Ren Xianqi, who gained weight crazily, turned into a greasy uncle and almost went blind for a movie

Xianqi appeared in a video on a website. Although he is nearly 55 years old, he is in good condition and looks. Three years ago, he gained 100 kilograms for a movie, so Ren Xianqi lost 30 kilograms in four months.

Because of the epidemic, Ren Xianqi was very concerned about everyone and told everyone to pay attention to their health at ordinary times and not forget to exercise even indoors. Hearing such a warm reminder, everyone couldn’t help but smile and recall that Ren Xianqi was complained by the majority of netizens and became a greasy uncle.

Three years ago, during the filming of Ren Xianqi’s movie "Horse Running", in order to conform to the character’s image, he did not hesitate to gain 26 kilograms of weight, eating high-calorie food every day, from 74 kilograms of weight to 100 kilograms of big fat. Because of the rapid weight gain, his health was seriously damaged, and his blood sugar and blood lipids rose rapidly to double highs.

Moreover, due to overeating, stomach acid reflux was caused, and the throat was burned, which seriously affected the vocal cords, and the voice became hoarse. However, the keyboard warrior who did not know the truth practiced the magic of flicking his fingers. Seeing that Ren Xianqi had become fat, he complained one after another and left comments on the Internet, teasing Ren Xianqi for turning into a middle-aged greasy uncle.

But Ren Xianqi didn’t care, nor did he explain the reason why he suddenly became fat. He patted off these trivial ironies like dust. What he cared about was how to make a good movie. In fact, it was not the first time that Ren Xianqi worked hard to make a good movie. During the filming of "Exile" with director Du Qifeng, Ren Xianqi almost went blind due to the quality problem of the props.

The old man often said: The amount is big and the blessing is big. This is inseparable from the idol influence of Xiao Qi’s debut for many years, zero scandals, zero stains, and positive energy.

When it comes to Ren Xianqi’s debut, one has to look back on his teenage experience.

In 1966, Ren Xianqi was born in Changhua County, Taiwan Province. Hubei people are unparalleled in intelligence. The Ren family’s ancestral home is in Wuchang County, Hubei Province, which is now Jiangxia District, Wuhan City.

It is true that people from Hubei are smart. His father, a primary school teacher, has a lot of knowledge. He thought that the meaning of "seeing the virtuous and thinking of Qi" was very good, so he named Xiao Qi Ren Xianqi, which means that when he sees people with both political integrity and ability, he must not only learn from him, but also strive to surpass him. Facts have proved that Ren Xianqi did live up to his parents’ ardent hopes when he grew up. It may be his lifelong pursuit to be a person with both moral integrity and ability.

Ren Xianqi grew up in Changhua Village. The folk customs and cultural environment in the village are slightly different from those in big cities. The folk customs are simple and simple. This simple and unpretentious atmosphere has a deep influence on Xiao Qi. After growing up, he treated his friends sincerely and thoughtfully, and was also influenced by this ethos.

When he was in high school, Brother Qi fell in love with a girl from the school next door. Later, he learned that the girl especially liked the guy who could play the guitar, so he practiced the guitar hard. Gradually, he fell in love with music and wrote many songs on the guitar sheet. The song "Flowers Will Bloom in Spring" was written for the girl he liked, and this song later became the title song on his personal album.

When every Taiwanese boy turns 18, he will face the test of a bar mitzvah, which is to sign up for the army. However, almost every boy’s parents do not want to enroll their child in the Marine Corps, because everyone knows that it is the most rigorous force for physical requirements, and the military training there is also the hardest. In 1984, Xiao Qi Ge’s parents drew lots for him to decide where he would join the army, and they were quite lucky and helped him win the army at once.

Although the experience of being a soldier was very hard, it also trained his strong physique, and because of his excellent performance in the army and outstanding performance in various physical training, in 1987, he was sent to the Department of Physical Education of China Culture University. Although he left his hometown and came to Taipei to study, he never forgot the girl he liked in high school, nor the guitar he liked. During school, he formed the ATP choir himself, and served as the guitarist and lead singer.

In 1988, Xiao Qi Ge continued to make efforts in the field of music. He began to serve as a Dunhuang campus DJ and participated in hundreds of campus concerts during his time in school, thus accumulating rich performance experience and establishing the status of a campus red card DJ. The name Ren Xianqi became popular in Taiwan’s colleges and universities for a while.

Brother Qi was so outstanding. Logically speaking, as a figure in the school, he should attract many girls, but in fact, the other boys in the band had been pursued by many girls, but Brother Qi had never received a love letter. Later, a sophomore junior told him that he looked like a prodigal son, so no girls dared to approach him.

Ren Xianqi felt very aggrieved. Later, he learned that the girl’s name was Chen Zeyu and her English name was Tina. Brother Qi’s primary school girl was not an ordinary person. She participated in singing competitions at the age of six and won many international, domestic and major competitions.

In addition, Chen Zeyu not only sings well, but also looks very beautiful, because she has the genes of a mixed race of the Three Kingdoms, and her figure is also very good! Such a beautiful woman swayed in front of Ren Xianqi, like a dazzling ray of sunlight, shining into Brother Qi’s heart. After the two met, they often had heart-to-heart conversations, and the talents and women were paired, becoming a beautiful scenery on the campus.

Chen Zeyu felt that the person who had a dream would not be a prodigal son, so she dared to approach him boldly, and when Xiao Qi was in a bad mood, she often comforted him and enlightened him. Xiao Qi was deeply attracted by her gentle personality.

