July 8, 2023 National Insurance Public Awareness Day

  After more than a year of suspension of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on the evening of July 17, China Evergrande reissued its 2021 annual report, 2022 semi-annual report and 2022 annual report one after another, and the outside world finally got a glimpse of its financial situation. Although the market has long expected Evergrande’s liabilities and losses, when a series of figures really come into view, it is still staggering.

  According to the performance report disclosed by China Evergrande, the company’s net loss in 2021 and 2022 was 686.22 billion yuan and 125.81 billion yuan respectively, and the net loss in two years totaled 812.03 billion yuan. At the same time, China Evergrande has fallen into an insolvent situation. The total value of its assets held at the end of 2021 and 2022 was 2.11 trillion yuan and 1.84 trillion yuan respectively, and the total amount responsible was 2.58 trillion yuan and 2.44 trillion yuan respectively.

  According to Wind data statistics, in all 110 class A share listed housing enterprises, in 2021, 23 housing enterprises with negative net profit suffered a total loss of 118.16 billion yuan; in 2022, 35 class A share listed housing enterprises with negative net profit suffered a total loss of 122.57 billion yuan. Dozens of housing enterprises lost far less than China Evergrande.

  "The company takes stable management and risk management as its top priority, and actively promotes the work of the guaranteed building with the greatest efforts. It has won the understanding and support of various parties, including local governments, upstream and downstream enterprises." China Evergrande said in its financial report that the company achieved full resumption of work on 732 guaranteed building projects in 2022, and a total of 301,000 sets were handed over throughout the year. At the same time, Evergrande Automobile achieved the mass production and delivery of the "Hengchi 5" model.

  Looking to the future, China Evergrande further stated that it will make every effort to ensure the steady and orderly progress of key work such as "Baojiao Building", do a good job in the sustainable operation of new energy vehicles, property services and other sectors, explore the efficient disposal and effective revitalization of the company’s core assets, and steadily promote risk mitigation.

  On the one hand is the beautiful vision described in the financial report, and on the other hand is the huge financial "black hole" in reality. The future direction of China Evergrande is not only related to the interests of thousands of enterprises in its entire ecological chain, but also affects the hearts of all parties. According to recent news from China Evergrande, the company will hold a number of restructuring debt holders’ meetings on July 24-25, and overseas workouts may usher in clear results.

  Debt at the end of 2022 is about 2.44 trillion yuan

  From the perspective of income, in 2021, China Evergrande achieved revenue of 2500.1 billion yuan and gross profit of 18.45 billion yuan. The total net loss for the year was 686.22 billion yuan, of which the operating loss was 113.75 billion yuan, and the losses related to land recovery, impairment losses of financial assets and other non-operating losses were 180.20 billion yuan.

  In 2022, China Evergrande realized revenue of 2300.7 billion yuan and gross profit of 24.99 billion yuan, from negative to positive. The total net loss for the year was 125.81 billion yuan, of which the operating loss was 43.39 billion yuan, and the loss related to land recovery, impairment loss of financial assets and other non-operating losses were 69.37 billion yuan.

  In terms of assets and liabilities, as of the end of 2021, China Evergrande held total assets of 2.1071 trillion yuan, net assets – 473.05 billion yuan; total liabilities were 2.58015 trillion yuan, excluding contract liabilities of 974.35 billion yuan was 1.6058 trillion yuan, of which loans 607.38 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 893.34 billion yuan (including 585.01 billion yuan payable for engineering materials), other liabilities 105.09 billion yuan.

  As of the end of 2022, China Evergrande held total assets of 1.83834 trillion yuan, net assets – 599.07 billion yuan; total liabilities of 2.43741 trillion yuan, excluding contract liabilities of 721.02 billion yuan is 1.71639 trillion yuan, of which 612.39 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 1.00226 trillion yuan (including engineering materials payable 596.16 billion yuan), other liabilities 101.74 billion yuan.

  It can be seen that trade payables and other payables account for the majority of China Evergrande’s external liabilities, reflecting China Evergrande’s arrears to upstream and downstream suppliers, contractors and partners during the real estate development process. At the same time, as of the end of 2021 and 2022, China Evergrande’s cash assets were only 5.435 billion yuan and 4.334 billion yuan respectively.

  Overseas workout or welcome new progress

  Regarding the overseas workouts that are concerned by all parties in the market, China Evergrande also mentioned in the performance report.

  "In line with the principle of respecting international restructuring principles, treating the existing rights and demands of all creditors with justice and fairness, the company and its advisory team have continued to conduct in-depth and detailed consultations with overseas creditors, and have carried out multiple rounds of communication on the details of the restructuring plan, and steadily advanced the formulation of the overseas debt restructuring plan." China Evergrande said that with the support of overseas creditors, the company obtained the approval of the Hong Kong High Court to postpone the liquidation petition hearing.

  On the night of the release of the performance report, China Evergrande simultaneously disclosed the latest news of an overseas workout: from July 24 to 25, 2023, multiple hearings will be held in the High Court of Hong Kong, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, and the High Court under the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court to vote on the overseas workout plan disclosed by China Evergrande on March 22 this year. If it fails, Evergrande is likely to face forced liquidation.

