N things to advance into a space power, do you know? – Uncovering a new blueprint for China’s space exploration dream

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 22 Question: Do you know the N things that make China a space power? – Uncovering a new blueprint for China’s space exploration dream

  Xinhua News Agency reporters, Chen Fang, Yu Xiaojie, Hu Zhe

  Tiangong, Tianyan, Wukong, Mozi… In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, major breakthroughs in the aerospace field were "named". Aerospace powers "draw" a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist power in an all-round way.

  The Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the era of global networking, and the Fengyun meteorological satellite "family" has added new members… In less than a month after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s aerospace activities have been frequent. Facing the future, what new wonders will China’s aerospace write?

  Long March 8’s maiden flight, rocket recycling: China’s aerospace "major project" takes over

  Aerospace powers usually have advanced space power and large-scale launches, and can carry out lunar sampling and return, Mars landing and exploration, and build and operate space stations. Behind these "landmark" events, a country’s advanced manufacturing capabilities in design, technology, and materials, as well as the ability to coordinate multi-system research such as probes, launch sites, and measurement and control.

  On November 16, the Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation released the "2017-2045 Space Transportation System Development Roadmap", systematically planning the capacity building prospects and development blueprint of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

  The Long March 8 will make its maiden flight in 2020, the heavy launch vehicle will make its maiden flight around 2030, the launch vehicle will be fully reused around 2035, the future generation of launch vehicles will be put into use around 2040, and the ability of large-scale man-machine collaborative exploration of space will be available in 2045…

  Qin Xudong, deputy director of the General Office of the First Hospital of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, introduced that the roadmap issued this time is detailed and has clear goals, whether it is hot topics such as space tourism and recyclable rockets that the public is more concerned about, or future smart rockets, manned moon landings, manned Mars landings, etc.

  In order to explore the mysteries of the starry sky, generation after generation of astronauts have continued to struggle, our country has successfully developed more than ten types of Long March series carrier rockets, forming satellites, spacecraft and other spacecraft to any orbit of the earth, with the carrying capacity to carry out lunar and deep space exploration, which has strongly supported the successful implementation of major national projects such as "manned spaceflight", "Beidou navigation" and "lunar exploration".

  The white paper "2016 China’s Aerospace" shows that since 2011, China’s aerospace industry has continued to develop rapidly, with a significant increase in its independent innovation capabilities and a significant increase in its ability to enter space.

  Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the State Administration of Science and Industry for National Defense and deputy director of the National Space Administration, said that over the past 60 years, China’s aerospace industry has achieved a series of brilliant achievements represented by "two bombs and one satellite", manned spaceflight, and lunar exploration. With China’s continuous research on key technologies such as heavy-duty rockets, non-toxic and non-polluting medium-sized rockets, and low-cost transportation rockets in the future, China’s ability to enter space will be further enhanced, and the pace of exploration of the vast universe will be faster and faster.

  Beidou to navigate, the wind and clouds to know the sky: will space tourism still be far away?

  China’s aerospace industry is getting stronger and stronger. Will the space tourism expected by ordinary people be far behind? According to the plan, suborbital space tourism will become a reality around 2025.

  In the future, commercial solid launch vehicles will work together with liquid launch vehicles to provide users with diverse, low-cost, and highly reliable commercial launch services such as "space hitchhiker", "space shuttle", and "VIP special car", providing a richer range of vehicles for humanity to jointly explore the universe.

  Tang Yagang, president of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation’s First Institute Rocket Company, introduced that by around 2035, our country’s launch vehicles will be fully reused, and more ordinary people can take two-stage reusable vehicles to travel in space, enjoy the vastness of space and the splendor of the earth in the earth’s orbit, and realize the dream of flying.

  Whether it is the Beidou-3 satellite that "shocks the world" or the Fengyun-3 satellite that "watches the wind and clouds and knows the sky", a batch of "high-end" aerospace technology has gradually been "transformed" into a convenient "welfare": no matter where you are, "Beidou" will help you navigate; without leaving home, "Fengyun" will help you know the sky; surfing the Internet and making phone calls in a plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters is no longer a dream.

  On November 15, our country’s first interferometric hyperspectral greenhouse gas monitor, the Suifengyun-3 satellite, successfully entered the scheduled orbit of space. This "eye" can not only observe a variety of atmospheric components, but also detect the change in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air by 4 parts per million, making it a powerful tool for scientists to study the carbon cycle. In its birthplace, the 508 Institute of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, it is understood that it has ranked 156th among the "brothers and sisters" of remote sensors that enter space and operate in orbit from here.

  "China’s aerospace industry has long been more than just a representative of the’tall ‘." Gao Hongwei, chairperson of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, believes that the needs and calls of the people are the voice of the times for scientific and technological progress and innovation. At present, more than 2,000 aerospace technology achievements in our country have benefited the national economy and people’s lives.

  Mars and asteroids take turns to appear: the mystery of the starry sky never stops

  Facing the future, there are still many "big moves" in our country’s aerospace industry. According to the relevant person in charge of the National Space Administration, in addition to continuing to implement existing projects, a number of new major aerospace projects will also be launched one after another, including deep space exploration projects represented by Mars exploration, asteroid exploration, planetary crossing exploration, and the much-watched "moon exploration project".

  Lei Fanpei, chairperson of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said that by 2020, our country strives to achieve more than 200 spacecraft in orbit and about 30 launches a year, basically reaching the level of the world’s aerospace powers.

  "At present, 30% of our country’s aerospace technology indicators have reached the international first-class level. By 2030, we will strive to increase this figure to 60%, ranking among the top aerospace powers in the world; by 2045, we will fully become a world aerospace power." Lei Fanpei said.

  According to the plan, the future of our country’s heavy launch vehicles will be close to 10 meters in diameter, will use the thrust of 500 tons of liquid oxygen kerosene engine and thrust of 220 tons of liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen engine. That is to say, the future of our country’s launch vehicle capacity from the current more than 20 tons to increase 4 to 5 times, to 100 tons.

  Lu Yu, director of the Science and Technology Committee of the First Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said that by around 2030, our country’s heavy-lift carrier rocket will achieve its first flight. At that time, our heavy-lift carrier rocket with a 100-ton carrying capacity in low-Earth orbit will provide strong support for manned moon landing and sufficient carrying capacity for Mars sampling return.

  "If you don’t forget your original intention, you have to stay the same." Zhang Zhongyang, president of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, said that looking back on the past, China Aerospace has written countless wonderful moments in the sky of history; in the future journey, China Aerospace will definitely mark the new height of China’s development with new achievements.

Geely Auto was accused of plagiarism behind the "great pressure"

"Investor Network" Ge Fanmei

On March 9, Geely Automobile (0175.HK) announced that the company has submitted an application to the Stock Exchange for the addition of RMB counters, in order to support the new Hong Kong dollar-RMB dual-counter model plan launched by the Stock Exchange. This means that Geely Automobile is expected to become the first batch of Hong Kong-listed companies to join the dual-counter model.

