Fan Bingbing’s "White-haired Witch" goes to extremes, and the magic is crazy about love

"The Legend of the White-haired Witch: Bright Moon Kingdom"It will be released on August 1st


    Directed by Zhang Zhiliang, the 3D costume martial arts film starring Fan Bingbing and Huang Xiaoming will meet with audiences across the country at the "Qixi Festival" on August 1. In the film, Fan Bingbing, who plays the "white-haired witch" and practices neon clothes, "goes to extremes" for the role, and in the play, he is magical and performs love-hate madness.

Fan Bingbing’s "White-haired Witch" goes to extremes 

    In the movie "The Legend of the White-haired Witch: Bright Moon Kingdom", Fan Bingbing tried many different performance methods in order to interpret "Nishang" to the extreme, and finally presented a "white-haired witch" with "extreme madness". BingFan Bing said about the portrayal of such an "extreme" character: "Because the high-tech methods are more intense now, some stunts can help you come up with a lot of methods. For example, in this play, Nishang was raised by wolves since she was a child, she can speak wolf language, her eyes are naturally blue-green, because she grew up drinking wolf milk, etc. In fact, these are all very special designs, including magical things. This kind of demonic nature, sometimes I think it is not a big change in appearance and shape, but a look that makes people look in awe psychologically. So there are some scenes in this play that will make you feel a little different. Including her (training neon clothes) is different from protecting herself when she is hurt.

    In addition to being white-headed overnight in the film, Fan Bingbing also calls herself a "witch" in Weibo, and many netizens laugh that the madness is difficult to control. It is reported that the film tells the story of the northwestern female bandit who practices neon clothes and falls in love with Zhuo Yihang, the head of Wudang who was ordered to secretly investigate the northwestern region. After many hardships, the two broke through family grievances and blood feuds and other obstacles, and led the northwestern officials and people to build the Bright Moon Kingdom. The movie "Bright Moon Kingdom from the White-haired Devil" will be released nationwide on August 1.

Douyin takeaway new scene cooperation first in the country Nanjing: Nanjing people first experience "see and click"

  Nanjing people have become the "number one" in the country again this time: a few days ago, the takeaway scene innovation jointly launched by Douyin and was the first to be launched in Nanjing. Through the new "see-click-reach" service jointly created by the two parties, Nanjing has since become the first city in the country to be able to watch videos and place orders for takeaway. From now on, Nanjing citizens can experience a new takeaway experience of "see-click-reach" through activities such as the "takeaway festival" held by the two platforms.

  Litchi News reporter learned that there are more than 50 brands participating in the first batch of innovation pilots, covering more than 2,000 stores: these include not only the little chef, Nanjing big-name stall, Lion King’s Mansion, agarwood duck and other Jianghuai characteristic brands, but also the national brands of major categories such as Xi Jie fried skewers and Yuan Jiyun dumplings. In addition, more than 1,000 small and medium-sized merchants in Nanjing are also among the first batch of online stores. Most of the merchants have recently made preparations for first-line stores and operation backstage, looking forward to jointly bringing different surprises to Nanjing consumers.

  Founded in Nanjing and deeply loved by local consumers, Little Chef is the first brand to successfully run the new link of "see and click" in this round of launch. In Nanjing, Little Chef has 40 stores, basically covering the whole city. For online takeaway users, it can also meet the needs of the whole city of 3-5 kilometers delivery. At present, all Nanjing stores of Little Chef can place orders through the Mini Program on Douyin. In addition, consumers can directly click on the components in the video to place an order during the process of watching the content of Little Chef Douyin.

  "We have been operating in depth on Douyin and platforms. We currently have nearly 500,000 fans. is our in-depth cooperation takeaway platform. The combination of the two must be a strong alliance." Li Hongxia, vice president of Little Chef Group, said that for the launch of this new scenario service, Little Chef hopes to solve the problem of selling single items on the content platform, delivering to home and private domain retention. In addition, in special periods, Little Chef can also reach customers in a faster and more effective way and provide corresponding supporting services.

(The little chef has launched a variety of signature product packages in the new scene this time)

  Dahui Group, which was also born in Nanjing and has been established for 30 years, also participated in this innovation pilot with its three well-known brands – Nanjing Dabaidang, Lion King’s Mansion and Agarwood Duck. From Agarwood Duck, which has obtained national patents, to Nanjing Dabaidang, which focuses on local flavors in Nanjing, to Lion King’s Mansion, which is a classic Huaiyang dish, these three brands can meet the different needs of Nanjing consumers in terms of store deployment, supply, quality and service.

