Andy Lau’s national tour to Tianjin [Photos]

Feature: Picture Channel

On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium.

    This is the first major concert since the completion of the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium "Water Drop". Xinhua News Agency

    On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency

    On the evening of October 18, Andy Lau’s 2007 National Tour Tianjin Concert was held at the Tianjin Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

Huawei has won another international car company! Toyota will use Huawei to "smart drive"

Recently, according to online news, Toyota may adopt an intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by "Toyota+Huawei +Momenta". This scheme may be provided by Huawei with high-level intelligent driving hardware and Momenta with software solutions, which is different from the HI mode in which Huawei provides a complete set of solutions.

Huawei and Toyota have the foundation of intelligent cooperation. For example, the ninth generation Camry car system of GAC Toyota was jointly built by Toyota and Huawei. This car is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car chip, and the smoothness of the car has been greatly improved compared with the old models.

It is believed that the cooperation between Huawei and Toyota in the field of intelligent driving was also based on the previous cooperation.

Momenta is actually an old friend of Toyota. As early as March 18, 2020, Momenta, an autonomous driving company, announced that it had reached a strategic cooperation with Toyota to provide Toyota with high-precision maps and update services based on camera visual perception technology, and to promote the commercial landing of Toyota’s Automated Map Platform (AMP) in China.

At the same time, Momenta also provides a solution for the high-order intelligent driving of Zhiji automobile. Zhiji’s high-order intelligent driving is based on hardware perception including laser radar, and now it can realize high-speed/urban expressway and intelligent navigation assistance function of urban roads.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for the intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by Toyota, Huawei and Momenta to realize the functions of high-speed/urban expressway and even urban navigation.

Moreover, both Huawei and Momenta have rich experience in the research and development of high-order intelligent driving systems, and it is also possible to get on the high-order intelligent driving system for Toyota’s new models in a short time.

Now it has entered the second half of the intelligentization of new energy vehicles. Many domestic new energy brands have equipped their own vehicles with intelligent cockpits and high-order intelligent driving systems. For example, Tucki, Aouita, Wenjie and other brands have realized the urban intelligent driving function without relying on high-precision maps.

It can be said that intelligent equipment is an indispensable part of new energy vehicles today, and domestic consumers pay more and more attention to the intelligent function of vehicles.

Traditional European car companies, such as Volkswagen and Audi, have also cooperated with new China brands, such as Tucki and Zhiji, to jointly develop new cars, and equipped them with intelligent cockpits and advanced intelligent driving systems from Tucki and Zhiji.

Toyota chose to cooperate with Huawei and Momenta at this time to develop a new car equipped with high-end smart driving, which is also the general trend. At the same time, we can see that Toyota attaches great importance to the China market, hoping that its own new energy vehicles will be more competitive in the domestic market, and these new vehicles can be pushed to the world in the future to enhance the global competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles.

The editor said:

When many consumers talk about Toyota, they will still think of its fuel vehicle products. Moreover, from the monthly sales situation, the sales of two pure electric vehicles under Toyota are not ideal, and Toyota’s new energy transformation process has indeed encountered certain difficulties. If Toyota really cooperates with Huawei and Momenta to engage in high-level intelligent driving, it can really improve the market competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles, but it will test the time for the relevant joint development models to be launched on the market.

At present, many traditional car companies are speeding up the transformation of new energy, and adjusting the transformation of new energy. Toyota needs to seize the opportunity and launch new cars at the right time to have a greater chance to compete with a number of competitors.

As for the news of Toyota’s tripartite cooperation with Huawei and Momenta, it is said that Toyota will officially announce it to the public during the Beijing Auto Show, so we will look forward to whether Toyota will use the high-level wisdom of Huawei and Momenta.

The Scare of the Deep Sea: A Gift from the Hidden Front

  On October 22 nd, the spy war drama "The Scare of the Deep Sea" was launched, which announced that the third round of tribute drama exhibition officially entered a climax stage.

  This drama is based on the novel of the same name by well-known screenwriter Hai Fei. It is set in Shanghai in 1941. Under the sinister anti-Japanese war situation, Chen Shan, who lives at the bottom of the society, was selected by Japanese spy leader Araki because of his resemblance to military special agent Xiao Zhengguo, forcing him to become a Japanese spy and penetrate into Chongqing military system. In this process, Chen Shan was driven to fight against the enemy step by step by the resentment of the Japanese cruelty and the immortal national consciousness. Inspired by Zhang Li, an outstanding communist, party member, Chen Shan not only strengthened his belief in communism, but also completed many tasks gloriously and grew into a real communist fighter in the transformation of his identity between Shanghai and Chongqing.

