Ren Xianqi, who gained weight crazily, turned into a greasy uncle and almost went blind for a movie

Xianqi appeared in a video on a website. Although he is nearly 55 years old, he is in good condition and looks. Three years ago, he gained 100 kilograms for a movie, so Ren Xianqi lost 30 kilograms in four months.

Because of the epidemic, Ren Xianqi was very concerned about everyone and told everyone to pay attention to their health at ordinary times and not forget to exercise even indoors. Hearing such a warm reminder, everyone couldn’t help but smile and recall that Ren Xianqi was complained by the majority of netizens and became a greasy uncle.

Three years ago, during the filming of Ren Xianqi’s movie "Horse Running", in order to conform to the character’s image, he did not hesitate to gain 26 kilograms of weight, eating high-calorie food every day, from 74 kilograms of weight to 100 kilograms of big fat. Because of the rapid weight gain, his health was seriously damaged, and his blood sugar and blood lipids rose rapidly to double highs.

Moreover, due to overeating, stomach acid reflux was caused, and the throat was burned, which seriously affected the vocal cords, and the voice became hoarse. However, the keyboard warrior who did not know the truth practiced the magic of flicking his fingers. Seeing that Ren Xianqi had become fat, he complained one after another and left comments on the Internet, teasing Ren Xianqi for turning into a middle-aged greasy uncle.

But Ren Xianqi didn’t care, nor did he explain the reason why he suddenly became fat. He patted off these trivial ironies like dust. What he cared about was how to make a good movie. In fact, it was not the first time that Ren Xianqi worked hard to make a good movie. During the filming of "Exile" with director Du Qifeng, Ren Xianqi almost went blind due to the quality problem of the props.

The old man often said: The amount is big and the blessing is big. This is inseparable from the idol influence of Xiao Qi’s debut for many years, zero scandals, zero stains, and positive energy.

When it comes to Ren Xianqi’s debut, one has to look back on his teenage experience.

In 1966, Ren Xianqi was born in Changhua County, Taiwan Province. Hubei people are unparalleled in intelligence. The Ren family’s ancestral home is in Wuchang County, Hubei Province, which is now Jiangxia District, Wuhan City.

It is true that people from Hubei are smart. His father, a primary school teacher, has a lot of knowledge. He thought that the meaning of "seeing the virtuous and thinking of Qi" was very good, so he named Xiao Qi Ren Xianqi, which means that when he sees people with both political integrity and ability, he must not only learn from him, but also strive to surpass him. Facts have proved that Ren Xianqi did live up to his parents’ ardent hopes when he grew up. It may be his lifelong pursuit to be a person with both moral integrity and ability.

Ren Xianqi grew up in Changhua Village. The folk customs and cultural environment in the village are slightly different from those in big cities. The folk customs are simple and simple. This simple and unpretentious atmosphere has a deep influence on Xiao Qi. After growing up, he treated his friends sincerely and thoughtfully, and was also influenced by this ethos.

When he was in high school, Brother Qi fell in love with a girl from the school next door. Later, he learned that the girl especially liked the guy who could play the guitar, so he practiced the guitar hard. Gradually, he fell in love with music and wrote many songs on the guitar sheet. The song "Flowers Will Bloom in Spring" was written for the girl he liked, and this song later became the title song on his personal album.

When every Taiwanese boy turns 18, he will face the test of a bar mitzvah, which is to sign up for the army. However, almost every boy’s parents do not want to enroll their child in the Marine Corps, because everyone knows that it is the most rigorous force for physical requirements, and the military training there is also the hardest. In 1984, Xiao Qi Ge’s parents drew lots for him to decide where he would join the army, and they were quite lucky and helped him win the army at once.

Although the experience of being a soldier was very hard, it also trained his strong physique, and because of his excellent performance in the army and outstanding performance in various physical training, in 1987, he was sent to the Department of Physical Education of China Culture University. Although he left his hometown and came to Taipei to study, he never forgot the girl he liked in high school, nor the guitar he liked. During school, he formed the ATP choir himself, and served as the guitarist and lead singer.