Young people get together and often talk about their future dreams. Xiao Qi’s wish is to be a singer, and Chen Zeyu dreams of becoming a fashion designer. From 1988, the two people who have the same heart and soul started a long-distance love run that lasted for more than 10 years.

In his senior year, Xiao Qi was discovered by Taixinge Records, so after graduation, he was signed to work under the label of Xingge Records and officially entered the entertainment industry. In 1990, Ren Xianqi and his contemporaries in the company jointly released the compilation album "Run to the Rainbow". With his many years of performance experience, Ren Xianqi made his debut and occupied the "C position". After that, Ren Xianqi joined the underground band snake with great enthusiasm. At this time, Ren Xianqi was full of momentum and released three solo albums one after another.

However, life is like a roller coaster, with sudden twists and turns, which caught people off guard. The company went bankrupt due to poor management. As an artist under the company, Ren Xianqi and his colleagues were acquired by Rolling Stone.

In that era, under the Rolling Stones, there were many big names, and Luo Dayou, Zhao Chuan, Zhou Huajian and others were called legends. How could such a top organization in the industry look at a young star who had just debuted? Therefore, the company had the idea of laying off Brother Qi.

His stage name was Little Bug, and his real name was Chen Huanchang. This person was one of the "three godfathers" of the music industry in Taiwan. He was on par with Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng.

Such a childlike person had extraordinary eyesight. He could see the difference between Brother Qi and others. He believed that this young man was by no means a thing in the pool and would eventually make his mark.

Many years after this incident, the prediction of "Little Bug" has been confirmed, and the Chinese music scene cannot be without Ren Xianqi.

Although the company kept Brother Qi in the face of the "little bug", it did not reuse him. Therefore, for the next three years, Brother Qi has been doing behind-the-scenes work, but he has no complaints. Because as long as he can do music-related work, he is already very happy. Although his situation was very similar to "Xuezao" at that time.

However, before Han Xin became the Marquis of Huaiyin, he had suffered the humiliation of his crotch. For Brother Qi, he did not care about this grievance. Therefore, he did not complain and worked hard according to the company’s arrangements.

Later, Brother Qi’s contract was about to expire, and "Bug", who was busy with music production every day, realized that three years had passed, and Xiao Qi had been standing still for so long. Thinking of this, Bug’s heart rose with a passion to make him famous.

As a result, a bug tailor-made for him "rely on" turned out, this song is Ren Xianqi’s debut album under the new owner of Rolling Stone, as the title song, so far, sold 160,000, although the sales are not particularly good, but this song is of great significance.

As the saying goes, those who gain the Tao are more helpful, and those who lose the Tao are less helpful. The friendship between men is called I have the ability, so I let you rely on me, help you go straight to the sky, and when I am in trouble, you fall from the sky, help me on the road, and move forward together. This song, called "Relying on", fully reflects the brotherhood between Ren Xianqi and the little bug.

Due to the poor performance of the new album and the average sales, Xiao Qi’s contract was about to expire, so the little bug fought for one last chance to keep him.

"Too Soft Heart" came out under such a background, and this song was specially written by Xiaowu for Ren Xianqi.

When the song was just logged into the music market, the response was mediocre, so the question of Xiao Qi’s whereabouts was once again put on the company’s motion. Obviously, this time, he was about to be fired. However, at this critical moment, things went into a shocking reversal. "Too Soft Heart" quickly became popular in the mainland with a turbulent trend. The song sold 26 million amazing results.

Therefore, Rolling Stone quickly renewed Ren Xianqi, because if the action is slower, this rising star is likely to be poached. After that, the company began to rebuild Ren Xianqi. After that, it produced and published a series of albums such as "Very Hurt" and "Love You Only" for him. Ren Xianqi has since opened the "peak era" of keeping pace with the Four Heavenly Kings.

It is because of the little bug that Ren Xianqi has gradually reached the peak of his career. Because of this, Ren Xianqi has the most sincere gratitude for the little bug. Later, the little bug was deceived by his friends, his accountant ran away with the money, and the little bug was in a penniless situation.

Hearing this news, Ren Xianqi didn’t say a word. He directly offered one million in cash to the little bug, and declared, Brother, you can use it well, and there is no need to return it.

Afterwards, someone asked him why he did this? Ren Xianqi said in a flat tone: If there was no little bug brother, there would be no me, Ren Xianqi, today.

In 1998, Ren Xianqi released the album "Love is like the Pacific". With this album, Ren Xianqi played a beautiful carousel, and the song returned to Taiwan from the mainland. Songs such as "Ren Xiaoyao" and "Sad Pacific" are classics of Ren Xianqi after "My Heart is Too Soft". These popular works across the country broke the record of record sales in the history of Taiwan music.

In 1999, Brother Qi was invited by CCTV to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of the same year, and became the only Taiwan artist at the party that day; in the same year, Ren Xianqi starred in the big screen debut "Star Wish" released; in 2000, the Xiao Qi family was established in the mainland, and in this year, he starred in "Summer Tea" was also released, and achieved a good result of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars. After the release of "Marry a Rich Man" in 2002, the box office performance was still good. Since then, Xiao Qige’s film and television songs have progressed hand in hand, and his career has also flourished.

Perhaps for every star, the obscurity before becoming famous is all preparation for Yiming’s astonishment. During those most difficult days, his girlfriend Chen Zeyu never gave up to support and encourage him. Her girlfriend, who is full of strength, helped Xiao Qi get through that three-year "dark" period. Now, finally keep the clouds open and see the moon bright. Finally see hope.