The announcement said Geely believed the dual-counter arrangement could provide investors with new trading currency options and potentially more liquidity. The HKD-RMB dual-counter model also allows bookmakers to provide liquidity to their RMB counters and narrow the price differential between their HKD and RMB counters.

In the capital markets, Geely Automobile’s "RMB Hong Kong stock" is about to be realized. In terms of business, the company has made a bad start this year. In late February, the company launched a new energy sub-brand "Geely Galaxy", and soon fell into the "plagiarism door".

For Geely Automobile, an old car company with a 25-year history of car manufacturing, in addition to the plagiarism scandal, its continued decline in performance and loneliness in the new energy field may be more embarrassing. Now, Geely Automobile has high hopes for "Geely Galaxy", can it help it achieve corner overtaking in the field of new energy vehicles?

Trapped in the "plagiarism door"

On February 23, Geely Automobile launched a new mid-to-high-end new energy series – "Geely Galaxy", and released the prototype of Geely Galaxy "Galaxy Light".

According to reports, the "Geely Galaxy" series will launch seven new models within two years, of which the Galaxy intelligent electric hybrid L series will launch four products, the first electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7 and the first electric hybrid car Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the second and third quarters of this year respectively; Galaxy intelligent pure electric E series will launch three products, of which the first pure electric product E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

However, less than a week later, "Geely Galaxy" ushered in plagiarism doubts. On February 28, a lawyer’s letter sent by Chongqing Baijun Law Firm, the law firm entrusted by Changan Automobile, pointed out that the prototype of Geely Galaxy’s "Galaxy Light" has a lot of similarities with Changan Automobile’s concept car and mass-produced models. It is suspected that a large number of copies of the appearance of Changan Automobile’s released models have seriously infringed the relevant intellectual property rights of Changan Automobile.

According to the comparison chart circulated on the Internet, the outside world pointed out that the original model of Geely Galaxy and Changan Automobile Deep Blue SL03, UNI-V and other models have similarities in the front face, headlights and tail shape. According to the data, the Deep Blue SL03 was launched in July 2022, priced between 17-200,000 yuan, providing pure electric version, extended range version and hydrogen electric version. As of the end of February this year, the cumulative delivery volume reached 37,328 vehicles.

(Image source: Sina Weibo)

In response to the plagiarism rumors, Geely Automobile directly denounced the above-mentioned lawyer’s letter as "seriously untrue and groundless, misleading the public, and causing serious damage to our brand and goodwill." According to a statement released by Geely Automobile on February 28, Geely Galaxy Light is an original design of Geely, and there is no plagiarism and infringement of others’ intellectual property rights.

(Image source: Geely Automobile official Weibo)

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zheng, vice president of design of Geely Automobile Group, joined Geely in March 2022 after working for Changan Automobile for 20 years and served as the global design director of Changan Automobile Group.

However, Geely Automobile has already applied for the Galaxy series trademark. Qichacha shows that Geely Automobile applied for the registration of the "Galaxy Light" trademark on March 2, which is internationally classified as a means of transportation, and the current trademark status is "under registration application". Previously, Geely has also applied for "Geely Galaxy", "Jizhi Galaxy", "Haoqing Galaxy" and other Galaxy series trademarks.

(Source: Qichacha)

New energy vehicle "underachiever"?

Lin Jie, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, once said that the sales goal of each product of the Galaxy series is to become the top three in the market segment, and the joint geometry brand will cover 65% of the future new energy vehicle market.

In fact, Geely Automobile has already made big claims about its new energy layout, but the reality is not as good as it wants. As early as November 2015, Geely Automobile announced the implementation of a five-year development strategy called "Blue Geely Action", with the goal of "reaching 90% of new energy vehicle sales by 2020."

However, by 2020, Geely Automobile’s annual sales of new energy vehicles 68,000, down 39.7% year-on-year, accounting for only 5.2%. In 2021, Geely Automobile’s new energy vehicles were delivered 61,000, down 10% year-on-year, and still failed to achieve the new energy sales target. Geely Automobile, which is brave in the fuel vehicle market competition, has frequently lost in the new energy battlefield.

In fact, from the perspective of peer companies, it is not difficult to find that Geely Automobile’s layout in new energy vehicles is relatively late. When NIO, Li Auto, and XPeng Motors were launched in the United States in September 2018, July 2020, and August 2020 after four, five, and six years of establishment respectively, Geely Automobile really began to make big moves in the field of new energy vehicles.

Geely Automobile established Geometry Automobile in April 2019, positioning it as a new brand of mid-to-high-end pure electric vehicles, but the development of Geometry Automobile was not smooth in the first two years. Data show that in 2019 and 2020, the annual sales of Geometry Automobile remained at about 10,000 vehicles. In order to occupy a place in the field of new energy vehicles, Geely Automobile and its parent company established the new energy brand of Extreme Krypton Automobile in March 2021.

Entering 2022, the new energy vehicles under Geely Automobile began to exert force. According to Geely Automobile data, the cumulative sales of pure electric vehicles under Geely Automobile in 2022 were 262,000, an increase of 328% year-on-year, and 66,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles, an increase of 219% year-on-year. Although it is far higher than the industry’s 90% year-on-year growth rate, it is still unable to compare with the giants Tesla and BYD in scale. In 2022, BYD’s cumulative sales were 1.8635 million, an increase of 208.64% year-on-year. Among them, the sales of pure electric vehicles exceeded 910,000; while Tesla’s annual sales were 1.31 million, and about 440,000 in China.

As a traditional automaker with independent core technologies, Geely Automobile has followed in the footsteps of BYD’s transformation from traditional automakers to new energy vehicles.

Data show that BYD’s annual sales in 2018 were 520,000, only one-third of Geely Automobile’s total sales, but BYD’s new energy vehicle sales accounted for 47.5% at this time. Since March 2022, BYD has stopped the production of fuel vehicles, becoming the first car company in the world to officially announce the suspension of fuel vehicles. Until February this year, Geely Automobile’s new energy vehicles accounted for 21.4%, and fuel vehicles are still the company’s main sales force.

In January 2023, BYD sold 151,341 units, an increase of 62.44% year-on-year. During the same period, while BYD’s sales were growing, Geely Automobile’s sales fell sharply, achieving sales of 103,452 units, a decrease of about 29% year-on-year. Regarding the decline in sales, Geely Automobile explained that it was "mainly affected by the early Spring Festival holiday."

The performance is "under great pressure"

In 2022, Geely Automobile’s total sales volume was 1.43 million, an increase of about 8% year-on-year. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of new energy throughout the year was 328,727, and new energy accounted for about 23%.

