Ren Xianqi, who gained weight crazily, turned into a greasy uncle and almost went blind for a movie

Xianqi appeared in a video on a website. Although he is nearly 55 years old, he is in good condition and looks. Three years ago, he gained 100 kilograms for a movie, so Ren Xianqi lost 30 kilograms in four months.

Because of the epidemic, Ren Xianqi was very concerned about everyone and told everyone to pay attention to their health at ordinary times and not forget to exercise even indoors. Hearing such a warm reminder, everyone couldn’t help but smile and recall that Ren Xianqi was complained by the majority of netizens and became a greasy uncle.

Three years ago, during the filming of Ren Xianqi’s movie "Horse Running", in order to conform to the character’s image, he did not hesitate to gain 26 kilograms of weight, eating high-calorie food every day, from 74 kilograms of weight to 100 kilograms of big fat. Because of the rapid weight gain, his health was seriously damaged, and his blood sugar and blood lipids rose rapidly to double highs.

Moreover, due to overeating, stomach acid reflux was caused, and the throat was burned, which seriously affected the vocal cords, and the voice became hoarse. However, the keyboard warrior who did not know the truth practiced the magic of flicking his fingers. Seeing that Ren Xianqi had become fat, he complained one after another and left comments on the Internet, teasing Ren Xianqi for turning into a middle-aged greasy uncle.

But Ren Xianqi didn’t care, nor did he explain the reason why he suddenly became fat. He patted off these trivial ironies like dust. What he cared about was how to make a good movie. In fact, it was not the first time that Ren Xianqi worked hard to make a good movie. During the filming of "Exile" with director Du Qifeng, Ren Xianqi almost went blind due to the quality problem of the props.

The old man often said: The amount is big and the blessing is big. This is inseparable from the idol influence of Xiao Qi’s debut for many years, zero scandals, zero stains, and positive energy.

When it comes to Ren Xianqi’s debut, one has to look back on his teenage experience.

In 1966, Ren Xianqi was born in Changhua County, Taiwan Province. Hubei people are unparalleled in intelligence. The Ren family’s ancestral home is in Wuchang County, Hubei Province, which is now Jiangxia District, Wuhan City.

It is true that people from Hubei are smart. His father, a primary school teacher, has a lot of knowledge. He thought that the meaning of "seeing the virtuous and thinking of Qi" was very good, so he named Xiao Qi Ren Xianqi, which means that when he sees people with both political integrity and ability, he must not only learn from him, but also strive to surpass him. Facts have proved that Ren Xianqi did live up to his parents’ ardent hopes when he grew up. It may be his lifelong pursuit to be a person with both moral integrity and ability.

Ren Xianqi grew up in Changhua Village. The folk customs and cultural environment in the village are slightly different from those in big cities. The folk customs are simple and simple. This simple and unpretentious atmosphere has a deep influence on Xiao Qi. After growing up, he treated his friends sincerely and thoughtfully, and was also influenced by this ethos.

When he was in high school, Brother Qi fell in love with a girl from the school next door. Later, he learned that the girl especially liked the guy who could play the guitar, so he practiced the guitar hard. Gradually, he fell in love with music and wrote many songs on the guitar sheet. The song "Flowers Will Bloom in Spring" was written for the girl he liked, and this song later became the title song on his personal album.

When every Taiwanese boy turns 18, he will face the test of a bar mitzvah, which is to sign up for the army. However, almost every boy’s parents do not want to enroll their child in the Marine Corps, because everyone knows that it is the most rigorous force for physical requirements, and the military training there is also the hardest. In 1984, Xiao Qi Ge’s parents drew lots for him to decide where he would join the army, and they were quite lucky and helped him win the army at once.

Although the experience of being a soldier was very hard, it also trained his strong physique, and because of his excellent performance in the army and outstanding performance in various physical training, in 1987, he was sent to the Department of Physical Education of China Culture University. Although he left his hometown and came to Taipei to study, he never forgot the girl he liked in high school, nor the guitar he liked. During school, he formed the ATP choir himself, and served as the guitarist and lead singer.

In 1988, Xiao Qi Ge continued to make efforts in the field of music. He began to serve as a Dunhuang campus DJ and participated in hundreds of campus concerts during his time in school, thus accumulating rich performance experience and establishing the status of a campus red card DJ. The name Ren Xianqi became popular in Taiwan’s colleges and universities for a while.

Brother Qi was so outstanding. Logically speaking, as a figure in the school, he should attract many girls, but in fact, the other boys in the band had been pursued by many girls, but Brother Qi had never received a love letter. Later, a sophomore junior told him that he looked like a prodigal son, so no girls dared to approach him.

Ren Xianqi felt very aggrieved. Later, he learned that the girl’s name was Chen Zeyu and her English name was Tina. Brother Qi’s primary school girl was not an ordinary person. She participated in singing competitions at the age of six and won many international, domestic and major competitions.

In addition, Chen Zeyu not only sings well, but also looks very beautiful, because she has the genes of a mixed race of the Three Kingdoms, and her figure is also very good! Such a beautiful woman swayed in front of Ren Xianqi, like a dazzling ray of sunlight, shining into Brother Qi’s heart. After the two met, they often had heart-to-heart conversations, and the talents and women were paired, becoming a beautiful scenery on the campus.

Chen Zeyu felt that the person who had a dream would not be a prodigal son, so she dared to approach him boldly, and when Xiao Qi was in a bad mood, she often comforted him and enlightened him. Xiao Qi was deeply attracted by her gentle personality.

Young people get together and often talk about their future dreams. Xiao Qi’s wish is to be a singer, and Chen Zeyu dreams of becoming a fashion designer. From 1988, the two people who have the same heart and soul started a long-distance love run that lasted for more than 10 years.

In his senior year, Xiao Qi was discovered by Taixinge Records, so after graduation, he was signed to work under the label of Xingge Records and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 1990, Ren Xianqi and his contemporaries in the company jointly released the compilation album "Run to the Rainbow". With his many years of performance experience, Ren Xianqi made his debut and occupied the "C position". After that, Ren Xianqi joined the underground band snake with great enthusiasm. At this time, Ren Xianqi was full of momentum and released three solo albums one after another.

However, life is like a roller coaster, with sudden twists and turns, which caught people off guard. The company went bankrupt due to poor management. As an artist under the company, Ren Xianqi and his colleagues were acquired by Rolling Stone.

In that era, under the Rolling Stones, there were many big names, and Luo Dayou, Zhao Chuan, Zhou Huajian and others were called legends. How could such a top organization in the industry look at a young star who had just debuted? Therefore, the company had the idea of laying off Brother Qi.

His stage name was Little Bug, and his real name was Chen Huanchang. This person was one of the "three godfathers" of the music industry in Taiwan. He was on par with Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng.

Such a childlike person had extraordinary eyesight. He could see the difference between Brother Qi and others. He believed that this young man was by no means a thing in the pool and would eventually make his mark.

Many years after this incident, the prediction of "Little Bug" has been confirmed, and the Chinese music scene cannot be without Ren Xianqi.

Although the company kept Brother Qi in the face of the "little bug", it did not reuse him. Therefore, for the next three years, Brother Qi has been doing behind-the-scenes work, but he has no complaints. Because as long as he can do music-related work, he is already very happy. Although his situation was very similar to "Xuezao" at that time.

However, before Han Xin became the Marquis of Huaiyin, he had suffered the humiliation of his crotch. For Brother Qi, he did not care about this grievance. Therefore, he did not complain and worked hard according to the company’s arrangements.

Later, Brother Qi’s contract was about to expire, and "Bug", who was busy with music production every day, realized that three years had passed, and Xiao Qi had been standing still for so long. Thinking of this, Bug’s heart rose with a passion to make him famous.

As a result, a bug tailor-made for him "rely on" turned out, this song is Ren Xianqi’s debut album under the new owner of Rolling Stone, as the title song, so far, sold 160,000, although the sales are not particularly good, but this song is of great significance.

As the saying goes, those who gain the Tao are more helpful, and those who lose the Tao are less helpful. The friendship between men is called I have the ability, so I let you rely on me, help you go straight to the sky, and when I am in trouble, you fall from the sky, help me on the road, and move forward together. This song, called "Relying on", fully reflects the brotherhood between Ren Xianqi and the little bug.

Due to the poor performance of the new album and the average sales, Xiao Qi’s contract was about to expire, so the little bug fought for one last chance to keep him.

"Too Soft Heart" came out under such a background, and this song was specially written by Xiaowu for Ren Xianqi.

When the song was just logged into the music market, the response was mediocre, so the question of Xiao Qi’s whereabouts was once again put on the company’s motion. Obviously, this time, he was about to be fired. However, at this critical moment, things went into a shocking reversal. "Too Soft Heart" quickly became popular in the mainland with a turbulent trend. The song sold 26 million amazing results.

Therefore, Rolling Stone quickly renewed Ren Xianqi, because if the action is slower, this rising star is likely to be poached. After that, the company began to rebuild Ren Xianqi. After that, it produced and published a series of albums such as "Very Hurt" and "Love You Only" for him. Ren Xianqi has since opened the "peak era" of keeping pace with the Four Heavenly Kings.

