The user trust delayed NIO’s listing in Hong Kong, so why did it succeed by changing the "introduction listing"?

Source: Manager Media’s "Business News. Family Office" magazine

Last year, due to the "user trust" stalled Hong Kong IPO, yesterday NIO successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with "introduction listing".

On March 10, it was an exciting day for "NIO" automobile company. Under the pressure of delisting the US stock market, after two difficult IPO applications in Hong Kong, it finally officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with the stock code "9866" and the opening price on the first day was 160 Hong Kong dollars. As of press time, the market value exceeded 270 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Compare with the 8 major automakers

This time, NIO listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the form of "introduction", without raising funds. The company’s share price rose to 169.5 Hong Kong dollars on the first day of listing, and then fell sharply.

If we compare the stock price and market value of NIO’s listing with those of the top 8 domestic automakers that will be listed:

1, NIO, share price 163 yuan, market value 272.20 billion
2, XPeng Motors, stock price 111 yuan, market value 190.80 billion
3. Li Auto, share price 109 yuan, market value 225.20 billion
4, Geely Automobile, share price 11.8 yuan, market value 118.80 billion
5, GAC Group, share price of 6.6 yuan, market value 69.30 billion
6, Great Wall Motor, share price 12.5 yuan, market value 115.30 billion
7, BYD, share price 201 yuan, market value 586.30 billion
8, millet group, share price of 13.6 yuan, market value 341.60 billion, (including the Great Wall Motor, BYD, GAC Group, are Hong Kong shares)

We can find that the opening price of NIO’s listing is a few streets away from many domestic car companies that have already listed. NIO’s market value is 2.36 times that of Great Wall Motor, 4 times that of GAC Group, and 2.33 times that of Geely Automobile. NIO’s share price is close to BYD. Why are Hong Kong capital markets optimistic about NIO?

In 2019, NIO was still on the verge of bankruptcy because it could not get financing. Fortunately, it finally obtained the Hefei Municipal Government’s 7 billion investment fund to gradually get out of the predicament. In 2021, NIO delivered 91,429 new cars throughout the year, an increase of 109.1% year-on-year. In February 2022, 6,131 smart electric vehicles were delivered, an increase of 9.9% year-on-year. In 2022, NIO plans to deliver three new models, and the number of models on sale will increase from three to six. In just three years, NIO has become a leader in the field of domestic high-end smart electric vehicles in mainland China, gaining recognition from the market and investors.

Since this year, NIO’s performance in US stocks has been falling to the bottom. Experts believe that the overall valuation of new energy vehicles in the Hong Kong stock market is relatively high, so NIO’s performance in Hong Kong stocks is expected to be better than that of US stocks. But experts point out that whether NIO, which continues to lose money, can continue to gain market favor in the future depends on when it can turn losses into profits.

It is worth noting that NIO’s listing in Hong Kong coincides with the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has led to the rise in oil prices, which has brought unlimited potential to new energy vehicles, which also heralds a window for the surge in new energy vehicles.

Why "introduce listing"?

Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and CICC are joint sponsors of NIO’s IPO, which uses an "introductory listing" approach.

The special thing about the listing is that there is no public offering process, only shareholders apply for listing of old shares. According to the prospectus, Li Bin, founder and chairperson of NIO, holds 10.6% of the shares and has 39% of the voting rights; Tencent holds 9.8% of the shares and has 17.4% of the voting rights; Baillie Gifford & Co shareholding ratio is 6.5% and the voting rights are 3.5%.

NIO is the first Chinese concept stock to return to Hong Kong from the US in the form of an introduction in recent years. Since the introduction listing does not issue new shares to shareholders in the new market, there is no issue price set in advance. The price at the beginning of the listing of the company is determined by the market, and the opening price will be used as a benchmark for calculating the rise and fall of the stock price after that.

Why use the "introductory form" for listing? In fact, according to previous media reports, NIO submitted a listing application in Hong Kong in March 2021, but failed to obtain approval from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, mainly due to its involvement in user trust shareholdings.