  "The Scare of the Spy Wars in the Deep Sea" handed over a high-quality answer sheet with a strong lineup and in-depth plot, which attracted great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  Chinese culture not only adheres to its roots, but also keeps pace with the times, which enables the Chinese nation to maintain firm national self-confidence and strong repair ability, and cultivate common feelings and values, common ideals and spirits. Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s literature and art in the new era presents an exciting new picture. In the past five years, the vast number of literary and art workers have adhered to the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s cultural development, undertaken the new mission entrusted by the new era, clearly demonstrated the people-centered creative orientation, and created various excellent literary and artistic works. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and nearly 100 tribute dramas have emerged in the literary and art market. In a series of dramas, The Scare of the Spy War in the Deep Sea has successfully attracted a large number of audience’s attention by its delicate portrayal of the national spirit and youthful expression of the plot. In the play, the revolutionary martyrs are described delicately. Their youth burning in the troubled times of the bonfire, like a thunder, awakened the national justice of a generation of Chinese people and ignited the light of the motherland. Like a flash of lightning, it illuminates the blood of contemporary audiences and inherits the immortal revolutionary spirit. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi, Sean and other young actors, who have both acting skills and popularity, have taken the lead in this drama, contributed excellent acting skills, and created a new model of "tribute drama+flow", which attracted a large number of young audiences. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi and Sean, several young actors, have proved their acting skills through unremitting efforts and many works that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and have accumulated the love of a large number of audiences through their acting skills.In the online public opinion field, there are both "audience affinity", traffic and discussion, and several leading actors have naturally accumulated more attention.

  We should adhere to the people-centered creative orientation. The people are not only the creators of history, but also the witnesses of history, the "dramatists" and the "dramatists" of history. If literature and art want to reflect the voice of the people, we must adhere to the fundamental direction of serving the people and socialism. "Spy Warfare in the Deep Sea" focuses on ordinary but great ordinary people in different industries in a special era. They have different backgrounds, different degrees of acceptance of culture, and everyone’s fate has different trajectories. But in the eyes of the audience, watching the characters in the play is like seeing every ordinary person around us. In the process of escape, Chen Shan became a Japanese spy for her sister and family. In the course of the task, he and Zhang Li attracted each other because of their common beliefs, and finally recognized their beliefs and persistence. Finally, at the moment of national survival, they were willing to be a beacon of national awakening and rejuvenation. Love, affection, faith and national righteousness are intertwined, which together constitute that true and difficult historical cry. "The Scare of the Deep Sea" takes the audience to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, eulogize the heroes of the times, and also alert the young people in the new era, always remembering history, Do not forget your initiative mind.

  Different from previous spy war dramas, The Scare of the Deep Sea takes a different approach, with Chen Shan being forced to become a Japanese spy as the creative perspective. The story is fascinating and meticulously depicts the mental journey of the characters, which not only highlights the great revolutionary spirit of the people of China, but also has far-reaching social education significance, enhances the modern audience’s awe of their ancestors, and triggers the inheritance and development of the spirit of struggle and dedication at present. (You Zijun)

Do a good job in health management during the Spring Festival

Layout design: Jia Guoliang

Cartoon drawing: Jiang Chen

Festival dinner, eat well and pay attention to it.

■ Pei Suping Special correspondent of Liberation Army Daily Wang Junbo

The nutrition experts at Beidaihe Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Center put forward the following suggestions on how to make officers and men eat nutritionally and healthily during the holiday dinner.