It is because of the little bug that Ren Xianqi has gradually reached the peak of his career. Because of this, Ren Xianqi has the most sincere gratitude for the little bug. Later, the little bug was deceived by his friends, his accountant ran away with the money, and the little bug was in a penniless situation.

Hearing this news, Ren Xianqi didn’t say a word. He directly offered one million in cash to the little bug, and declared, Brother, you can use it well, and there is no need to return it.

Afterwards, someone asked him why he did this? Ren Xianqi said in a flat tone: If there was no little bug brother, there would be no me, Ren Xianqi, today.

In 1998, Ren Xianqi released the album "Love is like the Pacific". With this album, Ren Xianqi played a beautiful carousel, and the song returned to Taiwan from the mainland. Songs such as "Ren Xiaoyao" and "Sad Pacific" are classics of Ren Xianqi after "My Heart is Too Soft". These popular works across the country broke the record of record sales in the history of Taiwan music.

In 1999, Brother Qi was invited by CCTV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of the same year, and became the only Taiwan artist at the party that day; in the same year, Ren Xianqi starred in the big screen debut "Star Wish" released; in 2000, the Xiao Qi family was established in the mainland, and in this year, he starred in "Summer Tea" was also released, and achieved a good result of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars. After the release of "Marry a Rich Man" in 2002, the box office performance was still good. Since then, Xiao Qige’s film and television songs have progressed hand in hand, and his career has also flourished.

Perhaps for every star, the obscurity before becoming famous is all preparation for Yiming’s astonishment. During those most difficult days, his girlfriend Chen Zeyu never gave up to support and encourage him. Her girlfriend, who is full of strength, helped Xiao Qi get through that three-year "dark" period. Now, finally keep the clouds open and see the moon bright. Finally see hope.

Marrying a man and starting a family is a major event in life. Since his career has reached its peak, starting a family is also on the agenda. When Brother Qi held a concert abroad, he and his girlfriend "got married notariously".

At that time, as public figures, the two chose to get married in a low-key way without a wedding, so at the 2013 concert, Ren Xianqi guiltily told Chen Zeyu: "I owe you a wedding," but the wedding is nothing more than a way to look lively to outsiders. As long as you really love each other, then this form is not so important.

After getting married, the two gave birth to two children, and the family of four settled down in Hong Kong. Through the photos, the whole family smiled like flowers. Maybe happiness should be like this. I originally intended to wash away the lead for you and make soup. You are willing to be indifferent to fame and fortune for me. Fortunately, at the best age, we did not miss each other. Friendship and love are just as much. Thank you for meeting you in life and hearing your singing is a true happiness.

The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it.

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Qin PLUS DM-i "limited time 898", BYD pressed the "oil-to-electricity" acceleration key in the auto market.

On December 1, BYD launched a limited-time fuel transfer fund policy. Led by champion models Qin and Han, the best-selling models of Wangchao. com are all out to give thanks to users, with a maximum enjoyment of 20,000 yuan. The policy is limited to December. This also means that BYD is leading the China brand in a decisive battle for joint-venture fuel vehicles, and accelerating the process of "oil to electricity" in the automobile market.

In 2023, whether you are a fuel owner who wants to change cars or a prospective owner who has ordered a fuel car, Qin PLUS DM-i will start selling for only 89,800 yuan, and Han EV Champion Edition and Han DM-i Champion Edition will enjoy a fuel transfer fund of up to 20,000 yuan. At the same time, Wang Chaowang’s models of Tang, Song and Yuan families have benefited to varying degrees. This is undoubtedly good news for users who want to buy a car at the end of the year.

Limited-time welfare BYD uses the champion model to give back to users’ love.

BYD announced the 6 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line on November 24th, which also became a milestone in the development history of China automobile industry. In the face of users’ trust and love, BYD is also grateful to give back to the market with high-quality products, and puts forward the limited-time welfare policy of PLUS DM-i "limited-time fuel transfer fund of 10,000 yuan".

In 2021, Qin PLUS DM-i went on the market. In just one and a half years, Qin PLUS won the A-class sedan championship. This year, the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS 2023 was once again "king fried", which opened a new era of the same price of oil and electricity and launched a storm on the fuel-fired sedan. Since then, the sales of Qin family have been soaring, and at present, it has achieved the success of 9 consecutive titles of the sedan, and Qin has locked in the 2023 sedan champion in advance.

Qin PLUS can achieve such achievements, the core is naturally excellent product strength, and excellent product strength is bound to be inseparable from the support of technology. Qin PLUS DM-i is equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system, which has the characteristics of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It only takes 7.3s for zero acceleration, 1,245km for comprehensive endurance and 3.8L for fuel consumption per 100km, and the DM-i super hybrid system.

Grab the cake from the joint venture fuel vehicle market, and the "oil-to-electricity" in the auto market has accelerated.

When it comes to the A-class sedan market, the national sedan of the joint venture brand used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many China automobile brands challenged them, but BYD Qin PLUS DM-i succeeded in the challenge.

On the power, Qin PLUS DM-i’s acceleration of 7.3 seconds leads the way. In terms of energy consumption, Qin PLUS DM-i has a power consumption of 3.8L and a comprehensive battery life of 1,245 kilometers. The high-equipped models can also discharge externally, greatly reducing the cost of car use and satisfying more car use scenarios. Those joint-venture national sedan cars can definitely not do it because they have no plug-in models now. On intelligence, Qin PLUS DM-i has DiLink intelligent cockpit (car, big screen, voice, cloud service), intelligent entry (NFC) and intelligent driving assistance, and still leads the same level.

"Chinese style" swept the Rio Olympic Games, and China became online celebrity.

  CCTV News: With the opening of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, China Olympic athletes will once again attract global attention with their tenacious sportsmanship and excellent performance in the world arena. However, you know what? China specialty, which became popular inside and outside the stadium, is popular all over the world, and has "conquered" the world while adding luster to the escort of China athletes.

  Rio Olympics continues the great beauty of China.

  Speaking of China characteristics, what can better represent China than blue and white porcelain? When it comes to oriental women, what can be more beautiful than cheongsam?

Competition equipment of trampoline national team in Rio Olympic Games

                                                    Competition equipment of trampoline national team in Rio Olympic Games

  In this Olympic Games, China trampoline Jinhua will compete in a cheongsam-style "blue and white porcelain" shirt. Presumably, there will be a "drunken Chinese style" with oriental restraint and luxury and beauty. While watching the game, you can also enjoy a fashion show full of China flavor. Do you feel that you have made a lot of money? ! The women’s trampoline will hold a qualifying match at 1 o’clock on August 13 th, Beijing time. I want to see it quickly and wait and see with Xiaobian!

  China mosquito nets are popular all over the world.

  Just when athletes from all over the world were worried about how to prevent mosquitoes, the delegation of China offered a "killer weapon". It is called "national magic weapon" by foreign media, and it is actually an anti-mosquito weapon to help China athletes block Zika virus: mosquito nets.

  With it, mom and dad don’t have to worry about me sleeping anymore, and they don’t have to be smoked by mosquito-repellent incense at night. They wake up naturally when they sleep, which is nontoxic and tasteless, environmentally friendly and fresh, and the cot becomes a "princess’s nest" in seconds, and the sense of security is bursting!


  Naughty gymnast Feng Zhe posted a joke in Weibo: A foreigner came over and asked: Can you sell me a white Chinese knot? I said yes, which word do you want, blessing or longevity? But only the red ones! Foreigners explain that it is the kind of white that can cover people! Read after me, it’s called mosquito net, not Chinese knot!

  ESPN sports reporters called mosquito nets "Screen" on their Twitter when they saw gymnasts in China showing mosquito nets! It seems that crooked nuts really don’t understand our summer anti-mosquito artifact.

  Not only foreign journalists are "stunned" by this thing! It is said that Fukuhara Ai and Australian women’s basketball star Elizabeth Cambage also started to use it.


  Fukuhara Ai, a 10-level Northeastern dialect speaker, also received a mosquito net from coach Tang Yuanyuan, which was specially aired on the Weibo.

  What should foreign athletes do if they have no coach from China to deliver mosquito nets? Buy it! So there was a scene where foreign athletes asked Feng Zhe to buy mosquito nets.

  The vast number of netizens have opened their brains for Feng Zhe: @ Designer who loves food: another China artifact after Laoganma’s hot sauce! Seeing the Chinese knot, I feel quite appropriate! @ Xiatangju: It has greatly promoted the vigorous development of small commodity wholesale industry in China. @fffiyyy: Remember to charge! The inheritance left by our ancestors must be collected! @ 京京京京京: Go and apply for intangible cultural heritage or patents or something.

  Waiguoren speaks for Chinese medicine

  On the second day of the Olympic Games, foreign media encountered a Rio puzzle. Why does "flying fish" michael phelps have red dots on him?


  Everyone in China knows this answer. Isn’t this our traditional Chinese medicine therapy, cupping! We are most familiar with the 99K pure domestic products, but our foreign friends are amazed.