In 1988, Xiao Qi Ge continued to make efforts in the field of music. He began to serve as a Dunhuang campus DJ and participated in hundreds of campus concerts during his time in school, thus accumulating rich performance experience and establishing the status of a campus red card DJ. The name Ren Xianqi became popular in Taiwan’s colleges and universities for a while.

Brother Qi was so outstanding. Logically speaking, as a figure in the school, he should attract many girls, but in fact, the other boys in the band had been pursued by many girls, but Brother Qi had never received a love letter. Later, a sophomore junior told him that he looked like a prodigal son, so no girls dared to approach him.

Ren Xianqi felt very aggrieved. Later, he learned that the girl’s name was Chen Zeyu and her English name was Tina. Brother Qi’s primary school girl was not an ordinary person. She participated in singing competitions at the age of six and won many international, domestic and major competitions.

In addition, Chen Zeyu not only sings well, but also looks very beautiful, because she has the genes of a mixed race of the Three Kingdoms, and her figure is also very good! Such a beautiful woman swayed in front of Ren Xianqi, like a dazzling ray of sunlight, shining into Brother Qi’s heart. After the two met, they often had heart-to-heart conversations, and the talents and women were paired, becoming a beautiful scenery on the campus.

Chen Zeyu felt that the person who had a dream would not be a prodigal son, so she dared to approach him boldly, and when Xiao Qi was in a bad mood, she often comforted him and enlightened him. Xiao Qi was deeply attracted by her gentle personality.

Young people get together and often talk about their future dreams. Xiao Qi’s wish is to be a singer, and Chen Zeyu dreams of becoming a fashion designer. From 1988, the two people who have the same heart and soul started a long-distance love run that lasted for more than 10 years.

In his senior year, Xiao Qi was discovered by Taixinge Records, so after graduation, he was signed to work under the label of Xingge Records and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 1990, Ren Xianqi and his contemporaries in the company jointly released the compilation album "Run to the Rainbow". With his many years of performance experience, Ren Xianqi made his debut and occupied the "C position". After that, Ren Xianqi joined the underground band snake with great enthusiasm. At this time, Ren Xianqi was full of momentum and released three solo albums one after another.

However, life is like a roller coaster, with sudden twists and turns, which caught people off guard. The company went bankrupt due to poor management. As an artist under the company, Ren Xianqi and his colleagues were acquired by Rolling Stone.

In that era, under the Rolling Stones, there were many big names, and Luo Dayou, Zhao Chuan, Zhou Huajian and others were called legends. How could such a top organization in the industry look at a young star who had just debuted? Therefore, the company had the idea of laying off Brother Qi.

His stage name was Little Bug, and his real name was Chen Huanchang. This person was one of the "three godfathers" of the music industry in Taiwan. He was on par with Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng.

Such a childlike person had extraordinary eyesight. He could see the difference between Brother Qi and others. He believed that this young man was by no means a thing in the pool and would eventually make his mark.

Many years after this incident, the prediction of "Little Bug" has been confirmed, and the Chinese music scene cannot be without Ren Xianqi.

Although the company kept Brother Qi in the face of the "little bug", it did not reuse him. Therefore, for the next three years, Brother Qi has been doing behind-the-scenes work, but he has no complaints. Because as long as he can do music-related work, he is already very happy. Although his situation was very similar to "Xuezao" at that time.

However, before Han Xin became the Marquis of Huaiyin, he had suffered the humiliation of his crotch. For Brother Qi, he did not care about this grievance. Therefore, he did not complain and worked hard according to the company’s arrangements.

Later, Brother Qi’s contract was about to expire, and "Bug", who was busy with music production every day, realized that three years had passed, and Xiao Qi had been standing still for so long. Thinking of this, Bug’s heart rose with a passion to make him famous.

As a result, a bug tailor-made for him "rely on" turned out, this song is Ren Xianqi’s debut album under the new owner of Rolling Stone, as the title song, so far, sold 160,000, although the sales are not particularly good, but this song is of great significance.

