Meituan shared car settled in Chengdu: the new gameplay after the giant invasion has been launched

Authors: Wang Xunkui and Zhou Xiaodan

Before the trial and error of the blue strands, after the drop of strict prevention, Meituan’s shared car business is destined to wade through a muddy road.

Geek Park has learned that Meituan’s time-sharing car business has been launched in Chengdu’s Pidu urban area, called "Meituan Car Rental", and this app can already be downloaded on the app store. At present, there are only two fuel models, Volkswagen Langyi and Volkswagen Santana. According to the available vehicles on the user map, it is estimated that there are about 50 to 100 vehicles in operation. Orders are still calculated according to "frequent + mileage".

Meituan has established a mobility division internally, and new businesses in the mobility field, including shared cars, Meituan maps, and driverless and taxi-hailing, are slowly being integrated into this division. According to media reports in early November, Meituan is recruiting relevant teams.

After testing the water taxi business in Nanjing at the beginning of this year and launching the Mobike bicycle entrance in September, Meituan’s hunger for big travel has stopped concealing.A former Meituan executive told Geek Park that within Meituan, travel has been listed as one of the company’s key business directions in 2018.

Like the ride-hailing business that went live before, Meituan’s shared car timeshare rental business will be piloted in a single city first.

A person close to Meituan told Geek Park that in the planning stage of this business, domestic second-tier cities including Chengdu, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Chongqing were all considered by decision-makers, but because "Xiamen market is too small, Hangzhou is heavily guarded by Ali, and it is afraid of diverting Nanjing’s taxi business. Chongqing also has a relatively mature start-up company (Panda car) to take root and try," and finally chose Chengdu.

Meituan’s almost borderless business expansion model has made it an "outlier" in Internet companies. Previously, Meituan’s layout in the travel field was explained by Wang Xing as "starting from the needs of customers", "anything related to food and life, we should consider participating."

The shared car timeshare rental market in Chengdu is not a blank. At present, there are already many timeshare rental companies such as Panda Car, Go Fun, EVCARD, and Tuge in the streets of Chengdu.

Although it is far from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Chengdu has long been the best training ground for time-sharing rentals.

The greatest dividends come from the policy levelIn September 2017, the General Office of the Chengdu Municipal People’s Government issued the "Notice on Encouraging and Regulating the Development of New Energy Vehicle Timeshare Leasing Industry", which directly stated that Chengdu will increase policy support for new energy vehicle timeshare leasing enterprises, and gave specific goals: "By the end of 2018, the city will basically form a new energy vehicle timeshare leasing service network, with 2,500 service outlets and 10,000 charging piles; by the end of 2020, the city will form a comprehensive new energy vehicle timeshare leasing service network, with 5,000 service outlets and 20,000 charging piles."

The release of this policy has brought a huge incremental market to Chengdu. At the same time, compared with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which strictly control the number of car license plates issued, Chengdu has not yet issued a license restriction order, which also lowers the threshold for "intruder" Meituan.

"Chengdu government support is relatively strong, the crowd is relatively open, and the traffic conditions are relatively good." Zeng Hao, the head of Panda’s Chengdu operation, said that he has not yet received news that Meituan’s time-sharing rental business is going to land in Chengdu, but he speculates that the good market and policy environment in Chengdu may be an important reason for Meituan’s choice.

The data shows that Chengdu is the second largest car ownership market in the country except Beijing, with car ownership exceeding 4 million and driving license ownership reaching 7 million. After a period of operation, Zeng Hao is very optimistic about the capacity of the Chengdu market:"That is to say, about 3 million people have a driver’s license without a car, and even if only 2% of them use shared cars, there is still 60,000 market space to explore."

In terms of vehicle sources, Chengdu-based shared car operators also have an advantage. Since 2007, Chengdu Economic Development Zone has been turned into a "Chengdu Automobile Industrial Park" specializing in the development of complete vehicles and supporting parts. In the International Automobile City located in Longquan, Chengdu, including Geely Volvo, FAW-Volkswagen, FAW Toyota, Chengdu Ruihuaxian Energy Automobile and other automobile manufacturers have established large production bases.

According to the above-mentioned person close to Meituan, similar to other domestic shared car operators, Meituan will also adopt the cooperation method of financing and leasing with several car factories and rental companies to "get the car": "In the early stage, fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles may be deployed, but in the future, new energy vehicles may be the main one."

For Meituan, choosing Chengdu can be described as the right time and place. But it is not easy to land services in this city in the southwest.

Meituan’s previous data and offline operation and expansion capabilities were largely based on the business of takeaway, in-store service, and even other life services. Whether it was the difficulty of operation or scheduling, it had little in common with car timeshare leasing. In fact, Meituan’s test of the water is very likely to "start from scratch".

But Meituan’s internal expansion into new businesses is also very "goal-oriented", the person close to Meituan said: "Usually a goal is set first, and then external resources are found, rather than judging by how much resources the company has."

The early entry of Go Fun and Panda cars and EVcards has established certain resource barriers to varying degrees.

For example, parking stations are still a scarce resource for the time being, and developing them is not an easy task. At present, Go Fun (Beijing Shouqi Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd.), which has the largest market share in Chengdu, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shouqi Group. In February this year, Go Fun officially signed a cooperation agreement with Sichuan Transportation Investment Group and established a joint venture company, and then launched the Go Fun Sichuan Jiaotong cooperation project.

According to a local car-sharing operator in Chengdu, Sichuan Transportation Investment Group controls all public and road parking spots in the city. "It would be great if the number of on-street parking spaces could be increased, which is very helpful for improving operational efficiency."

In order to facilitate charging and changing electricity and improve operational efficiency, shared car operators generally recommend that users park their vehicles at the company’s stipulated parking spots. And the resources of such parking stations are almost exclusive to each company. At present, Panda has won more than 200 parking stations in Chengdu, each of which can accommodate 10 to 20 vehicles."After all, some of the resources in a city are limited," Zeng Hao admitted that Panda’s parking resources still need to be expanded, "but at least our stations have signed contracts, so it is more difficult for new entrants to expand parking resources in the same places."

As a unicorn whose valuation has soared to $30 billion, Meituan’s every invasion can trigger an earthquake in a specific field. According to a person familiar with Meituan’s travel business, like previous attempts at power banks and convenience stores, Meituan is just pushing forward with a test of the water for shared cars. "Whether it will be done on a large scale in the end is still uncertain."

This is the expansion logic of Meituan’s new business.

In November, Meituan announced the closure of the power bank business. Wang Huiwen, senior vice president of Meituan Review, mentioned in an internal letter that Meituan’s important basis for judging whether to close a new business or increase investment or continue to explore is, "The strategic synergy value between our existing business, if the future market size is not large enough, but the strategic synergy value is large enough, you can consider expanding operations, otherwise it should be closed."

How big is the shared car market? Previously, in an interview with a Geek Park reporter, once CEO Wang Yang used a "self-created" calculation method to roughly estimate the size of the shared car market."The number of people in China who have a driver’s license – the number of private cars in China + 20% of the limited number of people, according to the use of 4 people in a car, and then a 50% discount for urbanization (the requirement for travel), based on the rental price of 150 yuan a day in China. If these are counted as the demand for shared cars, this is about a 300 billion market."

Since 2015, a large number of test-takers have flooded into the shared car timeshare rental field. After a few years, there have been a lot of casualties, and there are very few positive cases for reference.

At the outset of the market, the participants were mixed up and each had their own plans. "Car manufacturers use their left-hand products to buy their right hands and earn subsidies, while the right-hand products are used for shared cars." A practitioner broke the news that there was even a situation in the industry where the subsidy income of new energy vehicles exceeded the income of car sales.

But starting in 2016, subsidies for new energy vehicles were fully reduced and subsidy reviews were upgraded. The "policy dividend" gradually disappeared, the bubble stirred up by the trick of cheating and subsidies was pierced, and shared cars ushered in a real corpse.

This is still a game without a clear business model. This has also directly led to the cautious attitude of capital towards the industry. Several investors contacted by Geek Park expressed their "wait-and-see attitude".

Once the heavy investment of assets, whether it can "make money" has become a harsh criterion for considering the industry, while challenging the patience of investors. The break-even line that shared cars aspire to has risen and fallen, and no explosive breakthrough has been achieved so far. An investor who focuses on the shared car sector told Geek Park: "On average, it takes three orders per car per day to make money, and the GO FUN with the highest market share in the country can reach an average of 1.5 orders."

Most of the experimenters are still looking for a breakthrough from a single city. Not long ago, TOGO Tuge CEO Wang Lifeng mentioned at the B round financing conference that Tuge has been able to "level or even start making profits" in Beijing; according to another person in charge of a shared car company who did not want to be named, they can reach four or five orders a day in a good season, with a daily profit of 150 yuan per car.

In October this year, EZZY, which was closed down after only one and a half years of operation, is a typical example. EZZY, which focuses on the mid-to-high-end market, once used the method of "not caring about wear and tear efficiency" to create the ultimate user experience. The model of "burning money" made it extremely dependent on capital. When the 40 million yuan financing was exhausted, the capital chain was broken, and the business ended.

"This is a very heavy O2O field. Although EZZY has received 40 million before, this amount is too small for this industry." The person in charge of the shared car told Geek Park.

Meituan, which just announced a $4 billion financing in October, may become a giant in this field in terms of capital volume. Once it enters the market, it also means that Meituan has further penetrated the hinterland of Didi after the taxi business.

In fact, existing players in the industry are all worried about Didi’s next move. "Compared to Meituan and Mobike, which recently announced the news, we will be more concerned about Didi’s entry. Didi has government resources, funds, and a lot of travel user data, which is likely to bring about some different changes."

Didi, which has a clear first-mover advantage, is taking action.According to a car-sharing company executive contacted by Geek Park, he has received an invitation from Didi headhunters, but after the exchange, the executive said that Didi has not disclosed the specific gameplay for the time being, "I think they may not have thought about it."

Meanwhile, as recently as November, Didi’s vice president in charge of automotive business, Yang Jun, also publicly stated that Didi wants to become an operator of new energy vehicles and charging stations – a layout that can also help Didi pave the way in the field of shared cars.