  Since March 21, 2022, China Evergrande shares have been officially suspended from trading. At present, China Evergrande shares continue to be suspended. According to the relevant regulations of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can order listed companies that have been suspended for 18 consecutive months to delist. There are still two months left for China Evergrande.

  Auditors remain "unable to comment"

  It is worth mentioning that in the overseas workout plan in March, the unaudited financial information disclosed at that time showed that as of the end of 2021, China Evergrande’s total liabilities were 1.898 trillion yuan, a gap of nearly 700 billion yuan from the latest 2.58 trillion yuan.

  And even with such a huge financial "black hole", after replacing the original auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers (i.e. PwC), the new auditor, Shanghai PricewaterhouseCoopers, still believes that there are a number of uncertainties in China Evergrande’s continuing operation, and it cannot obtain sufficient audit certificates for the comparison of the opening data. Therefore, it has issued "no opinion" reports on its 2021 and 2022 annual reports.

  "A large and high-quality land bank is a solid foundation for the group to guarantee the property, gradually pay off debts and resume normal operations." Even after handing over the huge loss and unaudited "books", China Evergrande’s statement in the earnings report appeared confident.

  Data show that by the end of 2021, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 260 million square meters and participated in 93 old renovation projects, including 66 in the Greater Bay Area (39 in Shenzhen) and 27 in other cities; by the end of 2022, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 210 million square meters and participated in 79 old renovation projects, including 55 in the Greater Bay Area (34 in Shenzhen) and 24 in other cities.

  Policy development promotes stable and healthy market development

  Yan Yuejin, Chief Research Officer of E-House Research Institute, believes that China Evergrande’s "insolvent" is not only related to its own operational problems, but also to some extent related to the adjustment facing the industry. For the real estate industry, many problems take a long time to effectively resolve.

  In fact, since the fourth quarter of last year, relevant departments have made concerted efforts from both the supply and demand ends to launch various support and relief policies. Many research opinions believe that although the current real estate market recovery is still facing many disturbances and uncertainties, the trend of bottoming is gradually emerging. With the combined efforts of the policies of both the supply and demand ends, it will continue to create favorable conditions for the overall risk resolution of high-quality real estate enterprises and the industry, and will also play a positive role in protecting investor confidence and safeguarding the rights and interests of home buyers.

  Zou Lan, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People’s Bank of China, said at the press conference of the State Information Office recently that considering that the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market in our country has undergone profound changes, there is marginal optimization space for the policies introduced in the long-term overheating stage of the market in the past, and the financial sector will actively cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen policy research.

The "Running Carnival" brothers joined hands with Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin to open a summer carnival.

Video: "Running Carnival" Zhejiang Satellite TV sincerely dedicates the running men’s group to invite the audience to party with their old and new friends.

With the high-quality program content, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s Run Bar has not only topped the list, but also won the praise of major institutions and media such as People’s Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the official Weibo of the United Nations, which has satisfied the audience’s appetite with its "running strength". With everyone’s earnest expectation, this Friday night’s "Run" finally ushered in the "Running Carnival" with increased and upgraded joy this season. At the scene, "Run" not only invites enthusiastic audience to experience the classic game of running men, but also brings wonderful song and dance performances with old and new friends Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin. In addition, Xu Yaping, Tony, Jia Shukai and other "helping amateur friends" will also be present to bring surprise interaction. What sparks of joy will their arrival collide with "logging fatigue"?

Angela Zhang and JJ Lin, together with popular new forces, Chen Linong and Rocket Girls 101, made great surprises on the same stage.

Following the continuous exposure of the guest lineup of "Running Carnival" by the official Weibo of "Running", netizens expressed their "super expectation! Everyone has a good heart. " In order to give back to the audience’s love and support, we will bring you an "Amazing" carnival feast at the closing ceremony. This time, "Run" not only sincerely invited old friends Jason, Angela Zhang, JJ Lin and Joey Yung, who are powerful singers, to sing on the same stage, but also pleasantly welcomed new friends with super popularity, such as Mao Bubian, Rocket Girls 101 and Hot Blood Street Dance Troupe.

At the scene, Ryan and "Grandmother Zheng" Angela Zhang continued their pioneering work in the "Running Carnival" after the "Family Graduation Challenge" and performed wonderful interactive performances; Lu Han and the bloody street dance group "Steel King Team" used dance to burn this "running feast"; Michael Chen, who has always had a lot of golden sentences in the program, not only brought a hilarious talk show with "Sister Ju" Naomi, but also reviewed the happy moment of "attacking and defending and tearing famous brands" with Chen Linong as the incarnation of "Fat Fish". In addition, Rocket Girls 101, the most popular female group, will also show off her singing and dancing skills in surprise. In the face of such a strong guest lineup, whose performance do you want to Pick most?

The "sound-deaf team" was exposed. Jason and Angelababy actually collaborated again on "This is Love"

In addition to welcoming new and old friends, the "Running Carnival" will also announce the long-awaited unvoiced MV of the "Music Crazy Team". In "Run" and "Special Edition of Mid-year Fans’ Club", Jason and Jane Zhang, the powerful singers, once led the "Music Insanity Team" and "Teana Team" to record songs, and set off a nationwide Pick craze. Although the "Teana Team" finally lost and accepted the punishment announced by the whole network of unvoiced MV, many netizens were full of curiosity about the unvoiced MV of the "Tone Crazy Team".