Make recipes scientifically. Some units have more meat dishes at dinner, while vegetables, fruits and bean products account for less. This kind of diet with more meat and less vegetables will interfere with the normal metabolism of human body, increase the demand for water in the body, increase the burden on the liver and kidney, and increase the acid metabolites and serum uric acid, which will lead to physical fatigue and symptoms of "getting angry". It is suggested that all units should pay attention to the thickness of staple food, the combination of dry and thin food and the combination of meat and variety of non-staple food according to the principle of scientific catering, which can include animal foods such as livestock, poultry, seafood, eggs and milk, and also plant foods such as leafy vegetables, roots, melons, fresh beans, fungi and algae, so as to achieve the purpose of food diversification, balanced diet and comprehensive nutrition. On the dining table, you can also prepare some seasonings such as shredded ginger or vinegar soaked ginger slices, garlic cloves, hot sauce, pickles and vinegar to adjust different tastes. In addition to paying attention to the collocation of dishes, it is also necessary to avoid concentrating the dinner dishes in one meal. It is suggested to disperse them in three meals according to the energy ratio of 3: 4: 3, and follow the principle of "eat well at breakfast, have a full lunch and have a light and early dinner". Dinner dishes mainly focus on improving quality, not increasing quantity. If conditions permit, it is suggested that the large pot dishes be made into small pot dishes in several times to obtain a better taste and retain more nutrition in some dishes. In addition, winter meals are easy to cool. Cooking squad should do a good job of food insulation, provide hot food and hot drinks, so as not to affect appetite and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The choice of dishes is complementary. Dinner dishes can choose foods that are not often eaten at ordinary times, which are both fresh and can supplement nutrients that are easily lacking in daily life. If the intake of aquatic products is not much at ordinary times, it is suggested to increase fish, shrimp and shellfish rich in high-quality protein and minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium at dinner; Animal viscera can also be properly added to the dishes to supplement nutrients such as vitamin A and iron. In the staple food supply, in addition to the common rice and steamed bread, jiaozi, pancakes, fried cakes, fried noodles and steamed buns can be added, and coarse grains such as corn, sweet potato, yam and miscellaneous beans can be served on the table to supplement B vitamins. Conditional units can make crucian carp bean curd soup, ribs seaweed soup, black-bone chicken soup, eight-treasure porridge, glutinous rice balls, lily tremella lotus seed soup and other soup for officers and men to choose from, which is delicious and nourishing. The canteen can also provide hawthorn tea, sour plum soup, chrysanthemum tea and other drinks to relieve boredom, clear fire and help digestion.

Eat well to protect the stomach. At the festival dinner, the dishes are rich and delicious, and many comrades face a full table of delicious food, so it is easy to eat more and eat more if they are not careful. Overeating, excessive intake of greasy, fat or cold food can easily cause indigestion symptoms such as abdominal distension and constipation, and may even lead to acute gastroenteritis. Officers and men should eat and drink moderately when having a meal, bearing in mind the principle of "balanced diet, 70% to 80% full, chewing slowly, eating less and getting cold". The canteen can provide foods such as radish, hawthorn, lemon, orange, tangerine, etc., as well as dishes such as kelp silk, fungus and onion. If conditions permit, you can also purchase some wild vegetables, which are both nutritious and greasy. If a comrade-in-arms suffers from bloating and stomachache, you can try to massage or moxibustion Zusanli, navel and Zhongwan points, which can relieve the pain. Those with severe symptoms should seek medical attention in time.

Eating the right snacks does not "get angry". Dried fruits and sweets are high-fat and high-calorie foods. If officers and men eat too much after dinner, they will easily get fat, and may also have symptoms such as oral ulcer and sore throat. It is suggested that officers and men should control the intake of snacks during festivals, or replace traditional dried fruits such as peanuts and melon seeds with yogurt, pears, pomelos, sugar cane and persimmons that are beneficial to the intestines. In addition, comrades-in-arms can drink tea with dietotherapy effects such as chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, lotus plumule and dandelion to relieve discomfort such as sore throat and oral ulcer.

To celebrate the Spring Festival, protection is indispensable.

■ Dai Xin Liberation Army Daily reporter Sun Xingwei

Under the condition of normalized epidemic prevention and control, how can the officers and men of the army celebrate the Spring Festival scientifically, safely and orderly? Wang Fusheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases Medicine of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, reminded his comrades that during the festival, there should be no shortage of prevention and control measures.