"This industry still lacks an Internet company that relies on" technology "and volume to win. At present, the policies for shared cars in various places have become clearer. The next step is to see who can do this job that requires heavy asset control capabilities and extremely refined operations." An investor who focuses on the travel sector told Geek Park.

Before there were uncertain industry attempts, followed by Didi’s strict defense, Meituan’s shared car business attempts were doomed to navigate a muddy road.

However, for the entire industry, the arrival of the era of giant invasion must not be a bad thing.

Didi responded positively to the "flight attendant hitchhiking" case for the first time: the platform has loopholes

  China Central Broadcasting Network Beijing May 22 news, according to the voice of China "news vertical and horizontal" report, these days, Zhengzhou stewardess Didi Hitch case caused widespread discussion in the community, what are the loopholes in the management of the Didi platform? In the end is it safe to take Didi Hitch? Didi Chuxing company recently responded positively for the first time, chief development officer Li Jianhua admitted that the alleged offender in the case Liu illegally used his father’s account to receive orders and commit crimes, indicating that the platform did have loopholes before.

  Although the Didi Hitch case has passed for many days, the loopholes exposed in the case are still thought-provoking. What is the security situation of the Didi platform, and how should the safety net of Hitch and online car-hailing be woven?

  According to China Central Radio and Television CCTV, Didi Chuxing said that in order to ensure safety, taking the hitch accident as an example, it has set up five gates, including real-name verification registration, virtual middle contact phone number, facial recognition when the first order is placed, itinerary sharing, and one-click alarm. Among them, real-name verification registration is the first hurdle for driver and vehicle identity confirmation. Didi requires hitch drivers to be at least one year old. When registering, drivers must upload their ID cards, driver’s licenses, and driving licenses to the platform for three-certificate verification.

  But the alleged offender, Hitch driver Liu, only got his license at the end of December. According to the situation of the alleged offender Liu, Didi said that he must not pass the review of Didi’s driver qualification. The reason why he passed the review was because his father’s three certificates were uploaded when the account was registered.

  In addition, facial recognition must be carried out before receiving the first order after registration. Is it the father or the son who passes the facial recognition of this first order? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, said that the registered car owner, the father of the alleged offender Liu, is compared through the facial recognition of the first order.

  However, the person who actually took the order and drove it became the son – the alleged offender Liu. "The problem is that we didn’t find that the driver who took the order was either the registered person or his father," said Li Jianhua. "But it’s not particularly clear who picked up each order."

  So, the people and cars in actual operation are not the same as when they were registered. Is it an accident in this case?

  On May 11, the day Didi issued its statement, at around 6 PM, through the Didi platform, a reporter made an appointment for an express train in Beijing, but another car arrived.

  Reporter: Master, is your tail number 98962?

  Driver: Internet Finance Center.

  Journalist: Yes.

  Driver: Get in the car!

  Reporter: But this one is written as 98962.

  Driver: I’ve changed again, tail number M5.

  It is not uncommon to encounter people and cars when ordering a car through the Didi platform. Some cars are not registered cars, and some people are not registered people. Didi driver told reporters: "I can be a car and a person. I just log in with one account, then take the order and pull it."

  Citizen 1: I found out that it was another car, which was different from the phone number and license plate number on the software. I didn’t pay much attention at the time.

  Citizen 2: He will say that I have this limit number, or that I have changed a car, which is easy to prevaricate.

  According to the drivers, no matter which car it is, no matter which person it is, as long as you log in with your registered account, the platform system will automatically assume that it is the registered person and car for dispatch and checkout. If the registration is Zhang San driving but becomes Li Si, can the Didi platform find out in this situation? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, responded: This case shows that the platform has previously had loopholes.

  So, why did all these "barriers" to ensure safety fail in this case? Didi said that the company is now growing rapidly and on a large scale. In 2017, there were about 21 million car owners on the Didi platform. Wang Sixin, deputy director of the Department of Cultural Studies at Communication University of China, pointed out that no matter how large and fast the development scale of the enterprise, the main responsibility of the enterprise should always be put first.

  On May 16, Didi Chuxing announced rectification measures, including: all personalized tags and comment functions in the offline ride-hailing business, drivers must perform facial recognition before each order, and at the same time launch prizes for reporting people and cars that do not match on all major platforms. In addition to Didi’s self-rectification, the next step is to further strengthen supervision for the problems of people and cars that appear on the online ride-hailing platform, which is also the focus of the competent authorities.

Huawei held the spring flagship new product launch conference, and released more than ten new products.

People’s Political Consultative Conference Online, Shanghai, March 24 th(Reporter Shark Wang) On March 23, 2023, the spring flagship new product launch conference of Huawei was held in Shanghai. Huawei P60 series, the flagship of a new generation of intelligent image and technology aesthetics, and Huawei Mate X3 series, the flagship of a new generation of folding screen, were released. At the same time, Huawei WATCH Ultimate, Huawei Bracelet B7, Huawei FreeBuds 5, Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2+,Huawei MatePad 11-inch 2023, Huawei Enjoy 60, Huawei Xiaozi Ling Parent Route Q6, and Huawei Qingyun, a brand-new terminal commercial brand, all appeared.

Huawei P60 Series: A Breakthrough of Smart Images

The brand-new image flagship Huawei P60 series inherits the excellent genes of Huawei P series photography and aesthetics, and is equipped with the super-focusing XMAGE image system. Through the full link upgrade of the image architecture, the optical system structure of the main camera and telephoto is changed, and the super-focusing telephoto lens group is created, bringing extraordinary image experience. On this basis, Huawei P60 series has made a new interpretation of classic colors. In addition to the three colors of feather sand purple, feather sand black and emerald green, it also brings a brand-new rococo white. Rococo white color matching adopts the industry’s first "light-condensing Fritillaria process", which is hand-made and blended with natural mineral pearl powder to make the fuselage shine and realize the natural texture that can’t be copied like natural Fritillaria. Each branch is unique.

Huawei P60 series brings together advanced innovative technologies, and its product strength has been upgraded. For the first time, it supports two-way Beidou satellite messages, uses four-curved Kunlun glass to be ten times resistant to falling, uses Linxi communication technology, and supports cutting-edge black technology experiences such as 88W super wired fast charging Turbo. The product is also equipped with HarmonyOS 3.1 operating system for the first time, which brings the improvement of exquisiteness and quality.

In addition, Huawei P60 Art was also released in shock, and its products were inspired by the island, shaping the iconic island camera shape and creating a pioneer of artistic aesthetics.

At the press conference, Yolanda, ambassador of Huawei P60 series images, announced the launch of the "Good images are not afraid of the night" image collection activity, calling on users to use Huawei P60 series to discover the beauty of the night, record light and shadow stories and give art to life.

Brand-new folding flagship Mate X3: Breaking the weight limit


Huawei’s brand-new folding flagship Mate X3 has broken through the weight limit, and the overall weight of the plain leather model is only 239g. It is also the industry’s first four-fold folding fuselage, which is warm and comfortable. The internal and external double screens have been certified by SGS in Switzerland for their fall resistance and impact resistance. Equipped with the industry’s highest PPI, Huawei Lingjing TM display large screen, with ultra-high resolution, dual 120Hz adaptive refresh rate, and full color gamut and full link color management, making it the first large-screen folding mobile phone with both internal and external screens certified by Rheinland TV. In terms of performance, it supports two-way Beidou satellite messages, and at the same time, it is equipped with super-strong communication to ensure users’ worry-free signals anytime and anywhere; Open the all-round shooting experience, have a periscope 5 times optical zoom, and support the functions of fast flash and hovering photography.

Huawei WATCH Ultimate: The World’s First Popular Smart Watch Supporting Two-way Beidou Satellite News


As the wearable device closest to the body, Huawei WATCH Ultimate has become the world’s first popular smart watch that supports two-way Beidou satellite messages. Support one-click transmission of Beidou satellite messages, and you can ask for help without ground network signals.

Smart watch equipment is small in size, limited in internal space and relatively small in battery capacity. In order to realize the satellite communication technology of wrist wearable devices, it is necessary to break through two major problems: signal transceiver and battery discharge in low temperature environment. To this end, the extraordinary master of Huawei WATCH Ultimate has realized the signal transmission foundation in a small volume space through miniaturized RF module, built-in suspended antenna design and innovative nano-molding integrated technology case. Nano-microcrystalline ceramic bezel can also play the role of antenna energy convergence, making signal transmission faster and more stable. In addition, Huawei has also designed a brand-new intelligent battery heating scheme, so that the watch battery can still maintain strong power at low temperature and guarantee the signal.

At the same time, the watch adopts ultra-strong amorphous zirconium alloy case; Support 100-meter deep-sea diving, and at the same time add a variety of diving modes such as leisure scuba diving and technical diving (to be upgraded by subsequent OTA), bringing a new experience of sports performance of smart watches; In addition, Huawei WATCH Ultimate supports basic health monitoring such as heart rate and blood oxygen. At the same time, users who wear it can join a number of health studies in cooperation with third-party medical institutions, bringing users more professional and richer high-level health management services.

Huawei Call Bracelet B7: Bracelet and Headset Two-in-One Health Monitoring Upgrade

At the press conference, a new generation of Huawei call bracelet B7 was officially unveiled. Continuing the two-in-one form of Huawei bracelet B series classic bracelet-earphone, Huawei call bracelet B7 is equipped with a 1.53-inch 3D curved flexible screen with a pixels per inch of 326PPI;; The whole machine is as thin as 12.5mm, bringing wrist aesthetics with angular and tough business style design; Equipped with Kirin A1 chip and dual MIC noise reduction, the anti-interference is more stable and the voice call is clearer; Automatic blood oxygen detection is added, and health functions such as intelligent heart rate monitoring, stress housekeeper and female physiological cycle management are supported. With the unique product form and innovative technology of two-in-one bracelet and headset, more people can experience intelligent, healthy and convenient digital life.

Huawei FreeBuds 5: Interpreting the New "Sound" of Aesthetics

FreeBuds 5 adopts a new "water drop" shape. The drop-type earphone handle has a larger ear-sticking area and multi-directional and multi-point support, which reduces the wearing pressure and brings a more comfortable experience; The original arch bridge ear pole can disperse the pressure on headphones and ear canal during tapping operation, and the interactive experience is more stable and relaxed. Full-link high-resolution sound quality, semi-open comfortable noise reduction and intelligent audio connection meet the needs of users from fashion design, comfortable wearing, high-quality listening to seamless flow of multiple devices.

