Interview with Hu Ge: Acting in "South Station" is a reset and restart, isolating yourself during filming

(Photo by Liang Xiaoliang) On May 20, French time, Hu Ge accepted an exclusive interview to talk about the new film "The Wild Goose Lake". The film was shortlisted for the main competition section of the 72nd Cannes Film Festival, with a score of 2.7 points in the field magazine. It tells the story of a car theft gang leader and an accompanying swimmer on the run, chasing freedom.

Talking about joining the film, Hu Ge said that "The Wild Goose Lake" is a movie he has always wanted to try, but did not have a good opportunity. In order to play the film well, he entered the group a month in advance to find a Wuhan dialect teacher to learn the dialect, and deliberately made his figure look thinner.

After the premiere screening, many commentators said that in Hu Ge’s character, they saw the "forbearance and morality" of the hero of the costume film. In this regard, Hu Ge also said, "Zenong is a person who is out of place in the rapidly changing era. Maybe life has no hope for him, but he also has inner persistence, which is this chivalrous."

In the film, Gui Lunmei plays the most against Hu Ge. When it comes to Xiaomei’s performance this time, Hu Ge also believes that she is very dedicated. "During that time, she had a cold and fever, and it was quite cold at night in Wuhan. After each shot, she was panting and pale. She kept gritting her teeth and insisting, and I especially admire her."

Received in 2017.South Station"Invitation, enter the group 1 month in advance to learn Wuhan dialect

How did you get involved in the movie "The Wild Goose Lake"?

Hu Ge: Three lives are lucky, just kidding. Indeed, I think it was a great honor for me. One day at the end of 2017, I suddenly received a phone call saying that Director Diao Yinan asked me to meet. I was quite excited at the time, because I had seen his "Fireworks by Day" before, including his other work "Night Train". In fact, this type of work is something I have always wanted to try, but I have been suffering from no good opportunities, so I went to see Director Diao with great anticipation that time. Then we met for the first time, and they both left a very good impression on each other.

But what I didn’t expect was that he wanted me to play such a role. Of course, my first feeling was, can I? It was this state of lack of confidence that lasted from the first time I saw him until the moment of finishing. The whole preparation process and the shooting process, to be honest, was quite torturous for me. But I also enjoyed it very much, because I also kept telling others that the whole process of this time was a process of clearing and restarting for me.

Most of my previous acting experience was in TV dramas, so this time as a lead actor, being able to be on the big screen is such a realistic subject, a character so far away from me. So from the method of creation and the way of performance, it is a new experience for me.

: This time you were speaking Wuhan dialect the whole time, right?

Hu Ge: Yes.

How long have you been studying?

Hu Ge: The Wuhan dialect is like this. Before I joined the group, the director recorded all my lines in Wuhan dialect and sent them to me. I taught myself first, and then entered the group a month in advance. After the crew found a local Wuhan dialect teacher for me, and then lived with me every day. In addition to correcting my lines, he also tried to communicate in Wuhan dialect in his daily life. It was to create a language environment for me.

Was the Wuhan dialect teacher with you throughout the production?

Hu Ge: Yes.

Is there such an exchange of Wuhan dialect every day?

Hu Ge: Yes. This process is also quite painful for me.

Why is it painful?

Hu Ge: The lines should be passable, but when I wanted to chat with my Wuhan dialect classmates and friends during this period, I was often laughed at by them.

Don’t worry about whether the image is contrasting, the character is conveying a chivalrous spirit

In the film, your style is very different from the past. You often roll in muddy water and get shot. Do you have any image worries before shooting?

Hu Ge: Not at all. In fact, I see my identity very clearly. Sometimes I may be a so-called star, and sometimes I am an actor. I feel that when I am an actor, the role is the biggest, and all my images on the screen are for the role. As long as it can help the audience build a sense of belief in this role, I am willing to try anything.

There is a scene where you wrap your topless body in gauze, and your muscle lines are looming. Did you deliberately exercise this time?

Hu Ge: I exercise every day, but I don’t exercise to build muscles, and that’s what the director communicated to me at the time. He didn’t want me to be strong. In fact, he wanted my whole body to be able to make the audience feel particularly thin on the video, and then feel tired and unhealthy. So during that time, my exercise was mainly aerobic, and then I also controlled my diet.

After the premiere, there were comments saying that you saw the forbearance and chivalry of the ancient heroes in you. What do you think of the role of Zenong?

Hu Ge: In fact, this is also what the director wants to express. You will find that in the image processing of our entire film, it is intertwined with reality and fantasy. Nazenong, he is actually a very marginal bottom-level character, he is out of tune with this rapidly changing era. Maybe life has no so-called hope for him, but he also has inner persistence, and what he insists on is the chivalry and morality you just mentioned.

Is this morality always firm during your performance?

Hu Ge: Of course, even after Liu Aiai betrayed him, he still chose to pin his last hope on her.

Why is that? What do you think of his relationship with Liu Aiai?

Hu Ge: Two reasons, the first reason, objectively speaking, there was no other person besides her. And at that time, the search area was getting smaller and smaller, and he had no time or possibility to find another person, so that was his only hope. The second reason, you betrayed me once, and I still believe in you.

I always felt a little uneasy during the shooting, and Diao Yinan let herself into the film noir

You just said that during filming, there was always a sense of uncertainty.

Hu Ge: Yes.

Is this your personal feeling or the direction the director has set for you?