In fact, compared with Geely Automobile’s previous sales target of 1.53 million vehicles in 2022, the company has not met the target. This is already the fifth consecutive year that Geely Automobile has not met the sales target. However, for 2023, Geely Automobile sets the sales target at 1.65 million vehicles, of which the sales target of new energy vehicles is more than 100% higher than the total sales achieved in 2022.

The continuous improvement of sales targets may be to ensure the full implementation of the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy. The strategy was proposed by Geely Automobile in 2021 and announced that the total sales target of 2025 cars is 3.65 million, of which 650,000 are Krypton cars and 3 million are Geely cars.

Extreme Krypton, a well-known new energy vehicle brand under Geely Automobile, sold only 71,900 vehicles in 2022. Since its establishment in March 2021, Extreme Krypton’s capital movements have been frequent. When the Pre-A round of strategic financing was completed in August 2021, the post-money valuation was about 9 billion US dollars, and the recent completion of 750 million US dollars financing, the post-money valuation was 13 billion US dollars, about 89.80 billion yuan; Geely Automobile is planning to spin off Extreme Krypton. Compared with the new car-making forces NIO, Xiaopeng, Ideal, and Zero Run, which have sold more than 100,000 cars in 2022, as of March 10, the valuation of the corresponding four companies is 102.40 billion yuan, 59.80 billion yuan, 154.90 billion yuan, 27 billion yuan; It is not difficult to see that the valuation of polar krypton is higher.

For new car manufacturers, profitability is still a problem. Extreme Krypton Auto’s net losses in 2021 and the first half of 2022 reached 1.01 billion yuan and 759 million yuan respectively. In just one and a half years, Extreme Krypton has lost up to 1.769 billion yuan.

Geely Automobile’s continued losses and huge demand for capital may also put pressure on Geely Automobile. Geely Automobile disclosed that in the first half of 2022, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin fell by 2.6 percentage points year-on-year to 14.6%, and the sharp decline in net profit was mainly due to the negative impact of the increase in raw material costs and the increase in the proportion of new energy vehicles.

In recent years, Geely Automobile’s net profit decline has become a trend. Wind data shows that from 2019 to 2021, the company’s net profit was 8.19 billion yuan, 5.534 billion yuan and 4.847 billion yuan, respectively, down 34.76%, 32.43% and 12.4% year-on-year; in the first half of 2022, Geely Automobile’s net profit further decreased by 34.81% year-on-year, to 1.552 billion yuan.

In terms of profitability, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin in 2018 fell from 20.2% to 14.6% in the first half of 2022, but the expense ratio rose from 7.8% in 2018 to 13.7% in the first half of 2022, and the expense ratio continued to rise. In comparison, BYD’s gross profit margin in the first half of 2022 was 13.51% and the expense ratio was 8.58%. During the same period, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin was slightly higher than BYD, but the expense ratio was much higher than BYD.

At the same time, Geely Automobile’s inventory is high. As of the end of June 2022, Geely Automobile’s inventory was 7.567 billion yuan, a significant increase from 5.522 billion yuan at the end of 2021. In the inventory, the inventory of manufactured goods increased sharply from 2.94 billion yuan at the end of 2021 to 4.063 billion yuan at the end of June 2022. How to remove inventory also tests Geely Automobile’s management ability. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  In order to meet the needs of the majority of users for old car replacement, Extreme Krypton launched a limited-time replacement subsidy activity for large users. From May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, you can buy Extreme Krypton 001 through old car replacement, and you can enjoy a maximum reward of 30,000 points.

  Specifically, the replacement of the 001 WE model can enjoy 20,000 points, and the replacement of the YOU model can enjoy 30,000 points. Replaceable models include extreme krypton 001 long battery life single motor WE version, long battery life double motor WE version and long battery life double motor YOU version.

A copy of _fororder_image001, which can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  Extreme points are the points issued by extreme brands. Users (not limited to extreme owners) only need to download and register the extreme App, and they can get corresponding extreme points rewards by signing in, viewing posts, publishing trends, commenting, forwarding, and inviting friends to make a decision. Extreme points are valid for three years, and can be used in various usage scenarios in the extreme krypton ecosystem, including extreme charging, redemption of extreme customized gifts in the extreme krypton App "Extreme Things" mall, and exclusive privileges in the extreme krypton center, such as coffee snacks, special drinks exchange, participation in colorful car owners’ community activities, etc. The specific extreme points can be found in the extreme krypton App in detail.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image002

Redeem limited drinks at the Krypton Center by using polar points.

  At present, krypton replacement service has been launched in 20 cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou, and more cities will be opened one after another. Through safe, reliable and transparent one-to-one exclusive service, fair quotation after multi-party bidding and one-stop convenient transaction that saves time and worry, the polar replacement service has been well received by car owners. As of June 8, more than 500 orders have been placed.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image003

  If you need to replace the car after booking, you can make an appointment online by clicking "Appointment Replacement" in the "Car" interface of the Extreme App. If there is a replacement intention after picking up the car, the owner can click "Order" in the "My" interface to find "ZEEKR Certification" and select "Appointment Replacement" after clicking on the car. (Photo courtesy of Krypton car)

How does the "online celebrity" city grow red behind the "May 1" four newly-built small towns in online celebrity?

  "Sold out", "sold out", "full contract" and "traffic jam" … … In the past May 1 ST, from the West Lake in Hangzhou to the ancient city of Dali, from the Summer Palace in Beijing to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, almost all famous scenic spots in China staged the scene of "conformity". "Sold out", "sold out" and "full contract" became the high-frequency vocabulary of this May Day.

  On May 1 this year, instead of focusing on big cities, we will focus on four new small cities in online celebrity — — Zibo, where "a kebab set fire to a city", Jiangmen after the popularity of The Knockout, Zhanjiang in "Hidden Corner" and Weifang, where "flying kites to heaven". Let’s take a look at their bills on May 1 this year, the tricks of attracting customers and the hidden worries behind the traffic fire.

  Good answer sheet

  Jiangmen, Zhanjiang: There are a constant stream of tourists who shoot TV dramas with the same "punch-in photos"

  A The Knockout put Jiangmen on the throne of a new online celebrity city.

  According to the big data forecast of the map software, during the May Day holiday, the cumulative net inflow of vehicles ranked in cities, and Jiangmen, Guangdong ranked third in the country. As of 19: 00 on May 3rd, Jiangmen received a total of 2,027,800 tourists during the May Day holiday, with a tourism income of 1,228 million yuan.

  Although the TV series The Knockout has been broadcast, the popularity of Jiangmen Tour is still unabated, and the online traffic has turned into a steady stream of passengers, and tourists who come to shoot the same TV series "punch in" are in an endless stream. Jiangmen City, combined with the characteristics of local cultural tourism, held a number of May Day market promotion activities. In the tourist area of Gulao Water Town in Jiangmen, the "straw model+dinosaur model+panda model+insect model" was introduced into the rural time area, focusing on creating a series of exhibition activities, as well as special performing arts and water fireworks shows.