Marrying a man and starting a family is a major event in life. Since his career has reached its peak, starting a family is also on the agenda. When Brother Qi held a concert abroad, he and his girlfriend "got married notariously".

At that time, as public figures, the two chose to get married in a low-key way without a wedding, so at the 2013 concert, Ren Xianqi guiltily told Chen Zeyu: "I owe you a wedding," but the wedding is nothing more than a way to look lively to outsiders. As long as you really love each other, then this form is not so important.

After getting married, the two gave birth to two children, and the family of four settled down in Hong Kong. Through the photos, the whole family smiled like flowers. Maybe happiness should be like this. I originally intended to wash away the lead for you and make soup. You are willing to be indifferent to fame and fortune for me. Fortunately, at the best age, we did not miss each other. Friendship and love are just as much. Thank you for meeting you in life and hearing your singing is a true happiness.

The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it.

Responsible editor:

The history of Ti mo Feng’s destruction went from fighting a fish sister to falling off the altar.

Original title: The history of Ti mo Feng’s destruction from fighting fish to falling to the altar.

Ti mo Feng, formerly known as Feng Yanan, was born in Chongqing in 1991. In college, because of her classmates, she inadvertently came into contact with the industry of appearance. At that time, there were very few viewers, but she succeeded in attracting everyone’s attention because of her beautiful singing and sweet appearance. After graduation, Ti mo Feng decided to take appearing in a mirror as his career, but his family disagreed and thought it was unstable. However, Ti mo Feng didn’t completely give up appearing in the camera. After work, she would play games and appear in the camera, and gradually accumulated a certain popularity in the LOL area.

In 2014, Ti mo Feng officially signed a contract with the Betting Platform as a full-time anchor. She started playing games all day and appeared in several small schools.

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Editor in charge:

Huawei "stopped supplying" for 10 days: employees kept wolf-like "out of print" products being heated up.

  "Huawei terminals have reached the most difficult moment."

  Two weeks ago, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, revealed to the outside world the dilemma that Huawei is about to face — — Five days later, the US "sanctions" came into effect. Huawei’s "broken plane" was officially "cut off".

  As of today (September 26), Huawei has been "cut off" for more than ten days. What is the current situation of Huawei, and how will they break through in the face of the expanding blockade? Is it Huawei’s darkest hour, or is it the darkness before dawn?

  Huawei employees: It is assumed every day that the supply will be cut off tomorrow.

  "September 15th is an ordinary Tuesday for us."

  Jingzi (pseudonym as requested by the interviewer) has been working in Huawei for 2 years. When she first joined the company, it was when Huawei was put at the forefront by the United States. In 2018, the United States opened the so-called "sanctions" against Huawei. In May last year, the United States listed Huawei in the "entity list"; In May this year, the control was further upgraded. After a 120-day buffer period, the "ban" came into effect on September 15.

  "As early as two years ago, the company has established an idea from top to bottom — — Sanctions ‘ Tomorrow ’ Will start. " Although more than 800 days have passed since tomorrow, it seems that all this has become "accustomed" to Huawei employees.

  Jing Zi told the reporter of that when the United States officially waved a big stick at Huawei, his department had asked employees to "give up their illusions" — — Even if there is an "exemption period", it seems that Huawei has adjusted its working status to the rhythm of "no supply".

  "Although the business is likely to face difficulties, the company’s salary and benefits for employees are increasing instead of decreasing. The rumors about layoffs in domestic business are basically rumors. " Shizuko told reporters that after working in Huawei for two years, his salary level has been about twice that of other companies. "Of course, at the same time, the work intensity is also the top level in the industry." Shizuko quipped.

  Supplier: After the supply was cut off, some people were speculating on Huawei mobile phones.

  6388 yuan, this is the price of a second-hand Huawei Mate 30 pro 5G mobile phone on an e-commerce platform after Huawei was "cut off". However, when Dongfang. com and Zongxiang News visited Huawei offline recently, they found that the price of this Huawei flagship machine, which was released a year ago and equipped with Kirin 990 chip, was as low as 5,399 yuan, and most of it was well supplied.

  Why is a second-hand mobile phone sold a year ago more expensive than a brand-new mobile phone? Liqun Huang, a Huawei distributor, seems to be "not surprised" by this. "Since the US sanctions, there have been many people speculating on Huawei mobile phones."

  "Due to the second round of sanctions, the chip can’t be produced, which is very difficult. At present, it is out of stock. This may be the last generation of Kirin’s high-end chips. " In August this year, before the ban came into effect, Yu Chengdong tragically announced to the outside world that Kirin was "out of print".

  On September 15th, after Huawei was officially "cut off", Kirin Chip also began to go out of print. A seller of a second-hand platform once said that the "collection significance" of Huawei Mate30 pro is far greater than the use significance when selling Huawei mobile phones to and Zongxiang journalists. There are even sellers who say that buying Huawei mobile phones now is "patriotism".

  In this regard, Liqun Huang said that the interruption of supply does not mean the suspension of production, and the out-of-print Kirin chip does not mean the out-of-print Huawei mobile phone. "It is not reliable to buy second-hand mobile phones for collection." According to several responsible persons of Huawei authorized experience stores, the old Huawei mobile phones, including Huawei Mate30 pro, are in sufficient supply, and there will be no "one machine is hard to find" in a short time.

  At the same time, Liqun Huang told the reporter of Dongfang. com that after the "supply cut-off", Huawei’s mobile phones really became more scarce than before, but this did not affect the current sales of Huawei’s mobile phones. Liqun Huang also said, "We can’t be sure about Huawei’s future, but we can conclude that Huawei will ‘ Cool ’ It seems too early to say. "

  Forced by the United States to "cut off the supply"? Huawei suppliers are pleading.