At this carnival feast, Jason, the tutor of "Music Insanity Team", not only brought "the sound of nature" to the audience, but also collaborated with "Run Music Student" Angelababy on "This is Love" again. At the scene, the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Tone Insanity Team" was exposed by the program group. In order to prove the singing strength of the "Tone Insanity Team", Angelababy boldly proposed to cooperate with her mentor Jason on the spot "This is Love". Can Angelababy overcome "forgetting words and out of tune" and produce the "death treble" in Jason’s masterpiece This is Love? What "surprises" will the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Music Insanity Team" bring to the audience?

After enjoying the beautiful and pleasant song and dance performances, what other "running memories and killing" will "logging tired" offer together with the "running help group"? What surprises will the old and new friends of Run bring to us? The answers are at 16:00 on July 6th (Friday), "Run Happy Carnival Afternoon" and "Carnival Night" at 19:30. On this joyful day, let’s continue to run along with "logging fatigue"!

Huawei’s smart driving has attracted attention! A picture combs the concept stocks related to the intelligent cockpit.

[Huawei’s smart driving has attracted attention! Recently, Zhijie S7 opened for pre-sale, which is the first vehicle equipped with HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 4.0, and HarmonyOS Zhixing Alliance will be established on the same day. It is reported that the main carrier of HarmonyOS Zhixing is the HarmonyOS cockpit. In the future, the functions of the intelligent cockpit will be more diverse, and the subdivision track including PCB, on-board display, domain controller, cockpit chip and optics and acoustics of man-vehicle interaction function is expected to develop rapidly.

After being cheated by a fake online celebrity, he pretended to be online celebrity to cheat others. A man was sentenced to three years in prison and fined 10 thousand yuan.

With the rapid development of network live stream economy, a large number of online celebrity have entered the public’s field of vision and gained attention and love. Some lawless elements, however, took advantage of the fans’ trust in online celebrity and started thinking wrongly. The reporter learned on the 3rd that Rugao court issued a public verdict on a case of impersonating online celebrity to defraud other people’s money. The defendant Liu was convicted of fraud, sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and fined 10,000 yuan.

Liu usually likes to kill time by brushing short videos. One day, he swiped a online celebrity named "Zhang San" on a short video platform, and found that this online celebrity has nearly 3 million fans. Usually, he posted videos showing off his wealth and helping others. Seeing that "Zhang San" was ready to help others, Liu also wanted to seek the help of "Zhang San", so he praised him and sent a private message. After that, a person who claimed to be "Zhang San" contacted Liu and said that he could help him, and sent him many videos of Zhang San’s personal life, videos of driving a luxury car and transfer records of helping others. After gaining Liu’s trust, the other party defrauded Liu of more than 1,000 yuan on the grounds of having to pay handling fees, deposits, taxes and fees.

After being cheated, Liu not only did not call the police, but also had a flash of light, thinking that this was a good way to make quick money. So, he packaged himself as online celebrity’s "Zhang San", searched for "prey" on the short video platform, and cheated others by the means of the fake "Zhang San". Through the "flexible use" of the words learned from the scammers, Liu defrauded the victims Li and Dai for 30,900 yuan, and was later arrested by the public security organs.

Correspondent Fang Nan Reporter Wang Yuli

Ji xiaohan

Bao Shi: Write a good novel, and a director may come to you.

  Bao Shi’s collection of novels "Baizhuang" published in 2003 includes "The Story of Zizhou".

  □ Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhu Shaojie

  Recently, director Zhi Li signed a contract with writer Bao Shi, and reached a consensus on adapting Bao Shi’s novel The Story of Zizhou. The two sides will jointly make a film of the same name. The Story of Zizhou is a literary IP with great market value (which can be used to adapt the copyright material of TV series and movies). In August 2006, it won the seventh "Guangdong Luxun Literature and Art Award and Literature Award".

  In an exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News reporter, Zhi Li said that Bao Shi’s The Story of Zizhou made him read the characteristics of an era and a generation. The novel tells the story of an ordinary boy: a father who is rich in knowledge but poor, a beautiful and capable mother who loves money but is cold, and a 12-year-old boy can’t tell who is right or wrong. After his father died of illness, he went from the city to the town alone, went to his grandfather alone, and decided not to go back … … Zhi Li believes that The Story of Zizhou is a China version of Green Book, which tells the collision between rural and urban values in China. "Looking at the world of adults from the perspective of children is the uniqueness of this novel." He told reporters that the sincere feelings of three generations of grandfather, son and grandson in the novel made him cry twice.

  Zhi Li saw The Story of Zizhou through a friend’s introduction seven or eight years ago, and he was already very interested in the story. He believes that China films need to speak with content. "Today, the audience in China has become rational, and creators need to use good stories to achieve a double harvest of art and market." Although Bao Shi’s story is very delicate, there is still room for adjustment in film expression. Zhi Li said that he and his team are currently adapting The Story of Zizhou, hoping to start from the original story and bring out thoughts on social values.

  The Story of Zizhou is a companion piece of the film My Father and Mother. Bao Shi’s novella "Memorial" was adapted into the film "My Father and Mother", and the film won the Silver Bear Award at the 50th Berlin Film Festival, the Excellent Film Award at the China Film Watch Award in 1999, the Best Film Award at the 23rd Hundred Flowers Award, the Best Film Award at the 20th Golden Rooster Award, the Excellent Feature Film Award at the Shanghai Film Critics Award, the Sundance Film Festival Award in the United States and the Amethyst Award at the Iranian International Film Festival.

