

Second, the enrollment scope and registration conditions

Enrollment area:Junior high schools directly under the municipal government, rencheng district, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Basic conditions for registration:For recent and past junior high school graduates with enrollment in Jining City (the deadline for enrollment is May 8, 2023) or household registration in Jining City (the settlement time must be before May 8, 2023). Those who have registered as students in ordinary high schools, those who have not completed nine-year compulsory education, and those who do not meet the provincial and municipal policies are not allowed to apply. For details, please refer to the Opinions of Jining Education Bureau on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in the Academic Level Examination of Junior Middle School in 2023 and School Enrollment in Senior High School (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.26).

Third, the registration method

From May 9 to May 15, candidates will register from 9: 00 to 18: 00 every day.Registration and volunteering are all carried out on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify the information at most twice after completing the volunteering, subject to the information confirmed by the last filling (modification) within the specified time. Candidates must fill in the report within the specified time, and the candidates shall bear the responsibility for the consequences caused by revealing the password for their own reasons, being reported by others or reporting errors.

Candidates who have household registration in Jining City and need to go back to the place where they are registered to take the junior high school level examination shall be subject to online qualification examination by the county-level education administrative department where they are registered, and the county-level education administrative department shall be responsible for verifying the household registration information and student status information of the candidates.

Fourth, the subjects and time of the cultural examination

The examination subjects are Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, morality and rule of law, geography, history, biology, information technology, physical chemistry experiment operation and physical education. Information technology examination subjects and experimental operation examination subjects shall be implemented in accordance with relevant requirements. In 2023, the unified test of physical education subjects will be cancelled, and the scores of physical education subjects will be included in the total score of the senior high school entrance examination according to full marks.

Score of each subject:Chinese 100 points; 100 points in mathematics; 100 points in English (including 20 points in listening test); Physics 60 points; 50 points in chemistry; 60 points for morality and rule of law; 50 points in history; 10 points for physical and chemical experiment operation (one subject selected); Information technology 20 points; 60 points for sports; The total score is 610.

The specific examination arrangements are as follows:

V. Enrollment and Admission

Admission to ordinary senior high schools in urban areas is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers (there are no special students and index students in our school). Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by special students will no longer participate in the admission of index students and unified enrollment volunteers; Candidates who are voluntarily admitted by the index students will no longer participate in the admission of the unified enrollment volunteers. Candidates who fail to report on time after admission will be automatically dropped out of school.

In addition to special students, the minimum admission qualification line for ordinary high schools in urban areas is delineated according to the enrollment plan of 1:1. The unified enrollment adopts the admission method of parallel volunteer. According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers", according to the admission requirements of ordinary senior high schools, all eligible remaining candidates in urban areas are sorted from high to low according to their scores, and then, the three unified enrollment volunteers reported by each candidate are searched in turn. As long as a qualified school appears in the searched three schools, it will be admitted to the school.

Admission to parallel volunteer is based on the interests of candidates, expanding the range of choices, giving candidates more choices, effectively reducing the risk of candidates volunteering to fill in, and improving the success rate of candidates’ admission.

Note: If the urban senior high schools fail to complete the enrollment plan in the first stage, the remaining plans will be included in the next stage of voluntary recruitment, and the candidates who have been admitted will no longer participate in the recruitment and volunteering.

Six, the class mode

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and the new college entrance examination, we should set up experimental classes for the new curriculum, respect students’ right to choose, implement class selection and hierarchical teaching, develop students’ personality, cultivate students’ specialties and improve their comprehensive quality.


Instructions on the enrollment of freshmen in Yucai Middle School of Jining City in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

It is planned to enroll 1,276 students in 2023.Among them, 50 Xinjiang students, 60 special students and 26 football special classes were enrolled, with a total of 26 classes.

Second, the scope of enrollment

(a) with Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone) junior high school students (registration time must be before May 8, 2023) or household registration time must be before May 8, 2023) graduates.

(2) Enrollment scope of football special classes: fresh graduates from all junior high schools in 14 counties and cities of Jining City. For details, please refer to the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

Third, the volunteer code

Fourth, the application conditions

(A) Index students and unified enrollment

Index students apply for the exam. Junior high school students in Jining city who have been studying for more than two years (including two years) and graduated this year, and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade B or above, can apply for the volunteer of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

Unified enrollment. Graduates who are studying in junior middle schools in Jining City, who return to the household registration in Jining City to apply for candidates, former graduates (referring to those who have not registered as ordinary senior middle school students and whose household registration or original junior middle school students are in Jining City), and whose comprehensive quality evaluation and academic examination subjects are Grade C or above, can apply for the unified enrollment of our school. For details, please refer to the Notice of Jining Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (J.J.Zi. [2023] No.27).

