Live + community group buying the 2.0 era of Bingcheng "Head"

In 2022, Harbin community group buying showed explosive growth, and the "heads of state" also gradually grew stronger in the business war that could not see the smoke of gunpowder. Some of them withdrew from the store franchise group buying, some united community merchants online coupons offline drainage, and some opened group buying live broadcasts in the community –

With the rapid development of the group buying platform, as an important port in the group buying process of the entire community, the "heads" have experienced the survival of the fittest in just one and a half years. In order to not rely solely on one or two e-commerce platforms, the "heads" of the "winners" have constantly broken the old thinking, adapted to the new situation, and changed their business thinking.

"What I’m doing now is trying to convert user resources into commercial value for my use," said Wang Bingshuo, the "head of community group buying" in Songbei District, Harbin. In order to establish a firm foothold in the tide of community group buying and make it a "serious business" that can settle down, they keep exploring. Some of them operate online and cooperate with community business assistants offline, some start to rub the popularity of live broadcast, and some position themselves as a "community channel" that can organize everything…

Group buying and delivery ↑

According to Tianyancha data, there are currently more than 300 group buying enterprises in the country, most of which are located in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions. Community group buying platforms include dozens of big brands all over the country such as Meituan Preferred and Duoduo Shopping, as well as local group buying platforms such as Jiubai Street and Dailuobo.

Light asset "head", redeem the supermarket franchise group buying

Songbei Evergrande Oasis Community Meituan "Leader" Wang Bingshuo rose from the lowest level of "Leader" to the highest level of five "Leader" in just one week. "At the beginning, there were many people in our community who were’Leaders’, but most of them didn’t make it. In the end, I and another’Leader ‘persisted." Wang Bingshuo said, "In the past year, my average daily order volume has been around two or three hundred orders, with a total of three user groups and a total customer volume of about 300 people."

Wang Bingshuo first ran a supermarket in the community, receiving and delivering goods in the supermarket every day, and then notifying the group members to pick up the goods. After operating for a period of time, Wang Bingshuo found that the group buying business came up, but the supermarket business came down. The reason is very simple, buying things online is cheaper than in brick and mortar stores, of course, I bought them online. After thinking about it, Wang Bingshuo decisively gave up the supermarket operation and specialized in community group buying.

Every afternoon, after receiving a call from the delivery staff, Wang Bingshuo will drive a pickup truck to the gate of the community to pick up the goods. "After receiving the goods, immediately notify the group members to pick them up. If some people are not at home or cannot pick them up temporarily, I usually deliver them to the door or keep them until the group members go home to pick them up," Wang Bingshuo said.

After getting rid of the burden of rent, Wang Bingshuo made it easier to start a business with light assets. "In order to retain the members of the group, I invested the saved rent in giving back to the customers." Wang Bingshuo said that the first idea was to send red envelopes in the group buying group, giving away drinks, eggs and other physical objects. This year, I adopted offline interaction and other methods to retain and expand customers, trying to extend the user’s business resources horizontally.

Integrate group buying resources from online to offline

E-vouchers are one of Mr. Wang’s methods. "As long as it is my customer, no matter how much he spends on things, as long as he repurchases a certain number of times, I will send him a 5 yuan or 10 yuan electronic voucher, and he can go to a designated merchant near the community to offset the cash use," Wang Bingshuo said.

Giveaways for group buying members ↑

Offline consumption coupons presented to group members ↑

Wang Bingshuo’s electronic vouchers are all negotiated by one of his stores near the community. "For example, I went to the Malatang shop at the entrance of the community and told the owner that I issued the electronic voucher, and the consumer showed the electronic voucher, which can directly offset the consumption amount." Wang Bingshuo said, "For every purchase, I am regularly responsible for verifying the cash back, which can not only attract money to the merchant, but also stimulate my members to spend online. Moreover, when my consumers go to the brick and mortar store to consume and show the electronic voucher, it is also very likely to bring me more new customers. This is a win-win situation, so offline merchants are basically very welcome. Malatang, burger shop, pharmacy, barbecue shop are all my cooperative merchants. At present, there are three or four merchants that I have cooperated with, and I don’t want to expand too many merchants. The main reason is that my customer base is not enough at present, so what I need to do now is to expand more customers. I want to let the merchants I cooperate with benefit, so that my customers can benefit. My role is to build this bridge of mutual benefit and win-win results, and to get the fees I win from it. "

"The reason for doing this is to better develop customer resources and use them for me. This will achieve cross-border drainage from online to offline." Wang Bingshuo said that this idea was developed by himself. Since 2022, about 200 members have taken e-coupons to the brick and mortar store to spend. Wang Bingshuo’s average monthly income is around 6,000 yuan, which is also in the top 10 among the "head of the group" in Songbei District. "Last year, more than 30,000 of what I earned was basically invested in the group members, and I didn’t leave anything behind. I don’t think about how much money I made in the present, but to make more money in the future," Wang Bingshuo said.

Group buying suddenly stopped, transitioning from community group to community group

On April 16, Harbin online community group buying stopped. According to incomplete statistics, only Meituan group buying one, there will be about two or three hundred community groups in the city to suspend business.

"Post-90s" Xiao Lu joined the army of "head of the group" as early as the rise of Meituan community group buying. Like most other "head of the group", Xiao Lu runs a supermarket in the Daoli Engineering Community. "I am familiar with the Internet and have mastered all kinds of winds. After a period of observation, I feel that traditional supermarkets must transform online compared with community group buying, so while running supermarkets, I also do community group buying of several brands." Xiao Lu said that in more than two years, the customer base is basically fixed at about 200 people.

"Running a group buying group is actually very sophisticated. Many people think that they just need to spend a little bit of time every day to receive the goods and notify the group members to pick them up. In fact, this is not the case," Xiao Lu said. "Whenever a group member comes to pick up the food, I will recommend them to join the community group I set up. In the group, I will send some special product information from time to time, and sometimes I will send some red envelopes to give back to the group members."

Because of the suspension of online group buying, Xiao Lu’s community group has become active. "Many members in the group always ask when the delivery will resume," Xiao Lu said. "They all ask me if I can organize everyone’s group buying some milk, bread, vegetables or something. I run a supermarket myself and know some suppliers, so I help you buy some daily necessities, and the price is also the lowest. During that time, there were about a dozen orders per day on average, which not only made it convenient for community residents, but also allowed me to accumulate my own customer resources. This makes me more optimistic about the model of community group buying. Regardless of whether there is platform support or not, as long as you do it with your heart, you can do it well."