  With the popularity of the online drama "Hidden Corner", Zhanjiang, the location of the filming, has also caught fire among fans and tourists, and Chikan Old Street in the play has become a must-see point for tourists. Chikan District Cultural Tourism Bureau organized puppet shows, net dragons, lion dances and other intangible projects in Datong Road Old Street. During the May Day period, there were 35 scenic spots in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, and the total number of tourists was 792,100. The top three key scenic spots are Jinsha Bay Binhai Leisure Tourism Zone, Dinglongwan International Marine Tourism Zone and Leizhou Maodegong Drum City Resort.

  Weifang: Zibo, director of the Cultural Tourism Bureau, attracts guests and flies kites to the West Lake for drainage.

  Weifang, next door to Zibo, also borrowed a barbecue "fire".

  During the May 1 ST period, Weifang City, Shandong Province was included in 30 scenic spots directly monitored by the province, receiving a total of 2,571,400 tourists, an increase of 432.86% year-on-year; The operating income was 220,880,100 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 376.55%.

  In order to attract customers, Weifang also made a "vicious move". On April 27th, Quan Wensong, director of Weifang Cultural Tourism Bureau, led a team to Zibo to "attract customers crazily". Before the barbecue stall, Quan Wensong sincerely recommended Weifang, and sent Weifang kites, tomatoes, cucumbers and other Weifang specialties to tourists, and at the same time shouted to tourists: Welcome to Weifang.

  During the May Day period, Quan Wensong was not idle. He gave tourists the name of "Ten Thousand Gardens" in the famous scenic spot of Weifang: ancient officials were afraid of forgetting things when they reported to the emperor, so they wrote memorandum-like words on the water board.

  Not only in Shandong, but also in Zhejiang. During the May Day holiday, hundreds of Weifang kites were flown in Wu Shan Square near the West Lake in Hangzhou. They also specially sent kite masters to teach kite making on the spot, and warmly invited tourists from all over the country to fly kites in Weifang.

  Two sides of Zibo

  The hottest: entertain the guests before entertaining the family.

  To say that the hottest city this year must be Zibo.

  From the data point of view, during the May Day holiday, Zibo Railway Station received 481,186 passengers, a record high. The enthusiasm of passengers is high. In five days, the city has invested 64,400 bus trips and transported 1.821 million passengers. The long-distance passenger stations have transported 48,900 passengers and 19,800 passengers.

  According to the data of the tourism platform, driven by the phenomenal traffic of "Zibo Barbecue", the number of hotel reservations in Shandong Province increased nearly three times compared with the same period in 2019 during the May Day period, ranking first in the country. Compared with the same period in 2019, the number of hotel reservations in Zibo has increased by more than 10 times, ranking among the top five hotels in Shandong Province.

  In terms of market supervision, Zibo cracked down on price violations, and successive news reports gave tourists a sense of security. During the "May Day" period, some tourists found that the toilet in Zibo Barbecue City was equipped with a "peace of mind basket", which contained wet toilet towels, alcohol cotton pads, and sanitary napkins. Even Changyanning for diarrhea was prepared. "Put ‘ Pet powder ’ I have achieved the ultimate, "many tourists commented.

  In addition, Zibo citizens have a strong sense of ownership. People in the city "make way" for foreign tourists. When they see relevant negative comments on the Internet, they not only take the initiative to apologize and appease tourists’ emotions, but also help to complain and solve problems.

  What moved people even more was that the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism did not take the citizens’ contribution for granted. On May 4th, the activity of "Zibo Citizens Week" was launched, and "after entertaining foreign tourists, we will entertain our families", which ended the May Day holiday perfectly.

  Hidden worry: online celebrity can’t grow red until the four major problems are solved.

  Due to the surge of tourists, the city’s tourist reception capacity has been tested. On April 26th, the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism said in a letter to the tourists that the hotels in the central city have been sold out during the May 1st period, and the passenger flow has exceeded the reception capacity. It is expected that there will be traffic jams, parking difficulties, long queues and other problems in some key sections and online celebrity punch points, and tourists are advised to travel at the wrong peak.

  ■ Transportation.

  During the May Day holiday, the vehicles on Jinjing Avenue, the main road in Zhangdian District of Zibo, could hardly move. Ms. Liu, who came to Zibo for a trip and took a taxi by Jinjing Avenue, said that the driver was stuck in the road after taking the order, and she and her friends had to walk two blocks to find the driver who was stuck in the road.

  ■ Accommodation

  During May Day, Liu Yongkun, the owner of an e-sports hotel in Zhangdian District, will still receive many calls every day even if the reservation platform shows that the room is full. "Many buddies called me: ‘ I’ll give you money, I’ll add some for you, don’t hide it, you let me live. ’ But there is really no room. " "Now the hotel can’t receive it. The big problem is that the linen can’t be washed." Liu Yongkun explained that linen needs to be sent to specialized agencies for cleaning, and now the order volume received by linen cleaning agencies every day is several times or even dozens of times that of the original.

  ■ Catering

  One of the hottest barbecue shops in Zibo, Yang Benxin, the owner of Muyangcun barbecue shop, is tired. Looking at the vast guests in the shop, his look revealed an unsustainable feeling. "In the past two days, my wife’s voice has been finished and she can’t speak." He said, "You see there are quite a lot of people now, which actually disrupts our normal business. Many people either come to eat or join in the fun and make a mess. " Before the fire broke out, the store’s business hours were from 11 noon to 2 pm and from 4: 30 pm to 11: 30 pm. Now Yang Benxin is afraid to open at noon and opens at 4: 30 pm instead.

  Every day before opening the door, he is under great pressure. "Open the door is full, you say zha service? Who to serve? We feel bad. Now the turnover in the store has decreased, and the original guests really want to eat, and then they leave after eating, so they can be recycled. Now is to play, sit down and don’t go, there are guests playing until 2 o’clock in the middle of the night. I’m a family now. Too tired, it’s not about money, it’s desperate! "

  ■ Disturbance to the people

  Residents in the neighborhood of the convenience market in Zibo are very troubled. Some people say that they haven’t driven for a month, so they can only ride an electric car to squeeze out. Sometimes the electric car can’t ride, so you have to take a detour to send your children to and from school. In addition to the compressed activity space, the normal life of residents is also affected. "It’s not easy to buy a steamed bread now, (because) people who sell meat, vegetables and steamed bread have changed careers." Resident Zhang Ayi complained.

  Expert advice

  Create local characteristics

  The foundation of tourism is guided by normalization.