Remember to protect yourself. Personal protective measures such as wearing masks, keeping social distance and washing hands frequently are still the simplest and most effective personal protective measures to prevent infection. Officers and men should do their own protection at ordinary times and wear masks regularly. When wearing a mask, the mouth, nose and jaw should be completely wrapped, the elastic band of the mask should be tightened, and the aluminum sheets on both sides of the nose should be pressed tightly to reduce the air leakage around. Develop good hygiene habits at ordinary times. Wash your hands before and after meals and before touching your eyes, mouth and nose. When washing your hands, rub every part of your hands with hand sanitizer or soap, especially between your fingers and skin wrinkles. It is best to wash your hands for about 60 seconds each time. It is recommended to refer to the "seven-step washing method". Pay attention to cough etiquette. When coughing or sneezing, cover it with elbow or paper towel, wrap the mouth and nose secretions with paper towel and dispose of them in the garbage bin. If the mask is wet due to coughing or sneezing, it should be replaced in time.

There are rules for holiday meals. Companies should not buy food from unknown sources when purchasing goods and buying new year’s goods. Cooking squad should keep the environment clean and tidy, and disinfect tableware with boiling water and disinfection cabinet as required to kill bacteria and viruses; Chopping boards and knives for handling raw and cooked foods should be separated; Wash your hands between handling raw food and cooked food. When organizing a meal, the temperature of the staff should be measured, and those with fever should be arranged to eat alone, and relevant medical treatment and necessary protection should be done. Officers and soldiers should wash their hands correctly, queue up in order and keep a safe distance before eating; When eating, it is suggested to take the form of buffet, using public chopsticks and spoons.

Pay attention to recreational activities. During the festival, when arranging cultural and sports activities, we should control the scale and formulate epidemic prevention measures. The activity venue should be arranged in an open and ventilated outdoor as far as possible. When it is really necessary to organize indoors, different projects can be divided into decentralized organizations. Participants should try their best to enter in batches by class and platoon, so as to reduce the gathering of people. After the activity, you should open the window and ventilate for 30 minutes, clean the activity venue and wash away the sports equipment.

Strict protection during going out. During the Spring Festival, we should reduce unnecessary trips, avoid getting together or gathering, and minimize risks. Officers and soldiers should strengthen self-prevention when going out to perform tasks, especially when entering key places and closed places such as shopping malls, supermarkets, bazaars, hospitals, elevators, and taking public transportation such as subways and buses, they should wear masks all the time. Keep a "one-meter-long" distance when taking a bus or waiting for a bus, try to stay at the ventilation window, and avoid touching the carriage, handlebars, etc. You can carry hand-free disinfectant with you when you go out, and wash your hands in time if necessary. When going out, you should actively cooperate with the staff in relevant places to do a good job in temperature detection, scanning and showing "health code", and leave as soon as possible after completing the task. If you need to go out for medical treatment, you should choose the nearest hospital, understand the medical treatment process in advance, and reduce the stay time in the hospital; Wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks during medical treatment; Try to avoid touching the surface of objects such as door handles and public signature pens directly during medical treatment, and wash your hands in time or rub your hands with quick-drying hand disinfectant after touching them; Keep a safe distance from others when waiting and queuing.

Public areas are often disinfected. Preventive disinfection can be carried out in public areas during holidays, and the principle of "cleaning first, disinfection second" should be followed. The company meeting rooms, network classrooms and other places frequently used by officers and men should be ventilated to maintain indoor air circulation. Dormitories should be ventilated with windows open every day for at least 30 minutes, twice a day. Clothes, bedding and other fabrics should be frequently changed and aired. When airing, they should be evenly spread out and exposed to the sun for more than 4 hours. Door handles, window handles, tables and chairs, handrails, faucets, thermometers, computer keyboards, etc. that officers and men often contact should be disinfected frequently. When it is suspected that the surface of the object is contaminated, it can be wiped or sprayed with 250-500mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or disinfectant paper towel for disinfection, and the residue can be removed with clear water immediately after the specified time.

Stick to exercise and don’t close during the holidays.

■ Hao Donghong

"After a Spring Festival, I gained two pounds" and "the 3 km long-distance race was one minute slower". After the Spring Festival holiday in previous years, some comrades will have "post-holiday syndrome" such as "gaining three pounds every holiday" and "declining training results", which often takes a certain amount of time and intensity of adaptive training to recover. Yuan Wei, an orthopedic surgeon at the 901st Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force, reminded his comrades-in-arms to strengthen sports management and maintain a good physical and mental state during the Spring Festival holiday.