  It is reported that the film "The Story of Zizhou" will start at the end of this year and be released in 2020. Bao Shi accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of Yangcheng Evening News. He said that the novel "The Story of Zizhou" was written for intellectuals of this era and reflected the historical brand of an era.

  Interview A wants to write about the situation of intellectuals.

  Yangcheng Evening News: What is the opportunity for this adaptation of The Story of Zizhou into a movie?

  Bao Shi: It has been 20 years since The Story of Zizhou was published. To be honest, it surprised me a little. In March this year, director Zhi Li approached me through a friend and asked about the purchase of the novel copyright. Soon he came to Guangzhou to sign the contract. When we first discussed it, the director also suggested that I be a screenwriter. For the sake of health and time, I declined and suggested that he hire someone else to be a screenwriter. Another factor is that I don’t want to be involved in this story again. The same thing made me do it for the second time, and I lost interest.

  Yangcheng Evening News: What kind of work is the Story of Zizhou in your creation?

  Bao Shi: This work was created in the 1990s, and it was published back and forth with the original "Memorial" of My Father and Mother. I hope to write about the situation of intellectuals at that time, including their living conditions, mental state and so on, through the story of Zizhou. The Story of Zizhou is just a shell, the core of which is to express and discuss the embarrassment of cultural people in society. They have neither money nor power, but they are particularly "stubborn". After the novel was published, it was included in one of my collections. When some friends saw it, they all said it was well written, and some even cried for it. Director Zhi Li told me that he was also very moved when he read this novel. I guess it was the emotion in this story that touched him.

  In this story, Zizhou’s father works in a group art museum and writes novels in his spare time. Life is poor and stubborn, and no one around him likes him. His classmates and friends, including his wife, don’t take him seriously In his hometown, a small town, people’s attitudes towards him are quite the opposite. Many people in the town, including his first lover, think that he can write novels and publish articles in newspapers and periodicals, which is very promising. I just want to show such a phenomenon through such a comparison. I don’t know what this phenomenon can mean.

  Being able to talk and feel is the premise of my cooperation with the director.


  Yangcheng Evening News: What do you think of the role of the novel author in the film adaptation?

  Bao Shi: Film is the art of directors, and it is director-centered. As an original author or a screenwriter, you may have to obey the director’s feelings when creating. This is one of its characteristics. Then the author must understand this. But this is not to say that there is no author’s own voice. If you cooperate with a good director, and the director and the screenwriter respect and inspire each other, the screenwriter can provide better things to the director. The director has a vision and will recognize these things, which will add color to the work. If he meets a bad director, he will not adopt the writer’s good idea. In fact, there is nothing the author can do.

  Yangcheng Evening News: How did you choose the director? How to cooperate with the director?

  Bao Shi: According to my limited experience, it mainly depends on whether I can get along with the director. Being able to talk and have feelings is the premise of cooperation. Actually, I didn’t take the initiative to write a movie script. Since "My Father and Mother", others have been looking for me. All along, I have been writing novels at my own pace and from my own heart, and I have never thought of adapting them into movies. After "My Father and Mother", some directors came to me, and some of them were quite well paid, but I basically refused because I couldn’t talk properly and didn’t feel anything. Later, I only cooperated with director ZhangJiaBei in two films. One is Cherry, which was released and won several awards. ZhangJiaBei, an overseas Chinese in Japan, made a film in Japan, and once made a pottery humanoid, which had a certain influence. That year, he called me from Japan and wanted to shoot a story about mother’s love. Because he saw My Father and Mother, he thought I could write this story well, so he came to me. I didn’t say yes right away. I suggested to him that we’d better meet and talk, and then decide whether to cooperate or not when we feel it. Later, when he came back from Japan, we met in Shanghai and talked for a few days. I felt a little bit, so I wrote him "Cherry". The second film was called "Wind in the Sky" and was not released.

  Yangcheng Evening News: Novelists write sharply about the complexity of human nature in their works, but they may not be able to fully present it in movies. What do you think of this trade-off?

  Bao Shi: Generally speaking, novels are richer than movies. Novels are expressed in words, so there is a lot of room for imagination and tossing and turning, which can fully express the author’s own feelings. For example, when describing the beauty of a woman, you can imagine her beauty infinitely. Film is a weakness in this respect, because it fixes what you imagine. But its performance is very direct and intuitive. Therefore, some of the contents in the novel can’t be fully presented by the film, but it can only be said to be a regrettable art. But a good movie, it will express the words to the greatest extent possible. Classic movies can generally do it.

  On the other hand, words may not be able to do what is to be expressed in movies. For example, a very classic expression may not be able to say many words. So my understanding is that literature and film have their own strengths. Now there are some people who write novels and despise film creation. I don’t agree with this view. When a movie was made, it was made with real money. The adaptation of literary works into films also requires strict screening. He (the director) should either consider the box office factor or the possibility of winning the prize. Of course, the level of film production is mixed, but there are also rubbish writers in the writers’ team. Therefore, you have no need or qualification to despise other art categories. To put it another way, the writer’s works are published, published and then adapted into movies and TV series, which objectively plays the role of promoting literary works. Why not? So there is no need to refuse it.