  Luo Sibo, former president of Chongqing Tourism College, believes that the explosive growth of May Day tourism this year is actually rebounding, showing the strong recovery of the domestic tourism market. These four small and medium-sized cities can become hot spots under the background of the recovery of domestic tourism market, which is not unrelated to their own urban marketing. Among them, Zhanjiang and Jiangmen are new online celebrity cities formed with the popularity of The Knockout and other TV dramas. Zibo and Weifang, which are recommended by the government, are gradually gaining popularity on the Internet.

  Among the marketing strategies of these four cities, Lozberg was most impressed by Zibo: "Zibo’s marketing methods are different from before, and everyone thinks that it is a series of barbecues to drive a city, but in fact, the barbecue is just a tipping point, behind which is the government’s integration and gathering of various local tourism resources, and the government’s support is very strong. For example, food and accommodation prices, traffic guidance, and citizens’ attitudes are mature urban marketing. "

  The fire explosion during the May Day holiday also brought pressure to Zibo, Weifang, Zhanjiang and Jiangmen, which exposed many problems such as traffic jams, parking difficulties, long queues, food and shelter difficulties, and the impact on the lives of local residents. Lozber analyzed, "These situations actually happened in previous tourist attractions, but this time it happened in cities. There are three main reasons: First, the lack of information guidance in these cities has led to an excess of tourists, which has affected the sense of experience. This shows that the building of smart cities is very important and the prediction of tourism data should be strengthened; Second, there is no subdivision when guiding tourists to travel, and they are still in the guidance of conformity. Whether it is the government, travel agencies or related business units, it is necessary to conduct differentiated guidance. For example, there are now "special forces" tours for students; Third, the reception guidance is insufficient, and the host (local residents) are also restricted when the host and guest share, which requires the relevant departments to predict in advance and strengthen guidance. "

  How can a tourist city in online celebrity grow red? Rozberg also gave a suggestion: "In this era of information explosion, if urban tourism wants to last forever, it is necessary to conduct diversified demand guidance, not too much pursuit of large-scale, popular and homogeneous explosion point guidance, but should be guided by life scenes. For example, if a movie or TV series makes a scene in a city on fire, the local area can conduct scene guidance according to this point, and start with factors such as eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment to create a one-stop unique scene and atmosphere, realize the integration of literature and tourism, and truly make it delicious, beautiful and fun. At the same time, we should not blindly follow up on accommodation and catering reception immediately because of the booming holidays. Once there is uneven busy and idle, uneven off-season and peak season, it may cause waste of resources. It is still necessary to base on normal tourism, build a tourism foundation with local characteristics, and conduct normalization guidance, thus turning traffic into stock. "

  Comprehensive CCTV, upstream news, beijing business today, etc.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded to "disable VPN": the clean-up target is unqualified people.

At the press conference of the State Council Office on the 15th, Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the target of this time was that VPN suppliers in China had stopped operating recently.Mainly those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards are cleaned up. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

The following is a record of the press conference:

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office. Today, we are very pleased to invite Mr. Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Zheng Lixin, spokesperson and director of the Operation Monitoring Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Mr. Wen Ku, director of the Information and Communication Development Department, and ask them to introduce the development of the industrial communication industry in the first half of 2017 and answer your questions. Let’s ask Mr. Zhang Feng to make an introduction first.

Zhang Feng:




The effects of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading have been further manifested. Electronics and equipment manufacturing continued to lead the industrial growth, with the added value increasing by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively in the first half of the year. The industrial benefits of raw materials rose steadily, with a profit increase of 46.2% in the first five months. The consumer goods industry was generally stable. The added value in the first half of the year increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points higher than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the profit increased by 10.6%, and the supply level of middle and high-end consumption improved.

The key work of supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector has been steadily advanced. The de-capacity of steel was accelerated. In the first five months, 84.8% of the annual task of resolving excess steel capacity was completed, and the task of banning "strip steel" was fully completed by the end of June. Positive progress has been made in resolving excess capacity in industries such as electrolytic aluminum, cement and flat glass. Cost reduction measures continued to be strengthened, urging all regions to cancel more than 200 deposit projects involving enterprises and return more than 30 billion yuan of deposit. Steadily promote deleveraging, and the asset-liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size decreased by 0.7 percentage points year-on-year at the end of May. Vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industry and achieve new results, organize and implement five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center and intelligent manufacturing, and promote the construction of "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration urban agglomeration. In the first half of the year, the added value and investment of high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 13.1% and 21.5% respectively, which was 6.2 and 6.9 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Positive progress has been made in the entrepreneurial innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the efforts to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of small and micro enterprises have been further strengthened. The pilot demonstration of the manufacturing dual-innovation platform was actively promoted. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year; In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the 32-month contraction period.

The information and communication industry maintained rapid development. The network has made greater strides in speeding up and reducing fees. The penetration rate of stable broadband households has increased to 67%, and the penetration rate of mobile broadband users has increased to 77.4%, all of which have exceeded the annual target. In the first half of the year, the revenue of telecom business increased by 5.7% year-on-year, and the revenue of Internet and related services increased by 19.8% year-on-year. 4G users increased by 120 million, reaching 890 million, accounting for 65% of the total mobile users; The proportion of optical fiber access users reached 80.9%, the prosperity index of China’s Internet industry grew steadily, and the software business income increased by 13.2% year-on-year.

Judging from the operation in the first half of the year, the industrial economy has achieved a good trend of speed stabilization, efficiency improvement, quality improvement and structural optimization while striving to overcome the complex and changeable external environment and the increase of unstable and uncertain factors, which laid a good foundation for the smooth operation of the industry in the second half of the year and the realization of the annual objectives and tasks.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects:

First, further consolidate the momentum of steady growth of the industrial economy. The second is to focus on promoting the structural reform of the supply side in the industrial sector. The third is to vigorously revitalize the manufacturing industry. The fourth is to actively promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. The fifth is to enhance the supporting role of the information and communication industry in economic and social development.

The above is a brief situation. Now my colleagues and I are willing to answer your questions.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Thanks to Mr. Zhang Feng for his introduction. Let’s enter the question-and-answer session. As usual, please inform your news organization before asking questions. Please ask questions.

CCTV reporter:

I think it is mentioned in the data that the industrial economy was at its best in the first half of the year in the same period of nearly three years, and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.9%. Does this mean that the industrial economy has bottomed out and showed a steady and positive trend? In addition, I would also like to ask the spokesman to predict the trend of industrial operation in the second half of the year. Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Please ask Director Zheng Lixin to answer this question.

Zheng Lixin:

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Thank you for your question. In the first half of the year, China’s industrial economy was generally stable, stable and positive, mainly manifested in the steady growth of industrial production, continuous improvement of benefits, accelerated conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and active promotion of structural adjustment. The main indicators were better than expected, and the current "good" situation of industrial operation can be understood from four aspects.

First, from the perspective of industrial production, the good situation is continuing.