Hu Ge: The director has helped me a lot. I often use an analogy. I say that the director’s guidance on the actors’ performances is like performing surgery with magnifying glass. Of course, I think this is also the difference between movie performances and TV shows, because after the screen is enlarged, all the details are required to be very accurate. Maybe I was used to performing in TV shows before, and there are some things I will ignore or ignore. This time it is equivalent to re-learning.

What are the benefits of working with Diao Yinan?

Hu Ge: I think I have gained a lot, including this visit to Cannes. I have always felt that it was Director Diao who really led me into the palace of film art. In fact, in our film, you can see all the elements of film noir. But at the same time, you will find that film noir can also be so poetic. This is what I admire the most about Director Diao.

Will he also provide a poetic guide to your performance?

Hu Ge: Director Diao Yinan’s biggest requirement for the role of Zhou Zenong is restraint and forbearance. He doesn’t want to be exaggerated on camera or in the image. All his emotions and emotions are kept in a very inadvertent state of awareness, so he has high requirements for my performance, which is a big challenge.

Infected by Guilun Magnesium’s dedicated attitude, interpreting the surreal elements in the film

: You have played the most opposite games with Gui Lunmei in the film. How does it feel to work with Xiaomei?

Hu Ge: The biggest feeling she gave me was dedication. There was a scene filmed on the court, where I chased her on a motorcycle.

I ran down the bridge on my motorcycle, and then I chased her all the way. During that time, she had a cold and fever, and it was quite cold at night in Wuhan. Every time I finished filming, because the camera finally turned under the bridge, no one could see her, only I could see her. Every time she was out of breath and pale, I felt that she was dying, so I kept persuading her. I said that if she was uncomfortable, we could stop for a while. Let’s finish work today and shoot tomorrow. But she felt that because the arrangement of the whole scene, including the cooperation of all departments, was very difficult. If she came back the next day, it would be serious to the shooting progress. She kept gritting her teeth and insisting. I especially admire her.

Besides filming, what topics do you talk about in private?

Hu Ge: In fact, throughout the filming process, I kept my distance from all the actors.

: Everyone?

Hu Ge: Yes, because I consciously want to isolate myself, this feeling will be more in line with the state of the characters. I didn’t integrate into the crew as quickly as I used to, and then become good friends with everyone.

: There are some surreal magical elements in the film. What do you think of the director’s handling?

Hu Ge: You will find that in our play, you can find a lot of relationships between the characters and the environment. Sometimes you will find that the distance between the characters and the environment is very long, and sometimes you will find that the characters are integrated into the environment, and these are often absurd, dramatic, and dreamy scenes. But in real scenes, there is often a sense of distance. I think this should be the expression of the director in the video as I understand it.

Can you explain a specific scene? For example, you have a scene where you are constantly entering various scenarios in the newspaper, and finally fantasizing about shooting at an airplane.

Hu Ge: In fact, the director did not tell me the intention he wanted to express in this scene, but my understanding at the time was that Zhou Zenong was in a very weak state at this time. At that moment, the director’s request to me was to perform a somewhat confused state of mind. As a trapped criminal, he had nowhere to go at that moment. In a small room in a dilapidated weather station, the walls were covered with various newspapers, and then you would find that every message could represent the characteristics of an era, but for Zhou Zenong, he couldn’t fit in anywhere.

After watching the premiere, how would you rate your performance?

Hu Ge: I can only say that I have completed the task, but there is still room for improvement.

This article is an exclusive manuscript. It is prohibited to reprint it in any form without authorization, otherwise legal responsibility will be pursued.

Andy Lau’s Tianjin solo singing shows high technology, taking the lead in feeling the atmosphere of the 08 Olympic Games

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium – Water Drop Night View

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium – Water Drop

  It is reported that there will also be amazing details at Andy Lau’s Tianjin concert on October 18 – the stage effect created by 60 million yuan is like watching a Hollywood blockbuster. At the same time, the reporter also learned that the entire performance of Andy Lau’s Tianjin concert will last more than 3 hours, and all the songs familiar to fans will be received in the concert’s repertoire. At the same time, Andy will also make Tianjin audience feel the strong Olympic atmosphere in the "water drop".

  If you ask the most unusual thing to watch at a concert, it must be the fully transparent stage. The total width of the stage is 93 meters, spanning the entire stadium. A round trip on the stage, Andy has to run about 200 meters, and the huge stage is not worth mentioning in front of the high-tech equipment used to create a sense of science fiction.

  Mr. Song Jiang, the head of the organizer of the Tianjin concert, told reporters that the transparent LED large screen used in China for the first time is the latest invention in the world. It is not only as thin as a cloth, but also can be flipped and moved.

  The concert was a prelude to the outer space image on the screen and then back to China on Earth, sometimes allowing the audience to see Tiananmen Square, and sometimes taking the audience to the moon. Through the screen, you can also see the band behind. What’s even more amazing is the combination of 3D imaging and "trapeze" technology, which is a stage effect created entirely in mid-air with lights and machinery. The coolest part is that Andy turned into an astronaut, and in the "spaceship" constructed by 3D imaging, he slowly soared to a height of more than 10 meters in mid-air and sang, and then turned into a Cowherd and Weaver Girl dancing together. The following climax will surprise everyone: Andy stands in a hanging platform as small as a square brick, pulled by a ropeway, slowly "floating" from the stage to the top of the auditorium, all the way to the heads of the audience in the last row of the infield. You can imagine how "exciting" this is for the fans.