As the saying goes, those who gain the Tao are more helpful, and those who lose the Tao are less helpful. The friendship between men is called I have the ability, so I let you rely on me, help you go straight to the sky, and when I am in trouble, you fall from the sky, help me on the road, and move forward together. This song, called "Relying on", fully reflects the brotherhood between Ren Xianqi and the little bug.

Due to the poor performance of the new album and the average sales, Xiao Qi’s contract was about to expire, so the little bug fought for one last chance to keep him.

"Too Soft Heart" came out under such a background, and this song was specially written by Xiaowu for Ren Xianqi.

When the song was just logged into the music market, the response was mediocre, so the question of Xiao Qi’s whereabouts was once again put on the company’s motion. Obviously, this time, he was about to be fired. However, at this critical moment, things went into a shocking reversal. "Too Soft Heart" quickly became popular in the mainland with a turbulent trend. The song sold 26 million amazing results.

Therefore, Rolling Stone quickly renewed Ren Xianqi, because if the action is slower, this rising star is likely to be poached. After that, the company began to rebuild Ren Xianqi. After that, it produced and published a series of albums such as "Very Hurt" and "Love You Only" for him. Ren Xianqi has since opened the "peak era" of keeping pace with the Four Heavenly Kings.

It is because of the little bug that Ren Xianqi has gradually reached the peak of his career. Because of this, Ren Xianqi has the most sincere gratitude for the little bug. Later, the little bug was deceived by his friends, his accountant ran away with the money, and the little bug was in a penniless situation.

Hearing this news, Ren Xianqi didn’t say a word. He directly offered one million in cash to the little bug, and declared, Brother, you can use it well, and there is no need to return it.

Afterwards, someone asked him why he did this? Ren Xianqi said in a flat tone: If there was no little bug brother, there would be no me, Ren Xianqi, today.

In 1998, Ren Xianqi released the album "Love is like the Pacific". With this album, Ren Xianqi played a beautiful carousel, and the song returned to Taiwan from the mainland. Songs such as "Ren Xiaoyao" and "Sad Pacific" are classics of Ren Xianqi after "My Heart is Too Soft". These popular works across the country broke the record of record sales in the history of Taiwan music.

In 1999, Brother Qi was invited by CCTV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of the same year, and became the only Taiwan artist at the party that day; in the same year, Ren Xianqi starred in the big screen debut "Star Wish" released; in 2000, the Xiao Qi family was established in the mainland, and in this year, he starred in "Summer Tea" was also released, and achieved a good result of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars. After the release of "Marry a Rich Man" in 2002, the box office performance was still good. Since then, Xiao Qige’s film and television songs have progressed hand in hand, and his career has also flourished.

Perhaps for every star, the obscurity before becoming famous is all preparation for Yiming’s astonishment. During those most difficult days, his girlfriend Chen Zeyu never gave up to support and encourage him. Her girlfriend, who is full of strength, helped Xiao Qi get through that three-year "dark" period. Now, finally keep the clouds open and see the moon bright. Finally see hope.

Marrying a man and starting a family is a major event in life. Since his career has reached its peak, starting a family is also on the agenda. When Brother Qi held a concert abroad, he and his girlfriend "got married notariously".

At that time, as public figures, the two chose to get married in a low-key way without a wedding, so at the 2013 concert, Ren Xianqi guiltily told Chen Zeyu: "I owe you a wedding," but the wedding is nothing more than a way to look lively to outsiders. As long as you really love each other, then this form is not so important.

After getting married, the two gave birth to two children, and the family of four settled down in Hong Kong. Through the photos, the whole family smiled like flowers. Maybe happiness should be like this. I originally intended to wash away the lead for you and make soup. You are willing to be indifferent to fame and fortune for me. Fortunately, at the best age, we did not miss each other. Friendship and love are just as much. Thank you for meeting you in life and hearing your singing is a true happiness.

The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it.