From local group buying to "community live"

"The local farmers’ ****** eggs are 80 cents a piece, and the soybean oil is also freshly squeezed soybean oil. Consumers can eat things like this with confidence." Wang Shilin, general manager of Jiubai Street, a local group buying brand in Daqing, said that the main reason for being favored by local citizens is the high quality and low price. We entered the community group buying track in April 2019. "The original intention of the establishment is to give full play to the advantages of community group buying close to the people, while avoiding the drawbacks of numerous categories." Wang Shilin said that many large group buying platforms have many suppliers, and there are more products in the same category. In our words, there are many imitations, and fresh products are lost due to long-distance transportation, so the consumer experience is different, which quite affects the reputation of the platform. So we choose high-quality fresh fruits and ve***ables produced in Heilongjiang as products, focusing on cooperation with local farmers, local ve***able wholesale markets and general agents of various commodities, the cost is relatively low. With the Dongfeng of national community group buying e-commerce, it has become a local head community group buying platform serving 200,000 families.

Daqing Jiubai Street Pickup Point ↑

Jiubai Street delivery warehouse and logistics vehicle ↑

"Dear, we will kill in the live stream at 10:00 am, don’t miss it." Right now, community group buying has also rubbed the heat of live streaming and goods, and they have turned to short video platforms.

"If the community group buying is the 1.0 of group buying, then live + group buying is the 2.0 era of group buying upgrade." Harbin Douyin live streaming host "Sister Le" said that in the live stream, seckill is carried out by sharing the QR code to Moments, and linking to Moments will bring more intra-city traffic. After the traffic enters the community, it is re-promoted and diffused by sharing the live stream link. This private domain traffic dissemination matrix is very amazing, especially in small counties and other relatively concentrated areas. Because the relationship between people is closer, the communication effect based on trust will be better.

A while ago, Daqing Jiubai Street community opened a group buying live broadcast. In the nearly 5-hour live broadcast, 585,000 people entered the live broadcast room and placed an order of 61004 orders. A total of 35 tons of rice, 2 tons of beans, 14 tons of Russian flour, 6 tons of eggplant, 3 tons of grapes, 3.5 tons of soybean oil, 3 tons of Baijiu, and the total order amount is nearly 900,000 yuan. And such a special live broadcast will be carried out twice a month.

"This year is a bonus year for Douyin’s group buying live broadcast in the same city." Sister Le said that it’s not that the business is not easy to do now, but the method is useless. Drawing customers to buy group buying goods through live broadcast will bring double traffic and income. A few days ago, we did a group buying live broadcast for a pet store in Harbin, which directly brought 3 times the income to the store.

From the beginning of 2022, Harbin community group buying has clearly shown explosive growth. On the one hand, more people choose this contactless home delivery model, and on the other hand, the scale effect of community group buying has begun to appear. After the accumulation of last year, the popularity of community group buying of major brands has become more and more prosperous, the network has become more and more extensive, and the sales volume has increased. What is more gratifying is that the group members who have settled down also more recognize this model, and the repurchase rate is very high. "Due to the repeated epidemics across the country, consumers who cooperate with prevention and control measures at home have an increasing demand for online fresh purchasing, and various new methods and gameplay will be extended in the future," Wang Bingshuo said.

"If the’head of the group ‘wants to do well, he has to understand his own development direction and have his own plans." Wang Bingshuo said, "I have a bolder idea that has not been realized. When the number of merchants and customers has accumulated to a certain extent, customers can be converted into each other. If a customer sends Moments for three days in a row, then his neighbors and friends will basically know about my consumption channel. Consumers will compare. If he finds that my group is more favorable than other groups, then he is likely to jump directly from other groups to my group. At present, my customer resources are not very large. My goal is not to integrate the customer resources of a nearby community, but to integrate the customer resources of more nearby communities, and even the group buying customer base of the entire Songbei District." In order to realize this plan, Wang Bingshuo plans to use this year’s "head of delegation" income to attract more members. (Harbin Daily reporter, Wan Jia)

In 2022, can these four domestic new energy vehicles go against the sky?

In 2021, new energy vehicles in China sold like crazy, and the annual sales of 2.989 million vehicles seemed to make the phrase "the internal combustion engine will eventually end" more and more solid. In recent years, we can no longer hear the cynical argument that "trams are also cars", and the models with green plates have gradually moved from being ridiculed to the center of the stage.

The Year of the Ox is over, the bull market will continue, and the brand-new Year of the Tiger is coming again. In the new year, among the known new energy vehicles (whether listed or not), which ones are particularly worthy of optimism? What models can further subvert our perception of new energy vehicles?

■ Zero-run car-C11

In September 2021, the retail C11 was officially listed, and the "price butcher" that everyone waited for officially entered the market. The post-subsidy guidance price of 15.98-19.98 million yuan can only be said to be tough enough.

The pure electric vehicles at this price have caught a lot in the market. Why did the retail C11 win such high praise as the "price butcher"? We can roughly summarize it with three advantages of C11.

Advantage 1: Grade, size and wheelbase are all interesting.

Pure electric SUVs within 200 thousand are dominated by compact cars, and medium-sized cars are few and far between. In terms of wheelbase parameters, C11 is also the longest one for the time being. Of course, C11′ s proud wheelbase is not only within 200,000.

If you want to choose a pure electric car that can be used as a home within 200,000, the dimension wheelbase is a must-see parameter, and the C11 is almost a car that you need to know.

Advantage 2: the battery is big enough and the battery life is enough.

Three electric systems are the lifeblood of pure electric vehicles, and battery life is the most concerned topic for consumers. In the exclusive rear-drive model and four-wheel drive performance model, C11 uses a battery pack consisting of 216 batteries, with a capacity of 90kWh and an energy density of about 180Wh/kg, which is temporarily at the top of the list among models within the class of 200,000.

Advantage 3: the configuration is high enough

Four-door internal electric opening+frameless door, this configuration is also unique in models within the 200,000 class. In addition, the front laminated silent glass, four-door window one-button lifting and other configurations are all standard in C11.

Inside the cabin, the horizontal and vertical space of the C11 can be said to have no choice. The standard three large screens also directly fill the sense of technology. The front seat electric adjustment, face recognition, Nappa leather steering wheel and other configurations are also standard in the whole department.

Since it is a "big car" in the same price range, the retail C11 needs to meet the demand for family cars. Perhaps because of this, C11 chassis naturally chose comfortable orientation adjustment. At the first test drive of C11, I was deeply impressed by the performance of this car when it passed through the continuous speed bump. The soft damping in the initial stage of the suspension allowed C11 to resolve the continuous fine vibration in place.

Car owners with a budget of 150,000-200,000 yuan are often highly rational, and the entry-level luxury brand models at this price are less competitive. In the self-owned brand models, the product strength of C11 is also attractive enough. At present, C11 is still in the process of capacity climbing, and the delivery time of the vehicles currently ordered will be in Q2. If the capacity is improved, I believe the sales data will show the popularity of C11.

The retail brand will also borrow C11 to reach new heights.

At present, there are three platforms, S, T and C, of which platform C is a medium-sized car, and the brand-new zero-run C01 will share the platform with C11.