According to the announcement issued by NIO in 2019, Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, established 50 million shares in his name as NIO User Trust. In the public document introducing the listing in Hong Kong, NIO stated that the main company of its user trust is NIO Users Limited, which owns 1.1% of the issued Class A ordinary shares and voting rights, and will own 22.2% of the Class C ordinary shares and voting rights. Li Bin is the founder, regulator, investment advisor and sole actual beneficiary of the company. However, the establishment of user trust has attracted attention and inquiries from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which has stalled NIO’s listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2021. As a last resort, NIO had to use the "introduction listing" method to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the second time, without raising funds, to be able to list successfully.

The successful listing in Hong Kong not only reduces the impact of geopolitical factors for NIO, but also provides investors with a clearer perspective on the Chinese company. Two people close to capital markets told Caixin that NIO’s introduction to Hong Kong stocks has stimulated the "nerves" of the market, and more Chinese stocks are expected to land in Hong Kong in this way in the short term. It is reported that the second echelon of new car-making forces, such as Zero Sports Car, Nezha Automobile and WM Automobile, will also go public in Hong Kong in 2022.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to Hong Kong capital markets, NIO is also exploring the possibility of listing in Singapore. It mentioned in its prospectus recently that NIO has applied for a secondary listing by introduction on the main board of the Singapore Exchange, and the Singapore Exchange is currently reviewing NIO’s application. NIO expects that the Class A common shares will be listed on the Singapore Exchange after listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, subject to obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals and complying with all applicable listing requirements.

Counting China | Ten Data Perspectives Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  The National Bureau of Statistics released a statistical bulletin on national economic and social development in 2020 on the 28th. The economy shows resilience, the people’s livelihood is strongly guaranteed, the market stimulates vitality, and the scientific and technological strength is enhanced … … A series of data disclosed in the communique outlined a new picture of China’s economic and social development in 2020.

  1. Per capita GDP has exceeded $10,000 for two consecutive years.

  According to the communique, the annual per capita GDP is estimated to be 72,447 yuan, an increase of 2% over the previous year.

  Xinhua News Agency issued a report for preparation.

  Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that China’s total economic output exceeded 100 trillion yuan, and the per capita GDP exceeded 10,000 US dollars for two consecutive years. According to the annual average exchange rate, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy is expected to exceed 17% in 2020.

  2. There were 11.86 million new jobs in cities and towns in the whole year.

  According to the communique, 11.86 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, an increase of 1.66 million over the previous year.

  According to Sheng Laiyun’s analysis, the new employment in cities and towns exceeded the expected target at the beginning of the year. The annual consumer price rose by an average of 2.5%, which was lower than the expected target of about 3.5%. The security of the whole country was strengthened, and the per capita net transfer income of the national residents increased by 8.7% in nominal terms over the previous year. Ensuring residents’ employment and basic people’s livelihood is solid and powerful.

  3. At the end of the year, the total number of market players reached 140 million.

  According to the communique, there were 25.02 million newly registered market entities in the whole year, with an average of 22,000 newly registered enterprises per day, and the total number of market entities reached 140 million at the end of the year.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Weiwei photo

  4. R&D funds increased by 10.3%.

  According to the communique, the expenditure on research and experimental development (R&D) in 2020 was 2,442.6 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3% over the previous year, accounting for 2.4% of the GDP.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  5. The number of patents granted increased by 40.4% over the previous year.

  According to the communique, 3.639 million patents were granted in the whole year, an increase of 40.4% over the previous year. By the end of the year, the number of invention patents per 10,000 population is expected to reach 15.8, an increase of 2.5 over the end of last year.

  Sheng Laiyun said that "Chang ‘e IV" landed on the back of the moon for the first time, "Chang ‘e V" completed the sampling of the lunar surface, "Tianwen-1" was successfully launched, "Endeavor" completed the 10,000-meter manned deep dive, Beidou navigation was networked globally, the prototype system of quantum computing was successfully developed, and the 500-meter spherical radio telescope was officially opened for operation. Major scientific and technological achievements are constantly emerging, and the scientific and technological strength has been significantly enhanced.

  6、The number of people participating in the basic old-age insurance in China is nearly 1 billion.