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Hu Ge in the same frame! The film was sent to Liangtai and Tuya Taifeng to attend the event together after their marriage

1905 movie network news On June 17, local time, Milan, Italy, Milan Men’s Wear Week 2025 spring and summer, the couple appeared at the Giorgio Armani show in the same frame, which was also the first time the couple publicly faced the media after they officially announced their marriage and children last year.Giorgio Armani’s official Weibo account also posted a photo of the couple with a Chinese actor, causing heated discussions among netizens.

On the same day, Pianji Ryota was wearing a brown khaki POLO casual dress with a light gray knitted thin shirt. Compared with the more styled Ryota, Tsuchiya Taifeng is a black and white color scheme dress, with a V-shaped low-necked design that is sexy, and with exaggerated earrings, it is modern and fashionable. The two who have been upgraded have also faded from their childishness, showing a mature parental posture.

On January 1, 2023, Tsuchiya Taifeng announced that she would marry and be pregnant with Kataji Ryota. According to reports, the two have been secretly dating for five years since co-starring. On August 16, 2023, according to Japanese media, Tsuchiya Taifeng gave birth to her first child safely, and officially upgraded with Kataji Ryota as parents. On August 29, 2023, Tsuchiya Taifeng and Kataji Ryota posted on their personal SNS to announce the birth of their first child. At the same time, it was Kataji Ryota’s 29th birthday.

China Telecom CTyunOS scale deployment, together with openEuler to build Tianyi Cloud digital base

The Euler Developer Conference 2022 has officially ended on April 15. This conference is a developer conference held by the openEuler community of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, and it is also the first conference initiated by the community after Euler’s donation. With the theme of "Creating the Future Together, Euler is More Wonderful", the conference will jointly discuss the exploration and innovation of open-source operating system technology and build a highly innovative open-source operating system community.

Guang Xiaoming, deputy general manager and chief technology officer of China Telecom Tianyi Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., attended the conference and gave a keynote speech on "Join hands with openEuler to build a digital base for Tianyi Cloud". He said that since China Telecom released CTyunOS, a self-developed operating system based on openEuler, in 2021, more than 10,000 sets have been launched across the country, covering a variety of business scenarios, including public cloud, private cloud, IT cloud, and one city and one pool. The business operation is stable and reliable. In the future, the deployment scale will be further expanded, and the local characteristic business will continue to be served, serving thousands of industries.

In 2020, China Telecom put forward the "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. In order to implement this strategy, China Telecom has continuously carried out basic software innovation in recent years. As the most important basic software, the operating system must first achieve independent innovation. In November last year, at the operating system summit hosted by the Euler Community, Liu Guiqing, deputy general manager of China Telecom Group, released the self-developed operating system CTyunOS, which is a server operating system based on the Euler open-source community version. The operating system has been deeply optimized for cloud computing scenarios and is committed to creating a completely independent innovation operating system to serve China Telecom’s "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. At present, China Telecom is the first company in the industry to choose the Euler technology route for all its business.

In terms of cooperation with the openEuler community, Guang Xiaoming said that CTyunOS keeps up with the rhythm of the community version, releases an official version every 6 months, and continues to contribute to the openEuler open source community. Currently, it has participated in more than 5 SIG working groups, submitted more than 200 PRs, and actively participated in community-related activities. In terms of joint innovation, starting from the business needs of Tianyi Cloud, it has carried out in-depth research and development in several aspects such as kernel, user hot patch, and cloud base, and achieved good results.

China Telecom continues to cooperate with the openEuler community to jointly innovate key technologies.In response to how to expand and reduce costs in virtualization scenarios, Tianyi Cloud and the openEuler open-source team have jointly innovated to improve the performance of redis scenarios by about 30%, reduce memory costs by about 35%, and greatly improve the cost performance of memory usage. The Qemu hot patch function based on Libcareplus tools has been developed, which has transformed the host batch serial upgrade into parallel synchronous upgrade, and supports the current network patch implementation cycle from months to weeks, greatly shortening the patch implementation cycle.