The zero-run C01 will be the first vehicle with CBC chassis and battery integrated design. Officials say that the space utilization rate of the battery compartment of the new car will be increased by 5%, and the overall torsional stiffness of the car body will be increased by 25%. The new car will also be equipped with a dual-motor four-wheel drive system. It is reported that the CLTC life of the zero-run C01 is around 700km.

In the next four years, Zero Run will launch eight new models one after another and enter overseas markets, including SUVs, MPVs and cars. The wheelbase ranges from 2600mm to 3100mm, and these new cars will cover the price range of less than 350,000 yuan.

In the new year, the attack of zero-running cars is very worth looking forward to.

■ gaohe automobile-hiphi z

In 2021, with the official or spontaneous publicity from Weibo, Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and friends circle, both Gaohe Automobile and HiPhi X, which is famous for playing the door, earned enough traffic. HiPhi X with a guide price of 570,000-800,000 yuan can be described as the price ceiling of domestic pure electric vehicles, and the cumulative sales of this car in 2021 and the sales of 919 vehicles in December are really good.

Does Gaohe need a younger brother who can walk more? Maybe they don’t have this plan yet.

In November, 2021, Gaohe Automobile released the second flagship model-Gaohe HiPhi Z mass-produced stereotypes car.

95% of the mass production content of HiPhi Z has been locked, and the new car will be unveiled and booked during the auto show in April this year, and mass production will be delivered in 2022.

Gaohe, which has a flagship, will play a double flagship this year.

The appearance of digital mecha of HIHIHIZ is very eye-catching, and the tough and sharp lines are unique, bringing the future shape of science fiction. The first thing that people remember is the "Breathing Scales" grille (AGS active air intake grille) on the front face. Just like HiPhi X, the headlamps with sharp straight waterfall have programmable lighting design functions.

HiPhi Z retains the "electromagnetic NT split door" on HiPhi X, and this design is likely to become a major symbol of Gaohe automobile in the future.

At the door position, HiPhi Z is equipped with the world’s first "Star Ring ISD Light Curtain System", which can display rich human-computer interaction information. The 22-inch "flexible armor wheel hub" with low vehicle lines vividly demonstrates the fighting GT style.

HiPhi Z’s "Digital Mecha Cockpit" uses the magic color style, and the "Galaxy Band" atmosphere lamp on the door panel and the luminous panel with mechanical beauty construct the surrounding emotional system inside the car. Every time the light flashes, it is the emotional echo between HiPhi Z and users.

Gaohe HiPhi Z is equipped with a self-developed HiPhi Pilot intelligent driving assistance system, which makes it a safe and reliable driving partner in multiple scenarios.

HiPhi Z is equipped with 31 driving assistance sensors, including 2 forward 8-megapixel high-definition cameras, 1 backward 2-megapixel camera, 5 millimeter-wave radars, 1 laser radar and 4 lateral cameras. Combining the radar accuracy with visual intuition, and cooperating with high-precision maps and positioning modules, HiPhi Z will be endowed with the future autonomous driving ability of 5G+V2X.

Regarding the establishment of the luxury smart electric vehicle brand, Gaohe Automobile has a clear position. Driven by HIP-HI-Z and the double flagship strategy, Gaohe can further consolidate its position in the first camp of luxury new energy vehicles with a price of over 500,000 yuan.

Remember the hot scene of Gaohe automobile booth in previous auto shows? I believe that in the auto show in the near future, Gaohe will be the focus of the audience again, and we will bring you more information about HiPhi Z at that time.

■ Guangzhou Automobile Aian-Aion LX Plus

"If the battery life is 1000+km, I will buy a tram"-netizens often say so. With the advent of AION LX Plus, the "1000+km" pure electric vehicle finally appeared.

Although we all know that 1000+km in the eyes of netizens requires a car to actually run to 1000+km, no matter whether it is driving at high speed or in the cold.

That’s a bit difficult for people! At present, we have started to own the first pure electric vehicle with a test score of 1000km+, which is a big step of success.

Some time ago, the electric state conducted the endurance test of AION LX Plus, and the model version officially attracted much attention. This model is equipped with a large battery pack with an exaggerated capacity of 144.4kWh, and the NEDC cruising range is 1008km.

The general outline of the test is as follows:

① Set the air conditioner to 22℃ in the whole process, turn on the seat for heating, and test the temperature at 4℃ to-8℃;

② The journey route is-Tangshan-Qinhuangdao, only taking the national highway and urban/rural roads, with a total length of about 420km;;

③ The return route is Qinhuangdao-Xianghe-,and the whole journey takes the expressway, with a total length of about 240km.

In the end, this 1000-kilometer version of AION LX Plus delivered a score of 675km, with an average power consumption of 17.5kWh/100km. Based on the battery capacity of 144.4kWh, the final redemption rate of AION LX Plus was as high as 81.9%.

Calculation method: (144.4/17.5*100/1008= 81.9%)

When using a short battery life pure electric vehicle, we are more likely to pay attention to its battery life redemption rate; When using a long battery life model, we are more likely to pay attention to how much its actual mileage is worse than NEDC battery life. In fact, we are more likely to choose to observe the numbers that make us anxious.

In cold weather, we are very satisfied with the endurance performance of AION LX Plus, and believe that this car can perform better under more favorable working conditions for pure electric vehicles.

AION LX Plus adopts "sponge silicon negative plate battery technology", which is also the mystery that this car can push NEDC battery life to 1008km.

The theoretical specific capacity of graphite is 372mAh/g, and that of silicon is 4200mAh/g, which is 10 times that of graphite. In order to prevent the crystal lattice of the silicon negative electrode material from expanding (up to 300%), GAC Aeon changed the silicon negative electrode sheet into a soft and elastic "sponge texture", which effectively eased and inhibited the expansion after the lithium ion was embedded, and there was no pulverization or shedding.

Under the new technology, the battery cell can be reduced by 20% in volume and 14% in weight, thus ensuring that the AION LX Plus equipped with sponge silicon negative plate battery technology can run further under the premise of the same battery quality.

Pure electric vehicles have almost bid farewell to the "battery competition", and today’s consumers are not only concerned about battery life. In order to stabilize the status of the family flagship, AION LX Plus does not dare to relax in terms of intelligent technology.

AION LX Plus is equipped with the industry’s largest number of 35 high-performance sensing hardware. At the same time, this car is also the world’s first production car equipped with three second-generation intelligent zoom lidar.

With rich hardware system and high computing power intelligent driving computing platform, AION LX Plus has a powerful urban NDA system, which can realize high-level operations such as straight ahead at traffic lights, autonomous lane change overtaking, left-right turn at traffic lights, U-turn and traffic around the island.

After putting on the new family front face, the AION LX Plus looks more like a flagship model, and this design has almost helped the entire Ai ‘an family get rid of the shadow.