  Young writers are not advised to write movies and TV scripts as soon as they come out.


  Yangcheng Evening News: Novelists and literary works play an important role in the development of China’s film creation. On the other hand, film directors often complain that there are too few good scripts and stories. What do you think of this?

  Bao Shi: Most excellent films are full of characters and profound thoughts, all of which are adapted from literary works. This is already a consensus. Novelists can only write a good novel when they mobilize their rich life accumulation and work hard. When such a novel is to be adapted into a movie, its connotation and details are naturally much better than other scripts. Rather than film scripts adapted from excellent novels, most of them come from professional screenwriters. There is often a problem in the scripts they write — — The fabricated traces are heavy and make the audience feel fake.

  This phenomenon was very obvious in the 1980s.

  Professional screenwriters may pay too much attention to the plot, which is a prominent problem for them. Screenwriters and writers are actually two different ways of writing novels. Now the film, in fact, has a routine, forming a routine. But a good novel can’t fall into any routine, nor can it be repeated with any works.

  Yangcheng Evening News: Many young writers now want to be screenwriters. What do you think?

  Bao Shi: From my limited experience, I don’t recommend writing movies and TV plays as soon as I come out, because the success rate is relatively low. The output of movies is actually very limited, and the cycle is relatively long. There are only a few well-known directors. From the very beginning, I think it’s risky to write a script. From the most practical point of view, I suggest writing a novel first. It’s more likely that the novel will be published. With so many publications in China and almost no threshold online platforms, it’s relatively easy to publish a novel. Writing a movie is different. It’s better to write a good novel first. When a good novel comes out, a director may come to you.

The furniture county is "slightly changed", and the annual sales of billiard tables is 1 billion yuan.

A small county town, with so many factories producing billiards tables, has come to the right place. "Not long ago, Jess Zhang, a Guangzhou businessman who attended the first furniture exhibition in Ningjin County, didn’t hurry back, but went to several local enterprises and was shocked by the billiard table industry in Ningjin County. These enterprises include old brand furniture factories and sports manufacturing enterprises that have developed and expanded in recent years, freeing up some space and equipment in the workshop to produce solid wood billiards tables.
The number of billiard table-related enterprises ranges from 0 to more than 420, and the annual sales amount ranges from 0 yuan to 1 billion yuan. Ningjin County only used it for 3 years. The rise of billiard table industry is related to the two traditional manufacturing industries of sports and furniture in Ningjin County. After 30 years of development, the annual output value of Ningjin furniture industry has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and commercial fitness equipment also accounts for nearly 70% of the national market share. The "one gold and one wood" industry has become the basis for the rapid rise of billiard table manufacturing.
Advertising signs of "billiard table factory" and "billiard table processing" can often be seen on the roadside in Ningjin County. The earliest Ningjin enterprise that produced billiard tables was Ouguan Sporting Goods Factory, which not only produced fitness equipment, but also produced commercial furniture. In 2020, a local customer in Ningjin County wanted to open a billiards club, so he found Li Xiaolong, the head of the Champions League Sporting Goods Factory, and asked him to accompany him to other provinces to buy billiards tables. But two people turned a big circle, either the price was high or the quality was average. "I can understand how to make it. I’ll make one for you." Li Xiaolong said. Li Xiaolong has many years of experience in the production of solid wood furniture. He found that the production of billiard tables is not so complicated. Using the existing materials, equipment and workers of his own company, "small changes" can be made.
A month later, the first billiard table in Ningjin County was produced: the main raw material was oak, the most commonly used solid wood furniture in Ningjin, and the metal fittings and net bags were purchased from other places. The production equipment was basically the same as the furniture processing equipment. After the billiards table was made, they invited seven professional billiards players from the province to try it out. "The evaluation is very good and can be promoted abroad." After receiving the feedback from the first customer, Li Xiaolong began to look for dealers and seek cooperation with well-known domestic billiards table brands. 1, 5, 10 … Orders are increasing. He introduced that last year, the factory purchased an edge grinder, which significantly improved the production efficiency.
In 2022, more local enterprises joined the production of billiards tables. With the expansion of industrial scale, merchants from all over the world flocked to the market, and supporting products such as hardware parts and components gradually realized local purchase. "Billiard tables are also sports equipment, and hardware products are also our strengths. I just found a factory and am going to put on a billiard table production line." Wang Ying, sales manager of Shuyoute Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd. said.
At present, the billiard table industry in Ningjin County is developing rapidly. Yang Jingdong, secretary-general of Ningjin Furniture Association, said that despite the industrial foundation, there are still many problems, such as uneven quality, which will affect the reputation of the industry; In addition, enterprises "cluster" production, although the products are exported to all parts of the country, but did not form a well-known brand, low added value.
How can we go further and longer? Ningjin County decided to make a fuss about the influence of the products, and created the opportunity of "publicity" for the billiards table in Ningjin County. In the furniture exhibition, the local billiards table was pushed to the dealers in various provinces, and the "Ningjin Cup" Chinese billiards classic competition was held.
"If you want to be prosperous for a long time, you can learn from the development model of Ningjin furniture: fight for the market with innovation and brand with quality." Zhang Jianjie, deputy secretary of Ningjin County Committee, said that it will guide production enterprises to continuously optimize production processes, promote intelligent transformation of production lines, improve product production standards, and encourage enterprises to develop in the direction of autonomy and branding.