  "I believe this kind of cooperation will definitely provide more convenience and speed for consumers to eat at home." Xing Guangting, head of takeaway at Dahui Group, said that catering, as a traditional enterprise, has been paying attention to digital transformation in recent years. The rise of short video marketing has brought new opportunities and challenges to the catering industry. Dahui Group is very willing to try the combination of short video and takeaway to provide consumers with a new takeaway method of "instant delivery".

  In the launch process, Dahui Group took out the best-selling takeaway products of various brands, including nearly 10,000 copies of the daily signature dishes, the well-received one-person meal package, and the two-person package selected for the "takeaway festival" activities of the two platforms. At the same time, 1,500 fan gifts were specially prepared for distribution in the live stream.

(Nanjing Dabai Stall, a subsidiary of Dahui Group, focuses on Nanjing local flavors)

  "We believe that this new scenario will bring about subversive consumer innovation." Wang Kuan, founder and chairperson of Xijie Fried String, revealed that the brand has been looking forward to this new scenario cooperation for a long time. As early as August this year, when it saw the official announcement of the cooperation between the two platforms, and Douyin, it was immediately forwarded to the company for relevant follow-up and preparation. Now the first stop of the cooperation has landed in Nanjing, which can be described as "the right time and the right place" for Xijie Fried String.

  Wang Kuan believes that in terms of the category characteristics of Sister Xi’s fried skewers, it is very compatible with the "content + takeaway" scene: consumers can see with their own eyes how the store juices and makes tofu, and hear the sizzling sound of fried skewers… These pictures are more intuitive, more attractive and infectious to consumers. When the link between planting grass and takeaway is connected, the advantages of brand products will become more prominent.

  The launch of this new scene coincides with the winter solar term and the World Cup. In order to better enhance the takeaway experience of consumers, Xijie Fried Skewers has recently developed a variety of dipping sauce products, which taste almost the same as those freshly baked in the store. In addition, for the World Cup, Xijie Fried Skewers has also developed more new flavors of fried chicken products such as garlic fried chicken and a variety of drinks, and will launch more live welfare activities during the season.

(Sister Xi’s fried skewers have specially developed a variety of dipping sauce products to enhance the taste and experience of takeaway)

  Yuan Jiyun Dumpling, a leading chain brand of dumplings in the country, is also one of the first batch of specially invited brands to participate this time. Although it is not a local brand, Yuan Jiyun Dumpling attaches great importance to the East China market and regards it as the core strategic expansion area of the brand in the next two to three years. As of now, Yuan Jiyun Dumpling has landed in 59 stores in Nanjing, and the number of stores participating in the new scene has also reached 46, which can basically achieve consumer coverage in all core areas of Nanjing.

  "We are looking forward to this cooperation to open up new consumption scenarios, bring new business possibilities, and allow our consumers to have a more innovative and smoother consumption experience." Zheng Boqi, deputy general manager of Yuan Ji Yun Dumplings and general head of mid-platform strategy, said that because consumers in the East China market have obvious preferences for Internet celebrity eating methods and new flavors compared with other regions, the products launched this time not only include classic flavors that sell well in various places such as fresh shrimp and crab seed wonton, but also new dumplings with newly developed ingredients including winter bamboo shoots and crab roe. It is expected that they will be launched in the new scene in the near future.

(Yuan Jiyun found that consumers in East China especially like to try new products and flavors)

  Regarding why the first stop of the cooperation between Douyin and chose Nanjing, Litchi News reporters learned from the two platforms that in the early stage of the cooperation, local brands in Jiangsu were very willing to try to sign up; at the same time, Nanjing consumers’ local catering consumption potential is also very strong; in addition,’s logistics team and logistics capabilities in Nanjing are also very mature. Under various factors, Nanjing became the first city to "see and reach".

  It is reported that the teams of both parties are currently stepping up version iterations to optimize various product functions and display experiences. It is expected that more new scene gameplay and surprise benefits will be available to Nanjing consumers with the new version in the near future.

