Hao Lei promotes a new film to face rumors of marriage and change, and Guo Fucheng calls himself a performing artist

  Movie Network News(Photo/Shanghai Film Festival News Team) The Chinese-language film "Silver Empire", which was shortlisted for the Golden Goblet Award and the Media Awards at the Shanghai Film Festival, held a press conference in front of the media on the 15th after the audience’s first "test". Director Yao Shuhua, starring Guo Fucheng, Zhang Tielin and the recently emotionally troubled Hao Lei were all present, and Hao Lei also faced the rumors of marriage.

Guo Fucheng

Hao Lei

Zhang Tielin

Ding Zhicheng

Director Yao Shuhua

Guo Fucheng: I am really an artist

  At the beginning of the "Silver Empire" press conference, when the host introduced Guo Fucheng as a "performance artist", it immediately caused a burst of laughter from the audience. When a reporter questioned the title and asked Guo Fucheng what he thought about it, Guo Fucheng said non-committal "I am indeed an artist". As for what an artist is, Guo Fucheng said: "You must love your work and respect your performance career in order to become a true performance artist." And he believes that he is a person who loves his work, is passionate about his work, and treats his work wholeheartedly. And in response to rumors that Guo Fucheng has already been selected as the winner of this year’s Shanghai Film Festival, Guo Fucheng continued to laugh and said: "I don’t make movies to win awards. By the way, add: I am really an artist."

Hao Lei: The news of the marriage will not affect my mood

  Hao Lei plays a legendary woman in the late Qing Dynasty in "Silver Empire", and her image in the film can be said to be reborn, and the characters she plays are depicted in three parts. However, before the Shanghai Film Festival, when the reporter photographed Li Guangjie "holding hands", Hao Lei and Li Guangjie’s three-year marriage was in a hurry, and Hao Lei also suffered from the marriage and change. When the Shanghai Film Festival saw Hao Lei again, she did not have a gloomy expression from the previous battle, and she attended the event with a smile. The performance of several events was also very eye-catching. Hao Lei also responded to the marriage and change at the press conference, saying: "Work is work, and life is life. I watched our movie in its entirety during the screening of "Silver Empire", and I was very touched after watching it. I am very confident in our movie, and I am in a very good mood now. "It seemed to imply that the media was not disturbed by the marriage.

Director Yao Shuhua: I don’t need everyone to understand the movies I make

  "Silver Empire" is directed by Yao Shuhua, who has a doctorate in Asian drama. This is her first film. Yao Shuhua hopes to show "Jin Shang culture", commercial civilization and ethical civilization through this film. The director said that he never thought about whether he would win the award, because the matter of winning the award is difficult to say. When the film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival before, some foreign media people felt that such a film about China’s "Jin Shang culture" was somewhat obscure. When a reporter asked such a question, the director Yao Shuhua said: "Whether you understand the film or not is a personal problem. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether one or two people or hundreds of people can understand it." Yao Shuhua said that it is rare to have this opportunity to put "Jinshang culture" in the film. Everyone involved in this film has tried their best, and everyone hopes to do it comprehensively. Of course, everything will be missing. The director hopes that everyone can understand, and she assures everyone that "Silver Empire" is a sincere work.

More great pictures on the next page!

[Movie Network] www.1905.com exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting!

Didi responded positively to the "flight attendant hitchhiking" case for the first time: the platform has loopholes

  China Central Broadcasting Network Beijing May 22 news, according to the voice of China "news vertical and horizontal" report, these days, Zhengzhou stewardess Didi Hitch case caused widespread discussion in the community, what are the loopholes in the management of the Didi platform? In the end is it safe to take Didi Hitch? Didi Chuxing company recently responded positively for the first time, chief development officer Li Jianhua admitted that the alleged offender in the case Liu illegally used his father’s account to receive orders and commit crimes, indicating that the platform did have loopholes before.

  Although the Didi Hitch case has passed for many days, the loopholes exposed in the case are still thought-provoking. What is the security situation of the Didi platform, and how should the safety net of Hitch and online car-hailing be woven?

  According to China Central Radio and Television CCTV, Didi Chuxing said that in order to ensure safety, taking the hitch accident as an example, it has set up five gates, including real-name verification registration, virtual middle contact phone number, facial recognition when the first order is placed, itinerary sharing, and one-click alarm. Among them, real-name verification registration is the first hurdle for driver and vehicle identity confirmation. Didi requires hitch drivers to be at least one year old. When registering, drivers must upload their ID cards, driver’s licenses, and driving licenses to the platform for three-certificate verification.

  But the alleged offender, Hitch driver Liu, only got his license at the end of December. According to the situation of the alleged offender Liu, Didi said that he must not pass the review of Didi’s driver qualification. The reason why he passed the review was because his father’s three certificates were uploaded when the account was registered.

  In addition, facial recognition must be carried out before receiving the first order after registration. Is it the father or the son who passes the facial recognition of this first order? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, said that the registered car owner, the father of the alleged offender Liu, is compared through the facial recognition of the first order.

  However, the person who actually took the order and drove it became the son – the alleged offender Liu. "The problem is that we didn’t find that the driver who took the order was either the registered person or his father," said Li Jianhua. "But it’s not particularly clear who picked up each order."

  So, the people and cars in actual operation are not the same as when they were registered. Is it an accident in this case?

  On May 11, the day Didi issued its statement, at around 6 PM, through the Didi platform, a reporter made an appointment for an express train in Beijing, but another car arrived.

  Reporter: Master, is your tail number 98962?

  Driver: Internet Finance Center.

  Journalist: Yes.

  Driver: Get in the car!

  Reporter: But this one is written as 98962.

  Driver: I’ve changed again, tail number M5.

  It is not uncommon to encounter people and cars when ordering a car through the Didi platform. Some cars are not registered cars, and some people are not registered people. Didi driver told reporters: "I can be a car and a person. I just log in with one account, then take the order and pull it."

  Citizen 1: I found out that it was another car, which was different from the phone number and license plate number on the software. I didn’t pay much attention at the time.

  Citizen 2: He will say that I have this limit number, or that I have changed a car, which is easy to prevaricate.

  According to the drivers, no matter which car it is, no matter which person it is, as long as you log in with your registered account, the platform system will automatically assume that it is the registered person and car for dispatch and checkout. If the registration is Zhang San driving but becomes Li Si, can the Didi platform find out in this situation? Li Jianhua, chief development officer of Didi Chuxing, responded: This case shows that the platform has previously had loopholes.

  So, why did all these "barriers" to ensure safety fail in this case? Didi said that the company is now growing rapidly and on a large scale. In 2017, there were about 21 million car owners on the Didi platform. Wang Sixin, deputy director of the Department of Cultural Studies at Communication University of China, pointed out that no matter how large and fast the development scale of the enterprise, the main responsibility of the enterprise should always be put first.

  On May 16, Didi Chuxing announced rectification measures, including: all personalized tags and comment functions in the offline ride-hailing business, drivers must perform facial recognition before each order, and at the same time launch prizes for reporting people and cars that do not match on all major platforms. In addition to Didi’s self-rectification, the next step is to further strengthen supervision for the problems of people and cars that appear on the online ride-hailing platform, which is also the focus of the competent authorities.

Huawei has won another international car company! Toyota will use Huawei to "smart drive"

Recently, according to online news, Toyota may adopt an intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by "Toyota+Huawei +Momenta". This scheme may be provided by Huawei with high-level intelligent driving hardware and Momenta with software solutions, which is different from the HI mode in which Huawei provides a complete set of solutions.