  The Associated Press, which jumped out to solve the puzzle, made an endorsement for our domestic product "cupping" for free: the circle is the result of cupping. Athletes use this treatment to help their muscles recover and achieve the best results. Its process is: a therapist heats several small glasses, then buckles them on the skin, and then pulls them out to relax the muscles.

  There are many fans of cupping. Not only Phelps, American male gymnast Naddour took photos of his cupping on his Instagram, but he also talked to USA-Today about the beauty of cupping: "This is the secret weapon to keep me healthy this year, and its effect is better than other treatments I have paid for before."

  The BBC made a special program to explain why athletes "wear a big dark red mark". Reuters reporter carefully studied the efficacy of cupping, thinking that its efficacy includes removing toxins, promoting blood flow, relieving soreness, and even treating insomnia.

  Chinese aunt dances Rio

  When it comes to Chinese aunts, the first thing that comes to mind is the square dance. You must want to ask, what does this have to do with the Rio Olympics? Don’t believe it, Chinese aunts have already jumped the square dance to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!


  At the opening ceremony of Rio Olympic Games, among the dance volunteers who performed Latin enthusiastically, an oriental face was very special. She danced "square dance" at Maracana Stadium on behalf of Chinese aunt.

  The 56-year-old Jiangyin aunt’s name is Chen Jing. Because her daughter works in Rio de Janeiro, Chen Jing submitted an application when she learned that the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games was open to volunteers from all over the world. In February this year, she received an email from the Rio Olympic Organizing Committee informing her that she was selected for the dance performance at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


  The Rio Olympic Organizing Committee took a single photo for each volunteer and posted it on the walls and pillars of Maradona Stadium.

  Self-confident Aunt Chen Jing showed her grace on the bright stage. Her beauty is integrated into the whole of Brazil and the whole Olympic Games.

  The creation of the wise ancestors may seem commonplace or even inconspicuous to you and me; In the eyes of foreigners, it may be a god-like existence. It seems that Made in China can include not only cutting-edge technology, but also any of your family’s skills and treasures. (Text/An Mengying)

"Our childhood is different" —— On the changes of children’s life in the 21st century

In the 21st century, China has rushed to the front of the locomotive of science and technology and entered the stage of rapid development.Children are the flowers of the motherland, and the changes of the times and the development of the motherland also change their growing environment.For more than 20 years from the Millennium to the present, the economic level has developed rapidly, and science and technology have been constantly innovated. The countless conveniences and problems that followed have also been projected in children’s childhood life. Over the past 20 years, we have gone from promoting the popularization of education to advocating reducing the burden of education, from worrying about children’s malnutrition to having to face the increasingly serious obesity problem. At the same time, countless questions have been thrown out-do children need cram schools? How should children use the Internet scientifically?How can children have a healthy and happy childhood?

We will focus on the changes in all aspects of children’s lives since the 21st century, find the gratifying development trend, analyze the exposed problems and put forward our suggestions.

I. Education

1. Compulsory education

A century-long plan, education-oriented. China began to implement compulsory education in 1986. In the 21st century, the popularity of education in China has been greatly improved. The enrollment rate of primary school-age children has remained above 99%, while the enrollment rate of primary schools has stabilized at around 98%.Reach the standard of universal compulsory education.

In the process of promoting the implementation and balanced development of compulsory education, all localities are actively adjusting the layout of primary and secondary schools, especially standardizing the layout of rural primary and secondary schools, reducing the number of primary schools and improving the quality of teaching.

Because of the decline in birth rate, the number of primary school students is declining.From 2001 to 2013, the decline rate was as high as 25.4%, and the number of students has rebounded since then. The number of primary schools decreased from 491,300 in 2001 to 160,100 in 2019, with a drop of 67.4%, much higher than the decline in the number of students.

At the same time, the quality of the teaching staff has been continuously improved, the teacher-student ratio has increased significantly, and the national education funding has increased synchronously with the economic development. All changes have proved that,China has entered a new stage of promoting the balanced development of compulsory education and promoting educational equity. The state attaches great importance to basic education and strives to give children a better education so that every child can enter the hall of knowledge.

Step 2 read

Books are the ladder of human progress. In the initial stage of life, reading more books and reading good books are conducive to children’s moral education, enlightenment and history.

Since the 21st century, the number and types of children’s books in China have increased by spurt, and it is no longer hard to find a book.In 2001, there were 7,255 kinds of children’s books, but in 2019, there were 43,712 kinds, about five times as many as in 2001. At present, China publishes more than 40,000 kinds of children’s books every year.The total publishing volume ranks first in the world and has reached a rich enough level.Children in the new century have more reading choices and can draw spiritual food at any time.

In 2009, the "National Reading Survey Report" included "the reading status of minors under the age of 18" in the survey scope for the first time. Comparing the two reports in 2009 and 2019, which were separated by 10 years, we can find that the number of minors aged 0-17 in China.The reading volume and reading rate of books have been greatly improved.. The reading volume of children aged 0-8 increased the most, from 3.85 to 9.54 books per year.Behind the growth of children’s reading figures, school guidance and family companionship are indispensable.

The reading situation of teenagers indicates the future civilization and ideological thickness of a nation to a certain extent.. In this era surrounded by electronic devices, it is necessary for creators and publishers to publish more high-quality books, parents and schools to guide children to develop good reading habits, and the whole society to create a good reading atmosphere.

Since the founding of New China 70 years ago, the strategic position of giving priority to the development of education in China has been gradually strengthened. Facing the new era, we expect China education to lead the realization of the goal of "two hundred years" and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Following the development trend of the times, China has been constantly rebuilding, adjusting and reforming the educational mechanism and system, independently exploring China’s educational model, and striving to create a better learning environment for every child and help them grow up.

Second, health

With the arrival of the new century, the flowers of the motherland have taken on a new look.The morphological development level of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas in China has been continuously improved, and the health problems such as malnutrition that have plagued children in China for decades have been greatly improved, and the physical fitness and health status of Chinese students have generally improved. But at the same time, the worrying obesity rate, myopia rate and lack of sleep time are also increasing.

Step 1 change for the better

Over the past 20 years, the level of morphological development of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas in China has been continuously improved.At the same time, children’s physiological development has changed, such as accelerated growth rate, improved growth level and early puberty development, especially in urban children. With the development of economy, the improvement of diet level and the change of concept in the new era, the variety of food on children’s table is more abundant.Malnutrition, which has plagued children in China for decades, has greatly improved.

"Civilization of its spirit, barbarism of its body."It has always been the goal pursued by school education. According to the results of previous national surveys on students’ physique and health released by the Ministry of Education, students’ physique and health in China have generally improved. In 2019, the excellent and good rate of students aged 6-22 nationwide reached 23.8%, which was significantly higher than in previous years. At the same time, the level of students’ vital capacity has risen in an all-round way, and the quality of primary and secondary school students’ flexibility, strength, speed and endurance has improved.

In recent 20 years, the improvement of students’ physique and health level is attributed to the joint action of economic development, policy guidance and home-school coordination.

2. There are still problems

Due to the profound changes in the dietary structure and lifestyle of children and adolescents in recent years, coupled with the heavy academic burden and the popularity of electronic products,The rate of overweight and obesity among children in China is rising rapidly, which has become an important public health problem threatening the physical and mental health of children in China.

At the same time,The myopia rate of children in China is also the highest in the world for a long time. The formation of "a big country with glasses" cannot be ignored.In recent years, the detection rate of poor eyesight among primary and middle school students in China remains high. From 2000 to 2014, the detection rate of poor eyesight in all age groups has increased, and it shows a trend of increasing with age. The main reasons for the rising incidence of myopia among teenagers are premature contact with electronic products in infancy, early time for teenagers to "touch the internet", increased time for using electronic products, and insufficient time for sleep and exercise.The key age stages of myopia prevention and control are kindergartens and primary schools.

In view of the increasingly serious situation of myopia among adolescents, the Ministry of Education, the Health and Health Commission and other departments attach great importance to the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and cooperate with many parties to promote related work, and have achieved certain results.In 2020, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in China is 52.7%, which is 0.9 percentage points lower than that in 2018, basically achieving the prevention and control goal of the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Plan for Myopia of Children and Adolescents, which is 0.5 percentage points lower every year.However, there is still a long way to go to get rid of the "myopic country" hat.

Since the new century, the social emphasis on education has invisibly increased the learning pressure for children.In the new century, children’s learning burden is heavier, sleep time is reduced, and homework time is seriously exceeded.

To this end, the state also attaches great importance to and tries to solve it.From 2004, when the Ministry of Education officially put forward the policy of "reducing the burden" to 2021, how to reduce the burden without reducing the quality has always been a hot issue in society.

Since the 1990s, China has formulated a series of policies to reduce the burden, but studentsThe school time shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, which seems to reflect the game between increasingly fierce educational competition and burden reduction.

At the same time, the school has lightened students’ schoolwork burden, and parents have added a new burden to their children after class. In addition to the homework that must be completed in class, the time spent by children on extracurricular tutoring has increased greatly, and extracurricular learning and tutoring have come from behind and become the main burden for students. Comparing the time for children to finish homework with the length of sleep, it is not difficult to find that,After-school study has seriously squeezed the sleep time of children..