China Telecom CTyunOS scale deployment, together with openEuler to build Tianyi Cloud digital base

The Euler Developer Conference 2022 has officially ended on April 15. This conference is a developer conference held by the openEuler community of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, and it is also the first conference initiated by the community after Euler’s donation. With the theme of "Creating the Future Together, Euler is More Wonderful", the conference will jointly discuss the exploration and innovation of open-source operating system technology and build a highly innovative open-source operating system community.

Guang Xiaoming, deputy general manager and chief technology officer of China Telecom Tianyi Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., attended the conference and gave a keynote speech on "Join hands with openEuler to build a digital base for Tianyi Cloud". He said that since China Telecom released CTyunOS, a self-developed operating system based on openEuler, in 2021, more than 10,000 sets have been launched across the country, covering a variety of business scenarios, including public cloud, private cloud, IT cloud, and one city and one pool. The business operation is stable and reliable. In the future, the deployment scale will be further expanded, and the local characteristic business will continue to be served, serving thousands of industries.

In 2020, China Telecom put forward the "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. In order to implement this strategy, China Telecom has continuously carried out basic software innovation in recent years. As the most important basic software, the operating system must first achieve independent innovation. In November last year, at the operating system summit hosted by the Euler Community, Liu Guiqing, deputy general manager of China Telecom Group, released the self-developed operating system CTyunOS, which is a server operating system based on the Euler open-source community version. The operating system has been deeply optimized for cloud computing scenarios and is committed to creating a completely independent innovation operating system to serve China Telecom’s "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. At present, China Telecom is the first company in the industry to choose the Euler technology route for all its business.

In terms of cooperation with the openEuler community, Guang Xiaoming said that CTyunOS keeps up with the rhythm of the community version, releases an official version every 6 months, and continues to contribute to the openEuler open source community. Currently, it has participated in more than 5 SIG working groups, submitted more than 200 PRs, and actively participated in community-related activities. In terms of joint innovation, starting from the business needs of Tianyi Cloud, it has carried out in-depth research and development in several aspects such as kernel, user hot patch, and cloud base, and achieved good results.

China Telecom continues to cooperate with the openEuler community to jointly innovate key technologies.In response to how to expand and reduce costs in virtualization scenarios, Tianyi Cloud and the openEuler open-source team have jointly innovated to improve the performance of redis scenarios by about 30%, reduce memory costs by about 35%, and greatly improve the cost performance of memory usage. The Qemu hot patch function based on Libcareplus tools has been developed, which has transformed the host batch serial upgrade into parallel synchronous upgrade, and supports the current network patch implementation cycle from months to weeks, greatly shortening the patch implementation cycle.

To build an open-source ecosystem, China Telecom continues to contribute to the openEuler open-source community.Since joining the Euler open-source community, China Telecom has been participating in the work of the OpenStack SIG, participating in the software migration of the OpenStack Q version throughout the process, and testing and verifying the functions and compatibility. After the release of openEuler 21.03, China Telecom cooperated with the Kernel SIG to explore the usage scenarios of memory tiered extension (EtMem). China Telecom contributed its experience in system resource stress detection to the community and submitted PSI tools to the community.

In the future, China Telecom Tianyi Cloud will continue to cooperate with the Euler open-source community to carry out more joint innovations, and in terms of improving the resource utilization efficiency of cloud hosts, carry out high-low-priority mixing of virtual machines and online-offline mixing of containers; in terms of trusted cloud hosts, carry out confidential computing innovation; in terms of DPU offloading, carry out distributed storage offloading and container network offloading innovation; in terms of cloud native full stack, carry out collaborative innovation of secure containers and KubeEdge edge clouds; through technological innovation, build a solid digital base for Tianyi Cloud, build a trusted Tianyi Cloud, and serve the "cloud change number" strategy.

BYD Qin PLUS DM-i Champion Edition was officially launched, with a price of 99,800 yuan.

    A few days ago, BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition was officially launched. The new car has launched five models: 55KM leading model, 55KM surpassing model, 120KM leading model, 120KM surpassing model and 120KM excellent model. The official guide prices are 99,800 yuan, 115,800 yuan, 125,800 yuan, 135,800 yuan and 145,800 yuan respectively. Among them, the 55KM leading model makes the price of BYD DM-i model drop to less than 100 thousand yuan for the first time. As an annual redesigned model, the new car is mainly optimized and upgraded in terms of interior and configuration, and the selection of exterior and interior color matching is increased.