To build an open-source ecosystem, China Telecom continues to contribute to the openEuler open-source community.Since joining the Euler open-source community, China Telecom has been participating in the work of the OpenStack SIG, participating in the software migration of the OpenStack Q version throughout the process, and testing and verifying the functions and compatibility. After the release of openEuler 21.03, China Telecom cooperated with the Kernel SIG to explore the usage scenarios of memory tiered extension (EtMem). China Telecom contributed its experience in system resource stress detection to the community and submitted PSI tools to the community.

In the future, China Telecom Tianyi Cloud will continue to cooperate with the Euler open-source community to carry out more joint innovations, and in terms of improving the resource utilization efficiency of cloud hosts, carry out high-low-priority mixing of virtual machines and online-offline mixing of containers; in terms of trusted cloud hosts, carry out confidential computing innovation; in terms of DPU offloading, carry out distributed storage offloading and container network offloading innovation; in terms of cloud native full stack, carry out collaborative innovation of secure containers and KubeEdge edge clouds; through technological innovation, build a solid digital base for Tianyi Cloud, build a trusted Tianyi Cloud, and serve the "cloud change number" strategy.

The shareholders of Xiaomi Auto changed, and the original Xiaomi quit! Hong kong company holding!

Electric home news, recently, Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes.The major shareholder changed from Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., Ltd. to Xiaomi Hong Kong Company XiaomiEVLimited. . At the same time, the enterprise type changed from a limited liability company (sole proprietorship) to a limited liability company.(Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao legal person sole proprietorship).

Xiaomi EV Limited was established on September 1, 2021. The enterprise type is a private company limited by shares with the enterprise number of 3081486. There is no more news at present. Xiaomi Communication was established on August 25th, 2010 with a registered capital of USD 320 million. Its legal representative is Wang Chuan, and its business scope includes developing mobile phone technology, computer software and information technology. Computer technology training, etc. The company is wholly owned by Xiaomi H.K. Limited. The company has 20 foreign-invested enterprises, including Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd., Guangdong Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., Ltd..

Xiaomi Automobile was established on September 1, 2021 with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. Its legal representative is Lei Jun, and its business scope includes the whole vehicle manufacturing of new energy vehicles. Technical research and development of complete vehicles and parts; Research and development of motor and its control system. At present, the company has been wholly owned by Xiaomi EV Limited.

On October 19th, Lei Jun, Chairman of Xiaomi Group, said on Xiaomi Investor Day,The progress of Xiaomi’s car-making and team work far exceeds his expectations. It is expected that Xiaomi Automobile will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi Automobile Company has been registered in Beijing, and the first factory will be located in Yizhuang, Beijing. At present, it has received 20,000 resumes and 453 R&D teams.

According to media reports, Lei Jun said at the scene that doing automobile business is not for "showing off". At present, electric vehicles have changed from machinery industry to information industry, and some colleagues are already doing it. If Xiaomi does not do it, it will be eliminated. Xiaomi, from smart phones to smart homes and smart offices, belongs to a fully intelligent ecology. If it is well integrated with electric vehicles, it will be extremely expandable.

On March 30th this year, Xiaomi Group announced at the press conference that it has officially entered the field of vehicle manufacturing, and plans to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to be responsible for the smart electric vehicle business, with an initial investment of 10 billion yuan and an estimated investment of 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Group, will also serve as the CEO of the smart electric vehicle business. At the spring new product launch conference of Xiaomi, Lei Jun once said that Xiaomi will make every effort to build Xiaomi car with the existing cash reserve of 108 billion yuan, more than 10,000 R&D teams, the top three mobile phone businesses in the world and the best intelligent ecology in the world.

On September 1st this year, Lei Jun said in Weibo that Xiaomi Automobile was officially registered, and the company was named Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. Lei Jun, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, served as the legal representative. Xiaomi Company said that in the five months since the announcement of the car, Xiaomi Automobile Team has conducted a large number of user surveys and industrial chain inspections, and carefully selected from more than 20,000 resumes while intensively promoting product definition.

