The "Running Carnival" brothers joined hands with Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin to open a summer carnival.

Video: "Running Carnival" Zhejiang Satellite TV sincerely dedicates the running men’s group to invite the audience to party with their old and new friends.

With the high-quality program content, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s Run Bar has not only topped the list, but also won the praise of major institutions and media such as People’s Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the official Weibo of the United Nations, which has satisfied the audience’s appetite with its "running strength". With everyone’s earnest expectation, this Friday night’s "Run" finally ushered in the "Running Carnival" with increased and upgraded joy this season. At the scene, "Run" not only invites enthusiastic audience to experience the classic game of running men, but also brings wonderful song and dance performances with old and new friends Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin. In addition, Xu Yaping, Tony, Jia Shukai and other "helping amateur friends" will also be present to bring surprise interaction. What sparks of joy will their arrival collide with "logging fatigue"?

Angela Zhang and JJ Lin, together with popular new forces, Chen Linong and Rocket Girls 101, made great surprises on the same stage.

Following the continuous exposure of the guest lineup of "Running Carnival" by the official Weibo of "Running", netizens expressed their "super expectation! Everyone has a good heart. " In order to give back to the audience’s love and support, we will bring you an "Amazing" carnival feast at the closing ceremony. This time, "Run" not only sincerely invited old friends Jason, Angela Zhang, JJ Lin and Joey Yung, who are powerful singers, to sing on the same stage, but also pleasantly welcomed new friends with super popularity, such as Mao Bubian, Rocket Girls 101 and Hot Blood Street Dance Troupe.

At the scene, Ryan and "Grandmother Zheng" Angela Zhang continued their pioneering work in the "Running Carnival" after the "Family Graduation Challenge" and performed wonderful interactive performances; Lu Han and the bloody street dance group "Steel King Team" used dance to burn this "running feast"; Michael Chen, who has always had a lot of golden sentences in the program, not only brought a hilarious talk show with "Sister Ju" Naomi, but also reviewed the happy moment of "attacking and defending and tearing famous brands" with Chen Linong as the incarnation of "Fat Fish". In addition, Rocket Girls 101, the most popular female group, will also show off her singing and dancing skills in surprise. In the face of such a strong guest lineup, whose performance do you want to Pick most?

The "sound-deaf team" was exposed. Jason and Angelababy actually collaborated again on "This is Love"

In addition to welcoming new and old friends, the "Running Carnival" will also announce the long-awaited unvoiced MV of the "Music Crazy Team". In "Run" and "Special Edition of Mid-year Fans’ Club", Jason and Jane Zhang, the powerful singers, once led the "Music Insanity Team" and "Teana Team" to record songs, and set off a nationwide Pick craze. Although the "Teana Team" finally lost and accepted the punishment announced by the whole network of unvoiced MV, many netizens were full of curiosity about the unvoiced MV of the "Tone Crazy Team".

At this carnival feast, Jason, the tutor of "Music Insanity Team", not only brought "the sound of nature" to the audience, but also collaborated with "Run Music Student" Angelababy on "This is Love" again. At the scene, the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Tone Insanity Team" was exposed by the program group. In order to prove the singing strength of the "Tone Insanity Team", Angelababy boldly proposed to cooperate with her mentor Jason on the spot "This is Love". Can Angelababy overcome "forgetting words and out of tune" and produce the "death treble" in Jason’s masterpiece This is Love? What "surprises" will the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Music Insanity Team" bring to the audience?

After enjoying the beautiful and pleasant song and dance performances, what other "running memories and killing" will "logging tired" offer together with the "running help group"? What surprises will the old and new friends of Run bring to us? The answers are at 16:00 on July 6th (Friday), "Run Happy Carnival Afternoon" and "Carnival Night" at 19:30. On this joyful day, let’s continue to run along with "logging fatigue"!

3 yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully.

Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, solve riddles on the lanterns … Lantern Festival is the last important festival in the Spring Festival custom in China. On the fifteenth day of the first month, Yuanxiao is eaten in the north and Tangyuan is eaten in the south, which symbolizes reunion. Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, as the protagonists of the festival, will inevitably eat more or less. Today, we will talk about the precautions for healthy eating during the Lantern Festival.
Although the making methods of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are different, their raw materials are glutinous rice flour and all kinds of fillings with high sugar and oil, so there is generally a problem of high calorie and high fat. While enjoying delicious food, it is often accompanied by eating a lot of sugar and fat. Take a commercially available black sesame dumplings as an example. One dumpling is about 30g, and the heat is 89kcal. Eating three or four dumplings is equivalent to a bowl of rice. Therefore, after eating glutinous rice balls, we should pay attention to reducing the intake of staple food and oily food in the meal, so as to eat too much. Now that you have eaten more, why don’t you just increase your exercise and consume excess calories?
The Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) points out that walking at a speed of 5.4-6.0km/h for about 42 minutes and 6,000 steps consumes 170kcal, which is not enough to consume the calories of two glutinous rice balls. Eating three or four glutinous rice balls requires longer exercise time and greater physical activity. Only by keeping a balanced diet can we maintain a healthy weight and avoid "gaining three pounds every holiday".
It is said that Yuanxiao is high in calories and contains sugar, so diabetics should pay attention to eating Yuanxiao. The glutinous rice flour wrapped in Yuanxiao is almost all amylopectin, which is soft and sticky, easy to be absorbed by the human body, and has a high glycemic index, which will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. People with blood sugar problems must pay attention to controlling the number when eating Yuanxiao, and never eat too much. Even if sugar-free Yuanxiao only replaces sucrose with xylitol, glutinous rice flour still has a high blood sugar response and should not be eaten more.
How to eat Yuanxiao healthily?
(1) control food intake. The energy density of Yuanxiao is high, and the average person can eat three or four Yuanxiao of medium size to avoid increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. People who need to control blood sugar and indigestion should be more strictly limited, only one or two can be controlled, and they must not be greedy.
2 reduce staple food. After eating Yuanxiao, pay attention to reducing the staple food intake of the meal, and reduce half a bowl of rice for every two Yuanxiao. And pay attention to increase the proportion of coarse grains in the next meal to achieve the matching of coarse and fine grains.
③ Reasonable cooking. Yuanxiao contains high fat, so frying should be avoided. Frying Yuanxiao will lead to higher calorie intake. At the same time, we should reduce the amount of oil used in other dishes on the day of Yuanxiao, and choose less oil methods such as steaming and boiling to reduce the fat intake throughout the day. In addition, Yuanxiao should not be heated repeatedly. Repeated heating of glutinous rice flour containing amylopectin will improve the gelatinization degree and further increase the blood sugar reaction.
4 pay attention to collocation. The nutritional density of Yuanxiao is low, and it lacks vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and other nutrients needed by human body. When eating Yuanxiao, vegetables, soybeans, milk, eggs, fish and shrimp should be matched to ensure food diversification, which not only makes the nutrition more balanced, but also delays the rise of blood sugar.
⑤ Old people and children should pay attention to prevent choking. The starch in Yuanxiao is easy to be absorbed after being gelatinized by heating, but it is not only difficult to digest, but also easy to choke after the temperature is lowered. In particular, children and the elderly have weak digestive ability and poor swallowing function. When eating Yuanxiao, family members must be around to avoid choking and causing danger. At the same time, the number of people eating Yuanxiao should be less.
Enjoy the full moon and lanterns with your family during the Lantern Festival.
While enjoying the beautiful holiday atmosphere
Eat yuanxiao healthily and celebrate the reunion festival.
Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival.
Happy, healthy and safe.
1. China Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2022 Edition) [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2022.
2. Sun Changyao. Nutrition and Food Hygiene 8th Edition [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2017.
3. Pan Haikun, Wang Shuying, Fan Zhihong. Evaluation of postprandial blood sugar and satiety of waxy processed foods [J]. Food Science, 2016, 37(17): 225-229.
(Original title: 3 Yuanxiao = a bowl of rice! Nutritionists teach you to eat Lantern Festival skillfully)
Source: beijing jishuitan hospital.
Process editor: TF065

"Olive" Playing "Olive" Fighting for Jingjiang "Playing" of 13 Youth Football Teams in Jiangsu Province