    In terms of appearance, the front face design is concise and capable, and the large-size hexagonal air intake grille is decorated with many short chrome-plated bars inside, which has a strong visual effect. Penetrating chrome-plated decorative strips connect LED split headlights on both sides, which lengthens the visual width of the front face. The word "Qin" in the center of the decorative strip indicates the identity of the new car. At the same time, the combination of the heavily pressed front and the four three-dimensional lines on the engine compartment cover creates a diving visual effect, which is quite sporty. In the aspect of appearance color matching, black jade blue color matching is added, which not only has the calm atmosphere of ink color, but also has the bright luster of jade.

    In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4765x1837x1495mm and the wheelbase is 2718mm, which is consistent with the 2022 model and is positioned as a compact car with four doors and five seats. The side lines of the car body are smooth, the windows are decorated with chrome trim strips, and the exclusive chrome nameplate is added at the front fender.

    In terms of interior, the warm sun brown interior color matching is added, and the warm color interior makes the visual experience inside the car more warm and harmonious. The standard sports seat in the car adopts a brand-new punching process to improve the heat dissipation of the seat, and the electric adjustment of the co-driver seat and the heating function of the front seat are added to enhance the comfort when riding.

    The newly equipped DiLink4.0(4G) intelligent networking system in the car has faster voice response and more beautiful visual effects. The number of speakers has been upgraded from 6/8. Except for the 55KM leading model, the other models come standard with karaoke function.

    The central control display screen of 120KM superior and 120KM superior models has been upgraded from 10.1 inches to 12.8 inches. The car also comes standard with 8.8-inch LCD instrument panel, engine electronic anti-theft, front armrest, GPS navigation system, navigation road information display, Bluetooth/car phone, voice recognition control system and other configurations.

    In terms of power, Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition is equipped with a DM-i hybrid system. The maximum power of the engine is 80kW, and the peak torque is 135 N m. It is matched with a permanent magnet/synchronous front single motor, and the transmission is matched with an E-CVT continuously variable gearbox. According to different configurations, NEDC pure electric cruising range can be selected from 55 km and 120 km.

The animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival ended on October 31st.

The animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival ended on October 31, and the popularity of the exhibition was overwhelming. The game went out to sea for more than ten years, gathering more than 2,000 exhibitors at home and abroad and promoting industrial transactions of more than 60 billion yuan … On October 31, the annual animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival (CICF) ended successfully in Guangzhou. As one of the three major animation exhibitions and the largest pan-second animation game exhibition in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, although the demand for epidemic prevention and control was postponed from the National Day holiday to the end of October, the popularity of the exhibition has not diminished, and the theme of national style and national tide is very popular. On the same day, the communication forum held by the Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government invited a number of industry associations and leaders of well-known animation and game companies to see through their stories the development of local animation and game industry and the rise of China’s original IP. Guangdong’s game revenue accounted for more than 76% in the country. It was upgraded from "Guangzhou Animation Carnival" to "China International Comic Festival Animation Game Exhibition", and then joined hands with the Asian Game Expo to become "CICF×AGF", which accompanied the growth of a generation. So far, China International Comic Festival Animation Game Exhibition (CICF) has been held for 14 sessions. The exhibition site was flooded with people. Last year, CICF and AGF were included in the key project of "Guangdong Action Plan for Cultivating Digital Creative Strategic Emerging Industry Clusters (2020-2025)", and were given a new mission: to lead the development of cultural industries on the platform of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and to deepen the understanding of China traditional culture among young people in Greater Bay Area.In line with the development of the times and undertaking the mission of the times, this year’s China International Comic Festival animation and game exhibition has highlighted the theme of the national tide, realized a new model of "animation+games+tide play", continuously expanded its audience, and strengthened its platform empowerment and industrial pulling ability. Behind the fiery exhibition is the vigorous development of the industry. Lu Xiaokun, executive president of Guangdong Game Industry Association and chairman of Guangdong Photosynthesis Culture Development Co., Ltd., shared a set of data: Guangdong Province is an important industrial place for game development in China and even in the world. In the first half of 2021, the revenue scale of Guangdong game industry exceeded 110 billion yuan, up more than 10% year-on-year, and its share in the country still exceeded 76%, and it continued to maintain a steady growth rate. According to the reporter of Guangzhou Daily, Guangzhou’s "Animation Corps" is also a strong force: the number of enterprises exceeds 500, and the production and consumption of cartoons account for more than 10% of the country’s total. The annual output of cartoons exceeds 200, and the annual broadcast of cartoons is about 260,000 minutes. The output and broadcast volume are both leading in the country. In Lu Xiaokun’s view, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has a unique advantage in the development of online games, especially Guangzhou has a solid industrial base, the most cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation capability and the most inclusive policy environment. The continuous rise of the game industry not only contributes an important force to stimulating the domestic economy, but also contributes to the construction of a double-cycle new development pattern through cultural going out to sea, which has become a breakthrough for China culture to spread to the world. Zhang Xianfeng, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Manyou Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd. said,The exhibition will continue to explore the high-quality animation resources in the Bay Area and accelerate the formation of the closed-loop ecology of Guoman industry. Industry observation Guangzhou cultural products "going out" speed up at CICF site, Pleasant Goat, one of the most well-known IP in Guangzhou, stood in the characteristic street view of Guangzhou with basketball. As an original animation enterprise born and bred in Guangzhou, Original Power has persisted in innovation for 16 years, and continuously injected new vitality into the "big IP" of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf: it was distributed to 100 countries and regions around the world, making China’s first domestic original animation movie with a box office of $100 million, actively arranging short videos, live broadcasts and other emerging media fields, and making Pleasant Goat constantly "break the circle" through the ways that young people like. Su Yuyuan, the political director of South China for Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, said that the pace of "going out" of Guangzhou cultural products is accelerating. In the first half of 2021, the operating income of overseas game business of Sanqi Mutual Entertainment increased by 111.03% compared with the same period of last year, covering many countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, Europe and America, and the highest monthly flow of mobile games issued overseas exceeded 500 million yuan. Su Yuyuan believes that Guangzhou’s online game talents are profound and fertile ground for the development of mutual entertainment between Sanqi. According to Zhong Hong, COO of Guangzhou Baitian, thanks to the good talent atmosphere and policy environment in Guangzhou, the company’s team has been growing, and its products have been liked by more and more users. The number of registered users has grown from several hundred thousand to more than 200 million. The company has also become the head company in the field of game segmentation from a little-known team, and was listed in China and Hong Kong in 2014.The comic-con scene is popular and the game industry is strong. How to drain popularity to more offline scenes? Xiang Shijie, managing director of Guangzhou Hanchao Mutual Entertainment Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., put forward a topic from a unique perspective of cultural tourism. He said that the homogenization competition between scenic spots and theme parks has intensified, and the vitality of cultural tourism is tired. However, digital content represented by animation and games helps to activate offline experience, which is also the characteristic advantage of Guangzhou’s cultural industry. Therefore, he suggested that Guangzhou build a new cultural and creative industry gathering base and a digital cultural tourism destination. Animation games not only inject vitality into urban cultural tourism, but also promote non-genetic inheritance and rejuvenation. This year’s CICF Comic-Con ushered in the first night activity-the "Shengshi Huaguang" 2021 Haizhu National Tide Lantern Festival at the Gongmeigang International Digital Innovation Center in Pazhou. The curator combined China’s traditional non-legacy Foshan lantern skills with the game IP, invited Yang Yurong, a national non-legacy Foshan lantern inheritor and China arts and crafts master, to take the lead, and Huang Hongyu, a new generation of lantern production artist, made more than ten groups of giant lanterns, providing visitors with an ingenious "second half".

State-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises fight "epidemic" to play a financial combination boxing!

  Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, state-owned and state-owned enterprises across the country have made all-out efforts to fight the epidemic, promoted the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner, bravely fought the epidemic and became the "ballast stone" to stabilize the economy, which fully demonstrated the mission of being the mainstay.

  In addition to effective measures such as medical assistance, material supply, and people’s livelihood security, state-owned and state-owned enterprises continue to carry out financial innovation services, raise funds for epidemic prevention and control, help production and operation, make efforts to break through the blocking points and pain points of the industrial chain, and make overall plans to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

  timely rain

  Series bonds provide financial support for epidemic prevention and control.

  "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first." The government, enterprises, medical institutions, etc. are actively involved in efficient epidemic prevention and control work, and continuous financial support is extremely necessary. To this end, central enterprises continue to issue a series of epidemic prevention and control bonds, and provide special financing guarantee for epidemic prevention and control for relevant institutions in the industrial chain by effective financial means, which has also gained high recognition from the capital market.

  China Communications Group: Issuing the first asset-backed securities for epidemic prevention and control.