  It is reported that Andy Lau will sing more than 20 classic old songs and nearly 10 new songs at the Tianjin station of the tour. His old songs accounted for a large part of the concerts in the previous few stops. After the concert in Nanjing, he brought his song "EveryoneisNo.1" for the Olympic Games, so that fans can "listen" first. In the final part of the concert, Andy Lau specially designed the Olympic link. At that time, the Olympic songs sung by Andy can let Tianjin fans feel the Olympic atmosphere in the Olympic venue "Water Drop" in advance. (Source: – Daily News)

Editor in charge: Zhu Xinrui

Have you been tricked into eating sugar, dyeing your hair and playing mobile phones?

  According to the statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. However, when it comes to knowledge about this disease, the public still has a little knowledge about it. To make matters worse, many misunderstandings about diseases spread online and offline, making it difficult for people to identify correct information from unfounded fallacies. American "Best Life" website collects scientific evidence and expert advice, refuting the most common misunderstandings in this field.

  Myth 1: Eating sugar will make cancer worse.

  Perhaps because cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, people believe that eating sugar will make the disease worse. However, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) refuted this statement, pointing out that "no research shows that eating sugar will make cancer worse, or if you stop eating sugar, the tumor will shrink or disappear."

  Myth 2: The more dairy products you eat,

  The more likely you are to get breast cancer.

  Women can safely eat cheese and yogurt without worrying about breast cancer. The research results published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health show that there is no significant correlation between the intake of total dairy products (including both liquid dairy products and solid dairy products) and the risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 3: Eating artificial sweeteners can cause cancer.

  People had this concern in the 1970s and 1980s, because studies at that time showed that the intake of artificial sweeteners (such as saccharin and aspartame) would lead to cancer in mice. However, further tests prove that these substances will not have the same effect on human beings. Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that all sugar substitutes (except sodium cyclamate) are safe to eat.

  Myth 4: Using mobile phones can cause cancer.

  This common cancer misunderstanding stems from the fact that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. However, there are obvious differences between high-frequency radiation (such as X-ray radiation) and low-frequency radiation (radiation emitted by mobile phones). Although high-frequency radiation will increase the risk of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that low-frequency radiation has such an effect on the body. Epidemiological studies on the exposure of mobile phones to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have not shown that users have an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers.

  Myth 5 Cancer is completely a genetic disease.

  Although medical scientists are still investigating the causes of cancer, the National Cancer Institute of the United States suggests that 5%~10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, and the remaining risk factors include exposure to harmful substances in the environment (such as tobacco and air pollutants) and genetic mutations caused by aging.

  Myth 6: Only women get breast cancer

  Although it is not common, it is also possible for men to develop breast cancer, but the probability is low. The probability of breast cancer in an average man’s life is 1 in 883.

  Myth 7: If the mammogram results are normal,

  There would be no breast cancer.

  Because mammography may miss important information, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only by mammography. High-risk groups with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer should consider magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for more accurate screening.

  Myth 8: Hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

  The research results on carcinogenesis of hair dyes are contradictory. Therefore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes do not include carcinogens harmful to human beings, but they also warned that occupational exposure (such as hairdressers) may cause cancer to human beings.

  Myth 9: Weight has nothing to do with cancer risk.

  Weight is directly related to the risk of cancer. According to the research results published in The Lancet-Oncology by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2012, 3.6% of all new cancer cases among adults were related to weight.

  There are many reasons why obese people have a high risk of cancer. One theory is that overweight people have chronic low-grade inflammation, which will damage DNA over time and eventually lead to illness.

  Myth 10: People with dark skin color should not have skin cancer.

  Although skin cancer is more common in people with light skin color, dark skin color does not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. The research results published in the Journal of American Dermatology Association by researchers in case western reserve university, USA, show that melanoma is more deadly to people with darker skin color; Moreover, some skin cancers (such as acral melanoma) are more common in people with dark skin color.

  Myth 11 Using antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

  This misconception is that the substances in antiperspirants will penetrate into axillary lymph nodes, causing cell mutation, which will lead to cancer. However, the American Cancer Society refuted this statement, pointing out that "there is little scientific evidence" to support this speculation.

  Researchers at the Fred Haakinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, published research results in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showing that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 12 Breast augmentation will increase the risk of breast cancer

  A meta-analysis published by FDA researchers in the Journal of Plastic Surgery shows that breast augmentation does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that there is a small connection between breast augmentation and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but this rare cancer can be treated.

  Myth 13: People who receive cancer treatment must be hospitalized.

  Although the treatment of cancer does require several visits to the hospital, patients do not need to stay there until their condition is relieved. In fact, many patients with early cancer can continue to live a normal life and only need to go to the hospital for treatment and examination on a regular basis.

  Myth 14 Only smokers get lung cancer.

  Although smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer, other risk factors (such as secondhand smoke, radon in the air and exposure to asbestos) also increase the risk of lung cancer.

  Misunderstanding 15

  Infection with human papillomavirus will definitely lead to cervical cancer.

  Some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) develop into cervical cancer over time, but this is not always the case. There are more than 200 strains of HPV, but only a few of them are high risk factors for cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancer is caused by two types (HPV16 and HPV18).

  Myth 16

  Negative emotions can make

  The condition of cancer patients is worse.

  Usually, when cancer patients have no improvement after receiving treatment, their instinct is to blame their negative attitude as the root of the problem. However, the American Cancer Society points out that there is no connection between personality characteristics and cancer survival rate.

  Myth 17: Surgery will cause cancer to spread.

  According to the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia, there is no evidence to support the spread of cancer caused by surgery. Because this disease grows and reproduces in the blood, it has nothing to do with surgery.