Yangzi Evening News Network June 20th (correspondent Liu Min Xiao Jing Yan Zhiyong Lu Huanyu reporter Wang Guozhu) On June 20th, the 20th Jiangsu Sports Meeting started in Taizhou. As the first phase of this provincial games, the youth rugby competition (17-18 years old group) started in Jingjiang. More than 150 athletes from 13 teams in the province will compete for the titles of men’s group A and women’s group A in the three-day competition.
According to reports, this competition adopts the latest rugby rules of the World Rugby Federation. The competition time is 14 minutes, with 7 minutes in the first half and 7 minutes in the second half. Each team can propose substitutions during the competition. The number of substitutions is 5, and the team with the highest score wins.
There are 7 men’s teams and 6 women’s teams among the 13 teams participating in this competition. In the competition on the 20th, the athletes threw themselves into the passionate competition with full enthusiasm, high morale, courage to fight and the spirit of unity and upward. The players of each team actively fought, decisively attacked and bravely collided, all of which showed good strength.
It is reported that the rugby project is one of the five events of this provincial games undertaken by Jingjiang City, and its courage, fighting spirit and teamwork are attracting more and more people’s love and attention. Since 2020, Jingjiang and the Training Center of the Provincial Sports Bureau have signed a contract with the provincial men’s rugby team through the mode of "joint operation of provinces and cities" to jointly promote the construction and development of rugby projects, actively select sports seedlings through resource integration and integration of sports and education, and build characteristic schools for rugby, better promote competitions and expand the mass base of rugby projects.
Zhang Changping, secretary of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that Jingjiang will make full use of the city’s strength, gather the wisdom of the whole people and pour out the feelings of the whole city, provide the highest level of service guarantee for more than 2,800 athletes, coaches and referees in the province, and strive to present a wonderful, complete, distinctive, passionate and friendly sports event, and will take the opportunity of hosting the provincial games to continuously expand the mass base of rugby and other events and promote more citizens to participate.
Proofreading: Tao Shangong

NPC deputies talk about a happy new life after ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation.

  Colorful Guizhou Net News (report in front of the two sessions/Cheng Xi, Xiong Ying, Wu Di, Jinnitu/Yang Changding) On March 6, at the plenary meeting of the Guizhou delegation at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street, Huishui County, showed two contrasting photos, one was Luo Yinghe’s former home, a dilapidated wooden tile house in the mountains; The other is his new home in Huishui County. Brand-new five-story buildings are arranged on the spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Behind the two photos, Luo Yinghe and the villagers crossed the increasingly prosperous days. As a member of the 1.6 million relocated immigrants in Guizhou, Luo Yinghe said that after the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places, three obvious changes have taken place in the villagers around him.

  At the plenary session of the Guizhou delegation at the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe talked about three changes that have taken place around him since the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places.

  The family changed from "poverty" to "wealth" and moved into a new house one step at a time.

  Before the relocation, the village where Luo Ying lived was located in the "Three Mountains" areas of Mashan, Yaoshan and Yueliang Mountain, which were the poorest in Guizhou Province, and belonged to the "three impassability" zone with no water, no access and no communication.

  "At the beginning, like many people, I rushed to a township to buy some oil and salt. I had to get up early and get greedy, and I walked over the mountains for more than ten miles and dozens of miles." Referring to his past life, Luo Yinghe frowned and said, "Who doesn’t say that his hometown is good, but because one side of the soil and water can’t support one side, and the plight of the mountains is deep, many people have a very difficult life, and their housing is very simple and their livelihood is difficult to guarantee."

  On December 2, 2015, a new round of ex situ poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province was launched in Huishui. In March 2016, as the first batch of relocated people in Huishui County, Luo Ying and 4,685 villagers from 1,109 households from 58 villages moved to an economic development zone 10 kilometers away from Huishui County and moved into a new home with complete furniture.

  After the relocation, Luo Ying and the villagers started a new life of "living in a new house one step at a time and living a good life quickly", realizing the change from "poverty" to "wealth".

  Luo Yinghe’s new home in Huishui County, a brand-new five-story building is arranged in a spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Money changes from "nothing" to "something" to live a good life quickly.

  Relocation is only a means, and poverty alleviation is the purpose. In order to make the people who have moved out stable and become rich, the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street of Huishui County has set up a community "New Age Workshop", and combined with "migrant night school training class" and "life lecture hall" to strengthen the ideological education and skills training of immigrants.

  In the past two years, we have held 108 sessions of basic education, electrician training, chef training, primary computer training, beauty salons, domestic service, pre-job training and other activities with 5682 person-times. Community neighborhood committees registered and established the "Follow-up Labor Service Company for Immigrants", successfully recommended more than 3,000 people to work in the county, and helped 78 special families to be included in the post of "sanitation worker".