  On February 14th, No.2 Aviation Administration affiliated to CCCC issued the first ABS in the whole market on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The issuance scale was 230 million yuan, with a term of one year and a priority of 2.8% in coupon rate. The issuance was completed in seven days, and the issuance efficiency reached a record high for ABS products in supply chain finance.

  ABS, a supply chain finance, is an asset securitization based on the real transactions in the upstream and downstream supply chain of core enterprises, with the cash flow income of future transactions as the guarantee, and carries out normalized and sustainable issuance of accounts receivable claims of upstream suppliers of core enterprises. The funds raised in the current supply chain asset support special plan are mainly used to give financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the upper reaches of the supply chain, help to resume production, and further support the construction of hospitals and scientific research laboratories in epidemic areas related to first-line anti-epidemic enterprises in epidemic areas and the investment in related epidemic prevention and control projects.

  SDIC: Issue the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control at the headquarters of central enterprises.

  On February 18th, SDIC successfully issued the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control of the headquarters of central enterprises in the domestic capital market in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with an issuance scale of 500 million yuan, an issuance rate of 3.38% and a term of 3+N years. The bonds are underwritten by Essence Securities and GF Securities, and the finance company is the financial consultant. The funds raised will be used to support the epidemic prevention-related member enterprises to carry out epidemic prevention materials production activities.

  This bond is also the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which has attracted the participation of a number of high-quality investors including China Merchants Bank and Ping An Pension. The market response has been enthusiastic and investors have subscribed enthusiastically. The bond has been renewable for the same period since 2017. The lowest issue rate of corporate bonds.

  Ordnance Industry Group: Issuing the first epidemic prevention and control bond of petrochemical enterprises.

  On February 20th, North Huajin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., China Ordnance Industry Group, successfully bookkept and issued 1 billion yuan of ultra-short-term financing bonds for the first phase of epidemic prevention and control bonds in 2020, with an issue interest rate of 2.70%, which was 145 basis points lower than the benchmark interest rate of banks in the same period, setting a new low in Northeast China since 2017, saving interest expenses of 10.87 million yuan.

  This bond is the first epidemic prevention and control bond issued in Northeast China and the first epidemic prevention and control bond issued by petrochemical enterprises. Polypropylene, industrial ethylene oxide and industrial butadiene produced by Huajin Co., Ltd. are important raw materials for the production of epidemic prevention products (masks, disinfectant, medical gloves, etc.).

  China Power Construction Co., Ltd.: Issued the first single bond for epidemic prevention and control of central enterprises in construction.

  On February 21st, China Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first single epidemic prevention and control bond of national central construction enterprises in the inter-bank market, with a bond issuance scale of 3.5 billion yuan and a maturity of 180 days, accounting for 2.3% in coupon rate. At least 10% of the funds raised in this bond will be specially used to support the material supply and infrastructure construction of subordinate units involved in epidemic prevention and control, and fully support member enterprises to win the battle against the epidemic.

  This bond issuance was conducted by Dianjian Finance Company as the financial consultant, and China Everbright Bank as the lead underwriter and bookkeeper. The issued products hit a new high in the scale of bond issuance for epidemic prevention and control in the interbank market, and hit a new low in the interest rate of the same industry, the same qualification, the same term and the same type of products in recent years.

  SINOMACH: Issuance of 2 billion yuan epidemic prevention and control bonds in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  On February 28th, SINOMACH successfully issued China Machinery Industry Group Co., Ltd. a public offering of 2020 corporate bonds (the first issue) (epidemic prevention and control bonds), with a scale of 2 billion yuan. Part of the raised funds will be used for various epidemic prevention production inputs to ensure that enterprises actively respond to epidemic prevention and control work.

  The term of corporate bonds for epidemic prevention and control in this issue is 3+2 years, which was enthusiastically subscribed and actively supported by investors during the issuance process. The final issuance of corporate bonds in coupon rate was only 3.02%, the lowest in coupon rate since 2017, which fully reflected the high recognition of the capital market.