(2) Special students

Special students apply. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide".

(3) Football special classes

Apply for a special football class. For details, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".

V. Application methods

(A) the students, enrollment volunteers.

It is conducted on the enrollment platform of Jining high school. It must be completed by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and may not be replaced by others. Each candidate can modify it at most twice after completing the application, subject to the information confirmed by the last application (modification) within the specified time. The registration time is from May 9th to May 15th.(If there is any change, the specific time will be subject to the time announced by Jining Admissions Examination Institute).

(2) Volunteer for special students and special football classes

Candidates are required to register online through the registration method published in "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide", and confirm at the school site according to the specified time. For the time of registration and on-site confirmation, please refer to "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide" and "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Football Class Admissions Guide".


1. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of special students in our school must register through the online registration system published by our school and take relevant professional tests in our school. The candidates’ volunteers and unified enrollment volunteers are enrolled in the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. Their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can apply for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the basis for the admission of special students in our school.

2. Candidates who apply for the volunteer of our school’s football special class must register through the online registration system published by our school and take the football professional test of our school. Candidates in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake New District, Economic and Technological Development Zone), their candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer are enrolled in the enrollment platform of senior high school in Jining City, and the candidates’ volunteers and parallel volunteer can register for our school or not, and the results of the senior high school entrance examination are taken as the admission basis for the candidates in our football special class. Candidates from counties and cities outside Jining city should apply for the index students or the unified enrollment volunteers who meet the requirements of the county and city, and take the cultural examination of the senior high school entrance examination in the county and city. The results of the senior high school entrance examination serve as the admission basis for the candidates of the football characteristic classes in our school.

Six, examination subjects and time

(a) the score of each subject:Chinese 100 points, mathematics 100 points, English 100 points (including listening test 20 points), physics 60 points, chemistry 50 points, morality and rule of law 60 points, history 50 points, physics and chemistry experiment operation 10 points (choose one subject), information technology 20 points, sports 60 points, with a total score of 610 points.

Note: Physical examination will no longer be organized, and will be included in the senior high school entrance examination results according to full marks.

(2) Examination time

Seven, enrollment.

(a) special students, students, enrollment.Admission is conducted in the order of special students, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Admission of special students. The admission of special students is carried out in accordance with the "Jining Yucai Middle School 2023 Special Student Admissions Guide", and the students are admitted in batches in advance. For those special students who have not been admitted, it will not affect the admission of their index students and enrollment volunteers.

2. Index students and unified enrollment are admitted by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute.

(2) Admission of candidates for football special classes.The admission of candidates for football characteristic classes is conducted in accordance with the "Enrollment Guide for Football Characteristic Classes in Jining Yucai Middle School in 2023", and they are admitted in batches in advance. Candidates who are not admitted will not be affected to continue to participate in the admission of other types of volunteers organized by Jining Education Admissions Examination Institute or other county and urban recruitment authorities.

Eight, enrollment consultation

Source: Jining Yucai Middle School


Jining university affiliated high school 2023 high school enrollment brochure.

According to the Notice of the Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens in 2023 (Lu Jiao Ji Han [2023] No.21) and the Opinions of the Municipal Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Junior High School Students in 2023 (Ji Jiao Zi [2023] No.26), Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment of Senior High Schools in Jining City in 2023 (Ji Jiao

1. In 2023, the enrollment plan is 1,000 students (including 500 independent students from characteristic high schools), with a total of 20 classes.

Second, the scope and category of enrollment

1. Index students and unified enrollment are oriented to rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District, Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone and directly affiliated junior high schools.

2. Independent enrollment is for junior high schools in the city. Recruit students with junior high school status in Jining who have expertise in music, art, art history or art management (original text) and sports. For details, please refer to "Instructions for Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023".

Three, cultural examination subjects and time (the city’s unified)

Fourth, enrollment

Ordinary high school admissions are conducted in the order of self-enrollment, index students and unified enrollment volunteers.