  Sheng Laiyun introduced that the coverage of social insurance has been further expanded. At the end of the year, the number of people participating in basic old-age insurance for urban workers, basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, basic medical insurance and unemployment insurance increased by 21.5 million, 9.78 million, 6.93 million and 11.47 million respectively. The number of people participating in basic old-age insurance in China is nearly 1 billion, and the participation rate of basic medical insurance is stable at over 95%.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Boan photo

  The communique also shows that 2.09 million sets of shantytown renovation were started throughout the country, and 2.03 million sets were basically completed.

  7. The median per capita disposable income of national residents is 27,540 yuan.

  According to the communique, the per capita disposable income of the national residents in the whole year was 32,189 yuan, a real increase of 2.1% after deducting the price factor. The national average per capita disposable income was 27,540 yuan, an increase of 3.8%. According to the place of permanent residence, the median per capita disposable income of urban residents was 40,378 yuan, an increase of 2.9%; The median per capita disposable income of rural residents was 15,204 yuan, an increase of 5.7%.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  8. The number of sports venues nationwide increased by 169,000 compared with the end of last year.

  In terms of sports, there were 3.713 million sports venues nationwide at the end of the year, an increase of 169,000 over the end of last year. In the whole year, the proportion of people aged 7 and above who regularly participate in physical exercise reached 37.2%.

  In education, the consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education was 95.2%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points over the previous year; The gross enrollment rate in senior high school was 91.2%, up by 1.7 percentage points.

  In terms of medical care, there were 1.023 million medical and health institutions and 10.66 million health technicians at the end of the year, an increase of 510,000 over the end of last year. By the end of the year, there were 8,177 medical and health institutions in China providing novel coronavirus nucleic acid detection services, with a total detection capacity of 11.53 million copies per day.

  9. There are 986 million mobile Internet users.

  According to the communique, there were 989 million Internet users at the end of the year, including 986 million mobile Internet users. The postal industry completed 83.36 billion pieces of express delivery business in the whole year.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  10. 59.9% of the 337 cities at prefecture level and above met the air quality standards.

  Among the 337 monitored cities at prefecture level and above, 59.9% of them met the air quality standards in the whole year, up 13.3 percentage points over the previous year. The average annual concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities that failed to meet the standards was 37 μ g/m3, down 7.5% from the previous year.

Focus on artificial intelligence development planning: the establishment of the first batch of four national innovation platforms

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 23rd: Fifteen ministries and commissions joined forces to establish the first batch of four national innovation platforms — — Focus on the development planning of China’s new generation of artificial intelligence

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Chen Fang and Liu Hongyu

  A few days ago, China announced that the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan has been fully implemented, and it will take 13 years to make China a major artificial intelligence innovation center in the world.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Who will lead? How to break through? Xinhua Viewpoint reporter interviewed the authoritative department and presented the development plan exclusively.

  15 ministries and commissions work together to build a national expert database.

  In 2016, the global technology giant’s investment in artificial intelligence has reached 30 billion US dollars, and attaching importance to artificial intelligence has become a global consensus. Compared with the world’s leading countries, China’s artificial intelligence has achieved important breakthroughs in core technologies in some fields, but it still lacks major original achievements, and there is a big gap in basic theories, core algorithms, key equipment and high-end chips.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, said: "The development of a new generation of artificial intelligence is a strategic collaboration at the national level."

  — — 15 ministries and commissions formed a joint force. A new generation of artificial intelligence development planning promotion office, consisting of 15 departments, including Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering, Science and Technology Committee of Military Commission, and China Association for Science and Technology, came into being, focusing on promoting the overall layout of projects, bases and talents.

  At the same time, build a national expert database. A new generation of artificial intelligence strategic advisory committee headed by Academician Pan Yunhe, including 27 top experts including Academician Chen Chun, Academician Li Wei and Academician Gao Wen, was also announced.

  "Gather collective wisdom from a forward-looking perspective, conduct substantive and potential research on some major issues of artificial intelligence, and provide further consultation and evaluation for major decisions of artificial intelligence at the national level." Pan Yunhe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the strategic advisory committee, said.