Perhaps the "showing muscles" in the thousands-mile version of AION LX Plus means a lot, and its sword refers to the price of BBA’s main medium-sized car, which makes people feel a little brave. However, the fast running of the train depends entirely on the headstock. There is a thousand-mile version of this big brother to hold up the facade. The flagship gas field of AION LX Plus is quite sufficient. I wish this rejuvenated flagship can help the Ai ‘an family to expand its territory in the new year.

■ aito-ask the world M5.

Huawei Yu Chengdong once said at a press conference: "Huawei has all the ability to make a car, but Huawei doesn’t make cars. Huawei’s goal is to help car companies build and sell good cars. "

Huawei has repeatedly made high-profile claims that it does not build cars, so we will pay special attention to anything related to building cars. And if we really study Huawei’s "no car theory", it is too true.

In fact, Huawei is not entirely a supplier, but a wily big boss.

Huawei not only participated in the production of electric drive system, intelligent cockpit and auxiliary driving parts, but also escorted the software, marketing strategy and sales channels of the new car. Although this car does not wear Huawei LOGO, it is obviously a "pro-son" treatment. Perhaps in the eyes of passers-by in shopping malls, this is a Huawei car.

The models of high-end brands must not be vulgar, and it is not advisable to be too conservative or too radical.

The M5 has obviously found a good balance point. This car uses more curved surfaces, and its front face has an elegant smoky "big mouth" radian and a clear sense of hierarchy.

The M5 includes two power forms: rear drive and four-wheel drive. The four-wheel drive model adopts a dual-motor four-wheel drive scheme with asynchronous AC motor on the front axle and permanent magnet synchronous motor on the rear axle.

Among them, the maximum power of the four-wheel drive flagship model can reach 365kW, the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is only 4.4s, and the acceleration of 0-50km/h is as low as 1.9 s; The maximum power of the four-wheel drive performance version can reach 315kW, and the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 4.8 s; The standard version of rear drive is also equipped with a high-performance motor with a power of 200kW, and the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 7.1s.

Wenjie M5 is equipped with a ternary lithium battery pack with a capacity of 40kWh, and its pure battery life is 150km under WLTC condition. Combined with the fuel tank with an upper capacity of 56L, the total cruising range of this car can reach 1102km in WLTC and 1242km in CLTC.

The big screen and car system are all good at Huawei.

Wenjie M5 is equipped with Huawei Harmony OS car system, which can combine users’ full sensory operation and realize seamless interconnection among people, mobile phones, smart homes, smart watches and other devices.

Inside the M5 cockpit, the word "HUAWEI" can be seen everywhere, which is reflected in the sound hole, under the bar and in the area of wireless charging panel. This new car with Huawei everywhere will be put into more Huawei flagship stores. With Huawei’s strength, influence and hands-on, this car has its own topic, and I don’t know how much advertising expenses have been saved.

In 2022, it’s time for the M5 to "hand in the paper". Let’s look forward to the sales performance of this car!

■ Write at the end

In this issue, we didn’t look forward to the progress and performance of the relatively more popular Weilai ET series, Krypton 001 and other models in the new year. After all, everyone has paid enough attention to those models.

Whether it’s the retail C11 whose sales volume has not yet bloomed, the Gaohe automobile belonging to a few people, the previously bleak but brand-new AION LX Plus, or the AITO Wenjie M5 that is ready to go, these models all have their own expertise in their respective fields, which is very worthy of attention. In the new year, I also wish these models to be known by more people and achieve good market performance!

Counting China | Ten Data Perspectives Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  The National Bureau of Statistics released a statistical bulletin on national economic and social development in 2020 on the 28th. The economy shows resilience, the people’s livelihood is strongly guaranteed, the market stimulates vitality, and the scientific and technological strength is enhanced … … A series of data disclosed in the communique outlined a new picture of China’s economic and social development in 2020.

  1. Per capita GDP has exceeded $10,000 for two consecutive years.

  According to the communique, the annual per capita GDP is estimated to be 72,447 yuan, an increase of 2% over the previous year.

  Xinhua News Agency issued a report for preparation.

  Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that China’s total economic output exceeded 100 trillion yuan, and the per capita GDP exceeded 10,000 US dollars for two consecutive years. According to the annual average exchange rate, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy is expected to exceed 17% in 2020.

  2. There were 11.86 million new jobs in cities and towns in the whole year.

  According to the communique, 11.86 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, an increase of 1.66 million over the previous year.

  According to Sheng Laiyun’s analysis, the new employment in cities and towns exceeded the expected target at the beginning of the year. The annual consumer price rose by an average of 2.5%, which was lower than the expected target of about 3.5%. The security of the whole country was strengthened, and the per capita net transfer income of the national residents increased by 8.7% in nominal terms over the previous year. Ensuring residents’ employment and basic people’s livelihood is solid and powerful.

  3. At the end of the year, the total number of market players reached 140 million.

  According to the communique, there were 25.02 million newly registered market entities in the whole year, with an average of 22,000 newly registered enterprises per day, and the total number of market entities reached 140 million at the end of the year.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Weiwei photo

  4. R&D funds increased by 10.3%.

  According to the communique, the expenditure on research and experimental development (R&D) in 2020 was 2,442.6 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3% over the previous year, accounting for 2.4% of the GDP.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  5. The number of patents granted increased by 40.4% over the previous year.

  According to the communique, 3.639 million patents were granted in the whole year, an increase of 40.4% over the previous year. By the end of the year, the number of invention patents per 10,000 population is expected to reach 15.8, an increase of 2.5 over the end of last year.

  Sheng Laiyun said that "Chang ‘e IV" landed on the back of the moon for the first time, "Chang ‘e V" completed the sampling of the lunar surface, "Tianwen-1" was successfully launched, "Endeavor" completed the 10,000-meter manned deep dive, Beidou navigation was networked globally, the prototype system of quantum computing was successfully developed, and the 500-meter spherical radio telescope was officially opened for operation. Major scientific and technological achievements are constantly emerging, and the scientific and technological strength has been significantly enhanced.

  6、The number of people participating in the basic old-age insurance in China is nearly 1 billion.

  Sheng Laiyun introduced that the coverage of social insurance has been further expanded. At the end of the year, the number of people participating in basic old-age insurance for urban workers, basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, basic medical insurance and unemployment insurance increased by 21.5 million, 9.78 million, 6.93 million and 11.47 million respectively. The number of people participating in basic old-age insurance in China is nearly 1 billion, and the participation rate of basic medical insurance is stable at over 95%.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Boan photo

  The communique also shows that 2.09 million sets of shantytown renovation were started throughout the country, and 2.03 million sets were basically completed.