Children’s health is an important cornerstone of national health. Since the beginning of the 21st century, children’s growing environment has changed dramatically. While some chronic diseases have been solved, new problems have emerged. The state has been paying close attention to children’s health status, and timely issued guiding policies and opinions to protect children’s healthy growth.

Third, entertainment

Every child’s most hopeful moment should be when the school bell rings. It was the most carefree time, whether it was playing with friends in twos and threes after school, lingering in a snack bar filled with snacks, or trying the Internet in a novel way … The entertainment time in childhood will definitely leave traces in children’s hearts.

1. Internet

After the Millennium, children met the wave of internet popularization.In 1994, the Internet was connected to China, and then it developed with irresistible momentum. From 2002 to 2020, the number of netizens in China increased from 59 million to 989 million, and the internet penetration rate increased from 4.6% to 70.4%, especially in the two time periods of 2006-2010 and 2015-2020.

The constantly updated electronic equipment provides more options for their after-school entertainment.The Internet and electronic equipment have left a strong impression in the post-00′ s life and reflected the characteristics of the times.

In 2010, the Internet penetration rate in China has just exceeded 1/3, and children have little access to the Internet. At that time, only 13.5% of children were under the age of 6, while as many as 43.7% opened the door to the information world after the age of 10. Ten years later, the situation has changed dramatically. The proportion of children under the age of 6 who touch the internet has doubled, while the number of people who use the internet after the age of 10 has been greatly reduced to 13.6%. This shows that most "post-00" students skillfully shuttled between major websites as early as primary school.

Internet has become an inseparable part of children’s lives, and the problem of how to guide minors to use the Internet scientifically is also in front of everyone.Thanks to the joint efforts of the state, schools and parents, the entertainment function of the Internet has weakened in recent years, while the educational function has been significantly enhanced, and online education has developed rapidly during the epidemic. At the same time, in the new era, children’s single online time is becoming more and more reasonable, but the online frequency is greatly increased and the overall online time is prolonged.More scientific and technological inventions in the future will also bring about changes in children’s lifestyles. How to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses and use them scientifically? The general trend of the times gives the direction.

2. pocket money

Every child has a treasure-piggy bank.With the development of economy, the consumption level of children in China has also improved obviously, and children’s wallets are "bulging" day by day.

However, the increase in the amount of discretionary money does not seem to have caused children to fall into a frenzy of consumption. From 2005 to 2015, except for the snack consumption, which increased by 2%, other consumption showed a downward trend.Children in the new era have a strong sense of saving.51.5% people have made the choice of saving money, and the proportion has been soaring in recent years. In contrast, only 16.6% of the "post-90 s" children choose to save pocket money. Although "post-00" people’s awareness of deposit has increased, their awareness of donation has declined.This shows that with the development of the times, children’s self-awareness and individual awareness are constantly strengthened. How to help children establish a correct view of money and cultivate the values of "everyone for me and I for everyone" still needs further efforts.

Since the reform and opening up, children’s social environment has been actively improved and optimized, but there are still many problems, especially in children’s recreational life, which plays an important and special role in children’s growth. Science and technology are changing with each passing day, and policies should also keep up with the ever-changing reality.The mixed voice of appeals, cheers and controversies urges us to sum up past experience and study the current situation in order to have a better future.

The children’s development policy formulated by the national government is the policy and code of action to promote children’s development, which determines the direction of children’s development in a country.In the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, the United Nations pointed out: "The happiness of children needs a higher level of policy action."

China government attaches great importance to children’s survival, health and development, pays close attention to the constantly developing actual situation and emerging new problems, improves children’s policies with the times, and formulates forward-looking national policies to promote the development of children’s cause. Through the actions of the government and society, the basic system and action system for protecting children’s rights have been established. From the education problems of hundreds of millions of children to myopia and internet addiction prevention, the state has propped up a huge "umbrella" for all aspects of children’s lives, protecting the seedlings of the motherland from growing sturdily.

Basic education has been fully popularized, but excessive training has also brought a heavy burden. The rapid development of the Internet has changed the traditional way of learning and entertainment, and contributed a large number of diverse cultural resources. However, like Pandora’s box, it has also caused many problems such as "Internet addiction" and "myopia rate". Education, diet, electronic equipment …All aspects of rapid development allow children to enjoy abundant material conditions that children have never had before, and also create conditions for them to fully release their potential, so that children can stand higher and see farther, but at the same time they are confined to a test paper, a screen and an unhealthy body.

In a blink of an eye, "post-90s" has become the backbone of the society, and "post-00" has gradually entered the threshold of adulthood, and the childhood of "post-10s" and "post-20s" continues. The times follow their own trajectory and rush to a more colorful future at a high speed. The "red" and "black" left on the way are all splashed with ink in children’s childhood. From the different childhood trajectories of "post-90s" to "post-00s", we can sum up the gratifying development trend, guide the future development of children, and even sum up the problems and hidden dangers, intervene and solve them as soon as possible, so as to better implement the principle of giving priority to children.

In order to give children a healthy and happy childhood, China has made many beneficial attempts, and children’s living standards have been greatly improved. We should also learn from setbacks, face problems squarely and try to solve them. There is still a long way to go …

Note: the age definition of "children"

Article 1 of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that a minor is anyone under the age of 18. Minors are children. The Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Minors promulgated in 1991 defines the age of minors, that is, children, as 0-18 years old (excluding 18 years old). This time, we define the age of "children" as 0-17 (one year old), which is consistent with the international standards and the policy documents issued by the China government. In this article, we will mainly focus on school-age children aged 6-14.

Data source:

[1], National Bureau of Statistics

[2] China Press and Publication Research Institute "China National Reading Survey Report"

[3] National Physical Fitness Monitoring Center "National Physical Fitness Monitoring Bulletin"

[4]CNNIC Statistical Report on Internet Development in China (2002-2020)

[5] The Ministry of Youth Rights and Interests of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) and China Youth New Media Association jointly issued "The Status of Internet Use for Minors in 2020".

[6] The Institute of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, the School of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, and Social Science Literature Publishing House jointly published "Blue Book for Teenagers: Report on Internet Use of Minors in China (2021)".

[7] The "National Survey on Learning Stress of Primary and Secondary School Students" was released by the artificial intelligence education platform for primary and secondary schools.

[8] Announcement of the Ministry of Education on the results of the national survey on students’ physique and health in 2005

[9] Announcement of the Ministry of Education on the results of the 2010 national survey on students’ physique and health

[10] Wang Xiuping: "40 years of children’s development in China", China Social Sciences Press, 2020.

[11] Song Yanhui, Zhang Shengqin: "The Changing Trend of Internet Use of Minors (2009 ~ 2013)", Social Science Literature Publishing House, 2014.

[12] Zhang Xudong, Sun Hongyan, Zhao Xia: From "After 90" to "After 00": Investigation Report on Children’s Development in China, China Youth Research, 2017(2)



People’s Daily reports: 70 years of educational reform and development is magnificent | Celebrating 70 years of achievements, 2019.


Team member: School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Xu Xinyan Li Ning Zhou Ji Zhao Xiangjing

Instructor: Xu Di, School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

(Cover drawings, fonts and some materials come from the butter camera material library &Canva can be painted, and the copyright belongs to the original creator. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

A "circle of friends" takes 10 minutes to find the lost children, and this police station in Yiwu Public Security is connected with 120,000 residents online.

  "Has anyone seen a child? My child is gone! "

  One day in May, Wang Li, the instructor of the E-commerce Police Office of Jiangdong Police Station of Yiwu Public Security Bureau, suddenly heard such a cry and ran out of the police office. She soon learned the reason: the mother took her daughter to buy medicine in a nearby pharmacy, but she didn’t pay attention for a while. The child was gone.

  E-commerce Police Office is located in Liuyu Village, Qingyan, Jiangdong Street, Yiwu, which is known as "the first village of online stores in China" and a hot spot of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". At present, more than 4,000 online stores have settled in, bringing together more than 25,000 entrepreneurs across the country. In such a large floating population, lost children need to be found quickly.

  Wang Li immediately posted a special "WeChat circle of friends" containing the characteristics and clothes of the lost girl. After more than ten minutes, someone contacted, "There is a child here who looks like what you are looking for." Wang Li took people to find it, and it was indeed a lost child.

  Through a "circle of friends", the lost children were found in 10 minutes, thanks to a pioneering work of Jiangdong Police Station.

  Grassroots policing also needs digital tools.

  The circle of friends searching for people originated from Wang Li’s corporate WeChat, which can directly reach more than 2,000 residents around the e-commerce police office.

  The head of the publisher is dressed in a police uniform, and there is the identity of "@ Jiangdong Police Station" after the name. People who find clues can chat with the police instructor directly by clicking on the head. This is the key to quickly find the lost children.