  — — The two attributes are highly integrated. "Grasp the characteristics of high integration of artificial intelligence technology attributes and social attributes, and give full play to the important role of the government in planning guidance and policy support." Wan Gang told a story, "Many foreigners asked me curiously, how did you get the fourth generation of mobile communication? They feel very confused. I said it’s very simple. We have been doing pilot projects since the World Expo, and then we have experimental areas in Hangzhou and Guangzhou. When the experience matures, we will engage in dozens of cities. Finally, the experimental area covers almost all areas. Isn’t this solved? "

  — — Open up six "runways" The development plan of a new generation of artificial intelligence has defined six tasks: building an open and collaborative artificial intelligence scientific and technological innovation system, building a safe and convenient intelligent society, building a safe and efficient intelligent infrastructure system, strengthening the integration of defense and civilian technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, cultivating a high-end and efficient intelligent economy, and prospectively laying out major scientific and technological projects of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  Pan Yunhe said that in the past, there was only one runway at the technical level, and the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan added five runways to the original runway, which expanded the development space of artificial intelligence.

  Telly, director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence choose five main directions: big data intelligence, cross-media intelligence, swarm intelligence, hybrid enhanced intelligence and autonomous intelligence system, and carry out systematic and forward-looking task layout from four levels: basic theory, supporting system, key technology and innovative application.

  Determine the first batch of four national new generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms.

  After full investigation and demonstration, the first batch of national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were determined: relying on Baidu, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent and Iflytek respectively, four national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were built, including autonomous driving, urban brain, medical imaging and intelligent voice.

  "In these four areas, China has been at the forefront of the world." Wang Zhigang, Party Secretary and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that we should speed up the implementation of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence and make breakthroughs in basic frontier fields as soon as possible. The open innovation platform will play a greater role in gathering innovative resources and promoting the sharing of innovation.

  Six years ago, Iflytek launched the world’s first voice cloud open platform. At present, the daily processing times of the platform reach 4 billion times. "China is already an international leader in speech synthesis." Hu Yu, vice president of Iflytek, said.

  In recent years, Iflytek has also carried out innovative cooperation with the public security system. Tests conducted in Anhui in 2016 showed that the accuracy of artificial intelligence in judging fraudulent calls was extremely high; Artificial intelligence also acts as a court clerk. After testing, intelligent speech recognition participated in the trial and achieved practical results, and the trial duration was shortened by 30%.

  "Let innovation have a real impact and create real value." Hua Xiansheng, vice president of Alibaba, said that the goal of the urban brain is to build a sharing platform that mainly opens the application layer of computing data based on the comprehensive technologies of artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, and build an open future ecosystem for intelligent applications in urban administration, public services and other industries.

  Tommy, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that the implementation period of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence will be 2030, and this announcement is only the first batch, and it will continue to be expanded according to the needs of planning and project implementation in the future.

  "The new focus of international competition is new competition in deep learning, cross-border integration, man-machine collaboration and group intelligence." Wan Gang said.

  Sharing achievements and realizing innovation in collision

  A breakthrough in the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence requires a new development concept. Experts believe that the opening of swarm intelligence will become a new feature of the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  In July this year, Baidu officially opened the "Apollo" autopilot platform, with more than 70 partners from all over the world. "Apollo Project" aims to provide an open, complete and safe open innovation platform for partners in the automotive industry and autonomous driving field, and gather the strength of many participants to jointly promote the development of autonomous driving technology.

  "It is an open source system and the largest autonomous driving ecosystem in the world." Wu Xuebin, vice president of Baidu, said that Baidu will invest 10 billion yuan to support 100 start-ups in the future, making it an open innovation platform for national-level autopilot systems with world-class level.

  The reporter learned that when Tencent Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was established last year, it combined comprehensive basic research with rapid technology application, and gathered more than 70 first-class scientists at home and abroad and more than 300 experienced engineers.

  "Tencent’s AI medical products ‘ Tencent seeks the shadow ’ The accuracy of finding early esophageal cancer has been greatly improved. " Liu Yongsheng, general manager of Tencent’s artificial intelligence laboratory, said that enterprises sharing research and application results will rapidly promote technological iteration and enable traditional industries such as medical care to generate new kinetic energy.