Huawei and Toyota have the foundation of intelligent cooperation. For example, the ninth generation Camry car system of GAC Toyota was jointly built by Toyota and Huawei. This car is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car chip, and the smoothness of the car has been greatly improved compared with the old models.

It is believed that the cooperation between Huawei and Toyota in the field of intelligent driving was also based on the previous cooperation.

Momenta is actually an old friend of Toyota. As early as March 18, 2020, Momenta, an autonomous driving company, announced that it had reached a strategic cooperation with Toyota to provide Toyota with high-precision maps and update services based on camera visual perception technology, and to promote the commercial landing of Toyota’s Automated Map Platform (AMP) in China.

At the same time, Momenta also provides a solution for the high-order intelligent driving of Zhiji automobile. Zhiji’s high-order intelligent driving is based on hardware perception including laser radar, and now it can realize high-speed/urban expressway and intelligent navigation assistance function of urban roads.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for the intelligent driving scheme jointly developed by Toyota, Huawei and Momenta to realize the functions of high-speed/urban expressway and even urban navigation.

Moreover, both Huawei and Momenta have rich experience in the research and development of high-order intelligent driving systems, and it is also possible to get on the high-order intelligent driving system for Toyota’s new models in a short time.

Now it has entered the second half of the intelligentization of new energy vehicles. Many domestic new energy brands have equipped their own vehicles with intelligent cockpits and high-order intelligent driving systems. For example, Tucki, Aouita, Wenjie and other brands have realized the urban intelligent driving function without relying on high-precision maps.

It can be said that intelligent equipment is an indispensable part of new energy vehicles today, and domestic consumers pay more and more attention to the intelligent function of vehicles.

Traditional European car companies, such as Volkswagen and Audi, have also cooperated with new China brands, such as Tucki and Zhiji, to jointly develop new cars, and equipped them with intelligent cockpits and advanced intelligent driving systems from Tucki and Zhiji.

Toyota chose to cooperate with Huawei and Momenta at this time to develop a new car equipped with high-end smart driving, which is also the general trend. At the same time, we can see that Toyota attaches great importance to the China market, hoping that its own new energy vehicles will be more competitive in the domestic market, and these new vehicles can be pushed to the world in the future to enhance the global competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles.

The editor said:

When many consumers talk about Toyota, they will still think of its fuel vehicle products. Moreover, from the monthly sales situation, the sales of two pure electric vehicles under Toyota are not ideal, and Toyota’s new energy transformation process has indeed encountered certain difficulties. If Toyota really cooperates with Huawei and Momenta to engage in high-level intelligent driving, it can really improve the market competitiveness of Toyota’s new energy vehicles, but it will test the time for the relevant joint development models to be launched on the market.

At present, many traditional car companies are speeding up the transformation of new energy, and adjusting the transformation of new energy. Toyota needs to seize the opportunity and launch new cars at the right time to have a greater chance to compete with a number of competitors.

As for the news of Toyota’s tripartite cooperation with Huawei and Momenta, it is said that Toyota will officially announce it to the public during the Beijing Auto Show, so we will look forward to whether Toyota will use the high-level wisdom of Huawei and Momenta.

Novelists and novels in the epidemic: Atwood and other writers create modern "decameron"

Source: new york Times Magazine

During the epidemic, new york Times Magazine invited 29 authors to write short stories inspired by the epidemic and set up THE DECAMERON column, which was inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio’s collection of realistic novels "decameron" and set in Florence, which was ravaged by the plague in the 14th century.

Decameron, painted by sandro botticelli in 1487.

We selected five novels from this column, including aliens who participated in the galactic aid program, lonely souls wandering in isolated cells, a "charitable" robber, mutual watch under a conceptual device and a clinical record full of family love. These novels show people’s desperate desire for hope and love during the epidemic period in a humorous or calm or warm style. As far as the genre of fiction is concerned, since there will be great and important real news all the time, why do we need imaginary stories instead?

"When reality becomes surreal, only novels can make it meaningful." Source: new york Times Magazine

"Art is to make life more interesting than art itself," Robert Filliou, a French surf painter, wrote in one of his works. Life is often very deceptive, and it is easy for us to ignore some established and profound facts, even if they are laid out before our eyes. There is a word in Italian: novelle, which refers not only to simple fictional stories, but also to non-fictional social reality. The fascinating stories in decameron are the real life of Florence. When the reality becomes surreal, reading novels is not only a way to understand and perceive the times, but also a force that supports us in difficulties.

1. You Chaokai: Systems

Charles Yu is a Chinese-American writer. His Guide to the Survival of the Science Fiction Universe was selected as the best book of the year by The New York Times and Time magazine. As a screenwriter, he participated in the compilation of some episodes of HBO series "westworld" and was nominated for two American Writers Association Awards. His novels and nonfiction works have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal for many times.

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, the author describes a device, or rather, it is the materialization of modern society. Everyone has a different box. The box follows the rotation of the earth and the natural laws of the sun rising and the moon setting. They communicate and collide through the box. Although the world in the box is so similar to the well-known world, one day they will come out of the box and stand in the sun, because the eternal thing is that they need real contact, they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

They will ask themselves:

Will cats get depressed?

They search:

Food bank donation. The food bank near me.

What is an epidemic outbreak? What is the rest period? How to ensure the safety of children? How to ensure the safety of the elderly? How old is old? Am I old enough?

Numbers, rising numbers of infections.

How long will the symptoms of coronavirus appear? Do you have a coronavirus vaccine? How to avoid virus infection? How did the coronavirus start? Is the virus getting worse? What is mental health? How to judge whether I am depressed or not? Which is the safest takeaway?

They search:

The telephone number of the unemployment office.

When can we reopen the bowling alley?


They search:

The cat is still depressed.

We are in a bear market.

What is a bear market?

What is payroll tax reduction?

What is martial law?

How to take refuge in situ?

Safest city life?

Symptoms of fever, symptoms of dry cough ……

How to make hand sanitizer? How to sew a mask? What is N95? How to lower body temperature? Living alone, what if I am alone?

Some people are radical. Some people are confused. Some people forget. Some people follow the rules They share the device: the air, information and ideas in the device.

Some people enjoy breathing as their right to live. Some people cannot breathe.


They will move on, coming out of one box after another and walking into the sun. The circulation and operation of the system are restored. They will still send messages to each other. Some people will be confused. Some people will share food. Some people will die. Some people will starve. And some people will still be alone

The device is still that device. But change is inevitable-rebuilding or looking for a new model. They will fly into the air again and gather in the hub by thousands. They will push each other’s air and make hahaha or other sounds produced by real communication-in order to convey invisible emotional signals. Because there are always things that are eternal-they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

2. david mitchell: If Dreams Are Horses.

David Mitchell, an English novelist and screenwriter, whose work Cloud Map was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The title of this short story is taken from the Scottish proverb-If wishes are horses, beggars can ride. The moral is that if hope can make things come true, even people who have nothing will have everything they want.