  This situation does not only appear in the e-commerce police office. In fact, the entire Jiangdong police station has established a smart policing platform based on enterprise WeChat, that is, "WeChat policing". It has also been combined with the work of "Party building+unit+policing" and "one village and one auxiliary police" based on WeChat, and achieved very good results.


  Jiangdong Street is located in the center of Yiwu, which is the largest and narrowest area among several streets in the city. The street has a local population of 87,000 and a foreign population of 217,000, including nearly 3,000 foreigners. It is the most alert and complicated area in Yiwu and even the whole Jinhua area, and efficient and convenient communication channels between the police and the people are very necessary.

  Yiwu Jiangdong Street has a cluster of online merchants, developed logistics, and the gradual spread of 5G networks. The unique resource advantages have made digitalization a breakthrough in public security grassroots innovation.

  Can the auxiliary police at the grass-roots level have a continuous and efficient contact with the residents in the jurisdiction with the help of tools?

  At this time, Tencent’s enterprise WeChat attracted the attention of the leaders of Jiangdong police station: free tools, interoperability with WeChat, and more members and external relationship management functions were the reasons for them to decide to give it a try.

  It is a valuable experience of Jiangdong police station to sink the police and auxiliary police into villages and communities. On April 29th, Jiangdong Police Station officially launched the work of "one village and one auxiliary police" in the village. More than 100 policemen and auxiliary police officers in charge of grass-roots policing have their own "exclusive" service areas, and they have a new identity: resident police instructors.

  With the full operation and maintenance support of Tencent’s official WeChat service provider, the first enterprise WeChat platform of "Public Security Police Station" in China has also been launched. The identity of police instructors is bound to their own enterprise WeChat accounts, and residents in the jurisdiction only need to use WeChat to add them. Moreover, in the eyes of residents, they have both officially certified business cards and friends who can communicate at any time in the address book.

  The first attempt achieved good results. On the afternoon of May 24, Ms. Zhou, who lives in Jiangdong, encountered a common scam when she visited the supermarket. She won a "grand prize" with the supermarket vouchers, and she only needed to make up the difference to get a "valuable" jade bracelet.

  The heart-warming Ms. Zhou hesitated to make up the difference. Soon, she remembered the police instructor Wang Yuqiang she had added and sent a message to ask. Seeing the news, Wang Yuqiang immediately called a voice call. He reminded Ms. Zhou to carefully measure the physical value of the bracelet and avoid impulsive consumption.

  "If it weren’t for instructor Wang’s timely reminder, I would have bought the bracelet impulsively at that time, so I regretted it and couldn’t find a place to make sense." When she mentioned the experience of "lucky draw", Ms. Zhou looked lucky.

  Resolve contradictions and disputes on the spot

  At the end of the police station, from the leader as the manager to the front-line auxiliary police, there is also a great need for a tool to improve efficiency.

  The high incidence and complicated police situation put a lot of pressure on Jiangdong police station. According to Lou Xiaolei, director of Jiangdong Police Station, in normal times, the police station handles nearly 100 police cases every day on average. Among them, in addition to common cases such as property infringement and gambling on drugs, during this year’s epidemic, new telecommunication network fraud involving masks, temperature guns and helmets also appeared frequently. "In addition, some economic disputes, consumer disputes, family disputes, and non-police alarms such as getting lost, asking for help, drunkenness, noise and moving cars. 110’ Alarm ",

  This represents the people’s trust in the police, but at the same time, the non-police situation consumes a lot of police force and often consumes the safety satisfaction of ordinary people.

  "Controlling cases and reducing police situation" is the main line of the work of grass-roots police stations. Accusing a case requires pre-publicity by the police and timely intervention before the case occurs; On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent and stop telecommunication network fraud cases as much as possible, on the other hand, it is necessary to try to resolve disputes and non-police conflicts on the spot. At the beginning of this year, the new team of Jiangdong Police Station took the lead in proposing the goal of creating a "Fengqiao-style police station", that is, "small things don’t leave the village, big things don’t leave the town, contradictions don’t be handed over, and conflicts are resolved on the spot".

  Under the leadership of Lou Xiaolei, corporate WeChat has become a "good helper" for "controlling the case and reducing the alarm".

  The e-commerce economy in Jiangdong street is developed, and telecommunication network fraud is high. Anti-fraud propaganda is also the top priority of Jiangdong police station. Now, the resident police instructor can send the anti-fraud propaganda uniformly produced by the police station to WeChat friends in the jurisdiction through the enterprise WeChat. This method is more accurate than distributing leaflets and posting posters.

  In order not to disturb residents too much, police instructors also conduct anti-fraud propaganda through the "customer circle of friends" function of enterprise WeChat. Its content can be edited by the police station and then pushed to all police instructors with one click. They just need to click "OK" to synchronize the content.

  These two methods also bring a very practical benefit: "zero cost", which can save tens of thousands of yuan each time compared with the receiving group of hundreds of thousands of people who send short messages in groups through operators.

  The anti-fraud propaganda sent by police instructors accurately prevented a fraud case of pretending to be a school teacher to collect training fees.

  Enterprise WeChat is also a good reporting channel to help police stations crack down on illegal crimes.

  On May 20th, Mr. Li, a resident, contacted Wu Wentao, a police instructor, through the enterprise WeChat to provide clues to help solve an online gambling gang case, involving a "tap" of up to 200,000 yuan.

  Smooth communication channels between residents and police instructors in the jurisdiction are also of great help to resolve conflicts on the spot and absorb the police situation.

  Jimingshan Community in Jiangdong Street has a total population of 35,000, including 25,000 foreigners from 31 provinces, more than 2,000 residents from 29 ethnic minorities, more than 1,300 foreigners from 74 countries and more than 3,500 local residents. It is called "United Nations Community".

  In response to frequent police incidents, the police instructors in Jimingshan Community use corporate WeChat to handle the help and disputes of residents in the area at any time. "Even at 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock in the evening, if our team members receive it, they will reply in time," said Jin Xiaowei, the stationmaster of Jimingshan Community Police Guidance Station. "Moreover, corporate WeChat can take screenshots, send pictures, and have voice or video conversations, which is more intuitive than telephone calls."

  This has caused many disputes and non-police police situations to be quickly resolved. From April to June 2019, there were more than 1,130 police situations in Jimingshan community, which dropped to more than 700 in the same period this year. "The police situation has declined, and the people’s sense of security and satisfaction has naturally improved."

  Connect 120,000 residents in the jurisdiction.

  With the initial results of the "WeChat policing" model, Jiangdong police station felt greater responsibility, and they began to think about two more important issues: how to connect more residents in the jurisdiction? What other digital capabilities can be combined with grassroots policing?

  It is not easy to add WeChat of residents in the jurisdiction on a large scale.

  "Tower Group" provides "seed users" for police instructors, and some landlords and tenants will actively add them through the corporate WeChat business cards shared by the group, but after this wave, the real test will come.

  Each police guidance station of Jiangdong Police Station has its own magic power.

  Huang Pengfei, the stationmaster of Wuai Community Police Guidance Station, uniformly printed the corporate WeChat business cards for the police instructors. When doing the registration of floating population, fire protection propaganda and anti-fraud propaganda on a daily basis, he would specially ask everyone to bring business cards and introduce the benefits of adding police instructors from door to door.

  In less than two months, five police instructors in Wuai Community have added more than 5,600 friends. As of mid-June, 72 police cases have been handled through corporate WeChat, including asking for help, lost children, theft, fraud, economic disputes, housing disputes, etc. "Many people will directly report their problems through corporate WeChat, and there are private telephones on our corporate WeChat business cards. Some things are urgent, and they will call directly with a phone call."

  The police instructors in Jimingshan community also used this "street fighting" approach. The stationmaster Jin Xiaowei even asked the team members to post the corporate WeChat business card on the back of their mobile phones and promote it at any time during their daily visits. "The idea I gave them was ‘ Always think about it in your heart and promote it at any time ’ 。”

  In addition, in the conspicuous position of the village (neighborhood) Committee, including the counters of restaurants and express delivery points, the QR code of the corporate WeChat of the police instructor was also posted. "Residents may not add it at first, but when something happens, he will think of it and contact us directly after adding it."


  By June 30th, Jiangdong Police Station had added more than 120,000 WeChat accounts through the real-name certified enterprise WeChat accounts within two months. It is equivalent to that nearly half of the residents in Jiangdong area have established direct contact with police officers.

  According to statistics, since the launch of the enterprise WeChat of Jiangdong Police Station, it has received more than 16,000 police consultations in just two months. Among them, 237 cases were guided to properly handle the police situation, more than 1,400 people were asked for help, 3,154 people were declared by the floating population, 276 cases were consulted on online fraud, 32 cases were stopped from online fraud, and more than 11,000 people were consulted on contradictions and disputes, household registration business and residence declaration.

  At the same time, the total police situation in Jiangdong Police Station decreased by 10.94% from May to June this year, among which the police situation of telecommunication network fraud decreased by 17.91% and the police situation of disputes decreased by 22.15% compared with the same period of last year. …….

  Behind connecting residents is the initial intention of Jiangdong police station to truly serve the masses.