  7. The median per capita disposable income of national residents is 27,540 yuan.

  According to the communique, the per capita disposable income of the national residents in the whole year was 32,189 yuan, a real increase of 2.1% after deducting the price factor. The national average per capita disposable income was 27,540 yuan, an increase of 3.8%. According to the place of permanent residence, the median per capita disposable income of urban residents was 40,378 yuan, an increase of 2.9%; The median per capita disposable income of rural residents was 15,204 yuan, an increase of 5.7%.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  8. The number of sports venues nationwide increased by 169,000 compared with the end of last year.

  In terms of sports, there were 3.713 million sports venues nationwide at the end of the year, an increase of 169,000 over the end of last year. In the whole year, the proportion of people aged 7 and above who regularly participate in physical exercise reached 37.2%.

  In education, the consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education was 95.2%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points over the previous year; The gross enrollment rate in senior high school was 91.2%, up by 1.7 percentage points.

  In terms of medical care, there were 1.023 million medical and health institutions and 10.66 million health technicians at the end of the year, an increase of 510,000 over the end of last year. By the end of the year, there were 8,177 medical and health institutions in China providing novel coronavirus nucleic acid detection services, with a total detection capacity of 11.53 million copies per day.

  9. There are 986 million mobile Internet users.

  According to the communique, there were 989 million Internet users at the end of the year, including 986 million mobile Internet users. The postal industry completed 83.36 billion pieces of express delivery business in the whole year.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  10. 59.9% of the 337 cities at prefecture level and above met the air quality standards.

  Among the 337 monitored cities at prefecture level and above, 59.9% of them met the air quality standards in the whole year, up 13.3 percentage points over the previous year. The average annual concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities that failed to meet the standards was 37 μ g/m3, down 7.5% from the previous year.

It’s full of rain and heat in the summer, so let’s see where the "steamer mode" will be opened on the map of sauna days nationwide.

Today (July 7th), we entered the fifth solar term of summer-Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, "it’s a little summer, but it’s a big summer." The arrival of the summer solar term means that China is about to enter the wettest and sultry period of the year. China Weather Network specially launched a map of sauna days nationwide to see where the "steamer mode" will be opened.
Jiangnan is hot as a "steamer", and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has no "steaming" in the world.
Entering the summer solar term, everything is flourishing and the summer heat is transpiration. The temperature in all parts of our country continues to rise, and the precipitation also increases obviously. The north and south of the Yangtze River have entered the stage of high temperature and high humidity in a year, and the most difficult sauna day model has been opened.
According to the map of the national sauna days launched by China Weather Network, during the annual summer solar terms, sauna days are most likely to appear in Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places, and more than half of the time in 15 days, they have to endure the steamboat-like sultry feeling; In Guangdong, central Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, central and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, northern Chongqing and other places, the number of sauna days can also reach 5 to 8 days, which is unbearable; The number of sauna days in the eastern part of Southwest China, North China, the eastern part of Huanghuai and other places is less than 5 days, and there are fewer days in most parts of Northeast China, Shandong Peninsula and parts of Xinjiang, which is less than two days. Such hot and humid weather can barely withstand it; Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and other places did not have sauna days during the summer solar term, and there was no "steaming" in the world, which was really enviable. Although there were no sauna days in southern Xinjiang and western Inner Mongolia, they had to undergo the "baking test" of dry heat.
Light summer weather | Rain and heat are abundant, and typhoons are active
After a slight summer heat, it is hot for three points a day. Affected by the monsoon climate, rain and heat are in the same season in many places in China. During the summer heat season, both precipitation and temperature began to show extremes, and the weather gradually changed from dry heat to sultry heat, and the "sauna mode" was opened.
"It’s summer day and night." Shortly after entering the summer solar term, the hottest dog days of the year will also kick off. The heat wave is rolling, refreshing and hard to find, and all-weather heat has become the norm. Especially in the south, the lowest temperature sometimes even exceeds 30℃, and it is hot day and night, with no chance to breathe.
With the help of summer heat, China’s summer area has further expanded, reaching about 5.25 million square kilometers. Although it has not reached the maximum, there is little room for further development.
"The bamboo is raining first, and the mountain is already thundering." Slight summer is the solar term with the most precipitation in the whole year, and it is also the season with frequent thunderstorms. With the subtropical high moving northward, the "main battlefield" of precipitation in China gradually shifted northward, and the rainy season in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River ended, and the rainy season in the north began one after another.
During the summer heat, typhoon activities also entered an active period. According to statistics, the summer solar term is the solar term with the largest number of typhoons landing in China, which mainly affects Guangdong, Taiwan Province, Fujian, Hainan and other places, and these places have gradually entered the critical period of typhoon prevention in a year. At this time, there are many powerful typhoons landing in China, including the strongest typhoon "rammasun" landing in China since 1949.
Slight summer phenology | The warm wind has arrived, and everything is crazy.
There are three stages in the summer, one is when the warm wind comes, the other is when the cricket lives in the space, and the third is when the eagle begins to gather. At this time, there is no longer a cool breeze on the earth, and almost all the winds are full of "enthusiasm". Because of the heat, the cricket left the field and came to the corner of the courtyard to escape the heat. The eagle also chose to fly to the cool high air for activities.
There is also hope for a bumper harvest in the heat of a little summer. In the summer, plenty of sunshine and abundant rain are conducive to the growth of everything. At this time, special attention should be paid to field management such as preventing high temperature and heat damage, drought, waterlogging and pests.
Light summer custom | Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing.
"Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing." The summer solar terms and the dog days have come one after another, and people who are troubled by the summer heat often feel poor appetite, so they will prefer cool and refreshing food.
In the north, there is a food custom of "jiaozi on the head, two on the face, pancakes and eggs on the three feet". Eating a plate of vegetarian stuffing on jiaozi’s head is not only appetizing, but also a symbol of full blessing. In the south, Xiao Shu pays attention to eating "three treasures"-Monopterus albus, lotus root and mung bean sprouts, which are cool and cool. There is also the custom of "eating new things" in the southern summer heat. Every household eats new rice and tastes new wine to thank the natural gifts and celebrate the grain harvest.
"The wind moves the lotus to make it fragrant, and the heart is calm and naturally cool." In the summer, it is hot and warm, but there is no lack of pleasant summer time. Let’s calm down, watch the fireflies flying, listen to the cicadas, smell the lotus fragrance in the wind, taste the tea in the cup, and greet the extreme heat with leisurely warmth.
Source: China Weather Network

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to the Christmas file ""Emoji"" and other files.

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to December 21st, 2018.

    1905 movie network news With the appearance of the new "Spider-Man" Tom Hollander, Sony Pictures began to make efforts to build the "Spider-Man" brand. After Holland’s debut, his remake of the solo film will be released in 2017, and then the animated film will debut in 2018. However, there has been a change in the plan recently. The schedule of the animated film "Spider-Man" has been postponed from the summer file to the Christmas file, and it will land in the cinema on December 21st. It seems that Sony reorganized the layout and changed the time.