  "Strengthen open source and policy guidance, and build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation body." Wan Gang said, "In the past, we often said that experiments were based on meditation and inspiration. Now it is different. It is necessary to turn meditation into brainstorming and stimulate innovative inspiration in the collision of academic exchanges."

Here are the 25 most difficult films to grab in the last film festival. Why are they so popular?

Special feature of 1905 film network At 8: 00 am on June 9, the Shanghai Film Festival will start to grab tickets.

These days, the first thing Xiao Dianjun gets up every morning is to brush the latest film list of the last film festival. As a result, the more he looks at it, the more he panics …

This time, the Shanghai Film Festival really wiped out all the fans.

From June 16th to June 25th, more than 500 movies were shown, which will definitely make you sit on your ass in the cinema.

Love to watch movies? There are ten serial broadcasts of "Marvel Comics Tenth Anniversary" and "Mission Impossible Five";

Love watching old movies? There are Bergman, bunuel, Ozu, Hitchcock and others in the master retrospective exhibition and the 4k restoration exhibition;

The essence is the "Group Portrait of Asian Contemporary Authors" and "Multiple Perspectives" planned by Shanghai Film Festival, from which you are not just watching a movie in isolation, but watching a carefully woven network of contemporary film history.

There are too many good movies, and the competition for grabbing tickets is bound to be fierce.

If you don’t have that much time to ponder over the film list, you can look at the 20 most worthy movies carefully selected by Xiao Dianjun from the 23 units of the last film festival before grabbing the ticket.

Even if you can’t go, you can have fun at home.

Ten new films

Thieves’ family

Highlight: Hirokazu Koreeda’s masterpiece, with super-high concentration of tenderness.

It is definitely the most difficult film to grab at the last film festival.

Someone on Douban sighed under the above stills, "What kind of plot can capture this scene is fascinating." Just looking at the smile on the face of this family, who would have thought that they were street rats who had no blood relationship and just got together to steal for a living? Seeking love in a cruel world is Hirokazu Koreeda’s insistence for many years, and The Thief Family is a fruitful result.

The Hollywood Reporter once commented on this film: "Who can surpass Hirokazu Koreeda? He knows that sometimes whispering is better than shouting. "

To tell the truth, even when watching the trailer, watching Sakura Ando and the smile on mayu’s dirty face made Xiao Dianjun feel hit (not because of his face value).


Highlight: It may be the best realistic movie in recent years.

The Lebanese film Capernaum won the grand prize of the jury in Cannes. According to media reports, the audience cried when it was shown. The story boldly challenges the oriental audience’s family concept: a 12-year-old Lebanese boy sued his parents for bringing him into this world, but did not raise him well?

The foreign media evaluation of this film is controversial. and other media think, why does the subject matter of realistic criticism always have to be bitter and bitter, and "forced" tears? ! Such a controversial work, you really have to go to the big screen to see what it is.

Cold War 

Highlight: See how the director of Sister Ada tells the story of depressed times and indulgent love.

If you are keen on nostalgic films such as Midnight in Paris and The Artist, you must choose Cold War first. Director Pawe? Pawlikowski used his black-and-white photography to capture the gloom of Poland and the debauchery of Paris during the Cold War.

The story is adapted from the personal experience of the director’s parents and tells the story of a musician and a female singer falling in love. Foreign media VOX exclaimed after watching the film, "I have never seen any film that can show such a strong desire in every scene."


Highlight: A bold film of mixed genre, shooting a family film in the form of a thriller.

The story of "Guardianship" is not outstanding, telling that a couple was sentenced to joint custody of their 12-year-old son after divorce; However, according to the audience’s comments, the thriller atmosphere of this film is comparable to that of Quiet Place, and even some girls can’t bear such repression and cry. believes that this film will resonate strongly with all those who grew up in an unhealthy family environment when they were young. (Here @ melrose)

Punk samurai 

(World premiere)

Highlight: It is the strongest Japanese film in recent years.

Punk Samurai is a magical blockbuster set in the Edo era, which tells the story of extraordinary swordsmen fighting against disasters. Just looking at the lineup and trailer, you may think that the producer of this film is crazy.