Organizational activities are relaxed and moderate. During the Spring Festival, units should make scientific overall plans when organizing activities to prevent unreasonable arrangements from adversely affecting the physical and mental health of officers and men. Activities should be arranged moderately. If there are too many sports competitions, it will easily lead to physical fatigue and physical overdraft, which may also cause physical injury and increase the physical and mental burden of officers and men. If the amount of exercise is too small, coupled with too much diet during the holiday season, the intake of calories can not be consumed, which is easy to cause fat accumulation and indigestion. When organizing activities, units should reasonably grasp the proportion of sports to prevent excessive and insufficient sports. Activities should be combined with static and dynamic activities, so as to achieve organic adjustment of mental and physical strength and avoid a certain activity for a long time. Officers and men can participate in street dance, mechanical dance, aerobics and other projects while carrying out intellectual competitions such as chess and cards, so as to eliminate fatigue and release stress during exercise. The venue can be both internal and external. Indoor activities are too long, which may affect your health because of noisy people and poor air circulation; Staying outdoors for a long time, excessive physical exertion is easy to make people tired, and the cold weather may cause colds. It is suggested that indoor activities and outdoor activities be interspersed. Conditional units can also organize dragon and lion dances, majestic gongs and drums and interesting yangko performances with national characteristics to make officers and men move and have fun. This kind of exercise can improve the coordination of the body and promote the functions of cardiovascular system, respiratory system and sports system.

Physical training is skillfully interspersed. Studies have shown that after people stop exercising for 72 hours, protein in muscles begins to lose, and the strength of the body drops obviously. Comrades usually have a high intensity of training and a fast pace of work, and it is good for their bodies and minds to take advantage of leisure and entertainment during holidays. However, if they indulge in recreational activities, they will have less physical exercise, and their flexibility and flexibility will decline, which is not conducive to starting training after holidays. During the festival, the company can carry out military fun games, such as rolling tires and fun obstacle races, so that officers and men can strengthen their exercise through training and fun. It should be noted that protection should be done during the sports meeting, and warm-up and stretching should be fully done before and after the exercise to prevent training injuries. In addition, comrades-in-arms can use their free time to exercise properly, such as jogging 3000 meters every afternoon to exercise their bones and muscles; Practice equipment with comrades-in-arms to consolidate "muscle memory". In the last two days of the holiday, officers and men can carry out targeted aerobic training such as brisk walking and jogging to improve heart and lung function, recover their physical fitness as soon as possible, and start training in a good state after the year.

Micro-motion sees the needle in the seam. "Micro-movement" can consume calories in a relatively gentle way and improve the flexibility and balance of the body. During the Spring Festival, officers and men can use a little time to exercise. After dinner, you can take a walk with your comrades in the camp and play some small games to promote digestion. It should be noted that strenuous exercise should not be carried out within half an hour after meals, so as to avoid hypoxia of digestive system caused by uneven blood distribution, abdominal pain, vomiting, and even gastroptosis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. When it is inconvenient to do outdoor activities in rainy and cold weather, you can carry out indoor exercises such as straight leg lifting, supine cycling, flat support, one-leg push-ups and land swimming to exercise your core muscles; Leg press, sit-ups and push-ups can be exercised before going to bed to promote metabolism and improve sleep quality.

Scientific adjustment, happy New Year.

■ Tang Yurui, special correspondent of the People’s Liberation Army Daily, Hong Qing Ren

In a few days, the new soldiers of Xialian will welcome their first Spring Festival in the military camp. Think twice about your relatives during the festive season. Stimulated by the festive atmosphere, new comrades may feel depressed and depressed because they miss their families. This is a normal psychological phenomenon, but if you don’t adjust in time and immerse yourself in homesickness for a long time, you may have adverse reactions such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia and irritability, which will affect your physical and mental health. Psychologists from the 907th Hospital of Wuxi Joint Logistics Support Center have compiled a "Happy Secret" for new comrades, helping them to stay away from "emotional smog" and have a happy New Year.

Secret 1: change cognition and get rid of dependence. Psychology calls the process of young people getting rid of their dependence on home and growing up to be independent "the second weaning" in life. Excessive homesickness is a manifestation of psychological lack of "weaning". To get rid of over-dependence psychology, new comrades should consciously change their self-cognition and redefine their roles. You can tell yourself "I have grown up" and "I am a man in a military camp" through positive psychological hints, strengthen your sense of being a soldier, and turn homesickness into the responsibility and mission of guarding the border and standing guard for the country. Under the hint of this lofty sense of mission, new comrades can feel the happiness of growth and the value of life. In addition, new comrades-in-arms can also use some small methods to help them divert their attention and reasonably vent their bad emotions. For example, writing a diary to record the first Spring Festival of military career; Write a letter from home and pour out your thoughts about your parents; Have fun, listen to a cheerful piece of music, read a good book, arouse positive emotions and make you feel better.