  Jiangdong police station is still exploring more digital capabilities.

  For example, they hope to use the video conference function to arrange the work for the police instructors in the village; In the process of contradiction and dispute mediation, we can also try to let lawyers and mediators participate through video conference to break through the time and space restrictions; The hottest webcast at the moment can also be used for anti-fraud propaganda.

  In their idea, Jiangdong Police Station can even be combined with enterprise WeChat to create an "online police room". In addition to the simple graphic, audio and video communication between police instructors and residents, it can also be based on the API interface opened by enterprise WeChat to move more and more complex police services online in the form of small programs, so that each resident auxiliary police can play a greater role.

  "Our current police are really hard. They work in three shifts and have to deal with twenty or thirty police situations a day. Now we have absorbed some police situations through the prevention and treatment of "WeChat policing", which is a great burden reduction for them and a more intimate policing service for ordinary people. "

How will new energy vehicles run in the next 15 years? This document points out a new path of development.

  New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021— In 2035), it is proposed that the core technology of China’s new energy vehicles should reach the international advanced level in 2035, and the quality brands have strong international competitiveness, and it is pointed out that it is necessary to improve the infrastructure system and improve the service level of charging infrastructure — —

  Reporter Li He

  New energy vehicles have become the main direction of the global automobile industry transformation and development, and also an important engine to promote the sustained growth of the world economy. For China, developing new energy vehicles is the only way to move from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country, and it is also a strategic measure to cope with climate change and promote green development. Since 2010, China’s new energy vehicles have grown rapidly at an average annual rate of double. In 2019, 1.06 million new energy passenger cars were sold, ranking first in the world for five consecutive years. With the development plan of energy-saving and new energy automobile industry (2012— After the end of 2020), how should China’s new energy automobile industry develop?

  On November 2nd, General Office of the State Council announced the Development Plan of New Energy Automobile Industry (2021— 2035) (hereinafter referred to as "Planning") emphasizes the need to seize strategic opportunities, give full play to the advantages in infrastructure, information and communication, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the new energy automobile industry.

  With strong competitiveness, the core technology has reached the international advanced level.

  The Plan is divided into eight chapters, including five key tasks, five column tasks and five "three 5s" of safeguard measures. Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that as a programmatic document of the new energy automobile industry, the main highlights of the Plan can be summarized as "four new ones", namely, adapting to the new situation, adapting to new requirements, proposing new development paths and defining new development directions.

  The new situation means that with the vigorous development of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world, new energy vehicles integrate new energy, new materials, Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other revolutionary technologies to promote the transformation of vehicles from simple means of transportation to mobile intelligent terminals, energy storage units and digital spaces, and promote the optimization of energy consumption structure, the improvement of transportation system and the intelligent level of urban operation; Emphasizing "market leading" requires giving full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in the selection of technical routes and the construction of production and service systems, giving full play to the role of the government in strategic planning and guidance, formulation of standards and regulations, quality and safety supervision, maintenance of market order, and green consumer guide, so as to create a good environment for industrial development.

  The Plan proposes that by 2025, the competitiveness of China’s new energy vehicle market will be significantly enhanced, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles, and the long-term goal of "in 2035, the core technology of China’s new energy vehicles will reach the international advanced level, and the quality brands will have strong international competitiveness".

  Xin Guobin said that at present, there is still a certain gap between new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles in terms of purchase cost and charging convenience. To promote the goal that the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles in 2025, it needs to be promoted from both the supply and demand sides. On the supply side, it is necessary to continuously strengthen technical research around key factors such as reducing costs and improving safety, develop advanced, applicable and reliable products, and accelerate the formation of greater market competitive advantages; On the demand side, it is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, introduce preferential policies to encourage the use of new energy vehicles, optimize classified traffic management measures, encourage business model innovation such as power exchange, accelerate the electrification of vehicles in public areas, increase the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside, and continuously improve the user experience.

  Cui Dongshu, deputy secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Association, said that in terms of power consumption, the Plan proposed that by 2025, the average power consumption of new electric passenger cars would be reduced to 12 kWh/100 km. This is 1 degree higher than the 11 kWh/100 km of its exposure draft. In essence, it is to encourage the development of high-end new energy and should give it more room for development.

  Driven by innovation, deepen the "three verticals and three horizontals" R&D layout

  Xin Guobin said that China’s new energy automobile industry has developed to this stage, and there are still problems such as weak core technology innovation ability, quality assurance system to be improved, lagging infrastructure construction, service model to be innovated and improved, imperfect industrial ecology, and increasing market competition.

  Telly, director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that from the whole development experience of new energy vehicles, the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation in its development is very obvious.

  In order to promote the realization of the goal, the Plan puts forward the basic principle of "innovation drive" and the special chapter of "improving the ability of technological innovation", and also emphasizes deepening the layout of "three verticals and three horizontals". "Three verticals" refer to pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, and "three verticals" refer to power batteries and management systems, drive motors and power electronics, networking and intelligent technologies.

  "For the power battery, the core component of new energy vehicles, it will be deployed in advance in terms of new systems, new materials, new processes and new structures, and promote the development of power batteries in the direction of high specific energy and high safety; For fuel cells, we will focus on supporting core materials such as proton exchange membranes, catalysts and carbon paper, as well as key technologies related to hydrogen energy, and work hard on high performance, long life and low cost of fuel cells. " Telly said that around intelligence, networking and lightweight, we will speed up the layout of a new generation of information technology and focus on promoting the development of autonomous driving technologies and equipment such as vehicle control operating systems and computing platforms and vehicle-level chips; Strengthen the technical layout of new materials and support the research and development of silicon carbide power devices, lightweight materials and low-cost rare earth permanent magnet materials. We will increase support for scientific and technological innovation platforms such as the National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, build a national strategic scientific and technological force for the national new energy vehicle industry, and provide support for the research and development of common key technologies in the industry.

  Xin Guobin said that in addition to strengthening innovation drive, it also pays attention to standard guidance, which will promote the formation of a technical standard system based on vehicle-road coordination and reflecting Chinese characteristics. Accelerate the deployment of 5G communication base stations, promote the transformation and upgrading of intelligent roads, and organize manned loading tests and large-scale application demonstrations.

  Improve infrastructure and promote the construction of charging and replacing network

  China has built the largest charging network in the world. As of September this year, 42,000 charging stations and 525 power stations have been built nationwide, with 1.42 million charging piles of various types, and the ratio of vehicles to piles is about 3.1: 1.

  "Charging and replacing electricity infrastructure is a key link in the development of new energy vehicles and an important support for industrial promotion. On the whole, compared with the promotion and application scale of new energy vehicles, the construction and development of charging facilities still cannot meet the needs of consumers, and it is necessary to increase construction efforts and optimize structural layout. " Xin Guobin said.

  The Plan proposes to "improve the infrastructure system", promote the construction of the charging and replacing network, scientifically arrange the charging and replacing infrastructure, and strengthen the overall coordination with urban and rural construction planning, power grid planning and property management, and urban parking. Relying on "internet plus" smart energy, we will improve the level of intelligence, promote the charging service mode in residential areas with intelligent and orderly slow charging as the mainstay and emergency fast charging as the supplement, accelerate the formation of expressways and urban and rural public charging networks with moderate advance, fast charging as the mainstay and slow charging as the supplement, encourage the application of power exchange mode, and improve charging convenience and product reliability.

  According to the data provided by the Ministry of Finance, in order to support local governments to speed up the construction of charging infrastructure, from 2014, the central government will give incentives to local governments to carry out charging infrastructure construction. So far, the central government has issued a total of 4.5 billion yuan of incentive funds, forming a development pattern of coordinated promotion between the central and local governments.

  "In the past, users had mileage anxiety, and driving new energy vehicles could not run far, so they could only run in the city. Now, some expressways have built networked charging and power exchange facilities. " Xin Guobin said that to solve the mileage anxiety, in addition to continuing to increase the construction of charging piles, it is also necessary to consider the problem of making full use of existing charging piles. The existing information management technology can be used to bring all charging piles into a management platform and share them as much as possible. With the continuous expansion of market capacity, the construction layout of charging piles will be more scientific and standardized.

  The Plan also proposes to improve the service level of charging infrastructure. Guide enterprises to jointly establish a charging facility operation service platform to realize interconnection, information sharing and unified settlement. Strengthen the research and development of technologies such as safety monitoring and early warning of charging equipment and distribution system, improve the safety, consistency and reliability of charging facilities, and improve the level of service guarantee.

The competition is just around the corner, and the Shougang ski jumping platform starts to make snow! Why use "ice snow"?