  Myth 18 Herbal supplements can cure cancer.

  According to the research results published in the Journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by researchers from Taiwan Province Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in China, only when combined with conventional treatment can herbal supplements play a role in relieving the disease.

  Myth 19 Biopsy will lead to the spread of cancer.

  Because some patients feel worse after biopsy, they mistakenly believe that exposing cancer to the air will make their condition worse. In fact, there is no evidence that biopsy of lesions will lead to the spread of cancer, and there is no evidence that exposing tumors to the air will lead to its spread to other body parts.

  Myth 20 Chemotherapy always makes patients feel uncomfortable.

  Since the first use of chemotherapy in the 1940s and 1950s, this therapy has made great progress. In order to reduce or even eliminate the side effects, medical scientists have made great efforts, and the patients’ bad feelings are not as serious as imagined.

  Myth 21 Cancer is contagious.

  Cancer itself is not contagious, and you can’t get the disease from others at all. However, some infectious viruses (such as HPV and hepatitis B and C viruses) can cause cancer, so we need to be careful.

  Myth 22 Fluoride can cause cancer.

  Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste does not cause cancer. In February 1991, after reviewing more than 50 population studies, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that fluoride in its natural form would not pose a cancer risk to human beings.

  Myth 23 getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

  Due to technological progress and new medical discoveries, the survival probability of cancer patients is much higher than before. According to the data of the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate of all types of cancer adds up to about 67%, while for specific cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid gland, this statistic is as high as 90%. (Compile/Guo Shaoshan)

Dear child, why are you unhappy?

  BEIJING, April 17th (Reporter Ren Siyu) "3.1415926… …” "Louder!"

  Have you ever had a nervous experience of reciting pi and performing talents at a family dinner?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The recent hit Xiao Shede has made many people dream back to childhood. As the third part of the "Xiao Shede" series, Xiao Shede is aimed at the family life of Xiao Shengchu.

  How about children’s grades, whether they should enroll in remedial classes, take several interest classes, be an improper class cadre, fail to win the Olympic Mathematics English Award, and whether they can choose a school to go to the gold medal junior high school … … Behind the seemingly happy life of primary school students is the secret struggle of parents.

  "Xiaoshengchu", the battlefield for parents

  The first family dinner of "Xiao Shede" made many viewers feel suffocated:

  Nanli (Song Jia) and Tian Yulan (Rulu) attend a reunion banquet planned by their father Nan Jianlong (Zhang Guoli). When his father celebrates Nanli’s daughter’s joyful singing and won the first prize, Tian Yulan, who is not angry, begins to show off that his son Zi You won the first prize in the exam. Nan Li and her daughter happily played and sang, and Tian Yulan forced her son to recite more than 1000 pi in public.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan and Nan Li, one is a strict "tiger mother" who believes in hard work and wins, and the other is a "Buddhist" parent who wants their children to grow up happily.

  "Man struggles upwards and flows downwards. Don’t relax your child’s study. If you feel sorry for him now, it will hurt him in the future."

  "No way, children have a high starting point, and there is nothing missing from childhood. Childhood is only once, and happiness is the most important."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The tit-for-tat between the two people, on the one hand, comes from the bitterness of special family relations. Father Nan Jianlong divorced once and then married Cai Juying, a care worker. Nan Jianlong’s daughter Nan Li and Cai Juying’s daughter Tian Yulan formed a "halfway sister".

  As a child, Tian Yulan’s economic conditions were not good enough. She relied on Nan Jianlong’s support to go to college and get married, so she was looked down upon by her husband’s family. Although life is good now, she always feels inferior in her heart, so she spends all her energy on her children’s study.

  Whenever she can’t stand her mother’s humility at a family dinner, she takes out her children to earn face. For her, children’s achievements are tools to add luster and stay young.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When her son scored 86 points in the math test, Tian Yulan was on the verge of an enemy. She suspected that the teacher Zhong, who had published the paper, had privately run a cram school and was unfairly treated. Finally, she reported that the teacher had resigned. However, when she learned that Ms. Zhong was the teacher of the extra-curricular gold medal class, she begged and gave gifts in every way, even the whole family went into battle, as long as she entered the class.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby" education is anxious and disturbing, but in such an atmosphere for a long time, Nanli, who has always advocated happy education, has also changed.

  Nanli never gave her children high-pressure education, but Tian Yulan accidentally poked the fact that her daughter scored 45 points. After visiting many training courses, the couple decided to teach their children in person, and as a result, Huanhuan got the last place.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  They also made a whisper in their hearts: why didn’t the two parents who learned to bully cultivate a child with excellent grades?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  As a result, when the sisters who were already competing met the critical period of "Xiaoshengchu", the conflict gradually came to the light from the dark. And their parenting anxiety has spread step by step to the grandparents and grandchildren.

  In order to help his grandchildren win the gold medal training class, Nan Jianlong found his former subordinates to plead and apologize. In the end, he only got a quota. On the one hand, he was a daughter, and on the other hand, he was a mother and daughter who saved his life. He had to face the embarrassment of "a bowl of water is uneven".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Huanhuan, a talented student, failed in the class committee election and was ridiculed by her classmates. She cried and took the initiative to ask her parents to arrange a cram school, and the sooner the better … …

  Source: Video screenshot.

  raise childrenStory, why is the assembly popular?

  Some people say that the story of Xiao Shede makes people’s blood pressure rise, but others say that if you look at life, such cases are everywhere.