Secret 2: Integrate into the group and feel the warmth of "home". Emotion has strong communication and appeal. Being in the collective, new comrades can be positively emotional contagion by the collective or others, thus stimulating the "happiness factor". This kind of positive emotional contagion can also make comrades feel the warmth of the collective, and alleviate the loneliness and loss caused by homesickness. New comrades should pay attention to unity, cooperation, enthusiasm and sincerity when they integrate into the collective. When you are homesick, you can take the initiative to chat with your comrades around you, pour out your own feelings, and gain the trust and support among your comrades in exchange and interaction; Play ball games, run, and do some aerobic exercise with comrades-in-arms to relieve negative emotions and get a sense of pleasure; During the festival, new comrades-in-arms can also actively participate in various activities organized by the company, actively show their own specialties, feel the warmth of the military camp family and gain a sense of belonging in the interaction with their comrades-in-arms.

Tip 3: Set goals and accumulate "heart" strength. The goal is a psychological attraction of the organization to the individual. Setting reasonable goals can stimulate people’s enthusiasm. As soon as the Spring Festival is over, the work for the new year will follow. New comrades-in-arms can make plans and goals for the new year by using their leisure time during holidays, which can not only enrich their holiday life, but also gain psychological excitement through goal guidance. The new year’s goals should be "listed" first, with both short-term phased goals and long-term overall goals. Comrades can set some practical goals for themselves in combination with the training tasks of the troops after the Spring Festival, such as striving to be "training pacesetters" and "learning pacesetters" in the company and overcoming a specific training problem. Secondly, it is necessary to "actually go on" and the content should be specific and clear. Setting the goal too high is difficult to achieve, and it is easy to lose confidence; Not challenging and not inspiring. Therefore, when making goals, we should combine them with reality to make them operational and inspiring. Do it again. After setting the goal, you should take concrete actions. For example, you can take the initiative to consult your comrades around you in your spare time for problems that you can’t keep up with in training. In the process of achieving the goal, new comrades can feel the joy of struggle and the passion of youth, thus maintaining a positive and sunny attitude.

The furniture county is "slightly changed", and the annual sales of billiard tables is 1 billion yuan.

A small county town, with so many factories producing billiards tables, has come to the right place. "Not long ago, Jess Zhang, a Guangzhou businessman who attended the first furniture exhibition in Ningjin County, didn’t hurry back, but went to several local enterprises and was shocked by the billiard table industry in Ningjin County. These enterprises include old brand furniture factories and sports manufacturing enterprises that have developed and expanded in recent years, freeing up some space and equipment in the workshop to produce solid wood billiards tables.
The number of billiard table-related enterprises ranges from 0 to more than 420, and the annual sales amount ranges from 0 yuan to 1 billion yuan. Ningjin County only used it for 3 years. The rise of billiard table industry is related to the two traditional manufacturing industries of sports and furniture in Ningjin County. After 30 years of development, the annual output value of Ningjin furniture industry has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and commercial fitness equipment also accounts for nearly 70% of the national market share. The "one gold and one wood" industry has become the basis for the rapid rise of billiard table manufacturing.
Advertising signs of "billiard table factory" and "billiard table processing" can often be seen on the roadside in Ningjin County. The earliest Ningjin enterprise that produced billiard tables was Ouguan Sporting Goods Factory, which not only produced fitness equipment, but also produced commercial furniture. In 2020, a local customer in Ningjin County wanted to open a billiards club, so he found Li Xiaolong, the head of the Champions League Sporting Goods Factory, and asked him to accompany him to other provinces to buy billiards tables. But two people turned a big circle, either the price was high or the quality was average. "I can understand how to make it. I’ll make one for you." Li Xiaolong said. Li Xiaolong has many years of experience in the production of solid wood furniture. He found that the production of billiard tables is not so complicated. Using the existing materials, equipment and workers of his own company, "small changes" can be made.
A month later, the first billiard table in Ningjin County was produced: the main raw material was oak, the most commonly used solid wood furniture in Ningjin, and the metal fittings and net bags were purchased from other places. The production equipment was basically the same as the furniture processing equipment. After the billiards table was made, they invited seven professional billiards players from the province to try it out. "The evaluation is very good and can be promoted abroad." After receiving the feedback from the first customer, Li Xiaolong began to look for dealers and seek cooperation with well-known domestic billiards table brands. 1, 5, 10 … Orders are increasing. He introduced that last year, the factory purchased an edge grinder, which significantly improved the production efficiency.
In 2022, more local enterprises joined the production of billiards tables. With the expansion of industrial scale, merchants from all over the world flocked to the market, and supporting products such as hardware parts and components gradually realized local purchase. "Billiard tables are also sports equipment, and hardware products are also our strengths. I just found a factory and am going to put on a billiard table production line." Wang Ying, sales manager of Shuyoute Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd. said.
At present, the billiard table industry in Ningjin County is developing rapidly. Yang Jingdong, secretary-general of Ningjin Furniture Association, said that despite the industrial foundation, there are still many problems, such as uneven quality, which will affect the reputation of the industry; In addition, enterprises "cluster" production, although the products are exported to all parts of the country, but did not form a well-known brand, low added value.
How can we go further and longer? Ningjin County decided to make a fuss about the influence of the products, and created the opportunity of "publicity" for the billiards table in Ningjin County. In the furniture exhibition, the local billiards table was pushed to the dealers in various provinces, and the "Ningjin Cup" Chinese billiards classic competition was held.
"If you want to be prosperous for a long time, you can learn from the development model of Ningjin furniture: fight for the market with innovation and brand with quality." Zhang Jianjie, deputy secretary of Ningjin County Committee, said that it will guide production enterprises to continuously optimize production processes, promote intelligent transformation of production lines, improve product production standards, and encourage enterprises to develop in the direction of autonomy and branding.