First, the industrial growth rate is accelerating, and the momentum of steady growth is obvious. In the first half of the year, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 6.9%, which was the best in the past three years. In June, the growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 7.6%, which has been higher than 6% for 14 consecutive months and has remained above 6.5% since this year; Among them, the growth rate of added value of manufacturing industry increased by 8% year-on-year.

Second, driven by major measures such as supply-side structural reform, the profits of upstream industries have increased substantially, and the benefits of enterprises have continued to improve. In the first five months, the total profit of 38 of the 41 major industrial sectors increased year-on-year. The income and profit of the main business above designated size increased by 13.5% and 22.7% respectively year-on-year, which is also relatively high in recent years, accelerating by 10.6 and 16.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year. While the profits of the whole industry increased substantially, the profits of the raw materials industry increased by 46.2% year-on-year, which played a great role in the profit growth of the whole industry.

Third, the international foreign trade market has picked up, and industrial exports have shown a recovery growth. In the first half of the year, export delivery value, an industry above designated size, grew by 10.9%, 11.6 percentage points faster than that of the same period last year, which strongly supported the industrial growth this year.

Second, from the perspective of industrial restructuring, good power is increasing.

First, the development of advanced manufacturing industry has been actively promoted. "Made in China 2025" has progressed steadily, and five major projects, such as manufacturing innovation center, intelligent manufacturing, strong industrial base, green manufacturing and high-end equipment innovation, have progressed smoothly, and major breakthroughs have been made in the development of major equipment such as domestic large aircraft and the first domestic aircraft carrier. In the first half of this year, the added value of electronics and equipment manufacturing increased by 13.9% and 10.9% respectively, and these two major industries became important forces for industrial growth in the first half of this year.

Second, the pace of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has accelerated. We have implemented the "Three Products" special action, and internet plus and sharing economy have driven traditional industries to open up new development space. Smartphones, high-definition TVs and other products that meet the requirements of consumption upgrading have maintained rapid growth. In the first half of the year, the added value of consumer goods industry increased by 7.7% year-on-year, which was 0.8 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry.

Third, the cultivation of new kinetic energy is promoted in an orderly manner. The implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy has been accelerated, mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the manufacturing industry have flourished, and new technologies, new products, new models and new formats have emerged. In the first half of the year, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 13.1% year-on-year, which was 6.2 percentage points faster than that of the whole industry. The output of industrial robots and integrated circuits increased by 52.3% and 23.8% respectively. In the first half of the year, we actively promoted structural adjustment, made positive progress in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and achieved a great leap in emerging industries.

Third, from the perspective of regional development, a good foundation is being consolidated.

First, the industrial growth of the eastern coastal provinces with strong innovation ability and large investment in technological transformation is stable. Shanghai, Fujian and other provinces and cities have formulated policies and measures to accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries and promote the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and continued to expand industrial investment and investment in technological transformation, thus maintaining rapid development of regional industries. The growth rate of industrial added value in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Zhejiang, which account for the top five in the national total industrial output, is higher than the national average growth rate, and the support of industrial provinces for steady industrial growth is further enhanced.

Second, the northeastern and western provinces with heavy industrial structure and poor efficiency in the previous two years showed a good trend. In the first half of the year, the industrial growth rate in Ningxia, Yunnan, Qinghai and other regions was faster than the national average growth rate. The decline in industrial growth rate in Liaoning narrowed by 3.4 percentage points year-on-year, and profits in Xinjiang and other provinces all turned from a sharp decline in the same period last year to a rapid increase.

Fourth, from the indicators related to industrial activities, good expectations continue. In the first half of the year, the ex-factory price (PPI) of industrial producers increased by 6.6% year-on-year, which has maintained a positive growth for 10 consecutive months. The purchasing managers’ index of manufacturing industry has been above threshold for 11 consecutive months, indicating that the production of enterprises keeps expanding. Industrial electricity consumption and freight volume increased by 6.1% and 10% respectively, and increased by 5.3 and 6.9 percentage points respectively. The matching between these related indicators and industrial growth is increasing.

Just now, a reporter friend asked about the expected situation of industry in the second half of the year. Generally speaking, the signs of stable and good industry in China are increasing, especially under the impetus of supply-side structural reform, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has become an important force to consolidate economic development. However, we also notice that structural contradictions are still outstanding in economic development. With the continuous implementation of the central government’s policy of supporting the real economy, industrial development is constantly overcoming various difficulties, achieving a growth rate of 6.9% in the first half of this year, achieving the best state in the past three years, and constantly overcoming various difficulties.

Looking forward to the situation in the second half of the year, there are more and more factors conducive to the steady growth of industry, but we still have to focus on solving some new situations and new problems that may arise in industrial operation. We also focus on strengthening the monitoring, early warning and prediction of industrial operation, constantly discovering the problems that affect the steady growth of industry and constantly solving these problems. It should be said that the good momentum of ensuring stable industrial growth in the second half of the year will be further consolidated, and it is expected that the industry will continue to operate smoothly in the second half of the year. According to the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will conscientiously implement policies and measures to stabilize growth, promote reform, adjust the structure, benefit people’s livelihood and prevent risks, further promote the supply-side structural reform in the industrial sector, continuously accelerate the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, revitalize advanced manufacturing industries, maintain healthy industrial development, and strive to accomplish all tasks this year. Thank you.

American cable news reporter:

Recently, some media pay more attention to China’s VPN-related policies. I heard that some VPN providers in China have stopped operating. Can you confirm or clarify it? In addition, what laws and policies does China have on VPN management? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer this question for you. The problem you mentioned just now is like this. In order to strengthen market supervision, maintain a fair and orderly market order and promote the development of the industry, in January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Cleaning up and Regulating the Internet Network Structure Service Market. The Notice is mainly to better regulate market behavior.The main targets of the regulation are enterprises and individuals who have not been approved by the competent telecommunications authorities and have no qualification for international communication business, who rent international private lines or VPN to carry out cross-border telecommunications business activities in violation of regulations. You can also take a closer look at the relevant provisions on cross-border business activities, which will not affect domestic and foreign enterprises and users to carry out this normal cross-border access to the Internet, and he will legally carry out various business activities according to regulations, and will not bring them any impact. Mainly to clean up those who operate without a license and do not meet the standards. It is not affected by enterprises and individuals who abide by the law.

At the same time, we also noticed that some foreign trade enterprises and multinational enterprises can rent from telecom operators who set up international communication import and export bureaus according to law when they need to cross-border networking through special lines for office use and other reasons, and the relevant provisions of the Notice will not affect their normal operation.

China International Television reporter:

Since the summer of this year, there have been frequent rainstorm disasters in many areas of China. We know that communication is very important for emergency rescue and disaster relief. I would like to ask, what is the current progress of communication support in the disaster area? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

This question is answered by Director Wen Ku.