On October 15th, Xiaomi Group announced organizational adjustment and cadre appointment, in which Li Xiaoshuang was appointed as the vice president of Xiaomi Automobile, responsible for product, supply chain and market-related work, and reported to Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Automobile. It is understood that Li Xiaoshuang once served as the head of Xiaomi Box and Xiaomi TV. Before taking office as vice president of Xiaomi Automobile, he was the general manager of Xiaomi Group’s household appliances department, leading Xiaomi TV to hit the number one throne in the world. In fact, Li Xiaoshuang has already appeared in the photo of the core executives who announced the establishment of Xiaomi Automobile Company by Lei Jun.

At present, Xiaomi Automobile is still in constant layout. Lei Jun once revealed in the live broadcast that Xiaomi’s first model will be positioned in the middle and high end, and it will definitely represent the cutting-edge technology and cutting-edge level at the time of listing, and the price is likely to be 100,000-300,000 yuan. In addition, the specific models are currently being selected among cars and SUVs, and have not yet been finalized.

Huawei has won another international car company! Toyota will use Huawei to "smart drive"

Recently, according to online news, Toyota may adopt an intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by "Toyota+Huawei +Momenta". This scheme may be provided by Huawei with high-level intelligent driving hardware and Momenta with software solutions, which is different from the HI mode in which Huawei provides a complete set of solutions.

Huawei and Toyota have the foundation of intelligent cooperation. For example, the ninth generation Camry car system of GAC Toyota was jointly built by Toyota and Huawei. This car is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car chip, and the smoothness of the car has been greatly improved compared with the old models.

It is believed that the cooperation between Huawei and Toyota in the field of intelligent driving was also based on the previous cooperation.

Momenta is actually an old friend of Toyota. As early as March 18, 2020, Momenta, an autonomous driving company, announced that it had reached a strategic cooperation with Toyota to provide Toyota with high-precision maps and update services based on camera visual perception technology, and to promote the commercial landing of Toyota’s Automated Map Platform (AMP) in China.

At the same time, Momenta also provides a solution for the high-order intelligent driving of Zhiji automobile. Zhiji’s high-order intelligent driving is based on hardware perception including laser radar, and now it can realize high-speed/urban expressway and intelligent navigation assistance function of urban roads.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for the intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by Toyota, Huawei and Momenta to realize the functions of high-speed/urban expressway and even urban navigation.

Moreover, both Huawei and Momenta have rich experience in the research and development of high-order intelligent driving systems, and it is also possible to get on the high-order intelligent driving system for Toyota’s new models in a short time.

Now it has entered the second half of the intelligentization of new energy vehicles. Many domestic new energy brands have equipped their own vehicles with intelligent cockpits and high-order intelligent driving systems. For example, Tucki, Aouita, Wenjie and other brands have realized the urban intelligent driving function without relying on high-precision maps.

It can be said that intelligent equipment is an indispensable part of new energy vehicles today, and domestic consumers pay more and more attention to the intelligent function of vehicles.

Traditional European car companies, such as Volkswagen and Audi, have also cooperated with new China brands, such as Tucki and Zhiji, to jointly develop new cars, and equipped them with intelligent cockpits and advanced intelligent driving systems from Tucki and Zhiji.

Toyota chose to cooperate with Huawei and Momenta at this time to develop a new car equipped with high-end smart driving, which is also the general trend. At the same time, we can see that Toyota attaches great importance to the China market, hoping that its own new energy vehicles will be more competitive in the domestic market, and these new vehicles can be pushed to the world in the future to enhance the global competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles.

The editor said:

When many consumers talk about Toyota, they will still think of its fuel vehicle products. Moreover, from the monthly sales situation, the sales of two pure electric vehicles under Toyota are not ideal, and Toyota’s new energy transformation process has indeed encountered certain difficulties. If Toyota really cooperates with Huawei and Momenta to engage in high-level intelligent driving, it can really improve the market competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles, but it will test the time for the relevant joint development models to be launched on the market.