"Olive" Playing "Olive" Fighting for Jingjiang "Playing" of 13 Youth Football Teams in Jiangsu Province

Yangzi Evening News Network June 20th (correspondent Liu Min Xiao Jing Yan Zhiyong Lu Huanyu reporter Wang Guozhu) On June 20th, the 20th Jiangsu Sports Meeting started in Taizhou. As the first phase of this provincial games, the youth rugby competition (17-18 years old group) started in Jingjiang. More than 150 athletes from 13 teams in the province will compete for the titles of men’s group A and women’s group A in the three-day competition.
According to reports, this competition adopts the latest rugby rules of the World Rugby Federation. The competition time is 14 minutes, with 7 minutes in the first half and 7 minutes in the second half. Each team can propose substitutions during the competition. The number of substitutions is 5, and the team with the highest score wins.
There are 7 men’s teams and 6 women’s teams among the 13 teams participating in this competition. In the competition on the 20th, the athletes threw themselves into the passionate competition with full enthusiasm, high morale, courage to fight and the spirit of unity and upward. The players of each team actively fought, decisively attacked and bravely collided, all of which showed good strength.
It is reported that the rugby project is one of the five events of this provincial games undertaken by Jingjiang City, and its courage, fighting spirit and teamwork are attracting more and more people’s love and attention. Since 2020, Jingjiang and the Training Center of the Provincial Sports Bureau have signed a contract with the provincial men’s rugby team through the mode of "joint operation of provinces and cities" to jointly promote the construction and development of rugby projects, actively select sports seedlings through resource integration and integration of sports and education, and build characteristic schools for rugby, better promote competitions and expand the mass base of rugby projects.
Zhang Changping, secretary of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that Jingjiang will make full use of the city’s strength, gather the wisdom of the whole people and pour out the feelings of the whole city, provide the highest level of service guarantee for more than 2,800 athletes, coaches and referees in the province, and strive to present a wonderful, complete, distinctive, passionate and friendly sports event, and will take the opportunity of hosting the provincial games to continuously expand the mass base of rugby and other events and promote more citizens to participate.
Proofreading: Tao Shangong

It is recognized that the best exercise in the world is actually not running, but walking.

Original content, those who carry it without authorization will be investigated!

Fast walking is a sport with lower intensity than jogging, which belongs to all people, old and young.

For obese people, walking training is easier to start with in exercise selection. Although brisk walking consumes less calories than jogging, it can consume 400 calories if you persist for 1 hour.