I stood up and found that Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

Source: new york Times Magazine

Thirty years later, the epidemic is still not over. My former cellmate was infected, so I had to move to a single isolation cell. Although it is a single room, an asymptomatic infected person has checked into this isolation cabin before me. His name is Zam. Dirty windows, breakfast and lunch once a day, the company of mice, and boring cabin life. Fortunately, Zam accompanied me. He cared about me and chatted with me. He said that survival is a superpower when eating less, and left all the food to me. On the third day of my stay, I began to have symptoms of infection. The doctor is from China, surnamed Wang. I noticed that when Zam was chatting with Dr. Wang, Zam’s voice suddenly became very strange, as if it were coming from a distant place. Zam also said that he would supervise me to take medicine until I recovered. After a few days, my condition improved greatly.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

"It’s thanks to my exclusive nurse, Zam," I said to Dr. Wang.

"Good. Who’s Zam?"

"Zam", I pointed to my upper bunk.

"What are you talking about … the superior? Or the warden? "

We were all puzzled. "No, Zam, my roommate, doctor. You saw him last time."

Dr. Wang looked at a loss. "We won’t allow two prisoners to be held in an isolation cell."

"I’m afraid you people really allow it."

"If there is a third person in such a small place, I won’t miss it."

I shouted to the upper berth, "Zam, answer."

My cellmate didn’t make a sound. Is he asleep?

Dr. Wang looked at my condition and was very worried. He went on to say, "Have you taken any hallucinogenic drugs? I won’t report it to the warden, but as your doctor, I must know."

"It’s not funny, Zam." I stood up and found Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

3. Mia Cotto: "An Obliging Robber"

Mia Couto, a famous Mozambican writer, is an influential African writer in Portuguese literature. She won the cames Prize in 2013, the most important Portuguese literature prize, and the Neustadt International Literature Prize in 2014.

People wearing masks have friendly expressions and speak softly, but I don’t let myself be fooled.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The robber in front of him shouted "Keep your distance" to me. He barged in like this, holding a pistol, even though he said it was a thermometer and he was from the Ministry of Health. But I won’t be fooled. My wife died of tuberculosis, I was almost killed by smallpox, and malaria took our only son, but no one wants to know. I live far from the hospital, and I am poor. The liar and robber continued to lie. He said I might be asymptomatic. I don’t understand. I hardly go out. He said that he would come again next week after leaving a hygiene brochure, soap and a small bottle of alcohol. I see, the disease he said should be called "indifference".

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

I didn’t listen to his instructions to keep my distance, so I walked up to him and hugged him. The robber resisted vigorously, broke free from my arm and returned to the car. He took off his clothes in a hurry, just like taking off the coat of the plague, and the name of this plague is poverty.

I smiled and waved goodbye to him. After so many years of torture, I have been able to reconcile with human nature. I think this is a clumsy robber, but he is a good man. Next time he comes, I’ll let him steal the old TV in my bedroom.

4. Margaret Atwood: Impatient Griselda.

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian novelist, essayist and poet. She is also a feminist and social activist. She is the winner of Booker Award and Arthur Clark Award. Her works have been shortlisted for the Governor-General Award of Canada for seven times and won two awards. She is one of the most respected novelists in the contemporary era. Her Handmaid’s Tale was adapted into a series of dramas of the same name, which aroused strong social repercussions.

Sir and madam, I also hope that the plague will pass soon, so that I can return to my normal life.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The octopus-like aliens took part in the galactic crisis assistance program to help people on earth survive the plague. In order to appease the earthlings and help them pass the time, the alien told a story to the earthlings: on an ancient planet, there were a pair of twin sisters, who were inferior species with "false feet"-patient Griselda (sister) and impatient Griselda (sister). There was a violent duke who induced his sister to marry him on the grounds of promoting her status through marriage. My sister, worried about her safety, disguised herself as a dishwasher and went to the back kitchen of the Duke’s house. She learned that the duke treated his new wife very badly and was rude to her in public, even punching her. Angry sister asked out her younger sister and exchanged identities with her, intending to kill the duke. In the garden at night, my sister cut the duke’s throat, and then the two sisters ate up the duke’s bones, brocade robes and everything on him.

(The following is a fragment of the novel, and the narrator is an "octopus" alien)

What? What is WTF? Sorry, I don’t understand.

Yes, sir and madam, I admit that this is a cross-cultural moment. I simply said the choice I would make if I were in their situation. But storytelling does help us to understand each other across social, historical and even evolutionary gaps, doesn’t it?

Later, the twin sisters married two other beautiful "false feet" of the same kind and they lived happily in the palace. Several relatives of the duke became suspicious. They came to inquire about the news and were eaten by their sisters.

End of story.

You don’t like this ending? Not a regular ending? So which is your favorite ending? Oh no, the ending you imagine will be completely another story. I’m not interested in that story, and I can’t tell it well. But you have to admit, I did tell this story very well, didn’t I? You see, you even forgot to sniffle. Sniffing is very annoying. On my planet, only people who are treated as snacks will sniffle.

I have to go now. There are several other quarantine groups on my appeasement list, and my job is to help them pass the time, just like I did for you. Yes, madam, sir, the difficulties will pass anyway, but not so soon.

Now I’m going to slide out from the bottom of the door. No skeleton helped me a lot. Yes, sir and madam. I also hope that the plague will pass soon. So I can get back to my normal life.

5. Liz Moore: Clinical Notes

Liz Moore, an American writer, won the Rome Prize for Literature in 2014, and her works include The Invisible World.

Clinical record of a high fever in infants.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, Liz recorded the psychological changes from the symptoms of the baby to the parents in the form of a clinical report, and the author described a warm little family story with the calm brushwork of a bystander. At the end, the baby who succeeded in getting out of danger went to sleep quietly. Under the dim light, the mother looked at the shadow of the baby’s face and the undulating breathing. She thought of her grandmother who always had candy in her pocket, her mother who accompanied her to watch The Sound of Music when she was sick, and many grandparents who held their children with the same tenderness. She repeatedly touched the baby’s skin, "warm but not hot, warm but not hot", she repeated, was it a chant or a prayer …

We regard this article as the final one of this selection, because it is a novel that can bring love and hope to readers, just like bathing in the long-lost sun after a plum rain. Just as at the end of decameron, the young people didn’t leave their Florence forever. Two weeks later, they decided to return-not because the plague was over, but because after laughing, crying and imagining the new rules of living together, they could finally see the present again and think about the future. The stories told in those days when they left their homes made their world, at least temporarily, lively again. It is very important and meaningful to remember that we will eventually die, because we often forget it in our lives. At the same time, we must live in the present and try our best to remember what life is like now-this is the message conveyed by decameron.

Attachment: the complete catalogue of THE DECAMERON PROJECT

1. Title of the article: Systems (Device)

Author: Charles Yu

2. article title: "if wishes are horses" (if dreams are horses)

Author: David Mitchell

3. Title of the article: "An Obliging Robber" (kind robber)

Author: Mia Couto

4. Title of the article: Impassional Griselda (Impatient Griselda)

Author: Margaret Atwood

5. Title: Clinical Notes (Clinical Report)

Author: Liz Moore

6. One Thing (a little thing)

Author: Edwidge Danticat

7. The Team

Author: Tommy Orange

8. Line 19 Woodstock/Glisan (Bus No.19)

Author: Karen Russell

9. Tales from the L.A. River (a legend from the Los Angeles River)

Author: Colm Toibin

10. "recognition" (recognition)

Author: Victor Lavalle

11.《Sleep (falling asleep)

Author: Uzodinma Iweala

12.《Outside (outdoor)

Author: Etgar Keret

13.《The Perfect Travel Buddy (Best Travel Companion)

By Paolo Giordano

14. "a blue sky like this" (the sky is so blue)

Author: Mona Awad

15.《The Rock (Rock)