Introduction: Actually, the snow used in the competition does not depend on nature, but relies on funa technology.artificial snowHow to "mass production"? What is "ice snow"?
The 2023/2024 season International Snow Federation Single Board and Freestyle Ski Platform World Cup, hosted by the International Snow Federation and co-hosted by China Ski Association, Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau and Beijing Shijingshan District People’s Government, will be held in "Snow Flying", the ski platform of Shougang from November 30th to December 2nd.
On November 17th, the snow-making work of Shougang ski jumping platform was officially started. The snow-making work will last until November 27th. After the snow-making work is completed, athletes will be trained before the competition.
(Source: Beijing Evening News)
Snow quality is an important guarantee for ski jumping events. Because this year’s competition time is earlier than in previous years and the weather temperature is higher, the problem of snow making has attracted everyone’s attention.
Such worries are actually unnecessary. The development of snow-making technology is enough for China to realize "freedom of using snow".
Artificial snow is safer and more controllable.
Considering the uncertainty of natural weather process, especially snowfall, international events of snow sports generally use artificial snow to lay snow tracks. The reason is that, on the one hand, funa’s technology is artificially controllable, so it is not necessary to "rely on the sky to eat"; On the other hand, the threshold of this technology is relatively low-as long as the temperature is lower than 0℃, the snow machine can work.
"Usually, funa uses a’ snow cannon’ type snow machine. The principle of this machine is divided into two types. One is to use an ice-making device to produce a small piece of ice, and then use the piece of ice as raw material to make snow; The other is the traditional high-pressure water mixed with air to make snow. " Su Zhengjun, a senior engineer at the Weather Modification Center of China Meteorological Bureau, said.
The traditional artificial snow is to inject water into a special nozzle or spray gun, which uses high-pressure air to divide the water flow into tiny particles. When these water droplets meet the cold outside air, they will quickly solidify into ice crystals and become the well-known snowflakes before landing.
"Artificial snow takes a short time to form and grows fast, and the shape of snowflakes is basically the same. Snowfall in natural weather will have obvious changes in hardness the next day. " Su Zhengjun explained.
In the early morning, when the outdoor temperature is low, the natural snow usually has a high degree of solidification. At this time, the snow is hard, similar to "ice slag". Although this state of snow will make skiers reach a faster sliding speed, it also makes the snowboard’s grip on the ground poor. Especially for beginners, if the soft natural snow is not compacted, the snowboard is very easy to fall into the snow, causing accidents such as rollover and emergency stop.
▲ The smooth machine-pressed snow trail is also called "noodle snow" by fans, and skiing on the machine-pressed snow trail is compared to "eating noodles". The picture shows the snowy road of Changbai Mountain International Resort in Jilin (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
Create a "rubber runway" on the snow
It is easy to understand that artificial snow can help us get rid of our dependence on natural snowfall. So why do some winter sports tracks still use funa in areas with abundant snow and snowfall all the year round?
This has to mention another advantage of funa: customization. According to the needs of different events and different venues, artificial snow can freely adjust the particle size, water content and hardness of snowflakes.
For example, alpine skiing, as a traditional event in the Winter Olympics, has always been known as the "jewel in the crown of the Winter Olympics" because of its strong ornamental value, but the participants in this project are very fast (the top speed can reach 248 kilometers per hour) and the danger is very great, so the requirements for the track are more stringent. In order to build a snow trail that meets the international standards of alpine skiing, the snow used is not ordinary natural snow, but artificial "ice-like snow".
The so-called icy snow is used to describe a state of snow quality on ski resorts. In this state, the density of snowflakes is about 0.65 g/cm3, and the surface of the snow trail remains crystalline, just like a thin "ice shell", which is similar to the ice surface. This kind of snow trail has high hardness and is not easy to be destroyed. It can ensure that the surface of the snow trail is not deformed when the athletes turn at high speed. No matter which time the athletes play, the state of the snow trail is the same and relatively perfect.
▲ Competition-level snow trails are more dense and "more porcelain", sliding faster, but falling more painful (Source: "Chai Know" WeChat WeChat official account)
If icy snow is used to pave the pavement for alpine skiing, it is like building a "plastic track" in the snow, which can not only reduce the friction between the track surface and snowboards and significantly improve the athletes’ performance, but also improve the athletes’ comfort when skiing, protect their body joints and prolong their professional sports career as much as possible.
Shougang ski platform, using crushed ice to make snow.
The snow-making of Shougang ski jumping platform adopted the method of breaking ice to make snow. One side of the ice is crushed into snow powder by an ice crusher, and the snow powder is leveled and compacted by a snowmobile, and piled up from the bottom of the big platform from bottom to top, and the snowy road is paved. After the track is paved, the Xiang Xue surface will be sprayed with water and salt to form the final "ice-like snow" to ensure that the snow conditions of each athlete are basically the same when they slide.
Snow quality is an important guarantee for ski jumping events. "Ice snow" can not only improve athletes’ performance and ski comfort, but also protect athletes’ health. The team has many years’ experience and has served large-scale events such as the Winter Olympics. The team will also communicate with athletes on the quality of snow to satisfy their feelings.
Different from other temporary venues, Shougang ski platform, as the world’s first permanently reserved and used platform competition venue, can meet the load-bearing requirements of snowmobiles in track construction, which also creates a precedent for snowmobiles to lay snow trails on the platform.
(Source: Beijing Evening News)
Snow preservation and snow storage technology to ensure track quality
In fact, for a long time, building a high-quality ice-like snow track has been a technical difficulty in China’s ice and snow industry. In order to welcome the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, researchers have made unremitting efforts to establish the territorial parameters for making ice-like snow in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in Beijing. At the same time, with the help of complete snow-making techniques of water injection and compaction, qualified ice-like snow that meets the climatic conditions of continental monsoon region has been successfully made. Natural snowfall in winter in the local mountainous areas has become the "landscape snow" to decorate the Winter Olympic Games area.
In fact, for the high-standard Winter Olympics Road, natural snowfall is a "burden". If there is snowy weather, the soft natural snow will lead to the "mirror-smooth" icy snow track falling short. In addition, because Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are in the alternating period of winter and spring, they may encounter other extreme weather, such as sudden rain, which will cause thin ice on the track surface and increase the risks faced by athletes in the competition.
▲ On February 23, 2021, the staff of the National Alpine Ski Center in Yanqing Division ("Xuefeiyan") were inspecting and trimming the track (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
After the planning of scientific research personnel, if it is really "bad weather", the staff will immediately use the snow-pressing machine to re-compact the snow trail and carry out emergency finishing on the track. At the same time, in order to ensure the quality of the track, they will also use automatic measuring instruments such as ice and snow hardness tester and ice and snow particle size meter for quick detection, so as to effectively ensure the quality of snow and resume the normal race in the shortest time.
It is reported that in order to ensure sufficient snow during the competition, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics also made a bold attempt in snow storage: when the temperature is low in winter, make qualified snow in advance, and then store it in a flat site until the next year.
This seemingly impossible scheme has passed the feasibility test as early as 2017. The Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee has successfully carried out the snow storage experiment in Yanqing Shi Jinglong Ski Resort. After the test of the following spring and summer, more than 60% of artificial snow was successfully stored.
Related reading:
How many steps does it take to build an icy snow track?
Building an international and high-level ice-like snow track for Olympic events is not only due to the snow machine. At present, the icy snow track can be divided into two categories: racing track and competitive track. Take the ice-covered snow racing track as an example;
First, the snowmobile needs to open the snow trail, break the snow blocks and loosen the snow surface;According to the location of the track and the temperature at that time, inject water into the snow-only in this way can we ensure that the track has a certain strength and enough elasticity;The embryonic form of an icy snow track is basically formed by constantly turning over the wet snow and pressing it evenly again and again.
▲ Different from the watering method of the racing track, the competitive track adopts the "Z-shaped water injector" water injection method (Source: Beijing Daily)
After that, the staff should ensure that the thickness of the ice-like snow layer is consistent, and there are no big holes in the snowy road. After confirming that everything is correct, flatten the track and let the snow layer form a shiny "ice shell" from bottom to top;After completing all the steps, the staff also need to clean up the floating snow on the track.At this point, a qualified "mirror-like" icy snow track can be put into use.
Author/Reporter Wang Xueying
Editor/Ding Lin New Media Editor/Fang Yongzhen
Interview experts:
Su Zhengjun (Senior Engineer, Weather Modification Center, China Meteorological Bureau)
Source: Beijing Science and Technology News, part of which is integrated with Beijing Evening News.

It became the number one hot spot after class overnight. How long can Tenghahe last?

Reporter Han Bing reports Going out at home in the League Cup is not a big deal, but losing more than 3 goals at home in a row, the worst record of losing at home in 61 years, is a key node that may push Tenghahe’s fate from quantitative change to qualitative change. Although Manchester United did not consider changing coaches when talking to the media, the act of making a statement itself has already made the outside world smell dangerous.

The 0-3 defeat against Newcastle United activated a series of dazzling shame records: half of the top 10 home games of the season were lost, the worst since the 1930/31 season; Lost 8 of the first 15 games, the worst since the 1962/63 season; There is also the highest loss rate (53%) in 90 years, which is not counting the previous 12 records of losing, conceding and losing in a row. The patience with Tenghahe is constantly consumed in this ever-increasing shame record, and the distance is getting closer and closer to being completely exhausted …

After the game, Tenghahe continued to complete the familiar "reversal" at the press conference, but his odds after class jumped to the second place in the Premier League within 24 hours after the game (odds of 3), second only to Sheffield United coach Hejin Barton (odds of 5/3) who scored only 1 point in 10 rounds. Chelsea coach Pochettino, who burns more money, has fewer events and fewer points, ranks fifth (odds are 17), which is much safer than Tenghah. In the early morning of Beijing time, just after Manchester United officially made a statement that it was not considered to change coaches, Tenghahe’s odds of class dismissal rose to the top of the Premier League (11/10), surpassing Hutchinson Barton (5/4), and Pochettino was even safer (20)! Overnight, Tenghahe entered the "extremely dangerous" zone from the "safe" position.