And long-term adherence to fast walking has many benefits:

1. People who insist on walking fast for a long time will find that the strength of lower limbs becomes stronger, walking becomes more and more powerful, and climbing stairs becomes easier and easier.

2. Walking fast can help you get rid of the lumbar spine.Sitting for a long time will deform your spine and cause back pain, and brisk walking can help cure these sub-health diseases.

3. Fast walking can help you prevent osteoporosis and improve bone density.As we get older, our calcification loss will accelerate, bone density will decrease, and your aging will accelerate. Walking quickly can effectively improve bone density and delay the aging of the body.

4, help the body burn fat to lose weight.For severely obese people, walking fast for 1 hour every day is also very high in calorie consumption. Because their own weight base is large, walking fast is equivalent to carrying weight forward, which helps to lose weight.

There was once an obese patient who weighed 180 Jin. His weight base was too large to jog because his cardiopulmonary function could not keep up. He chose to walk for an hour every day and lost 20 pounds in three months.

5. Improve blood pressure.Insist on walking fast, which is a health exercise recommended by doctors, and has a certain improvement effect on people with hypertension. Because patients with hypertension are not suitable for high-intensity training, brisk walking belongs to mild, medium and low-intensity training, which is helpful to lower cholesterol, blood lipid and blood pressure and have a healthy body state.

6, promote the brain to secrete dopamine, you will be happy.Walking fast is also a kind of exercise. Exercise can decompress and release pressure, and your mood will be optimistic. People will be more confident and have a better attitude to face life and work.

The best sport in the world is actually not running, but walking!

For those who lack exercise, running is difficult to persist. You will be exhausted after 10 minutes every time, because your cardiopulmonary function can’t keep up and your physical foundation is poor, and you will easily give up. Walking fast is easier to stick to, and you can adjust the walking speed according to your physical condition.

How to arrange walking training?

For people who have no sports foundation, you can start with walking for 30 minutes every day and gradually increase the exercise time to 40 minutes, 50 minutes and 60 minutes.

When you feel more and more relaxed and walk effortlessly, you can improve your exercise intensity and carry out training combining brisk walking and jogging. 40-60 minutes each time. Exercise 4-5 times a week for more than 3 months and you will feel the transformation of your body!

How many of the 40 most influential games of the year have you played?

[CNMO News] Recently, CNMO noticed that Jordan Minor, a foreign entertainment science and technology reporter, recently published a book, which selected more than 40 most influential annual games (except 2021) from 1977 to now, and collected the best, most pioneering and strangest video games of the year. Let’s take a look at some games.

1977: Pong (Table Tennis), the first video game that attracted wide attention.

1978: Space Invaders

1979: Speed Freak was the first first-person racing game.

1980: Pac-Man

1981: Donkey Kong (donkey kong)

1982: Pitfall

1983: The Adventures of the Dragon Cave

1984: Tetris, as one of the most famous games in the world, still has many die-hard fans.

1985: Super Mario Bros.

1986: The Brave Fight the Dragon

1987: the legend of zelda is a famous game series released by Nintendo.

1988: Rockman 2

1989: Sim City

1990: Legend of Monkey Island/Little Hero of Monkey Island/Secret of Monkey Island

1991: sonic the hedgehog

1992: German Headquarters 3D

1993: NBA Carnival

1994: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

1995: King Kong Kingdom 2

1996: Super Mario 64

1997: Final Fantasy 7

1998: metal gear Solid

1999: Cyber Raiders 2

2000: Half-Life: Counter-Terrorism Elite

2001: Halo: Battle Evolution

2002: Grand Theft Auto: Sin City

2003: The Staff of the legend of zelda Wind

2004: World of Warcraft, a popular multiplayer online role-playing game, is regarded as one of the most influential works in the game history.

2005: Resident Evil 4

2006: Wii Movement

2007: Rock Band

2008: Spore

2009: Mysterious Sea 2: Across the World

2010: Super Carnivorous Boy

2011: My World

2012: The Walking Dead

2013: Exploration of Depression

2014: Destiny

2015: Wizard 3: wild hunt

2016: Baokemeng Go

2017: Night of the Fortress

2018: Nintendo Star Wars Special Edition

2019: "Only Wolf: The Shadow Dies Twice"

2020: "Gather! Animal Forest Friends Association

2022: The Ultimate Deluxe Edition of Stanley’s Fables

For game enthusiasts, many games are familiar to everyone. So many games, which ones have you played?