  On August 17, the US Department of Commerce further tightened the restrictions on Huawei’s access to American technology, and listed 38 subsidiaries of Huawei in 21 countries around the world in the "entity list". This is seen as a comprehensive "encirclement and suppression" of Huawei — — It means that from the whole production to the purchase of parts, even the road of "saving the country by curve" has been blocked by the United States.

  On the eve of the supply cut-off, Huawei chip suppliers who have been on the sidelines have also made statements. TSMC said that the company has no plans to continue supplying Huawei after September 14th. Subsequently, Micron Technology, Samsung and SK Hynix all indicated that they would not be able to ship to Huawei after September 14th.

  Earlier, Guo Ping, Huawei’s rotating chairman, once shouted to global chip companies that "helping Huawei is helping yourself". Many companies seem to know their way well. Before and after the supply cut-off, some Huawei suppliers still hoped that the U.S. government would be lenient, and at the same time, they were striving to continue to supply Huawei.

  In terms of OEM, TSMC said that while the company cancelled the supply to Huawei, it was actively applying for and submitting the supply license to the US government. According to the news, TSMC’s previous application was not allowed by the United States. However, TSMC still pointed out that it will continue to try to supply Huawei. The data shows that Huawei is TSMC’s second largest customer, and its revenue contribution is as high as 15%.

  As for the chip manufacturer, the designer MediaTek has confirmed that at the end of August this year, the company has applied to the US for continued supply of Huawei in accordance with regulations, and the memory chip manufacturer Micron also applied at the same time. In addition, including chip manufacturers Qualcomm, Samsung and SK Hynix, which had previously made it clear that they would not be able to supply Huawei, all made it clear that they had applied for export licenses and sought to continue to supply Huawei.

  It is worth mentioning that during the supply suspension period, many Huawei suppliers have obtained supply licenses.

  On Monday (21st), Intel officially said that it had obtained permission to continue supplying Huawei, and Intel is the main supplier of Huawei notebooks. On the 19th, AMD, an American chip company, also said that it had obtained permission to sell its products to some companies in the US "entity list". It is widely believed that "some companies" are Huawei.

  In fact, many American companies also understand the truth that "you hurt the enemy by one thousand, and you will lose yourself by eight hundred". In June this year, Semiconductor Association of America shouted to the US government that the Trump administration’s ban would not only affect Huawei, but also bring huge restrictions to American companies and even global chip companies. Many chip manufacturers, including Qualcomm, have repeatedly called on the US government to lift the so-called "sanctions".

  Reflection after ten days of supply suspension: China Core, where to go?

  "Huawei has been developing in the field of chip design for more than ten years. From being seriously backward, to being a little backward, to catching up, to leading, the R&D investment is huge and the process is very difficult. However, in the field of heavy assets such as chip manufacturing, Huawei did not participate. After September 15, the flagship chip could not be produced, which was a great loss for us. "

  Of course, as emphasized by Huawei, China enterprises, especially China chip enterprises, can’t pin their hopes on the United States to relax sanctions. "Self-improvement" may be the most effective and only way to achieve real results.

  In recent years, China has been the largest chip importer in the world. The data shows that in 2018 and 2019, the total value of imported integrated circuits in China exceeded 300 billion US dollars.

  However, while importing, China’s chip self-sufficiency is not enough. The data shows that in 2019, China’s chip self-sufficiency rate is only about 30%. According to the development plan of relevant departments, in 2025, China is expected to raise its chip self-sufficiency rate to 70%, which is almost the average level of chip power countries such as the United States.

  In that case, where did China chip get stuck in the neck by the United States? As a huge and complex industry, the chip industry has a long industrial chain. It can be divided into four parts: design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. Except in the field of design, Huawei Hisilicon has a certain breakthrough ability, and in the other three links, especially in the manufacturing link, the ability of domestic manufacturers still has great room for improvement.

  "No one can extinguish the starlight in the sky." At the Huawei Developers Conference in 2020 held before the supply was cut off, Huawei conveyed its determination and will to work hard to the outside world.

  In the first half of the extreme pressure in the United States, Huawei still achieved the first global market share of smartphones, the first global market share of wearable devices and the second global market share of smart watches. Notebooks have achieved more than 100% growth, and products such as headphones have achieved more than 100% or even 200% high-speed growth.

  As Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said, "We may encounter unimaginable difficulties, but this is also the biggest opportunity period." Unprecedented difficulties may be the best opportunity to hone enterprises.

  Huawei’s future is still unknown. However, for China enterprises, it seems to be an important proposition for a long time how to make Huawei and others no longer lonely on the stage of global industrial competition through unremitting efforts. In the face of the big stick sanctions from the United States and the future of the chip industry, I am afraid that it is far more than Huawei itself.

"Our childhood is different" —— On the changes of children’s life in the 21st century

In the 21st century, China has rushed to the front of the locomotive of science and technology and entered the stage of rapid development.Children are the flowers of the motherland, and the changes of the times and the development of the motherland also change their growing environment.For more than 20 years from the Millennium to the present, the economic level has developed rapidly, and science and technology have been constantly innovated. The countless conveniences and problems that followed have also been projected in children’s childhood life. Over the past 20 years, we have gone from promoting the popularization of education to advocating reducing the burden of education, from worrying about children’s malnutrition to having to face the increasingly serious obesity problem. At the same time, countless questions have been thrown out-do children need cram schools? How should children use the Internet scientifically?How can children have a healthy and happy childhood?