Since ancient times, there have been few gifts in the snow, and there have never been many people who have fallen into the rain. Tenghahe stressed that last season’s Carling Cup proved that he could turn the tide, but media such as Manchester Evening News and celebrities such as Neville made it clear that the Dutch coach had lost the support of the dressing room and it was only a matter of time before class was over. This season’s scandal-ridden dressing room of the Red Devils, after the turmoil of Sancho and Anthony, now players have completely lost confidence in Tenghahe himself. As early as after the Manchester derby, the British media revealed that players questioned Tenghahe’s tactics, including letting Lindelov, who is not good at wingers, play left-back, and Anthony, who is better at wingers, was not the first choice.

Tenghahe’s tough approach has also attracted the disgust of most players. Punishing Sancho is an example. After the Manchester derby, Tenghahe forced Manchester United players to stay to witness the celebration of Manchester City players and fans, canceled the original holiday and added extra homework, which was considered as disrespect for the players. The extra homework is to let the players watch the video edited by the coaching staff for themselves, which points out the mistakes made by the players. This kind of practice, like punishing primary school students, makes the stars feel "humiliated". The first person who didn’t buy it was Rachford. On the night after the derby, the Manchester United winger held a party in the nightclub until 3: 30 in the morning. At least for now, Tenghahe hasn’t given him a ticket.

Neville’s hint on the social media account is almost explicit: "We have seen such a situation before, we know how it ends, and we have had enough." Former Tottenham midfielder O ‘Hara also stressed: Manchester United is in chaos from top to bottom, the players don’t care about winning or losing, and the coach has lost the support of the players. This is similar to Neville’s definition of Tenghahe and Manchester United. Neville emphasized that both rivals of Manchester United have professional sports departments, but Manchester United doesn’t even have Sports director. In addition, after driving away Cristiano Ronaldo last year, Manchester United announced that it would consider new strategic choices, but there is still no clear direction today, which also makes Manchester United players feel insecure.

Tenghahe’s fate has changed from how to turn things around to when to finish class. The British media began to calculate the cost (15 million pounds) of firing Tenghahe for Manchester United. After Ferguson retired, this figure tied for the highest among the fired coaches. However, it has just been announced that last season’s revenue was as high as 640 million pounds, which is completely affordable for Manchester United, which set a new record for Premier League clubs. In addition, the media has even listed a succession candidate list for Manchester United: emeri of Aston Villa, Eddie Howe of Newcastle United, De Zerbi of Brighton, as well as the laid-off Zidane and the hot Bayer Leverkusen coach Alonso.

Different from last season, Manchester United’s dressing room is not only separated from Germany, but also the injury crisis has not improved. Casemiro’s new injury continues to weaken Manchester United’s already unbearable defensive end. Tenghahe wants to be what he calls a "fighter" and unite with the players to fight together, but he must first fully implement his tactics through the players-unfortunately, this is also the most difficult thing to do at present.

In order to save the situation, the British media revealed that Tenghahe would have a one-on-one conversation with Manchester United players to understand the situation and eliminate barriers. However, there is not much time left for Tenghahe, and the international competition day in November may be his last chance to breathe. At the end of November, Manchester United will play Galatasaray, Newcastle United, Chelsea and Bayern at home, and then Liverpool. How long can Tenghah last? It’s a good prize-winning quiz.

Top 10 of the most popular popular mobile games in 2023, recommended by fun mobile games.

For many friends, games are a very good form of entertainment. Playing games on mobile phone to kill time and eliminate stress, interested friends can check it here. Show you the top ten most popular games in 2023, and there is always a type that suits you. You can download it for free and enjoy it. Interested game lovers should not miss it. Come and learn!

There are always a few professions in the current game that are very powerful, especially when they have enough money-making ability. Is it true that only kryptonite can play these professions? No, in fact, many Krypton players are choosing these occupations, but they use special accounts (internal numbers), and all the support needed for career development is provided by the players (1.8Q-5Q per day). Although such accounts are very strong, only players with internal codes can apply, as we all know: "official website", and so on, these internal platforms are only for those who hold internal codes.

1. QQ flying car

QQ Speeder is a racing hand tour, which provides exquisite pictures and more realistic driving experience for players who love racing. It brought high-quality competitive scenes to everyone, and fierce racing competitions were held in the game. Players will see many beautiful car appearances and fashionable shapes, and they can customize their characters and cars individually. Feel the passion of speeding on the track and reach the finish line at a higher speed to become a winner. Friends who like to pay attention to racing games may wish to experience this hand tour and enjoy the classic racing adventure.

2. the glory of the king

The glory of the king is a 5v5 team competition MOBA mobile game. Players need to compete fairly with their opponents in the approximately symmetrical King Canyon battlefield. On the basis of inheriting the classic MOBA game, the game incorporates many innovative characteristic modes, so that players can fully feel the fun of the game. Prepare to meet enemy heroes, prepare for war hand in hand with allies, and share this tense confrontation of skills and strategies!

3, League of Legends mobile game

This game successfully transplanted the classic end-game into a mobile game, bringing players a more relaxed and concise game experience. Players can choose their favorite hero characters and grow up all the way from the role training stage, or they can form a team with friends to play together, which is convenient and easy to learn. The game environment is absolutely fair, which really tests the player’s ability to use role operation skills and game strategies.

4, crossing the line of fire: the king of gun battle

Crossing the line of fire: Gunfight King is a popular hand tour for shooting enthusiasts, which helps you defeat the enemy with various weapons resources in the game. The intense shooting scene allows players to appreciate the most classic shooting in the gunfight. The game has unique shooting characteristics, rich weapon selection makes you addicted to it, and mastering the power of each gun helps you defeat the enemy. Only by destroying all the enemies on the battlefield can we win the victory by surviving to the end.

5, the battle of the golden shovel

The Battle of the Golden Shovel is a popular leisure and competitive mobile game, and the diversified game modes allow you to freely control the characters to fight. The game provides a variety of modes, whether it is single, double or competitive, you can experience it here. Rational distribution of troops on the battlefield, strategic deployment, and building a strong lineup, so as to complete the task more quickly. Every time you team up, you will be matched with a strange player, and you need to know each other’s strength to compete. Players need high adaptability, which makes the game a highly praised competitive mobile game. Adapted from the end tour, if you like Genting’s game, you may wish to experience it.

6. After tomorrow

After tomorrow is a game full of eschatological atmosphere. Players can form teams to explore and seek resources in a world full of ruins. Many non-player characters are designed in the game. They will assist the players and express their gratitude, providing valuable information, abundant supplies and weapons and equipment. Players need to build a strong Noah’s Ark in this doomsday world to spend difficult times with their companions. The rewritten text retains the original meaning, but adopts different expressions to ensure high originality.

7, the original god

The charm of this popular high-quality role-playing game lies in its extraordinary scene beauty and carefully created characters. At the same time, the game has a complete combat system and a deep role training mode, which makes players intoxicated. As a traveler from a foreign country, players will start a legendary adventure on the mainland called "Tiwat". Each game character has their own unique story, waiting for players to explore and uncover the amazing legend in this mysterious land.

8. Egg Party

Egg party is an easy game full of joy, which provides unlimited pleasure for players. In this game, you will participate in a warm and grand party and visit the creative charm level with other players. There are many unique organs hidden in the checkpoint, which let you meet new challenges constantly in the sound of surprise gift. Every player will fall into the water in the funniest way, bringing you laughter in front of the screen. Join this warm feast quickly and immerse yourself in your happy dreams!

9, swim against the cold

If you are interested in open world games, why not join this world full of adventure opportunities? In this game, you will get to know the sects with different styles, enjoy the endless exploration map and vivid game scenes, so that you can deeply appreciate the unique style of the rivers and lakes. The interactive mechanism of various elements is added to the game. What’s more interesting is that when you are offline, your character will continue his independent life, as if he were in a vibrant river and lake. This special setting makes the game more vivid and real, and brings you an unprecedented immersive experience.

10. Soul Street: Born to be king

Soul Street: Born to be King is a role-playing mobile game deeply loved by players, which allows you to step into the classic animation world of Soul Street and appreciate the plot. The game restores the development of the original plot, free competition, and the role needs to improve its strength to complete the fierce fighting task. Real maps and smooth operation experience allow players to use flexible gestures to launch a competitive challenge. After completing the task, you will gain more power to participate in the fierce fighting competition.

The above ten mobile games are some mobile games with very good popularity and word of mouth at present, which are very worth playing. Well, that’s all the contents of the top ten mobile games in 2023 brought to you in this issue. See you next time!