The director is Gakury? Ishii who insists on the experimental style and is often not accepted by the public because he plays too fast; It happened that the screenwriter was the most popular Kuro Miyato.

The cast is full of handsome guys and beautiful women (G Ayano, Keiko Kitagawa, Shōta Sometani), but in the trailer, all the idol baggage has been forgotten.

As can be seen from the trailer alone, this film is a mixture of strange shapes, Indian songs and dances, and a story with a strange brain. Fans who like Japanese movies can have a challenge.

How to strike up a girl at a party 

Highlight: A psychedelic youth film with bursting imagination, which is specially designed for rebellious children of all ages.

In 1977, three punk-obsessed teenagers broke into an alien party, and one of them even fell in love with a rebellious alien girl.

Director john cameron mitchell is good at shooting bold and different youth films, and his previous work "Rock Barbie" is well-known.

The film is creative from the poster to the preview, but the freshness of rotten tomatoes is only 46%. The film critic of The New Yorker complained, "This kind of film desperately wants to be a cult classic, but it doesn’t care if it is well made."

Face, village 

Highlight: Most documentaries make you feel heavy, but they will definitely make you laugh.

Face, Village is the latest work of 90-year-old "New Wave Grandma" Agnès Varda. It was nominated for an Oscar and won awards in several film festivals in France and the United States.

This is a documentary without a clear theme or purpose, but it is extremely naive and moving. In the film, Valda, who is dyed with a two-color mushroom head, and the artist JR drive a pickup truck and shoot along the way with a camera. The film critic of The Boston Globe even said, "People who can’t enjoy this film well, I think they have no hope for life."

Blood of the lone wolf

Highlight: In this Japanese gangster film, K?ji Yakusho actually performed the flavor of Kitano Takeshi.

Set in Hiroshima in 1988, it tells the story of an employee missing case jointly investigated by Tori Matsuzaka and K?ji Yakusho.

Director Kazuya Shiraishi has attracted much attention for her bold female films in recent two years, including the erotic film Cats and Yuu Aoi’s The Birds whose Names She Doesn’t Know.

The place where Kumagaya is staying.

Highlight: If Hideyoshi Okuda’s movie ever made you cry and laugh, don’t miss this new work.

"Where Kumatani Shouyi is" is a new work by director Shoichi Okuda, starring Tsutomu Yamazaki and KiKi KiRin.

Shouyi Kumatani is known as the "immortal of painting" in Japanese art history. He was born in a rich family, but he lived a simple life all his life. In his later years, he and his wife stayed indoors for 30 years and painted in their own garden. Sh?ichi Okita has always been good at portraying touching people. This time, it is better to pause the busy life and watch the clouds, fish and ants passing by together with the old painter.

Ten classics

The Shawshank Redemption

Highlight: As long as the film exists, The Shawshank Redemption can find its audience.

It will undoubtedly become the hottest classic in this film festival.

This story about prison break has become a symbol of spiritual salvation for the audience who love it. Even today, there are still many netizens who are constantly brushing on N.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. 

Highlight: It is the end of a generation of legends, both in narrative and visual effects.

Even though the current CG technology is far better than that in 2003, the series is still difficult to surpass.

This film was shown in the mainland in 2004, and a trilogy was shown in Beijing International Film Festival in 2012. This time, the missed fans must catch up.

Night of the living dead. 

Highlight: "A trip to Busan" and "Walking with a heavy load" are all "copying" it.

In 1968, the granular black-and-white horror film was regarded as the real originator of the funeral film.

Although there was a zombie image in horror movies before, it was never so horrible — — No thoughts, only the desire to eat people.

The picture of the daughter who turned into a zombie killing and eating her mother was unacceptable to many people at that time. Director George A. Romero’s use of zombie horror films to map social reality has also become a widely used technique since then.


Recommended reason: Do you still need a reason?

The treatment of Titanic in mainland film festivals will always be — — The venue was full.

But what’s more special is that this film festival saw the Dolby Vision format version specially produced by Cameron for the 20th anniversary of its release.

Critics such as Cameron have also expressed satisfaction with the screening effect, saying that this version "surpasses 3D and 70 mm film, and Titanic has never been so good."