    After its recent release in North America, the box office set a new record, dominating the movie market and unifying the rivers and lakes. Judging from this situation, the animated film version of "Spider-Man" is likely to be a blockbuster in the Christmas file, not to mention that the children will have a holiday by then, and may be able to achieve extraordinary results at the box office.

"Emoji" movie file change

Peter Rabbit will be released in the spring of 2018.

    In addition, Sony Pictures has also announced the schedule of two other films. The movie version of "Emoji" is scheduled to be released on August 11, 2017. But so far, it is still unclear what the specific content of this film is, and it will never really let the expression occupy the screen, right? The tender film version of Peter Rabbit will be released on March 23, 2018, together with the film version and an animated film PK about the story of Medusa by Fox in the 20th century.

    Although there are still more than two years before the release of several films, Sony executives have obviously begun to carefully plan how to set the best schedule for their new films in order to beat their opponents and win the market. However, as time goes by, more films will be exposed to the specific content and release time. It is hard to predict whether Sony will readjust the time in the future, so we might as well wait and see.

Here are the 25 most difficult films to grab in the last film festival. Why are they so popular?

Special feature of 1905 film network At 8: 00 am on June 9, the Shanghai Film Festival will start to grab tickets.

These days, the first thing Xiao Dianjun gets up every morning is to brush the latest film list of the last film festival. As a result, the more he looks at it, the more he panics …

This time, the Shanghai Film Festival really wiped out all the fans.

From June 16th to June 25th, more than 500 movies were shown, which will definitely make you sit on your ass in the cinema.

Love to watch movies? There are ten serial broadcasts of "Marvel Comics Tenth Anniversary" and "Mission Impossible Five";

Love watching old movies? There are Bergman, bunuel, Ozu, Hitchcock and others in the master retrospective exhibition and the 4k restoration exhibition;

The essence is the "Group Portrait of Asian Contemporary Authors" and "Multiple Perspectives" planned by Shanghai Film Festival, from which you are not just watching a movie in isolation, but watching a carefully woven network of contemporary film history.

There are too many good movies, and the competition for grabbing tickets is bound to be fierce.

If you don’t have that much time to ponder over the film list, you can look at the 20 most worthy movies carefully selected by Xiao Dianjun from the 23 units of the last film festival before grabbing the ticket.

Even if you can’t go, you can have fun at home.

Ten new films

Thieves’ family

Highlight: Hirokazu Koreeda’s masterpiece, with super-high concentration of tenderness.

It is definitely the most difficult film to grab at the last film festival.

Someone on Douban sighed under the above stills, "What kind of plot can capture this scene is fascinating." Just looking at the smile on the face of this family, who would have thought that they were street rats who had no blood relationship and just got together to steal for a living? Seeking love in a cruel world is Hirokazu Koreeda’s insistence for many years, and The Thief Family is a fruitful result.

The Hollywood Reporter once commented on this film: "Who can surpass Hirokazu Koreeda? He knows that sometimes whispering is better than shouting. "

To tell the truth, even when watching the trailer, watching Sakura Ando and the smile on mayu’s dirty face made Xiao Dianjun feel hit (not because of his face value).


Highlight: It may be the best realistic movie in recent years.

The Lebanese film Capernaum won the grand prize of the jury in Cannes. According to media reports, the audience cried when it was shown. The story boldly challenges the oriental audience’s family concept: a 12-year-old Lebanese boy sued his parents for bringing him into this world, but did not raise him well?

The foreign media evaluation of this film is controversial. and other media think, why does the subject matter of realistic criticism always have to be bitter and bitter, and "forced" tears? ! Such a controversial work, you really have to go to the big screen to see what it is.

Cold War 

Highlight: See how the director of Sister Ada tells the story of depressed times and indulgent love.

If you are keen on nostalgic films such as Midnight in Paris and The Artist, you must choose Cold War first. Director Pawe? Pawlikowski used his black-and-white photography to capture the gloom of Poland and the debauchery of Paris during the Cold War.

The story is adapted from the personal experience of the director’s parents and tells the story of a musician and a female singer falling in love. Foreign media VOX exclaimed after watching the film, "I have never seen any film that can show such a strong desire in every scene."


Highlight: A bold film of mixed genre, shooting a family film in the form of a thriller.

The story of "Guardianship" is not outstanding, telling that a couple was sentenced to joint custody of their 12-year-old son after divorce; However, according to the audience’s comments, the thriller atmosphere of this film is comparable to that of Quiet Place, and even some girls can’t bear such repression and cry. believes that this film will resonate strongly with all those who grew up in an unhealthy family environment when they were young. (Here @ melrose)

Punk samurai 

(World premiere)

Highlight: It is the strongest Japanese film in recent years.

Punk Samurai is a magical blockbuster set in the Edo era, which tells the story of extraordinary swordsmen fighting against disasters. Just looking at the lineup and trailer, you may think that the producer of this film is crazy.

The director is Gakury? Ishii who insists on the experimental style and is often not accepted by the public because he plays too fast; It happened that the screenwriter was the most popular Kuro Miyato.

The cast is full of handsome guys and beautiful women (G Ayano, Keiko Kitagawa, Shōta Sometani), but in the trailer, all the idol baggage has been forgotten.

As can be seen from the trailer alone, this film is a mixture of strange shapes, Indian songs and dances, and a story with a strange brain. Fans who like Japanese movies can have a challenge.

How to strike up a girl at a party 

Highlight: A psychedelic youth film with bursting imagination, which is specially designed for rebellious children of all ages.

In 1977, three punk-obsessed teenagers broke into an alien party, and one of them even fell in love with a rebellious alien girl.

Director john cameron mitchell is good at shooting bold and different youth films, and his previous work "Rock Barbie" is well-known.

The film is creative from the poster to the preview, but the freshness of rotten tomatoes is only 46%. The film critic of The New Yorker complained, "This kind of film desperately wants to be a cult classic, but it doesn’t care if it is well made."

Face, village 

Highlight: Most documentaries make you feel heavy, but they will definitely make you laugh.

Face, Village is the latest work of 90-year-old "New Wave Grandma" Agnès Varda. It was nominated for an Oscar and won awards in several film festivals in France and the United States.

This is a documentary without a clear theme or purpose, but it is extremely naive and moving. In the film, Valda, who is dyed with a two-color mushroom head, and the artist JR drive a pickup truck and shoot along the way with a camera. The film critic of The Boston Globe even said, "People who can’t enjoy this film well, I think they have no hope for life."

Blood of the lone wolf

Highlight: In this Japanese gangster film, K?ji Yakusho actually performed the flavor of Kitano Takeshi.

Set in Hiroshima in 1988, it tells the story of an employee missing case jointly investigated by Tori Matsuzaka and K?ji Yakusho.

Director Kazuya Shiraishi has attracted much attention for her bold female films in recent two years, including the erotic film Cats and Yuu Aoi’s The Birds whose Names She Doesn’t Know.