  "Resume of 5-year-old children" and "Haidian Mom" … … In recent years, the topic of "Chicken Baby" has been frequently searched.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The so-called "chicken baby" is to educate children with chicken blood. The "Chicken Baby" life plan of parents in Haidian, Beijing, once circulated on the Internet: 1 year old, bilingual teaching in Chinese and English; At the age of 3, I can read English picture books by myself and recite 100 ancient poems. 5-year-old, studying Olympics and thinking training; At the age of 6, she went to the best primary school in the district, and Olympiad entered the innovative class … …

  The advertisements of education and training institutions all amplify this emotion: "You haven’t started learning English at the age of two, and you are about to miss the sensitive period of your child." "If you don’t let your child learn programming, he will be abandoned by the times."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  But even if schools don’t play up the competitive atmosphere and training institutions don’t publicize it vigorously, parents’ inner anxiety is already overflowing:

  The school does not provide students’ exam rankings, and there are small yellow notes on the statistical table, which makes it impossible for parents to ask each other about their children’s grades;

  Some art training institutions even offer a "triple jump" service: they only practice the required tracks of the grading test every year, and take three or four years to win the tenth grade test. What they are aiming at is the utilitarian demand that parents are eager to achieve.

  In order not to let their children lose at the starting line, parents try their best to arrange their study and life to the fullest, and the reasons sound reasonable:

  "I believe that my children are gifted and not mediocre by nature, maybe ‘ Chicken ’ Can you become a phoenix in a moment? "

  "Now the competition for resources is so fierce, if you fight once more, you can give your children one more choice";

  "I have a good life now through hard work. If my childhood is too happy, the future will not be easy";

  "I am paying for it now, so that my children will not regret blaming me in the future."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  In Xiao Shede, Mi Tao, a primary school student from other places, always comes first in the exam. Her mother does housework and her father sells fruit. Without her parents’ crazy urging and cram school, she just can become a schoolmaster.

  Seeing such a talented child, how can other parents not worry?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Unwilling to lag behind and afraid to lag behind, parents have gradually embarked on the road of "chicken baby".

  Their high standards and high expectations have spawned various educational methods and "slang". Ordinary children are "frogs", children with outstanding abilities are "bullfrogs", those who are "chickens" at home are called "domestic chickens", those who report to after-school classes are called "class chickens", and even parents have formed "corns" groups: in order to protect children’s eyesight, they take their children to do eye exercises and climb trees to see green leaves every day.

  Happy growth, or chicken blood growth?

  Under the concept of "each generation is stronger than the next", all parents want their children to live a happier life.

  When the audience is often angry about Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby", they can understand her difficulties when they see her worrying about her children and wiping her tears.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  However, behind such parenting, do parents really care about their children’s ideas?

  Zi You, who is clever and sensible and regarded as proud by Tian Yulan, has a small hobby: insects.

  He told Huanhuan that his biggest dream is to be a biologist, but this hobby can only get a "disgusting" response from his mother.

  There is a scene in the play in which Tian Yulan comes home to see Zi You playing with insects, and he is mad at hearing that he forgot to bring his exercise book, and he takes all his anger out on his son.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When she learned that her son had got good grades in the exam, she immediately became all smiles again.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Be asked to be the first in the exam and be asked to run for class cadre … … What the audience can see is that the psychological pressure and fatigue of children are getting bigger and bigger every day.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  On the other hand, Huanhuan, who is good at literature and art and has a cheerful personality, is gradually out of balance under the comparison of parents and classmates, and will cry at every turn.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Are they really happy in the long run?

  The TV series asked the parents a question through the children’s mouth: Do you love me or me who got full marks?

  Parenting anxiety is a difficult problem to solve. Every parent wants to help their children earn tickets for the upward channel, but growth is never a one-way street.

  Parents can have expectations for their children, but they can’t be capped just because they shout the slogan "It’s all for your own good".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Maybe you boast that your children have learned eighteen kinds of martial arts with good intentions, and you won’t get their gratitude in the end; Maybe you have carefully planned your children’s life path, but in the end it is some accidental hobbies and interests that help them achieve future success.

  TV series can’t solve the difficult problems in reality, but it also provides another angle of thinking:

  While parents are eager for their children to become Jackie Chan, should they pay more attention to how to ease their psychological problems? When urging children to make progress, can they listen to their voices more slowly?

General Administration of Financial Supervision: The financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support real estate.

  General Administration of Financial Supervision: The financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support real estate.

  "The General Administration of Financial Supervision will comprehensively strengthen financial supervision, prevent and resolve financial risks, fully hold the bottom line of no systemic risks, and do a good job in the’ five big articles’ on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to provide strong financial support for high-quality economic and social development and the realization of Chinese modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." On January 25, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, said at the press conference on the theme of "High-quality economic and social development of financial services" of the State Council Office.

  Also present at the above conference were Li Mingxiao, spokesperson of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Director of Policy Research Department; Liu Zhiqing, spokesperson of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Director of Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department; Guo Wuping, Director of inclusive finance Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Yin Jiangao, Director of Property Insurance Supervision Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision.

  Liu Zhiqing said that in recent years, the credit structure of the banking industry in China has been continuously optimized, and financial support for the real economy has become more precise and powerful. Financial resources have been more used in key areas and weak links of the national economy such as scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, universal benefits, infrastructure, etc. We will continue to guide and support banking institutions to increase credit supply, optimize credit structure, focus on "five major articles", focus on unblocking the channels for funds to enter the real economy, and improve the efficiency of capital use, so as to "live water" with finance.

  Last year, the net profit of commercial banks increased by 3.24%.