Wen Ku:

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China is a country where various geological disasters occur frequently. Communication plays an important role in emergency rescue and disaster relief, whether it is to report safety to relatives and friends or to communicate emergency rescue and disaster relief information. In order to do a good job in emergency communication support this year, at the beginning of this year, our Ministry issued relevant documents on flood control communication support, sent inspection teams to Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and other places to carry out inspections on flood control emergency communication support, and organized emergency communication support drills in key areas such as Beijing, Jiangsu and Guangdong to continuously improve the emergency communication support capability of the whole industry.

Since the flood season, many parts of the country have been hit by heavy rains. In view of the exceptionally heavy rain and flood disasters that are rare in history, under the overall arrangement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the local communication industries responded in time and fought against disasters, and the relevant communication administrations took the lead and went to the front line to supervise and dispatch flood fighting and rescue; The basic telecommunications enterprises acted quickly and dispatched a large number of personnel and equipment to repair damaged communication facilities and do a good job in emergency communication support. According to statistics, as of July 23, the national communications industry has dispatched 182,000 emergency repair personnel, 67,000 emergency repair vehicles and 85,000 power generators, and sent 180 million emergency short messages. After all-out repair, 52,900 base stations (accounting for 97.3% of the total number of returned base stations) have been restored, and 10,000 kilometers of lines have been restored (accounting for 95.3% of the total number of damaged lines). In the early stage, the communication facilities affected by floods in southern China have been basically restored, and staged results have been achieved in flood control and disaster relief. At present, it is mainly due to heavy rainfall in Northeast Jilin, and some facilities are damaged and are being fully repaired. The overall operation of the national network is stable, and there is no total communication resistance in large areas above towns and villages, and the emergency rescue and disaster relief dispatching and command communication in the affected areas is smooth.

Our department will continue to pay close attention to the development of flood, dispatch and respond in time, do a solid job in emergency communication support, and provide strong support for flood fighting and emergency rescue.

Reporter of China Radio International:

We know that this year is the third year that China has proposed to speed up and reduce fees. How does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology evaluate the work progress in these three years? In addition, what are the specific work plans for the second half of the year? What is the overall benefit of speeding up and reducing fees? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Let me answer your question. Thank you for your question. According to the request of the State Council, the work of speeding up and reducing fees has been started, and this year has entered its third year. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it, and in this year’s "Government Work Report", they asked the Internet to take greater steps to speed up and reduce fees.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology resolutely implements the decision-making arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and works with relevant departments and basic telecommunications enterprises to push forward all work in a down-to-earth manner. At present, relevant work is progressing well.

First, we will continue to promote the construction of high-speed broadband networks. All three companies continue to promote the construction of fiber-optic broadband and 4G mobile broadband networks, and constantly strengthen the breadth and depth of network coverage. By the first half of 2017, all cities in China had built optical network cities with a total of 2.99 million 4G base stations. The proportion of broadband users over 20M nationwide reached 86%, and the proportion of 4G users reached 65%. We will continue to promote the full coverage of rural broadband, and jointly organize and implement the pilot project of universal telecommunications service with the Ministry of Finance. More than 130,000 administrative villages have been deployed with optical fibers. All the 32,000 administrative villages supported this year have been confirmed, and bidding has been started in various places.

The second is to vigorously promote the popularization of broadband. As of May, the total number of fixed broadband household users in China exceeded 300 million, and the household penetration rate reached 67.0%. Mobile broadband users have surpassed the 1 billion mark, and the penetration rate in the national population has reached 77.4%. Both of the two penetration indicators have achieved their annual development targets ahead of schedule.

Third, various preferential measures for fee reduction have been implemented. Since May 1st, all three companies have significantly reduced their international long-distance telephone charges in major directions to 0.49-0.99 yuan/minute, with an average drop of up to 90%. At the same time, the Internet private line access charges have been lowered by more than 15%, and the international settlement negotiations will be further intensified, and the international long-distance telephone charges in more directions will be gradually lowered. For industrial parks, dual-innovation enterprises, etc., we will launch special broadband products such as business lines and micro-broadband that can better meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

With regard to the cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones, our department has continued to push the three basic telecommunications companies to speed up their work in accordance with the principle of ensuring that the work is in place and striving for early implementation. According to what we know now, the three companies are going all out to promote system transformation and other related work, and strive to achieve their goals ahead of schedule.

Speed-up and fee reduction have promoted the continuous development and growth of China’s digital economy. According to the White Paper on the Development of Digital Economy in China (2017) issued by China Institute of Information and Communication, in 2016, the scale of China’s digital economy reached 22.6 trillion yuan, a nominal increase of over 18.9% year-on-year, which was significantly higher than the GDP growth rate of that year, accounting for 30.3% of GDP. Digital economy has become the core driving force for economic growth in recent years, and its contribution to GDP growth is increasing. The deepening of speeding up and reducing fees and the development of digital economy have also driven the competitiveness of related enterprises in China to continue to increase. At present, the total market value of 89 listed Internet companies in China has reached 7.4 trillion US dollars, an increase of nearly 40% compared with the end of 2016. Three companies have entered the top 10 listed Internet companies in the world, and nine companies have entered the top 30.

It should be said that the significance of speeding up and reducing fees is very great. Thank you.

Hong Kong Cable TV reporter:

I am very concerned about VPN. I would like to ask, according to the Notice issued in January, what is the approval standard for relevant enterprises?

Zhang Feng:

Not only private Internet lines, including VPN, but also basic telecommunications services and value-added telecommunications services need to be approved by the government. There are regulations from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Telecommunications Ordinance to the directory of telecommunications services, and these regulations have different requirements for different services. For example, operating basic telecommunications services requires basic telecommunications services, and operating value-added telecommunications services requires value-added telecommunications services. There are many value-added telecom services now, which are all described in the new telecom service catalogue. So the standard question you just asked has different requirements for different businesses, and accordingly there are different standards. For example, big data, cloud computing, data centers, etc., mainly strengthen management, strengthen norms, ensure consumer rights and interests, and provide high-quality, long-term, fixed and safe services. For example, there are still some data centers, namely IDC, where the standards have also been revised, mainly to ensure the quality of service and security, which is the most important. Many of our businesses are now in the cloud, and the data center is an important support. If the data center is not well protected and does not operate safely and reliably, it will have great hidden dangers for enterprises. Thank you.

China Daily reporter:

We noticed that the PMI of SMEs in June was 50.1%, which was above the critical point for two consecutive months. Does this mean that the development trend of SMEs is improving? Next, what specific measures will the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology take to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

Thank you for your question. In the first half of this year, our department stepped up efforts to supervise the implementation of the support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises, promoted the introduction of preferential measures to raise the upper limit of annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises from the current 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, organized special actions on accounts receivable financing for small and micro enterprises, and actively promoted the pilot demonstration of the "double innovation" platform for manufacturing, the national demonstration base for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation, and the demonstration of small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial innovation cities. At present, 38,000 small and micro enterprises have settled in 194 national demonstration bases for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurship and innovation, and 760,000 jobs have been provided.