We will focus on the changes in all aspects of children’s lives since the 21st century, find the gratifying development trend, analyze the exposed problems and put forward our suggestions.

I. Education

1. Compulsory education

A century-long plan, education-oriented. China began to implement compulsory education in 1986. In the 21st century, the popularity of education in China has been greatly improved. The enrollment rate of primary school-age children has remained above 99%, while the enrollment rate of primary schools has stabilized at around 98%.Reach the standard of universal compulsory education.

In the process of promoting the implementation and balanced development of compulsory education, all localities are actively adjusting the layout of primary and secondary schools, especially standardizing the layout of rural primary and secondary schools, reducing the number of primary schools and improving the quality of teaching.

Because of the decline in birth rate, the number of primary school students is declining.From 2001 to 2013, the decline rate was as high as 25.4%, and the number of students has rebounded since then. The number of primary schools decreased from 491,300 in 2001 to 160,100 in 2019, with a drop of 67.4%, much higher than the decline in the number of students.

At the same time, the quality of the teaching staff has been continuously improved, the teacher-student ratio has increased significantly, and the national education funding has increased synchronously with the economic development. All changes have proved that,China has entered a new stage of promoting the balanced development of compulsory education and promoting educational equity. The state attaches great importance to basic education and strives to give children a better education so that every child can enter the hall of knowledge.

Step 2 read

Books are the ladder of human progress. In the initial stage of life, reading more books and reading good books are conducive to children’s moral education, enlightenment and history.

Since the 21st century, the number and types of children’s books in China have increased by spurt, and it is no longer hard to find a book.In 2001, there were 7,255 kinds of children’s books, but in 2019, there were 43,712 kinds, about five times as many as in 2001. At present, China publishes more than 40,000 kinds of children’s books every year.The total publishing volume ranks first in the world and has reached a rich enough level.Children in the new century have more reading choices and can draw spiritual food at any time.

In 2009, the "National Reading Survey Report" included "the reading status of minors under the age of 18" in the survey scope for the first time. Comparing the two reports in 2009 and 2019, which were separated by 10 years, we can find that the number of minors aged 0-17 in China.The reading volume and reading rate of books have been greatly improved.. The reading volume of children aged 0-8 increased the most, from 3.85 to 9.54 books per year.Behind the growth of children’s reading figures, school guidance and family companionship are indispensable.

The reading situation of teenagers indicates the future civilization and ideological thickness of a nation to a certain extent.. In this era surrounded by electronic devices, it is necessary for creators and publishers to publish more high-quality books, parents and schools to guide children to develop good reading habits, and the whole society to create a good reading atmosphere.

Since the founding of New China 70 years ago, the strategic position of giving priority to the development of education in China has been gradually strengthened. Facing the new era, we expect China education to lead the realization of the goal of "two hundred years" and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Following the development trend of the times, China has been constantly rebuilding, adjusting and reforming the educational mechanism and system, independently exploring China’s educational model, and striving to create a better learning environment for every child and help them grow up.

Second, health

With the arrival of the new century, the flowers of the motherland have taken on a new look.The morphological development level of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas in China has been continuously improved, and the health problems such as malnutrition that have plagued children in China for decades have been greatly improved, and the physical fitness and health status of Chinese students have generally improved. But at the same time, the worrying obesity rate, myopia rate and lack of sleep time are also increasing.

Step 1 change for the better

Over the past 20 years, the level of morphological development of primary and middle school students in urban and rural areas in China has been continuously improved.At the same time, children’s physiological development has changed, such as accelerated growth rate, improved growth level and early puberty development, especially in urban children. With the development of economy, the improvement of diet level and the change of concept in the new era, the variety of food on children’s table is more abundant.Malnutrition, which has plagued children in China for decades, has greatly improved.

"Civilization of its spirit, barbarism of its body."It has always been the goal pursued by school education. According to the results of previous national surveys on students’ physique and health released by the Ministry of Education, students’ physique and health in China have generally improved. In 2019, the excellent and good rate of students aged 6-22 nationwide reached 23.8%, which was significantly higher than in previous years. At the same time, the level of students’ vital capacity has risen in an all-round way, and the quality of primary and secondary school students’ flexibility, strength, speed and endurance has improved.

In recent 20 years, the improvement of students’ physique and health level is attributed to the joint action of economic development, policy guidance and home-school coordination.

2. There are still problems

Due to the profound changes in the dietary structure and lifestyle of children and adolescents in recent years, coupled with the heavy academic burden and the popularity of electronic products,The rate of overweight and obesity among children in China is rising rapidly, which has become an important public health problem threatening the physical and mental health of children in China.

At the same time,The myopia rate of children in China is also the highest in the world for a long time. The formation of "a big country with glasses" cannot be ignored.In recent years, the detection rate of poor eyesight among primary and middle school students in China remains high. From 2000 to 2014, the detection rate of poor eyesight in all age groups has increased, and it shows a trend of increasing with age. The main reasons for the rising incidence of myopia among teenagers are premature contact with electronic products in infancy, early time for teenagers to "touch the internet", increased time for using electronic products, and insufficient time for sleep and exercise.The key age stages of myopia prevention and control are kindergartens and primary schools.