The place where Kumagaya is staying.

Highlight: If Hideyoshi Okuda’s movie ever made you cry and laugh, don’t miss this new work.

"Where Kumatani Shouyi is" is a new work by director Shoichi Okuda, starring Tsutomu Yamazaki and KiKi KiRin.

Shouyi Kumatani is known as the "immortal of painting" in Japanese art history. He was born in a rich family, but he lived a simple life all his life. In his later years, he and his wife stayed indoors for 30 years and painted in their own garden. Sh?ichi Okita has always been good at portraying touching people. This time, it is better to pause the busy life and watch the clouds, fish and ants passing by together with the old painter.

Ten classics

The Shawshank Redemption

Highlight: As long as the film exists, The Shawshank Redemption can find its audience.

It will undoubtedly become the hottest classic in this film festival.

This story about prison break has become a symbol of spiritual salvation for the audience who love it. Even today, there are still many netizens who are constantly brushing on N.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. 

Highlight: It is the end of a generation of legends, both in narrative and visual effects.

Even though the current CG technology is far better than that in 2003, the series is still difficult to surpass.

This film was shown in the mainland in 2004, and a trilogy was shown in Beijing International Film Festival in 2012. This time, the missed fans must catch up.

Night of the living dead. 

Highlight: "A trip to Busan" and "Walking with a heavy load" are all "copying" it.

In 1968, the granular black-and-white horror film was regarded as the real originator of the funeral film.

Although there was a zombie image in horror movies before, it was never so horrible — — No thoughts, only the desire to eat people.

The picture of the daughter who turned into a zombie killing and eating her mother was unacceptable to many people at that time. Director George A. Romero’s use of zombie horror films to map social reality has also become a widely used technique since then.


Recommended reason: Do you still need a reason?

The treatment of Titanic in mainland film festivals will always be — — The venue was full.

But what’s more special is that this film festival saw the Dolby Vision format version specially produced by Cameron for the 20th anniversary of its release.

Critics such as Cameron have also expressed satisfaction with the screening effect, saying that this version "surpasses 3D and 70 mm film, and Titanic has never been so good."


Highlight: Atypical Hitchcock movies, the beauty of joan fontaine may impress you the most after watching it.

The story of Butterfly Dream is adapted from Rebecca by mystery novel in Daphne du Maurier. It tells the story of a woman who finds her husband’s dead ex-wife, Rebecca, lingering like a nightmare after she marries into a grand villa …

This is Hitchcock’s first film shot in Hollywood, and he won the Best Film and Best Photography in the 13th Academy Awards.

Taste of tea soaked in rice

Highlight: In Ozu’s movies, both saury and tea soaked rice are the taste of life.

In 1952, a 35 mm film version was shown at the Shanghai Film Festival in 2013. This time, after 4k restoration, the definition was higher.

"The Taste of Tea Soaking Rice" describes the contradiction between Sasaki Maoji, who was born in rural Xinzhou, and darling daughter Miao Zi, who was born in upper class. Miao Zi can’t stand many of her husband’s "bad habits", such as smoking cheap cigarettes and eating tea and making rice.

The film was shot between the more famous (1951) and (1953), and Ozu’s meticulous observation of traditional family life in his later works can also be seen in the film.

Sissy princess series 

Highlight: For many post-70s and 80s, there is only one princess in the world, and her name is Cece.

Princess Sissi trilogy was introduced by Shanghai Translation Studio in 1988. This series of stories is adapted from a palace anecdote after the election of the Austrian Emperor Flantz in the mid-19th century, telling the story of Princess Sissi and Flantz.

In those days when there were no Hollywood blockbusters, everyone was watching this movie, admiring how beautiful foreign princesses were and how many beautiful skirts they had.

Interestingly, the German film unit of this film festival will also show a biographical film about the heroine romy schneider. The film tells the story of the last interview with the media in Luo Mi Schneider’s life. By showing the conversation between an ambitious reporter and this fragile and childish female star, it shows the public a "Sissy Princess" that they don’t know.

Luis Bunuel’s The Prudent Charm of the Bourgeois in the Master’s Tribute Unit

Highlight: The most exciting thing about seeing luis Bunuel is that every scene of him may subvert your worldview.

Luis Bunuel’s six feature-length films will be shown in this film festival, and his short film with Dali will be shown in SIFF Classic Unit. And this is just the tip of the prolific Spanish movie master bunuel film career.

If you only choose one, the masterpiece will be the first. This film tells a strange story about six middle-class people who keep trying to have dinner, but are always interrupted unexpectedly, in which bunuel’s surreal style is brought into full play.

Xie Jin’s "furong town" in the Master Tribute Unit

Highlight: Choose the best China film, and it must be on the list.

On the eve of the release of Jiang Wen, this film festival is also attended by Jiang Wen, so let’s revisit this classic Chinese film directed by Xie Jin and written by Acheng, starring Jiang Wen and Liu Xiaoqing.

"furong town" is divided into two episodes, lasting 164 minutes, and tells the scene of unrest when the Cultural Revolution swept through Furong town in western Hunan. Hu Yuyin, a young woman who used to set up a tofu stall and had a prosperous business, was bullied in the movement. After her husband’s tragic death, her love with Qin Shutian, a rightist who swept the street, became her only comfort.

Jiang Wen was only 24 years old when he appeared in this film, but his image and acting skills in the film are very mature. The line "live, live like an animal" spoken by him through biting his teeth in the rain has become the crowning touch of this film.

X sage

Recommended reason: Japanese horror movies not only include Curse and Ring at Midnight, but also X Sanzhi.

X Sanctuary is directed by Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and starring K?ji Yakusho. There are a lot of scenes that use space and composition to create a depressing atmosphere, which is completely different from the previous Japanese horror films that rely on ghosts and gods or violent murders to scare people.

The story tells the story of several bizarre murders in Tokyo. All the bodies are engraved with "X" symbols, and the suspects present don’t remember what they did. The criminal police department pursued the case, but it was interfered by the murderer who was suspected of hypnosis, and he began to become wrong.

The above is the "film guide that is the most difficult to grab in the film festival" compiled by Xiao Dianjun.

I don’t know which movies you all want to see this film festival.

NPC deputies talk about a happy new life after ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation.

  Colorful Guizhou Net News (report in front of the two sessions/Cheng Xi, Xiong Ying, Wu Di, Jinnitu/Yang Changding) On March 6, at the plenary meeting of the Guizhou delegation at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street, Huishui County, showed two contrasting photos, one was Luo Yinghe’s former home, a dilapidated wooden tile house in the mountains; The other is his new home in Huishui County. Brand-new five-story buildings are arranged on the spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Behind the two photos, Luo Yinghe and the villagers crossed the increasingly prosperous days. As a member of the 1.6 million relocated immigrants in Guizhou, Luo Yinghe said that after the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places, three obvious changes have taken place in the villagers around him.