Author: Leila Slimani

16.《Keepsakes (souvenir)

By Andrew O’Hagan

17. The Girl with the Big Red Suitcase (a girl with a big red suitcase)

By Rachel Kushner

18.《The Walk (Walking)

Author: Kamila Shamsie

19.《The Morningside (Morning Life)

Author: Téa Obreht

20.《Screen Time (screen time)

Author: Alejandro Zambra

21.《How We Used to Play (how we used to play)

Author: Dinaw Mengestu

22.《Prudent Girls (cautious girl)

Author: Rivers Solomon

23. "Under the Magnolia" (under the magnolia tree)

Author: Yiyun Li

24.《The Cellar (cellar)

Author: Dina Nayeri

25. "To the Wall" (desperate)

Author: Esi Edugyan

26. that time at my brother’s wedding (at that time, at my brother’s wedding)

Author: Laila Lalami

27. "A time of death, the death of time" (the time of death and the death of time)

Author: Julián Fuks

28 28.《Barcelona:Open City (Barcelona: Open City)

Author: John Wray

29.《Origin Story (Origin Story)

Author: Matthew Baker

This article is compiled and arranged exclusively for Phoenix Net Culture, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Editor | Dabao

Editor | Wei Bingxin

Photo | new york Times Magazine

Original title: Novelists and Novels under Epidemic Situation: Modern decameron Created by Atwood and Other Writers.

Read the original text

Internet use for minors: from entertainment to entertaining.

  On February 27th, 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Overall Layout Plan of Digital China Construction (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan"). The Plan points out that speeding up the construction of digital China is of great significance and far-reaching influence on building a socialist mo dern country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. The Plan also points out that it is necessary to strengthe n the supply of high-quality online cultural products, guide various platforms and netizens to create and produce positive, healthy and upward-oriented online cultural products, and further promote the digital development of culture and implement the national cultural digital strategy. Teenagers are the vanguard force to realiz e the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the new force to achieve the goal of the second century and build a socialist modern power, and they can’t be absent from the overall layout of the construction of digital China. It is one of the core essentials of the construction of digital China to let minors enjoy the universal and convenient digital culture and get high-quality development in the digital society.

  According to the "Research Report on Internet Use of Minors in China in 2021" (hereinafter referred to as "Report") issued by the Central Rights and Interests Department of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Information Center, the top five online use behaviors of minors are online learning (88.9%), listening to music (63.0%), playing games (62.3%) and chatting (53.4%). It can be seen that minors mainly use the Internet for learning and entertainment, especially through the Internet. According to the report, nearly 40% of minors learn extracurricular knowledge through the internet, and more than 70% think that the internet is helpful for learning. This shows that the internet use of minors is gradually changing from "toys" to "tools" and from entertainment to knowledge.

  Karl Mannheim, a German sociologist, believes that knowledge is characterized by openness and mobility in the process of modern society. The knowledge of short video platform broke the kn owledge barrier, changed the linear and self-contained characteristics in the past, and showed the characteristics of networking and knowledge sharing. Through the reorganization and transformation of knowledge, it creates a learning space and platform with diverse contents and rich forms for people, which makes the boundary of knowledge learning in the digital age more extended and integrated, and serves the minors and provides them with an important channel to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. The short video is visual, scene-oriented and practical, which is more in line with the cognitive law of minors. Therefore, the Report also shows that nearly half of minors study through short video platforms. Among them, 34.0% are primary school students, 61.8% are junior high school students, 65.1% are senior high school students and 64.7% are secondary vocational school students. It can be seen that the proportion of minors over 12 years o ld who are exposed to short videos is higher. Minors watch short videos of learning knowledge such as exam counseling and classroom knowledge, accounting for nearly 40%, and watch short videos of interest knowledge such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, historical geography, sports and dance, and watch short videos of leisure knowledge such as tourism and food, accounting for nearly half. Moreover, short video platforms such as Tik Tok have also become the main channels for minors to expand their cognition.

  Facing the brand-new learning style of minors in the digital age, how to use short videos scientifically and reasonably has become a new topic for family rearing and school education in the digital age. Some parents worry that their children are addicted to short videos, but psychological research believes that addictive behavior needs six elements: goal, feedback, progress, challenge, suspense and socialization. That is to say, users are more likely to be addicted if there are six elements in the process of using a product: having a goal, getting feedback in time, getting rewards frequently, constantly encountering new challenges, uncertain results and having social attributes. Moreover, whether it is addictive or not is closely related to the user’s living conditions, psychological conditions, interpersonal relationships and family upbringing. Although short videos have increased people’s sensory experience more comprehensively than words or pictures, they also have social and entertainment attributes, but they do not have these six elements at the same time. The shortcomings of the short video platform, which mainly transmits information, in constructing a new field of knowledge learning are mainly the homogenization of content and the diversification of value. Parents, teachers and other adults should help minors to make good use of the knowledge resources of short video platforms, so that children can enjoy high-quality digital culture through entertaining. Short video is rich in content, diverse in forms, strong in story, short and pithy, and it is more convenient to "brush the screen" in free leisure time, so it has also become people’s leisure products. In order to better transform its entertainment into education and fully integrate entertainment and ed ucation, adults need to have high digital literacy.Give more practical help and guidance to minors.

  Parents and teachers should empower minors and create a digital environment suitable for their development. At the World Digital Education Conference h eld in February 2023, the Ministry of Education issued "Teachers’ Digital Literacy", requiring teachers to make good use of digital education resources to guide students’ learning. Similarly, parents also urgently need to improve their digital literacy, enhance their digital thinking, digital cognition and digital skills, and make good use of the digital cultural resources of the Internet platform with their children to develop a green and intelligent lifestyle. Parents and teachers should pay special attention to the following relationships in order to make children benefit from opening books to opening screens, and from simple entertainment to entertaining:

  Balance online life and offline life. The development of the Internet has increased the inclusiveness of knowledge and brought new learning experiences and knowledge acquisition channels to children. Parents and teachers should pay special attention to guiding children to balance online life and offli ne life. We should not only pay attention to enriching children’s online life, so that children can live a quality digital life, but also pay attention to children’s offline leisure, social, family life and campus life, so that children can have a healthy and positive offline life, which is more conducive to children’s online life and offline practice.

  Balance entertainment and education. Knowledge in the visual and interesting packaging of short videos makes children feel more interesting and easier to learn. However, in the eyes of many parents and teachers, they always feel "unlike" learning, because in the eyes of adults, they should "learn from the sea and work hard." As the children of the Internet aborigines, it seems that fun is the last word. Parents and teachers should pay attention to balance the relationship between the two, not only to meet the needs of the network generation for learning change, so that children can gain a sense of participation and belonging in their studies, but also to increase education in entertainment, so that children will not get lost in the network in joy, thus dispelling the "heavy feeling" of learning.

  Balance short and systematic. Shortness is both an advantage and a disadvantage of short video. Short knowledge is more convenient for students to watc h and more suitable for children’s short attention time. However, learning knowledge also needs to be systematized, so as to avoid "the blind touch the elephant". Parents and teachers should make good use of their advantages, and at the same time, they should consciously guide their children to build the knowledge system they need, and conduct multi-dimensional and multi-level discussions around a certain topic and a certain kind of problems, so that children can overcome the problems brought by short video learning.