Huawei also introduced a brand-new TWS in-ear earphone, Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2+.Based on the full-link high-resolution sound quality certified by Huawei FreeBuds Pro 2, it is innovatively equipped with the ear heart rate and body temperature detection function. When used with HUAWEI Health App, it can support sports data recording and information broadcasting, so that users can easily understand their own sports status and enjoy a more intelligent and convenient sports and healthy life while listening to songs and sports.

Huawei MatePad 11: Leading the New Experience of Paperless Learning Screen


Huawei MatePad 11-inch 2023 tablets (soft light version and standard version) were released, and four new color schemes were introduced: streamer purple, island blue, crystal diamond white and obsidian black.

Among them, the soft light version is equipped with Huawei’s first paper-like soft light screen, which can eliminate 97% of the interference light in the environment, reduce the glare reflection problem in the strong light environment, and obtain the industry’s first German TUV non-reflection certification and SGS low visual fatigue gold standard certification. According to the visual fatigue test results of Human Factors and Intelligent Interaction Research Center of China National Institute of Standardization, the flat panel equipped with soft light screen will reduce the brain fatigue index by 20% and the eye discomfort by 41% compared with the traditional flat panel products, which really makes the flat panel more comfortable to watch.

At the same time, with HUAWEI M-Pencil (the second generation), it restores the paper-like reading and writing experience, breaks through the common problems such as slipping and not following hands on the traditional screen, and the rustling of brush strokes substitutes people into an immersive atmosphere, which helps to improve learning concentration.

Lingxiao technology: leading the whole house Wi-Fi experience innovation

In view of the fact that traditional Mesh and single routing can’t solve the problem of high-speed and stable coverage of Wi-Fi in the whole house, Huawei has introduced new Lingxiao PLC technology, Lingxiao super networking and Linxi dual Wi-Fi and other advanced technologies to lead the innovation of Wi-Fi experience in the whole house and provide consumers with solutions to meet the needs of good Wi-Fi in the whole house.

At the same time, as the first whole-house Wi-Fi product equipped with Lingxiao technology, Huawei’s Xiaozi Ling bus route Q6 combines many characteristics such as wide coverage, strong performance, efficient networking, intelligence and safety, which makes the wires turn into fast network lines and solves the wall problems.

HUAWEI asks: HarmonyOS 3 will be upgraded for all models.

Aiming at the three major pain points of "less application, slow upgrade and poor experience" of traditional car machines, HUAWEI asked all models in the world to upgrade HarmonyOS 3. After the upgrade, car owners can enjoy rich new functions such as super desktop, smart car search, PC collaboration, small art and no wake-up, and the new privacy mode of the main driver will protect the personal information security of car owners.

At the same time, the advanced intelligent driving versions of HUAWEI’s Wujie M5 and Wujie M5 EV equipped with the latest Huawei intelligent driving technology will be released in April.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded to "disable VPN": the clean-up target is unqualified people.

At the press conference of the State Council Office on the 15th, Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the target of this time was that VPN suppliers in China had stopped operating recently.Mainly those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards are cleaned up. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

The following is a record of the press conference:

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office. Today, we are very pleased to invite Mr. Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Zheng Lixin, spokesperson and director of the Operation Monitoring Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Mr. Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department, and ask them to introduce the development of the industrial communication industry in the first half of 2017 and answer your questions. Let’s ask Mr. Zhang Feng to make an introduction first.

Zhang Feng:




The effects of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading have been further manifested. Electronics and equipment manufacturing continued to lead the industrial growth, with the added value increasing by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively in the first half of the year. The industrial benefits of raw materials rose steadily, with a profit increase of 46.2% in the first five months. The consumer goods industry was generally stable. The added value in the first half of the year increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points higher than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the profit increased by 10.6%, and the supply level of middle and high-end consumption improved.

The key work of supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector has been steadily advanced. The de-capacity of steel was accelerated. In the first five months, 84.8% of the annual task of resolving excess steel capacity was completed, and the task of banning "strip steel" was fully completed by the end of June. Positive progress has been made in resolving excess capacity in industries such as electrolytic aluminum, cement and flat glass. Cost reduction measures continued to be strengthened, urging all regions to cancel more than 200 deposit projects involving enterprises and return more than 30 billion yuan of deposit. Steadily promote deleveraging, and the asset-liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size decreased by 0.7 percentage points year-on-year at the end of May. Vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industry and achieve new results, organize and implement five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center and intelligent manufacturing, and promote the construction of "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration urban agglomeration. In the first half of the year, the added value and investment of high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 13.1% and 21.5% respectively, which was 6.2 and 6.9 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Positive progress has been made in the entrepreneurial innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the efforts to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of small and micro enterprises have been further strengthened. The pilot demonstration of the manufacturing dual-innovation platform was actively promoted. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year; In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the 32-month contraction period.

The information and communication industry maintained rapid development. The network has made greater strides in speeding up and reducing fees. The penetration rate of stable broadband households has increased to 67%, and the penetration rate of mobile broadband users has increased to 77.4%, all of which have exceeded the annual target. In the first half of the year, the revenue of telecom business increased by 5.7% year-on-year, and the revenue of Internet and related services increased by 19.8% year-on-year. 4G users increased by 120 million, reaching 890 million, accounting for 65% of the total mobile users; The proportion of optical fiber access users reached 80.9%, the prosperity index of China’s Internet industry grew steadily, and the software business income increased by 13.2% year-on-year.

Judging from the operation in the first half of the year, the industrial economy has achieved a good trend of speed stabilization, efficiency improvement, quality improvement and structural optimization while striving to overcome the complex and changeable external environment and the increase of unstable and uncertain factors, which laid a good foundation for the smooth operation of the industry in the second half of the year and the realization of the annual objectives and tasks.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects:

First, further consolidate the momentum of steady growth of the industrial economy. The second is to focus on promoting the structural reform of the supply side in the industrial sector. The third is to vigorously revitalize the manufacturing industry. The fourth is to actively promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The fifth is to enhance the supporting role of the information and communication industry in economic and social development.

The above is a brief situation. Now my colleagues and I are willing to answer your questions.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Thanks to Mr. Zhang Feng for his introduction. Let’s enter the question-and-answer session. As usual, please inform your news organization before asking questions. Please ask questions.

CCTV reporter:

I think it is mentioned in the data that the industrial economy was at its best in the first half of the year in the same period of nearly three years, and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.9%. Does this mean that the industrial economy has bottomed out and showed a steady and positive trend? In addition, I would also like to ask the spokesman to predict the trend of industrial operation in the second half of the year. Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Please ask Director Zheng Lixin to answer this question.

Zheng Lixin:

Click to view larger image.

Thank you for your question. In the first half of the year, China’s industrial economy was generally stable, stable and positive, mainly manifested in the steady growth of industrial production, continuous improvement of benefits, accelerated conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and active promotion of structural adjustment. The main indicators were better than expected, and the current "good" situation of industrial operation can be understood from four aspects.

First, from the perspective of industrial production, the good situation is continuing.

First, the industrial growth rate is accelerating, and the momentum of steady growth is obvious. In the first half of the year, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 6.9%, which was the best in the past three years. In June, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 7.6%, which has been higher than 6% for 14 consecutive months and has remained above 6.5% since this year; Among them, the growth rate of added value of manufacturing industry increased by 8% year-on-year.

Second, driven by major measures such as supply-side structural reform, the profits of upstream industries have increased substantially, and the benefits of enterprises have continued to improve. In the first five months, the total profit of 38 of the 41 major industrial sectors increased year-on-year. The income and profit of the main business above designated size increased by 13.5% and 22.7% respectively year-on-year, which is also relatively high in recent years, accelerating by 10.6 and 16.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year. While the profits of the whole industry increased substantially, the profits of the raw materials industry increased by 46.2% year-on-year, which played a great role in the profit growth of the whole industry.

Third, the international foreign trade market has picked up, and industrial exports have shown a recovery growth. In the first half of the year, export delivery value, an industry above designated size, grew by 10.9%, 11.6 percentage points faster than that of the same period last year, which strongly supported the industrial growth this year.

Second, from the perspective of industrial restructuring, good power is increasing.

First, the development of advanced manufacturing industry has been actively promoted. "Made in China 2025" has progressed steadily, and five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center, intelligent manufacturing, strong industrial base, green manufacturing and high-end equipment innovation, have progressed smoothly, and major breakthroughs have been made in the development of major equipment such as domestic large aircraft and the first domestic aircraft carrier. In the first half of this year, the added value of electronics and equipment manufacturing increased by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively, and these two major industries became important forces for industrial growth in the first half of this year.

Second, the pace of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has accelerated. We have implemented the "Three Products" special action, and internet plus and sharing economy have driven traditional industries to open up new development space. Smartphones, high-definition TVs and other products that meet the requirements of consumption upgrading have maintained rapid growth. In the first half of the year, the added value of consumer goods industry increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Third, the cultivation of new kinetic energy is promoted in an orderly manner. The implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy has been accelerated, mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the manufacturing industry have flourished, and new technologies, new products, new models and new formats have emerged. In the first half of the year, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 13.1% year-on-year, which was 6.2 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry. The output of industrial robots and integrated circuits increased by 52.3% and 23.8% respectively. In the first half of the year, we actively promoted structural adjustment, made positive progress in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and achieved a great leap in emerging industries.

Third, from the perspective of regional development, a good foundation is being consolidated.

First, the industrial growth of the eastern coastal provinces with strong innovation ability and large investment in technological transformation is stable. Shanghai, Fujian and other provinces and cities have formulated policies and measures to accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries and promote the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and continued to expand industrial investment and investment in technological transformation, thus maintaining rapid development of regional industries. The growth rate of industrial added value in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Zhejiang, which account for the top five in the national total industrial output, is higher than the national average growth rate, and the support of industrial provinces for steady industrial growth is further enhanced.