  At the plenary session of the Guizhou delegation at the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe talked about three changes that have taken place around him since the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places.

  The family changed from "poverty" to "wealth" and moved into a new house one step at a time.

  Before the relocation, the village where Luo Ying lived was located in the "Three Mountains" areas of Mashan, Yaoshan and Yueliang Mountain, which were the poorest in Guizhou Province, and belonged to the "three impassability" zone with no water, no access and no communication.

  "At the beginning, like many people, I rushed to a township to buy some oil and salt. I had to get up early and get greedy, and I walked over the mountains for more than ten miles and dozens of miles." Referring to his past life, Luo Yinghe frowned and said, "Who doesn’t say that his hometown is good, but because one side of the soil and water can’t support one side, and the plight of the mountains is deep, many people have a very difficult life, and their housing is very simple and their livelihood is difficult to guarantee."

  On December 2, 2015, a new round of ex situ poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province was launched in Huishui. In March 2016, as the first batch of relocated people in Huishui County, Luo Ying and 4,685 villagers from 1,109 households from 58 villages moved to an economic development zone 10 kilometers away from Huishui County and moved into a new home with complete furniture.

  After the relocation, Luo Ying and the villagers started a new life of "living in a new house one step at a time and living a good life quickly", realizing the change from "poverty" to "wealth".

  Luo Yinghe’s new home in Huishui County, a brand-new five-story building is arranged in a spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Money changes from "nothing" to "something" to live a good life quickly.

  Relocation is only a means, and poverty alleviation is the purpose. In order to make the people who have moved out stable and become rich, the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street of Huishui County has set up a community "New Age Workshop", and combined with "migrant night school training class" and "life lecture hall" to strengthen the ideological education and skills training of immigrants.

  In the past two years, we have held 108 sessions of basic education, electrician training, chef training, primary computer training, beauty salons, domestic service, pre-job training and other activities with 5682 person-times. Community neighborhood committees registered and established the "Follow-up Labor Service Company for Immigrants", successfully recommended more than 3,000 people to work in the county, and helped 78 special families to be included in the post of "sanitation worker".

  At present, 2,881 relocated households are working in the nearby enterprises in the development zone, and each person’s monthly salary income reaches 2000— About 3000 yuan, the average annual income of households is about 50 thousand yuan.

  "According to the household annual income survey in January 2018, the annual income of more than three people in many families is more than 90,000 yuan. One-person employment households also have more than 27,000 yuan, and some families in the community have more than 120 cars. " Over the past year or so, Luo Ying and nearly 5,000 villagers in 10 townships in the county have personally experienced great changes in poverty alleviation and relocation, and money has changed from "nothing" to "having".

  People have changed from "lazy" to "diligent", and their lives have been looking forward.

  "While the poor people’s lives are getting better, people are also made up of ‘ Lazy ’ Change ‘ Qin ’ Yes! " Around Luo Yinghe, there is a living example.

  Before the relocation, 38-year-old Wang Huaping, his 35-year-old brother and his 70-year-old parents lived in a mountain nest 12 kilometers away from the highway. The family was very poor and lived on subsistence allowances. They lived a cycle of looking forward to the night during the day and the boring life during the day at night. Because of poverty, the two brothers still can’t find a partner in their thirties.

  "After the branch visited the house and knew the above situation, he persuaded Wang Huaping to enter the training class. After education and training, his thoughts gained insight. He lost the inertia of wanting to be a poor household in the past and reached out and learned electrician skills. He was recommended to work in a nearby enterprise. Now his deposit has reached more than 30,000 yuan." Before the Spring Festival, Luo Yinghe asked about Wang Huaping’s plans. Wang Huaping, who lives in a new house, smiled and told Luo Yinghe that he wanted to work hard and earn some money to buy a car and marry a wife.

  "It used to be a hard time, but now life has a head start." Nowadays, in the relocation and resettlement area for poverty alleviation in Mingtian, Huishui County, the poor people’s awareness of taking the initiative to get rid of poverty is getting higher and higher, and their enthusiasm and initiative to get rich through hard work are getting stronger and stronger, realizing the change from "lazy" to "diligent".

Playing badminton has many advantages, but do you know the three disadvantages?

Playing badminton has many advantages, such as losing weight, relieving eye fatigue, relieving cervical discomfort, cultivating sentiment, keeping fit, staying away from sub-health, and enhancing your jumping ability and reflection ability. The application of badminton doubles tactics allows you to learn to cooperate and learn team strength. At the same time, playing badminton also exercises your brain very much. However, playing badminton also has three major disadvantages, which are unavoidable. Do you know?

Disadvantage 1: Playing badminton hurts your knees. When attacking, whether you take off with two feet or one foot, the moment you land, it will increase the burden on your knees. When defending, your body’s center of gravity will drop into a semi-squat posture, which will also add a lot of pressure to your knees, such as the pace of surfing the Internet when you move forward, and stepping back, including all kinds of big strides, small strides, sideways jumps, and steps.

I believe that many badminton lovers have more or less problems with their knees. Here is a very effective way to relieve them. It is impossible to play badminton all the time in the arena. Generally, after a game, you will rest for five to ten minutes. That is, during the rest, you can find a wall to do static squatting. The method is to lean back against the wall, bend your thighs and calves 90 degrees, and your knees should not exceed your toes, so as to relax your knees for five minutes before playing.

Disadvantage 2: Playing badminton costs a lot of money, rubbing against the ground back and forth, and badminton shoes are more expensive to wear than usual sports shoes. This is an expense. The ball line is broken and needs to be replaced. With the improvement of technology, the number of cables is increasing, and the number of thread changes is becoming more and more frequent. This is an expense. The rubber is dirty and there is no friction, so it needs to be replaced. This is an expense.

The biggest expense of playing badminton is the loss of badminton. A barrel of 12-pack badminton can be used, and the price is around 50 yuan. A barrel of balls is normal for four days, and it is more expensive in winter. How to solve this shortcoming is to replace nylon balls that are resistant to playing. The World Badminton Federation has developed outdoor nylon balls that are resistant to playing, but they are not fully popularized!

Disadvantage 3: Playing badminton is a waste of time. After playing for an afternoon, the time passed unconsciously. When playing badminton, I was happy, turned over, and began to regret it after playing. Today’s report has not been finished, and today’s plan has not been made. Today, I agreed to play with my wife and son, but I forgot all about it. I can only apologize to my wife and children and then work overtime alone until the early hours of the morning!

I have seen a poster in a gymnasium, which is very domineering: don’t let your business delay playing badminton! I read it several times, and finally laughed. Playing badminton is a waste of time. Players who are equal to each other always want to have another match, and as a result, one game after another is endless. After several years, you may not be promoted or raised because of playing badminton, but you have gained health. When you see your once all-powerful boss, with six hands and seven hands, starting to draw eight characters,