  Regarding the operation of the banking and insurance industry in 2023, Liu Zhiqing said that the total assets and major businesses of the banking and insurance industry grew steadily. By the end of 2023, the total assets of banking financial institutions were 417.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%, and RMB loans increased by 22.75 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.31 trillion yuan. Total liabilities amounted to 383.1 trillion yuan, up 10.1% year-on-year, and RMB deposits increased by 25.74 trillion yuan, down 510.1 billion yuan year-on-year.

  According to preliminary statistics, the net profit of commercial banks in 2023 was 2.38 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.24%. In contrast, in the first three quarters of 2023, commercial banks achieved a net profit of 1.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.6%.

  The quality of banking assets remained stable. According to preliminary statistics, by the end of 2023, the balance of non-performing loans of banking financial institutions was 3.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 149.5 billion yuan from the beginning of the year. The NPL ratio was 1.62% (1.65% at the end of the third quarter of 2023). The ratio of loans overdue for more than 90 days to non-performing loans in commercial banks is 84.2%, which remains at a low level. 3 trillion yuan of non-performing assets were disposed of in the whole year (since 2017, the cumulative disposal of non-performing assets of banks reached 18 trillion yuan), and the disposal efforts were maintained.

  The banking industry has sufficient risk compensation capacity. By the end of 2023, the balance of loan loss reserves of commercial banks had increased by 476.8 billion yuan, and the provision coverage ratio was 205.1%, which remained at a high level. The capital adequacy ratio is 15.1%, and the core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is 10.5%. Among them, the capital adequacy ratio of large banks is 17.6%, and the core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is 11.7%.

  "In 2024, the banking industry is expected to maintain a steady development momentum, with more reasonable institutional and functional layout and further optimization of financial resource allocation. In the past three years, the average growth rate of total assets of the insurance industry reached 8.7%, maintaining a good development trend. The insurance industry has great potential for future development, and its ability to serve the overall social and economic situation will continue to increase, and the functions of economic shock absorbers and social stabilizers will be more effectively exerted. " Liu Zhiqing said.

  A series of real estate policies have shown results.

  At the press conference, the General Administration of Financial Supervision also introduced the real estate market and small and medium-sized financial institutions that are highly concerned by the market.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that the real estate industry has a long chain and a wide range, which has an important impact on the national economy and is closely related to the lives of the broad masses of the people. The financial industry is duty-bound and must be strongly supported. It is also disclosed that in 2023, banking institutions issued 3 trillion yuan of development loans and 6.4 trillion yuan of housing mortgage loans respectively, which add up to nearly 10 trillion yuan. Up to now, the balances of development loans and personal housing loans are 12.3 trillion yuan and 38.3 trillion yuan respectively; By the end of 2023, the balance of bonds purchased by banks from real estate enterprises was 427.5 billion yuan; Providing M&A loans and stock extension loans to real estate enterprises add up to more than 1 trillion yuan.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that recently, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, together with relevant departments, has issued a series of measures to support the real estate market. "These policies and measures have played and are playing an active role in doing a good job in real estate financial services, stabilizing the reasonable financing demand of the real estate market and promoting the stable and healthy development of real estate."

  "In the near future, we will also focus on the following major tasks: First, we will accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, and will hold relevant work deployment meetings, requiring banks to act as soon as possible and make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy; The second is to guide financial institutions to implement the management requirements of operating property loans; Third, continue to do a good job in personal housing loan financial services, support local city governments and housing construction departments, and further optimize personal housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to city policies; The fourth is to guide and require banks and other financial institutions to vigorously support the construction of’ three major projects’ such as the transformation of urban villages, and to form physical workload as soon as possible. " Xiao Yuanqi said.

  Regarding the risk situation of small and medium-sized financial institutions, Xiao Yuanqi said that from a nationwide perspective, the current small and medium-sized banks are operating steadily, their asset quality is stable, and their capital strength is significantly enhanced. The capital adequacy ratio, provision coverage ratio and asset quality of small and medium-sized banks are generally at a relatively good level, and these operating and regulatory indicators are at a reasonable and healthy level.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will work closely with local party committees, governments and relevant departments to do a good job in the reform and risk prevention and control of small and medium-sized banks, and constantly improve their management level: first, strengthen corporate governance; second, select top executives and key personnel; third, deepen reform through classified policies; fourth, urge small and medium-sized banks to focus on their main business; fifth, adhere to goal-oriented and problem-oriented, strive for progress while addressing both the symptoms and root causes, and comprehensively strengthen supervision and prevention.

  Do a good job of "five big articles"

  The Central Financial Work Conference pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development, and it is required to do "five major articles" well. At the press conference, the General Administration of Financial Supervision made a detailed introduction on the "five big articles" and the next step plan.

  In technology and finance, Li Mingxiao disclosed that by the end of 2023, the loan balance of high-tech enterprises nationwide had increased by 20.2% year-on-year, of which medium and long-term loans and credit loans accounted for more than 40%. By the end of 2023, the loan balance of manufacturing industry increased by 17.1% year-on-year, of which the medium and long-term loan balance of manufacturing industry increased by 29.1% year-on-year.

  "Promote the improvement of the multi-level service system in technology and finance. Under the premise of risk control, we will steadily promote the construction of the pilot zone for science and technology innovation and financial reform with relevant departments, deepen the financial support measures for manufacturing, guide financial institutions to implement various policy requirements, and continuously enrich financial products and services. Continue to increase support for scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing, help the development of new quality productive forces, and strive to provide strong financial support for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system." For the next work plan, Li Mingxiao said.