Second, the northeastern and western provinces with heavy industrial structure and poor efficiency in the previous two years showed a good trend. In the first half of the year, the industrial growth rate in Ningxia, Yunnan, Qinghai and other regions was faster than the national average growth rate. The decline in industrial growth rate in Liaoning narrowed by 3.4 percentage points year-on-year, and profits in Xinjiang and other provinces all turned from a sharp decline in the same period last year to a rapid increase.

Fourth, from the indicators related to industrial activities, good expectations continue. In the first half of the year, the ex-factory price (PPI) of industrial producers increased by 6.6% year-on-year, which has maintained a positive growth for 10 consecutive months. The purchasing managers’ index of manufacturing industry has been above threshold for 11 consecutive months, indicating that the production of enterprises keeps expanding. Industrial electricity consumption and freight volume increased by 6.1% and 10% respectively, and increased by 5.3 and 6.9 percentage points respectively. The matching between these related indicators and industrial growth is increasing.

Just now, a reporter friend asked about the expected situation of industry in the second half of the year. Generally speaking, the signs of stable and good industry in China are increasing, especially under the impetus of supply-side structural reform, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has become an important force to consolidate economic development. However, we also notice that structural contradictions are still outstanding in economic development. With the continuous implementation of the central government’s policy of supporting the real economy, industrial development is constantly overcoming various difficulties, achieving a growth rate of 6.9% in the first half of this year, achieving the best state in the past three years, and constantly overcoming various difficulties.

Looking forward to the situation in the second half of the year, there are more and more factors conducive to the steady growth of industry, but we still have to focus on solving some new situations and new problems that may arise in industrial operation. We also focus on strengthening the monitoring, early warning and prediction of industrial operation, constantly discovering the problems that affect the steady growth of industry and constantly solving these problems. It should be said that the good momentum of ensuring stable industrial growth in the second half of the year will be further consolidated, and it is expected that the industry will continue to operate smoothly in the second half of the year. According to the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will conscientiously implement policies and measures to stabilize growth, promote reform, adjust the structure, benefit people’s livelihood and prevent risks, further promote the supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector, continuously accelerate the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, revitalize advanced manufacturing industries, maintain healthy industrial development, and strive to accomplish all tasks this year. Thank you.

American cable news reporter:

Recently, some media pay more attention to China’s VPN-related policies. I heard that some VPN providers in China have stopped operating. Can you confirm or clarify it? In addition, what laws and policies does China have on VPN management? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer this question for you. The problem you mentioned just now is like this. In order to strengthen market supervision, maintain a fair and orderly market order and promote the development of the industry, in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market. The Notice is mainly to better regulate market behavior.The main targets of the regulation are enterprises and individuals who have not been approved by the competent telecommunications authorities and have no qualification for international communication business, who rent international private lines or VPN to carry out cross-border telecommunications business activities in violation of regulations. You can also take a closer look at the relevant provisions on cross-border business activities, which will not affect domestic and foreign enterprises and users to carry out this normal cross-border access to the Internet, and he will legally carry out various business activities according to regulations, and will not bring them any impact. Mainly to clean up those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

At the same time, we also noticed that some foreign trade enterprises and multinational enterprises can rent from telecom operators who set up international communication import and export bureaus according to law when they need to cross-border networking through special lines for office use and other reasons, and the relevant provisions of the Notice will not affect their normal operation.

China International Television reporter:

Since the summer of this year, there have been frequent rainstorm disasters in many areas of China. We know that communication is very important for emergency rescue and disaster relief. I would like to ask, what is the current progress of communication support in the disaster area? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

This question is answered by Director Wen Ku.

Wen Ku:

Click to view larger image.

China is a country where various geological disasters occur frequently. Communication plays an important role in emergency rescue and disaster relief, whether it is to report safety to relatives and friends or to communicate emergency rescue and disaster relief information. In order to do a good job in emergency communication support this year, at the beginning of this year, our Ministry issued relevant documents on flood control communication support, sent inspection teams to Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and other places to carry out inspections on flood control emergency communication support, and organized emergency communication support drills in key areas such as Beijing, Jiangsu and Guangdong to continuously improve the emergency communication support capability of the whole industry.

Since the flood season, many parts of the country have been hit by heavy rains. In view of the exceptionally heavy rain and flood disasters that are rare in history, under the overall arrangement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the local communication industries responded in time and fought against disasters, and the relevant communication administrations took the lead and went to the front line to supervise and dispatch flood fighting and rescue; The basic telecommunications enterprises acted quickly and dispatched a large number of personnel and equipment to repair damaged communication facilities and do a good job in emergency communication support. According to statistics, as of July 23, the national communications industry has dispatched 182,000 emergency repair personnel, 67,000 emergency repair vehicles and 85,000 power generators, and sent 180 million emergency short messages. After all-out repair, 52,900 base stations (accounting for 97.3% of the total number of returned base stations) have been restored, and 10,000 kilometers of lines have been restored (accounting for 95.3% of the total number of damaged lines). In the early stage, the communication facilities affected by floods in southern China have been basically restored, and staged results have been achieved in flood control and disaster relief. At present, it is mainly due to heavy rainfall in Northeast Jilin, and some facilities are damaged and are being fully repaired. The overall operation of the national network is stable, and there is no total communication resistance in large areas above towns and villages, and the emergency rescue and disaster relief dispatching and command communication in the affected areas is smooth.

Our department will continue to pay close attention to the development of flood, dispatch and respond in time, do a solid job in emergency communication support, and provide strong support for flood fighting and emergency rescue.

Reporter of China Radio International:

We know that this year is the third year that China has proposed to speed up and reduce fees. How does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology evaluate the work progress in these three years? In addition, what are the specific work plans for the second half of the year? What is the overall benefit of speeding up and reducing fees? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer your question. Thank you for your question. According to the request of the State Council, the work of speeding up and reducing fees has been started, and this year has entered its third year. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it, and in this year’s "Government Work Report", they asked the Internet to take greater steps to speed up and reduce fees.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology resolutely implements the decision-making arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and works with relevant departments and basic telecommunications enterprises to push forward all work in a down-to-earth manner. At present, relevant work is progressing well.

First, we will continue to promote the construction of high-speed broadband networks. All three companies continue to promote the construction of fiber-optic broadband and 4G mobile broadband networks, and constantly strengthen the breadth and depth of network coverage. By the first half of 2017, all cities in China had built optical network cities with a total of 2.99 million 4G base stations. The proportion of broadband users over 20M nationwide reached 86%, and the proportion of 4G users reached 65%. We will continue to promote the full coverage of rural broadband, and jointly organize and implement the pilot project of universal telecommunications service with the Ministry of Finance. More than 130,000 administrative villages have been deployed with optical fibers. All the 32,000 administrative villages supported this year have been confirmed, and bidding has been started in various places.

The second is to vigorously promote the popularization of broadband. As of May, the total number of fixed broadband household users in China exceeded 300 million, and the household penetration rate reached 67.0%. Mobile broadband users have surpassed the 1 billion mark, and the penetration rate in the national population has reached 77.4%. Both of the two penetration indicators have achieved their annual development targets ahead of schedule.

Third, various preferential measures for fee reduction have been implemented. Since May 1st, all three companies have significantly reduced their international long-distance telephone charges in major directions to 0.49-0.99 yuan/minute, with an average drop of up to 90%. At the same time, the Internet private line access charges have been lowered by more than 15%, and the international settlement negotiations will be further intensified, and the international long-distance telephone charges in more directions will be gradually lowered. For industrial parks, dual-innovation enterprises, etc., we will launch special broadband products such as business lines and micro-broadband that can better meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

With regard to the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, our department has continued to push the three basic telecommunications companies to speed up their work in accordance with the principle of ensuring that the work is in place and striving for early implementation. According to what we know now, the three companies are going all out to promote system transformation and other related work, and strive to achieve their goals ahead of schedule.

Speed-up and fee reduction have promoted the continuous development and growth of China’s digital economy. According to the White Paper on the Development of Digital Economy in China (2017) issued by China Institute of Information and Communication, in 2016, the scale of China’s digital economy reached 22.6 trillion yuan, a nominal increase of over 18.9% year-on-year, which was significantly higher than the GDP growth rate of that year, accounting for 30.3% of GDP. Digital economy has become the core driving force for economic growth in recent years, and its contribution to GDP growth is increasing. The deepening of speeding up and reducing fees and the development of digital economy have also driven the competitiveness of related enterprises in China to continue to increase. At present, the total market value of 89 listed Internet companies in China has reached 7.4 trillion US dollars, an increase of nearly 40% compared with the end of 2016. Three companies have entered the top 10 listed Internet companies in the world, and nine companies have entered the top 30.

It should be said that the significance of speeding up and reducing fees is very great. Thank you.

Hong Kong Cable TV reporter:

I am very concerned about VPN. I would like to ask, according to the Notice issued in January, what is the approval standard for relevant enterprises?

Zhang Feng:

Not only private Internet lines, including VPN, but also basic telecommunications services and value-added telecommunications services need to be approved by the government. There are regulations from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Telecommunications Ordinance to the directory of telecommunications services, and these regulations have different requirements for different services. For example, operating basic telecommunications services requires basic telecommunications services, and operating value-added telecommunications services requires value-added telecommunications services. There are many value-added telecom services now, which are all described in the new telecom service catalogue. So the standard question you just asked has different requirements for different businesses, and accordingly there are different standards. For example, big data, cloud computing, data centers, etc., mainly strengthen management, strengthen norms, ensure consumer rights and interests, and provide high-quality, long-term, fixed and safe services. For example, there are still some data centers, namely IDC, where the standards have also been revised, mainly to ensure the quality of service and security, which is the most important. Many of our businesses are now in the cloud, and the data center is an important support. If the data center is not well protected and does not operate safely and reliably, it will have great hidden dangers for enterprises. Thank you.

China Daily reporter:

We noticed that the PMI of SMEs in June was 50.1%, which was above the critical point for two consecutive months. Does this mean that the development trend of SMEs is improving? Next, what specific measures will the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology take to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Thank you for your question. In the first half of this year, our department stepped up efforts to supervise the implementation of the support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises, promoted the introduction of preferential measures to raise the upper limit of annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises from the current 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, organized special actions on accounts receivable financing for small and micro enterprises, and actively promoted the pilot demonstration of the "double innovation" platform for manufacturing, the national demonstration base for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation, and the demonstration of small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation cities. At present, 38,000 small and micro enterprises have settled in 194 national demonstration bases for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurship and innovation, and 760,000 jobs have been provided.