Highlight: Atypical Hitchcock movies, the beauty of joan fontaine may impress you the most after watching it.

The story of Butterfly Dream is adapted from Rebecca by mystery novel in Daphne du Maurier. It tells the story of a woman who finds her husband’s dead ex-wife, Rebecca, lingering like a nightmare after she marries into a grand villa …

This is Hitchcock’s first film shot in Hollywood, and he won the Best Film and Best Photography in the 13th Academy Awards.

Taste of tea soaked in rice

Highlight: In Ozu’s movies, both saury and tea soaked rice are the taste of life.

In 1952, a 35 mm film version was shown at the Shanghai Film Festival in 2013. This time, after 4k restoration, the definition was higher.

"The Taste of Tea Soaking Rice" describes the contradiction between Sasaki Maoji, who was born in rural Xinzhou, and darling daughter Miao Zi, who was born in upper class. Miao Zi can’t stand many of her husband’s "bad habits", such as smoking cheap cigarettes and eating tea and making rice.

The film was shot between the more famous (1951) and (1953), and Ozu’s meticulous observation of traditional family life in his later works can also be seen in the film.

Sissy princess series 

Highlight: For many post-70s and 80s, there is only one princess in the world, and her name is Cece.

Princess Sissi trilogy was introduced by Shanghai Translation Studio in 1988. This series of stories is adapted from a palace anecdote after the election of the Austrian Emperor Flantz in the mid-19th century, telling the story of Princess Sissi and Flantz.

In those days when there were no Hollywood blockbusters, everyone was watching this movie, admiring how beautiful foreign princesses were and how many beautiful skirts they had.

Interestingly, the German film unit of this film festival will also show a biographical film about the heroine romy schneider. The film tells the story of the last interview with the media in Luo Mi Schneider’s life. By showing the conversation between an ambitious reporter and this fragile and childish female star, it shows the public a "Sissy Princess" that they don’t know.

Luis Bunuel’s The Prudent Charm of the Bourgeois in the Master’s Tribute Unit

Highlight: The most exciting thing about seeing luis Bunuel is that every scene of him may subvert your worldview.

Luis Bunuel’s six feature-length films will be shown in this film festival, and his short film with Dali will be shown in SIFF Classic Unit. And this is just the tip of the prolific Spanish movie master bunuel film career.

If you only choose one, the masterpiece will be the first. This film tells a strange story about six middle-class people who keep trying to have dinner, but are always interrupted unexpectedly, in which bunuel’s surreal style is brought into full play.

Xie Jin’s "furong town" in the Master Tribute Unit

Highlight: Choose the best China film, and it must be on the list.

On the eve of the release of Jiang Wen, this film festival is also attended by Jiang Wen, so let’s revisit this classic Chinese film directed by Xie Jin and written by Acheng, starring Jiang Wen and Liu Xiaoqing.

"furong town" is divided into two episodes, lasting 164 minutes, and tells the scene of unrest when the Cultural Revolution swept through Furong town in western Hunan. Hu Yuyin, a young woman who used to set up a tofu stall and had a prosperous business, was bullied in the movement. After her husband’s tragic death, her love with Qin Shutian, a rightist who swept the street, became her only comfort.

Jiang Wen was only 24 years old when he appeared in this film, but his image and acting skills in the film are very mature. The line "live, live like an animal" spoken by him through biting his teeth in the rain has become the crowning touch of this film.

X sage

Recommended reason: Japanese horror movies not only include Curse and Ring at Midnight, but also X Sanzhi.

X Sanctuary is directed by Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and starring K?ji Yakusho. There are a lot of scenes that use space and composition to create a depressing atmosphere, which is completely different from the previous Japanese horror films that rely on ghosts and gods or violent murders to scare people.

The story tells the story of several bizarre murders in Tokyo. All the bodies are engraved with "X" symbols, and the suspects present don’t remember what they did. The criminal police department pursued the case, but it was interfered by the murderer who was suspected of hypnosis, and he began to become wrong.

The above is the "film guide that is the most difficult to grab in the film festival" compiled by Xiao Dianjun.

I don’t know which movies you all want to see this film festival.