1. Self-enrollment. According to the "Notes on Independent Enrollment of Characteristic High Schools in jining university Affiliated High Schools in 2023", early batch enrollment will be implemented. For professional students who have not been admitted in advance, they can continue to participate in the admission of other types of candidates by the Municipal Education Bureau.

2. Index students and unified enrollment. The Education Bureau of Jining is unified according to the enrollment policy in 2023.

V. For matters not covered, please pay attention to the school WeChat official account jnxyfsgjzx in time.


Jining Confucius High School Enrollment Guide in 2023

I. Enrollment Plan

In 2023, there will be 700 freshmen enrolled in our school.,Among them, 35 special students were enrolled.

Second, the enrollment category

(1) Special students

Recruit junior high school graduates with expertise in music and art in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment

Junior high school graduates enrolled in 2023.

Third, the enrollment scope

Graduates with junior high school status or household registration in Jining City (directly under the city, rencheng district, Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Taibai Lake District and Jining Economic and Technological Development Zone).

Iv. types of volunteers

(1) Volunteer of special students

This volunteer applies for the exam separately and is admitted in advance, which has nothing to do with the unified enrollment volunteering. Candidates are requested to carefully read the Instructions for Enrollment of Special Students in Jining Confucius High School in 2023.

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

The volunteer is parallel volunteer. In the three parallel volunteer candidates fill in, according to the principle of score priority, admission in turn.

Remarks: There are no index students in Jining Confucius High School.

V. Registration Method

1. Volunteer to fill in the report

(1) Volunteer of special students

According to the "Jining Confucius High School 2023 special student enrollment instructions" in Online registration will be conducted from May 9 to May 15, 2023..

(2) Unified enrollment volunteers

This voluntary application is made on the enrollment platform of Jining senior high school. It must be made by the candidate himself and his parents (or other legal guardians) according to the candidate’s own wishes, and it shall not be replaced by others. All students who apply for our school are advised or encouraged to fill in the "Jining Confucius High School" as their first choice, and never fill in the volunteers of the index students.

2. Registration time

The reporting time is May 9-May 15, 2023.,具体时间以市招生考试院公布的为准。













亲子优选 限时团购









Huawei "stopped supplying" for 10 days: employees kept wolf-like "out of print" products being heated up.

  "Huawei terminals have reached the most difficult moment."

  Two weeks ago, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, revealed to the outside world the dilemma that Huawei is about to face — — Five days later, the US "sanctions" came into effect. Huawei’s "broken plane" was officially "cut off".

  As of today (September 26), Huawei has been "cut off" for more than ten days. What is the current situation of Huawei, and how will they break through in the face of the expanding blockade? Is it Huawei’s darkest hour, or is it the darkness before dawn?

  Huawei employees: It is assumed every day that the supply will be cut off tomorrow.

  "September 15th is an ordinary Tuesday for us."

  Jingzi (pseudonym as requested by the interviewer) has been working in Huawei for 2 years. When she first joined the company, it was when Huawei was put at the forefront by the United States. In 2018, the United States opened the so-called "sanctions" against Huawei. In May last year, the United States listed Huawei in the "entity list"; In May this year, the control was further upgraded. After a 120-day buffer period, the "ban" came into effect on September 15.

  "As early as two years ago, the company has established an idea from top to bottom — — Sanctions ‘ Tomorrow ’ Will start. " Although more than 800 days have passed since tomorrow, it seems that all this has become "accustomed" to Huawei employees.

  Jing Zi told the reporter of that when the United States officially waved a big stick at Huawei, his department had asked employees to "give up their illusions" — — Even if there is an "exemption period", it seems that Huawei has adjusted its working status to the rhythm of "no supply".

  "Although the business is likely to face difficulties, the company’s salary and benefits for employees are increasing instead of decreasing. The rumors about layoffs in domestic business are basically rumors. " Shizuko told reporters that after working in Huawei for two years, his salary level has been about twice that of other companies. "Of course, at the same time, the work intensity is also the top level in the industry." Shizuko quipped.

  Supplier: After the supply was cut off, some people were speculating on Huawei mobile phones.

  6388 yuan, this is the price of a second-hand Huawei Mate 30 pro 5G mobile phone on an e-commerce platform after Huawei was "cut off". However, when Dongfang. com and Zongxiang News visited Huawei offline recently, they found that the price of this Huawei flagship machine, which was released a year ago and equipped with Kirin 990 chip, was as low as 5,399 yuan, and most of it was well supplied.