Add more estrogen, can you become a peerless beauty?

Original Zou Shi ‘en ‘en Ge Chats about Health

Hello, everyone, I’m Brother En.

A gynecologist.

Estrogen is very important for women. It participates in the regulation of menstrual cycle and various metabolism in the body, maintaining skin luster and elasticity, bright hair and healthy bones.

Seeing this, do some sisters think: If I add more estrogen, won’t I become a "peerless beauty"?

But what many sisters don’t know is that if there is too much estrogen, it may also have some adverse effects on the body. Today, Brother En will talk about estrogen excess.

"Quick Questions and Answers" Text Detailed Edition

Rule number one

Too much estrogen, what harm can it have?

Whether too much estrogen can become a peerless beauty is not clear to Brother En.

However, too much estrogen for a long time will stimulate the endometrium, which may lead to endometrial hyperplasia, lesions and even cancer for a long time.

Too much estrogen can also stimulate the breast, and after a long time, various nodules and even breast cancer will appear.

Rule number two

Too much estrogen, what kind of reaction will the body have?

If the body has the following three reactions, you should be careful, there may be too much estrogen.

First, the menstrual flow is always very large, bleeding is fast, and then the menstrual period is very long, which may be too much estrogen.

Second, I often feel chest distension and even chest pain.

Third, the secretion at the bottom increases. This kind of secretion is not smelly, and some may be wiredrawn.

Rule 3

Is it important to find out that estrogen is high?

If you go to the hospital to check out too much estrogen, don’t worry too much first.

Because in a menstrual cycle (usually about a month), estrogen will have ups and downs.

Specifically, estrogen generally has a peak before ovulation and a peak one week after ovulation. Estrogen is relatively low in other periods, and it is the lowest in those days of menstruation.

Therefore, if you just check the hormones in the days when estrogen is at its peak, it is normal that the value is too high.

Moreover, if menstruation comes and goes on time, generally speaking, estrogen will not be too high.

Rule 4

Estrogen is too high, what is the cause?

If estrogen is too high for a long time, it is still harmful to the body. Generally speaking, there are four situations that cause long-term estrogen excess.

First, there is a problem with ovulation function. For example, if the follicle grows to a certain extent, it will continue to release estrogen, but there is no corresponding progesterone in the body to regulate neutralization, then estrogen will be more accordingly.

Second, additional health care products or drugs containing estrogen were taken. Some sisters love beauty, or worry about too little estrogen, and taking health care products with unknown ingredients on their own will also cause too much estrogen.

Third, there are tumors that produce estrogen in the body, such as ovarian granulosa cell tumor.

The fourth is obesity. Some women think that being fat is rich, and it’s no big deal. However, fat will produce a small amount of estrogen, and if it reaches the medical obesity level, the accumulated estrogen will not be a small amount.



You can’t become a peerless beauty by supplementing estrogen.

Any nutrition is appropriate.

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Guiyang traffic police: I am on duty on New Year’s Day.

In 2023, the New Year’s Day holiday will come as scheduled. In the cold winter, in every corner of the streets and lanes, there are "fluorescent greens" everywhere, flashing red and blue warning lights. Guiyang traffic police stick to their posts and do their duty as "guardians" and devote themselves to ensuring smooth traffic:
Check and correct illegal activities
On New Year’s Day holiday, all the traffic police in Guiyang are on duty, and the police force will be put into the front line of the road to the maximum extent. Combined with the actual situation in the jurisdiction, mobile patrols, fixed duty, aerial patrol by drones and other means will continue to be carried out in the main sections of the urban trunk roads, urban and rural roads and other jurisdictions to ensure the safety, order and smoothness of roads during the festival.
Pay close attention to the illegal rectification of roads and do not relax, and strictly investigate all kinds of traffic violations such as overcrowding and not wearing seat belts; In view of the tendency of drunk driving during holidays, Guiyang traffic police continued to carry out special rectification actions for drunk driving at various key intersections and road sections, and every car must be inspected, effectively deterring all kinds of traffic violations.
From December 28, 2023 to January 1, 2024, Guiyang traffic police organized a nationwide unified campaign to rectify drunk driving in the whole city, continued to focus on highlighting traffic violations, maintained strict control and strict investigation of the high-pressure situation, and sent warm protection for winter travel.
Warning propaganda
The Eighth Brigade of the High-speed Detachment carried out the propaganda work of anti-fatigue driving and high-speed safe driving in Longgang service area.
The second brigade of the high-speed detachment joined the traffic law enforcement department to carry out traffic safety publicity in Kaiyang service area to remind drivers to drive safely and prevent fatigue driving.
On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, qingzhen city Traffic Police Brigade entered the passenger station in its jurisdiction to carry out traffic safety publicity activities for drivers and passengers. During the period, remind the passenger drivers not to answer the hand-held phone while driving, and urge the passengers to fasten their seat belts all the time.
On the morning of December 30th, qingzhen city Traffic Police Brigade entered Minle Village of Hongfeng Lake and used the market day to carry out traffic safety publicity activities. During the period, while investigating and correcting illegal behaviors such as motorcycles and electric vehicles riding by many people and not wearing safety helmets, we will continue to increase publicity and education, distribute publicity materials to the parties, and explain the safety knowledge of "one helmet and one belt" to prevent major accidents in rural areas.
Keep a close eye on key risks and hidden dangers and strengthen the control of key vehicles
The Fourth Brigade of the High-speed Detachment carried out the work of "strictly closing the entrance" at the Qin Qi toll station, focusing on checking and registering the vehicles with "two passengers, one danger and one cargo".
Guiyang traffic police inspected and registered passenger vehicles by the Economic Development Zone Branch to remind passengers to fasten their seat belts.
Guiyang traffic police persuaded the illegally parked large trucks through the Economic Development Zone Sub-bureau.
Xiuwen county Traffic Police Brigade cooperated with Xiaoqing Police Station to control traffic hidden dangers and install speed bumps on Guijin-Gulin Line.
Little things make the guardian more warm
On the first day of the New Year’s Day holiday, the police of the 9 th Brigade of the High-speed Detachment patrolled Guijin Expressway in the jurisdiction. When they found the fault of the private car in Taojiashan Tunnel, they immediately set up warning signs, evacuated the people on board to a safe place, and arranged for the rescue of the wrecker.
When the xiuwen county Traffic Police Brigade patrolled Yangming Avenue, it found that a van broke down, and the police immediately stepped forward to help the driver push the vehicle to the side of the road to eliminate potential safety hazards.
Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Jiang Mengjiao
Editor Wang Yun
Cheng Xing of second instance
Third trial Ouyang Hainan