In view of the increasingly serious situation of myopia among adolescents, the Ministry of Education, the Health and Health Commission and other departments attach great importance to the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and cooperate with many parties to promote related work, and have achieved certain results.In 2020, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in China is 52.7%, which is 0.9 percentage points lower than that in 2018, basically achieving the prevention and control goal of the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Plan for Myopia of Children and Adolescents, which is 0.5 percentage points lower every year.However, there is still a long way to go to get rid of the "myopic country" hat.

Since the new century, the social emphasis on education has invisibly increased the learning pressure for children.In the new century, children’s learning burden is heavier, sleep time is reduced, and homework time is seriously exceeded.

To this end, the state also attaches great importance to and tries to solve it.From 2004, when the Ministry of Education officially put forward the policy of "reducing the burden" to 2021, how to reduce the burden without reducing the quality has always been a hot issue in society.

Since the 1990s, China has formulated a series of policies to reduce the burden, but studentsThe school time shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, which seems to reflect the game between increasingly fierce educational competition and burden reduction.

At the same time, the school has lightened students’ schoolwork burden, and parents have added a new burden to their children after class. In addition to the homework that must be completed in class, the time spent by children on extracurricular tutoring has increased greatly, and extracurricular learning and tutoring have come from behind and become the main burden for students. Comparing the time for children to finish homework with the length of sleep, it is not difficult to find that,After-school study has seriously squeezed the sleep time of children..

Children’s health is an important cornerstone of national health. Since the beginning of the 21st century, children’s growing environment has changed dramatically. While some chronic diseases have been solved, new problems have emerged. The state has been paying close attention to children’s health status, and timely issued guiding policies and opinions to protect children’s healthy growth.

Third, entertainment

Every child’s most hopeful moment should be when the school bell rings. It was the most carefree time, whether it was playing with friends in twos and threes after school, lingering in a snack bar filled with snacks, or trying the Internet in a novel way … The entertainment time in childhood will definitely leave traces in children’s hearts.

1. Internet

After the Millennium, children met the wave of internet popularization.In 1994, the Internet was connected to China, and then it developed with irresistible momentum. From 2002 to 2020, the number of netizens in China increased from 59 million to 989 million, and the internet penetration rate increased from 4.6% to 70.4%, especially in the two time periods of 2006-2010 and 2015-2020.

The constantly updated electronic equipment provides more options for their after-school entertainment.The Internet and electronic equipment have left a strong impression in the post-00′ s life and reflected the characteristics of the times.

In 2010, the Internet penetration rate in China has just exceeded 1/3, and children have little access to the Internet. At that time, only 13.5% of children were under the age of 6, while as many as 43.7% opened the door to the information world after the age of 10. Ten years later, the situation has changed dramatically. The proportion of children under the age of 6 who touch the internet has doubled, while the number of people who use the internet after the age of 10 has been greatly reduced to 13.6%. This shows that most "post-00" students skillfully shuttled between major websites as early as primary school.

Internet has become an inseparable part of children’s lives, and the problem of how to guide minors to use the Internet scientifically is also in front of everyone.Thanks to the joint efforts of the state, schools and parents, the entertainment function of the Internet has weakened in recent years, while the educational function has been significantly enhanced, and online education has developed rapidly during the epidemic. At the same time, in the new era, children’s single online time is becoming more and more reasonable, but the online frequency is greatly increased and the overall online time is prolonged.More scientific and technological inventions in the future will also bring about changes in children’s lifestyles. How to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses and use them scientifically? The general trend of the times gives the direction.

2. pocket money

Every child has a treasure-piggy bank.With the development of economy, the consumption level of children in China has also improved obviously, and children’s wallets are "bulging" day by day.

However, the increase in the amount of discretionary money does not seem to have caused children to fall into a frenzy of consumption. From 2005 to 2015, except for the snack consumption, which increased by 2%, other consumption showed a downward trend.Children in the new era have a strong sense of saving.51.5% people have made the choice of saving money, and the proportion has been soaring in recent years. In contrast, only 16.6% of the "post-90 s" children choose to save pocket money. Although "post-00" people’s awareness of deposit has increased, their awareness of donation has declined.This shows that with the development of the times, children’s self-awareness and individual awareness are constantly strengthened. How to help children establish a correct view of money and cultivate the values of "everyone for me and I for everyone" still needs further efforts.

Since the reform and opening up, children’s social environment has been actively improved and optimized, but there are still many problems, especially in children’s recreational life, which plays an important and special role in children’s growth. Science and technology are changing with each passing day, and policies should also keep up with the ever-changing reality.The mixed voice of appeals, cheers and controversies urges us to sum up past experience and study the current situation in order to have a better future.

The children’s development policy formulated by the national government is the policy and code of action to promote children’s development, which determines the direction of children’s development in a country.In the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, the United Nations pointed out: "The happiness of children needs a higher level of policy action."

China government attaches great importance to children’s survival, health and development, pays close attention to the constantly developing actual situation and emerging new problems, improves children’s policies with the times, and formulates forward-looking national policies to promote the development of children’s cause. Through the actions of the government and society, the basic system and action system for protecting children’s rights have been established. From the education problems of hundreds of millions of children to myopia and internet addiction prevention, the state has propped up a huge "umbrella" for all aspects of children’s lives, protecting the seedlings of the motherland from growing sturdily.

Basic education has been fully popularized, but excessive training has also brought a heavy burden. The rapid development of the Internet has changed the traditional way of learning and entertainment, and contributed a large number of diverse cultural resources. However, like Pandora’s box, it has also caused many problems such as "Internet addiction" and "myopia rate". Education, diet, electronic equipment …All aspects of rapid development allow children to enjoy abundant material conditions that children have never had before, and also create conditions for them to fully release their potential, so that children can stand higher and see farther, but at the same time they are confined to a test paper, a screen and an unhealthy body.