  At present, 2,881 relocated households are working in the nearby enterprises in the development zone, and each person’s monthly salary income reaches 2000— About 3000 yuan, the average annual income of households is about 50 thousand yuan.

  "According to the household annual income survey in January 2018, the annual income of more than three people in many families is more than 90,000 yuan. One-person employment households also have more than 27,000 yuan, and some families in the community have more than 120 cars. " Over the past year or so, Luo Ying and nearly 5,000 villagers in 10 townships in the county have personally experienced great changes in poverty alleviation and relocation, and money has changed from "nothing" to "having".

  People have changed from "lazy" to "diligent", and their lives have been looking forward.

  "While the poor people’s lives are getting better, people are also made up of ‘ Lazy ’ Change ‘ Qin ’ Yes! " Around Luo Yinghe, there is a living example.

  Before the relocation, 38-year-old Wang Huaping, his 35-year-old brother and his 70-year-old parents lived in a mountain nest 12 kilometers away from the highway. The family was very poor and lived on subsistence allowances. They lived a cycle of looking forward to the night during the day and the boring life during the day at night. Because of poverty, the two brothers still can’t find a partner in their thirties.

  "After the branch visited the house and knew the above situation, he persuaded Wang Huaping to enter the training class. After education and training, his thoughts gained insight. He lost the inertia of wanting to be a poor household in the past and reached out and learned electrician skills. He was recommended to work in a nearby enterprise. Now his deposit has reached more than 30,000 yuan." Before the Spring Festival, Luo Yinghe asked about Wang Huaping’s plans. Wang Huaping, who lives in a new house, smiled and told Luo Yinghe that he wanted to work hard and earn some money to buy a car and marry a wife.

  "It used to be a hard time, but now life has a head start." Nowadays, in the relocation and resettlement area for poverty alleviation in Mingtian, Huishui County, the poor people’s awareness of taking the initiative to get rid of poverty is getting higher and higher, and their enthusiasm and initiative to get rich through hard work are getting stronger and stronger, realizing the change from "lazy" to "diligent".

9 am! AFC executives announced great good news: Congratulations to China Football, and the fans cheered in unison.

Just like a model in heaven, it is really a good example in the world, this creator, positive energy! Welcome everyone to pay attention, like, comment, forward and collect, thank you!

China football ushered in the dawn of revitalization. On the morning of October 31, Beijing time, China football ushered in exciting news. The latest report of the Asian Football Federation (AFC) shows that in a positive meeting with China Football Association President Song Kai in Doha, AFC President Salman promised to support the revival of football in China. This commitment quickly triggered a heated discussion and concern among the fans.

During the meeting, Salman took note of the statement made by Song Kai at the China Football Association Congress, and he emphasized his firm determination to reform and promote the development of football. AFC President reiterated that AFC will fully cooperate with China Football Association and make joint efforts to realize the revival of football in China. This statement is a powerful positive energy for China football.

Over the years, the level of football in China has been widely concerned and criticized, especially the performance of the national team in important competitions often disappoints fans. Nowadays, the top management of AFC has clearly indicated that it will support China football, which is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for domestic football and a great affirmation and encouragement for China football.

The fans responded enthusiastically to this news, and they held great hopes for the support of AFC, believing that this would bring new development opportunities for China football. Everyone is expecting that, with the help of FIFA, the China team can achieve better results in future competitions and present a more professional competitive level.

In addition, this incident has also aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. All major media and football critics believe that the support of AFC may become a turning point in the development of football in China, which indicates that football in China is expected to achieve a real rise.

To sum up, Salman’s statement marks a new milestone for China football. With the support of AFC, the future development of football in China is full of possibilities and hopes. We also hope that the football community in China can seize this opportunity, make continuous efforts, enhance international competitiveness, and finally win honor for the country.

This article is really exciting. AFC President Salman’s positive attitude has ushered in the dawn for China football, and this kind of high-level support is undoubtedly a spur, which can stimulate the confidence and fighting spirit of the football community in China. This also caused me to think about the influence of football at the national level. Football is not only a sport, but also a reflection of the national image, so the prosperity of football also affects the face and dignity of the country.