At present, many traditional car companies are speeding up the transformation of new energy, and adjusting the transformation of new energy. Toyota needs to seize the opportunity and launch new cars at the right time to have a greater chance to compete with a number of competitors.

As for the news of Toyota’s tripartite cooperation with Huawei and Momenta, it is said that Toyota will officially announce it to the public during the Beijing Auto Show, so we will look forward to whether Toyota will use the high-level wisdom of Huawei and Momenta.

Xiaomi car big news! Exposure of photos, body parameters, etc. Xiaomi car will be produced by itself.

K diagram 01810_0

  On the afternoon of November 15, the entry "Xiaomi Automobile" rushed.Hot search.

  On the same day, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products""(the 377th batch), two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are listed.

  It is reported that Xiaomi’s first car is a pure electric car, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max, and the length of the car is 4.997 meters. The biggest difference between the two models lies in the power. The formerThe peak power is 220KW, and the latter is 275KW, or it is a high-performance version.They are iron phosphate.(Xiangyang Fudi) and ternary lithium ion (), in which Xiangyang Foday Battery belongs to.

  The contents of the announcement show that the models of Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are BJ7000MBEVR2 and BJ7000MBEVA1, and the name of the declared enterprise isGroup off-road vehicle Co., Ltd., the declared production address is "No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone".

  The reporter learned from Tianyancha that on November 3, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing No.1 Branch was established, with Lei Yun as the head and its business scope including, data processing services, communication equipment sales, electronic products sales, etc., the head office is Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. The registered address of this branch is Building 9, No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

  According to the current laws and regulations, domesticAutomobile production enterprises must obtain two qualifications before they can produce and sell: first, the development and reform commission put on record the production projects of automobile investment enterprises, and automobile enterprises need to prove their own financing ability, research and development ability, production capacity, quality assurance and other strengths, which are recognized by the development and reform commission. After obtaining this qualification, enterprises need to build factories within 2 years and sell vehicles within 3 years; Second, it is the qualification of automobile production enterprises in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and automobile enterprises need to meet the Regulations on the Administration of Automobile Production Enterprises and Products Access.

  In August this year, it was reported that Xiaomi had been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission to produce electric vehicles. Now it has won the "Car-making Admission Ticket" from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that Xiaomi has obtained the automobile production qualification.

  Officially listed in the first half of 2024.

  Since Lei Jun announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi’s car have been receiving much attention.

  In August this year, some netizens said that they met four disguised Xiaomi cars flying on the Urumqi-Changji urban expressway. On August 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, also appeared in Xinjiang, and released a "Test # Xiaomi mixfold3# Leica Optics, Four Shots and Five Focuses". Some careful netizens noticed that the banner words pulled up in the photo were suspected of "fighting for Xiaomi car".

  In October 2023, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. According to Xiaomi’s announcement, Xiaomi officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles and will invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun believes that smart electric vehicles will be the broadest development track in the next 10 years.

  At the Xiaomi new product launch conference held in October this year, Xiaomi released the operating system 澎湃 OS, which is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS completely rewrites the underlying architecture based on the integration of deeply evolved Android and self-developed Vela system, and has made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections.

  October 16th, Tianfeng InternationalGuo Ming has recently released.It is said that Xiaomi’s first car is expected to be released in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units.

  Guo Ming said in the report that Huawei’s new M7 sales exceeded expectations, symbolizing that the focus of competition in China’s electric vehicle market has shifted to autonomous driving, software, marketing and channels due to the high industrial division of labor. He believes that such a new competitive pattern is conducive to Xiaomi’s entry into the automobile market.

  He also said that the price of Xiaomi’s first car will be less than 300,000 yuan, and the key selling points include automatic driving, software ecology, 800V fast charging and power configuration.

  Xiaomi automobile will produce itself.

  According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, although the declared enterprise name of Xiaomi Automobile is BAIC Group, the production address is shown as the location of Xiaomi Automobile’s self-built factory.

  Reporter fromIts platform has learned that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is built in Yizhuang, Beijing, and is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (intelligent manufacturing base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing. The total investment of the project is expected to be 63 billion yuan.