Under the continuous action of policies and measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown a steady and positive trend. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year, which was 0.7 percentage points faster than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the operating income and total profit of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 13.5% and 15.7% respectively, up by 7.5 and 6.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year, and the loss of enterprises was 14.9%, narrowing by 1.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the situation of being in the contraction range for 32 consecutive months and being above the critical point for two consecutive months. These data show that at present, the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises is generally stable and their economic benefits have maintained rapid growth.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects. First, focus on improving the policy environment. Do a good job in organizing and implementing the plan for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (2016-2020), and at the same time cooperate with the National People’s Congress to continue to do a good job in the revision of the SME Promotion Law. The second is to increase fiscal and taxation support. Continue to do a good job in the work of the National SME Development Fund, and drive social capital to promote the development of growing SMEs in seed stage and initial stage. Promote the implementation of preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption to support the development of small and micro enterprises. The third is to further improve the financing environment. Deepen cooperation with banking financial institutions and implement cooperation agreements signed with China Construction Bank. Do a good job in the management of credit guarantee compensation funds for small and medium-sized enterprises. Cooperate with the People’s Bank of China to do a good job in pledge financing of accounts receivable. The fourth is to promote the transformation of entrepreneurial innovation of SMEs. We will continue to implement the informatization promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises and the intellectual property promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises. Use the "internet plus" to promote Sharing Manufacturing and promote the development of large, medium and small enterprises. At the same time, we will continue to hold the "Maker China" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Promote the construction and pilot of smart clusters. The fifth is to improve the public service system. Promote the development of SME policy services and voluntary services. We will promote the network construction and service development of public platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises. Thank you.

NPR reporter:

I want to ask ordinary people how to visit and browse foreign websites. What will happen if VPN is used? It is reported that some places have issued regulations to strengthen the management of those who use VPN to surf the Internet illegally. Is this the case?

Zhang Feng:

Please listen to the Secretary Wen’s reply.

Wen Ku:

Thank you. All three journalists are concerned about VPN. In fact, Mr. Zhang has given a very accurate answer to the VPN question just now. I’d like to repeat that to operate related businesses in China, you should apply for permission according to the laws and regulations of China, which is actually done in many countries all over the world. This is done in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the management methods of each country are different.

I don’t know about the local regulations you mentioned just now. But I can tell you that the three major operators in China have done a lot of work in providing services to the people, and the network speed has been continuously improved, which has achieved good results. Just now, Mr. Zhang also introduced this aspect, especially the digital economy, the streets and lanes, especially the bike-sharing near the subway entrance, etc., which shows that the network coverage is very perfect and the application is increasingly extensive. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some needs of ordinary people. However, it is not allowed by the laws of China to spread harmful or even violent information through the Internet. Thank you.

China News Service reporter:

Two questions. First, the State Council recently deployed the construction of the "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone, and said that it would innovate its system and mechanism. Please tell us something about it. Secondly, it has been reported recently that the four major automobile industry associations in the world sent a letter to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, requesting to postpone the implementation of the dual-point system for new energy vehicles, which is what they call the quota policy. Please tell us about the impact of the dual-point system on the automobile market. What is the response of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to the demands of the four major automobile industry associations? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

You just asked two questions. Let me answer your first question, which is about the creation of a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone recently deployed by the the State Council Standing Committee. It is of great significance to create a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone and explore new breakthroughs in the transformation and upgrading of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, to promote structural reform on the supply side, build a manufacturing power, maintain medium-and high-speed economic growth, and move towards the middle and high-end level. The deployment of "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone in the State Council is an important support for the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing a strong country, and it is also an important measure to accelerate the "Made in China 2025" to take root. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the the State Council Standing Committee, continuously enrich the work content and policy connotation of the demonstration area together with the member units of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, improve the gold content of the pilot demonstration work, guide and support local bold innovation, try first, form a typical experience that can be replicated and popularized, and accelerate the overall process of "Made in China 2025".

Specifically, first, we should pay close attention to the study of the relevant declaration standards, management methods and workflow of the demonstration area, and further clarify the principles, work requirements and demonstration priorities of the establishment. Second, it is necessary to make overall consideration of the connection between the existing pilot demonstration and the creation of demonstration areas, further focus on policy resources, and form a joint effort between departments, the central and local governments. Third, we should refine and improve preferential policies, and make efforts in deepening the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", promoting the development of large, medium and small enterprises, and transforming and upgrading traditional industries. Preferential policies mainly focus on the following four aspects: First, simplify administration and decentralize power, further deepen the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform in the demonstration area, optimize the business environment, and increase efforts to attract foreign investment. Second, fiscal and taxation financial support, support demonstration areas to vigorously promote innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthen corporate equity incentives, and explore policies such as linking credit evaluation with tax convenience services. Third, land supply guarantee, including policies such as giving moderate inclination to the annual new industrial land index in the demonstration area. The fourth is the introduction of talent training, supporting the demonstration area to expand the two-way flow mechanism of talents, carrying out pilot projects of entrepreneurship subsidies, and supporting overseas talents to return to China to start businesses.

The main body of the demonstration area is the local area. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen support and guidance with the members of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, so that the demonstration area can better play its role of demonstration and lead, and drive other regions to accelerate the upgrading, efficiency improvement, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Thank you.

Zheng Lixin: I will answer the second question. Thank you for your question first. The parallel management method of average fuel consumption and new energy points of passenger car enterprises, also referred to as the double points method, was recently publicized on the legal information website of China Government of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office, and will be officially released in the near future when the release procedure is fulfilled. The double integral method is aimed at the actual situation of the development of new energy vehicles in China. Through this method, we can establish a long-term mechanism to promote the development of new energy vehicles, promote the research and development and promotion of new energy vehicles, and strengthen the management of energy conservation and emission reduction of automobile products. This is also a common practice in the world. In this respect, we will also actively carry out international cooperation, jointly promote the development of new energy vehicles in China with the international community, and create a good environment for the development of our traditional vehicles.

The reporter mentioned the suggestions made by the four major automobile associations. We received the opinions of the four associations during the publicity of the double-point method, and we will do further research. Thank you.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Time, today’s press conference is over. Thanks again to several publishers, and thank you all. thank you

The Central Radio and Television General Station publishes and distributes the excellent programs celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Party, ethnic languages and audio-visual products in

  The release ceremony of the national language and Minnan dialect version of the excellent program celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Party by the Central Radio and Television General Station was held in Beijing on July 21. Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Director and Editor-in-Chief of Central Radio and Television Station, attended and launched the launch.

  On the occasion of celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Central Radio and Television General Station broadcast live the celebration meeting and the awarding ceremony of the July 1st Medal, created, recorded and broadcasted the literary performance Great Journey, and launched a number of excellent programs such as Armageddon and Crossing the Yalu River, which won wide acclaim at home and abroad. At the request of the broad audience, the audio-visual products of these excellent programs in Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Kazakh, Korean and Minnan languages are published and distributed to the public by China International Television Corporation, which is affiliated to the General Station.

  △中央广播电视总台副台长 蒋希伟




New issue of Reading | Wang Yifang: Welfare of Disease

Original Wang Yifang reading magazine

editorial comment/note

Diseases, especially malignant diseases, are hard to avoid in everyone’s life. The author advocates that when this happens, we should still be optimistic, and at this moment, the society should be equipped with a channel of "hospice care" to effectively improve the quality of life of patients. This is an appeal for "hospice care", which is a relatively missing part of our national medical system and deserves attention from all sides.

Welfare of disease

Wen | Wang Yifang

(The third issue of Reading in 2024)

When talking about the welfare of diseases, people will naturally bypass the disease itself and point to the miracle of modern medical care or the increasingly perfect insurance system. In fact, without disease and suffering, medical benefits will not be born automatically, and the love and care parallel to medical benefits will be eclipsed. This is clearly a kind of "paper clip effect" welfare. The initial port can be traced back to the independent reflection and collective response of diseases. If we glance into the deep well of philosophy, it is a reflection and awe of patients’ subjectivity.

Hospice Care (Source:

It was an American community doctor who first made me understand this bitter philosophy. More than 20 years ago, I visited the United States. On the way, I suffered from a bad cold, fever, cough and sore throat, and I was sore all over. So, I hurried to choose a doctor for treatment. The general practitioner, who was nearly half a century old, enthusiastically accepted me. After some consultation, he didn’t prescribe medicine for me. His belief was that the common cold didn’t need to take medicine, and he humorously told me that "take medicine for seven days, don’t take medicine for a week", just take a full rest and strengthen nursing. He explained the reasons in detail. The common cold symptoms are serious but not dangerous, and it is a self-healing disease, except It also urged the patient to review his lifestyle. More interestingly, he also talked to me about "Aesthetics of cold". Although the course of a cold is not long, the patient’s identity has shaped the image of the sick and weak who are cared for, cared for and loved, won an opportunity to feel sorry for themselves (be kind to themselves), and allowed relatives and friends to fully express their love (care for others). Sure enough, during my week of illness, I was cared for by my colleagues and friends, and my heart was full of love. This also reminds me of the deep association of disease welfare. It seems that the word "welfare" can be divided and analyzed. Happiness is a blessing and a benefit. However, in the concept of China people, happiness and misfortune are interdependent, with mutual interests and full of dialectics.