  Balance child practice and child protection. The barrage, comments and live broadcast of short videos are more interactive, which is also a "double-edged sword". The advantage is that children have more opportunities to participate, think and interact when learning online, but the problem is that it may also bring risks to minors. Therefore, we should not only encourage minors to participate in more practice, but also do a good job in protecting the rights and interests of minors. In particular, parents and teachers need to enhance their awareness of child protection, improve their digital literacy and that of minors, so that every child can enjoy the fun of knowledge learning.

  Text/Sun Hongyan

  (Director, Institute of Children and Adolescents, China Youth Research Center)

24-hour bookstore enriches wuhan nightlife. You have a good place to stay up late reading.

Citizens read books in a 24-hour bookstore. Intern Peng Hua, reporter Yang Taoshe

  In November 2014, Zall Bookstore launched a 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close", waiting for people to read books every cold or hot night. At that time, Zall was the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan. In recent years, the 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan has added Jiuqiu Library and Boshihui City Study, enriching the cultural nightlife in Wuhan.

  24-hour bookstore is a night reader.

  Provide a quiet place for reading

  "There will be many interesting things happening at night." Luna is the manager of Jiuqiu Library, which is located in Dongsan Road, Fruit Lake, Wuchang District. It opened on January 25, 2016 and has been open since then.

  On the 18th, she told reporters that the biggest feeling of working at night shift is to find that there are really many people who love learning. There used to be an old man who rode an old bicycle every night and went back around 6: 00 in the morning. He studied English here all night. There are often some students from Wu Da University here, and he will ask them for advice. A girl from Wu Da University specially prepares study materials for this grandfather, and she will put them here the next day for the clerk to hand over to him.

  On the 18th, a young girl was watching a video with headphones, and there was a book full of notes in front of her. The post-90s girl who was preparing for the exam as a certified public accountant usually came over after work and talked about her views on this 24-hour bookstore. The girl said, "People who stay up late need this kind of store very much."

  Unattended libraries can "brush their faces" to borrow books

  On July 12th this year, the 24-hour city study room on the first floor of Boshihui International Plaza in Jiang ‘an District opened to welcome guests, which is located near Sanyang Road subway station. There is no librarian in the museum, and citizens can enter the museum at any time, "brush their faces", and apply for certificates and borrow books by themselves. This is the first unattended intelligent library in Wuhan. Since opening up, it has become a popular punching point for citizens.

  On the 18th, the reporter visited this intelligent library. At about 9 pm that day, a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass study room on the left side of the lobby on the first floor of the building was lit with yellowish light. There is a face recognition access control system at the door. When you enter the library for the first time, you need to swipe your ID card. There is a self-service borrowing and returning card machine in the tube, which can handle the reader’s ID card and complete face registration and WeChat binding. Later, you can enter the library without a card, and you can "brush your face" to borrow and return books by yourself.

  Ms. Mei, who passed by here at night, picked out five books, put them in the sensing place, and the machine began to recognize faces. In less than 10 seconds, the screen showed that five books were successfully borrowed at the same time. The mobile phone also received a message from WeChat prompting the successful borrowing. "Very convenient." Ms. Mei said that after the library opened, she would come here every other week or so, and if she had time, she would read here for a while.

  24-hour bookstore enriches the function of city night

  In recent years, wuhan nightlife has become increasingly diversified. In addition to consumption and entertainment at night, the opening of 24-hour bookstores and other cultural places has provided people with new choices and enriched the city’s night functions.

  At about 10 pm on the 17th, Mr. Deng, who lives near Zall Bookstore, wanted to go to the movies, but when he passed by the bookstore, he saw the lights on in the store and chose to go into the bookstore. "Watching movies is more of a social need. It will be better to go with friends, and it will be more enjoyable to read when you are alone." In 2013, Zall Bookstore opened in Wuhan and noticed that many readers had no time during the day and could only come at night. In 2014, Zall Bookstore started the 24-hour business mechanism of "culture does not close" and became the first 24-hour bookstore in Wuhan.

  On the 17th, when talking about the original intention of Zall Bookstore’s 24-hour opening, Ms. Gao, the manager, told the reporter that the 24-hour bookstore provided a choice and place for those who only had time to quiet down and study at night. 24-hour bookstore will not bring much benefit, but it is a functional existence, and there will always be people who need it, which is a useful supplement to the cultural construction of the city.

  Feng Guilin, a researcher at Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the more convenient the cultural facilities are for the public, the more diverse the forms and contents, and the more diverse the needs of various groups. This is not only a promotion for a city’s function, but also a guide, which can better improve citizens’ civilization quality.

  Trainee reporter Li Huizi

Some knowledge about football

Football is a sport in which the feet are the mainstay, the ball is controlled and dominated, and two teams attack and defend each other on the same rectangular court according to certain rules. Football is called "the first sport in the world" because of its strong antagonism, changeable tactics and large number of participants.

Here are some knowledge about football:


The origin of football

The predecessor of modern football originated from the ball game "Cuju" in Zizhou, Shandong Province (now Zibo City) in ancient China, and was later spread to Europe by Arabs from China, and gradually evolved into modern football.

Modern football originated in England.

In 2005, in the closing ceremony of the centenary celebration of FIFA, Linzi, Shandong Province, China was officially declared as the origin of world football.

The picture above shows the ancient Cuju map of China.


ancient football

The origin of football can be traced back to the ancient ball game Cuju in China. Cuju’s original name was "Tuju", and the word Cuju first appeared in Historical Records Biography of Bian Que Canggong, while Cuju was called the ancient football in China. In the Western Han Dynasty, writers Liu Xiang and Liu Xin and his son wrote in their personal works Bielu and Qilue: "Cuju players are rumored to be made by the Yellow Emperor." By the Tang and Song Dynasties, Cuju had become very popular and became an elegant activity in the court. This ball game was later introduced to Europe from China by Arabs.


Modern football day

October 26, 1863

On October 26th, 1863, several football fans met at the Fremason Hotel in Queen’s Street, London, England, and discussed and established the English Football Association, which was the first football association established in the history of world football, and its establishment marked the birth of modern football.


The "four" firsts in football

In 1848, the Cambridge Rules, the first written rule in the history of football, was born.

On October 26th, 1863, England established the first football association in the world, and unified the competition rules of football.

In 1872, the first official match between football associations was held between England and Scotland.

In 1900, in the Second Summer Olympic Games, football was included as an official event.


Football playing field


Venue area: The venue should be rectangular, with a length of no more than 120m or less than 90m and a width of no more than 90m or less than 45m (the venue for international competitions should be no more than 110m or less than 100m and no more than 75m or less than 64m). In any case, the length must exceed the width.


Line drawing: The competition venue should draw clear lines according to the plane drawing, the line width should not exceed 12 cm, and no V-shaped grooves should be made. The longer two lines are called sideline and the shorter one is called goal line. Draw a line across the court in the middle of the court, which is called the center line. The center of the site should be marked clearly, and a circle with this point as the center and a radius of 9.15m should be drawn, which is called the middle circle. On each corner of the site, a flat-topped flagpole with a height of not less than 1.50 meters should be erected, and a small flag should be tied on it; Similar flags and flagpoles can be erected on one side and at least 1 meter away from the sideline of the center line on both sides of the field.


Goal area: On the goal line 5.50 meters away from the inside of the goal post at both ends of the competition field, draw a line with a length of 5.50 meters perpendicular to the goal line into the field, with one end connected with the goal line and the other end drawing a connecting line parallel to the goal line. The area within the range of these three lines and the goal line is called the goal area.