The article mentions the enthusiastic response of fans to the support of AFC, which reflects the love and expectation of fans for national football. This reminds me of the cohesion and influence of football on society. Football is a global sport, and the fan culture is a bond that connects people closely. The revival of football in China is not only the team’s own business, but also the expectation of thousands of fans in Qian Qian. This also inspired me to think about how sports can play a wider role in society and promote social unity and development.

Furthermore, the article mentioned that the support of AFC may be a turning point in the development of football in China, which led me to think about sports and international cooperation. Sports is an international language, and communication between countries can be smoother through sports exchanges. As one of the most popular sports in the world, football can provide an opportunity for friendly exchanges between countries. Therefore, the support of China football on the international stage is also a powerful manifestation of international sports cooperation.

Finally, the article emphasizes that China football should seize this opportunity and constantly strive to enhance its international competitiveness. This reminds me that success in any field requires unremitting efforts and strength improvement. Football is no exception. To stand out on the international stage, we need the professional quality of players, the level of coaching team and the improvement of infrastructure. This is also a process in which a country needs all-round efforts to develop its football career.

Generally speaking, the news that China’s football is rejuvenating is not only a great benefit to the sports world, but also an improvement to the national image and social cohesion. I hope that with the support of AFC, China football can live up to expectations and achieve a real rise.

Generally speaking, the news that China’s football is rejuvenating is not only a great benefit to the sports world, but also an improvement to the national image and social cohesion. I hope that with the support of AFC, China football can live up to expectations and achieve a real rise.

Generally speaking, the news that China’s football is rejuvenating is not only a great benefit to the sports world, but also an improvement to the national image and social cohesion. I hope that with the support of AFC, China football can live up to expectations and achieve a real rise.

It is recognized that the best exercise in the world is actually not running, but walking.

Original content, those who carry it without authorization will be investigated!

Fast walking is a sport with lower intensity than jogging, which belongs to all people, old and young.

For obese people, walking training is easier to start with in exercise selection. Although brisk walking consumes less calories than jogging, it can consume 400 calories if you persist for 1 hour.

And long-term adherence to fast walking has many benefits:

1. People who insist on walking fast for a long time will find that the strength of lower limbs becomes stronger, walking becomes more and more powerful, and climbing stairs becomes easier and easier.

2. Walking fast can help you get rid of the lumbar spine.Sitting for a long time will deform your spine and cause back pain, and brisk walking can help cure these sub-health diseases.

3. Fast walking can help you prevent osteoporosis and improve bone density.As we get older, our calcification loss will accelerate, bone density will decrease, and your aging will accelerate. Walking quickly can effectively improve bone density and delay the aging of the body.

4, help the body burn fat to lose weight.For severely obese people, walking fast for 1 hour every day is also very high in calorie consumption. Because their own weight base is large, walking fast is equivalent to carrying weight forward, which helps to lose weight.

There was once an obese patient who weighed 180 Jin. His weight base was too large to jog because his cardiopulmonary function could not keep up. He chose to walk for an hour every day and lost 20 pounds in three months.

5. Improve blood pressure.Insist on walking fast, which is a health exercise recommended by doctors, and has a certain improvement effect on people with hypertension. Because patients with hypertension are not suitable for high-intensity training, brisk walking belongs to mild, medium and low-intensity training, which is helpful to lower cholesterol, blood lipid and blood pressure and have a healthy body state.

6, promote the brain to secrete dopamine, you will be happy.Walking fast is also a kind of exercise. Exercise can decompress and release pressure, and your mood will be optimistic. People will be more confident and have a better attitude to face life and work.

The best sport in the world is actually not running, but walking!

For those who lack exercise, running is difficult to persist. You will be exhausted after 10 minutes every time, because your cardiopulmonary function can’t keep up and your physical foundation is poor, and you will easily give up. Walking fast is easier to stick to, and you can adjust the walking speed according to your physical condition.

How to arrange walking training?

For people who have no sports foundation, you can start with walking for 30 minutes every day and gradually increase the exercise time to 40 minutes, 50 minutes and 60 minutes.

When you feel more and more relaxed and walk effortlessly, you can improve your exercise intensity and carry out training combining brisk walking and jogging. 40-60 minutes each time. Exercise 4-5 times a week for more than 3 months and you will feel the transformation of your body!