Perhaps it is too common to talk about a cold, and it is not easy to attract people’s attention. If you change a cold into a tumor and change it into a malignant cancer, will you feel the same? Obviously, the mood will be heavier and more shattered. If readers inadvertently type "aizheng" on the keyboard, there will be "being punished" on the computer screen at the same time as "cancer", which means that cancer equals being punished. In susan sontag’s Metaphor of Disease, cancer is labeled as a modern devil, ranking first in the disease spectrum and death spectrum. Nearly ten million people die of malignant tumors every year in the world. For such a number one malignant disease, people avoid it, sigh, and talk about welfare. Isn’t it deliberate to find a flat? Actually, there are two sides to everything, and so are tumors. First of all, tumor is just a "different fruit" that grows after the loopholes in human immune system appear, just like the "crooked melon and cracked jujube" in nature, which is closely related to the aging process of human beings. However, a few days ago, an academic report by Academician Cheng Shujun made me feel refreshed. The report cited a group of elderly people who were over 80 years old. They were complacent and enjoyed their life, but in the autopsy, they found that 60% of the deceased had "prostate cancer", which they didn’t know before their death. This is the so-called "lazy cancer" phenomenon. Its natural growth cycle is long, even exceeding the natural life span, but it only proliferates slowly without making a mess. Therefore, a familiar oncologist often teases patients with slow progress of prostate cancer: "Congratulations, you have snail cancer." As for cancer, Academician Fan Daiming, who is the chairman of China Anti-Cancer Association, has some strange ideas. In his eyes,Cancer cells are the "revolutionary party" in the body. In the process of aging, weakness, atrophy, degradation, and even exhaustion and decline, cancer cells are changing locally, inspiring a new atmosphere of proliferation, expansion, prosperity and transfer. This is clearly a retrograde force of "rejuvenation". The problem lies in their "crazy" growth and breaking the internal ecology, which leads to physical harm.

Susan sontag and Henri Cartier-Bresson were filmed in 1972 (Source: Beijing News)

Metaphor of Disease, by susan sontag, translated by Cheng Wei, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2020 (Source:

Unfortunately, the balance technology of connivance-controlling the growth of cancer cells has not yet come out, and more patients are tortured by crazy and barbaric growth of cancer cells and die young. This is the harsh cancer world. If so, it is obviously inappropriate for me to explore the welfare of diseases under the cruel aesthetic situation. But it’s not that no one dares to think and say. Susan sontag, who has suffered from cancer twice, is such a brave man who dares to face up to the suffering of cancer. She tells the world that it is the existence of cancer that reveals people’s "dual nationality", that is, they are citizens of the health kingdom and the disease kingdom, rather than absolutely healthy people or patients. Everyone is so-called "healthy with illness". Even if they do not suffer from such a malignant disease as cancer, they may be patients with one disease or another but not diagnosed, or linger in "disease" Don’t fantasize that after a serious illness, you should rely on high consumption and high technology mastered by a famous doctor to save yourself from danger, but you should always maintain a good lifestyle, avoid all kinds of risk factors, intervene in time when you are sick at the end of the disease, and refuse the evil disease from the "Xiao Qiang".

However, with the development of modern medicine, it seems that human beings have no magic to resist all sufferings, including cancer that makes the body and mind tremble. The dice of suffering in God’s hands will eventually be thrown out. The arrival of evil diseases is the fate of life, and someone needs to bear it. With the advent of the age of longevity, the probability of suffering from cancer and other malignant diseases is still rising, even young people are not spared, and they need to be psychologically prepared to meet the malignant diseases. The talented boy who died young wrote proudly, especially in dealing with cancer: "God is going to send a golden tumor to a person, and to whom?" He is afraid that timid people can’t support it, and he is afraid that strong people will bear it flatly, so he will give it to an optimistic person, and those who are optimistic and have no aftertaste will just give it to me. I am beyond everything! " In the face of human suffering, we really need a superman who chews pain like this and then transcends it. Nevertheless, modern medicine should also design a spiritual soothing journey of "arrival of love" and "redemption of suffering" for cancer and other malignant diseases besides coming back to life, so that they can "step on thorns, feel no pain, have tears to shed, and are not sad" (Bing Xin: Send a Letter to a Little Reader), which can be regarded as an ultimate pursuit for cancer patients in pain. It is a set of "holistic pain" for cancer patients, highlighting the value of care and creating a dignified and quality survival and life plan. This scheme, once known as palliative care, began in 1967, marked by the British nurse Sanders.Dame Cicely Saunders established a hospice ward in St Christopher’s Hospital in south London, which started the modern hospice movement. Julia M. Addington-Hall, Saunders’ successor and the current director of the hospice care unit of St. Christopher’s Hospital, co-authored with Irene Higginson, and Li Xiaomei, Zhu Ping, Li Fan and Liu Duanluan led 46 elite colleagues in the hospice care industry in China to jointly translate (to adapt to the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary characteristics of the book) the book palliative care for non-cancer patients. It describes the difficult course of hospice care concept and action advocated by Saunders from initial germination to worldwide popularity, and also describes the difficult butterfly change of hospice palliative care from exclusive service for cancer patients to universal benefit for all chronic patients (such as heart, lung, liver and kidney failure, severe blood diseases, gradual freezing and other neurodegenerative diseases, AIDS, serious and rare diseases of children and adolescents). After reading this book, people will deeply feel that the opening, construction and perfection of modern hospice and palliative medical system are the greatest medical benefits born of cancer and chronic diseases.

British nurse Saunders who established the hospice ward (Source:

Palliative care for non-cancer patients, by Julia and Irene, translated by Li Xiaomei and Zhu Ping, Science Press, 2023 (Source:

In the initial hospice ward, there were mainly patients with advanced cancer, who suffered from physical and mental pain, shivering in the eyes of death and crying to the sky. The focus of palliative care is no longer to exterminate cancer cells, but to dispel physical and mental pain, gain insight into the end-of-life counseling of death, and improve the dignity and quality of life. People often say that the highest state of life is "come crying (be born) and go laughing (die)", but it is not easy to really be on the cliff of life and death without shaking your feet. In the late stage of cancer, it is a narrow road to meet death. just visiting, who heard the footsteps of death approaching, must pierce the window paper as soon as possible, so that patients and their relatives can accept the unexpected encounter of death. Montaigne, a French writer who was tortured to death by lithiasis, once said heroically: It is better to stop and invite death to drink a cup of bitter wine than to be chased by death.

Ten years ago, the authoritative website of British Medical Journal published a wonderful article entitled "Death from cancer is the best death". The author is Richard Smith, the former editor-in-chief of the journal. Compared with the mentality of ordinary people talking about cancer discoloration (in essence, talking about death discoloration), his views are shocking. Because compared with sudden death without saying goodbye, cancer death may be more elegant, and it is a death benefit exclusively for cancer patients. From diagnosis to death, there is at least three months, and most people have a buffer period of more than one year. It is a prepared death, and there is enough time to arrange their last time, wave goodbye to my relatives, say goodbye in heaven and reflect on life. Leave your last words to your family and friends, and maybe you will have time to go to your favorite place, read some favorite poems, listen to your favorite music, and make all the preparations for the last moment. In Smith’s view, romantic death is love, morphine (powerful analgesic) and good wine, instead of forcing ambitious oncologists to waste a lot of money trying to cure cancer, which will make cancer death worse. The most terrible death is the kind of life that depends on modern medical technology, the kind of endless lingering. In the name of Hippocrates, doctors created one of the most exquisite and elegant tortures for human beings: the delay of slow illness and slow death.

Richard smith, former editor-in-chief of British Medical Journal.

Hospice palliative care, also known as hospice care, is a shift of attention, concern, care and clinical work focus between doctors and relatives, from coping with diseases to coping with pain, including symptomatic solutions to physical pain: pain relief, cough relief, antiemesis, itching relief, spasmolysis and asthma relief, nursing of fever, swelling reduction, skin bedsore and oral ulcer, improvement of weak nutrition, and community situation and emergency situation. The list of work is detailed in the book, which is not only of guiding value to occupational medical care, but also of guiding significance to the family members (that is, non-professional caregivers) who are taking care of at home. It also introduces the life care of the whole person’s pain and the spiritual comfort method of parting. At this time, although life cannot be healed, life can be respected, inquired and cared for, giving new meaning to life. The transfer of hospice care purpose brings about the change and adjustment of ideas. The object of intervention is not just a simple body, but a whole person; Intervention means are not just medicine, injections and surgery, but stories and narratives, music and drama, life review and reconstruction of life meaning. Clinical thinking is no longer confined to the intervention of biotechnology, but extends to life care, individual dignity and quality of life. What is worth cherishing is the discussion of ethical topics in hospice care, especially the problem of fairness and justice in the allocation of medical resources, and the detailed discussion of social, cultural and psychological projection of various symptoms in hospice care and cross-cultural care, which not only broadens the field of vision, but also closely follows the practice, and the content is not empty or informal.

Undoubtedly, cancer is only one of many chronic diseases. Human beings have entered the era of chronic diseases because of their super longevity. Its basic feature is that medicine and medical treatment are experiencing unprecedented incompetence, powerlessness, ineffectiveness and helplessness. First of all, more and more chronic diseases are treated, and the war model of diagnosis and treatment fails. The pathogenic factors (enemies) are not limited to external bacteria and viruses, but more are internal life stalls, immune out of control, dysfunction, psychological disorder, loss of value, weightlessness of soul, and life out of focus-frustration. It is necessary to get out of the trenches and put down fighting thinking; Secondly, the course of chronic diseases is getting longer and longer, and the alternative model of diagnosis and treatment (technical survival) encounters the dilemma of high cost, low quality of life, maintenance of physical function and mental decline; Third, the disease is becoming more and more difficult, and the medical performance is declining (ineffective medical treatment is obvious): quick cure and quick recovery to slow cure and slow recovery, and then to no cure and no recovery, from quick death (sudden death) to slow death (relying on a complicated life support system to survive), and then to neither death nor life (unconscious, dignified and quality-free survival); Fourthly, the body-mind-society-spirit representation of the disease is becoming more and more stereoscopic, and the role of the doctor is changing silently, from the rescuer to the companion, comforter and witness, bidding farewell to the obsession of never giving up, moving towards the acceptance and openness of death, ending the dependence and moving towards a good death (a good death); Fifth, psychological, social and spiritual weights are getting heavier and heavier, and medical intervention is turning, from drugs and scalpels to language, picture books (life and death narration) and music (looking back at youth and looking forward to heaven) to realize psychological comfort (consciousness) and spiritual comfort (liberation); Sixth,The purpose of medicine is changing quietly, from safety and well-being to tranquility, serenity and settlement, concluding the legacy of love, turning cold death into warm love arrival, and realizing both life and death in farewell, love, apology, thanks and love.