  In terms of green finance, Li Mingxiao disclosed that by the end of 2023, the green credit balance of 21 major banks had reached 27.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.7%. In inclusive finance, Guo Wuping said that by the end of 2023, the balance of inclusive finance loans in the banking industry was 29.06 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.27%, which was 13.13 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of various loans; The average interest rate of new loans for inclusive small and micro enterprises was 4.78%, down 0.47 percentage points year-on-year. "This year, we will implement the requirements of inclusive finance’s big article, integrate loans from small and micro enterprises, agriculture-related entities and private enterprises, form a unified regulatory caliber for inclusive credit, and carry out assessment and data disclosure." Guo Wuping said.

  In terms of pension finance, Yin Jiangyao said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will promote insurance institutions to give full play to the advantages of insurance protection and vigorously develop commercial insurance annuities. In terms of digital finance, Liu Zhiqing said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will continue to promote the digital transformation of the banking and insurance industry, enhance the effectiveness of digital empowerment, enhance the industry’s risk prevention and control capabilities, strengthen network security and data security risk supervision, and standardize digital innovation.

  (Author: Li Yuan)

The Central Meteorological Observatory is very busy! It’s hot and rainy. Will it turn around next Monday?

       CCTV News:To say which department is the busiest recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory should count as one. For a while, the high temperature here continued to be dry, and for a while, there was hail in strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory had to forecast the weather to the public in time. It coincides with the summer vacation, and people with travel plans are more concerned about whether going out to play will be disturbed by the weather. Recently, the hot weather is obvious to all. Let’s see when this round of hot weather will be eased.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: A large area of high temperature weather appeared in central and eastern China on the 4th.

       Yesterday, there was a large area of high temperature weather in central and eastern China. Meteorological monitoring by the Central Meteorological Observatory showed that the temperature in Beijing, southern Hebei, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, Zhejiang and Shanghai exceeded 37℃, while that in Chongqing and Shaanxi was 40 ~ 42℃.

       Wanzhou, Chongqing: 20 days without rain and 4 days of high temperature red warning.

       On the morning of the 4th, Wanzhou District of Chongqing issued a high-temperature red warning signal for the fourth consecutive day. The meteorological department reminded that there was no obvious precipitation in the local area for 20 days, which has reached the standard of high-temperature summer drought. All units should do a good job in heatstroke prevention and drought relief. According to the monitoring of Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory, the temperature in Wanzhou has rushed to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, and the local maximum temperature has reached 43.8 degrees Celsius. The sunny and hot weather makes Wanzhou citizens feel very tormented.

       Shaanxi: High temperature orange warning was issued for two consecutive days.

       On August 3rd and 4th, Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau issued high-temperature orange warning twice in a row, and started high-temperature three-level emergency response.

       According to the statistics of meteorological department, the highest temperature in 65 districts and counties in Shaanxi Province exceeded 35 degrees Celsius on August 3rd. Among them, the highest temperature in Xunyang County, Ankang City reached 42.6 degrees Celsius, and Shaanxi launched a high-temperature level III emergency response. According to the meteorological satellite land surface temperature monitoring, on the afternoon of August 3, the surface temperature in the north-central part of northern Shaanxi and most parts of Guanzhong was above 40 degrees Celsius, with the surface temperature in the areas under the jurisdiction of Xi ‘an, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan and Hanzhong exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: On the 5th, it continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. During the day on the 5th, there was high temperature above 35℃ in eastern southern Xinjiang, southeastern part of northwest China, eastern North China, central and western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan and northern South China. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37 ~ 39℃, and the local temperature can exceed 40℃.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: High temperature yellow warning Huanghuai Jiangnan high temperature continues

       Today, the hot weather in the southeastern part of the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River will continue, and the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       In the southeast of northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, the high temperature weather continues today, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. It is estimated that the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37-39 C, and the local temperature can exceed 40 C, reminding people to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

       Next week, the cold air will go south and the high temperature will ease.

       It is expected that the high temperature range will expand tomorrow, with the highest temperature above 35℃ in a large area from the south of Shaanxi, the south of North China, the south of Huanghuai West to the north of South China. However, from next Monday, due to the combined influence of cold air and rain, the high temperature weather in the above areas will gradually ease.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall occurred in Shandong, Liaoning and other places yesterday

       On the 4th, heavy rain occurred in eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula and parts of eastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Yunnan, western Guangxi and northern Hainan, and heavy rain fell in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, and a heavy rain of 250-342 mm fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong precipitation in Jianghan, the eastern part of northwest China.

       According to the latest weather released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, due to the influence of high-altitude trough and low-level shear, there will be an obvious precipitation process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China to Jianghan, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas from night to 7, with moderate to heavy rain as the precipitation intensity, with heavy rain in some areas.

       In the next 24 hours, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, eastern and southern Southwest China, southwestern Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan and southwestern South China, with local heavy rain; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall is scattered, and rainfall in Northeast China is weakened.

       According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from day to night, there is obvious rainfall in the northeast, north China, southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, mainly small to moderate rain, and the distribution of heavy rain is relatively scattered.

       Recently, affected by typhoon residual circulation and cold air, North China, Northeast China and other places have experienced heavy rainfall. According to meteorological monitoring, the rain weakened in most areas yesterday, but there were still heavy rains in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, among which heavy rains fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rainfall in Northeast China will be further weakened today. Although there is a wide range of rainfall in the country, the distribution of heavy rainfall is scattered. Among them, Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, Yunnan and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, reminding people to pay attention to rain and lightning protection during weekend trips.

       Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall will be transferred to Qinghai, Gansu and other places, among which there is heavy rain in the eastern part of Gansu, so it is necessary to guard against geological disasters that may be caused by rainfall.


       Guide to severe convective weather prevention:

       1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning protection and strong wind, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression and conduct operations at the right time;

       2. The driver should slow down when passing through the waterlogged section to confirm the safety before passing, and the traffic control department should take traffic control measures and traffic guidance in the heavy rainfall section and waterlogged section according to the road conditions;

       3. Outdoor personnel should reduce or suspend outdoor work in open places, choose to enter buildings with strong wind resistance and lightning protection measures, and close doors and windows away from dangerous power sources;

       4. Airports, railways, highways and water transportation units should take measures such as flight restriction, speed limit or temporary closure to ensure personnel and traffic safety. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to evade and strengthen port facilities;

       5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and make necessary drainage measures and prepare for disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.

Exercise is very important. Do you know which kind of exercise suits you best?

After getting old, you also need to maintain a reasonable weight. In addition to "keeping your mouth shut", you should also "open your legs". In sports, the elderly are recommended to do four kinds of sports, namely, mild to moderate endurance exercise, stretching exercise, muscle strength strengthening exercise and balance training.

Because of the particularity of the elderly’s own physiological characteristics, the selected sports should be low-load, low-antagonism, soothing and quiet. You can choose stretching, relaxation, calisthenics, aerobic exercise and strength exercise according to your specific situation, taking into account aerobic, muscle strength, joint flexibility and balance ability. The exercise form should be simple, gentle, relaxed and happy.

Sports suitable for most elderly people are:


Durability project

Walking, jogging, swimming, indoor cycling, etc., improve the cardiovascular system and respiratory system functions.


Power project

Leg lifting, standing on one foot, squatting, strength ball, hanging, light equipment lifting weights (dumbbells), etc., to enhance muscle strength and prevent joint injury.


Flexibility project

Tai Ji Chuan, aerobics, dance for the elderly, etc., to improve coordination and delay joint aging.


Balance training

Standing on one leg, eye tracking, etc.

How to evaluate whether the intensity of exercise is appropriate?

Proper exercise

Moderate sweating, slightly tired, slightly comfortable after exercise, pulse recovered in about 10 minutes, good food and sleep, full of energy the next day.

Excessive exercise

Sweating a lot, palpitation, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue after exercise, poor food and sleep, pulse can not be recovered within about 15 minutes, fatigue all over the next day, lack of interest in sports.

Insufficient exercise

There is no sweat and fatigue during exercise, and the pulse change is not obvious. After exercise, it will return to a quiet heart rate within 3 minutes.

Source: Health Consultation.

Source: National Healthy Lifestyle Action

Today’s football recommendation analysis score forecast Bologna VS Lazio La Palmas VS Atletico Madrid

In the 11th round of Italian first-class football league, Bologna played against Lazio at home. Bologna’s scoring efficiency is good this season, but there are many draws. In the last round, Sassuolo was tied, and all the away games were tied this season. Bologna has been unbeaten in the last 9 games, with 3 wins and 6 draws, and all three victories were won at home. Lazio beat Fiorentina 1-0 in the league on Tuesday morning, and Inmobile scored a 90-minute penalty to help the Biancocelesti score all three points. At present, Lazio has won three consecutive victories in the league, while 2 wins and 3 losses in the away game, and defeated Sassuolo as a guest to end the two-game losing streak in the away game. This season, the Biancocelesti’s attack is average, with only 13 goals scored in 10 rounds and 12 goals conceded.

Lazio won 1 win and 1 draw against Bologna last season and remained unbeaten. However, in four consecutive seasons, Lazio only scored 2 draws and 2 losses without winning, and even failed to score in the last three games. The data of this game is insufficient for Lazio’s support. After all, as a traditional strong team in the league, the tie is not easy to overestimate when its reputation and status are dominant.

Therefore, the home team, Boluo, is always in Asia, and it is expected that the match will be more exciting than the match 1 midfielder. The right pair is in charge. The performance in the field is stable and has the strength advantage, while Lazio needs to show better performance in the away game to continue its unbeaten record.

Las palmas beat Manakol 3-0 in the last round and won two consecutive victories, in good shape. The team has a strong offensive ability, scoring only 9 goals in the past 5 rounds, but the defensive quality has improved, losing 4 goals in the past 5 rounds. This season, it has achieved 4 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses, ranking 10th in the league. Sandro ramirez, Fabio Gonzá lez and others were plagued by injuries or missed the game. It must be difficult for this field to face the former bitter Atletico Madrid.

Atletico Madrid beat Aravis 2-1 in the last round, and the team’s morale is like a rainbow. So far this season, it has achieved 8 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, and its performance is excellent, ranking third in the league. In the last five rounds, he scored a total of 12 goals, averaging 2.4 goals per game. The quality of the team’s defense is very high, and he lost 6 goals in the past five rounds. French striker Gleizman scored 7 goals, and Morata scored 6 goals, which was the main scorer of the team. At present, Victor vitolo, Depe, Mandawa, etc. in the team are plagued by injuries or absent from the game. Atletico’s players can always adapt to different competition environments and play well. Their tactical flexibility and adaptability enable them to always have an advantage in away games.

To sum up, I think Atletico Madrid will win on the road. Although we know that the away game is full of challenges, Atletico’s strength, experience and tactical flexibility all indicate that they will win this victory. I believe they will show their advantages in the competition and finally win.