  Why is a second-hand mobile phone sold a year ago more expensive than a brand-new mobile phone? Liqun Huang, a Huawei distributor, seems to be "not surprised" by this. "Since the US sanctions, there have been many people speculating on Huawei mobile phones."

  "Due to the second round of sanctions, the chip can’t be produced, which is very difficult. At present, it is out of stock. This may be the last generation of Kirin’s high-end chips. " In August this year, before the ban came into effect, Yu Chengdong tragically announced to the outside world that Kirin was "out of print".

  On September 15th, after Huawei was officially "cut off", Kirin Chip also began to go out of print. A seller of a second-hand platform once said that the "collection significance" of Huawei Mate30 pro is far greater than the use significance when selling Huawei mobile phones to and Zongxiang journalists. There are even sellers who say that buying Huawei mobile phones now is "patriotism".

  In this regard, Liqun Huang said that the interruption of supply does not mean the suspension of production, and the out-of-print Kirin chip does not mean the out-of-print Huawei mobile phone. "It is not reliable to buy second-hand mobile phones for collection." According to several responsible persons of Huawei authorized experience stores, the old Huawei mobile phones, including Huawei Mate30 pro, are in sufficient supply, and there will be no "one machine is hard to find" in a short time.

  At the same time, Liqun Huang told the reporter of Dongfang. com that after the "supply cut-off", Huawei’s mobile phones really became more scarce than before, but this did not affect the current sales of Huawei’s mobile phones. Liqun Huang also said, "We can’t be sure about Huawei’s future, but we can conclude that Huawei will ‘ Cool ’ It seems too early to say. "

  Forced by the United States to "cut off the supply"? Huawei suppliers are pleading.

  On August 17, the US Department of Commerce further tightened the restrictions on Huawei’s access to American technology, and listed 38 subsidiaries of Huawei in 21 countries around the world in the "entity list". This is seen as a comprehensive "encirclement and suppression" of Huawei — — It means that from the whole production to the purchase of parts, even the road of "saving the country by curve" has been blocked by the United States.

  On the eve of the supply cut-off, Huawei chip suppliers who have been on the sidelines have also made statements. TSMC said that the company has no plans to continue supplying Huawei after September 14th. Subsequently, Micron Technology, Samsung and SK Hynix all indicated that they would not be able to ship to Huawei after September 14th.

  Earlier, Guo Ping, Huawei’s rotating chairman, once shouted to global chip companies that "helping Huawei is helping yourself". Many companies seem to know their way well. Before and after the supply cut-off, some Huawei suppliers still hoped that the U.S. government would be lenient, and at the same time, they were striving to continue to supply Huawei.

  In terms of OEM, TSMC said that while the company cancelled the supply to Huawei, it was actively applying for and submitting the supply license to the US government. According to the news, TSMC’s previous application was not allowed by the United States. However, TSMC still pointed out that it will continue to try to supply Huawei. The data shows that Huawei is TSMC’s second largest customer, and its revenue contribution is as high as 15%.

  As for the chip manufacturer, the designer MediaTek has confirmed that at the end of August this year, the company has applied to the US for continued supply of Huawei in accordance with regulations, and the memory chip manufacturer Micron also applied at the same time. In addition, including chip manufacturers Qualcomm, Samsung and SK Hynix, which had previously made it clear that they would not be able to supply Huawei, all made it clear that they had applied for export licenses and sought to continue to supply Huawei.

  It is worth mentioning that during the supply suspension period, many Huawei suppliers have obtained supply licenses.

  On Monday (21st), Intel officially said that it had obtained permission to continue supplying Huawei, and Intel is the main supplier of Huawei notebooks. On the 19th, AMD, an American chip company, also said that it had obtained permission to sell its products to some companies in the US "entity list". It is widely believed that "some companies" are Huawei.

  In fact, many American companies also understand the truth that "you hurt the enemy by one thousand, and you will lose yourself by eight hundred". In June this year, Semiconductor Association of America shouted to the US government that the Trump administration’s ban would not only affect Huawei, but also bring huge restrictions to American companies and even global chip companies. Many chip manufacturers, including Qualcomm, have repeatedly called on the US government to lift the so-called "sanctions".