  It is understood that Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The annual production capacity of the first and second phases is 150,000 vehicles, and the total production capacity can reach 300,000 vehicles/year after the factory officially lands.

  During the construction of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the company widely recruits talents related to vehicle production and vehicle technology. According to the recruitment information of Xiaomi official website, the company has a talent demand for production managers, workshop safety engineers and lean engineers in automobile workshops in Beijing, in stamping, die casting, die casting molds, die casting machine processing, body, painting, sheet metal and so on.Production-related jobs also have more demand for people.

  In addition, Xiaomi is also building its own car sales channels to prepare for nationwide sales. From September to October, 2023, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) successively established subsidiaries in Wuhan, Shenzhen, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou. The business scope of the newly established company covers new energy sales and other businesses.

  In fact, in order to successfully enter the car-making industry, Xiaomi began to make continuous high-intensity investment in the automobile field many years ago. Yangtze millet industryHeshunwei Capital is an important investor in Xiaomi Department.

  Shunwei Capital of Lei Jun Holdings participated in the investment in 2015.A round of financing, participated in B round of financing in 2016, and participated in 2017.A+ round of financing. In the same year, Shunwei Capital led the A-round financing of Momenta, a smart driving startup, and gave continuous support in B-round, C-round and C+ financing.

  In August, 2021, Xiaomi wholly acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving company, and continued to increase its R&D capabilities in terms of intelligent driving perception, positioning, planning and control. Deep Motion Technology has a wide range of layouts in high-precision positioning, high-precision maps and 3D scene reconstruction.

  The automobile industry entered the Warring States period.

  Although Xiaomi automobile has obtained the production qualification, the competition in the automobile industry has become increasingly fierce. Can the fledgling Xiaomi automobile "share a piece of cake"?

  Liu Feilei, secretary of the board of directors of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, recently said: "The automobile industry is entering the Warring States Period, and resources are accelerating to focus on head enterprises." He believes that in 2023, the price war in the automobile market will become fierce, and the market competition will enter the stage of "elimination", and 3-5 first-class head enterprises will be formed in the future. In 2022, the top five brands in the new energy vehicle market accounted for 50.1% of the market sales, and it is estimated that the top five brands will account for 80% of the sales in 2030.

  Previously, Lei Jun also said: "When the electric vehicle industry enters a mature stage, the top five brands in the world will occupy more than 80% of the market share. In other words, the only way to succeed is to become one of the top five, and the annual shipment exceeds 10 million vehicles. Competition will be cruel. "

  In addition to the new forces of building cars, traditional car companies have also transformed into new energy tracks, and they have competitive advantages in terms of financial strength and experience in building cars, which has provided some pressure for the new forces of building cars.

  The research report pointed out that the smart electric vehicle industry is fiercely competitive, and the product strength of independent brands and new forces is rapidly improving. In the next few years, cost-effective models are expected to accelerate their listing. Factors such as price competition may also cause the risk that new car sales are less than expected.

  It is believed that the advantages of supply chain, software, users, ecology and channels will help Xiaomi to occupy a place in the smart car market, and it is expected to achieve the goal of selling 100,000 vehicles a year and turning its gross profit into a positive one faster than other new car-making forces, thus opening up an additional valuation space of the order of 100 billion. However, if Xiaomi wants to make a car successful, it will face high R&D expenditure in the early stage, subsequent sales increase and gross profit.When to quickly return to a healthy level and other challenges.

  Exploring Xiaomi automobile production base: small batch trial production has been realized, and 900,000 vehicles will be sold in three years.

  Understand the equity relationship between Beijing Off-road, Beiqi Blue Valley and Beijing Auto.

  Xiaomi automobile finally appeared: production qualification "borrowed" BAIC Group will push lithium iron and ternary battery versions.

  Xiaomi automobile sends heavy news again! The launch date of the new car is approaching.

  There is big news from Xiaomi’s car. Who are the suppliers of the industrial chain? Listed companies intensively respond to cooperation trends.