"Value Creation" Leads Workers’ Life to "Happiness Upgrade"

When I came to Tongjiang, Sichuan, a mountain stood tall and mountainous, and countless dangerous roads, deep canyons and valleys made people linger. Winding along the provincial highway 204, the house with red tiles and white walls, which is the residence of Qingyukou Reservoir Project of China Railway 11th Bureau, is located in the mountains of full of green, which is particularly eye-catching. Recently, the 11th Bureau of China Railway has built an intimate, comfortable, civilized and harmonious workers’ home in the project site.

Project Resident (Photo courtesy of China Railway 11th Bureau)

The project has a planned construction period of 67 months, surrounded by mountains and inconvenient transportation. How to build a caring, comfortable, civilized and harmonious home for employees in the project with long construction period and poor environment, and how to "upgrade happiness" for employees’ lives through value creation actions has become the primary problem of the project.

Adding "face value" externally and refining "temperament"

"I never dreamed that I could live in an’ ecological community’ in full of green." Sun Wugang, captain of the survey team of Qingyukou Reservoir Project of China Railway 11th Bureau, said with a big smile that he had gone through more than ten projects, and this was the most beautiful place where he lived.

Walking into the project site, a lush face hit. Movable flower stands adorn every corner of the station, the walls are covered with bionic turf, and the grass is planted below, so the station is full of vitality. "Piece-by-piece" greening pattern echoes the pines and cypresses on the mountains behind it, showing the beauty of nature.

In the "mini-park" between the corridors in the dormitory area, employees can watch the game on the stone table, take a leisurely walk on the "S"-shaped aisle, or take selfies next to the newly blooming flowers … The park with an area of less than 80 square meters has become a good place for employees to relax, take a nap and have a morning exercise.

When I come to Happy Farm, the employees will dig up the soil and water the land after work, and they are very busy. Zhang Ming, secretary of the Party branch of the project, said that Happy Farm is divided into fields and managed by employees themselves, which not only allows everyone to taste fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables after hard farming, but also enhances employees’ sense of acquisition and happiness.

Project workers reclaim vegetable fields (Photo courtesy of China Railway 11th Bureau)

Building "innovation" and serving "mind-wandering"

When you visit the project staff dormitory, you will find that, unlike the traditional dormitory, a partition board is installed in the middle, which divides an original 3×6-meter standard dormitory into two 3×3-meter small single rooms.

"Don’t underestimate this board, not only not afraid to disturb my roommate, but also give me a comfortable and private space." Jiang Lan, an employee of Qingyukou Reservoir Project of China Railway 11th Bureau, praised the minor changes in the dormitory.

At the beginning of entering the site, the project team decided to rotate the standard dormitory by 90 degrees through the topographic investigation and overall layout of the project site, and split the double dormitory into a single dormitory in the form of "dividing the dormitory and sharing air conditioning". The results show that it can not only achieve the goal of single dormitory for employees, but also save the space of eight standard dormitories, further optimizing the allocation of home construction expenses.

Compared with the "innovation" of single-room dormitory, the personalized service of employees is "taking the heart". The "tree hole mailbox" hand-made by employees is particularly conspicuous. Employees can put troubles, whispers or suggestions on the project into the mailbox, which will be collected by the project office in a unified way, so as to reasonably meet their thoughts and expectations.

The "point-to-order" service in public areas can meet the needs of employees for "ordering food", "ordering books" and "penalty". What they want to eat, read and play can be served in a day. Many employees laughed and said, "This service is more timely than I bought express delivery."

In addition, the project insists on high quality, pays attention to details, advocates economy, seriously studies the problem of "urgent need" of employees, creates a "home" environment with sincere feelings, and creates a good atmosphere of civilization, harmony, unity, safety and happiness through warm-hearted activities such as collective birthdays and holiday condolences.