Under the continuous action of policies and measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown a steady and positive trend. In the first half of the year, the added value of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.6% year-on-year, which was 0.7 percentage points faster than the overall industrial growth rate. In the first five months, the operating income and total profit of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 13.5% and 15.7% respectively, up by 7.5 and 6.3 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year, and the loss of enterprises was 14.9%, narrowing by 1.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. In June, the PMI of small enterprises was 50.1%, ending the situation of being in the contraction range for 32 consecutive months and being above the critical point for two consecutive months. These data show that at present, the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises is generally stable and their economic benefits have maintained rapid growth.

In the next step, our department will focus on the following aspects. First, focus on improving the policy environment. Do a good job in organizing and implementing the plan for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (2016-2020), and at the same time cooperate with the National People’s Congress to continue to do a good job in the revision of the SME Promotion Law. The second is to increase fiscal and taxation support. Continue to do a good job in the work of the National SME Development Fund, and drive social capital to promote the development of growing SMEs in seed stage and initial stage. Promote the implementation of preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption to support the development of small and micro enterprises. The third is to further improve the financing environment. Deepen cooperation with banking financial institutions and implement cooperation agreements signed with China Construction Bank. Do a good job in the management of credit guarantee compensation funds for small and medium-sized enterprises. Cooperate with the People’s Bank of China to do a good job in pledge financing of accounts receivable. The fourth is to promote the transformation of entrepreneurial innovation of SMEs. We will continue to implement the informatization promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises and the intellectual property promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises. Use the "internet plus" to promote Sharing Manufacturing and promote the development of large, medium and small enterprises. At the same time, we will continue to hold the "Maker China" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Promote the construction and pilot of smart clusters. The fifth is to improve the public service system. Promote the development of SME policy services and voluntary services. We will promote the network construction and service development of public platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises. Thank you.

NPR reporter:

I want to ask ordinary people how to visit and browse foreign websites. What will happen if VPN is used? It is reported that some places have issued regulations to strengthen the management of those who use VPN to surf the Internet illegally. Is this the case?

Zhang Feng:

Please listen to the Secretary Wen’s reply.

Wen Ku:

Thank you. All three journalists are concerned about VPN. In fact, Mr. Zhang has given a very accurate answer to the VPN question just now. I’d like to repeat that to operate related businesses in China, you should apply for permission according to the laws and regulations of China, which is actually done in many countries all over the world. This is done in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the management methods of each country are different.

I don’t know about the local regulations you mentioned just now. But I can tell you that the three major operators in China have done a lot of work in providing services to the people, and the network speed has been continuously improved, which has achieved good results. Just now, Mr. Zhang also introduced this aspect, especially the digital economy, the streets and lanes, especially the bike-sharing near the subway entrance, etc., which shows that the network coverage is very perfect and the application is increasingly extensive. At the same time, we will also pay attention to some needs of ordinary people. However, it is not allowed by the laws of China to spread harmful or even violent information through the Internet. Thank you.

China News Service reporter:

Two questions. First, the State Council recently deployed the construction of the "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone, and said that it would innovate its system and mechanism. Please tell us something about it. Secondly, it has been reported recently that the four major automobile industry associations in the world sent a letter to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, requesting to postpone the implementation of the dual-point system for new energy vehicles, which is what they call the quota policy. Please tell us about the impact of the dual-point system on the automobile market. What is the response of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to the demands of the four major automobile industry associations? Thank you.

Zhang Feng:

You just asked two questions. Let me answer your first question, which is about the creation of a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone recently deployed by the the State Council Standing Committee. It is of great significance to create a "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone and explore new breakthroughs in the transformation and upgrading of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, to promote structural reform on the supply side, build a manufacturing power, maintain medium-and high-speed economic growth, and move towards the middle and high-end level. The deployment of "Made in China 2025" national demonstration zone in the State Council is an important support for the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing a strong country, and it is also an important measure to accelerate the "Made in China 2025" to take root. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the the State Council Standing Committee, continuously enrich the work content and policy connotation of the demonstration area together with the member units of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, improve the gold content of the pilot demonstration work, guide and support local bold innovation, try first, form a typical experience that can be replicated and popularized, and accelerate the overall process of "Made in China 2025".

Specifically, first, we should pay close attention to the study of the relevant declaration standards, management methods and workflow of the demonstration area, and further clarify the principles, work requirements and demonstration priorities of the establishment. Second, it is necessary to make overall consideration of the connection between the existing pilot demonstration and the creation of demonstration areas, further focus on policy resources, and form a joint effort between departments, the central and local governments. Third, we should refine and improve preferential policies, and make efforts in deepening the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", promoting the development of large, medium and small enterprises, and transforming and upgrading traditional industries. Preferential policies mainly focus on the following four aspects: First, simplify administration and decentralize power, further deepen the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform in the demonstration area, optimize the business environment, and increase efforts to attract foreign investment. Second, fiscal and taxation financial support, support demonstration areas to vigorously promote innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthen corporate equity incentives, and explore policies such as linking credit evaluation with tax convenience services. Third, land supply guarantee, including policies such as giving moderate inclination to the annual new industrial land index in the demonstration area. The fourth is the introduction of talent training, supporting the demonstration area to expand the two-way flow mechanism of talents, carrying out pilot projects of entrepreneurship subsidies, and supporting overseas talents to return to China to start businesses.

The main body of the demonstration area is the local area. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen support and guidance with the members of the National Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country, so that the demonstration area can better play its role of demonstration and lead, and drive other regions to accelerate the upgrading, efficiency improvement, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Thank you.

Zheng Lixin: I will answer the second question. Thank you for your question first. The parallel management method of average fuel consumption and new energy points of passenger car enterprises, also referred to as the double points method, was recently publicized on the legal information website of China Government of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office, and will be officially released in the near future when the release procedure is fulfilled. The double integral method is aimed at the actual situation of the development of new energy vehicles in China. Through this method, we can establish a long-term mechanism to promote the development of new energy vehicles, promote the research and development and promotion of new energy vehicles, and strengthen the management of energy conservation and emission reduction of automobile products. This is also a common practice in the world. In this respect, we will also actively carry out international cooperation, jointly promote the development of new energy vehicles in China with the international community, and create a good environment for the development of our traditional vehicles.

The reporter mentioned the suggestions made by the four major automobile associations. We received the opinions of the four associations during the publicity of the double-point method, and we will do further research. Thank you.

The host attacked Yan Chun:

Time, today’s press conference is over. Thanks again to several publishers, and thank you all. thank you