  China Resources: Issuing the first directional bond for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  On February 28th, China Resources Leasing Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first-phase targeted debt financing tool (epidemic prevention and control bond) in 2020. This bond is the first targeted debt financing tool for epidemic prevention and control of central enterprises in China and the first targeted debt financing tool for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  The funds raised in this bond will be given priority to the financial leasing projects of designated medical hospitals participating in the treatment of COVID-19 epidemic, so as to provide financing guarantee for hospitals to purchase medical equipment, protective equipment and other medical materials. The bond issuance scale of this issue is 500 million yuan, with a term of two years, and coupon rate’s is 3.85%, which is the lowest interest rate of similar bonds in the same industry and with the same term in the past two years.

  roll booster

  Innovative service helps to resume work and production, forming a benign cycle.

  State-owned and state-owned enterprises have continuously enhanced the ability of financial services to the real economy, helped upstream and downstream enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to alleviate the financing difficulties, and used financial "living water" to help cooperative enterprises develop in a coordinated way, so as to make the market generate more dynamic and help the resumption of work and production to form a good cycle.

  China Merchants Bank: The long-distance lending model has been fully promoted, with a loan of 23.7 billion yuan in three weeks.

  At present, China Merchants Bank’s "remote lending" business model has become a sharp weapon to solve the financing problems of enterprises during the epidemic period.

  As of February 21st, within three weeks, 35 branches of China Merchants Bank have issued 896 credit businesses to customers through remote lending mode, totaling 23.7 billion yuan. Among them, the utilization rate of remote lending in branches such as Wuhan, Wenzhou and Beijing has reached 100%.

  The remote lending model is a financial technology innovation project of China Merchants Bank. In 2019, China Merchants Bank completed the development of system functions and the pilot launch of seven branches. Technically, remote lending is an online fast lending mode developed by combining the electronic image storage and transmission functions of online banking and CVM system. In this mode, the account manager doesn’t need to go to the door before lending, and even the customer doesn’t need to submit the information at the outlet. He just needs to take photos through the customer’s online banking terminal or the account manager’s mobile phone and upload the image of the lending information. The lending center can first lend money based on the electronic image information, and then hand over the original lending information for filing within the specified time limit. Through the non-contact lending mode on the whole line, the market personnel can stay at home and complete the lending.

  On February 3, the first day after the holiday, the head office of China Merchants Bank issued an urgent notice to all branches to fully promote the remote lending model and allow the remote business scope to be expanded from high-frequency business under credit to all corporate credit businesses.

  State Grid: Electricity fee finance opens up a green channel, financing tens of billions for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  After the outbreak, the State Grid e-commerce company responded quickly, gave full play to the advantages of the platform, and strengthened financial services for key material support enterprises and increased support for small and medium-sized enterprises with two major business entry points: online industrial chain finance and electricity fee finance.

Fujian Jingfeng Technology, which successfully raised funds through the financial technology platform of State Grid E-commerce Company, has made full efforts to increase production capacity, and the staff is taking down the finished nylon yarn and preparing for inspection.

Fujian Jingfeng Technology, which successfully raised funds through the financial technology platform of State Grid E-commerce Company, has made full efforts to increase production capacity, and the staff is taking down the finished nylon yarn and preparing for inspection.

  Take the initiative to connect with cooperative financial institutions and actively strive for preferential policies for enterprises. At present, the interest rate of new loans issued by CCB E-loan (Yundian Loan) is lowered by 0.5%, and the minimum annualized interest rate of Weizhong Bank E-loan (Micro-loan) is lowered by 2.7%, further reducing the financing cost of enterprises.

  Open a green financing channel for epidemic areas, and jointly launch a green financing service channel for e-tickets to Hubei enterprises and security enterprises with Jiangsu Bank, and enjoy the preferential interest rate for bill financing, which is not less than 0.2% lower than the current market interest rate, and open a seller’s interest payment method to further reduce the cash flow pressure of enterprises.

  At present, e-loan, e-profit, e-ticket, pay-by-ticket and other electricity fee financial services operate in a full-line and non-contact mode, providing 7*24-hour online exclusive services remotely. During the epidemic period, more than 3,000 businesses were accepted. The online industrial chain financial platform based on blockchain has raised 16.73 billion yuan for small and medium-sized enterprises, and the transaction volume of electricity financial products has reached 2.61 billion yuan, which has become a scientific and technological "grasping hand" to help small and medium-sized enterprises resume production and return to work, helping small and medium-sized enterprises to have a virtuous circle of capital chains.

  SDIC: Providing nearly 100 million insurance premiums for small and medium-sized enterprises to help them resume work and production.