Hospice care at St. Christopher’s Hospital (Source:

Hospice care at St. Christopher’s Hospital (Source:

Regarding the evolution of the concept of hospice care in the era of chronic diseases, there are some basic principles worth spreading and letting the world know and agree. First of all, the irreversible process of life failure and death can only be alleviated by any medical intervention, but it can’t be cured. There is a huge gap between it and the reversible disease, the psychological expectation that it can regain vitality and reach rehabilitation through intervention. The pathological features of aging and the end of life are the degeneration of organs, tissues and cells, rather than alienation and disproportionation, which are mainly manifested in functional degeneration, behavioral withdrawal and intellectual degeneration, leading to disorder, disability, amnesia, loss of emotion and will, loss of personality and dignity. Modern medicine prides itself on the failure of the war model of etiology control and the substitute model of functional improvement, and the palliative, tranquil and palliative medical model appears. Secondly, there is a huge gap between physical pain and the core of human pain. Pain is not pain, and pain relief is not soothing. The primary intervention of hospice care is full analgesia (symptomatic treatment). Its advanced intervention is caring: attention, concern, concern and empathy, which is the psychological decompression of the concentration of talking and listening. You say it, I am listening carefully, and I have had this pain experience … Advocating a dialogue between doctors and patients on pain experience. Thirdly, healing is not dignity, and the primary goal of hospice care is to pursue etiological improvement, while the advanced goal is to safeguard the life dignity of patients and help patients and their families rediscover the meaning of life. Fourthly, in the end-stage palliative care, the dual-track paradigm of technology and humanities and the simple paradigm of technical intervention are judged. Here, treatment is no longer killing and repairing.It is caring and caring, and its primary vision is to focus on disinfection and repair. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptomatic treatment can eliminate the cause and restore disability, but they cannot cope with dementia, frustration, disqualification and disrespect. The advanced vision of treatment is to focus on the improvement of the whole person’s situation and quality of life, and to implement the whole person’s care and care. Fifth, there are many cognitive biases in the end-stage physical and mental intervention. Psychological intervention is not spiritual comfort, the former is the relief of psychological symptoms and the dilution of negative psychological motivation, and the latter is spiritual comfort and the ultimate care. Sixth, there are also cognitive misunderstandings in the process and meaning of death. Physical death is not the whole person’s death (which can’t cover sociological death), and mortuary is not the end of life journey. The early task of death counseling is to face the warning and interpretation of death crisis, and the later task is to recognize the meaning of death, maintain tension between refusing death and accepting death, controlling death and excessive intervention, and help patients and their families to be open-minded about life and death and conclude a legacy of love. Finally, communication between doctors and patients in palliative care is not doctor-patient communication. Communication training only increases the affinity of communication between doctors and patients and nurses through language improvement, while communication training expands the depth and abundance of communication between doctors and patients and nurses through empathy training, integrates into patients’ life and life experience, and improves the quality of life.

In the hospice care unit, doctors and nurses have to deal with all kinds of complicated difficulties at the end of their lives. Traditional medicines, needles and scalpels are of course important, but they also need the devotion of humanity and the nourishment of humanity, including companionship, witness, comfort and settlement. Among them, companionship and witness are the advanced circumstances of care. Doctors and nurses are not only present, but also their personality charm brings hope and human light to patients and experiences "being with angels" (tasting divinity). Medical care witnesses the existence of a weak life and the suffering of a vicious disease. "I know that you are suffering, I can touch and feel your suffering, and I can pay attention to and understand how difficult it is for you now." It is not difficult to imagine that patients and elders are often trapped in emotional loneliness, language loneliness and meaning loneliness because of the sharp contraction of social relations, and feel that they will become "lonely souls and wild ghosts", and they will live without belief support. At this time, they need more determined eyes, loving language and body language to secretly deliver life energy (empowerment). Comfort in palliative care is often a miraculous force, just like the spring breeze blowing the body and mind, which is carried out at four levels: first, physical comfort, such as hugging and touching the forehead, managing the living situation, trimming the margins (haircut, shaving, bathing, changing underwear), recovering life confidence and identity and dignity; The second is language comfort: intimate words, private words, life course review and dignity therapy; Third, psychological comfort, dissolve the psychological knot, and call back distant family ties; Fourth, spiritual comfort, life education, suffering, death counseling, dignity and belief therapy, and reconciliation with nature and the world after death. Undoubtedly,Care at the end of life is a systematic project that constantly updates its connotation, and needs multiple coordination and support. First, it is the four-all cognition of peaceful care, that is, to establish the thinking of caring for the whole family, community, general practitioner, team and whole process; Secondly, it is the support of blood and affection to overcome the companionship fatigue of "no dutiful son before a long hospital bed"; Third, the social and emotional support beyond consanguinity (empathy and empathy), to maximize the mobilization of social workers and volunteers to participate in hospice care; Fourth, the professional value support of hospice care team, such as constructing continuous professional behavior driven by virtue and bioethics, overcoming empathic exhaustion and job burnout; Fifth, caring financial support, overcoming the utilitarian thinking of curative effect. At present, patients and their families generally have the psychology of giving up without hope of healing, unwilling to spend money to improve their dignity and quality of life, and long-term care consumes limited health insurance and medical resources, which is difficult to guarantee continuously; Sixth, social care financing: internationally, there is a dichotomy, that is, medical insurance and long-term care insurance are operated separately, and the resources for etiological treatment are gradually transferred to caring resources for hospice care.

Hospice care in China (source: baidu. com)

Hospice care in China (source: baidu. com)

In all fairness, China’s hospice care is still in a difficult climbing stage, with technical and resource bottlenecks easily broken and concept and system bottlenecks hard to get rid of. Nowadays, not only patients with terminal cancer have not fully entered the hospice palliative medical channel, but also dare not expect non-cancer patients to enjoy the welfare of hospice care. However, the frame and road map of hospice and palliative care carefully described by Julia and Irene are very detailed, and the road signs and objectives are very clear, which undoubtedly adds confidence and strength to our future journey of hospice and palliative care. I think that as long as the whole society really pays attention to death as the "terminal welfare" of life, there will be showers of wealth and wisdom coming simultaneously, which will moisten the hospice and ease the medical cause and make it a towering tree.

Let’s hope that this day will come soon.

(palliative care for non-cancer patients, by Julia and Irene, translated by Li Xiaomei and Zhu Ping, presided by Li Fan and Liu Duanmao, Science Press, 2023).


Original title: The New Issue of Reading | Wang Yifang: Welfare of Diseases

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Interest-driven banned fireworks have management loopholes in many links. The reporter’s investigation found that "online celebrity Fireworks" was still on sale after a makeover.