Penalty area: On the goal line 16.50 meters away from the inside of the goal post at both ends of the playing field, draw a line with a length of 16.50 meters perpendicular to the goal line into the field, with one end connected with the goal line and the other end drawing a connecting line parallel to the goal line. The area within the range of these three lines and the goal line is called penalty area, and make a clear mark at the midpoint of the two goal lines measuring 11 meters vertically into the field, which is called penalty point. Draw an arc outside the penalty area with the penalty spot as the center and 9.15m as the radius, which is called the penalty arc.


Corner area: Take the intersection of sideline and goal line as the center and 1m as the radius, draw a quarter arc into the field, and the area within this arc is called corner area.


Goal: The goal should be located in the center of each goal line, and it is composed of two vertical goalposts with a distance of 7.32 meters and an equal distance from the flag point in the west corner, and a horizontal crossbar with a lower edge of 2.44 meters above the ground. In order to ensure safety, both the fixed goal and the movable goal must be stably fixed on the field. The width and thickness of doorposts and crossbars shall be symmetrical and equal, and shall not exceed 12 cm. The net is attached to the goalpost, crossbar and ground behind the goal. The net should be properly propped up, so that the goalkeeper has enough room to move. The material of the net is allowed to be made of hemp, jute or nylon. Nylon rope can be used, but it must not be thinner than hemp or hemp rope.


Position on the football field


Goalkeeper: The main responsibility is to hold the goal, observe the changes of the game on the field, organize and direct the offensive and defensive of the whole team.


Full-back: mainly responsible for defending the opposing winger or other players who are inserted into the winger position, and cooperating with the central defender to make up for each other and block the way to attack the goal directly. When our team attacks, we can also wait for an opportunity to help out and play the role of winger.


Central defender: It is the pillar of defense. Its main duty is to defend the most dangerous area in the front center of the goal, stop the opponent from shooting, and cooperate with the full-back and another central defender to make up for each other’s positions. It should also play the role of offensive and defensive organization and command.


Avant-garde: It is active in the middle zone between the striker and the defender, and its main responsibility is to control the midfield, which is the barrier of defense and the link of frontier attack. Advance can attack, retreat can defend, and timely insert or long-range, which plays the core role of the team.


Center: The main responsibility is to shoot through or catch a cross ball. Secondly, it is the "sharp knife" and "shooter" of our team through cross transposition, left and right coordination, disturbing the other side’s defense line and creating opportunities for our companions to insert, cut or shoot. It is the first line of defense for the whole team when the attack turns to the defense.


Winger: The main duty is to break through the opponent’s defense line from the side, take the ball and cut the shot or cross the baseline or outflank the shot. When defending, we should keep a close eye on our full-backs, prevent them from assisting freely, and assist our full-backs in defending the opposing wingers.







1. Competition system

The game is divided into two teams, each with 11 players (generally speaking, each team is allowed to replace three substitute players during the game), and one of them must be a goalkeeper. The whole game is 90 minutes, which is divided into upper and lower halves, with each half lasting 45 minutes. The rest time between the first half and the second half shall not exceed 15 minutes. There is a referee and two sideline referees in the game. In each half, the referee can make up time according to the injuries and time-consuming substitution on the field. If the game must be decided, if the two teams draw within 90 minutes, overtime will be played for 15 minutes in the first half and 15 minutes in the second half. If the game is still tied, the winner will be decided by penalty kick.

The game time should be divided into two equal halves, 45 minutes for each half and 90 minutes for a ball game. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties under special circumstances, the following provisions shall apply:

A. In each half, the time lost due to substitution, dealing with the wounded, delay time and other reasons shall be made up, and the amount of this time shall be decided by the referee.

B. At the end of each half-time or after the whole game, if a penalty kick, corner kick, frontcourt free kick or the ball enters the opponent’s penalty area and the goal has not been completed yet, the time shall be extended until the end of the attack. Unless the referee agrees, the rest time between the first half and the second half shall not exceed 15 minutes.

2. Kick-off method

1. Before the start of the game, the kick-off or venue should be selected by coin-in, and the party who picks first should have the right to choose the kick-off or venue. After the referee gives the signal, the game should be started by a player of the opening team kicking the ball (that is, kicking the ball placed in the center of the playing field). Before the ball is kicked out, all the other players (except the team members) should be in their own half, and the opposing team members who open the team should also keep at least 9.15 meters away from the ball; After the ball is kicked out, there is obvious displacement. It should be considered that the kickoff player is not allowed to touch the ball again before the ball is touched or kicked by other players.

2. After a goal is scored, a player from the negative side should kick off again in the same way to continue the game.

At the beginning of the second half, the two teams should exchange venues, and the other side of the team that kicked off in the first half will kick off.

3. Penalty

1. Any kick-off that violates the rules in this chapter should be reopened. If the kickoff player touches the ball again before the ball is touched or kicked by other players, the opposing team should be at the foul place. Kick an indirect free kick

2. Kick-off can be scored directly to the opponent. Kicking into one’s own goal will result in a corner kick.

3. If the ball doesn’t cross the sideline or goal line when the game is suspended for reasons not specified in these rules, when the game is resumed, the referee should drop the ball at the position where the ball was suspended, and the game will be resumed when it hits the ground. If the ball is in the goal area when the game is suspended, it should be dropped on the goal line nearest to the position where the ball is located and parallel to the goal line. When the ball is dropped, the players must not touch the ball before it hits the ground, otherwise the referee should drop the ball again.

4. Dead ball

In the following cases, it becomes a dead ball:

When the ball crosses the goal line or sideline on the ground or in the air.

When the game has been stopped by the referee.

5. The game is going on

From the start of the competition to the end of the competition, the competition should be in progress, including:

A. The ball bounces back from the goalpost, crossbar or corner flagpole.

B. The ball bounced off the referee or linesman on the court.

C. the players on the field fouled and the referee didn’t punish them.

6. Method of winning

Unless otherwise stipulated in the rules, if the whole ball crosses the goal line from between the goalposts and under the crossbar, instead of being thrown or brought in by the attacker’s hand and deliberately pushed into the goal with his hand or arm (except that the goalkeeper is in his own penalty area), the attacker wins a goal. In a game, the team that wins more goals is the winning team. If neither side wins or the number of wins is equal, the game should be called a "draw".

7. Penalty for violation of regulations


(1) An attacker who is closer to the opponent’s goal line than the ball is in an offside position. Except in the following cases:

1. The player is in his own half.

2. At least two players of the opposing team are closer to the goal line of the opposing team than this player.

(2) When the player kicks or touches the ball, and the team member is offside, the referee thinks that the player has the following behaviors, so it should be judged offside:

1. Interfering with the game or the other side;

2. Attempt to gain benefits from offside position.

(3) A player should not be judged offside in the following circumstances:

1. The players are only offside;

2. A player can directly catch a goal kick, corner kick or throw the ball out of bounds.

(4) If a player is sentenced to offside, the referee shall award an indirect free kick by the opposing player at the offside location. If the player is offside in the opponent’s goal area, then this free kick can be executed anywhere in the goal area where he was offside.

-Fouls and misconduct

(1) A member intentionally violates any of the following nine items, namely:

1. Kicking or attempting to kick an opposing team member.

2. Tripping the opponent’s players, that is, behind or in front of the opponent, stretching your legs or bending over to trip or attempt to trip the opponent.