"Ascending" Position "Wisdom" Technology

While meeting the needs of employees’ office life, the needs of spiritual civilization cannot be left behind. Yang Liandi’s Denggao Cultural Hall is the core cultural position of the project.

Covering an area of 156 square meters, the exhibition hall is an educational position and a window for publicity, which blends the corporate climbing culture with the local red culture and fully displays the good image of the enterprise and the local cultural heritage. Relying on the exhibition hall, the project actively organizes cadres and workers in party member to carry out centralized study, party class education, theme party day activities, etc., so as to continuously improve workers’ ideological awareness and enrich their spiritual life.

The digital control center next to the exhibition hall is also one of the important "punch points" in the project station. The sand table of the reservoir dam and the large screen of information management and control are all available, and the most eye-catching one is the application display of BIM technology. The application can realize three-dimensional visual disclosure, automatic monitoring and other functions, and provide digital and informational technical support for efficient decision-making, demonstration, command, evaluation and emergency management of the project. Without going to the site, employees can remotely monitor and know the "health information" of the main structure of the dam in real time, thus realizing convenient and efficient office work.

In addition, the project is also equipped with a staff library, a spacious and comfortable activity room, a clean and tidy bathroom, a safe and intelligent pedestrian-vehicle diversion channel … complete resident facilities, and meticulous and caring services, all of which reveal the intentions and feelings of the project in the process of building a home.

In the next step, the project will continue to update and improve the construction of "home", highlight humanistic care, strengthen cultural guidance, help project production, make "home" more like home and make "home" happier.

9 am! AFC executives announced great good news: Congratulations to China Football, and the fans cheered in unison.

Just like a model in heaven, it is really a good example in the world, this creator, positive energy! Welcome everyone to pay attention, like, comment, forward and collect, thank you!

China football ushered in the dawn of revitalization. On the morning of October 31, Beijing time, China football ushered in exciting news. The latest report of the Asian Football Federation (AFC) shows that in a positive meeting with China Football Association President Song Kai in Doha, AFC President Salman promised to support the revival of football in China. This commitment quickly triggered a heated discussion and concern among the fans.

During the meeting, Salman took note of the statement made by Song Kai at the China Football Association Congress, and he emphasized his firm determination to reform and promote the development of football. AFC President reiterated that AFC will fully cooperate with China Football Association and make joint efforts to realize the revival of football in China. This statement is a powerful positive energy for China football.

Over the years, the level of football in China has been widely concerned and criticized, especially the performance of the national team in important competitions often disappoints fans. Nowadays, the top management of AFC has clearly indicated that it will support China football, which is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for domestic football and a great affirmation and encouragement for China football.

The fans responded enthusiastically to this news, and they held great hopes for the support of AFC, believing that this would bring new development opportunities for China football. Everyone is expecting that, with the help of FIFA, the China team can achieve better results in future competitions and present a more professional competitive level.

In addition, this incident has also aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. All major media and football critics believe that the support of AFC may become a turning point in the development of football in China, which indicates that football in China is expected to achieve a real rise.

To sum up, Salman’s statement marks a new milestone for China football. With the support of AFC, the future development of football in China is full of possibilities and hopes. We also hope that the football community in China can seize this opportunity, make continuous efforts, enhance international competitiveness, and finally win honor for the country.

This article is really exciting. AFC President Salman’s positive attitude has ushered in the dawn for China football, and this kind of high-level support is undoubtedly a spur, which can stimulate the confidence and fighting spirit of the football community in China. This also caused me to think about the influence of football at the national level. Football is not only a sport, but also a reflection of the national image, so the prosperity of football also affects the face and dignity of the country.

The article mentions the enthusiastic response of fans to the support of AFC, which reflects the love and expectation of fans for national football. This reminds me of the cohesion and influence of football on society. Football is a global sport, and the fan culture is a bond that connects people closely. The revival of football in China is not only the team’s own business, but also the expectation of thousands of fans in Qian Qian. This also inspired me to think about how sports can play a wider role in society and promote social unity and development.

Furthermore, the article mentioned that the support of AFC may be a turning point in the development of football in China, which led me to think about sports and international cooperation. Sports is an international language, and communication between countries can be smoother through sports exchanges. As one of the most popular sports in the world, football can provide an opportunity for friendly exchanges between countries. Therefore, the support of China football on the international stage is also a powerful manifestation of international sports cooperation.

Finally, the article emphasizes that China football should seize this opportunity and constantly strive to enhance its international competitiveness. This reminds me that success in any field requires unremitting efforts and strength improvement. Football is no exception. To stand out on the international stage, we need the professional quality of players, the level of coaching team and the improvement of infrastructure. This is also a process in which a country needs all-round efforts to develop its football career.

Generally speaking, the news that China’s football is rejuvenating is not only a great benefit to the sports world, but also an improvement to the national image and social cohesion. I hope that with the support of AFC, China football can live up to expectations and achieve a real rise.

Generally speaking, the news that China’s football is rejuvenating is not only a great benefit to the sports world, but also an improvement to the national image and social cohesion. I hope that with the support of AFC, China football can live up to expectations and achieve a real rise.

Generally speaking, the news that China’s football is rejuvenating is not only a great benefit to the sports world, but also an improvement to the national image and social cohesion. I hope that with the support of AFC, China football can live up to expectations and achieve a real rise.