Source: Rule of Law Daily-Legal Network
Cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have low ignition points, which can be ignited with matches or lighters, which means that there is fire danger in the process of transportation, storage and sales, and the burning speed is relatively fast, and once a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly.
● According to China’s Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the production, transportation, storage and sales of cold light fireworks as fireworks and firecrackers or "steel wool fireworks" as inflammable dangerous goods shall be subject to the administrative permission of the relevant regulatory authorities.
● After several notices are issued, there are still online stores selling cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks", and there are loopholes in the security inspection of subway and express delivery, so buyers and sellers can still collect and sell goods normally.
□ Rule of Law Daily All-Media Reporter Wang Yang
□ Trainee reporter Zhang Shoukun
During the Spring Festival, fireworks accidents occurred in many places, and the safety risks of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" attracted attention.
On February 14th, official website, the Emergency Management Department, issued a notice, clearly incorporating cold light fireworks into the management of fireworks and firecrackers, and centrally cleaning up and rectifying illegal online sales; On February 16th, the Office of the State Council Safety Production Committee put forward rectification requirements, and all the "steel wool fireworks" currently sold in physical storefronts and online platforms should be taken off the shelves and properly disposed of; On February 19th, the State Post Bureau issued an urgent notice, requiring postal administrations and postal and express delivery enterprises to strictly guard against illegal delivery of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks".
In just a few days, many departments have issued documents intensively, and there is no "transition period" and "buffer period", which shows the determination of the relevant departments to govern.
However, according to a recent investigation by the reporter of Rule of Law Daily, there are still online stores selling cold fireworks such as "fairy glow sticks" and "electronic fireworks" and "steel wool fireworks" that can throw out cool visual effects. From the actual implementation situation, there are still many gaps with the requirements of "all off the shelves" and "prohibiting illegal delivery"; There are loopholes in the security inspection of subway, express delivery and other links, and buyers and sellers can still collect and sell goods normally. In addition, there is still no clear regulation on how to detect and identify, and how to properly handle the "steel wool fireworks" taken off the shelves by sellers and purchased by buyers.
Low ignition point and high risk.
There are misunderstandings in public cognition.
In January this year, in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, a woman played "throwing flowers" with "steel wool fireworks" in the parking lot to shoot a video, which caused the vehicle to catch fire. In Shanghai, a man was playing with "steel wool fireworks" on the roof, and the sparks caused two cars to be damaged …
Why are cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" so dangerous?
Kou Liping, a professor at the School of Public Security of the People’s Public Security University of China and director of the Urban Emergency Management Research Center of the Capital Social Security Research Base, explained that both cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have low ignition points and can be ignited with matches or lighters, which means that there is a fire hazard in the transportation, storage and sales process, and the burning speed is relatively fast, and once a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly.
"The temperature of the cold light fireworks nozzle is as high as 700℃ to 800℃, and the temperature of’ steel wool fireworks’ can reach 2000℃, which will not only burn the skin, but also ignite the surrounding combustibles when used." Yan Liping said.
It is worth noting that the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found in the interview that the public has misunderstandings about these two products.
The first is the name and classification. The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that many people don’t know what cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" are. After the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" showed the photos of cold light fireworks, some talents suddenly realized: "Isn’t this a flower? I used to play it when I was a child." "Steel wool fireworks" looks like a flattened steel ball for washing dishes. Few people know what it is. These people who don’t know even include the boss, courier and security inspector of the fireworks and firecrackers sales point.
Many interviewees will regard cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" as one kind of items, and they all belong to fireworks and firecrackers. The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" learned by calling Anhui Fireworks and Firecrackers Association and consulting relevant regulations that cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" are actually not the same thing.
"Safety and Quality of Fireworks and Firecrackers" stipulates that fireworks and firecrackers are made of pyrotechnics as the main raw materials. After ignition, they will produce light, sound, color, shape, smoke and other effects by burning or exploding, which are used for viewing and are inflammable and explosive.
"Steel wool fireworks" is a filament-shaped low-carbon steel, which contains no smoke powder. It is a material mainly used for polishing stone materials, which has a low ignition point and will form a liquid state at high temperature, and belongs to flammable materials. Cold light fireworks are flammable and explosive, and have been included in the management of fireworks and firecrackers.
Secondly, safety awareness. The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that both sellers and buyers have weak awareness of fire safety.
In many online stores selling cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks", the introductions of merchants are "no danger" and "photographic props and artifacts". A shopkeeper said, just follow the instructions and online videos, but don’t wear down jackets or woolen fabrics. A consumer who has bought "steel wool fireworks" also thinks that it is ok to find a bigger open space and there will be no danger.
Can we set off cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" in the future? Kou Liping said that according to the notice, cold light fireworks can still be sold and set off in areas where fireworks and firecrackers are allowed, but they should be managed in accordance with the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers.
Du Leqi, an associate professor at the Law School of Jiangsu University, also told the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily that according to China’s Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the production, transportation, storage and sales of "steel wool fireworks", whether used as fireworks or flammable dangerous goods, should obtain administrative permission from relevant regulatory authorities.
The network platform is still on sale.
There are loopholes in the transportation link.
What is the current consignment situation of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks"?
Shortly after the rectification request was put forward by the Office of the State Council Work Safety Committee on February 16th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily went to Heping District, Hedong District, Hebei District and other urban areas in Tianjin for on-the-spot visits, and consulted the sales situation of some towns and villages in Tianjin, Lianyungang City, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province and Suzhou City, Anhui Province by telephone and WeChat.
Through the summary of the news obtained, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that at present, for "steel wool fireworks", the fireworks stores in many cities are basically supervised, and the stores basically said that they have never received goods; For cold light fireworks, there are some cases of illegal purchase and sale of private goods in some areas where burning and releasing are prohibited, but this situation is rare.
What about the sales of some online stores and platforms with tens of thousands of sales and "online celebrity Fireworks" flooding?
The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter found that after the relevant notice was issued, cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have become prohibited words on several e-commerce platforms, and direct search has failed to find related products. However, using keywords such as "fairy wand", "online celebrity Fireworks" and "Hand-cranked Iron Mianhua" to search, you will find that there are still many stores selling, and most of these online stores can still deliver goods normally, and some online stores have more orders during the Spring Festival.
On February 17th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily contacted a Taobao merchant who sold "steel wool fireworks". The store said that the logistics was updated normally, and now it can be delivered immediately, but it will not be sold after two days of strict management.
In the afternoon, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily tried to place an order for "15 pieces of steel wool fireworks with tools", and the next day it showed that it had been delivered successfully. On February 19th, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily found that the goods in the store had been emptied, so he contacted the seller again and said what to do if he wanted to buy it in the future. As a result, he received the address of the WeChat store (micro-store) sent by the seller. At present, the Taobao store has no goods on the shelves, but as of press time, the micro store can still buy and sell normally.
On February 22nd, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" received the goods normally, indicating that there were some tips on the paper, such as "You can pass the security check and take the train and plane".
In order to verify the seller’s statement, on the afternoon of receiving the goods, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily came to Jingjiang Road subway station in Tianjin. After explaining the purpose in advance, the reporter of Rule of Law Daily put some "steel wool fireworks" on his body and successfully entered the subway station without triggering the security alarm. Here, you can take Metro Line 2 directly to tianjin railway station, and you can get into the station directly without repeating the security check.
It is understood that X-ray detectors, portable detectors, detection inspection doors and other security equipment in railway stations, buses and subways can detect similar things; Aircraft security will be stricter, and "steel wool fireworks" may be detected.
According to the Regulations on the Administration of Prohibited Delivery of Articles, "steel wool fireworks" should belong to "explosive, flammable, corrosive, toxic, infectious, radioactive and other articles that endanger the delivery safety", and the delivery enterprises should strictly implement the acceptance inspection system and inspect whether the articles delivered by users belong to prohibited items on the spot according to law. However, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter still received the goods normally.
The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" observed that "fine vegetables" were written on the seal used to package the box of "steel wool fireworks". Wang, the person in charge of SF Express in Xiaoxian County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that this situation may be caused by the seller telling the courier that it was vegetables or other items after packaging in advance, and the courier did not open the box for inspection.
Wang said that according to the formal process of express delivery, even if the package has been packaged, the courier should open the box for inspection after notifying the customer. Some things, such as "steel wool fireworks", may not be found during the express delivery; If the courier doesn’t know or the seller can’t tell what this kind of thing is, the courier should also refuse to send it in a serious and responsible manner.
Why do cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" have these loopholes in production, transportation and sales?
Du Leqi believes that on the one hand, driven by interests, unlicensed enterprises produce, transport, store and sell these products in a more subtle way. For example, when selling, merchants will dilute or even cover up the commodity attributes of fireworks or flammable products, making it impossible for regulatory authorities to investigate and deal with such illegal acts quickly and efficiently, or the investigation cost is high; On the other hand, the contrast between the scarcity of regulatory power and resources and the susceptibility and multiplicity of illegal acts also weakens the effect of market supervision objectively.
Supervision in various places has increased.
How to properly handle the pending solution
It is understood that emergency bureaus, public security bureaus, State Administration for Market Regulation, transportation bureau, post office, fire rescue brigade and other departments have urgently carried out relevant activities to severely investigate and deal with the production, transportation, sale and discharge of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks".
On February 18, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province launched a centralized rectification campaign, investigated and dealt with 4 illegal acts of selling fireworks and firecrackers without a license, and confiscated 17 "time lanterns" of cold fireworks and more than 300 boxes of "golden electro-optic flowers"; Tianjin Dongli District Emergency Bureau set up four inspection teams to inspect 48 stores of various types, found 12 potential safety problems, rectified 12 on the spot, and investigated and dealt with one according to law (2 cold fireworks sticks were confiscated on the spot); Yang Junnan, a policeman from Taogou Police Station, Yongqiao Branch of Public Security Bureau of Suzhou City, Anhui Province, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that all kinds of fireworks sales stalls have become the product targets of the police, and at the same time, dealers’ purchase channels will be strictly controlled to ensure that these products do not flow to the market.
Du Leqi said that the relevant departments responsible for the supervision of the production, transportation and sales of fireworks and firecrackers should closely cooperate and share illegal information in the process of supervision and law enforcement while implementing their main supervisory responsibilities, so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supervision; Safety supervision departments responsible for the production and operation of fireworks and firecrackers should cooperate with network platform operators to comprehensively investigate and crack down on illegal acts related to such products; The public security departments and other departments that supervise the transportation safety of fireworks and firecrackers should also cooperate with the express delivery industry regulatory agencies, industry associations and other subjects to block the transportation channels of such products.
It is worth noting that the rectification of "steel wool fireworks" should also avoid accidental injury to steel wool.
It is understood that steel wool is actually a polishing material, mainly used for grinding and polishing stone products, metal products and wood products. The rectification requirements put forward by the Office of the State Council Safety Production Committee mentioned that the normal production and supply of steel wool used in industrial production and residents’ life should be guaranteed to prevent simplification and "one size fits all".
What should I do with the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" that I bought online at home after the merchants properly removed the products? This problem also troubled the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" who bought "steel wool fireworks".
Kou Liping said that the destruction of flammable and explosive materials is a highly professional job. She suggested that the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" stored at home should be handed in and destroyed by professionals.
But who to give the product to becomes a problem.
To this end, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter contacted Tianjin Public Security Bureau, Tianjin Fire and Rescue Corps and Tianjin Hedong District Emergency Management Bureau respectively. The person in charge of the Public Security Management Corps of Tianjin Public Security Bureau said that according to the regulations, fireworks and firecrackers can be handed over to the public security department, but "steel wool fireworks" may belong to fire protection. The person in charge of the Fire Prevention Department of Tianjin Fire Rescue Corps said that no relevant notice was received on this matter. The person in charge of the relevant departments of the Hedong District Emergency Management Bureau in Tianjin said that the cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" collected in the law enforcement of market supervision and other departments will be handled in a unified manner, but the voluntary surrender may be related to fire protection and public security.
The reporter of the Rule of Law Daily found through inquiry that according to the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, the public security department is responsible for the public safety management of fireworks and firecrackers and hazardous chemicals. However, the "steel wool fireworks" are not fireworks and firecrackers. The person in charge of the relevant departments of China Chemical Safety Association told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that the "steel wool fireworks" are not dangerous chemicals either.
So how to properly dispose of cold light fireworks and "steel wool fireworks" is still to be solved at present.

Huang Kunming: jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad, and better promote exchanges and communication between China and the world.

  Huang Kunming attended the opening ceremony of the 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association.

  Jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad.

  Better promote communication between China and the world.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29th The 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 29th. Member the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Minister Huang Kunming of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. In the past 40 years, China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development, and its comprehensive national strength, international status and international influence have achieved unprecedented improvement. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the people of China led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the concerted efforts of Chinese people at home and abroad. As a representative and influential organization in the international media, the World Chinese Newspaper Association unites many member units, actively pays attention to China, enthusiastically reports on China, widely introduces the development and progress of China to the international community, and has made positive contributions to China’s reform and opening up.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that at present, Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. It is hoped that overseas Chinese media will continue to carry forward their fine traditions, tell the story of China, spread the voice of China, promote Chinese culture, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and better promote China’s communication with the world. I hope that Chinese newspapers at home and abroad will take this annual meeting as an opportunity to strengthen mutual learning and close cooperation, and work together to create a bright future of common progress and prosperity.

  The World Chinese Newspaper Association was established in Hong Kong in 1968, with the aim of contacting Chinese newspaper practitioners around the world and promoting the development of Chinese newspaper industry. The theme of this year’s annual meeting is "Chinese newspaper industry in the new era", and more than 130 Chinese newspaper people from 17 countries and regions participated.