In a blink of an eye, "post-90s" has become the backbone of the society, and "post-00" has gradually entered the threshold of adulthood, and the childhood of "post-10s" and "post-20s" continues. The times follow their own trajectory and rush to a more colorful future at a high speed. The "red" and "black" left on the way are all splashed with ink in children’s childhood. From the different childhood trajectories of "post-90s" to "post-00s", we can sum up the gratifying development trend, guide the future development of children, and even sum up the problems and hidden dangers, intervene and solve them as soon as possible, so as to better implement the principle of giving priority to children.

In order to give children a healthy and happy childhood, China has made many beneficial attempts, and children’s living standards have been greatly improved. We should also learn from setbacks, face problems squarely and try to solve them. There is still a long way to go …

Note: the age definition of "children"

Article 1 of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that a minor is anyone under the age of 18. Minors are children. The Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Minors promulgated in 1991 defines the age of minors, that is, children, as 0-18 years old (excluding 18 years old). This time, we define the age of "children" as 0-17 (one year old), which is consistent with the international standards and the policy documents issued by the China government. In this article, we will mainly focus on school-age children aged 6-14.

Data source:

[1], National Bureau of Statistics

[2] China Press and Publication Research Institute "China National Reading Survey Report"

[3] National Physical Fitness Monitoring Center "National Physical Fitness Monitoring Bulletin"

[4]CNNIC Statistical Report on Internet Development in China (2002-2020)

[5] The Ministry of Youth Rights and Interests of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) and China Youth New Media Association jointly issued "The Status of Internet Use for Minors in 2020".

[6] The Institute of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, the School of Journalism and Communication of China Academy of Social Sciences, and Social Science Literature Publishing House jointly published "Blue Book for Teenagers: Report on Internet Use of Minors in China (2021)".

[7] The "National Survey on Learning Stress of Primary and Secondary School Students" was released by the artificial intelligence education platform for primary and secondary schools.

[8] Announcement of the Ministry of Education on the results of the national survey on students’ physique and health in 2005

[9] Announcement of the Ministry of Education on the results of the 2010 national survey on students’ physique and health

[10] Wang Xiuping: "40 years of children’s development in China", China Social Sciences Press, 2020.

[11] Song Yanhui, Zhang Shengqin: "The Changing Trend of Internet Use of Minors (2009 ~ 2013)", Social Science Literature Publishing House, 2014.

[12] Zhang Xudong, Sun Hongyan, Zhao Xia: From "After 90" to "After 00": Investigation Report on Children’s Development in China, China Youth Research, 2017(2)



People’s Daily reports: 70 years of educational reform and development is magnificent | Celebrating 70 years of achievements, 2019.


Team member: School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Xu Xinyan Li Ning Zhou Ji Zhao Xiangjing

Instructor: Xu Di, School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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How long does it take to prepare for the Shandong self-study exam?

In order to find a better and more stable job, many people will choose to take the self-study exam to improve their academic qualifications. So, how long does it take to prepare for the Shandong self-study exam?

Click to enter:If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

How long does it take to prepare for the Shandong self-study exam?

Generally speaking, the examination time for self-taught examination is twice a year, in April and October of each year. The specific examination schedule may vary according to different provinces. Therefore, you need to know and plan your time in advance.

For most majors, you need to start preparing for the exam at least three months in advance. Of course, if you have enough foundation or strong learning ability, the preparation time can be shortened appropriately. However, planning the preparation time in advance can help you better arrange your study plan and improve your study efficiency.

Besides time and length, preparation strategies and methods are also very important. First of all, you need to know the exam subjects and exam outline of your chosen major. Then, you can make a detailed study plan, including daily study time and content. In addition, you can also take some professional training courses or online classes to improve your learning effect.

Finally, we need to pay attention to psychological adjustment and time management. In the process of preparing for the exam, you need to maintain a positive attitude and sufficient confidence. At the same time, reasonable time management is also very important. You need to allocate your study time reasonably every day to avoid procrastination and waste of time.

Self-taught examination is flexible and open, with no entrance threshold and no contradiction between work and study. Applicants are not limited by academic qualifications, age and household registration, and they do not need to take the entrance examination. After entering the school, they can study in a completely independent way, which makes the majority of students develop the habit of being good at self-study. This is a very important ability and condition for achieving talents, and it will also gain more favorable advantages for entering the work in the future.

In addition, the gold content of the self-taught diploma is very high, which can be used for job interview, postgraduate entrance examination, textual research, civil service examination, promotion and salary increase, and settlement of points. Self-taught graduates are internationally recognized by some developed countries such as the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia, and it is also a very worthwhile choice to study abroad.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge, related news, etc. Please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

2024 China Daqing First International Youth Cross-country Skiing Short Distance Race was held.

On January 20th, the 2024 China Daqing First International Youth Cross-country Skiing Short Race was held in Sanyong Lake, Daqing, under the guidance of China Skiing Association, sponsored by Daqing Sports Bureau and Daqing Longfeng District Government, undertaken by Daqing Karhu Sports Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Sanbei Aoxue International Competition Management Co., Ltd., and co-organized by Daqing Longfeng District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and Daqing Longfeng District Education Bureau.

The competition was established: 10 km for men/women aged 17-18, 5 km for men/women aged 15-16, 2.5 km for men/women aged 13-14 and 1.5 km for men/women aged 11-12. In addition, in order to encourage the public to participate in the competition, a 10-kilometer freestyle skiing competition for men and women was added.