3. Jump to the opposing team.

4. Violent or dangerous collision with the other team members.

5. In addition to the other side is blocking, from behind the other team.

6. Try to hit the opposing team and spit on them.

7. Pull the opposing team.

8. Push the opposing team.

9. Touch the ball with your hands, for example, carrying and pushing the ball with your hands or arms (except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area).

Note: On March 5th, 2021, international football association board announced that it had adjusted the rules concerning hand ball, and not all handball was considered a foul. Unintentional handball that causes teammates to score a goal or get a chance to score will no longer be considered a foul. In all the above cases, the opponent should be sentenced to kick a direct free kick at the foul place. If the foul place is in the opponent’s penalty area, the free kick can be executed anywhere in the penalty area. In the course of the game, if the defender intentionally violates any of the above nine items in his own penalty area, he should be awarded a penalty no matter where the ball is at that time.

(2) A player commits any of the following five fouls, namely:

1. The referee thinks that his actions are dangerous, such as trying to kick the ball that the goalkeeper has caught.

2. When the goalkeeper is in the penalty area:

A. Holding, patting or throwing the ball into the air in any direction after controlling the ball by hand, and then catching it, and walking for more than 4 steps without making the ball enter the competition state.

B. After holding the ball, touch the ball with your hands again according to the situation in clause (2)c, although you have made the ball enter the competition state before touching the ball by the team members outside the penalty area or the opposing team members inside and outside the penalty area.

C. The goalkeeper touches the ball with his hand after a team member intentionally kicks the ball to the goalkeeper.

D. The referee thinks that due to tactical purposes, the team intentionally stops the game and delays the game time, which makes the team gain illegitimate interests.

In all the above cases, the opponent should be judged to kick an indirect free kick at the foul place according to the specific circumstances of the first free kick rule.

3. Players should be warned and shown a yellow card in the following situations:

E. After the start of the game, players enter or re-enter the game or leave during the game: except for accidents, in either case, without the permission of the referee in advance.

F. If the referee suspends the game to execute the warning, the opponent will kick an indirect free kick to resume the game at the place where the ball is located when the game is suspended according to the specific situation of the free kick rules.

G. If the foul player has other more serious foul circumstances, he shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the rules.

H. the team members violated the rules continuously.

I. express dissatisfaction with the referee’s decision by words or actions.

J. has improper behavior.

Except for a more serious foul, if a player’s behavior falls into any of the last three items mentioned above, he should be given a yellow card warning and ordered to kick an indirect free kick at the foul place according to the specific conditions of any team rules.

(3) When the referee thinks that a player has the following situations, he should be ordered to play and show a red card:

1. Commit acts of violence.

2. Serious foul.

3. Use foul language or abuse.

4. After being given a yellow card warning, he was given a second yellow card warning for foul.

The game is suspended because of the penalty. If the player does not violate other rules, the opponent should be sentenced to kick an indirect free kick in the foul place according to the specific situation of the free kick rules.

8. Free kick

There are two kinds of free kicks: direct free kicks (which can be scored directly into the goal of the foul team) and indirect free kicks (the server is not allowed to shoot directly, and can only shoot after being touched by other players).

9. penalty kick

(1) Requirements

The penalty kick should be kicked from the penalty spot, and the penalty player must be clearly defined. When serving, all players except the referee and the opposing goalkeeper should be outside the penalty area and in the competition field, and at least 9.15m away from the penalty point. Before the ball is served, the opposing goalkeeper must stand on the goal line between the two goalposts (his feet are not allowed to move). The referee must kick the ball forward; Don’t touch the ball again until other players kick or touch it. When the ball rolls to the circumferential distance of the ball, the game is resumed. Penalty kicks can be scored directly. When the penalty kick is executed in the middle of the game, or when the penalty kick is extended or reissued at the end of the semi-full game in the first half, if the kicked ball touches any post or two posts; Or touch the crossbar; Or touch the goalkeeper; Or continuously touching the goalpost, crossbar or goalkeeper and entering the goal, as long as there is no foul, it should be judged as a winning goal.

(2) Penalty

Anyone who violates any provision of this chapter shall be dealt with as follows:

1. If the defender fouls, the ball should be severely punished if it is not penalized.

2. If an attacker other than the penalty shooters commits a foul, the penalty will be invalid and should be severely punished.

3. If the penalty player commits a foul after the game is resumed, the opposing player shall issue an indirect free kick at the foul place according to the specific situation of the free kick rules.

10. Throw a foul ball

When the whole ball crosses the sideline on the ground or in the air, it should be thrown in any direction in the court by the opponent who touched the ball last before it was out of bounds.

When throwing the ball, the thrower must face the court, and some of his feet should stand on the sideline or outside the sideline. He should not leave the ground with his feet, and throw the ball into the stadium from the head to the back with both hands. The game resumed as soon as the ball entered the court. The thrower must not touch the ball again until it is kicked or touched by other players. Throw a foul ball into the goal directly to score.

penalty provision

1. If the ball is not thrown into the stadium according to the prescribed method, the opposing team members should throw the foul ball in the same place.

2. If the ball thrower touches the ball again after throwing the ball into the stadium before it is kicked or touched by other players, the opposing team should kick an indirect free kick at the place where the foul occurred. If a player fouls in the opponent’s goal area or fouls in his own goal area, he should kick an indirect free kick according to the specific circumstances of the free kick rules.

Goal kick.

When the whole ball crosses the baseline from the outside of the goal in the air or on the ground, and the last player who kicks or touches the ball is the attacking player, the defending goalkeeper will directly issue a restricted area at any place in the restricted area to resume the game. The goalkeeper must not put the ball in his hand before sending it into the game. If the ball is not directly served from the tee, that is, it has not entered the game, it should be re-served. The goalkeeper must not touch the ball again before it is kicked or touched by other players. Goal kick is not allowed to score directly. When serving goal kick, the opposing team members should stand outside the service area before the ball is sent out of the service area.

After the player who serves goal kick kicks the ball out of the service court, he touches the ball again before it is kicked or touched by other players, and the opposing player shall be awarded an indirect free kick at the place where the foul occurred. If a player fouls in the penalty area, it will be executed according to the specific situation of the free kick rule.

12. Corner kick

When the whole ball crosses the goal line from the outside of the goal, whether in the air or on the ground, and the defender touches the ball finally, the attacking player puts the ball in the corner area close to the ball out of bounds and kicks the corner kick.

Do not move the corner flagpole when serving the corner kick. A corner kick can win a goal directly. The opponent of the corner kick player shall not enter within 9.15 meters from the ball when the ball has not entered the game, that is, the ball has not rolled to the circumferential distance of the ball. A player serving a corner kick is not allowed to touch the ball again before it is touched by other players.

1. When a player who kicks a corner touches the ball again before it is kicked or touched by other players, the referee shall order the opposing player to kick an indirect free kick at the place where the foul occurred. If a player fouls in the goal area, it will be executed according to the specific situation of the free kick rule in the rules.

2. If there is any other foul, the corner kick should be kicked again.

Slide down to see all.




The highest organization in the world is the International Football Federation, which was founded in 1904 and headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.

The highest organization in China is the Chinese Football Association, which was established in Beijing on January 3rd, 1955.


Top ten famous football matches


The FIFA World Cup is held every four years. It is a football match with the participation of national teams all over the world, which symbolizes the highest honor in football and has the greatest popularity and influence.


The European Football Championship, also known as the "European Championship", is held every four years and is one of the most influential international football competitions. Since 2016, the number of teams participating in the final stage of the European Championship has expanded to 24.