  China Insurance, a subsidiary of SDIC, reduced or exempted the two-month premium for 20 insured enterprise customers directly related to epidemic prevention and control and the national economy and people’s livelihood, with a total guarantee liability of nearly 100 million yuan. That is, in February, when the epidemic was severe, and in March, when China Insurance kept its financing guarantee responsibility unchanged, these 20 small and micro enterprises would not be charged any guarantee fees.

  For small and medium-sized enterprises in business services, agriculture and science and technology, which are greatly affected by the epidemic, China Insurance has opened a green channel to reduce the financing costs of enterprises, and achieved rapid secured loans for small and micro enterprises to coordinate banks, meeting the urgent financing needs of enterprises in a special period; For wholesale, retail and agricultural logistics enterprises that are greatly affected by the epidemic, measures such as reducing or renewing insurance premiums are taken to meet the operating capital needs of enterprises in a special period and help them resume production and return to work smoothly; The demand for financing and materials of small and micro-insured customers in Beijing during the epidemic period was investigated and counted, and the suggestions put forward by many enterprises, such as "the current epidemic has had a certain impact on production and operation, and financing hopes to get uninterrupted loan renewal or extension after maturity to effectively reduce financing costs", were reported to local regulatory authorities and industry associations in time.

  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province: In conjunction with The Export-Import Bank of China, it provides 10 billion special loan quotas for provincial enterprises.

  The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province, together with The Export-Import Bank of China Fujian Branch, formulated the Work Plan on Policy-based Financial Support for Stable Production of Key Provincial State-owned Enterprises in Fujian Province, and the Export-Import Bank of Fujian Branch provided a special loan amount of 10 billion yuan for Fujian provincial enterprises to support the emergency fund demand for resuming work and production. The maximum interest rate of this loan is not more than 3.33%. In principle, the loan term shall not exceed one year. Enterprises with normal operation and qualified conditions can adopt a guarantee-free way. At the same time, the Fujian Branch of the Export-Import Bank set up a special green channel, and completed the approval process within three working days on the premise of risk control and compliance with regulatory requirements in accordance with the principle of "special affairs and urgent affairs". The Export-Import Bank Fujian Branch has selected more than 20 provincial enterprises from the list submitted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province as the first batch of support targets.


  Warm-hearted protection creates a solid backing for retrograde soldiers

  Fighting the COVID-19 epidemic is a war without smoke, which requires retrograde people to go to the front line without hesitation, and more forces are needed to firmly guard the rear defense line. Under the epidemic situation, financial security services play an extremely critical role in the social operation system. Through financial tools, state-owned and state-owned enterprises build a solid "rear area" for retrograde people and avoid worries.

  Zhaolian Finance: Launching the Care Action of "Reducing Interest Loans"

  Zhaolian Finance is a licensed consumer finance company jointly established by China Unicom and China Merchants Bank and approved by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China. On February 10th, Zhaolian Finance launched the "Interest Reduction and Care Action during the Anti-epidemic Period", aiming at reputable users such as front-line medical staff, police officers, takeaway and courier brothers, and credit-worthy small and micro business owners who are facing the problem of family life turnover, and launched the exclusive warm-hearted service of "loan discount and interest-free loan".

  From February 10th to March 10th, all reputable and qualified users can enter the "Anti-epidemic and Interest-reducing Care Activities" area through recruiting financial APP and WeChat official account, and apply for interest-free loan vouchers for 3-14 days to relieve the pressure of daily consumption expenses.

  Guangxi Investment Group: Donate insurance for medical staff and relatives in the whole region.

  Guangxi Investment Group Guofu Life Insurance and Beibu Gulf Property Insurance donated insurance to 220,000 medical staff and 300,000 relatives of medical staff in the region respectively.

  The insurance protection scheme shall take effect retrospectively from 0: 00 on January 1, 2020 to 24: 00 on December 31, 2020. During the insurance period, if the medical staff involved in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic in Guangxi (including medical staff assisting Hubei in Guangxi) died of illness due to infection with novel coronavirus during the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic, they will pay 300,000 yuan of disease death insurance money in one lump sum; After the medical staff involved in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in novel coronavirus (including the medical staff assisting Hubei in Guangxi) are diagnosed with infection, if their spouses and their children are infected with novel coronavirus and die of the disease, they will pay 200,000 yuan in one lump sum (the sum of the insurance premiums paid by the minor insured after his death shall be implemented according to the limit stipulated by the insurance supervision and administration institution of the State Council).