This competition attracted 60 young athletes from Russia, the Republic of Russia, the Republic of Sakha, Kazakhstan and France, and nearly 500 cross-country skiers from China. The settlement of this event in Daqing will inject new vitality into the revitalization and economic growth of the ice and snow sports tourism industry in Daqing and build a bridge of friendship for sports and cultural exchanges between European and Asian countries.

After fierce competition: the men’s 10km champion was won by Russian Filipoff • For Ole and sergeyevich, Russian Lebedev • Slavic Evgenyevich of Wache won the runner-up, and Russian player Stramilav • Gregory • Romanovic won the third place.

The women’s 10km champion was given to Gina &bull by Russian player Nini; Alina • Vidaliyevna picked it. China’s Chen Jiayi won the runner-up, Russian Mirnikova • Sophia alekseev won the third place.

The men’s 5km champion was won by China’s Zhong Guoqiang and Kazakh’s Garasbek • Azimu won the runner-up and China’s Jin Yuchen won the third place.

The women’s 5 km champion was won by Russian player Goncearuc • Sophia • Vidaliyevna won, Russia’s Skupoyeva • Uriana • Alekseev Na won the runner-up, Russian player Sambuyeva • Ye Li Zaveta • Ba Li Lovna won the third place.

The men’s 2.5km champion was won by Russian player Putintsev • Dmitry • Alexeyevich won, Russian player Lu Dehe • Sergey • Alexeyevich won the runner-up, Russian Krymukin • Nigada • Sergeyevich won the third place.

The women’s 2.5 km champion was won by Kazakhstan’s Trevor Onava • Valeria won, Russia’s Kolaxin • Balina • Evgenyev Na won the runner-up, Russian player Malkova • Anna • Alekseev Na won the third place.

The men’s 1.5km champion was won by Russian player sakr • Andre • Jurjevic won, Russian Leochiev • Mikhail • Alexeyevich won the second place, and the third place belongs to Russian player Durbanov • Yegaoer • Vladimirovich won the third place.

The women’s 1.5km champion was won by China’s Zheng Xunuo, Russian player Gusheva • Yekaterina • Aleksandrovna won the runner-up and China’s Zhang Xinyao won the third place.

The purpose of this competition is to cultivate the development concept of "ice and snow are also Jinshan Yinshan" and vigorously develop the ice and snow sports industry. Conscientiously implement the requirements of accelerating the development of ice and snow economy in the province, accelerate the development of ice and snow industry, and make social responsibility of Heilongjiang Province.

On the occasion of the successful bid for the 2025 Harbin Asian Winter Games, we will take sports as a link and cross-country skiing as a bridge to enhance the exchange and mutual learning between sports and cultures of Asian and European countries, so as to "gather the light of sports for march towards a great future together’s future".

Playing badminton has many advantages, but do you know the three disadvantages?

Playing badminton has many advantages, such as losing weight, relieving eye fatigue, relieving cervical discomfort, cultivating sentiment, keeping fit, staying away from sub-health, and enhancing your jumping ability and reflection ability. The application of badminton doubles tactics allows you to learn to cooperate and learn team strength. At the same time, playing badminton also exercises your brain very much. However, playing badminton also has three major disadvantages, which are unavoidable. Do you know?

Disadvantage 1: Playing badminton hurts your knees. When attacking, whether you take off with two feet or one foot, the moment you land, it will increase the burden on your knees. When defending, your body’s center of gravity will drop into a semi-squat posture, which will also add a lot of pressure to your knees, such as the pace of surfing the Internet when you move forward, and stepping back, including all kinds of big strides, small strides, sideways jumps, and steps.

I believe that many badminton lovers have more or less problems with their knees. Here is a very effective way to relieve them. It is impossible to play badminton all the time in the arena. Generally, after a game, you will rest for five to ten minutes. That is, during the rest, you can find a wall to do static squatting. The method is to lean back against the wall, bend your thighs and calves 90 degrees, and your knees should not exceed your toes, so as to relax your knees for five minutes before playing.

Disadvantage 2: Playing badminton costs a lot of money, rubbing against the ground back and forth, and badminton shoes are more expensive to wear than usual sports shoes. This is an expense. The ball line is broken and needs to be replaced. With the improvement of technology, the number of cables is increasing, and the number of thread changes is becoming more and more frequent. This is an expense. The rubber is dirty and there is no friction, so it needs to be replaced. This is an expense.

The biggest expense of playing badminton is the loss of badminton. A barrel of 12-pack badminton can be used, and the price is around 50 yuan. A barrel of balls is normal for four days, and it is more expensive in winter. How to solve this shortcoming is to replace nylon balls that are resistant to playing. The World Badminton Federation has developed outdoor nylon balls that are resistant to playing, but they are not fully popularized!

Disadvantage 3: Playing badminton is a waste of time. After playing for an afternoon, the time passed unconsciously. When playing badminton, I was happy, turned over, and began to regret it after playing. Today’s report has not been finished, and today’s plan has not been made. Today, I agreed to play with my wife and son, but I forgot all about it. I can only apologize to my wife and children and then work overtime alone until the early hours of the morning!

I have seen a poster in a gymnasium, which is very domineering: don’t let your business delay playing badminton! I read it several times, and finally laughed. Playing badminton is a waste of time. Players who are equal to each other always want to have another match, and as a result, one game after another is endless. After several years, you may not be promoted or raised because of playing badminton, but you have gained health. When you see your once all-powerful boss, with six hands and seven hands, starting to draw eight characters,