The European Champions League, referred to as the "Champions League" or "Champions League", represents the highest level and honor of European club football. Twenty-two clubs have won the Champions League in succession, with Real Madrid winning the championship the most times, totaling 13 times.


The English Football Super League, referred to as the "Premier League" for short, is one of the "five major leagues" in Europe. It is composed of 20 teams and is considered to be one of the best leagues in the world. With its fast pace, fierce competition and numerous strong teams, it has become the most popular sports event in the world and the highest-paid football league.


Italian Football League One, referred to as "Serie A" for short, is one of the highest-level professional football leagues in the world. In the 1980s and 1990s, there were many stars and powerful teams in Serie A, which was called "Little World Cup".


Spanish Football League One, referred to as La Liga for short, is the most competitive league in Europe at present. It is known as the "Star League" and "Mr. League" and is the cradle of cultivating footballer of the year and the Golden Globe Award.


German Football League One, referred to as "Bundesliga", is the highest-level club competition in German football. Bayern Munich is the most successful team in the Bundesliga, winning 28 Bundesliga titles.


French Football League One, referred to as "Ligue 1" for short, started the era of "Green Giants" dominating Ligue 1 when French football superstar Platini debuted in saint etienne in the 1970s, which produced a turning point in Ligue 1 and made French football once again become an important force in Europe.


The America’s Cup is the most important national football match attended by the member countries of South American Football Association. It was formerly known as the South American Football Championship and is also the oldest national football match in the world. It is held every four years.


The Asian Cup is the highest-level national competition in Asia. Since 1997, Asian Cup champions have represented AFC in the FIFA Confederations Cup.


Top ten famous football stars


Famous stars: Pele, Diego Maradona, johan cruyff, franz beckenbauer, Zidane, Ronaldo, alfredo di stefano, bobby charlton, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Source: Ping An Kudur

Editor: Zhang Zibo

Editor in charge: Yang Xiaobin

Duty Officer: Zhang Lijuan

2022 Game Summary! Top Ten Must-Play Games (I), which ones did you play?

2022 has passed. Although there are many jumping games this year, there are still many games that have left a strong impression on players with excellent quality this year. Through the word-of-mouth of the players and Tongge’s actual play experience, we selected the top ten games that must be played in 2022. Let’s see which ones the macaroni players have played.

Baokemeng Legend Al Zeus


Release date: January 28, 2022

Selling platform: Switch

Metacritic score: 83

As a new generation of Baokemeng, the rumored Legend of Baokemeng, Al Zeus, finallyBoldly tried the game of opening the world,This can be said to be a big step in the traditional Baokemeng series, and this game has successfully reversed word of mouth with excellent game quality when everyone was not optimistic in the previous trailer.It has become the highest-rated treasure dream work in recent years.

Eldenfah ring

Elden Ring

Release date: February 25, 2022

Selling platform: Steam

Metacritic score: 94

The innovative work of the soul game is also a gameplay that has joined the open world. Coupled with the consistent hard-core game mechanism of the soul game and the "riddle man" world view that FS is good at, both the battle and the plot exploration make the players want to stop step by step, and the phenomenon-level topic discussion,This 2022TGA annual game cannot be overstated!

The fading light 2: the battle between man and benevolence

Dying Light 2:Stay Human

Release date: February 5, 2022

Selling platform: Steam

Metacritic score: 77

Although the opening caused a wave of public opinion storm due to various bugs and multiplayer games not working normally, after the production team diligently repaired the work, the rebound in sales and praise in this year proved thatThe quality of the game is satisfactory.



Release date: February 8, 2022

Selling platform: Epic

Metacritic score: 79

In order to make this action game with a strong "Kung Fu flavor", the producer also made a special trip to China to learn boxing.Based on the traditional Chinese martial arts "White Eyebrows Boxing", creating a nearly perfect close combat experience for the game.The fist-to-flesh kung fu is supplemented by quick, accurate and cruel environmental attacks.Coupled with the revenge plot with "Wude" as the core, the production team successfully pushed the game to a new height as an independent game.

Kabi of the Star explores and discovers.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Release date: March 25, 2022

Selling platform: Switch

Metacritic score: 85

As Kabi’s first 3D work, "Exploration and Discovery of Kabi in the Star" can be said to be the best work in the series! Not only has Kabi’s gameplay of "swallowing heaven and earth" been vividly restored,After 3D, it fully absorbed the essence of Mario Odyssey., combined with its own mechanism, presents manyA brand-new game experience.

Of course, the 2022 must-play game must be accompanied by the 2022 must-play gamepad to be interesting! The Beitong Asura 2pro multi-template gamepad in Tong Ge’s hand can greatly enhance the game experience for the above five games, such as in Master.Boxing to meat button hitting feeling, plusHall triggers the silky smooth dodge.Whether it is the enemy’s upper attack or sweeping the legs at the lower end, they can skillfully resolve the heavy punch counterattack!

Beitong Asura 2pro multi-template gamepad is now selling well in major e-commerce platforms.Macaroni people who want to play on both PC and NS platforms during the New Year holiday, start one in advance, and travel during the holiday will ensure that the experience is full ~

Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions won the runner-up! Greater Bay Area Badminton Invitational Tournament closed.

On December 7th, 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Badminton Invitational Tournament came to a successful conclusion in Guangzhou Gymnasium. Sixteen elite teams from Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing and several provincial trade unions gathered in Guangzhou to attend the badminton appointment, presenting a sports feast for badminton fans in the Bay Area.

Du Ling, member and vice chairman of Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions, Qiu Yicheng, vice chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Liang Sunxu, vice chairman of Macao Federation of Trade Unions, Chen Yaoguang, second-class inspector of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government, Zhu Chengzhi, deputy secretary and executive vice chairman of Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, Yin Hongliang, member and vice chairman of Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event and presented awards to the winners.

Organized by Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Macau Federation of Trade Unions, Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, and assisted by Guangzhou Yuancun Workers’ Cultural Palace, this competition aims to actively implement the national fitness strategy, broaden the platform for workers in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to learn, communicate and serve, enrich the cultural and sports life of workers in Greater Bay Area, and inspire Greater Bay Area workers to contribute to the high-quality development of the Bay Area with more enthusiasm, stronger physique and better state.

Mixed team events (men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles) were set up in this competition, and the group round robin was held. On the court, the athletes were full of energy, cooperated tacitly, defended and restrained, and tried their best to fight hard, smash vigorously, block brilliantly and save the ball dangerously. Badminton fluttered in mid-air, and the score was chasing after each other in the swing. The killing sound, cheers and shouts came and went on the court, which set off the climax of the competition.

After a wonderful competition, the Shenzhen Federation of Trade Unions team won the championship of this competition. Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions and Zhuhai Federation of Trade Unions won the second and third place respectively.

The competition not only provides badminton lovers with more platforms for sports exchanges, but also promotes sports cultural exchanges and cooperation among cities in Greater Bay Area, fully demonstrating the cohesion of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

In the future, Guangzhou Trade Union will join hands with its sister cities in the Bay Area, strengthen coordination and linkage, actively build a service platform for employees’ exchanges in Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, play a greater role in promoting high-quality development and promoting the construction of the Bay Area, and make greater contributions to building a world-class Bay Area and a world-class urban agglomeration.

South+reporter Wang Yiqing

Correspondent sui gongxuan

[Author] Wang Yiqing

[Source] Southern Newspaper Media Group South+Client