  Reflection after ten days of supply suspension: China Core, where to go?

  "Huawei has been developing in the field of chip design for more than ten years. From being seriously backward, to being a little backward, to catching up, to leading, the R&D investment is huge and the process is very difficult. However, in the field of heavy assets such as chip manufacturing, Huawei did not participate. After September 15, the flagship chip could not be produced, which was a great loss for us. "

  Of course, as emphasized by Huawei, China enterprises, especially China chip enterprises, can’t pin their hopes on the United States to relax sanctions. "Self-improvement" may be the most effective and only way to achieve real results.

  In recent years, China has been the largest chip importer in the world. The data shows that in 2018 and 2019, the total value of imported integrated circuits in China exceeded 300 billion US dollars.

  However, while importing, China’s chip self-sufficiency is not enough. The data shows that in 2019, China’s chip self-sufficiency rate is only about 30%. According to the development plan of relevant departments, in 2025, China is expected to raise its chip self-sufficiency rate to 70%, which is almost the average level of chip power countries such as the United States.

  In that case, where did China chip get stuck in the neck by the United States? As a huge and complex industry, the chip industry has a long industrial chain. It can be divided into four parts: design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. Except in the field of design, Huawei Hisilicon has a certain breakthrough ability, and in the other three links, especially in the manufacturing link, the ability of domestic manufacturers still has great room for improvement.

  "No one can extinguish the starlight in the sky." At the Huawei Developers Conference in 2020 held before the supply was cut off, Huawei conveyed its determination and will to work hard to the outside world.

  In the first half of the extreme pressure in the United States, Huawei still achieved the first global market share of smartphones, the first global market share of wearable devices and the second global market share of smart watches. Notebooks have achieved more than 100% growth, and products such as headphones have achieved more than 100% or even 200% high-speed growth.

  As Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said, "We may encounter unimaginable difficulties, but this is also the biggest opportunity period." Unprecedented difficulties may be the best opportunity to hone enterprises.

  Huawei’s future is still unknown. However, for China enterprises, it seems to be an important proposition for a long time how to make Huawei and others no longer lonely on the stage of global industrial competition through unremitting efforts. In the face of the big stick sanctions from the United States and the future of the chip industry, I am afraid that it is far more than Huawei itself.

Prose: Emotion

Everything in nature exists because of a love word. A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. Long and spacious, I am eager for my hometown. Who dare say that the children like the weak filial piety, can repay the love of the mother like spring SUNSHINE IN SPRING? These classic famous sentences show that emotion plays an important role in interpersonal communication and in the process of social development.

Parental affection is the most selfless and broad emotion in the world. Our parents gave birth to us, gave us precious lives, and painstakingly raised us into adults. They spent countless efforts and experienced hardships. Since ancient times, there has been a hope that children will become dragons and women will become phoenixes. But parents don’t ask for anything in return. This is poor inherit the wind. The earth has nurtured us and provided us with all kinds of natural resources for survival selflessly and generously, so that we can have this beautiful world.

Brotherhood is the most precious friendship in the world. One milk compatriot, flesh and blood linked to heart. In times of trouble, it is your own brothers who can take the lead for you. These are obvious to all. When life and career are at a low point or even fail, only brothers and sisters can help each other, comfort each other, encourage each other, take care of each other and tide over difficulties.

Husband and wife love is an unbreakable friendship among all kinds of customs. In the vast sea of clouds, we met by chance and fell in love at first sight. It was a beautiful love story in which people were looking for him for thousands of Baidu, but the man was in a dim light. In the end, the two people came together, fell in love, shared the same interests, experienced the ups and downs of love, interpreted the joys and downs of the world together, and tasted the ups and downs of different tastes, whether it was sunny or rainy, stormy or noisy. Regardless of you and me, there is no mutual, this realm is the highest realm.

People are not vegetation, who can be ruthless. It’s because the word "Love" connects thousands of strangers in Qian Qian, forming a united and harmonious family, bathing in the sunshine together, resisting the wind and rain together, and witnessing the most beautiful rainbow on the horizon.

Crows feed back, lambs kneel and nurse. The kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring. When we are alone and helpless in life, the caring people we meet who lend a helping hand light the fire of hope in the dark and give us courage and motivation to move forward. Break through the thorns, ride the wind and waves, and go all the way to the other side of success.